Lilly In The Research Project, Part 1

[ F/g, photo, anal, finger, vibe, 1st, orgasm ]

by Corn53

Published: 4-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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This is fiction.

"What kind of research, Mommy?" Lilly asked. It was Wednesday night.

"It's some kind of medical thing, like a kind of developmental growth study. That's what she told me, like once a month for the next four years until you're a teenager, so until your thirteenth birthday. And I'll get a bonus just for signing you up and taking you to your first session. Actually I got the check already, but it's not signed, so I can't cash it until your first session with Dr. Vicky, the researcher. She's getting her doctor's degree, like in research. She says it will only take about an hour or so, once a month. She'll examine you and ask you questions and take a few pictures and that's all there is to it. Each year that you have perfect attendance, I'll get a nice bonus for that year, besides the monthly checks. And at the end of the program I'll get a really nice bonus if you've had good attendance the whole time. I won't tell you about those things, but you will get twenty dollars after each session. And it's your money so you can do whatever you want with it."

Then the questions started, hardly giving Dana, Lilly's Mom, time to answer a question before she asked her next question.

"Like what kind of research? What will I have to do, and what do you mean by exam?"

Dana put her hands palm-up towards her daughter, and laughed. "One question at a time, Lilly. And we have to keep this between just us. You can't talk about it with your friends. But it's kind of medical research as you grow up. You'll be nine years old in two weeks, so she wants to start this coming weekend, before you even turn nine. It will keep going until you are thirteen or until you have your first period, whichever comes first. But she said, that no matter when your first period is, you could still keep doing the research project until you're thirteen."

"My period!" Lilly looked horror stricken. "I don't want to have those! Sometimes I wish I wasn't a girl! That sounds so yukky."

"It's OK, Honey, and she..."

"Why don't boys have to have them? It's not fair!"

"You could talk with Dr. Vicky about those things during your sessions. She told me that you two will talk about anything and everything.

Lilly interrupted, "Is she going to examine me there?" She pointed to her lap. "If she does, then I don't want to do it! I mean it, Mommy! I won't do that. That would be so embarrassing!"

Dana waited for her daughter to calm down. "Lilly, she is a woman doctor, and she says nobody will see the information or pictures except members on the research team, and that nobody will ever know your real name. Just medical people. The university she works for is way over on the East Coast, so nobody around here would ever even know about it. You will be completely anonymous. She will be seeing ten different girls in our state during the second week of each month, and all of you girls live far apart. She has to fly over here every month, and then she does her research and flies back east. In the morning you will take a long bath and get real clean all over. I'll do your hair in the morning. Since it's summer you can go during a weekday, but once school starts it will either be a weekend or evening. It's almost an hour drive away from here. And they have a pool there which you might be able to use after your sessions."

"I don't care. I don't want to do it!"

"I know, Lilly, but we need the money. Nobody could recognize you. Like I said, you'll always be anonymous. She says it will just be you and her. She will ask you lots of questions and she can't tell anybody your answers, not even me. It's completely private. Just the two of you." Dana didn't tell her daughter that sometimes someone else from the research project might be at some of the sessions to assist with special tests or measurements.

"I won't do it!" Lilly crossed her arms.

"Yes you will. She says that usually after the first session, the girls look forward to helping her with her research."

"They do?"

"That's what she said. Maybe we can compromise, you and me, and just do it for twelve times, and then you can decide. And whatever you decide after your twelfth session is... well, we need the money, but if you want to stop after the first year, then you can stop. Maybe I'll find a better job by then."

"Just twelve times? And just one hour each time?"

"Yes. Only twelve times for the whole year, and just an hour or so each time. Sometimes it might be two hours from the time I drop you off before she brings you home, but usually closer to one hour."

"Like how much will you get paid? And I get twenty dollars each time?"

"My arrangement with Dr. Vicky is... well... it's just for us grown-ups. I told you about the extra five hundred dollars I'll get after your first session, but that's all I can say. It will let me be nice to you for your birthday in a couple weeks. Maybe even that new, bigger bike you want. And this could last for four more years until you're thirteenth birthday, but like I said, we can stop after your first twelve sessions if you still want to by then."

"And I'll get twenty dollars each time, right?"

"Yes. That's right."

"And she will just ask me questions?"

"Yes, and you have to be honest with her. And she will examine you, and take some pictures."

"You mean down there?" She pointed down between her legs, as she sat at the other end of the couch facing her Mommy. She had her right foot on the couch so her right knee was leaning against the back of the couch.



"She's a doctor, Lilly. Don't make such a big deal about it. You'll be getting examined by doctors and nurses down there for the rest of your life. Usually female medical exams and things don't start until your teens, so just think of it as growing up a little sooner. You're always wanting to grow up earlier. So someday you could get your own car; go to college; things like that."

After another twenty minutes of half-hearted protests, Lilly agreed to try it.

Lilly's First Session

Lilly took a bath that morning and washed real good all over, even between her legs, like her Mommy told her. Then she let her Mommy brush out her curly, blond hair and put ribbons in it. She felt nervous as she and her Mommy entered the sprawling motel. Dr. Vicky had a suite on the second floor near the indoor pool and game area, which was in a central courtyard.

She noticed the massage table set up next to the dining area table, next to a camera on a heavy-duty, wood tripod. She looked closely at Dr. Vicky, noticing her white smock, stethoscope, and a closed, large black briefcase next to the table. There were towels on the table. And several boxes on the floor, but they were closed. There was a blood pressure cuff next to several other medical instruments on the table with a box of rubber gloves.

Lilly thought that Dr. Vicky had a nice smile. She was attractive and Lilly guessed her age around thirty or forty.

After quick introductions, Dr. Vicky told Lilly to go get something to drink out of the little refrigerator in the kitchenette area.

Lilly sipped her can of soda as she looked out the window into the large, covered 'Aqua-Land' area. "Oh, neat! Umm, I was wondering if I could like go swimming sometime, like after our interview, and like before you take me home." Lilly noticed the happily surprised look on her Mommy's face, after she had poured out so much reluctance to the whole idea on the trip over.

Dr. Vicky said, "It's a reward for cooperation during the interviews and examinations. Sometimes I let the girls play in the pool area for a couple hours and then we clean up and we have a late lunch and I drive both girls home. But it would probably just be you alone for the first few interviews. So, the answer is, 'Yes!' if you are very cooperative." Dr. Vicky smiled at Lilly. "Hop up on the scale. I'll get your weight again, before the other tests and measurements when you don't have so many clothes on."

Lilly smiled and blushed and looked at the floor. "I'll cooperate." She said, as she stepped onto the scale. "Mommy told me I had to, and I'll get twenty dollars, and if... well, if I get to go swimming, too, then I'll really cooperate. Other girl? Like what other girl?"

"Just sometimes, Lilly." Dr. Vicky said as she wrote numbers onto the form on her clipboard. "You're eighty two pounds. There is occasionally another girl scheduled before or after your session, and then I might overlap the two sessions, and give you girls some pool time. But on our first few sessions it will just probably just be you and me, so I can see how well you cooperate. I will also be teaching you some things about your body as we go, but mainly I'll be measuring you and getting your reactions to things and ideas that we'll talk about. Let me get your height. Take off your shoes."

