Published: 2-Feb-2012
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Author's Profile
Maria sat in her cell alone. Being only 14 years old and in a children's correctional facility her jailers knew enough to keep her out of the general population. She was a pretty girl, with nicely developing breasts and a nice round butt like so many of her countrymen loved. She had been her for nearly four months now and was serving a life sentence. She had becomes friends with and later a lover to Jose Rodriguez, the 19 year old son of city councilman Rodriguez. Born and raised in Ensenada, Baja, Mexico Maria was one of four girls, the youngest in her family. Her father, the drunk had run off with a fat American tourist some year or two after Maria was born. Maria's mother worked by day in a bakery making pastries for the tourist trade ships that frequented the harbor. At night her mother plied another skill giving quickie blowjobs to the tourist men in town at one of the many bars. Having that role model it was only natural that she should be introduced to se x by a cousin at the tender age of 11.
Progressing rapidly through her sexual education she quickly had taken up her mother's practice of charging for sex. All the local boys paid her for sex, mostly blowjobs. Her mother put her on birth control pills at the age of 13. Shortly thereafter Jose met her at a local festival and they quickly became lovers. However one night Jose had made the mistake of paying Maria's mother for a quickie and got caught by Maria. Enraged she finally calmed down and after her mother went to work in the bars for the evening Maria got Jose into bed. Here she quietly and calmly fucked him and while he was in a post orgasmic trance stabbed him 40 times with an ice pick she had hidden under the mattress. Even though she did a decent job of dragging the body and dumping it over a cliff down the street from her house it was ultimately her ongoing relationship that brought police to her as a suspect when Jose's dad put the pressure on them. Mexican justice was swift even if not always sure.
Maria heard the door to the cell block opening. Mexican juvenile jails differed from the adult version only by the age of the clientele. She heard two pairs of footsteps and then a short but well dressed man accompanying one of the rotund female guards stopped at her cell. Maria sat up and looked at them. After unlocking the door to her cell the pair entered. The guard told Maria to stand up and strip for a search. Not being anything unusual, having been strip searched at least twice a week for months now, Maria did as she was told. As per her usual routine she bent over and grabbed the edge of the low bunk and spread her legs, exposing her backside and vagina to the full view of the guard. Usually they ran their lubed fingers inside of her young twat and occasionally a finger up the butt. She hated the up the butt part because it usually hurt being unlubricated. At least she enjoyed the vaginal penetration enough to be somewhat moist by the time she had taken off her prison issue dress.
This time however she heard the snap of rubber gloves. Maria thought that the gentleman must be a doctor or something as normally the guards didn't use gloves but just their bare and often dirty fingers - having just been up some other prisoner's vagina moments before. The guard did her quick vaginal inspection and then stepped back. Next Maria felt a larger and definitely male finger probing her young vagina. She was definitely wet now. Maybe she would get lucky and he would rape her. That would be oh so good she thought, it had been months since she had been fucked, her last being a guard at the local jail in town while she was waiting for trial.
"She isn't a virgin, that is for sure." The man said as he removed his fingers from Maria's vagina. He was speaking in English. Maria knew a lot of English but still had a very heavy accent. Most of the guards spoke both languages.
"What do you expect? She's in here for murdering her boyfriend." The guard said.
Next the man parted Maria's ass cheeks and she felt something cold and greasy drop onto her now unprotected asshole. Damned she thought, this is going to be in my ass. She tried to hold still for what she knew was coming but let out a little whine as his thick finger penetrated her ass more easily than she would have thought all things considered. She had managed to become accustomed to the presence of his slowly moving finger when he withdrew it and snapped off the glove. "She'll do nicely." The man said.
"Ok. I'll have her ready to go in half an hour." The guard said taking the proffered money from the man.
'Go where?' Maria thought. Certainly if all he wanted to do was fuck her he wouldn't have bothered examining her. And definitely not with a rubber glove on. She only got that when a doctor was examining her.
"Put your clothes on and follow me." The guard, Juana, told her.
"Yes mam." Maria answered politely. After several beatings she had learned to be very nice to the guards.
Maria was led to the showers, scrubbed down by two guards, shaved on her legs, twat and underarms and then given fresh, new white panties and a new dress. Not prison issue dress either. A new pair of sandals that hurt her feet and her hair was blow dried and ribbons put in it. She was made to brush her teeth - twice.
Outside the warden's office ankle hobbles with a short chain and handcuffs were put on Maria. The handcuffs were in the front as many a female prisoner were done. Maria was told to sit on the bench and wait. One guard left and the other knocked on the warden's door. The door opened and the short well dressed man stepped out. He and the warden shook hands and then the guard led him and Maria out to the prison gate. They passed through and he was given a key on a string. Maria knew better than to ask questions but was very curious as to what was happening. The man led her half a block down the street lined with parked cars and hit a remote alarm on a large pickup truck with 4 doors and he opened the door for her. "Get in."
Maria tried but was unable to get into the high truck as it was a four wheel drive and the threshold came to about her breasts. Hobbled and handcuffed there was no way. The man lifted her up and put her into the seat and then put the seat belt on her. Then he just looked at her and smiled. Maria was very scared.
"My name is Kevin. I just bought you so I can do as I please with you. Make any trouble and I'll drop you down a dark, deep hole somewhere. Any questions?"
"No sir." Maria answered him in English. Her mother had washed her hands of Maria when the police came and Maria's three sisters had long since married and moved on and none of them even bothered to come to the trial. Maria was about as alone in the world as a 14 year old girl could be. A convicted murderer in Mexico she was as good as a dead girl anyway when she was moved to adult prison at age 17.
The man got in and drove about four kilometers, without any conversation, and stopped at a house. He lifted Maria out of the truck and led her inside. Here an older woman answered the door and ushered him inside. Speaking Spanish she told Maria to sit on a chair and took Maria's picture.
"You hungry?" Kevin asked.
"Yes sir."
Kevin went into the kitchen of the house and came back into what appeared to be a den where Maria was sitting at a table and placed a plate of frijoles and tortillas in front of Maria. He set a glass of water beside the plate. "Eat, we have a long way to go today." He then went into another room and closed the door. Maria ever so briefly thought about running. No one was watching her and it would be easy enough. However being less than 5 kilometers from the prison and in handcuffs and leg irons she knew her chances were about zero that she would actually get away. Kevin, she knew nothing about him other than his name and he drove a nice truck, might actually be the kind of guy who would drop her down a dark hole somewhere. Anyone who could pay off the prison warden and get her out certainly had not only cajones but a lot of cash and was more than likely connected with the mob. Funny that she had always considered herself on the opposite side of the law from the m ob here she sat a convicted murderer who wasn't any better.
Maria quietly ate as much of the bean and tortillas that she could hold and drank most of the water. Eventually he came out and tossed a passport on the table and picked up the empty plate and glass and took them back into the kitchen. Maria looked and saw that it was an American passport by the cover. She sat and waited. Then the woman came out. "You want me to take her to the toilet?" she yelled to Kevin in Spanish.
"Come on." The woman urged Maria up out of the chair and led her through two rooms, one being a bedroom and to the bathroom. Here she watched as Mara raised up the dress, pulled down the panties and sat on the toilet to pee. "Better do the other if you have to too, it is a long way until your next stop. Nicer her than on the side of the road."
