
[ FFfggg, bd, spank, sm ]

by Quiller


Published: 5-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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Note: This story is pure fantasy and never happened. Nor should it. Don't try any of this at home or anyplace else. Any similarity or reference to people living or dead, places, organizations or environments is purely coincidental.

'You ready for this, honey?' The man regarded his wife, standing arms folded by the window so she could see the street.

Joanna Penn turned and looked at her husband, sat at the kitchen table. 'Ready as I guess I'll ever be,' she said as she moved over and took a seat herself. 'Kinda hard waiting and wondering. Not knowing when they'll come for me.'

'If it is you,' corrected Kevin Penn. 'Could be Lana, or even Annie. That's what they said: they'll take one of the womenfolk. Any one of you three.'

Joanna sighed and nodded. 'I know. Part of me hopes it isn't one of the girls but equally, I'm nervous about it being me. I mean, thirty days as a kidnap victim... Takes some getting used to the idea. Also, I'm not sure I'm strong enough for whatever they want from me. After all, I am 43 now.'

'You'll be fine. You don't look anything like that age. Most people think you are thirty five, tops. You've still got a great figure, even after having the girls.'

'Thanks sweetie,' the woman grinned at her husband. 'You better get used to seeing me around here and now. If it is me they snatch you won't be seeing me for four weeks. Who knows, you might even get to like sleeping on your own.'

Kevin shook his head. 'I won't, and like I say they might take one of the girls.'

'Beauty before age,' smiled Joanna. 'They're both under 21 and they look it. Given a choice they'd rather have a nineteen year old or one who'll be twenty one next month.'

'They didn't say they worked that way. The kidnappers said they'd take one of you three when the time was right - that was the important thing.' Kevin reached a comforting hand out for his wife's hand and squeezed it. 'They said we just have to wait and then...' the man shrugged. 'Then we'll deal with it.'

The middle aged woman nodded. 'Can't imagine how they'd manage at school without me,' she said absent-mindedly staring at the window for the hundredth time that day.

'There are other teachers,' said Kevin, trying not to say: "we've been through this before."

'I know but, well...'

'You cleared it with the office. You told the Principal, right? Mrs Baxter knows you could be absent for a while. If it is you,' added the man.

'Mrs Baxter isn't entirely happy about it,' said Joanna, standing up and gathering up the cups that needed washing. 'She said it was okay but in that kind of way that says, it isn't really but go ahead.' The woman looked anxiously at her husband. 'I mean, it's four weeks without any pay. All on top of the kidnap fee.'

'We can manage,' said Kevin. This time he did say: 'We've been through this.'

The married couple sat in silence for a few minutes and then the woman said: 'I heard from Annie half an hour ago that's she's on her way home. I wonder if they have snatched her, or maybe they'll do it when she gets off the bus.'

'Honey, we've been worrying about which one and when and where for three days now, ever since we signed the contract. They said it could be any time in the next two weeks.'

'I know. I thought it was Lana yesterday, when she was late back. I really thought they had taken her. I was quite relieved when she walked in.'

'And disappointed the kidnappers hadn't grabbed her, right?' Kevin studied his wife's attractive face.

'I guess so, because that means I'm still in line.' Joanna let go of Kevin's hand and stood, looking out the window at the street through the trees, looking for their youngest daughter hurrying home.

'Try to relax, Jo,' said the man softly. 'All we know is it's one of you and they could keep us waiting right up the end.'

'That would be unbearable,' said Joanna. 'Can you imagine waking up on the final day knowing it had to be that day. Elaine Woods from across the street was taken an hour before the deadline, she told me so the other day. She said she almost cried with relief when they bundled her into the truck.'

'And Tony Lescaux told me his eldest daughter went thirty five minutes after they signed,' Kevin said. 'All we know is there's just no telling. The Nappers told us not to fret, remember? Just be patient.'

'It's easy for them to say that,' said Joanna, not taking her eyes from the window. 'They know, we don't.'

'You looking for Annie, or some sign of a vehicle?'

Joanna shook her head but then half shrugged, knowing her husband was aware of how her thinking worked. 'Both,' she confessed. She followed a motorcycle with her gaze, then a SUV going the other way. Nothing ominous, though. 'I look out for mysterious vehicles while I'm shopping, going to school, wondering if each one will be the one for me.'

'They don't always use a vehicle, they told us they do it all ways.' Kevin said as he stood too. 'Look honey, would it help if I went out to look for Annie?'

'They said we had to carry on as normal, except it's hard when you know you've agreed and signed up for one of the family being kidnapped. I wonder if this is part of what we paid for, this mental torture?'

'Yeah, probably. But they are professionals - they've been doing it for years. Everyone says they give a great service. No two kidnaps alike, they said on their web site.'

Joanna nodded as her husband put his arm round his wife, giving her a comforting squeeze. 'I know we said we would carry on as normal, Kevin, but I'm worried about Annie. I mean, she's still a kid at heart and -'

'She's nineteen and fully grown,' soothed the man. 'She knows what's happening. She agreed to it. We all did, before we signed. I don't see her fretting.'

'No, but could you go and check with the neighbors? See if they have seen anything, you know...'

'You mean a big black SUV, right?'

Joanna smiled sheepishly. 'Yeah. Just to ease my mind.'

'Hmm, and you are alright with me going out, leaving you here?'

Joanna laughed. 'Course I am. Lana's up in her room and, well they wouldn't come in here, would they?'

'No,' said Kevin, slipping his arm from his wife and heading for the door. 'I'll check with the Beldens and the Wallaces. Might have a word with old man Steiner. He doesn't miss anything.'


Kevin was no more than twenty minutes. When he got back in Annie was home, Lana down in the kitchen with her sister. They were clutching each other as if something was wrong. A mixture of worry and relief on their faces.

'Dad... where's mom?' asked Lana, anxiously.

Kevin stared at his daughters. 'Here. I left her when I went across -' He stopped, suddenly out of words because he understood.

The snatch had happened. His wife was gone.


Sat on the back of the motorcycle, her hands bound round the rider in front and the helmet hiding the ball gag that filled her mouth, Joanna wondered how she didn't hear them come in behind her. I was only moments after Kevin went out and for an instant she had thought it was her husband returning, to say he'd seen Annie coming up the driveway. She wasn't even sure how many of the kidnappers there were. Two for certain, maybe three. One male, one female. Possibly another female.

The thing that astonished her was she hadn't even got a word out before the gag went in. They got her so quickly, so easily that Joanna didn't have time to call for Lana.

She couldn't be sure of much, but she knew for certain she had been abducted. Her wrists were tied, arms round a leather jacketed man in front, on a fast bike speeding away from the family home. She was silenced and helpless, heading for thirty days as a paid-for kidnap victim. Joanna thought of her husband and her daughters back in the house, no doubt looking for her and searching everywhere, unable to believe the snatch had happened right in their home. No clues, no overturned chairs. No black vehicle either, no grab on some empty road or in the mall parking lot.

Right from under their noses, when they least expected it.

The visor on the helmet was so dark Joanna couldn't see where she was being taken. She wondered if anyone could see her bound wrists at the front of the man riding the bike but decided these people were too good for that. It felt like wire, so she guessed it would disappear into the folds of the leather jacket they had put on her. No one would notice.

