'The child looked unhappy. "It's not fair," grumbled Bonny. "It's always me who gets tied up," she managed to add just before her mother popped the red rubber ball gag into the eight year old's mouth.'
The teacher lowered the book and peered over her large spectacles at the 12 year old who had written this, and then at the class at large. 'This is a good start, Bonny Letts, I like the way you introduce the gag so early in the story and establish the characters. I hope you are all taking note, students. This may be a creative writing class but you are not being so creative that you neglect a clear introduction.
The middle aged woman cleared her throat and resumed reading aloud from the paper in her hand.
"Of course it's always you," said Mrs Letts as she busied herself, fastening the buckle on the gag strap behind the child's head. "You're the youngest and the rule in this house is youngest gets to be the bondage slave."
"Hmmmth Rtth," grumbled Bonny.
'Well now, as we discussed the other day gagged talk is hard to convey, but it partly reinforces the girl's unhappiness and reluctance in accepting. Could be a slightly redundant sentence, but at least it's short.' The woman didn't even look up from the paper she held. She knew she had all her student's attention.
"Bonny Jane Letts! How many times have I told you not to talk with your mouth full of gag!" Veronica Letts gave the buckle an extra hard tug and forced the ball gag deeper into the little girl's mouth. "And that, my naughty young lady, is what happens when you don't obey."
The teacher sighed and did look up this time. 'I have, as you know, a slight aversion to autobiographical stories. If you are going to merely describe, however cleverly, what you do at home then it is hardly creative writing.
'However, let us proceed as this is a critique of writing style and not lifestyle.' The teacher adjusted her glasses a little, her usual gesture when not certain about something. 'In any story it is useful perhaps to establish names here. Remember that you need names later to differentiate characters. What I do like in this short paragraph, Bonny, is you have also reinforced the woman's determination. Her daughter we know is unhappy but now we know the mother is not going to be swayed easily.'
"The child gave a strangled cry, muffled of course by the gag, as the thin leather straps cut deeper than she liked into her cheeks. She knew full well what happened if you didn't obey in the Letts household: she'd been finding out since she was barely out of babyhood."
The middle aged woman in her black skirt and plain white blouse paused again to regard her class. As always for Creative Bondage Writing he room was full and she felt gratified there were no absentees. 'In my view the reaction to what's being done is important and emphasizes actions. Pain, pleasure, sadness, joy, etc help describe the character's inner qualities and how they respond to things.'
"Of course, Bonny reflected, it could be worse. At least, that was what her daddy said and he was probably right. Trouble was Bonny couldn't think exactly how it could be worse. She was tied up every day at some point and often all night too if someone felt in the mood for tying."
'You see, students, we are in the girl's head now. She is resigned to all this and we are establishing with it a broader picture of life in this household. Timescales are useful as we discussed a few weeks ago; for example, bondage for the girl is likely to be for several hours. A night, perhaps.' She resumed her reading with a nod.
"The little blonde haired girl stood quite still as her mother tied her arms together behind her, making only the slightest grunt as her thin elbows were dragged tightly together behind her. The effect was naturally to push the girl's flat chest outwards but that, Bonny guessed, would be so her small but puffy nipples could be punished more easily. They were still sore from the last 'treat' that had been applied to them and she wasn't looking forward to another 'naughty baby boob' session.
'I am afraid, Bonny, that here you are in danger of sinking too quickly into the silly erotic words mire. As you know I prefer the reader to avoid having to read words like "boob"
A small snicker ran round the class. They all knew Mrs Hudson's view of words like "boob" when the perfectly healthy "tits" would do.
The story continued. "Bonny had no idea what she'd done wrong to deserve this. But that wasn't the point: as youngest in a household of five she was the one who got punished whatever happened. If her elder brother Damien was out late, Bonny got tied up and spanked. If her elder sister Natalie was rude to anyone, it was the youngest who got to be strapped to something uncomfortable.
"If her father had a bad day at the office (or even if he had something good to celebrate) it was little Bonny who was tied up in some stretched out, spread-eagled way.
"Worst of all was if Bonny's mother wasn't feeling too good. If she had endured a bad day Bonny would feel her wrath. That meant at least a couple of hours in the small, cramped cage in the basement for the eight year old - and no meal either."
