PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Juvenile Deterrence

Chapters 17-22

17 – Mall

Five or six more newdd male juveniles arrived before the bus for Piney Hills pulled in and all the newdd's settled down on the wooded slave seats for the journey to Piney Hills Fair. Todd sat next to Daniel, which initially made Daniel a bit nervous, he was gay after all!

Piney Hills the most exclusive suburb of Eastbrook was situated as the name suggested on a small outcrop of rolling hills to the south east of town. Piney Hills looked back over the river and suburban Eastbrook. The bus wound its way out of the Downtown area and through the inner south eastern suburbs along River Road before taking the off ramp for Piney Hills Road, and then almost immediately beginning the steep ascent to the top of the hills. Piney Hills Road is a divided road, for the first mile or so, and just before the divided section ended Daniel noticed the turn off for Piney Hills Golf Club.

Cold fear struck deep at his being for it would be here that he did his community service on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

As the bus climbed the hill it passed the residences of the wealthy and influential of Eastbrook. Many hidden almost totally from view behind strong gates and high manicured hedges. From time to time slaves could already be seen sweating away and working hard in the gardens of some of these properties. There was no such thing as a weekend off for a slave.

Finally the bus pulled into the transit bay in front of Piney Hills Fair. The mall was a very prosperous and very upmarket looking shopping complex. Daniel had been there with his mum once or twice when he was younger but as it was full of designer label stores that were frequented by the well to do and the status conscious of the community neither of which his family fell into it was not a common shopping experience for him.

"Come on follow us we will take you to meet our overseer," Todd helpfully offered to Daniel.

"Thanks," Daniel replied. Todd seemed really nice for a gay guy and he hadn't tried to fondle Daniel at all during the bus trip even though he had sat right next to him.

Daniel admitted only to himself that he was slightly disappointed that nothing had happened. His opinion about gay guys was slowly changing!

The newdd's walked around to the side of the Mall and entered by one of the slave's entrances. There was a guard there who checked the contents of their backpacks and scanned their temporary collars obtaining all their juvenile details. Daniel couldn't help notice the smirk on the guards face as he arrived at the head of the queue and his flaccid little penis was revealed to the guard's sight.

"I hope you can get that up to something reasonable boy, the customers will be complaining bitterly if there is nothing to hold onto," he commented with a laugh, amusing himself but not Daniel.

They were all assembled into a back dock area by a second guard and told to stand at ease where they were until their Overseer arrived and not too make too much noise whilst waiting. Daniel noticed that all the newdd juveniles present were males and quietly asked Todd who was standing next to him, "Where are all the girls?"

"Oh you wont find any girls on this duty," said Todd, "no suitable handles I guess, though I'm sure for the older better developed girls two handles could be used!"

Daniel saw the humour in that comment as Todd smiled back at him.

"The criminally convicted girls are mostly sent to work as order pads at the three Happy Hal's Express Restaurants in Eastbrook. You've been there and seen them right?" Todd asked.

"Umm no sorry I haven't. Order pads? What do you mean?" Daniel asked.

"Well once you've decided on your meal instead of the waitress or waiter coming around to take your order you fill out this order check list, it's a bit like what you get at hotels for ordering breakfasts in your room and you pin it to a nipple clip attached to the tits of the newdd girls. They then take the orders to the kitchen. The clips are just like the ones they use at the Discipline Centre," Todd informed Daniel.

"Yeah? Wow they really hurt!" said Daniel remembering from his own experience of the clips.

"All the guys standing here have juvenile criminal convictions; this is considered one of the tougher assignments as I said back at the bus stop. I didn't ask how long your sentence was but I'm guessing more than three months?" Todd asked.

"Yeah how'd ya guess," Daniel replied?

"Oh, it seems if your sentence is over three months then they send you out to the golf club. Your Community Service Daniel is a bit each way, one day here and two there, guess they need you here on Sundays to boost the number of newdd's because it's so busy. How many convictions did you get?" Todd asked.

"Three," Daniel replied, "Trespass, Vandalism and Public Nuisance"

"Shit, no wonder you got the golf course, they really threw the book at you didn't they. Most of us are here for petty crimes like littering though some are here for more serious crimes like shoplifting. I got caught trying to steal a magazine without paying for it. Greg is here for riding his pushbike on the sidewalk causing disruption and danger to pedestrians. All the others here at the moment including Greg and me serve our three days of Community Service time here as our sentences are less than three months," informed Todd.

As they talked more and more newdd juveniles males arrived.

Daniel noticed that none of the juveniles were real young. In fact there were no ten or eleven-year-olds. There were only four twelve-year-olds. One boy who was only about four foot nine inches [1.45m] tall had a penis hardly bigger than Daniel's and this guys balls were equally small, he quite obviously was totally prepubescent and his blushing body told everyone he was ashamed of his total lack of development that made him standout as one of the few hairless boys there. The second boy was exactly five foot [1.52m] tall and at the beginning of puberty. His circumcised penis had begun to lengthen to nearly three inches [7½cm] erect, but as yet he had no pubic hair. The other two twelve-year-olds were slightly more developed, though not in penis size! One boy was five foot two inches [1.57m] tall and had the trimmed remains of light blond pubes, which did nothing to hide his manhood. He was uncircumcised and had a nicely hanging ball sack under his three-inch penis [7½cm]. The other boy was four foot eleven [1.50m] and had a rock hard two and a half inch [6½cm] penis which was at that time sticking straight out. He had only about eight short dark hairs which had not been trimmed around the base of his cock.

There were about six thirteen-year-olds who's development ranged from a boy who was under five feet [1.50m] tall and still possessed totally hairless genitals consisting of an erect penis a little over two inches [5cm] long nestled on a plump set of balls that had just began growing, through to a boy who was five foot six [1.68m] and was much more developed. He had balls that were sizeable and fully hanging; a thick penis of a good length and a pubic bush that was before it was trimmed, thick and spreading.

The largest group were the fourteen-year-olds who ranged from a boy just over five foot [1.50m] tall with an uncut penis and balls that surprisingly were both just as small if not smaller than his pre pubescent twelve-year-old colleagues. The biggest surprise was that he was still totally hairless like Daniel! The other extreme amongst the fourteen-year-olds was a boy who's towered over Daniel standing five foot ten inches [1.78m] tall with a penis that was five inches [12½cm] or more erect and pointing upwards, and who had before they were trimmed a thick bush of pubic hairs and hairy balls, which were hanging way down between his legs.

The fifteen-year-olds ranged from a guy with hairless armpits, scrotum and chest who at least he had a very thin trimmed fringe of sparse brown pubes ringing just the base of his penis, through to a guy who was at least six feet [1.80m] tall and two hundred and twenty five pounds [102kg], very hairy before he was trimmed with an almost mature penis that was six inches [15cm] erect and had at that time a big drop of pre-cum shining from its tip.

Todd noticing Daniel looking at all the arrivals said, "They have the full crew of newdd's on duty on Sundays as it is the busiest shopping day. Some work Tuesday and Thursday, others work Wednesday and Friday. The service isn't offered on Mondays and of course we are all at the Discipline centre on Saturdays so there is no service then either."

As Todd was informing Daniel of this a young woman, no more than eighteen or nineteen appeared. She called the group to attention and asked for silence. Her command was instantly obeyed. With all eyes attentively watching her she checked a printed list she had attached to a clipboard then called out, "Daniel Green and Kyle Prescott raise your hands."

Once identified the two first time newdd's were taken aside by the overseer who introduced herself as Dana Webb, informed them both that she too had served time as a newdd and then proceeded to instruct them about their Community Service duties at the Mall.

"You will be serving the Piney Hills Fair customers as a unique intelligent shopping trolley! Your customers are encouraged to direct you about the mall by steering you with your penis. A very memorable form of punishment that will greatly dissuade you from wanting to commit a criminal offence ever again," Ms Webb lectured them.

"Now some customers will not want their free citizen hands actually touching your slave hard ons so your shopping bins are provided with a container of thin rubber surgical gloves on one side which they may wear if they wish. It is your duty between customers to ensure your bin is stocked so that you do not run out. Supplies are kept in the pen where you are stabled for that purpose. If you do run out you will be punished, do I make myself clear?" the Overseer asked.

"Yes mam," the two frightened boys promptly replied.

"Like wise the other side of your bin contains a container of tissues. It is not uncommon for newdd boys to experience orgasms as a result of all the manipulations your penis will receive as you're led around the mall. By the end of today your penises will be red and sore from all of the fondling you will suffer not just from your customers but also from passers bye while you are waiting for your customers to make purchases," the Overseer stated.

"You're not trained like adult slaves to control yourselves, and I doubt that many young boys could achieve such control anyway, so we expect this to happen and provide the tissues for you to ejaculate into," Ms Webb informed the boys, then looking at Daniel's small package compared to Kyle's, which at fourteen was much more developed than Daniel's, balls fatter and fuller; penis not yet adult size, but well on the way; a pubic bush of respectable proportions, added, "That's if you can ejaculate of course."

"The rule here is if you are going to orgasm regardless of if you can actually ejaculate you must announce it to your customer by calling out loudly 'I'm cumming'. If you can ejaculate this allows the customer or you to grab a tissue for you to shoot into. If any ejaculant soils the mall you will be punished. This rule applies in the Mall even if you are off duty so be careful. There are signs posted throughout the mall warning all newdd juveniles that they will be instantly punished if they ejaculate and soil the Mall, do you understand this too?" Ms Webb asked.

Kyle seemed particularly shocked. He obviously didn't have the advanced warning that Daniel had received off Todd and Greg about the unique Piney Hills traditions.

All the other newdd's had helped each other strap on the shopping bins so the Overseer then instructed Kyle and Daniel how to attach their bins.

Kyle was shown how to fit up Daniel first. Nylon adjustable straps with shoulder pads came over Daniel's shoulders and they were joined by a short strap that ran horizontally just below Daniel's neck, then ran around under his pecs to join high up at the top of Daniel's back to a large open metal mesh bin. There was a further adjustable strap running from the base of the bin around Daniel's waist and back to the bin. On the whole it was just like a big open backpack

The whole thing was tightened and Daniel was ready to begin his first day of community service as an intelligent shopping trolley.

When all preparations were complete the cohort of newdd male juveniles was marched into Piney Hill Fair and mustered into a small pen. It was made to look like a single post and rail timber fence, but in fact it was made of cardboard. The pen was located off to one side of the Fairs Customer Information Booth. Inside the pen Daniel found himself standing totally exposed waiting for his first customer, along with the other twenty odd newdd juvenile slaves.

A big sign above the pen advised customers that the newdd juveniles in the pen were available free of charge as a community service to shoppers to assist them in carrying around their days shopping.

'Enjoy the total Piney Hills experience' the sign said and then proceeded to show diagrams of how to handle the newdd slaves by steering and guiding them by their penis.

The Overseer then ordered, too Daniel's total horror, "For those of you who aren't already, get your penis erect, now!"

"Oh shit!" thought Daniel.

Seeing some hesitation especially with Kyle and Daniel the Overseer ordered, "Do it NOW!" snapping a punishment paddle that she had removed from her belt against her palm.

Feeling totally humiliated Daniel joined Kyle and the other flaccid juveniles in rubbing their cocks. Soon all of the newdd juveniles had full erections

Usual instructions troops the Overseer instructed, "I want those cocks of yours to stay hard for the rest of the day. A boy with a hard on is essential to good customer service!"

Gradually the mall began to fill with people. Early on before the rush Daniel did not notice his father standing off to one side checking his son was all right. Nor did he see the smile on his father's face as he took in the sight of his naked son fully erect standing in line waiting to begin his first day's community service.

Daniel's first customer was a very conservatively dressed elderly lady. A middle-aged slave who she led around on an expensive looking woven gold and silver leash accompanied her. Daniel was obviously the overflow trolley for the days shopping.

It was her personal slave who was directed to 'steer' Daniel, much to the seeming delight of the slave. The Customer never laid a hand on him!

Daniel was out in the Mall for nearly three hours with just this one customer. Daniel hated shopping and he soon decided a new form of torture had been invented. He was forced to stand for long periods of time as his customer perused good and tried on clothes and shoes in various stores throughout the mall.

Finally after being burdened down with a bin full of shopping plus having his hands full with shopping bags for the last hour as well he helped the slave load the purchases into the customer's car. The customer initialled and noted the time on the tag attached to the bin indicating that Daniel had performed satisfactorily and dismissed Daniel so he was able to return to the newdd pen.

Ms Webb the overseer was there at the pen waiting when he returned and checking the tag and then her list informed Daniel he had a fifteen-minute meal break due.

"Right," said Ms Webb, "do you need to give that boner of yours some relief, before you eat, do you want relief?"

Daniel blushed at this relative stranger asking him did he want to jerk off. "Ummm no thanks mam," he replied.

"Don't be bashful boy your cock looks like it desperately needs to relax for a while," Ms Webb responded.

"Well do you want relief or not, it's your only chance till you finish your time?" Ms Webb asked impatiently.

"Yes please mam," the exceedingly modest Daniel whimpered. His penis was throbbing and anything to ease his discomfort was welcome, but asking for a jerk off was just so humiliating.

