Published: 3-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
WARNING: This is a fantasy containing explicit sexual acts between children and children; and children and adults. If this is not to your liking or interests, don't bother to proceed.
I entered Studio KP2001, my heart beating just a little faster than normal. This studio I had worked in several times before and it was the studio I had hoped to do more work in. Boris had finally got around to assigning me for another shoot. I knew very little about what the video was going to be, except for the fact I knew KP2001 was for kids with adults and this film would be with that theme. But whether it would be men and boys, women and boys, men and girls or women and girls or a mixture of all, I did not know. I knew it could get rather full on, especially if the children were really young or the adults a little rough; but my job was just to film the proceedings, not to make judgements about what I filmed. I was looking forward to it, I must admit; and I didn't mind a bit of 'heavy' stuff. So when I entered the studio, as usual, I was really going in to unknown territory and I found this in itself to be rather exciting.
There was no-one in the studio when I entered. I looked around. There was a couch against one wall, a low table with a video player and a television on the opposite wall, a coffee table in front of the couch with a bottle of oil and lubricating jelly on it and a bottle of vodka and four glasses and that was it. The third wall was blank except for a large photograph of a little girl being embraced by a man, both naked and the man sporting a rather large erection that was resting between the girl's open legs. The fourth wall had the door through which I had entered and was bare of any furnishings or pictures.
While I was getting my camera ready, the door opened and four men entered the room. I knew two of them - I had worked with them before.
"Hi, Gorry," said Ivan when he saw me.
"How are you, Ivan," I replied, casting my eyes over the four of them. "And how are you, Yosef?" I asked, catching the eye of the other man I knew.
"Fine, Gorry," he responded and introduced the other two men. "This is Milo and Arno," he said and I shook hands with the two new guys. Ivan was around twenty two or three and was a handsome, well built young man. I had worked with him in this studio before and he had performed with a young brother and sister around ten years old. I knew he liked boys as well as girls and I had enjoyed working with him. He was uninhibited and rather well endowed and knew how to work with the camera - and the kids. Yosef I had worked with also in studio KP2001. He was around thirty years of age, had a muscly, athletic body and was quite handsome. His penis was smaller than Ivan's and he liked little girls, the younger the better. The film I had done with him was with a five year old and he had really enjoyed fucking her. It was a very sexy video and one I had enjoyed making. I had not worked with the other two men, although I had seen them around the studios at different times. Milo was an older man, probably around forty or so. He had a nice physique and was dressed in shorts and tee-shirt. He was rather pleasant to look at and one would not have picked him as a lover of little children - he looked too homely. Arno was a young man. He looked to only be around eighteen or nineteen, which always surprised me for actors in these types of movies. These men must know from a fairly early age that they like fucking kids. Maybe he was a graduate of the orphanages from where we got our child 'stars'. He was nice looking, his body slim and a handsome face. It seemed like a good bunch of men to be in the sort of film we were going to be making.
We had just finished introducing each other when the door opened again and Boris's assistant poked his head in. "Here's the script for your film," he said, handing me a sheet of paper, then ducking out again. I looked at the paper. It was an outline of the scenario I was to film.
"Have you guys seen this?" I asked. They all shook their heads in the negative. "Well," I said as they all looked at me. "It seems as though you are all going to be naked watching a kiddy porn movie when your little co-star will be brought in. There is only one girl so you are all going to get time with her. You are to play with her for a while then you all fuck her."
"Will she be able to handle the four of us?" Ivan queried.
"It just says here that the kid becomes your plaything and I guess it doesn't matter if she likes it or not. She takes what she gets," I said.
"Which is what they always do," Ivan quipped. They all laughed and I realised these men were all looking forward to the film and to having the girl.