There was still a lot of controversy about this mysterious organization who were paid by families to have one of their females kidnapped for thirty days.

It was a cult, a live-reality event as the media people called it. It was the big buzz that had everyone talking.

You didn't have to go far to find someone whose family had signed up and then had spent the best part of two weeks wondering what, if anything, would happen. People said it was a scam, that you paid five thousand and signed these contracts and then nothing happened. But the Penn family knew of at least four families who had found quite differently.

It was no scam for them. It was very real indeed.

The families had paid the required five thousand dollars, and each of them at some stage had a female taken - any age between 18 and 50, as the web site said - as if kidnapped. Actually, the phrase 'as if' was wrong: the females were genuinely kidnapped. Rumor had it that the women would spend a kind of four week holiday at a health farm, relaxing by a pool. But those who had signed up and had it done to them - Veronica Lathe, Joanna's closest friend being one of them - found it was far from relaxing.

It was, as Veronica said afterwards and others agreed, a genuinely scary ordeal. But these women would never quite say what had happened. Perhaps not surprisingly, people said they'd been fed some memory-wiping drug afterwards. Veronica and the others could only remember fractions of what had happened, but they had small bruises to show something had.

They also had a powerful feeling they had lived - truly lived - in a way they couldn't explain.

There was also the chance for all of them that they would find, among the millions of pages of porn on the net, photos or even a movie of themselves in some kidnappers hell-hole. After all, how come there were so many different pictures on so many sites of females being punished? How come there were so many women of all ages and sizes who looked genuinely distressed, or properly bound?

Photographed in cold garages lying trussed on cement floors, strung between trees in lonely places, chained to an abandoned warehouse wall with its peeling paint and graffiti. So many, and all looking genuinely bound or held, large gags bulging their distressed faces.

It became one of the everyday conversation pieces of modern life: 'I think I found pictures of me on the net last night, bound and gagged and chained and whipped. I can't be sure but it looks like my ass...'

There were even shrinks - quacks, Joanna was sure - who claimed to be able to recover wiped memories. But sensible people thought they were merely manipulating the gullible, putting ideas into their heads. Usually they were the ones who made the most outlandish claims: 'I now remember being flown to a Sheik's harem in the desert,' or even 'I caught a glimpse and I recognized the room as one in the White House.'

Or the localized: 'I was chained up in the room in the back of my husband's favorite bar so everyone could fuck me but him.'

Joanna shivered. Being bound and gagged and chained and whipped sent a uniquely primitive but powerful sensation through her. Being kidnapped touched something in a dark, deep place. Better still it was happening and she couldn't do anything about it.

She clutched at her kidnapper knowing she was about to find out as the highway sped under them, the wind plucked at her and every moment took her further from her own safe, beautiful home. Four weeks before she saw it again. Four weeks before she could say, 'Wow, that was something else.'

If she remembered.

The Penn family was like so many others. They did it because it excited them and because they were free as adults to excite themselves in any way they wished.

Joanna Penn shivered, unsure whether it was fear, excitement or the wind whipping across her.


It came as something of a surprise to Joanna, as she stood in her black bra and pants with her hands bound above her in the center of a large room - a well appointed room with period furniture, soft carpets and music playing quietly someplace behind her - that the people around her were all female.

Not rednecks, not the Mafia, not some lowlife jerks. No one you could say looked like a kidnapper. Only well dressed, respectable ladies sipping tea.

They weren't kidnap victims and they didn't look like hoodlums. But they were all ignoring her. Joanna blinked and twitched to show she wasn't merely a living statue. Tried to show them she was a conscious human. The ten women however, none aged less than thirty she calculated, simply ignored the bound woman.

Joanna felt uneasy. This wasn't what kidnaps were supposed to be. Hadn't Marion Young said she remembered a brick walled cell? Didn't that woman who worked with Kevin claimed she remembered a lot about her kidnap said that she was chained in a bare basement, not seeing anyone for days on end unless they came to spank her? Joanna had heard nothing said anything about genteel living and creature comforts.

Sure she was tied and in her underwear but no one was looking...

Joanna stood, gagged and helpless, hands bound over her head with a rope to a pulley in the ceiling, her ankles crossed and knees cinched tight together. She tried to moan into her ball gag but failed to draw attention to herself. Joanna felt a well of anger in her. Was this what they had paid all that money for, to be publicly humiliated? Women who would mock her age? Her underwear?

The ten elegant ladies were soon joined by an eleventh, a woman of sixty or so with perfectly coifed white hair who stood just in front of the tied Joanna. 'Ladies, your attention,' she said pleasantly as she gave a small clap of her elegant hands, her cultured New England accent attracting every pair of eyes. 'I'm pleased to say that after much searching we have, I believe, found another perfect helper.'

The ladies put down their tea cups as one and applauded lightly.

'You may recall that our last helper, Miss Olmios, was able to bring several new subjects to our little gathering. Well, since she retired four long months ago (at this a small sigh of regret passed round the room like a breeze) we have been unable to gain new additions so easily.'

The old woman turned and regarded Joanna, smiling up at the bound woman. Joanna for her part stared down, at least glad someone had noted she was there. She felt a shiver as she realized every woman in the room was looking at her too. Expectantly.

'Ladies, we have before you Mrs Joanna Penn. A charming lady who I am sure will bring fresh little treasures once she understands the gravity and intensity of our needs.' More polite applause interrupted the white haired woman and she turned back to the assembly, holding her hand up for silence. 'We know there are no guarantees. Alas, you will remember Mrs Donnelly last year.' The woman paused as a collective sigh of disappointment ran through the ladies. 'We all recall her refusal to help despite our best efforts. So we cannot expect Mrs Penn here to do this without persuasion. However, I will report to you all tomorrow at the same time here the progress we have made with Mrs Penn.'

Joanna stared down, confused. What did they want of her? What did this woman mean by persuasion? And above all what were they talking about when they said little treasures?

The bound woman was even more confused when the women got up, politely thanked the older woman and filed out in pairs and small groups. As the last one left the white haired woman followed without looking at Joanna. The double doors were closed and the room fell silent, apart from the chamber music playing through some speakers. In a few minutes even that stopped and Joanna, perplexed at all this, was left standing alone.


The two young men who had put Joanna on the dais, stripped her and tied her the way she was, re-appeared. They led her, her hands now handcuffed behind her and legs free of rope but not ankle chains, to a room down the plush hallway of what must have been a mansion. Without a word they steered the woman in and sat her on a hardback chair facing a large comfortable sofa. They had ropes with them and set about tying Joanna to the chair, arms pinned to the chair back, legs tied together but drawn up under the seat.

Like most women of a certain age, it had been years since anyone - playfully - tied her up. And it was never like this, never as severe or restricting. Even breathing, with tight ropes across her chest, was hard.

It wasn't comfortable sat like that but it wasn't painful, either. The men left and closed the door. Joanna could do nothing but wait, testing her bonds and finding the two men had done a perfect job.

Joanna wasn't alone long. A door opened behind her and a woman, tall, raven haired and young, dressed in a tight fitting but expensive dark blue business suit, walked past the bound woman without a glance. She settled herself on the sofa and placed a file of papers on the vacant seat beside her. She looked at Joanna with a small smile on her face.

'You won't remember me,' she said. 'But we knew each other once.'

Joanna stared at the female - no older than twenty, she was sure. She had no idea who this was. How would she know anyone like this who -

Then she remembered the smile, the black hair. Kelly Lang, one of her students from the eleventh grade a few years back. The bound woman made a few mmphng noises into her gag to show she did recognize the girl.

'The gag's good,' chuckled Kelly, 'so you might want to be quiet and listen to what I have to say, Mrs Penn.' She turned to the file she had put down, extracting a sheet. She began to read. 'Joanna April Penn, 43 years old, married to Kevin, two daughters - Annie and Lana. Oh, and a fully qualified teacher.' She put the paper down. 'Isn't that handy?'

Joanna stared at the woman. How could being a teacher come in handy when you've been kidnapped?

Kelly stood, straightened her skirt and approached Joanna, The young woman walked round the bound female slowly, trailing her fingers on the naked shoulders of the woman, down her bra straps. Brushing lightly over the full cups. Noting how Joanna shivered but didn't squirm too much.

'There's something you might be interested in. Very educational, you'll find. So, I think I should remove your gag and ropes - though the chains and cuffs remain - and take you to see what goes on with kidnap victims. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, teacher dear.'


It was a long room. Plain white walls, softly lit with a central aisle between two rows of single beds. No more than two dozen beds on each side, like a dormitory.

Most of the beds - if the padded benches could be called that - were occupied by sleeping figures. All female, all naked and all restrained by white rubber straps. The women were lying on their backs with arms and legs spread as wide as the narrow beds would allow, every single one of them with their heads and faces covered by large opaque plastic helmets.

The helmets were more like bowls and closed round each woman's neck, making Joanna think they were placed (and secured) to deny light and sound. But as these monstrous alien-like heads had several tubes sprouting out and were attached to connections in the wall above the motionless females, clearly oxygen was getting in.

Nutrients too, Joanna imagined. Next to each bed's tube connection points was a small panel, with several bright green numbers glowing steadily.

Moreover, there were two tubes lower down, pushed into each woman's sex and asshole to presumably carry off waste.

And two thin wires attached to each woman's nipples with a small clip. Wires that disappeared into a plug at the wall above each woman's helmeted head.

Joanna was scared by it all but couldn't help marveling at what she saw. There was no noise apart from the faint hum of the air-conditioning, a fainter sound of air being drawn through slender tubes. No crying, no muffled screams. No struggling.

As she stood staring, Joanna counted the figures: forty one women altogether and every one naked. As far as the cuffed woman could tell from the thickness of their waists and the shape of their hips and flop of their breasts, the motionless and sleeping females were aged anywhere between twenty and fifty. All lying on their backs on the benches. Women of different sizes, different skin colors, their naked chests heaving gently in a deep sleep.

Occasionally one woman would twitch against her bonds but without apparently waking, quickly settling back into the steady rhythm of an untroubled sleep.

Forty one women strapped down, legs and arms spread wide and held in place by large soft rubber straps at wrists and ankles. There was a wide rubber belt at each waist, and strap running down between their open legs to hold the waste tubes in place.

'This,' said Kelly, 'is where the kidnapped females spend their four weeks. Not quite a full house today, but near enough.'

Joanna tore her gaze from the scene and looked at the younger woman in a state of shock. Free of her gag she spoke for the first time since entering the room. 'You mean, these are the women who paid to be kidnapped. They just lie here?'

'Of course, how could they do otherwise? They're held down with straps. Food and water is piped in, what they don't need is conveyed away.'

'B-but... Four weeks! They'd go mad in there!'

Kelly laughed. 'Hardly. They aren't awake. We feed them, sedate them, they have piped music and gentle sounds. They drift through a long and refreshing sleep. They don't remember much at all as they don't know four weeks has passed, apart from hair growth of course. Though we do trim their nails.'

Joanna couldn't believe it. 'This can't be - it isn't a real kidnap. The ones I spoke to said they remembered things about being kidnapped.' She flushed slightly. 'You know, being tied up and gagged or chained in cells or even being in a harem in some arabian desert.'

Another laugh from Kelly. 'Inside their helmets we also feed information, sounds and conversations, even light stimulation that allows them to form a hazy idea about what they think happened. It's what we call an Encouraged Dream Sequence. No two people respond to the same information the same way: they all believe they've been kidnapped in their own way, to their own fantasy expectations.'

Joanna blinked at the woman. 'You're saying it didn't happen?'

'Oh it happened. Look at the women here: four weeks strapped down. They were kidnapped like you were, they will be kept here.' She paused as if savoring the idea. 'They will wake up on their way home - not here - remembering things that didn't really happen but convinced they were the prisoner of some punks in a basement, or held in an old castle, or some bizarre government agency. Perhaps even abducted by aliens.' The young woman indicated a middle aged black woman lying close by, naked and strapped with her large tits falling to each side. Suddenly, she gave a sharp twitch and the green numbers on the panel close by her altered slightly. A panel with the name "Alicia D" on it.

The woman, this Alicia D, twitched again and again.

Kelly looked at Joanna, who staring at the woman in some alarm. 'Don't worry. She's having a little sexual stimulation. The wires to her nipples put a small electrical charge through at intervals. It's harmless and makes her climax after a while. If we think it's good for her. Or we might withhold the actual climax.'

'But that's... that's...' Joanna couldn't think of what it might be.

'Pleasurable, when we allow it,' said Kelly. 'It adds to her vague memories. She could go home and say she had sex with some celebrity. Male or female or even perhaps artificial, depending on what her deepest proclivities are. You know, a thick vibrator,' she added with a laugh.

Joanna blushed a little and then suddenly thought about herself. 'But if they don't know about this, what about me? I know about it!' Panic swelled in her. 'It isn't a dream for me.'

The younger woman indicated an empty bench-bed close by. 'We can put you here, Joanna, feed you the right sedatives. Pump in the right information, add a little climaxing at random and you'll remember your deepest and maybe darkest fantasies. Not all this. Even in the unlikely chance you did, it would be very vague - just another conflicting part of your distant kidnap memories.'

'Y-you wouldn't!' Joanna Penn took a half-step back, her ankle chains rattling to disturb the serenity of the room.

'Of course we would.' Kelly gave a curious half smile but didn't move apart from putting her hands on her hips. 'Look at yourself. Nearly naked, cuffed and chained. How are you going to resist?' She flicked her head a little to indicate the two young men waiting a little way off. 'We've done this before. Often, in fact.'

Joanna gulped and nodded. She was in no position to resist. 'So... um, what do you want me to do?'

'Do what we want and you can be spared this. In fact, you can enjoy a holiday in Hawaii at our expense, go home and tell everyone how bad the kidnapping was. All you have to do is work for us. Help us.'

'Who's us?'

'The Kidnappers, or rather the wealthy ladies who support and fund all this. They have, shall we say, certain needs.' Kelly studied the cuffed middle aged woman, standing in her bra and pants. 'You saw them earlier. They saw you.'

Joanna for some reason shivered. She recalled all too clearly the dozen or so women who were taking tea. The ones who she thought ignored her. 'I don't understand,' she said.

Kelly smirked. 'Ah, the innocence of suburban life, Mrs Penn. Well, shall we say that though many of the ladies are married and eminently respectable they like females more than males, though they keep it within bounds.' She laughed at at her own joke.

