Meredith's Game

[ g/M/FF, bd, sm ]

by Quiller


Published: 15-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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Caution: Fiction purely for adults. This never happened. So don't do it yourself.

'Hi, Honey,' said Mike Edderd, looking up from his workbench as his eight year old daughter came into the garage.

'Hi, Daddy,' grinned Meredith. She looked as cute as she always did in her red tee-shirt and short pink skirt - with matching pink ribbons in her light brown hair. However she was walking a little strangely with her hands behind her and little flat chest and belly pushed forward.

'Your hands tied behind you?' asked Mike, putting down the saw he was using.

'Course I have,' giggled the girl. 'Look what Mommy did.' The child turned and showed her bound hands between her shoulder blades, palm to palm with her fingers pointing up to her her neck, held in place by a thin rope tied round her wrist ropes and up to her neck.

'That looks good, sweetie,' said the man, feeling his cock swell a little at the sight of his daughter bound.

'Mommy says it's called a reverse prayer. Isn't that funny?'

'Sure is. Your mom's done a real good job there.' Mike bent forward to examine the way the small girl's hands had been cinched tightly and the rope from her wrists tied to her neck. 'Not too panful, is it?'

'Only if I don't keep my hands up,' explained the child. 'Guess my shoulders might start hurting soon if I don't.'

Mike nodded, pleased how his daughter was so aware of the way prolonged bondage slowly caused increasing discomfort and even agony. 'How long does Mom say you have to be tied up?'

Meredith frowned as she turned back to face her father. 'Dunno. I gagged Mommy before she did this. She said if I was good she would tie me in a reverse prayer and then asked me to put a ball gag in her mouth before she did it.'

'Red ball gag or black?'

'Red. Mommy says that one is bigger.'

'So it is, sweetie.' The man studied his daughter and then said, 'I know, pumpkin. I have a great idea. Let's make a gag for you and you can go and show Mommy.'

'Cool,' said the girl as she looked at her father's workbench. 'Only, have you got a rubber ball for my mouth?'

'Don't need one. I'm going to make you a special old-fashioned gag from a block of wood and a rope round your head.'

'You mean, like in those old pictures you showed me of women in France?'

'That's right. You see, honey, before rubber or plastic came along most women - especially going to the guillotine or to be tortured - were gagged with a piece of wood. Nothing fancy, just a simple chunk of everyday wood. Look, this piece of wood I've been using looks about right for you.' The man held up a block of wood for Meredith to see. 'All I have to is round off the edges a little, drill a hole and thread a rope through it and hey, we have a special gag for you.'

'Great,' smiled the girl. She watched as her father quickly fashioned it as he said and looking pleased, he held it up for his daughter to see.

'Will it fit?' asked the girl.

'Should do. But like we have told you, gags aren't meant to be comfortable so if it hurts a little that's good, isn't it?'

Meredith nodded and opened as wide as she could while her father threaded a rope through the hole and holding his daughter's head pushed the block into her mouth.

'Oooth,' gurgled Meredith. 'Hrtthh,' she tried to say but Mike ignored her. He tied the rope off in back of her head tightly.

'Let's test it to see if it really works,' said Mike, pinching one of his daughter's cute little nipples where it showed through her t-shirt.

'Unnth!' squealed the child.

'Good. Now, go and show Mom,' said Mike, giving his daughter a little friendly smack on her ass as she turned to head for the garage door. He watched her disappear with her funny-gaited bondage walk and her hands fastened high up behind her shoulder blades. Real cute, he thought as he flipped his cock out for a quick jerk.


Mike had been working for about ten minutes when Meredith came back in. She was still tied and gagged but her red tee-shirt had been pushed up above her chest and Mike could clearly see that his wife had added a pair of yellow clothes pins to her daughter's nipples.

'Oh, I see,' laughed the man as the girl presented herself. 'So Mom wants to play a game does she? Well, I have a great idea. Come here honey.'

Meredith reluctantly approached her father, who had picked up his power drill.

