Published: 3-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Kathy Kennedy looked at her daughter and in a sneaking way delighted in the way the child's cheeks bulged with the soiled panties that filled her mouth.
Almost at once the mother caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, her own cheeks swollen out with her own worn panties. She felt a small pulse of pleasure in her sex at both the image and the taste of the secretions from the gusset pressed to her tongue. She imagined her daughter would taste the same type of thing from her own dirty pants.
She wondered what her daughter's leaks and stains inside her underpants would taste like and wondered if the Mistress might allow them to swap panties. The buzz in Kathy increased as she thought of how her panties were after the start of her period, how they'd taste to the little girl. She could imagine Kelly screwing her face up at the sight of them, gusset turned outwards, and pulling more faces when they were tightly packed into the nine year old's mouth.
With both mouths now filled, Kelly indicated they should go out of the room. The mother nodded: there wasn't anything else to do while waited for the Mistress to return. Mother and daughter shuffled in their chains down the hallway - the sound of the clinking chains on her daughter (as well as the weight of her own irons) sending a new thrill through the woman. They didn't go far. Kelly indicated they should go into her bedroom, and though Kathy may have though this strange there was a purpose, it emerged. By the side of the child's bed was an envelope with Kathy's name on it. Kelly picked it up and handed it to her mom. Kathy tore it open, noticing her hands shaking as she took the sheet of paper out.
"Mother slave," the note began, "I trust you and your child are now gagged with your panties as well as chained. I will of course inspect you both when I return, though you will not be gagged with your soiled underwear when I do. In one hour's time, you will open the package hidden in the child's bed and follow the instructions. For the next sixty minutes you will retain the pants you have to keep you quiet and kneel facing each other just out of arm's reach. You will do nothing but kneel and wait for the one-hour period to pass: you will neither touch each other or yourselves. Understand that masturbation is a very punishable offense and I will not tolerate such filthy behavior." It was signed simply: "Your Mistress."
Kathy felt a wave of disappointment and frustration. Fingering herself like this would have been wonderful, even better as she could see Kelly chained and gagged just like she was.
But already she understood that what the Mistress wanted she would have to endure. She showed Kelly the note (the child nodded as if she understood all that anyway) glanced at the bed to see the bulge under the cover and both settled themselves into a kneeling position facing each other, the child's naked and fettered body just out of the mother's reach.
If Kathy had thought kneeling was a relatively innocuous way to pass the time she soon found she was wrong. The position slowly began to grow uncomfortable and gradually the pain of her weight on her knees began to spread through her legs, enveloping her whole being. Kelly seemed uncomfortable too but she was lighter: the weight on her young knees was less though it was obvious she was struggling.
Kathy was used to the pain of bondage: the way her daughter bound her to the chair every Friday had made her used to that. But this punishment - kneeling on the carpet when she could so easily get up and bring relief to her pained legs - was exquisite. She shifted her weight as best she could and saw Kelly do the same. She wanted to ask her daughter: 'Do your knees hurt too?' But the gag, for all its simplicity, did its job well.
The woman glanced at the clock by the side of her daughter's bed. To her dismay she saw that only ten minutes had elapsed: they had another fifty like this.
Gulping she looked back at Kelly, who was also staring at the clock, clearly thinking the same as her mother was. Kathy studied the clock again and held her breath, scared it had stopped. But the minute finger had crept on just a little.
The woman knew this was going to be slow and agonizing and staring at the clock wouldn't help.
There was only one thing to do: Kathy closed her eyes and tried to ignore the pain in her knees.
The clock, when she opened her eyes to look, had advanced almost to the sixty minute mark. It felt more like two hours, knelt like that. In front of the woman the child was sobbing a little but she too hadn't moved and still hadn't opened her eyes. Kathy was glad. For some reason she thought it important that her daughter did what the Mistress wanted.
The last few minutes passed slowly and when the hour was up Kathy grinned to herself. She had done what she had been told and felt wonderful.
