I don't know what Carmen would have done with me if she hadn't focused so much on brat.
It was bad enough for me that morning in the motel room, made to sit on the large bed with my legs tied wide apart to the bottom of the bed and my hands secured behind my back. I was, as I expected, naked though what I didn't expect was that Carmen got brat to tie me up.
The child - naked herself because the woman didn't think we should get to wear our clothes until just before the wedding - was told how to tie me.
Not by Carmen but by me.
It wasn't my idea but Carmen enjoyed me following her orders, telling the child how to attach my ankles to the bed end and my hands bound crossed behind me. I even had, Carmen said, to try to escape and if they felt loose I had to instruct brat to tie me again, but tighter.
The kid was pretty good at it and after only three attempts had me bound as well as any adult could. I was told to tell the child to tie my elbows together, too. Which the kid did all too well.
Worse, the child even snickered as she did it, reminding me that I'd said it was naughty to sit with my legs wide apart, showing off my "private hole" as she called it.
'An' your really hairy down there,' smirked the child, indicating my open sex.
Carmen laughed at my humiliation, more so when she told the child to slap the inside of my thighs until I cried. Brat's hand may have been small and her arm strength limited but she soon cottoned on how to smack to greatest effect, and it wasn't long before I began to sob loudly.
Brat though didn't stop, even though I pleaded for her not to carry on hitting the sore - and rapidly reddening - patch on the inside of my thigh. 'Can I carry on hurting her?' asked brat, grinning at Carmen where she sat watching.
'Why?' asked the woman, having to raise her voice above my sniveling and moaning.
''Cos I like it,' gurgled brat. 'So can I?'
'Hmmm, Okay. You have just five more minutes, so get smacking her legs.'
Brat needed no second invitation, and she set to with her new found skill and had me howling and begging. I wonder now why she took so many risks with the noise we made: Motel walls aren't the thickest in the world but maybe she knew that here no one cared. Certainly no one pounded on the wall or kicked the door.
But then maybe she had checked the neighboring rooms were empty, and as we were at one end of the building I guess there were very few people around to hear me beg for mercy. Plus, while brat was slapping the inside of my thighs with such zeal, Carmen turned the TV on. If anyone knocked and complained, Carmen would no doubt say she was sorry the TV was up too loud.
The five minutes were soon mercifully up and Carmen told the child to come over to her, rubbing her sore arm and telling her she did so well she'd get a reward.
It just wasn't the reward brat expected. The kiss Carmen gave the child wasn't bad, though the kid looked surprised at the tongue thrust into her little mouth as the woman held the seven year old tight. Brat might even have been half expecting the hand on her flat chest, seeking out her small nipples, but the hand between her little legs was a real shock. I could see brat try to recoil in horror at Carmen's probing fingers but the woman held on the naked girl and was soon working her hand deep into the child's slit.
Tears were running down brat's usually soft, angelic face and when she tried to shout 'No!' Carmen simply pressed her lips to the child's mouth and, literally, swallowed brat's objections.
There seemed to be a brief struggle with brat pushing - or trying to push - the hand away. At once Carmen stopped and shoved brat away. 'I'm tired of you resisting me,' growled the woman. 'You're just a worthless brat who deserves to be punished.'
Brat, looking confused, began to cry. 'I-I'm sorry,' the kid blubbered. 'I-it's jus' that I'm not used to... to...' She clearly didn't know what was happening to her, even if she found it pleasurable in some way among the discomfort of a grown woman's fingers wriggling inside her.
'It's called fingering,' said Carmen coldly, picking up a length of rope by the side of her chair. 'But if you don't want to do it, tell me now and I will tie your legs together. Then I can't.'
'No!' blubbered brat. 'Please... I'm sorry! My mom said that, uh, I shouldn't...'
'Shouldn't what? She tell you not to enjoy yourself? Did she say you mustn't please someone who likes you?'
Brat hesitated and shook her head, not sure if that was the right response.
'I was going to let you slap the bitch's tits (that was me she was talking about, I realized with a jolt) like you did to her legs. But only good girls can do that.'