"Well, I guess we should get ready," I suggested to them. "Get your gear off and I'll set up the equipment." The four men undressed while I turned on the video and television. There was a tape on the table beside the video player and I loaded it into the machine. Its title was 'Svetlana and her Grandpa" and, from the picture on its box, it would certainly turn on the men and make them ready for their own movie. I put the remote control on the coffee table, then readied my camera. I use hand held digital as that gives me the freedom to move around and get in close without disturbing the scene I was filming. The adult actors and many of the more experienced children were all used to having photographers between their legs or beside them as they fucked and were all able to not only ignore the intrusion but were all adept at ensuring they were positioned for maximum exposure of the action. If a child looked at the camera during the scenes, that often made the film more 'buyable', giving a naivety or innocence to the young actors that many buyers particularly enjoyed.
I turned my equipment on and the studio lights. They weren't bright but were rather designed to give shadow-free filming and were strategically placed to highlight the couch and the action that would occur on it. When I was ready, I looked at my male actors. They were all nude and Arno and Ivan were already sporting erections. Milo and Yosef were flaccid. They were on their second glass each of vodka by the look of the now near empty bottle on the coffee table.
I had seen Ivan's cock before but it still made me envious. It stood up from his hairless groin at a sixty degree angle and was smooth and rigid. He was uncircumcised and when he was erect, his foreskin retracted fully and made his shaft an unblemished, lightly tanned rod. His glans was tapered from the top and only slightly flared and was just a shade darker in colour than the rest of his penis. Most men would die for a penis of his size and shape; not to mention the very fit body that went with it. His testes were also in keeping with his overall good looks. They hung loosely beneath him in a soft pouch that was the same colour as his glans. He kept himself hairless and his balls shone under the studio lights adding to his virile look.
Arno was as handsome as Ivan and his body was still that of a young man in his late teens. He was slim and muscly and slightly gangly; but his penis was every inch as big and as beautiful as Ivan's, sticking up proudly from a trimmed patch of dark pubic hair. His balls were even larger than Ivan's and hung quite low between his thighs. He, too, obviously shaved as the only hair on his body was the pubic hair at the base of his belly and that had been cut short. His penis was a darker colour than the rest of his body, and his foreskin covered the flare of his glans making him look smoother and longer than Ivan and making the red-plum colour of his glans that protruded beyong the foreskin look brighter.
Milo had a more mature body that was, whilst still muscly and athletic, slightly more full than the younger men. His body was hairless, which seemed to be a common thing for actors in porno movies, and his muscles were less defined than his younger partners. He was still a handsome man, however, and his penis was huge! It was like a hose hanging from his bare pubes, his hairlessness making it look even longer. He was circumcised and his exposed glans was large and flared and a bright crimson colour at the end of the pale length of his penis. It hung below his balls which were in a tight sack that nestled just below his body. I wondered what a little girl would think seeing that dangling from a man. I also wondered how big it was going to be when it became erect!
The last of my male stars was Yosef and I ran my eyes over his nakedness. He, too, was well built, his body tanned and smooth. He, like Arno, had a trimmed patch of pubic hair at the base of his belly but his was blonde and showed out against his brown skin. His penis was smaller than the other men, but was nicely shaped, the glans completely covered by his foreskin in its flaccid state. It was slightly darker than the rest of his body and hung just to the level of his scrotum. His balls were rather large. I knew from my previous film with Yosef, that his penis was not much bigger erect than it was when flaccid; but this seemed to be an advantage with the girls he was with. He was more able to penetrate them and cause less discomfort or pain and he often got to go first in his movies to make it easier for the larger guys to follow. He had laughed about this with me and said he was pleased about this and that 'sticky wickets' were not his favourites!
I was about to do a bit of pre-film footage when the door opened and Elvira entered holding the hand of a little girl. Elvira was our make-up and preparation mistress and was charged with preparing the children before each movie. She was an attractive woman and she eyed off the four men, who all grinned back at her. They all knew she liked young boys and her interest in the male adult actors was just to tease. I greeted her and looked at the girl she was leading.
"Hi, Gorry," Elvira said cheerfully. "This is Nova. She is to star in your film today. Nova, this is Gorry. You will do as he says. You understand?" She looked at the young girl who nodded shyly. "She will be a good girl for you. She has been in several videos before but this is her first time with a group of men," she said to me, then, turning to the four men, "And she will be very, very good for you naughty boys," and she smiled knowingly. "I will come and collect her in an hour, after your movie is done. Okay?" I nodded and Elvira waved at the four men and swept out of the room, closing the door firmly behind her.
"Hello, Nova," I said, turning to the girl standing in the space Elvira had left. She looked very shy and nervous and looked to be only about six or seven years of age. She was dressed in a simple smock that reached to just above her knees and I knew Elvira would have ensured she wore nothing beneath it. The little girl looked up at me, her eyes showing her nervousness. There was nothing I could do or say that would alleviate that so I did not try. She knew she was here for a specific purpose and nothing I did or said would change that. I could, however, make the situation as pleasant and as friendly as I could for her. "You are here to make a video and these men will be in it with you," I began. Nova's eyes swung past me to the four men standing naked near the couch. I saw her eyes open wide as she looked at them, seeing them properly for the first time. They all raised their glasses to her and skulled their vodka. "They are going to be sitting on the couch watching a video," I went on, drawing her attention back to me. "When I say, you come over to the couch. Then you just do what the men want. Okay? You stand by me until I say." The little girl said nothing, her eyes going back to look at the men again. "We've only got the hour, which should be plenty of time," I said to the men, "But let's get on with it."
The four men sat on the couch, Yosef and Milo leaning back spreadlegged at each end with Ivan and Arno between them. They had refilled their glasses and the empty vodka bottle was lying on its side by the couch. The four of them were all ready to get on with it, any inhibitions they might have had dispersed by the effect of the drink. I noticed Yosef's penis had started to rise when he had seen Nova and it was now curved back along the groove of his groin as he sprawled on the couch. Arno leaned forward and picked up the remote control, aimed it at the video machine and pressed the play button. I began to film.
I started with a long shot of the four men on the couch. They were all looking at the television, laughing and relaxing like old friends getting drunk together. I zoomed in onto each man's penis in turn, seeing that all of them now were erect. Milo's penis was as impressive stiff as it was flaccid, sticking up firmly and reaching to his navel. How Nova was going to deal with it I had no idea - but it would certainly be the scene of the movie!
I moved around to the end of the couch so I could show what the men were watching. No wonder they were aroused, I thought, as I saw what it was. On the screen, a young girl of around Nova's age was being undressed by an old man. He was running his hands all over her body and in under her panties. The little girl was laughing and wriggling her body provocatively as the man fondled her.
"Come on over, Nova," I said to the young girl standing near the door. She hesitated, her eyes going from one man to the other, nervously looking at their erect penises.
"Come on, girl," I said more firmly, seeing her delay in coming over. "Come over to the couch." She started at my voice, then slowly made her way over to stand in front of Ivan. She was a pretty girl, her hair blonde and shiny and straight, cut in a fringe in front and falling to between her shoulderblades in back. She had a rounded face with bright blue eyes, a pert little nose and a sweet, full mouth. She was slim and rather petite, her height only about half that of the men. She really did look only about six years old as she stood nervously in front of the men. Without any direction, Arno leaned forward and lifted Nova up, spinning her around and sat her on his thigh, her legs either side of his thigh.
"There!" he said to her, his hand over her belly. "Isn't that more comfortable?" He pulled her body back against him. His erection pressed against her hip. She looked up at him, her eyes wide, as he settled her against him, a look of anxiousness on her face. The young man smiled down at her and squeezed. "Don't worry, honey. It will all be over soon. Who knows? Maybe you will enjoy it." His words did little to comfort her but she knew better than to resist and she gave a nervous smile and allowed herself to be held. Arno had a hand over her chest and, with his other hand, he lifted up her dress, exposing her naked lower body. He caught the hem of her dress in the hand on her chest and dropped his free hand back onto her lap. "Open your legs up, baby," he said, sliding his hand between her legs and spreading them. The other men watched him. Nova was unresisting but her face turned red as her sex was spread open to the men's eyes. Even though she had been in movies before, she was still very inexperienced and her hesitancy and shyness I knew would be very appealing to the viewers of this film - as long as it did not interfere with the overall end product.