On the sixty minute mark - but in truth just a little beyond, to make sure - Kathy got to her feet. Her knees screamed at being straightened. Kelly, hearing her mother move, opened her tear glistening eyes and clambered unsteadily to her feet. 'Uhh Hrrth' said the child into her pants.
Kathy guessed she was trying to say 'It hurts' and nodded. It did, more than she imagined possible.
The woman stood quite still in the middle of Kelly's bedroom as her daughter pulled back her bed cover and indicated something wrapped up in an old T-shirt of hers, decorated with teddy bears. Kelly reached over and pulled the T-shirt away.
Not for the first time that day Kathy's eyes widened. Whatever she had been silenced with in the previous twenty hours or so did not, could not, compare with this. Not the knotted gag, not the foul tasting panties. There on the bed were two proper gags complete with straps and wicked looking black rubber projections that were clearly designed to go in the mouth. More - they were designed to press into the back of the throat, judging by the length.
Despite her gag Kathy gulped at the gags, the light catching the smooth but brutal looking shapes.
'Penis gags.' The child said into her gag, the words just about understandable. Then she reached up and took the sodden ball of pants out. She looked round furtively as if she shouldn't be doing this and the Mistress would somehow hear her. 'Mistress says they go right in the mouth,' the girl whispered.
Kathy nodded. They were indeed penis gags and they looked fearsome, though one was clearly a few sizes smaller than the other. But if Kelly's looked big for the child's mouth then the one that was surely destined for Kathy looked enormous. Jaw-breakingly so.
'I don't think I could fasten that in my mouth,' said Kathy weakly, removing her own panty gag. She was astonished she kept her voice low too.
'No! I put your penis gag in yours, you put my penis gag in mine.'
'B-but... There're too big!' The mother spoke normally and then looked guilty as if she should have been quiet.
'They fit,' Kelly whispered. She added, guiltily: 'Tried mine on earlier, while you were asleep.'
The woman felt weak, helpless. She imagined, if they didn't gag each other, then the Mistress would be less than pleased. She wondered what form that would take, what cruel punishments would be meted out. At the same time she felt excited too at the prospect. Her daughter gagging her with a scarf, the panty gags they wore, weren't like a real gag. These were very much real gags, but way too big to wear.
Heart thumping hard with fear and excitement, Kathy thought she should refuse.
The woman instantly felt herself recoil in shock at the idea. She could almost imagine what might happen if Mistress came home and found they weren't gagged. A spanking, perhaps or stricter bondage? Would Kelly be punished if her mother wasn't wearing one of these severe gags, even if the girl wore one herself. The Mistress had said they must gag each other, so would that mean Kelly had disobeyed, and she'd be spanked or punished? At that moment Kathy's cunt, which had been pleasantly moist for a while, suddenly dribbled more juices.
'Uh,' grunted Kathy. Her mind was a mass of confusion, of pleasures forbidden and denied, of desires she never knew she had. But she had to decide.
She did. 'Uh, gag me,' said Kathy, suddenly coming down on the side of the ambition she'd long had to have her mouth plugged properly - her jaw straining wide - for the first time in years and years.
'Me first,' gurgled the child, reaching for the smaller of the two penis gags and offering it to her mother. In a daze of excitement Kathy took it and offered it to Kelly's already wide open mouth.
The black penis shape rubber head went into the girl's mouth, between her teeth, pushing her tongue down flat. It didn't take long to make sure the brutal gag was in properly and the straps were fastened round Kelly's head - including the small strap under her chin. The harness ran up perfectly over Kelly's head. Kathy couldn't help thinking that her daughter would outgrow this gag and would need a new one soon. Her cunt almost spasmed into an orgasm at the thought.
Kathy felt her juices flowing even more as she looked into her well-gagged daughter's eyes, so big and appealing and helpless. There was a distant, gurgling sound of what could have been pleasure from the child's throat. Or perhaps an urgent appeal, for the gag to come out, a pleading noise that it was too big, that it was on the verge of choking her.