Ms Webb ordered one of the other newdd juveniles in the pen to come over, "Right this slave has requested relief; I am delegating that duty to you. You have five minutes to get him his relief, and then it's his lunch break. Get going!"

Without hesitation right there in the middle of the mall the younger boy who at thirteen already had plump hanging balls and a penis not yet adult size, but well on the way topped with a trimmed pubic bush that looked like it was very respectable in it's natural state, grabbed Daniel's penis and began stroking it.

Daniel gasped then began to softly moan as the pleasure and relief flowed through his throbbing little erection. The boy had some initial trouble getting used to Daniel's small penile size but soon worked out a good technique using his thumb and forefinger.

In less than two minutes Daniel was doing a dry jig on the spot as his little penis pulsed with another public orgasm.

The relief as the brochure had suggested was immense. Daniel located his backpack. He sat at the back of the pen and enjoyed his ten minutes of respite. Tom had packed him some sandwiches and an apple, both of which he enjoyed.

There were only three other 'trolleys' in the pen when his ten minutes were up, so he was soon out around the mall again, this time being led by a teenager not much older than himself. This guy said very little to Daniel just like the elderly matron before him but his fingers on Daniel's penis said that he was enjoying the experience. This guy was skilled at manipulating almost to orgasm but then stopping, inflicting his own form of torture on Daniel. When he did finally speak to Daniel his comment was full of torment, "Naked slaves don't deserve to come," he said a gleaming smirk racing across his face.

Like Daniel this guy was a purpose driven shopper. He quickly bought his choice of designer label tee shirts and jeans and was on his way.

During the remainder of the day Daniel was of service to a mother with a very young family and then finally a family group consisting of the mother and father plus two naked newdd boys and a fully dressed sister.

The younger of the two brothers was sprouting a skinny two inch hairless little penis that was fully erect revealing the small set of balls it usually hid. The older brothers bobbing three and a quarter inch [8cm] penis was longer and thicker than his younger brother's, and was topped by a sparse patch of thin untrimmed pubic hair. His balls were considerably larger than his brothers, at that in between stage between little boy and older teen. The older brothers mature development at the age of twelve, made Daniel very envious.

From the conversation it was obvious that the two newdd boys had just been picked up from their community service litter patrol duties. It was also obvious from the comments that this was their first and only week as newdd juveniles.

Daniel walked along behind the family, the eleven-year-old daughter steering him with glee by his erect and throbbingly sore penis.

"This is so embarrassing," lamented the older brother to his younger sibling as he pointed to his erect penis.

"Yeah I can't get mine down either," the younger brother replied.

Hearing the conversation the sister butted in gloating, "I love seeing all these stiff handles on you little boys."

"Hey, careful, with him twerp," shouted the sympathetic older brother noticing how she was roughing up Daniel's penis, "or he will be squirting in your hand."

Daniel thought 'I wish', and was amazed that the older brother hadn't noticed his humiliating prepubescent state.

"Great," gloated the sister, her brother's comments only encouraging her to go to town even more on Daniel's penis.

"Stop that," shouted the equally sympathetic younger brother.

"No, you stop that noise," the mother turned and ordered her son, "slaves should be seen but not heard."

"As far as newdd's are concerned, the mall is a touching zone. Your sister is in her right to do what she is doing. All you two have done all day is complain about being newdd's, I'm sick of your complaining," the father added to the conversation.

"Yeah, well," lamely replied the older son, "even if she is in her rights, she should be a newdd too."

"Be that as it may, the judge didn't rule that way," the mother responded to her son.

"But the judge did make you two nudies for a week," the frustrated father added, "I am sick and tired of all your winging. Your two can stop right here and masturbate your selves till you orgasm. It's time we used some of those other punishments the Judge ordered."

"Dad no not here in front of everyone," the older son pleaded. "Yeah please don't make us," the younger son added in support.

"Get yourselves hard now," ordered the dad.

"No way!" said the older son

"Do it!" shouted the dad, "or you'll be getting a public spanking as punishment as well."

The two brothers began rubbing their cocks. Soon both had boners pointing straight out.

The sister was giggling again and smirking at her brother's public humiliation.

Watching the two boys masturbate themselves to orgasm was too much for Daniel, the stimulation of his penis from all the afternoons fondling had built him up to a point of no return and as well Daniel knew that his impending orgasm was at least partly the result of him watching the boys work over their own dicks. He was really beginning to find guys very interesting!

Daniel only just remembered to call out "I'm cumming," and grabbed a tissue from its holder.

Soon both brothers had cried out to their shame the fateful words, 'I'm cumming." The younger brother having a dry cum like Daniel and the older brother grabbing a tissue from Daniel's container reached his orgasm and unlike Daniel, the twelve-year-old boy ejaculated a good quantity of semen into the awaiting tissue.

The sister was obviously disappointed in Daniel's dry effort as she commented to her oldest brother,"Well at least your mature not a little boy like this little boy."

The mother had watched both her son's humiliation and dearly wished that the judge had sentenced her daughter to time in newdd along with her brothers as requested. She was old enough, and of late she was becoming increasingly disrespectful and disdainful of parental authority, becoming ever bolder and bolder. The Judge just hadn't seen it that way!

Still the mum was already thinking of ways around this judicial setback. The mother had noticed an advertisement in her local Community Watch Newsletter last month and again this month about a new imitative called 'Taking Back Control' that was being encouraged by the Government. She had already set enquiries in motion.

As Daniel was to find out when he got home that night tired and weary that his last customers were not the only ones who had read their local Community Watch Newsletter.


A Middle Class Slave by Pete Brown. A Middle Class Slave Revisited by Steam Train. The Jeffers Kids Nightmare by Nialos Leaning.

18 – Eric

Owen Green upon his return from Piney Hills was sitting in his study thinking deeply. Tom's suggestion that he take Eric to court on a parental disposition to issue a newdd was too extreme he had decided. But what was he to do about his sons blatant disregard of his long standing instructions that no one from the family was to go the Eastbrook Discipline Centre unless on official business.

Mr. Green was annoyed again today at his son. Eric had left the house that morning without seeing him. He had distinctly told his son to see him this morning about his behaviour yesterday!

Mr. Green's eyes idled over his desk looking at nothing in particular as he thought through what to do with Eric. His eyes stopped on the local Community Watch Newsletter. He had yet to read it, there was little crime in his local community as was the case almost everywhere thanks to the reforms of Ex-President Shelley, so it never interested him normally but this time a banner advertisement at the bottom of the front page caught his attention. 'Take Back Control' it stated.

He read the advertisement, though about its contents for a few minutes then picked up the phone and rang the contact number given.

A long conversation followed with Dr Milos Learner a retired Psychologist who was also the local Community Watch Honorary Operations Secretary. By the end of the conversation when he hung up the phone, Mr. Green was sitting up straight in his chair full of attention and thought.

Tom's suggestion and Daniel's newdd humiliation and embarrassment plus the radical voluntary programme 'Take Back Control' supported by the Community Watch had resolved his problem.

Could he really do that to Eric, would he dare do it, what would his wife think of his idea?

He got up from his desk and decided to find out what his wife thought of this most novel punishment idea!

Within twenty minutes Owen and Vicki Green were driving down the street for a face to face meeting with Dr Learner!

Some hours later in the early afternoon Eric returned accompanied by Rick, Josh, Brady, Teddy, Marco, Justin, Charlie and Joey. The same group of friends that had been with Eric yesterday at the Eastbrook Discipline Centre

"Man am I glad were home, I got to go and piss as soon as I get inside, I'm busting!" Eric informed his friends.

Eric invited his friends inside. Most were older than him and in fact were his brother's former friends, but with his brothers demise Eric was big noting himself and attempting to take over his older brother's position as the leader of the gang.

The fact that five of the group with him, Rick, Josh, Brady, Charlie and Joey had Juvenile court appearances on Tuesday and could end up newdd's themselves did not worry him at that moment. In fact it gave Eric more chance of taking over the leadership of the gang.

As soon as Eric stepped inside after allowing his friends into the house, he was met by his dad.

"Where have you been?" A very annoyed Mr. Green demanded of Eric.

"Out with my friends, why?"

"You didn't ask to leave the house," Mr. Green asserted.

"Since when do I have too, especially on a weekend?" the defiant Eric answered.

"Since last night and mind your mouth son!" Mr. Green rebuked. "I told you I would consider your blatant disregard for my wishes and let you know this morning after I had cooled down and then select an appropriate punishment," Mr. Green said.

"You never said I was grounded," Eric replied indignantly.

"No I said I would see you in the morning, meaning just that! This morning! You took it on yourself to sneak out before I had the chance to talk with you," replied Mr. Green.

"I didn't sneak out! I arranged with the guys to meet at nine, no one was around when I got up, I couldn't even find Tom so I got myself a bite to eat and left. If you had been up you would have found me!" Eric stated.

Eric's friends stood around fascinated by the unfolding family drama, but not daring to move or make a sound.

The raised voices also bought Melissa and her friends Kathy, Kim and Marcie downstairs from Mel's room to see what was going on.

In his mind Owen Green was taken aback by the comment that he wasn't up. He was of course up, but locked away downstairs in the basement!

Vicki Green was giving him one of those looks that only wives can give husbands as she knew only too well that he in fact was out of bed early that morning as he often was. He choose not to go there!

"Wether I was up or not, is not the issue, I told you to see me in the morning, you should have waited," said Mr. Green.

"No you didn't," retorted Eric, "You said you would see me in the morning not that I had to see you!"

"Don't play semantics with me son, you knew what I meant and choose to twist my words to suit your requirements. Your doing too much of this lately Eric. I had decided on your punishment and your absence all morning has only helped to confirm my decision."

"And so what's that decision to be then Dad?" Eric asked sarcastically deciding to bring the discussion to a head and show off his boldness in front of his friends.

Neither Owen Green, Vicki Green or Tom missed the sarcasm, but it was Mr. Green, who responded, "Second warning son, mind the way your talking or I'll reconsider my original plan of making a disposition to the juvenile court based upon your misbehaviour and disrespect of my rules and apply to have you made a newdd."

Eric's friends gasped, Melissa and her friends gasped, Eric gasped.

"Your fortunate son that I decided not to go down that course of action," Mr. Green continued.

There was a noticeable easing of tension in Eric's body.

"Instead son I have decided to take back control and issue a domestic newdd," Mr. Green said then paused, looked at his wife then waited for the inevitable reaction from his son.

"What the fuck's a domestic newdd," Eric blurted out!

"Eric for that outburst I'm adding another two days to your original punishment of five days. I have warned you about your language and attitude too much already today!"

"Sorry dad but what's a domestic newdd," the now very worried Eric asked politely.

"Your mother and I have decided to adopt the Government sponsored initiative called 'Taking Back Control' which is sponsored by the Community Watch. The moment you enter this house from this moment on, till seven days time you must instantly remove all your clothing, till such time as you leave the house again. Further you must ask permission of your Mum, Tom or me before you can leave the house. The same punishment rules that apply for a thirteen-year-old newdd juvenile apply to you whilst you are in this house," Mr. Green explained.

On hearing Eric's new naked orders Melissa and her friends Kathy, Kim and Marcie began to giggle at the thought of seeing Eric naked.

The girls had been hanging around hoping to grab a chance to see Daniel naked, now it seemed they might be going to get an added bonus.

There were even snickers from Eric's friends who couldn't believe what they had just heard.

"You can't make me go around the house naked, no way can you," Eric asserted defiantly. "It is against the law!"

"It's not against the law son unless you step outside our house then you need a juvenile court issued, Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress. Within this house your mum and I decide the rules and if we choose to have you naked as a punishment then naked you shall be," said Mr. Green.

Again there were snickers and giggles.

Melissa was standing there thinking 'this is just so awesome, both my brat brothers naked in the house. Maybe both my slaves'! Her father disrupted her reverie.

"Ok Eric, strip off your clothes and hang them on the coat rack next to the door, you're inside and your punishment time has started," instructed Mr. Green.

"What, me get naked here in front of everyone? No way!" shouted Eric at his father.

"Oh, yes you will son," said Mr. Green, "right this instant, now start undressing!"

"No!" a defiant Eric shouted back at his dad.

"I said NOW!" shouted back Mr. Green. "You have two minutes, starting now!"

"No, you can't make me," Eric continued to protest.

"Yes I can," the now very angry Mr. Green informed his son. "And you have just earned yourselves a spanking, for defying my orders. Any further delay will only make it worst."

"I am not doing this, I am not a little boy, and I won't be treated like one, you can't make me," Eric protested again.

"Do it, or I will personally remove all your clothes in front of your friends and the girls!" shouted Mr. Green, moving towards his son

"Yeah you and who else," Eric retorted.

"Me and the Community Guardians, that's who. Your mum and I went over to the local Community Watch and registered you for their 'Taking Back Control' program earlier today. So if you try to defy me, Eric, I shall phone the Community Guardians and they will help me deal with you."

The mention of the Community Guardians bought gasps and drawn breaths from the assembled boys and girls. The Guardians were a group of semi-official volunteers whose job was to assist the police locally within the community in monitoring and correcting bad behavior.