"Mam, may I ask where we are going?"
"I'm not going anywhere. You're going with senior Kevin to America."
"America?" Maria was shocked. She had been once as a child and had grown up with American touristas everywhere. How, she wondered, could she be serving a life sentence in prison before lunch and now be on her way to America. "Sexo?" Maria asked as she wiped and got up, she looked at the lady.
"Si." As confirmation that Kevin would indeed be using Maria for sex.
Maria wondered if she would be sold into forced prostitution. Odd she thought that a man would go to Mexico to buy a convicted murderer to be a prostitute. It just didn't make that much sense to her teenage mind. After adjusting her clothes she was led back to the living room. Kevin looked at the passport and then looked at her. "Listen carefully. Your name is Maria Oberon. You're 14 years old and my adopted daughter. My name is Kevin Oberon and I sell computers. My wife died a week after I adopted you in a car wreck. Got all that?"
"Yes sir. I'm Maria your daughter, Mr. Oberon, I mean Kevin Oberon. I .. mean dad. Your wife died in a car wreck." Maria said.
"Good. When did I adopt you?"
Maria thought about it. "A year ago?"
"Good enough. Where do we live?" Kevin said and opened the page to her passport and showed it to her.
"We live at 1222 San Miguel in San Antonio, Tejas" she said with her obviously Spanish accent. Kevin closed the passport.
"And what happens if you try to tip off anyone?"
"You drop me down a deep hole, sir." She said, aware that a fake passport this quickly wasn't that easy to do. This Kevin had some pull. "Sir, I belong to you and will do as you say. I give you no trouble." There, she hoped he would relax. After all even if she did make trouble at the border the best she could hope for was a quick trip back into her jail cell in Ensenda. Beaten to death or as Kevin said, dropped down a hole, would be the most likely results. Even if he did intend on having sex with her that wouldn't be so bad, she actually looked forward to it having enjoyed sex several months before.
"Where are we going tonight?" Kevin asked. Maria shrugged, he had no idea. "Take a guess."
"San Diego?"
"Good enough. We'll cross the border at Tijuana and then spend the night in San Diego. What is your address?"
"1222 San Miguel in San Antonio, Tejas." She remembered. Memory right at the moment seemed to be important. So she added, "daddy."
"Good." Kevin smiled for the first time when she called him daddy.
"Ok, off with you two." The woman hurried them out the door. Kevin scooped up the passport and gave the woman a peck on the cheek and then led Maria out to his truck. Once safely inside he took her leg irons off and handcuffs off.
Maria sat quietly while he walked around the other side and got in. He stood outside the door for a moment looking down the street before getting in. "Good, you have sense enough to not try and run."
"It wouldn't do much good. I killed Jose and even if I did run it wouldn't be long until I'm back in prison. That is if you didn't catch me first and kill me yourself." She said.
"What makes you think I would kill you?"
Maria gulped. He probably wouldn't, just bury her alive. That was even worse. 'Sweet Jesus' she thought, this guy could be bad news if he gets mad. "I told you I won't make any trouble for you."
"And what should I think that you won't try to escape in San Diego?"
"I won't. I promise ... daddy. A Mexican girl on a fake passport, escaped from a Mexican prison for murder. I wouldn't stand a chance if I were ever questioned by police."
"Good girl."
They then drove in silence for the next hour, north, towards the border. Kevin didn't look all that Hispanic but there were some Castilian Spanish who were very light skinned. Even though Maria was a darker brown it wasn't uncommon for some Mexican people to be of mixed ancestry. "Where do you live?"
After making one stop for the restroom Maria got back into the truck and didn't even think about escaping. So Kevin wanted her for sex, so what. She thought he wasn't that bad looking and she might actually enjoy it. Besides which being out of that stinking cell certainly was pleasant enough, no need to try to fuck things up now that God had smiled upon her and got her out of there.
Maria had to think for a minute before answering correctly. They rode on in silence until they reached the border. While waiting in line Kevin drilled her again on her identity. She was taken out of an orphanage in Texas was her cover story. They were in Ensenada on vacation cause Kevin wanted to go fishing and she had stayed in the room at the Hotel Coral while he went out.
Finally they pulled up to the border. "Good afternoon." The US border patrol guard said taking the two passports from Kevin. "Mr. Oberon. What is the nature of your visit to Mexico?"
"I was doing a little fishing. Came down on Friday afternoon."
"I see. So you catch anything?"
"Only some ling while patty fishing. Threw most of them back, the boat captain kept one for supper."
"And this is your daughter Maria. Where did you eat supper last night Maria?"
"At the hotel. Daddy likes the carne asada there."
"I see. Well you two have a nice day." The border patrol man gave Kevin back the passports and waved them through.
About a mile down the road Kevin spoke, "Excellent my sweet girl. You did very well. Its suppertime, what would you like to eat? Your pick for doing so well."
"Anywhere?" she asked. This Kevin wasn't bad at all if you were good and did as you were told.
"I would like a big steak." She said to see if he would actually make good on his promise.
"Steak it is." Kevin said as he pulled off the freeway in San Diego. They drove for about 15 minutes and then pulled up at a steak house. Maria got out of the truck and closed the door. Kevin walked her in but didn't pull her too close. The hostess seated them immediately and Maria was surprised that he didn't say anything about her ordering the most expensive steak on the menu. Dinner conversation was somewhat strained however as neither of them wanted to say much in public. Maria having been in prison for four months had learned well when to keep her mouth shut.
After supper Kevin drove to a mid price hotel and checked in. The clerk didn't even bat an eye when Kevin asked for a king sized bed for him and his daughter to sleep. The rooms all had sleeper sofas, but Maria didn't know this. Once in the room Kevin started opening a suitcase. "Ok my sweet, get naked for me." He said.
Maria did as she was told but was wondering what was going on. Kevin went into the bathroom and she could hear water running. She stood naked in the bedroom. "Come in the bathroom." He called out. Maria entered and saw a red enema bag hanging from the showerhead with a long white hose on it. She inhaled a bit when she walked in. She had never had an enema but was aware of what was done as her mother had showed her as her mom once taken an enema after a party with several men in which she had had anal sex. So it was natural that she associated enemas with anal sex. Only she couldn't quite figure out why you would take an enema before the guy made a mess. Nevertheless she was somewhat apprehensive since she had never had anal sex before and her mother didn't seem to be all that fond of it from her memory. Maria cautiously stepped into the bathroom.
"Ok Maria, get in the bathtub on your hands and knees. You can put your knees on the washcloth there." Kevin instructed. "I'm going to give you an enema to clean you out. You'll get used to it. It's an acquired thing like learning to enjoy beer or something. You'll get to where you'll like it after a while. Maybe not tonight but in a few weeks you might. Now spread your legs a bit wider."
Maria was very embarrassed. It was one thing being strip searched in her cell and even fingered up during the search, she had gotten used to that, but something entirely different to have this nice looking man about to stick a piece of plastic up her butt with the express purpose of squirting water into her. Kevin rubbed a little jelly on her butt hole and then held the plastic nozzle against her. "Now just relax a bit. Push out a little, just like you're going to poo." Maria tried to relax and could feel the nozzle slowly pushing against her sphincter. She relaxed a bit more and Kevin put a bit more pressure and it slid right in. He held it there for a few seconds.