But the gag would stay, Kathy decided. Above all it was what the Mistress had decided - and it looked so good on the child.
The woman turned and knelt on the carpet to allow the nine year old easy access to her head. Kathy's knees of course hadn't recovered from their so recent ordeal, but she gritted her teeth - or would have done if a gag hadn't been heading for her lips. Just as Kelly had done, the mother opened wide. The large penis gag head went in but Kelly, clearly told what to do, worked it deeper into her mom's mouth until she was satisfied it couldn't go any deeper. Kathy gurgled herself as she felt the gag reflex clawing at her throat. Unable to object, unwilling to struggle, she fought it down. The harness of straps was fastened in place with the child's small, nimble fingers having no trouble with the buckles.
Kathy's gag too was finished off by the small strap under the woman's chin, though the woman was concentrating more on still fighting the gag reflex from having such a large object in her mouth. It took her a few moments to relax enough and allow the choking sensation to subside.
They grunted at each other and Kathy thought she could detect a sexual delight in Kelly's eyes. The girl was however also indicating something on her bedside table, another sealed envelope. Kathy picked it up and opened it, taking out the folded paper from inside.
Just like the other note, it was from the Mistress.
"Congratulations, slaves," it began. "If you are reading this you have taken another irrevocable step to being my property. You should now both be chained and properly gagged, having had the delights of the used panty gags earlier.
"This note will be my instructions to you both.
"As your Mistress I do not expect to find my slaves being lazy or at a loss what to do at any time. A home does not run itself. I expect, when I return, to find you both hard at work. I was disappointed when I came into the house today to find it untidy and in need of some honest effort. The kitchen floor in particular needs scrubbing and the bathroom needs a thorough clean and polish.
"From now on every surface in this house must be spotlessly clean and you will be judged on how clean it is. You are both to clean the kitchen floor and the bathroom. You are in chains but can reach to clean things and the gags will prevent you wasting time and energy on useless conversations. Who does what is up to you but you must do the best you can to decide between you.
"You will be judged unmercifully. I have no compunction about spanking either of you (Slave Kelly knows this already) and the chains, while heavy or awkward, will be better than some bondage I will be devising for you. Whatever happens, you will be obeying me. So get to work - there is no time to waste, unless you want to experience my wrath.
"Signed: Your loving cruel Mistress."
Kathy showed the note to her daughter but she just nodded. Kelly must have either seen it earlier or had it explained to her. The woman sighed into her large gag. If she was in any doubt, all this proved that this arrangement was both very serious and also potentially long term. She also felt a glow at the idea of Kelly being spanked. She'd never done that to her daughter but the idea of the child over the Mistress' knee - or better still, with Kathy holding her child down while Miss Harding smacked her little butt - was turning the woman on fast. She needed, desperately, to come.
Kelly was moving towards the door and Kathy put the letter down to follow. Already the woman's jaw was aching from the huge wedge of cock-shaped rubber filling her mouth and she knew it would get worse, just as the heavy chains would become a burden as she toiled. But she had no choice and Mistress was right: there was work to be done. And she had no choice but to frig herself, here and now.
In a moment Kathy had her hand between her legs, working into her wet, hot sex, fingering herself rapidly to an orgasm. Kelly had stopped and was staring at her mother. Kathy felt embarrassed but was powerless to stop herself. She came with a gasp into her gag, shaking with the waves of pleasure that washed over her. Kelly just shook her head as if her mom had done something wrong.
The mother had, as she was to find out later.
The Mistress arrived over two hours later. By the time she walked into the house, the kitchen floor had been scrubbed and polished and the bathroom was well on the way to being completed. Kathy was on her knees in front of the toilet bowl, carefully polishing round the top edges, Kelly on her knees in the bath, polishing the faucets, when Miss Harding walked in.