This was too much for brat, who looked totally lost. 'Please... I'm good. Honest.'
Carmen sighed, and began looping the rope as if she was about to use it on the child. 'I dunno, brat. Perhaps you had better stay here all tied up and we'll get someone else as a bridesmaid.'
'No!' squealed the child, her face screwed up with anxiety. 'I promise I'll be good. I'll do what you want!'
'Okay, brat. Prove it.'
'Uh, p-prove what?'
'Prove you can be good. Say: Please finger me, Carmen.' A pause. 'Like you mean it.'
Brat swallowed and said it. Not once, not once but twice times, and louder the last time. 'Please finger me, Carmen,' she almost yelled because the woman looked as if she was taking no notice.
'You sure? There's still enough time for me to get another girl.'
'Yes, I'm sure. I wanna be fingered,' whimpered the girl.
Carmen smiled, dropped the rope and opened her arms, welcoming the child back in to her. Brat skipped forward and pushed her little, but full, lips up to the woman's face, a big kiss in gratitude. In a second the child had moved her own legs apart and was pushing her naked hips at the woman, inviting Carmen's fingers back inside her small cunny.
I sat watching on the bed, amazed at how Carmen had somehow manipulated the child into wanting something both scary and exciting.
Carmen was kissing and fingering brat hard, and had also eased her own legs apart where she sat. I could see - and I guess I was surprised - that the woman had no panties on. I could see her arousal glistening on the lips of her sex.
I don't know if brat knew what to do instinctively, or if Carmen whispered something to her, but the child reached down and began stroking Carmen's cunt. Brat was a little hesitant but soon got into it, working her small hand into the big wet opening.
The air was filled with the aroma of a mature woman on heat. And a small child aroused: brat was being fingered too of course and was getting excited.
I felt a surge in my open cunt and wanted to finger myself as I watched the two - the brat I'd kidnapped and the woman who had kept the child a prisoner - toying with each other's cunts and kissing passionately. But I understood I was tied like this so I couldn't do anything. No touching, no squeezing. Nothing but sitting helplessly watching others have sex. After all I was bound so that I couldn't reach my own sex.
And shamefully, even that aroused me more than I would ever had admitted.
The bridesmaids dresses fitted both brat and me of course, though the child's was a tad too large. Still, she looked cute and she seemed very happy at finally being allowed to wear hers.
'Looks good, doesn't she?' asked Carmen towards me. I nodded as I was gagged, as indeed was brat. It had felt weird dressing myself and the child with both of us quite free but with gags tight in our mouths. I prayed I wouldn't start drooling too much as the satin would show water marks easily but Carmen had sealed our gags with strips of absorbent material.
As I stood back from finishing my dresser duties Carmen made no move to remove our gags. I wondered, for a moment, if we were to go to the wedding with our mouths sealed. We would have looked quite a sight and I expect we would have been the center of attention. More than the bride - and that wouldn't have pleased Aunt Georgina.
But Carmen had a better idea for our bondage - one that wouldn't show. At her command both brat and I raised our dress hems. Of course we had no panties on and I couldn't help glancing at brat's gash, just as she stole a look at mine. But we weren't doing this for our pleasures. Carmen wanted to restrict us under the long gowns - important she said as we both would have our hands free.
The woman knelt before both of us and busied herself attaching thin leather straps round each leg, just above the knee. I don't know if you've ever had your legs secured like this but while the shape of the knee might stop any bonds sliding down it really is necessary to tighten a strap a lot. It hurt quite a bit and I could see brat's little face screwed up with pain at her turn to have her knee straps hauled tight.
Our owner secured a thin but undoubtedly strong cord between our knee straps - tied short so we would have to take small steps - before tying a rope round each waist so that the long end hung down between our ass cheeks. This long end was tied to our knee cord making it shorter still. I wanted to say I would hardly be able to walk like this but as the gag was there to stop me raising the slightest objection I had to remain silent until we were ordered to lower our bridesmaid's dresses. Even that took time as Carmen sat back and regarded us like we were and then ordered us to walk, skirts held up, so she could savor the sight of us struggling.
