Bad Uncle:
Lust Und Leid, Teil 4 [ ped, anal, inc, viol, sm ]
Lust Und Leid, Teil 5 [ ped, anal, inc, viol, sm ]
The Davis Family Sex Stories - Weeing with Mother [ Mfbg, ped, ws ] Reviews
The Pornographer, Part 1 [ m/m/f, voy, porno, pedo ] Reviews
The Pornographer, Part 2 [ m/m/f, voy, porno, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Story Of Little KK, Part 1 [ FF, g, bd, sm ]
The Story Of Little KK, Part 2 [ FFg, bd, sm, spank, fdom ]
Very Good Girl:
[ profile ]
Very Good Girl's profile
I'm a women, in her thirties who still lives with her Daddy.
My Daddy, My Lover, Part 1 [ g, 1st, lolita, inc, fath, dau ] Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
Wednesday's Child [ inter, multi, Fg, spank, tort, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Tarzan's Mate, Part 1 [ mg, best, humil, anal, oral ] Reviews
Emily Osment's Celebrity Fuck Fest, Part 2 [ mff, cons, size, oral, anal, creampie, celeb ] Reviews
Anal Al:
Vicky's Wine Enema [ enema, humil, nosex ]
[ profile ]
Corn53's profile
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Lilly In The Research Project, Part 1 [ F/g, photo, anal, finger, vibe, 1st, orgasm ] Reviews
Diola Dragontail:
The New Swimsuit [ Mg, inc, pedo ] Reviews
Ed Taylor:
[ profile ]
Ed Taylor's profile
Just a guy
Importing Penny, Part 3 [ Mg, pedo ] Reviews
Lousia May:
[ profile ]
Lousia May's profile
I write about romantic and frequently erotic adventures between women and girls. If you have scenarios you always wanted to see fleshed out, or things you want to send me, or just plain old lavish praise, I would LOVE to hear.
Stagestruck, Part 1 [ Fg ] Reviews
Stagestruck, Part 2 [ Fg ] Reviews
Stagestruck, Part 3 [ Fg ] Reviews
Stagestruck, Part 4 [ Fg ] Reviews
Girl From The Street, Part 1 [ Mg, MF, anal, inc, inter, ped ] Reviews
Girl From The Street, Part 2 [ Mg, MF, Fg, anal, inc, inter, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Black Beth [ Ffg, bd, spank, sm ] Reviews
Erinnerungen [ M/m, inc, homo, spank, rape, anal, bd ] Reviews
Leper Messiah:
The Lost Episodes: Episode 1 [ Fm, 1st, anal, sitcom-parody ]
The Lost Episodes: Episode 2 [ F/fm-teens, exh, inc, anal, sitcom-parody ]
The Lost Episodes: Episode 3 [ FFM, teens, voy, inc, 1st, anal, parody ]
The Lost Episodes: Episode 4 [ MFMF/mf-teens, ped, inc, bi, orgy, anal ]
The Lost Episodes: Episode 5 [ Ffm, inc, voy, exh, anal, orgy, parody ]
Mars Bonfire:
[ profile ]
Mars Bonfire's profile
Long time pervert, first time author.
Dallas In Texas, Part 2 [ Mg, pedo, oral, anal, cons ]
Bella's Bum [ Mg, inc, anal, oral, ped ] Reviews
Lilly and Daisy, Part 1 [ gg, F, MM ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Isle of Girls, Part 7 Reviews
Sarah [ Mf, ped, 1st, voy, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Fuck Camp, Part 7 [ mgb, oral, anal, ws, scat, tor, best, humil ] Reviews
Slave Girl In Training Punishment Manual [ M, g, enem, nosex ]
The Governess: Jan Gets A Spanking And Enema [ FF, g, enem, spank, nosex, humil ]
A Punishment Enema For Britney: The Punishment Service [ F, M, g, nosex, enem, spank ]
Eva And Her New Mistress [ F/g, cons, d/s ] Reviews
Josefine [ inc, oral, anal, sp ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Iagonova's profile
I've written stories like this on the old Lolita Bondage site, some of which are on ASSTR. Others are a site Which Must Not Be Named
The Special Student, Part 1 Reviews
Ivana K.:
[ profile ]
Ivana K.'s profile
Volim čitati priče o malim curicama kad ih jebu u guze.
