The Dark Angel

[ Mf, cons, ped, inter ]

by UKSnowy

Published: 10-Feb-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Melanie applied lipstick to those full lush lips as my eyes swivelled between her figure hugging gear to her daughter's equally fetching get up. My drooling was interrupted out on the drive by Greg, Melanie's husband who brought me the cash I was waiting for in return for the rock concert tickets I'd dropped round.

"Cheers my man, we'll look forward to that won't we darling?' he said cheerily to his wife who was bending into the back of their Audi Estate sorting some bags.

A muffled yes came from the depths of the car as I ogled the voluptuous rear wiggling at me. Greg sauntered back into the house to take a phone call and I watched Coral their thirteen year old daughter, all lithe, long and black, sulk against the door post. The funny thing was that lately I'd been getting the strangest looks and glances from the kid. Torn between the prepubescent girl, clad in the shortest pink skirt, from which tapered slim, elegant, legs which were shod in white open toed sandals, from which peeped red painted toes and the rounded, not quite bubble butt of her sexy forty year old mum, I was in a delightful dilemma.

Melanie's shorts were very very short and tight, with no sign of a panty line. She either wasn't wearing anything or she wore a thong and for a few blissful moments, I fantasised on the string that would carve round from a damp hot gusset, through her arse crack picking up all sorts of lovely odours. Melanie's legs were long and shapely too and ended incongruously in walking socks over boots. Her white cropped top and her braless tits, were also not the best ensemble I would have thought you went for long country walks in, but they were members of the local ramblers club, so who was I to disagree. Melanie sweated gently in the intense afternoon heat and wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead and shunted her fashionable rimless gold specs back up her nose, as I focussed on her incredibly stubby nipples jauntily poking through her top.

"Shit!" exploded Greg from just inside the huge expensive house.

Coral pulled a surprised face and Melanie glowered and chastised his language. The Caribbean company, British based executive finally appeared, looking angry.

"I've got to go via the factory. There's a fuck up and it must be sorted, we're never going to make the walk rendezvous and drop Coral at Charlene's," he grumbled.

Gloom descended on the business tycoon and his glamorous ebony skinned wife as they discussed the situation.

"I'll be off then, see you," I called, thinking I'd outstayed my welcome anyway.

"Mum, dad!" exploded Coral. "I've got a brill idea."

She explained that if I could run her over to Charlene's house, it would save them time and Greg could go to the factory on the way. I agreed when her parents asked me and left with a grateful slap on the back from Greg and a very hearty kiss and hug from Melanie. It was no bother to me, it wasn't much out of my way and in the meantime I would have eyefuls of the delectable piece of jail bait for thirty minutes more. I popped my key ring and the top of the black Saab coupe slid quietly down as we walked to it, waving to the slightly happier parents. I gunned the motor and charged up the CD volume to the pulsing sounds of REM.

"Wow! cool," murmured a clearly impressed Coral.

She perched alongside me, kneeling part sideways, her seatbelt fastened correctly, allowing me views of acres of long gleamingly black thighs.

"Boys at Charlene's too?" I asked.

"Nah! She's confined to home with her leg in plaster. Anyway boys only have mountain bikes, not lovely cars like this," she answered.

"Like it?" I asked as we drove across country on the back roads.

"Cool! Its better than my dads boring old Jag," she told me.

I wouldn't have called the latest X Sports motor boring, but who cares.

"Pulls the girls does it Don?" she giggled throatily.

"Oh I have my moments Coral. Nothing serious you understand," I answered truthfully.

"It would pull me, especially if yo..." her voice tailed off.

She twisted in her seat and I glanced down catching sight of the glimmer of knickers as she adjusted her lissom legs. She caught my glance and stared at me, until I looked back at the road. I wondered where her skirt had gone to as it seemed to have disappeared round her butt and I vowed to smell the fabric as soon as she was out of the car.

"You like my mum don't you?" she hit me.

I stammered and gulped.

