Special Playtime, Part 3

[ MMg ]

by Flynn


Published: 6-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Work was now becoming a very different experience for Bill since the events of the past few weeks had occurred. In the past he would finish work at 3pm, slowly turn off his computer, walk without any great spring in his step to his car, and go pick his little girl up from school. But today just as yesterday and day before that he was moving with a purpose and with great strides to finish his working day and get to his car in good time. He didn't want to keep his little girl waiting, for every minute she was stood by the school steps waiting for him was one minute less she would have her soft lips wrapped around his Daddy cock. And that would be a crime.

Cindy was in a rush too. Her teacher Miss Jamieson had definitely noticed a change in the girl in the last couple of weeks. She was much less interested in school and all the subjects she used to get excited about. Drawing, painting and reading were now of much less interest to her and her mind always seemed to be on other things. She even caught Cindy with her eyes closed sucking her thumb, which was most unlike Cindy who hadn't sucked her thumb the way some of the girls in primary school did in all the time she had known her. She couldn't say what the difference was but little Cindy was acting quite differently now.

As the bell went Cindy as always rushed to pack her things into her backpack and was out of the door as soon as she could. As she raced to the entrance the only thought in her mind was to see her Daddy waiting for her. Waiting to pick her up and hug her and for them to be driving home as fast as they could. Cindy didn't care much about school now, whenever she tried to concentrate on what her teacher was saying she would get images of Daddy in her mind. Picturing him standing over her with his cock all hard. Picturing him parting her knees as his mouth kissed its way between her legs. Picturing her Daddy's cock spurting thick sticky stuff straight at her face with Daddy's face all happy and smiley. Cindy loved Daddy so much.

'Did you have a good day baby girl' Daddy asked as he drove them both home. A big empty house awaiting them.

'Yes Daddy it was ok' Cindy replied, wanting to reach over and touch her Daddy's cock through his trousers but knowing that special playtime hadn't started yet she knew to sit there like a good girl and wait. She was allowed to stare at him though and Cindy's gaze was focused on her Daddy the entire journey home.

Bill walked into the house hand in hand with Cindy and as soon as the door was locked he lifted her up and sat her on the kitchen worktop, her legs dangling over the edge. He stood in front of her and began stroking her hair, running his hand down her fringe to her little button nose and then putting his finger between her lips for her to suck. This was one of the ways he had taught her that meant playtime was starting. As she sucked in his finger her eyes never left his and she felt her Daddy's other hand move to her neck as he gripped his big hand around her throat. Daddy's hands were very big and easily fit all the way around. He gently gripped her throat as her mouth drooled over his finger. 'Not too rough Bill, at least, not yet' he thought to himself, relaxing his grip a little.

Minutes later they were in bed and Cindy was bobbing her head up and down on Daddy's cock, taking as much of him as she could in and out, sucking the tip, stroking him with both hands, slurping and making his cock wet with her saliva and sometimes lightly stroking his balls. She had very quickly learnt exactly what her Daddy liked most and she was becoming addicted to the taste of him. The sweat from his body, the taste of his skin, the way his cock grew and grew in her mouth the more she sucked, and especially the thick hot cum he would give her and allow her to swallow. She knew that if Daddy had cum in her mouth it meant he was very happy with her and he would always say so. The adoration and praise he would give her after he had cum was another thing Cindy was addicted to. And as she continued to suck she could feel Daddy was tensing again and breathing heavier and Cindy knew that special moment was really close.

Cindy waited for permission like always and then swallowed her Daddy's warm cum into her tummy and then sat there by his feet, waiting. She was smiling her usual happy satisfied smile as her Daddy looked down at her and stroked her hair again.

'You make Daddy so happy baby girl. You're such a precious little slut'

'What's a slut Daddy?'

'Well baby a slut is a girl who loves cock, she lives for it and she wants it all the time. She wants in in her mouth and her cunny and her arse.' Was Bill's answer. It may not have been the dictionary definition of a slut but his shaping of Cindy's mind was still taking place and he wanted her to be his kind of slut.

