PZA Boy Stories

Fisal Fan

The Toy Collection

The Sequel


Continuation of Fisal's epic masterpiece: In the future, Ryan and Matt are living on a remote space station where men can own boys and turn them into virtually anything they desire. Their family of boy slaves, pups and babies is in for a big change when the two men learn of new, creative ways to mod their boys.

Publ. Jan 2017
Finished 13,500 words (27 pages)


Matt, master (38yo), Ryan, master (36yo), Eddie (Senior Slave), Tyler, Younger Boy Baby/Girl (12yo), Lex, Alpha Boy Pup (15yo), Benji, Older Boy Baby (14yo), Trixie, Bitch Boy Pup (14yo), Cunt, slave (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Slaveboy SF story
Mb Mt tt Slave anal oralbody modification pet-boys age-regression bdsm chast ws
Warning: contains gender modification and very mild scat


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows

If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Fisal Fan: The Toy Collection in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Planting the Seed
  2. A Boy's Curiosity
  3. Meeting Dr. Max
  4. Tyler 2.0
  5. The Baby Shower
  6. The Shower Must Go On

Chapter 1
Planting the Seed

"What date you got?" I asked the man on the bench.

"Excuse me? You mean what time?"

"Actually, I do mean the date 3; please," I said slightly embarrassed.

"Uh, 16-75-2130, UST, of course," he said.

Jesus. It's already been one whole year.

"Thank you."

"You're new here? From an origin planet, right?" he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, how can you tell?"

He gestured to Lex and Trixie, sitting obediently at my feet. "Your pups. No control collars."

Shit. He was right. I had forgotten them again. Even after a year at this station, I was still learning all the rules – not that there were that many. All slaves were supposed to wear some type of electronic controlling device. Lex and Trixie were always so good that I often left the collars at home, especially when just taking a short walk through the park, like this evening.

"Don't worry too much about it," he said. "The fines aren't that steep. And officers can usually be, uh, persuaded by certain a little quid pro quo." He reached out to pet Trixie, but then stopped suddenly, looking at me for my approval. I nodded.

"She's a beauty. And he looks great, too," he said, gently petting the tight rubber suit that encased the now-15-year-old former boy. "Actually, you mind if I check out her, uh, hind quarters?"

"Of course. Be my guest." I snapped my fingers and Trixie rose to presenting position, paws outstretched, ass in the air. She let out a soft high-pitched yip in anticipation.

The friendly stranger put his hand on Trixie's smooth belly and slowly slid it back, brushing her little clit sack on the way to her cunt. He then quickly jab three fingers into the bitch's hole, causing her to yelp followed by a quiet growl.

"It's OK, girl. He's just checking you out." I said, stroking her soft face through the muzzle. The frightened blue eyes of a teenage boy looked up at me for reassurance.

"Really great job with the bitch. Well behaved. Cute little faux-clit. Tight, pliable hole." He removed his fingers from inside of Trixie. They were now glistening. "Oh wow. And I see she even self-lubricates when she's stimulated. Nice."

Lex suddenly rose to attention, smelling his bitch's pre-cum on the man's fingers.

"Here you go, boy." Lex eagerly lapped at bitch's juices. I motioned for Trixie to sit and her wide eyes softened as she lowered her butt.

"You know," the man continued, "I know a great guy who can get that bitch a real cunt, fully functional. Very fast and safe."

I involuntarily tightened the reigns on the pups. I'd heard of such procedures before coming to this station and had no desire to botch any of my boys with a back-alley operation.

"Thanks, but we prefer to mod more organically. Besides, aren't females outlawed here?"

The man chuckled. "I can tell you're from Earth. And I totally get it. Things are much more advanced here. And no, only genetic females are banned. You can mod an owned boy however you like here, save from killing one."

My skepticism showed, but so did my curiosity.

"I can tell you want to know more. It's natural. Here, I'll send you his card." He swiped through several screens on his implanted wrist pad. A second later, a contact popped up on my watch screen.

"Dr. Max Henry 3; C.A.S?" I read aloud.

"Certified Anatomical Stylist. Fancy name for a mod pro around here. He's the best and very innovative. He really brought excitement back to mine and my partner's relationship by doing full renos on my two boys 3; if you can call them that now."

I desperately wanted to hear more from the friendly stranger, but my watch suddenly buzzed.

Hey Matt. Still walking the pups? I'm hungry!

It was Ryan. We had dinner plans, and I had told him I was just taking them to do their business. Even with Eddie's help it seemed we never had any time to ourselves anymore. After living together for a year, I could tell Ryan was starting to get anxious to settle down. I couldn't blame him. We had a rather large family now, but still weren't even legally married. I guess mentally I hadn't fully committed to making this station my permanent home. But thinking of the wonderful life we had built here, I honestly couldn't imagine living anywhere else now.

My thoughts were interrupted by the Trixie's high-pitched yelp. I looked down to see Lex balls-deep in Trixie, pounding away.

"No Lex, not right now! Bad!" Lex whined, but quickly pulled out of Trixie, causing her to grunt in disappointment. I knew if I let them continue, it'd take another 10 minutes for Lex's knot to subside.

The man chuckled. "That's why you gotta use control collars. I resisted for awhile, too. But they soon learn to love not having to make choices." He smiled at Lex, who was now licking the juices from Trixie's open hole.

"Yeah, you're probably right." My watch buzzed again: Boys are getting in the bath. Let's just order in instead. That happened a lot these days.

"I really have to go now, but it was great meeting you. And thanks for the card," I said as the pups rose to their hands and knees for the walk home.

"Great meeting you all, too," the man said, flicking Trixie's little clit sack one last time. "Thank yourself when you make that appointment with Dr. Max. You won't regret it."


I walked the dogs quickly back toward home, hoping to prevent another incident that would call attention to my collarless pets. As I turned the last corner, I noticed the building to my right was finally open after months of construction. It was another luxury residential tower, almost identical to another that had opened a block away. I peered into the large window facing the street, hoping to scope out the amenities. To the left I could see a glassed-in kennel already populated with a dozen or so pups. Some were rolling around playing, others fucking. It was heartening to see them so happy socializing with other pups. I made a mental note to bring Lex and Trixie to the dog park more often.

To the right was the day care. Most nice buildings around here included child care in their crazy expensive rents. It looked pretty quiet in there. A couple toddler boys were playing legos on the floor while sucking on pacifiers. One had definitely hit a growth spurt before regression treatment and looked be about 17 and 5-foot-11 [1.80 m]. Even sitting, he towered over the other boy, who looked around 13. I smiled as I noticed their training pants peeking out from their elastic-band jeans. Ever since I got Benji, I had been vehemently opposed to daycare. After all, we had Eddie to watch the boys when we went out, and I wanted as much quality time with them as I could get. But peering into the daycare, I realized that, like Lex and Trixie, they too were lacking socialization with other kids. Maybe we should take a tour of the building and see if it's in our budget?

Behind the boys was a long line of blue cribs of varying sizes. A few muscular men were leaning into the cribs, tending to the babies. I turned to continue home, but stopped when I caught a glimpse of two more cribs at the very end of the line, both pink. I thought that odd, but then remembered the man in the park. This place never ceases to amaze me.


I arrived home re-energized by the walk. I quickly put Lex and Trixie in their cages and refilled their food bowls. The walk must have really worked up an appetite, since they gobbled it all up in under a minute. They really seem to like the new food we're buying: synthetic cow's cum with added protein and nutrients. Ryan still argues that the natural stuff is better for them, but since switching to the synthetic, we've definitely seen an improvement in muscle tone and energy, probably from the supplemental protein. (Rumor has it they derive it from castrated boy testicles, something there's no shortage of on this station.) Doesn't hurt that it's less than half the price.

In for the night, I strip down to my underwear and decide to check on the boys. I can hear the water running; Eddie must still be giving them their bath, a routine I hate to miss.

I pop my head into the boys' bathroom and sure enough, two teenage boys smile back at me, bits of soap bubbles dotting their smooth chests. I still found the sight a bit humorous: a 12-year-old and a 15-year-old splashing around naked in an oversized bathtub. (Ryan had already remodeled the bathroom attached to the nursery for a tween-sized baby Tyler.) Of course their age was merely a legal record. Their treatment had permanently halted all appearances of aging.