"It doesn't feel that bad." She said.
"See, I told you it wouldn't be." Kevin said and slid it a bit deeper. The fluted plastic nozzle entered Maria's anus to the hilt. "Now you'll feel a bit of warmth as the water flows in."
Maria heard the click and soon she was feeling warm inside. 'This isn't so bad' she thought to herself. Then the first cramp hit. "Oh! I have to go!" she exclaimed.
"Just hold it in." Kevin said and clicked the flow off.
"But I have to go now. Please let me up." She said as she tried to get up and Kevin held her down with a hand to the middle of the back.
"Just relax, it will pass. You don't really have to go yet. Hold it in. If you don't I'll whip you." He said.
Maria clenched up and tried to hold it in. Sure enough with a little panting the feeling passed. She heard the click as Kevin restarted the flow. The warmth continued to spread. Then a second cramp hit. "Oh I have to go now! Please Kevin.. I mean please daddy let me go to the toilet!"
"Hold it Maria, you can hold it in."
Maria tried with all her might to hold it and couldn't. She relaxed and the dirty enema water came spraying out into the tub and all over Kevins' hand. She tensed up and pushed and then realized that she had done it and stopped. "I'm sorry daddy, I'm really sorry. I just couldn't hold it!"
"I know Maria." Kevin said and used the bag to spray her down. He then helped her up to a standing position. Taking some toilet paper he scooped out the larger chunks and put them in the toilet and flushed it. "Now you know why I had you in the bathtub. Ok, take a shower and then I'll give you your spanking." He said and closed the curtain.
Spanking? Maria started to cry. She knew she would be punished from time to time but fully expected Kevin to just beat her if she did something wrong like the prison guards did. Spanking was for children. She was 14 years old and a woman! This just didn't happen to women. She made quick work of showering and then washed the rest of the tub of the mess she had made. She cleaned the nozzle off of the enema bag and put it back on the towel rack and opened the curtain. Kevin was waiting for her with a towel. She was still crying and he could see it as he dried her off.
Kevin led her to the bedroom. He handcuffed her and then put her across his knees and stepped on the chain with his foot. "Please daddy, please don't." she made a futile beg, knowing it wouldn't stop him. After all if he was just as calm about dropping her down a hole and burying her alive a simple spanking that he said he was going to give her was certainly coming. And she did deserve it. Kevin took off his belt and whipped her very hard on her bare ass and it stung. "It hurts!" Maria screamed which turned into babbling as Kevin continued. He stopped and then let her up. She was crying almost uncontrollably now.
"Now you know what a proper whipping feels like. When I ask you to do something you will do it. Are we straight on that?" He asked.
"Yes, yes ... daddy."
"You don't have to call me daddy all the time unless you want to. In public you are to call me daddy for now. When we are alone you can call me Kevin or lover if you want."
"Then you will have sex with me?" she asked hopefully. It would almost be worth a whipping to get to have sex freely.
"Yes we will." Kevin said and took a chain and an anklet out of the suitcase. He attached it to Maria's ankle and then attached the end of the chain to the bed frame and locked it.
"I won't try to get away Kevin, I promise." She said only sobbing a little now.
"Good. I'm going to take a shower." He announced.
"May I watch TV?"
After showering Kevin came back and turned off the TV. He then reveled in the feeling of Maria's 14 year old body and filled her young vagina with his manhood. She orgasmed almost instantly and kept on having mini-orgasms until he stopped after shooting his load deep inside of her.
"Kevin, I don't know how to ask but do you want me to get pregnant?" she asked.
"No. Don't worry about it with me though cause I have been clipped. You know of course what would happen if you turn up pregnant though, don't you?" He said taking on a serious tone and looking into her eyes while he held her head in his hands.
"Yes sir. The deep hole. I will only do as you say, I promise you."
The next day Kevin made Maria take another shower and then get dressed in some clothes he had brought with him. They went to a local breakfast place and ate. They then set out on the overland journey in his truck to Texas. Talking occasionally on the way they got to know each other better. Maria still couldn't figure out why he would drive all that way just to get her out of prison. She was sure he must have some sort of illegal gambit going but didn't want to ask what it was.
Two days later they arrived at a house in San Antonio, Texas and Kevin showed Maria around. As it was late evening he gave her another enema as he did every night. She had learned to hold it all in now to avoid a whipping. The night before she managed to do it for the first time without the whipping and Kevin was proud of her. He was gentle enough and didn't make her hold it long although she had to take the entire two quart bag. He always ended with a very vigorous act of sex with her. And he didn't even ask her to suck him, much to her surprise. Although Maria really did like the salty taste of semen she didn't complain because he always ate her to the brink of orgasm before plunging into her. Every night and every morning.
That night however after her enema Kevin greased up a small butt plug and inserted it into Maria. She complained that it was uncomfortable and he told her she would get used to it. Not wanting another whipping she just tried to relax and accept that he had this plastic thing in her most virgin and private hole. This was worse than any anal search that she had had in prison as it was unrelentingly there all the time.
"Kevin, do I have to sleep this thing in me?" Maria asked after they finished making love.
"Yes my dear you do. You'll have a butt plug in you from now on so get used to it. All the time. I'll gradually get them larger so that pretty soon you'll be able to take me rectally without any pain. Just relax, you've gotten somewhat used to it already haven't you?" Kevin asked.
"Well I guess. But what if I have to pass some, you know what if I have to pass gas?"
"Didn't the enema clean you out?"
"Then you shouldn't need to pass gas. But if you do let me know and I'll take it out so you can pass the gas. I doubt that will be much of a problem though. We'll see if we can't get a bit deeper with the enema tomorrow morning."
"Deeper?" Maria asked, unsure how he was going to do that. 'Oh shit' she thought, it was deep enough already with the two quart bag. He made sure she took the entire bag every time.
"Yes my love, tomorrow we'll give you a little bit extra and it will go deeper. Tomorrow I want you to try and hold it a bit longer too."
Maria didn't like the sound of this. However, Kevin was being pretty good to her. He was careful to chain her up if she was going to be out of his sight like when he showered, went to the bathroom for more than a pee or when they went to sleep at night. She still didn't think running would have been in her best interests. She would be deported if the policia ever caught her she knew for sure. So her Kevin just wanted to fuck her silly morning and night and give her enemas and stretch her arse so he could have sex with her that way. It still beat prison - by a long shot. And wonders of wonders if he didn't seem to actually care for her.
The next morning Maria awoke and went to the bathroom to pee. Kevin came in and watched her. She finished, smiled and he took his turn. Then he filled the enema bag up while Maria watched. "Ok love, assume the position."
Maria bent over at the waist, keeping her legs straight and grabbed her ankles. Kevin then slowly withdrew the butt plug from her ass and lubed her with fresh jelly. The nozzle slid home and he opened it up.
"Whew that is hot!" Maria exclaimed.
"Sorry, might be a bit warmer than usual. I'll slow it down some." Kevin said and adjusted the flow. "Better?"
"Some. It's still hot." Maria said and then turned to look at the bag. "Wow! That was quick too."
"Warmer makes you relax inside and it goes in quicker. Cramps strong but if you try and relax it goes right in. See," Kevin clicked it off, "All done already. You're getting good at this."
