Published: 4-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Well, that amazing, blessed afternoon came inevitably to a close, and I did the show that night in a sort of sweet daze. Every time I glanced downstage towards my Julianne, my insides did a little slow flip. And she did give me a brief, gentle flash. Her smile as she did so was slightly sad, as if this offered glimpse of her colorful panties (she'd brought a spare, the smarty!) was a parting gift.
And in a way it was. For after that, we never got a chance to see each other alone, that would have seemed natural. We did sneak longing looks at each other at times, but even these had to be discreet.
And at our last performance, she knocked (accompanied, maddeningly, by her now ever-present backstage minder), and leapt into my arms, and said "Have a good show." And those golden eyes welled up, and I kissed her forehead, and told her all I could with my own eyes, and said, "And you too, Jules." And as they left, I said, "New York, right?" And she made a determined fist and replied, "YES."
And let me say, I ached and pined, and wandered all around my soul the next few weeks, looking for respite, and could find NONE. I had a rather poorly executed 8 X 10 of her, taken hastily for the show's lobby photos, which I'd actually framed and placed on my night table. In it, she was smiling that wonderful lopsided smile of hers, that seemed to say, "I am NOT glamorous, but it sure is fun to pretend!!" I'd gotten her to sign it, and she had, with the schoolishly scribbled notation: "Gallop aPACE!!" I felt like a moonstruck teen.
We exchanged emails, still understanding that ANYthing in writing could be intercepted, and tried to sneak in little codes of passion. I glowed for a whole day, for instance, after reading her story of how she won the Shakespeare prize with her Juliet speech; she just concentrated on what we'd worked on, she said, and 'really went after it with both hands.'
And then, thank God! She told me she was coming to New York! To see her aunt, who lived in Queens, and see some shows. A reward, she told me, for the Shakespeare prize; her parents had suggested Disneyworld, but she, the schemer, had floated Broadway. And been okayed!
She'd come up for Spring Break, which was one whole long week away. I laid out maps and guide books on my kitchen table, learning more in one week about NYC than I had in the 20 years I'd lived here. I shopped, and planned, and tidied, and planned. . and shopped. . .and realized that I'd be lucky to spend an afternoon or two with her, and then I'd get depressed. But snap right back, Buck Up, I'll deal with that when, when it comes, for come it will, I knew. I knew. . .
And then it was ONE DAY, and Jules called me, and I could tell she wasn't
alone. She spoke just like a kid who's excited to come to NY and See the Sights, and we made a plan that next morning she'd come to my place, and we could spend the day together, wouldn't that be cool? Oh, cool, oh yes, I breathed, and I could hear the under-undercurrent of her breath be with me, as she said, "Oh great, okay, I'll see you then! I can't wait!" I couldn't either. But I would.
And then, at 8:15 AM, my buzzer sounded. The tiny voice responding so properly to my own intercom crackle, "It's Julianne Smith for Louisa Bowen in Apartment 8C?"
And there she was, a-running down the hall and Leaping into my arms as I shut my door and held her, held her tightly, as we spun around my foyer and she kissed my face all over. I laughed and squeezed her tightly as her cold hands held my face, and head, and neck, and traveled, like a blind girl's 'round my features, as her lips devoured me. She sounded like she hadn't eaten all month, and now could feast. Sighs, and moans, and exclamations of joy, relief, satisfaction.
To hold such passion in my arms, to feel it squirm and twist and thrust against me, was so precious in my mind, I had to let myself just. ..feel it, and let go. I was never so conscious of the acutely mournful sense of never-to-be-here-again than right then, in the very moment of sublime presence. My love for her was so intense, so visceral; my center balanced lightly on the pinpoint peak; and now I yearned to unlearn gravity, to be taught by Julianne.
