Published: 6-Feb-2012
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Jeanette let me alone for a while. She just knew I needed to cry until I could breath a little. The only person I knew where I was I only met this scary, cold snowy morning. She let me hide in her heart. With no idea of anything I somehow knew I'd be okay here with Jeanette. She let the police know what I was escaping from, but she didn't tell Dwight exactly where I am. That I was alive and with Jeanette. That just seemed right. She gave me a corner to huddle in.
Until yesterday,I never saw naked people before. But she saw me looking in that magazine. At least those ladies were bright, pretty and happy. Jeanette said it was okay for me to have the magazine not just look at them. She brought me to this nice cozy house on this farm. She brought me through the snowy mountain country. I had no idea where I was even. She fed me, bathed me and taught me, and did things with me I only thought men and ladies did. I was told those things were wrong to do before, Jeanette let me know I did something good and natural. Good and Natural seemed the best way for me about the touching kissing we did. My down there was alive now. It needed petting kinda like Rosco, but different. I don't think you pet dogs like me and Jeanette did.
Finaly, later than I could recall, she was in my view. In the refection of the window, I could see her walking toward me. This lady looked so kind. I never looked straight at her, yet. Just her in the mirror like widow. She gently eased her hand on my shoulder. Is this what an angels hand feels like? I'm pretty sure.
"Honey, You know you're special don't you? Everyone is, know you especially. In the morning, You 'll get to tour morning of this place. If you like, I 'll put on some DVD's that show a lot of what we do here. Then you tell me what you'd like to do. "
"Okay, but I think I know already." My eyes remained lit on hers in the refection a long moment, then I faced her. I had to ask; " Who are those girls in those pictures ? They look pretty. I don't want to talk about mom or Granny anymore right now."
Jeanette wasn't too ready for my question, but my reason was more than enough for her. "Madison, you brave lovely girl. I 'm so glad you said that. I said before I'm a photographer. I especially like girls like you, your age to photograph. The pictures you see are winners of beauty contests, or child models or actors. Everyone are ones I 've taken pictures in all areas of dress."
"Do you do what we did before with them?" I was hoping so, but I tried not to make me sound like it or scare her. " I mean with other girls? "
"Sometimes." Jeanette sang. Her face was a little blushed. " The fact is. This place helps me do just that. You could fit in one of my favorites right now."
I couldn't believe it. Betsy, my friend told me she thought it be neat to do some of that. We would talk at night. We would start talking about boys. Betsy would soon think about being like ladies in movies and magazines. the last time I slept at her house, just before Christmas, she hoped one day to have her pictures to PLAYBOY. Now here I was hearing Jeanette telling me this really happens for girls me and Betsy's age. And I had my very own HUSTLER. This mixed me up a whole lot more. Why I liked it, I could explain. I switched back to the reason I'm here now..
"Jeanette, where will I live ? Will I go back to Granny's. I don't think anybody back home enough. Can I stay with you ? "
"Of course you can stay here. As long as you like as far as I 'm concerned. " She took me by the arm and started us back toward the fireplace. " Do like Pepsi , coke, Dr Pepper ? Iced Tea, Orange Juice ?"
"Uhmmm.. Pepsi. "
"Excellent, I 'll get us both some and some pop-corn. I want you to get comfy one that couch. I 'm gonna put in a DVD that will tell you what this place is. you might decide you don't want to be here at all. But I think you'll like what you learn." She had the hugest TV I ever saw. When I came on, The Wearther Channel was on for just few seconds. Long enough to see tomorrow was supposed to be clear and cold. The big screen turned all kinds of green. Then to lots of leaves and trees, and then the HIGHLAND PLEASURES sign I saw this morning. Accept it was summer on the TV.
A mans voice, solid and southern sounding; " Welcome To HIGHLAND PLEASURES" I 'm David Drake, your host on this tour of this unique resort. The picture turned round to see kinda fat looking man leaning next a dark green golf cart. He had on a nice light blue golf shirt like I'd seen on TV, and blue jeans. He had greying hair and happy brown eyes. " Come with me, let me show you just a few of the areas you may like to consider on your erotic fantasy. One most only expect to find on Carabean and Indian Ocean and South Pacific pleasure ports. "
The picture looks like, ; no, it is the same road from this morning. In the field to the left some people are riding lawn mowers beyond a clapboard white fence. I think they were girls. Then along the right side fence lines there are some girls and grown ups. I can see there is a golf course. I could tell people were golfing.
This time when we pass under the trees where the big barn is, more people. Girls on horses or fences, and not so many grown ups. On the left I can now see a sign saying Guest Services and Inn. WOW, it is beautiful in the summer too.
Then my eyes flew wide open. Believe it or not two girls were pushing lawn mowers. They had on safety goggles and cut-off jean shorts, and not tops, just waving away at the camera like nothings bad at all. In the picture where God and everybody could see, their boobies were shiny with sweat and WOW!