"Well yes, of course. She's great. Good fun, lots of laughs, game for anything and er..." my words lumped in mouth, but Coral continued with them.

"Sexy too?" she chuckled.

"Absolutely, goes without saying, of course," I concurred somewhat uneasily.

"Saw you looking at her. You always do. Do you look at other girls that way, I mean younger than mum, she's forty you know," continued Coral on this strange line.

"Yes I do know that. My last girlfriend for instance was forty three, so that's not a problem..... if you see what I mean. You know its not a lot when I'm nearly thirty eight," I countered, carefully negotiating a busy junction.

"So what about young girls, you like them too?" she persisted.

"Well, yeah I had an eighteen year old date for a few weeks," again truthfully.

"I read a report in a mag that young girls go for older men and I think its true," she chuckled. "In fact I know it is."

I glanced at Coral as she flicked at an insect buzzing her face. Where was this going? The car was going nowhere, in a traffic block and crawling, so I quizzed her on something earlier.

"You said earlier that this car would pull you especially if... it was something you didn't finish Coral. What was it?"

She flicked her hair and looked at various cars around.

"Oh, you'll think its silly, it is silly really," she murmured, twisting in her seat and I got a mega flash of knickers.

Our eyes met as I licked my lips.

"What's silly Coral?" I asked gently, mesmerised by her thighs ,which remained miles apart as I waited, foot on the foot brake at some temporary lights.

"You know, a crush, on teachers and things," she lisped, looking at me from under lush long lashes. "Older men."

Something happened inside me to make me do such a thing, but I pulled at my slacks which were undeniably tight in my crotch and at the same time I straightened my dick which had been half hard for ages. Coral gasped and I glanced at her to find her gaze on my crotch.

"I have a crush on you, you know," she murmured.

I twitched the steering wheel in shock and joined the traffic flow in some confusion. I gulped as she continued.

"Always have Don. You have to show me things, so I can grow up well adjusted, I've chosen you."

The sheer boldness of the declaration was staggering and I eased the car into a lay by.

Conversation flowed thick and fast from therein and it turned out that her pals had made pacts and promises to be shown "life" by certain nominated people. I'd been her idol for about four years and she wanted to learn, like NOW.

I blustered, I stuttered, I drooled and I stared open mouthed between the snatches of conversation as little Miss Gerrard gradually eased her thighs even further apart. I did make some token protests about family, friendship, ages, our cultural differences, the law and that crap, but to be faced and bewitched by the sight of an ever opening perfect arch to the most delectable vee of white silk was overpowering.

Back at her place in minutes, we dashed in, then I slowed the pace down by checking doors and things to Coral's plaintiff urgings to go upstairs. In her huge bedroom, I felt intimidated by the pop posters, the teddy bears, the pinkness, and begged for another room. She pushed me to a guest room, all chintz and prettiness, but it would do.

It would do - Shit!

I was about to violate all the rule books, after having been seduced by this dark angel and was being fussy about the room it would happen in. The kid whipped off her glaringly white cut off top and then I took off her bra. Her perfect little cones were topped by dark glossy buds of milk membrane, that would surely spout rich earthy sustenance later. I suckled on them briefly as she cried out in ecstasy. I removed my tee shirt, then she fumbled with my slacks, but her experience was nil and I lowered them. I sat her on the bed and removed the scrap of her skirt and stared at the teensy white triangle at her crotch. I knelt before her and opened her legs pushing her back. She propped herself on her elbows to watch as I hungrily lapped at the silk clad puffiness of her mound.

"Take them off," I rasped as I slid down my CKs.

She was so quick, casting the flimsy garment away with a giggle, but then she sort of fluttered a long Ooohhhh sound as the full enormity of the situation hit her. A white adult male in his prime stood over the black thirteen year old, who had beseeched him to teach her about sex. I had the most enormous hard-on and as I stepped nearer, it waggled grotesquely, seeping lube from my slit as I eyed the ultimate prize. She mewed, partly I think - with joy tinged with fear.