'Good! This highlights the mother's role in what Bonny suffers. We know she ties her daughter up - now we can see she can be as moody as the father figure and take it out on the child. But allow me to continue.'
"Bonny grunted again as her mother secured more ropes round her wrists (weren't they tied tight enough already?) but wisely avoided too much noise. She knew her mommy was quite likely to remove the so-called 'small' gag and replace it with a larger one if she thought her daughter was making too much noise.
"The mother gave the merest sigh. 'This isn't for our benefit. It is to do you good,' said Veronica as she tied the child's legs together. 'It happened to Damien before you came along and to Natalie before that.'
'Now, class, we can all see the mother here can be regarded as cynical. She may love her offspring dearly but sees the need to discipline her children as more important. Is this right for the story development? We know the father is mood-driven, but should the mother be the same?'
There was a grunt of agreement from the class.
"Bonny took a deep breath through her nose. Even she could work out that Damien was only bound and gagged until he was four and then as little Bonny took over.
"Natalie had been even luckier: she was only two years older than Damien so she had only had to suffer the gags, straps, chains and ropes until she was six though she always said it was far harder for her. Bonny could never figure that out: Natalie only had mom and dad to tie her up though she said grandmomma did quite a bit, too.
"How do your legs feel?" asked Bonny's mom, looking up at her daughter from where she crouched by the child's ankles, having secured them with several yards of rope.
''Htth," grunted the child and nodded. It was the only way to tell her mom that the ropes were tight and she couldn't move them. Perfect, in other words.
"Veronica stood up and surveyed her naked daughter. 'You really do put us to a lot of trouble,' she sighed. 'Everyone loves you but you're just so naughty sometimes.'
'A good point to consider for you all,' intoned the teacher. 'Is this the woman's right attitude? Should we be seeing a weakening of her resolve, using words like love?' The woman gestured at the real Bonny close to her. 'Our own Bonny may be loved but does her mother tell her?' The teacher continued before Bonny could even begin to show any reaction.
In the room there were several frowns among the pre-teens who made up the class as they pondered their teacher's point.
"Bonny responded with a small whimpering noise into her all-too efficient gag and looked surprised. Even more so when her mommy continued: 'Damien says you kept him awake last night and he had to go on his computer as he couldn't sleep. That made him tired and late for school.
"Bonny's arched eyebrows went up even further in surprise. How could I have kept him awake? she asked herself. I was tied up in the basement on the punishment bed and gagged all night. I couldn't make a sound!
'Ah yes, we examine Bonny's point of view here, in counterpoint to the woman's monolog. But, while we should note this let's read on, shall we?'
"Veronica moved over to the window and looked at her watch. 'Damien should be home soon but Natalie's got cheerleader practice. When your brother gets in I know he will want to punish you, Bonny. Until then, just stand there and wait, okay?' She sighed as she turned away from the window and headed for the kitchen. 'I'm not very happy with you anyway because I wanted you to help me but being tied up like that means you just are useless round the home. I guess I'll have to punish you for that later, when I've got time.'
The prim woman permitted herself a small frown. 'We can see the mother thinks Bonny is a burden. Question: How does this fit in with the earlier portrayal of the woman?'
'But let us examine this paragraph a moment. I don't like this as a paragraph in itself: it is clumsy and sends too many messages. Remember the golden rule with erotica, do not confuse the reader.' The teacher paused. 'Remember that the reader should not be puzzling anything at this point. They should be masturbating by now and while I can see some of you are trying to excite yourselves under the desk, please concentrate.'
A few hands that had been below desk level slipped back up on to the table top. Several of the girls and boys in the room blushed and at least three of them seemed to have something wet on their fingers. Fortunately Mrs Hudson was in a good mood and wouldn't call for detention for the ones who had secretly been playing with themselves. She resumed her reading.
"Bonny, standing bound and gagged and naked in the center of the living room, could only shake her head at the injustice of it all.
"She knew it was going to be a difficult evening ahead and her bottom still stung from the sound spanking she had received last night. No doubt the would receive a whipping now. All the signs were there and her mother was less than pleased with her. The girl watched her mother remove her skirt, fold it neatly and slide her hand inside her black lace panties. The ones with the small red bow at the crotch. Her Mommy's favorite pair.
