Published: 7-Feb-2012
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Author's Profile
Arriving at home I shut off the engine and then thumbed the garage door closed. Dump my briefcase on the bar and head out the front door to get the mail. On the way back from the box I see some trash in the front yard. Living on a corner I get my fair share of yard trash, people tend to dump crap as they are waiting at the stop sign. If beer bottles had deposits I could have had a nice steak dinner by now. Walking over I see it is a plastic bag, clear, with stuff inside. As I lean down to pick it up I see it is a child's belongings that they dropped. The plastic bag is taped shut and there is an order form. I flip it over and see what is on it and see a refrigerator magnet with child's artwork on it. I instantly recognize it as being like that from what my kids brought home a few years back.
The school teacher apparently takes the child's best 'art' and sends it to a company that makes various things out of it. I have a mouse pad with one of my kid's art and a refrigerator magnet with another. The order form with it indicated that the magnet cost $4. So obviously some parent paid for it and the child dropped it. Along with a folder with some home work in it. Looking at the address I was confused. The address is at a house that is half way between my house and the school. Same school my kids went to - my X wife lives on the other side of it from me and I still see my kids. So I puzzle this out while I close the front door and drop the stuff on the bar.
After eating supper I see the magnet in the envelope and thinking it through finally come to the realization that there is a bus stop on my corner and that the kids in my block can either walk to the school or take the bus. Since it was pouring rain today most likely they took the bus. I look and see that the parent's name is Maria something or other, I never was good with the non-standard Hispanic surnames. Her daughter is Ivy and Ivy is in the 3rd grade. The phone number is on there in addition to the address so I pick up the phone and call the number. After leaving a message on the machine I hang up and go on about my business.
Two days later I still haven't received a call back. So I call the number again and get the machine. The next day is Saturday, surely they will be home.
As Saturday rolls around I call the number and a little girl answers. She sounds about the right age as the name on the paper.
"Hello, may I speak to Maria."
"My mama not home."
"Is this Ivy?"
I could tell the excitement in her voice at someone calling and KNOWING who she was.
"Hi Ivy. I live down the street and you dropped your school papers in my yard along with your magnet. Is it ok if I drop it off at your house?"
"Oh yes!" a brief pause, "Do your kids go to my school?"
Now how the hell did she reason that so quickly? I didn't say who I was or anything. "Yes one of them does. His name is Jeffery, but he is in the 5th grade."
"Oh. I see."
"Ok, Ivy, I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye."
Looking at the address a block away I stop and verify it. Average house. No cars in the drive. Pretty much a 3-2-2 like the rest of the neighborhood. I go up and ring the bell. The blinds are pulled back, very low to the ground and a little girl smiles big and then opens the door. "Here you go Ivy. I hope your mother enjoys it, you draw very good."
"Thank you." She meekly answers but has an ear to ear smile on her face. She definitely got shy all of a sudden.
"You're welcome."
"Where do you live?"
"On the corner where the bus picks you up. The gray house with the fire plug in the yard."
"Well bye now."
"Bye bye!" she waves, and scampers into the house.
A week later I get a knock at the door.
"May I help you?" I say as I answer the door. A Hispanic woman in her mid thirties is at the door. I had already forgot about Ivy.
"Si .. Yes. Are you the man who brought my daughter her school papers back to her?"
I have to think. Yeah, last week .. "Ah yes. Ivy. You must be Maria."
She smiles big that I would remember her name. "Yes! I wanted to stop and thank you for doing that. Her art was a Christmas present for me and she was very sad the day she got home and didn't have it."
"I thought she might be. I called and left a message on your machine."
Maria stops to think for a minute. "Oh that number. That is my boyfriend's number. Well .. old boyfriend anyway. He moved out about a month ago and took his phone with him. He isn't speaking to me right now."
I nod. "Probably why you didn't get my message. No problem. Ivy seemed very happy to get it back."
"Yes she was. Well I just want to thank you for doing that, most people would have just thrown it in the garbage."
"I knew it was important. Tell Ivy hi for me."
"I will. Bye."
Another week later it is a Thursday night. Around 7 PM someone rings the doorbell. I turn on the light and see Maria outside. "Hi." She says and looks somewhat hesitant.
"Hi .. Maria."
She smiles and looks at me a minute. "I .." she stops and thinks.
"Need something?"
"Well ... yes actually. I have to drive down to Galveston and get my brother. His car broke down."
Naturally I glance to the street and see an old Pontiac there. Maybe 7-10 years old. Motor still running by the condensation rising from the tailpipe.
"It's a good two hours down there and by the time I drop him at his place in Conroe I figure it will easily be two in the morning before I get home. Ivy has a big test tomorrow of some sort and she really needs to sleep. She sleeps ok in the car but I know it won't be a good sleep. I was thinking that since you live right here by the bus stop perhaps if you could let her sleep on your sofa she could just hop on the bus in the morning? Ivy said your son goes to her school too."
Well this was certainly a big favor to be asking. It wasn't like I really knew her or Ivy. The story sounded pretty believable though. "Well, yes my son does go to the same school but he lives with my X about a mile away to the North. They all went with her when we divorced."
"Oh." She seemed disappointed. I could tell from reading her facial expressions that she really needed to ditch Ivy for the evening. I sort of doubted it was her brother but she had something going.
"I don't have a problem with her spending the night. I leave the house right as the bus comes by anyway. Are you sure she will be ok staying in a strange house though?"
"I think so. She has mentioned how nice of a man you are to give her back her school stuff. You don't know how big of a favor this would be for me."
"Ok. I usually skip breakfast in the morning though."
"No problem, I'll give her money and she can eat as school, they serve breakfast. Thank you so much!" She then walks to the car and talks with Ivy a second and the little girl gets out with a big back pack. She is already in her pajamas. Maria carries her to the door so she won't have to walk on the cold ground and I see she is barefooted. "Here's my cell phone number in case she gets lonely or something ... I'm sorry, I never did get your name." she pauses and suddenly realizes just how much of a 'stranger' I am to her.
"David. David Hollingsbeck." I shake her hand.
"Well David I really do appreciate this. I think Ivy will do much better on her test tomorrow if she gets a good nights sleep. Thank you so much!" she gives the little girl a kiss and then pushes her towards me. I step aside to let Ivy go in the house.
"Ok, well good luck with your brother's car."
Maria hesitates just a second before nodding and waving. Quick for sure but also a good lie. She had something going tonight and didn't want Ivy around. Hot date with a good paying boyfriend? Well this certainly didn't look that great to me. I close the door, lock it and turn off the porch light.
"Well miss Ivy, it looks like you're ready for bed already."
"Yes sir." She smile up at me. I did say she was little? She couldn't have been more than about 3' tall. 3rd grade though, that would put her being about 9 or 10 years old. She smiled and I could see her braces.
"Well my name is David. So what time does your mother make you go to bed?"
"Usually by 9 o'clock. Sometimes later but never on a school night."
"So I guess your uncle's car isn't too good is it?"
"No sir. It is older than mom's."
"What about your dad's car?" I fished.
"I don't know. I don't have a daddy." She suddenly had a sad look on her face. Damned, that was the wrong thing to ask. Still though useful information. So Maria probably wasn't divorced. Hell Maria might not even know who the father was. She wasn't that bad looking, I'd bang Maria without too much prompting.
"Did you brush your teeth already?"
"Yes sir."
"Do all your homework?"
"Oh yes sir! I always do that before mommy gets home."