Had Kathy not been gagged she would have let out a whistle of admiration. Where Miss Harding had presented herself that day in a simple but stylish black knee length skirt and gray top, now she had on a skin tight black plastic dress that finished more than halfway up her thighs. If she'd been wearing stockings the skirt would have barely hidden the garters, but her legs - even without pantyhose or stockings - were tanned a delightful shade. They were good legs too and Kathy, who always thought her own legs were okay, felt a small pang of jealousy.
The woman also had black five inch high heels on and where before she had stood almost six feet tall in her low heels, now she looked like some goddess as she towered over the kneeling slaves as they worked to clean the bathroom.
The Mistress glanced round the bathroom and wrinkled her nose. 'I am not too happy that it has taken you both this long and it doesn't look particularly clean,' she said. 'Perhaps you were wasting your time talking earlier before you gagged each other. As much as I accept this is early days for you two under my control and I understand you have yet to fully realize what my standards are, I am pleased to say there will be punishments for this laziness later. Now, continue cleaning.' She turned elegantly on her spike heels and stalked out of the room.
Kathy and her chained and gagged daughter exchanged glances before they both set to, trying to make everything sparkle.
The punishments were interesting, Kathy concluded, when she had recovered. The bathroom had sparkled and perhaps that had saved them from a harder spanking. At least she hoped so.
Kathy had held her daughter in a bending position, gripping her wrists and pulling them to the floor, while Mistress had given the child several hard slaps with the flat of her hand across her small, pale buttocks. The spanking was hard enough to make the nine year old cry and when Kelly stood, her smooth white little butt now a distinct deep pink, she was blinking away the tears. Pleasingly, one or two had run down to her gag strap and Kathy couldn't help feeling a little erotic arousal at seeing her own child spanked so hard and crying from it. She thought it was a shame the penis gag was in and she couldn't hear Kelly scream, or beg for mercy.
The Mistress hadn't finished. The next target was the inside of the child's legs - Kelly had to open her legs as far as her ankle chains would allow and took several hard slaps on the soft, tender flesh on the inside of her thighs. She howled even louder and cried more.
Then the positions were reversed: Kelly, still sniffing back the tears, held her mom's head down by putting her weight on to her neck chain so as she bent over her butt was presented perfectly for the Mistress. However, if Kathy was expecting the dozen slaps with the Mistress' hand she was sorely mistaken. Sorely was the key word, too. The Mistress had acquired from somewhere what was like a flogger: a whip with twenty or so soft leather thongs. It looked fairly innocuous as it swished in the air in front of Kathy's face but when the Mistress applied it the flogger was anything but mild.
On the first lash, for that was what it was, pain exploded in her whole body. The thongs instantly curled around one buttock, right into the crack of her ass. Her exposed cunt also caught at least two of the thongs and a burning pain like she had never knew flared across her exposed rear.
Kathy, to her dismay, howled into her gag. She may have though she was ready for this, ready for anything, but she was wrong. Tears sprang from her eyes and immediately splashed to the carpet. Kelly, looking up, hadn't stopped crying herself but she looked happy that her mother was getting hurt.
'You are a lazy, worthless bitch,' said the Mistress coldly, behind Kathy. 'I knew when I first saw you at the school you would need extra discipline. Your daughter has the chance to learn from me and not fall into your bad habits, cunt!'
Kathy had never, to her face at least, been called a cunt before and fresh sensation wormed through her sex. She had always thought it might be exciting to be verbally abused but like this, she was heaven. She would have smiled had it not been for the gag, and might have felt happy had it not been for the severity of her punishment.
'However, continued Miss Harding, 'it may be too late for you. However, I will beat you until you do learn.' There was another loud swish and the flogger connected with the other buttock, sending fresh stabs of pain through the woman's already tortured body. Another scream was stifled by the gag, more tears fell. Kelly had stopped crying and was enjoying watching at close range the agony and tears on her mother's face, some of which had fallen on her upturned face as she moved her head underneath to look straight up.
There were six more lashes from the flogger, each seemingly harsher than the previous one, each more painful than the last.