'Don't worry, sweetcakes, I'm not going to drill you but I want to put a hole in each of those clothes pins. You know why?'

The silenced girl doubtfully shook her head. She was already drooling from her gag and her little chest was shiny with saliva.

'I want to add a weight to each one so they pull your little nipples down. So stand close and I will put a hole in them.'

It only took a few moments to punch a neat hole through the end of each clothes pin and with a couple of lead weights on a length of wire, Mike fastened the weights to the pins so Meredith's little nipples was pulled painfully down, the weights swinging on her belly.

'I guess that hurts some,' said Mike with a smile. 'So go and show Mommy.' Another butt smack, harder this time, sent the child on her painful way, the lead weights swinging against her exposed belly.


Little Meredith came back, five minutes later. She was still walking oddly, but more so this time.

'What is it, honey?' asked Mike, watching his daughter come to a halt just in front of him, the weights hanging from her pinned nipples still swinging.

The eight year old girl tried to talk but the wooden block gag was too good.

'Hush, pumpkin. Don't try to spoil the silence. Hmm, let me see - has Mom done something to you?'

Meredith nodded, and turned slowly.

Her little skirt was hitched up at the back, her panties tugged down to the top of her thighs. Emerging from between her little ass cheeks was a wooden cooking spoon. It had, Mike could see, been pushed up her asshole. The man nodded and grinned. 'Honey, mom's done a good job there. Just walk up and down for me a while so I can watch the spoon wiggle.'

'Mmmth,' Meredith managed to say. Mike wasn't sure if that was meant to be a yes or a no but the girl did it anyway, walking with her unusual gait, up and down the garage. The spoon wiggled as she walked, making the man laugh at the sight.

'Okay,' he said, stopping the child. 'Mom wants to play a game does she? Right, let's see what your good old dad here can dream up next.'

Meredith stood patiently while the man rummaged through the stuff on his bench, looking for something.

He found it: a length of nylon fishing line. Meredith looked at him curiously as he unraveled it. Her father picked his drill up again and smiled at his daughter. 'Just hold still sweetheart, I'm going to drill a small hole in your gag so I can put a hook in it.'

With one hand behind her head, he placed the drill on the wooden block in the child's mouth and slowly pressed to make a hole about half an inch deep. Meredith squealed as he did so - not because it was hurting but because she was scared he might slip. But Mike knew his tools, kept them all sharp as a good craftsman should, and was very careful. On the other hand there were few things as sweet as a look of terror on a small girl's face.

'Good,' he said when he finished. He took a hook and screwed it into the hole, again holding his daughter's head to keep her steady and make his job easier. Then he threaded the nylon line through the hook and tied it off, running the length of it down his daughter's front and between her legs.

Meredith squealed as her daddy tied the end of the line to the spoon close to her cute ass and tightened it so the nylon cut upwards into the girl's tender little sex.

'Hurt, pumpkin?' he enquired, smiling when the girl both shook her head and nodded more or less at the same moment. 'Well, you'll soon find out when you walk back and show Mom. My theory is it will rub on your little cunny as you walk. Could be nice, could be painful, so let's see.'

Another smack, harder this time, on the child's exposed ass cheeks sent Meredith tottering off back to her mother.


It didn't take long before the child was back. She was not only walking carefully but had a bemused look on her face. This time she didn't have to turn round to show what her mother had done to her in the kitchen. Two more clothespins had been added to her, one on each labia lip, so they stuck out a little at the front. But where she had yellow clothespins on her nipples the ones at her little twat were pink.

Mike grinned. This was a great contest. He had thought his wife might do something more so he had been thinking what he might do in several scenarios. This was one he'd thought likely, given that he knew his wife's love of pussy pain as she called it.

Before he started this time, the man pulled aside the labia clothespins so he could see the child's little nub of a clitoris and of course the nylon line running right by the clit on its way to the spoon handle. The clit looked a little red where the nylon had rubbed against it. He wanted to rub the tempting little sore lump with his fingers but that wasn't the game. With a sigh he stood and looped a rope over a beam in the garage, letting it dangle in front of his daughter's face.

