Published: 26-Feb-2012
Word Count:
You thought I wouldn't notice, didn't you Sydney?
You thought I'm just an old woman who was forgetful and wouldn't remember what was in her jewelry box, right?
You thought just because I'm your stupid old grandmother I wouldn't know that my own granddaughter had stolen my favorite set of pearls and sold them. That's what you thought, wasn't it, sweetheart?
Poor ancient, stupid, forgetful grandma. I was supposed to think because I'm getting old, I'd be almost crazy. I'd never notice my pearls were stolen and if I did, I'd think maybe I was crazy enough to have just given them away.
Well, I'm not crazy and I did notice. And that's why you're here, Sydney, all tied up to that chair. That's why I'm going to get my revenge.
Oh don't look so hurt! You think I was going to just sit back and say "Hey, my fourteen year-old granddaughter has stolen a family heirloom so I won't do anything."
Sit back... hey, that's good! Now you're all naked and sat back with your arms tied behind you and those skinny legs of yours apart you feel pretty exposed. You're all sat back and guess what, you can't get up and leave.
Oh stop making those pathetic noises, Sydney! The reason you are gagged is I don't want to hear you whimper or complain or try to beg me not to hurt you.
Hurt? Oh yes, you're looking real surprised now aren't you? You didn't think your stupid old grandmother would want to hurt you, did you? I guess you thought that even if I knew you'd taken my pearls I'd just stay quiet. Let you get away with it. Well, if you thought that you were wrong.
You probably thought that as I'm sixty I wouldn't have the smarts to get you naked and tied up. But, here you are. You see, Sydney, I do have the smarts. Go on, test the straps. Give them a good fight and see if you can wriggle free. That's it! Struggle all you want! See, try as you might you can't get free.
Oh and the chair won't give way either. That's another family heirloom, except this one we always used for tying up.
Forgive me laughing but the look on your face, child! You just can't believe old fogeys like me were young once and that we knew about sex and bondage, can you? You think we didn't do anything like that when I was young.
Well, we did. Sure, I was tied to that chair by my mom, my father, my brothers. I tied them too. That's right, everyone in the family got tied to that chair. Including your mom, when she was little.
Of course, I never planned to tie you to it, at least not until you went and stole my pearls. And yes, I do know it was you. I tracked them down, which is why I'm wearing them now. See, I got them back. Naturally I wasn't pleased to have to pay for them, considering they were mine. Two hundred dollars that shark charged me, but he did say a skinny blonde girl called Sydney had been to his store and offered them for 30 dollars. So I guess the information was worth it.
But really! Thirty measly dollars! And what did you do with it? Oh yes, a bottle of rye. I found out later, when I was buying the stuff I needed for your gag. Old Mr Coombs at the general store told me.
So let me tell you about the gag you're wearing. You've already found it fills your mouth - that sweetheart is because I never want to hear your whining voice. We know it works. But you'll be wondering about that tube in it. Okay, it goes down the back of your throat so you won't choke on it. The long part here, out in front, has this funnel on it.
Let's talk about that hole in the seat. It probably feels uncomfortable with your ass and pussy hanging over it. But it's there for a purpose. Can you guess?
Oh don't look so blank. What do they teach you kids these days in school? Other than to steal from your elders... No, that's not fair. But listen, Sydney. The hole is there so you can pee and shit. That's right. That's partly because you'll be there a long time and as you're gagged there's no way you're going to ask to be excused.
Anyway don't look worried. Your mess will end up in a special pan under your seat. Not waste entirely, because when we have some in there I can pour it into the funnel here and it drains back into you, through the tube and down your throat.
Oh, Sydney, you look so terrified! Yeah, and struggling over won't make those straps come free, so I'd advise you to relax. But then, you probably won't take my advice so go ahead and knock yourself out. I'm in no hurry and you won't be able to keep all that pee bottled up inside you. Especially if I pour some rye down the tube to get you started.
My oh my, I am going to enjoy this. I have to say you look as if you aren't, but you should have thought of the consequences when you took my pearls. That's the important lesson here Sydney. Every action has a consequence, and your theft leads to drinking your own pee eventually.