Eric could guess how eagerly this group of local vigilantes would volunteer to help strip him. He was now getting the clear message from his father's words and actions that he was soon about to suffer a similar fate as his older brother.

Kathy, Kim, Marcie and Melissa all had huge smiles on their faces as they waited in anticipation of what was soon to be revealed.

Melissa was getting very moist between her legs as her arousal heightened. Her friends were no different. All the boys had begun to tent their shorts and jeans, much to their discomfort because they were stuck the in the entrance hall with nowhere to go as Eric's punishment unfolded.

Eric was now blushing and becoming flustered. He was quickly loosing face in front of his friends, so he made a quick decision to attempt to get out of the situation confronting him before the Guardians could be called.

The time ticked on relentlessly but Eric remained still looking for the right moment to act. His friends took his hesitance as a sign of defiance but it wasn't.

Then without warning Eric made a dash for the front door.

Mr. Green grabbed at him and shouted, "Tom, grab him!"

With the large crowd of friends around him, Eric was hampered in his getaway and before he had taken more than a few steps Tom had grabbed him followed closely by Mr. Greens grasping hands.

The Guardians were not needed. No amount of struggling, pleading, or begging made any difference; Eric couldn't break loose from Tom and his dad. Mr. Green with assistance from Tom, began stripping the clothes off him, his tee shirt, his joggers and socks, his jeans, he was rapidly heading to be as naked as his brother.

Soon the red-faced Eric was down to his white briefs. At that moment he was regretting not choosing a pair of his boxers when he got dressed this morning. He could hear the snide comments about his cute 'tighty whities'.

Kathy, Kim, Marcie and Melissa held their breaths, as did the other boys waiting to see what would happen next.

Eric pleaded one more time in desperation that he was a teenager not a little boy and should be allowed to keep wearing his briefs.

When Eric refused again to remove his briefs himself, Mr. Green made the move and after a frantic struggle Eric's dad with the help of Tom managed to strip his briefs from him.

Eric blushing profusely tried to cover up his naked genitals but his Dad and Tom grabbed his hands and held them away from his body. Mr. Green ordered Eric to stop struggling and to put his hands on his head. At first he refused but another mention of the Guardians and an additional spanking by Mr. Green was all it required to break Eric's resolve.

Hesitantly and with great reluctance Eric slowly placed his hands on his head, putting all of his hairless glory on display for the girls and his friends. They all saw immediately that, though he was thirteen years old he had inherited like his brother Daniel the Green family trait of being a later developer.

Eric was still totally hairless and had a small for his age little boy penis with an accompanying little boy's tight ball sack, which was still that small that his testicles were almost completely hidden by his penis. Eric's face blushed the reddest it ever had been, embarrassingly aware that everyone was staring at his skinny, small, just over two inch [5cm] erect penis, which at that moment was pointing up at forty five degrees toward the ceiling.

Kathy, Kim, Marcie and Melissa all gasped then burst out laughing at what they saw.

"Hey, look everyone, Eric's got a little baby boner and he is still a bald little boy down there," Kim managed to get out between laughs.

"Well, well," said Mrs. Green, seeing Eric's private parts for the first time in many years and wanting to highlight her sons embarrassment and humiliation just like the proper newdd scheme, "Looks like Eric's still a little boy like his brother. You are very small and bald still aren't you? Why even your brother's transplanted little boy penis isn't much smaller and look at your sister she is way more mature."

Eric blushed even deeper at this dig about his manhood or lack of manhood, but so surprisingly did Melissa.

"Right," said Mr. Green, "Anyone want to make a reasonable request for examination time with Eric, I'm sure he can wait a bit longer for that spanking he is due."

For Kathy, Kim, Marcie and Melissa this was unbelievable news. They were going to be allowed to inspect Eric like a real newdd not just look at him.

Kim was the boldest and moved over and stood in front of the profusely blushing Eric.

"Spread your legs," Kim commanded. Her family had a number of slaves and she had grown up watching her father and later her eldest brother carry out inspections.

"Oh God, please don't touch me, please, PLEASE don't do this," Eric begged much to amusement of his friends and the other girls.

Kim rubbed her hands up and down Eric's calves and thighs.

"Turn around," Kim ordered, and she then ran her hands over his shoulders first, then down his back, one hand on either side, with her fingers probing around into Eric's ribs.

She spent a lot of time pressing Eric's ass muscles cupping his butt, and testing and stretching the muscles there.

Everyone was fascinated and mesmerized by how expert twelve-year-old Kim was at performing such an examination.

"Face me again, boy." She ordered. The use of the term 'boy' causing Eric to blush noticeably again.

Kim ran her hands lightly now down over Eric's pecs, but she didn't pay any attention to Eric's nipples, instead she looked hard at his penis, which was still displaying a tiny but fully erect state. Finally she reached down and grabbed Eric's throbbing erection.

At the touch of Kim's fingers Eric gasped.

"Would you like relief Eric?" Kim asked.

"Fuck you, no," Eric angrily replied close to tears.

"Eric, how many times do I have to warn you about your language," Mr. Green reprimanded, "for that outburst of bad language you can have a forced relief as a punishment."

Then turning to Kim Mr. Green said, "You don't need Eric's permission this time Kim, you have mine to masturbate him as a punishment."

With a big smile across her face Kim went to work vigorously massaging Eric's throbbing two-inch [5cm] erection. Her thumb and forefinger moving relentlessly up and down, up and down Eric's penis. In no time at all a very red faced Eric was dancing on the spot, moaning and groaning, his toes curling inwards, his fists clenched as his body spasmed to a totally dry climax and he had his first ever public orgasm.

"Come on girls, have a feel of Eric's dick, its so silky smooth," Kim said to her friends.

Soon the hesitancy was broken and first the other girls including Melissa were feeling every inch of Eric's naked body then some of the boys grabbed Eric's dick and had a good feel. Prominent amongst then was Marco.

Finally Mr. Green decided his son had been examined enough and ordered, "Eric, it's time for that spanking I promised."

"Tom would you be so kind as to assist by doing the actual spanking," Mr. Green requested.

"My pleasure, Master," replied Tom as he took one of the ornamental hall chairs and sat on it.

"Over Tom's knees now!" Mr. Green ordered.

"Dad no you can't, you have never had me hit before. Please, PLEASE DON'T!" Eric begged.

"Son thanks to your brother I can see I've been too soft on all three of you. I don't hold with the extreme public discipline displayed at the Discipline Centre in Eastbrook, but I can see that a totally embarrassing and humiliating experience or experiences combined with some painfully remembered spankings can set you on a path to being a law abiding respectful citizen."

"Ok Tom lets get this over with so Eric can be a good host to his friends who have patiently put up with this interruption," Mr. Green responded.

Tom forcefully pulled Eric into position on his lap ready to be spanked. A position that gave everyone an excellent view of Eric's till now private anus and sphincter. Soon Tom was reigning down one hard hand spank after another, Eric to his shame was soon kicking, squirming, begging and crying in front of his friends and the four girls. He was proving to be less of a man than his brother who had endured not just hand spanks but the paddle and the cane.

Eric's bare bottom began turning a bright red under the relentless onslaught of Tom. Hand smack after hand smack descended upon his increasingly burning, increasingly painful backside as Tom let out years of frustration at having to service Eric's every demand and tidy up after Eric without complaint.

Too soon for the totally enthralled four girls and the eight guys, but not quick enough for Eric the show was over. Only to be replaced with a show of Eric dancing, prancing, rubbing, sobbing and jumping all about the hall.

"Eric stop that rubbing and jumping this instant and take your friends out the back and be a good host," Mr. Green ordered.

"Yes daddy," the now totally humiliated and subservient Eric replied.

The boys and the girls made their way out the back to the outside patio. On the way out the back there were hushed crude comments from the boys and girls that they didn't want Mr. and Mrs. Green overhearing as they began tormenting Eric about his lack of development and body hair as well as his little two and a half inch [6½cm] erect penis.

No sooner had they arrived onto the patio then Kathy and Marcie called out lets see if he is ticklish.

Kathy feeling totally aroused reached out and began giving Eric a tickle.

"No don't," Eric again pleaded but too late, the fingers of Kathy then the other girls followed by many other willing fingers from the guys began tormenting what seemed to Eric like every inch of his naked flesh.

"Please, no don't, please stop, please I'm going to 3;," Eric begged but his pleas just encouraged the tickling even more.

"Oh no!!!!" Eric exclaimed as he lost control of his bloated bladder, and a solid stream of urine shot out of his penis slit and spilled on to the patio floor narrowly missing his tickling tormentors. Eric tried to regain control but couldn't stop the relentless flow of piss.

Suddenly Brady and Charlie began to chant, "Piss–er, Piss–er", the others soon joined in the chant.

Eric was too broken even to care about the humiliating taunts!

Back in lounge room Mr. and Mrs. Green were both very satisfied with the outcome of their new domestic discipline scheme. "Should have done this years ago," said Mrs. Green.

"Yes said Mr. Green it feels so good to be taking back control!"


Willing Slave by Pete Brown. My Greatest Birthday Ever, Taking Back Control and Timmy's Terrible Saturday by Nialos Learning.

19 – Melissa

After leaving Eric on the back patio to clean up his mess in front of his friends, Kathy, Kim, Marcie and Melissa still had huge smiles on their faces as they went back inside the Green's residence and followed Melissa upstairs away from the guys to Mel's room.

With the door to Melissa's room closed so no one could hear, they discussed Melissa's newly naked brother. Every minute detail of Eric's naked body was thoroughly reviewed by the girls to much giggling and good humour.

Even Melissa had not seen Eric naked since she was a little girl and was fascinated how like her brother Daniel he was a late developer.

"Hey Mel," asked Marcie, "You told us Daniel was hairless and prepubescent, now we know Eric's the same. It seems to be a family trait. How come your one of the first girls in the seventh grade to get a good set of tits?"

"Luck I guess, why are you jealous?" replied Melissa.

"Yeah right Mel! Your not stuffing your bra like that tart Terri did are you?" Kim asked.

"Well I hope not," said Marcie before Melissa could answer, because if you are, you'll get found out. You don't want to end up a laughing stock like Terri Walker is going to end up."

"Look at me, I'm not conceited," said Kathy, "I'm still as flat as a pancake, wish I wasn't, but I'm not pretending I'm something I'm not. Girls who pretend they are better than their friends are not true friends. My mum won't allow me to wear a bra till I can prove I got something to fill it. She says that even though I'm twelve I don't deserve even a training bra till I have something to show for it!"

Kim, Marcie and Melissa giggled at that comment and Melissa said, "Yeah well I'm well past the training bra stage Kathy," sticking out her tits to highlight the newly developed cleavage she had grown over the last summer holidays.

Kathy blushed realising she had blurted out a private secret about herself. Her ears burning Kathy tried to turn the attention away from her embarrassing revelation and said to Melissa, "Ok prove to us they are real, your brothers sure aren't early developers."

Melissa blushed. "No way am I showing my tits to anyone not even my best friends," she responded.

The other two girls were aroused from watching Eric being stripped naked and liked the idea. So they encouraged the topic of conversation further.

"Yeah do it Mel, show us," said Kim.

"Go on, prove it," said Marcie.

Unlike Kathy, Kim and Marcie both appeared to have small rounded boobs, Marcie's appeared to be a little bigger and more developed than Kim's.

"Get lost, I don't have to prove anything to you lot. You're just jealous of my tits. I don't care about your jealousy," Melissa retorted.

"Yeah well then if you don't care then you wont mind us checking you out," Kim threatened.

"Don't you dare do that, I'm leaving!" Melissa asserted as she turned to leave her bedroom.

"Come on lets do her," called out Kim as she went to block Melissa's exit.

"Don't you dare touch me," Melissa frantically begged. But that only encouraged her friends who were all extremely aroused and pumped.

Kathy and Marcie grabbed hold of Melissa. She tried to break free but to no success, so she said, "I'll tell on you, I'm going to tell on you if you do this."

"Oh go and tell after we have had our look at you. Who cares, we don't do we girls?" said a an emboldened Kim "I'm sure your mum wont think too much of our actions, just put it down to adolescent curiosity."

Having got nowhere with her threat Melissa then in panic attempted to scream out to attract attention but Kim placed her hand over Mel's mouth and with her other hand reached out into an open draw near the bedside and picked up a sock. She stuffed the sock into Melissa's mouth effectively muffling all her shouts, pleas and begging.

Kim decided to enjoy the moment as long as possible. The thought and desire to see her friend totally naked had just entered her head. So she determined there was no better chance or time than the present to completely undress Melissa and satisfy her aroused desires.

As Melissa frantically tried to squirm and break free of the hold her two friends Kathy and Marcie had on her body, Kim began to slowly undress her friend.

"What's wrong Mel, don't want to show your best friends your titties," taunted Marcie.

"Yeah if I had boobs like that I wouldn't be so modest," said Kathy.

Melissa's sneakers came off first. Kim knelt, untying them and pulled them off. Then still kneeling she removed Mel's socks revealing that Mel had had long toes, the toenails covered with dark pink nail polish which she had carefully hidden from her mothers eyes.

Kim pulled Mel's tee shirt over her head the two girls releasing their grip on her arms just momentarily so that the tee shirt could be slipped off her arms. Melissa was revealed as wearing a white frilly bra underneath which proudly displayed two plump looking breasts.