By the time Mistress had finished lashing Kathy's rear, the agony had melted into one huge ball of burning pain and the woman was sobbing uncontrollably.
'Now stand up,' ordered the Mistress. She stood in front of the woman, still shaking from her sobs and the pain of the flogging, her red raw rear sending waves of agony through her. 'You have just found out that how far I will go to you to make you a good slave. You may have thought I was playing some childish game. You may have believed I might actually like you and want to spare you any pain.'
Kathy forced herself to nod.
'Well, you are wrong,' the Mistress snapped. 'You've seen what I can do and I am not even angry with you. Do you therefore, whore, think you have suffered enough for your laziness and incompetence?'
Kathy nodded again. Then she realized her error and immediately shook her head.
Miss Harding let a slow smile spread across her face. 'Good. It seems you are learning after all. Well, there are two more lashes from the flogger for you and then we have finished this round of punishment.' Kathy braced herself, wondering where it would fall, but she was astonished to see the woman reach for a small key on a chain round her neck and start to unlock the cuffs on the woman's wrists and the chain at her collar, letting it fall to the floor around her still manacled ankles.
Puzzled, she watched as the woman did the same to Kelly, releasing the nine year old girl's hands from her collar chain. A strange, deep dread settled over the woman and she shivered. This, she knew, would be something she really wouldn't like.
'Now,' said the Mistress, putting the small key away inside her black plastic top, 'You slave Kathy will receive two strokes of the flogger not from me but from slave Kelly. She will deliver two blows to your tits.' A smile broke across Miss Harding's face as she reached out and cradled one of the impressive tits in her hand. Kathy had never had a woman touch her breasts before and she tried not to flinch as the hand closed on it, but she did slightly and for a moment a dark, annoyed look flickered across the blonde woman's face. It cleared and the woman resumed, talking in almost a whisper. 'My, so big, so heavy. Such a wonderful target.'
The Mistress sighed again. 'A loving, hard stroke on each, right on the two mammary glands that she suckled at when she was born. Slave Kelly, your own daughter, will complete your punishment. Oh, and in case you were wondering, you are free because you will push your chest out to receive the blows. In fact, you will ask her for them and then thank her.' She laughed at the horrified look on Kathy's face. 'Oh don't look so surprised. I like you gagged but I also like you to be free of them from time to time so you can ask for punishments!'
Mistress let go of the tit and reached up to unbuckle the penis gag, letting it slide from the mature slave's mouth, a thin string of drool following it. The gag was tossed on the sofa and the blonde picked up the flogger and handed it to Kelly. 'Hard,' she said to the girl, 'one on each of her tits.' Then to Kathy she said, 'Don't think her love for you extends to only pretending to hit you hard. Slave Kelly knows I will examine the marks and if I am not satisfied, she will be punished further. In fact, it may help her if you think she hasn't done it hard enough to ask for another blow.'
Kathy, unhappy and still sniffing back tears from her beating, nodded and gulped. She understood perfectly.
'Slave Kelly,' Kathy said to her still gagged daughter. 'Please whip my unworthy tits. Please whip them hard.' Kathy put her arms behind her and pushed her chest invitingly forward, partly because she had been told to and partly because she feared a stray strand from the flogger might catch her throat or face. She bit her lip as Kelly drew back her arm. With her eyes closed she heard the whir of the flogger and pain exploded across her left breast. Somehow, Kathy managed not to scream.
The second blow - aimed for her right breast - was just as bad as the first and this time Kathy, despite her best efforts, let out a sharp cry of pain. Opening her eyes, she saw Kelly looking at her, almost expectantly.
'S-slave Kelly,' Kathy managed to say, between sobs, the pain burning her chest. 'T-thankyou for my flogging. B-but... It.. it wasn't hard enough. P-pl ease do it again. Both t-tits.'
Behind her, the Mistress was laughing at Kathy's humiliation and submission, and she laughed more as Kathy screamed when two more well-aimed blows slashed across the woman's proud, unprotected but very sore bust.