Only then did she add the last of our "wedding punishments" with a little gravel inside our shoes. I wouldn't have believed how agonizing it was to walk like that. Oh yes, and we were told to smile all the time, not cry or pout. Or limp.
When we lowered our dresses we both looked pretty miserable at the pain and discomfort, so we had to raise them again for a hard slap on each bare ass to remind us we had to do what we were ordered without reaction. As brat reacted to even that, she had two more sharp slaps from Carmen's hand. Quite a few tears ran down the child's face and I had to wipe them off with my gag strip cover, which wasn't entirely unpleasant.
Finally our gags were removed but we did get a reward. We were told to kiss and for a precious few seconds I had the delight of my tongue inside brat's small and surprisingly eager mouth. A slap on my tush reminded me we had to stop.
'Time for us to go,' smiled Carmen. She looked good in her suit and motioned us towards the door.
'May I ask,' I ventured, 'what we should say about neither of us walking fast?'
'No one will ask,' scowled Carmen. 'This is a wedding, not a race meet. Oh yes, and when the bride throws the bouquet neither of you must try to catch it. In fact, when not the focus of attention I want you to put your hands behind you. Sadly I can't tie them there but I want you to try to be submissive. And above all no complaints, no secret telling. Understood?'
Both I and brat nodded. But to ensure we remembered - which I was sure wasn't necessary - we each had to lift our dresses again and receive a hard slap on our bare ass cheeks. Then we were marched (slowly) to her car and we headed for the event. We sat with our hands held behind us, to remind us of our position.
I guess I worried about what people would say when they saw us. First, I wondered how good Carmen would be pretending to be my friend Sondra. I worried how brat would fare, given that she didn't look too happy about her under-dress restraints and the gravel in her shoes.
Given that so many things could go wrong I was astonished how they didn't. Brat as the substitute Leoni was polite and cheerful enough, Carmen was gushing as psuedo-Sondra and clearly knew how to captivate everyone. To some degree I was the most ignored. My aunt did say that she was pleased I could make it as she didn't think I would - and was more than happy that my friend and her daughter could show. 'They're such a lovely family,' she confided. 'Though they don't look much alike.'
'You should see the father,' I said.
The service was about to begin and even brat looked happy to be there, despite the fact she winced every so often as she walked. But I think I probably did too. At one point I asked the child if she was okay and she whispered back: 'I wish I had a gag to bite on, so's my shoes don't hurt so much.'
I became aware a girl - another bridesmaid called, I think, Pandora and a little older than brat - staring at me and brat and looking as if she might say something to aunt Georgina, but I smiled sweetly at her and winked. Thankfully she seemed happy enough. Above all, she didn't say anything.
We were in position just about to start when I saw the one thing I never expected to see.
Standing to one side was Sondra and Leoni. The real ones.
They were silently watching us, clearly having just arrived and still taking in what they were seeing. My jaw dropped open as I stared. I felt the world was closing in on me. Carmen saw my look of astonishment and followed my gaze. She understood at once and peeled herself away from the congregation to speak to them.
The procession began and all I could do was throw a glance over my shoulder as I entered the chapel, looking back to where Carmen was calmly talking to my friend and her daughter. I couldn't be sure, but Sondra and her daughter looked quite at ease. As if they trusted Carmen.
I am not sure how I got through the wedding itself. It was, of course, torture standing through the service with my feet so pained. I could see brat suffering too but I smiled at her as reassuringly as I could. She smiled back weakly but most important of all didn't cry or complain. I figured she knew how mad Carmen would be if she made problems.
It was only when the wedding was over that I was able to get to see Carmen and discover what she'd managed to do to avert disaster. She looked as calm and as in control as always. 'What's happening?' I whispered urgently.
'Your aunt got married,' she said with a smirk.
'No, this is no time for games. What about Sondra and her daughter? What did they say?' I looked round but couldn't see them. 'How come they're here?'
'It seems little Leoni recovered quickly and really wanted to attend. So they made the journey. Almost last minute but made good time.'