"Uncle Matt!"


Eddie turns away from his task of cleaning the boys' backs to face me. "Master, welcome back. I was just finishing cleaning the boys."

Although Eddie was originally purchased to be our butler and secretary, he had eased into his new role of caretaker for the boys quite willingly (not that he had a choice.) When we first tried out letting him watch them on his own, we were a tad worried. Eddie had shown a bit of a sadistic streak during the conditioning of the new boys. But the boys took to him immediately, and we could tell he truly loved them and the chance to raise a family of sorts.

Of course he still had to discipline them sometimes, which we allowed in our absence. Benji being the older boy tested his boundaries, often resulting in some spanking sessions in the dungeon and the occasional week or two in chastity. Even though it was usually chained down like Tyler's little peen, we had started allowing un-tethered time during sex for good behavior. Being such a horny little tot, you could usually put the brakes on any bad behavior with the threat of completely locking up his little wee wee for a week.

And no matter how bratty Tyler got, he was still a baby, which meant his punishments were usually passed on to Cunt. This of course did little to curb the behavior, and recently Cunt had been taking a lot of blows on behalf of Tyler. It's something I'd been meaning to talk to Ryan about, gingerly, of course. I didn't want to raise spoiled brats, but ultimately Tyler was Ryan's baby, not mine 3; at least for now.

"What have you boys been up to today while I was working?" I still did some legal consulting at a local firm. I hated being away from the boys and Ryan, but we did need a little income still, and besides, it was probably healthy to get out of the house sometimes and focus on adult things.

"Umm, Mr. Eddie let us ride Cunty for a long time until nap time. And then me and Ty gots to get ice cream. And then we played at the park and built sandcastles. Mine was the biggest and bestest," said Benji, sticking his tongue out at Tyler.

"No it wasn't! Mine was better and you're just a big doody head!" Tyler yelled, nearly tearing up.

"Boys! Boys!" I said, turning to Eddie with a raised eyebrow. "Ice cream?" We didn't usually allow the boys treats as we didn't want them to gain any weight.

"They say ice cream, master, but it was just frozen Synthmen. I promise, " Eddie said with a worried look. Synthmen was the brand name of the boys' formula, similar to what we now fed the pups, but specially formulated for infants and toddlers. As opposed to the natural dog cum we used to feed them, Synthmen came in a variety of fruit flavors that the boys loved and of course had all the extra nutrients the real stuff lacked.

"Ahh, I see. Well that sounds like a really fun day guys."

"Yeah, but Ty is being a meanie. He keeps splashing me and getting soap in my eyes." Benji whined.

"Nuh uh!" Tyler screamed. He then grabbed a huge handful of soapy suds and shoved them into Benji's face.

"Ow! Stop it. Ty, you're being mean!" Benji was on the verge of tears now. Recovering quickly, Benji reached into the bathwater and gave Tyler's penis chain a yank.

"Ahhhhh! Ow, ow, ow." The baby started pouting and holding his little wee wee under the water. "It's no fair. Benji doesn't have to wear his chain anymore!"

"Benji is the bigger boy," interjected Eddie. "He gets certain privileges that babies do not. You know this, Tyler." Eddie sighed. "They've been fighting all day. I can't get Tyler to stop being bad."

Not being my son, there wasn't a whole lot I could do about Tyler. But I did know one thing they both hated.

"Listen, boys. If you don't quit fighting, you'll both be sleeping with Cunt tonight 3; in its cage."

That shut them up real quick. All pouting ceased. While they liked using and playing with Cunt, they also were a little afraid of it. After all, they had a vague memory of knowing Cunt as a friend, a peer. Spending too much time with it reminded them of their own transformation and former lives as free teenage boys. Besides, Cunt often smelled of the piss we made it drink, and two boys accustomed to their cushy cots had no desire to sleep on hard, cold floor of Cunt's cage.

"Good thinking, master." said a relieved Eddie, knowing full well my threats were empty but effective.

"Get them ready for bed. I think both of these crankypants could use a few extra hours of sleep tonight."

Quiet whining escape their soft, pink lips, but they knew to not push it. Meanwhile, all the splashing and water had reminded me just how much I needed to piss.


I entered the dungeon to use the toilet, a.k.a., Cunt and found that Ryan was already there with the same idea.

"Hey you. I thought I heard you. Say goodnight to boys?" said Ryan. He shook the last drops of pee onto Cunt's tongue. It dutifully lapped them up and licked his head of any remaining piss.

"Not yet. Eddie is getting them ready. Cunt, my turn." The fully nude former boy crawled over to me, gently lowered my underwear and wrapped his chapped lips around my cock. Finally, release. I released what felt like a week's worth of piss down Cunt's throat.

Ryan zipped up his pants. "You forgot the collars again, I see."

"I thought you said they didn't need them," I said, getting a quick chill from emptying my bladder.

"They don't. They're perfectly trained. And besides, I don't mind paying the fines," Ryan said.

I shrugged and decided to keep the pups' fornicating in public to myself for now. "Done, cunt."

The Cunt cleaned me up and slinked back to its cage in the center of the dungeon's 'play' area. Ryan locked him in.

"Met a local at the park. He told me about a guy who could make Trixie a real bitch, or as close to real as is allowed here."

Ryan looked skeptical. "Oh yeah? I'm not a fan of those surgeries. They can really mess 3;"

Cutting him off, he said "this guy is the best. It's real clean and quick. Totally legal. I looked it up. It's minimally invasive. Mostly gene therapy."

"Hmm." I could tell Ryan was thinking about it. "I like Trixie as she is, frankly. I mean, I'm not here because I'm into females."

"Right, right, I know. Me neither. But he does other stuff, too. Anyway, I'll just send you the card for the hell of it." I flicked up on my watch and Ryan's own com dinged upon delivery.

"OK, thanks. Now let's put the babies to bed."


Ryan was sprawled out on our California king bed, waiting. Benji had bounced into our room, squeaky clean, pink, smelling of baby soap, and impaled himself on my erection.

"Can we start now daddy?" he said impatiently.

"Just a second, honey. You know we usually wait for Tyler." Benji huffed and rolled his hazel-green eyes.

After a lull, Eddie finally entered the bedroom carrying little Tyler, who was fervently sucking his thumb. Eddie carefully untaped the boy's diaper and handed him to Ryan. Benji clapped his hands. "Fucky time!" he squealed.

Ryan lowered Tyler onto his cock. The boy seemed barely aware of the intrusion, still steadily sucking his thumb. Ryan started his gentle, rhythmic plowing. Benji, however, started bouncing furiously, always my little ball of energy.

"Daddy, can I touch my wee wee tonight? Pleeeeeease," he begged.

"Yes, Benji. You can play with it, but you have to promise to be good for Eddie tomorrow, OK?"

"I will, I will! I promise, daddy!" He grasped his little three-inch [7 cm] pecker and started to violently stroke it. I could tell it was frustrating to have his teenage libido wrapped up in such a tiny package, one that he rarely had permission to unwrap at that.

At the commotion, Tyler seemed to wake from his trance. He popped his thumb out of his mouth and stared at Benji jerking himself off. A string of drool fell across his chest.

"Look Ty Ty! I'm touching my own wee wee. I'm a big boy, too, like daddy and Uncle Ryan, not a little baby like you."

Water emerged from the corners of Tyler's eyes. He looked down at his own one-inch [2½ cm] penis, firmly tied down to his scrotum with the metal chain.

"My wee wee is so big. And you have just a tiny baby wee wee that can only make pee pee." Benji started giggling. I looked over at Ryan, sensing an imminent meltdown from Tyler, but never ceasing to pound the ecstatic boy on top of me.

Tyler began rubbing his little peen, futilely hoping to see some movement. After many tries, the waterworks began.

"I wanna pee-pee like Benji. I wanna get it to get biggerer, too!" He was bawling now. Boy tears and drool splashed onto Ryan's chest.

Benji had stopped taunting the baby, but only because he was lost in pure ecstasy.. His little freckled nose was scrunched up, eyes closed. Orgasm was near.

"Ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhh." Ryan's signature sounds meant despite all the drama, he had successfully came in little Tyler's quivering hole. And then to my own surprise, it was my turn. Sensing his daddy's twitching, Benji clamped down, draining me in mere seconds. "Daddy, daddy, daaaaaada!" he sung out before suddenly ceasing his strokes. My boy opened his eyes and smiled wide. He had orgasmed, dry of course, but it was the best he could get from his shrunken testicles.

The moment was quickly interrupted by the increased wailing from Tyler. "It's not fair. It's not fair. Benji gets to do everything and I just get baby stuff!"

"Shhh, shh." Ryan stroked Tyler's back and wipe some tears from his cheeks. "Ty, you love being daddy's baby, remember? Remember asking daddy to make your wee wee littler, so you it would feel sooo good when daddy is inside of you?" He lifted the boy off his glistening cock and handed him a waiting Eddie, who made quick work of rediapering the sobbing mess.

Tyler sniffed. "Yeah. But, but, sometimes I want to be a big boy again, too. It's just not fair."

"OK, OK. I know. Let's get your binky." He motioned to Eddie, who produced Tyler's blue, penis-shaped pacifier. Tyler instinctively allowed Ryan to insert the rubber dick in his slobbery mouth.

"Let's all go to sleep and I think you'll feel better in the morning."

Chapter 2
A Boy's Curiosity

A cold sensation woke me. What the hell? I threw the covers off of me. Benji was completely out, arms wrapped around my torso. I looked down at my thigh, the site of the wet sensation. Benji's training pants, normally light blue, now looked to be nearly navy.

"Dammit," I said under my breath, careful not to wake anyone. This was becoming a regular occurrence. We kept Benji in training pants for minor accidents here and there, but he was nearly potty trained and never wet the bed – until recently. I knew I shouldn't have let him sleep with us, but Ryan almost never locked Tyler in his crib at night anymore, so I sort of just stopped battling with the toddler when it came to sleeping in his own cot.

As I was about to roll over and try to go back to sleep, a distinct odor jolted me back up again. Poop. And not just any poop, but poop that had a faint bleach-type smell to it, as if mixed with cum. I looked around on the floor, ready to punish Lex or Trixie for not holding it until their morning walk. But then I locked eyes on the diapered butt of Tyler, sleeping soundly between Ryan's legs, drool spilling out around his pacifier. That was definitely where the smell was coming from. Tyler had pooped in his diapers.

I knew I shouldn't be shocked – he was a baby after all. But he knew when he had to go number two, he was supposed to tell an adult and use his little potty.

"Pssst. Ryan," I whispered loudly. "Ryan. Wake up."

Ryan opened one eye and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"It's Tyler. I smell poop coming from his diaper." I was still whispering, not wanting Benji to hear. He didn't need another reason to taunt the boy.

"Shit!" Ryan quickly shimmied himself out from under the still-sleeping boy.

"Exactly," I smirked.

"I should have known that was going to happen. I didn't put his plug in before bed."

I shook my head. "Should that matter? He may be a baby, but he knows the rules."

"He knows them, but he's been doing it a lot recently." This was news to me. I had no desire to share a bed with poopy kid.

Ryan told me that Tyler had been pooping regularly in his diapers recently, and according to Eddie, completely on purpose.

"I think it's for attention. He's jealous of Benji and I think this is the only way he knows to express his frustration. I know it's not good, but I just don't know what I can do about it. Regular punishment doesn't seem to work." Ryan was clearly conflicted. Tyler was his baby, and he had trouble staying mad at him. But it was pretty clear: the boy was completely coddled.

Eddie was now fully awake and attentive, usually opting to sleep at the floor next to our bed, despite having his own modest servant quarters. He picked up the slumbering boy and gently undid the diaper. After wiping him down, he looked at me and Ryan, clearly confused as to how he should dispose of the soiled disposable. We certainly didn't want it in the trash, stinking up the house.

"Fetch Cunt, please Eddie." Ryan turned to me with an evil grin. "I came up with an effective waste strategy after Tyler first did this. Better for the environment, too."

Cunt dutifully crawled into the masters' bedroom, its smooth, tight buttocks shimmering with a bit of sweat. Eddie put the open diaper on the floor.

"Eat, Cunt."

Cunt's eyes widened and it gulped slowly. But its training meant there would be no further hesitation. It snatched the little brown-yellow nuggets into its mouth and swallowed. That's a very good Cunt, indeed. Then a high-pitched giggle broke the silence.

"Well look who is awake after all," Ryan said to the nude little boy. "You've been very, very bad. You know you're not allowed to poo-poo in your diapers, yet you keep doing it. This time in bed with Uncle Matt."

Tyler looked at me with a devilish grin, then quickly turned it into a quiver back at his dad.

"I'm so sorry, daddy! It was an accident. It won't happen again. I promise." The waterworks were returning and he slowly wrapped his little hand around the top of Ryan's engorging penis. Tyler sure knew how to play his dad. No wonder he got away with filling his diapers.

"You said that last time, little boy. I'm serious this time. Your plug is going back in full-time, and if you poo in your didees again, you won't be allowed to sleep with me and Uncle Matt anymore. You'll be all alone, strapped into your crib at night. Is that what you want?" Ryan was doing his best angry voice, but he struggled to keep it from softening.

"No daddy! I'll be a very, very, very good boy and only poo-poo in the potty." By now, Tyler's hand was cupping Ryan's giant balls, and I knew the baby had won.

"OK, my little Tyger. Let Cunt clean out your hole and Eddie will give you your morning bottle." Tyler squatted to give Cunt's tongue access to his brown hole. After a thorough rimming, Eddie took both boys to the kitchen for breakfast. Both of them mostly ate Synthmen, in their bottles and sippy cups respectively, but Benji was allowed the occasional solid foods.

I gave Ryan a scolding look.

"I know, I know. I've been to easy on him recently. Don't worry. I still know who is master. I've got a few ideas up my sleeve to fix this." Now I was intrigued. Ryan never disappointed when it came to his creativity with the boys.


That night we put the boys in their own beds for a change, despite their protests. We were overdue for some adult-only time. I had been working more than usual, and I could tell something was bothering Ryan ever since breakfast. I suggested we watch a movie, perhaps a silly Earth rom-com from decades ago.

When the movie got to a PG-rated sex scene – some now-dead starlet having simulated sex with the dashing leading man – Ryan put his hand around my shoulder. I knew full-grown men weren't his thing, but he had been exceptionally affectionate as of late. As I laid my head on his shoulder, I heard the pitter patter of little feet behind us.

"Daddy, what are they doing?" Benji stood there in his sailor PJs, the matching anchor training pants peaking out the top of his tight, stretchy pants. He clutched his stuffed puppy in one arm, the other outstretched pointing at the screen.

"Hey buddy. Did the movie wake you?" I asked. He nodded, and I paused it.

"Is that a lady? What is the daddy doing to her?"

This was a recent recurring theme in conversations with the toddler. While the station had virtually no real females, Benji had several Earth-published books he read, or rather, looked at the pictures and pretending to read. (We had de-programmed nearly all literacy from the teen, although occasionally a bit of reading comprehension would come back but quickly dissipate.)

"Well Benji. On some planets and stations, there are daddies and ladies, also called women or girls." I was careful not to over-explain that which he did not need to know.

"I know, daddy. And girls don't have pee-pees like me and Ty. They have front holes and back holes." He pointed to his padded crotch.

"That's right. And sometimes in these places, daddies like to put their penises into the girls fronts, called vaginas, just like when we have fuck-fuck time. It makes them both feel very, very good. A lot like when I put my penis in your cute little bum."

Benji nodded, mouth agape. He was amazed by this new creature called a 'girl', and was intent on learning everything he could about them. Ryan and I knew that Benji had been a normal, horny, straight teen before turning him into our toddler, but we had wrongly assumed his interest in girls had been conditioned out of him. It was clear that while he loved his daddy and uncle, a tiny part of him was extremely curious about these exotic females.

"Could I try fuck-fuck with a girl sometime, daddy? My pee-pee is really big and it gets hard and I could put it in a girl like you put your pee-pee into me. Can I please, daddy?" The boy had a very determined look on his face as he grabbed at his little penis through his pants.

