Madison Escapes, Part 3

[ fF ]

by Muriel


Published: 6-Feb-2012

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Now you all know this fiction Though it could be wondefull if such a place existed for just such girls. Here again a young girl awakens to loved ones she didn't know. Tell me what you think. But spare me the 'I'm Shocked' crap. . . fF living and learning.

The Law

The next morning I woke up again in that same warm room Jeaette let me sleep in. The sun was out, it splashed light on the wall above the chest of drawers. Everything was different, but memories remained. I still wanted Granny to hug and make it all feel better. I hated what Silvio and mom did. Now though, I had a new angel, Jeanette. I loved what she and me did lasrt night, and the first night too. My down there was now my pussy. My darker pink buttons, now itched and kinda sore from all the licking and kissing Jeanette did. Because she said I should, I was waking up feeling my nipples and hiney and pussy with my hands.

But Jeanette did things Granny never would have with me. She let me feel and squeeze her breasts. Ever since I knew what they were, I kinda wondered what they felt like. Especialy after looking at that HUSTLER magezine at Jeanettes store, I was curriuoser. I'm not currious so much and wanting to do it some more. Jeanette said I looked like the sweetest baby when I was sucking her. Even though I'm not a baby, she made me feel so wanted. She is, in her heart, so pretty to me.

Then there was the video of HIGHLAND PLEASURES and Mr .Drake, and all those other girls and people. Oh My, I loved that so much. Girls like me, working playing in the garden, the hors barn the pasrure and golf cpourse. and most of the time they were naked and not worried abit if the whole world saw them. Plus the things they did at all those laces. I wanted to see that again. But Jeanette said I could, but I needed to talk to the law enforcement people and Mr. Drakes Lawyer about what was to come of me.

I stretched under the comforter, betwen the siiken sheets one more time. Again I didn't have even pantys on. And now I know why Granny wanted and electric blanket. As cold as it must of been last nice I was the snug bug in the rug. I knew Jeanette was cooking breakfast, and It smelled so good. So I got out of the bed, and pulled the covers back up; there, Like new. I needed to pee, like usual, and when I got to the vanity in the bedroom, there I was, all nekked and sleepy. Granny might not like that, But I did like seeing me nekked. I smiled at me, and itched my right nipple just sec.

Then, "OH!" I jumped to the sky. Jeanette was opening the bedroom door.

"Hey there Sleepy bee. Oooops! Oh You're up." then she giggled ans said, "My Goodness girl, I didn't mean to scare you. " Jeanette grinned so big. She eased against the door frame and hummed. "Madison, you look so nice. I'm not too sure I mind startling you." She reached my face and trailed her right fingers from my ear to my shoulder. " Breakfast is nearly ready, sweetheart. You have another big day."

It was so funny, me jumping like that. and so sweet for Jeantte to help me love her. "You did scare me a little. I didn't see you coming. "I gave her such a tight hug. " I like you Miss Jeanette. Granny would want me to be polite, so I'll call you that, if that's okay."

"Miss Jeanette, it is sleepy bee." She made me warm inside and out with her hug back..

"I'll be quick as I can."

The shower was so different too from the bath down stairs. All nice wood with the white walls, and mountain stones forming the tub and shower. Green plants trailing on the sides of the shower. It just wasn't just like the one down stairs. It was so neat getting washed and kissed all over by Jeanette and looking in the glass. Seeing me and her, and all the snow on the field glown from the house lights, even in the dark. I felt like this was next to heaven. I hope Grannys mansion in heaven has this nice a shower. I soaped every bit of me three times in the steamy hot water and rinced. The third time mostly because it just felt so good.

Toweling was funner than before too. I fluffed and wrapped my hair, with a light towel, and like Jeanette said to do, Body wiped the rest of me. I dropped the towel over the bar to dry, and eased back toward the bedroom. There I was again, all shiney and clean. And like yesterday morning, I had to do that again. I stood face to the mirror, with my legs apart, and put my hands on my hips, and made faces at me. I liked seeing me do that. I began posing like the girls in the magezine Jeanette let me keep. Now I had to do the other I did yesterday.