Jebanje Male Djevojčice, Dio 2 [ MMMMg, rape, pedo, anal, oral ] Reviews
8, 12, 16, 18 [ rom, con, nc, inc, Mg, oral, anal, pet ] Reviews
Larry Mason:
The Three R's Reviews
[ profile ]
PornMaker's profile
Stories about old and young, particularly lil wannabe starlets and their deluded parents (LOL) and what theyre willing to do to achieve their dreams.... also about good ol' 'pt porn productions, inc.' always feeding your inner kink.
Jimmy's Audition, Part 5 [ Mb, 1st, pedo, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Writer, The Mother And Her Daughter [ MFf, bd, sm ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UKSnowy's profile
Retired perv and voyeur
Just a Feel Dad [ Mf(16), inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
moviebuffvaliant's profile
I love kids from four to seventeen, from boys to girls. I also love movies.
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl [ mf, fant, ScFi, furry, 1st, cons, anal ] Reviews
Anonymous Master:
Master William's House Of Pain, Part 1 [ M/b/b, bdsm, rape, humil, nc, tort, milking, slave, pedo ]
Susis Prügel-Strafe [ MMF/g, spank, anal, oral, bd, tort ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Story Of Little KK, Part 3 [ FFg, other females, bd, ds, sm, humil, ws ]
[ profile ]
TheDarkKnight's profile
Just another dirty old man with a lot of time on his hands and a head full of erotic fantasies.
Ice Cream Ike [ Mff, cons, pett, oral, anal ] Reviews
Very Good Girl:
[ profile ]
Very Good Girl's profile
I'm a women, in her thirties who still lives with her Daddy.
My Daddy, My Lover, Part 4 [ g, M, pedo, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
Connie Matson - Pole Dancer [ F+, gg, spank, rough, exhib ] Reviews
[ profile ]
asbo's profile
Plenty of ideas - just short on talent and time!
Caboose [ Mg, nc, bd, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Tarzan's Mate, Part 2 [ Mf, best, exhib, more ] Reviews
Hentai Schoolgirl Model [ gg-bi/b, M+, 1st, anal, cons ] Reviews
Anonymous Master:
Father Brennan's Boys, Part 1 [ M/priest, bb, cbt, spank, humil, rape, tort ]
Father Brennan's Boys, Part 2 [ M/priest, orphans, bbb, abuse, humil, pedo, tort, spank ]
Father Brennan's Boys, Part 3 [ M/bb, F/b, bdsm, rape, humil, nc, tort, denied orgasm, milking, slave, pedo, med ]
Father Brennan's Boys, Part 4 [ viol, M/priest, pedo, bb, cbt, spank, humil, rape, tort, viol, ws ] Reviews
Der Nikolaus [ M, g, spank ] Reviews
Charles Dodgson:
[ profile ]
Charles Dodgson's profile
Love this new site with just the stories I like to read and to write. Also love hearing from my readers about our mutual interests.
Familia Immediata [ pedo, cons, inc, rom, ero, teas, sist, gg, Mg(7)g(9) ] Reviews
[ profile ]
InfamousI's profile
I am but a man with a sometimes dark and disturbing mind, and though I love, respect, even adore and worship women of all ages, my fantasies often turn to women of the younger variety and/or rape and sometimes even beyond. And though it can often be hard for me to write these fantasies down, those I manage to, I'll share with those of you who may enjoy them.
From Tragedy to Debauchery, Part 1 [ M/g, inc, fath, dau, 1st, oral, anal, pedo, cons ] Reviews
Ivana K.:
[ profile ]
Ivana K.'s profile
Volim čitati priče o malim curicama kad ih jebu u guze.
Male Lezbijke [ gg, les, pedo, mast, anal ] Reviews
Fruehreif, Neugierig Und Verdorben, Teil 4 [ MF, f, g, cons, inc ] Reviews
Not so good Dad:
[ profile ]
Not so good Dad's profile
Just another guy who loves stories about beautiful young women
The Riding Club, Part 2 [ Mf ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Trouble With Isabel [ MMFF/gg, bond, sm, whip, inc ]
[ profile ]
Taakal's profile
I am a guy who loves to write erotic fiction and I will only write stories with 100% consensual sex that's done out of pure love. I prefer when the approach comes from the child and when the sex takes place within the family. Further subjects in my stories are pee-games and animal-sex.