"Maybe someday, buddy. We'll see. Come on. Let's get you back to bed." I struggled to pick him up, but eventually got him in my arms using all of my strength. He may act like a toddler, but he still weighed as much as a very small teen. He suddenly got even heavier as he started to get sleepy in his daddy's big arms.

"Let him stay up and watch the movie. He's obviously very curious about how all this old-fashioned sex works," said Ryan. He really enjoyed watching the boys' former selves try to break through the heavy door of their conditioning.

"Not tonight. Maybe some other time. Actually I have to hit the hay, too. Busy day tomorrow at work." I carried the sleepy boy to his bed and kissed him on the forehead as he was already drifting off. As I lay in my own bed, I thought I heard Ryan talking to someone on the phone in the other room. But as I entered a deep sleep, I soon forgot all about it.


Ryan and I were awoke the next morning with the sound of a panicked Eddie yelling.

"Masters, masters! I'm so sorry to wake you, but I don't know what to do. It's Tyler. I went to get him up for his morning change and bottle, but he won't wake up no matter what."

Eddie knew the harsh punishment he would receive for waking us up early, so this must be serious. Yet Ryan lifted the covers and rose out of bed calmly. He had bags under his eyes and looked like he'd been up all night.

"Sorry, sorry. Shit, I overslept. It's OK Eddie." Turning to me, "Really, he's fine."

"What do you mean? How do you know?" Sure the boys were our property, but I still cared about them. Even if he was a brat, I still loved that little Tyler.

"I know because I drugged him. He'll be out for a while still." Ryan said as if it was a perfectly normal answer.

"Why? What did 3;"

"I called that Dr. Max guy last night, after you went to bed. The, the, C.A.S. or whatever. He actually answered and happily chatted for a while."

I felt conflicted. I liked Trixie the way she was, but had to admit I was curious about this Dr. Max guy. I just wish Ryan had talked to me before making the call.

"Amazingly, he said he actually had an opening this morning, so I just went for it."

"I don't understand what this has to do with an appointment for Trixie, I 3;"

"The appointment isn't for Trixie." Ryan took a deep breath and continued. "It's for Tyler."

Confusion was written all over my face. I searched Ryan's eyes for an explanation.

"Look, Tyler has been my slave for a while now. As you know, he was a volunteer indenture, so while I did some minor conditioning on him, he never got the full Cadillac treatment the other boys got. He wanted to play baby and daddy with me. It was just a fetish for him that I helped realize, but you've seen how taking shortcuts with him has resulted in bad behavior. He's always fighting with Benji and now breaking the rules just to get our attention. Dr. Max offers us a chance to make things right, not just with him but with us." Ryan grabbed my hand and squeezed. I could tell he had a something big to announce, but that it was hard for him to get it out.

"So why this Dr. Max then? There are tons of reconditioning clinics here for wayward slave boys."

"Not boy, Matt." He smiled broadly. "He's going to help Tyler become our little baby girl."

The magnitude of his announcement made me involuntarily snatch my hand back from his and stand up.

"A girl? Tyler? How 3; I mean, when did you decide you wanted a girl? It's just 3; I'm surprised is all." I was pacing now.

"Last night during the movie 3; and Benji. He was so curious. It made me think: Our little family could use a little diversity. I mean, sure we have Trixie, but she's a dog. I love it here, yes. This station is my home. But all boys all the time is frankly boring me."

He had a point. We had settled into a nice routine with our toys, but our passion for our mutual hobby had faded. And being surrounded by boys 24/7 was almost too much of a good thing. I started to get excited by the prospect.

"And besides, doesn't the saying go on Earth, there's no bond quite as strong as the one between a little girl and her daddy? Or better yet, between a girl and her two daddies." He grabbed my hand again and stared into my eyes. I realized then this was his proposal.

"Matthew, will you do me the honor of marrying me and being a daddy to my new baby girl?"

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eddie welling up with tears of joy. I had no words to express my own happiness, so I just grasped his other hand and kissed him.

Chapter 3
Meeting Dr. Max

The waiting room smelled of plastic and rubbing alcohol. And while the modern furniture and tasteful decor looked like it belonged in a tycoon's penthouse, the room's occupants most certainly did not.

Boy pups of all shapes and sizes littered the floor, some with cones around their necks, others completely wrapped in bandages. There was even one kitty among the lot, its head resting on its master's lap. As he softly stroked its head, I could swear I heard actual purring. Certainly the long, tapered whiskers originating from the side of the cat's mouth looked as real as the hair on its head. I had to turn away before I got caught staring.

The little play area was also full. A boy who looked about 17 absent-mindedly munched on a teething ring as drool drifted down from his chin to the carpet on which he sat. An oversized double stroller was parked next to him, occupied by sleeping identical-twin tweens wearing adorable matching frog onesies. Slowly rocking the stroller back and forth was a very tall, attractive man in his 40s who appeared to have a device attached to his chest under his shirt. Intrigued, I contemplated striking up a conversation with the man only to have my trance broken by a little kick to my side.

Next to me, a sleeping Tyler was starting to stir in Ryan's arms. Our scheduled appointment time came and went more than 30 minutes ago, and I was beginning to worry that the tranquilizer Ryan gave Tyler might wear off. I was still relatively new to this city and had no desire to make a scene.

"Uh, Tyler, is there a Tyler here with his daddy, uh 3; Ryan?" Phew. Just in the nick of time.


"Cute little bugger, isn't he?" Dr. Max towered over the sleeping Tyler, his smile seemed warm and genuine. "And you say his chronological age is 3;?

"17 next month," Ryan said. Wow, even after a year I had never thought to ask his real age. He may have looked 12-going-on-2, but he'd been Ryan's slave for a while. No wonder he wanted a change.

The doctor made a note. "Please remove everything."

I helped Ryan strip the boy of his blue romper followed by his soaked diaper. He babbled incoherently through his pacifier but remained firmly in dreamland.

"Oh that's very adorable. You do that yourself?" Dr. Max admired the boy's little two-inch [5 cm] penis, flaccid against his tiny testicles. We had removed the chain assuming the doctor needed full access. "And love the teddy bear tattoo."

Ryan cautiously answered, "Uh, yes, yes. Just the basic over-the-counter injections for the genitalia. A stim chip in his prostate. And of course an age-halting chip. The rest was just some basic conditioning I developed myself, although admittedly my Ty was a volunteer indenture, so it didn't take much." Ryan stood up tall to mask his insecurity. He'd never been to a professional, and I knew he had swallowed a lot of pride to make this appointment. Perhaps sensing Ryan's ego, Dr. Max gave an exaggerated nod of appreciation.

"It's good stuff, all good stuff. Of course that youth chip will need to be swapped out. The new ones have much fewer side effects and can last decades longer. But no worries. We'll do all of that during the procedure." He then handed us each a brochure adorned with illustrated images of pink slits.

The first step, he told us, was to select a vagina for the boy. Each illustration had a caption listing an age range and a maximum dilation factor. There was also a 'pleasure scale' ranging from one to ten. A few even had a little penis jutting out from the top. Dr. Max could tell we were overwhelmed by the choices.

"It's not as difficult as it looks. Now, you've already decided on the full babification package, correct?" Ryan nodded profusely. "And you're sure you don't want to keep the current genitalia at any size?" Ryan nodded, this time a tad more hesitantly. I knew how much he loved that little penis and ball sack slapping against his stomach during their playtime.

"Great. So really that narrows it down to this one over here." He pointed to the last image in the brochure. The caption read: Newborn to 12 months. "That's the size, now you just pick the dilation and pleasure factors. You do want him, excuse me, her to have stimulation?"

"Yes, yes, of course," said Ryan. "We want h 3;, uh, her to enjoy her daddy still."

"I see. Well you do understand that even at our highest dilation factor, it is going to take a good deal of, umm, practice before its ready to fully, uh, accommodate you?"

Ryan looked slightly defeated, but recovered. "Of course, of course. I understand."

"Excellent. Then I'll jot down a dilation factor of 10 and a pleasure factor of, let's say, 8?" Ryan looked conflicted, so I jumped in. I was going to be Tyler's father now, too.

"Seems a bit high. He is just a baby after all. Maybe more like a 5?"

Dr. Max looked at Ryan and back at me. "I should tell you that anything under a 6 means no orgasm is possible. Of course the stim chip will still make him perpetually horny. It's just there will be less-than-complete relief."