'Uh... You mean they want me as, um, some sort of slave? Put on show like I was back there?' She could only think she had been picked out as a living statue. But surely there were better looking women, younger females who they'd prefer more? Probably women with better shape figures, heavier breasts.

Joanna smirked. 'Oh, no! They don't - with the greatest respect to you - want a woman in her forties standing around in her, frankly, mail-order underwear. They have much more interesting tastes.'

'But why was I there? I don't understand.'

'You're a teacher. You have access to people who trust you. Small girls, for instance.'

For a moment Joanna was confused. Then the clarity of it struck her like a wall of ice-cold water. She managed to gasp: 'Y-you're telling me they want girls... for sex?'

'I don't know what they do with them exactly,' said Kelly. 'I'm not paid to know. I'm paid to administer this place, help recruit girls for them. What they do with these kids is up to them.' The woman shrugged but lowered her voice slightly. 'Actually, I think they like punishing them. Tying them up, spanking them. Maybe some have sex with them. Who knows?'

'This is outrageous. It's horrible!' Joanna took another step backwards, her leg colliding with the edge of a bed-bench. She jolted in shock and spun round to see if she'd somehow damaged the tube arrangement, woken the kidnapped woman. The move was too sudden for her balance, hampered by ankle chains. She stumbled but Kelly was quick and caught the woman's arm before she could fall, guiding her back upright.

Joanna was blushing bright red, her heart thumping hard and her legs shaking. Not from the near fall, or the fact she almost touched one of these near-comatose women on the beds, but at the idea of her kidnapping girls. She didn't know if the sensations were good or bad.

On the bed nearby the black woman was twitching violently in her straps in the throes of some deep orgasm. Above her head a pink light was glowing healthily on the monitor board.

'It's a shock, right?' said Kelly, her attention on Joanna. 'It is to most of those we ask.'

'Y-you've asked others?' Joanna's voice was a croak. 'When? Who?'

'Suitable people,' grinned Kelly. 'Like you. Teachers, welfare workers, children's store assistants. We check you out from your application. But then, I knew you from my school days, so I was able to recommend you.'

'Me? How could you recommend me?'

'I remembered the way you liked to touch girls. Like this.' Kelly reached out and stroked Joanna's naked arm. Smoothly, almost sensuously. 'If a girl was upset you'd console her. Comfort her. If it was a boy you usually told them to pull themselves together or grow up or stop sniveling. But with a girl it was different.'

Joanna gasped. Kelly was still stroking but her hand had slid over to the older woman's breast. She wasn't stroking but squeezing gently. 'This,' said Kelly, 'was what you did to me once. I was thirteen and had a fight with Maggie Van Donnen. You stroked my arm and then you rubbed my chest. Like this.' Both hands were up on the older woman's tits, kneading and caressing. 'Only you were behind me.'

Kelly stepped behind the cuffed woman, hardly letting go of the older woman's chest. She pressed herself up to Joanna, so she could push her own hard-nippled breasts into the back of the woman. Just like the teacher did when she was having a 'Private Comfort Session' as she called it.

Not knowing her girls had called it the "Penny Comfort Session."

'I didn't... uh, mean to...' said Joanna, suddenly in tears.

'Oh you did. And you did it to Maggie as well,' laughed the younger woman. 'She told me after. And if I remember you really liked to comfort Susie Aarne because she was the biggest girl in the grade. Um, biggest tits, remember?'

Joanna was sobbing and shaking. Kelly's fondling had grown more sensuous, rubbing the hard nipples through the fabric of the woman's black bra, and the older woman was feeling a mixture of shame and arousal. She was also feeling wet between her legs.

On the bed, the black woman in the orgasm was twitching hard against the straps. Joanna thought she heard a distant, well muffled cry escape from the helmet but it might have been a noise she was making herself at this attention. Kelly had slid one hand down Joanna's front, slipping into the waist band of her pants, past the matt of hair, down inside to the hot, wet cavern.

Joanna was breathing hard and ragged, not fighting this. She realized she had her legs as far apart as the ankle chain would allow. Kelly was licking her neck, kissing it. The way Mrs Penn did with those fourteen year old girls who were so upset, calming them. Comforting.

'Oh admit it,' whispered Kelly. 'You like this, Joanna. You like little girls. You'd like to do this to them again and again, right?'

Joanna Penn, respected teacher, mother and pillar of the community, did her damnedest to say "No" but it came out as a low, moaning 'Yes'. Kelly's fingers went deeper into Joanna's cunt, working hard in the hot, pulsing softness. Her other hand was inside the bra cup, playing, teasing, pinching the rock hard nipple.

'You want to go on a bed and dream about small girls?' Kelly was nearly shouting. 'You want to be strapped out for four weeks and then go back to being the caring teacher, not knowing if you dare do this?' She suddenly pulled her hand from the teacher's hole and brought it up to Joanna's trembling lips.

Joanna, so close to cumming, moaned at a climax denied. She opened her lips and took the wet, cunt-slicked fingers into her mouth, sucking eagerly. She couldn't help herself, as much as she despised it in herself. 'I'll do it,' she moaned through the fingers pressing on her tongue, 'I'll get young girls for you. Just let me... let me touch them!'

Kelly chuckled and let her fingers slide out, wiping them on the woman's lace bra cups. 'You're going to go on a bed,' she said. 'For just a day, to see what you dream. Only you'll remember what it's like to be strapped down, helpless like the others but without the sedation, the drugs. Without the pleasure of stimulation.'

'But why?' moaned Joanna tearfully, 'Didn't I say I'd help?' The two young men in black were at her side, ready to take her to an empty bed but the woman didn't try to resist.

'Because,' said Kelly lightly, 'if you ever betray us, let us down, fail in any way to do what we need, that is how you'll end up. For longer than four weeks. Much longer!'

'No, please,' sobbed Joanna as she was pulled towards an empty bed. A helmet lay on the bed, open, the padlock at its narrow neck band waiting to be closed. The straps were open and ready, the waste tubes lying waiting to be plugged in. There was a woman in white, a nurse in uniform, checking the monitor and the tubes, one eyebrow raised at the woman being brought to her.


The helmet came off and Joanna gave a cry into the feeder gag she was wearing. The strapped down woman screwed her face up against the sudden invasion of light. She fluttered her eyes open and saw Kelly smiling above her.

'Twenty four hours, as promised.' Kelly chuckled. 'Without any stimulation. Just you and your thoughts in this,' she tapped the helmet placed down by Joanna's head. 'You want it back on? A little longer to think over our offer?'

'Nnnth' grunted Joanna, shaking her head in a desperate no. She had thought long and hard about what these people wanted her to do. She had lain immobilized while she was fed, watered, feeling her piss and shit drained out of her, listening to the helmet's built in speakers provide soft music, snatches of conversations. More importantly the sounds of little girls saying: "I like being tied like that," and "Do it to me again, Mrs Penn" and "I love you touching me there, teacher."

She had wanted to cum so much but couldn't.

'Ready to learn how to kidnap girls? Ready to acquire some little treasures?'

Joanna didn't fight. She gulped and nodded.

'Good.' Kelly had picked up the helmet. 'Then your first lesson is another twenty four hours like this.'