I gulped. 'And where'd they go? To the cops?'
'Don't be silly,' soothed Carmen. 'I took care of everything.'
'But how? They didn't just go back home, did they?'
'Of course not,' smiled Carmen at her most enigmatic. 'I told you. I took care of them.'
'What?' I gasped as a chill settled on me. Despite the gravel in my shoes and the cords restricting my gait I wanted to race round trying to find them. I imagined them dead, and said so.
'Ridiculous,' snorted Carmen. 'Why should I dispose of them in such a crude manner?'
'But you've done something, right?'
'Of course. We couldn't have those two making waves and spoiling your aunt's day.'
'Fuck my aunt,' I snapped.
'Even with my preferences,' smirked Carmen, 'I'd rather not.' Then she sobered up. 'They are, if you must know, waiting in my car. Quite comfortable.'
'What? Just sitting there?'
'Lying down, to be more accurate.'
'Oh shit,' I whispered as the truth struck me. 'You've done something to them.'
'Relax, slut. Only a little light bondage. I think they might be enjoying themselves in the trunk.'
I felt like fainting. I felt sick and strangely aroused. Twenty four hours ago bondage and humiliation weren't even a remote part of my life but now they were, I couldn't help feel slightly aroused at the thought of females bound - especially small girls. Leoni was cute, maybe even prettier than brat. For all my misgivings and fears I thought the sight of the kid bound and probably gagged would be heavenly.
'You look as if you'd like to see them,' said Carmen lightly.
'No,' I lied. I glanced at the wedding party, at someone fussing over brat, no doubt complimenting the child on her sweet looks. I panicked as I thought she might be saying too much in reply. Something like: "Yes, and I'm all tied up under my bridesmaid's dress."
Carmen must have had the same worry for she quickly moved over to the old couple talking to brat and took the child's hand, explaining from what I could hear about toilets being needed. Gently she led brat away and towards me.
'I know it's a little early to go,' said Carmen as if she was having a casual conversation, 'but we ought to leave. Make your excuses to your aunt, tell her she's married a schmuck but she might be happy and then we'll take off.'
'I can't, not just like that!'
'Like what? That Harry looks a dickhead?' She nodded at the man my Aunt Georgina had just married. He did, but that wasn't the point.
'You know it'll look weird, us going off so soon.'
'So? Brat here wants to go. Her shoes are hurting. You want to go as you're shit scared about the two in the trunk. Plus I get bored by these things. Weddings aren't fun for people like me.'
I felt myself flush. 'No, they're only fun if you can torture and tie people up and get to have sex with little bridesmaids!'
'Right. Just like I've done,' smirked the woman. 'Now go and make your goodbyes to the happy couple and we'll go. I'll be waiting with brat in the car.'
'What if I say no?'
'Then you get left here. In three minutes I'll start the engine and two minutes later I'll drive away. Me, brat, the fun we had at the motel... all this will be just a warm memory. You'll be free to go the cops and confess.'
'Then you'd be in deep shit,' I growled.
She laughed. 'You think you know enough about me but you don't. You think I haven't done this before but I have. Oh, and you kidnapped the kid, remember. At worst I'll just appear to be an onlooker.'
'You'd lie about this?'
'Convincingly,' said Carmen, her cool eyes on mine. 'So what you going to do, slut?'
I grimaced. 'There's my friend and her daughter in the car. How you gonna get rid of them?'
'Oh... I could see to it they are trussed up in your car, back at the motel. All ready for the cops to find.'
My heart sank. I was beaten. 'Okay, I'll be at the car in a few minutes.'
'Five, maximum,' smiled Carmen as she led brat away.
Despite everything I sat in Carmen's car feeling both helpless and excited. I sat with my hands behind me along with brat in the back, no doubt both of us happy to be able to get our weight of our tortured feet. I knew that just behind me, hidden in the trunk, was my friend and her daughter: I'd been permitted a small peek at them before we drove off and I have to say they looked reasonably content for a mother and child tied face to face and sharing a gag.