Ryan nodded for me to continue. My heart warmed that he was letting me make some decisions.

"Perfect then. An infant has no business orgasming anyway." The doctor made a note in his charts. He proceeded to talk us through the rest of the brochure. The procedures were more advanced than traditional injection treatments. A combination of radiation gene therapy and nanobots did all the reconfiguring. Any neurological tweaks could be achieved through precise neuron targeting. Ryan stood mouth agape. I could tell his mind was blown by all the new possibilities this technology enabled. No doubt we'd be giving Dr. Max a lot of future business.

"I'd say that's pretty much everything I need from you two," said the doctor. "Any other questions?"

I still had many but knew we needed to leave before Tyler woke up.

"Just one really," I said. "A man in the waiting room, the one with the twins. He had a device attached to his chest that I've never seen before. What the heck was that?"

Dr. Max chuckled then looked to Ryan as if to see if my question was for real.

"That device may be the oldest tech we have around here." He laughed again. "It's just a run-of-the-mill breast pump. We actually sell much smaller, totally discreet ones, but John insists on using that antique. Says it's more comfortable."

By the looks on our faces, he could tell Ryan and I were still confused.

"You mean my assistant never gave you the nourishment brochure?" We shook our heads. "Well crap. I just assumed you opted out already. Very glad you brought it up then. I'll have to thank John for the free advertising!"

He whipped out two more brochures. The procedure was very simple, he promised. The parent would get two gene chips implanted, one in each pectoral, and in a matter of days, the newly formed mammories would start to lactate.

"But won't it grow boobs? Like won't my chest get, uh, bigger?" Ryan asked.

"No, no. Not noticeably so. The glands our chips produce are much more spread out throughout the chest and abdomen, and the milk production is four times faster than natural processes, so excessive storage isn't necessary. You'll still need to pump, of course, but that's all part of the fun." The doctor winked at Ryan. "You'll love the sensation, I promise."

I brought up my concerns: Was that enough nutrition for an adolescent? What if Tyler refused to feed? Did we still need to supplement with the Sythmen?

"The human body is a wonderful thing. Ryan will need to consume more calories, ideally lots of healthy fats and proteins, but I assure you little Tyler will get plenty of calories and nutrients solely from his dad's milk – no more industrial semen for this tot." Dr. Max tousled the boy's hair. He now had his thumb planted firmly in his mouth.

"As for taking to the breast, we solved that very simply. The gene therapy does a little reworking on Tyler's digestive organs, so that when the process is complete, he'll only be able to digest milk from his daddy. Any other food source will be poorly absorbed and result in gastronomical distress. It won't take long for him to start craving literally his only food source from now on."

This was a relief to me. I knew how stubborn Tyler could be. We didn't need another behavioral hurdle to overcome. Judging by his enthusiasm, I could tell Ryan was looking forward to this new chance to bond with his baby.

We shook hands with the doctor and gave our goodbye kisses to Tyler. A week from now, we'd be picking him up from the clinic. Until then, we a lot of preparing to do.

Chapter 4
Tyler 2.0

I had really wanted to go with Ryan to the clinic, but there was still so much work to be done. The caterer had arrived late, and Eddie could only finish so much decorating while tending to the pups and Benji. I had spent all morning putting the final touches on Tyler's new bedroom and now had less than an hour to get the house in order before guests would start arriving. I had to remind the perfectionist in me that this was Tyler's day, not mine, and nobody would really care about the party anyway. They'd just want to see the baby.

Ryan thought having a baby shower was a bit too much, but he humored me anyway. After all, he said, Tyler has lived with him for years now. Was such an elaborate party necessary? I reminded him that it was important for Tyler that our family and friends were present for such a momentous change in our lives. Besides, we'd get to announce our own special news. He relented, and today I could tell he was ultimately excited about re-introducing Tyler to our little world.

The doorbell rang. Oh no. Were guests here early?

"It's Ryan. Can you get the door? I have my hands full." Back already? I raced to the door and opened it.

Nestled in Ryan's chest, arms wrapped around his neck, was the sleeping figure of Tyler, dressed in a very snug pink onesie. A few of the snaps in the onesie's crotch had come undone, and I could see a very full diaper adorned with pink flowers.

"How precious!" I whispered. "Eddie, take over the rest of the decorating and get Benji dressed for the shower. Ryan and I need some alone time with this little one."


Tyler squirmed on the changing table as we quietly beckoned him awake, his clenched fists rubbing sleep from his eyes. The fingernails had been painted a pastel purple.

"Hey there, honey. It's time to get up now. We have a big, fun day ahead of us. All daddy's friends are coming over soon just to see you, sweetie." I'd never heard Ryan talk so softly and sweetly. It warmed my heart.

Tyler slow blinked and stared at his dad and uncle towering over him.

"Hi dada," he squeaked. I involuntarily laughed at the reveal of the first big change. Tyler looked around searching for the source of the voice.

"Oh wonderful," Ryan said. "I love it."

Tyler realized his daddy was talking about him. "Dada. Why sound like this? Uncle Matt? Why? I sound like, like 3;"

Ryan caressed Tyler's cheek. "Like a sweet little baby girl. Yes, that's you, angel. You sound like a girl because now you are one. And we love you so much!"

Tyler's lips started to quiver, and a tear was forming in one eye. It was then I noticed his teeth for the first time, or rather, lack thereof. Dr. Max's babification package had so many features, I'd almost forgotten some of the smaller details.

"Here honey. Take this. It'll make you feel better," I said, placing a circular pink teething toy in his mouth. He instinctively closed his mouth around it and started chewing. He stopped after feeling the strange new sensation.

"Those are your gums, sweetie. Little babies don't have teeth, so Dr. Max had them removed," I said. "Just think, you won't have to brush anymore, isn't that great?"

Tyler grabbed the teething toy and threw it across the room.

"No, no, no! I wann my teeth dada." Tyler's new high-pitched voice pierced the air. "An why I sound like dis?" Tears were now streaming.

"Uncle Matt and daddy took you to a special doctor, honey, because we thought it would be best for everyone to make a few changes around here," Ryan said. "Now I know you loved being my baby boy more than anything, but with Benji and Eddie and Lex, there are a lot of boys in the family now. And we also learned of all the new ways we could make you an even better baby."

Ryan slowly talked Tyler through some of the changes. His voice was now very similar to a 12-month-old girl's, and minor neural conditioning had simplified his vocabulary and speech patterns. He could still think the same words, but he wouldn't be able to vocalize all of them easily. The lack of teeth didn't help either.

"As my boy, you were a good size for me, but little girls are usually a bit smaller than boys. So Dr. Max reduced your frame a bit. You're about six inches [15 cm] shorter and 30 pounds [13 kg] lighter, similar to six-year-old. Now it'll be a lot easier for daddy to carry you," Ryan said. "Which is perfect, because he also tweaked your coordination and muscle development. He says you'll now only be able to walk a few unsteady steps before falling. But of course you can crawl wherever you like. The entire house is covered in plush carpet now, just for you!"

Tyler's sniffling started to turn into a steady hyperventilating as snot and tears flowed steadily. I placed the teething toy back in his mouth and he clamped down, sucking with all his might. I stroked his hairless little thigh and he kicked violently in response. Thankfully we had strapped his arms down to the table.

"Be gentler, Matt," Ryan reminded me. "Dr. Max told me part of the treatment was making his skin extra soft and sensitive. Little Tyler will feel every touch much more intensely than before, just like a baby." I reapplied my hand, much slower, and continued my stroking with far less pressure.

"And did you notice the hair? Touch it." Ryan moved my hand to Tyler's head. I rubbed the short, blonde strands between my fingers. "It's much thinner and softer now, almost translucent. Don't you just love the feel of it?" I nodded. I had to admit the little yellow wisps felt lovely.

Then Ryan looked at me with consternation. He nodded in the direction of Tyler's bulging diaper.

"We don't have much time before everyone gets here. We should probably, uh, ya know, get this over with." I nodded in agreement and started to undo the rest of the crotch snaps on Tyler's onesie. His crying came to a sudden halt as he lifted his head to watch what I was doing. I untaped the wet disposable and tossed it in the diaper pail.

