Small But Perfectly Formed

[ M(midget), f(12), cons ]

by UKSnowy

Published: 15-Feb-2012

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Their voices are a bit funny aren't they?" giggled Tammi.

"Yeah! And some of the older ones are really ugly," tittered Julie.

"They are clever though," pouted Claire. "You must not laugh at them like that."

Tammi, Julie and the other three girls pulled a face at serious minded Claire, but she didn't care. She knew she had the sweetest voice of the six. That's why she had been chosen to perform the only juvenile solo singing role in the pantomime. They watched from the wings as the comic routine involving the chorus, the dame, the principal boy who was a dark haired celebrity TV presenter called Davina Roslin and the leading male - an early retired football player, was brought to a messy climax with the dame, a celebrated homosexual comedian having several cream pies plastered over his face.

Some of the chorus exited stage left past the gathered throng of twelve to fourteen year old girls and Jimmy Weir, one of the objects of their chuckles grinned cheekily at Tammi as he trotted through to the dressing rooms. The dress rehearsal was made to pause for a few moments as the musical director went through some musical adjustments in the pit and the six young girls fidgeted with their sailor costumes and silently worded their song lines.

"I hate these trousers," moaned Claire. "Why must we wear trousers when we are meant to be girl sailors?"

"Well what do girl sailors wear?" asked Tammi forcefully. "It's a pantomime for god's sake. It's all false and fantasy. But I do agree, they do make your bum look big."

Claire rounded on her, her eyes blazing until Tammi put up a reconciliatory hand.

"I didn't mean your bum Claire. It's a figure of speech. I meant it as a collective thing, you know."

Claire puffed with undisguised displeasure and fiddled with the waistband as Julie mischievously gestured behind Claire, waving her hands round her buttocks as if they were massive. Soon they were summoned on stage. The dress rehearsal was finally put to bed and the cast excused after a final pep talk by the director, before the first performance to the public later that evening.

In his dressing room, Jimmy joked with the other male members of the chorus until his mobile warbled. He answered it, frowned and muttered quietly and after dressing in his normal wear and carefully hanging his costumes, he left the airless underground chamber and made his way through the theatre corridors. He passed the other dressing rooms as the six young girls were filing out to have a snack at the café next door. Eyeing Tammi in particular, he noticed her fresh pale complexion, strawberry blonde mane, tied back in a scrunchy, her slender legs and almost flat chest, certainly compared to the bouncy bust next to her, mounted on a dumpy but energetic coloured girl. Jimmy sighed at the pure English rose image of Tammi, before continuing through the labyrinth backstage. As he trotted along he remembered Joanna - the girl he knew at the previous production and Gemma,the one before that. Joanna was fifteen and Gemma sixteen but of the two, Gemma looked only twelve or thirteen with her tiny fragile figure and delicate features.

Chosen for her size, which took precedence over her age, she had been inherently curious about Jimmy and his pals and he had ended up screwing her solidly for the whole season of the show. In fact two of the other guys in his troupe had shagged her too and at one time Jimmy had shared her with them in one tumultuous orgy.

As he neared the stage door, where he was to meet some fans as the token choice of Bebe the chorus manager, his mind throwing up images of Joanna, Gemma and now Tammi, he remembered he needed the permission of the theatre manager to leave the building when rehearsals were in progress - all to do with health and safety regulations, especially in the light of a recent incident. He doubled back and went up two flights of stairs. Panting as he reached the top he opened an office door and breezed cheerfully in.

The stunned silence from him and the other two occupants of the office was deafening, until Bob McLaren, the theatre manager shouted and Davina Roslin squeaked. Jimmy smiled at the image. Davina's stage military costume trousers hung off one ankle, her jacket unbuttoned, her small tits still wobbling frantically as Bob ceased shagging.

"Get the fuck out of here Weir," bawled Bob, as he backed away from Davina's open crotch, his meaty donger slapping down against his part lowered trousers.

"Didn't you lock it Bob?" she whined, trying to pull her stage clothes across her belly.

"Christ! I thought I had," wheezed Bob, fumbling with his slippery prick.

"Didn't know you like transvestites Bob," sniggered Jimmy. "Or is it girls in uniform?"

He grinned cheekily and shut the door behind him, remaining in the room to their horror. Although he didn't get a glimpse of her cunt, he liked the view of Davina's big dark nipples on the tips of her hanging loose and wobbling saggy tits, over her unbuttoned costume.

Jimmy leaned against the door, smiling, not offering an explanation or an apology as Bob finally sorted out his zipper from the snagged front of his boxer shorts. Davina slid off his desk and tried to harness her boobs, her eyes flashing to him and back to Bob in a blind panic.

"You stupid bastard Bob. Now what's going to happen. He'll tell everyone," she muttered, at last managing to pull her jacket across her chest. She concentrated on sorting out the tight trousers, that had remained stubbornly caught round the high heel of her shoe. "I can't risk the papers getting hold of this."

"The papers won't hear of it - will they Weir?" said Bob, not too forcefully.

"Hmmm! Difficult," mused Jimmy scratching his chin. "It's a good story what with Davina getting that children's show on TV next month. Worth a coin or two."

"Oh just pay the little fucker," snarled Davina, hitching up her trousers and panties in one motion. "Make sure it's enough."

"Little fucker eh? Wouldn't you like to know how good a fuck I am?" chuckled Jimmy grasping his crotch bulge.

"You're not touching me," Davina jeered, finally snapping her top trouser popper closed. "You'll get paid off, you're not fucking me, you dirty little bastard."

"My my, what a sweet girl to do the flagship children's programme," scoffed Jimmy, strolling towards her, stopping about a foot away from her heavily breathing body.

She backed off until she was trapped against the desk, Jimmy making up the distance as she glanced frantically at Bob who had retreated behind his desk and was spluttering, but not saying anything. The intruder leered at the thrust of her knockers tightly held behind her multi-buttoned jacket.

"Going to flash them on the five o'clock show Davina?" he jeered.

She gulped and snorted, but words wouldn't form in her twisted mouth as she grimaced down at him then Bob. Jimmy's eyes fixed on her groin and he licked his lips and stuck out a swarthy hand, prodding the vee of her trouser crotch. Davina shrieked with disgust and clapped her hand over her groin.

"Nice camel toe you've got there. Not a lot of people would notice it like I do, but it's down at my level," Jimmy laughed. He stuck his face forward and sniffed. "And that's an unusual smell. Different hair shampoo?"

"Booobbbb! Do something for Christ's sake," she wailed. "Dirty fucker!"

"Oh Bob will do something all right Davina. Don't worry. Now you run along and don't worry your nasty head," chortled Jimmy, standing aside and offering her a passage to the door with an exaggerated bowing gesture.

She and Bob exchanged glances and the manager eyes urged her to leave. She did so, arse wiggling as if to assert her position, somewhat relieved but also reluctantly, being unsure of the outcome of being caught. She didn't give a stuff about her boyfriend MC Hamma, the world famous club DJ and rap artist. Her TV and show business career was at stake and all because of a lousy fuck with the middle aged sweaty man she owed a favour to.

"I only wanted permission to go out the stage door Bob," said Jimmy quietly, hopping onto a chair opposite a glowering McLaren.

"Well you've got it," Bob snarled. "Anything else?"

"Oh yes. Something else," murmured Jimmy quietly. "Nearly forgot heh heh. Sit down Bob. Make yourself comfortable."

Bob sat heavily in his huge leather Chesterfield and mopped his brow. He glowered across the document strewn desk at the intruder.

"You've got quite a history Bob haven't you?" Jimmy said firmly.

"I've always looked after you Jimmy," responded Bob in a conciliatory fashion, his hands waved openly.

"Oh! it's Jimmy now is it? Yes you have looked after me, as I have you. Davina is a bit special and you sneaked her under my nose didn't you? Didn't need my help any more did you?"

Jimmy said menacingly. " Put her together with all the rest it's an enormous story. I mean the press would crucify you and what about poor Janet?"

"Don't even mention her name," spat Bob with venom. "You know how ill she is. This would kill her."

"Well she needn't know then. Nor the press. How about if I said I don't want more money. You give me enough anyway," added Jimmy stroking his chin. " You love her lots don't you..... Janet I mean."

"You bastard. I've told you," snarled Bob, then his voice softened. "You know what she means to me Jimmy. It would break us, me, her, whatever...for fucks sake."

"It would have broken her way back if she knew about you," chortled Jimmy, taking a cigar from the theatre manager's box.

As the phone trilled, noticing how Bob had carefully switched it to record messages but had forgotten to lock the door, he lit it slowly, carefully and enjoyably, savouring the expensive flavour. Smoke curled lazily upwards in Bob's untidy domain. Jimmy spoke again.

"Let me think. There was the male lead in Cats. The two chorus girls in Starlight. The boy... let me see, he was thirteen wasn't he in Sound of Music..."

"Ok Ok Jimmy. Yes, I know," blustered Bob, butting in. "You've got me sorted and I've paid you...."

"But what about the stage manager at Edinburgh. He was older than you wasn't he? Then the kid on tour in Japan. I mean she looked like she was about nine, whether she was or not I don't know, but you said young and young you got and I had to pull a lot of strings and take risks for you, you pathetic old tosser," Jimmy scoffed, pulling strongly on the cigar.

"Yes, you did well for me all those times and you have done alright," said Bob wearily.

"But it's always something else for you and Davina was nothing to do with me. You owed her then?" asked Jimmy, getting a sad nod from the manager.

"I got her Dad out of the shit. Let's leave it that," muttered Bob, squirming in his chair. Jimmy nodded back and puffed lazily for a while. The silence was unbearable for McLaren, but he waited. The phone trilled but neither man reacted.