Not as distressed as I thought they might be, given that it was probably the first time for them both to be tied up. But then, Carmen was good at this.
We all drove in silence. The two in the trunk because they were gagged. Brat and I because we didn't want to be gagged soon. Carmen because she simply ruled everything and she had nothing to say to us.
I watched the highway and country slip past. I had no idea where we were going but I was sure it wasn't to the motel. I turned over several options in my mind but the best I could come up was some remote place that Carmen owned where she kept her slaves. I was pretty sure just as I didn't know the real person behind this facade (I was increasingly convinced it was a sophisticated and convincing act by this woman) then I wouldn't get to see where the real person actually lived.
I thought about this place she would have, and concluded it would be full of small girls all bound and gagged. Probably their moms too.
One thing was sure: I had entered a world I never knew existed. Even kidnapping brat was just a game. An amateur's game, I now understood. I resolved - should I ever get free and want to do this again - I'd be a lot more prepared, a lot more able.
I looked down at brat and she up at me. She was a sweet child, and real cute in many ways. But so naive, or malleable. Carmen, or whoever she was, could twist the child round her little finger. Me too, for that matter.
'Don't,' snapped Carmen's voice from the front. She was watching us in the mirror. 'I don't want you two kissing. I know what women like you and kids like her are like. First tongues then hands and fingers: before you know it you're wanting to set up home together. You know, chains in the basement, punishment horse in the garage.'
'I wasn't -' I began but a glare from the woman stopped me saying more.
'Here,' said Carmen as she drove. She reached into the door pocket at the side of her and fished out some cloth and tossed it to me in the back. 'Those are little Leoni's pants. Stuff them in brat's mouth. But really pack them in: I don't want any frilly lace hanging out.'
I admit I was in some shock as the little pink panties fell on my lap. For some reason I'd thought Carmen would have simply bound my friend and her child without making them take their pants off, but then Carmen never did things by half. I moved my hands from behind me and gave brat a small smile. To her credit she opened up without a whimper and I packed the other girl's pants deep in her mouth, making sure there was nothing hanging out. Like a mother bird feeding her chick.
I resumed my submissive position, knowing that Sondra's pants were probably handy in the front to go in my mouth. I wondered what my friend's cunt tasted like and suddenly felt the need to know. They would be sweaty from her long drive I reasoned and it might even be her time of month. I gulped and spoke. 'Carmen... could I have Sondra's pants in my mouth. Please.'
Carmen laughed. 'I wondered how long it would be before you began to learn.' With one flick of her and the other pants - black lace with fetching pink edging - flew on to my lap.
Brat silently (naturally) watched me perform the same act on my own open mouth. I even balled the pants so that the crotch was on my tongue and made sure it was packed in. Sondra went for full size pants pants so it took some forcing in and my cheeks bulged. Immediately I got the answer about how the woman tasted: it was mixture of foul and fragrant and I reveled in the bitter-sweet taste of her secretions.
My hands were behind my back as I sucked the disgusting but thrilling juices from the pants, and the country slipped past.
I recognized the car ahead, parked by the side of the road. It was the one Sondra drove. But we were miles from the wedding, where she would have left it.
'Okay,' said Carmen as she drew her car to a halt. 'Show's over.'
I made a puzzled, moaning noise into the sodden panty gag I had wedged in my own mouth.
'Take the gag out. Just yours,' said Carmen as she opened the door and got out. At her gesture I clambered out too, wincing as my feet touched the pavement and making the gravel dig in to my soles again. I remembered though to put my hands behind me.
'Ow... uh, where are we?'
Carmen laughed. 'Miles from anyplace you know.'
'But that's their car, how'd it get here?'
'I arranged for it to be collected. Friend of mine does things like that for me. He brought it here while I was driving you all round the county, killing time.' She paused, enjoying the look on my face as I struggled with the idea of her having a male accomplice. Maybe more than one. Trying to take in how professional she was.
'And, uh, my car?' I looked round. We were in a remote place and there was no sign of anyone else and no other vehicle.