While Lilly was taking off her shoes, Dana said, "I know she feels embarrassed about personal development, but that's part of life."

"Yes. Four feet, ten inches tall. You're growing up so fast!" Dr. Vicky said, "It's a wonderful part of growing into a woman, and learning new things about your body. It's the focus of our research. The interviews, examinations, along with the exercises I'll show you - will all help us understand more about how women have changed over the last century."

"Century?" Lilly asked, "I thought it was just until I turn thirteen. I'll be nine next weekend."

Both Dana and Dr. Vicky laughed. Dr. Vicky hugged Lilly. "You're a very smart little girl. I like your sense of humor, and I know you'll do well, and you'll learn to enjoy our sessions, even if you do feel a little embarrassed at first, like your Mommy said. And bring your swimming suit with you next month. That is... if you promise to cooperate today."

"I promise." She said. "I know it might be embarrassing. Mommy already told me I'll have to take off my panties for a minute, while you examine me. But she got me new panties, just to wear special today, for our first session. I couldn't put them on until after I took my bath this morning and washed real good all over, especially between my legs, like Mommy said, so I would be real clean there before putting on the new panties. They are so pretty. Pink."

Dana laughed. "I reminded her to wash there, and even used perfumed bubble bath in the tub so she would be extra clean for your examinations. I might get her a new pair of cute, sexy, lacy panties every month before I bring her here, and she can't put them on until after her perfumed, bubble bath."

"New panties! Every month! See?" Dr. Vicky said. "It won't be as bad as you think, Lilly. Most of my little girl research assistants really enjoy our sessions, once they get used to me. You'll see. And it will be more like ten minutes today, after you take off your panties. Maybe a little longer today while I examine you."

She turned to Dana without waiting for a comment from Lilly. "So next month, then, let's plan on three or fours hours, plus the driving time, so she'll have time for swimming and a late lunch." She took Lilly by the hand as they walked Lilly's Mommy to the door. "I'll probably drop her off in about two hours or so today, depending on traffic." As Dana started to leave, Dr. Vicky asked her if she mentioned the occasional "charm school" activities to her daughter, where Lilly and one or two other girls would get their nails and hair done, get make-up, and party dresses, for a charm school lesson with some of the other researchers in the program. "They are scheduled to be here in three months, and I think Lilly would enjoy that, too. Then, besides the research, we would help the girls put on make-up; do their hair and put nail polish on their fingernails and toenails; ribbons in their hair, and let the girls wear high heels and hose. It would be a fun party with just a little research before and after the party."

Dana said, "No, I didn't mention that. I thought I'd wait to see if she enjoyed her first session, and then I would mention the occasional double session like we had talked about."

Lilly perked up her ears. "Make-up? Getting my nails done?"

"Yes." Dr. Lilly said. "This research is about little girls growing up, so it will include walking in high heels, which we might actually start today after I get your height and weight again, and continue during our initial interview - so you can practice walking in high heels and talking at the same time. We'll do that before you medical exam. But in a couple months, would you like go to a small but fancy party with me and some of the other adult researchers, after you get your hair and nails done by professionals, and then get make-up and a little perfume, and wear a fancy dress with hose and high heels?"

"Yes. Gee."

Dr. Vicky was talking to both mother and daughter. "We like to do that a few times each year with the girls who are in our research program. Sometimes there might be five or six girls at the party, or maybe only two or three, depending on how many of our researchers will be in town. I'll always let you know a month in advance. And, like our sessions themselves, these research parties are very private, so you can't talk to anyone about the parties, just like you can't talk to anyone, including your Mommy, about the research. OK?" She was looking at Lilly.

"I won't say anything. Gee. That would be fun. I like parties."

Dana asked if that would count as two sessions and therefore double the usual payment for letting Lilly participate.

"Yes, and maybe more, depending how late the party lasts. If she doesn't get home until after eleven at night, then it would be triple. We try to always have our little girls home by ten, but sometimes things run late, and with traffic. You know."

"Oh, well that would be fine. After twelve, I mean. She likes to stay up late on Saturdays."

"Well, I'll keep that in mind when we set up the next party. And today, I should have her home in two or three hours. Our first interview and exam normally takes a little longer, like I explained on the phone."

"OK. Take your time. Oh, and could you please sign the check so I could cash it now?"

"Yes, I'll sign it, or I could give you cash and then you wouldn't need to pay taxes on the money, and it wouldn't interfere with food stamp qualifications and so on. I just mentioned that since you told me you get food stamps. But cash or check would be your choice."

"You're right, Dr. Vicky. Cash would be better, and I promise not to flash it or do anything to draw attention to myself, like you talked about with me."

"I could give you an envelope right now, and then maybe a smaller envelope when I bring Lilly home."

"Yes, that would be great. What would the other envelope be for?"

"I can't say how much would be in the second envelope each month when I bring her home, of course, but if Lilly is very cooperative, or if our sessions run over a little, then it would be, well about half again what's in this envelope. Don't open this right now, and we really don't want to girls to know about amounts."

"I understand. And thank you so much."

"So I'll see you in an hour and a half to two hours when I drop her off. And you can't ask her questions about what we talk about, or about the photography, because that's private. We already talked about this, but I'm not allowed to share anything with you that she tells me. It is OK if she says things like "it was more fun than I thought,' or "I want to go back again." Things like that, but we have to maintain our confidentiality or she will stop sharing her point of view. That's what we hope to capture. There are over a thousand girls in our study now, and we hope that at least 90 percent will stay the whole time. Some girls have been in the program for two years already, since our research grant was first approved. They all love being in the program."

Dr. Vicky had already told Dana that she would reiterate the instructions about confidentiality in front of Lilly, so that the little girl will know she can confide anything and her Mommy won't hear about it. Dr. Vicky and Dana had agreed on the phone already. Dana said, "I understand and I agree with that. We won't talk about anything except if she had a good time."

Lilly's First Interview And Examination

Dr. Vicky was still holding Lilly's hand after closing the door. "Now we have some privacy, Lilly. I think you'll enjoy the things we're going to talk about and the things we're going to do together. Almost all of my other little girls really open up to the whole process." Dr. Vicky smiled at her own private joke: whenever she said that the little girls liked to 'open up,' she meant they learned to 'spread their legs' to open up their pussies for the cameras, especially after they started getting their 'rewards' - namely orgasms. She had learned that even the shiest ones, after a few months at the most, would gladly open up and show themselves to the cameras or the 'visiting researchers' in order to get those rewards. They learned to follow directions with other girls, too, and would do all kinds of things with the other girls just so they could get more rewards - including helping the other girls get their rewards.

Dr. Vicky had noticed the bird eggs in Lilly's tight T-shirt the moment she walked in with her Mother, and she couldn't wait to see and feel them, but she would pace herself so as not to scare the eight year old. She led her over to the sitting area and sat opposite her to explain the process. After they sat down, Dr. Vicky stood up and turned the camera around to face Lilly. She pretended to turn it on, even though both cameras had been on since she opened the door to let Lilly and Dana into her motel suite.