Yep, I turned around and bent over to look at me l through my legs, upside down, and seeing my bare behind. I Don't know exactly why, But that felt so naughty and fun. This time I put my hands on my hiney cheeks a squeezed them and pulled them open. there was my hiney hole, and I could see my pussy too. "Oh Wait."

I spun back around. Oh Yeah! My pussy was pinker than before. And so were my nipples. I licking my fingers and touched them pushing them some. Then it let my hands zoom to my opening, It felt so nice, my eyes winked at me in the mirror. Something inside me shook some. "Enough" I said. I needed to get going before Jeanette came back, Besides, I was hungry.

I pulled on my jeans from the other night, and looked in the closet for a sweater. Jeanette said I could choose one of them. So, I picked out a fluffy white one. I found my shoes and, and picked the socks from the chest of drawers. I didn't even think about if my hair still the towel. Breakfast was waiting.

Soon as I stepped out the bedroom. The world look different. I could already see the bright sun on the snow covered trees, and field beyond. And is was realycold ! The more I stepped down stair case, the more beautifull it all looked.

Miss Jeanette was just putting a plate where I 'd sat before. "Oh Honey. that's a nice choice. But I better brush out your hair. "

"Thank you, OH I forgot as I reached the towel wrapped round my head. Miss Jeanette that is the prettiest sight out your widows."

"Oh it sure is. No matter when, it's lovely out there. Sooner than you'll know, it will be green and just as gorgeouse. Right now?, It's 8 below zero. Look toward the Green house, See the mist? It's frozen droplets, too light to land, just hanging there. Actually it's frost that to afraid to land. The sun hit's it and the whole thing just sparkles."

"Oh. By the way. The report you wrote about what happened to your Granny and you, Like I said, I sent a copy to mr Drake and his law firm. I just got a reply this morning. They hope to be here arround noon, someone will be here to help yopu out with the law stuff. "

I realy didn't want have to even tyhink of all that awefull night, It wasn't ever far away anyway. So I glanced out the widow a second. "Eight below ?" I shivered. I could feel the warmth from the fire place. I liked the fire in the fireplace. They whole veiw was stunning, Three fence raile glisten where the sun shown on them, I could see ice cicles trailng from the barn roof. The roof in a white blanket that made the brown building look ever cozier.

Miss Jeanette noted my point on the weather, and moved on too offering me some hazelnut coffee, begal, bacon and provolone cheese breakfast sandwhich, with a side of hash browns. Mmmmgh !

While I ate, she said We'd use her ATV to ride to the Guest House. I'd meet Mr Drake, and that lawyer. That I could probably stay with her or at the farm somehow, here for a while, at least a week. But, or as long as I wanted, if Mr Drake had anything to say about it. Dwight was coming by about noon, with a lady from the State Child Protection service and possibly people from the FBI. That scared me.

She saw it in my eyes, Miss Jeanette placed her sweet hands on my shoulder. "Listen honey bee, Thats the reason I wanted you to write down what you saw and heard. You did a very brave thing escaping Silvio and your mom. And I sent a copy to Mr. Drakes law office. Alot of what they do is rescue children from spream donors and human incubators. Thats what I call peopIe like those two. I got an e-mail about 20 minuets ago from Karen Herbert, she'll be your attorney. She says you're in no trouble. Just very alone. But You aren't alone. I 'll look out for you, no matter what."

"One other thing, you said you hav have great aunt in Nashville, Is she to only like cousin or brother or sister, any other family member you know of?"

"Granny's other family and and Grand Daddy's too are all dead I think." I felt so sad when I said that. I simlpy began to cry. I cried so hard. My Granny was dead. Aunt Sylvia was too old, older than granny. The only one I thought, who loved me was gone. My mother was why she's dead. Silvio shot Granny. But mom made him come to our house. It was mom that made me leave home with them. I knew, if I had the chance, I had to escape some how. Where to I didn't even think about. I only want to be away from them.

This lady who took care of me, hiding me. Then taking me here. Miss Jeanette had taught me about things I was already beginning to wonder about. She made me feel loved in ways I never, ever thought of. Now, people I only hear about were out there somne where, who cared about me. I saw on T.V. people were praying for me, saying they hoped I 'd be okay. So I cried some more. Most of all, what ggRanny said was true. God sends angels when you need help the very most. god sent Miss Heanette because she asked god too help me.

