A Slippery Slope

[ Mg8, fath/daut, inc, pedo, drug, nc ]

by Renpet


Published: 24-2-2012

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Copyright (c) 2012, Renpet. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1

"This is great, Dad," my eight year old daughter Katy enthused as she propelled her wheelchair through the front door of our new ranch style home.

I stopped at the door and watched Katy as she rolled herself into the living room. Seeing her smile and her enthusiasm brought a smile to my lips. It had been a hard three months since the accident with few periods of happiness.

My wife had been driving in the pouring rain after picking up Katy from school. The police told me she had apparently swerved to avoid something causing the car to skid off the road and hit a roadside tree. Angela was killed instantly. Katy, in the passenger seat had been saved by the airbag and seat belt. But my tool box on the back seat had slammed into the back of Katy's seat, damaging her spine.

The doctors told us that the damage to her spine may be permanent. Only time would tell. While we had more tests to go through, Katy would remain a cripple with no feeling from her waist to her toes. Yet, we had hope. A series of specialists had examined her and thought her paralysis may be reversible. However, there were a lot of physical exams to go through before we'd know for sure.

Walking into our new home, I dumped the last box in the living room.

"Dad!" I heard Katy shout from somewhere.

"What is it, Hun?"

"You've got to see this," she yelled. "Come see."

Following the sound of her enthusiastic yelling I found her in the breakfast room, face pressed to the sliding glass doors, staring at the large swimming pool in the back yard.

"Can we go swimming, Dad?"

"I'll have to turn on the heater, Katy. We can swim tomorrow. OK?"


I smiled again at her obvious joy. It had been a hard three months what with her hospital stay and her mother's funeral. The car insurance and life insurance had provided us with more than financial security. It had allowed us to sell our old duplex and buy this ranch style home. With the one floor layout, I felt better that Katy could now wheel herself anywhere in the home she wanted to go.

Of course there were still things she couldn't handle. Simple things like getting into the bath or moving from her wheelchair to the toilet seat were still beyond her capabilities as she didn't have the upper body strength to pull herself out of the wheelchair on her own. Fortunately, I had no problem helping her when she needed help.

Our lives appeared to be getting back on track, well, as much as they could under the circumstances. Katy was due to restart her schooling in a couple of weeks, subject to her being able to learn how to manoeuvre herself out of the wheelchair by herself. She was beginning to understand when she needed to go to the bathroom, although I didn't understand how as the doctors had said she had no feeling below the waist; something for me to ask at the next appointment. Never-the-less, at the beginning it had been embarrassing for Katy. Without realizing she needed to pee she'd just soak herself where she was sitting or in bed. After a couple of accidents, I put her in diapers explaining it was only until her body relearned how to adapt. Surprisingly enough, she appeared to learn quite quickly. Within a month diapers were no longer needed and, with the exception of a few emergencies during the night, she managed to regain control of her bowels.

However, because of the night-time incidents and her determined refusal to wear diapers we ended up with her sleeping in my bed so she could wake me up when she had to go to the bathroom. When she was in her own bed, it took me too long to get to her and carry her to the bathroom before her bladder would release. I expected this to last a couple more months before she was ready to return to her own bed, so we had decorated her bedroom to her specifications and taste in our new home.

By early evening we had managed to unpack what remained of our move. Dinner was a simple pasta, mine with half a bottle of nice red wine, and ice cream for dessert. Dinner over, it was off to the den to watch TV, although we were both tired from moving and unpacking.

Sitting on the couch with Katy next to me, my arm around her while we watched some sitcom, I realized just how much I loved my eight year old daughter. She was beautiful, full of sass and personality, and had a smile that lit up my life.

Looking back, it was this first night in our new home when things changed for me. I don't know if it was the fact that we were starting a new chapter of our life in a new home, or the feeling that we had finally turned the corner and come to terms with our new situation, or even if it was simply something inherent in my genes, but my life as I knew it was about to change.

Our nightly routine hadn't changed, though. Katy rolled herself into the master bathroom and declared tonight she wanted to take a shower instead of a bath. As usual, I helped her undress, lifted her into a small chair in the tub and started the hand shower for her. Sitting on the toilet seat, I watched her wash herself as she chatted endlessly about various things she loved about our new house.

As I kept an eye on her I was conscious of how petite she was. Straight as a beanstalk, lustrous full black hair tumbling to her shoulder blades, a gorgeous face with small full lips and a cute nose, tiny pink areoles on her chest with mini nipples and thin enough that I could count her ribs. She wasn't underweight, I was reassured by the doctors, but she had lost some weight since the accident. I was very much in love with her and had fierce protective feelings that every proud father would.

"Done, Dad," she said, breaking me out of my reverie.

I lifted her out of the bath, putting her on a fluffy white towel, and let her dry herself. She was fiercely independent and refused any help if she could do something herself.

As she slipped her night-shirt, more like a long t-shirt, over her, I picked her up, placed her on the toilet to do her thing and went into the bedroom to turn down the blankets.

"All done, Dad," I heard her yell.


I gently picked her up, one arm under her knees and the other around her back. As I carried her to the bed I once again realized how small she was. I doubt she would tip the scales at 45 lbs wet with a full meal in her.

Once she was in bed, I headed to the bathroom to do my stuff.

"Go ahead and turn the TV on," I told her. "Pick something to watch, OK?"

By the time I returned from the bathroom in my boxers with clothes over my arm, Katy had found some sitcom that completely absorbed her. I felt my heart expand with love every time I heard her giggling at some inane antic on the show. Dumping my clothes over a chair, I crawled into bed to lie next to her. My left arm slipped under her neck and I rolled her over to me where her head came to rest in the crook of my shoulder.

Cuddled together, we watched TV until I felt her regular deep breathing, the sign of sleep. Gently I rolled her away from me onto her front with her head resting on the pillow facing away from me. This was her preferred sleeping position.

I returned to lying on my back, turned the channel to the Tonight show and let my left hand rest on Katy's back.

Without any conscious thought, I gently rubbed her back from her shoulder blades down the sweep of her spine to her lower back and up the rise of her small bottom then back to her shoulders. This had been my routine over the last weeks. It had started when Katy seemed to have disturbing dreams, tossing from side to side in her sleep. The gentle movement of my hand on her had calmed her and now it was a routine part of our nightly ritual.

However, tonight, at one point I suddenly became aware that my movement had pulled her night shirt up. This awareness was the sudden feel of an incredibly soft but firm butt cheek in the palm of my hand. It was so small and firm in my hand that I couldn't help but fondle it a little exploring its delicate shape.

Now I might not have realized the position I was in if it hadn't been for the twitching of my penis. With initial horror I realized the feel of Katy's ass in my hand had elicited an involuntary sexual response in me. My hand froze in place with this realization. Jesus. What would Katy think if she woke up to feel her father fondling her ass?

Yet, I couldn't deny how marvellous it felt to me. Without moving my hand, I lay there and thought about this development. I couldn't deny that the feel of her bottom was an erotic experience to me. I had always been a lover of women's bottoms. The crease created by the cheeks and the top of the thighs was one of the sexiest sights to me. Yet, this was my daughter!

Then, perhaps in self rationalization, I thought about the fact that, with her spine injury, she wouldn't be able to feel my hand anyway, so where was the harm?

Maybe it was just because I was now horny after more than three months without relief, but common sense seemed to have taken a vacation.

My hand started moving again. I used my sense of touch to draw an image in my mind of the perfection of Katy's little bottom. I tested how much of it I could cover with the palm of my hand and let my fingers lightly trace the crack between her cheeks. My penis grew into a full erection forcing its way up to point towards my navel. I reached down to feel its outline in my boxers.

Getting braver I applied more pressure to my hand on Katy's ass, gently squeezing each petite round cheek. My erection throbbed with each squeeze of her delicious bottom. I felt the wetness of pre cum on my stomach and then, without warning, semen exploded into my boxers. I climaxed with spurt after spurt of cum jetting into my underwear. With each throb I grasped and massaged Katy's bum and a quiet groan slipped from my mouth. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever felt. It was the start of my slide down a very slippery slope.

As I calmed down I wondered in amazement at how I had achieved an orgasm with no self stimulation. Even after cumming and with my penis softening I was still sexually excited. I realized I was turned on by my eight year old daughter. I was excited by the illicitness of what I had just done. I was even excited by the feel of such a small child's bottom in my hand.

I had to think about this. Removing my hand from Katy's bum and smoothing her night shirt back over it, I gently left the bed. In the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. I studied my face for some sign, of what I didn't know. Looking down to my boxers I saw the front completely soaked with semen. I knew I should have felt tremendous guilt and remorse for what had just happened but, for some reason, I didn't.

As I cleaned myself, I thought about it. Why didn't I feel guilty? Could it be because I knew Katy wasn't harmed? That she wouldn't have even felt what happened?

There was another disturbing aspect to this. I had to admit to myself that in my mind's eye I had found Katy's prepubescent bottom incredibly sexy. It wasn't just the feel of a bottom that had turned me on but the smallness and shape of her eight year old ass was unbelievably good.

Was I a pedophile? I had never found underage girls sexy. Cute, yes. But sexy? No. Yet now my image of Katy was subtly changing.

With a fresh pair of boxers on I returned to bed still preoccupied with what was happening to me. As I drifted into sleep I realized I really did think of Katy as sexy.

Chapter 2

With the morning sun streaming through the window both Katy and I woke at the same time. Our morning routine consisted of me carrying her to the bathroom to do her thing, going to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee then returning to the bathroom to help Katy into her wheelchair. Katy would wheel herself into her room to select her wardrobe for the day and get dresses (except for socks and shoes which she still had trouble with). Meanwhile I'd do my stuff and would usually be dressing when Katy rolled back into the master bedroom.

"Dad," she started as she rolled into the bedroom, "Can we swim today?"

"Sure, Honey. Let's have breakfast and I'll check the temperature of the pool."

Smiling, Katy turned her wheelchair around and headed for the kitchen. I followed and immediately we set about making breakfast. Katy helped by getting anything she could that was within arm reach. I took care of the cooking and, before you knew it, we were eating our eggs, bacon and toast at the kitchen table.

While Katy chatted away describing everything we were going to do today, my attention wandered. I thought back to last night, playing over in my mind what had happened. Not surprisingly I felt a twitch in my penis as I remembered the beautiful shape and firm but soft texture of Katy's bottom and the feel of my finger tracing the crack of her little buttocks. With only half an ear listening to Katy I looked at her beautiful, animated face and realized that I not only loved her as a father should, but found her attractive.

As I wondered what it would be like to kiss her exquisite little lips my erection returned with full force.

"Dad. Dad!"

"What?" I asked, being jarred out of my daydreaming.

"Can we go swimming now?" Katy asked with an expression of excitement on her face.

"OK, Honey. Go get your bathing suit on and I'll check the pool temperature."

I went out through the sliding glass doors and kneeling down, pulled the thermometer up. A perfect eight4 degrees.

Returning to the master bedroom, I quickly stripped and pulled my bathing trunks on just as I saw Katy roll past my door towards the kitchen.

"Hurry up, Dad," was yelled out as I hustled to catch up to her.

The pool temperature was perfect; cool enough for comfort in the hot sun yet warm enough to stave off the chills. Katy, with her disability, used tremendous amounts of energy swimming with only her upper body. She'd either end up holding on to the edge of the pool or grabbing me around my neck when she needed to rest.

It was a perfect morning. Katy's squeals of enjoyment, our splashing each other, and hugging her to me when she needed a rest meant I had a big smile on my face most of the time. Every time Katy latched onto me I'd support her by holding her bottom in my hand. Then she'd charge off towards the edge of the pool or a floating mat.

Surprisingly, given last night, I didn't get any sexual feelings as I supported her. Perhaps it was the pure joy of watching Katy.

But that changed suddenly. Katy had wrapped her arms around my neck as I supported her bum in the palm of my hand when she suddenly spotted a Blue Jay fly across the pool to sit on the top of the wall that separated us from the neighbours.

With a squeal Katy yelled excitedly, "Dad, look, a Blue Jay."

She twisted around in my arm to follow the Blue Jay's progress. Suddenly, instead of a small bottom in my hand I found I had a hand full of Katy's pussy. I could feel her prominent, puffy mons in my palm and her tightly closed labia along my fingers.

While with her condition Katy had no idea of where my hand was, I sure did. My immediate reaction was purely physical; an instant erection. I couldn't help myself from gently squeezing her pussy and feeling the outline of her labia with my fingers.