Mommy gets home? Latchkey kid for sure here. And the day I brought her stuff back I was now doubting that there was an adult even in the house. Alone too, pretty sure no brothers and sisters here. "So do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"No sir. Just mommy and me."
"I see." We walked into the den and I was working on pulling out the sofa bed. Ivy watched with wide eyes. "So where does your mommy work?"
"In a bakery I think. She used to work for a clothes cleaner place but she quit that job because they didn't pay very well."
"Well here is the bed, let me get some sheets and a pillow for you. Are your clothes for tomorrow in your backpack?"
"Oh yes sir. Mommy packed them for me."
"Good. I hope you won't miss your own bed tonight. This one is very comfortable." She smiled at me. I walked down the hall and got the sheets out of the hall closet and grabbed a pillow from the guest room day bed. I had contemplated putting her in there but here in front of the TV she could watch the kids channel on the cable until she dropped off to sleep. "There you go Ivy."
"David ... uh, may I have something to drink please?"
"Of course you may Ivy. I've got milk, soda and juice."
"Just water please. I have a problem with my vagina hurting if I drink juice too late at night."
That sort of startled me. "Ok, no problem. Come along." She followed me to the kitchen where I got down a small glass and handed it to her. "Right there on the refrigerator door." I said and pointed to it.
She slowly walked up to the refrigerator and read the labels. Then she slowly pushed and the ice came out and she squealed in delight. Obviously didn't have one of these at home. She then got water and giggled when it splashed on her face a bit. "You like that?"
"Yes sir!" she smiled and drank the water. I walked back to the den and found the night light that my kids used when they were younger. I plugged it in and turned it on. She saw what I was doing. "Thank you David. I do get scared sometimes, but I don't tell mommy that."
"You're welcome. I know that being here you are not used to it and this will help." I picked up the remote and turned on the TV and dialed in the kids channel. Ivy squealed in delight.
The following morning I got up at 06:00 and left on the bathroom light in the hall bathroom. I then walked into the den and woke Ivy up. She was a cute little sleepy girl. But she got right up while I went back to the master bathroom and showered and shaved. When I got out she was dressed and sitting on the edge of the sofa bed. The bed was neatly made up. "Hi!"
"Good morning. You seem all awake now. Well time for the bus."
"Yes sir. Thank you for letting me spend the night."
"You're welcome Ivy." I said unlocking the front door. She walked up, gave me a hug and then bounced out the door.
Two weeks later on a Friday night ...
The doorbell rang so I got up from the evening movie and put down my TV dinner. It was Maria again. "Uh .. hi David."
"Good evening Maria."
She made sort of a grimace. "May I come in?"
"Sure." I said and stepped aside to let her pass. I saw the car in the street but it appeared to be empty. Hard to be sure though as it was already dark. I closed the door and she had walked into the living room and was looking around.
"I never had a chance to thank you for keeping Ivy for me. I do appreciate it." She said and then stepped up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back. Then that moment when a 'friendly' hug should be over with I loosened my grip but she didn't. She just lay her head on my chest. Ok, so what was going on here. She slowly ran her hands up and down my back. So I wrapped my arms around her again. Hey, she wasn't that bad looking and I hadn't had any nookie in a while.
Then Maria stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed me. Full on. Whew! That was definitely a healthy kiss. She put her head on my chest again. Next thing I feel is my belt getting loose. Yep, you guessed it, zipper next.
After Maria finished giving me a standing up blow job in which I was damned thankful that the pool table was behind me to lean against she slurped and swallowed it all. Then she ever so gently put my pants back together and gave me another hug. "David" she said into my shoulder.
"Can you watch Ivy again tonight?"
Well I may be dumb but I'm not stupid. Babysitting for the evening vs a blowjob. Hum. Lets see. She helpfully added that she could get Ivy just before lunch tomorrow. After I confirmed to her that Ivy could spend the night again she gave me a peck on the cheek and then bounced out the door. About half an hour later the door bell rang and it was Ivy. She had a small overnight bag with her.
"Hi Ivy."
"Hi David!"
"Well I guess you can sleep late tonight."
She giggled and gave me a hug.
I unfolded the sofa bed for her and got the sheets out. While I was getting the pillow she was making the bed and was nearly done when I returned after stopping for a quick pee on the way back to the front of the house. "David .. Can I take a bath please?"
"Sure." I glanced at the clock. It was only 7. "The towels & washcloths are in the vanity under the sink. There should be soap and shampoo in there already."
"Thanks!" she bounced down the hall with her bag.
I sat down to watch a bit more of the documentary that I had been watching. I heard the water running and figured that she had figured it all out. Around 15 minutes later I heard her calling. Going down the hall she was calling out for me. Not frantically but just calling my name. I stopped at the door which was pulled close to closed but not completely. "Yes Ivy?" "David .. um.. could you help me?"
"Help you?" I was confused.
"Yes .. well my mom helps me to check my bottom to make sure I have it clean."
Ok, well this was certainly a dilemma. Figuring that she would pout or something if I refused I decided to see if she was determined. "Ok if I come in?"
"Oh sure."
I opened the door and saw her sitting there in the tub. She had washed her hair and had the tub about half full. The water was a little soapy but since I hadn't given her any bubble bath or anything it was still clear. She held out the wash cloth for me and it had a good lather on it. "Mom always checks my bottom to make sure I wash all the poo off of it."
I took the cloth from her and she giggled and turned over and got on her hands and knees in the tub of water. Then she reached back and parted her little cheeks for me to 'inspect'. I glanced at it a second, "Looks clean." "Can you soap it and be sure please?"
So I knelt down and took the cloth in my hand and ran it up and down her little butt crack. Her smooth cleft below smiling at me. I then dropped the cloth in the tub and splashed some water up on her butt with my hand and ran it up and down her crack. She giggled. "That always tickles a bit."
"There, all clean." I said.
"Thank you." She giggled again and sat back down in the water.
I left and pulled the door too again. Damn. I guess this is part of being a parent that I missed with my sons. By the time they were 8 they started getting embarrassed about being seen naked. Of course that could have been due to my X's puritan style upbringing, with her sex was always dirty. Q.E.D. nudity included.
As I sat on my easy chair Ivy came in with the towel wrapped around her. "David?"
"Yes." I answered and looked at her. She looked even cutier than usual with her hair all wet.
"Can I sleep naked?"
"I guess. Is that what you do at home?"
"Only when mom is passed out. If she has been drinking or smoking she doesn't check on me and I take off my clothes and sleep naked. I like it a lot better but I always make sure and put my clothes on in the morning before she gets up. She doesn't like me to sleep naked but usually just gripes about it if I do. Its not like she spanks me or anything for it." "I see. Well if you want to go ahead. I won't tell her. So by smoking you mean a joint?"
"Yes. She doesn't do that very often though. Usually she just gets drunk. Especially if one of her boyfriends are over." "How many boyfriends does she have?"
"Lots I think. Sometimes I see the same two or three reappear but most of the time I don't ever see the same ones. She usually sends me to my room and makes me stay there."
"What if you have to go to the bathroom?" Almost certain she was hooking. Damn, I'd been blown for nearly free by a pro!
"I have my own bathroom!"
"I see. Well since tonight isn't a school night you can stay up until eleven if you want to."
"Thank you David! You're such a nice man." She then dropped her towel on the arm chair and got into bed naked. She looked over at me and giggled.