"Do you know what we're going to do each month, Lilly?"

"I have to take off my panties and let you examine me. Like a doctor."

"Well, yes, but that's just a small part of the total research. For most of it, you'll be at least partially dressed. But while we're talking, I want you to face one of the cameras. Just talk into the camera while you talk, and while you're doing any demonstrations, or practicing what I teach you. Look into whichever camera I point to. Always look into the camera as best you can."

"But not when my panties are off, right?" She looked fearful.

"Yes, Silly. And don't be so bashful. You're a very pretty, young lady!" Dr. Vicky smiled. "And nobody will see all of this video except me, except for a few clips that I will edit that relate to one of our research goals. And nobody besides me will ever know your real name. The little clips I keep, after editing out most of our interview, will most likely be close-ups of certain parts that we are measuring, or some of your comments that directly relate to other facets of our research objectives."

"But I have to pull down my panties in front of the camera?" Lilly seemed ready to cry.

"As we do this research together, Lilly, I'll be right here with you. Just ignore the cameras except when I tell you specifically to look into one of them. Don't worry about them. Hey..." Dr. Vicky paused, "I bet when you're at the swimming pool, you are naked in front of the other girls. Aren't you?"

"Yes, like when I'm taking off my clothes to put on my swimming suit, or when I'm getting ready to go home."

"And that doesn't hurt you, does it?"

"No. Because like usually they are changing, too."

"And... think about this: If I took a picture of your hand, it wouldn't hurt, would it?"


"Then it doesn't hurt if I take pictures of any other parts of you!"

Lilly thought for a minute. "Oh. I get it."

"Would you like to see a dozen close-ups of other girls? Then you would know that nobody could recognize you. In fact, for a little game, I could show you a dozen close-ups and then a dozen pictures of a dressed girl, just head and shoulders, and I be you couldn't match any of them. I'll give you another five dollars for each one you guess right. Would you like to try it?"

"OK." Dr. Vicky laughed as she stood up again and held out her hand. They walked over to the desk and she took out two, thick manila envelopes. From one envelope, labeled "A," she took out a dozen pictures of well dressed little girls - head and shoulder shots. The pretty girls were wearing a little make-up, a fancy, party dress, and had ribbons in her hair. Each girl was smiling into the camera.

"Gee, they are all so pretty." Lilly said.

"Each of these girls is in our research program and you might get to meet some of them. You are just as pretty as any of them, Lilly."

"Gee. You think so? Thanks." Lilly smiled.

"We take pictures of our girls right before a party. Won't it be fun to get dressed up and wear make-up, perfume, have polished fingernails and toenails, and then get ribbons in your hair?"

"Yes. They look so pretty. All of them."

Dr. Vicky opened the other envelope, marked, "B," and took out a dozen close-ups of pussies, legs together. "Each picture has a code on it, because we don't use names." She turned over one of the head-and-shoulders pictures. It said, 'ARD-11-Z5' on the back. Dr. Vicky said, "See? No names. The eleven in the middle means this girl is eleven years old." She laid all twelve pictures of the dressed girls out in a row on the little desk in the motel room. Then she spread out the dozen pussy pictures. "OK, Smarty Pants, see if you can match them."

She immediately picked out the black pussy and matched it with the only black girl in the line up. Lilly didn't comment on the total lack of pubic hair on all of the pussies, even though she knew at least one of the girls was eleven years old. They were all bald. She kept fiddling with the pictures, unable to match them.

"They are all pretty pussies, aren't they, Lilly?" Dr. Vicky was sitting on a chair with Lilly standing against the desk between her knees. Vicky had her hands on the girl's hips. "Do you see that in some of the pictures you can see a little bit of the girl's clitty even though her legs are closed?"

"Oh. Right. My friend, Tina's is like that. She teases me because she says she can't see mine until she opens my legs real wide."

"Good observation. Some of the girls have plump lips, and some of the girls have thinner lips that look farther apart so you can see a little bit of her clitty. Can you match any of the other girls?"

"Let me try. They are all pretty, I mean, even in their panty area."

Dr. Vicky laughed and pinched both sides of Lilly's tummy at the same time, making her giggle and twist at the same time. "You can say 'pussy,' Lilly. It's fine. It's just us girls here. I'm going to examine your pussy in a little bit, aren't I?"

"Yes. I know."

"And you'll let me take pictures of it, too. Won't you?"


"Good, now match them up. I think you're stalling."

"This one is the plumpest, and this girl is the plumpest, even though she isn't fat." Then she put that pussy on top of the face picture.

A few minutes later, Dr. Vicky turned over the pictures to see how many Lilly got right. "Two right!" She said. "Actually I've had some girls who didn't guess any of them right, so you did pretty good. Now, just look at all twelve pussies again..." She flipped the pictures up again, and laid the pussies out next to each other. "Are there any that you wouldn't put your finger in, if you're helping me with the research?"

"No. They are all pretty. I would help you."

"Right. Now let's get back to our research. So one camera is on the tripod, so look into that one right now while we talk. She sat in a chair immediately beside the camera so her head was only a foot from the camera, after sending Lilly back to sit in the other chair. Sometimes I'll have one in my hands, too, for close-ups and specialty shots. All the other girls were nervous at first, too, Lilly, but now they don't mind a bit, even if they are doing something they wouldn't want their friends or parents to see. They aren't worried because those people won't see what we do. Only some of the researchers and they won't usually see your face. Just me. I'll edit out most of every session." Dr. Vicky kept smiling; being reassuring - as she lied to Lilly. "Anyway, to get started, sit where you are and I'll ask you some questions. To start, tell me your name and your age, and about your next birthday. Then talk about school and about what you want for your birthday. I'll ask you questions about your experiences and school and friends and so on. It's OK if things take longer today. Then your Mommy will get more money because you're being such a big help with our research."

"You mean just talk with you?"

"Yes. Just go ahead and talk about things." Dr. Vicky laughed. "You don't take off your panties when you talk to other people, do you? So, you don't need to take your panties when you talk with me. Not right away, at least." They both laughed.

Lilly was starting to like Dr. Vicky. She was pretty, or 'attractive' as her friend's Mom said about women over thirty who still looked nice - with make-up, and a nice haircut, and sharp clothes. Dr. Vicky was all that - make-up, pretty dress, high heels and hose, and her fingernails and toenails were bright red. Her jewelry was pretty, and she had a good figure. And she's nice! She listens to me! Lilly thought.

Lilly started talking into the camera. "My name is Lilly and I'm eight years old, but I'll be nine next week, so like I'm almost nine. Just a week." She thought for a minute. "I'm going to be in the fourth grade at the end of summer. I like swimming and riding my bike, and sometimes I ride over to the ice cream stand with my friend, Tina. And I might get a new bike for my birthday. Mommy said so. That would be good, because I'm getting too big for the one I have."

Dr. Vicky asked new questions whenever Lilly seemed to run out of things to say. "Tell me about the boys in your class."