I caught her mid-whirl, and held her face in front of mine and looked into her wide and golden smiling eyes. A big, big grin, that melted as she brought her lips to mine and slowly, softly kissed my mouth. Her own sweet mouth opened against mine, and as my tongue, invited, slid between her lips, her arms went around my neck, her small fingers in my thick, still bedwarm hair. She moaned softly as we kissed, and I felt her deep desire, and oh, I welcomed it, and her, to me, my home. My Julianne.
She backed off with a 'plop!' and breathed a sigh, and opened up her eyes. An then she smiled another mischief-laden Julesian smile. She touched my lips lightly with her fingertips. "I have to show you what I wore."
As I let her down, I noticed, yes, she was dressed rather strangely, in a
long, long coat, that came down to her feet, almost. A quilted parka type of coat, for wintry conditions, which didn't exactly meet the present weather requirements; it was chilly March weather, but not arctic. "It's. . .interesting," I offered, not wanting to dent her sartorial bubble.
"No, silly, not the coat," she snorted, and began shuffling out of it. She smiled again, and turned her back to unzip, then, in one smooth motion, turned and let the massive thing drop to the floor.
And there she stood now -- in her little toga-robe from our show! Her arms were out, and she blushed with pride as I clapped my hands together, and let out a heartfelt, "OHH!" She held up a finger, as if to say, "That's not all," and started spinning. And as she spun, the toga whirled around her, and billowed out to show that she was naked underneath. I crowed and really clapped this time, and opened my arms to gather in my pretty giftster. She, grinning, leapt, her legs around my waist, her arms about my neck. Ahh, familiar territory here, and lovely echoes of the dressing room. And stairwell.
"Ohhh, you DARling!" As I buried my nose in her thin neck, and she giggled, then sighed as I opened my mouth to slide along her skin from neck to ear.
"Oooh, SHIVery!" as her legs shook against my waist. "I wanted to surprise you," she murmured. "So I asked Amanda in costumes if I could have it, and she said I could!"
I kissed her cute freckle-nose. "Mm, you DID surprise me, and I LOVE your surprise."
She kissed my nose, then looked in my eyes. "I missed you SO MUCH."
I gave her butt a light squeeze. "I missed you too, little one."
"I mean I missed you SO SO SO much. . ." and she framed my face with both hands on my cheeks. "My stomach hurt I missed you so much. I just.. ." and her eyes welled a bit, "I was just so LOST. . .like I couldn't find. . .myself," and this last barely whispered as she gazed into my eyes.
"Well," as I gazed back, "here you are. . ."
Her solemn pupils shifting back and forth, imprinting both my eyes in separate state upon her soul's dear memory. Ohh, God, I wanted to just envelope her, to devour her, to taste every inch of her life. I asked her eyes, "Do you want to make love?"
And watched, delightful! her whole being swell; her glowing grin, the deep inbreath, the heated flush that blossomed up her face. She nodded wildly, and wrapped her Self around me so she clung with every pore. "Yes, yes, yes, YES!!" she hissed. "Make love to me, make love to me," as I carried her through the hall and into my bedroom.
And tossed her, toga and all, in a yelping, bouncing bundle on the bed. She landed with her toga way up her back, her pretty, small-cheeked bottom bare. She rolled over, and leaned her elbows back. Her legs flopped open, and she smiled; my little 10-year-old inviting me to play. Indeed, her pink-rose pussy already glistened; its tiny lips beckoned me like a crooked little finger.
She grinned lasciviously: "Let's get all naked together!" And as she pulled her toga-robe over her head, I opened up my robe to show her me, my naked, hungry self; I'd been prepared too!
She spread herself luxuriously, a cat against my satin sheets. "Mmmm, you're so beautiful, Mrs. Todd." She stretched her thin arms towards me. "I'm such a lucky girl."
I knelt now on the bed, and crawled to her. "You can call me my real name, you know."
"I know. . ." she whispered, as, still kneeling, I scooped her into my arms. The feel of her against my bare skin. . .ohhh, my Jules. She just held me 'round my waist and rested her head right on my left breast. Her soft temple nuzzled my nipple.