"I thought you said you were going to make me take more?" Maria asked, somewhat apprehensive. However since that went in so quick and easy she felt that if ever she could take some more now might be the time.
"Right you are love. Ok, I'll give you a little squirt more. Stay bent over." Kevin unscrewed the bag, ran some more water in and put it back on the hose and then gave the hose a few squeezes to work the air bubbles back into the bag. He clicked the hose open and waited.
At first Maria didn't feel anything. She was already full from the full two quarts inside but it wasn't all that painful, just some pressure and lots of warmth. Kevin had made it warmer than he ever had before. Then she started feeling a lot more pressure and knew it was going in. "I'm feeling that now!"
"Good girl, you've taken almost an eighth or so of it." Kevin stopped the flow. "Relax for a minute and let that settle. See, you can take more if you try."
"Please Kevin, can I let it out yet?" Maria asked. She was feeling pretty full.
"Not yet love, hold it in. I'm going to slide the nozzle out now. Tighten up as it comes out and don't spill any." Kevin then eased the nozzle out of her. He took the butt plug and pushed it up against her spinchter.
"Please Kevin, not with this inside."
"Nonsense, it is a butt plug. One of the things it does is hold stuff in. It'll make it a lot easier." Kevin said as the plug slid home. Having been dilated all night by the plug Maria didn't tense up that much accepting it back inside. "Ok now, it is in. Stand up like a good girl."
"Please Kevin, I need to let it out. I'm cramping."
"Not any worse than your period I'd bet. By the way, when was your last period?"
"About two weeks ago." Maria answered rubbing her swollen belly. She looked down and thought, 'damn I look fat - like I'm pregnant'.
"Thought so, you tasted like it last night. About a week to go I'd say." Kevin said. "Ok, hop up on the counter here, time to give you a fresh shave."
"With this inside?" Maria couldn't believe he wanted her to sit up on the counter and sit still holding the two plus quarts of enema inside and topped off with a butt plug.
"Sure, let you soak for a while and I'll clean you up at the same time." Kevin helped her get up on the counter. She felt awkward with the full load of water. "Ok, scoot over by the sink." He then helped her straddle the basin so he could shave her. Kevin then sprayed her twat with shaving cream and shaved her good. "Ok love, up on all fours like a puppy."
'Damned, why did he have to say that?' Maria thought. It was degrading enough that she had a swollen belly that he didn't have to refer to her as a dog when she was being very unladylike and hunched up on her hands and knees trying desperately to hold the enema in. She very much did NOT want another spanking.
Kevin then shaved around her butt plug and then wiggled it around from side to side while Maria grunted, trying to tense up her ass to keep from springing a leak. "Kevin, I'm going to leak!"
"Do and you'll get a spanking." He said matter of factly as he finished trimming around her hole. "There, all but right up against your plug. So we can do this one of two ways. I can take the plug out and you can tighten up to hold it in while I finish shaving your pretty little poop hole or I can remove the plug you can let the enema out. Of course if you do that I'll have to give you another bag full after I finish shaving you later to wash away the hair that falls inside. Which will it be?"
'Damn him!' Maria thought to herself. He wasn't going to make this easy. 'Quit your bitching and let him have his pleasure with you -it is FAR better than prison' she told herself. "I'll be a good girl and hold it in for you to finish."
No sooner than she finished saying it Kevin slid the plug out without warning, Maria still up on the counter. She quickly tensed up her asshole as best she could but a small dribble escaped. Kevin didn't say anything but just finished shaving around her asshole. He then lifted her off the counter and put her on the toilet. "Clean the bathroom from top to bottom when you're done letting that out. Put your plug back in first though. Cleaning stuff is in the closet." Kevin said, gave her a kiss on the forehead, shut the door and left. Maria was alone in the bathroom letting out the largest enema she had ever held. It splashed and sprayed on and on. Finally when she thought she had it all out she wiped, flushed and stood up. Quickly sitting down again she realized that more was on the way. After a while she put the plug back in and proceeded to her task of cleaning up the bathroom.
Kevin arrived just about that time that Maria was finishing up. "Excllent my love, you've done a good job." He then had her get dressed and took her out for lunch. Arriving back home Kevin gave her a bag and a half enema and made her hold it. Next he upgraded her butt plug to the next larger size.
"Kevin, it hurts." Maria said as it was reaching the widest point.
"Only a little, quit trying to make it sound worse than it is." Kevin said and pushed it the rest of the way in. A slurping sound ensued as the well lubricated plug seated at the neck in Maria's sphincter. "Ok all in, now stand up."
Maria stood up quickly and danced around a bit trying to get used to the new plug. "Please take it out..." she pleaded.
"You'll get used to it."
"Quit begging or I'll spank you."
"Sorry daddy. I'll be your good girl and keep it in." Maria pouted. Kevin then took her to the bedroom and made love to her. Before going to bed her gave her a two and a half quart enema and replugged her for an hour. Maria was miserable and complaining the whole time which resulted in another whipping. Finally Kevin took the plug out and let her dump the contents. Mostly clear water came out as this was her rinse for the night. Kevin then joined her for a nice long shower and cleaned her up. After rimming her while she was on all fours on the bathroom counter he greased and inserted her plug.
The next week was a repeat with Maria graduating up once more in the anal plug size at the end of the week. Kevin had also slowly increased her enema size up to a full three quarts and had brought out a blue three quart bag to enlarge Maria a bit more. The following week Kevin had to go out of town for two days and left Maria by herself but chained up by her ankle. The chain was long enough to reach most places in the house. Maria picked up the phone out of curiosity and found it wasn't working. The TV worked and so did his computer that he let her use but the Internet connection was down. Kevin was very careful with Maria to make sure she didn't communicate with the outside world while he was away or try to escape. Not that Maria had any delusions about escape however, she knew she had it good even if Kevin seemed overly interested in her asshole. He had left explicit instructions written down for her to take three enemas a day, a full three quarts each time an d wear the butt plug at all other times. He pointed out the video camera in the bathroom that Maria hadn't noticed yet. Little did Maria know that it was just a fake. She complied with the instructions, not wanting to risk a really bad spanking.
When Kevin returned he took her out for being a good girl. She had cleaned the house as much out or boredom as fear of getting into trouble. She had also taken her full three quart bag enema three times a day as instructed, the first of the morning being a soapy one and the other two plain water. That night Kevin gave her an extra soapy enema and the followed by a rinse. After rimming her he then greased her up good.
"Kevin, you're going to have me anally tonight, aren't you?" Maria asked as she was kneeling on all fours on the bed on top of a towel.
"What gives you that idea?" Kevin asked as he worked another glob of lube up her ass.
"Cause you are putting a lot more of that stuff on me than you usually do."
"Are you afraid?"
"I guess not. You've got my asshole stretched out pretty large now with the plugs you make me wear."
"Good, I'm glad you realize that. It shouldn't hurt any. Relax and you'll probably enjoy it as much as you do the front way. Of course it take a bit more to orgasm this way which is the reason for this." Kevin said and handed her a large silver dildo.