Inside of five seconds I had gone from innocent enjoyment of my daughter to sexual desire. Fortunately, Katy pushed herself out of my grasp to swim to the edge of the pool near the Blue Jay, allowing me to wait for my erection to subside.

We spent the whole day by the pool either swimming or laying out on the deck, chatting or reading as the mood took us. By 5:30 we were both pretty tired.

As I helped Katy into her wheelchair I said, "Go get ready for your shower, Katy. I'll be there to help in a sec."

"Ok, Dad."

I entered the kitchen to put on dinner then went to the master bathroom. Katy had stripped and was ready for me to lift her into the tub chair. Setting the hand-held shower to the right temperature, I returned to the kitchen telling Katy, "Call me when you're finished."

Fifteen minutes later, "Dad! All done."

I lifted Katy out of the tub and sat her on a fluffy towel to dry herself. While she did, I took the opportunity to inspect her body. I've told you she was petite; slim arms, narrow chest, tiny dusky pink areoles and pea-sized nipples. As she sat drying herself my attention was drawn to her pudenda. With the memory of how it felt in my hand I now viewed it openly.

Her mons was surprisingly large and prominent. The labia were puffy and tightly closed showing only the crease where they met, disappearing down between her legs. With her legs being so slim, Katy had an inch to an inch and a half gap at her crotch, which only emphasized her beautiful pussy. I felt a tightening in my crotch as I enjoyed the sight. Then, my penis started to inflate and extend itself more as Katy moved one of her legs apart to dry the inside of her thighs. The movement resulted in her labia partly separating, allowing her clitoral hood to peek out. I saw light pink between her lips hinting at what lay deeper.

Tearing my eyes away from the incredibly sexy view, I left to get her night shirt. By the time I returned, I was somewhat calmer.

Helping Katy into her wheelchair, we headed for the kitchen for dinner.

Throughout dinner I couldn't get the image of Katy's pussy out of my mind. As a result I spent dinner with a semi-erection and only half of my attention on what Katy was chatting about.

Thankfully Katy didn't seem to notice my distractedness. We decided on an animated movie for the evening entertainment. So, while Katy rolled into the den to set up the movie, I went and changed out of my bathing suit, took a quick shower and, since it was still warm in the house, slipped on my usual boxers and a t-shirt.

When I returned to the den, the movie had started and Katy was waiting for me to move her onto the sofa. As she reached out her arms to me I gently picked her up and moved both of us to the sofa, lying down on our left side with Katy spooning in front of me. I let my left arm slide under her neck, the other around her waist and hugged her to me as our attention turned to the movie.

Snuggling with Katy, my mind wandered from the movie to the memory of holding her little pussy in the palm of my hand in the pool and images of it from her bath. Predictably, I felt my penis stir as sexual feelings returned. My very first instinct was to pull my crotch away from Katy, but quickly remembered she couldn't feel anything, so I snuggled a little closer and let my penis come erect, pushing the front of my boxers out and lodging the tip where her thighs met.

I lay there, my penis throbbing, enjoying the illicitness of the situation. The fact that Katy had no idea what was happening and therefore wasn't being hurt in any way allowed me to relax. I didn't dare move my hips even though the urge was strong.

With my nose nestled into Katy's hair, the smell of fruit from her shampoo on every breath, and a throbbing erection pressing urgently at the crease of her thighs, I realized I wanted more from my daughter.

After an agonizing yet thrilling hour lying on the couch, I realized Katy had fallen asleep. She was exhausted from our full day of activity. I turned the TV off and gently extricated myself from behind her. Bending down I picked her up, slipping one arm under her knees and the other around her back. Holding Katy to my chest, I turned off the lights and carried her to the master bedroom. My erection, having lost none of its firmness, waved back and forth in my boxers spreading precum across the front.

I put Katy down on the bed on her back and covered her with the sheet. She was so tired she didn't even wake up.

Going to the bathroom I brushed my teeth and mulled over the opportunity this situation presented to me. I have to admit that horniness ruled my thought process. Returning to the bed, I slipped my boxers off, letting my erection wave about in the air. Lifting the sheet I climbed in next to Katy. With one hand on her shoulder and another on her hip I gently rolled her onto her left side. Slipping my arm under her pillow I spooned up to her. My right hand caressed her arm, slid down her side and over her small hip to grasp the hem of her night shirt. Gently I pulled it up to her waist exposing her lower half.

With a short pull back on my hips my erection sprang up, solidly pointing to my belly. A forward movement resulted in my penis nesting in the crack of her sweet bottom and a quiet groan escaping from my lips.

I now let the palm of my right hand rest on her hip with my fingers just reaching the side of her mons veneris. Using pressure on both hands, I hugged Katy tightly to me.

For the next five minutes I didn't move, luxuriating in the feel of her small body next to mine and regular pulse of my penis nestled snugly in the crack of her bottom. I was so turned on that I could feel precum leaking out of the tip with every throb.

Holding her hip firmly so as not to jostle her awake I tried a small thrust. With the precum lubricating her, the head of my penis slid deliciously along her ass crack, her firm, small cheeks wrapping around it like a bun around a hot dog.

Moving no more than half an inch at a time I slowly masturbated against Katy's wonderful bottom. As I did, precum started spreading down her crack, lubricating more and more of my shaft. Before long, my erection was gently sliding up and down, about two inches in either direction. Another groan escaped from me as I pulled on her hip to increase the pressure of her bottom against my crotch. The feeling of her small, soft bottom pressed into my crotch, her ass cheeks cushioning my erection and the feel of my penis sliding up and down between them was one of the most erotic experiences I had ever had.

I could feel my climax building and, suddenly, I was there. My testicles pulled up into my body and the first weak pulse of semen coursed up and out. Immediately, strong pulses followed one after another with semen exploding out between us. Time after time I jerked my hips and spurted. I could feel the warmth of the semen spreading around my belly and Katy's lower back and still I kept cumming. I saw stars as I experienced one of the most intense orgasms of my life.

Finally, when there was no more cum, just dry heaves, I slowed to a stop. I had soaked both of us with semen yet I held Katy close. I basked in the satisfied afterglow of my intense orgasm enjoying the closeness of my eight year old daughter's body and that mind-emptying feeling of complete satisfaction.

Realizing that I was about to drift to sleep, I reached for my boxers and wiped up as much of my cum as I could. Throwing the boxers on the floor, I snuggled up to Katy again and drifted into a satisfied sleep.

Before I knew it, I felt myself being shaken. Groaning, I slowly roused from a deep sleep to hear Katy.

"Dad. Dad. Wake up. I need to go, right now!" she was saying.

OK, Honey," I responded, still half asleep.

Reaching over to her I carefully wrapped my arms around her, rolled and stood up. A few quick steps and I put Katy down on the toilet, then leaned back and rested my bum on the edge of the sink.

My eyes were still mostly shut as I had been in such a deep sleep. As I heard Katy's urine splash into the toilet, I opened my eyes to look at her.

Katy had an odd expression on her face. Her eyes drifted towards me then immediately moved away. It wasn't her usual behaviour.

"What's up, Katy?" I asked. "Are you OK?"

"Um, Dad." A pause. "How come you're naked?" she asked me.

I had forgotten that I wasn't wearing underpants, so there I was in all my naked glory for my daughter to see. Despite our situation, I had been fairly good at not being naked in front of my daughter so this was the first time, other than possible occasional glimpses, Katy could see my privates.

Without giving it much thought I answered, "I like sleeping naked."

"Oh. OK," was all she said as she wiped herself.

Picking her up, we returned to bed, snuggled against each other and drifted back to sleep.

Chapter 3

I woke up around 6:30, laying on my front with the usual morning woody pressing into the mattress. Memories of last night flooded back to me and my erection grew harder if that was possible. As gently as I could, I rolled out of bed and let my waving erection lead me to the bathroom. It took no more than ten strokes for me to start cumming into the toilet, after which I eventually managed to pee.

Hearing Katy waking, I went to get her and brought her to the bathroom to do her thing.

"Dad, are we going swimming again today?" she asked from the bathroom as I remade the bed with fresh linen.

"The TV said it is going to rain today. How about going to the movies this afternoon after we've finished with our chores?"

"What are we going to see?"

"Whatever you like," I replied, immediately regretting it. Who knew what rubbish I'd be forced to sit through giving her a blank cheque like that!

"Can we see Transformers?" she yelled at me.

"Honey," I said, trying to repair the damage done, "how about we see what's showing when we get there. We can get lunch at the food court, too."

"Sounds great, Dad. Hurry up and get dressed!"

The morning was filled with food shopping and chores. I found myself getting horny on and off as every time I picked Katy up I'd get a feel of her small bottom. My orgasm the previous night was never far from mind and as the morning wore on I thought about what I had done.

I loved Katy dearly, but the pure pleasure of the sexual relief she had provided twisted me. I had never thought about children in a sexual way in my life. But, now I found myself appreciating my eight year old daughter in new ways. I realized I found her petite, pre-pubescent body very sexy. The feeling of her small bottom in the palm of my hand was, perhaps, one of the sexiest feelings I could remember. The thought of cuddling with her took on new meaning.

Clearly I was rationalizing my behaviour and actions. Yet, where was the harm? I wasn't physically hurting Katy. I wasn't mentally abusing her either. As long as Katy never knew what I did, no harm could come of it, right?

Having resolved my moral dilemma, I now relaxed and enjoyed the day with Katy. The afternoon movie was OK. Transformers turned out to be mildly entertaining. Katy sure enjoyed it as she hardly talked through the whole movie.

I admit I was preoccupied through the day as every touch or look at Katy would cause a tightening in my groin. Katy noticed my preoccupation and wasn't shy about complaining!

"Dad," she'd say firmly, "the car's on the other side of the mall," or "Dad, don't you have to start dinner?" and "Dad, why are you so quiet?"

For each admonition I'd make some ridiculous, but believable-to-her, excuse that seemed to appease her.

Never-the-less, as we cuddled on the couch after dinner I once again let my hand creep down over her hip to cup her tiny bottom in my hand. I slowly moved my hand under the hem of her dress where she couldn't see or feel and let my fingers stroke her cotton-pantied bottom, using the sense of feel to explore its wonderful rounded shape. I was fully erect by the time I let my fingers slide through the crease in her panty made by the meeting of each cheek, my imagination filling in the visual details for me.

I was in another world as we sat there, Katy watching some sitcom, me thinking about the sexual satisfaction I would experience later.

"Dad . . . Dad!" Katy nudged me in my side. I looked down at her, her face turned up to me; God she was pretty. "It's late. I'm tired and we need to go to bed now," she stated.

With surprise I realized it was almost 10:30, much later than I usually let her stay up.

"Sorry, Honey. Let's go."

By the time I put Katy in bed, I was so horny I thought a touch might be enough for me to cum.

As I waited for Katy to fall asleep, I was in a constant state of excitement. Precum leaked from my erection onto my stomach almost continuously.

Finally, 45 minutes after Katy had fallen asleep I rolled her onto her side and cuddled up to her spoon fashion, just like the night before. Hugging her to me I felt my precum slicked penis glide deliciously up between Katy's ass cheeks again. When it was firmly nestled between her cheeks I started to gently glide my erection up and down her bottom.

"Oh God," I heard my voice in my head and I knew I wouldn't last long. The exquisite feeling of my daughter's warm, soft yet firm bottom sliding over my penis was just too good. I felt my testicles tighten and, with a groan, my orgasm washed over me. Semen surged up through my cock and exploded in gut-wrenching spurt after spurt between Katy's ass and my stomach. My climax was so strong I saw stars as each pulse of cum jetted out of my straining penis.

When my orgasm finally passed I realized I had completely soaked both of us in semen. The day-long sexual build up had resulted in one of the best cum's and also one of the fastest.

Reaching down for the hand towel, I cleaned both of us up and spooned Katy again before falling asleep.

Thus, the trend was set. Every night for the rest of the week I used my eight year old daughter's body to relieve my sexual desires. Every night the orgasms were fantastic, fuelled by my increasingly personal interaction with Katy during the day. I started letting my fingers slip just underneath the side elastic at her crotch when in the pool, feeling the softness of the side of her labia. Every so often I'd give her a chaste kiss on her lips instead of her cheek, thrilling in the feel of her mouth against mine. My hands seemed drawn to her more and more often as I found reasons to touch her.

I had started a journey of discovery I didn't want to stop. Then Friday, things changed and I slipped further down a slippery slope in my relationship with Katy.

