Published: 1-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Ruby waited on the sidewalk while his buddy Vern flirted with some older guys. It made him feel uncomfortable being seen in this part of town but Vern was new to being out and wasnt yet used to walking down the streets of the gay area alone.
Ruby felt kind of weird knowing that Vern was gay. He didnt really understand gay people but he and Vern had been friends since preschool and he wasnt going to abandon him just because he was gay. Still asking him to walk around gay town together was a little much. Two thirteen year old kids on the streets of gay town probably made a lot of people get the wrong idea.
When Vern was done flirting he came back to Ruby with a thumbs up.
"I dont get why you have to flirt with older guys instead of kids our own age," Ruby said as they started to walk again.
"Come on, how many middle schoolers are already out?" Vern said. "If I want a boyfriend anytime soon, I cant be picky about age."
Ruby sighed when Vern talked about getting a boyfriend. For the last few weeks he had talked casually about his being gay as though it didnt matter and was completely normal. Ruby kept wondering how his friend could possibly call himself gay when he hadnt even had sex with a girl yet. But after that conversation hed drawn the line at talking about sex, because when Ruby tried to talk about "pussy" Vern tried to talk about "cock".
"Are we almost done here?" Ruby asked as he noticed some queer checking him out.
"I just wanna get a few more numbers," Vern insisted. "Hey that guy over there looks kinda cute." "Dude I think Im gonna head out," Ruby told him.
"But you told me youd walk around with me."
"Yeah well, Im sick of people looking over and thinking Im your gay boyfriend," Ruby snapped. "If you want someone to walk with you just have one of these gay guys do it."
"I wish youd stop saying gay like its a bad thing."
"Vern its kinda gross." It felt good to come right out and say it but Vern was less than pleased. "Fine, just go back and hang out with all the straight people and Ill stay here with the gay people." They stomped away from each other. Ruby didnt even bother to look back. He just wanted to get out of gay town as soon as he possibly could. Who needed Vern anyway? Now that he was gay he was embarassing just to be around.
Ruby took the shortcut through the park where none of the gays hung out at the time of night. That meant he was out of sight of all the leering dudes that wanted to flirt with him. He felt safe finally. There was a white van parked on the sidewalk. Other than that no one was about.
Just then Ruby felt a hand clamp over his mouth and a strong arm wrapped around him. He screamed but it was so muffled no one could have possibly heard. The person holding him dragged him across the ground toward the white van. He struggled the whole way.
The person lifted him up into the van. Ruby saw another man sitting inside. He looked maybe thirty. As soon as Ruby and the man holding him were inside the sitting man closed the van door and the van started to move.
Rubys attacker sat down and Ruby had to sit on him. He no longer tried to scream but he struggled and whimpered.
"Great, I thought no one would show up alone all night," said the man who Ruby was looking at.
"And wow he looks young. Ask him how old he is Gordon."
The man holding Ruby, the one called Gordon, spoke into his ear. "Now Im gonna let you go. Theres no use screaming so dont even bother. You can sit somewhere else, but if you try to open that door Im gonna kick your ass. You got me?" Ruby nodded with fearful eyes and Gordon let him go.
Ruby scrambled away to sit in the corner with his legs pulled in so that his knees touched his chest. The man called Gordon was about forty. He was cleanshaven like the other man and looked meaner.
"So how old are you little buddy?" said the nameless man.
Ruby thought fast. If they knew he was younger than they thought they would surely let him go. "Im thirteen," he said in a high pitched voice.
The man whistled. "And whats your name? My names Ben and this heres Gordon and up in the front there is Nick."
"Im Ruby."
"Well Ruby its nice to see someone your age already out and walking around gay town," said Ben.
"You dont meet many gay kids so young."
"Im not gay."
"Then what are you doing in this part of town?" Gordon said skeptically.
"I was with my friend," Ruby explained desperately. "He wanted me to walk with him but I left. So you see? Im not gay, so let me go."
He actually thought they would now they knew he was young and straight. But they just seemed to get excited. Ruby was horrified when he noticed Ben slowly undoing his belt. He frantically reached for the doorhandle, but Gordon grabbed him by the collar and tugged him back. As Gordon held him tightly as he had before, Ben undid his belt and unzipped his fly. He reached into his pants and pulled out a six inch semihard dick.
Ruby shrugged and yelled for them to stop but Gordon held him by the hair and Ben laid down on this floor of the van. Gordon pushed Ruby forward and brought his lips down onto Bens cock.
With a strong hand Gordon forced the boys mouth open and lowered it onto Bens dick.