But it would be wrong of me just to do that. What I most want to do is give you something you'll remember me for a long time. While you're sat there, something else will be going on. Something hopefully lasting. Something you can look at when you are older and say to yourself, "hey, these are because I stole from my grandmother."
See, Sydney I'm talking about these... No don't try to pull away when I get hold of your tits! - there's no place for you to go. Just sit still and let me play. Hmmm, so young and firm... can you believe mine were that way, once? No, maybe not. Young people think us oldies were born the way we are now. But mine were just like yours once. Not as big at fourteen but yours are a healthy size. B cup already, your mom tells me.
You're probably wanting to call mom for help. No can do. Or your dad. They're tied up, mouths over cock and cunny, upstairs. Hell, don't look so surprised. Seems they like it. Anyway, they're glad to let me do what I want, providing there isn't a scandal over your stealing. Just think how it would look for your father as he's so close to that seat as a judge. And your mother, too. It would hardly help her become mayor, would it?
No, they're more than happy for me to keep this theft quiet, and all the others I uncovered. Seems you are quite the little robber round here. Amazing what I got out of that man who you sold my pearls too. Cost me a screw in the ass and another hundred dollars but it was worth it.
Anyway, let's talk about what I have planned for these pert little bubbies. My, Sydney... you really wriggle when I pinch your nipples, don't you? And I almost believe those tears are real!
What I'm going to do is pin them through, at your nipples, and put real heavy weights on them. The idea is to make them droop. I like the idea of them all loose and hanging down on your belly. Sure, it will take a few weeks but we aren't in any hurry, are we?
By the time I've finished you be getting all fat on your shit and piss - didn't you know that human waste is really full of nutrition? Well, it is. You'll get all fat in no time and as some of it will go to your tits and as the weights get heavier, I expect your tits to get real saggy and hang-down real quick.
Four weeks or so and they could be on your belly. Mine aren't that bad, thankfully, so I can look at your tits and envy you!
Oh Sydney, all this crying and moaning and shaking. Nothing's going to change. You're strapped up here and that's all there is to it. Your dear mom and dad are happy to do what I tell them and I think you will be by the end of our summer together. I'm even going to put earphones on you and you can listen to some special subliminal tapes that will assist your submission.
You probably think they don't work, but look at your parents. They have been well trained by me so far. Just like you will be.
So, shall we get started? I expect you can hardly wait.
Oh yes, I nearly forgot. Silly of me - but I am getting a little old and we are allowed our moments of forgetfulness. You see my pearls here, the ones you stole? Well you are going to have some just about the same around that slim littleneck of yours. Almost the same, but yours are going to be made of iron with cute little sharp spikes on them. Better still, I can adjust the necklace, make them real tight if you don't behave and loosen them if you do the sensible thing and obey me.
And you will obey me, Sydney. I can assure you of that. By the time we have finished with your punishments and tortures you'll be quite the submissive lady. No more stealing, no more of that pointless rebellion crap.
I noticed you give a little start when I said tortures. Could be they aren't so bad, when you get used to them. One of the things I want you to get used to as well is being whipped the inside of your thighs - mostly because I can't really get to that ass of yours. I'll give you your first thrashing later. But it won't always be on the inside of your legs. Sometimes I will aim for your tits.
I may even push something up from underneath, up into your tight little holes. I have all sorts of things waiting to be used. Some sharp, some long, some fat. I must admit, my dear granddaughter, I had quite forgotten how may instruments of asshole torture I had acquired over the years.
It will be good for me to rediscover them and even better for you to discover how painful they can be, Sydney. I might even slip my pearls up into you and pull them out fast.
Oh hush! Stop that crying, child. We haven't even started yet.
When I finish you will be quite changed. When you get out of the chair we'll have to teach you to walk again and how to hold yourself so the world can see your droopy tits. But for now, I'm going to start you off with a drink. I had some rye whiskey earlier and I'm itching to get your first drink down you. So excuse me while I get my pants off and the funnel in position.
Then I can get your cute little nipples pierced and ringed and weighted. Heavy weights, naturally, because we want that young chest to look really old.
Now hold still child and watch the tube fill up with my pee. Don't worry about how it tastes. It will be going straight into your belly. And, forgive me smirking, out again before coming back to you.
But whatever I do to you I just want you to remember we're going to have a lot of fun, Sydney. A lot of fun.
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