'Am I a slut Daddy?'

'You're learning baby. Little by little. Do you want to be a slut?'

'Yes!!' was all Cindy could say. She didn't know what Daddy meant when he said cunny and arse, but she knew that if she needed to know Daddy would teach her.

Bill laid Cindy down on the bed. He had one more hour and wanted her naked so he could kiss and lick every inch of her body and continue training her holes to get used to his tongue and fingers. He hadn't put more than an inch or two inside her yet, but seeing her holes begin to stretch just a little brought floods of images of his little girl one day taking every inch of his cock deep inside, her legs wide open and his cock sliding in and out of her, whispering in her ear while he pinned her to the bed, unable to escape but not wanting to and pleading for Daddy to fuck her harder. That day could not arrive fast enough but Bill knew that everything he had done so far had been done with patience and care, and rushing things now was the last thing to do.

The next afternoon, after Cindy had swallowed two of Daddy's loads, they were resting in bed, Cindy laying between her Daddy's legs slowly sucking his soft cock as he laid back enjoying the moment and savouring the time they had before Claire got home. He was thinking of what the next step might be in Cindy's slut training. The little 7 year old had learnt her role far faster than he anticipated and he felt as though things could be moved on very soon, but just as Bill was about to talk to his baby girl about the way men enjoy fucking little girls between their legs she surprised him with a question. Her voice trembling as she asked him.

'Daddy, can I ask you something?'

'Always baby' replied Daddy, eager as ever to teach his little girl and to answer her questions.

'Something happened at school yesterday, n it was sorta scary but I liked it. And I think you might be real mad' Cindy had been scared to mention this to Daddy and thought if she was sucking him and making him feel good when she told him he might not be as mad.

'What happened baby? You can always tell Daddy and I promise not to be mad'

Cindy was looking straight at Daddy's cock and slowly stroking it, her eyes not daring make contact with him as she spoke.

'Well, I was sent to the head masters office for not listening in class, and Mr Henderson locked the door and had this real serious look on him and he told me I had to do better in class. I told him I didn't like school, and he lifted me up and sat me on his lap, just like you do Daddy'

'He sat you on his lap? Facing him?'

I was sideways and I was sat so I was like feeling him beneath my bum'

'You mean feeling his cock?' replied Daddy, becoming more and more curious

'Yes Daddy, it was getting hard as I sat on his lap. It happened before last year but I didn't know then what that meant like I do now'

'What did he do then baby'

'He ran his hand over my leg sorta like you do and talked to me and said I should do better and that he would help me to do better and I could come see him whenever I wanted. Then his phone rang and he told me to get back to class. Are you mad Daddy?'

'Oh baby girl of course not. You did nothing wrong don't be silly' Daddy said, reassuring his little girl and thinking to himself he would have to meet this headmaster soon. All the tension left Cindy's body and a big smile appeared on her face, a smile that grew even bigger as she felt her Daddy begin to get hard again in her hands.

A week later and Bill had devised a plan to meet this Mr Henderson. Or Phillip to his friends, of which Bill was about to become. He had 'accidentally' bumped into him after school on the Thursday and struck up a conversation. With Cindy at her Daddy's side holding his hand the conversation was naturally all about her.

'Nice to finally meet you, I really should come to one of those PTA meetings sometime'

'You should they're very useful to understand just where your little girl is with her education.'

'I know she's in good hands with you, she talks about you a lot' replied Bill, knowing that the comment would bring surprise to his face, but would it also bring fear or arousal he wondered.

'Oh well I hope it's all good' answered Phillip, a clear sign in his face that he enjoyed hearing that the little girl talked about him glowingly.

'Infact, there is something you could help us with. My wife is away this weekend and she says that Cindy's teacher thinks her schoolwork is slipping, and, well Claire always helps with this sort of thing. Could you come over and give me an idea where I might be going wrong?'