Kevin then slowly worked the dildo into her now wet pussy, having been playing with her asshole for the past few minutes she had gotten wet. He then taped it into place and turned it on. Next he put his dick under her mouth for a final quick suck to hardness. When he was about as hard as he felt he could be he slathered his rod with some lube and mounted Maria's sweet, tender 14 year old ass from behind.
"Oh! This is fucking fantastic!" Kevin exclaimed as his balls banged against her viberating pussy as his dick bottomed out in her asshole.
Maria only grunted. She felt full and very open but it didn't hurt as bad as the wide spot of the butt plugs. She thought about it for a moment as he was easing back out for the next stroke and realized that the butt plugs, even being somewhat soft plastic were still not as soft as Kevin's dick. As he hit the bottom on the next stroke she began to feel that feeling that usually built up to an orgasm. The viberation dildo was certainly helping but his anal stimulation and the thought of her man being buried up to the balls in her virgin butt hole titillated her.
"I'm not a virgin anymore." Maria commented on the third stroke.
"No my love, you aren't. You're my lover." Kevin said. Her tight ass was turning him on more than he ever imagined. Not being what he consider to be anywhere close to a premature ejaculator he considered just how long he thought he would last the way this was feeling and decided, 'fuck it!' and kept banging away, knowing it wasn't going to be more than another dozen stokes in her virgin, tight and lubricated asshole before he blew his load. No matter how hard he tried not to let himself ejaculate his dick was destined to explode and there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it. "Of fuck!"
"Ummmf" Maria grunted as the orgasm began to over take her. This of course caused spasming of her womb which Kevin could feel through her large intestinal wall and the spasming of her sphincter too. This only accelerated his buildup to detonation.
"ARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHGGGGGHHHHHH!" Kevin thrust so hard that he knocked Maria flat on her stomach and he grabbed her waist and pulled her so tight onto his dick that it took her breath away. Maria, of course, now in the throws of a major orgasm and unable to come down from it from the pulsing man meat in her ass and the incessant vibration of the dildo buried and taped into her pussy.
After lying there for a while Kevin finally pulled himself out and went to the bathroom to wash his dick off. Maria meanwhile continued to enjoy one very long orgasm and barely felt him leave, the dildo continuing to keep her going. Finally Kevin returned and turned off the dildo and flipped Maria over. Her sweat soaked and jerking body testament to the orgasm that she had just had. Her eyes were rolled back in her head and she was still out in pleasure land.
When Kevin returned he had brought the butt plug with him. "Raise up your legs love, we don't want you closing back up." He said as he wiped the dildo around the crack of her ass.
"But Kevin, we just did it anally. You mean I have to wear this forever?" Maria asked, very depressed at the thought of always having a plug in her.
"Most of the time my love. You'll get used to it." Kevin smiled at her. "Unless you want me to take you back to Mexico?"
"No, never, I don't ever want to go back there." Maria answered and raised up her legs high so he could have access to her now sore, greased and used asshole. She began to cry. Not that she felt all that strongly about her virginity in her asshole, certainly not like she had about her pussy, but she cried knowing that he had used her in this way and that by keeping her on the plug he would continue to use her asshole as he pleased. She truly was his sex prisoner.
A week later...
Kevin introduced Maria to the four quart bag. She cries continuously as he fills her tender young ass with four hot quarts of soapy water while he holds her down. She leaks and gets a whipping with a leather whip. After holding the four quart rinse that morning he introduces her to a slightly large dildo. She doesn't even notice that it is larger.
"Kevin, you're mean making me take all of that!" Maria cries as she is standing in the corner holding her four quarts and her butt on fire from a whipping.
"You're my good girl so quite complaining. I'm not going to take you past 4 quarts. I know it hurts now love but you'll get used to it." Kevin said and cleaned up the bag.
After she let it out Kevin had her get on the bed, face down, lying on a towel. Maria was somewhat confused. He was greasing her up but he had a bag of some stuff on the bed, not her usual dildo lying out or even a butt plug.
"Kevin, what are you going to do to my hole?"
"A special treat my Maria." Kevin said as he finished. He then fished in the bag and brought out a round object with a hole in the middle. He greased that up. It was about the same diameter as her silver dildo and that regularly went up her ass with no problem. Maria was very curious watching him. It resembled a nozzle.
"Ok, I give up, what is it?" Maria asked, unable to contain her curiosity.
"It is an orifice opener. Used to put stuff in." He said and positioned her so her ass was in the air. He started working it into her butt.
It went in easier than Maria expected. She could feel the air blowing inside. 'now what is he going to put in?' she wondered. "Kevin, I'm scared! What are you going to put in me?"
"Relax my love, it won't hurt." Kevin said and attached a short length of hose with a funnel to the orifice opener embedded in Maria's tender 14 year old anus. Maria began to whimper apprehensively.
Kevin then took out a bag of ball bearings and opened it. He dropped on in. It rolled down the funnel and into Maria's asshole and disappeared.
"Oh!" Maria shrieked in surprise. "It's cold!"
"It'll warm up in a minute." Kevin said and rubbed her belly trying to feel it inside. 'no joy' he thought, will take a lot more that. He dropped in another one. Maria shrieked again. "See, doesn't hurt does it?"
"It's cold! But, no, it doesn't really hurt. What is it?"
"A steel ball. I'm going to put some in you and then put your plug back in. You'll see, it's a pretty neat feeling as they move around inside. Doesn't make you want to crap like an enema either." Kevin dropped in a third ball and could hear it clink as it met up with another one inside her colon. He continued to drop balls into Maria's asshole with her shrieking every time.
"Daddy, you're little girl feels full. I can feel them pressing inside." She said as she rubbed her belly.
'good, she's rubbing them in further' Kevin thought. "You're doing good love." He said and continued dropping balls into her. After about 40 of them he could see one in the tube. 'time to cap this off' he thought as he rubbed her belly working the steel balls further inside of her. Once they disappeared from view he removed the orifice opener carefully. Maria started to push almost immediately and Kevin slapped her on the ass. "None of that!"
"But Kevin, I'm really full. They're heavy!" Maria whined.
"You'll get used to the feeling. Now relax." Kevin said and turned her over and rubbed the balls slowly and gently inside of her colon. He could definitely feel them now. The reached nearly to her belly button. He took out a metal detector out of the bag and turned it on. It was very sensitive and he could tell from the beeping how far the balls were inside of her. After working them another few inches along he had her raise up her legs and stuck a finger up her ass to feel around. She giggled that it tickled but otherwise was ok. Kevin greased and inserted the butt plug into her. "Ok love, stand up." He said helping her up. She wobbled for a moment as the metals balls in her colon shifted around.
"Ohh. That feels really weird." Maria said.
"Different than an enema, isn't it?"
"Yeah. I'm full. It's really, really heavy. Much heavier than a full four quarts of water but I don't feel like I have to crap as badly." She said as she took a few steps with the balls slowly shifting inside of her.
"Good, you can hold it for an hour then." He said.
"Oh .. please Kevin, don't make me hold it that long!" Maria begged, aware that it wasn't really all that bad but if Kevin wanted her to hold it for an hour it must be something that got worse with time.
"Nonsense. You'll get used to it just like you got used to your plug." He said.
An hour later...