Friday was another hot day spent in the pool and lounging on the deck in the glorious sun. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Katy's petite, sexy little prepubescent body. When she was laying on her front to tan her back I admired the shape of her perfect bottom encased in her bikini. The gentle swell up from her lower back to her bubble shaped bottom had me in a constant state of arousal. I loved the way her swimsuit hugged each cheek when wet, outlining the crease between them and reminding me of the feeling of my erection siding between them the previous night.

I knew I was going to repeat this illicit self gratification again that night.

And so I did. Once again, after Katy had fallen into a deep sleep, I gently pulled her night shirt up over her hips, exposing her incredible, sexy little bottom.

I slipped my boxers off and, with a raging erection, snuggled up to her. My penis again fit perfectly between her ass cheeks. I remained still just hugging my eight year old daughter to me relishing the feel of her tiny little body against me and the feel of her firm yet soft little bottom nestled into my crotch.

My penis throbbed with excitement and I could feel the spreading wetness of precum leaking out onto both of us. I held her to me, not moving, until I could take it no more. With a groan I started sliding my erection up and down between her ass cheeks, spreading my lubrication from top to bottom. My hips hunched back and forth in a long, gentle, slow rhythm providing an exquisite friction along the length of my erection. Moving my hips back I changed the angle of movement so only the head of my penis was touching Katy. In this position my stroking pushed the helmet up and down through her ass cheeks and I could feel them sandwiching it on each side.

This was a new experience. The pure softness of her skin teasing the flared, leaking head of my penis had me close to cumming. I tried thinking of anything else to delay it, but the feeling was just so sensual. Then, suddenly, after a back stroke, when I pushed forward, my erection went straight between her cheeks, hung up for a second and then slid down.

As I hunched forward I felt my penis slide along her crotch and between her thighs through the one inch gap she had there. Laying down a trail of precum, my penis slid through to pop out the front of her crotch. I could feel her puffy labia against the top of my erection and my penis throbbed with the thrill of it.

I pulled back, enjoying the feel of her small pussy rubbing up my shaft and then reversed the motion to slide through her crotch again. The feeling was unbelievable. The pressure of the tunnel made by her thighs and pussy made it feel like I was having intercourse, buried in her vagina instead of stroking along the outside.

My orgasm hit. I felt my penis swell and, as I thrust forward, I felt the first heavy load of sperm rush up through my shaft and explode out. I literally felt my pee hole expand as cum jetted out onto the bed sheet in front of my daughter. As I pulled back another orgasmic wave hit me and I again thrust forward, spewing an even larger load of semen. The third and most intense spasm almost made my stomach cramp. I groaned. I thrust again. I ejaculated. Now on the down side of my orgasm, my thrusting slowed. Weaker pulses of warm, wet cum soaked Katy's crotch and my penis as I finally came to rest. Breathing as though I had run a marathon I felt the final weak throbs in my penis slowly subside.

I felt dizzy from the strength of my climax. I had never felt anything like that before and I was hooked.

When I finally calmed down enough, and trying not to wake Katy, I reached for the hand towel behind me and gently cleaned up as much of my mess as I could. However, there was a huge wet spot on the sheets in front of Katy that I couldn't do anything about.

Finally, I cuddled up to Katy in post orgasmic bliss. As I replayed this latest episode in my mind, I realized that I wanted more. God help me but I wanted to explore every inch of my beautiful eight year old daughter's body. I wanted to inspect her, taste her all over and, yes, even feel her tiny vagina tightly gripping my penis. I wanted to have intercourse with my eight year old daughter. Instead of imagining it, I wanted to experience the feeling of the bulbous head of my erection being squeezed tightly at her vaginal entrance, feel her opening dilate as I pushed forward. I wanted to feel my shaft as it penetrated her, as it was clasped by her prepubescent vagina. I wanted to feel myself thrusting into her and, even more, I wanted to feel myself exploding in her. I wanted to make love to my eight year old daughter.

I was well on my way down the slippery slope.

Despite how illegal these desires were, I kept thinking about her condition. I rationalized that, in her crippled state, she wouldn't feel any pain or discomfort if I did make love to her. So physically the risk would be moderate.

It was the mental risk to Katy that seemed insurmountable. How could I explore my desires without her realizing what I was doing? If she knew about it she'd have psychological issues for the rest of her life. And despite my illicit desire for sexual intercourse with an eight year old, I loved Katy too much to risk hurting her for the rest of her life.

With those thoughts running though my head, I fell into a deep, satisfying sleep.

Chapter 4

As I awoke on Saturday morning I could feel my morning erection pressed to the mattress, my hips involuntarily moving only slightly to provide stimulation to its crown. I could feel the warmth of Katy's body next to me.

Memories of last night temporarily added fuel to my growing excitement until I remembered my final thoughts of the night. In the light of day I felt ashamed of myself. My erection deflated as I remonstrated myself for desires I had admitted to myself last night.

Katy stirred next to me. Her head turned towards me and, with her thick, dark, sleep tousled hair framing her angelic face, bestowed on me the most glorious, innocent smile. "Morning, Daddy."

I smiled, somewhat weakly, "Morning sweetheart."

Looking into her large dark eyes as they shone with love, guilt assailed me.

"Need to go, Dad." She reached out her arms for me to pick her up. I gathered up this small bundle of joy in my arms and carried her to the bathroom, putting her down on the toilet. I wasn't even aware of my nakedness and Katy didn't seem to notice it either, just taking it in her stride as though it was a normal state of affairs.

I left the bedroom to fetch her wheelchair we had left in the den last night. I couldn't shake this feeling of guilt. After a side trip to Katy's bedroom to pick out clothes for her I returned to the bathroom.

"Katy, you need to wash before dressing," I said to her as I picked her up and placed her on her seat in the bathtub. I wanted her to wash off the dried residue of my sperm left from last night.

While she washed in sweet ignorance and I brushed my teeth, I explored these feelings of guilt. I wrestled with a two-fold dilemma; I recognized how much I enjoyed the sexual pleasure, the sweet release Katy's body had provided me over the last week or so. But the other me, the father who dearly loved Katy, was appalled by my actions. I was supposed to be the caring, nurturing father that only had Katy's health and well-being in mind. Not some paedophilic, abusive monster taking advantage of her disabled condition! The fact that she wasn't aware of my transgressions was no excuse, I thought.

In the cold light of day, after a night when I had experienced the most intense climax of my life, I realized my love for Katy, my daughter, was the most important thing in the world to me. It was no decision. I vowed to myself to be the best father in the world for her. I really did!

Of course, decisions like that sometimes don't last.

Mine lasted six and a half hours. I know the exact moment I changed my mind. I had behaved like the loving, doting father all morning with nary one unhealthy thought entering my mind. Through breakfast, a trip to the mall where I indulged Katy by buying her the must-have jeans she wanted, through to a fast food lunch that left me wanting but seemed to be the height of gourmet cooking to Katy, I behaved. I was a new man, an ideal father.

That is until we went swimming at 2:30. The first crack in the wall happened when I laid eyes on Katy as she wheeled herself out onto the deck wearing a remarkably small bikini. It was one of her older ones. That is to say it was unusually tight on her. The bra emphasized the flatness of her prepubescent chest. But it also showcased two tiny, little erect nipples. Oh-Oh! Crack number one.

As I leaned over and picked her up out of the wheelchair my eyes were drawn to her tight bikini bottoms that hugged and accentuated her prominent pudenda. And when I saw that those same bikini bottoms had outlined the crease formed by her puffy labia, the wall came tumbling down. Despite vows, despite the best of intentions, the immediate onset of an erection destroyed my resistance.

"Is the water warm?" Katy inquired as I felt my hand cupping her small bottom, a finger finding its way between her thighs and against her pussy.

"Almost as warm as yesterday." I carried Katy down the pool steps until we were both up to our shoulders in water before releasing her bottom, reluctantly.

As she clung to me with her arms wrapped around my neck, I looked down into her beautiful face, her eyes shining with excitement and a big smile on her small mouth. I couldn't resist. I bent my head down and kissed her on her small, luscious red lips. It was a short kiss, lips pressed against each other only briefly. To her it was just a fatherly show of affection. To me, well, let's say my penis rose to full mast as I felt her soft lips against mine and marvelled at how small her mouth felt against my adult mouth. To me it was incredibly sexy, made more so by the illicitness of it.

Trying to halt my slide down this slope of desire I turned to amusing Katy with pool games. I loved the sound of her shrieks of laughter as she floated on the inflatable raft being splashed by her "mean Daddy" or as she tried to escape the tickle monster prowling like a shark after her. Yet, despite these diversions, I suffered from a persistent, painful erection.

My eyes couldn't help but appreciate every view of this bikini-clad prepubescent angel, my angel. The roundness of her small bubble-shaped bottom with little bum cheeks, accentuated by the gathering of her bikini between them, was amazing. Watching her lay on her back on the raft made her mons veneris the most erotic mountain man could behold and, as the raft slowly slewed about, her too-small bikini gathering between her labia emphasized her small and puffy under-aged pussy nestled between her thighs.

I was a privileged voyeur of unsullied, prepubescent loveliness. But, like all good things, it came to an end. By 5:00 it was time to get out. I felt a little light-headed, from lack of blood in the brain I'm sure, as my blood had had other duties for the last two and a half hours.

Drying off, Katy asked, "What's for dinner?"

"Mac & Cheese with a salad."

"Mmm, Good. I'm hungry," Katy declared.

With the dinner menu agreed to, we both went back inside to rinse off the chlorine of pool and dress. I finished first and was in the kitchen making Mac & Cheese from scratch as Katy wheeled herself in. She had dressed herself in a t-shirt and sweat pants, comfort obviously being the order of the day.

Dinner over, we retired to the den as usual. While Katy chose a program on TV, I fetched drinks, coke for her, single malt scotch and water for me. Before long we were comfortably ensconced on the couch with Katy snuggled up to my side resting her head against the side of my chest and my hand on the thigh of her bent legs.

A mellowness settled over me, no doubt the result of sun, swimming, food, and scotch. As Katy commented, giggled or laughed at whatever was on the tube, my mind wandered.

In this mellow state of mind with visions of this afternoon flashing through my brain, I decided I needed to rework my vow from this morning. Self-rationalization is a wonderful thing. You seek out answers that conform to your wishes while dismissing or downplaying any impediment or hurdle. Thus, I replayed last night in my mind trying to assess the impact my behaviour might have had on Katy.

As the memory played out, my semi-erection, which I had carefully tucked down between my legs to keep it out of sight, expanded slowly pushing further down into my underwear. Rational thought was eroding.

I realized that, despite my lustful ogling of my daughter this afternoon, Katy had behaved completely normally, just as any other girl her age and just the same as she always did. She showed no signs of being aware of any of my nightly activities.

I decided that, despite my true deep desires that had been revealed to me last night, a perfectly acceptable compromise was in order. With extreme care, I could continue to use Katy's body for sexual gratification and, as long as she never realized what I was doing and I never went further with her, no harm would come. There, settled.

I became aware of my hand caressing Katy's leg, feeling her small thigh under the soft cotton of her sweat pants. My caressing gradually expanded until I felt her small bottom in my hand, a feeling I knew I'd never tire of. With increasing excitement I planned how to minimize any risks associated with this one-sided relationship. First and foremost I decided a small hand towel might be in order to protect the sheets. Perhaps some lubrication would help minimize any jostling that could occur at the height of my excited thrusting as well. Yes, I thought, that could work and tonight I'd test it. With those happy thoughts I turned my attention back to the TV.

"Time for bed, Honey."

"Aw, Dad! Can't we stay up more?" Katy's plea, while fair, was immediately undermined by a yawn. It was 10:30, another latish night for Katy.

"Lot's to do tomorrow, Princess," I replied as I switched the TV off. Standing up I lifted Katy into her wheelchair and followed her as she wheeled herself out of the den.

In my bedroom Katy pulled her t-shirt off as I bent down to remove her sweat pants, rocking her lower body from side to side to get them down past her bottom. I admired her little girl cotton panties, white with small red hearts sprinkled over them. While I am a fan of soft, silky bikini panties there is something quite erotic about loose cotton little girl panties whose waist band almost reaches tiny belly buttons. They give such a chaste, innocent appearance, yet a gathering here, a fold there, and little gathers of cotton hint at the virginal treasures hidden within.

I responded in appreciation, my erection expanding, my mind visualizing what couldn't be seen. Picking up Katy's night shirt in one hand, I hoisted her into my arms. I felt her wiggling as she pushed her panties down.

Placing her on the toilet I handed her the night shirt and left the bathroom to let her do her thing. In the bedroom I stripped down to my boxers and worked through complex statistical equations in my head until my penis softened to an acceptable, unnoticeable half mast.

