Published: 24-Feb-2012
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The third baseman caught the quick chopper down the line on the first hop and pegged a perfect throw to the second baseman who tagged out the runner sliding back to the bag. "Nice tag, Anna," someone shouted as the side was retired with the score tied.
"Good throw, Jeremy," Anna yelled back. "Right on the money."
"You're up, Anna. Just get on base and we'll do the rest," said Pete, the center fielder, as the teams changed sides.
"Just watch," said the lanky, freckled, 14 year old girl, tucking her ponytail under her hat.
Anna took a couple of warmup swings and stepped up to the plate. The first pitch was low and she let it pass. The next pitch was high and outside and she let that one go by, too. The next pitch was just what she wanted; she hit a line drive between the first and second basemen that neither could get to, a sure base hit. The right fielder's throw to second went wide and the third base backup had to chase it as Anna got an easy standup double. Stanley, the next batter, flied out. The next batter, Jonathan, hit the first pitch over the trees in left field to score both Anna and himself for two runs. The team went crazy and cheered loudly; they had just beaten last year's city championship team and were rightly proud of themselves. High fives all around and lots of whooping and hollering marked their celebration.
As the kids were picking up their gear and heading for their bikes, Roberto, Miguel's little brother, rode up on his bike, a wide grin on his face."Look what I have, guys," shouted the boy, waving something in his hand. "It's the new Playboy. The mailman left it in Mr. Johnson's empty mailbox. I told him Mr. Johnson had moved but he just shrugged and left it anyway. Check it out."
The boys gathered around Roberto as he took the magazine from its plastic wrapper and started flipping through the pages. "Whoa, go back a page. Wow, look at the tits on that blonde?"
"Ooooh, I'm definitely in love," said one of the boys.
"Man, you can see everything on that centerfold," as they unfolded the page and held it up for everyone to look at.
Anna stood back, hands on her hips, shaking her head. "You guys get all excited about those phony tits and posed pictures. How many real girls have you ever seen that look like that?"
"You're just jealous you don't have a body like those girls, Anna. What are you, anyway, 28-A, or are you still wearing a training bra?" All the boys laughed and continued to flip through the Playboy. Anna gave them the finger.
"That's none of your business. What I have is real and I don't care at all if you boys stand around getting boners from a paper magazine. Maybe you'll sneak it into your bedroom tonight and jerk off thinking about those fantasy women. I have a date with my boyfriend tonight and he just might get a chance to have some fun with the real things while you guys are busy pounding your tiny little peckers." Anna picked up her glove, turned her baseball cap backwards, and mounted her bike. "It's you guys who're jealous," she said as she got ready to ride away, nose in the air.
The group of boys whispered to one another. "Hey guys, I have an idea. Let's tell her about Leonard. You know, take him the Playboy and watch him jerk off like we did last time. We could sneak Anna in and she could watch. Hell, she looks like a boy with her hair under her hat and she's straight as a stick. As long as she didn't talk he wouldn't know the difference." The boys looked at one another and grinned.
"Sure, why not," said one.
"Good plan," said Joe. "What a riot. I bet she wouldn't do it, though. She's chicken."
"Well, let's find out. Anna, wait a minute," Pete yelled, "We need to talk to you about something."
"I don't want to look at your stupid magazine. I'm going home."
"No, wait. This isn't about the magazine. We want to pull a good joke on someone."
Anna got off her bike and walked over to the group. "Okay, what are you all whispering about. If you are trying to embarrass me I'll kick your butts."
"You know Leonard who lives over on Center Street down by the park; the big guy who isn't too swift?"
"Yeah, what about him?"
"He's got the biggest cock you've ever seen. A couple of weeks ago we took him a girly magazine we found and talked him into letting us watch him jerk off while he looked at the pictures. His attic has an outside entrance and we all went up there. It was amazing. That thing of his is huge and it squirted all the way across the room."
"So? What does that have to do with me?"