Kathy was sobbing, pain wracking her body. She didn't know things could hurt this much.
'You may wonder why you get extra punishments,' said the Mistress. 'Well, there's this.' The plastic dressed woman, smirking, held up a small piece of paper, with Kelly's handwriting on. It said, simply: "Mommy fingered herself."
'You see, whore, I guessed you would be so base, so disobedient, so unthinking of anyone but your own worthless desires that you'd end up masturbating. Even in chains and a gag. I told your daughter to leave me a note if you did. She knew you'd be punished by her own hand if she did,' a slow smile crept over Miss Harding's face. 'So she could hardly wait to let me know.'
Kelly looked embarrassed, avoiding her mother's eyes. Kathy merely nodded. It hardly mattered. She would probably have to play with herself again soon and no doubt the message would get to the Mistress again.
'I'm sorry, mom,' said Kelly, quietly as they knelt, side by side in front of the sofa, hands bound behind them. Their positions were almost identical, save that Kelly had her legs tied together at ankles and knees and Kathy had a short spreader bar between her knees to keep her legs apart. The TV was on and they were, for the moment, alone as a video of some bondage party played for their entertainment and education. Provided - as they would have expected - by their Mistress. 'I didn't want to hurt you, mom. I love you,' Kelly whispered. 'But I have to follow Mistress's orders.'
'It's okay, honey,' smiled Kathy to her daughter. 'I love you too. Mistress made you do it. If you hadn't, I guess she would have punished you.'
'Is your ass really sore?' asked the girl. 'Mine's all hot and burning.'
'Course it is. I'm just glad we don't have to sit. Mistress has been kind letting us kneel like this.'
'How are your ti... oops, I mean, your boobs?'
'My tits are fine. Bit sore but not too bad. You did a good job.'
Kelly blushed a little but was pleased to hear it, Kathy could tell. 'As for tits,' continued the mother, 'I guess it's okay to use words like that now, pumpkin. Mistress calls me names and uses all the words like cunt and fuck.'
Kelly was quiet for a moment, thinking about all the words she'd never felt able to use before. She was watching a woman on the screen being hung upside down and flogged by another woman. Then the child said: 'Are you... are you sorry you said yes to her?'
Kathy considered the question. 'Well, I thought I was, but I was thinking, while we ate from our dog bowls in the kitchen, that if I'd said no then somehow maybe she would have been harder on you.' The woman dropped her voice even lower. 'Maybe she would have pretended to let me go but, when you were at school with her... well, she could have been a bitch.'
Kelly nodded. On the screen another woman was being hung upside down but someone was getting ready to pour hot wax on her heavy breasts. 'You think we'll end up like they do?' asked the child as the cries from the tortured woman on TV filled the room. The scene changed to a woman, stretched out on a table, receiving the same treatment. She was gagged though not very well and her whimpers were almost as loud as the cries of the other female being hot waxed. The camera close up showed a river of red wax running over the woman's shaved cunt, between the lips of her sex.
'I guess one day,' said the girl's mother.
'It's weird, thinking we'll have our tits ringed like them,' Kelly was looking at the TV screen, at a close up of a pair of breasts with a heavy steel ring through each nipple. Weights were being added to them.
'Y-you think she'll put rings on us, like those?' Kathy gulped.
'Yes,' said Kelly, sounding a tad scared. 'But you first, probably. Mine've got to grow.' The child's voice fell to a whisper. 'Mistress said to me I've got to have 36D tits, at least.'
Kathy groaned in shock but also in surprise as her cunt spasmed with pleasure at the thought of her daughter with large, heavily ringed breasts. Maybe as a sixteen year old, with her huge boobs bulging out of a black lace bra. The woman bit her lip, wishing she could get her hand between her legs and play with herself. Or even rub her thighs together, but the spreader bar was there at her knees to prevent that. Plus she would no doubt be whipped again for her lust.