"The icing on the cake was the lovely little pony we had for Cinderella. In fact it was both of them. Pretty little Shetlands weren't they. No wonder they were skittish on stage after you shagged them before the show," Jimmy chuckled.

"It was several hours before if you remember," moaned Bob, shaking his head at the multitude of indiscretions Jimmy was listing.

"Look Bob. I don't want to crucify you. You have done me and the troupe proud. Because of you, we are the best and highest paid in Europe now and I'm not going to spoil such a nice situation. But let's face it, you can't do without me anyway can you?" suggested Jimmy, prodding his cigar at Bob's ugly scarred face.

The manager's hand automatically reached up and smoothed over the hideous discoloration and tumours affecting the left side of his puffy and red nosed face. He sighed loudly and shook his head.

"No Jimmy I can't do without you. Mind you - you have nothing to prove any of this," said Bob sadly then with a little firmness.

"Don't you believe it Bob. I have plenty of proof of your fucking adventures and lot's of people out there would like to see you knocked off the top of the impresario league. I mean you are the biggest after all." stated Jimmy sincerely.

Bob preened slightly, but underneath was wondering what exactly did the little man have proof of. Just because he was disfigured, didn't mean he had no sex drive. In fact Bob McLaren had the sexual drive of three men and the cock to go with it. Having to rely on a midget to procure his sex partners was an insult in itself, but Jimmy was good with the chat and had amazing contacts and had never failed him, even participating in some situations. The fire disaster, fourteen years ago, at one of his smaller theatres, which had trapped him facing death before Jimmy, who was the only person brave and small enough to get to him, saved him was a huge blow to his reputation and financial status. But Big Bob McLaren had bounced back after extensive plastic surgery and now was bigger than ever. He had several homes in Europe and the USA and all the trappings and life style to go with it. To see that washed away on the tide of scandal that Jimmy was threatening him with was unthinkable.

The phone trilled.

"You never said you would tell anyone Jimmy. Why now?" Bob wheedled. "Fucking phone."

"Bob, Bob...think about it," said Jimmy stubbing his cigar out and slipping off the edge of the chair down to the floor. He strode round the desk, his little sturdy legs slightly bowed, his strong arms in a swaggering swing, his pug nosed face serious yet concerned. He reached the side of McLaren's chair and stared up at the sweating face peering down at him.

"You didn't ask me did you. I'm your voice, your charm, your one stop shop for all your desires whatever and however weird they might be. Haven't I served you well enough?" said Jimmy quietly and slowly. "I have never queried your requests. Little girls, old men, ponies, little boys, teenagers, the list goes on. It's amazing you haven't tried dogs, but who am I to question your thing.....and it's one hell of a thing isn't it?" he chuckled grabbing Bob's crotch, instantly finding the not inconsiderable soft sausage like penis that dwelt in Bob's pants.

'Get off Jimmy," whimpered Bob clutching Jimmy's mitt and lifting it away from his groin. "I can't help it if I was born needing a lot of sex. Deviant or taboo, so what. You have been my passport and I'm grateful and I'm sorry about her." He nodded to the door, wondering as always, why this burly, four foot tall human was blessed with the charm and chutzpah to talk his way into anyone's pants, be it male, female, animal and of any age.

"Well it's my turn for a request Bob," whispered Jimmy in Bob's ear, getting an unwelcome whiff of his odious aftershave. "Give me my payoff and we'll forget the whole thing and get back to normal. After all the show must go on."

"OK No worries. How much?"

"Don't want money this time Bob. You split on me and we have a deal, it's a bit more than money," said Jimmy strolling back to his chair. "Just to make an example."

He skipped up onto the chair and Bob admired his athleticism.

"What then?" McLaren asked tiredly.

Jimmy weighed his words and looked at his cigar realising it had smouldered out. Slowly and deliberately, he lit it again as Bob watched with only a cursory glance at the wall clock.

"You've got a nice group of girls this show.... and boys," said Jimmy. "Hey! Do you want to watch?"

"Take your pick, yes sure I'll fucking watch. You know me," blustered Bob, standing and leaning on his desk - relieved and worried about the evening show.

"OK. I'll take Tammi," said Jimmy quietly.

Bob spluttered, coughed, spluttered, near choked and then banged the desk with such force the reading lamp nearly fell off. The phone trilled.

"NOOOOoooooooo!" Not her. You can't," he cried.

"You said take your pick. She's my pick," chuckled Jimmy coolly, watching Bob's florid face turn puce.

"You evil bastard," raged Bob. "You know why you can't. It's not right. It's so fucking nasty it's untrue, even for you."

"She won't know you're watching Bob mate," argued Jimmy.

"Don't call me mate when you're suggesting you fuck that lovely little girl," wailed Bob. "And I'm not just talking about me watching."

"Oh I see. What about that lovely little nine year old girl in Japan. Oh yeah, the lovely little eleven year old twin sisters you had in Phuket. Weren't they cute? Awwwhh!" Jimmy chuckled in mock affection. "The lovely little thirteen year old lad, shall I go on? There must be more in the long list I've procured for you."

"But they weren't family Jimmy for fucks sake. Tammi's family. You know I can't," wheezed Bob flopping into his chair and shaking his head. "I mean my own grandchild,'ll split her in half with your tool."

"Was that your concern when you had the little one's bum in Japan? Didn't want to take her cherry you said. Hah! It had already gone you sad dickhead," scoffed Jimmy. "She needed hospital treatment and who arranged that for"

"She wasn't a virgin?" gasped Bob.

"Nah! Course not. Wonder if Tammi is?" Jimmy mused, watching his cigar smoke.

"Of course she is you cunt," spat Bob. "Jimmy, Jimmy. Let's not get nasty and fall out. Take one of the others if you want, that black party has a nice pair of boobies for her age hasn't she?" suggested Bob, getting up and walking round the desk.

"So I can have one of the youngsters, any of them. That OK?" asked Jimmy looking up at the towering six foot of blubber that was Bob McLaren. The phone trilled.

"Yeah! Any of them. Please," whined Bob.

"Any of them....Hmm! Well I'll take Tammi," chuckled Jimmy. "You said any of them."

"You cunt. You tricked me. I didn't mean that ....ouch... ooowwwWWW!" wailed Bob suddenly.

Jimmy squeezed the big man's ballocks hard and grinned evilly up at the theatre king. Bob sweated and grimaced with the pain. Jimmy released him as Bob gestured surrender.

"You said anyone," said Jimmy slowly and menacingly.

The big man staggered back and leaned on his desk, his mouth gasping and screwed up with pain as he glowered at the minuscule figure grinning cheekily up at him, still smoking his cigar. He found the breath to speak.

"Jimmy my old mate. My Grand daughter, little Tammi, for fuck's sake. Be reasonable please?" he pleaded.

"You're not just her loveable old Grandpa are you?" teased Jimmy, winding Bob up really tight.

"You swore you would never mention that, you bastard," spat Bob, taking two steps towards the midget in the chair.

He stopped and glared down at Jimmy who sat calmly perched, his little legs dangling over the chair edge, his muscular arms stretched out just reaching the high arms, one set of stubby fingers cradling the cigar. Bob was momentarily distracted by the phone but ignored it.

'I am either a bastard, a cunt or your old mate - Bob. Can't understand you sometimes. Anyway.. agreed? Tammi it is," said Jimmy with a smile.

"You want to fuck my daughter? I can't understand you either," blustered Bob angrily.

"Shushhh! Someone might hear you," murmured Jimmy glancing at the door. "But she doesn't know that she is your daughter does she? In fact knowing you I'm surprised you haven't got stuck into her by now."

"Stop it you bastard. Of course not. How can I tell her that I fucked her Mum. It's a blessing that poor Cindy died in that car accident and we brought Tammi up. But I never thought I'd hear you say all this Jimmy... never," whined Bob, rubbing his sweating hands together.

"Hmmm! Poor Cindy. She was your darling daughter. A real darling if I..." Jimmy's voice tailed off as he remembered his own lusty nights with Bob's only legitimate daughter.

Bob looked at Jimmy sharply and wandered almost like a lost soul round his roomy but untidy office strewn with posters, billboards, files, cabinets and another desk. He shook his head and muttered to himself and glanced back at Jimmy who sat patiently. Jimmy's mind slipped back to Cindy and her incredibly big cunt. It was like a bucket he recalled.

Loose, hairy, on such a slender, in fact skinny tiny girl of twenty three. Tiny tits with nipples like Volvo wheel nuts that failed to breastfeed her only child which was the girl of Jimmy's soon to be fulfilled dreams.

He recalled the time when he and big Duncan, the oldest of the midget troupe had the time of their lives with Cindy, a cock lover supreme, in one of their caravans when they were on tour with a circus. Cindy was learning the showman's trades, sent to the top flight circus owned by Bob who wanted her to have a good grounding in the wide world of show business.

Little did Bob know, Duncan and Jimmy were having riotous orgies with the randy little cow. She was being grounded and schooled in the hard knocks and hard fucking of travelling people and was drawn to the midget's off beat humour and charm and finally seduced by their prodigious pricks.

"Look Jimmy. Can we not agree on double payment or something? For Davina I mean. Forget I tried to miss you out, or rather forgot to tell you," blustered Bob, wandering back to Jimmy's chair. "I mean you can't be serious about Tammi."

"Never more serious mate,' murmured the midget. "You want to watch?"