Ruby choked and flailed as he felt the cock slide into his throat. Gordon held his head in his strong hands and bobbed it up and down. Again and again, Ruby felt the throbbing, twitching member slide into his throat and then back out. It was getting harder which made it worse. Ben was sighing.
Then the van came to a halt. Gordon released Ruby and Ben tugged his dick back into his pants. Ruby was very confused but so relieved.
Then the door opened and a third man cimbed inside. Ruby figured he must be Nick. He looked like he wasnt even twenty five yet. There was an excited look on his face when he saw Ruby. "Nick, this is Ruby," said Ben. "Hes thirteen, he straight, and hes just been giving me a blowjob. And since its your first pickup you get to go first."
The men pulled Ruby out of the van. He prepared to scream and run away, but when he looked around he saw that they were in a very large garage. There were tables and furniture all around in random places all spread throughout the room.
"Im thinking doggy," Nick said much to Rubys confusion.
Dragging him across the floor they brought him to what looked like a small kitchen table. They forced him onto it on his back. Nick looked over him hungrily as the other two held him down. Without warning the two men holding Ruby worked together to pull off his shirt. They quickly held him down again once his shirt was off.
Ruby didnt understand what was happening. His worst thought was that they were going to torture him, cut into him. But once Nick began to pull off the boys pants he suddenly understood. He kicked his legs trying to make Nick back off but Nick just stepped to the side. Ruby was just in his boxers now and felt way too exposed.
"Get away, please!" Ruby begged. "My parents have money, they can give you anything you want."
"Youre already giving me what I want kiddo," Nick said. He slid Rubys boxers off his flailing legs and tossed them away. Now that he was completely naked Ruby started to cry from embarasment.
Gordon and Ben flipped Ruby over and forced him onto his hands and knees. They held one leg each and made sure he stayed down.
Ruby felt Nicks hands grip his ass. Then he squirmed as he felt a slimy finger rub all along his crack and especially around his asshole. "Never thought Id get to fuck little boy ass," Nick said, spreading Rubys cheeks apart.
Ruby struggled against the strong men to no avail. He felt something prod against his assholeand sobbed and begged them to stop. But then his begs turned into screams as he felt Nicks five inch cock start to slide into him. It was pure agony as it stretched his virgin hole out.
The other men cheered their friend on as Nick struggled to push the last inch in. When he did they congratulated him and told him to keep going. So Nick pulled out and thrust back in. Rubys shreiks and pleas had no affect on him whatsoever. His thrusts became harder and faster. He gripped Rubys hips and moaned with pleasure. Ruby pressed his cheek to the table and slammed it with his fist.
"Holy shit, thats tight," Nick told the others. "Guys would come from all over to get a slice of this." "God, I cant wait to stick my dick in this fine young ass," Ben said excitedly. "Im gonna destroy this kid."
Ruby couldnt believe they were talking about him as though he were an object. Here he was, shaking from the pain, and they couldnt care less.
Nicks hands began to shake. His breathing quickened. He let out a long low moan and Ruby felt what he knew was cum squirt into him. It burned his insides unpleasantly. And the Nick pulled out of him.
"My turn," Ben said. "I want to watch his face whille I fuck him."
The men wasted no time bringing Ruby to a couch. They hoisted his ass up onto the arm of the sofa, where Ben was waiting with a hungry look in his eyes. He gripped the boys skinny legs as the others watched. Nick was already playing with his dick, getting it hard again.
Ben quickly used a hand to rub his own spit onto Rubys sore asshole and insert the head of his penis. Then he held onto Rubys leg again and imediately thrust his hips forward. Ruby howled as Bens cock slipped inside. It was longer than Nicks and it went deeper.
Ben grinned and widened his eyes evily as he raped the boys tight hole. "You like that, bitch?" he said. "Huh? You like dicks up your ass, you little slut? Man you grip a cock so good. Scream, baby, I want to hear you scream!" So he did all he could to make Ruby scream. He fucked him hard, deep, and fast as he could.
Then he pulled out and climbed onto the couch before Ruby could scramble away. He climbed on top of the boy and laid down on him until his skinny little legs were pressed against his body. His legs were spread just enough so that his face was visible between his knees. Ben reached down and reinserted his cock. He bounced up and down on Ruby and rubbed against him, making this the most painful position yet. So Ruby screamed and Ben enjoyed it to the fullest.
"Fuck, kid, youre so tight. I could pound your little ass every day for the rest of my life and never even stretch you out, thats how god damn tight you are." He grunted. "Oh shit, Im gonna cum.
God, I gotta hold it in. I wanna fuck you as long as I can."