"Bonny knew her Mommy would play with herself for a few minutes while she selected a riding crop for her daughter's pretty little ass."
The teacher put the paper on her desk and took a deep breath. 'As you know, our own Bonny has made great progress in her creative bondage writing. I like her story and while this was only meant to be a start I think you should all consider its development. For example, all sorts of plot questions crop up: Is Bonny really guilty of something? Is she just unlucky as the youngest member of the family? Was she in line for an inheritance and the family are jealous? Why is she tied up so well so often? And whose idea was it originally - and how does she cope?
'Indeed, does all the family think of her this way - and if not, has she got an ally?'
The children all nodded, one or two wriggling as they were still aroused. The woman made no mention of their fidgeting. 'Please think about this last aspect because the story could hinge on it. If she has an ally, assuming Bonny is the family slave, how do they help her? Are they honest about helping her?
'Does help mean covert comfort, or a chance to escape? If it fails, does it mean the other family member joins her in bondage? If so, does this person suffer more than she does?'
'Please Ma'am,' said Kevin Lassiter, raising his hand, 'Is the ally going to help her escape or just, you know... comfort her?'
'Good point, Kevin, but by now you should now that words like comfort are no good for the serious writer. They are mere euphemisms for fingering!'
A laugh rippled round the class.
'Please settle down everyone! Kevin did in his clumsy way make a good point. Remember, stories are conflict. If we have Bonny all bound and gagged and no one helps her or gives her hope, then the story becomes a description of situations. Erotic enough perhaps, but we need to keep the reader hooked.' At this she gave Donny Krevitz a pointed look. 'Like your Marty character in your last story, Donny. The one with fish hooks in his nipples.'
The class dissolved into more laughter and Donny was, briefly, the butt of a couple of jokes about him fishing for praise.
The woman clapped her hands for attention and waited for them all to quieten again. 'Now, this is your homework.' She paused while a few of them groaned. As much as they all liked Creative Bondage Writing they would prefer to do the normal things that any healthy pre-teen would do, such as watching child bondage videos or playing the latest 'Grand Theft Kiddie' game. But homework was vital.
'You will continue Bonny's story and develop the plot yourselves. I want your 1000 word homework in by Monday morning. Understood Leanne Morrisey? Or do your parents need a note from me?'
Leanne blushed and shook her head.
'Very well, it is time for your next lesson. However, Bonny will remain here and begin her detention for failing to write a better story. So the rest of you please go quietly - and I do mean quietly!'
The students all rose as one, one or two boys trying to hide their small erections where they bulged their pants and several of the girls snickering at what they could see. They filed out and the classroom fell silent.
'Now, Bonny,' said the woman, turning to the child who had stood next to her. 'I liked your story but I think you can do better, wouldn't you agree?'
The twelve year old girl nodded soulfully. She couldn't say anything in her defense with the large red ball gag filling her mouth.
The teacher smiled at the child, running her fingertips over the child's naked body, feeling the way the ropes dug into the girl's slim, pale body. 'I think the story is, disappointingly for you, a mere B. That's why you are about to have detention. And I expect you will be punished for missing your next lesson.'
Bonny whimpered into her gag, just like her protagonist had in her little story. More so when the older woman's fingers trailed over the child's small tits and hard nipples, squeezing them and pinching them to extract more groans and sighs from behind the gag. Then the woman ran her sharp nails over the still red-striped butt, grinning as she pinched the child's sore ass cheeks.
'But, my dear child, as you thoughtfully made sure you came fully prepared for detention, I shall give you an B+.'
Despite the pain of the pinching and the tears rolling down her face, Bonny gave a small grunt of gratitude.
'I might even, as you made the effort to please everyone by undressing before bondage, raise your grade to an A.'
'But this may help you do even better with your grade.' The woman reached down and fondled the thick black rubber strap-on cock that jutted out from the pre-teen's slim hips. A pleasantly ridged cock glistening with lube. 'I shall remove my skirt and pants and bend over so you can fuck me, Bonny. And if, just if, you make me cum nicely I may give you an A+'
Bonny nodded, her eyes filled with tears and gratitude as she watched Mrs Letts unzip her skirt and slid it down to reveal her black lace panties with the small red bow at the crotch. Her Mommy's favorite pair.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |