Published: 21-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Her name is Marina. She's a tall busty blonde woman in her mid 20's. Not these thin model type with fake tits but not fat too. Just how to be a real woman should be. She working in the same company as I do but not in the same department like me.
My name is Peter. I'm a 33 year old guy working as an IT professional and I have to admit I'm a real pervert. I'm into BDSM for around 12 years now doing lots of hard and perverted stuff. Only don't like things involving shit and things like mutilation and snuff. And i'm affectionate to little girls too.
When Marina was around 2 months in the company the boss made a big party cause we manage to do a real big deal faster then we should. So the very important customer was really pleased and placed another big order.
I started to flirt with Marina at that party. She told me she had to left university in her 2nd year cause the her father can't support her any more cause he had some bad luck in investments. So since 4 years now she has to do bad jobs to pay her bills and raise her daughter Claudia.
Well Marina drink some more I guess cause her bad luck and so I managed to drive her home. It was not right around the corner but not so far away too. It was around 3 am when we arrived at her apparment. Of coures I go upstairs with her and just in front of her door i grabed her and kissed her aggressivly. Shoving my tongue into her mouth.
It seem she like man who are a little agressive. Our tongues played together some minutes and then she opend the door and let me in.
We countinue our agressive kissing awhile right behind the door then I slap her ass with my right hand.
She steps back and give me a wicked grin. Then she say "Slap me like a real man or let it be". and give me a very provocative look. And walk slowly backwards towards what it seem to be the door of her bedroom.
I grins and slowly open the buckle of my heavy leather belt. And slowly remove it from my jeans. After rolling a part of the belt around my right hand I follow her into her bedroom.
There she stand. Breathing hard. Aroused and a little scared it seems.
As I reached her I backhand her face hard with my left hand and she fall onto her bed.
I give her a wiched grin. A little blood tickle down at the corner of her lip. She licked it off slowly and very provocative with her lip looking me directly into my eyes. What I saw in her eyes was lust and the need of more.
Giving her a smile I brought the belt down hard across her D-Cup tits which she coverd in a black bra under a half translucent black top. She wore tight blue jeans and black high heeled boots with that.
She breath hard but didn't scream. It seems shes used to such treatment.
I order her to spread her legs wide. She obey directly
Grabbing a fist full of her hair I force her off the bed onto her knees in front of me. Backhanding her face again hard. Then I step back and just say "Stand up and strip slut"
She kneels there grins and said "Why should I bastard?"
I gave her an evil grin kick her with my foot on her shoulder in a fast move so she can't react so that she lay onto the ground before me.
Then I start to beat her up in earnest. Give her dozens of blows onto her ass arms tits legs and sometimes between her legs.
After around 10 minutes og beating her up i asked her "Need some more reasons slut?"
She gave me a stubborn look and spit at me. "If you want me naked you have to do it yourself son of a bitch"
I smiled and just say "Ok"
Throwing away my belt I grab again a fist full of her hair and drag her towards the bed. I force her onto the bed and rip her top into pieces doing the same with her bra. We both breath hard and I can see the pure lust in her eyes.
I grab her tits and I'm pretty rough to them. Squeeze them hard and slap them with my hands. She squealed in delight.
I got again my belt and hit her tits around 20 times with it. She screamed in lust and agony.
Them I backhand her face again 4 times and order her to pull off her jeans. She obey directly.
She lay before me. Just wearing a tiny translucent black thong and her tits are brigth red and have some welts cause of my beating.
It was a very sexy picture and I was hard as a rock.
I just rip away the tiny thong and force her to kneel in front of her bed and just shove my raging hard on into her mouth. Throatfucking her pretty hard.
She gag but she shoved 3 fingers of her right hand into her soaking wet cunt and fingerfuck herself while I violate her mouth and throat.
When I'm ready to cum I withdraw from her throat and pump my spunk into her open mouth.
Instead of swallowing it directly she gave me a smile and her tongue play with my sperm. It was very sexy watching her doing that. She continue that till she cum too from fingerfuck herself frantically. Right before her orgasm hit her she swallow my cum.
From that show I was hard again. Forcing her onto her bed I gave that bitch 2 real good rides during that she came 3 times till we both fall asleep totally exhausted.
In the moring we awake when a girl around 10 years old enters the bedroom. When Marina was fully awake and sees her daugther watching our nude bodies she smiled to me stand up and say to her "Claudia you know you are not allowed to enter my bedroom without knocking at the door" When she reached the girl she slapped her into the face pretty hard. Doing nothing to hide her naked body or the vestiges of our wild night.
I can see the girl is only wearing a t-shirt and a really tiny translucent thong witch is definatly not normal for a girl that age.
Instead of crying or screaming the girl just say "Thank you mum for hitting me. I was a bad girl and deserved it"
Marina said "Go into the kitchen and prepare breakfast for us. And do it fast."
She came back to bed and said "This was my daugther Claudia".
I smiled and said "You are rigorous with her"
"I have to. Have to raise her alone without a man. So I have to be strict to her t raise her properly"
After a short break she said "The world is full of men wanting to fuck me but all of them run away after one or some nights of fucking" She smiled "And most of them are sissys and not able to satisfy me properly like you did last night" Smiling again she said "Real men seems to be a dying out species"
Giving her a grin I stand up slap her face force her onto her knees and order her to open her mouth. Which she did directly. While she sucked my morning hard on my mind was working hard too.
After some minutes of sucking not much before I'll cum it knocks on the door. Just stop to suck me off she said "Come in" and continue to suck me. Claudia came in and just say "Breakfast is prepared".
I was a little spurised when Marina stop again to suck me off and say "Start cleaning my bedroom" and return to my hard on just suck my dick while her 10 years old daughter start to clear her bedroom around us. looking her mum sucking off a naked man. It seems lil Claudia was used to such sights cause she didn't look very suprised.
I shot my load into Marina's mouth when Claudia bend down to raise her mom's and my clothes.
When I saw her pussy lips through her tiny thong I had to cum directly.
After shot my load into Marinas mouth I take a closer look and saw that little Claudia, a cute slender blonde girl had a nice ass which look like she received a servere spanking around 2 days ago....
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