The next morning I heard the Saturday morning 'toons playing on the TV and leisurely got up and fixed a can of biscuits for Ivy and me. I did make her change the channel to a bugs toon as the talking sponge wasn't doing it for me. I let her stay in the sofa bed and eat her biscuits and milk. She was still naked as she had let the sheet fall down to her lap. After she finished she got up and walked naked into the kitchen and put up her plate. Then she came back and made up the bed. She saw me watching her and giggled.
"What's so amusing?"
"You. You like watching me just like mom's boyfriends like watching her when she is naked."
"You spy on your mom?"
"Sometimes. When one of her boyfriends spends the night and they make noise and wake me up in the morning I crack the door and watch them."
"Sounds to me like you watch them often."
Ivy giggled again. "Mom sleeps naked all the time, boyfriend or not."
"Which is why you like doing it, right?"
"Some. But mostly it feels better to not be all tangled up in pajamas. Except in the winter time. Then it is cold I like to have the jammies on to keep warm." She got up on the sofa and sat cross legged facing me. Her cute little pussy puckered open a bit, naturally I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. And I was pretty sure that if I moved I'd rip my pants about this point.
"Well I guess you better get dressed before your mom gets here." I finally said getting up carefully.
Ivy smiled at me and got up off the sofa and dug around in her bag and began getting dressed. I walked into my room and put on some sandals, having already put on shorts and a t-shirt before I had ventured into the den this morning. When I returned to the den Ivy was dressed and helped me put away the sofa bed.
Around 11 as advertised Maria showed up. She thanked me for watching Ivy and asked me if I could show her to the bathroom. After a quick blow job in the master bedroom Maria thanked me again and then collected up Ivy and left. Hey, two BJs for one nights worth of sitting. I could do this on a regular basis - yeah.
Two weeks went by and then Maria came over again. A preliminary blow job and then she asked me to watch Ivy for the night again. Only this time she didn't immediately bounce out the door. It wasn't but 6PM too. "David, last week Ivy got some pretty bad stomach cramps and started throwing up. I ended up taking her to the emergency room about three in the morning and they gave her some anti-biotics in an IV. It got me to thinking that I needed to get a release paper for everyone that watches Ivy for me."
"Good idea. So how many people do you have watching Ivy?"
Maria grimaced. She didn't want to answer me. As I suspected she didn't have many friends left apparently that would watch the little girl. Not that Ivy was any trouble but there are only so many times you can mooch off of people to get them to babysit. Myself excluded of course, for a blow job I was more than willing to be Mr. Mom for the night. Hell it beat going out on a date by a long shot. No money down, in bed by 10PM, didn't have to watch some sucky chick flick and got my rocks off without having to beg. Yeah not a fuck but a guy can get by on blowjobs for a LONG time. Yeah this arrangement could be parlayed into a long term thing on my part without complaints. Finally she answered, "Well the school for one. Then the after school care that I sometimes pay for. I have a friend Julia that watches Ivy for me. Then, well .. you."
"I see."
"Would you sign it?"
"Yeah, I had a lawyer friend do it for me. He said that if I sign that anyone could treat her in an emergency but that it needs to be signed by the temporary caregiver just in case .. well you know, a critical decision would need to be made."
Ok, this was getting a bit more serious than an overnight stay. "Maria, I don't mind signing it for you and it is a good idea to have a medical release but really wouldn't you want to make those type of decisions yourself?"
"Well of course, but you know sometimes shit happens and there isn't time. You're a very nice man and a friend for both Ivy and myself and I do trust you to take care of her and you would do what is best for her." She handed me the paper.
I read it over, it was two pages and then Maria's signature was at the bottom. I signed it. There was a second copy and I signed that one two. Maria took one and gave me the other.
Ivy spent the night and pretty much did the same thing as the previous time. She wanted me to wash her butt crack again and giggled and cut up more than usual this time. She was definitely comfortable being around me now. After her bath she dispensed with the towel and just ran around the house naked until bedtime.
Maria continued to 'pay' me with a before and after blow job. Hey I didn't complain. She was good at it. A month later though she asked me if I could watch Ivy for the whole weekend as her boyfriend wanted to go down to Laredo. Laredo? Yeah right, she was crossing the border for something. Weed was my guess. I agreed and Ivy showed up at the door about an hour later.
However on Sunday night Maria never showed up.
I washed Ivy's clothes and she said she didn't have anything to bring to school that she couldn't live without. So Monday morning I got up and woke Ivy. She got dressed and was on the bus by 7AM.
That afternoon when I got home Ivy was waiting by my garage when I pulled up. She ran up to me and wrapped herself around me. "David, mom isn't home!"
"I'm sure she's just delayed." I tried to comfort her. A day late on a 3 day trip, not bad yet. However it didn't bode well. "I see you have your backpack."
"Yes, I used the spare key to get into the house and mom hasn't been home yet. So I got my school stuff and another change of clothes - David I think I'd be scared staying alone tonight."
"I agree, I think you would be too. No problem you can spend the night here. Did you lock up?"
"Yes!" she suddenly perked up.
"Yeah..." she said shyly.
"Lets go down the street and get a burger and fries."
"Ok!" the spring was back in her step as she jumped in the car.
After eating we returned home. Ivy did her homework and then watched TV for a while before taking a bath and getting ready for bed. I told her she better wear her pajamas tonight as her mom might show up late to pick her up. I walked down the block and put a note in the mailbox which was full of mail telling Maria that Ivy was with me.
Tuesday Ivy was at my garage waiting for me again after school when I returned home from work. She got out of school at 3:30 and I got home around 4:30. She had brought another change of clothes with her in a large bag.
Wednesday however was a different story. There was a cop car parked outside my house and Ivy was sitting in it. The lady officer got out of the patrol car and walked up to me, "Mr. Hollingsbeck?"
"I understand from talking with your little friend Ivy that she has been staying with you since Friday."
"Yes she has. Maria, her mother, was supposed to have come by on Sunday and pick her up."
"I see. So you don't know where Miss Alvarez is at then?"
"Well she said she was going with her boyfriend to Laredo. My guess is she went to Mexico for the weekend. Odd though that she hasn't shown back up."
"Yes it is. Ivy told me that she stays at your house often?"
"For the past several months nearly twice a month she spends the night."
"I see. Would you mind showing me some ID?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "sure." And handed her my driver's license. She apologized and said she would only be a moment. She wrote down my number and some info on a notepad and then stepped to the patrol car with it. Ivy was watching out the window and looked pretty scared. I waved at her and smiled.
An undercover cop car then rounded the corner from the direction of Ivy's house. They pulled up behind the patrol car and two men got out. Detectives was my first guess. They walked over to the lady officer and had a short conversation and glanced in my direction. Then they took my license from her and walked over to where I was standing by the garage door.
"Mr. Hollingsbeck, I'm detective Vance and this is detective Wilson." He said shaking my hand.
"So I take it that Maria's disappearance was reported by someone?"
"Well I would have thought that you would have personally."
"Hey, she just asked me to watch the kid." Better to not tip my hand yet to what I suspected.
"When, exactly, were you going to?"
"I figured I'd give her a few more days. First time she's disappeared though. But given her line of work I am not terribly surprised."
"And what line of work is she in?"
"She told Ivy that she worked at a bakery. However I would say her profession dates back a few thousand years farther back than baker though."
"So she's turning tricks and you watch her kid, is that about the size of it?"