Lilly went on for several minutes about how stupid they acted, even though she thought a couple of them were cute. "They like to do gross stuff, like to show off. They are always joking around."

"Do you like to dress up once in a while and wear make-up and high heels?"

"Gee, yes, I like to play dress up. It's fun. Like when I'm staying over at a friend's house, especially if her Mommy is gone. One time we even tried on her Mommy's fancy panties. That was funny. Like they would be falling down when we walked around, and you could kind of see through some of them."

"Sometimes I'll have fancy lingerie for you to model for the cameras, especially when another girl is here with you. And can you walk in high heels, Lilly?"

"Sometimes, but I have to be careful, because the shoes are too big for me, so I don't want to twist my ankle and fall down. And I don't want to break any of Mommy's fancy shoes, or my friend's Mom's shoes. We would get in trouble."

"What about make-up?"

"Yes, that's fun, too. But only if Mommy is gone, or like if one of our moms gives us some of her old lipsticks or eye shadow or blush and stuff. Sometimes we play dress up and do make-up at the same time."

"Good!" Dr. Vicky said with a smile. "Because we're going to do some of those things, too. It's all part of growing up!" She reached into a cardboard box by her feet and pulled out a pair of shiny, black high heels that looked just the right size for Lilly.

"Oh, neat. Those are so pretty."

"Let's try them on. Take off your shoes, socks, and jeans and put on the lacy, ankle socks. You can practice walking away from me and back without the shoes on and then again with the shoes on. I'll bet you'll get lots better as the months go by. I'll set up the extra lights. We don't want to open our windows for more light, do we?"

"Well, we're on the second floor, but still people might see in, and we're going to be doing private stuff." As soon as she took off her jeans, she showed Dr. Vicky her new, pink, lacy panties. "Mommy got me these special, just for today. Aren't they pretty?"

"Let me see them. Yes! They are very pretty. And they look so sexy on you!" Dr. Vicky felt the panties - front, back, and between Lilly's legs. "This is part of your examination, Lilly. It's not so bad, is it? Lift your shirt a little ways so I can see and feel your waist. Very nice. Your hips are beginning to develop. You're getting more of a figure. Let me examine your muscle tone around your panties. Excellent."

"No. It just feels funny when you do that."

"I'm checking your muscle tone. Put your feet wider apart for me. Good girl. Your body is just perfect, Lilly. You're so cute and you're developing nicely! Perfect for our study. And I'm enjoying working with you. Let me feel your breasts now. I can see they are starting to develop already." She slid one hand up under Lilly's T-shirt and fondled each breast. "These are just starting to grow, and they will get prettier and sexier every month for the next few years. You're a cute girl, Lilly. This doesn't hurt, does it, when I pinch them lightly?" She was pinching each breast, which was just a puffy nipple on a very small mound of firm, pliable flesh.

"No. It doesn't hurt. Just feels funny. Like touching me there." Dr. Vicky was rubbing her hand back and forth, feeling upwards on Lilly's panties between her legs.

"This is what makes you a girl, Lilly. This is one of the main parts on you that we'll be studying. Don't be embarrassed. Every girl and woman has a pussy. Have other people touched you here?"

"Well, umm, I'm supposed to tell you the truth, and you promised not to tell anything to Mommy, so umm... well, a couple of my friends have. Like playing doctor."

Dr. Vicky said, "I used to play doctor with some of my friends when I was your age, and even younger. I think I probably started playing like that when I was five or six, but I don't remember exactly. And a neighbor man used to play doctor with me, too, but I was a little older then - maybe nine or ten."

"A man? Gee. I just did that with my girlfriends. And we all swore we would never tell anybody, because we didn't want anybody to think we were lesbians."

"Oh, silly. Don't get hung up on lesbian questions. You and I can talk about anything, but playing doctor is just a natural part of growing up. I'm glad you're starting to trust me, Lilly. We will have our own secrets, you and I, as we continue to work together. I consider you an equal partner." She smiled at the girl.

"Thank you."

"I'll get the measurements and close-ups in a few minutes, after I put you in different positions, but now I want to watch you walk, and then we'll have you keep walking while you're wearing the high heels. Next month, I'll bring make-up for you, but we'll wash it off before you go swimming." She kept feeling Lilly between her legs, subtly stimulating the little girl's clitoris. Then she pulled down the front of Lilly's new panties - for a brief look at her firm, plum, totally bald pussy, with just a tiny bit of blond 'angel hair.' It was beautiful. "We'll get all your make-up off next month before we go down to the pool. Then it will be all gone by the time you get dressed again to go home." While she talked about the pool, she slid her hand inside Lilly's panties all the way back to her ass. "Such good muscle tone." She said again, as she gently pinched each of Lilly's ass cheeks. Then she slid her hand forward with her finger skimming over Lilly's vagina and clitty. She noticed the girl was already beginning to get wet, but she wasn't sure if it was excitement, or nervousness. "I like swimming, too, and always bring my suit when I come here to do the examinations."

"Oh, fun! Will you go swimming with me?"

"Maybe. I might have another girl here next month, right after I examine you, but I'm not sure yet. Let's just take care of today!" She pulled Lilly's panties back into place; turned her around, and patted her on the bottom. "Now go as far as you can in a straight line from me towards that chair, and then turn around and come back to me. Walk slowly."

A minute later Lilly was walking in her panties and T-shirt towards Dr. Vicky and then away from her, with the lacy, ankle socks on, pretending she was on a short, modeling runway. It was ten feet from the camera over to the chair against the far wall. "On your way back towards me, tell me you've ever noticed a boy or a man checking you out, or touching you in a sexy way."

Lilly was thinking. "I'm not sure, but one of the lifeguards at the pool likes to play with me. He plays with the other kids, too, like shoulder rides or throwing us to make a big splash."

"Does he seem to take longer when he's touching you, than say, for example, one of the boys?"

On her next trip back towards the camera, she was saying, "Well, like he touches my chest and rubs around. And he touches my bottom, and between my legs."

"Did you ever notice him touching a boy that way?"

"No, but he touches some of the other girls like the same way he touches me. I've seen him doing it."

"Did you ever tell on him? Or have any of the other girls told on him?"

"No. It's kind of fun. I can tell the other girls like it, too. He's cute."

Dr. Vicky smiled as Lilly made yet another trip back towards the camera - unknowingly modeling her new panties. "That is another sign you're growing up, Lilly. You like to let boys touch you. It's natural." She made a note on her clipboard. "You are a normal, little girl. Enjoy every part of your life now, Lilly - even school and homework, and playing doctor with your trusted girlfriends, and letting a life guard discretely feel you up. You have so much to look forward to."

Dr. Vicky asked her to sway her hips, like she was trying to be extra sexy, and Lilly giggled as she kept walking - exaggerating her hip motion. This is fun. Lilly thought, which was the same thing Dr.Vicky was thinking.

Lilly put on the high heels and started walking again - 'regular walking,' and then 'sexy walking,' to the other chair and back. Over and over.