It was flimsy he knew, most teachers would immediately turn the invitation down, but the chance to spend time with this adorable little girl outside of school would surely be too good to turn down for a little girl lover? If he said no, then he had misjudged the man, if he said yes, it was clear.

'What time should I come over? I'd love to help' was the almost immediate reply.

'Hmm well Claire will be leaving around 10am. She has a training weekend and won't be back till late on Sunday. So how about lunchtime?'

As Claire started her engine Bill watched through the bay window at his wife departing to drive 200 miles away and spend almost the whole weekend away. He had planned for this weekend to be his first chance to spend the entire night with Cindy, and that was still the plan, but it had been tweaked slightly. A new friend to share in his passion was an opportunity not to be missed.

'Okay you gorgeous little thing, it's time to get you ready, he'll be here before you know it'

'Okay Daddy, can I wear make up? And those pretty shoes you bought me last weekend?'

'Of course angel' Daddy replied, having already decided just how he wanted the little girl dressed.

An hour or so later Cindy looked at herself in the tall dress mirror with her Daddy standing next to her. She beamed with pride at the short little pink skirt she was wearing with the white half cut tee shirt showing off her cute little belly button and her little pink shoes shiny and being worn for the first time. Her hair was done in pigtails, mum had sorted that the night before unknowing as to the reason, and her lips had a soft sheen of lipstick on them. Perfect kissing lips.

The doorbell rang and Cindy jumped up from her chair.

'Can I answer it Daddy? She sang in her adorable little girl voice.

'Yes baby' Daddy replied.

Cindy opened the door and said hello to Mr Henderson. His face lit up at the sight of her and he took in her adorable little outfit, his eyes immediately drawn to the very short hem of her skirt and the soft golden skin she had on show. She was easily his favourite little girl in the whole school and he had lusted after her since the moment she began as a very shy little 5 year old.

'Hello Cindy, don't you look all pretty today' Phillip eventually managed to say, his eyes finally finding Cindy's.

Cindy beamed a big smile and asked him in. They walked into the living room where Bill was waiting and preparing the next stage of his plan. They sat down with Cindy sitting next to her Daddy and Phillip across from them both.

'Cindy, I have something to discuss with Mr Henderson, why don't you go to your bedroom and play a little?' Bill said to his daughter, the words pre arranged. Cindy smiled and skipped out of the room and upstairs.

'What do we need to chat about?' Phillip asked, looking straight at Bill for any sign of what was in store.

'Oh, it's just a little matter, something we have in common that I wanted to discuss with you. Don't be alarmed.' Bill could sense the tension in Phillip and wanted to put him at ease.

'What is it we have in common?'

'Before we get to that, I wanted to just to chat with you a bit, get to know you more.'

Over the next twenty minutes Bill and Phillip got better acquainted, and discovered they had much in common. Phillip unlike Bill wasn't married, his wife had ended it when she discovered him having an affair, and it turned out he hadn't dated much recently. He suggested to Bill it was because he hadn't met the right girl, but Bill felt certain the reason was actually that preteens aren't readily available for dating these days or Phillip would date quite often.

Once the conversation was turned back to Cindy it began to flow much more easy, both men clearly had much to say about the young girl. Bill had decided just from the short time chatting with Phillip that his plan was the right one. And decided to make his move.

'What did you think when you saw Cindy open the door earlier?' asked bill.

'I'm not sure I follow' replied Phillip, unsure where this was heading.

'Did you like her outfit?'

'Yes she looks very pretty' replied Phillip

'Very' said Bill

'I think both of us have danced around this long enough, don't you' Bill said, coming to the point.

'I think you need to be the one to say it first'

'She's waiting for you'

The words hung in the air for a long time.

'Don't be alarmed. Anything that happens here is our secret. I didn't invite you here to talk about school work'

Phillip stared directly at Bill now, not truly believing what was happening but praying it wasn't a dream. And praying it wasn't a trap.