"Not sure. Ivy just mentioned that her mom had a lot of boyfriends. From what she has told me about it I'd say that Maria either has severe relationship troubles or she is turning tricks. She only asked me to watch Ivy maybe once every two weeks or so."
"And how did you meet Miss Alvarez?"
I related to them the magnet incident and they took notes. I watched over their shoulder though as I could see the lady patrol officer talking with Ivy in the car. "So detective Vance, you still didn't tell me who called in the missing persons on her."
"Did I say that she was missing?"
"Ok. That's pretty slick. So you guys are looking for Maria for something. Odds are that a trick didn't turn her in. Did the school call her in?"
Vance looked at his partner. They had been questioning me now for a good twenty minutes. "Well as you guessed she isn't wanted by her latest John." He was still sizing me up. He looked around at my house. "Have you ever met any of her tricks?"
Vance then looked at me oddly. "Has she ever solicited from you?"
"Not yet." Probably best not to mention the blowjobs at this point.
"So you just watch her kid for free?"
Well he knew I wasn't going to be that much of a bleeding heart. "I don't recall mentioning what our arrangement was."
Vance nodded and smiled. He knew. "Figures. Look, here's my card. If she shows up looking for her kid give me a call."
"Sure thing." I said and pocketed the card.
"If you don't want to be an accessory you'll call us. Children's services will be by in a little bit to collect up the kid." Detective Wilson added.
The two detectives went back to their car and drove off. Not in the direction of Ivy's house either. Vance's card said he was with investigations. Sort of generic. I walked over to the patrol car. Ivy jumped out and hugged me. The lady cop just stood there and watched. "She really seems to like you a lot."
"You want to come in the house? It's getting a little cool out here."
She and Ivy followed me into the house. We made some small talk until the CPS arrived. The case worker looked around the house and saw that it wasn't a total pit but still seemed rather irked about something. I then showed her the authorization that Maria had left with me. Once the CPS lady saw that she suddenly got very anxious to get out of there. Making her apologies she and the lady cop left.
That night Ivy was seeming kinda of sluggish and while depression could have accounted for it this seemed something else. I asked her about it and she admitted her stomach felt sort of knotted up. Further questioning revealed that she hadn't shit in two days. I got the milk of magnesia out but she didn't want to take it. She said that when she got this way her mom would squirt some water up her hiney. Ivy described a rubber bulb her mom would use. After telling Ivy that I didn't have a bulb like that she started to get really sad. I told her, however, that I did have a regular enema bag and it too could squirt water into her and make her feel all better. She perked up at that and grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom.
Getting out the enema bag, some petroleum jelly I turned around to see that Ivy was already naked. She smiled weakly and then got down on her hands and knees in the bathtub. I ran the water and filled the bag about half way with lukewarm water. After greasing up her little hole and putting some on the regular enema nozzle I hung the bag on the shower head and knelt down. "You think you're ready for this?"
"Oh yes David, I know it is what I need. This happens almost every other week to me. There, can you see ok?" she had parted her little cheeks for me.
"Ok, here it comes. It's in. You can relax. I'll start slow. This isn't like the bulb, it just keeps coming and coming." I unclamped the clip but held it about halfway.
"Ohhh. I can feel that. The water is a bit colder than mom uses though." She rubbed her tummy with one hand and supported herself with the other.
"I'll remember that next time and make it warmer for you. I didn't want to make it too hot. You still ok?"
"Yes. It is going in good. Mommy brought me to a doctor and they put me in a hospital a few years ago when I was a little girl and did all kinds of terrible tests. They squirted me full of this white stuff and it hurt because they put so much my tummy got all round and it looked like my friend Tara's mommy when she was with a baby. It hurt so bad but they made me keep taking more and more. Then they clamped it off so I couldn't let any out and took lots of ray pictures."
Sounded like a barium enema series to me. What on earth where they doing this to a girl this little for though? Did she have something I needed to know about? "So Ivy, after they did all the tests what did they decide to do?"
"They tried various pills for a while but none of them worked. Mommy made me eat nothing but lettuce for nearly a week, I was SOOO hungry! Oh... that is hurting now."
"Ok, I stopped it. Can you hold it for a bit or do you need to let it out now?"
"I think I can hold it. Mommy always makes me hold it. Anyway after a while the doctor finally said to just use the squirter to fill me up with water when I have a problem. After that I didn't go back to the doctor for a while except for the nasty shots and that seems to happen every year just before school starts. Oh. I have to go now!"
I pulled the tube out of her and she got up carefully and I helped her over to the toilet. She sat down and I heard a squirt and some splashing. Ivy looked up at me and smiled. "See! It works! Thank you David! You're such a good boyfriend."
Boyfriend? Shit. "Ok Ivy, well you just let it all out." I picked up the bag and washed the nozzle and hung the bag up to dry in the shower.
The next day Ivy went to school. Later that morning I called a lawyer and chatted with him about the situation for a while. He made some suggestions and said he would call me back. Ivy spent a second weekend at my house and we went over to her house and got even more of her clothes and some stuff out of her room. The following Monday the lawyer called and said we had a court date for Wednesday. I made arrangements with the after school care and a friend of mine who has a wife that used to baby-sit from time to time with my own kids. Wednesday I took off work at 9:30 and met the lawyer at the family court.
"Case #234-76532, Hollingsbeck" the clerk called.
"Here." My lawyer answered.
"Counselor this request is somewhat unusual." The judge said.
"Yes sir. We are trying to prevent a family tragedy from becoming worse."
"I see. If I understand your fact sheet correctly you are under the impression that children's services is going to try to remove the child Ivy Alvarez from your client's custody."
"Yes sir. The representative from CPS last week indicated that since my client is not that legal guardian that even with a written permission form that he would not be allowed to keep the child. Since this against the express wishes of Maria Alvarez, Ivy's mother we are trying to stop this before it gets out of control."
The judge looked at me as if sizing me up. "Mr. Hollingsbeck I've read the financial statements submitted and the consent form signed by Miss Alvarez. It looks like you have things under control. So where, exactly is Miss Alvarez?" "I am not sure your honor. The last I saw of her she said she was going to Laredo with her boyfriend. HPD came by looking for her last week but were not very forthcoming with information about why. My impression is that she may be involved with some sort of criminal activity."
"Involved how?"
"I don't know. They wouldn't tell me anything. To my knowledge no one called in a missing persons report at that point."
"And you didn't think it odd that she didn't show up after promising to be home several days earlier?"
"Not terribly. I have the general impression that she may not have a regular means of income."
"And what gives you that idea?"
"Ivy's comments about her mom's schedule. Also Ivy's comments about the numerous male acquaintances that she seems to entertain in her house."
"She's a prostitute?"
"I didn't say that."
The judge raised his eyebrows. He got the implication though. He drummed his fingers on the desk. "Mr. Stafford, have you considered advising your client to file for guardianship?"
"Yes your honor, however with Miss Alvarez's status unknown I was going to wait. My initial intent was to just put a stop to CPS interference in what is a bad situation for the minor child and aggravating it. However I do have the petition already drawn up."
"May I see it please?"
"Yes sir." The lawyer withdrew the papers from his brief case and handed them to the bailiff who brought them up to the judge.
The judge flipped through the pages and grunted once or twice. "Very well. I'm going to recess for lunch, lets meet back here at 1:30 shall we?"
"Yes your honor."
"The court is now in session. The honorable judge Benard Rheems presiding."