Miss Jeanette held me so close, so soft. I don't recall walking to the rocking chair, but some how she let me cry and sniffle in her arms, rocking me like a baby. I felt like a baby.

Gently she got me to look at her again. "Madison, You're such a sweet, so very nice. Your Granny would be so proud of you, In fact, the reason you're crying so, She's telling you. 'It's going to be all right' Trust me, trust the Lord, you 'll be all right."

Like the warmth of the coffe, I felt a joy enter me. Somehow this would be all right. "Hey girly, it's time to get crackin' " and Miss Jeanette rocked me back to my feet.

Miss Jeanette grabbed a heavy coat for me and some gloves. We went to the garage, and she started the four wheeler, and opened the big door. We slowly rolled out the garage into the fridget, clear day light. The trees glistened and sparkled all around. The big ones down by the river, beyond the pasture and up the mountain sides were sugery frosting bright. The hardwoods, all heavy with snow on bare limbs and the first and hemlocks drooping with snow and frost. The sky still trimed in thin whispy clouds was chryslten blue. Winter never had look so gorgeouse. I let out a deep breath, and the little cloud hug there, afraid to land I guess.

The drivewayss ruts were beginning to sink. It was easy to see where the road was, beneath 14 inches of crusting snow. It trailed beneath those huge fir trees I saw in the DVD, and they were caked in snow.

The whole ride was not a football field long, but no one had been on the road since we got here two mornings ago. So I held Miss Jeanette tight as i could through mu thck coat and gloves and her wholly coat too. we came out of the canopy of trees over the drive to the back door of the kitchen. There was a trail of foot prints from the house between Miss Jeanette's and the Guest House. I guessed they were Ms Rose, Miss Jeanette told me about her. The head chef of the whole place and maybe a few her girls. .

We trudged the 25 feet from the atv to the little screen porch at the back of the Guest Services House, and we stomped of the snow from our boots.

"Deidra Rose, I have someone I like you to meet." Miss Jeanette sang real loud into the kitchen looking to see if Ms Rose was there. Oh she surely was. Kinda like a younger Granny, but thiner. She's wareing this blue gingum dress and a used to be white apron. The type that cover the breast, There was a trace of flour on it. But her happy grin was like that fire at Ms Jeanette warm and unmistakably good hearted. She was taking a tray from the upper oven. It was covered with hot cinnimon buns.

"My Stars, Jeanette, you were a kidding a bit." She ye'll in a teasing hollar. "Gimmee a sec hon, I'm busy getten these buns iced whilst they're hot, other wise I 'd ruin't them."

Miss Jeanette nudged me, " Can you tell she's mountain lady ?" I could.

"My stars!" as Ms Rose put down the hot tray of cinnimon buns. " You poor thing, I know you're in a bad way, But could you help me ice these." She pointed to a big wood bowl with a black ladel sunk in white icing.

"Yes Ma'am." I moved to the big table and and shook off my gloves. This look like fun Granny and I used to did. Ms Rose handed me the bowl. Like she said, I started drowning the 18 big hot buns with the icing. Ms Rose kneeled down in front of me, a eased my coat off me. She decided to pick at Ms Jeanette.

"You yankee biggys would be dumped if it weren't fir us talerant hicks you know. Ya'll needed our moonshine once." Her blue on blue eyes just jumped giddy, as she chatted and poured the whiter creamy suger frosting over another tray of buns. Ms Rose said to me, "You can stay here a bit cain't cha. You're a brave girl Madison. I won't tell you you're prettier than a winnin' lottery ticket, It'l just zoom to that pretty head. Ooops I said anyway, it didn't I"

I couldn't help but grin warm at her, She was so sweet. Honey, you just need to know 2 things, Jeanette and us are gonna help ya."

"Than you."

"Whats the other thing. " Miss Jeanette wondered.

"Silly Yankee, How can we send folks these buns without making all sure they good ta eat. " As she drowned the last one with icing, an picked up a gooey one handing it to Miss Jeanette. She got another while telling me, "That goes for you too. I gotcha some hot chocolate."