He slid off the chair and strolled casually to the door. Bob gasped like a fish out of water and stared pleadingly. Then - as if a huge weight suddenly lifted from his shoulders, Bob nodded and grimaced and muttered. He knew he needed Jimmy's remarkable charm, contacts, talents and above all his complete discretion.

"I suppose so.... But you will be careful with her. No hurting her and..." his voice tailed off as Jimmy solemnly nodded, grinned with a reassuring expression and left the office.

Bob sat heavily and rubbed his hands together in an anxious way. What had he done? How had he let himself deteriorate into such an evil man with an insatiable need for sexual desires, some of which, if exposed, would ensure his total exorcism from his cosy yet frenetic, high profile life and to be banished as an outcast and prison. He thought of Tammi's childhood and yet that brought back painful memories of how he had peeped on her from infancy. Watching her dress and undress, her toilet habits, lifting her bedclothes in the middle of the night, initially just to gaze on her fragile sweetness in repose, but leering at her soft curves and baby smooth crevasses exposed by her habit picked up from her mother, of sleeping in a short night dress and no knickers.

Ah! Her mother, Cindy. Dearest darling Cindy, light of his life and a girl who knew no bounds when seeking his sexuality and nurturing such a close incestual relationship as theirs. It had all been her idea Bob recalled as he sat for a few more moments, before going into the body of the theatre which would soon come alive with the gala evening performance.

How she had so innocently played with his dick in the bath and wanted to do it every time. Her continuous questions during their play, 'What was it for? What are these big dangly things? Why did it get big? Why is it leaking? What was that stuff? Why does it taste salty?' Her desire to be with him when he shaved, when he dressed, when he used the toilet himself. Her fascination about his body, fuelled his own desires to show her, to share with Cindy all the forbidden fruits of father daughter sex - which he must admit to, Bob found exceedingly easy to taste. The fact that Janet was so ill for many years and was so out of touch in the home, being bedridden for most of the time made things so easy for Bob and Cindy. As she had grown up to adulthood, then living in the apartment Bob had annexed to the house, she had devoted her life to learning show business from Bob who was delighted with the arrangement, which allowed them so much time together. When Cindy worked away, such as her circus period, Tammi was so happy remaining at home with her grandparents and the special link between him and Tammi was forged, without her knowing she was the product of Bob and Cindy's taboo affair.

Tammi's birth was explained away as her big mistake and Bob insisting that she wouldn't be banished and no way would the foetus be destroyed or the resulting child be adopted. Janet was not too forgiving of Cindy at first, but Bob constantly worked on her to let Cindy live her life, after all she was their only child. The maids and the rest of the family never suspected anything and life had been so lovely until the fateful day of the motorway crash that ended Cindy's life.

Bob gulped and swallowed hard trying to block out that period in their life, his warped mind switching to Tammi's total dependence on Bob and of course Janet to some extent. He had harboured thoughts of trying to create Cindy's life all over again, with Tammi in the role of her mother and his lover, but he had resisted and channelled his sexual desires for youngsters into those Jimmy had procured for him. Now the very same person was going to harness Tammi's sex for his own gratification. Bob moaned loudly as the phone trilled out. This time he answered it.

"Been trying to get you for ages Mr McLaren," said Bebe the American chorus mistress.

"Yes, what for?"

"One of the girls, the youngsters has gone sick. It's OK but just to let you know," said Bebe. Bob liked to know everything but this time his worry was greater than it would be for this type of minor problem.

"It's not Tammi is it?" he asked sharply, then realised he shouldn't have.

"No. Why?" asked Beeb with puzzlement clearly etched into her tone.

"Dunno. Thought she looked a bit peeky earlier," he lied.

"No it's Dee. We've got a replacement though. Not coloured but has rehearsed with them." "Oh Dee yes, what is the matter with her?" asked Bob, scanning some papers on his desk and unfailingly seeing the dumpy brown skinned girl in his mind's eye. He knew everyone in his shows.

"Women's stuff you know. First period actually. But she feels rotten. Her Mum's coming to take her home. One parent family and she's at work but Dee is OK for the moment. The others are all with her,' said Bebe "Why did you ask about Tammi? She's so on the ball at the moment it's incredible. She's a credit to her parents....."

Bob preened but cut Bebe as the internal phone rang out. Grateful for the interruption he took the call.


"So what does it feel like?" asked Tammi.

"Feels sick that's all, but a sort of heavy feeling too," answered Dee.

"My sister gets really bad with hers," added Julie. "She's off work for a week."

"What exactly happened anyway?" queried Claire. "I wasn't there when you found out."

"Oh yeah! You were on your mobile weren't you?" said Julie helpfully.

"Just went to the toilet," muttered Dee. "And there it was. Luckily Mum had told me about it."

"What? What was there?" quizzed Claire impatiently.

"Blood on her panties," said Tammi reproachfully.

"Urgh! Disgusting," grimaced Claire.

"Well just wait till it happens to you," spat Dee. "Every one gets them you know. Sooner or later."

"Just happens that Dee is the first to get her period out of all us," said Tammi, patting the coloured girl's shoulder.

"Is it because she's got the biggest breasts too," asked Claire.

"No silly. That's nothing to do with it," scoffed Julie. "How do you know she's the first anyway Tammi."

"Well no one has said. We would tell, wouldn't we?" Tammi glanced round the group, who all nodded, although Claire was a little late off the mark. "Don't you know about it Claire?"

"No I don't as a matter of fact," responded Claire, pompously. "I am sure Mummy will tell me in good time."

"You should know about these things when you're twelve," scoffed Dee. "It's important."

"You can have babies now Dee," giggled Julie.

The girls chuckled and pulled faces.

"Was there a lot of blood?" asked Claire.

"No just a few spots really," said Dee openly. "Who is replacing me?"

"Kylie. That red haired girl from the second troupe," said Julie. "She's OK."

Dee's mother came. A huge rotund inky black woman, full of smiles but also very caring about her daughter who did look seriously miserable. Tammi and Julie accompanied them to the stage door, by arrangement with Bebe, who was fussing over Kylie and her costume issue and alterations. There was about an hour to curtains up, so Tammi and Julie took time out in the theatre canteen, away from the snooty Claire.

"Wonder when it will happen to us?" said Julie pensively over an orange juice.

"Hmm! Fancy being able to have babies once it starts," giggled Tammi.

"Yeah boys have to put their things into us first though. Wonder what that's like," added Julie gazing at a gay chorus dancer mincing through the room and finding she was staring at his quite bulbous crotch, which wobbled alarmingly from side to side in his rehearsal tights.

She nudged Tammi's arm and pointed. They both stared and giggled to themselves.

"What people don't tell you is how it feels when the baby comes out. I mean... down there.

Out of it.. you know" whispered Julie.

'Grandad said it's OK. Like not to worry," advised Tammi seriously. "He and Grandma talked to me about it last year when I asked them. She's very ill, but explained everything. So did he. It's funny hearing it from a man, but he's very very old, so I guess he's quite experienced. I mean he said the thing gets huge but it's beautiful to see and touch. Grandma agreed."

"You seen one? I mean a boy's thing?" asked Julie. "I haven't."

"Only Grandad's one day when I was ill and he didn't know I was home and he went across the landing without anything on," Tammi shrieked, than hushed quickly, realising she was in public.

A few people glanced at the two girls in the corner, then ignored them again.

"Wow! Cool! Your Grandad's. Mr McLaren's. What was it like?" asked Julie leaning forward to hint at a confidential reply.

"OK!" replied Tammi. "Like a soft sausage, hanging against his leg. His belly hangs down a bit. It looked kind of cuddly nice somehow. Not at all know when he puts inside you."

"Puts it inside you?" squealed Julie loudly and attracting some more glances and shakes of heads round the room.

"No I didn't mean he does. Not Grandad silly," spat Tammi. "I mean it wouldn't hurt like that. Soft and squidgy looking."

"Mummy said it's got to be hard though," stated Julie.

"Suppose so...yeah! Like I said Grandad and Grandma told me. Like to see one hard. Wouldn't you?" said Tammi airily. "Does your Dad go around naked?"

" No. Suppose I would like to see one. Just to know - sort of. Won't though will we, well for a long time," answered Julie glancing back at the dancer who had gone to the counter to buy drinks. Then she added, "My Dad doesn't live with us, so I won't see his and my brother is at university."

"Maybe you can peep on him when he's home," chuckled Tammi. "Suppose I could peep on Grandad, but that won't be the same as a young man."

"You wouldn't?" gasped a shocked Julie, getting shakes of Tammi's head.

"Maybe when your brother is home we could peep on him," added Tammi.

They giggled and nodded excitedly.


A week passed and Bob lived on tenterhooks, tetchy with everyone including his beloved Janet who had perked up a little, with his excitement at the success of the show after it's charity gala performance. Their little private moments in the sanctity of Janet's bedroom where she slept alone continued, but with Bob's thoughts of when Tammi's breasts would be caressed in the way he did for Janet. When he softly stroked his wife's flabby hangers, noticing how even now with her illness, her ageing to fifty nine and their complete agreed lack of fucking, her nipples rose under his gently manipulating finger tips.

His mind constantly wondered if he should be the first to caress his child's breasts and to teach her the wonders of sex. Would her nipples rise like dear old Janet's did? Into sturdy pink lumps that wizened to crinkly hardness the more he did it. Janet's womb removal had soured their sex life, with the following complications that developed her illness and the various viruses and ailments that befell her. But his devotion and their mutual love had managed to create a emotional level of caresses and touching which pleased Janet immensely and gave Bob the self satisfaction of doing his bit. He got his kicks elsewhere and who had he to thank?.