Phillip had do decide right now. Run and regret it the rest of his life, or walk upstairs to the bedroom of a waiting 7 year old girl and take the biggest chance ever.

He sat up from the sofa and began to walk upstairs, Bill following him. Cindy could hear the footsteps and her heart began to beat faster as she heard the steps getting closer and closer.

Phillip turned and looked at Bill, who pointed to the correct door for Phillip to enter and gave a simple nod. That was all it took for Phillip as he entered Cindy's bedroom and saw her sitting at the foot of her bed, waiting for him. Her shoes kicked off and her little feet spread out in front of her.

She stood as soon as he entered and walked to him, not saying anything until she was spoken to. Phillip looked down at the little girl he had thought about while masturbating so many times and was once again amazed at her beauty. Her big eyes looking up at him and her shiny lips glistening with that big smile once again beaming.

'Cindy, remember what I told you about saying how to say hello to nice men that visit you in your bedroom?' Bill said from just inside the door.

Cindy stretched out her arms to Phillip begging to be picked up and he obliged as she wrapped her arms and legs around him as much as she could and said 'welcome to my bedroom sir' as she leaned into him and kissed him on the lips. His own lips parted instantly and they shared a soft wet open mouthed kiss that removed any lingering doubt for Phillip about what would happen here today. The girl had kissed before, many times, and she knew just how to use her tongue.

The kiss caused Phillip's cock to go rock hard in seconds and Cindy could feel it poking her as she continued to kiss her new playmate as much as she could. Eventually Phillip dropped Cindy back down onto her feet, but before he had time to even speak she had moved her mouth onto the front of his trousers and was placing kisses onto the bulge in front of her.

'She's so well trained.' He said to Bill as he unbuckled his belt and lowered his trousers down. Cindy knew exactly what he wanted and she finished off undressing him. His shoes and socks came off and then his trousers leaving just his underwear. She could see already that he was big and she couldn't wait to see it. She had been daydreaming about what his cock was like from the moment Daddy first told her his plan, and as she lowered his underwear down she gave out a little squeal of happiness as his cut 7 inch cock stood strait at her.

Cindy looked up at him and said 'Please sir may I suck your big cock' just as Daddy instructed her to say.

Phillip didn't need asking twice and pushed his cockhead into her mouth and felt for the first time in his life a child's soft wet mouth envelop him, with floods of pleasure rushing through him. He held Cindy's pigtails and guided her mouth onto him he saw Bill kneel behind Cindy and hold the back of her head as he pushed her onto Phillip's cock. Cindy now had 3 hands guiding her mouth and she was taking in almost 5 inches of his cock deep into her mouth. As she continued to suck Bill pulled the skirt from her waist and her little tee as well. She hadn't been wearing panties the whole time and she was now totally naked, her flat hairless body completely exposed to these two older men.

After 5 minutes of this Phillip was close and he felt his entire body begin to light on fire. His orgasm was going to be huge. But could the child take it. Just as he was thinking this, Bill, seeing he was close, reassured him.

'Empty yourself inside her. She can take it, and she wants it. Give it to her. Go on that's it feed her she's so hungry'

His words were all Phillip needed to hear as he exploded in Cindy's mouth, filling her with his cum and a loud animal groan escaping from him as Bill held Cindy's head in place as he emptied himself in her mouth. Cindy milked his last few drops from his cock and held it in her mouth just as Daddy said too. Waiting to be told she can swallow.

After Cindy swallowed she was picked up and laid on the bed, while Bill and Phillip both stood over her, removing their clothes and staring at her with the kind of look she was becoming used to. The kind of look that said she was prey and was about to be devoured.

Bill knelt at one end and Phillip the other and Cindy was on all fours, her Daddy's cock in her mouth and her legs spread wide exposing her arse and cunt for Phillip's mouth to explore. He licked and sucked up and down her slit to her arse, dipping his tongue inside and tasting her little girl arsehole, before returning his mouth to her slit and getting it even wetter with his saliva.