"Look at the television," Yosef said, leaning forward and putting his hand on her leg, running it up and down the inside of her thigh. "See what that little girl's grandpoppa is doing to her?" On the screen, the old man had taken the little girl's panties off and was stroking around her small vulva with his finger. The little girl was lying back on the bed with her legs spread wide and obviously enjoying the old man's ministrations. "You would like me to do that to you?" Yosef continued and he touched Nova's genitals making the youngster jump. Yosef laughed and stroked around her little cunny, letting his finger slide up and down the closed slit in the centre of her plump mound. "Keep watching, little one. We will do everything to you that that little girl's grandpoppa does to her. It will make you feel good. See how that little girl likes it?"
"Look, her 'poppa is putting his finger into her little pussy," Ivan said, putting his hand on Nova's other leg. His hand covered the whole of her thigh. His little finger was near her sex. He stretched it out and pressed it against Nova's slit. "Shall I put my finger into your pussy?" he asked her. Without waiting for an answer, he slipped the end of his finger into Nova's slit. The little girl tensed and looked down where the two men were fondling her, but she made no noise and did not pull away. "Good girl," Ivan said. "You have a lovely tight pussy. It feels really nice inside."
I filmed the men playing with the youngster, including shots with the scenes on the television. The sound was recording as well, but I could dub over anything I didn't want; but I was quite excited by what I was observing and hearing, my penis hard and throbbing in my pants. I knew that Nova did not have a hymen, that it would have been broken from the fingerings and examinations she would have received at the orphanage; not to mention the fucking in her previous movies, and this made it easier for the men to toy with her. Their fondling and stroking would not be causing Nova too much stress or discomfort and would be serving to arouse the men and her to a level of excitement that would ensure I would get some excellent footage when they really started to get physical with her. The discomfort Nova would be feeling at the moment would be just from the fact there were four grown men all naked, all sexually aroused, all touching and fondling her at the same time - and the fact she knew that each of these men was going to be fucking her very soon. I focused in close-up on Ivan's finger as it moved slightly inside her little cunny.
Arno took Nova's hand and put it on his penis, which was still pressing against her hip. "Touch my cock like that little girl is touching her 'poppa's," he said to her, drawing her attention back to the television screen where the little girl was rubbing her grandfather's cock up and down as the old man knelt beside her. He had his finger inside her and was pushing it backwards and forwards. His other hand was squeezing her nipple. Arno began squeezing Nova's nipple, making the little girl squirm.
"Mmmmmm. That's nice," he said. "Your cunny is rubbing up and down my leg. Does it feel nice for you?"
The little girl nodded, looking down at herself. She was starting to shine from her juices and I noticed Milo and Ivan had oiled their penises and were fondling themselves as they watched Arno and Yosef playing with her. Then Yosef took the oil bottle and began oiling his penis.
"See, the little girl's gramps is going to put his cock inside her pussy," he said, indicating the television action. "I am going to do that to you." He smiled at the youngster then looked at Milo and Ivan. "You do not mind if I go first?" he asked them. "Your two monsters I think will hurt too much first off," and the two men smiled and nodded. They moved to sit either side of Nova and each took hold of a leg while Arno lifted her back against him.
"Let's just get her naked first," he said, lifting her dress over her head and dropping it behind the couch. The girl's small naked body was now displayed to them and Arno pressed his hands around her and fondled her nipples. I saw Nova's eyes widen in anxiety as the men began to deal with her in earnest. On the television the old man was fucking the little girl and Nova knew that it was now her turn. She watched wide-eyed as Yosef knelt between her spread legs and brought his penis up towards her open cunny. Her hand was still grasping Arno's penis but she seemed to have forgotten she was touching it as her hand was not moving. She was concentrating on the man's penis coming up against her sex. Yosef pressed the glans of his smaller organ into the spread slit. Milo and Ivan had put a finger onto the girl's labia and were pulling her open. Milo had trickled some of the lubricating oil onto her and her vagina glistened under the lights. Nova tensed up and drew in her breath as Yosef began to push his glans into her body.