Lilly continued walking another few minutes after taking off her T-shirt. Dr. Vicky took her measurements and then had Lilly pull on her tiny breasts and even 'slap them around a bit,' to show the camera how big they were getting. She walked away and back trying to make her tiny breasts jiggle, but she couldn't. Dr. Vicky measured them again after Lilly had massaged, pinched, and pulled on them during four walks to the other chair and back - getting rougher each time. "Yes, a little bigger. Each time you're here, I'll get measurements of your bust before and after you stimulate yourself, just to see how responsive they are. I think you have very responsive breasts. Does this give you tingles in your panties when I pinch them like this?"

"Yes. Gee. Like tingles down there." She pointed down to her panties.

Then Lilly got to wear the high heels and kept walking - going ten feet away from the camera; turning around twice; and then walking back towards the camera. Sometimes they talked while she walked, but not at first with the high heels on. Even though they fit great, the three inch heels had her practically on her tip toes. Dr. Vicky continued to compliment the girl on her poise; how well she was doing with the interview process; how intelligent she was; that she was doing great - catching on to the directions; and her understanding about boys. She told the girl that her panties looked great on her; accentuating her developing hips, and that maybe she should be a model.

Lilly laughed when Dr. Vicky said, "Even as boys get older, most of them still do stupid and gross things! They all think farts are so funny; even grown men!"

While Lilly continued to walk away from the camera and back in the high heels, they kept talking about boys, or girls having sleep-overs, or hiking through a creek, and other fun things that kids love to do. After every few 'regular questions,' Dr. Vicky would ask her about rubbing herself between her legs when she would go to bed, or what kinds of things she had inserted into her pussy. She would always tell Lilly that she had done similar things at her age.

Then Dr. Vicky helped her off with her new panties, noticing the crotch was damp. "I'll bring some fun things for you to wear next month, maybe a garter belt and hose. But remember: don't talk about these things at home. We have to spend a full hour together, even though the examination part only takes about fifteen minutes, so you can try different things, too. We'll do make-up and just have fun in general, Lilly. I like working with you. There, your panties are off. Now keep walking in the high heels. Walk slowly. That's a girl. Very good. You're doing fine. It's not so bad with your panties off, is it?"

"No. Just kind of embarrassing."

Dr. Vicky laughed again. "Well, you're doing fine, Lilly, and there is no need to be embarrassed. I'll edit out most of our session today, and usually your face, too, and nobody will know your name, and they are on the other side of the country. Only our researchers will see your pictures and video clips. Nobody else." She didn't say, however, that every member of their "Little Girl Developmental Research" website, was considered a member of the research team, after they paid to join the expensive site. And any member of the research team could make specific requests, within reason - meaning it would be a solitary activity, or at the most two girls, and it couldn't be too gross and it couldn't hurt the little girl. Some of the member researchers made requests for specific models after making a substantial 'research donation,' which was not tax deductible. That policy did lead to some very interesting videos - especially with the little girls who had been getting researched for a year or so - and were more used to the bizarre things they were asked to do in front of the cameras in the name of research. Many of the requests, for larger donations, involved two of the girls, but with the same guidelines: no pain. A little playful spanking was OK, but nothing that could leave marks. The experienced girls loved doing the girl-girl research activities, such as various bondage and sex toy scenarios, the touching and kissing each other, the 'full examinations' complete with anal fingering, and the dancing, kissing, and then undressing and making out while one of the girls pretended to be a boy - even occasionally with a small strap-on. The girls all seemed to enjoy role playing, and, since they were 'just pretending' they felt it was OK to kiss and lick and fondle each other all over - as part of following directions for the 'research.' At last count, there were around three thousand 'researchers' around the world. And for a very sizeable donation, they could attend a small "researcher party" with the girls. They had to wear a lab coat with a fake ID badge from the university, and carry a stethoscope and other 'examination tools,' and they couldn't hurt the girls or get their dicks out. They could attend only if they promised to follow all of the guidelines. Dr. Vicky wondered what kinds of special requests she would get for Lilly by next month, but she knew she would get some, because the members loved the new girls. They would even submit questions for the interviews, based on Lilly's previous comments and observations. When pressed, every one of the little girls admitted to masturbation, even though they called it something else. Many of the girls started around age six or seven. All of them by ten. And many of the girls talked about people who had felt them 'inappropriately,' although Dr. Vicky always remained non-judgmental. She encouraged the girls to talk about those kinds of experiences.

"OK, Lilly, now sway your hips a little bit while you walk. That's it. Good. Not so exaggerated like before you had on the high heels. You'll get used to it. Excellent." Dr. Vicky knew her members loved watching the new girls - especially their first walk without panties while wearing high heels. It was a favorite. And so were the "stretching exercises" which Lilly would start doing in a few minutes.

After three more walks to the other chair and back to the camera without panties on, Dr. Vicky had Lilly fluff up her titties for the camera again. "That's it. Pinch and pull. Massage them. Turn sideways to the camera now so I can zoom in with my little camera. Good girl. Can you tell they are a little bit bigger after you 'fluff them' for the camera?"

"They are? I didn't know that."

"Yes, and they even look a little bit sexier. Good for our pictures to show how fast you're growing up. Fluff them for another minute and then let me feel them." Dr. Vicky looked at her watch, as if she was timing. She knew her members loved watching little girls pinch and pull on their tiny breasts - showing the camera that they were getting to be 'big girls.'

Dr. Vicky said, "Some of my research girls do this at night before they go to sleep. For a full minute. And that seems to make them grow faster. Do you touch yourself at night before you go to sleep? When I was your age, I used to massage my titties and rub myself between my legs, just to see that ... well, actually, just because it felt good!" She laughed. "I still do it sometimes. Do you ever do that?"

"Yes. Sometimes." Lilly blushed.

"I vaguely remember when I started rubbing myself between my legs. It felt good, but I couldn't figure out why my pussy would get so wet. Does yours feel good and get wet when you rub it? That's another sign you're growing up."

"Yes, like I rub it, and then it gets real wet and like sometimes even gooey stuff kind of oozes out of it. But I wipe it off on my panties."

"I used to do that, too!" Said Dr. Vicky. "And I still do it sometimes as a matter of fact. Then in the mornings my panties would feel kind of stiff, as if there was lots of starch between my legs. Do your panties feel all wet at night while you're rubbing, and then stiff in the mornings?"

"Yes. I wondered about that, especially like if I was rubbing on the outside of my panties at first. They would start to feel wet, like wetter and wetter as I rubbed myself there, like because it itched or something, but I know I didn't pee."

"That's another sign you're growing up, Lilly. I'm glad we are starting your monitoring program right now. Good thing we didn't wait, or you would be too old already. You're just right. You'll have so much fun, and learn lots of things. In a little while I want you to demonstrate to me how you like to rub your pussy at night."

"No, I mean... I would rather not do that in front of somebody, and especially with the cameras."

"But that's what we're researching, and rubbing yourself is a natural part of growing up. Do you know if your friends do it?"