Kevin led Maria to the bathroom and then put a screen on the toilet and made her dump the steel balls out there. The water and other various wastes that were left in her colon passing through the screen and into the toilet. He used the hand held shower spray to wash the catch basket when she was done. After a three quart enema held for twenty minutes she once again let out her load. Only three more of the balls came out. Kevin then used a hand held metal detector like they used at the airport to search Maria's abdomen for more balls and found a few. He repeated the enema two more times before the last of the balls came out.
"See there, you didn't even know those were still left in there. Tomorrow we won't be so complete, if a few stay in a few stay in. From now on use the basket on the toilet. Then dump the balls into the bucket and wash them off good. I've got enough to go for several days and then when I run out we'll recycle. You'll learn to boil them in water on the stove and keep them clean."
"Why are you doing this to me?" Maria begged.
"So you can get used to having them inside. I like the sound of them moving around, watching the expression on your face and the feeling when you're really full of your delicious twat as I fuck you." Kevin answered and took off his clothes and showered.
--**-- Two weeks later Kevin had worked Maria up to where she could take eight pounds of the metal balls and hold them for over six hours without letup. She began sleeping with them inside on the third week and finally became as accustomed to having her colon full of steel balls as she was to having her anus stretched open constantly by the butt plug. Kevin had stepped her down one size in the butt plug once she learned to take him anally without tightening up on him. He also tapered her off to only two enemas a day.
A month after being introduced to the steel balls inside Kevin took Maria anally while she held the balls. This was a new and interesting experience for both of them as Kevin felt the warm and very hard balls inside of his sex toy moving around against his dick and Maria felt all the extra movement that was caused by his dick pistoning in and out of her stuffed ass and pushing the balls back and forth.
After six weeks Maria held at least some of the balls all the time. Not as much as originally but still Kevin would top her full ass off about an hour before he would let her let them out. After getting out as many as she could, a process which would take her some half an hour on the toilet, he would give her two enemas of three quarts each and help her out some. Only the first enema of the morning was now soapy, the rest were all salt water.
"Today Maria we're going to get you some nice jewelry to wear." Kevin announced one morning as they both lay in post orgasmic bliss.
"Really daddy? Do you love your little sex toy girl that much?" Maria asked.
"Yes I do. You bring me great pleasure. Ok, after your shower get dressed." Kevin told her. Normally she didn't wear any clothes when at home, Kevin preferring her to remain naked for him.
After they got ready Kevin put some leather shackles on her and they got in the truck and drove for a while. Maria noticed that he drove to the outskirts of town and turned down a secluded driveway that led up to a modest house. Upon arrival the occupant of the house, a man whom introduced himself as Niche and was heavily pierced and tattooed, led them through the house to a back room. Here was a table not unlike a doctors office. Maria tensed up.
"Ok love, off with your clothes, you can put them on the chair. Then hop up on the table." Kevin told her.
"Daddy, please, what are you going to do to me? Haven't I been a good girl?"
"Yes you have. Now get naked and up on the table."
"Please don't make me do this." Maria said, the light beginning to dawn on her that this guy Niche was a professional piercer as she saw him preparing some instruments on the counter.
"I'm not going to tell you again, get naked and on the table." Kevin said a bit more forcefully this time.
"Yes sir." Maria said and purposefully moved slowly getting naked. She wasn't so much worried about Niche seeing her naked as she was with what they were about to do to her.
"What's first?" Niche asked Kevin.
"Lets do a VCH and then both nipples, horizontally. We'll do the inner labia next month. I don't want her to be too sore for fucking."
"Do her in the ass then." Niche commented.
"I have been, but every now and then a little front action make for a nice change." Kevin said as he looked at the box of piercing jewelry that Niche had set on the counter. "Maria, do you want an eyebrow pierce or a nose pierce?"
"Neither!" Maria said, now standing naked.
"Get on the table Maria, this is the last time I'm going to tell you." Kevin said.
"I don't want no fucking piercings!" Maria rebelled and grabbed for her clothes. Kevin took a small box out of his pocket and activated the shocker and brought it up to Maria's waist. The shock instantly paralyzed her and she crumpled on the floor with a screech.
"You'll do what you are told little girl." Kevin said. He then picked up her naked and spasming body and set it on the exam table. Then Niche handed him some small rope and he tied her down to it using her leather shackles that he had put on her that morning. "I'm sorry to have to do that my sweet Maria but you need to learn to listen when you're told to do something."
Niche then proceeded to work on his customer. First he sterilized the locations and then swiftly and quickly pierced Maria's clit hood vertically and then both nipples. All three elicited a loud howl from the bound girl.
"As punishment for misbehaving you're now going to get some more." Kevin said leaning over and wiping away the tears from his lovers face. "I asked you politely which one you wanted, either an eyebrow or a nose pierce and I'll still let you have that choice if you want it. However as punishment you are going to get your ear cartilage done on your left ear, your belly button and your tongue today. I had planned on waiting until next month so you wouldn't be so miserable while they all heal up but I can see that I'm going to have to fight you again and I don't want to do that."
"Please Kevin, please don't do any more. I hurt so bad!" Maria begged.
Niche then approached her with a strange looking metal device and asked her to open her mouth, when she refused Kevin jolted her again with the shocker, this time right in the thigh about an inch from her crotch. While she was screaming the metal thing was inserted into her mouth and cranked open. She kept screaming but it now sounded somewhat funny since she couldn't close her mouth any longer.
"That looks kinda neat. How much do you want for it?" Kevin asked.
"For you, I'll let it go for $50." Niche said as he tried to catch her tongue with the tongs.
"Right, must cost you $40." Kevin commented as he held the shocker up for Maria to see and looked at her. She quit fighting and allowed Niche to grab her tongue.
The master piercer made quick work of putting a stud in the girls tongue and then did her belly button ring.
"Fuck it, do the labia today too." Kevin said.
"Man she is going to be hurting." Niche said.
"Good, teach her a lesson." Kevin commented. Maria renewed her crying aware that she was going to be subjected to more of this piercing torture.
After Niche finished with her, the two men went and had a beer while Maria lay strapped down to the table, her body pierced all over and still bleeding somewhat despite the coagulant that Niche had applied. She now sported 11 new holes in her body. After what Kevin had just done to her she wondered about his intentions towards her. The constant enemas, anal dilation and colon stretching with the metal balls was painful but not as bad as this. She correctly figured that he would continue that when he got her back home and wondered if she would get a whipping too.
In the other room...
"Did you get the highest iron content you could?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah man, just like you asked. Test some of it on myself downtown at the courthouse. I put one of the rings like is in her labia through my foreskin pierce and nothing else and it set the damned thing off. And that scanner is the weakest you told me. I just don't understand why you want her setting off scanners everywhere she goes."
"Embarrassment factor. She'll have to be searched by hand all the time and they won't stop until they see all the pretty pussy rings." Kevin.
"She is sure young." Niche said grabbing another beer.
"Yeah, 18 just like I told you." Kevin said and smiled.
A month goes by...
Maria's piercings had all healed up nicely but some were still a bit tender, especially her belly button. Kevin attributed it to him constantly rubbing it while he pussy fucked her. Maria had got over being angry at him after about a week when he tapered off some more on the enemas. She still walked around the house naked with a butt full of steel balls and a butt plug. She had got used to it somehow though.