Kim then turned her attention to Melissa's jeans.

At this attack on her lower clothing Melissa exclaimed "Stop girls! Don't! Fuck Off!"

Kim ignored her friends demands and slowly undid the button at the waist of Melissa's jeans, unzipped them and then pulled them down. Kathy and Marcie made Melissa step out of them and then Mel was standing in front of her two friends in just her frilly white matching panties and bra.

"Ok," said Kim, "let's see what's she's got, lets take off her bra."

"Yeah I want to see her titties," said Marcie.

"Yeah and her pussy slit too," said an aroused Kathy.

Her hands trembling a little, Kim went behind Melissa and began unhooking Mel's bra.

"Just stop guys ok, I'll do anything for you, ok, if you guys will just stop. I don't want you to do this, fuck please stop!" pleaded the tightly held and helpless twelve-year-old pre-teen.

The pleas were too late, the bra came undone and two designer gel pads dropped out of the bra cups to the ground. Kim then quickly whisked the bra away exposing Melissa's naked chest to view.

The three wide eyed girls instantly saw that Melissa's tits were nearly all padding just like Terri Walkers, only padding was much more professionally done.

Melissa revealed to the eyes of her friends for the first time that she had just the bumpy beginnings of breasts on her chest from which the protruding nipples were the only prominent feature.

Kathy, Marcie and Kim thought the newly revealed sight hilarious, and they all began laughing at Mel. They made fun of her totally flat little girl breasts with their prominent budding nipples, insulting her, and tormenting her any way they could.

As far as they were concerned their friend had wronged them by trying to pretend she was something she was not. She deserved all the ridicule she was getting.

"Well guess that almost proves it, the Green family are a whole family of late developers," Kathy stated.

"Oh there is one more piece of evidence remaining that will prove that for sure," said Kim and with that she quickly grabbed the waistband of Melissa's white frilly panties and pulled them down her legs.

"Oh shit! Don't guys! Please don't strip me! Please!" Melissa pleaded but again it was too late!

There was not much to see, confirming Kathy's theory on the Green family. Between her thighs, the now totally naked Melissa revealed a slightly bulging, vulva, nothing more! There was no hair to hide any part of her slit and lips from view.

After making Melissa stand in front of them with her hands on her head for a few minutes as they thoroughly inspected her totally naked body just like she was a newdd and they were performing a reasonable request examination, the girls allowed Melissa to dress.

What they didn't allow her to do was put her bra and gel pads back on. The furiously blushing Melissa was told in no uncertain terms by her three friends that from that moment on she was to go 'a la natural'. When her little titties grew enough for a training bra like Kathy was also patiently waiting to happen then she too could start wearing one but not a day sooner.

They would forgive her this once for trying to show off, but if they caught her out again they warned her, they would wipe her as a friend.

Tears in her eyes Melissa apologised profusely for pretending she was something she was not to her three friends.

When the four of them went back downstairs later in the afternoon the nine guys including Eric noticed something was different about Melissa but it took them a while to realise that miraculously she had lost her boobs.

It was Teddy who realised it first and for a while it was difficult to know who copped more teasing, the naked Eric or the dressed but now totally flat chested Melissa.

Unfortunately for Melissa it was not all over yet!

Mrs. Green heard the tormenting and came out to see what was going on. She immediately noticed her daughters change in body shape.

Eric was the first to see his mum and the look of surprise on her face. He said to her, "Melissa is way more mature than me did you say earlier mum? I don't think so! Her friends discovered a little secret that Melissa was trying to be someone she wasn't. Trying to be a woman when she is really a little girl."

"All right Eric that's enough, your points well made." Turning to her daughter she said, "Melissa I am very disappointed in you. You should be proud of who and what you are. You should not be trying to match some image you have in your imagination. Your dad and I love you whatever way you look. Your friends like you for who you are not how you look."

Mrs. Green realised while talking that her daughter had just presented her with a golden opportunity to 'Take Back Control' and impose a domestic newdd punishment. When Mr. and Mrs. Green had discussed with Dr Learner the options for punishing Eric they had also touched on Melissa and decided that she too would need, sooner or later a domestic newdd sanction to 'Take Back Control' and keep her on the straight and narrow.

Now much sooner than either Owen or Vicki Green had anticipated Melissa had presented Mrs. Green with the ideal excuse to take back control by implementing their planned family punishment scheme.

"Your way too modest about your body Melissa, I think your father's domestic newdd idea would do you some good too. Take off those clothes now and place them next to the front door. You can be newdd for forty-eight hours."

"Mum no, PLEASE! Not in front of all these boys!" Melissa begged.

"NOW," was her mum's firm stony-faced response to her pleas.

"Please mum, I don't want all the boys to see me naked. Please can't this wait till they go home?" Melissa offered in the hope of a partial but still embarrassing compromise.

"No," Mrs. Green firmly replied, "starting today as your brother Eric has already discovered, modesty and privacy for little children your age is now a privilege, not a right and if you don't believe that's the case all I have to do is make a quick phone call to the Community Guardians and they will over here at any time within a few minutes to help your dad and I enforce the new rules."

The mention of the Community Guardians bought a cold stabbing shiver to Mel's heart.

Melissa had seen the Guardians in action only recently, during the just finished summer holidays in fact, when Marcie's thirteen-year-old cousin Michael had come to spend a week with Marcie's family whilst Michael's parents had gone on a business trip.

During the week of Michaels stay, Mel, Kim, Kathy and Marcie were forced my Marcie's mum to take Michael along with them to the local park around the corner from Marcie's house, something they hated.

Marcie's cousin being just that bit older than the girls thought he was just "it."

He would bully Marcie and the girls and any other kids at the park he could find hanging around. One day he 'kicked' a boy who was about 8 or 9 off the swings. When the kid struggled and fought back a little, Michael pushed him down and made him cry. The little boy ran off up the street.

About an hour later a police officer and two Guardians returned with the little boy and he pointed out Michael who was at that time trying to chat up some eighth grade girls his same age.

The two Guardians grabbed Michael and held him by his arms. The police officer asked him lots of questions. At first he denied the accusations but by the time they had finished questioning him he had tears welling in his eyes and he readily confessed his wrong doing.

By this time about 10 to 15 kids including the girls he had been chatting up had gathered around to watch. Everyone gathered there though it was over once Michael had confessed but they were wrong.

The police officer whispered something in the little boy's ear.

The little boy giggled and without hesitation walked back over to where Michael was still being held by the two Guardians and in the blink of an eyelid yanked down Michaels shorts and then underwear, exposing his limp penis and his six or seven newly grown pubic hairs which provided no covering at all for his almost hairless genitals from the staring eyes of the watching crowd.

The little boy looked very satisfied and revenged for his treatment.

Michael blushing like he had never done in his whole life tried everything to free himself from the grip of the Guardians, but was no match for the two adults. The little boy totally removed Michael's shorts and underwear while at the same time the Guardians removed his shirt.

The police officer filled out the label on a green temporary newdd wrist band and fitted it around Michael's wrist. The police officer said, "Son if I catch you bullying anyone again I will apply for a permanent newdd to be issued against you! This time I am only issuing a temporary newdd on you for four hours. I warn you now do not try to remove it till your four hours is up and not to try to cover your naked body or else you will be naked for a lot longer."

Too frightened to move Michael just stood there naked for a few minutes blushing profusely allowing all the spectators including Mel to study his naked body and then finally when he was told he could go, Michael instantly took off running up the street towards Marcie's home to the cheers and cat calls of the assembled crowd and the smiling faces of the Guardians, never to want to return to the park again! Marcie was given his clothes to take home at her leisure.

Melissa did not want to suffer a similar fate at the hands of the Guardians. She had thought till that incident that you had to be a newdd to be naked in public, but she learnt that day that the Police had temporary powers that they could use for minor matters and the vigilante Guardians were only too happy to assist. It was bad enough being forced to be naked in the house but the last thing she wanted was to be stripped naked in public like Marcie's cousin had been.

Still thinking about the Police and the Guardians, Melissa had made no move to start undressing.

Mrs. Green had lost her patience!

She didn't need to ring the Guardians, instead she turned to the assembled group of boys who again all had tented jeans or shorts and asked. "Would you boys be so kind as to strip Melissa naked for me? You have my permission to strip every thread of clothes off her and I mean everything! If she fights you rip them off if you need to."

At first the group of boys stood there stunned at Mrs. Green's request, but finally Ricky answered, "Yes mam!" Then taking the lead he called out, "Hey guys come on, Mrs. Green wants us to strip Mel. Ricky grabbed hold of Melissa who screamed out "NO!!!!"

Within moments the other boys, including the totally naked Eric, joined Ricky.

Melissa wrestled and tried to free herself from her ravaging captors. Mrs. Green seeing her daughters determined struggling said "Tear the clothes off her if you have to. Some of you hold her down while the rest of you rip her clothes off."

Mrs. Green was really getting into the spirit of the Community Watch newdd domestic programme!

Rip and tear they did.

Melissa's sneakers and socks were stripped off her, revealing her secretly painted toe nails to her horrified mum's gaze.

"Fifteen young lady, fifteen years of age before you can even think of using nail polish. An extra forty eight hours of Domestic newdd time," Mrs. Green ordered.

At the same time Mel's perfectly good pair of brand name jeans were grabbed and pulled apart, sending the waist button flying. Down went the zipper and then the stitching in the crotch gave way. The tee shirt by the same manufacturer, sporting the company logo and name was torn off. The neck and sleeve hems provided resistance momentarily to the boys, but when the fabric separated from the neck portion it was quickly pulled over Melissa's head.

Red faced, Melissa was still struggling with those holding her arms and legs, trying frantically to cover up. Melissa's bumpy beginnings of breasts on her otherwise flat chest with her protruding nipples were now plainly on view to everyone.

Kathy, Marcie and Kim had gathered close to watch the boy's thorough work. They were especially excited about the up and coming liberation of Melissa's hairless pussy to the open air.

All eyes were on Melissa who was now only wearing her frilly white panties.

"Get her panties off," Brady demanded. "I want to see her slit."

Justin was more than happy to oblige his request.

Grabbing the frilly white panties, which he could have easily pulled down and off, he instead chose to tear them apart.

This gratified Mrs. Green who thought it added to the newdd humiliation.

As the panties were torn off, Melissa's slightly bulging vulva and hairless slit and lips came into view!

The totally embarrassed and humiliated Melissa was by now stark naked in front of all her brother's and her own friends. She began to cry profusely from the embarrassment and humiliation, which of course was the whole purpose of being a newdd, wether it was a community or domestic newdd.

"Right boys stand her up so we can all see her better," Mrs. Green ordered.

Mr. Green entered the room at that moment, he had heard what was occurring and had deliberately chosen to stay out of his wife's newdd disciplining session up till this point in time.

Owen Green ran his eyes over his daughter's naked body for the first time in many, many years and admitted, only to himself that he liked what he saw.

"Well, well three naked children in the one house, what an interesting night tonight is going to be," Mr. Green commented.

"Ok guys time for reasonable requests?" Mr. Green advised.

Brady was the first to take up the offer.

"Spread your legs so I can get a better look," he ordered.

Mel looked at her father then her mother, finally at her naked beaming brother and receiving no sympathy reluctantly spread her legs.

"Wider," ordered Brady much to the amusement of the other guys and girls.

Brady knelt down in front of Melissa and began inspecting her pussy.

"Cute little pussy," Brady commented as he inspected her totally bald slit and saw that she had a delicate pink labia and a very small undeveloped clit.

Reaching over Brady opened her with his left hand and began to push his right index finger in past the folds. Melissa wiggled and grunted as he began to do this.

Mr. Green was watching Brady closely and noticing what his intention was with his finger warned him, "Brady the Juvenile Deterrence rules prohibit insertion of a foreign object into any bodily orifice, that includes your finger son!"

The blushing Brady pulled his finger out quickly and quickly moved on to feeling Mel's tiny barely swelled breasts with their erect protruding pink nipples which jutted out to greet Brady.

"How come Daniel had a dildo shoved up him yesterday that's penetration by a foreign object isn't it?" Brady asked confused why he had been stopped.

"The dildo is considered an integral part of the masturbating machine ensuring maximum stimulation and orgasm so it is allowed under the provisions of the compulsory masturbation punishments," Mr. Green replied with surprising knowledge and authority on the subject.

Soon the other guys were feeling all over Melissa's body. She was moving her hips as she was fingered but not penetrated. She was gasping as fingers touched various spots around her vagina. Many fingers found her clit and rubbed it and she started to move faster and faster till finally with her juices flowing profusely Melissa experienced her first public orgasm.

"Well I guess that just about does today's punishment show," a very satisfied looking Mr. Green said as he turned and went back towards his study followed by Mrs. Green.

The boys all stood around staring at the naked Melissa, their penises totally erect, Eric's on public view.

The three girls were hardly better off; they were so moist and aroused.

Brady broke the impasse, "Well I guess I better be getting off home." All the others thought this a great idea and quickly followed suit.