"All be seated." The judge sat. He looked up to see myself and my attorney present. "Gentlemen. I made a few calls during the recess. It seems you are quite correct in your assumptions Mr. Hollingsbeck. Miss Alvarez is a person of interest by both the narcotics and vice divisions of HPD. I .." the judge stopped and looked around at the court room. He saw some people in the gallery and half frowned. "Gentlemen, if you will accompany me to my chambers. Court recessed until 3."
The bailiff led us through the back of the courtroom and we followed the judge into his office. The bailiff shut the door behind us. "Gentlemen, please be seated. I thought that this matter should proceed in private. I am not sure who some of the people were in the gallery. Mr. Hollingsbeck, your background checks out and I see that you've been paying child support for over a decade without missing a payment. I had to ask myself why you would be willing to take in someone else's child. Weighing the background and the fact that we have a child in obvious need I too would have to question the reasonableness of leaving her in her home even if her mother were present and accounted for. Under those circumstances I would simply let CPS do their job. However it appears that Miss Alvarez for whatever reason trusted you with her daughter and found a solution which didn't involve leaving her to the state to raise. In light of that I don't see where it is in the taxpayers best interest to allow CPS to take her out of an environment in which she seems to be doing ok and place her in foster care. I called the school and got an assessment from an assistant principal there who said that Ivy has done very well the last two weeks. She was rather surprised to find out that Ivy hasn't been living at home. When were you planning on updating the school?"
"I was sort of hoping that Maria would show back up. However with the CPS knocking at the door I wanted a clear legal status before I go running to the school with anything."
The judge looked at me. "I see. Well I'm sure that the CPS won't be too amused by a restraining order against them but given the circumstances I'm going to grant it. Additionally with what I presently know about Ivy's home situation with her mother and the suspect nature of her mother's line of work and choices of male acquaintances I am also granting the motion for legal guardianship to you Mr. Hollingsbeck. Should the mother show back up on the scene she can petition this court for re-instatement."
"Thank you your honor." I said, very surprised at this sudden turn of events.
He handed my lawyer a sheaf of papers. "Also I've given you a notice of transfer of property so that you may go to the house and take all of the little girls furniture and other items that you'll need and bring them to your residence. I can understand that suddenly having another mouth to feed can be a potential strain on your finances and lifestyle so this should help mitigate that somewhat. From what I gather from the police it isn't likely that Miss Alvarez is going to show up anytime soon either. The house appears to be a rental so that will most likely go into eviction sometime in the next 30 days as well - I'd urge you to clear out the girls' things as quickly as possible. I didn't see any mention of other children?" "None that I know of your honor. Ivy never has mentioned others and I did ask her once and she said she was an only child. She also doesn't know who her father is and the few times I talked with Miss Alvarez I sort of got the impression that she may not know either."
Hrummph! "Not surprising. Do you want me to sign any order to seize her bank accounts?"
"No your honor, I doubt that she would have enough to make it worth the trouble." My lawyer answered.
"Very well then gentlemen. It is a breath of fresh air to see someone responsible walk though my court every once in a while. I wish you luck Mr. Hollingsbeck."
The following day I took off again from work in the afternoon and went and squared all the paperwork with the school. I also found a reference to a doctor listed and made an appointment to meet with her as well. Ivy jumped for joy when I picked her up from school that day and told her about the fact that she would be living with me from now on. We went by her house and started hauling stuff to my house. By Saturday all that was left was furniture too large for me to handle solo so I had a friend come over and help. After lunch on Saturday my friend left and Ivy and I were clearing out stuff from her mom's room and bathroom. That is when I found something interesting.
"Ivy, can you go in the kitchen and take everything out of the fridge and put it in the garbage outside for me?"
"Sure David!" she bounced out of the master bathroom door.
I picked up my cell phone and dialed the detective. I had programmed his number in just in case things happened quickly and I needed to get him to intercede. Not knowing what Maria was involved in I thought it prudent at the time.
"Detective Vance?"
"Detective my name is David Hollingsbeck. You spoke with me a few weeks ago while you were investigating Maria Alvarez."
"Yea, so?"
"I found something I think you need to see. I'm over at the Alvarez residence right now. Can you meet me here?"
"Yeah sure. What is it?"
"You'd better come see for yourself."
"Look I'm sort of busy at the moment. Can't this wait."
"Probably. Just let me know when. Oh yeah, do you have a drug testing kit?"
There was a very pregnant pause. "I'll be there in half an hour."
Half an hour later as promised the bell rang. Ivy was still putting stuff out in the garbage. Kids think strangely sometimes. She would take one item at a time and go outside and then come back rather than carrying several at once. Not that it mattered, I wanted her busy for the moment. "Detective Vance, thank you for coming."
"What have you got?"
"Ivy and I were clearing out her things and I came across something in the master bathroom."
"I can see you're ransacking the place, what the hell are you doing?"
I was ready for him. I handed him a copy of the judge's order. He read it and snorted. Then he folded it up and put it in his pocket.
"I know you tossed the house looking for Maria's stash. You haven't seen fit to inform me about much in this case but I would think you might be a little more forthcoming with me since I am not immediately responsible for anything that goes on over here aside from taking care of Ivy."
"Yeah right."
"So am I a suspect or not?"
"What have you got?"
I led him to the master bathroom. "Did your drug dog find anything?"
"You know I can help you a lot more if you can help me out a bit here. If I know what it is that you are looking for I can let you know if I see or hear anything. Ivy is a wealth of information when she opens up to you. Also I am by my nature a very suspicious person. If I'm not a suspect then I don't see where it is going to hurt you to let me know what it is that you're looking for. I know the DEA is involved already as well as vice. Not that you've seen fit to tell me anything."
He had an angry look on his face but finally he said, "The dog found a couple of joints in the nightstand."
"Anything else?"
"Yeah. He went wacko here in the bathroom. We looked from top to bottom and couldn't find anything."
"Where exactly?"
"He seemed to favor the vanity for some reason."
I took my hand and wiped it across the tile surface. I then turned it over and there was the usual dust from the place not having been cleaned. I then brushed away all of it except a tiny white speck. I looked at detective Vance. He frowned and reached in his pocket and pulled out a small vial with some liquid in it. He uncorked it and brushed the speck into it, recorked it and shook it up. The liquid turned light blue.
"So my guess would be someone was in here doing a line or two."
"Yeah, so."
"How pure is it?"
"Fairly good."
"Do you think she is running the stuff?"
"Yeah, we have our suspicions. Mostly one of her tricks though. At least we think he is a trick. We've seen him around with her a few times and he we know is up to something. The guy hauls ass to Mexico frequently and lives pretty large."
"Then you'll probably be interested in this." I reached up on the top shelf of the linen closet and pulled down a box with a combo syringe set in it. The detective looked at the box and snorted.
"So she's a whore, most whores have a douche bag, so what?"
"Well that may be true but I suspect she uses these." I said pointing to the hooks in the closet where two closed enema bags and one open top bag were hanging. All had a hose. Two had female douche tips and one a long enema nozzle on it. "Seeing one in a house is no big deal. Two a bit unusual. But three in here and one somewhat beat up box on the shelf seemed a bit odd to me." I then pointed to the box. "Notice how the box is rather beat up. And the color on the picture is of a yellow bag. The ones in the closet are two reds and a blue." I then opened the top of the box. "What do you see?" "What kind of game are you playing Mr. Hollingsbeck?"