Joanna gave kick against her straps, uttered a shriek of despair into her gag but the helmet went on, plunging her into darkness as the lock snapped shut.

"Oh, Mrs Penn, I like that just there, please stroke me again and tell me you love me", echoed a little girl's voice in her helmet. Can't have been more than eight, giggling and saying: "Jus' there.... oh, aah, Mrs Penn. 'S heaven!"

Another voice, maybe a little older: "Would you like me to suck your nipple again, teacher?"

A third, possibly a first or second grader, moaning sweetly. "Can I have a bigger gag before you lick me out, pleeeease?"

Joanna began to feel a deep, sensuous twitch in her wet cunt as more little girl voices pleaded for longer, passionate kisses when they were tied up.


'Now you can see that we are very serious,' said Kelly as she walked her former teacher along the corridor, away from the long room. Kelly was holding the older woman's arm to keep her from falling. 'We don't tolerate failure.'

'Yeah,' breathed Joanna, finally free of the feeding tube gag that had - whenever someone else decided - dumped a thick cream of food into her mouth, washing it down with a warm, sweet liquid. Sadly though she was free of the continuous stream of sex talk, dirty talk, bondage talk. All from little girls, all loving what Mrs Penn did to them.

'So what happens now?' Joanna Penn managed to ask.

'Hawaii, as I said. A week of rest and recuperation, under our watchful eye of course, and then around three weeks of training how to kidnap girls for the ladies here. The wealthy ladies we call them.'

Joanna nodded, feeling a strange sure of pleasure and fear in her stomach. 'Um... And then?'


'When I've kidnapped a child... then what do I do?'

'You stay home and wait for your next opportunity.'

'Next?' Joanna stopped and stared at the younger woman, now wearing jeans and a blouse. See through and tight, showing a red bra. Prominent nipples, Joanna couldn't help but notice. Distantly she remembered Kelly as a kid in her class, how the child's nipples stood out at times. How she'd even got to touch them.

Kelly laughed. 'You don't think we train you to kidnap just one do you? The ladies here are very particular and like both variety and a steady stream of children for their pleasures. Pleasures from little treasures!'

Joanna struggled with the thought but finally nodded. Of course it would be more than one, or two. Perhaps three. 'But what if I get caught? Kidnapping - those women back there who signed up for it all - is legal. Children aren't.'

'Which is why we have all this as a front. After all, who'd suspect a business that kidnaps adults at their request to be involved in child snatching?' Kelly seemed amused at the idea. 'As for you, you'd be arrested and cleared.'


'Providing you haven't been stupid, in which case we disown you. If you have done what you are trained to do, we have very good lawyers to get you off any charges. But we train you not to make mistakes,' added Kelly just a little darkly.

Joanna took a deep breath. Even being cleared would be the end of her teaching, maybe the end of her marriage. But another thought ran through her head. 'What about us?'


'When you... when you fingered me, played with me... I'd like that again.'

'Oh dear sweet Mrs Penn, don't you get it? I like small girls too, just like you. I want one of my own to do with as I please. Just like you.'

'What do you mean?' Joanna was too confused to think straight.

'You get to use the kids you've kidnapped. Before you deliver them here, you have 48 hours to play. So the more you successfully kidnap, the more pleasures you get.' Kelly cocked her head. 'Does that sound inviting?'

Joanna blushed and nodded. 'Uh, one more thing. If I go along with this I need to see where exactly you keep these kids. I'd hate for them to escape and alert the cops.'

Kelly looked steadily at the older woman. 'They won't escape.'

'Maybe not. But I need to know it.'

'Hmmm. Okay, you're right,' said Kelly after a few moments' thought. 'You need the assurance we know what we're doing. If you're ready for another bound, gagged and blindfolded motorcycle ride we can have you taken there and you can see for yourself.' Kelly permitted herself a smile: 'Once the blindfold and the helmet comes off you can have a good look round.'

'But why do I have to be tied up and blindfolded?'

'Think, Mrs Penn. Think!' exclaimed Kelly. 'It can't be here: where we keep our little treasures is a secret. The fewer people who know the better. You being taken there just as you came here will provide that protection.'

Joanna understood and then said: 'But the ladies - these wealthy ladies - who use the children, they're here.'

'The wealthy ladies are wherever they need to be. You think with their resources they can't go to wherever they want? How about the kids delivered in boxes to where they need them?'

A light dawned in Joanna's eyes. 'Sure,' she breathed.

'I'll arrange for the motorbike to take you there. We have to prepare you, of course.'

'The gag and blindfold. Of course,' responded Joanna.

'And something a little less revealing than bra and pants. Please, take a seat in my office.' Kelly indicated the room Joanna had been sat in just before the tour of the long room. As she turned to go Joanna stopped her.

'I heard about this Miss Olmios. She helped you.'

'A lot,' said Kelly.

'And Mrs Donnelly. Uh, she didn't, right? What happened to her?'

A slow smile spread on Kelly's face. 'The long room. The black woman on the bed, right by where we stood. Alicia Donnelly.'

Joanna's eyes widened. 'You mean... A year?'

'Ten months, actually. We can't and don't take chances.'

Joanna gulped. 'So I gather,' she said to herself.


The helmet came off, the padded leather blindfold was unbuckled. Once again Joanna blinked against the light.

She stood in a small room, dressed in a black leather cycle outfit. Her hands and elbows were secured behind her in an arm-binder, legs as free as a two foot chain would allow.

Kelly already had her helmet off and was smirking at Joanna. 'You look flushed,' said the younger woman, unzipping the top of her own leather suit, revealing her firm breasts and deep cleavage. She made no attempt to unzip Joanna's outfit and already the older woman was starting to swelter.

'Mmmph' said Joanna, trying to indicate she wanted her ball gag removed so she could ask where the kids were.

Kelly merely shook her head. 'Sorry, Mrs Penn. The only ones here who aren't gagged are the ladies who use the little treasures. Even the staff who tend to them have to wear gags.' She paused. 'The kids are too, naturally, unless their mouths are wanted for something else - or we want to hear how they cry and beg. I however am allowed to be gag-free.'

The woman indicated the barely visible door set into the plain cream-colored walls. 'If you think there ought to be a way in, there is. But we are being watched, checked over. Someone may decide to let us in. If we can't go in, it's for a reason.' A pause. 'Usually a visiting lady taking advantage of a treasure.'

The well-fitting door, with no handle or hinges visible on this side, silently swung open. A woman dressed in red latex, her face covered with a red latex mask and an obvious bulge under it to indicate she as gagged, stepped out to confront the two females. The woman looked at Kelly, nodded, and gestured the two females in black leather should go in.

Joanna, shaking with excitement, stepped over the threshold into a secret world of child bondage.

There were females in red latex moving about in a wide corridor, going in and out of doors - doors that were locked apparently and only opened briefly to admit a guard-nurse. That was what Kelly said they were called, the females of all ages who looked after their charges.

'Currently there are 73 young girls held here. The youngest six, the oldest just fifteen. All nationalities, all colors, but mostly white middle-class American. The ladies,' Kelly explained to the silent, restrained woman walking along side, 'aren't racist but they seem to prefer pale skinned, English speaking girls - ideally no older than twelve. They say the whips show up better on pale skin and they love to hear the children beg for mercy. Apparently it isn't the same for them in other languages.'