As the diaper came off, Ryan took an audible deep breath. "Oh wow. It's 3; it's so 3; pink. And, and smooth. And 3; " he gulped. "Dr. Max did an amazing job, don't you think?"

Truth was that I had seen very few vaginas in my day. In fact, I had actively sought to avoid them most of my life. But I had to agree with Ryan: It sure was cute.

I gave Ryan a peck on the cheek. "It's great. Really great. I'm so happy for you." Turning to a confused-looking Tyler, I chose my words carefully. "Sweetie, do you feel this?" I lightly placed my finger on top of the puffy slit. Tyler's eyes softened as he took in the pleasurable sensation. He slowly nodded.

Ryan took the mirror off the wall, positioned it between Tyler's splayed pastey legs and tilted it back.

"OK, baby girl," Ryan cooed. "Take a look at your brand new little pussy."

Tyler dropped the teething toy. It tumbled to the ground again. His little chin wobbled and the tear-works started up. But just as he was about to open his mouth, his eyes closed and his head hit the changing table with a thud. He had passed out.

Chapter 5
The Baby Shower

I hadn't heard the doorbell ring, but sure enough I could hear Ryan laughing and talking to someone. Someone had arrive early! I quickly got changed and went to grab Benji before greeting our guests. I was still new to the station, and was still a tad nervous about making a good impression with Ryan's friends, many of whom were very wealthy members of the local elite class. Truth is, they were all fun and down to earth, but you'd never guess it based on their slave stock. Some of them had dozens of boys. Personally, I couldn't imagine handling more than what we already had!

I popped into Benji's room and was delighted to see Eddie had finished getting him ready.

"Well aren't you a dapper little fellow," I said. Benji looked up from the floor where he was playing. I was happy to see him playing with his new toys – action figure dildos we bought him for his recent birthday. Made of rigid silicone, the tips were in the shape of handsome men's heads – we had splurged for the customized ones with his daddy's and uncle's faces. Right now they had their detachable legs and arms on them, but when removed, Benji could use them for fuck-fuck practice. They really were a great value.

"Is it time to meet baby sis, daddy?" Benji beamed. I couldn't get over how cute he looked in the suit Eddie had picked out: powder-blue short-sleeve button-up tucked into the tightest little khaki shorts I had ever seen. His crotch and butt bulged a bit from his training pants. But the best part was the clip-on tie we had purchased just for today: on it, multicolor toy blocks spelled out "Big Brother." I could just eat him up right now.

"Almost, buddy. But we have to go downstairs and say hello to daddy's friends first, OK?" Benji bolted up in excitement, dropping his toys.

Entering the living room, I saw Jim and Alex on the couch with Ryan. They had popped open a bottle of wine, but I could tell they had arrived a bit buzzed already.

"Look at this handsome little devil! Come over here and give uncle Jimmy and Alex a hug and kiss," Jim said. Benji gave me a sheepish as if to ask my permission. I motioned for him to do as Jim said. He was still my shy little boy, as we had conditioned him to be.

Benji jumped in their laps and gifted them many sloppy kisses. They squeezed his padded butt as he rubbed his little peanut into their legs.

"God Matt, we love this boy," said Alex. "He's long overdue for a weekend at our place. We'd spoil him rotten." They were right. I'd been a little overprotective of my Benji, but he'd love their giant house with countless other boys and animals to play with. I'd heard they recently purchased a whole stable of pony boys, and Benji just loved horses.

Just then, someone walked in from the kitchen carrying two glasses of pink punch. "Ahh, thank you, Lucas. I'll grab one of those from you." said Ryan. "Uh, Matt, meet Lucas. Lucas, Matt. I don't think you two have ever met before."

Lucas looked to be about 17, a boy for sure, but definitely on the cusp of manhood. He was nearly six feet [1.80 m] tall in a form-fitting henley and extremely tight black jeans. It was easy to see he was fairly well endowed. He parted his short dirty blonde hair to one side as he turned to greet me.

"Uh, hi, sir. Thanks for inviting me over today." His voice was still in the process of deepening, but certainly was more man than teen.

I looked too Alex and Jim as if to ask, who the hell is this?

"Lucas here is our boy, Matt. Our real boy, that is," said Jim. "Uh, no offense, of course."

"None taken," I said, shaking the handsome boy's hand. "Great to meet you Lucas." "Yeah, before we had enough money to buy anyone, Alex and I decided we wanted a genetic child, so we traveled to Earth for the artificial surrogacy program. He's all us, though, genetically. Getting nearly old enough now to manage the household, aren't ya, Luke?"

Lucas looked embarrassed, but responded, "Yeah, I guess." He gave me a half smile.

"Don't be so modest, Luke," said Alex. "He's been training those pony boys like a pro already. And all the other slaves already seem to like him better than us. Anyway, he's always so busy with school and sports. That's why you've never met. But we made sure he could come today to see his old schoolmate on this special day."

"Schoolmate?" I asked.

Ryan piped in. "Oh yeah. I guess you wouldn't know since you weren't here. Lucas is Tyler's old best friend from middle school. When I met Tyler, those two were inseparable. Of course Tyler kept his, uh, little kinks a secret from Lucas."

Lucas looked down and put his hands in his pocket. "Uh, I gotta use the restroom," he said and slinked off.

"I see it's still awkward for him," said Ryan. "I still regret keeping them separate for so long, but that's what Tyler wanted. As comfortable as he was being baby, he never wanted any of his old friends to come over and play. Actually, since Lucas isn't here, I'll tell you something: Tyler admitted to me once that he always had a huge crush on Lucas, which is why he didn't want him to come over now."

"It's probably all for the best, ya know," said Jim. "Lucas actually confided in us recently that he's mostly straight." Ryan's eyes widened in surprise. "Yeah, crazy, huh? Not sure where he got that, but yeah, he's into girls, he says." Benji perked up at the mention of girls. "So he may just have broke little Tyler's heart had they remained friends."

Alex jumped in, "But he really wanted to be here today, you know, to support his old friend, and frankly, just to take a break from all that slave time. There's just not enough free boys on this station to hang out with."

"Funny you mention girls," I said. "My little Benji has been showing an interest in them recently, too. Strange times indeed! But we are doing our best to support him. It's actually a big reason why we decided on Tyler's change."

Lucas re-entered the living room. Ryan raised his glass. "Well, shall we get this shower started or what?"


Our house had never been so full. Ryan had really overdone it with the invitations. It was now standing room only as guests dodged the copious amounts of pink balloons and streamers. The gift table soon became the gift area. Our floor was now littered with dozens of pink boxes and gift bags. Most of the guests were old friends of Ryan's, but a handful had brought their pets and children. Benji had made quick business of starting a game of doctor with a smaller boy of about 14, but who had been mentally fixed at about 8 years. I could tell the older boy was humoring Benji as the toddler checked his heart with a plastic stethoscope and repeatedly reached into the kid's teen-sized superhero underwear to inspect his 'teslicals'. Anyone not in training pants seemed to fascinate my Benji.

Lex and Trixie also seemed to enjoy sniffing and licking all the new boy-dog butts in the room. They didn't know what to do, however, with the monkey boy one of Ryan's more wealthier friend's brought, so they just barked at poor creature until his owner finally put him in one of our cages. The slight figure sulked behind the metal bars sucking food from a banana-shaped dispenser and tugging at his tiny, furry member. I made a mental note to talk to its owner about the fur treatment for our pups, but that could wait for another time. Today was Tyler's day.

"Hey Ryan," one of the more drunk guests yelled out above the loud murmur of conversations, "Isn't this supposed to be a baby shower? Where's the guest of honor?" The rest of guests jokingly started shouting, "Hear! Hear!" and nudging me and Ryan. Ryan slipped away to fetch Tyler and the socializing resumed.

15 minutes later, Ryan entered carrying Tyler and a blanket of silence fell on the room. Ryan had changed him into the special outfit we'd bought just for the show: white tights pulled up over pink plastic pants that covered a thick cloth diaper. (We decided to switch just for today for the pure cuteness of it.) The pink continued with a pink blouse that had lace around the collar and sleeves. Ryan had added a surprise final touch: a little pink bow clip in his thin blonde wisps. The only thing out of place was the giant blue pacifier Tyler was actively sucking on. We'd forgotten that one item in all of our hasty shopping.