'In a ravine, burnt out. Too much evidence.' Carmen shrugged. 'You'll thank me for it when the cops close in on what evidence they have about you. Oh yeah, and the motel room's been stripped of your stuff. And brat's.'
'Burnt too, I guess.'
'Fire cleans and clears,' she said. 'You know, it's a pity we're separating, slut. You're learning quickly about how to do all this.'
'Separa -' I began, filled with alarm. 'But you can't! What about brat?'
'She's mine,' said Carmen calmly, glancing in at the blonde little girl sat on the back seat, not struggling. She was just waiting. 'You think I'd let her go when she and I have so much fun ahead of us.'
'But I kidnapped her,' I protested.
'And would be in jail now if it wasn't for me coming along. You owe me this.'
I felt cheated, but I knew Carmen was right. I looked at the little girl on the back seat, saw her bulging cheeks, her hands behind her back. Even the faint line on her knees, under the satin dress, where the straps were cutting in. I sighed. 'I was gonna have such fun with her too.'
'You did, but now you've got to decide what fun you might want with Leoni in the trunk instead.'
I stared at Carmen.
'Oh come on slut, think! I got you a replacement for brat. Good one too.'
'B-but I can't.'
'Really? Like you couldn't kidnap a child yesterday?'
'No, I mean... oh, its not her. What about her mom?'
'You work it out,' said Carmen. 'You want to be like me? If you do, she's the sort of problem you have to solve. Unless you don't want little Leoni. I'm sure her mom would have her.'
'What?' I was more astonished than ever.
'Oh slut. Just when I think you're learning you forget to look at the signs. You think a mom would just let me tie her and daughter up unless she didn't, secretly, want it?'
I gulped and shook my head.
'So you want to have fun in your life?'
'I do,' I blurted out and then blushed. 'I didn't mean it like that,' I said quietly, ashamed of my obviousness.
'But you do mean it. Look slut, think of what I did to you. You did what I wanted because of what, exactly?'
I shook my head. Why had I allowed her so much power over me? Then I knew. 'Because... because you gave me the chance to do things to brat.' I couldn't help grinning.
'Good! perhaps you are learning. Same with Sondra. She may be the new brat's mom but she wants stuff like we did too. Give her a little but stay in command. Okay?'
I nodded, my heart racing with new and exciting possibilities. I was going to be like Carmen.
The woman had moved away from me and was going to the trunk. 'Wait,' I said. 'Will I see you again? You and brat?'
'No. But then, we are heading to a completely new place.'
'When you get there, will you hurt her?'
'Brat? Sure. That's what women like us do.' She smiled at me, more like a sister. She opened the trunk and began to untie the mother and daughter. I watched and grinned again. I had lots of ideas for these two, I decided. Now that I was their owner.
'Pull over up ahead,' I ordered Sondra some twenty miles from our home town as the sky began to darken. 'I want to feel the kid up again and I want you to watch before the light fades.'
Sondra did as she was told. She looked troubled as she stopped the car but wisely didn't say anything. She had already found out what it was like driving with her mouth packed with soiled pants and didn't want that again I was sure. I also thought she could drive pretty well, considering she was wearing my knee straps under her skirt.
'Come and sit between my legs,' I told Leoni when the car came to a halt. The child, sat alongside me in the back, glanced at her mother and saw the woman give a small nod, that it was okay to obey. I smiled: I didn't need her mother's permission for whatever I wanted to do but it was helpful having her encourage her daughter.
Little Leoni wriggled over between my spread legs. Her small hands were bound behind her and her elbows pinned together too. I figured she would be uncomfortable but providing she exercised her fingers then it would be good for her. Now she was going to exercise her fingers on me, and I'd already hauled my satin dress up to my waist. I reached round the girl and eased the sodden ball of pants from her mouth and gave her a small kiss on her lips. My friend Sondra was watching in the mirror just as I wanted her to.
'Now,' I told the eight year old. 'I want you to start fingering me, like you did earlier. Just work your hands into me and while you do that, tell your dear whore mommy what you're doing.'
New brat as I had started to call her gulped but her small fingers began immediately burrowing into me. 'Mommy,' began the child. 'I'm... uh, I'm fingering her p-pussy.'