"No game detective. Just pointing out that someone on your team overlooked a few minute details. Here we see what appears on the surface to be a closed type combo enema and douche syringe. Not unusual for a hooker. No sir. A douche pipe and enema pipe. Hose and screw in adaptor. However most of these sets also come as a hot water bottle. Notice the plug in the end." I then picked up the bag. "It isn't empty." I handed it to Vance.
He weighed it in his hand a second and then handed it back to me. "So?"
"Screwed on tight it is liquid and air tight." I held it up with the opening at the top and unscrewed it. I held up the plug for him to see. The entire inner surface was covered in white powder. "They may not have been doing a line in here. They may have been cutting it. I'd say there is probably nearly a kilo in here." I handed the plug to Vance.
He took out a second test vial and brushed some of the powder into it, capped and shook. The clear liquid turned a deep royal blue. "That's pure!"
I handed him the bag. He re-screwed the top. "So, I hope that I can count on your being a little more forthcoming with me?"
"Sure." He said and looked around. "Anything else?"
"Nothing I've seen."
He stepped back then stopped. "She has some priors for solicitation and a few for minor possession. Her boyfriend though has a rap sheet as long as your arm. I'd avoid him if you see him. He has a few arrests but no convictions for aggravated assault. Also an arrest for murder that was overturned for lack of evidence. Oh and thanks for calling, I do owe you one for this."
"Anytime detective. Have a good day."
After clearing out the house, or at least anything remotely useful, I contacted the landlord via paper mail. I explained that I had doubts about the continuance of the lease of the house but that there was an ongoing investigation so he should probably proceed with eviction proceedings as soon as the rent lapsed.
The next day I drove over to the CPS office by the address on the card and delivered the restraining order, in person. They were definitely not happy about this.
Ivy became a lot happier with all of her stuff in 'her' room. One of my spare bedrooms that I vacated. I had a garage sale the following weekend to clear out the rest of the junk. The next day there was a knock at the door. Two agents introducing themselves as DEA had a lot of questions most of which I couldn't answer. They questioned Ivy for a little while but realized she didn't have that much useful information. After sending Ivy to her room to play the two agents then related to me that their contact in Mexico indicated that Maria and her boyfriend had been intercepted by the Mexican drug enforcement as part of the joint investigation into the smuggling ring. Maria was now in prison and their indication was that she was going to be serving 30 years after her conviction since this was her second offense. The gist was that the American side of the smuggling ring had been caught or were dead and that it was all now cleaned up. So there probably wouldn't be anyone come looking for Ivy. They thanked me for my time and left.
That night before bed I broke the news to Ivy that her mother had been found and that she was in prison in Mexico for a very long time. I also wrote a letter to the consulate of Mexico asking for the address of the prison and if the inmates were allowed mail. Ivy was crying when I went to check on her. About an hour later she came and crawled up in bed with me. Naked as always. She snuggled close to me and thanked me for all I had done for her and cried herself to sleep that night. I was the only person she had left in the world.
Ivy settles into a routine and the spring semester is nearly over. The following year she would be in the same school I found out. The school was thankful for the information I had given them and they seemed very helpful sending me lots of emails giving me updates on Ivy and suggestions on parenting. I think they had come to realize that even though Maria cared for Ivy very much that Ivy's home life was tenuous at best. I had called the principal the next day after finding out about Maria in Mexico and told her the story. She was very sympathetic and said that they would help me all that they could.
Around a month later I get a notice in the mail. A court summons. Children's protective services had filed a custody case against me. A quick call to my lawyer confirmed that we were already in the clear and all I needed to do was to show up with the guardianship order. Two weeks later I appeared in court and the CPS lawyers were there. My lawyer was also present. After calling the court to order the judge asked for statements. CPS claimed that as a single man that I could not appropriately raise a girl alone and that although I had a signed statement from the girls mother that I had no standing to continue to keep her. The judge gave them a good dressing down after reading the restraining order against them and then asked for comments from my lawyer. He presented the other judges signed guardianship and that clinched it. After the judge finished ripping the CPS lawyers a new one for not doing proper research he dismissed their case as groundless and admonished them that an appeal would be a waste of taxpayer, meaning his, money and that he would gladly file a friend of the court statement with the appeals court if they attempted to do so. The CPS team left with their tail between their legs.
After rescheduling several times with the doctor on record I finally did meet with her. She read the custody paper and then we had an hour long meeting about Ivy's health. Ivy had in fact been through many tests and the diagnosis was a congenital defect in the size and shape of the colon. It had restrictions in it at two points. One was about eight inches in and what was causing the majority of the constipation. The second was an overly thick sphincter muscle for a girl her age. The general consensus by the medical team that had examined Ivy was that the sphincter problem would probably abate with age in about twenty or so years. The other would not. She would be battling constipation all of her life.
The doctor repeats what she had told Maria that Ivy will need a weekly enema to clear out her colon no matter if she had got constipated or not. Laxatives would help but they were to be discouraged if an enema could be administered due to the deteriorating effect on the small intestine as well which was fit as could be. Additionally the doctor asked how the anal dilation had been proceeding to which I had to plead ignorance. Maria had not told me anything about it and Ivy had never mentioned it. The doctor told me she had written a prescription for Maria to get some anal dilators for Ivy and outlined the dilation regimen to help with the sphincter problem. She wrote me another prescription for that. I asked her about the enemas and indicated that Ivy had been receiving regular ones from Maria with a squeeze bulb. The doctor was disappointed in that too since she had indicated to Maria that Ivy needed to have her entire colon flushed and nothing less than a full quart would do the job. Then the doctor looked at the chart again and said it should probably be a quart and a half if I could get it into the girl since the last exam was two years ago. We scheduled for Ivy to have a full physical with another barium enema series that summer after school was out.
About a week after finding that her mother wasn't coming back Ivy continued to crawl up in bed with me every night. For some reason I didn't try to stop her. I guess I was just feeling sorry for her. Then one night she grabbed my dick and pretended to be asleep. I left that too as she did eventually fall to sleep.
In mid May I received a letter from Mexico. Only not from Maria. It was from her sister Flora. In it Flora said she had heard from Maria and had contacted friends living not far away who gave her my address. She sent a picture of her and Maria when they were younger and asked that I give it to Ivy. Of course I wrote her back and asked her if she would be interested in raising Ivy since she was family.
After telling Ivy about the doctor and the enemas she sullenly accepts that she needs to have them. She said her mom had given her some regular for a while but then sort of quit unless Ivy had a problem. I carefully explained to the little girl that the weekly enemas would be preventative and should help her from being miserable. I showed her a picture of the human colon and explained how her body worked to her. She saw the female anatomy page and was very curious about that. Being she was now 10 I also explained about her periods which would start in a year or two and how she shouldn't be afraid. I told her that I understood her biological functions and that she can come to me with any questions. A sponge for information she asked many, many questions about anatomy and sex.
While I was talking to Ivy she casually talked about the many times she had watched her mom and the boyfriends having sex. Then she reiterated that she considered me to be her boyfriend. She said that since I wasn't her daddy I had to be her boyfriend since I took care of her. Sometimes children's logic is pretty infallible.
Ivy continued to sleep with me and play with my 'anatomy' as she called it. She also asked me a few times if she could do what she had seen her mommy do. I tried to discourage that but she would just be quiet about it for a week or so before asking again.
Eventually the sister wrote me back and in a very convincing tone indicated that since I was a rich American that I could give Ivy a much better life than she would have in Mexico. The sister it turns out had become a baby factory and had six ninos of her own. Again I had been out-logic'd.