They stopped in front of a door. 'In here,' continued Kelly, 'is the first little treasure I want to show you.

The red latex female escorting them opened the door to a small room. On a bed frame - the only furniture in the room - was a child of about ten, judging by the lack of breasts.

She was spread wide, arms and legs fastened with broad leather straps, her hairless little sex covered over with tubes and wires, all attached to a panel that glowed and flickered numbers. There was however no name. Just a number: 247.

The girl's flesh tones were that of an asian but her head was hidden by the same helmet arrangement that Joanna had seen in the long room - and worn herself for two days. Tubes ran into it, just as the lower tubes ran down to a waste outlet point.

The escort in her red latex moved over to the panel, checking the information, making a small adjustment to one of several switches and dials.

'The women here are both guards and nurses.' Kelly nodded at the woman in red. 'They tend to the little treasures, maintain their health, welfare, oversee their security. Oh yes, and provide punishments if any are needed.'

Kelly laughed at the puzzled look on Joanna's face. 'You're probably thinking all the punishments come from the ladies who own the place. Well, they're not interested in the day to day transgressions, the little misdemeanors. The guard-nurse women here take care of that. Or I do, if I'm available.

'This one here - Su Lin - is having her weekly re-indoctrination,' continued Kelly. 'Unlike the adults you saw, she'll have direct stimulus on the inside of the bubble helmet. Dozens of images and movies of girls like her being tied up, being punished. Stories and audio feeds of little girls being bound, being tortured.' The woman paused and lifted the wire running to the child's sex. 'But unlike the women, she doesn't have electro-pulses to her nipples. She has them fed direct to her little clit. It brings her off so many times she'll be faint from the continuous cumming.'

As they watched, several lights flickered on the panel and the child on the bed suddenly twitched. The red latex dressed woman checked the controls and turned something up, judging by the ay the child was jerking in her straps. Joanna as she watched moaned into her gag. A mixture of frustration and desire, jealousy and excitement coursing through her.

Kelly merely smiled at Joanna as if understanding what was going through the woman. She indicated to the red latex woman that a screen in the wall near Su Lin be turned on. A rapid series of images of small girls tied up, struggling in ropes, chained to walls, appeared. 'This is what the child is seeing right now. We can share the video feed. Watch while the images develop.'

Joanna stood and watched, feeling weak and aroused, as the images grew into longer sequences, more detailed clips. Dwelling on close ups of ropes across little flat chests, or cutting up between spread legs. Chains rubbing on wrists and ankles, even drool from a ball gagged mouth with the girl looking up at the camera with big, wide eyes from where she was tied to a chair.

A girl of around twelve, spread naked on a whipping frame. Red welts appearing on her back, her crumpled tear-streaked face in close up.

Joanna wanted to cum, but she couldn't Kelly knew it and grinned. She was however keen to move the woman on. They left, the door locked and the child was left to endure intense orgasms alone. Left with her erotic and cruel images and sounds.

In another room, Joanna was shown three girls sat on a circular bench tied with arms interlinked. Ball gags filling their mouths, drool running down their naked fronts, tears rolling down their cheeks. The bench was rotating slowly, moving the girls past a woman in red latex who was brandishing a flogger. As the naked chests, each with small wasp-sting boobs passed the latex clad guard-nurse, they were whipped.

Even as Joanna stood watching, she saw these small chests slowly redden under the thwack of the flogger. She could see them struggling, unable to stop their turn coming round all too soon.

'They haven't really done anything wrong,' said Kelly as she watched with Joanna. 'But punishment doesn't have to be about being bad or doing wrong, does it?'

Joanna shook her head, her cunt on fire. She felt even worse when she saw Kelly slide her hand between her own spread legs and rubbed her cunt through the leather suit she was wearing.

The thing Joanna couldn't do.

In a third room, there was one girl, suspended upside down over a hole in the floor. She had her arms strapped to her sides, whip marks on her body front and back. The girl was nine, Kelly told Joanna. A sweet looking girl with a shaved head, there because she had failed to bring one of the wealthy women to an orgasm at the moment the woman wanted it.

'The girls here are trained to be good,' said Kelly. 'This one, called Jannel, let herself down. So she will be let down into the pit. Oh, it's deep,' Kelly smirked as she pointed to the pulley holding yards of rope round a drum. 'I figure she'll go at least sixty feet down and then be left to think, hanging there in the dark, ass above tit, about what she failed to do.'

Joanna stood, wriggling, trying to ease her eager sex as the child was whipped one last time, her gag removed as she sobbed, and then slowly lowered into the pit. Jannel's voice echoed up the shaft, begging, pleading, promising to be good in the future.

Everyone left the room, the guard-nurse locking the door. 'She'll beg for a while, then fall quiet. As soon as she does, her three hours of being upside down will begin,' the woman chortled.

In a fourth room, bigger than the others, a twelve year old girl was stretched out on a frame in the center of the room and was being whipped by three other girls, all about the same age. Two of the girls were positioned at the naked girl's back, one on each side with the third girl at her front. All three were whipping the helpless victim with steady, even paced strokes.

A couple of guard-nurses watched casually from one side.

It was noticeable that two of the three girls had red raw whip marks on them. There was no gag to be seen on any of them and the victim was screaming and crying.

'This,' said Kelly above the noise of the whips and the cries of the whipped girl, 'is both training to be hurt and training to hurt. They start out with three whipping one, then the guard-nurses here ensure one of the whippers takes the position in the frame. The punishment continues until all four have been in the frame and all whipped equally well by each other. Then we allow three of them to lick each other's cunts as a reward. The one who misses out is the one with the least amount of whip marks. The guard-nurses checks them and then decides who gets the pleasure and who doesn't.'

Kelly steered Joanna out into the corridor. 'I could show you more but you get the idea of what happens here when the wealthy ladies aren't using them. They,' smiled Kelly, 'are even more cruel. Oh, and by the way, you may be wondering who the red latex females are. For your information they are girls who grew too old to be used by the ladies, or occasionally are the sisters of kidnapped girls. Sometimes, believe it or not, the guard-nurses are even their mothers.'

Kelly indicated the guard-nurse who had been escorting them from room to room. 'This one is actually Su Lin's mom and is scheduled to whip her daughter tomorrow before taking her for sex with one of the ladies.'

The guard-nurse gave a little bow towards Joanna, a look of odd satisfaction in the oriental eyes behind the red mask.

Despite her own bonds Joanna bowed back, intrigued and excited at what people would do when given the chance. Even to their own children.


The vacation was great, especially when Kelly flew out to spend a couple of nights with the woman. The training was tough but Kelly was always close to give comfort.

But Joanna was good at what she put her mind to. She learned how to recognize the right types to kidnap (though she'd been doing that for years in a way) how to put psychological pressure on a suitable child, how to entice them into a place she could secure them.

And she got to practice on girls between eight and fourteen, learning how to gag them quickly, how to tie them swiftly and effectively in a variety of ways.

Joanna learned hogties and ballties, hands tied behind the neck, ankles bound to thighs and more. She learned how to secure a child so the kid wouldn't struggle because it hurt her to do so, how to tie knots that wouldn't come undone - or couldn't be undone by little fingers. Joanna learned how to tie ankle ropes so the child could take small steps, how to tether them by their neck so they didn't choke, how to reduce resistance by a well-aimed smack or two.