Kevin had inserted the special order rings though all of Maria's pierces. They were light gauge but high iron content. Stainless steel to be sure but low nickel content. He checked her out by taking her to the court house as suggested by Niche. Sure enough, she set off the scanner there. After the guard hand wanded Maria she then had Maria go to a room and strip where the female guard was finally satisfied that the jewelry was what was setting off the detectors and not something hidden in Maria's pussy. Kevin had purposefully made sure she was clear of the steel balls before they left and didn't put in her butt plug.
"Kevin, what was that all about?" Maria asked on the way back home. Aware that he didn't need her to go with him to the court house.
"Just checking my love. Making sure that you really do set off the metal detectors before we go on our trip."
"What trip?" Maria asked, surprised that he was going to take her somewhere. She had resigned herself to being his sex slave and having her ass constantly stuff full of some torture that he could dream up. He seemed to like filling her up with the steel balls, a small enema and a butt plug the most. Then fucking the hell out of her while she felt all that stuff moving around inside of her.
"We're going to Capetown." Kevin said.
"Capetown? Where is that?" Maria asked, having not paid a whole lot of attention in school.
"South Africa."
"That is a long trip, isn't it?" She asked.
"Yes it is, we'll probably be flying close to 26 hours to get there. On the way back we'll make two stops so it won't be so bad.
A week later preparations were completed. The luggage was packed and Kevin drove to the Houston airport. He had cleaned Maria out with two enemas before leaving and put a plastic butt plug into her. She was wearing a mid length skirt and all of her jewelry. Upon arriving at the airport he reached under her skirt, pulled down her panties and removed the plug. "Ok my dear, you'll go through security without a plug. You'll get searched most likely like you did at the court house. Any questions?"
"No daddy." She said slipping back into her daughter role.
As expected Maria was searched by a female guard. Upon seeing the naked Maria with a vertical clit hood pierce and both inner labia pierces she just shook her head and made a comment about kids these days.
After passing through security in which Kevin wasn't even hand scanned the two took their bags to the gate area. Upon arriving at the gate area Kevin gave Maria her purse. Inside he had placed a package. "Ok love, into the restroom with you. Put this plug in your sweet little ass and bring the hose up your crack and tape it at waist level with the tape. Then put your clothes back on. It is a long flight."
"Yes daddy." Maria said aware that she had got away with an hour of not being plugged and should be thankful. She dutifully went to the restroom and inserted the plug and taped down the hose. She was well aware that Kevin would put something in during the flight and wondered just how long he would make her hold the enema.
The flight was scheduled for a refueling stop in Rio de Janeiro. When Maria came back out Kevin couldn't tell by her gait if she had put the plug in or not. He cuddled her for a moment and ran his hand down to the waistband of her skirt and felt the hose where it should be. "Good girl." He whisphered in her ear.
"Daddy, are you going to put something in?" Maria asked.
"Yes love I will, once we get airborne."
An hour later they were on the plane and taxing out to the runway. Just after takeoff Kevin reached in his bag and brought out a small squirt bottle of liquid. Maria was seated by the window and he leaned over her as if looking out the window. The stewardesses still had not got up yet. He fished the small hose out of the waist of her skirt and removed the small stopper. Then attaching it to the squirt bottle he squirted nearly half of the liquid out of the 8 oz bottle. He then restoppered her. "Now love, you'll have a wonderful flight and sleep most of the way."
"Did you give me something to sleep?" Maria asked aware of a slight burning in her ass but not much pressure and aware from having seen the bottle that it wasn't big and Kevin had only put half of it in.
"Yes I did love. You'll sleep for about the next eight hours. Now you know why I told you to put on the incontinence panties. That way if you pee in your sleep you won't make a mess. Good night." Kevin said and kissed her. The anally delivered sleep aid was quick acting and Maria already felt sleepy.
Upon arriving at Rio they deplaned and waited while the plane was fueled. Maria went to the restroom and peed again before reboarding. She still wore her butt plug and had not removed it. Kevin repeated the sleep medicine again.
On the drive to the hotel in Capetown Kevin commented to Maria about the sights. All Maria could think about was taking a shit, it had been nearly 30 hours since she had last and although they had ate a couple of times she was hungry. "Daddy, I'm hungry."
"We'll eat after we check into the hotel." Kevin said.
Check in, fed and back to the room Maria undressed. "Kevin, I need an enema."
"Coming right up." Kevin said as he unpacked the three quart enema bag.
"Please give me soap." Maria asked.
"Of course love."
After the cleanout and a rinse they made love and then slept. Even though Maria had slept most of the way, Kevin slipped in a sleeping suppository after the second enema before replugging his sex toy with a butt plug.
The next day Kevin claimed a package that he had waiting for him at the hotel desk. Maria was surprised to see another orifice opening like Kevin had at home. Complete with many, many steel balls and all the stuff to clean them with.
"Kevin, where did you get all this? I know we didn't pack it." She asked as he was inserting the orifice opener.
"I have a friend here who sent it over to the hotel. Now hunch up your butt for me, here come the balls." Kevin said as he began to pour the steel balls into the tube in Maria's ass. Maria reached down and massaged her belly working the balls in as she had learned at home. Kevin filled her very full and then swapped the orifice opener for a butt plug.
It finally dawned on Maria why Kevin had stretched her anus open and kept her full of the steel balls. It wasn't just for his butt fucking pleasure. She saw many signs on the way from the airport extolling the Capetown area for the diamond mines. "Kevin, you're going to use me to smuggle diamonds, aren't you?"
"Why love, I was wondering how long it would take you to figure that out."
"I just did Kevin. All this time I thought you were just doing this to me because you liked buttfucking me. I couldn't quite figure out the balls and though that maybe you liked the feeling of them rubbing your dick inside of me. Now I realize you've been slowly stretching me out like a balloon so you can stuff my ass full of diamonds on the way back home. I'm your fucking mule!" She said disgusted.
Crack! Kevin popped her in the ass with his hand. "Now, now young lady no language like that."
"If I squeal at the airport you'll be arrested."
"If you do you have better hope for your sake that I don't get away." Kevin said coldly.
"I won't, I promise." Maria said. Aware that even if she did manage to get Kevin arrested and the authorities got all the diamonds out of her butt it certainly wouldn't be pleasant. She'd eventually wind back up in Mexico in prison again and mostly likely if anyone ever found out about her butt smuggling adventures she wind up in a donkey show with a donkey's dick up her ass for the rest of her life. She had heard of such things from stories her mother had told her and once one of her mom's friends had confirmed that the lady had seen such a show. Maria contemplated her life. "Daddy, how many times will you do this with your little girl?" Maria asked, trying to play on his sympathy for an answer. She knew he rarely, if ever told her anything unless he was ready.
"Maybe twice. No more. As you are well aware I've gone to a LOT of trouble to prepare you. The authorities will become suspicious if I make too many trips with you."
"You've done this with other girls?" She asked, wondering if she really wanted to know the answer.
"Yes, twice. One was a lady in her late forties who was a drug addict to begin with. The other was a girl about twenty-five who was greedy as hell."
"Did it work for them?" Maria asked, grunting to get the balls to move around to stretch her colon.
"Yes it did. I made only one trip with the dopehead, she was too flightly and suddently tried to bolt with the cargo. Made two trips with the gold digger bitch."
"What happened to them?" Maria asked, already suspecting.