Having Ivy on my health insurance was certainly easier. She needed glasses and dental work. We took care of most of that in April and the beginning of May. Ivy also finally got used to taking a full quart enema and holding it on Friday nights. She happily got down on all fours in the tub and would wiggle her butt at me. A few months prior she asked about the douche nozzle and I explained its use to her and told her what her mother had used it for. She asked if it would be any good for an enema and I let her try it one night. She fell in love with its larger size much to my surprise and asked if she could have all of her enemas with it. Maybe the dilators wouldn't be that bad after all.
One Saturday night we were at home watching TV when I brought out the dilators. "Ivy, remember how I told you that your back hole was tighter than it should be?"
"Yes." She said and bit her lip.
"Well the doctor gave me these to insert into you and get you used to having it open a bit more. The idea was that if you can learn to relax your muscle there that you can poop easier. Do you feel up to trying one?"
"Ok David. I guess. Will it hurt?"
"Probably not. It is small, see?" I held up the small one, barely 3/8" in diameter. I purposefully didn't show her the whole set. "About the same size as your nozzle you used last night."
"Ok. What do I have to do?"
"Just bend over and I'll put it in. Then you can wear panties to keep it from sliding out and getting the furniture greasy."
She frowned at that and took the pair of panties I handed her. She really was the nudist at heart, she hardly ever wore clothes at home anymore. I had also discussed this habit with the doctor and she said that although somewhat disconcerting to me it was just a phase and Ivy should grow out of it by the time she got to be a teenager. She said it wasn't really worth the fight at home and to just let it be. I certainly didn't tell her that I had a boner every time Ivy sat down cross legged and her tender little lips pooched open.
"Ok, up on your hands and knees." I told her. She got up on the sofa and stuck her butt at me and wiggled it.
"You like this don't you! You just want me to wear panties."
"Well yeah, but I let you go naked the rest of the time, don't I?"
"I suppose." She giggled. "You're really a good boyfriend, you know?"
"Ok, relax honey." I told her as I pulled down her panties a bit and parted her cheek and dabbed a little lube on her. The doctor had also recommended a water base lube rather than petroleum jelly since that tended to trap more bacteria. "Here it comes, relax."
"Ohhh! It does feel like the nozzle, only longer."
"There you go, all in." I pulled her panties back up. No thong here fortunately. I gave her a playful pat on the butt. That was when I suddenly realized that I had never had to spank her. She was the perfect little girl. She never got into any trouble at school, never caused me any problems, never broke things and was always very polite. Aside from her somewhat annoying nudity and insatiable sexual curiosity she was the perfect girl. And I certainly couldn't fault her for being curious I had realized several months back when she asked if she could feel my dick. She reasoned that since she didn't have one she wanted to know how it worked and that since I was the closest thing she had to a daddy and certainly her only parental unit that I would have to teach her. We tried the book route but she kept pestering me to see the real thing and in bed continued to grab at me until I relented and let her play with it.
Ivy had sat back down in the chair and wiggled her butt around trying to get used to the dilator plug in her. "How long to I have to have this in?"
"For now maybe an hour. Does it bother you that much?"
"Yeah, it's uncomfortable."
"Just relax. You'll get used to it."
An hour later I asked her and she was very involved in a show and asked if I could take it out later. So after the movie she came into my home office and asked if I needed to take it out. I told her it didn't have to if she was comfortable with it. She thought about it for a few seconds and said it wasn't bad now and she could continue to wear it.
We continued the dilation exercise every night. By the fourth night Ivy was used to wearing them. At the end of the week after her enema we went to the next size which was about ½" in diameter.
School was finally out for the year and I had to figure out what to do with Ivy. Given her upcoming medical tests a summer camp away was out of the questions. Her weekly enemas and dilation too made it inconvenient to send her away. I was lucky to find a summer program that was daily and wasn't far from my office. Reasonable fees too.
The night before her exam the doctor's orders were for several enemas starting with a soapy one. Also a large dose of laxatives. Ivy didn't like the magnesium citrate at all. The soapy enema, as uncomfortable as it was she took like a big girl, crying she said to keep it coming. At nearly two quarts she finally gave in to the urge and made a big mess in the bathtub. When it slowed I used the hand shower nozzle and washed her sweet little butt off and plopped her on the toilet while I continued to clean her mess. She was still crying, as much I think from the burning of the soap as from the humiliation of me washing her poop down the drain.
"Ok honey, after you get that out and your stomach quits doing flips we need to start with more water. We have to wash out the soapy and get you all cleaned out. Let me know when you're ready ok?" "Ok David." She said in her little hiccupy cry.
An hour later she came, naked, into my study and asked for the next one. We got an entire two quarts into her and she said she was full but held it long enough to get onto the toilet. I pointed out to her that as she was getting to be a bigger girl now that we would have to start doing the full two quart bag every week. She didn't like to hear that news though.
The following day I took her to the hospital where the doctor did a flex sigmoidoscope and then sent her on to x-ray for the barium enema series. I stayed with her while she was in there and she was being very brave while they hooked up the huge bag of barium water to the nearly one inch speculum they had inserted into her stretched anus. She cried a little as it was put in but the tech let her sit for a few minutes to get used to it before proceeding.
As we watched the level on the barium bag began to drop and I rubbed her swelling tummy. She began to cry as it was getting full. The tech stopped the flow and checked her with the fluoroscope. She still wasn't full enough yet so he restarted the flow. Ivy began to cry and trash around a bit so I held her hands to keep her from reaching back and pulling out the hose. She looked up at me with a tear streaked face and begged me to make it stop. The relentless heavy barium solution continued to fill my little girl's bowels. The bag was nearly half empty now so she had almost 3 full quarts inside of her. That's a load alright considering she only weighed some 75 pounds. I know that 3 quarts in me is a butt full but I weigh in at 215. The poor thing was suffering when the tech finally stopped the flow and asked me to step back so she could take the pictures. I held Ivy's hands above her head so she wouldn't try to reach down. She continued to cry through the whole set of plates.
The tech went to get the radiologist to read the films while Ivy lay there, her little tummy round with the gut full of barium and she continued to cry. Although she had slowed down her squealing cry she continued to sniffle and moan. I told her I was sorry for what she had to go through but that she needed to be checked to make sure she was ok inside. She promised to take her weekly enemas and hold them longer to me thinking that this might somehow reduce the need for this barium enema test. I didn't have the heart to tell her that this would be an annual occurrence for her for at least the next ten or so years.
After the tech came back the valve was release and the barium flowed out the speculum holding Ivy's anus open back into the bag. Ivy quit her crying as nearly a quart had flowed out. The tech had lowered the bag below the level of the table and had gone off to prepare something. Ivy said she was very sore in her belly from having it stretched out so much. I asked her how the nozzle inside of her felt and she said that while it was large she was comfortable with it and thanked me for training her little hole in the back with the dilators. She said she remembers this test the last time and it hurt a lot more in the back.
After the bag was refilled from its warm soft little container the tech attached an inflator bulb. She warned Ivy that she was going to be pumped full of air. The tech positioned the fluoroscope and then began to inflate my little Ivy. Ivy giggled and said it felt like she had to fart but it wouldn't come out. The tech lady continued to pump up the little girls colon with air while watching it on the scope. I could see the scope and watched as Ivy's colon began to inflate. Ivy finally said she was felling full but the tech continued to pump telling her just a little more. Finally she stopped and took some plates. Ivy said it felt really, really full but wasn't as bad as the enema.