That was the best cinnimon bun I ever tasted. The very first, hot, stcky gooey thing. And that huge mug of cocoa. A girl came into the kitchen from the dining room. She wasn't any older than me and reeeally pretty. Miss Jeanette said. "Madison, Meet Sophia. She's from Afganistan.

Sophia put down the tray she had a almost bounced over to me. She was little taler than me. Skinnier too. I never saw eyes so green before. Long black hair, and oh just pretty. She had bumps on her chest too. I could tell through her blue gingum and white dress. "Hallo." She did sound like she was from her. " My name is Sophia. You Madison I seen on tv I think."

I put the cocoa down and started to shake her hand, But she hughed me. Like a friend from school doses. "I am so happy to see you are alive. To sorry for you grand mother. My Papah and Mamah wrre killed by Taliban. I too,got recused to here. I happy so I can see you doing good."

She did speak even good southern, but I liked her alreay. So I hugged her back, When I started to pull away, I looked her in her eyes. I could of kissed Sophia.

"Well this is very nice. I'm sorry Sopia for right now and the next few hours. "Miss Jeanette said. We need to let Madison meet Mr. Drake and Karen Herbert. But I think we can work something oiut, Don't you Deidra?"

"You think purdy good fer a yankee, Jeanette." Ms. Rose was teasing meand miss HJeanette.

"Ms Rose, Can we ?" Sophia hoped out loud. My in my head.

"Well ya'll got work ta do, and we'll see. You girls take a basket out and too it everybody eats some. Madison. Mr Drake 'll want a few too. Go on you three, Ya'll in the way."

We grinned at Ms Rose, I put my basket in my left arm and poked out my right one. Sophia took it and we kind hugged as we headed out the door. I 'd never been through. Miss Jeanette was right behind us.

The Room was real big, high ceilings, big windows The snow covered trees in the distance mountans was framed by the big ones close up, But Sophia said for me to go to the tables on the right. I did have time to look, I don't know how many tables there was, but they all had people at them. And, there was another our age with cart. I think it had cofee and stuff. At evey table were grown ups and a girl our age too. Some tables just had ladies at them. And some just had a man . And more had Mama Dady couples. Some of them had girl I know were their real daughters.

Lots of them looked at me a little funny. Miss Jeantte kept me moving toward the big doorway. I stopped to give people some buns though.Then one lady said just before the opening to the foyer. " You're the girl. aren't you The girl Madison."

"Yes Ma'am. I think I am who you think. "

I could here people saying. " I knew It ! " And " I told you."

"I have to meet some people here in a minuet I think." The whole room stood up and started clapping. I didn't know what to do. I could feel Miss Jeanette wanting us to go on. She let eveyone know, They 'd all know soon enough. I had business that wasn't all pleasant. But I said "Thank You", to all of them.

She sheparded me accross the hallway, to the lobby. It was a hotel lobby. Desk and all. Behind the counter, there was Mr Drake. I knew him from the DVD. "Oh my! "

" Well young lady, I see Jeanette has taken good care of you. So did Granny" He smiled nice like he did in the video. He wasn't real tall. kinda fat. He had in a plaid red flannel shirt and tan pants a blck boots. I don't ever know why that looked like he was a big shot, but it did. He just didn't sound like one

"Yes sir, Miss Jeanette is a nice lady. She's almost a angel."

"Yes she is, very nice. We are lucky to have here here, " He started from arround the counter. " What do you have there? "

"I nearly forgot. Ms Rose Said I needed to bring you some of these cinnimon buns. You like them hot she said. But lots of people in the dining room got some. I hope that's alright. "

"If Mrs. Rose said to the bring them. And to shgare them , I don't argue with the cook. So I guess we should eat them. Come sit by the window." He put me next to the window, He had a big ole coffee cup and a dish there for him and two cups I figured for me and Miss Jeanette. Plus there was two porciline pots granny would of loved, with steam trailing out. Next the the window was like little train tracks, and little houses. Out the window I could see down the driveway, to almost seeing the HIGHLAND PLEASURES sign. The field to the left was covered like eveything else. This os the prettiest place I ever seen.