Since their bitter encounter, his chief protagonist - Jimmy, hatched his devious plan carefully, eager to violate his boss's pride and joy, but not wanting to ruin the occasion by rushing it. Tammi floated through the weeks on a high, but with general bitchiness increasing within the girl troupe, emanating from Claire's ever growing feeling of superiority due to her singing part. The midget ingratiated himself with the young girls, supplying harmless gossip, telling them jokes, tipping them off about the cool café next door, if they could escape their constant chaperone, giving advice on stage stuff, teaching Julie how to juggle, teaching Tammi how to mime comically, fixing a broken drawer when the handyman was busy and replacing blown lamps in the essential mass of light bulbs round their mirrors.

During the planning period, Bob constantly moaned and whined, imploring Jimmy to change his mind and choose another young girl, but the little man stubbornly refused and was soon ready to detail his plans to a stricken Bob.

"It's got to be at your place Bob," announced Jimmy one day.

"The fuck it has," shouted Bob. "No way, not in my house, her home, and Janet's home. She'll be there for fucks sake."

"I know that you cunt, but it's the safest place we have. Can't do it here can we?" retorted Jimmy. "But Janet can't go anywhere can she? You can pick the room, so you can watch... that's if you still want to."

He knew Bob wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity, however unscrupulous and unethical. Bob nodded sadly.

"I have the plan, we fix the date, you tell her one or two things and bingo. Rocket Jimmy hits his target," Jimmy giggled evilly, clutching his crotch obscenely.

"You filthy bastard," spat Bob.

"Now this is what we are going to do....."


After his discussion with a very frightened Bob, Jimmy waited for several days trying to time his ultimate weapon to perfection. Finally he worked it out and waited in a corridor backstage, where the girls were housed in their dressing room. They had been kept back by Bebe for a pep talk, as some of them had fluffed their steps. Now the girls trailed out either in twos or singly, but as always it was the constantly chattering Tammi and Julie who were last. Jimmy had observed this for many nights, when this particular troupe of girls were on duty as they alternated with another troupe each week to meet the regulations regarding the hours minors spent on stage, relevant to their missing school.

Jimmy hovered behind curtains just across from their door. He watched Claire saunter out on her own as usual, Dee, Barbara and Kate came out noisily and then the wait for his targets made Jimmy sweat.

"Giirrrlllsss!" echoed Bebe's voice up the steel stairs from where she impatiently waited. Jimmy heard the door open and saw the door open further. He slid his bait onto the floor and waited with bated breath. Julie, followed by Tammi wandered slowly out discussing a TV programme. As the door spring closed behind them, he heard their reaction.

"Gosh! What's that," gasped Julie.

She stooped and picked up the apparently carelessly discarded large, glossy magazine. Jimmy heard Julie giggle and Tammi gasp.

He peeped through the curtains and watched them leaf through the many pages of a gay pose book. It contained pictures of men and boys of all ages and types, rather than the carefully posed muscle models some magazines favoured. In nearly all cases, a page was devoted to a particular male, showing him dressed and then nude, with his penis flaccid then hard.

"Wow! What were we talking about the other day?" breathed Tammi. "Look hard ones everywhere. Wonder who dropped this?"

"One of the dancers silly," chuckled Julie. "Ooh look at this old one. It could be your Grandad or mine. He's not exactly fit is he? Look at his belly."

"No but look at know. It's a whopper," muttered Tammi.

"Wow! That black man is huge. I mean look at it. It's as big as his arm. Oh my God!" gasped Julie, frantically turning the pages.

"They like to show their bottoms don't they. Weird!" murmured Tammi.

"Giiiiirrrllllssss!" screamed Bebe. "Julie, Tammi come on now."

"Listen to Beebs. We'd better go....Oh my God look at this. A midget. Now that could be Jimmy. I mean Jimmy has muscles like that and this midget is not as good looking as Jimmy, but look at his......." breathed Julie.

"Cool," murmured Tammi as they started to move down the corridor in response to one more bellowing from below. "He is good looking isn't he. Jimmy I mean and he's so nice. Quick hide it in your bag."

As they clattered down the stairs, Jimmy preened as he stepped from the curtain hide. He grinned and smacked his hands together, hitched his fist under his balls and squeezed gently.

"Nice one boyo. Won't be long now."


"Here's Jimmy now Grandad," shouted Tammi up the stairs. "Shall I let him in?"

On the positive answer, she rushed to the front door in time to see the midget getting two suitcases from his car. His heart leapt as he saw her and how she was dressed. A simple pink micro skirt, over bare legs and feet, shod in expensive trainers and teeny white socks and on top she wore a white vest which fitted like a glove, outlining the puffy bumps of her starter tits. Tammi's bare arms and shoulders looked like they had been moulded in the purest marble to lines which must have been specially created to make the perfect twelve year old dream girl. He had seldom seen her in such minimal if not skimpy none stage gear before and soon she was shivering in the bright frosty air as he carried the two cases separately past her as she held the door open into the huge warm house. He didn't miss the effect the cold air was having on her juvenile nipples.

"What are the costumes Jimmy?" she asked excitedly as Bob lumbered downstairs, looking extremely glum.

"Isn't she just the little darling Bob?" Jimmy chortled giving Tammi a hug. "Doesn't she look good enough to eat. As warm as toast too."

Tammi squealed with embarrassment, as Bob glowered and showed Jimmy to the unused annexe.

"What are they?" she persisted.

"Some specials Bob and I didn't want the rest to see. It's a sort of surprise and I can try them on here and play with the fit. You know I do all my own sewing and stuff," said Jimmy putting the cases down. "And you can't see them either."

He snapped his hand over hers, as Tammi tried to open a case.

"No peeping now. That's naughty," he chuckled with a wry glance at Bob who stood watching at the door.

"Why are you using this old place?" she asked suddenly, gesturing round the barely furnished bedroom.

"Because it's private, it's got mirrors and it's got a big table I can do the work on. It's hush hush Tammi," said Jimmy gently. "Now off with you please."

Tammi voiced her disapproval in no uncertain terms and pouted as Jimmy smacked her soft buttocks gently, then she sulked and was ushered out by her grandfather. Jimmy immediately got down to business. He knew the servants were at church on this bright Sunday morning and they would be going on into town. Janet would be in her suite at the far end of the house and best of all, Tammi's room was across the hallway within the annexe.

Bob had shown him on a previous visit and Jimmy had even suggested the dirty deed could be done in her pop poster festooned boudoir, but Bob had put his foot down on that one and insisted, mainly due to the better possibilities of his snooping behind some screens, erected for alterations in the annexe and never removed, since Cindy had died. Jimmy had taken it on himself to visit the room and prepare it, using a key provided by Bob and not available to anyone else. Jimmy made sure the door wasn't locked this time.

He laid some costumes on the table and made them look like they were worked on, with some scissors, needles and threads close by. He chuckled when he thought that one day he would seriously have to do some alterations to the costumes, for another show Bob was planning. He put on a red blouson shirt, with two buttons and wide flouncy sleeves as if that was part of the gear. He pulled on a pair of very tight black breeches, without underpants, and over them a pair of black leather riding boots. Posing proudly at a mirror, his four feet of solid muscular height looked very handsome in a stage prince sort of way and he preened, splashed some expensive and subtle cologne on his hands and carefully combed his thick brown wavy hair.

He heard noises and saw Bob enter a side adjoining door and position himself behind the screens. The old man glowered yet gave the thumbs up to the midget. Jimmy shook his head and forgot he was there and drew down the zip of the breeches. He slipped out his soft long donger and waved it around jokily like a fire hose, ostensibly for Bob's entertainment but Jimmy knew the householder would be seething with anger and envy.

He fiddled carefully with his dick and the zip and then sat on the edge of a long soft sofa. Very very carefully he adjusted the zip and squinted with the pain he was inflicting on himself. It was excruciating, but it was all for a good cause, he told himself before letting out a ripping scream.

The relatively hard furnishings of the annexe lounge intensified the decibels, making the noise reverberate through the ground floor. Bob gasped with the intensity of the noise and hoped to Christ that dear old Janet wouldn't hear and sound her alarm bell, for attention in her bedroom. Jimmy moaned and groaned and lay back on the sofa, wondering if his plan had worked. It had better fucking had.

The door crashed open and Tammi shot in, all wide eyed and wondering. She took one look at Jimmy, writhing in pain on the sofa and dashed over to him, not being able to see his painful predicament. Bob could just about see and was still in wonderment at what Jimmy had done to himself.

"What's the matter Jimmy....Oh my God!" she wailed, her hands shooting to her face in horror.

"It's OK Tammi. I can manage," Jimmy protested limply, in serious pain but knowing he would be in heaven very soon. "Trying these on too quickly and got caught up somehow. You can leave me. I'll be alright."

He fumbled with his zipper as Tammi knelt beside him and watched. He glanced at her bare golden fleeced thighs up her skirt and saw the vee of white at her crotch. She saw him pinch the loose flesh of the underside of his prick and tussle with the zipper, which he had snagged together on purpose. His dick flopped about, his heavy foreskin masking the brutal looking knob. He huffed and puffed on purpose, as if making life difficult for himself, waiting until he hit pay dirt.

He hit.

"Can I help someway Jimmy?" she squeaked.

"No it's alright pet," he blustered. " I mean it's my..."

"I know what it is. Just let me help somehow. It must be extremely painful," she whined sympathetically.

"It is Tammi. Well - if you could hold here.. while I try..."

He indicated the shaft of his flaccid cock, which she grabbed rather keenly with two hands. Jimmy shivered with excitement seeing how horny his hooded knob looked peeping out of the top of her fists.

Bob licked his lips and stared.

"Is that right?" she murmured, leaning forward.

Dammit! He could feel her breath on his todger. It was sublime.

"Yes perfect. Now hold it tightly... that's it and keep it upright.... Yes, so I can release the zipper," he breathed.

He dared tensing his groin muscles and felt his balls roll and through the sharp nip of self induced pain he saw Tammi's eyes and mouth register the shudder through her hands as his reliable penis gained thickness and length. She pursed her lips, then licked them as he tensed again. Quietly and out of her sight he had released the zipper and breathed with relief, but kept his big hands working as if he was still wrestling with the problem. Jimmy's dick now was hardening at the rate he expected which was rapid and Tammi had kept a dutiful grip on it, keeping it upright. She gasped as lube leaked from his knob and murmured.

"Jimmy. Is it OK? I mean - look,' she nodded seriously.

"Yes it's OK darling," he assured her. "Does that when it grows like that."

"It's ever so big," she breathed. "It's huge. You free yet?"

"I... think... soooo," gasped Jimmy with one last showy fumble and then letting his hands fall away. "Phew that's a relief. Thanks."

Bob nearly swooned with envy and then chastised himself that it was his grand daughter he was watching. Fuck it - no! It was his daughter.

She smiled at Jimmy's words and he tensed his cock making it explode another inch into it's full magnificence of eight fat inches. Tammi to her credit kept hold of the burgeoning tool although she peered under it to examine the slight skin wound, which didn't bleed. Jimmy patted her back, thanking her and stroked her bare shoulders, then down her back and over her tightly packed buttocks where she knelt.

Bob watched the midget's hand roam freely and cursed.

"You like holding it. You don't have to," Jimmy murmured. "It's nice for me though."

"With what you've been through, you deserve something nice," Tammi giggled. "I don't mind.

How does it get this way?"

"You know what it is, you said?" he declared, getting a serious nod. "Well it likes stimulation, like your hands for instance and then it makes love, you know? ..... and then babies."

"I can't make babies," muttered Tammi as she nodded in response.

"Oh I see," he nodded knowingly. "Seen one of these before?"

As they spoke, Tammi was gently rubbing her forefinger over the complicated network of veins that coursed over his shaft, whilst keeping a close grip with her other hand, although that couldn't grasp the full fat circumference of his pole, now it was fully erect. She nodded and grimaced thoughtfully.

"Not exactly. Seen some pictures though," she giggled. "One of the dancers dropped a book in the theatre and Julie and I saw it. There were all sorts of shapes and sizes in it. Some young men, some old men, Even an old one like Grandad with a droopy belly and quite a big one of these,'" she chortled.

Jimmy laughed loudly and swore to himself he could hear an anguished groan from across the room.

"No one is as old as your grandpop," chuckled Jimmy, knowing who would be squirming with fury.

"But the man like Grandad, really old you know - had a big one too," said Tammi seriously. "His belly was big, but his thing was...What do you call them? Oh! No - wait - I know, it's a penis. Even his penis was quite big... but not like yours."

Jimmy giggled and laid his hand over hers and started to stroke up and down his shaft. He watched her face grasp the fundamental idea and lifted his hand, letting her continue, while she occasionally glanced at him seeking reassurance - which she received. He dared slid his hand under her skirt, on top of her thigh and she frowned and glanced down. Then her brain took over and Tammi spoke.

"In that book I told you that Julie and I found. There were even pictures of men in wheel chairs, one with a crutch, all naked and with their penis's big and there were some of midgets too. Well one midget really. He was ever so good looking ...bit like you," she trilled happily as Jimmy made an expression of pride.

"What about his penis?" he queried.

"Oh a big one definitely. Difficult to tell in comparison. Like yours I suppose," she told him almost dreamily. "This is so big."

Jimmy stroked her thigh, making his finger tips gently nudge at the elastic of her panties. She was so hot to touch.

"Well thanks anyway Tammi," he dared to lose her interest. "I'll fix things up and get on thanks."

"Will you.. it be alright?" she enquired peering down at where the snagged skin had reddened slightly.

"Yeah! Suppose so. No need for any bandages or ointment. What was it my old grandma used to say for most wounds or sprains. Er! What was it?...Oh yes, kiss it better. But I can't do that" Jimmy murmured.

"Ooh Yes. Grandad says that if I've got a scratch or a pain. He always kisses and makes things better," enthused Tammi.

Bob sneered a grateful thanks at her from behind the screen.

"Here - let me kiss it better for you," trilled Tammi gaily, shuffling her butt on the sofa. Jimmy's heart leapt fourfold as she stooped and seconds later, her pearly little lips were administering the kind of nursing you only see in porn videos. She kissed lightly but many times over on the skin just above where his cock disappeared into the stretched trouser material over his groin. He always shaved his pubes and was thankful that the whole groin area she could see was baby smooth. Lots of hair might have put Tammi off.

Bob was beside himself with anger tinged with envy, yet was absently rubbing the front of his trousers.

Jimmy gazed at Tammi's blonde head as it bobbed a couple of times and placed his hand on her bare buttock where her skirt had risen over. He stroked, finding the elasticated hem of her knickers. His fingers floated over the underwear, sensing where it stretched over her arse crack. He pressed slightly, just as Tammi raised her head. She glanced seriously at him, her eyes flickered over her shoulder as if to see what he was doing and then she smiled.

"Just let me lower these trousers a bit. They're cutting into me like this. You pop off now thanks," said Jimmy, hoping and praying she wouldn't.

She knelt up and watched as he struggled with the tight stage costume, his legs not long enough to allow him to lever on the floor. Suddenly his balls popped out and Tammi gasped, slumped backwards and put her hands to her mouth.

Bob grimaced and undid his belt.

"Oh my god. Look at your...." she breathed.

"Testicles," urged Jimmy. "But we men call them balls. Sort of fits yeah?"

"Yeah, you're right," she answered. "They're enormous and they hang outside all the time don't they."

"You been peeping. Naughty girl," he chuckled, grasping her thighs and pushing them apart. "Think I'd better have a peep at you then."

Tammi drew back as his finger tips pushed to within an inch of her pantied crotch. She bit her lip and frowned as Jimmy fondled his ballocks, rolling them through his hand whilst creeping his other hand nearer her pussy pouch. He touched her underwear and she stiffened, whispered his name in a gentle reproach, but didn't recoil.

Bob drew out his cock which lounged hard in his hand.

"Can I?" asked Jimmy gently, nodding at her crotch. "Peep?"

Tammi puzzled and bit her lips really hard and he felt sorry for the delicate tissues framing her perfect little mouth.

"I haven't got a penis.... Or er! balls you know," she murmured thoughtfully.

"I know that darling. It's called a cock by the way. Cock and balls. Easy eh?" Jimmy chuckled. Her eyes squinted and her tongue emerged and then she reached forward and tentatively grasped Jimmy's sac and held his gonads as if weighing them. Her hand sneaked out from under the big package and traced his cock veins upwards until her fingertips reached the groove below his knob. Jimmy was not cut and the tightness of his foreskin emphasised the bull nosed solidity of his glans as it carved over towards the slit. Tammi continued her exploration by touch until her finger stopped short of the bubble of prelube seeping from Jimmy's knob. In return he pushed at her groin and felt the soft crevasse of her cunny behind her cotton panties. He noticed her heavily flushed face. She tensed, took a deep breath, in fact a huge breath and then spoke.

"Do you want to see Jimmy," she whispered, nodding down her body.

He grinned and nodded.

"This is only because I like you lots. I mean I wouldn't let any other man do this," she told him hoarsely. "But you're ever so kind and helpful to me and the girls. We all like you ever so much."

Bob moaned and smoothed his hand over his knob.

Jimmy nodded assuredly.

Carefully, Tammi leaned back and stretched her legs out. Her shoulders rested on the arm of the sofa and she arched her back at the same time gripping up under her mini skirt and slipping down her panties. She kicked them off and lay open legged as Jimmy caught his breath and gasped with pleasure.

Bob stared.

The midget gazed on the pure perfection of her lower torso with admiration and lust. His cock twitched and his balls pulsed as he leaned forward. He placed his hand flat on her belly and slightly pulled his thumb upwards, stretching the length of the neat pink gash of her cunt. The puffy mounds each side of it lengthened until he let it subside back to normal. Eager to seek out the pleasures of an English rose in the bud, he took an enormous gamble by suddenly dipping his head, taking Tammi by surprise as his mouth latched onto her sex. Bob grimaced as he stroked his cock up to full strength, while watching his tiny employee start to suck on his delectable daughter's vagina.

"Ooh no Jimmy you musn't," cried Tammi grasping at Jimmy's nodding head as he lapped at her crotch. "No no noooo!."

The midget ignored the child's cries and suckled on the baby smooth mound of her pussy, finding that his persistence was paying off in her gradual easing of protests and the fact that his tongue could penetrate her gash.

"Nooo Jimmy Ooohh!" Tammi groaned, her head writhing sideways as waves of pleasure swept through her adolescent body.

How did he know that she played with herself on that very spot and induced the same lovely feelings. But Jimmy was making it much nicer. It was wonderful.

He delved deeper with his tongue at the top of her labial opening and found the delicate little button he knew to be in hiding. With one lick upwards, Tammi gave out a long moan and her hands slipped off his head. He knew she was his for the taking and concentrated on pleasuring her, giving Tammi the benefit of his experience.

Bob, now lusting and loving every moment of the illicit moments going on in front of him, in his own luxurious house, with his invalid wife upstairs, wanked furiously on his stout prick. He had to admire Jimmy's patience, his careful exploitation of Tammi's innocence and the whole plan to get her to submit to his desires.