There were three other girls clipping the hedges or picking flowers. There were flowers everywhere. Trees, bedding plants, vines. They only had shorts or bikini bottoms on. Another WOW ! I don't know how Granny would like the topless girls, but she would like the flowers. I really like the no shirts.
Mr Drake had been telling about the golf course, riding stables and trails, the swimming pool and gymnastic center. He told me . . . " the girls mowing were among the special employees of HIGHLAND PLEASURES. The girls also model and entertain for guests. Just for folks looking for the joys and delightful erotic fun with the company of lovely young ladies. No girl was older than 15 year old. They were abandoned or orphaned in wars and conflicts, or even sold for drug money, and were now living here. Each and every girl is also professional model for patrons and artist alike he said. Truely no place in North America offered such possibilities. " I Took the deepest breath. I didn't know why but, I liked this.
Mr. Drake drove passed the houses I saw this morning. When the road turned there was a big building on each side of the drive. The one on the left looking like a long three-story version of the Guest services House and Inn, just longer. A sign saying Video production and Studios on it. Mr Drake said we, I would get to see in there soon.
On the right beyond the Video place was a greenhouse and big garden. that's where The video stopped to read a sign. Mr. Drake said this sign is everywhere.
"There are only two rules of dress here. Everyone wears shoes accept while bathing or swimming, nothing else if they don't want to." He said.
"This rule only is from mid spring til mid fall, or while the outside temps are above 70, and plenty of sunscreen." In the video follow him into the green house. It 's big. A lady wearing a straw hat only, is there at the door. She's kinda old. Kinda long grey brown hair. "Oh Yeah, hats are acceptable in the heat of summer. No Need to cook the guest or models. Isn't that right Mr. Drake ?"
"Exactly! Especaly or little girls." Rosa. Of course that only applies to spring summer and early fall. " Rosa's nice. Her eyes are shiny brown. Kinda Spanish looking. She didn't sound like a southerner, but real happy like. You could see right through her yellow net tank top. Blue jean cut-offs cover her heinie and all. But she had some nice round breast. Her nipples are big as of my whole right tit.
I discover thanks to both of them, Rosa ran the Greenhouse and farm. They also have a produce shed out on the highway. Some of the models help there too. Guests, and members including families could come here and buy every kind of vegetable and melons raised and eaten in the cottages. I 'd soon have in the Guest Services Inn. Also in the HIGHLAND PLEASURES Golf Club Resturant and Lounge. The farm also raises hogs cattle, and a fish farm. Those are run by professional farmer who qualify, whatever that means. to work there. Someof the farm and garden workers are girls supervised by adult who actually are farmers and fishery people daughters. And there are girls everywhere..
They were about a year from opening a winery. Mr Drake said.
I go along with Mr. Drake past all kinds of flowers, to the out of doors. Some grown ups and girls are picking stuff too. But other girls are posing for pictures, or taking pictures. a lot of them are only wearing shoes. They let you see their privates like it just everyday to do it. I was wishing to be there too. When Mr. Drake and Rosa get to the corn rows, Mr. Drake says it's time to see more of the whole place. Real fast the camera goes back out to the golf cart.
The next stop is the Video Production place. Jeanette saw me wondering big at what I just saw. " Are you all right Madison?"
"I'm not really sure Jeanette. I never seen girls outside wearing nothing like that." I must of been smiling or something.
"Dose that bother you? There more of girls nude on the video. I 'll stop if it bothers you." Now I knew she was teasing.
She brushes my forehead with her fingers like Granny sometimes did. I wasn't sure what to say.
"I was told by Granny, the school, and my preacher that being naked like that was bad. But I liked it. I Did like what I saw. Ms Rosa just bouncing along with Mr Drake and seeing girls posing for pictures in the garden with not a stitch on so grown men and ladies could take their pictures and stuff. I really do like seeing that." I did want to know more about all this.
"Who are those grown-ups? Mothers ? Daddys ? They like the girls being naked I think. And the girls. Do they like being with the grownups. I know especially Mr Drake likes them I think."
"Honey I guess this is really confusing to you. Mr. Drake is the nicest man. This whole place is his idea. I don't know of a man who better knows about girls and women than he dose. He won a lot of money about 10 years ago, and decided to follow his dream. And I 'm going to introduce to him in the morning. This whole place is his idea."
I wanted to know more about his dream, so Jeanette told me some more.
"Well, all us girls, even me want to be noticed by men. But we too like to look at other girls. I sure do! Even when we are older girls. Mr. Drake told me the day I met him: 'Girls have started deciding who they want to marry when they turn eight. By the time boys decide girls are more interesting than kicking a ball or hitting it, it's too late for them. The boys are picked before they start looking."