"Oh, in a minuet or so, the Highland Rail Road will come by here." He lean over." Would you like some hot cocoa ? or Coffee?. "

"Cocoa please."

"You are a very polite. I know you are scared. Your Granny must of loved you very much to teach you be a nice young lady." He poured my cup full, and turn to miss jeanette. She said coffee. I had pout the basket on the table and Miss Jeanette put a bun on each dish.

"Thank sir. I don't know what to do. I like Miss jeanette. You have such beautifull place. But I don't know anything. I don't know anybody here very much. Plus all those people know me somehow. I ain't ever seen them, ever ! "

I was scaring myself.

"Madison, it okay to be worried.None of us have been through what you just have, It's only been 2 days. " Miss jeanette snuggled over to me. So i leaned my head on the only shoulder I knew.

Mr. Drake leaned toward me. "We know from what we've seen and heard what happened. But you see it in your night mares. What I and we can dop is try to help you." he glanced up. In a few minuets one of my best attorneys will be here to help you. If you want or can, go back home. I'll see to it. so will Herbert. "

He sounded so good and warm. I was mmisty, but feeling better. then I heard a little train whistle, and looked behind me to watch a toy train come right up beside me. There was a couple of flat cars with train cars Behind the engine. One of the flat card had a little box on it. The whole thing looked wonderfull. The train stopped right beside me. 'Cool'. I thoght

Miss Jeantte nudged me Look at the box. It had my name on it. "It's for you Mr Drake said. Nothing real special. All of us here, even the customers pitched in. Open it.

The little box opened easily. There was money in it. A lot in looked like. "That is your money."

My hands found my face. I didn't know what to do, or say. It was a lot of money in that box. "We thought you might want your own clothes. And We can't just go to your home right now." Miss jeanette said. Keep some out for now, We'll take the rest to the bank, soon as we can travel."

All that kissing and licking the last two days and nights made my body warm up a feel my thingys more with all that money just for me. The people were so very nice.

"I jumped out of my chair and ran arround and huuged Mr Drake as hard as I could. It made me cry. They were so nice.' Thank you Mr. Drake. Thank you, and everyone else.'

He just hugged me back, I reached for Miss Jeanette. She hugged in too.

Then somebodys cell phone sang. It was Mr Drakes. Ms.Herbert was turning in, She was on here ATV; and would be here in two minuets with wonderfull news.

Here was home I decided here and now.

Ms Jeanette and Mr. Drake and me let go. I felt loved so much. The traion started back up. It went to the corner and turned arround anh headed back to I think the kitchen.

"You like the trian? "

"It's cute." I did like it. I sat back down. I like Miss jeanette too. She treated me nicer than i knew it could be." Then I paused to wonder then I decided. "I saw you in the DVD. I love it Mr. Drake. I love it, the girls cutting grass ond the studio and greenhouse. I love what Miss jeanette and me did too. I just never ever knew about any of that. I realy like it." "Oh my !"

"I wondered of you knew what we do here. If you like it. I believe you. If you want to stay, and somehow be part of it. I'd be happy to have you here."

"YES !" I did one of those Tiger Woods arm pump things, again and again." It felt so good.

He grinned so big. He turned toward the window. "Karen's here. She might need some help with the steps. Ah good. she coming in throught the kitchen. He turned back to me. " I hire smart people."

We talked more about the train How he almost like the train sets as much as he dose girls. In fact it, like every other activety here was also an oppertunity for girls to learn and do things to give them skills to compete succcessfully in the ral world. From posing for pictures and being in hot videos, to herlping golfers play, to helping on camp out to putting togather model trains or working in the greenhouse or horse back riding. Many girls go to church. and are schooled in local schools and here. Every girl gets paid too. Some goes to the directly, and the rest to each girls own bank account.

Sex, he said was not required from anygirl. Men or women aren't to put anything in a girls slit, or ever hit them. Kissing licking and fingering is what grown ups could do. However the nudity make grownups feel good about the girls because the girls look healthy and happy nude.

"Oh my! I lked that too. "

I was surprised to here that. this was no place I ever heard of. then the door behind the counter opened up. there was Miss Jeanette and another, younger lady coming through with art of food.