'No,' I said sharply and gave her face a small slap. 'That's not what it's called, is it?'
'Ow... no,' gasped the girl, blinking away a couple of tears. 'It's a c-cunt. I'm fingering her cunt, mommy.'
'And it feels wonderful,' I sighed. 'Now, mommy, why don't you tell us all what you can see me doing? Oh, you can turn round so you have a better view but keep both hands on the wheel.'
Sondra did as she was told, looking over her shoulder at what I was doing to her child. 'You're... you're starting to play with her nipples, through her dress. I can see you're pinching them.'
Little brat confirmed this with an 'Ow!'
'And am I hurting the little cunt-spawn?'
'Oh yes,' sighed the mother, eyes fixed on what I was doing.
'Do you want me to stop?'
'No,' she managed to croak.
'And what am I doing now to the little whore?'
Sondra swallowed noisily. 'With your other hand your reaching between Leoni's legs, touching her little cunt.'
'Wrong,' I snapped. 'She has a better name now.'
'Uh, new brat,' said Sondra, breathing heavily. I could tell she was both ashamed and aroused as she watched. 'Y-you are fingering new brat. I can see your fingers going right into her.'
'Can you smell it?' I asked as I worked my hand in deeper.
'Mommy!' squealed new brat in pain before her mother could answer. The girl had also stopped fingering me, which wasn't a good idea.
'Hush, honey,' said her mother. 'Madame (I liked being called that) wants to do it. You have to let her.'
'I will be punishing you both as she's stopped playing with my slit,' I said with a cold edge to my voice. 'Unless...'
'Sweety,' said Sondra urgently, direct to her daughter. 'You must carry on fingering Madame. Or she'll hurt us both.'
'Mommy!' whimpered the girl again, tears running down her face.
'Slap her face,' I ordered the mother. 'Now!'
Sondra let go of the wheel and reached back. She delivered a suitably hard blow to new brat's face, bringing new complaints, more tears. But the child knew what she had to do to avoid more pain and began, reluctantly, to wriggle her fingers in me. Sondra, I was pleased to see, had returned her hands to the wheel. I also could tell by her flushed face that she was desperate to play with herself.
I waited for nearly a minute before nodding. 'Go on, slut, finger yourself while we play owner and slave in the back.'
'Thankyou, Madame,' gasped the woman, plunging one hand up her skirt, past the knee restraints to her own bare slit. I could tell she was frigging herself furiously as her daughter sobbed while I pinched and fingered her child. I could hear the squishy sounds from the woman in the front and she worked hard on her own sex.
'Tell me,' I ordered. 'Tell me what you always wanted to do to new brat.'
'Oh,' gasped Sondra. 'I always wanted to see her used and played with. I always wanted to see her tied up. I used to finger myself thinking of her bound and gagged and being used. From when she was little.'
'But you didn't, did you?'
'No. I was scared.' The woman's breathing was ragged, new brat was crying but fingering me. 'I wanted it,' she continued, 'but I wanted someone to let me do it. Someone who'd give me permission.'
'And I give you permission, right?'
'Oh, yes madame.' The woman moaned, her eyes closing with the mounting pleasure, then opening so she could drink in what I was doing to her daughter. 'O-oh, yes!'
'Y-you own us, m-madame.' The woman was almost crying, on the verge of cumming. I could stop her I knew and she knew it too. But as Carmen said, little rewards are good. I let the woman climax as I carried on working my fingers into the crying new brat's tight hole, pinching her small, tender nipples hard. Enjoying the child's desperate fingers scrabbling at my slit.
New brat couldn't make me cum like that, but there was plenty of time for her to learn. The new brat child and her slut mother, too, in our future life together.
And who knows, in time I might even get my slut to kidnap a cute little girl for Sondra to enjoy all for herself. With my permission, of course.
Sondra cried out as she came and I smiled. She would be punished for that later, when we got home. I'd just have to think of a way that would amuse new brat, all tied up and gagged while watching her mother being hurt.
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