Cindy was now completely opened up, her legs were as wide as could be and her mouth was stretched over her Daddy's cock as he pumped it in and out of her. She was feeling a little dizzy with all that was happening but she could hear her Daddy tell her that as soon as he was done, Phillip would be back inside her mouth again. She continued to suck her Daddy as much as she could so that he would cum, the soon her cummed in her the sooner he would tell her she was a good girl. She wanted Phillip to say it to her as well and hoped that if she made him cum again he might.

After Daddy had cum inside Cindy's mouth they swapped and Phillip fucked her mouth again, this time slower and with more control, allowing her to take it deeper as the position of her throat was more open. Daddy was gently fingering her arse and stroking his cock back to being hard again, and as he looked down at her wet little slit, still glistening from the two mouths that had eaten it, he decided he couldn't resist anymore. He took his finger out of Cindy's arse and lubed his cock with as much spit as he could, and guided it to her pink little cunt lips.

He began by rubbing the head up and down her lips, his precum making her sticky and wet, and as Phillip had his second cum inside her he placed his hands on her shoulders and guided his cock just slightly into her cunt. Cindy felt the pressure of his cock against her and was unsure what Daddy wanted her to do, she had felt his mouth and fingers there before but this was different, and as she felt him start to enter her she buried her head in the pillow and opened her legs as wide as she could.

Bill knew as he started to enter her that it was too soon, he wouldn't be able to fuck his little girl the way he wanted, not yet. And as his cock began to open her he could hear her little whimpers as her head snuggled itself more and more into the bedspread. He decided that was far enough today, she had been amazing once again. Trusting him, not thinking for a second to stop him or ever say no, and this was just the beginning for them. He pulled away from her and opened her arse cheeks with his mouth to kiss her once more on her soft exposed cunt, running his tongue over her pink lips and up to her tight little arse.

'Cindy, sit up and look at Daddy'

She did as she was told, sitting and waiting for Daddy to speak again, shifting her gaze to Mr Henderson and hoping to see him smiling at her. He was.

'You were such a good little girl today Cindy. You made Daddy so proud' On hearing this Cindy's face lit up and her eyes sparkled as she heard the words she had been waiting for.

'Don't you think she's an angel Phillip?'

'She's the most amazing little girl in the world. The perfect daughter' Agreed Phillip.

On hearing this Cindy leapt from her sitting position and hugged Mr Henderson, or Uncle Phillip as he would soon be known, and he lifted her back on to his lap as they shared another long wet kiss.

Cindy asked Uncle Phillip if he would like to have a bath together, and with a little playful arm twisting he agreed, and off they walked naked to the big bathroom to share a bubble bath. Bill checked in on them after 10 minutes to see his little girl straddling her new Uncle and kissing him passionately as his left hand was spreading her arse cheeks. The bubbles were obscuring his right hand but Bill felt certain he was lightly fingering her arse. As Bill left the room all he heard was a moaning sound coming from his daughter as her new playmate continued to explore her little body.

The weeks passed and Cindy, Daddy and Uncle Phillip all continued to play together when they could, Phillip usually coming over once a week to give Cindy her 'tuition' and Daddy enjoying Cindy most other week nights. As Bill and Phillip got to know each other more there became a strong bond of trust develop, and Bill felt ready to deliver his next idea to his new friend. An idea that if it came off, would make life much easier for everyone.

'How many times would you say Claire has met you?' Asked Bill.

'I'm not sure, maybe ten times over the last two years?. Why do you ask?'

'Well, I have an idea, and I think you can help'

'Go on' Asked Phillip, intrigued once more by his permanently devious friend.

'Well, Claire and me aren't exactly a solid couple. She's about two decades too old for me, for one thing. And to put it bluntly, she's just in the way. My business is booming, the house is paid for, and she wont ever become part of what we have here.'

'You aren't thinking of bumping her off I hope?' Phillip asked, only half joking.