In truth one hundred percent of the guys and gals wanted to stay and examine Melissa but overriding that desire was the even stronger urge to find somewhere private and masturbate off their raging arousals!


Taking Back Control by Nialos Leaning. Natural Boys Love Nature by Sir Cum Sizemore.

20 – Family

Daniel was nearing home that Sunday evening and it was getting late. He was required to perform Community Service from 11am till 6pm and he had been away from home since early morning, ensuring that he reported in on time across town at Piney Hills Fair. On the bus ride home most of the newdd juveniles just snoozed, exhausted from their days labours. Daniel was no exception and slept soundly his head resting on Todd's shoulder. Todd was happy to have Daniel so close and intimate but apart from enjoying the experience took no further advantage of the situation.

Todd nudged Daniel awake as the bus neared Daniel's bus stop.

"Thanks," a weary Daniel, said appreciating that Todd had not let him miss his stop.

As Daniel walked naked up Henson Avenue he was sure he saw curtains parted and blinds moved as if eyes were watching his naked progress up the street taking in his newly revealed shame. Apart form this feeling of being watched his walk home was uneventful till he reached half way towards his home when he saw Karen and Megan Prescott come bolting out of their house to intercept him.

"Hey, Daniel, how's it hanging?" said a giggling thirteen-year-old Karen who came over and stood in front of him, her eyes and those of her twelve-year-old sister who followed her both looking at his crotch. "Or, should I say, pointing?" Karen added, too much giggling from her sister.

Daniel blushed furiously at this latest embarrassment. He knew both these girls, Karen was in Eric's grade and was about Daniel's height with dark blond hair and small but noticeable breasts and her sister Megan who was in Melissa's class was about five foot [1.50m] tall with dark blond hair like Karen and was very slender of build with the outline of a training bra covering what appeared to be non existent breasts being her only noticeable feature.

The two bitches from hell, as the boys in his gang called them behind their backs, were always tormenting and belittling Daniel and his mates whenever they got the chance.

"Told you," said the smirking Karen, "We should have brought a magnifying glass. He doesn't have much there to see, he's so small and bald, wait till the others at his high school see that he's still a hairless little boy yet he's in the tenth grade."

"Yeah," said Megan," it's almost the size of our eight-year-old brother Matt's penis."

At that comment the two girls broke out in laughter and giggles again!

Daniel badly wanted to covered him self up.

"You turned 15 the other day, rite? How come you get a dick so little?"

At this comment Daniel blushed so profusely that the girls burst out snickering and laughing all over again.

After letting Daniel stand exposed and erect for several minutes as the two girls visually inspected his naked body Daniel was relieved when they did not ask for a reasonable request inspection. Instead Karen said to her sister, "Come on we better be getting on back inside before we get into trouble," and with that turned and headed back up the front path into their house, Karen making a parting snide remark, "Next time you show us your dick make sure you grow one first, short stuff!"

When Daniel arrived back at his house he went to go up the side passage and enter via the kitchen, however the side gate was locked and he no longer had keys, so he returned to the front door and rang the door bell.

He heard his father's voice call out, "Eric, please answer the door."

"But, dad," he heard his brother Eric protest," I'm naked."

Daniel couldn't believe what he heard, he was sure he had heard wrong.

"So what," Daniel heard Mr. Green answer, "whoever it is will be seeing you naked anyway as soon as they're in here."

Daniel was now sure his father said Eric was naked. How could this be?

"But, but, 3; please dad," blubbered a panic voiced Eric.

"Do, it," Daniel heard his dad order, "or that will earn you a spanking for not doing what you were told when you were told."

As Daniel stood outside Eric opened the front door. Standing before Daniel was a sight he couldn't believe.

He had heard right, his brother Eric was totally naked. Daniel immediately saw that his brother at thirteen years of age had inherited like him the trait of being a later developer. He hadn't seen his little brother naked for many years but now he saw Eric's totally hairless, small, skinny, just over two inch erect penis pointing out at him revealing its usually hidden undeveloped scrotum and testicles.

Eric's face blushed red, embarrassingly aware that Daniel was staring at his naked groin.

"Welcome to the Green household," said the flustered, blushing naked Eric, "please come in," Eric quickly added not wanting to stand exposed at the front door any longer than necessary.

Not knowing what to do or say Daniel replied very politely, "Thank you," and entered the house.

As he entered the entrance hall, his dad was standing opposite in the door way to the lounge room.

Before Daniel could say anything his father got in first and said, "We have been awaiting your return Daniel and now you are safely home there is a need for a family conference. For this conference Daniel, you're part of the family again not a newdd. As you have already noticed your mum and I have made some changes around here since you left this morning and we need to discuss them as a family. Into the lounge room and take a seat quickly," Mr. Green instructed his oldest son.

When the naked Daniel walked into the lounge room he was shocked to see that it was not just his brother who was totally naked but his sister Melissa as well.

The blushing Mel was sitting totally naked on one of the lounges exposing for the first time to Daniel's eyes her very small and only slightly bumpy, almost flat beginnings of breasts with their protruding nipples. Between her tightly clasped legs Daniel still managed to notice that his sister was totally hairless with a slightly bulging, vulva. Daniel was not just amazed that Mel was naked but really surprised how flat her breasts were. He had expected a lot more, she sure appeared to have more when dressed he thought to himself.

The sight of his brother and now his sister naked had had an instantaneous effect on Daniel's penis. In front of his entire family he had a raging one and three-quarter inch [4.5cm] little hard on!

Mr. Green called out for Tom to join them, which he promptly did and then to the obvious surprise of Daniel and his siblings Tom sat down in their presence on one of the lounge chairs. This had never happened before, just like the three children had never been naked in the lounge room in front of their parents and Tom.

"I can see you looking at Tom sitting there. I asked him to sit, he is an integral part of this family and tonight during this conference I do not want Tom or Daniel thought of as slaves, is that understood?" Mr. Green asked.

"Yes daddy," Eric and Melissa quickly replied.

Daniel thought the use of the word 'daddy' sounded funny and childlike but said nothing. Little realising at this early stage that both his siblings had received such humiliating punishment that they were now feeling much more like little boys and girls than the mature twelve and thirteen-year-olds they had previously thought they were.

Mrs. Green began the family discussion.

"Your father and I have decided to make some major changes in the way we perform discipline in this household. The Government supported by all the local Community Watch organisations has begun implementing a programme called 'Taking Back Control'. It is designed to compliment the newdd Juvenile deterrence legislation and be used for minor disciplining of juveniles within the confines of the house. As you can see Daniel, earlier today we applied this programme to both Eric and Melissa. Eric for disobeying your fathers express instructions about attending the Discipline Centre and Melissa for pretending to be something she was not and padding her breasts."

This last comment confirmed just what Daniel had been thinking. He was sure his sister's tits should have been much more developed than what he saw in front of him.

Mrs. Green continued, "Taking Back Control means that juveniles have no automatic right to privacy and modesty. That's for adults to decide, not them. The local Community Watch Association will be taking all measures possible to support the Governments belief that juveniles need to be better controlled and are too modest. Your father and I have decided to fully embrace the programme as well."

"If for discipline reasons your dad or I want you naked, then that in the future is what will happen, and if you don't cooperate with these requests then the Community Guardians will call around to enforce our decisions." Mrs. Green added.

"Taking Back Control encourages parents and adults taking care of Juveniles to consider the use of nudity as a punishment because it has proved to be so successful in the newdd Juvenile Deterrence Programme. If your dad or I choose we can make you naked in private places anytime we like." Mrs. Green informed her children.

"What kind of private places, do you mean not just in our own home?" a horrified Melissa asked.

"At home, school, at other people's houses, both inside and in the back yard if fenced off and reasonably private and private community functions not open to the general public like a meeting or club. If we have visitors here at home whilst you are serving naked punishment time then they will see you naked too."

Under other circumstances, Daniel might have been elated at the news that his siblings could face such humiliating punishment, but in his present predicament, it did nothing to make him feel any better.

Mrs. Green continued, "Taking Back Control is also aimed at regressing a trend that the Governments psychologists believe is growing into a major problem and that is that juveniles are too concerned about their bodies, covering up and dressing up when not necessary or sensible. They call it false modesty and we have clearly seen a good example of that exposed today in Melissa's behaviour where she had purposely gone out behind my back and purchased special purpose designed pads to make her look like she was not still a little girl."

Melissa blushed profusely at this rebuke.

"It's not healthy for juveniles to be that way about their bodies is it Melissa?" asked Mrs. Green.

"No mummy," Mel replied knowing that was precisely the way she had been about his own body.

"Exactly," agreed Mr. Green, "It's not healthy for your development, that's why we changed the rules here at home. Your mum and I have been too lenient on you all and allowed you to get away with too much, I am afraid. Look at the result of that leniency; you have taken advantage of it. Daniel is a fully blown newdd, Eric blatantly ignores my rules on attending the Discipline Centre and Melissa was so modest about her body, that she tried to pretend she is someone she isn't."

Mr. Green continued, "You need to learn very quickly children that in this authoritarian world that has developed since Ex-President Shelley changed the world you must obey your parents! Why? Well the greatest fear your mother and I live with in this world is that you will be fully enslaved. The thought of loosing any of you forever is so unbearable that we will do anything no matter how terrible or perverse it may seem to you to ensure that that does not happen."

"If you were enslaved you do not just loose your freedom but you are lost to us forever. Neither your mum nor I could live through that, we would be devastated. Slavery permeates this country now. It is accepted and it does not take very much for a person to slip from citizenship into slavery. Some juveniles were born and bred as slaves and know no difference, others only a year old than Daniel when they turn sixteen are sold into slavery by their parents to make money."

"How a parent could do that to their own children I will never understand but it happens. It will never happen in this household," Mr. Green asserted.

He continued, "Parents teach their children and sometimes children teach their parents. How do you teach us? Well from the moment you were born we as your parents see the world all over again brand new and through your eyes. We see things in more vibrant colours, we hear new music that fills our souls, we learn from your successes and failures, from the moment you first learn to walk when you fall down and get right up and try again till you master the ability to stand, walk and run. For a parent these things say it all. It says to us that you know who you are and that you love us! It reminds the parent that every child deserves to be respected."

"You may think that your mum and I show no respect for you in making you go naked around the house, for spanking you and for allowing your friends to inspect your naked bodies, that we as your parents are supposed to take care of you, protect you. Well we are doing this because we want to protect you. We love you and it is the desire to protect you that makes us do this. We are so thankful that we have you that our actions though they seem harsh and callous to you are in fact done out of love."

"I don't want you to feel that what your mum and I have done means we have stopped loving you. The greatest thing god ever created is family. No matter how hard 'Taking Back Control' may get for you, you need to know that you will always be loved in this family. In this authoritarian world it is all too easy to forget that!" Mr. Green concluded.

Mrs. Green reached across and hugged her husband when he finished talking. She knew this was a special moment in the life of her family. The children sensed this too; the teary eyes of Tom showed he was equally moved.

It was Tom who spoke next. "Children I have cared for you since you were born, a slave normally does not have the opportunity to say this to his masters but in this special time together I want to say it. Like your parents I love you too. The thought of anyone of you falling into slavery like I did scares me as much as it claws at your parent's hearts. Slavery I can tell you from personal experience is the sound of sadness, the sound of loneliness, the sound of torment and pain, the sound of absolute cold hard obedience. Slavery is a deathly silence; don't let that sound of silence grow any louder in this family. Be so very careful and learn from the experiences your parents are forcing on you."

"Ok guys now you know exactly why your father and I embraced this programme. We owed it to tell you exactly how it is. It's been a big day lets go eat, I'm starving," Mrs. Green said.

"Oh before we go," said Mr. Green, "the next Community Watch meeting will be here at our house on Wednesday evening. All of you are still on nude time then so be prepared for quite a few visitors."

Neither Daniel, Eric nor Melissa looked at all pleased with that news as they would all still be naked Wednesday night! Especially Melissa who now realised that if she had not painted her toenails she would have been out of naked time on Tuesday evening. Now she was not only going to be nude on Wednesday still but that on the roster of door answering duties with her brother, Wednesday was her day to answer the door.

"Come on Daniel, let's serve our masters dinner," Tom directed.

Wearily Daniel rose to his feet and followed Tom out to the kitchen as the rest of the family adjourned to the dining room.

Eric and Mel may have been taken back under control and stripped naked but they were still free citizens and would be served like usual at the dinner table by Tom and Daniel.


Monday the first day of being a newdd at school dawned early for Daniel. Tom made him help with breakfast preparations and the serving of breakfast before he was allowed time to pack his school bag.

As usual Daniel left the house with Eric and Melissa, both of whom were very subdued. Unlike Daniel they had been allowed to dress before leaving the house but in their minds they knew the actions of their parents would make them prime targets for discussion at the Middle School if their friends blabbed. Daniel had no doubts that when his pathetic package was seen by everyone at the High School he was going to cop it worse than almost any other newdd had ever suffered.

"Well stuff them he thought, I can get through this just like I did the Mall and the Discipline Centre."

Their walk down the street was uneventful till they passed the Prescott house. Karen and Megan had obviously waited till Daniel was passing to leave for school. They immediately swooped on Daniel and accompanied him all the way to the end of the street and the bus stop. Karen couldn't help herself and comments about Daniel's bald little package were soon flowing freely from her mouth.