"Well, Tina does it, and I think Rachel and Dani do it, too, but I never saw them do it. Just Tina. Sometimes we watch each other do it. We just all joke around about things like that. But Tina showed me how she does it. She's six months older than me, and I pretended I did it, but I didn't do it the way she showed me. She just keeps rubbing her 'clitty cat,' as she calls that bump in the middle. You know, like where it's so sensitive and where it kind of feels like an itch and gives you like tingles or something when you rub it?"

"I know where you mean. We can just call it your 'clitty cat,' too, so it will be easier for you to talk about." Dr. Vicky was still watching Lilly as she kept rubbing, squeezing, pinching, and massaging her small titties. Then she said, "OK, Lilly, let me feel them now. I bet they are bigger already than the first time I felt them."

Lilly put her hands at her sides and let Dr. Vicky massage them. Vicky knew her voice, hands, and arms would be in the video, but that was OK, just as long as she edited out her own face before sharing the video clips with thousands of customers. She had a strong desire to suck on the young girl's breasts and to see if she could slip a finger up her tight, little, eight-year-old vagina, but she would wait to do those things, maybe several months, or then again, maybe later if she could get Lilly to orgasm. She already sensed that Lilly would be a hot one, and a best seller!

Dr. Vicky took her pulse, and then the blood pressure of the naked little girl. She looked in both ears with her otoscope, and then in both eyes with her ophthalmoscope - writing her findings on the clipboard after each step. "Very healthy." Dr. Vicky smiled. "A very healthy and cute, little girl!" Then, still in front of the camera, she had Lilly open her mouth wide while she put her finger in the girl's mouth to feel around - sliding her finger in and out. "Suck on my finger while I move it in and out so I can see if you have good pressure in your lungs." After a minute of that, knowing that some of her members would cum just watching the naked little girl suck on her finger, she said, "Now I'll hold my finger in front of your mouth and you suck it into your mouth and slide your mouth up and down on my finger. That's it." And after another minute, "Now lick up and down on my finger, pretending it's an ice cream cone. Good girl. See? You're being good about keeping your face right in front of my camera. Since our first session takes longer, I'll make sure you get a little more than just the twenty dollars, plus the ten dollars for matching the pussies to the faces. We don't need to tell your Mommy about the extra money. You can keep secrets from your Mommy, can't you?"

"Oh sure. I have other secrets, too."

"Well, see?" Dr. Vicky said, "That's more proof that you're growing up. And it's also why I insist that I don't tell your Mommy anything that you tell me, and we don't tell her about what we do during your examinations."

She had Lilly get on her hands and knees. Dr. Vicky moved the camera down beside Lilly. "This is to get a side view of your breasts hanging down, so they look as big as possible." She fixed the tripod so the three sections collapsed down to one, fourteen inch section, and got more video of her hand massaging Lilly's breasts while Lilly stayed in the hands-and-knees position.

Next she had the girl lie on her back on a big towel on the floor and spread her legs apart. "This is so embarrassing." Lilly said. "Are you sure nobody will see this video?"

"Only some of our researchers, like I said. And you're such a pretty and sexy girl, Lilly. I can see that you're growing up, and I'll get other measurements in a few minutes, but first I need to photograph a few views of different parts of your body." Since the tripod was already lowest position, she just turned the camera slightly and aimed it down at Lilly's pussy. She handed Lilly a pillow from the bedroom to put under her head. Lilly was still wearing the black high heels, and white, lacy ankle socks but nothing else. "You're doing great, Lilly. Our first session will feel the most awkward to you, and then it will get easier and easier and will be lots of fun. Before I get you up on the table, pull your feet up by your bottom and let your knees fall out." She watched the limber eight year old comply with her instructions. "Good. Now let your knees fall outwards. Show me how limber you are. Good. Your knees go almost to the floor! You are so limber. That's great, Lilly. Now pull your pussy lips apart so I can see your clitty cat. That's it. Both hands. Good. Pull your lips wider apart. I'll get some measurements now, and then more accurate ones when you're up on the examination table." She adjusted the camera again. "I saved video clips of the other girls showing the first time they walked in high heels without their panties on. Would you like to watch those videos of the other girls sometime?"

"Yes, gee." She said right away. "I want to watch them."

"OK, and they had to agree to let other little girls watch their videos walking in only high heels, before I would show them any of the other girls. None of them know each other, and there are no names. So, if you want to watch videos of them, then you have to agree to let me show them videos of you. OK?"

"Gosh, that would be so embarrassing."

"But do you want to watch the videos of them?"

"Yes, but..."

"Then just say yes, so I can show you. They won't know your name."

"Well, OK, I guess." She could not suppress a little twitch in her hips as she agreed.

"Very good. All the other girls agreed, too, or I couldn't show you their video clips. So I'm glad you agreed. This is kind of fun, isn't it?"


Dr. Vicky would have put on rubber gloves, but she loved the feel of her young skin. After taking out a small, white, solid, plastic cylinder - about the diameter of a pencil, with graduated markings in black all along the sides, she proceeded to 'measure' Lilly's clitty - moving it this way and that with the fingers of her left hand, while the right hand held the 'measuring device,' which she had created a year earlier, from a white, plastic rod. Vicky noticed that the girl was wet, and that she didn't complain about how she was manipulating her little 'clitty cat.'

A Finger In Lilly's Anus

"OK, Lilly, get on your hands and knees again, with your bottom towards me. I need to measure you from a different point of view. That's it. Now I know you'll get to go swimming with me next week. We'll have fun. Maybe I could ask your Mommy if you could stay and keep swimming with me, and then we could have dinner somewhere on the way back to your house."

"Oh, that would be neat."

"Just keep cooperating. Can you put your shoulders on the towel?"

"OK, but this is embarrassing, with my bottom... like... you know."

"I'm still getting measurements. Don't worry about it. You're so limber. Slide your knees farther apart and put your hands back on your bottom and pull your bottom open as far as you can. That's it. Can you pull it a little farther open for me? Good girl. And don't forget to bring your swimming suit next month."

"I'll bring it." She was holding her ass wide open - exposing the little pink center of her anus inside the narrow ring of light brown wrinkles of her ass hole.

"You're doing great, Lilly. When I get your vital signs in a minute, I'm going to take your temperature back here. And right now, when I'm done measuring your clitty cat from behind, I'll put a little lubrication in your bottom so the thermometer will slide right in. Now hold still and keep your bottom pulled open while I measure you. That's it." She pretended to take more measurements and wrote some numbers on the chart which was snapped onto her small clipboard.

She took her time lubricating Lilly's anus, not wanting to hurt her. She also was checking Lilly's reaction to getting a finger up her ass.

"Unn, ohh, gee. That feels funny."

"You're doing great. Just hold still while I get you all slippery. Do you ever put things in your vagina? I remember at your age, I had an indelible marker that was about the size of my finger, and I was goofing around and used to put it in me. I kept doing that because it felt good. I kept it in a coffee cup that was full of pens and pencils, but that was my extra-special marker."

"Oh, gee. Really? That's another thing I do that I never told anybody about." Lilly said. "Sometimes I put my finger part way in, but I have a little marker. It's plastic so it gets real slippery so I can push it in. Not all the way, just like a couple inches."