The three girls she practiced on - eight year old Danielle, eleven year old Sara and thirteen year old Alicia - were sexy and cute and resigned to being tied, re-tied, spanked, gagged and put into various positions. They became used to Joanna's hands between their little legs, her fingers on their nipples. Even, if the rare opportunity presented itself, even a tongue-in-mouth kiss. Little red-haired Sara was especially receptive to that and, Joanna noted, seemed to stop any struggling when kissed.

'That was a good thing to learn,' said Kelly after she had observed one of Joanna's practice sessions. 'Most girls when you kidnap them stop struggling when you do something tender to them. No matter how stringent the bondage they seem to get confused by open affection. Or they know they like it.'

The two women were lying in bed, the covers back, their naked bodies recovering from a marathon lick and finger session. 'You ever kidnap any girl?' asked Joanna, fondling one of Kelly's breasts, making the nipple come up hard again.

'Sure. Little Sara is one of mine. Two years ago, outside her parents car while she waited for them. It wasn't a planned snatch, just opportunistic. Her mom and dad had left while they went to a store. Stupid of them but...' Kelly shrugged. 'It was real good for me. Got me elevated in the eyes of the ladies, and gave them cute Sara.'

Kelly nodded across the room at the naked child, bound, gagged and blindfolded, standing tied to a post. One leg raised with her ankle tied to her wrists. Standing and waiting, riding crop marks on her little pale chest. Waiting for the women to finish their lovemaking and resume their tortures.

Joanna grinned and pinched the hard nipple and Kelly gave a small sigh. 'if you keep doing that you're gonna have to lick my holes again,' she said.

The older woman was in no hurry. 'Later. So did you fuck little Sara?' She put her head down and took the stiff nipple in her mouth.

'Oh, that's good... yeah, before handing her over.'

Joanna lifted her head. 'She do this to you?' The woman put her head down and bit, hard.

'Ow! No! I would have spanked her cute ass hard for that.'

'And mine if I do it again?' Joanna was laughing.

'Try it.'

Joanna did and was spanked pretty thoroughly once her hands were tied out of the way.

Across the room little tied up Sara just waited, listening to the squeals of delight and the smacks from Kelly and Joanna.


'So that's all you need to know about the ladies who run this organization,' said Kelly as she moved away from the board on which she'd drawn a tree of hierarchies. 'I'd love to tell you their names but I don't know them.' She looked at Joanna and then gestured at the board. 'I know they have roles and positions, but not who they are. Oh, they're rich and travel miles to have their child bondage and sex sessions, but if you were ever caught - or went to the media - there's be no comeback on them.'

Joanna nodded. 'I don't plan to fail,' she said. 'Uh, it's just I will be nervous on the first snatch.'

'You get nervous on every snatch. That's why we train you so well.' Kelly sat next to Joanna and reached over, putting her hand inside the older woman's blouse, feeling her boob. 'But you get a rush like no other. Better than sex with a woman.'

'Better than sex with a girl?'

'Nothing is better than that,' grinned Kelly as Joanna put her hand inside Kelly's sweater.

'We got time for sex?'

'No, you've done the training. You know what to do and it's time to go.' Kelly paused to offer the older woman a kiss, returned with passion but Kelly broke it. 'We might get a chance some other time but we are told to stay clear of each other on the outside. If we saw each other a lot, even living in the same town, we'd have problems.'

'Organization problems?'

'Yeah, and personal. Thing is, they want you to want to have the girls. So no lesbian sex with others - and I presume sex with your husband is okay but nothing special - so you'll concentrate on doing what's needed. What you can enjoy too.' Kelly's eyes sparkled. 'Believe me nothing is better than an innocent eight or nine year old all trussed up and you're just playing and licking and... Well, you know as well as I do.'

The two women kissed again. Joanna pulled away this time. 'You ever help out on the kidnap of adults?'

'Like yours? Yeah, sometimes. Not you though. But if you want to put one of your daughters forward, I'd be happy to help. I really like Lana. Now she'd look good in a helmet strapped on the bed, all open and everything.'

Joanna blushed. 'You'd have sex with my daughter?'

'I've had the mom, so why not?'

Joanna swallowed, a violent tremble in her, heat in her pussy. 'And if she got married and had, y'know, kids?'

'If she had a little cute girl, sure, you could kidnap her for both of us,' breathed Kelly, playing with the nipple of Joanna's she still held between thumb and forefinger. Rolling it. 'Some pretty little five or six year old, all tied up and legs apart with that small hairless slit just begging to be licked. Her little nipples just there to be nibbled.' She stopped for a kiss and then resumed. 'Your little granddaughter all helpless with big appealing eyes that say, "do that fingering to me again and make me cum, please."

Joanna moaned, clutching Kelly, and had an orgasm right there and then.


Mrs Baxter raised an eyebrow when Joanna Penn came into her office.

'I'm back,' said the woman.

'I can see,' said Mrs Baxter, not quite friendly but obviously interested in the woman. 'So, uh, how was it, the kidnap? Worth five thousand dollars?

Joanna laughed. 'Well, given that I don't remember much, I guess so.'

She looked well enough, thought the Principal. Almost as if she'd been on a beach someplace. 'You find yourself anywhere exotic?'

'I think it was Florida. I seem to remember being outside a while, in the sun.' She rubbed her wrist as if it hurt.

'You got any scars?'

'Not that I've found. I think someone chained me up for a time; must have a few bruises. But I'm okay.'

'We missed you,' said the Principal briefly, not wanting to get into detail about kidnap scenarios. She got that enough from her younger sister over in Washington, wanting to be kidnapped and asking if she could borrow five thousand dollars. 'It's, uh, good to have you back.'

'I'll get to my class,' said Joanna, turning away.

'Oh, you have a new student. Girl by the name of Charlotte Halling. Needs attention. Doesn't seem to have settled easily.'

'I'm just the person to provide a little ease and comfort,' said Joanna with a smile as she opened the door.


Charlotte Halling needed a lot of comfort. She was blonde with a snub nose, given to tears and tantrums. A firm butt (you could tell when you patted it) and delightful little breasts, too, that made her look very sexy. Joanna, who couldn't take her eyes off them, yearned to give them a long comforting caress. But as she was planning to kidnap the girl she'd have time to play properly.

She remembered her training though, about not rushing this. About gaining the child's complete confidence.

It would take time but be even more satisfying for all that. On the other hand, if the child was open to a little petting, where was the harm? 'Now, Charlotte,' Joanna said drawing the sobbing child close, cradling her against her bosom, stroking the child's arm. 'Tell me what Leanne and Sondra did to you today that hurt so much.'

'T-they c-called me names, M-Mrs Penn.'

'Names are silly,' said Joanna, snuggling the child closer, arm right round her shoulders, hand hanging down the front of the child. 'But they can hurt I know.'

Gently, Joanna moved her arm as if making herself and the child comfortable, allowing her fingers to brush the girl's small tits and feeling all too briefly the hint of a nipple. Encouragingly, the child didn't pull away and Joanna smiled to herself. No child was easy but if you didn't rush it too much there was no saying what might happen.