"Well the dope head I had to put down in Caracas." Kevin said and handed her some panties. "The gold digger is somewhere at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico if I remember right."
"You killed both of them?" She asked, now getting really scared as she dressed. The balls were shifting somewhat as she moved about.
"Sure, had to."
"The deep, dark hole, huh?" Maria asked as she adjusted her shoes.
"Something like that. We'll stay her for a week taking in the sights. You'll enjoy it."
"I won't make any trouble for you Kevin, I promise. Even if I squealed I'd still end up dead eventually once I got deported to Mexico. If I'm lucky that is."
"You're right about that love." Kevin said and kissed her.
"When will you kill me?" Maria asked and looked in his eyes.
"Hey now, none of that. I won't kill you unless I have no other choice. You're a good girl and do as your told and you'll have a nice life." Kevin kissed her again.
On the last day of their trip they went to a nice dinner. Kevin had a briefcase with him and was dressed in a suit. Maria was dressed in a very nice dress but still had a butt full of steel ball bearings held in with a butt plug. Kevin set the briefcase down besides the booth where he was sitting. Maria saw a hand reach through and take the briefcase and she looked surprised. Kevin smiled at her and winked. Soon the briefcase was returned, or so Maria thought. It appeared to be the same briefcase but in reality it was different. Back at the hotel Kevin removed Maria's bellybutton ring, her labia rings, the vertical clit hood ring and both nipple rings. He left her septum ring, all her earrings and eyebrow piercing. "So you won't set off a hand wanding my dear. You'll set off the metal detector and be hand wanded but all they will find is your tongue, nose, eyebrow and earrings."
"What about this?" Maria said and patted her stomach where the ball bearings were at.
"That comes out in the morning. For now just go dump 'em in the screen and wash them up. You'll sleep with them again tonight." Kevin said.
"May I ask you a question?"
"Once we get home do I stay stretched out?" Maria said putting the screen on the toilet.
"Yep. At least for a little while."
"Oh." Maria said, resigned to the fact that she was going to be used to smuggle diamonds for a while. It didn't seem so bad after killing her boyfriend in the bigger picture of things.
Kevin took her anally again that night, twice after a small water enema and reinserted the balls and the buttplug. In the morning he told Maria to dump the balls out at 07:00 and then to rest. They had breakfast in the room at 09:00. At 10:00 Maria got two soapy, three quart enemas followed by two rinses. They skipped lunch because Maria was getting her butt washed out. "Ok love, no food for you for a while, sorry." Kevin said and got out the orifice opener. Maria obligingly got on the bed on a towel with a pillow under her hips and waited.
"Will it hurt?" Maria asked.
"No, it will actually feel better than the steel balls, not nearly as heavy." Kevin said and opened up a cloth bag that was in the briefcase.
"How bad will I be cut up?" Maria asked.
"Why would you get cut?"
"Well to take the diamonds out." Maria said.
"You won't be cut." Kevin said and handed one of the pellets to Maria. It was a white wax ball about the size of a large marble but somewhat smaller than the steel ball bearings she had been carrying in her colon for months on end. "Over on your back for one last check." Kevin said. Maria rolled over and spread her legs. Kevin took a hand held metal detector and turned it up to maximum sensitive. It went off immediately and he frowned. "Ok, on all fours, the bedsprings are too close."
"Yes daddy." Maria said and got on her hands and knees and wiggled her ass at him. He gave her a very playful pat on the butt and then scanned her from her shoulders down to her thighs.
"Good." He said checking her abdomen carefully. You have them all out.
"Lots of practice." She said and rolled over and got on her back.
"Nope, face down." Kevin said and held up the orifice opener. He greased it and inserted into Maria's asshole. She felt the familiar breeze as the air blew up into her rectum. Kevin attached the hose and funnel and began putting the wax covered diamonds into Maria slowly, one at a time. "I'm checking them one last time to make sure they are all covered well. They are dipped twenty times each so there shouldn't be a problem. A lot like making a candle."
Maria grunted and rubbed her belly, working the wax ball diamonds further in. They weren't nearly as heavy as the steel balls and weren't nearly as noticeable. Only because she had months of practice moving the balls around in her colon could she tell what she was doing.
"Ok love, all in." Kevin said and removed the funnel and orifice opener.
"How much do I have in me?" Maria said as Kevin inserted a butt plug. "Ouch!" She yelped as the butt plug went home.
"380 balls."
"What about my pussy?" she asked.
"Nope, too easy to fall out and too easy to search." Kevin said. "You know of course if you're caught that you don't know me."
"Yes daddy."
Kevin finished packing, put the steel ball bearings in the briefcase and stashed it in the breakfast cart. He had Maria dressed in a nice mid length dress for the trip home. "Here take this." Kevin said and handed her a pill.
"Sleeping pill?" Maria asked and downed it with a glass of water.
"Nope, diuretic. Make you dehydrate some so by the time we get on the plane you won't need to pee. Go easy on the water when we get there." They then took the hotel limo to the airport. Once at the airport Kevin had her go to the restroom and remove the butt plug. She cleaned it and put it in her purse. The rest of the luggage was checked by a skycap. At security, as expected, she got hand wanded but the cotton dress, cotton panties and leather shoes she wore didn't set off the alarms. Kevin had made her go braless which wasn't that bad considering the strap style dress. The security screener just frowned at hand wanding her facial jewelry and made her stick out her tongue to see the stud there. Once inside Kevin made her go put in the butt plug with the hose again.
"You going to put me to sleep again daddy?" She asked as they sat and waited on the flight to board.
"Yes my dear." He said and stroked her hair. She was a pretty girl and he had developed an affection for her.
After arriving in Rio Maria dumped the diamonds into a screen the same as the ball bearings and they spent the weekend there. She wore the diamonds daily instead of the ball bearings while in Rio, packed in and held with a butt plug. Kevin had a orifice opener, hose and funnel kit waiting for him at the hotel. Maria's butt was repacked with the diamonds and they took the flight home to Houston. Upon arrival there the customs inspectors asked where they had been and Maria and Kevin breezed through with hardly any questions. Kevin had put her to sleep again during the flight from Rio to Houston. Kevin made her hold the diamonds as they stopped at a hotel in Houston as it was late night. Here he had another package waiting for him and it contained a screen. Maria carefully removed all the wax coated diamonds and called Kevin when she was done. "Did I do good Kevin?"
"Yes my dear you did." As Kevin washed and counted the balls. "There, 380. All there."
Kevin put them into a box and then wrapped it carefully with glass stranded tape. He repacked everything and gave Maria a standard butt plug to put in. "No steel balls?"
"Not tonight my dear, you've earned a rest. You could actually go without the butt plug if you wish, our next trip isn't for several weeks yet, plenty of time to open you back up."
"No problem, I've got used to having a plug in my ass. I kinda miss it when it isn't there. Funny, several months ago I wouldn't have though that I would actually say something like that but now having had one in me nearly daily for months I like something there to hold on to. And I do like your dick in me there, it feels really, really good." Maria said and gave Kevin a kiss.
On the way home Kevin stopped at a post office and shipped the package registered US mail to somewhere. Maria watched from the other side of the room at the post office while she pretended to read the wanted posters, making sure she wasn't on there.
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