"Dad, I'm done," she called out to me. She had put her night shirt on so I picked her up and, twisting her around to hold her from behind, moved to the sink, holding her around her waist while she brushed her teeth. I watched in the mirror until, when she bent forward to spit into the sink her delicious little bottom pressed back into my groin causing an immediate response. Without the restraint of jeans my penis rapidly inflated, pushing out the front of my boxers and nestling into the small gap at her crotch.

Thank God she can't feel anything, I thought to myself as I reflexively pulled her bottom tighter against me. I looked down and the view from the top was incredible. With her bent over the sink, despite her night shirt, it looked as if I was mounting her from behind, the differences in our size plainly evident as her small rear end appeared even smaller next to my adult body. I concentrated on calming down although I probably could have cum with little effort.

To hide the sight of my now fully erect penis from her, as soon as she had rinsed and dried her mouth, I carried her still facing forward. Before putting her in bed I turned out the overhead light and turned on the TV. With the only illumination coming from the screen I put her to bed, turning my back to her as she pulled up the quilt. I slipped into bed under the quilt before removing my boxers.

"What're we doing tomorrow, Dad?"

"I thought we'd go to the museum."

"I don't like the museum," Katy told me in her serious voice.

"OK. How about we go skiing, or wind surfing, or sky diving?"

She giggled at my ridiculous suggestions. "I'll think of something," she advised.

It took about 45 minutes for Katy to fall asleep and when she did, I gently rolled her onto her left side, as I had been doing every night. I waited another half an hour, my erection expanding and waning depending on where my mind was, when I finally got out of bed. The anticipation of what I was about to do had my now fully erect penis bouncing in the air in front of me as I went to the bathroom to grab a hand towel and the bottle of Astroglide.

Desperately I tried to hold back my mounting excitement. I really wanted to last a little longer than last night's two strokes between her silky thighs.

Back in bed I lay on my back until some semblance of control was re-established. Then, turning to Katy with the towel in hand, I reached over her small body to spread it on the sheet in front of her. Pulling my hand back I let it slide up her little leg and, when I felt the hem of her night shirt, gently pulled it up to her waist, uncovering her lower body.

My penis was throbbing as I rubbed Astroglide on, wiping my hand off on the sheet behind me. With exquisite slowness I slipped my right arm under her pillow being careful not to wake her. I now moved my body closer to my petite eight year old daughter. When my chest touched her upper back I let my right hand come to rest over her hip, fingertips resting on the upward slope of her bare mons. I now moved my hips forward. My now raging erection throbbed wildly as I felt the tip make contact with her soft upper thighs. The combination of Astroglide and precum let the helmet slide smoothly upwards until it nestled into the base of her crotch.

Feeling the tip of my erection pushing into her soft, yielding labia induced a quiet groan, but in my head it was more like a roar, or maybe an "Oh, God!" I paused to catch my breath and calm down. Inhaling deeply, I relished the little girl smell of Katy. My penis pulsed depositing more precum to add to the slickness of Astroglide. I tried to imagine what it looked like, the flared head of my erection nestled at her soft labia. The picture in my mind almost brought on an orgasm, almost made me change my vow yet again as I imagined actually penetrating her tight prepubescent vagina.

Quickly, before it was too late, I changed the angle of my hips to remove the temptation. Then, with agonizing slowness, I eased my penis forward, each millimetre of progress burning into my mind. God, but the feeling of her velvety soft pussy, labia spreading to hug the top of my penis, and the gentle warmth of her thighs as they parted reluctantly to admit passage, was exquisitely sensual. With all my concentration focused on my progress I even thought I felt the nub of her clitoral hood rub along the top of my straining erection.

Then, with a gush of breath through my nose, I felt cool air chilling the precum covered head of my penis as it emerged from the front of her crotch. I paused, exploring the sensations flooding my senses. Katy's petite bottom was now nestled into my groin. I could feel each soft yet firm cheek against me. Imagining what it would look like and feeling it sent a strong pulse through me and I felt precum leak out the tip of my penis and slide down over the head to drip onto the towel. I felt her oh so small pussy radiating heat along the top of my erection and the cooler pressure of her upper thighs holding the shaft firmly in place.

If I had had the willpower, I would have stayed like that for hours. But my need to cum was too strong. I held her bony little hip harder to make sure I didn't jostle her awake, took a moment to explore the shape of her hairless mons with my finger tips, and slowly pulled my erection back through her crotch. The Astroglide did its work as, when I pushed forward again, I felt no movement in her hip. Thus reassured, I started long, steady, exquisitely slow thrusts back and forth letting my climax build.

I moaned as I felt my testicles pull up into my crotch. I picked-up the speed of thrusting, concentrating on the deliciously erotic stimulation of Katy's crotch on my straining penis. My hand felt a slight tremor in her hip each time my groin gently bounced into her small bottom. As I felt the clenching pressure in my groin from an incipient climax, I started breathing through my mouth to quieten my panting.

Then my orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks. My hips pushed forward, my penis thrusting through Katy's small crotch. I felt semen rush up through my shaft and, as my penis broke into the clear air in front of her pudenda, it swelled almost painfully and the first jet of cum exploded out onto the towel. I pulled back and thrust again as a second, even stronger spurt brought stars to my eyes. Wave after wave of pure bliss now assaulted my senses, each thrust and spurt both thrilling and intensely satisfying. It went on and on until I was drained, only dry heaves left. I slowed, finally coming to rest, panting, satiated.

As I lay in a post orgasmic stupor my breathing slowly returned to normal. I felt my penis shrink to half its previous length, the head settling back to the middle of Katy's crotch, warmly surrounded by her tiny pussy and soft thighs.

After recovering my senses, I removed my hand from her hip, reaching over Katy to remove the now cum-soaked towel. As I balled up the towel and pulled my hand back, I felt wetness on the back of my hand where it had brushed against the sheet covering us. I realized my ejaculations had been so strong semen had hit the covers! Damn, I thought. I'd have to change the sheets again tomorrow.

A post-climax drowsiness washed over me. With my shrunken penis still lodged between my sweet Katy's legs, the smell of little girl and the distinctive smell of sex in my nose, I hugged her small body to me and fell asleep, once again sexually sated, dreaming of more.

Every night for the next three nights I repeated and experimented. I abandoned the towel after the first time, realizing it couldn't protect anything, so why bother. Katy couldn't feel the wet spot anyway. I discovered that pressing on the outside of Katy's thigh when my shaft was firmly nestled into her crotch added an unexpectedly thrilling tightness. In fact, the first time I did it, it brought on a spontaneous orgasm that ended that nights activities far too quickly. So I became more cautious afterwards, using the action more judiciously to heighten and extend my orgasms. And, perhaps most surprisingly, the feelings of guilt for using my eight year old daughter's body to attain sexual gratification weakened.

I found myself pushing Katy into more and more physical activity during the day in the hope that she'd fall into an exhausted sleep at night and, therefore, be less likely to wake up as I used her body to achieve sweet release. With every episode, I slipped further down the slippery slope.

Then, on Wednesday, I stumbled down the slope.

Chapter 5

My stumble was the direct result of my own actions. Katy had complained about her bikini being too small and, despite my strong protestations to the contrary, trying to convince her she looked gorgeous in it, I lost the argument. So Wednesday late morning found both of us at the mall shopping for new swimwear.

I took small comfort in the fact that I had convinced Katy to keep the old, beloved bikini. "Honey," I argued passionately, "what happens if your other bathing suits are in the wash? What happens if they get torn?" And, desperately, "What happens if your bottom gets smaller?"

Where that rationale came from I'll never know. However, it worked as Katy very reluctantly agreed to keep it in her dresser. "Fine. I'll keep it just in case, Dad. Happy?" Her smile betrayed her pretence at being stern with me.

So here I was, at the mall, perusing bikinis, imagining what a skimpy high French-cut bikini would look like on my straight-as-a-bean-pole, prepubescent eight year old. Quite delectable I decided. Meanwhile, Katy was off, rolling herself around the kids' bathing suit section, being attended by a very pleasant sales lady.

About half an hour later, Katy yelled for me.

"What do you think?" she asked me, as though I had any say in the matter and whatever I thought would influence her.

"Very nice," I commented. I think I was successful at hiding my disappointment as she grinned ear to ear. Her choice was a two piece white bathing suit with a lacy, frilly accent around the waist band of square-cut bottoms and around the edges of each cup-less piece of cloth that would cover her nonexistent breasts. My dreams of that high cut French bikini or even a low cut skimpy bikini were dashed. I couldn't even protest. How would it look to the seemingly nice sales lady if I tried to convince an eight year old to buy something sexier?

Well, the damage was done.

"Dad, can we go home and swim NOW?"

"We can swim after lunch," I said, laying down the law.

"OK. Let's go home now."

Clearly she liked her acquisition. Under normal circumstances she'd beg and plead to have lunch at the food court. Not today, apparently.

Lunch was sandwiches and chips; plain, simple, and totally unhealthy, therefore a great success. I changed in my room while Katy struggled with her new swimsuit in her room, so I was the first out on the deck.

When she rolled out to the pool, my disappointment in her choice was reconfirmed. Aside from the fact that white did nothing to accentuate shapes or curves hidden beneath, the lacy embellishments distracted the eye and, since it was the proper size for her to grow into over the next twelve months, it wasn't nearly tight enough to my liking.

However, her shiny eyes and expectant smile drew out the needed compliment. "It looks beautiful on you," I told her. Her smile widened and I felt a hot flush of love race through me as I saw the love in her eyes. Lord, but I was a fortunate father I thought to myself as I picked her up in my arms. Selfishly I wanted Katy to stay like this forever; sweet, innocent, lovable, cuddly, warm, and loving. Katy was my perfection.

Unfortunately, she was my downfall, too. My stumble down that slippery slope started.

As I carried Katy into the pool, hugging her petite body to me, I beheld the miracle of water. And I mean miracle! As we sank up to our shoulders and Katy pulled back from my hug, my eyes beheld the sight of a bikini bra that had become magically transparent. Not translucent, transparent! I could see the majesty of her dark red areolas and the pucker of tiny nipples as clearly as if she were naked.

I felt a tumescence start in my groin as my penis chimed in, in agreement with my appreciation. It extended as I contemplated what delights the bikini bottoms would reveal and I wasn't disappointed. As she pushed off and swam to the side of the pool I was treated with the glorious sight of her compact bottom cheeks as they rolled side to side. The perfection of each rounded little cheek filled me with a longing to caress.

My stumble occurred the moment Katy turned around to face me. Through the crystal clarity of the water I could see her pudenda with no obstruction at all. Her prominent pubis and the top of cleft formed by the joining of her labia made her pussy look like a small peach between her legs. My erection fully extended, pressing up against the elastic waist of my swimming trunks as I let my gaze take in the sexual curve of her mons pubis and the deep creases it made on either side where it met her thighs, the delicate, tight slit that disappeared down into the one inch gap at her crotch, emphasizing each perfectly formed labium.

Suddenly, this was my favourite bathing suit. It made me realize and accept the truth; I wanted to explore every inch of my eight year old daughter's naked body.

"Dad. DAD!"

Pulling me out of my stunned stupor, I saw Katy looking at me then, seeing where I had been looking, glance down at herself. I saw her eyes widen as she realized she was essentially naked in front of me.

"Oh," was all she said before I quickly cut her off.

"Katy, your swimming suit is beautiful. And don't worry if it's a bit see-through, we've seen each other bare in bathroom lots of times." I desperately wanted her to like her bathing suit so she'd continue wearing it. "I think it's the best bathing suit you have," I added.

She seemed to think about it for a moment, then smiles at me. "You were looking," she playfully accused me. Man I loved this girl!

"Honey, how could I not look at such a beautiful girl?" I asked, grinning as well. "You're now my favourite daughter."

She giggled. "Daddy, I'm your only daughter, silly."

All too soon her attention turned to playing games. I took every opportunity that arose to ogle her prepubescent privates. My favourite, and one that almost had me cumming into my swimming trunks, was when she stretched over the raft. With the top half of her body laid on the top, legs hanging into the water as she struggled to pull herself up, I froze. I made no move to help her, nor did I want to just then. I stood still in awe, my eyes drinking in the glorious sight of a perfectly formed ass, a deep crack formed by small, tight buttocks leading my eyes downward to the most erotic sight of all; prepubescent pussy on display between slightly spread legs! I could see every detail, her perineum above the formation of tightly sealed outer lips, and the sweep of her bald pussy bulging out, framed by slim thighs. Thank you new swim suit!