"That's another thing I'll measure later, with a very small diameter cylinder. I promise not to hurt you. This doesn't hurt, does it, when I push my finger in your bottom?"

"No, it... unnn... doesn't hurt, it just feels funny, and it's embarrassing. But you're a doctor, so it's OK."

"Do you and Tina play doctor?"

Lilly was silent, except for the stifled moans each time Vicky pushed a finger in her anus. She was now pushing all the way in.

"You can tell me, Lilly. I used to play doctor when I was a little girl. Maybe that's why I'm studying so hard now, so I can be a real doctor. I had a couple girlfriends I played doctor with, and we even put our fingers in each other - front and back."

"I never did it in... unnn... in back. We just do it in front. Only with Tina, my best friend, like when we sleep at each other's house. We play doctor then, like looking at each other and feeling, and then fingering, but just in front."

"Does she put her finger all the way in you?"

"Yes... unnn, but only in... unnn... you're doing it faster... unnnn... now. But we only do it... unnn... in front."

"Are you sure this doesn't hurt back here, Lilly? You're almost slippery enough now. Keep pulling your bottom open. Your little bottom is so tight. You're doing good at following directions."

"Unnnn, ohh, no, it doesn't hurt. Unnn."

Then Vicky started flicking Lilly's clitty each time she pushed her slippery finger all the way in Lilly's tight ass. "I think if I stroke your clitty-cat, it will help your bottom relax for when I take your temperature." She kept stroking and fingering another minute, getting a soft moan every time she flicked Lilly's clitty as she pushed her finger all the way in the little girl's ass. "Your anus is probably about slippery enough now, or should I do it a few more times?"

"Unnn, well, maybe a few more times. Unnn. To be sure it's... unnn... slippery enough. Your finger feels so big, but it doesn't hurt."

After five more insertions, Dr. Vicky pulled her hands away and helped Lilly stand up. Vicky raised the tripod back to full height and began her examination with the stethoscope, stopping frequently to write numbers on her clipboard. Vicky was glad to see that Lilly's small chest was mottled with reddish excitement. Her stark tan lines accentuated the reddish blotches. The talkative, little girl was now quiet. Her hips were still moving, ever so slightly, but still moving.

Vicky had Lilly introduce herself again while looking into the camera.

"Introduce yourself again, name, age, and grade, and then massage and pinch your breasts at the same time, to try to make them stand up bigger."

She did - but talked quietly, enjoying the sensations as she pinched and tugged on her small breasts.

"OK, Little Patient. Up on the table with you. You should be slippery enough for me to take your temperature. Face down. That's a girl."

Lilly was face down on the table while Dr. Vicky put leather ankle straps on her ankles and clipped them together, so she could only separate her feet a few inches. "Now lift up your hips so I can slide this bolster under you. Good. You're doing great at following directions, Lilly. Now I have to move the cameras and I'll be ready to take your temperature and get a couple other measurements." She put one of the cameras on a lightweight tripod and set it up in front of Lilly's face - a few feet away, but zoomed in to catch all of her facial expressions. "Just talk into this camera while I'm getting the other measurements. I've got your ankles strapped together so you can completely relax your legs. Slide your feet up towards your bottom so you knees hang over both sides of the exam table. That's it. Now you're wide open so I can get more measurements while I take your temperature. And I'm glad you've already fingered other girls, because I may need you to lubricate other girls for me, usually a different one each month. That's if you want to help me, and then go swimming with me and the other girl. You could take turns lubricating each other, so then we'll have more time for playing in the swimming pool after your examinations. Pay attention today, so you'll know some of the things I'll want you to do with the other little girl. You will lubricate another little girl for me, won't you, Lilly?"

"You mean in her bottom?"

"Yes. Just like I'm doing to you right now. Talk into the camera. Tell me about the last time you fingered a girl."

"Gee, that was with Tina. Unnn. We took turns, too... unn... but that was only in front. It was... unn... a couple months ago because we were still in school, but it was a Saturday and she stayed over at my house. Mommy wasn't home and we played doctor. We fingered each other and sometimes we fingered ourselves and watched each other doing it. That was funny. And gee, you really want me to finger other girls?"

"Yes. You will get each other lubricated, and play games, and we'll talk about things. And you will see that the other little girls love these research sessions. So, you'll help me, won't you?"

"Yes. I'll help you."

"If you want to go swimming, then you would have to help me with the other little girls - whichever girl is here. Would you put your finger in her bottom for me, to push in lots of the lubricant? Let me demonstrate again. I'm scooping a little of the greasy, sterile lubricant onto my index finger, and now I'll push my finger in you, like this." She was demonstrating on Lilly's raised ass - up over the bolster with her knees far apart. "And I just keep doing that over and over to get her real slippery, like this, and to make sure, I keep pushing my finger in slowly, all the way in, and then I pull it all the way out. Would you do this for me on the other girl?"

Lilly's hips had started moving again - slow, humping, circles. "Unnn, yess, unnn, I'll help you. Unnn, and she will... unnn... let me?"

"Yes, she will let you. All my other little girls actually enjoy it. This doesn't hurt, does it?" She pressed her finger all the way in as she asked the question."

"Unnnn, no. It doesn't hur... unnn.... hurt."

Dr. Vicky continued stroking her finger into Lilly's tight asshole. "The other little girls will let you because it feels good, and because they don't want to get kicked out of the program for disobedience so their mommy's wouldn't get the research money, but mostly because it feels good, and they will want to do it to you, too."

"Unnn." Lilly moaned as Dr. Vicky flicked her fingernail across her swollen clitty.

"And as part of the interview portion of your examination, I would have her lie back with her legs apart and pull her feminine area open for you with both of her hands. You will have to look closely and feel it, and even put your finger in her in front, and flick her clitty, just like I'm flicking yours now. And I'll have you each demonstrate the things you've done with your other girlfriends when you played doctor, or things like that. Will you do this for the research, Lilly?"

"Unnn, ohhh, yes. Are you sure she'll let me put my finger in her?"

"Yes. She has to. In her pussy and in her bottom. It's part of the research while we talk. And you'll be taking turns. You do want to help me, don't you? You will put your finger in the other girl, won't you?"

"Unnnn, yes."

"Good. I know they will like it when you do those things. Now, before I actually take your temperature, I'm going to try to make your clitty swell to maximum size for another measurement. I'll use a special tool to stimulate you. It makes a buzzing sound, and it will tickle and feel good. Then I'll get another measurement of your clitty when it's swollen to maximum size. Just keep looking into the camera. And this doesn't hurt does it, Lilly?" She pressed her finger all the way in the girl's anus as she flicked her clitty.

"Unnn, no. It... unnn... doesn't hurt."

Dr. Vicky twisted on the small vibrator and began rubbing it around the edges of Lilly's wet pussy. Vicky noticed that Lilly's pussy was beginning to ooze a white, creamy excitement. She smiled and continued her slow anal fingering. When she pressed the vibrator against Lilly's swollen clitty, the girl jumped, but then continued moving her hips and moaning.