"Open your legs Coral," I ordered.

She obeyed and the full glory of an unadulterated, bald vagina was revealed. A simple slit carved the pouch of Coral's crotch. Its black smooth texture was totally devoid of hair or other blemishes. Not a flap of labia spoiled the beautiful haven. I longed to see her arsehole too, but felt it might be a bit of a shock to her. I knelt and my face sank into the hot smell of her skin. My tongue searched her snatch, finding the slit and delving into it. Coral cried out several times, but I reassured her with glances and smiles.

I prised the tender orifice wider with my fingers and was stunned with the appropriately coral pink coloured veils within. Her name was so apt. I was however surprised by her cunt aperture. There was no hymen, just a simple hole leading into the red mire beyond, which glistened in the daylight. "It is your first time?" I quizzed her.

She nodded.

"Yes, but I know what you're thinking. I ride a lot and play loads of sport. It just sort of happened," she whispered from her huge lush lips.

I hadn't actually planned to fuck her. Merely playing in so many ways at my disposal and getting her to suck me off would have satisfied me. I didn't want to take her cherry, just show her the ways it could lead up, but now my heart leapt as her sweet opening beckoned.

"Have periods?" I had to ask now.

"No not yet. Late aren't I?" she chuckled.

"No problem, you'll get there soon enough," I grinned, wondering if she knew the misery menstruation could bring.

At least I could fuck her to my hearts content now.

"Can I do something?" she asked tentatively.

She nodded at my erection and licked her lips.

"I've never held one, in fact never seen one. I mean its huge, you can put it in, but can I to uch it first?"

I slid upwards and let Coral's black pink pigmented, graceful fingers grasp my pride and joy.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. "So hard."

I was in heaven as the kid handled my todger with all the clumsiness I expected. But she learned fast and was soon stroking its powerful girth with long raking pulls. I took her hand and placed it under my sweaty balls, telling her to fondle them gently. She took to rolling them through her fingers and I had no fears of clumsy handling. Thrusting my dick towards her face, she sort of recoiled. I thrust it again and she looked at me with dark smouldering eyes as it gradually dawned on her what I wanted.

"It's especially nice for me if you suck it Coral," I murmured.

I could see her mind working, weighing up the enormity of what I'd told her.

"Yes so I believe. It's what boys like best isn't it?" she lisped.

"It's give and take as far as I'm concerned. I lick you, you suck me," I countered.

Coral leaned forward without any further ado and my knob disappeared into those red thick lips as I smoothed my hand down over her body and sought her pussy. My fingers found the arch of her tender labia and touched her clitty. She called out in pleasure and shuddered as I frigged the little knot of nerves. I wondered about lubricating her, she was dry, then suddenly her inner glands released her fluids and my fingers slid easily over her fanny. Occasionally I let my fingers slither down to her anus and she twitched uncomfortably each time, so I decided not to worry her. She would soon have enough to worry about. I gazed at her little snatch in admiration of its black, cute neatness, with the pink inner portals offering a glistening entrance to her virginal orifice.

"I want to fuck you Coral darling," I told her bluntly, using crudity mixed with intimacy.

She mumbled a yes, her mouth nearly gagging on swallowing my cock head. Reluctantly we parted my dick from her luscious lips and I slid over her. Her eyes concentrated on mine, her bottom lip being bitten by its twin as her arms filtered up over my shoulders. A gentle tug convinced me she wanted me to lower, so I did, my rampant member nudging at her cunt and lubricating freely onto the ebony fleshiness of her thighs.

"Now Don, now, do it," she implored me, her eyes echoing the sentiment as she felt me push my cock at her pussy.

"Gently does it Coral," I whispered back trying to glance down to watch the actuality of penetration. "Don't want to hurt you," I added, feeling her cunt opening wrap itself round my invading knob.