Tyler turned to face his audience, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Ryan whispered to me that he'd given Tyler a small dose of tranqs to minimize any outbursts.

A collective "Awwww" filled the silence as Ryan carried Tyler through the sea of guests. He laid Tyler down on a changing pad on the floor near the pile of gifts. Soon a receiving line of sorts had formed and one by one our friends stepped up to inspect the little angel. I'm sure it was the tranqs, but Tyler seemed content as he was poked and prodded and picked up. Benji stood to the side in wide-eyed wonder, but never approaching. I think the reality was setting in: He was the big brother to this exotive creature called a girl. His hand migrated down to his crotch where I knew his chained up weenie was stirring.

Tyler's drug-induced complacency was broken, however, when Lucas finally approached flanked by his dads. Alex and Jim prodded him to make contact with his old schoolmate. Recognition washed over Tyler's face as the lanky teen reached down to pat Tyler's head.

"Uh, hi Tyler. It's Lucas. Remember me? Uh, we were in the same class. Played soccer together. Uh, congrats. I mean, umm, you look great. Very cute." Lucas was teetering with his hands in his pockets, clearly nervous about the reunion.

The blue pacifier fell from Tyler's mouth, and he laid there staring for what felt like a minute.

"Hi Lucas." It was the first time he had spoken and everyone quieted down to listen to the guest of honor's new squeaky soprano. "Sowwy you see me like dis. I swear I'm a boy. Daddy made me wear all dis. You look cute, too."

Tyler looked embarrassed at that last statement. He'd simply meant to return the compliment, but it had inadvertently revealed his long-standing crush. It didn't phase Lucas, however.

"Uh, thanks, Tyler. I really like your 3;" the teen was searching, " 3;diapers. They look very comfortable."

That wasn't what Tyler had expected to hear, and with no warning he burst out crying. It was clear Dr. Max's neural conditioning had weakened Tyler's emotional stability. Ryan pushed through the crowd and swooped Tyler into his arms. I pushed the pacifier back in his mouth, which stopped the high-pitched wails but tears continued to flood his eyes.

"It's OK sweetie, it's OK. Shh, shh." Ryan softly patted Tyler's tights-clad butt. Within a few minutes, the crying ceased.

"Hey Lucas," said Ryan. "Come over here. You want to hold her? I think she'd really like to be held by a friend right now."

Lucas didn't know what to say and looked to his dads for the right answer. "Go ahead, son. It's OK. Comfort your little friend." Lucas stretched out his arms, and Ryan made the transfer. To my surprise, the tantrum didn't restart. In fact, Tyler instantly relaxed and rested his head on the teen's shoulder.

"Wow. He's, I mean, she's way lighter than I expected," Lucas said, carefully cupping Tyler's cushioned behind.

"OK then," said Ryan. "That seemed to do the trick for now. Shall we get into those presents? Look honey at all the gifts everyone brought just for you?" Tyler did look genuinely interested, but kept his head nestled firmly into Lucas.

Chapter 6
The Shower Must Go On

An hour into opening presents and everyone looked fatigued but Tyler. Sitting in Lucas's lap, he slowly and messily opened pink box after pink bag. His new reduced coordination certainly frustrated him at first, but being the center of attention had grown on him. He now smiled behind his pacifier as the gift treasury continued to grow: countless pink, purple and yellow onesies and rompers; a custom-made bouncy seat with pink leather straps; and finally, to my relief, a new pacifier. One less thing to buy now!

Of course it wasn't just any pacifier. It was a pink four-inch [10 cm] cock gag with an enlarged bulbous head complete with a string and clip. On the front of it in glittery script font read, "Daddy's Naughty Girl." I took it out of its package and handed it to Tyler, who immediately toss his old blue one to the floor and popped in the new one. He turned to Lucas to show it off, and the teen feigned excitement while giving Tyler's thigh a squeeze.

Then all of a sudden, Tyler's face scrunched up as if he was concentrating very hard on something. The smell hit Lucas's nose first, and he did what any 17-year-old boy would do: He slid Tyler off his lap onto the floor and stood up next to me.

"Uh, I think she, uh, Tyler, uh, went. I mean, like went to the bathroom in her diapers," he whispered. "Like number two."

Suddenly finding himself on the floor, Tyler instinctively tried to stand up and walk toward Lucas. He completed three wobbly steps before crashing down on his butt. Being held all day, he'd forgotten his new limited mobility. The smashing of his diaper on the floor catapulted the smell of poo through the air. Our guests chuckled as they discreetly brought their hands to their noses.

"Oh sweetie, you know you can't walk far now without help from a grownup," said Ryan in his sing-songy voice. "And it smells like this little girl is due for a change."

Tyler looked around at all the guests starting at him, legs splayed on the floor. After a short lull, his mouth opened and the new pacifier tumbled out, followed by the loudest, shrillest crying I had ever heard.

Through the sobs, Tyler tried his best to communicate. "Daddy, I pooed! I hate it daddy! I didn't try to poo, daddy, I promise! It just came out, daddy!" The sobbing made him hard to understand. The guests pretended to not pay attention, hiding their smiles with their hands. "I don't wanna be a girl, daddy. I wanna walk, daddy, please. Why can't I hold my poos, daddy?!"

Ryan let the tantrum die down slightly before carrying the sobbing child to the changing pad. As he peeled off Tyler's tights, he explained, "I'm sorry, honey. I forgot to tell you. You no longer have control over you poos or pees. I know you were pooping for attention before, but we decided you didn't need to worry about that stuff anymore. Isn't that nice? One less thing for our baby to think about."

"Noooo, daddy. Noo. I poo in the potty," Tyler sobbed.

"Not any more, sweetie. Potty is for big kids like your big brother Benji," Ryan said. Benji nodded profusely at the mention of his elder status. "Now let's get you all cleaned up. Eddie, fetch the Cunt for me, will you?"

As Ryan began sliding down Tyler's plastic pants, the circle of guests surrounding them closed in tighter. This was the moment they had all been waiting for, the big reveal. While still softly pouting, Tyler stopped squirming as to help facilitate the cleanup as fast as possible. Carrying baby wipes, powder and a brand new disposable decorated with princesses, Eddie reappeared with Cunt in tow.

Ryan expertly un-velcroed the bulging cloth diaper. As he lowered the front, an audible "Oh!" came from the gawking guests. Whispers of, "So pink!", "Adorable," and "I've never seen one so little and puffy" could be heard from the onlooking men. Even Lex and Trixie padded over to check out the commotion. Lex softly whined seeing Tyler's new equipment. Smelling the pussy, his rubber-covered cock became fully erect. "Stay back, pup," I scolded him. "Not right now. Go get Trixie." Obedient as always, he almost mechanically climbed up on Trixie's back and started pounding the less-than-authentic boy pussy. Trixie panted softly, still transfixed on the sight of Tyler. She wasn't the only female in the house any longer.

Ignoring the whispers, Ryan dutifully wiped the urine and poop from Tyler's new mound. Tyler closed his eyes as he absorbed the new sensations. Ryan motioned for Cunt to retrieve the soiled diaper. "Your dinner, Cunt." Cunt tried its best to lap up the mashed poop from the diaper. "OK. OK. Good enough. Now go." Cunt scurried off with the dirty cloth.

"Hey Ryan," said one of our guests leaning in to get a closer look, "can we see her new equipment in action? Is it fully functional? I hear that doctor works miracles. Don't leave us hanging!" A concurring rallying cry was building from the inebriated guests.

Ryan looked at his former boy compassionately. "OK, Tyler. Daddy's going to check out your new little pussy. You're going to like this, I promise." Ryan reinstalled Tyler's new pink pacifier slowly guided his long index finger to the smooth slit. Everyone hushed. As he pushed the finger inside, Tyler let out a muffled moan.

"Fascinating," said Ryan. "I can feel that it's self-lubricating. He must have routed it to his prostate somehow." He added a finger and started sliding them in and out. Tyler started to squeal and writhe in pleasure. I could see Benji in my periphery tugging at the front of his tight shorts.