Ich bin ein Typ der gern erotische Geschichten schreibt. Der Sex in meinen Geschichten wird immer zu 100% einvernehmlich sein, Gewalt in jeglicher Hinsicht verabscheue ich. Normalerweise geht in meinen Geschichten die Initiative sogar von den Kindern aus und findet bevorzugt innerhalb der Familie statt. Außerdem lass ich gern auch Pissspielchen und Sex mit Tieren in meine Geschichten einfließen.
Lisa, Part 1 [ g/beast, extreme-ped, voy, 1st, ws ] Reviews
My Girl, Teil 2 [ MFf, hairy, feet, ws, scat ]
Angelfuck [ inc, fath/daugh, spank, rape, nc, anal ] Reviews
Agent Provocateur:
Fiona, Part 9
Sonia [ M, g, slow, cons, pedo, lolita, spank, sm ] Reviews
Bad Candy:
[ profile ]
Bad Candy's profile
I like fantasies, especially ones involving the taboo and the obscene. Not much interested in bathroom stuff, and willing gleeful submission to violent sexual behaviours is at least as fun as forced submission.
Nikki's Game: Best One Ever! Reviews
Wollust [ M, b, b, g, spank, anal, oral ] Reviews
Blackmailed By My Daughter!, Part 1 [ Mg, 1st, cons, pedo, blkm, inc, bd, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
InfamousI's profile
I am but a man with a sometimes dark and disturbing mind, and though I love, respect, even adore and worship women of all ages, my fantasies often turn to women of the younger variety and/or rape and sometimes even beyond. And though it can often be hard for me to write these fantasies down, those I manage to, I'll share with those of you who may enjoy them.
From Tragedy to Debauchery, Part 2 [ Mg, 1st, cons, pedo, inc fath, dau, oral, anal, fist, squirt, ws, enem ]
Jack Frost:
A Little Bit of All [ M/g, M/b, F/g, pedo, oral, les, gay ] Reviews
Bully Fun, Part 1 [ mb, nosex, nc ]
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 2 Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
Kindergarten Mind-Reader [ MF, Mf, Mg, gi, cons, rom, nc, pedo, lolita, rape, het ] Reviews
[ profile ]
TheDarkKnight's profile
Just another dirty old man with a lot of time on his hands and a head full of erotic fantasies.
The Candy Sale [ Mg, Fg, 1st, cons, lolita ] Reviews
Cum Fight '99 [ MFff, orgy, bukkake ]
Antonio Green:
[ profile ]
Antonio Green's profile
Professional writer of nonfiction trying his hand at boy erotica of all types. Please note the NEW email address.
Taking Timmy's Tookus, Part 3 [ bb, tb ws, scat, oral, anal, lac (incidental), inc ] Reviews
Timo [ M, b, anal, oral, spank, pedo ]
Barefoot Guy:
Sam's Saga, Part 6 [ m/b, bond ]
Sam's Saga, Part 7 [ m/b, bond ]
Sam's Saga, Part 8 [ mm/bb, bond ]
Sam's Saga, Part 9 [ mm/bb, bond ]
Sam's Saga, Part 10 [ mm/bb, bond ]
Sam's Saga, Part 11 [ mm/bb, bond ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Twilight and Dawn [ M/g, ped, spank, reluc, rom, vamp ] Reviews
Becky's First Fuck [ M/g, F/g, M/f, F/f, ped, inc, mom/dau ] Reviews
The Adventures of Fagman and Allboy [ Mmb, fant, nc ]
Mr Punch:
[ profile ]
Mr Punch's profile
A strange person
The Gift [ g, b, 1st, mag, Fdom, humil, pegging, het, d/s, oral, anal, ws, scat ]
Kiddie Movie Convention [ M/g, b/g, oral, group, cons, pedo ] Reviews
Naked City:
[ profile ]
Naked City's profile
I love to write about public nudity. Most of my stories involve children either being naked in public or having sexual intercourse.