"How do not get fat?" That top was full of coverd slivery serving dishes.

He laughed good. "Good question Madison all those thing I told about ? burn lots of calories."

"Oh." I must of been all smiling as the two ladies drew up close. The younger blond lady with the straight blond hair look real happy. " You must be Madison."

I said, I am.

" I'm Karen Herberte." She wiggled out of here heavy black fir coat. Oh my goodness. She is pretty. Her thin face and big ole brown eyes just said 'hello' to me.

"I have found some very interesting things about you. Jeantte said you are very bright. But you're prettier than i had in mind. Not that I didn't think you were pretty." As she sat next to Mr Drake, opening a briefcase. Looking at me the whole time. "The pictures of you on TV and the net just don't do the best showing yoiu. But Anyway. How are you?" She held out her hand for a handshake. So I shook it and said , thank to Miss Herberte.

"You can call me Karen."

"Granny said I should alway be repectfull of my elders. "

"Your Granny taught you well, " She then turned sad looking. " Honey, I'm so sorry you have to be here for this reason. Your Granny was a sweet lady. Too bad your mother turn out the way she did."

"Miss Herberte, It's Prince Cocain that mom worshiped before I was born." Musta sounded mean. She looked surprised at me saying that. " Granny was my only Angel til I met Miss Jeanette. I wasn't gonna be with mom or Silvio a second longer than I had too. "

"Wow ! "She at back."You don't hold back. That's good. Listen Mr Drake asked if I would be your lawyer. If you want me too, I'll do all I can to help and protect you. And There is a lot you have to protect."

We all looked at her. " Really ? " Me and Miss Jeantte and Mr Drake said at once.

"I took the liberty to findout some stuff. You granny had a nice nest egg, and 220 acres near Anderson South Carolina. I spoke with Her attorney down there. he didn't go into great detail because you and me aren't official. But he indicated, You are the sole benificary. Mr Drake is wealthier than you. But I might let you adopt me."

I liked that idea.

"If what Mr. Watkins seems to think is true. Your Grand father open a savings account in your name and fed it until he died. He directed all his social security to your account. When de sold the parcil for the Wall-mart in Anderson. All that is in your name too. "

"Is there enough to cover probate?" Mr Drake asked. I have no idea what that meant.

"Seems to be. The farm in 10 mile out of Anderson. so the perperty values aren't as high. " Miss Heberte said. She turned back to me. "Now If you want me too. there are some few things we need to do. The police and Child Protection people in North and South Carolina want assurance of your well being. Mr Drake and we all have the confidence of both states to see to your welfare. With your permission. We, I'll handle the legal part.. The FBI want to discuss, all that you saw and remmember. It was great thing to write down what yoy saw. Jeanette realy hellped you out., They will send 2 investigators here, and Dwight,, and the CPS lady here. I fact , the roads are in decent shape, so they should be here soon. "

"OH my ! "

"One other thing, two actually. The whole world knows about your stoery. There's a huge amount of money pledge to you and all kinds of stuff. The publis realy wants to know if you're okay. If you are up to it. I think you should hold a news conference, say at The convience store. So the world can see you healthy and pretty as you are. And the newshawks will go away. I'd decline any new shows though. At least for now. "

"I guess I should do something like that. If that many people realy care. I ought to thank them." I had no idead that all of this was happening. Ms Herberte, Mr Drake. I need ya'll. I wan to stay with Miss Jeantte a while too. " I do want see Granny or where she's buried."

The grown ups It would be that way. We talked more about the things until the officials came. We took a pee break and all sat a two tables we pushed togather. We ate big ole hamburgers. I was surprised. Because the TV shows make theFBI people look so hard. But the lady and man were very polite, They thanked me. And they said my great aunt was very happy I was safe, and hoped I could visit her. I let them know I would do that. The lady from Child Protection said I should call my great aunt soon.

It was Dwight McCulough. I was a glad to finaly see. "Madison , I'm happy you are safe and sound. Lord he was big, in his deputy uniform.

"Mr. Dwight, I'm glad to see you too. Miss jeanette siad you are nice, I knew that was true cause you helped her and me the other night.'