Coral bleated a little sigh in agreement and tugged me lower, forcing my elbows to give. As I did so, her face levered up to mine and she smothered me with pecks and kisses, her full blown lips open, the redness intense and wet as she slobbered over my returns of affection. I slid my dick head in and out of her fanny entrance a few times, to get her used to the motion, her body starting to rock up at me, her tiny tits quivering with her urgent little movements.

"It's lovely Don," she twittered.

I was making sure my leverage was such that my dick head was rubbing on her clitty each time, assisted by an almost complete withdrawal, followed by a gentle plunge. This was obviously working, judging by her reaction. There was an overwhelming feeling of smugness in my competence, as I gloried in this first ever opportunity to fuck a completely fresh, untarnished (but not for long) and totally illegal vagina. The smugness seeped away as my mind raced on the consequences, but in turn those were washed away by an overwhelming need to power into the young seductress's minge and cum like I'd never cum before.

"Ready Coral? It might sting at first, but that will go OK?"

"But its lovely Don, what do you mean?"

I realised she thought I was fucking her, this was all there was. I mean how naive can you get?

"I'm going to get it right inside you, like it should, you know?" I puffed.

Coral's eyes opened wide and she bit her lip, then she nodded. Short little urgent nods and I felt her stiffen as if bracing herself. I pondered whether to take more time and lower her awareness.

Fuck it! I heaved at Coral, gaining two or three very tight inches as she screamed. It was an ear splitting scream that turned into a low growl very quickly as I rammed repeatedly, gradually widening her love tunnel to take the full blooded meat of my honky maleness. If I gave her no time to protest and get the pleasure zone really hyped up, I knew she would soon succumb to the sheer ecstasy, currently locked deep inside her. With each plunge, her breath exploded, spraying me sometimes with droplets of saliva as she popped her mouth, which gradually softened to a wide sunny Caribbean smile. I was now fully embedded in her boiler heated young mott, loving the extreme grip her young vaginal muscles held me with. Her lack of fucking experience was such an advantage to me, a man used to the wide open spaces of older women's cunts.

On and on I battered at her, with no thoughts of pain or discomfort to my young lover. She was taking to it so easily and yet there was a slight feeling of stupid sadness coursing through me, that even then, even after I was the first to enter Coral and she was the first under age girl I had screwed, that I hadn't actually popped her cherry.

Now her legs were wrapped round my back. Sinuous black tendrils drew me onto her, her pink, tinted orange pigmented heels almost rapping a soul rhythm on me. I arched upwards and grinned down at her, meeting her flashing happy eyes, her tongue flitting over her slick red lips. I forced her legs apart and grasped the back of her thighs and bent them up to her chest. Her eyes puzzled until she realised how much further I could penetrate. Her lithe elastic frame was almost gymnastic as she bent upwards and peered down between them to watch our flesh slapping below. That was pleasing, that she should take an interest and I made sure she saw the full enormity of the situation, by withdrawing my soaking cock completely on each stroke. Its engorged knob wobbled at her then disappeared as I aimed carefully and rammed it full length back into her snatch, now gaining maybe the extra inch.

"Christ Don!" she exclaimed. "Its brill," Coral panted. "What have I been missing? Uuurrgghh!" I slowed, panting too and answered.

"You ain't been missing anything darling Coral. You shouldn't and I certainly shouldn't be fucking now and you've loads of time."

"Just look at you. Its huge and its all going into me, wow!" she chuckled. I preened inwardly and asked.

"You play with your cunt Coral?"

"My minnie you mean? I like minnie more than cunt, but yes I do. It gives me lovely feelings. We talk about it, you know at school, the girls?"

I decided to keep the girly minnie thing intact as it were, not wishing to totally spoil the childhood thing she was still in.

"Well, I'm going to cum very soon and so are you. Just let me work on your minnie and you'll feel so many nice lovely feelings and as its your first time I'll show you what my cum is like," I assured her.