Mr. Drake was right I thought. Betsy and me talked about boys, and getting married. All or most of the girls I liked at school were saying things like who they were going steady with. Who was going to be their husband and all. But remembered liking seeing Betsy in the shower.
"But too many women forget after they marry their husband why they said they married him. So many men like women and their wives don't even let the men make love with them any more. But if they have daughters, the daughter loves their Daddy, wants to love her mommy too. Sometimes; the Mother is so jealous of the daughter that not only dose she stop loving her husband, she divorces him so he can't see his daughter. Or the girl see her daddy. That happened to me."
"Other women always liked girls the way men do. My mother did the sort of thing you and I did a little while ago. For me it was a mess. I loved what my mother and I did. But she did it to keep me from my Daddy. But I still wanted to be with my Daddy. He works for Mr. drake now. Papa runs the model train store."
"Anyway, Mr. Drake wanted to have a place where men and women could enjoy have sexy times with girls. He picked people who Could help those folks.."
"Sorta like You ?" I asked .
"Yep!" I Kinda knew what she meant. "Mom woulda been that way if it weren't for the cocaine."
"Gosh little girl, you are smart. It 's more true than most women will admit too. Women don't like to share the bank account with another woman. But the daughter is okay for Dad to fool with only if the cash is enough to buy the mental pain killer of her choice."
Jeanette and I both took a long sip of PEPSI and she went a little more. "Anyway, Mr Drake likes men and girls especially to have a place where both can play with each other in all kinds of ways. My Daddy and I played golf a lot. My Mom hated him having any other female share anything she decided was hers alone. He couldn't even talk nicely with his sister or cousin with out Mom getting nasty. But I wasn't off limits to him as far I my Moms head was concerned. Sometimes he would take me to the beach or here in the mountains to play golf. We would get a hotel room, or My Granpa and Gramma had a cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania."
"The Pocono's?"
"You know 'bout the Poconos ?"
"Granny and me watched the races from there."
"How nice. Anyway, I was about 9 and a half, in the spring. we went to play golf. After playing some Friday afternoon, and eating supper. We went back to our cabin. I decided to tickle Daddy. I really wanted to try to French kiss him. I ached to kiss him. He tickled me back. It was sooo much fun. He faked like he was all worn out and flopped on his back on the couch in the cottage."
"I Had him now. I jumped on him and planted my lips on his like I saw in the movies and how my girlfriends and I did it. He was surprised and pushed me up from him. I saw his eyes see mine. He just took me in. I was in my heaven. He told me later we should not ever have kissed like that. But He let me back down and we kissed, and kissed and kissed. I loved it. I had Daddy where I wanted him. "
"We didn't play golf the next day because we did sex all night. We were going to the golf course that morning, but I put my hand on his while he was driving. I just really wanted to point out a pretty house. But he turned right around and went straight back to the cabin. We had one week end a year until I went to Los Angeles to try being a movie star. I learned to take pictures and movies instead." My keeper was almost dreaming out loud.
"We decided we would never tell my mother. She is a good person in most ways other than loving my Daddy. But I loved loving my Daddy. If he were here tonight, I 'd let you kiss him like that too."
Jeanette sounded proud she really do it too. "Dose he come here? Do other girls get to play with him too?"
"Oh yeah he dose, and they do. Like I said, he runs the NCTRAINS & HOBBY Store.
"Time to change the subject." She took a deep. " There are a few very strict rules. But the girls get to be free and sexy, so do men, and women too. Girls can't have unprotected intercourse with anyone until they are 16. The can have oral sex with anyone they choose for the guests, or patrons. Everyone is screen for diseases. In other words, the only one who can put anything in your vagina other than tongues or fingers is you. A 12-year-old or even 16-year-old girl shouldn't have a baby or an abortion. Ladies who try to use a strap-on dildo, or a man trying to put his penis in your vagina will be hauled out of here before they finish the night. If the call the police or try to sue, Mr Drake will place all the pictures and videos of exactly what happened on TV and newspapers the very next day."
"Now, Many of the people you saw in the DVD so far, have jobs or run businesses that are part of this place.. They either bought estates and live here, or are members of the private club. Some are people who get caught on sex abuse charges, but aren't mean, rapists. Just people who love and enjoy loving girls like yourself.While they are here, neither men or women can put anything in a girls vagina or butthole. A man nor woman can have intercourse with a girl younger than 14. And nobody can use illegal drugs."
"We do serve fine wine and beer with meals in mid day and evening meals. But If a person gets drunk and mean, they can never come back here. Girls can be spanked if they steal from each other or dishonestly accuse grownups. But you can spank me if we are doing sex play."
I held up my hand, now I was really amazed. "I can spank you? Wow!"