I was in lust. I knew I was leaking precum onto the pool as I feasted on these new erotic sights being revealed to me.

But the final straw was yet to come.

As our swimming day was coming to an end, I was laid out on my back in the shallow end of the pool, resting against the steps. Katy, my essentially naked eight year old nymph-of-a-daughter, was lying on top of me, one of my arms holding her back, the other cupping her bottom, and her head resting on my chest. When she started to giggle at something I said her legs fell apart to hang on either side of me, pressing her plump pudenda hard onto my erection. Her giggling shook her body, rubbing her pudenda against my straining penis and, oh Jesus, it felt so good; too good.

I think I might have been cross-eyed with desire at this point as Katy raised her head and declared I looked "funny." I simply lay there, obviously too distracted by the feelings assaulting my senses to say anything sensible, as my response was, "So do you."

It was at this moment I knew I had to find a way to explore my daughter's body. I knew beyond all doubt I wanted to inspect every inch, nook and cranny of her naked body, feel its texture and contours, and, yes, even taste it. I knew I had to find a way that protected her innocence but appeased my increasingly libidinous desires. I had stumbled.

"Dad, can we watch a movie tonight?" Katy asked as she finished the last of her ice cream dessert.

"Sweetheart, it's almost eight o'clock. It's a bit late for a movie."

"Please, Dad. We can get ready for bed first, before the movie," she tried to reason. "Then, when it's over we can go straight to bed."

There was little to argue against her surprisingly logical request and, even though it was Wednesday, it was summer holidays, so I acceded. "Right to bed after the move," I told her in my serious "Dad" voice.

"Uh huh. Promise."

"OK, then. Go get ready."

As I cleared up the dinner dishes, Katy rolled herself out to change and brush her teeth. I caught sight of her in her Disney night shirt wheeling herself into the den as I headed to the bedroom to change.

When I entered the den, wearing PJ bottoms and a loose T-shirt, Katy was just finishing loading the DVD.

"Whatch ya pick?" I asked.

"Little Mermaid!" Ah, a theme emerged . . . night shirt, movie; a Disney night it was.

We were both worn out from the day's activities, although for different reasons, so I lay Katy on the couch, crawled over her, and stretched out. I laced my arms around my little minx and hugged her spoon fashion to me as the movie started.

Based on the past trend, I normally would have taken this opportunity to "cop a feel" so to speak. But, tonight, I was preoccupied with other thoughts.

"Thanks, Dad."

I hugged my darling tightly. "You're welcome," I said softly. "I love you."

"Love you too, Dad."

As we settled into the movie I thought about how I had taken advantage of her condition over the past couple of weeks. It was an odd feeling. I loved Katy dearly; she was the light of my life. Yet, I couldn't deny the fact that she had provided me with sexual pleasures I had never experienced before. The intensity of my orgasms was greater than those I had experienced with her mother.

Katy had brought out a deep, dark desire that I had never thought I had; the erotic appeal of prepubescent girls. But, it was more than that. Right now, at this moment in time, I felt that the love I had for Katy erased any guilt I might feel if it was just any other prepubescent girl. No. It wasn't that, although it might have been part of the reason, it was the fact that using my daughter to achieve sexual release was fundamentally not hurting her.

She couldn't feel what I was doing. She wasn't aware of my nightly attentions. Paralysis aside, she was in every other way a normal, growing, developing little girl. It was that innocence, lack of awareness, that made my guilt melt away. And, as long as she remained that way, I wouldn't feel guilt.

But, the cloud on my horizon was my deepening desire to do more; this growing need to see, feel, taste. And yet, the thought of Katy finding out what I was doing to her chilled my heart. I felt the beginnings of terror, I could lose my daughter!

I simply had to find a solution.

That night in bed my routing changed, no doubt driven by the visual feast Katy had innocently teased me with all day.

Needing to explore her, to touch her, I let her stay on her back when she fell asleep. When I was sure she was deeply asleep, I moved my body down, turned on my side and lifted and spread her legs over my hip and thigh. Now on my side I could freely explore her with my right hand.

I slid my left arm under her pillow and moved close enough so I could bury my nose in her thick head of hair, the wonderfully sweet smell of fresh little girl so unique, filling each breath. I listened to Katy, the sound of her breathing regular and deep.

My erection was throbbing, blood pulsing in time with my accelerated heartbeat as I, oh so gently, slid my hand across her small stomach. With a heightened awareness I felt the beginning of her mons veneris with my fingertips. I was acutely aware of the sexy upward sweep of her pubis as my fingers crested its peak. I paused, taking the time to press down, testing its resilience. Firm, yet soft and yielding, its feel sent a thrill through me, my erection nodding in agreement. Turning my hand I let my index finger trace the deep crease formed where her pudenda met her left thigh, my ring finger finding the right-hand crease.

All my senses now concentrated on my middle finger as it glided across the centre of her hairless pussy, seeking and finding her glorious cleft. Another thrill raced through me.

With infinite care, I slid my hand down, middle finger guiding my way as it traced the full length of her tightly closed cleft until I had a hand full of my eight year old daughter's soft, warm pussy. My erection was throbbing, waving around in the chill of the air. I could feel precum sliding along the shaft.

Gently, oh so gently, I squeezed my child's pussy testing its form, texture and feel. It felt so small in my large hand and that only added to my mounting excitement.

I let my middle finger curl slowly until it spread her outer lips, feeling her inner warmth and dryness. Releasing her pussy I reached further down between her spread legs, rubbed my hand over my straining erection, picking up precum as I did. With natural lubrication coating my fingers I brought my hand back to again cup her entire pudenda. Breath whistled out of my nose as I felt my index and ring finger return to the side of her mound to rest sandwiched between her soft mons and firmer thighs, my precum slickened middle finger resting along the length of her outer lips.

Slowly I pulled my middle finger up, tracing every millimetre of the outside of her oh so soft tiny cleft, laying down a trail of slipperiness until my finger tip was once again at its peak. Adding a little pressure I felt her labia surrender and part, accepting the probing pad of my finger. Her tender labia hugged the sides as I started to glide my finger down through her channel for the first time. My erection grew even harder as I felt Katy's tiny clitoral hood rasp across my finger. I paused to gently rub it in a circular movement as I explored its shape and firmness. So small. Then, I continued my journey of discovery, feeling her urethra and, finally, there it was, the impossibly small opening to her vagina.

The head of my penis swelled, feeling like it does before ejaculating. I started breathing through my mouth to stay as quiet as possible.

Never having felt a prepubescent vagina before, I moved my finger around slowly. I felt the opening, so small, soft and warm against the pad of my finger. Thrilling! I pushed delicately to judge the give and was rewarded with a minuscule dilation. I could feel what I thought might be Katy's hymen. God, this was amazing; illicit as hell yet so erotic.

I couldn't wait any longer, the need was too great. All this sensual stimuli had brought me close to an orgasm. I reached down, grasped my penis by the shaft and, holding my breath, pushed forward until I felt the precum moistened tip touch Katy's pussy. As I slowly slid the mushroom tip up and down through her tight cleft I felt her labia part to gently hug it. I paused and, using my fingers, tried to feel how thick my crown was compared to Katy's undeveloped pussy. It felt huge, like it was filling the gap between her thighs. I dragged my penis back down her cleft, slipping in deeper. Then, when I felt Katy's tiny vaginal opening nestled against the very tip of my probing erection, the dam burst.

My first shot of cum exploded out. I couldn't hold the groan induced by this first sweet release. I imagined Katy's prepubescent vagina being filled with her father's thick, warm sperm and I exploded again, stronger this time. And then the floodgates opened as I forcefully ejaculated time and time again, my penis lodged tightly against her tiny vagina, warm sperm flowing back to cover the head of my partially buried penis. I grunted with every pulse and almost passed out from the intensity of each crashing orgasmic wave until finally, with sweat on my brow, I collapsed, satiated, drained.

God help me but I knew, at that moment, I had to find a way to have intercourse with Katy. I had fallen head first down that slippery slope.

Chapter 6

My eyes snapped open. I was wide awake. The bedside clock told me it was 5:30 in the morning. I quickly rose from the bed, mindless of Katy sleeping next to me, as I now had the answer.

My mind had obviously been worrying away at the problem through the night and, as I headed towards the bathroom, I mentally kicked myself for not remembering it before. I searched the bathroom looking under the sink into the cupboards, side drawers, and every shelf of the vanity. "Where is it? Where is it?" I muttered aloud.

I couldn't find it. Disappointment filled me. I paused, thinking. What had I done with it when we moved? Where had I packed it? Then, with relief, I remembered the still-packed boxes in my home office. Mindless of my nakedness, I quickly entered the office and started opening box after box until, eureka; the third box yielded the small prescription bottle.

The doctor had prescribed the drug, benzodiazepine, for Katy's nightmares that assaulted her after the accident. She had to take the capsules for a month and a half before I successfully weaned her off them and she slept through the night. In fact, the first time she did, it was in bed with me, cuddled to my side. So I knew the effect they had on Katy and I knew they were safe.

I quickly opened the bottle to check the contents; still half full. As I realized what this meant, my penis inflated to a full erection, bobbing in front of me. Yes! Here was the answer to my illicit desires. I could explore Katy's naked body without worry. I could inspect her, touch her, caress her, kiss her, and taste her naked body at will.

I quickly went to the bathroom, closing the door quietly with the prescription bottle clutched in my sweaty hand. Grasping my erection, it took only a minute or two of stroking before I was shooting semen into the toilet bowl. Surprisingly, I didn't feel much sexual satisfaction from masturbating and cumming, as thoughts of the opportunities these pills promised filled my mind.

I was skidding down this slippery slope, no traction left.

Sitting, fully dressed, and sipping coffee at the kitchen, I heard Katy call out. "Dad? Where are you?"

"In the kitchen, Honey. Hold on a sec. I'll be right there."

I entered the master bedroom and paused at the doorway to admire my princess. On her back, quilt up to her chest, dark hair spread over the pillow haloing her cute, pretty face, a smile broke out welcoming me. As she stretched her arms towards me I felt the joy of pure, unadulterated love flush through me. I was the luckiest father alive.

I returned her smile as I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "Morning love. How are you feeling today?" I asked as she held me around my neck.

"Good Daddy, really good."

I left her on the toilet and headed to her bedroom to pick out her clothes for the day. Katy in her inimitable way yelled after me "My yellow dress today, Dad!" I smiled.

Back in the bathroom, dress, shoes, and soft white undies in one hand and wheel chair pushed ahead of me with the other, I asked Katy what she wanted to do today. It was Thursday, the last Thursday of Katy's summer holiday. School was starting on Monday, so I thought I'd indulge her.

"Can we rent a new movie?" she asked.

"Sure," I said immediately.

Katy was smart. Recognizing she may have an advantage, though how I don't know, she followed up without pause. "Can we have a BBQ dinner? Can we go swimming again? Can I have friends over? Can they stay for the BBQ?"

"Whoa there," I said, smiling at her deviousness. Or, perhaps it was just childhood enthusiasm. Either way, I liked it. "Yes, no, yes, yes."

"Yes what?" she demanded to know. "No what?" Clearly she had forgotten the sequence of her questions.

"Katy, yes we can have a BBQ dinner. No you can't go swimming because yes, you can have some friends over." I couldn't imagine Katy showing off her new bathing suit to her friends. Jesus, the whole neighbourhood would know about it before the day was done! And besides that, I couldn't go walking about with an erection which no doubt I'd get, with her friends in the house. "And, yes they can stay for a BBQ dinner."


A couple of hours later, Katy was ensconced in her room with Susan and Linda, two of her "very, very, bestest friends" I had been advised. By the time lunch was over, Katy, Susan and Linda were in the den watching the movie Katy had asked me to pick up. It was another sunny, warm, late summer day so I lazed out on the deck reading the paper. But my mind just wasn't in it. I kept drifting back to possibilities.

About three o'clock I heard Katy calling me. "Dad. Dad. Guess what?" she enthused as she rolled herself out onto the deck.


"I did it!" she declared with great pride.

"Well done! Wait, did what?" I asked, bemused.

"I went to the bathroom on my own." Now this was big news. Katy hadn't had the upper body strength to pull herself from her wheel chair onto the toilet, or for that matter the bed. Hearing that she could go to the bathroom on her own was a major step in self reliance.

"Katy! That's wonderful," I declared, although truth be told it meant one less opportunity for me to play the voyeur. However, it was the last stumbling block to Katy returning to school.

"Congratulations," I said to her back as she wheeled away to tell her "very, very, bestest friends" the exciting news.