'You're probably gonna wriggle for this, and I want you to stand still. Easiest way, honey, is to put a noose round that pretty neck so you don't move too much.'

Meredith's eyes widened in panic and she gurgled into her wood block gag. She hated anything tight round her neck. Her mom and dad knew it but still did it to her, just as a reminder that while they didn't want to hurt her (and sure didn't want to throttle her) she was theirs to use as they pleased.

The rope was knotted round the eight year old's neck and tied off. 'You look very very sexy, sweetypie,' said Mike, his cock hard in his pants at what he saw before him.

Once more the man picked up his drill and put holes in the clothespins at the child's cunt. Happily, the neck rope kept his daughter fairly still as he did it. He guessed she was nervous about a power drill so near her little slit and tried to pull away a little, but was more wary of the rope at her throat.

Once the two holes were done, Mike got some more fishing line and tied it through the clothespins and then ran the long ends up to Meredith's little chest, through the holes in the nipple clothespins and over the girl's shoulders (crossing on her chest so they didn't slip off her shoulders) and then down the back to her thumbs where they were pressed together in the reverse prayer bondage position. There was enough slack in the nylon to tie them together. Just so no one could undo the thumb tie he took his soldering iron, heated it and fused the nylon knot into a ball of plastic.

The neck rope was undone and very pained looking child was giving a smack and sent back to her mom. Mike grinned as Meredith walked slowly, painfully out of the garage.


Meredith didn't come back for a while. Mike busied himself with the stocks he was making for Meredith: he was sure his daughter would soon grow out of the ones she'd had since she was four. He was too absorbed in fashioning them that he didn't hear his daughter come back.

There was a noise behind him and Meredith was standing, her face pointed upwards but her eyes looking down so she could see ahead, an enforced surprised look on her cute face. 'Oh hi,' grinned Mike. 'Mom's been busy again?'

The girl nodded ever so slowly and Mike could see why. Meredith's hair had been tied up by her mother into a tight ball on top of her head, cord wound round to make sure her hair was dragged back on her scalp and the whole knot on top of her held by the cord that ran down her back, down past the child's bound hands and then to one of her ankles, wrapped round under the sole of her foot so it wouldn't ride up.

Mike walked round the child examining this latest and surprisingly cruel bondage. It was clear that as Meredith walked the rope at her ankle would ensure her hair - and head - was pulled back. In that position, the child's normally innocent eyes seemed to be staring maniacally.

'I like your new hairstyle, pumpkin,' laughed the man, tugging the hair rope causing his daughter make painful gasping noises into her wooden gag. 'But you know, I can see up your nose with your head back. Hmmm, perhaps you should have something to make you look like a little pig so we've got an even clearer view.'

Meredith groaned as best she could. She remembered spending last Christmas with one of those hooks in her nostrils - the type that the Japanese love on their bound women - which gave her a curious pig-like look. She had hoped that would be the last time she would have to wear them but clearly her father hadn't forgotten. Humming a tune he rummaged on the bench and soon produced what he was looking for: a twin hook on a length of fine chain. Without a word the man inserted the twin hook into Meredith's nostrils and tugged the chain back over her head before locking it off at her wrists with the help of a small brass padlock.

The result was, he was pleased to see, spectacular. Little Meredith's usually cute nose was squashed up into a series of ridges and her nostrils stretched up and open. He tugged at the thin chain making her squeal into her wooden gag and sighed. 'Sometimes, pumpkin, when a little girl acts like a little pig she has to look like one. Off you go and show mommy. Don't forget to say "Oink, oink", okay?'

Meredith, blinking back tears from the pain in her nose, turned ready for the inevitable swat on her ass. But Daddy always surprised her: this time he just let her waddle off.


Several minutes later, Meredith came back slowly and agonizingly, shuffling into the garage with her head still back and tears running down the sides of her face to join the drool dripping off her gag and jaw. For once she didn't have any further additions to her bondage. All she had was a handwritten note fastened to one of her nipples. Mike concluded that her mom must have carefully removed one of the clothespins and re-fixed it so the note was hanging from the small nipple.