Coral nodded her OK adding that she was ready for anything and how much she loved me and all that shit. I didn't want to get into that thing and dropped her legs back down beside mine. I arched further up over her and started to graunch my cock against the arch of her clitty cover. Increasing the pace and the pressure brought an immediate reaction for both of us. Coral whimpered and moaned as the impact of nine inches of white meat rasped her verdant nerve ends. I grunted and tensed, feeling the bubbling sensation of my jism breaking from within.

Several strokes later, it rose and after the first spout into her cute little black pussy, I withdrew, telling her to watch, telling her to flatten my dick head down on her clitty very hard, simulating the internal tightness to produce more and more of my semen, but with the added advantage of inducing her own climax.

Her strong hand rubbed down as I fucked the space between it and her pubic mound. She was doing good I knew, as gasps and growls emanated from her. Coral's trim, black belly thrust up at me as she induced her orgasm. My seed flowed freely with each shunt, her pink palm and her belly drenched with the milky white fluid.

"So much," she panted. "Its amazi... Uuuurgrghhh Iiiiiiaaaaioowowoooooo!" Coral screamed.

I just hoped there was still no one around, no maids or gardeners as I knew Greg employed some, as his daughter's first real orgasmic sensations rolled through her tender young body. Her beautifully sensuous blackness writhed beneath me, her spare arm thrashing and her legs gripped me as she bled the last drop of jism from me and powered my engorged knob end onto her clitty. Suddenly she flopped, limp, gasping and I puzzled down at her as I too, stilled.

All I could hear was our breathing that seemed to echo in the quiet chintziness of the guest room. Coral opened her eyes with a lazy accompanying smile. I smiled back and dipped to kiss her. She hugged me down and I felt her soggy cum stained hand sneak round my neck. Our wet bellies slithered noisily as we French kissed passionately. She had some experience in that.

"You were gorgeous Coral," I whispered into her diamond studded ear.

"And you were big, brutal and made me very wet," she breathed back. "But I liked it. I loved it and I want to do it again and again."

"Hmm," I murmured, without commitment. "You came though, that was what I wanted for you."

"Did I? All those amazing shooting hot feelings. If that's what you mean by cumming, yes I did," she stated positively. "You're so clever Don. I'm so pleased I chose you," she giggled kissing me lushly.

"Thanks very much," I chided. "Nice to know I'm wanted."

"Christ if I tell the girls at school about this, they'll want you too," she laughed. "But you're mine all mine."

I rolled off her and Coral half turned onto me, our limbs entwined as we lay silent, deep in thoughts which were probably very diverse. I know mine were swimming in the ideas of lots of her pals wanting my dick up their little snatches and how nice that would be. I persuaded Coral to rest and think about what we had done and she sighed and lay quietly in my arms. We maybe even dozed for a while in the heated atmosphere. She finally spoke.

"All that stuff, your er... cum, you know?"

I didn't respond, but I was listening.

"It's a lot, does it happen like that every time?"

"Yes, in fact we'd better just check the bed hadn't we, now you've reminded me. Don't want your house guests sitting on a crusty patch of our cum do we?" I chuckled, patting her tight butt and rolling from under her.

She sat up in horror as I checked, but there was the slightest dribble, which I swabbed with a handy tissue.

"Gosh, yes. You've got to think about it. You're so clever, so experienced. Wow! look at me Don," she said, peering down at her crotch.

I needed no urging as I joined her, gazing at the drying blobs and smears of my outpourings on her belly. I delighted and amazed her by licking it off very slowly and sensually, working downwards and finally lapping on her cock ravaged cunt. It certainly didn't look any different and I eased her labial area open.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as she seemed to wince. "Sorry."

"No no its not hurting. Its so tender and your touch is so soft its amazing how things seem to rev up as soon as you get anywhere near it," she told me shyly.

"Let me clean you," I murmured.

I commenced licking her snatch as she sighed and watched. Her pussy had opened considerably now and its bright red and pink portals shone with my attentive housekeeping. All the time I kept telling her how beautiful she was between savouring the heady cocktail of her juices and my salty jism as I gradually insinuated my tongue further down. Her bum beckoned and I was resolved to test her reactions.