As I lazed in the sun I started planning and I was thankful I had put on regular briefs and jeans as my on-again, off-again erection, brought on by my increasingly lascivious and libidinous thoughts, didn't show too prominently. Without going into details, I decided tonight would be the night. I decided I'd treat Katy to some hot chocolate, perfect cover for the sleeping pill.

By the time the BBQ was over, I began to worry I'd be exhausted by bedtime. Keeping up with three eight year olds was a real challenge. By eight o'clock Katy's friends had left and, as we were heading to the den, Katy complained about being tired.

"Gee, I wonder why," I said to her facetiously. She just grinned in response.

"How about some hot chocolate?" I asked as I moved her from the wheel chair to the couch.

"Yum. OK."

I turned the TV on, handing the remote to her before heading to the kitchen. While the milk warmed on the stove, I made myself a scotch and water, took a sip, and pulled the prescription bottle from my pocket. Having taken them before, I knew one capsule was enough to put Katy into a deep, sound sleep for at least ten hours, probably more given how tired she was. I removed a capsule, twisted the ends apart and sprinkled the contents into a cup. The milk was now warm enough so I finished making her drink, grabbed both and headed back to the den.

I knew full well what my intentions were and I could feel the enticing tightness in my groin as anticipation built.

"Here you go."

"Thanks, Dad. And thanks for letting Susan and Linda come over."

"You're welcome. It's been a big day."

"Uh huh," was all I got in reply as her attention went back to the TV.

As we sat on the couch, my impatience began to show as I found myself looking down at Katy, leaning next to me, trying to see if the drug had taken effect. I was rewarded when, less than an hour later I felt her slip a little. Holding her up, I saw her head loll against me. A delicious surge of sexual anticipation rushed through me. It was time. My time.

I gathered my sleeping daughter in my arms resting her head on my shoulder and took her into the master bedroom. I laid her gently on the bed and stepped back to admire her. So petite in her yellow dress, yet an absolute beauty, made stronger in my eyes because I knew the personality within her.

I studied her as I stripped then, moving back to her, I leaned over and kissed her rosy red lips. My penis inflated as I felt her small soft lips against mine. I took my time as I sucked on her lower lip letting my tongue emerge to feel its texture. Reaching down, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her fully letting the tip of my tongue probe into her small immature mouth, tasting her. I groaned when my tongue touched hers and backed off.

Reaching for the hem of her dress I slowly began to peel it up her body. My eyes were riveted to every inch of her small body as it was revealed to my prurient gaze, her thin thighs first, then, the exciting gusset of her panties, so intensely erotic; soft white cotton gently nestling yet accentuating forbidden delights hidden from sight. My penis throbbed in agreement. I continued to undress my sweet, desirable child, moving her hips from side to side to ease her dress out from under her. Then, holding her by the shoulders, I peeled the dress off completely.

When I laid her back down I was rewarded with the intoxicating sight of an eight year old, MY eight year old, spread out for inspection, naked except for her childish panties. My erection thickened as I studied her boyish, immature form. Her flat chest with dusky pink areolas and incredibly small nipples, the dip down to her innie belly button with the elastic waist of her panties just below. The soft cotton gently conforming to every hidden dip and swell underneath took my breath away. The bulge of her pubis made my mouth water with a desire to taste. It seemed so much larger, much more prominent the way she was laid out. It made my erection leak and throb with need. I had to see more.

Moving to the bottom of the bed I leaned over and hooked my fingers into her panty's waistband. Holding my breath, I started pulling them down slowly, ever so slowly.

Small hip bones came into sight as the edge of her panties neared the rise of her mons. Then, glory be, her hairless pubis was revealed to my hungry eyes. An awe-inspiring upward sweep of her pudenda thrilled me. And, oh God, her tight cleft! Bald plump labia sealed together tightly drew my lustful gaze, the promise of erotic treasures protected within. I was rock hard as I absorbed the sensual vision of Katy's immature sex.

With eyes riveted, I drew her panties off, letting them fall to the floor. I stood drinking in this object of desire, my own prepubescent daughter, pure naked innocence that inflamed my lust. I moved onto the bed, my knees on either side of her calves, my pounding erection thrust up at a 45 degree angle wet with precum.

My hands slid up her legs and over her thighs as I leaned forward. The palm of my hand teasingly brushed over the bulge of her pubis as I slid them up to rest on her flat chest. I traced her tiny nipples with the pads of my index fingers and, with a moan of desire, bent down to taste them. My lips suckled a dusky red areola; my tongue touched her tiny, firm nipple, feeling its shape and texture. I kissed it slowly then moved over to its twin. Kissing my way up her small chest, and moving her dark hair aside, I nestled my face into the side of her exposed neck, kissing her again while inhaling the intoxicating scent of pure innocence. My "need" was building.

I cupped her face again, turning it towards me, and paused to admire her beauty. Love flowed through me, enhancing my sexual arousal. I kissed her delicate lips, my tongue slipping out to probe between them. My erection bobbed up and down from pulsing blood. I needed more, I wanted more.

I kissed her eyelids then her small nose. "I love you," I whispered to her. As I settled back on my ankles, my kisses trailed their way down her slim torso, pausing briefly at her nipples. I kissed her stomach, her belly button and my anticipation built; the ultimate prize just a little bit lower. My hands slid down her sides to hold her bony hips, fingers slipping underneath to cup her beautifully shaped bottom. I closed my eyes and revelled in the feel of her in my hands; small, rounded globes so soft yet firm. For a confirmed ass lover this was heaven.

Opening my eyes, I looked down. A involuntary gasped exploded from me as I gazed down on perfection; the magnificent sweeping rise of hairless, prepubescent pussy, the intoxicating sight of her cleft sealed tight by beautifully shaped labia curving deep into the gap between her legs, protecting her treasures, her innocence.

I had to stop; still my racing heart. Then, when some measure of self control had been restored, I bent down and inhaled her clean, fresh, prepubescent scent. I let my lips touch Katy's pudenda for the first time and kissed her oh so soft, hairless mons right at the start of her tiny cleft. I closed my eyes again as a wave of sexual lust raced through me. My erection swelled and pulsed releasing even more precum that slowly slid down the flared head to drip onto the bed.

My desire to taste this desirable little nymph, this child of mine, grew inside me to the point of bursting. I backed off the bed to slip my hands under my darling's knees and, with eyes locked on her sexy little pussy, I started spreading her legs.

The full glory of Katy's sex was revealed to my hungry stare, thick, tightly closed labia clinging together, refusing to part. Then, sweet Jesus, her lips peeled apart agonizingly slowly and her tiny clitoral hood peeked through. As I moved her legs further apart I was treated to the sight of her tiny, dark red vaginal opening, nestled deeply at the bottom of her flowering cleft, with its hymen partially protecting the entrance clearly visible.

I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I moved onto the bed and on my knees bent forward to taste her. I trailed my tongue up the outside of one lip and down the other before moving just the tip to the entrance of her incredibly small vagina. I probed, measuring the resilience of her hymen, then moved my tongue around, luxuriating in her soft, slick warmth. I kissed her vagina tasting her then lick up her cleft slowly. Her urethra with its slight acrid flavour slid by and, finally, my tongue reached her clitoral hood. I marvelled at its firmness and texture as I probed, licked, and sucked. I could feel the firm little nub of her clitoris hidden inside.

A hunger was building inside me, a deep dark desire. I hadn't planned on exploring Katy beyond sight, touch and taste, but now I wondered if I could fit inside her. The thought thrilled me, excitement surged. I was inflamed with sexual desire. I just had to try.

I rose to my knees and shuffled forward, lifting Katy's legs to drape over my thighs, my straining erection almost pointing at the ceiling. It looked monstrous next to Katy's immature eight year old pussy. It's not possible, I thought to myself. Scooping up precum, I massaged it over her pubic mound, my fingers slipping easily across the top of her mons, my thumb sliding down through her spread cleft. I fondled her, the softness and resilience sending erotic chills through me.

Grasping my shaft, I pushed it down until it nestled against her labia. Pushing forward I watched as her lips parted to hug the tip. I watched with feverish eyes as the bulbous head of my erection scraped over her small clitoral hood and slid down through her slit, laying a trail of slippery precum, until I was nestled against the tiny opening of her vagina. "Oh God, please don't cum now," I pleaded with myself as excitement surged through me.

I gently pushed, testing. Her labia held their ground at first, then, like a blooming flower, slowly opened, fading from a rosy red to a light pink as they stretched to accommodate the tip of my probing penis, her vaginal opening dilating ever so slightly. Then, nothing. I pushed harder but made no progress. Withdrawing, I gently explored her with my finger. She was so incredibly small and I felt her hymen still guarding her virginity, but now it seemed smaller.

I scooped up precum on my finger and spread it on her, grasped my rigid shaft and tried again. I felt her warmth as I nestled the head between her labia, watching as they stretched again around the flared helmet. I pushed.

Oh Lord! The sight of my penis penetrating Katy's small, small pussy was unbelievable. But the feel of her tight vaginal entrance sliding down the head of my penis, as her hymen melted away, was exquisite agony. She was so tight. I couldn't believe the sight of her immature pussy stretching so slowly to accommodate this monstrous intrusion. And then, suddenly, the head popped in, her vaginal entrance snapping tightly around my shaft. I froze. I was in heaven. My erection was jerking like it was about to cum as her velvety soft vagina clasped the head of my penis in a vice-like grip. I wanted to stay like this, in this position, with this feeling forever; it was so God damn exciting. But I needed more.

I gently pushed, sinking into her another half an inch. Her labia were forced inward and her clitoris dipped down to rub against my shaft. I moan at the sight. Stretching my legs out behind me, I laid down on Katy, my body half off to her side to keep my weight from smothering her. She felt so small compared to my adult body, her head only reaching as high as the middle of my chest. I slipped my hands down her sides, feeling her slimness under me, until my hands curled under her, cupping her wonderfully petite bottom.

As I lay there, half on, half off, I explored the sensations assaulting me. Katy's little girl scent filled my nostrils. Her warm body felt so small under me but so, so good. I could feel her legs spread out from under my hips, laid flat on the bed as only little girls can. I gently squeezed her bum cheeks in my hands, marvelling at their soft resilience. But, best of all, I felt the head of my erection lodged just inside her tight, soft, warm vagina. I could feel my erection swell with every pulse of blood and I knew I was leaking precum inside her.

I was close. I could easily cum like this, but I wanted more. I needed more. I had never felt such an intense sexual urge.

I started moving my hips in a miniscule, almost teasing, thrusting motion, my senses locked onto the feeling of my partially buried penis. I felt it move slightly within her then, eased by my precum, my pounding erection slid forward, her soft internal walls parting, her hot vaginal sheath sliding down my rigid shaft. In one smooth, slow thrust I buried myself deep inside my daughter, holding her bottom tightly to me, until finally, with four of my six and a half inches in her, I felt my erection touch her deepest part, nestled against her cervix.

Pleasure flooded my brain, exquisite sexual pleasure unlike anything I had experienced. The combination of this feeling with the awareness that it was my daughter, a prepubescent eight year old I was penetrating, was too stimulating. I had to move. In one smooth stroke I withdrew from her clasp and, before pulling out completely, reversed my movement sinking smoothly, deeply into her once again.

The build-up had been too much. The dam burst, my climax upon me. I stroked into Katy a third time. Testicles tightened, pressure build and, with my erection buried deep in my daughter, I moaned in ecstasy as cum rushed up and exploded into her. Another thrust and a second, stronger jet of semen spewed out of me. Waves of orgasmic pleasure flooded through me with each sweet release. I exploded again, my erection lodged against Katy's cervix and the thought of my daughters immature womb being filled with her father's thick, warm semen increased my excitement. I lost myself in orgasmic bliss, thrusting again and again, fucking my little girl, my stomach cramping as the sweet relief of every pulsing spurt overwhelming me. I felt my penis bathed in semen as it was forced back down Katy's too-small vagina, and still I thrust until I was drained, waves of dry heaves all I had left to give.

I collapsed, exhausted, sexually satiated. My erection faded and the natural tightness of Katy's vagina expelled me. Warm semen flowed from her pussy over my flaccid penis as I lay there, panting loudly, sweat on my brow, still holding onto Katy's bottom, too tired to move.

With effort I rolled off my daughter, flopping onto my back. I lay in post orgasmic bliss feeling sexually drained like I had never experienced in my life. I marvelled at how wonderful intercourse with a prepubescent girl, with Katy, was. It was, without doubt, better than any sex I had had with her mother. I replayed every action, every touch, and every feeling in my mind, determined to remember this night, realizing I'd never experience anything like it again in my life; the first time I had intercourse with my daughter. Just thinking about what I had done sent erotic thrills through my mind and, had my body been capable, I was sure I would have physically responded. But, it wasn't. I was drained.