"Just relax, baby," Arno whispered into her ear, his hands stroking her nakedness from her chest to her pubic mound. "Look at how the little girl in the movie is taking all of her grandpoppa's cock into her. It is right inside. Surely you can do as good as that?" Nova glanced up at the screen and nodded, but her nod was more one of nervous complience rather than agreement. Then she looked back down between her legs. Yosef had buried his glans inside her and I gazed through my lens at her swelling pubes as the man's cock began to move inside her. Yosef was very experienced with young girls and he made his movements short and gentle, but gradually increased pressure and sped up as the girl's pussy became more distended and more able to take him in. The other men watched and fondled her, Milo and Ivan stroking around Nova's sex in time with Yosef's movements. It was only a matter of a few minutes before Yosef began the deep breathing and more jerky movements that signalled his impending climax.
"Pull out a bit when you come," I said softly to him. "Let me see your spunk splash over her pussy."
I had no sooner said that when Yosef suddenly gave a cry and pulled his glans out of Nova and rested it against her reddened flesh. Then thick white senmen spurted out of his cock and splashed over her pubes. Nova gave a cry as the hot sticky fluid spurted up onto her belly and the men all laughed in delight. Yosef's climax was intense but rather short and it made them all eager to enjoy their own with this little girl.
After Yosef had moved back from Nova, Arno decided he was going to be next. With Milo and Ivan still holding the girl's legs wide, he lifted her up and slipped his erection beneath her and up between her legs. He then lowered her, holding his penis beneath her cum-covered pussy. Milo and Ivan again held her pussy lips apart as Arno directed his foreskin covered glans at the hole between them. Yosef's slippery sperm combined with the lubricating oil, plus the fact Nova had already been stretched by Yosef's penis, enabled Arno's larger organ to slide easily into the little girl -at least for the first two inches. Then Arno lowered Nova onto himself, her weight driving his cock deeper into her. The little girl winced as her vagina was stretched even wider and the other men watched the bulging of her flesh as their comrade's cock drove deeper and deeper. Nova cried out as the last inch of Arno's penis buried itself into her. I could see the bulge of his glans against the soft roundness of her belly and her vaginal opening was strectched to its limit, her labia grasping the hardness of his shaft. Milo and Ivan began lifting and lowering her on Arno's cock, the shaft whitened by the tightness of her and Nova whimpered as the three men fucked her. My camera stayed on her pussy. The sight of the thick male flesh going in and out of her was incredibly sexy. Every now and then I panned up to her face where her eyes were closed tight and the strain of having that large maleness buried deep inside her was clearly showing.
It wasn't long before Arno began to climax and Nova squealed as he pumped his first spurts deep inside her. Then, knowing I wanted to see him coming, he pulled himself out of her and let the last few spurts shoot against her swollen sex and up over her belly. I focussed in on his creamy discharge sliding over Nova's bare pubic mound and into her pussy, which was puffy and red.
"I want to fuck that ass," Milo said as Arno relaxed back against the couch, causing Nova to lie back on him, her legs still spread either side of his and exposing the crevice between her buttocks to the men's (and the camera's) view. Her anus was a crinkly pink spot in that smooth divide and Arno's sperm had trickled down onto it, forming a small greyish pool in the indent. Milo reached over and stroked the slippery cream around the puckered opening and gradually pressed his finger into it. Nova whimpered and tried to close her legs, But Arno took hold of both of her thighs and kept them wide open, pulling her back tighter against him. The other two men watched as Milo began to finger-fuck the youngster's anus, teasing and moistening it with both sperm and oil. Then he knelt in front of her and brought his monster cock up to that tight entrance. Nova watched, tense and wide-eyed as the man took hold of his well-oiled erection and began to press it over and around her sphincter. The other three men watched in fascination and I don't think any of us could believe that thick organ could fit inside the young girl. My camera was zoomed in as he began to press harder and I could see the little girl's anus slowly giving way to the pressure. Slowly...slowly the head of Milo's cock began to force its way into Nova. The young girl whimpered and gave sharp cries at each fraction the shaft gained into her tight passage. And then Nova gave a sharp cry and I watched in amazement as her anus suddenly gave way and Milo's swollen glans disappeared into her. I was only vaguely aware that the video on the television had finished, a faint hiss in the background, as my attention was focussed on the sight before me. Once Milo's cock had penetrated Nova's anus, all resistance from the little girl seemed to disappear. His oiled shaft seemed to slide easily into her, millemetre by millemetre until his pube was resting against her buttocks. Her vagina was spread wide by the thickness of the shaft inside her and Arno varessed up and down and in it while the little girl was fucked.