"We thought we could take him this Playboy and smuggle you inside to see him jerk off. You know, make like you are one of the guys. Put your hair under your cap, don't say anything, sort of stand back. I mean, with that cock, Leonard is sort of like a freak of nature. You wouldn't actually do anything but watch and he will never know. What a riot."
"Anna. Have you ever seen a really big cock?" said Jeremy.
"Guys, do I look like a pervert? Why would I want to watch a retarded fat boy jerk off. I can see all the boners I want."
"Not like this one, Anna. It's huge. C'mon, chance of a lifetime."
"Okay, I just might do this. Let me think a minute. What if people at school find out? Will you swear to keep this a secret? Cross your heart?"
"Yeah, okay, sure," the guys said, almost in unison.
"One question, Anna, just for curiosity. How many times have you seen a guy jerk off." The guys laughed.
Anna looked down at her feet. "Well, never, really."
"Not one time""
"No, honest, I never have. Just on the internet. That's partly why I hesitated 'cause I didn't want you to think I was such a goody-goody. I mean, I gotta' keep up my star athlete image, ya' know."
The boys roared with laughter. "One more question, Anna. Have you ever even touched a cock?" More laughter.
"What is this? Do I have to pass some sort of test to do this crazy stunt with you guys? I'm a girl if you haven't noticed. I don't have a cock to play with every night so the answer is no, I have never touched one of those things. Well, not a bare one, anyway. I felt one or two with my hand but they stayed inside the guys pants. I'm not going to touch Leonard's cock if I go with you. Or any of yours, either."
"So you'll go with us, then?"
"Yeah, it's crazy but I 'll go along. If he catches on to me I'll need you guys to protect me. He's not too swift upstairs and he might try to do something crazy if he busts us. Promise you'll watch out for me, okay?"
"Okay, we promise. This is going to be a hoot! Let's go."
The gang rode the two blocks to the park where they parked their bikes and walked up to Leonard's house. Joey rang the doorbell and after a few seconds Leonard answered the door.
"Hi Leonard. We have something for you."
Leonard grinned when he saw the boys and Roberto handed him the Playboy. Leonard thumbed through it and a serious look came over his face. "Is this for me,"he said."
"Sure," said Roberto," but we'd like to be with you the first time you look at it. You know, like we did last time."
Leonard looked at the eight boys on the porch. "All these guys, too?"
"Yeah, Leonard, you're kind of famous with that big cock of yours. This is our softball team and they all want to see it."
Leonard smiled. He started flipping through the pages, stopping at one place and staring. He rubbed the front of his pants with one hand and his smile turned into a wide grin. "Wow, this girl is hot. Look there, you can see her pussy." He flipped through several more pages." Okay, you guys go around back to the fire escape and I'll go open the door." With that, Leonard went inside and closed the door, all the while staring at the magazine and continuing to rub the front of his pants.
"Here, Anna, let me put your hair under your hat a little better." said Joe, adjusting her cap. "There you go. Just stay at the back of the group and don't say anything."
Anna had stood to the side when Leonard first came to the door and thumbed through the Playboy. Her eyes were riveted on the bulge in the front of his pants. That boner looked as big around as a baseball bat. It both frightened and fascinated her and she felt a slippery, wet sensation between her legs. She fell in behind the last boy going up the steps and shut the door behind her.
The attic was not well lit. Leonard sat down on an old couch that was under the gable window where there was also a lamp. The boys gathered around him, standing in a semi-circle so they could all see. Anna stood partly behind Joe where Leonard couldn't see her face. Joe patted her on the arm.
Leonard undid his belt and top button, unzipped his trousers, then hunched up and pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles. His cock was already semi-hard and wagged in the air, sticking almost straight up. " A few hushed "Wows" rippled from the boys as they gawked at the biggest cock any of them had ever seen. Leonard started paging through the Playboy with one hand and slowly massaged his cock as he stopped to look more carefully at the nude pictures. He grunted and muttered under his breath, licked his lips, rubbed the flared cock head and grasped the shaft with his hand, gently working it up and down. His focus was entirely on the magazine. He didn't look at the boys gathered around him.