Finally, as my breathing returned to normal, I rose from the bed and went to get a warm wash cloth from the bathroom. As I returned, I sucked in my breath at the vision presented before me. Katy was still in the same position I had inadvertently left her in, flat on her back, head turned to the side with hair partially obscuring her delicate face, arms akimbo, and thighs spread at almost 180 degrees, knees bent, and her bare little pussy on display.

As I moved towards the bed, almost zombie-like. I saw a pool of semen that had collected on the quilt down between her ass cheeks; a hint of pink the only trace of her lost virginity. And, as I leaned over my darling to clean her up, several things struck me.

I realized that, in my heightened sexual excitement, I had forgotten to remove the quilt from the bed. Shit. I'd have to wash it. I noticed, with some measure of pride that I had really cum a lot, a lot more than usual. As I gently wiped up the pool of semen I saw that Katy's labia were only slightly reddened and, with the elasticity of youth, had partially closed. But the sight that sent a sexual charge through me was seeing semen slowly leaking from Katy's vagina. I couldn't believe how sexy, how erotic it looked. God, but faced with the sight of my prepubescent daughter with her perfectly bald pudenda leaking the sperm recently deposited inside her by her own father, me, I decided I had to have her again. I HAD to.

Yet, while my spirit was willing my body was not. I looked at the bedside clock and, with some surprise, saw it was only 10:15. A delicious though entered my mind. I had time. I could rest and take my daughter again tonight! Quickly I set the alarm for 1:00 am, then moved around the bed to lift Katy into my arms. Pulling the quilt off the bed, I laid her down. I reversed the quilt so the stains wouldn't show in the morning and covered her. Back in bed, I cuddled up to my darling, my lover. I kissed her soft cheek and drifted into an intensely satisfied sleep.

The alarm jolted me awake. After a moment of confusion I remembered why I had set the alarm and with that memory, glory be, I felt a stirring in my groin. As I pondered how to have intercourse with my child my penis returned to full tumescence. I leaned over Katy, my erection poking her, and kissed her on her cheek. "It's time, my love," I whispered to her. I rolled her onto her back, then turned her body to face me, my arms wrapped around her. Hugging her small body to me I rolled onto my back; Katy resting on top of me and her head resting on my chest. Her legs naturally fell to my sides. I raised my head and buried my nose in her hair to inhale her scent; little girl with an aroma of sex, mmmm!

My hands played on her back enjoying the feel of her small shoulder blades and bony spine. My erection was at full mast as my hands swept down Katy's back and up over her perky little bottom to cup each cheek. As my fingers traced her butt crack they touched my straining penis. I moved it out of the way and continued my exploration of Katy's delectable body, fingers lightly slipping further and further between her cheeks. I touched her anus then felt her perineum and finally, inexorably, her tightly closed labia; so soft, so warm, so wonderful.

I slid the palms my hands along her thin, firm thighs until I reached the back of her knees. My erection throbbed, bouncing on and off her bottom. My hands drifted back up her thighs and, with one hand cupping an ass cheek, I used my middle finger to gently probe between her outer lips. A moan escaped as I felt heat and moisture on my finger. I throbbed in excitement when her still tiny vaginal opening expanded to accommodate my probing fingertip. Tight, still so tight. I removed my finger and cupped her other ass cheek.

My heart rate increased as I now pushed the head of my erection down through her ass crack with my fingers. I luxuriated in the sensation of her bottom rubbing the sides of its flared head as it slipped lower and lower. Anticipation built until finally I felt her labia on the tip of my penis. I started rocking my hips, sliding it up and down along her closed pussy lips, lubricating her with my slippery precum. Up and down, up and down. Intoxicating.

I began to tremble when I felt the incredible sensation of her labia parting around the tip of my probing penis, pressure from my fingers pushing me deeper. All my senses were focused on the erotic sensations I was experiencing between her legs. The rigid nub of her clitoris tickled my erection just before I felt it slide up and catch at the entrance to her vagina.

Breathing deeply, lost in this illicit sexual act, I held Katy's bottom tightly to me, the plump pad of her mons pressing into my lower stomach. With finger pressure holding the flared helmet of my erection at her opening, I curled my hips, pushing, pushing. Pressure built as her tiny vagina at first resisted. Then she opened to receive me. Sensual pleasure mushroomed inside me as I myself penetrate my daughter's pussy, her tight vaginal sheath slipping down my shaft, eased by the leftover semen I had deposited inside her only three short hours ago. In one smooth forward motion my erection slipped inside her deeper and deeper until she was filled, completely.

"Oh God, Katy. So good, so good, my darling," I whispered to her. My erection swelled, her still tight vagina making me feel impossibly large. With both hands gripping her seductive little bottom I started fucking, yes fucking my sleeping daughter with long slow strokes, relishing the feel of sliding in and out of her warm, moist pussy, a tight sheath massaging my erection. As I felt the first tingling onset of an orgasm I picked up the pace, thrusting faster, fucking her harder, deeper. Tightness spread through my groin, breath rasped in and out of my open mouth, testicles pulled up and, with a roar, I exploded, froze and exploded again, cum spitting out deep inside Katy. Wave after wave of pleasure hit me with each gut-wrenching spurt. I couldn't control myself as my hips pushed up, thrusting my erection deep into my daughter to bounce against her cervix as I tried to bury myself in her. The intensity of my climax scared me but I was too far gone to care. Only the intense p leasure of cumming in my prepubescent daughter mattered.

Eventually, all too soon, my orgasm passed and I slowed and came to rest, completely drained. My chest heaved from the exertion, sleepiness crept over me as I relaxed in post-orgasmic bliss still holding Katy's bottom in my hands, my waning erection still buried inside her.

"I love you, Katy," I whispered as I drifted to sleep.

Chapter 7

The first blush of morning light roused me from a deep, dreamless slumber. As consciousness returned I felt Katy cuddled up next to me, head resting in the crook of my shoulder with one arm draped across my chest. I was warm, comfortable and, with the exception of a full bladder, could have drifted off.

Yet, something felt odd. I mentally explored myself trying to understand just what it was that seemed different. Ah hah! I didn't have a morning erection, a first in longer than I could remember. At least I didn't at first.

I went from flaccid to erect to flaccid in record time as the memory of last night, sexual intercourse with Katy twice no less, heralded the instant return of an erection. It was immediately followed by shame, shame for what I had done; for the sexual frenzy that had taken control of me, taken me further than I had consciously planned. My erection wilted. Then fear struck me. Had I injured Katy in the heat of my unrestrained sexual fervour? Memories that should have been cherished, terrified. My erection vanished as I shrivelled from fear.

I had to find out for my own sanity. God, what if I had damaged her? How would I explain it to her? To a doctor?

The bedside clock showed 5:30am. Katy's breathing was soft and regular. Good, she was still under the waning effects of the sleeping drug. I quickly sat up pulling the quilt off of both of us. Leaning over, the first thing I saw was Katy's pubis covered, and I mean covered, in dried semen. A chill of panic raced through me. Here was visible proof of my transgression. There was no way Katy would miss it when she went to the bathroom.

Immediately, my priority changed. I had to remove the evidence of my act. Rising from the bed I headed for the bathroom. Returning with a warm wash cloth I bent over my daughter and started cleaning her pudenda gently. As I did, my fear eased. Her little pussy appeared normal, no undue redness, labia tightly sealed, and no unexpected traces of blood. Using my fingers I spread her outer lips to clean between them and relief poured through me when I saw the tiny entrance to her vagina just as small as I remembered it, all-be-it slightly reddened.

I finished cleaning Katy's privates and, with the exception of the smell of sex, of semen, there was no visible trace of my indiscretion. Covering her with the quilt I went to the bathroom to shower. In the cold light of day, my actions last night scared me. True, it seemed that I hadn't physically damaged Katy, but it was my lack of control that was upsetting. With Katy in a drug-induced state of unconsciousness, the heat of my sexually inflamed passion had resulted in a lack of self control that scared me.

I dried myself with a large bath towel lost in thought. Suddenly I remembered I had left Katy naked in bed. If she woke up like that it would surely raise uncomfortable questions! I raced out of the bathroom and, with a quick glance to ensure she was still asleep, went to her room for a night shirt. Back in the master bedroom I put it on Katy as gently as I could. Thank God she didn't stir.

Dressed with coffee in hand and seated at the kitchen table I thought back to last night. I replayed everything, moment by moment, in my mind. The familiar stirrings started as I remembered the incredible pleasure of first penetration and the feeling of ecstasy as I ejaculated deep inside Katy. Yet, these memories were not having as strong a sexual impact on me as I would have thought, as I wished for. There was an unpleasant darkness inside me that muted my enjoyment.

Thinking about it, it became clear to me that it was my lack of control that scared me. That was the darkness hovering inside me. Unbelievably, I felt the stirrings of regret inside; regret for a memory that should have stimulated me for years was diminished by my behaviour. With sadness I accepted the fact that I could never put myself in that position again, could never take that sort of risk again. I couldn't trust myself. I now understood that it was the risk of Katy waking up that had held me in check on my previous illicit escapades.

Getting up from the table, I went to the counter and picked up Katy's prescription sleeping pills, opened the bottle and poured the capsules into the garbage disposal, turned it on. Gone!

With a second cup of coffee and feeling somewhat better about myself, I went and sat on the bed next to Katy, TV turned on, volume on low, and tuned to a morning news show.

It was about 7:45am when I felt Katy stir next to me. Looking down at her, I held my breath wondering how she'd be after last night. Her eyes opened and, when she saw me, a smile blossomed on her face. "Morning Daddy. You're up early."

I started breathing again. "Morning sweetheart. Time to get up?"

"Uh huh."

Feeling somewhat relieved at her perfectly normal behaviour, I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She had gathered the night shirt in her hands and pulled it up by the time I let her down on the toilet, treating me to a voyeuristic peek at her pussy.

"Shorts, Daddy," she yelled at me as I headed to her room. "And a tee shirt. Blue!"

I chuckled to myself. There she was, the Katy I knew and loved, directing me from her throne and still as sassy as ever.

I left her clothes and wheel chair in the bathroom for her and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

With breakfast over Katy and I headed to the mall once again. It was Friday, the last one before school started on Monday and she needed school supplies. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, we spent the whole day away from home. Shopping, lunch, and a movie kept Katy occupied and happy. It kept me happy as well. I enjoyed spending time with her and her endless enthusiasm for everything around her rubbed off on me.

"Is it too late for a swim, Dad?"

"It's 5:30, Katy. I have to make dinner soon."

"Can't we swim first? We can have dinner later." Then she brought out the big gun. "It's my last Friday night before school. I want to stay up late!"

I sighed. How can you argue with her, I thought to myself. And, where was the harm? "OK. But only for a short swim," I said firmly.

As I'm sure you'll understand, there was some anticipation on my part as I had visions of Katy in her new bikini romping in the pool. However, I was disappointed to see her roll herself out wearing a one-piece bathing suit, blue, her color of the day. Being honest with myself I recognized I was a little relieved, memories of control lost still shadowing my thoughts.

Our short swim was not without some rewards, though. Like any healthy male I felt an involuntary physical stirring when I'd see Katy bent over the raft, her well covered pudenda so beautifully framed by tight bum cheeks and thin thighs or the exceptionally erotic sight of her camel toe as she twisted onto her back. The show put on by this erotic prepubescent water nymph seemed to be restoring my confidence in my ability to control myself, or at least deluding myself that I could control myself.

"What's for dinner?" Katy asked as we dried ourselves. "I'm hungry."

"Burgers and fries, ice cream for dessert."

She smiled, "Mmmm, good. I'm going to change," and with that, off she rolled.

We talked about school over dinner. Katy was understandably nervous about starting at a new school and, while she had accepted her being confined to a wheel chair, she expressed worries about how other kids would react; a first for her.

But, I knew Katy. Her bubbly, endlessly enthusiastic personality would win anyone over, and I told her so.

Yet her surprisingly mature though process was apparent when she asked me, "What do I do when everyone else is playing sports?"

I hadn't thought about it at all. "I think there are some physical activities you can join in on," I said.

"Like what?"

"Well . . ." I paused to consider this awkward question. "You can swim! They probably will include you in basketball, too."

She pondered this, but it was uncomfortable for me as I hadn't really considered how Katy's physical limits might preclude her interaction with other kids. To change the subject I suggested TV, a sure distraction.