Milo pistoned his penis in and out of her now complient anus, the young girl gasping and sobbing as her bowels were deeply penetrated. Then Milo and Ivan, who still had their hands around her thighs, at a signal I did not see, suddenly spun her around on Milo's cock so that she was lying facedown on Arno's bare body. Milo grasped her around the hips and began thrusting in and out with more vigour and I knew he was about to come. With a cry and a deep expulsion of breath, he began pulsating, his cock thrust deep inside Nova. And then he pulled it out and squirted his cum into the gaping sphincter and up over the girl's back. His semen was thick and creamy white and copious. He spurted almost a dozen times before he had finished. His glans was red-raw and swollen, covered in a mixture of semen, oil and inner body fluids.
The men fondled the now near-exhausted young girl but they knew they weren't finished yet. There was still Ivan to go. Ivan with his large and beautiful cock. He moved up towards the head of the youngster where it rested on the top of Arno's belly and prodded his glans at her face. She knew what was required of her, even though she was almost out of it from her previous three encounters. She opened her lips and Ivan slid his smooth glans into her mouth. I could see her cheeks and tongue moving as she began fellating him and Ivan seemed content to let this go on for several minutes.
Then he became a little more forceful, thrusting more of his shaft into the little girl's mouth, pressing up against the back of her mouth. I saw her gag as he began forcing his glans into her throat and I had a momentary spasm of fear that he might choke her. But Nova had done this before. She adjusted her mouth and throat in a way that allowed Ivan, in spite of his length and girth, to enter her throat. He took hold of her head and began face-fucking her, his penis slipping easily between her full lips. Several times Nova gagged and spittle dribbled from the corners of her mouth. She kept her eyes shut the entire time and I could actually see Ivan's penis as it stretched her throat on each inward thrust.
Then her eyes sprang wide open and she spluttered and vented through her nose and I knew Ivan was coming. He, too, pulled out after his intial spurting into her and his ejaculation streamed over her face and onto Arno's chest and belly. It dribbled from Nova's mouth as she choked and gagged on the thick fluid that had been shot into her throat.
As his climax subsided, I zoomed back from her and saw a naked young girl covered in streaks of sticky and drying semen with four naked men still with half-erect penises covered in slime and excretions still fondling her exhausted and used body. The five of them made an incredible scene as they gradually sprawled back onto the couch. Slowly I faded the video was done! As I turned to put my camera away, I glanced at my watch. Incredibly the hour was almost up. The time had absolutely flown by. I picked up Nova's dress from behind the couch and threw it onto her.
"Elvira will be here in a tick," I said to her. "She'll clean you up in the dressing room. Just slip your dress on. You can use it to wipe yourself down if you want. I don't have any towels."
The men roused themselves as Nova sat up, wiped her face and began to pull the dress wearily over her head. One by one they stood up and then leaned over and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Then they, too, began to pull on their clothes. The door opened and Elvira was there and she took Nova's hand, pulling her up from the couch.
"Were you a good girl?" she asked, her question directed at the men and me rather than at the girl. There was an enthusiastic response from all of us. "Good girl," she said, leaning down and kissing Nova before leading her away.
The men said very little as they dressed, then they left and I was alone to pack away my gear and to contemplate my next assignment at Studio KP. This one was a job well done. What would the next one be?
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