Rick Dennison, Talent Agent, Part 1 [ mg, exhib, nosex ] Reviews
P. Apple:
An English School Girl [ rape, inc, fath/daug ]
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Mr Panda Stare [ poem ]
Play And Tell, Tinkerbell [ FM/fg, bond, inc ] Reviews
Meine Kleine Geliebte [ M, g, inc, ped, oral ]
Sara The Squealer [ mb/g, tickl, fet, bond, nosex ]
Cuckold Wimp John:
The Costume Party [ cuckold, inc, inter, spank, pedo, cd ] Reviews
Naomi's New Games [ Mg, MMMg, anal, oral, inter, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Chair: String Of Pearls [ F/f, sm, bd ]
Sex Writer:
[ profile ]
Sex Writer's profile
I have a vivid imagination. And I love reading and writing child erotica.
Sweet Little Whore, Part 2 [ g11, g9, g8, MM, cons, oral, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 3 Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
Consequences, Part 1 [ multi ggg, spank, rough, tort, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
The Preteen Girls' Disciplinary Softball Game [ M/g, spank, reluc, rom ]
[ profile ]
Doktorwu's profile
Doktorwu used to write stories for asstr, then stopped, but was inspired by Loliwood to give back a little. He likes 12 year olds because they have that new car smell.
12-Year-Old Sandwich, Part 1 [ M/ff(12), con, drug, oral, anal ] Reviews
Horny Mommy:
[ profile ]
Horny Mommy's profile
I'm new here and this is the first story I post. You can see my interestes from my writing: incest, little girls, daddy/daughter relationship mostly, but not exclusively, with mother's consent. Of course my interest are not limited to these, but these are the strongest ones. I'm available for chat and emails.
Forming a Family, Part 1 [ MFf, slow, pedo, nosex(yet) ] Reviews
Naked City:
[ profile ]
Naked City's profile
I love to write about public nudity. Most of my stories involve children either being naked in public or having sexual intercourse.
Rick Dennison, Talent Agent, Part 2 [ Fmgg, rom, cons, inc, moth, daugh, exhib ] Reviews
Torbens Mamma, Teil 1 [ mom, son, inc, ped ] Reviews
A Weekend with Our Uncle, Part 1 [ bi, inc, spank, oral, teen ]
A Weekend with Our Uncle, Part 2 [ bi, inc, spank, oral, teen ]
A Weekend with Our Uncle, Part 3 [ bi, inc, spank, oral, teen ]
A Weekend With Our Uncle, Part 4 [ bi, inc, spank, oral, teen ]
Mein Kleiner Wildfang [ M/g, spank, inc, anal, oral ]
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
The Berserker and the Preteen [ M/g, machine/g, spank, reluc, rom ] Reviews
The Archduke and the Little Princess [ M/g, spank, reluc, rom ] Reviews
Cuckold Wimp John:
Aaron's Family [ inc-fam, cuck, M/M, M/b, M/F, F/f, anal ] Reviews
Gary X. Alexander:
Josh and Missy, Part 1 [ Fmf, 1st, reluc, inc, cous, voy, solo ] Reviews
Horny Mommy:
[ profile ]
Horny Mommy's profile
I'm new here and this is the first story I post. You can see my interestes from my writing: incest, little girls, daddy/daughter relationship mostly, but not exclusively, with mother's consent. Of course my interest are not limited to these, but these are the strongest ones. I'm available for chat and emails.
Forming A Family, Part 2 [ MFg, nosex(yet), pedo, humil ] Reviews
Pied Piper:
[ profile ]
Pied Piper's profile
Love fantasie stories involving very young girls.
Yummy Mummy, Part 1 [ F, g, M, fant, pedo, inc, moth, nepi, les, lac ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Quiet Day
[ profile ]
TheDarkKnight's profile
Just another dirty old man with a lot of time on his hands and a head full of erotic fantasies.
Curious Kitty [ Mf, Ff, ff, cons, lolita, ic, bro, sis, uncle, niece, oral, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UKSnowy's profile
Retired perv and voyeur
Pay Back Time [ Mff12/13, voy ] Reviews
Torbens Mamma, Teil 2 [ Fm, inc, Mf, ped, beast ] Reviews