"Go get ready for bed so we can stay up late." A massive grin told me she was in complete agreement with me on this.

Thus, we lazed in front of the TV watching Monsters, Inc.; Katy snuggled into my side, scotch and water adding mellowness, and Katy's occasional giggling adding music to the night. Clearly I was more tired than I had realized as, before I knew it, I fell asleep.

"Dad, dad." Katy shaking and calling me brought me back to consciousness. "The movie's over. Can we watch another one?" she asked.

Looking at my watch confirmed Katy was trying to pull a fast one. It was 11:00pm!

"As if!" I responded. "Come on. Off to bed."

"Aw Dad," she complained as if it was the end of the world which, to her, it might have actually felt like.

Despite ongoing protestations on her part we finally settled in bed. I made a concession by turning on the bedroom TV to a sitcom before drifting back to sleep.

I think it was around 2:20am when I stirred. Katy was on her back and I was cuddled up to her. In my defence, her soft warm body felt remarkably good to me and, in the semi-awake state I was in, I clearly wasn't thinking straight. Never-the-less, I can't make excuses. I can't excuse how the wonderful the scent of sleeping little girl seemed to enchant and beguile a spot in my brain responsible for moral restraint. I can't excuse the physical reaction it induced. I certainly can't excuse the growing horniness it caused.

My penis was comfortably pressed to Katy's thigh and, with my senses being stimulated, it slowly became erect. Without opening my eyes, I pulled up Katy's night shirt and gently rolled her onto her side, cuddled in a little closer and let my probing erection slide, bit by bit, into the all too familiar channel between her thighs.

Still half asleep I was in no rush, enjoying each exquisite millimetre of progress. I relished in the feeling of my natural lubrication as it eased my progress, the gentle slide of her pussy across the top of my penis, and the subtle pressure of her thighs holding me in their grasp. My erection hardened even more when I felt the tip push out into the cool air in front of her crotch and the softness of Katy's bottom push into my groin. I pulled my now aching penis back as slowly as I had pushed, erotic trills coursing through me.

My tempo was set; slow, even thrusts and withdrawals lubricated with precum, my senses overloaded. I let my hand slide over Katy's small, bony hip, across the side of her magnificent bottom, and down her thin thigh, then back up. A warmth stole through my body, breathing deepened, and tightness in my groin forewarned of my building orgasm.

I teased, keeping my thrusts at their slow, slow pace until I cramped, my erection swelled, I pushed forward holding myself tight to Katy's bottom. I felt the first load of semen barrel up through me and spurt out, the feel of sweet release blossoming inside. I clenched my stomach as the second pulse tore through me. Then I lost control, sliding back and thrusting forward again and again, each thrust rewarded with a wonderful blast of cum until finally, my orgasm faded, I slowed and came to rest. I felt my erection fade, drawing itself back across Katy's pussy as I lay there, drained.

My final conscious act was to use my boxers to clean up as much of my semen as I could before I drifted back to sleep.

Saturday welcomed us with darkened skies laden with the promise of rain. As Katy and I went about our routing Saturday household chores, I felt gloominess inside myself. At first I thought it was the weather but, as I vacuumed and my mind turned to last night's sexual activity with Katy, I realized with shock that my orgasm was significantly less satisfying than it had been before. I hadn't felt the same intense eroticism nor the same explosive climax that I had achieved when I had had intercourse with my daughter.

Sadness settled over me to add to my gloom as I realized that I had diminished the sexual exploration and enjoyment of my daughter by going too far on Thursday night. Yes, I achieved a climax last night but I had to accept that I'd never feel the gloriously intense orgasms I had once achieved.

For a moment, and only a moment, I considered refilling the prescription. I knew I wouldn't, though. It was only a dream; a wishful self indulgence. I understood, deep in my heart, I preferred the love of my daughter and the need to keep her safe and protected. It precluded me from ever taking a risk with her again.

In an effort to brighten my gloomy outlook I scolded myself. Who are you to complain? I said to myself as I viciously moved the vacuum cleaner back and forth. You have a daughter that adores you AND you have the amazing good fortune to use a prepubescent eight year old to sexually satisfy you; sexual satisfaction that outstrips masturbation by a country mile!

Somewhat mollified, I finished all the chores. It did indeed turn out to be a rainy day. Games, TV, even books occupied both of us but I could tell Katy was feeling down too. The looming end to summer vacation probably added to her feeling down.

"Let's go out for dinner!" I declared at six o'clock in an effort to raise her spirits.

"OK. McDonald's?" she asked hopefully.

"Nope, a really nice restaurant. Italian."

"Really?" Katy's dark eyes opened wide in surprise. It had been a long time since we had dined on anything other than fast food.

"Yes. Really."

Her spirits seemed to have lifted with this announcement as she immediately started planning. "I'll wear my red dress, Daddy. You know the one. That red one. And my nice shoes. Oh and I'll put on the necklace Mom gave me."

I couldn't help it. Warmth flushed through me as I watched my Katy's excitement.

"Put me down, Dad. I have to get changed," she pleaded as I wrapped her in my arms, hugged her and swung her around. But her smile and the way she looked at me gave away her enjoyment.

I dressed in nice slacks, button-down shirt and cashmere sweater, appropriate attire to escort my daughter, I thought.

Katy looked beautiful. She had brushed her lustrous dark brown hair and a clasp held it swept back from her smiling face. Her red dress, yes "that red one," was a dark, almost crimson, simple a-line sheath. A small gold locket hung on a gold chain around her neck. God, she was gorgeous, the apple of my eye.

Dinner was a huge success; Katy with her favourite spaghetti, me with a rich bottle of Italian red. What more could we want? We talked about anything that came to her mind, played word games, argued about the best movies ever, and generally had a great time. I was comfortably tipsy by the time we returned home.

"Thanks, Dad. That was the bestest." High praise indeed!

"Let's get changed for bed. How about watching a movie in bed?" I asked.

Fifteen minutes later we were cuddled up to each other watching "Up in the Air" in comfortable silence.

Before half the movie had finished, about 11:30 or so, I felt Katy's breathing deepen as she fell asleep. I had no delusions. I knew I'd use Katy again to sexually relieve myself and I thought the wine consumed over dinner might even enhance my pleasure.

By the time the movie ended, my penis had thickened into a partial erection as I visualized Katy's naked body. I turned onto my side to inhale her scent, let my right hand steal across her stomach and slide down to pull her night shirt up in a now familiar routine. But this time, with Katy on her back, I took the opportunity to slide my hand down over her wonderfully plump hairless pubis. I reached down a little further to thigh, pulling her leg closer to me, opening her crotch for my exploration.

My fingers traced her tight cleft upwards then down the outside of one labia and up the outside of the other. In my mind's eye I could see every crease; I could feel her pudenda in its rounded glory and my erection throbbed in excitement. Perhaps, I thought to myself, this was what was missing last night, this caress of an immature, little girl's pussy.

I held her entire pussy in the palm of my hand, marvelling at how small it was, how rounded, how firm yet yielding it was. When I felt precum start leaking I quickly gathered it in my fingers then spread it around her pubis. I used this natural lubrication to slip my middle finger between the tightly closed lips of her cleft, rewarded with the feel of her clitoral hood slide across my fingertip. My erection started waving from the blood pounding through me.

Pressing down through her slit I came to her vagina. Warm, soft, oh so soft. I couldn't hold back the quiet moan of excitement. I probed and felt my fingertip sink into her, clasped in a velvety soft vice. My hips involuntarily hunched forward pushing my erection onto Katy's leg. Sexual desire raced through me. It was time.

Gently, slowly, I rolled Katy onto her left side to face away from me. I slipped my left arm under her pillow and moved closer. The head of my penis slipped along the cease formed by her closed legs moving higher and higher until I felt it nestle against her labia, throbbing, drooling.

My right hand moved away from her hip, I needed to feel her again. With exquisite slowness I wormed it down until I was again cupping her crotch, my finger curled to tease the nub of her clitoris hiding inside its hood. My erection throbbed and extended even longer and, holy mother of God, I felt her labia part, accepting the intruder.

With infinite care I pushed my rigid penis forward until I was rewarded with the feel of the entrance to her tiny vagina nudging against its tip. Yes, I thought. This was far better than last night. My sexual excitement grew as I wondered if I could get just the flared crown inside my sleeping daughter. I played with her clitoris while debating.

It was no decision. I curled my legs pushing Katy's legs forward in front of her, opening her. I gradually added pressure, pushing until, sweet Jesus, her vagina dilated and the mushroom helmet slipped into her tight warmth. I paused, so close to cumming from this incredible feeling. I could feel her tightness increase with every expanding throb.

While my body urged me to thrust forward, the risk of Katy waking up held my baser instinct in check. I felt more love for my child than when I was lost in a haze of sexual frenzy. Somehow this was a better, richer, more exciting experience.

Then, unable to wait I pushed my erection deeper, sinking slowly, slowly, sensually into my daughter's silky soft pussy. I felt the walls of her vagina parting, hugging this massive intrusion as it slipped into her depths until I was fully buried as deep as I could go, pressed against the cervix guarding her immature womb. Heaven.

I froze. I had to. Tightness in my groin warned of my incipient climax. Holding myself deep in her, surrounded by her soft, tight sheath, and her buttocks pressed against me, I inhaled and exhaled deeply. My finger circled her clitoris. Fucking my little girl was so intensely exciting.

Suddenly I felt Katy's buttocks clench and her vagina squeeze the erection buried deeply in her. Could it be? Was she really doing this or was it my imagination? I held my breath. I felt her buttocks relax then clench again; her pussy tighten then relax. Oh my God, I thought. Katy was responding, moving a previously paralyzed part of her body!

My first instinct was to pull myself out of her but, when I felt her buttocks clench again and her vagina squeeze, almost massage me, I knew I was lost. I lay there revelling in her actions, my finger circling her clit.

I wanted to fully experience this awakening, make it last. But when I heard Katy moan in her sleep it was too much. My orgasm, hovering on the horizon, rush at me full force and, without having stroked once in my daughter, my climax burst over me. Semen surged up my pulsing shaft, ejaculating explosively against Katy's cervix. In my mind's eye I saw my thick, milky-white cum spurting into her immature womb. Another blindingly intense climactic wave hit me and I felt a larger load of cum forcefully eject from my deeply buried penis. Katy's buttocks clenched and her pussy clamped down hard on me as I came wildly into her again and again, her soft moans accompanying my dizzying spurts. Rapturous bliss pounded my mind with each sweet release. I couldn't breathe and stars danced behind my eyes as my groin cramped with the intensity of my climax. I felt like I was going to die.

Then, gradually, the orgasm waned and I could breathe again. My finger stilled, and my erection softened as the rhythmic clamping of Katy's pussy eased and passed. I lay in post-orgasmic bliss enhanced by the feel of Katy's small body nestled into mine and that wondrous feel of my penis held tightly by her prepubescent pussy, bathed in warm semen as it slowly flowed back, oozing out.

Eventually I stirred, opened my eyes, lifted my head off the pillow and gazed down on my daughter's beautiful face. She appeared to be asleep with soft smile on her lips.


That night was the last night I had any sexual contact with Katy. I never knew if she consciously felt anything that happened. She never said a word. Our days, weeks and months were filled with the wonder, excitement and hard work that came with the return of feelings in her lower body. It took a full year for her to walk unassisted and, when she did, she moved out of my bed back into her own. I felt the loss deeply but Katy was excited with the prospect of sleeping in her own bed.

My love for Katy grew over time and, while there were moments where I pined for the loss of sexual contact, I was rewarded by watching Katy grow, blossom into maturity, and succeed at school. For the next ten years I was beguiled by this most beautiful girl, my daughter, before she left me to attend university.

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nice story ...



Amazing story. I love all the detail and the time he takes, but he gets what he really wants.



The complexity and believability of your stories are amazing. The quality of the writing is of the highest order. Renpet: you can tell me a sexy story anytime. I'm yours.



Great story!! Love the detail. I could actually feel that father's lust and frustration. Good job.



Your storytelling is of the highest order. I read all I can of your works and it is very believable and entertaining with a style all of your own. Please don't change your style because some other author suggested you stick with one perspective. I read his story and it is nothing special like yours. Continue with your style and attention to detail. It is remarkably your trademark and sets you apart from the ordinary author. I await your next story.

Henry Oldman

Very well written and so freaking hot! The father's struggle was beautifully done. And I kept expecting her to wake up.
But I'm not buying that they shared a bed for another year and he never caved to his desires again.

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