Ben kept going. He enjoyed every single one of Rubys screams. Nick walked over and came on Rubys face. The sight of the boys cum-covered cheek seemed to push Ben over the edge. "Cant hold it anymore," he panted. "Im gonna cum. Im gonna cum!" His eyes rolled back in his head and he squeezed Rubys ankles tightly. And then Ruby felt his cum fill him up. Ben laughed at the look on Rubys face. His humps slowed and then he climbed off.
Ruby was sure he couldnt take anymore. He was already in more pain than hed ever been from the two brutal rapes. But one man was still left.
Gordon walked over to the couch. Ruby tried to scrambled up, but Gordon gripped his hair and thre him to the ground. Ruby looked up and prayed for Gordons dick to be smaller than the others. But when Gordon unzipped his pants his eyes widened in horror. Gordon had an eleven inch cock and it was at least two inches wide. Ruby just couldnt take that huge thing.
He screamed louder than ever in his life and tried to crawl away from the monster, but Gordon held him down with a single strong hand. He spit directly on Rubys abused asshole and rubbed down his cock with some more. Then he sat down on the boy and all Ruby could do was sob and wait.
Nick and Ben egged Gordon on eagerly. "Come on, Gordie!" Ben said. "Tear that ass up!"
Ruby felt Gordons cockhead press against his asshole. And then it began. Gordon started to push his humongous cock inside. The head wasnt even a third of the way in when Ruby felt close to death. His body spasmed and jerked and he scratched his hands desperately across the cement floor. Then as the cock went deeper he shut his eyes tight and howled at the ceiling. It was just too big. It would break him in half. But Gordon kept going. He pushed and forced more inside, gripping Rubys ass firmly to keep it still.
"Please!" Ruby shouted. "Please, I cant take it anymore! Ugh, it hurts!"
Gordon ignored him and adjusted his body so he could push in a little faster.
Nick and Ben whooped encouragement and stroked their own dicks, which were now so much smaller in comparison, and Ruby would much rather one of them take over.
Before it was even halfway in, Ruby knew he was bleeding. He could feel the skin around his asshole stretch beyond its limit and break.
Gordon groaned and pushed. Then he abruptly stopped. "You guys werent kidding about his ass being tight," he said to his friends. "I dont know if I can get the rest of the way in."
"Come on, Gordon, you can do it!" Nick told him. "Just stretch him out."
"Yeah, man," Ben agreed. "Just fuck the shit out of that little slut! Stretch him out!"
With that, the two men began to chant, "Stretch him out! Stretch him out!" and Rubys eyes nearly popped out of his head from the blinding pain as Gordon shoved and shoved and forced his cock in deeper. He wanted to die just so the pain would stop. But it just kept coming. "Stretch him out! Stretched him out!"
Gordon gripped the boys hips and groaned. "Open wide, you little fucker!" He gave one final push and Ruby felt a huge sack touch his asscheeks as the entire cock finally disappeared into him. Nick and Ben both highfived their friend and laughed at Ruby, who was making such tight fists that his fingernails made his hands bleed.
Ruby resumed his screaming as Gordon pulled out a few inches and then thrust back in as fast as the boys tight ass would allow. He rubbed some more spit around Rubys asshole and resumed.
With each thrust he moved faster and harder and pulled out further. Soon he was fucking Ruby with such force that Ruby kept passing out from the pain and then waking up from the pain. It was like a baseball bat was where a mans dick should have been.
Ben bent down in front of Ruby with a wide grin, jacking off vigorously. "We need to start getting our hands on kids, guys," he said. "I mean, I like the teenagers we get, but little kis are so much better." He brought his face close to Rubys. "And you just love it dont you, you dirty whore? Fuck him harder, Gordon!"
Gordon did, and Rubys look of pure agony brought Ben to a climax. He blew his load in Rubys face and laughed.
"Shit!" Gordon said, pulling half his cock out and then jamming it back in over and over. "No matter how much I fuck him hes still so tight! Hes like the perfect human being."
Nick and Ben stood there enjoying the show. They all talked and talked about how tight Rubys ass was and how they needed to pick up more kids.
Suddenly Gordons massive cock began to jerk inside Ruby. The man shouted out in immense pleasure and then Rubys guts were filled up with load after load of warm cum. And then at last Gordon pulled out his torturous cock and it was over.
Rudy was barely conscious as they loaded him into the van and drove him back to where they found him. Gordon and Ben talked and drank as though nothing had happened. And then they dropped him back in the middle of the park.
Ruby lay there unconscious for a very long time. No one ever came through that park. But just then his friend Vern came walking down the sidewalk and spotted his friends naked body lying on the grass. As he approached, he noticed cum seeping out of Rubys abused asshole. Immediately his cock got hard. He looked around to make sure no one was there and then unzipped his fly.
Bad Candy
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