After the radiologist confirmed the x-rays were ok the air was let out, the speculum removed and Ivy was put on the toilet to sit for a while. She said she was ok and I went out to sign some forms that they had forgotten to get signed. The tech commented on how good my little girl was and that most children had to be tied down to the table for this. She also commented on how good Ivy was trained to be taking weekly enemas.
After getting done with everything the tech gave Ivy a pair of the diaper pants to wear. Ivy didn't like that as it didn't seem dignified to her. I helped her put on her dress and showed her that no one would know she had them on but it was a good idea in case some of the barium leaked out. I also reminded her that she would need basically a repeat of last nights enema session to clean out most of the barium and she would have to get it when we got home. She took that in stride and said she thought it was ok as she had gotten used to having her belly round like a beachball. She then surprised me and asked me how often I took enemas. I told her maybe once a week and she said she thought I usually must do them after she went to bed as she could hear the toilet flushing a lot. "David ... um. Do you think maybe you could let me give you an enema next time? I'm always the one getting one and I want to give one for a change."
"Well I guess. Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I think it might be kind of neat to be holding the bag telling you to take more, take more." She giggled.
That night Ivy's anus was very sore with all the activity of the day. As promised I gave her a full two quart soapy enema and three rinses. The last one was somewhat cloudy with the barium remains but I could tell she was getting tired so I stopped for the night. I put on some soothing lotion on her ass hole and like a real trooper she asked for her dilator. She fell to sleep with it in her so I just left it.
The next day was Saturday so I let her sleep late. I too slept late with my sweet little Ivy curled up against my chest and my arm around her. I ran my hands across her chest and felt her nipples. There was a definite puffiness to them, I think her hormones were beginning to kick in. Hum, 10 and a half. Well a bit early but some girls do start early. We would probably have to look at getting her a training bra before school started next year.
Saturday night I gave her another soapy and two rinse enemas and plugged her up with the 1" dilator. She said it was a butt full and wanted it out before bedtime. Sunday night though she went to sleep with it in.
The following week I took her to Florida theme parks and she was very, very happy. When we returned from Florida she was bouncing around the rest of the summer. She continued to play with my dick at night and had figured out how to make it big. Finally one night she played with it long enough and I jizzed on her hand. She giggled and then leaned over and licked it all up. I was sort of surprised and she reminded me that she had watched her mom do that many times. Then she got sort of sad about her mom and started crying.
Along about August Ivy came to me and asked me more questions about sex. She had been reading one of my old college texts that she had found on human sexuality. She finally announced that since I had said that she was reaching puberty and would need a training bra that now that she had breasts it was time for her to become a woman and that we needed to have sex together. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather about that point.
I managed to put that off until nearly mid November. She was definitely growing breasts. She told me she had read a lot about deflowering virgins and that she was ready for that. She said she understood it was going to hurt and she was going to bleed but that she wanted to do it. After trying my best to talk her out of it she pointed out that I wasn't her dad but I was in fact her boyfriend. She lived with me, slept with me and I supported her so that made her my girlfriend. Like I said, kid logic is sometimes appalling accurate.
So one morning she played with my dick as I was just waking up. At the same time her other hand was in her small puss rubbing furiously. I had seen her doing this off and on for some time now but hadn't seen her reach an orgasm or really get very much wet yet. She got up and was about to mount me when I told her that if she went to the bathroom and put plenty of lube on me like we did with the enema nozzles that it would hurt a lot less. Well my plan was to get soft before she returned.
Ok, so that didn't work out. The thought of my lubed dick entering her tight virgin puss sort of backfired and some part of my brain overruled the deflate instruction. I was at full mast when she returned and put a big gob of the cold jelly on my dick and ran her little hands all around. Then she took the remainder and smeared her still hairless little pussy with it. Then she got up on her knees over me and spread her little labia apart. She eased down onto it ever so slowly while I watched. "Ok David, here it goes!" She then slammed herself down hard onto my dick.
Damned if that didn't hurt. I could feel it rip through her hymen and bottom out in the bottom of her tiny vagina. Ivy let out a high picked scream and jumped up off of me. She danced from one foot to the other and put her hands over her little pussy and continued to scream. Blood began to trickle out from her fingers. Finally she settled down a bit. She looked at me and tried to smile but was having difficultly because of the pain. Finally she positioned herself over me and thrust down on it again. She screamed once more but this time didn't come up off of me. She remained impaled on my hard dick and screamed and hugged herself with her bloody fingers.
My dick began to get soft. Don't know why exactly but it did. I guess seeing her in pain or something. It softened enough to where she finally was able to rest her little cheeks on my thighs. We sat like that for a long time and she got to just sniffling and her lip quivering. I put my hands on her tiny hips and held her in place. Finally she looked at her hands and saw the blood.
"You ok?"
"Yeah but it is throbbing. It hurts bad David."
"I know. I tried to warn you that you should wait until you're older before you did it."
"I know but I want to be a woman now!"
"So do you feel different now?"
"Yeah, I hurt! But yeah I do feel different. I've got a real dick inside of my pussy. That is the way it is supposed to be. You're a man and I'm a woman. I'm not a little girl anymore."
"You'll always be my little girl my sweetheart. Even to the day you die you'll be my little girl." She giggled.
After she got up off of me she went to take a shower and wash off the blood. I told her to sit on a towel until I got back and went and got her some female sanitary napkins. Thin ones for the time being. About time she got used to them. When I got home I brought her a pair of panties and showed her how to put one in. She then wore the pad for the next two days until she stopped bleeding.
The following weekend she was ready to be a 'woman' again. Not nearly as much blood or screaming this time. She still couldn't fully impale herself on my 6" cock but she was trying her best. Of course seeing her with her butt dilator in definitely kept my cock hard most of the time. She would walk by me and twitch her butt out at me to be sure that I saw it. She was turning into quite a tease.
By the time that school was nearly over for the year it had become a weekly ritual for her to suck my cock hard, slather it down with jelly and impale herself on it every Saturday morning. She even took to spinning around on it and rocking back and forth on it watching TV. Although only half my cock was buried in her I was managing to get off on it.
The summer she was now twelve she had her first period. She took it in stride and started using tampons after I showed her how to put them in. She giggled and marveled at how it was like a little dick going in her. By this time we had worked her up to the 1 3/8" anal dilator too. She wore them from the time she got home from school until she got ready in the morning.
"David, you know mom used to have her boyfriends put their dick in her ass hole. She seemed to enjoy it. I'm not as little as I was before back there. I think it is time for you to put your dick in there."
"It might hurt."
"Maybe but I want to do it. Besides after reading the books there isn't a bottom to my back hole so you should be able to go full length into it. I know I still can't take you all the way in my pussy so it should feel better to you."
"I'm sure it will feel good. I'm just not sure you're ready for it."
"I checked and my dilator is the same size as your dick!"
"But my dick is longer."
"And softer ... ummm." She cooed into my ear as she snuggled up against me in bed.
I especially enjoyed this story due to the consensual and romantic nature you chose to explore. I hope you'll revisit this style again in the future some time soon. Slower, detailed, romantic stories that also include a kinky twist can be hard to find. The use of a younger character was also a real improvement in my opinion. You also did a great job of creating some mystery and suspense in here that kept me trying to guess what was really happening.
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