Her clitoris was proving to be a treasure indeed, as Jimmy sucked, licked and lapped. He knew she must have played with it. Most girls do from a very early age, they are sexual beings from birth he reckoned and at twelve, he had gambled on Tammi's self explorations to be at least into masturbation. Jimmy lifted his head momentarily and glanced up at her face which lay peacefully to one side, her eyes slightly open, her lips hanging open and her breathing sharp and fast under her top.

He examined her pussy opening and saw her hymen clearly guarding the virginal depths of her childhood. He made a decision. As he returned to licking at the simple creases round her yet to be stretched preteen minge, he filtered his hands over the crumpled folds of her skirt which was gathered like a belt round her waist. Tammi's vest was closely fitted but held no obstruction to his prying hands. Under it they went and he smoothed them up over her hard rib cage, feeling the heat of her excitement until he found the minimal bumps high on her chest. Tammi shuddered as he traced them blind, his vision totally locked into her crotch. Bob watched with difficulty, his face screwed up in masturbatory effort, his hand a blur on his dick, as he watched Jimmy's gently nodding head and the unreal shapes of Jimmy's cotton covered hands roaming Tammi's breasts.

With a sudden shudder, Tammi cried out and tried to nip her legs together. Jimmy's head was clamped between her slender limbs as he quickened his licking of her cherry. The size of a pepper corn, but the colour of coral from an undiscovered Pacific reef, it gave up to Tammi the most intense feeling she had ever experienced. Tammi's hands grasped his hair as she pushed his head into her groin, thrusting it up at him, as the waves coursed through her. A mist descended over her face as her orgasm died down as suddenly as it arrived.

Jimmy realised she had come and ceased his cunnilingus, to let her come down from the plateau of ecstasy, he suspected was always greater than the male cumming. But how can males and females ever compare and explain that.

Bob loosed his load into a hastily grabbed fold of curtain attached to the screen, not caring about the splashes on the floor as one of the biggest amounts of cum he had known fountained from his mature but ever ready dick.

A chorus of panting pervaded the room and Jimmy raised his head to frown towards the screen, but Tammi was too wrapped up her semi-coital subsidence to hear her father. Jimmy grabbed his dick which had slightly softened. He massaged Tammi's legs, gazing at the saliva slippery vee of her pussy. It looked a little more pink red than he had first set eyes on it, but he knew she was unharmed. His cock responded with few strokes and he set upon the next stage of illegal seduction.

Tammi raised her head dreamily, shaking it in wonderment and smiling wanly at the midget adroitly positioned between her legs. She looked as if she was going to speak, but Jimmy put his fingers to her lips, bidding her silence. She gazed at him and then in the direction of his nods to his groin. His hand gripped his cock and he slowly pumped it, making lube seep from his glans. Jimmy licked his lips and nodded again, urging silently what he wanted Tammi to do next. She frowned in questioning mode, cocking her pretty head sideways.

"Do it for me Tammi," the words crept out reluctantly.

He wanted her to catch the mood, as if training her, but realised she would need further encouragement. He held his donger upright and Tammi stared open mouthed at the unbridled glory of a massive cock in full erection being offered to her in his fist.

"But...? What...? Oh er!... I see.." she stuttered.

Silently Jimmy expressed his desires with his eyes and strong pulls and squeezes of his rampant prick and Tammi started to budge her young frame from it's reclining comfort. As she struggled up onto her knees, Jimmy placed his hand firmly on her buttocks and gently pressurised her towards him. Tammi was staring at his cock, her mind revving.

Swiftly he twisted and grabbed her waist, hauling her upwards as she squealed with surprise. He turned her, facing away from him and then putting her onto his lap by sliding her hard dancer's body down his front. His cock levered horizontally between her legs as he set her down.

Bob gasped on how obscene it looked. Tammi's slim pale, golden downed legs, each side of a jutting brutal looking tool of masculinity, it's knob end glistening wet and bulbous.

Jimmy grabbed her hands and placed them onto his cock. She gripped instinctively and he indicated that she should pull it vertically against her belly. Tammi got the message and he rocked gently under her simulating a fucking motion, her hands as if a twat. She liked it and ground her pelvis down, finding that the upright spear she had control of could also rub hard against her pussy and the lovely little button high in the slender folds.

"This alright Jimmy?" she asked, twisting her head to peer at him.

"Cool Tammi. It's lovely," he replied.

"I can't imagine how this could go in someone," she giggled, pressing her palm against the underside of Jimmy's cock.

"Well it does. Take my word for it darling," he cooed. "It fits a treat. You will find out." Tammi gulped and looked worried, but the senses coming from her grinding minge overcame any initial worries. Jimmy grinned to himself and held her hips hard down on him. Tammi rocked happily as if riding Bubbles her pony, and he let her take up the motion, pulling her vest upwards revealing her bare back. He persuaded her to leave go of his dick for precious moments as he drew the vest from her outstretched arms. As she resumed her rocking, Jimmy stroked the whole of her upper torso, gently nipping the puffy little bumps where her tits would blossom, stroking round them, guessing how they would grow and what her nipples would look like. Maybe like Cindy's he mused. Rock hard and upright. He kissed her hard slender back.

Bob watched, drooling with envy, thinking back to the tiny creature whose bum he had violated in Japan. He had unceremoniously stuffed his dick into her arsehole and raged at her doggy style, using her tiny frame as if a toy. To her credit - although she had been plied with some sort of sedative, she didn't complain. Well she did, but not in the form of cries and screams. Just moans of distress.

Bob fantasising about the Japanese girl and Jimmy fantasising about Cindy made for concentrated fucking vibes in the room, with the added thoughts of Tammi wondering if she should tell Julie. This was certainly nice and whatever Jimmy had shown or done to her was really really nice. Tammi decided she wouldn't tell her best friend. She didn't want to share this, especially when she wanted to do it again and soon. Jimmy broke the silence.

"Something is going to happen very soon Tammi darling," he whispered in her ear, her soft strawberry blonde curls tickling his nose. "It's nothing to worry about and will not harm you, it'll be a bit different that's all."

Oh my God, thought Bob. He's going to fuck her after all. He tried to rack up his dick again, it's reluctance understandable after such a recent and momentous cumming as he watched with staring eyes at the sofa action.

Tammi who had complete faith in her vertically challenged sex tutor said nothing as she felt the surges of Jimmy's dick, his tightened grip over her hands and the more active bucking motions of his hips. It looked like Jimmy's knob end would soon reach her chin, she pondered as she stared down at the bulbous snout, flicking in and out of their combined fists. Look how bright shiny red it was, she mused. The skin looks like it will burst and that peculiar slit is leaking so much of that stuff.

With a huge gasp and some furious hand motion, Jimmy came. Tammi watched with astonishment at the spurt of white fluid that shot up about four feet in front of her and arched down, splashing her knees and Jimmy's boots and his trousers.

"Oh my Jimmy. What's happened? It looked like it would burst," she cried out, pulling her hand away and clasping them over her mouth.

The midget lurched on, rasping his cock up against her cunt, not needing hands, as bubbles of jism dribbled from his dick after the initial spectacle, that had so surprised the child. He couldn't answer for a while as the power of his orgasm stayed very high for about a minute. Tammi half turned and watched him seriously as he panted and screwed his eyes up. His cock started to wane and droop, taking Tammi by surprise as it arched downwards and the sopping end lay on her thigh. She squeaked and looked in amazement at the thick wadge of foreskin wrinkled in the groove below Jimmy's glans. His knob end shrank slowly, as did his shaft and soon his cock lay flaccid across her leg.

"Told you something would happen," he finally managed to chuckle, between short breaths. "Cool!" murmured Tammi. "What did happen?"

"It's what they call an orgasm, the same as you did when I licked you earlier," he told her. "The street word is cumming."

"But I didn't wee all that stuff out," she declared sharply.

"Oh that's OK. That's not wee. It's all my seed that goes inside to make babies. You know the score. Never seen it before? No - I suppose not," Jimmy added.

Tammi shook her head and pondered his words.

Bob fondled his dangling soft dick and wished he could spout that much cum. Even in his prime, about six inches high would be the distance he could shoot his load. But he still had plenty of cartridges to fire he thought comfortably - and now maybe a fresh target.

Jimmy got Tammi to clean them both up with some tissues. She took her skirt off. His trousers and shirt were discarded, with the boots and for a while, the twelve year old and the forty two year old were completely naked apart from his socks.

Bob watched them fuss over the costumes and have jokes, with Tammi occasionally grabbing Jimmy's long flaccid cock and shaking it fondly. Her lips would sometimes dip and kiss it and Jimmy stood grinning towards the screens. Jimmy made her dress, as he dressed in his street gear and made her leave him to get on with the costumes. Tammi finally left and Jimmy indicated to Bob to wait until the coast was clear. He heard her mobile phone sing a Britney Spears pop tune and gestured to Bob to emerge from the screens, knowing that she was likely to be on the phone for hours and anyway it would be perfectly natural for Bob to be in the room.

"Good view Bob?" giggled Jimmy, resting on the sofa.

"Perfect actually. You didn't fuck her I notice. I'm grateful but is that coming later?" asked Bob.

"Never any intentions of fucking the dear little thing. Want me to fuck up her body for ever and ruin things for the future?" said Jimmy seriously. "My dick would split her apart as you rightly pointed out some time ago. Not sure about yours, now she has a taste for it."

"Jimmy, you bastard. How could I do that..." Bob blustered somewhat guiltily until Jimmy interrupted.