'No no of course not. Since this began with Cindy I've focused all my sexual energy on her of course, and that means me and Claire have barely had sex in a long time. And I know for a fact she's getting very frustrated with it. So that could be where you come in'

'Me? How do you mean?'

'She's always had a thing for older men, she's sexually frustrated, and without sounding too personal, you're a good looking man. My little girl certainly thinks so. And if we play this right, you could be the perfect way out for all of us.'

The plan was hatched that day. Phillip would become friendly with Claire, with Bill pulling strings where he could, and Claire in a moment of weakness would sleep with Phillip, and get caught.

The plan was put into place straight away. Bill told Claire on the Wednesday he was taking Cindy to the park and then straight out to see a movie, some new Pixar thing the little tyke was dying to see, and Claire would have the afternoon and evening to herself all Saturday. Around the same time Phillip had called Claire to discuss her little girl, something about her performance at school. Could she meet him after school in his office? Of course yes, anything to help her Cindy do well in class.

Things moved along even faster than Phillip expected. She was very welcoming of his subtle advances while they sat in his office, Phillip sitting in the same chair he sat on when Claire's daughter was on his lap. Claire was clearly feeling the strain of her marriage troubles, and was enjoying the attention of a man for what seemed like the first time in months. Instead of rebuffing the hand placed on her thigh like she would have normally, her legs parted a little and she placed her own hand on his and moved it higher up her thigh. Their first kiss was in his office, and Claire asked him as she was leaving that he could come to the house on Saturday if he liked? The response from Phillip was a fast yes.

'I'll come over soon as the house is empty' He responded. 'Or as soon as your Hubby leaves to bring your daughter to my empty house for sex' was what he was thinking as he spoke.

Events occurred exactly as Bill hoped. He crept into the house a full 2 hours earlier than Claire expected and walked in on them both. Claire had her panties around her ankles and was being fingered by Phillip as they kissed on the sofa. The mock disbelief was very convincing as he threw Phillip out of the house and picked his little girl up in his arms, telling his cheating wife he was going to a hotel with Cindy so he could come to terms with this betrayal.

The divorce papers were signed, Claire had little luck convincing Bill to take her back, and all that left was custody of Cindy. Claire felt that as the mother she would get custody, and that Cindy would surely choose her? But as they sat in with the judge and the court appointed clerk, things didn't go as she expected.

'The decision is yours Cindy. Do you understand what is happening today? You can choose who you want to live with. Mummy or Daddy?' Asked the judge.

As Claire looked on she saw Cindy sitting with her favourite teddy in her arms and looking down at her shoes. She was sure the little one would pick her. Cindy looked up at the judge and answered.

'I want to live with Daddy and only Daddy. He takes care of me, and I love him lots. I only want to live with him'

The response was clear, Cindy had made her choice. Claire slumped back in her chair and looked over at her ex husband. Bill was walking to his daughter and he took her hand as they walked together towards her. Cindy gave her mummy a hug and kiss and then took her Daddy's hand again as they left the room together.

Bill parked his car in the garage and he and Cindy got out and walked to the front door. It was already open and they entered the living room hand in hand. Phillip stood as they entered and smiled at Bill. Neither of them spoke as Cindy unzipped them and began to remove both men's trousers.

Cindy didn't sleep in her own bed again for a very long time.

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A really great story, I hope you have plans for lots more fun with Cindy, Bill and Phil. Maybe Phil has a few other favorite 7 to 9 year old little friends he can introduce Bill too.

American Joe

Such a great story!! I love how you've built it up slowly, just the right pace and now she belongs just to Daddy. Keep it going! Maybe if she's good she should get to spend a special weekend playing just with her Headmaster at his home...


Great story. Nice way to teach the youngsters.


I hope to have another chapter soon. @firemouth we seem to think alike....

old perv

very nice story. the very idea of daddy and teacher using a little seven year old girl turns me on. i've been wanking all day. it's a pedo's dream, and i loved it.

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