Anna was mesmerized. She had seen cock pictures on the internet but never anything like this. The big purplish head was the size of a small peach and the shaft was as big around as her forearm. She felt a tingling between her legs and she knew her panties were getting soaked. She slipped one hand under her shirt and bra, found a nipple and gently rolled it between her thumb and forefinger. She was conscious of suppressing a moan and bit her lower lip to keep from making any sound. Her other hand went between her legs and she gently rubbed her pussy through the denim jeans. Joe looked down, smiled at her, and winked.
Leonard had opened up the Playboy centerfold, laid the magazine on the side table and was rapidly jerking his cock. Instinctively, the boys standing just in front of him moved back, knowing they were within range when he let loose. Leonard was talking to himself now but his words weren't understandable. Precum covered the head of his cock and he occasionally stopped to smear it around underneath the head with his forefinger before resuming his jerking.
Anna had never been so aroused in her life. There was an increasing dull, roaring feeling in her stomach, her pussy felt like it was on fire, and her nipples were rigid and very sensitive. She felt very wet and imagined stuff running down her thigh. She made a soft sound, barely audible over the boys' urging Leonard on. Joe turned and looked at her, mouthing "Are you okay," to which she nodded, still biting her lip.
Suddenly Leonard let out a loud sound, neither a scream nor a moan, but he moved forward on the couch, spread his legs, and worked his fist faster up and down. With a loud moan a rope of quivering cum, easily three feet long, shot from his cock and landed on the wooden floor. Another stream, nearly as long, squirted out alongside the first, and several smaller strings landed in front of his feet. A few last globs jumped out, landing on the bunched up pants at his ankles. Leonard continued to milk the cum from his still erect cock, some of it hanging off the end and shimmering in the pale light.
The boys whooped and cheered, giving high fives, and chanting, "Leonard, Leonard, Leonard" over and over. Anna moved back, her hands now in the open and still afraid of being discovered. Leonard grabbed the base of his softening cock and waggled it around at the boys, who laughed. He smiled from ear to ear, grabbed a rag that was on the couch and wiped the head of his cock. He pulled on his pants, zipped up, buckled his belt and sat back on the couch. He seemed pleased that the boys enjoyed his show so much.
The gang thanked him as they filed toward the door. Anna remained silent and positioned herself in the center of the group. Her knees were weak and wobbly and she could hardly walk. She knew the crotch of her jeans was soaking wet and her nipples were positively aching now and there was a dull, aching sensation in her stomach. She had to get home before anyone saw her like this, At the bottom of the stairs she ran toward her bike and hastily rode off. Anna was half a block ahead of Joe before he caught up to her, pedaling fast. "Wow, what's the big hurry, Anna?"
"Tell you later, Joe." I've gotta' pee really bad and I need to get home right away. I think we fooled him; he had no clue a girl was watching him, did he?"
"No, he didn't. Are you okay? You look upset."
"No, not upset. I just have to get home pretty quick. It's a girl thing, Joe. I'll see you guys tomorrow at school."
"Okay, Anna." Later." Joe turned off at the next street, heading for his house.
Anna pulled up at her back door, jumped off the bike and ran up the steps. Luckily no one was home. She unzipped her jeans on the way to her bedroom where she went in and locked the door. Off came the shirt and bra, then the jeans and panties, and she flopped on the bed, Anna thrust her fingers into her swollen slit and found her rigid clit. She rolled a nipple between her thumb and forefinger and experienced the longest, most intense orgasm of her life, followed almost immediately by several smaller ones. Her visualization of Leonard's big cock and all that cum totally occupied her mind.
When Anna caught her breath she picked up her clothing. Her panties were totally soaked and her jeans were wet almost down to the knees. Anna couldn't believe so much stuff came from her little pussy. Her clit was sore from the aggressive rubbing and her nipples hurt, too. A long, hot bath helped but the roaring inside her head continued. The same dull roar was still there when she went to bed but she got herself off one more time before sleep overtook her.
Anna knew that she wanted to visit Leonard again, this time by herself. That visit would happen sooner than she imagined......
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