Jeanette smile turned sorta naughty. "Maybe." She patted my hand on her right breast teasing me, and continued. Though the idea of spanking her, Oh My !
"Now some of the girls mowing the lawn and such are girls found after bad storms and we can't find their families; or where wars are being fought and the girls are rescued; or people sort of like your mother. There are about 6 or 7 girls here that were sold to one of the employees or Mr Drake for drug money. It's better for the girls to be here, than be in the hands of druggies. In fact, people like Silvio and your... you know, are the sort we've bought girls from."
"WOW!" Was all I could think of. "Dose Dwight know about this place?" I had to know.
"Yeah Madison he knows. He personally brought one girl here. He and his wife adopted her. I have some stills of her. Hold still."
Jeanette jumped up and went quick to a bookshelf and scurried back beside me. This time, cuddly close.
"Lemmee see here.' she had one of those big picture albums. The first couple of pages were of cute girls. "Ah, here's Felicia ." Four photos on the page of a girl with curly red hair' wearing different costumes. A cowgirl, a maid, a teacher, and an astronaut. She had freckles on her cheeks and face. She had on some eye make up and lipstick. Gosh, I wanted lipstick now. She looked like she was having fun. Jeanette told me more about her while she steadily turned the pages. Each page she, Felicia was taking off more and more clothes. She looked so pretty and happy to do them. I told Jeanette I thought so."
Felicia was found in the Texas desert area, near El Paso. Her parents and her older brothers were illegal aliens from Guatamalla who came through Mexico to America. Her parents ran out of money to pay the smugglers so they gave her to the Coyote as payment to get the parents across the U.S. border. He decided she wasn't worth the bother and through her away soon as her folks were out of sight and he was 3 miles down the road. Felicia found her way to El Paso.
One of the Minuet Men ladies border patrol volunteers, who work with Mr. Drake, and people like him found her passed out in the desert, and called Mr. Drake. He flew down to get her along with Dwight and Ms. Rose. Felicia looked so nice in the pictures Jeanttes was showing me. She also showed some pictures of her right after she was found. I knew the answer to my own question. How can people like Jeantte, Mr. Drake, or Dwight could be bad people? The aren't.
"I took them all, and all the others in this book, and lots more. We sell videos, photo sets, and podcast. The girls all get paid money too.The ones who live here, have their own things. Rooms, clothes, IPODS computers and, bank accounts. We all just love them. We love them inside and out and all over."Jeanette softly traced her finger right down my chest, over my belly button and stopped just above my pussy. Now I can say it; Pussy, My new found pussy."
WOW. I know Granny isn't the only angel I would ever meet. The pictures made me feel squishy in my 'down-there.' It needed rubbing, even more than last night. My nipples were all twitchy too. Felicia's pictures all nude and all, I just really wanted to kiss her.
There was no more talking. Like the only thing in the world to do was to kiss. I scooted on her lap, and found me sitting, on Jeanette's thighs. Just like last night Her pretty face was foggy a little. I had to tell her How much I love her. That I really liked being here. So I let my tongue find hers. Last night was not a mistake or a sin. This isn't either. Jeanette told me how glad I felt that way. My boobies and pussy, was hers tonight. She told me there would be more ladies, men and girls she knew I 'd like.
Soon I was being carried to the Jacuzzi. I don't remember when she took off her clothes. But she was sooo naked in the mirrors. We got me that way so fast. I know I was on one of the steps in the water, all bubbling and sweet smelling. She was standing. It made me taller enough that she stopped kissing me and made my nipples jerk alive the way she sucked and licked them. I tried to soap her so soft breast, but her hand was scrubbing my pussy. I was so glad to have it. She was so glad to make me happy to be a girl.
After I don't know how long, we sagged back on the water seat, just cooing together. This time I could see our reflection in front of the houses up the drive, and the street lights. It was winty-pretty out there. I was so wanted here. In a few months That moment was what I going to remember to tell a judge when the time came, I want to stay here.
"Come on little sleepy bee." Jeanette sang a lot like Granny did. Grabbing my hand we stepped from the Jacuzzi and she slipped a big fluffy robe around us both. She patted the wettest parts dry enough, and wet brushed my hair and hers. She dropped the robe somewhere and cradled me in her arms to her big bed.
Her bedroom looked out on the snowy pasture below the same way the Jacuzzi did, but higher and enough back so you could see the snow on the roof too through huge windows. Loved seeing our reflections in the glass. Now seeing my self naked felt cool and normal. Seeing Jeanettes breast, and her stiff , brown nipples. WOW. And It's the first time I saw her pussy hair. She had just a patch. I learned that she had a mediumly plush body. What ever it's called. I now wanted to feel and taste all of her.
I Don't know how long we played on the bed. I do know much I licked, and kissed and squeezed her boobs till I went to sleep.
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