"You've already fucked your daughter mate."

"Yes but not at twelve years old."

"Well I'll leave it to you when you do, but I bet you do. She's pretty and a willing learner. I've taught her most things today."

"You fucking have too," muttered Bob reluctantly but with admiration.

"It'll be interesting to see who gets into her little pussy first," chortled Jimmy, packing cases full of costumes. "But she's got to grow a bit before I venture there. Don't want to hurt her do we?"

Bob rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Jimmy's packing complete, he left the mansion and drove to the theatre to dump the bogus costumes, which had duped Tammi.


Towards the end of the show's run, during which Tammi and Jimmy had several repeat performances, even two in her own bedroom without Bob knowing as he was away on business, Jimmy found a change in Davina's attitude to him. It came to a head when the cast met for a drink in a pub near the theatre one evening. She got more drunk than usual, but was in control although lavished a lot of attention on Jimmy and his small colleagues. Slyly she whispered to Jimmy and asked if he would visit her rented flat when the gang split up that evening. He quizzed her reasons, getting negative, but seemingly sincere answers, so he did.

The flat was actually a suite in a large hotel in the city centre. He found it easily by taxi and she let him enter her rooms. She poured him a drink and sat opposite him, wearing her after show clothes of a tight tucked in tee-shirt, slacks and trainers.

"What's all this about Dav?" Jimmy opened the conversation.

"It's Davina Jimmy," she bristled. "Please."

He grimaced casually, smoothed his chinos over his crotch, noticing her obvious glance and stared at her bra less boobs. He sipped his whisky as she squirmed uncomfortably to sit more sideways. Why did this little pest get up her nose so much? She mused.

"Been very friendly lately Dav..ina," he chuckled pointedly.

She smiled and sipped her wine.

"I do try you know. Look I'll come straight to the point," she told him. " You know I've got this prestige weekly show for the BBC coming up, hot on the heels of the children's thing and then the big charity night which I am hosting with Terry."

"Ooh that's new to me, the Children in Need marathon show," said Jimmy with interest.

"Shouldn't be telling you. It's still under wraps. You will keep it to yourself," she purred.

"No problem love. Why should I spoil things for you. My lips are sealed," he added sincerely.

"Well on that point, I notice you haven't said or done anything about me and Bob. I mean you haven't said anything more to me or to anyone about know," she said quietly with hesitation.

"You fucking."

"Yes," Davina said tetchily as if not wanting the reminder.

"Between me and him love," said Jimmy, tapping his nose.

"Yeah I know you will sort it if you haven't already. Has he paid you yet?" she queried airily, smoothing her hair from her face.

"Never you mind. What you getting at?"

"You've never mocked me like I thought you would. I mean we're not exactly friends and I was really upset about being caught, more upset with that stupid Bob than you, but I gave you some lip and I expected a comeback at least if not to the press, certainly between us," said Davina, in a torrent of words. "In the theatre and around, you know."

"Not my style Davina," he chuckled.

"Good. Well now I've got all this extra work and it's big, you know it is and it really means my star is on the way up. I can't afford to have any scandals come to light," she said quietly, uncrossing her legs and sitting squarely across to Jimmy.

She leaned forward. Her boobs tented her shirt as her knees parted to allow her to reach to the low coffee table. For a moment, she held her empty glass, her elbows resting on her knees as she peered at the midget, lounging before her. Their eyes met until Davina placed the glass down and sat back, almost lazily, her knees remaining apart and Jimmy's eyes homed straight to her crotch. He spotted the tell tale cameltoe groove straight up the middle of the tight vee of her tailored slacks. Davina smiled to herself at the direction of his eyes. She got up and stretched luxuriously, knowing the midget's eyes would be scanning the whole of her toned body. Jimmy looked for visible panty line and couldn't detect one. He saw not the slightest excess of her midriff over the waist band of her slacks. She turned and faced him, standing full on, hands on hips, chest heaving, legs and lips slightly apart, crotch angled forward. Again the groove of her cunt caught his gaze.

"If we got it together, just a one off mind you - not a love affair, would you promise to keep your mouth shut for all time Jimmy?" she said slowly.

He spluttered on his whisky and put his glass down and then peered up at the statuesque body looming over him.

"You mean I get to fuck you and keep my mouth shut?" he asked quietly, genuinely surprised. "That's a big ask however - for all time."

"Yes it is, but you must agree and remember I get to fuck you. It's a two way thing. I want something out of this too. Not just a press blackout. I want a good fucking. I've heard about you little guys, well hung I believe. What do you say? I'm also reliably informed you are a man of honour, albeit with a dirty mind, so you won't dish the dirt will you?" she chuckled.

"Cool Davina. I'll go for that," Jimmy smiled, tensing his dick, making his trousers heave.

"Like when and where do we fuck?"

She locked her eyes instantly on the considerable bulk making a dramatic change of creases in his crotch and he smiled to himself. He was half hard already.

"Here, now," she murmured.

She dropped swiftly to her knees and pushed him back in the chair. Grasping at his belt, she loosened it in seconds and unzipped his trousers. He raised his butt to allow the material to slide away and she wrenched the cotton chinos half down his thighs. Her hands burrowed into his Calvin Klein briefs, not having difficulty in finding the fat piece of cock meat lurking menacingly beneath. With a cry of triumph mixed with delight, Davina hauled his dick out and locked her mouth round his knob.

His prick stiffening almost immediately, Jimmy sat back and let her gorge herself on his erection as she fumbled further and dragged out his balls. Squeaking with pleasure, Davina rolled them as she swallowed as much of his fat donger she could manage. Minutes later he was fully erect and she drew away and openly admired the pinnacle like solidity upright in her fist.

"I'll say one thing Jimmy. You are small, but perfectly formed," she chuckled with a smile. "Thanks Davina. Always accept compliments from a glamour queen," he replied.

She preened as she licked his length, constantly cooing in admiration as her hand stroked up and down his sturdy eight inches.

"Think I'm glamorous do you. That's nice," she murmured. "I'll show you more."

Davina stood and towered over him. She unbuttoned and zipped down her slacks, tottering slightly as she slipped them over her trainers. The sparkle of her navel piercing caught the low light. As an afterthought she kicked her trainers off too. She posed in front of Jimmy wearing a pale blue thong and he could clearly see the crack of her gash behind the material. He grinned widely.

"Yes I know, a cameltoe. Honestly - you men," she grinned. "You'll see why Jimmy."

He sat back and fondled his dick as Davina grabbed her tee-shirt. She hauled it over her head in one swift movement, the front lifting her boobs until it was clear, making them bounce down against her chest. She turned and he feasted on her slender back with it's groovy spine, toned muscles flexing as she gently gyrated. Davina's buttocks looked so solid and peachy, with the dental floss blue that split them. He did notice how her legs were not as shapely below her knee as when he had seen her in high heels, but what the fuck? He wasn't going to fuck her chubby ankled legs.

She shook her upper torso, knowing the effect that would have. Her boobs wobbled , allowing Jimmy the brief glimpses of them as she kept her back to him, until Davina turned and faced him. She cupped her tits and squeezed them hard. The brown globes bloomed hard in her hands, but he knew they were naturals, not silicone by their shape and wobble.

"So topless bathing for you Davina. Only topless I see," he chortled, nodding at her groin which showed the stark whiteness of a bikini bottom much larger than her thong.

She didn't answer, but smiled a yes as she continued to manhandle herself - the body she was so proud of as being her passport to celebrity. Yes, she did Big Brother last year. Yes, she hosted several TV variety shows and took part in countless others, but she wanted stardom, the sort that comes with musicals and then films although the Bob McLaren panto production was her first big singing role and it had gone really successfully. Her shape had got her in and she showed Jimmy just how gorgeous they were and how lucky he must be to have them. One thing Jimmy did notice was that her nipples rose to thumb like proportions.

"All mine Jimmy and yours tonight. Like them?" she gushed vainly.

"Love them, even more when I get my hands on them Davina," he retorted waving his big dick at her.

She licked her lips at his lascivious actions and stepped forward. Now her crotch was at Jimmy's face level as he sat forward in anticipation. Her body heat was formidable and her perfume heady and he drank in her sexiness. The concoction was potent and he drank more then dipped his head forward as he grasped her buttocks. With a whimper, Davina shuffled the last few inches forward as Jimmy's face nestled in her crotch. He sniffed and licked at the pale blue triangle of her thong, until he latched his teeth on the top and pulled it down. She helped him, pushing it down and then Davina stepped back and drew it off completely.

Now she was naked. Jimmy threw off his clothes without taking his eyes off her and particularly her groin. In the whiteness of her skin, her pink gash was clearly visible, even more highlighted by the total lack of any pubic hair. Her deep tan emphasised the colouring contrast and he was stunned by the simplicity of her vagina.

A deep slit parted the pouch of her cunt. No outer labia could be seen folded or knotted in the dark wide crevasse that had obviously caused it to chomp up her panties and create the cameltoe effect. Jimmy grabbed her butt again and drew her forward sinking his mouth into her crotch. His tongue rasped up through her cunt opening and Davina gasped, thrusting her belly forward, her back arched dramatically as she revelled in the clever cunnilinguist's technique.

She leaned forward and placed her hands on the back of the chair. Jimmy fell back and clasped her hanging boobs as she put her knees either side of his and settled down over the midget's body. She felt his ramrod of a prick rub against her crotch and eased upwards again, before reaching between their hot bodies and grasping it upright. With a sigh she inserted it into her waiting pussy and lowered slowly onto it, her juices flowing freely and Jimmy's knob already lubricated.