"I was happy to do that. I hate the drug bastards out there. Miss Jeanette let me know you were there and safe. "

"I believe you Mr Mc Culough. She showed me pictures of Felicia. She's pretty. She lucky to have you take care of her."

He looked at Miss Jeanette like, 'realy'? She smiled to say it was true, what ever he thought.

The ladud Cherile Jefferson, said to me. " Officer Mc Culough is wonderfull man. Felicia loves him very much. Mr Drake and this place of his bring up wonderffully educated and smart girls. You're in a good place. I'm signing the custoty order soon as we finnish eating. "

"Oh My!"

I did wonder if these people who arrest people knew what Mr Rrake did here, or Miss Jeanette and me did. But they didn't ask. SDomething made me look at the clock, The sun was setting behind the mountain beyond the window. The scene was just as pretty, The clock said 4:45 in the afternoon. This was long day.

Soon they all decided to leave but Ms Herberte. Finaly I got to hug here, I now knew how much taller and skinner than Miss Jeanette she is. I rested my head in the vally of her breasts. She smelled nice. I know she squeased her breasts in on me on purpose. Thet way she gently held my head next to them. I liked that alot.

Miss Jeanette had gone with mr Drake up stairs , and came back down, and said we should go in the dining room. The whole bunch from this morning were there, and lots of other girls a grown ups were there too. They all wanted to meet me. Oh My!.

So went went accross the foyer, this time there was a little step up. There was people everywhere. All the chairs were taken and more brought in, and still poeple were standing up. Girls, and ladies and men, even 2 boys. Mr rake held up his hands. Ladies, kids, Gentlemen Two things to tell you. This Is Madison , , , You've heard and worried so much about. She's staying with us."

They all Shouted such good things and clapped. I think they shook some snow off the roof too. Miss Herberte helped me on the the step up. and the clapped even louder. Everything about me shook. I reraklised they were the ones who also put all that money in the box I was holding.

Miss Jeantte got them to settle down. "Madison has something to stay." She patted my back saying to speak up so all could here. I was so nervouse.

I looked at all of them and took a deep breath. " All I can say, is thank you all, not for this. I love you all. I had no idea anyone else cared but Granny. You do ! Thank you, all of you ." They went all loud and happy again.

Sophia came from somewhere, and junped up next to me, and kissed me, right on my lips. I kissed her back like me and Miss Jeanette did. Sophia's tounge knew just how to kiss, and love, so I did my best to kiss her this same way. Her handnd gently firmly pushed on my little nipples over my sweater. I didn't care if the whole room saw us. They seemed to like it that way.

This was the happiest party I ever was at.

Me and Sophia, broke our kiss, and it was Miss Jeannetts turn. Sophie turned to Mr Drake. Soon the whole room got a lot quieter. Eveybody was kissing and feeling somebody. Girls were giggling and grown ups laughing as cltoes came off. I did see too much though I was getting very busy.

Miss Jeanette shared me with Ms Herberte. That lady was already taking off her top. Her boobs were fight to get out of her bra. Me and Miss Jeanette helped here too. We found the step, while finding Ms Herberte nipples and spongy white almost breasts. I wasn't hungry for burger or cinnimon bun now. "Oh my !"

I don't remmember much for awhile. There were two ladies, kissing my mouth and tounging in my mouth. The switched turns licking my pussy. And my nopples. Even putting fingers in my hiney hole. I knew there were all kinds things going on arround me. Some girls tugging men by their things gouing up stairs, or in the parlor. Girls pulling ladies too. the 2 boys were with girls, and there were 3 ladies over by the window hold their girls on tables, licking the girls pussy and fingering them.

"Excuse Me !" Mrs Rose said out loud. She had stood up, all prettly nekked and messup hair. We all sat up. This is a dining room. Supper needs to be ready in an hour. She reached her Clothes and the cute girls she'd been with saying over her shoulder. " There won't be oysters or any chocolate tonight. You re to horny as it is."

All over the room we all just laughted out. MissJeanette looked at Me, then Ms Herberte and sophie, Lets bundle up and head over to my place. We can play all night. We all got dressed quick and headed through the dining room. We waved at eveyone waving at us. I hugged Mrs Rose, and she patted my head. as we left for the back door.

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