The scene changed on TV and the two females watching gave a small moan at some fresh abuse aimed at a teenager on the TV. 'Would you have flogged me, if Mistress ordered you?' Kelly looked up at her mother, worry etched on to her face.
'I don't know, Kelly,' said the woman truthfully. 'She is the Mistress and we have to do what she says. It depends what she asks, what she orders.'
'Like her on the TV?' Kelly nodded at the images. A heavily bound Afro-American teenage girl, perhaps only 14, was having clothespins clipped onto her small budding breasts. The child on the TV was sobbing into her gag, begging for the Afro-American woman doing the torturing to stop, to let her go. Her reward was the older woman suddenly tugging the gag out of the teenager's mouth and bending over her, giving her a clearly passionate kiss. The child didn't pull away, even when the woman's hand came up to fondle the tortured little breasts. Kathy gulped: she had the distinct impression this was mother and daughter.
But why should it trouble her? Wasn't this what she had secretly always wanted in her own home?
Kathy shuddered as the kiss broke, the woman clearly biting the teenager's lower lip and then tongue. The mother twitched as she felt an orgasm approach - an orgasm that by her position she couldn't achieve. 'God, I hope not. But if we behave, do what we're told we'll be okay.'
'Why are we watching this, mommy?'
'So we know what happens to others. What we ought to avoid.' She paused and almost added, 'Because it excites me.' But she kept quiet, trying not to let the glow in her cunt consume her.
'Mommy - I feel so hot, down there,' moaned the child, wriggling where she knelt.
'Kelly honey, do you like seeing women punished like that?' Kathy could hardly tear her eyes from the screen. Kathy felt her cunt grow hotter, juices running between her thighs.
The scene on the screen changed: a small girl - maybe six or seven years old - was tied to a chair, her little legs sticking out. She was gagged with a small red ball gag, tears already running down her cheeks. Another girl, older by a few years, stood over her with a thin switch in her hand. She brought it down on the bound child's thighs, making the helpless child scream into her gag.
'Yes,' gulped Kelly, transfixed by what was played out before them. She was moving slightly as if trying to rub her thighs together to excite herself. There was another slash from the stick, another muffled scream. Kelly wriggled more. 'I love seeing women punished but... I want to see things like that girl. I want to see children punished like her.'
'Oooh! I'm so glad honey. I want to hurt children too,' gasped Kathy, more aroused than she'd ever been in her life.
'M-me too?' Kelly was moaning and wriggling. Not just at the scenes on TV but at what was raging inside her. 'Do you want to hurt me, mommy?'
'Oh yes! I want to see you hurt, honey,' Kathy couldn't help the truth tumbling out. She looked at her daughter with a wild fire in her eyes. 'I want to see you writhing under the whip and tied up tight and gagged and... of, there's so much I want to do to you, sweetheart.'
'Um... I want you to hurt me too,' whimpered the girl, looking back at her mom. The girl was blushing with a strange, erotic shame and an awareness of how excited she was. 'But I want the Mistress to hurt you too.'
'Oh yes,' cried Kathy, hovering on the edge of an orgasm denied her by her bonds.
'Excellent,' said a calm, cold voice. The Mistress had come quietly into the room and was listening to them. 'I was hoping you'd both say that. It makes it so much more fun when both of you submit to me.'
'Mistress!' Both heads craned to see the woman, just behind them.
'We're going to play a little game,' the Mistress said as turned the TV off. She faced the two kneeling females, smirking at their reaction at being denied the sight of a child being punished. 'Now we have you in the right mood, I think you'll really enjoy it. If not, don't worry - I will. You see, it's a kind of breath control game.'
Both mother and daughter's eyes widened. If they didn't understand they knew, instinctively, it wouldn't be entirely good fun.