"Turn over Coral, on your hands and knees," I ordered and she obeyed.

I was in raptures with the glorious vision of her tight buns, slender legs and finely arched back as the black girl peered round at me as I stood behind her.

"This is my favourite way," I told her stepping close, lifting my donger and letting it flop on her rump as I rubbed against her.

"You going to do it again?" she squeaked.

"Yes but first, there're some new things to learn. You did ask," I warned her.

Coral nodded and shuddered, but let me widen her legs. Now her cuntal pouch shone out at me and I placed my hands on her buttocks and splayed them.

"Oh Don, no, That's my bummy. You're not supposed to see that, please," she pleaded with a babyish moan.

"You showed me your minnie, so I can see your bummy too Coral. It's lesson time still. Shall I smack your bottom and stand you in the corner?" I chastised her gently. She shook her head.

"It's all part of your sex life. Don't worry, trust me eh?"

Coral squeaked a tiny OK and gulped as I grasped my semi stiff cock and slid the knob up and down her entire crotch. It started to lube and left silky threads linking her two holes as I drank in the sight of her crapper. It was the most delicately carved little crevasse I've ever seen, but there again, I hadn't seen any thirteen year old arseholes before. The surrounding cleft was an even darker pigment than her gleaming soft blackness. Hairless, it looked so vulnerable and small, yet inviting. I touched it and she stiffened and I slapped her butt playfully.

"Naughty girl," I chided.

Coral whimpered and mewed but noticed I'd changed position and was stooping behind her. Before she could protest, I swooped at her bummy as she called it and fiercely lapped and sucked on it. She called out and squirmed at what she would surely deem a horrid invasion of privacy, but I held her firm, arse cheeks flat and wide as I poked and lathered her anus with my tongue. She quietened after some time as I tasted the earthy flavour. Of course she was impeccably clean, but surely she had farted, there were some hours sweat, some heady sex. All this had left a tangy dark chocolate coloured dimple.

"It's nice Don, but can you fuck me again?" she asked. "I really want you to."

I didn't answer, but returned her shy look with a smile and stood, waving my half hard at her. She nodded and seemed to take on a glow as she watched me step to her. I wafted my magic wand up and down her crotch again and slotted it easily into her quim. I pushed firmly and she sighed, pushing back at me, her muscles working, throughout her lean frame as I pulsed my prick into her cunt. My favourite view opened up as I watched her bummy wrinkle and tense with each thrust I made, powering my dick up to full hardness.

Many strokes passed, then the fucking phone trilled out and she leapt off me like a scalded cat. Coral shrieked and ran to it in her parents room leaving me with a soppy hardon as I flopped onto the vacant bed. I wandered through as I heard her shriek again, to find her standing by the king sized bed, in the overly decorated frills of Melanie and Greg's room. She gestured I stay quiet and mouthed Charlene at me. I wandered round picking up ornaments and bits of bric-a-brac that her mum had carefully displayed. It was like a fucking antique gallery in there. I glanced back at the animated and suddenly very childlike and vulnerable Coral. For a joke I waggled my limping dick at her and she frowned and turned her back, gabbling all the time. Finally she slammed the phone down. "I should have phoned her to tell I wasn't going over," she cried. "That's all it needed, but her folks have laid on this big tea and things. Of course they would, she told me. Oh my god!"

I reluctantly pacified her, told her I would take her over after all and persuaded her that everything would be OK. After all she would be there, late admittedly, she could say I had a puncture or something. We washed and dressed in utter silence, both shocked for different reasons. The pacts of silence were made during the drive, no future meetings were planned although I knew there would be as I too wanted more of this dark little angel. I was satisfied with the souvenir of her knickers and a pair of her mum's I'd found in the wash basket. Maybe mum next?

The end

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Thirteen is a great age and a greaat time. And this girl was quite something. Good story.

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