"Ohhh, that tickles." Her hips were beginning to move in bigger circles and humping motions.

"You're getting to be such a big girl, Lilly. Keep your eyes open and try to look into the camera. Your clitty is getting closer to maximum size. Most girls think this feels good, when I get them lubricated while I buzzy-buzz on their clitty. Do you think this feels good?"

"Unnn... unnn.... yes... unnn." Her hips kept moving.

"If this feels good, that means you are growing up into a big girl. I want you to pay attention to what I'm doing, so you can help me with another girl next month."

"Unnn... unnn... unnn." She was getting louder. And then she came.

Dr. Vicky pulled the little vibrator away but kept her finger pressed all the way in her jerking anus - feeling Lilly's spasms grip her finger.

Lilly had straightened her legs as she reached her first. full orgasm ever. Her hips tightened and twisted as each big spasm of pleasure washed over her.

After letting the girl rest for a full five minutes, Dr. Vicky asked, "If that felt good, then it means you're growing up. Did that feel good, Lilly?"

"Unnn, yes. What happened? It felt like my tummy exploded or something. Gee. Unnn."

"I'll explain it in a minute, Lilly." Vicky soothed the girl with her soft, continuous words. "I'm glad that felt good. You are so pretty and so sexy and getting so grown up. Such a big girl. I could tell when I watched you walk in the high heels that you were ready for this. Whenever I have you walk in high heels without your panties on, I'm getting you ready for these good feelings. You did so good in the high heels. You liked walking in the high heels without panties in front of my camera, didn't you, Darling Lilly?" Vicky was using beginning hypnosis techniques so that Lilly would want to walk around without panties in front of her cameras again and again.


"Will you walk in high heels again for me next month? First with panties on, and then with panties off."


"Good. I'll have you and the other girl walk around and do things; following directions, wearing just your high heels and ankle socks next month. Maybe some other things. Maybe with make-up. And later, you can help me get the other girl all slippery and she will help me get you all slippery. It will be fun. But not until you do lots of walking and playing games and talking with me about things. Aren't you glad you're growing up into a very sexy, young woman? Aren't you glad you're a woman? Didn't that feel good?"


"It turns girls on to walk in high heels, Lilly," She continued talking in a slow, steady cadence, soothing the girl. "...especially in front of cameras without panties. You like helping me with my research by showing your pussy to my camera now, don't you, my little, sexy Lilly?"

"Unn, yes." She was beginning to move her hips again as Dr. Vicky massaged her bottom with her free hand - keeping her right index still finger pressed into Lilly's anus.

"While I get your temperature now, I want you to keep massaging your breasts to help them get to maximum size. I'll get your measurements when I've got your temperature." She pushed a small thermometer into Lilly's slippery anus. A minute later she said, "Ninety eight point seven. Excellent. OK, on your back. Pull your feet up and let your knees fall outwards so I can get a good measurement of your clitty after the stimulation." Dr. Vicky put a small, calibrated cylinder between Lilly's clitty and left pussy lip, pretending to read the numbers. She made another entry on the form on her clipboard. "Hmm, I think the swelling is going down already. Would you mind if I buzzed it for another few seconds and then re-measure it?"

"OK." Lilly's chest was still mottled with the reddish blotches, which were especially evident in the pale areas where her swimming suit usually covered her chest.

"Lift your feet up close to your head and let me put a pillow under your hips. Very good. I'm glad you're so flexible. Now you can help me stimulate you. So, another girl - I think Tina is her name - put her finger all the way in your vagina, Lilly? That's perfectly natural. Has a grown-up ever put a finger in you?"

"No, just Tina and couple other friends."

"It's a standard question, and I have to ask all the girls. Many of them have been fingered by adults, front and back, you know."

"My friend Tina's next door neighbor has fingered her a few times. He's like seventeen and sometimes they play in her garage when her Mommy is gone, but he didn't do that to me. Not yet. Tina said he told her that he would like to finger me someday, too. He's cute, and even has a driver's license."

"I need to see if my finger fits in you without hurting. Hold still." She pushed the index finger of her left hand into Lilly's very tight, but very wet vagina, so that she had two fingers all the way in the girl - one in back, and one in front.

"Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh... careful... unnn."

"I want you to hold this little buzzer. I have lots of different sizes to play with, but today, I'll only use this little one, specially designed to tickle your clitty. I want you to hold it and rub it around on your pussy while I finger you in front and in back at the same time. Then I'll get a good measure of your clitty."

Lilly had her second orgasm for the day a minute later. While she rested, Dr. Lilly took off the ankle bracelets. She re-measured Lilly's clitty. "You're very responsive, Lilly. I think you'll love our research. And you're being very cooperative. Next time you'll be such a big help. We'll do make-up and play dress-up, too, with different crazy outfits. Sexy things for grown-up girls. You'll be so cute. It's part of the research to see how sexy you are."

Going Home

On the way home, Lilly asked questions about the other girls, and the things they would do. She wondered when she would get to see videos of the other girls walking in high heels without panties on. Dr. Vicky didn't tell her much, except to promise that Lilly would have a good time, and they would get to go swimming. "And in three months, there might be several little girls in one session. We'll do make-up, and fancy clothes, and you'll meet some of the other researchers who will fly all the way across the country for our little party and to verify some of my research findings. We'll do you nails, and hair, too. I know you'll have fun. You like to walk in high heels."

Dr. Vicky waited for a barrage of questions about panties after she mentioned walking in high heels to show the other researchers, but all Lilly said was, "Gee." She was holding thirty five dollars in her hand, which included an extra five dollars for being cooperative, and ten dollars for matching up two of the pussy pictures with the correct girl.

When they walked into Lilly's apartment, Lilly said, "It was fun, Mommy. I want to go back next month, too. I wish I could go tomorrow! And I'll take my swimming suit, like this winter, even if it's snowing outside, because the pool is inside the building."

Both Dr. Vicky and Dana smiled, each feeling relieved for her own reasons. Dana thanked Dr. Vicky for the additional envelope and promised to get Lilly there the following month. "And I'll make sure she takes a perfumed bubble bath before I give her the new panties. Thank you for including us in your research."

"My pleasure." Said Dr. Vicky, and she meant it.

End of Part One


Share any suggestions for Part Two via email or in a "review" through this site.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s

Play with me

I loved the wonderful build-up of the story. You're amazing! I came twice and can't wait for the next chapter!


I really liked the double penetration at the end. I hope there will be more of the same in the future. Also, I think Lily should practice masturbation at home. Perhaps her mom could help her out in some way or at least keep the notes on how many time a day she reached orgasm and then giving the log to Dr V. She could also apply cream to Lily's vagina to make it more responsive to stimulation.


talk about her bare feet and toes in detail that should be super hot


Story is good, but its so like your other ones, just some different names. Change them. Change the story line. Your early stories were really great. Do something on those lines.


I like how you develop the plot. Keep describing the little girl's body. I assume Dr. Vicky will introduce other 'toys'. Good job os far.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.