Mike took the note and carefully replaced the clothespin.

"Dear Mike," it began. "Okay, you win. You always were better at punishing Meredith-pig than me! So, if you're not too busy, why not tie our little piglet up and come upstairs and fuck me. I'll be on the bed with my ass in the air as usual - and the gag should help keep me quiet if you want to whip my ass for losing this game. Signed, your loving loser. Gina.

PS Bring plenty of rope. I think I might need to be tied like Meredith. G."

'Well, sweetcakes, seems mom has been outsmarted,' the man grinned as he put down the note. 'So you get to stay here while I attend to some bedroom business.'

The small girl rolled her eyes as the only way she could express her dismay. She'd rather, even tied up like she was, be someplace else. Being left in the garage would mean more pain.


Meredith was hurting. She had been standing in the garage for an hour, tied by her slender little neck to the beam above her head. She was, of course, used to being bound and even punished (sometimes for a reason) but this was agony for her, tied up as she was. Worse, she didn't know how long more she would have to endure this position, these painful devices and restraints.

An hour more? Two hours? She groaned into her large, uncomfortable gag at the thought it could be longer.

There was a noise behind her and the child perked up. Had her daddy really finished fucking mommy? Had she been sent down to free the girl? Meredith felt a little better at the prospect of being released.

A pair of hands came round her and stroked her chest, hovering round her clothespinned nipples. As best she could Meredith looked down at the hands, and was shocked to see they were an old pair of hands. It took her a moment to look down and focus before Meredith realized whose hands they were: there was no mistaking Grandma's fat, heavily ringed fingers flicking over her chest.

Meredith gave another groan. Grandma could be very demanding when she found her grand-daughter in bondage. And surprise visits like this were worse, somehow.

'Well, look at what we have here,' she laughed behind the child, finally pressing her ample bosom to the back of the small child. She didn't let go of Meredith's chest and began rubbing herself against the child, small circular motions so her hardening nipples caressed the pre-teen's back. 'Hmmm... A little girl all tied up. Expect you've been a mite naughty, huh?'

Meredith tried to shake her head. This wasn't punishment. It was, well, just fun. At least that was what she tried to say.

'Oh hush your silly little bleatings,' said Grandma Edderd, breathing into Meredith's ear. 'Just accept you have to be punished and all's well with the world. Now, let' see how good you're tied.'

Grandma Edderd let go of the child and stood back a step, allowing herself to rotate the child on her neck rope. Meredith gurgled with the effort but the old woman merely chuckled at what she saw. 'Oh, yes,' she said with a satisfied grin as she looked the child up and down. 'A very good job if I may say so. Yes, quite the little hooker, aren't we? Or a piggy hooker,' she laughed.

Meredith knew better than to argue. She nodded as best she could, every movement of her head bringing pain and discomfort.

'And I can see daddy has worked very hard to make sure you stay all tied up. I hope you're grateful, young lady, for having such a kind daddy.'

Again, the child nodded. She didn't feel grateful but then this could be worse. She could be, like she was last month, hung upside down from the beam.

'Well, I guess daddy's busy with that slut of a mother of yours, huh? Otherwise he wouldn't have left you like this.' Suddenly Grandma Edderd frowned. 'Goodness, he must have been very much in a hurry. Why, child, there's hardly a whip mark on you. Didn't he at least practice his whipping on you?'

Meredith shook her head, trying not to look too alarmed. If the old woman thought the girl should be whipped, she would be.

'Well, it's a good job I'm here.' The old woman went to the bench and started rummaging. She soon located a length of rope. 'Ah, this will do. perfect for whipping bad girls, don't you think?'

Tearfully, Meredith nodded. She watched the old woman tie several knots in the rope length. 'Much better to make you hurt,' explained the woman and demonstrated with a savage slash to Meredith's legs.

The child screamed into her gag as pain exploded through her left leg. 'Oh be quiet!' snapped the grandmother as she prepared for another blow, this time to Meredith's right leg. 'I didn't come all the way over here to listen to you complaining about a little punishment.'

Meredith did her best not to scream for the second, third and fourth slashes with the knotted rope. But the fifth saw her resolve crumble and by the tenth she was blubbering for mercy into her brutal wooden gag, tears pouring from her face and pee running down the inside of her pained legs.

'Well, that's not very nice, is it?' Grandma Edderd remarked. 'Peeing yourself over a little beating. When I was younger we had to take more'n that and not make a mess. I think you kids today don't know you're born. All comfort and ease if I'm not mistaken. Why even that spoon up your shithole is a small size handle.'

But the woman had stopped the beating and examined the bright red marks on the child's thin legs. 'Well, that's fine for now,' said the woman as she straightened up. 'I guess daddy will want to whip you some later, maybe even that fat useless mother of yours.' It was common knowledge that Grandma Edderd didn't think her son Mike should have married Gina - as a result there was a thinly disguised hostility between the two women. Meredith was caught in the middle: she loved her mom and dad but appreciated all the good things her Grandma had done for them, even having Meredith over at her house for weekend bondage sessions while the child's parents went out on wife-swap and orgy weekends.

The old woman had put down the rope and approached the eight-year old from the back. Meredith thought that she would be punished in some new way but was both pleased and surprised that her gag was being removed.

'I don't know, Meredith. You really are a sweet child but at times I think you deliberately try to get into trouble.' The very wet wooden block came free and Meredith croaked her thanks.

'G-grandma,' she gasped, tears still running down her flushed cheeks. 'I-I haven't done anything wrong. This was a game, between daddy and mommy.'

'I see, and who may I ask won this game?'

'D-daddy did,' sniffed the child. 'Mommy said he was... was t-too good at tying up and wanted to be tied up like me.'

'Well, that is good news,' beamed the woman. 'I hope I get to see her like this. I won't be so gentle with the knotted rope then.' She chuckled and picked it up again prompting Meredith to give a little cry, fearing it was for her.

'Oh, hush sweetie. I won't beat you for a while yet. Just relax.' The grandmother put down the rope on the bench, but where she could find it quickly. 'Now, I think I should say sorry to you for punishing you.' The woman paused and shook her head. 'But then, I never say sorry so you'll just have to accept I was a little hasty. On the other hand, dear little Meredith, you did look very punishable standing there. You can't blame a woman for whipping her darling grand-daughter when she's so lovingly bound.'

''S okay, Grandma,' sniffed Meredith.

'Well, let me make it up to you.' The old woman stepped forward and for a split-second the little girl thought she would be untied - or at least her neck rope. But the old woman made no such effort and merely pressed her fat lips to the child's mouth in a passionate kiss. Meredith, knowing how one behaved when a woman kissed you like this, opened her mouth and accepted the tongue that thrust its way into her.

Grandma Edderd spent the next ten minutes kissing and tonguing and licking Meredith's face, even probing at the child's pig-like nostrils. Meredith remembered to make the obligatory moaning and lusting noises as the woman pressed herself close to the child.

'There, how was that? Better?' Grandma Edderd had finished and was grinning at her grand-daughter.

'Thankyou Grandma,' Meredith smiled weakly. Her lips felt bruised and her jaw was hurting from so much wild french kissing. But she wasn't crying now. And even her whipped legs didn't pain her quite as much.

'Good girl. Now, let's pop this lovely old-fashioned gag back in while I go and find daddy.' Meredith opened wide and the wood gag went back in before it was tied tight.

Grandma gave the child's sore legs one quick stinging slap with her hand and then picking up the knotted rope, waved goodbye to the child and set off for the house.

Meredith heard the door close, the footsteps retreat and then silence settled. She would be in for a long wait, she decided, if Grandma was going to beat her daughter-in-law.

But it wasn't all bad news. Perhaps afterwards she and Mommy could compare whip marks and the best one - the one with the brightest, reddest marks - would win, thought Meredith.

Yes, they certainly both liked games and competitions. And the winner would punish the loser as always.

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