"Leave him alone Karen," Eric said defending his brother.

Daniel was impressed by his brother's change of attitude and made sure Eric noticed his smile of thanks.

Whilst Karen was still thinking of a come back to Eric's demand her sister Megan said, "Shit would you take a look at Mel, she's as flat as a pan cake," and began hysterical laughter, to which Karen soon joined in.

Melissa blushed as red as she had when stripped naked yesterday.

"Forget your pads Mel," a taunting Megan asked. "Why I have tits bigger than you, your not even wearing a bra yet!"

"Shut the fuck up Karen," Daniel burst out.

"No you shut up, slave, you know the rules, slaves only speak when asked a direct question. Give me your Discipline Book now." Karen demanded.

Reluctantly knowing that refusal would only lead to more trouble, Daniel retrieved it from his backpack and handed it to Karen who opened it and made a note of his swearing and disrespect. Karen then read all the details of his weekend punishment and this set off a new round of taunts but at least it distracted attention from Mel's newly revealed flat chest.

At the bus stop twelve-year-old 7th Grader Brian Ridge from Melissa's grade was already waiting with a group of other students and seeing the naked Daniel approach, couldn't resist the opportunity to inspect Daniel at close quarters. "I would like to inspect you please."

"Fuck off Brian, I'm busy catching the bus," Daniel responded.

"Where is your discipline book, Green," Brian responded cockily, "I know the rules and whilst your waiting for the bus you can't refuse a reasonable request and I just made one. Now I will ask again and if you refuse I will record your failure to respond in your discipline book. Now I would like to inspect you please."

Defending his fellow school mates rights, 8th grader Mathew Nichols a friend of Eric's interjected, "The rules say he, and anyone else, can touch you Daniel, all they want, except during class and other times when you are engaged in activities, as long as they don't bring you to orgasm of course!"

Daniel knew he was beaten; so he reluctantly granted permission for Brian to inspect his body.

Daniel assumed the inspection position, standing with his legs apart and hands on his head as first Brian then other curious young hands began feeling all over his naked body. Hands that grew bolder and bolder, until they were outright masturbating him.

It was Mathew's posh voiced and mature acting fifteen-year-old sister Heather who was in Daniel's grade who warned the juveniles to go steady reminding them that they were not allowed to deliberately masturbate a newdd to orgasm.

As other children appeared at the bus stop catcalls and taunts were flying in all directions about Daniel's naked body and Melissa's flat chests.

For Daniel the embarrassment was made worse as his small penis was now fully erect after his inspection for everyone to see just how small he really was. Daniel already needed no reminder that his first day at school under newdd sentence was going to be a very embarrassing and he suspected painful one as reasonable requests were made to inspect his naked body.

Just then, the elementary school bus pulled up, all the youngest juveniles boarded the bus and as it pulled away from the curb there were cheers whistles and taunts as the students already aboard noticed Daniel was naked. Daniel also noticed that he wasn't alone in his distress. Two twin newdd's, ten-year-old pre pubescent fifth graders, a boy and a girl were standing about a third of the way back in the bus, staring back at Daniel with teary eyes.

Once the elementary bus departed, the Middle and High School kids were left at the bus stop. The number quickly grew as middle and high school students who didn't have to accompany younger siblings began arriving. Soon, after numerous requests many new sets of hands were feeling up Daniel who was edging closer and closer to another public orgasm.

Daniel was very glad when the Middle School bus pulled in and removed the bulk of his tormentors. Like the Elementary School bus, there were other naked newdd juveniles on this bus as well, including a profusely blushing totally flat chested Terri Walker who seemed to be the centre of attention.

Daniel was never so relieved when his own school bus pulled in and he could get away from the torture at the bus stop.


A Middle Class Slave by Pete Brown. A Middle Class Slave Revisited by Steam Train. Taking Back Control & Timmy's Unpleasant Encounter of the Mechanical Kind by Nialos Leaning.

21 – School

When Daniel's bus arrived he had been glad to alight and get away from all the fondling he had experienced but his morning trauma was not over yet.

Being a slave he was not allowed to sit, as the school buses did not have designated slave seats like the public buses, instead Daniel had to stand in the aisle.

The movement and vibration of the bus made his already aroused penis and balls stay close to orgasm. It was all Daniel could do to stave off this public humiliation but just as he thought he was gaining control of his body Heather Nichols moved to the seat adjacent to where he was standing.

"Hey, great show," gloated Heather in her posh voice, as she stared at his bouncing little erection.

"For you, maybe but not me," muttered Daniel.

"Well," said Heather, "No one asked you, you're a slave so keep quite. I think school's going to be one great show all day, and you're going to be one of the main stars."

"Please, Heather," begged Daniel, "just leave me alone at school please."

"Just as long as I can inspect you now," replied Heather as she made her reasonable request and instantly began fondling Daniel's privates before he could protest.

Daniel didn't say another word all the way to school, knowing he was not allowed to talk unless spoken too and Heather was content just to fondle him without engaging in any further conversation. To Daniel's great amazement he managed to avoid reaching a climax and orgasming during the entire trip to school despite Heather's gentle but constant fondling.

The walk from the school bus stop into the schoolyard was horrendous for Daniel. Request after request was made to inspect him. A huge crowd soon gathered around him as word of this prepubescent 10th grader with a 'pin dick' spread around the schoolyard.

Daniel was saved from continued fondling and the inevitable orgasm by an announcement over the school public address system that any new newdd students were to report immediately to the Deputy Principal, Mr. Anderson at the Administration Office.

The summons also allowed Daniel to decline any further requests made of him as he hurried to meet Mr. Anderson.

Daniel was not alone in being a new newdd. There was one 9th grade boy and girl and one other 10th grade boy fronting Mr. Anderson as newdd's for the first time.

Daniel's penis again erected fully as he took in the sight of the two naked boys, the first, the 9th grader was a shortish boy named Bryce Lloyd with only a few sparse short brown pubic hairs above his cock in comparison to the 10th grader David Parker who though short had a well spread thick pubic bush, hairy legs and arm pits and even a smattering of chest hairs. The girl Melody Andrews was considerably taller than all three boys including Daniel even though she was only a 'fresh'.

She had a nice figure. Her fair hair was very fine and her breasts were firm and pointed, her waist and stomach were trim, while her hips were showing signs of broadening and between her legs was a perfect triangle of fair curly pubic hair.

Mr. Anderson having given this speech many times, waisted no time in informing the new newdd's of the rules that governed their conduct whilst in school.

He informed them that, "As newdd Participants in the Juvenile Deterrence program they would be expected to assist and co-operate with teachers where requested in the performance of their lessons and extra curricular activities."

Mr. Anderson continued, "Teachers may ask for your participation and demonstration beyond that usually allowed under civilian reasonable requests because of the added educational value your assistance and participation can bring."

"The Juvenile Deterrence legislation allows your school, to make determinations regarding the validity of reasonable requests and the right of schools to use newdd's in extra curricular activities and classroom demonstrations has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court."

"newdd's," Mr. Anderson continued, "may not decline a teacher's request to assist in a lesson or extra curricular activity unless that request involves sexual intercourse, the insertion of a foreign object, or would result in physical harm or pose the danger of imminent physical harm to yourselves or to your classmates. This requirement in no way conflicts with your right to wear appropriate safety equipment as described in the Juvenile Deterrence Act."

"Examples of activities which may require significant active involvement by you may include, but are in no way limited to include, posing for art, photography or cinema classes, serving as a live training aid for health, biology, maths, physical education or sexual education classes, acting as a research subject for sociology or psychology classes."

Mr. Anderson continued, "Where you are involved in a school related extracurricular activity, the director, advisor, or instructor for that activity may request additional activities similar to those above. Activities, which are subject to these rules, include but are not limited to, the school newspaper and it's journalists and photographers, yearbook photographers, chess club, debate teams, and all similar clubs, athletic and sporting teams, cheerleaders, bands and choir."

"Whilst in class and undertaking school sanctioned extracurricular activity your status as a newdd does not under any circumstances prevent you from being involved in that activity. You cannot be discriminated against whilst performing that activity as a newdd. Any questions?" Mr. Anderson asked.

There was deathly silence. All the students had seen examples of how newdd's were used in class by teachers from time to time, all four of them present this day were just hoping that no teacher found a need to use them.

Finally almost in unison all four answered, "No sir."

Daniel's time in class the first morning proved to be a bit of an anti-climax. Each time he walked into a new classroom to start the next lesson there were comments and giggling but as soon as the teacher arrived and lessons began Daniel was safe from the fondling hands. By lunchtime the embarrassment and humiliation had begun to subside. Most of the student body had glimpsed his shameful secret and the novelty was beginning to wear off.

At lunch the Juvenile Deterrence rules allowed him to eat in peace and he joined the other newdd's at the tables in the far corner of the cafeteria. Now he was fully a newdd and one of them even Greg Pearson was hospitable. Todd Riddell again asked Daniel to sit next to him and this time Daniel did so with no reservations.

His former friends Rick, Charlie, Brady and Josh sat a few tables away themselves ostracised by the student body due to their impending court appearances, however their close friends Teddy, Justin and Marco sat with them still. The four boys facing court appearances tomorrow looked anything but happy. The boys hushed conversation occasionally stopped and all eyes turned to look at Daniel, and then they would huddle back together and continue talking.

Finally about half way through the lunch break when Daniel had finished eating Josh was pushed by the other boys out of his seat and made to go over to Daniel at the newdd table.

Greg Pearson was the first to notice Josh standing near them and in his inimitable gruff manner asked, "What do you want you little 'fresh' pipsqueak? newdd's can't be disturbed during lunchbreak."

Ignoring Greg's question the slightly built Josh haltingly asked, "Daniel the guys would like to talk with you, would you come out into the courtyard with us?"

Daniel was worried about this request as his first thought was that they were going to gang up on him and bash him.

Josh noticed the reaction as he quickly added, "We just want to talk and you are not allowed to sit at the normal tables and there are not enough spare seats for us to join you. The courtyards more private but still in public so you will be safe I promise we mean no harm, we want to be friends again, please lets talk this through," Josh begged.

"Go on we will keep an eye on you," Todd said in encouragement.

So Daniel got up, took his back pack and followed Josh out to the courtyard, Teddy, Justin, Marco, Rick, Charlie and Brady all got up also and followed them out of the canteen into the open courtyard. They found a quite space sufficient distance away from a group of seniors that they could not be heard and sat in a corner on the edge of the garden wall.

Brady broke the silence, "Daniel were sorry for ostracising you, we realise now that you had no choice. The police even got Rick and my prints off the cans of spray paint, so they would have traced us eventually. We have got to go to court tomorrow and we know we will be newdd's too by the end of the week so it's stupid us ignoring you, you're one of our best friends, we want to keep it that way. Will you forgive us?"

Daniel knew instantly that he would forgive them but decided not to show that he was desperate for their friendship so he paused for a few seconds.

"Please Daniel be our friend again," Josh begged.

"Yes please Daniel," added in Marco.

With a big smile Daniel said, "Friends, sure."

There was an ulterior motive in some of the boy's repentance and this soon became clear, this however didn't worry Daniel, he was just happy to have his friends back.

The four prospective newdd's were desperate to find out all about what happened at court, the punishments and community service. Daniel was only too happy to tell them all the painful details of his experiences to date. By the time the end of lunch bell rang out there were four even more worried boys heading off back to class.

The first period after lunch was the whole school assembly. Daniel had to stand up the back with the other newdd's away from the seated free students. This assembly was mostly routine and boring but this day's assembly turned out to be anything but mundane.

The entire student population were issued with brochures that the Principal Mr. Demoscino went on to explain in great depth to the student body. For Daniel the contents of the brochure were not entirely new. It introduced to the student body of West Eastbrook High the new Federal Government initiative called 'Taking Back Control'. There was hushed silence as the Principal explained how parents and schools were being empowered by the Government to take back control from their children and students.

Mr. Demoscino informed the student body that from this time onwards any student under twenty one years of age attending any elementary, middle or high school or a college was liable to sanctions imposed under this new government initiative designed to re-establish in every household and every school and college who was in charge. In future, at school that would be teachers and only teachers. They would make the rules, rules which the student body would have to obey or else severe and embarrassing disciple would be enforced for even minor matters!"

The threat of discipline for even minor matters that would not qualify for being made a newdd bought a gasp from the assembled students but nods of support from the teachers.

Mr. Demoscino continued, "Discipline within the school will in future follow the standards set by Juvenile Deterrence. Hand spankings on the bare bottom and nude time within the classroom are sanctioned and have been authorised by the District Schools Board at their meeting last Friday."

"This Government initiative also encourages that modesty and privacy for juveniles is a privilege, not a right. Temporary nude time is to be encouraged both as a form of punishment and also simply as a means to reduce excessive modesty even when no punishment is required. Temporary nudity and examination requests within the newdd guidelines are allowed within the confines of the classroom, a school assembly if not open to the public and the Principal's office which have been ruled as private non public space as defined under the 'Taking Back Control' guidelines, but not the school yard or corridors which are public spaces."