"I mean," I murmured, my belly aglow against her small plum breasts, "Mrs. Todd finished her show, you know?" I kissed the top of her head. Pert.
"I know. . ." as her little hands circled around the smooth skin of my lower back, and slid down to my full bottom. "I just. . .I'm just a little kid, I feel weird calling you. . .PAM," she squeezed my butt, "like I'm one of your grownup friends." She pulled back to look up at me. "You know?"
I smiled at her. "Alright, my little jewel, what would you LIKE to call me?"
"Umm. . .Miss Bowen?"
I kissed her forehead. "A little formal, but. . .sure, call me Miss Bowen." She smiled. "Call me anything you like, just keep squeezing my butt like that."
She blushed, and squeezed again. And snuggled into my breast. "Ohhh, I love you so much, Miss Bowen."
"And I love you too, Miss Smith. My Jules."
She smiled up at me again, and, that mischievous twinkle in her eye, planted a small kiss on my nipple.
"Mmm," I cupped my palm around the back of her head, "more."
And she opened her mouth and took the swelling nipple in, and sucked.
"Oooh, baby. . ." and my hand slid down her thin back to cup her soft, warm bottom. I felt her push it out, wiggle a bit.
"Mmmm," she hummed contentedly as she sucked harder, taking more of my breast into her working mouth. Her legs shuffled apart as my hand slid further down, my finger caressing her tiny anus.
"Ohh," she breathed on my wet breast, "my bottom gets so excited when you
touch me there." And she returned to sucking, and rolling her tongue around my nipple. I felt tingling sparks shoot from there into my middle.
My finger circled her little pulsing asshole. "You like this, honey?"
"Mm-HMMmm," as she sucked and sucked.
"Want me to kiss you in your bottom?"
Her head came away, and she looked up at me, dazed. She breathed deeply, and nodded. Her face was flushed.
"Lie down on your tum, honey. Show me that pretty little butt."
She smiled, biting her lower lip, and lay down. Her little hands came around to spread her cheeks. "Like this?"
"Ohh, you gorgeous girl," as I knelt behind her and started kissing those
small, smooth cheeks. Her hands went up to pet my hair, my face. I put both my large palms on her cheeks, covering the small globes, and squeezed, kneaded.
"Mmmm. . ." she sighed into the pillow.
And then I gently pulled the cheeks apart, and smelled her wonderful musk, the warm excitement of her core. "Yumm," I breathed, and leaned in to kiss around the darkish halo that surrounded her tiny hole. Her bottom rose, and she moaned softly.
I lightly licked the hot, damp lips below, my nose against her quivering anus; its tip felt the tiny aperture barely open and close in its heat.
"Ohhh. . .mmm, Miss Bowen. . .mmMMMmmmm. . ." her hips were moving, grinding slowly against my mouth.
And I slid my tongue upwards again, and centered on her asshole, and pressed wetly in, and felt, and tasted myself sink into my Jules.
And her little hand had moved beneath her, rubbing now into her bare, slurring pussy, as her moans became more urgent, louder, as my tongue drove into her asshole, tasting the slickness of her tight hole, and my lips kissed and kissed around it, sucking at that pretty, pink-tan place.
"OHHHHHhhhh, I'm. . .I'mmmmmmMMMMMmm, mmMMMMMMmm!!! Miss B--ohhHHHHhh!!! Aghh! AaaaAAAAAGHHH!!!" And she was frigging herself for all she was worth, and bucking against my face, and I could feel her shaking, shaking, uncontrolled, abandoned. . .
And when she stilled, spasming still, her bottom twisting, then still, then spasming again. . .and I removed my face from her warm, wet, cummy thighs. . .she rolled over and opened up her arms, and fairly leapt into my arms, and kissed me all over, all over, murmuring, and weeping, and giggling, and hugging me tightly.
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