Kathy watched from where she knelt as the Mistress untied Kelly's hands from behind her back and then using some more rope lying on the sofa casually, but tightly, tied Kelly's hands to the top of her little thighs. She then hauled the child away from the sofa by the simple expedient of grabbing a handful of the girl's hair and hauling her down on to her face. Kelly, not surprisingly, howled at being handled like this.
The Mistress rolled the small girl over on to her back and half lifted, half dragged the sobbing child so her head was towards her mother.
The woman, still in her latex outfit approached Kathy. She took hold of the woman's hair in much the same way she did with the girl and dragged her forward so the woman had to shuffle on her spreader-bound knees. When the spreader bar was touching the child's head, the Mistress stopped pulling.
Tears were running down Kathy's face and she blinked them away.
'Now, I want you to follow my instructions precisely,' said the Mistress to the mother. 'I want you to get your weight back and into a squatting position so the bar between your knees is above slave Kelly's head height. Then you will shuffle forward so the bar is over her chest and - no surprise - your sorry cunt will be over her cute face. Oh, and if you don't move fast enough I will drag your hair and you'll be weeping like the little slut. Got it?'
Kathy gulped and nodded. She managed, somehow from her position to get her weight back on her heels and lift her knees (and the spreader bar) so she was squatting. Aware she didn't want to have her hair pulled again she moved as quickly as she could, shuffling forward until she was in position. She knew she was in exactly the right place when she could feel Kelly's breath on her open sex, the child's nose brushing the lips of her cunt. She could plainly hear her daughter still sobbing from the savage hair pulling the Mistress had imposed.
'Good. Now you, slave Kathy, will get to sit on your darling daughter's face while I kiss you. The fun in this is that the longer I kiss you, the longer you'll be sat. As you sit on her face you will of course deny the dear sweet thing her oxygen. She may want to lick you but that isn't the point of the game: your priority is satisfying me with your kiss. If I think you are holding back or not trying, I will continue holding you in position, forcing you down on to slave Kelly's face. Oh, and I will be forcing you down - make no mistake about that.' The Mistress paused, enjoying the look of terror on Kathy's tear streaked face. 'So do your best to please me and your whore of a child won't have to wait too long to breathe.'
Another pause. 'In case you were wondering, cunt, I'm doing this to show you the standards of affection and obedience I require.'
Kathy gave a small nod. 'T-thankyou, Mistress,' she whispered. Beneath her, she heard her daughter giving a small moan, her panicky breath on the mother's hot, wet cunt.
The Mistress took hold of Kathy's hair and wound her fingers into it, gripping her tightly. She bent forward and Kathy opened her mouth, suddenly feeling the weight of the Mistress pushing her down.
Between her legs, under her pulsing sex, Kathy felt her daughter's nose press into her ass crack, her daughter's desperate mouth open against her cunt lips. The Mistress' lips met Kathy's, a lingering, open mouth kiss.
More pressure downwards and Kathy sat with all her weight on her daughter's head. Her tongue flickered and danced in the Mistress's mouth, her teeth trying to nibble the tip of the woman's elusive tongue. It was the most passionate kiss she had ever given anyone but the Mistress wasn't easing up, letting her rise. The woman felt panic in her. Kelly was struggling beneath her, trying to breathe but finding she couldn't. The tied up girl was twitching and struggling in her bonds, her head trying and failing to get free.
Kathy gasped. Surely the Mistress was satisfied. Surely she'd let them up, let them both breathe - especially Kelly.
Then she understood with that cold, clear moment of reason. The longer she didn't satisfy the Mistress the more her daughter would have to struggle and lick and beg up into Kathy's hot, eager cunt. If she held back just a little on the kiss, she knew her daughter's face might just bring her off. The best orgasm she'd ever had.
The woman almost came right then and there. Almost, but not quite.
Kelly was running out of air, the Mistress was smiling as she kissed, knowing the dilemma raging in Kathy.
Slave Kathy gave a small, gurgling cry as she kissed the woman who owned her.
What the hell's a mother to do when her daughter's suffering?
What the hell's a sex slave to do when she needs to cum?
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