"Taking Back Control," continued the Principal, "is all about encouraging a focus on discipline for minor matters to prevent you students from ever becoming permanent Community Servants. It is also about learning to accept that nudity when authorised for community servants, newdd's and in private with your family or your class is normal and natural and your modesty should not interfere with this natural situation."

After the assembly finished the last class of the day for Daniel was maths. As Daniel arrived there was a constant stir of comments about the new Government inititive. Unlike Daniel who had experienced it's consequences in his own home most of the students had not yet realised how drastically it could effect their lives.

"Good afternoon class," Miss Chee, the maths teacher greeted her class as she entered the room and went to her desk.

"Good afternoon, Miss Chee," the class responded.

Looking around her class Miss Chee spied the naked Daniel. "Daniel Green in view of your new newdd status and the news of the new 'Taking Back Control' inititive, I suspect it will be hard to keep anyone's attention on the lesson this afternoon so why don't you come up here and we'll use you to do a little practical applied maths."

"Sorry miss Chee what do you mean?" a suspicious Daniel asked.

"Come out the front Daniel and stop questioning, I need you to assist me with this lesson, seeing you are a newdd, that is a reasonable request, is it not?"

"Umm, yes mam," Daniel hesitently agreed.

"Now, class, we will use Daniel, for a few exercises in applied geometrical calculus as we calculate the volume of some of Daniel's geometric solids!"

"And which solids were you thinking of Miss Chee, his cock?" called out Fred Myers from the back of the room, triggering a wave of snickers.

Miss Chee shot him a sharp piercing glare but only said, "Yes,Mr. Myers that is a possibility, though you'll note it is not exactly a constant geometric shape. This comment bought a further blush to Daniel's cheeks and snickers from the class. "So, how class, should we approach this problem?" Miss Chee asked.

"By constant stimulation, Miss Chee," wisecracked Fred Myers again.

"That will do,Fred!" Miss Chee snapped back.

"I suggest that the shaft of Daniel's erect little penis is approximately cylindrical and the head of Daniel's penis could be described as a parabolic solid," Miss Chee informed the class ignoring Fred's attempt at disruptive behaviour.

Miss Chee then went over to the white board and began writing, while Daniel stood totally exposed on exhibition before his maths class as Miss Chee created a set of problems based on his erection.

Once she had drafted the problems Miss Chee, to Daniel's horror removed a fabric tape measure from the draw of her desk and asked the whole class too in turn, measure the length and circumference of Daniel's penis and penis head so as to obtain raw data for the problems at hand.

As Daniel suffered the humiliation of being measured and his most private of statistics being recordered by the entire class, Fred Myers again muttered a comment to his buddies that triggered a guffaw from one of them.

"What was that, Mr. Myers?" Miss Chee asked sharply. "I'm sure you'd like to share that comment with the rest of the class."

Not realising the danger to himself in continuing to show off in class under the new 'Taking Back Control' rules, Fred did share his comment to the whole class. "I said, it looks to me like we're dealing with some pretty small values as far as Green is concerned."

That brought a wave of laughter from everyone, except Daniel and Miss Chee, who looked very unhappy about Fred's comments.

"Your ridicule of your fellow classmate is not appropriate Mr. Myers. I believe a scientific comparison might be in order," Miss Chee responded tartly. "Please come up here, so we can have another example to measure Mr. Myers."

"What?!" Fred exclaimed, "You can't make me do that! I am not a newdd."

Miss Chee brandished the brochure that spelled out the rules of 'Taking Back Control'. "Mr. Myers the new Government Inititive permits me to summon other students to participate in the 'Taking Back Control' program on an ad-hoc temporary basis within this classroom which is deemed a private space. I wish to remind you Fred, that you either co-operate with my reasonable request, or you risk the imposition of disciplinary sanctions."

Muttering under his breath and nervously running his fingers through his brown, slightly unruly hair, Fred made his way to the front of the room, gradually turning a shade of pink as he did so.

"Strip please Mr. Myers," Miss Chee ordered.

"Please Miss," Fred begged.

"Any more begging,stalling and time wasting Mr. Myers, and you will be my first spanking, now hurry up and strip so we can have a comparison to check measure," Miss Chee curtly replied.

Fred's shirt came slowly off revealing he was quite hairy for his age and he made a self-conscious show of flexing his pecs, grinning at the girls as he did so.

"Don't dawdle Mr. Myers, we don't want class time to run out before completing this exercise," said Miss Chee. She had long been frustrated by Fred's attitude in class. He was bright, but he did only enough to get by in her class. Being a feminist his macho attitude didn't endear him to her either. Now she finally had the means thanks to 'Taking Back Control' to put Fred Myers firmly in his place.

Fred removed his shoes and socks then slowly unfastened his belt and he lowered his jeans and slid them off, then he hesitated.

"Everything off." Miss Chee ordered. "Before I count three, or it's a spanking as well for you."

There were muffled giggles from some of the girls in the class and awestruck silence from the boys as they fully realised for the first time the implications of the new inititive, 'Taking Back Control'.

Blushing a hot pink, Fred slid his boxers down and kicked them off enabling him to cup his hands over his genitals and prevent his most private of parts from being seen.

"Hands away Mr. Myers, so the class can get a good view," Miss Chee ordered as she rapped his knuckles with a ruler and he reluctantly exposed himself.

There was a hushed silence in the room, as if everyone was holding their breath. Fred may have been mature and well developed when it came to height and body hair but his penis had not kept up with his bodies development. Fred's penis was as erect as it was possible for it to get, yet its puney three and a half inches [9cm] barely emerged from it's thick covering of pubic hairs.

'Well we certainly are dealing with some pretty small values!" Miss Chee joked, bringing laughter at Fred's expence from the class.

Fred like Daniel had to suffer the humiliation of having his penis measured so that the whole class soon knew just how small he still was before both he and Daniel were allowed back to their seats to calculate their own erection statistics.

When the the class bell rang, Miss Chee informed the class, "Tomorrow we will continue with this exercise, bring in your proposed solutions to the two problems we've established, the volume of the two irregular cylinders and the volume of the two parabolic solids. Thank you all for your participation, class dismissed."

This was Daniel's first experience at newdd participation in a lesson but he knew it was very unlikely to be his last!


Carl Naked in School by Peregrinef. Taking Back Control by Nialos Learning

22 – Golf

When Daniel arrived home from school on the Monday afternoon he immediately had to set to work assisting Tom. When his brother and sister arrived home Tom met them at the front door and he relayed Mr. Green's instructions that they were to undress immediately they entered the house. Blushing instantly they both stripped naked before Tom and placed their clothes on to the clothes rack.

Not long afterwards to Mel's obvious horror her friend Kim arrived and Melissa answering the door, as it was her duty that day and had to let her in.

"Like your dress sense," Kim teased, pity about the flat chest though!"

"Ok Kim leave it alone," Mel replied. She could see that Kim was enjoying her newfound status over her and was determined to claw a little respect back.

Trouble was she was powerless to do much except get her friend to stop tormenting. Kim was standing in front of her fully dressed wearing jeans and a tight fitting top that highlighted her small rounded boobs. She was obviously far more developed than Melissa who desperately wanted to cover up her naked shame but was unable to do so. If Kim had boobs then she must have pubes too thought Mel.

Things were even worse at the beginning for Eric who had to endure a visit from the whole Henson Street gang. They came to be with Daniel but were disappointed when Tom informed them politely that his master had left firm instructions that Daniel was to work after school, not relax.

Eric left the house to hang out with them and this at least allowed him to redress. This fact was not lost on Melissa who soon convinced Kim to go back to her house with her so that she too could dress on leaving the house.

That night after dinner Daniel received another pleasant surprise and Eric and Melissa suffered further humiliation.

As Daniel was clearing the dinner table Melissa again asked Daniel would he prepare her bath for her.

"Yes mam," Daniel replied trying to sound pleasant and happy but not really succeeding.

"A good idea Mel," Mr. Green commented, "And when it is ready Daniel, I want you to call Mel up and personally wash her."

"But I can wash myself," Melissa objected in horror to her father's new idea.

"Maybe, but today I'm ordering Daniel to wash you just as an added reminder of who is in control in this house," Mr. Green firmly instructed.

At this news Eric started giggling, but his merriment was short lived.

"Don't sound so happy son, Daniel will be washing you straight after Mel's bath is finished!"

"Dad no, can't Tom do it if this must happen, not Daniel please," Eric begged.

"Enough, it is Daniel's duty tonight to be on bath duty," Mr. Green said putting a stop to the complaints.

When Melissa's bath had been run and she had been summons into it Daniel stood there not knowing what to do next. At that moment his father opened the bathroom door and from behind him instructed.

"You can get to your feet Mel so Daniel can wash you thoroughly."

When Melissa was slow to move Mr. Green ordered, "You better stand up fast or you'll be having your bottom smacked ."

Melissa rose reluctantly from the water. She was shamefully aware of the eyes of the two males, her father and her brother examining her body at close range.

On his father's instructions Daniel began soaping around Melissa's face and throat.

"Lift up your arms for your brother," Mr. Green ordered.

Melissa obeyed and she squirmed as her brother's soaping fingers began to tickle her. Worse was to come when Daniel began to soap Melissa's chest. She was horrified to find her nipples standing up hard as waves of sensation flowed over her. She squirmed away, hunching her shoulders.

"Stand straight Melissa," snapped Mr. Green.

His own erection indicating that he like his sister was aroused Daniel began working his way down to the top of her legs.

Melissa knew what was going to happen even before Daniel began to lather her hairless pubic region. More shameful sensations began to flood her body and she gasped and squirmed as Daniel's soapy fingers slid over her most private and intimate parts, rubbing her immature clit and edging up into her vaginal slit.

Though he wanted to linger his fingers in there longer Daniel moved on and washed down Melissa's legs.

"Turn around," Mr. Green instructed and Daniel soaped Mel's back. The twelve-year-old knew now as Daniel's hands moved down to her lower back that her dad would order Daniel to wash her bottom and hated the thought.

She had the strangest thought at that moment and hoped her bottom was properly clean.

"Melissa bend forward," came the command from her father. Melissa bent and felt her cheeks being pulled apart and then she felt Daniel's soapy fingers brush her sensitive sphincter. This tickled too in an oddly pleasurable way, which caused her to again wriggle and squirm.

"A bit ticklish, hey?" chuckled Mr. Green as Daniel washed down the backs of Melissa's legs.

Her bath over Daniel emptied the water and prepared a new bath for Eric.

Eric behaved very similar to his sister. He was mortified that his brother was feeling his naked body all over with his soapy fingers. He could not say anything because his father stood in the bathroom doorway and gave orders that ensured every inch of his naked body was washed thoroughly by those marauding soapy fingers of his brother.

When Daniel's fingers began soaping the silky smooth hairless skin around Eric's genitals, Eric could not withstand the sexual arousal and he began to moan and twist and squirm his body.

"Stand still," Mr. Green ordered.

Try as hard as he could Eric could not stand still and as he approached an orgasmic climax his whole body shuddered and his throbbing dick pulsed to the feel of Daniel's soapy fingers. No cum shot forward from Eric's penis but the feeling was obviously just as intense for the prepubescent thirteen-year-old.

Daniel didn't know what to do after he had finished his bath duty. His own penis was raging with a very painful erection. He desperately wanted to go off and masturbate himself but he knew the newdd rules prohibited that and if caught he knew he would be in big trouble.

The though entered his head what he would like to do but it was such a shocking thought that at first he rejected it. If you had told Daniel even a day ago that he would be thinking about asking his younger brother to jerk him off he would never have believed it. He still couldn't believe he was seriously thinking of offering himself to his brother. Sexual desperation is a powerful force and Daniel at this time would do just about anything to have relief! Relief that was legally sanctioned and he was allowed to request under the newdd guidelines.

Mustering all his courage and fortitude Daniel went into his brother's bedroom and asked Eric for relief.

Eric couldn't believe his ears when he heard his brother's weak voiced request.

"What? Did I hear you right bro, you want me to give you relief?" Eric questioned in disbelief.

"Yes," Daniel meekly replied.

That request was all it required to brake the barriers down for Eric, because without even pausing to think over Daniel's request Eric reached out and had his fingers clasped around Daniel's penis stroking him, while saying, "Huh, you like this big brother? I think you do, don't you Daniel?"

It was quite a show in Eric's bedroom. Daniel was trying to hold out as long as he could, so he could gain the maximum satisfaction from his relief, going as far as pulling his now throbbing dick out off Eric's grasp before thrusting it back into Eric grasp.

As Eric continued to manipulate his brother's shaft and balls Daniel was mere seconds from his climax, so he quickly let his brother know that he was about to orgasm. Daniel screamed, "I am cumming!" Then went into dry spasms. He rocked back and forth, moaning, then opening and closing his eyes in disbelief, before finally gasping out "Oh man. That felt so good Eric, thank you so much!"

After that moment the relationship between the two brothers was forever irrevocably changed.

Tuesday at school was a little better than Monday for Daniel. The new Taking Back Control rules were being forcibly and enthusiastically enforced by all the teachers and this resulted in a seemingly endless stream of other children ending up the centre of attention not Daniel.