He came up behind me and whispered, "Daddy. Daddy. Can you please take off my pee-pee chain? It wants to get big when I watch baby Tyler, daddy. I really like Tyler's new wee-we." I shook my head, but then reconsidered: This was a special occasion, and Benji was part of the reason we did this to begin with. Besides, the guests would love it.

I took off Benji's shorts and pulled down his training pants. He was still dry thankfully. His little dick was engorged and attempting to pull up against its restraints. I unfastened the chain from the ring piercing and his tiny member sprang up. Benji giggled at the release and gave me a sloppy kiss on the mouth.

"Aww, would you look at him?" The attention in the room shifted from the main attraction to the sight of a half-naked teen, training pants around his ankles, feverishly tugging on his smooth, 3-inch [7 cm] privates. "The big brother loves his new sister!" I knew the guests would just eat this up.

Hearing the commotion, Tyler opened his eyes. Seeing the boy's dick out and hard, he started to cry softly. Ryan continued his steady in and out.

"No fair. Benji has weenie," Tyler pouted. "I boy. I want my weenie back. Dada, it's not 3;" Ryan added a finger and doubled his speed, sending Tyler to a new pleasure level. "Oh, ohh, ohhh. Dadaaaaa."

"Can you fuck her, Ryan? I think everyone would love to see that," said Alex. Lucas looked embarassed by his dad's question. But then everyone else joined in asking the same question.

Ryan stopped his fingering and gave his hand a sniff. "Amazing. Like a flowery vanilla," he said to himself. Then realizing he hadn't addressed the guests, "Sadly no. The doctor says it will take some working in to fit a man-sized dick. We don't want to damage this very expensive new equipment, now do we boys?"

Benji shuffled up to his uncle, pants still around his feet. "Umm, umm, Uncle Ryan? Can I please put my weenie into Tyler? I'm a big boy and I have a big penis. I want to make new sis feel good. I won't hurt her."

"Benji, honey, you can't 3;"

"It's OK, Matt." Ryan cut me off. He cupped Benji's exposed little bum and pointed at the boy's erection. "You think you know what to do with that? You know how to fuck properly, Benji?"

Benji nodded violently. "I do, I do! I know how daddy fucks me and I seen movies with girl fuck-fuck times. I good at it. I a big boy like you and daddy!"

"Well shit," Ryan said, turning to the onlookers, "sounds like the boy is ready." Benji grinned and moved to loom over Tyler, dick in hand.

Tyler finally absorbed the conversation happening in front of him. "Please daddy, no. Not Benji. Not Benji," he wept. "I'm scared."

Ryan leaned in and stroked Tyler's hair and face. "Don't be scared, precious. Benji will soon be your big brother and big brothers do get special privileges." Benji stuck his tongue out at Tyler hearing this. "And we do have to work your new little pussy in for daddy. Benji should be just the right size to start." The crying continued as Benji moved to the floor and carefully lined up his raging peanut with Tyler's glistening cunt. With a quiet grunt, he hit his target. Tyler immediately stopped crying at turned to stare at Benji, whose lanky naked torso hovered above Tyler's pink-clad chest. Whereas before the boys had been similar in size, now the close proximity drove home just how small Tyler had become. Benji began rapidly fucking his new sister, his tight little balls smacking the changing pad.

"Look, I'm doing fuck-fuck like a daddy – with a girl!" Benji yelled out to no one in particular. Tyler closed his eyes as the waves of pleasure began. The unmistakable sounds of a baby in ecstasy escaped Tyler's soft lips. The session continued for several minutes. Benji had surprising stamina, determined to prove himself to his dads and the guests. Several of our friends could take it no more and had whipped out their own members to stroke while watching the show. I couldn't blame them, but I would have plenty of time to enjoy such moments later.

Without warning, Benji suddenly stopped. He took a deep breath as if in severe pain then slowly let it out. The boy had orgasmed. As he pulled out, I saw a thin stream of cum follow the head of his penis. Amazing! Benji usually only dry orgasmed – as our toddler, we'd engineered him that way. But the intense pleasure had clearly siphoned a tiny bit of cum from those shrunken balls.

"Daddy, daddy! Look! I made squirts like a big daddy man. I'm such a big boy. Oh, daddy it felt so good." Hearing this, Tyler opened his eyes with a look of bewilderment.

"Did you like that, sweetie," Ryan asked Tyler. "Felt good, right?"

"Yesth, dada. But I wanna cum, too. I need to orgasm still!" Tyler whined. He reached down and started to rapidly finger himself. Everyone chuckled at the sight.

"Oh, honey. You're just a little baby now. It's all part of the changes. Dr. Max said it would be nearly impossible for you to get off now," said Ryan, lifting Tyler's hand away from his wet slit.

"What?! No, no, no, dada. Noooo." Tyler began crying so hard that he started to hiccup. I sprang into action and grabbed Tyler's new pacifier, but Ryan snatched it from me. He wiped it across Benji's tiny deflating penis, covering it in a thin film of the boy's semen.

"No use wasting that. And Tyler should get used to the taste of his big brother." Unable to resist the conditioned instinct, Tyler let Ryan guide the pink plug into his mouth. Tears still streamed down the side of his face. Ryan re-diapered him with the disposable, and the crying slowed with the return of some modesty.

"I have a feeling this little girl is hungry. It's been a long day and she hasn't eaten since we brought her home," said Ryan as he started to unbutton his shirt. Hearing this, Benji lovingly offered his sippy cup of synth cum to Ryan. "Thanks, bud, but Tyler can't drink that stuff anymore. That's only for big boys. Real babies need to drink breast milk."

Audible gasps could be heard. Ryan scooped up Tyler, brought him to the couch and sat him down on his lap. The guests inched closer.

"Are you hungry, sweetie?" Ryan asked while pulling the pacifier out with an audible pop.

"Yes, dada, yes. I'm weally hungwy. I want my bot-bot," Tyler whimpered.

"No more bottle for you, baby. There's only one place to get food now: straight from your daddy." Tyler looked confused.

"Are you sure it's ready, Ryan?" I asked.

Ryan opened his shirt and squeezed his chiseled pec. "Dr. Max assured me that I should be ready now. And I can feel a bit of pressure building up," Ryan said excitedly.

Another hard squeeze and to everyone's amazement a bead of white liquid sprang from his hairy nipple. Tyler's wide eyes followed the drip as it moved down his daddy's chest. Then his little nose twitched: He could smell it! I was officially thoroughly impressed with the doctor's work.

Ryan guided Tyler's head to under his now-engorged nipple and squeezed again. The drop fell into Tyler's mouth. He closed his eyes as he relished the new taste.

"That's right, little one. You can't resist it. Daddy makes your food now," Ryan said, gently pushing Tyler's head closer to his chest. "Drink up. There's plenty to fill your little belly."

Tyler needed no more convincing. With his toothless mouth, he clamped onto Ryan's nipple and sucked furiously. The guests all "awwed" and "ohhhed." Ryan let out a loud sigh of ecstasy and closed his eyes. "That's it. Drink from dada. I love my little baby girl."

With his free hand, Ryan unzipped his trousers and released his straining cock. As Tyler sucked, Ryan stroked. The feeding went on for several minutes, but eventually Tyler sucked the last available drop and leaned back in a daze, face smudged with milk. Just as the baby's lips released, Ryan blasted a huge load all over Tyler's smooth, milky legs. Lex and Trixie couldn't resist a snack themselves and greedily lapped up Ryan's cum off Tyler.

Ryan kissed the top of Tyler's head. "Well folks, there you are. Tyler, my beautiful baby girl!" Then, to my surprise, the normally shy Lucas piped up.

"Uh, if he's a girl now, sir, shouldn't, he, err, she have a girl's name?" asked Lucas. Tyler was the boy I went to school with, not a pretty pink baby."

The teenager had a point. "You make a good point, Lucas," I said. "Anyone have any suggestions on what we should call her now?" I scanned the room. Girls' names weren't exactly on the tips of these mens' tongues.

"How about Tina, daddy?" said Benji. He walked over to his baby sister and repositioned the pacifier in her mouth. "Tiny Tina!" I smiled at Ryan, who smiled back and nodded.

"What a perfect name, Benji," I said. "Everyone, meet our precious new baby girl: Tina."

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