"Ooh!" she squeaked. "What a whopper Jimmy."

"Snufffmmus ble smnd..." came the reply as he wallowed his mouth on her tits.

Davina rose for a second or two then with a decisive gasp she rammed down hard onto the upright prodder she had managed to keep within the fleshy portals of her quim. Fully inserted in her pussy, Jimmy flexed his groin muscles and she jolted with the inner pressure he exerted on her vaginal membranes.

"My you're tight," he remarked.

"Didn't you expect that?" she chuckled. "Think I was a slack old glamour puss did you," she added, starting to jump up and down on his cock.

"No way darling," uttered the midget happily letting her do all the work. "It's just every time I see you in tight gear, your cunt is on display."

"Hmm! I know, but that's the way I am. Won't get it sown up you know," she giggled, bouncing vigorously on him.

"Shit! Don't think about it Davina," he gasped. "You're one hell of a fuck."

Preening happily, Davina plunged up and down on his eager answering thrusts up into her and they shagged in harmony. Her tits slapped his face, her butt slapped his thighs and his balls squashed under her crotch. He wanted to reach round and find her arsehole but his little arms weren't long enough, so Jimmy settled for grasping and squeezing her mammaries into his slobbering mouth. The hotel room was full of sighs, gasps and skin action for over fifteen minutes as the two sexual athletes worked on their considerable techniques. Davina turned several times, facing Jimmy and then reversing, altering the angles, leaning forwards and back allowing him to finger her anus several times.

Finally she slid off him and dropped to her knees, slobbering her face over Jimmy's raw genitalia until swallowing his engorged glans. She sucked hard, her eyes flitting to his rapturous face and back to the matter in hand, until he murmured.

"I'm going to cum soon Davina, you going to swallow?"

"No way. I want that stuff deep inside me. Don't worry about kids by the way," she chuckled.

"On the pill I suppose?" he knowingly responded.

"Yes of course, but you're going to do my arse Jimmy. How about that?" she giggled, standing up.

"Fucking brilliant. Yes please," he replied watching her turn her back and bend down to touch her toes.

Her hands slowly stroked up the back of her legs in a sexy dancers motion, until they reached her sopping pussy that glistened in the light. She pulled her cunt open and he watched transfixed as she stroked herself, stuffing fingers into the gaping hole, as he pulled on the sturdy length of his erection. She brought her hands round her buttocks and still bending almost double, Davina splayed her cheeks and showed him the detail of her anus.

He leaned forward and stared at the puckered centre of many wrinkles coursing in from the dark pigmented area around it.

"On your knees Davina - now," he ordered.

She obeyed meekly, after beckoning him to the sofa to get more space, itching to get his cock inside her again and anticipating the height of the climax expected. Jimmy trotted eagerly over. She arched her back gracefully, making her butt splay wide and upwards as he manoeuvred behind her, on his knees. He stopped and lavished his tongue on her earthy arsehole, one of her hands reaching round and trying to pull her hole open. He thrust his tongue further and further into the funnel entrance that was relaxing all the time. Davina rested her face in the arm of the sofa and put both hands round her buttocks, stretching her arsehole even wider as he teased her sphincter. Gradually the muscles slackened and started to bulge slightly and Jimmy started to push two fingers in and out. Davina sighed happily, for a while, his little digits not making much impression inside her, but knowing they would open her up for the assault with his prodigious prick.

"Fuck me Jimmy. Fuck my ass," she moaned, using the American term, picked up while working on cruise ships out of the Caribbean where she was regularly reamed in the back door by Philipino crew, cruising holiday makers and especially the black shore staff.

Jimmy's short stature proved difficult in lining his groin up with her quivering crotch, several inches above his erection. She got the hint and widened her legs, until her right leg slipped off the sofa edge and they collapsed laughing. Jimmy tapped her butt, making her place both knees on the floor. He clambered down and stood behind her offering.

He could easily aim and did so, playing with her, his bluntly ended knob sliding freely over her cunt and bum until she was wound up sufficiently to plead with him to shag her hard. Jimmy held his cock and placed it at the softened entrance to her rectum and pushed. His glans slid in and she tightened her ring piece over it and he sighed happily as she echoed her satisfaction. Pushing hard on the fleshy width of her shapely butt, he forced Davina to release her ring and as she did so he shunted in. Her gasp of pleasure as he got six inches inserted would have impressed any theatre director if she was auditioning for a part, but it was genuine and she mewed, flexing her sphincter wanting the full ramming that would bring on their orgasm.

Jimmy drew back and Davina waited for the rush, the sharp pain as he would enter her inner chamber and then the release of adrenaline as the anal fuck began in earnest. Jimmy savoured the moment, the sheer pleasure of a butt fuck, the sensational body he was entering, the acknowledged and deserved celebrity status which she was at last achieving and how he could revel in the memory of it for years to come. His discretion was paramount and secure he knew and he would assure Davina. She would have to trust him and he her, but she would have to be desperate to reveal the enormity of what he was about to do.

He took a deep breath and thrust himself energetically at her. She squealed as she felt his cock invade depths she hadn't felt for quite a while as his body leaned on her, his eight inches soaking fully in her arse. He levered up on his toes and altered the angle and Davina felt his knob end searching for hidden spaces in which to spray his no doubt profuse jism. His pace quickened and he shafted speedily for several minutes before he felt the hot well of his spunk start to rise. He grunted with the effort, Davina finding the odd high tones of his vocal cords satisfying, where normally she had no patience with the funny little men and their truncated voices. His cumming technique was to ram as fast as possible until the bubble burst and then he would stop and let the final traces of semen weep from his knob end as he moved his groin around the central prong inserted and found new angles to spread his seed deep inside. Jimmy knew his knob wouldn't recede for several minutes as he stopped with Davina yelling her explosive orgasm sounds. Her butt continued to writhe at him as she went over the top feeling the heat of his spunk washing her rectum.

For his part, Jimmy was amazed she didn't need any clitoral stimulation to climax as most girls who took it up the arse, frigged their clitties while he shagged. But he was happy and she seemed to be as he rested against her throbbing hard buttocks. The colour change across them where she had sunbathed with a bikini was startling and he noticed with a smile, the odd little white centred pimple close to the crack of her derriere. He wondered should he tell her about the skin blemish and decided not to.

"Jeesh! Jimmy. That was something else," she chuckled. "Thanks, it was a huge cum."

"Yes I noticed. It was cool," he replied, stroking her back tenderly.

She revelled in his thoughtful touches as the waves of their respective orgasms ebbed, with Davina commenting on his still prodigious stiffness inside her turd tunnel. The bond forged by the old remedy of sex between the otherwise fierce combatants in the theatre was remarkable and the two in their thoughts as they came down from the sexual high wondered how else it would affect them.

Jimmy's cock softened and he pulled out, enjoying the violently red purple mix of colours of Davina's stretched sphincter muscle surrounding a extraordinary gaping black hole that was rapidly closing. A dribble of his cum followed his knob, strung like fairy lights connecting her to him for a few magical seconds until it broke and lay down his thigh. Jimmy sagged to his knees as she turned and lay sumptuously back.

"Got a towel or something?" he asked, nodding to her bottom.

"Oh yeah!" she replied, scrambling to a table and grabbing a handful of tissues.

As she moved around, her arse blurted a massive sopping fart and Davina shrieked with embarrassment as he burst out laughing. She dashed from the room, stuffing the tissues into her crotch. The midget poured himself another drink and wandered about the room, looking at celebrity photographs, trophies and family looking groups. Davina could be seen with Vinnie Johnson an ex footballer, Jamie Thurston a TV presenter, Dane Wilton , a camp nobody and in her most treasured photograph in the arms of David Wickham, the English football captain. Jimmy smiled at the quite catty look on the face of Wickham's wife Vicki, in the background.

Davina sauntered back into the room wearing a full length white towelling bathrobe. She chatted to Jimmy as the vibes cooled between them, his nakedness and sturdy slap of his donger as he walked round the photos asking polite questions, disturbing her. Davina was selfish to the core and saw the evening at an end. She had had her excitement, the deal was done, but the fact that the midget remained unashamedly nude in her presence worried her that he expected more sex. She carefully tightened her robe round her as he strolled towards her, glass in hand. Unconsciously she found her eyes continually wandering to his groin and the swaying, slapping collection of his oversize genitals.

He stood in front of her, craning his muscular neck, smiling up at her attempted aloofness, the barrier of her robe held high at her neck.

"Just to make it complete. If you've got a strap on, you could fuck me Davina, then we've done the whole lot eh?" he suggested.

"Jimmy!" she gasped in amazement, then seeing his sly grin. "You're taking the piss."

"Yeah! Course I am. Better get dressed and be off then," Jimmy replied, swivelling and grabbing his clothes.

In the taxi to his lodgings, Jimmy recollected the late evening's events and nodded happily to himself. He would keep her secret, but would she? These chicks who think they are world stars are two a penny and live a minor celebrity life for a very short time. Jimmy and his troupe however, had years of show business ahead of them. Maybe when she was short of jobs, therefore money, Davina Roslin would spill the beans to a tabloid. In the meantime, as the cab passed the darkened edifice of Bob McLaren's theatre, Jimmy wondered when he would get another shot at the small but perfectly formed Tammi.

The End

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This was an awfully long story for no pedo sex. He didn't even fuck Tammi. I'm sorry, but you got the reader's hopes up for nothing. You are a very good author, but the reason we come here is to read about hot sex with LITTLE GIRLS. Please keep that in mind. I would love to read a part two. But, Tammie, Julie, I don't care, one of these preteens needs to get fucked!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.