Most of these students it seemed were just required to strip naked and suffer the humiliation of being exposed for the first time in their life in front of their fellow classmates, which was bad enough, however in Daniel's third period history class the teacher Mrs. Yates took the 'Taking Back Control' programme one step further and ordered one of the students, Drew Greer out to the front of the class for not paying attention.

She positioned Drew facing the class behind her teacher's desk and said to the class, "Class, as part of Drew's punishment you get to choose if you want Drew to lower his underpants or to take them off completely?"

The class hardly hesitated to think over an answer before chanting in reply, "Remove them, remove them completely."

Drew's burning red face at this decision was sure something to look at.

Mrs. Yates told Drew, "Take all your clothes off, fold them, and set them on her desk."

You could see Drew was taking a quick rough eye measurement, to see if the teacher's desk was high enough to keep the class from seeing his most private parts when he was naked. Slowly Drew slipped his clothes off, folded them and put them on the desk as instructed.

"Now go around to the front of the desk and lean over it. Once you are in position put your hands behind your neck and leave them there," instructed Mrs. Yates.

Drew turned an even darker shade of red at this new order. It meant that the class would be able to see all of Drew's naked body.

"Please Mrs. Yates, please don't make me do this," Drew begged.

"Little boys have no reason to be this modest, this modest attitude is just what Taking Back Control is trying to prevent." The comment about 'little boys' caused some snickering but Mrs. Yates ignored this and just folded her arms and stared at Drew till he wilted in resolve and moved around and bent over the desk quickly so as to hide his genitals from the view of his class.

He was that quick in moving that Daniel and the rest of the class were prevented from seeing what Drew had to offer.

Mrs. Yates said. "Drew, you have a choice to make. You can have thirty hand spanks now, or you can have fifteen spanks today and fifteen tomorrow."

It only took Drew a few seconds to decide he would take all his punishment at once.

"Drew, each time you remove your hands from behind your neck I will start the count over again," Mrs. Yates informed the sweating nervous looking Drew Greer.

Mrs. Yates then began a ruthless spanking of Drew's butt. Each time her hand hit it's target it made a very noticeable sound. Mrs. Yates counted out the strokes. The third one hit slightly below his buttocks brushing against Drew's hanging scrotum and Drew instantaneously reached back and tried to block the next blow.

"Drew, I warned you not to move your hands or we would start over," Mrs. Yates warned.

"But it hurt miss, you hit me in the balls," Drew yelled.

"Move up the desk further then," Mrs. Yates said, pulling Drew further across the desk until his head and shoulders were over the far edge.

"Now, put your weight on your legs instead of the desk, I want your belly off the top."

In order to do this Drew had to spread his legs out to the side.

"Good," said Mrs. Yates as soon as Drew's arms were behind his neck again.

"Now we can start all over again." Mrs. Yates informed her miserable recipient.

Soon there was the tell tale sound of crying and sobbing as tears ran down Drew's cheeks as the smacks continued to rain down on Drew's ever reddening bottom.

When the spanking was completed Mrs. Yates ordered, "Stand up and face the class with your hands behind your neck."

Drew stood up and exposed myself to everyone in the class. Drew had a smooth hairless taught chest. He did however reveal as he raised his hands and placed them behind his neck that he had small patches of short light brown hair under his armpits. A small patch of brown pubic hair surmounted his erect four and a half inch [11½cm] cock, which was sticking up at forty-five degrees above a smooth hairless set of pinkish balls.

Mrs. Yates asked Drew "Do you think that the spanking I gave you was sufficient?"

What a question! Daniel thought to himself, as if he's going to say no!

"Yes, I do," to no ones surprise Drew answered.

"Right then back to your seat and pay attention in future. You can stay naked till the bell," Mrs. Yates informed the despondent boy.

Drew's punishment was a further learning curve for the pupils as it was crudely and painfully bought home to them how much the rules had changed. They all knew they lived in a very authoritarian society, with its forced slavery and newdd juvenile justice but now the total authoritarian nature of the state was being bought right into their living rooms and classrooms where they could no longer pretend to ignore it!

Just before lunchtime Daniel's friends returned to school having been seen early in the session at the Juvenile Court. Over lunch Daniel heard how they had been bought before the Judge as a group with their parents permission and had to present themselves for a medical examination tomorrow or Thursday before sentencing on Friday. They had all pleaded guilty.

Apart from the continuation of his maths lesson Daniel was not used for any special lesson assistance the remainder of the day. When the final bell went he hurried quickly out of school and following Tom's written instructions caught a normal bus from in front of the school into Downtown Eastbrook.

There he caught the next bus to Piney Hills. There were other newdd's on the bus with him who he recognized from Sunday at the Mall.

After the bus turned into Piney Hills Road, and began the long steep ascent to the top of the hills for about a mile or so, the turn off for Piney Hills Golf club came into sight. Daniel pulled the bus indicator and alighted at the corner of Piney Hills Road and the entrance road to the Piney Hills Golf Course. No one else alighted with him.

As Daniel walked alone up the long sweeping drive, which seemed to wind on forever he was swept away into another world. All sign of suburban civilisation disappeared and the sight and smell of the lush green growth of the magnificent Piney Hills Golf Course took over his senses.

Finally Daniel emerged from the trees into the parking lot, partly filled with expensive cars and the occasional pony-slave standing at rest tethered to hitch rails in front of their master's slave hauled carriages.

As he walked on further Daniel stopped momentarily as he saw for the first time the unique Piney Hills caddies in their two enclosures at the edge of the parking lot between the first tee and the clubhouse.

Daniel had heard stories of the way that caddies were dressed at Piney Hills, or rather, undressed!

They' were totally naked, with only a small strip of Mohican hair on their heads and tattoo stripes running down their heads, arms, bodies and legs. And they were wearing chain 'waistcoats,' similar to the shopping trolley baskets that can holster a set of golf clubs and at the same time keep the caddies' arms neatly at their sides out of harms way. It was very difficult to tell any of them apart as they stood there in the shade, it looked as if they were all clones, and it was only the small differences in their heights that distinguished them in any way at all.

Daniel knew that for a while the caddies had been made to cover up their nakedness once the decency laws were enacted but the patronage numbers had fallen when this novelty was removed and eventually the club's board had won legal approval to have the common slave caddies naked again as the courts ruled the club's grounds were private property and out of the publics view.

Off to the side of the main caddy pen there was a smaller enclosure, which had a much smaller number of clothed slave caddies, wearing the clubs khaki polo shirt and slave shorts with stripes that lined up with their tattoo markings. These were the elite alpha advice caddies who could be hired to provide not just carrying services but actual course advice to assist their master's golf game.

Daniel knew better than to enter via the main entrance and instead following the signs went around the right side of the building till he came to the Slave Master's office.

Nervously he knocked on the door and waited.

"Come," he heard a voice bellow out.

Daniel entered and took up the slave's position in front of the Slave Masters desk. The Slave Master, Ben Woods was a balding stocky man who appeared to be in his mid sixties. He was sitting at his desk reading a newspaper. He didn't look up and Daniel stood there for what seemed like minutes and this built his tension, however he remained very still in the slave position awaiting instructions.

Finally the slave master put down the paper and looked at Daniel. "You must be the new newdd starting his four months with us every Tuesday and Thursday?"

"Yes sir master, Daniel Green sir," Daniel gushed out.

"Right well I run a tight ship around here boy. I have lots of permanent slaves to worry about so I don't expect or want to hear anything about you till the day your time is up, is that understood?"

"Yes master sir," Daniel replied.

"Wait outside my office and I will fetch one of the slaves to take you and show you your Community Service Duties, dismissed."

"Yes sir," Daniel replied and moved out and stood outside the Slave Master's office.

He was not standing there long when two elderly but sprightly Negro slaves appeared and introduced themselves.

"Hello boy I'm Jim and this is Bill, the master has asked us to help you settle in to your Community Service. You may call us both 'Boss'."

"Hello Boss," Daniel replied, "I'm Daniel Green sir."

"Not sir, boy, that title is for free citizens, no were just boss, boy understand?"

"Yes si 3; Ummm boss," Daniel stuttered out.

"Right boy we've lost count of the number of slaves and newdd's that have passed through this place in the sixty years we have served our masters here. Bill and I even remember when our current slave master was but a boy following in the shadow of his father who was slave master here going on fifty years ago. If either of us can be of help just ask, we have seen it all over those years, the good and the bad."

Daniel was dreading the next part of his induction; he had convinced himself he was going to be used as a public urinal, just like Greg Pearson had told him. When Jim and Bill slowly lead him into the foyer of the locker rooms his nervousness mounted. Perhaps he thought newdd's were used at the clubhouse as well as half way through the course.

Jim and Bill took Daniel over to the wall between the men's and ladies locker rooms and there against the wall stood a little shoe-shine stand, a couple of raised leather chairs, with a platform along the front so that the shoes are about a foot or so off the ground.

There was a length of chain with a leg manacle coming from a hasp in the wall on the right hand side of the stand and a similar chain on the left only it was firmly attached to the ankle of a newdd female.

"On your knees, Boy", Bill ordered. He brought the manacle end of the wall chain and fastened it to Daniel's right ankle.

"OK boy, here's the routine. Your right ankle is chained to the wall so you can't wander away. You are to stay kneeling as you need to be down there to shine the masters shoes. If you are caught standing up you will be punished like a slave should for disobeying the rules."

"You cannot drink, piss or shit whilst on duty, but, if you're really desperate, there's a red button in that box in the front of the stand, press that, and one of us will get here as soon as possible but it's intended for emergencies only, you are not to soil the members foyer. Make sure you're really careful not to get any polish onto any masters socks or slacks either, as any form of complaint will result in punishment!"

Bill and Jim locked Daniel to the chain and left him with his female newdd companion. Daniel was just relieved that all he was required to do was shine shoes, which he felt could never be as bad as being a public urinal.

There were no customers for a while and with no one around Daniel turned on his knees to have a close look at the girl. He instantly recognized her as Sarah Thompson; the twelve-year-old sentenced for shoplifting just before Daniel. Sarah's little breasts, firm and pointed with prominent, dark pink nipples were displayed right before Daniel's gazing eyes and her equally prominent vaginal slit shaved of it's once fine fringe of curly brown pubic hairs also taunted Daniel to the point that his little penis was soon fully erect betraying his arousal to Sarah.

Daniel introduced himself to her and she did the same to him but then Sarah suggested they should be quite because they would be punished if caught talking and then pointed out the security camera monitoring them.

Soon some members began returning to the locker room after their game and when they emerged cleanly washed and immaculately dressed Daniel and Sarah seemed to have an endless stream of customers. Daniel's arms soon ached from all the polishing. Even worse was the incessant pain in his knees and legs, from having to kneel all the time on the hard marble floor. No thought had obviously been given to providing a kneeling pad, and so Daniel was forced to keep moving constantly to try and ease the aches.

It didn't take long before Daniel was sick of shoes, sick of the smell of polish, sick of members coming and laughing at his small bald appendage, sick of the guys who slipped their other shoe off as Daniel cleaned their other one and used their socked foot to gently caress his balls and penis in an attempt to see him erect and try and make him orgasm.

Daniel didn't know if it was the men or the women members who were the worst at staring at his tiny 1¾ inches [4½cm] erect penis but after the first hour or so, he didn't care. Like the mall and school he soon became adjusted to his new humiliation.

When Bill came to release Sarah and Daniel at 6pm that evening they were both tired and sore from their two and a half hours of almost non-stop labour.

Fortunately the majority of the players had to come off the course at least an hour before Daniel's time was up as it was getting too dark and so the pace of work had slackened near the end of their time, and he had been able to sit on the ground with his legs crossed relieving the pain for short periods of time.

As they walked with Bill who was taking their Discipline Books to the Slave Master Ben Woods for signing Daniel asked Bill about the rumour he had heard of newdd's serving as public urinals.

"Ewwwe yuck," squirmed Sarah on hearing Daniel's comment.

"Yes it happens sometimes boy, but not usually for first time offenders like you two, unless it was a very serious crime. That type of Community Service is reserved for second time offenders. Never seen a third timer come back after taking the piss out of the good masters," Bill chuckled, though Sarah and Daniel could hardly suppress their revulsion.

On the bus home Daniel reflected on his afternoon at the golf course. It was boring and hard on his knees but it was nothing compared to what he had expected. He felt the urge growing in his groin for relief. All the stroking by those socked feet at the shoe shine stand and now from the vibrations of the bus was arousing him. He needed to gain relief, would his brother be interested again?

Daniel got his relief that night at home and got to bath both his brother and sister again as a bonus.

By the Wednesday at school Daniel had settled into a normal newdd routine and the novelty of his small appendage had worn off most of his tormentors except for Karen and Megan Prescott at the bus stop in the morning.

The Wednesday might have gone well for Daniel but he was very worried as were Eric and Melissa about the Community Watch meeting at their house that night. A lot of the local neighbourhood were coming and all three of them would be naked!

They all were hoping that their parents did not have any further plans to demonstrate to the neighbourhood just how effectively they had 'Taken Back Control'.


A Middle Class Slave Revisited by Steam Train. Shoe Shine, Boy! by Pete Brown. uaabb Code of Conduct by Aldric.