Charlotte was sniffing back new tears. 'Tell me all what they called you,' soothed her teacher. 'You know you can tell me everything, Treasure.'


Joanna stood by a tree, watching the road through the forest, checking occasionally that no one else was around. A nondescript blue car drew up right on time, a young woman all in black got out. It had been ten weeks since she'd seen Kelly, and she looked every bit as good as Joanna remembered.

'Hi,' said Kelly, walking across the pine needle floor towards Joanna. 'I read about the kidnap. Quite an outcry about this Halling kid.'

'Just the usual media frenzy,' said Joanna, feeling the urge to grab the young woman and kiss her but resisting.

'She's in the cabin?' Kelly asked as she too cast a glance around the silent forest.

'Yep. All tied and gagged and waiting.'

'You had fun with her?'

'Naturally,' laughed Joanna, remembering how she'd fingered and kissed and even spanked the beautiful, tearful little girl. 'Come and see her. Maybe you'd like to play with her before you take her.

The cabin was a little way off, all but hidden until you were on top of it. Inside, the naked Charlotte lay on her back on the simple bed. Stretched out and legs wide apart and tied down quite securely.

Kelly chuckled when she saw the child, putting her hand on the child's lightly haired slit and feeling how puffy it was from so much sex, so much handling and tonguing. 'You gave her a good working over, I see,' remarked Kelly. She smiled at the girl staring up at her, how the child's mouth was stuffed with something and sealed over.

A gag probably wasn't necessary out here in the wilds, but no one who kidnapped kids liked to see them without something to quieten them. Providing, Kelly knew, you could take the gag out easily for a kiss or two. Or get them to lick your cunt.

It was good the child wasn't struggling, as if she accepted her fate. Kelly looked down at Charlotte's little boobs, almost disappeared by the way she lay. She reached out and played with one nipple, making the child squirm a little.

'She probably thinks you're going to do what I did,' said Joanna. 'Bite them hard.'

'Yes, I remember you like to do that.' The woman in black glanced down at the marks on the inside of the girl's legs. 'You spanked her on her legs too?'

'Yep, and on her ass. She's lying on that as I figured it was most uncomfortable as it's still sore.'

'And because you wanted to bite her nipples,' smirked Kelly. 'She kiss good?'

'Take the gag out and try her.'

Kelly did and was rewarded with a long, lingering kiss. Charlotte didn't object when Kelly slid her fingers into the child's open cunt and then put the gag back when she'd finished kissing the child.

'I'd like to stay and play,' sighed Kelly, 'But I have to get her back to the wealthy ones. I think they have plans for this one. They certainly liked the photos you sent over.'

'They going to torture her or pleasure her?' asked Joanna, ignoring the panicky mmphing noises the girl on the bed made at the word "torture."

'Who knows? I know what I'll do with her on the way there though. I have a little place ready. Just for a few hours.' Idly Kelly ran her fingers up over the child's belly and flattish chest. 'Just a few spankings and tonguings. Her tongue, not mine.'

'Guess I'd like to do that to you now,' sighed Joanna.

'Me too, which is pretty astonishing as I normally want small girls for sex. Guess I had a fantasy about you when you were my teacher.'

'If only I'd known then.' Joanna shook her head. 'I could have shown you so much sex.'

'We'll no doubt make up for all that in time. But now you have to get back home. You know you can't raise any suspicions.' Kelly stood and said: 'I'll get her in the trunk. Tie her in a ball, put her in the travel bag I brought.' She moved to the cabin door but stopped. 'You've done well. Very well. There's going to be a bonus for you for this.'


'Little Sara. She still talks about you, when I take her gag out or when I'm not sat on her face. She wants you to whip her and finger her again. Seems she's crazy about that. And the bites on her tits. Her boobs are coming on real nice now, so you'll enjoy that. We'll arrange it at my little place, couple of weeks time. You can have a few hours with her.'

'And with you?'

'Of course. Wouldn't miss it for anything,' laughed Kelly.


'Where're we going, grandma?' Six year old Tilly looked up at the woman holding her hand.

'Oh, special place,' replied the woman, brushing a strand of gray hair from her face.

'Mom coming too?'

'No, mommy's staying home right now.' Joanna looked down at her oh-so-cute granddaughter and smiled, squeezing the child's little hand. 'She's just resting.'

'But she's been on vacation,' objected the child. 'She was gone months!'

'Actually only a month - four weeks. But she was kinda busy, where she was staying.' Joanna knew as she'd seen her daughter Lana a couple of weeks ago, lying on the bed in the long room, helmeted and tube fed. She'd even got to throw the switch that sent the stimulation charges through the tit wires as they were called, making the young mother twitch in her straps. It was even nicer to slip the clips off Lana's nipples and suck and bite them. Joanna wondered if Lana had remembered that, when she was out of the kidnapping.

'I heard Mommy tell Daddy says she got some special feelings while she was away,' said the six year old. 'What're those, Grandma?'

'Guess they're feelings just like the ones you have. Special ones. Like here.' The woman squatted down and lifted her granddaughter's dress hem. She put her hand up against Tilly's pants crotch, against the little mound under the pants. 'Like when you let me touch you here,' smiled Joanna. She ran her fingertips down into the faint, soft cleft that created the faintest shadow on the child's mound.

Tilly giggled at the gentle touch and eased open her legs just a fraction. 'I love you Grandma and you can always touch me there. It's nice.'

'That's our secret, though. You remember you can't tell anyone what we do down here?' Joanna patted little Tilly's cunny.

'Sure I remember. You said secrets are best when no one knows.'

Joanna grinned. The best secret was that she'd kidnapped seven young girls over the last nine years, playing with them in the cabin, fucking Kelly when she could, visiting the large house where she could see what the wealthy ladies did to the kids. Seeing how they punished them and played with them.

Better, she had a talent for finding the cutest, sexiest little girls for the wealthy women. She knew she was appreciated and rewarded

Plus there was always the usual feels and tickles with the school kids she taught. Now she was Principal she had her own office to do it in. With Tilly it was a little different, being how the kid was her own family. 'The best secrets are fun, right, Tillykins?'

Tilly nodded solemnly. 'You gonna bite my little nipples again, Grandma?'

'Um, maybe later if you've been good. You think you've been good enough?'

'Yes I have!' Tilly sounded faintly indignant.

'If you haven't you know I have to get the ropes out, right?'

Tilly nodded. 'You gonna tie me up out here? To a tree, like they do on TV in cowboy movies?'

'No, maybe inside the cabin. But first you can get out of your pretty clothes and show me how good you can be.'

'What's in there, the cabin?' asked the child, looking at all the trees round them.

Oh, special fun games for good girls.' The woman stood and holding the child's hand, resumed the walk across the pine needle forest floor, towards the small unobtrusive cabin where Kelly would be waiting with twenty year old Sara.

Ropes and gags and other toys at the ready for little Tilly.

The four of them would have a lot of fun - especially as Sara still liked being bound - and then Tilly would be made ready go on a long, silent journey. That would be eight kidnaps altogether. Eight wonderful snatches. She might even yet persuade Lana to become one of the red latex guard-nurses and punish her own daughter just for the pleasure of the wealthy ladies.

And mine too, thought Joanna, smiling to herself as she squeezed her little granddaughter's hand again.

Squeezed the hand of her sweet little snatch.

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