Being Bad

[ MMMF, Fg, Mg, inter, oral, anal, rape ]


Published: 1-Feb-2012

Word Count: 5450

Author's Profile

Story Summary
Remember: I don't practice, participate in or encourage sex with children, I don't rape and never have, used drugs nor have I murdered anyone. I don't encourage anyone to do any of the things my characters do and none of the situations are real either. These are just stories that have taboo themes in them and NOT wishful thinking. I just want to tell stories and hope no one takes my tales as anything but strokable fun.

Eight year old Emma Watson stood in the darkness of the hall, watching the big black man thrusting his huge cock into her quivering, moaning mother, the woman's thick legs on his shoulders up near her large breasts and her hands trying, unsuccessfully, to push the man off.

The other five big black men were also naked, also with huge thick cocks, standing over the bed watching the rape, rubbing their long black erections in readiness for their turn in the whimpering white woman with the short blonde hair.

Emma watched her mother sob as she orgasmed again and again on her rapist's thick cock, hearing the distressed moan as she came once again and the man gasped, grunting as he shoved deep, hurting the woman and filling her womb with his sperm. Her mother wailed in distress and the lay sobbing as the next man took his place, the man spreading her large thighs and pressing into her slowly, filling her belly.

It went on and on, each man never seeming to get tired, grunting and gasping as they finished in her and then being replaced by yet another man. Then they dragged her from the bed, standing her between them and pushed into her from both sided, one in front while the other squeezed into her tight bum from the back. Her mother screamed and cried, begging them not to bugger her, but the man behind her laughed and pressed steadily in. Emma shuddered as her mother screamed and screamed, the man at her back holding her tight and stuffing himself into her unused anus, sodomising her from the back while the other man fucked her in front. The other men laughed and talked, reaching over to fondle her mother's large breasts or stroke her soft skin.

Her mother always said that she was fat, but these men didn't seem to think so, constantly telling her what a 'fine' woman she was and that they would be visiting her regularly from now on if she didn't pay up.

Ruth Watson sobbed and gasped and moaned, clutching at the men holding her and whimpering as she was fucked hard between them and then dragged back onto her bed for more cock.

It went on and on, the little blonde child standing in the darkness of the passage, watching her mother being punished for not paying for the loan she had taken with these men.

Then one of the men turned to the door and saw little Emma standing there, watching them. He put his finger to his mouth and hushed her, then he came over and took her hand, his huge slick cock sticking out almost in her face as he led her back to her bedroom, putting her to bed.

"Go to sleep, little one. Mummy is being bad with my brothers and we are going to be in her all night." he said stroking her face, "You have school in the morning."

She nodded, not knowing who this man was, but he was very nice and smiled down at her. He bent and gave her a kiss on her forehead and then he left her there, closing the door as he went. Emma lay there for a while, listening to the sound of her whimpering mother being raped for a little while longer, then she fell into a deep, troubled sleep.

Her mother was bright the next morning, she smelt like spring flowers from her morning shower and she smiled as though nothing had happened to her at all. None of the men were around now, and Emma didn't see any sign that her mother had been raped at all, yet she had seen it happen, heard her mother's begging sobs and seen those men taking turns in her pussy and her big bum.

Emma was a bright girl, she knew about sex and had seen things on the internet when she was looking for other little girl's stuff. She had seen the pictures of men with big cocks stuffing them into pretty girls who sucked them and took them in their bottoms, drinking the gooey white stuff that squirted out and covered their faces sometimes. She also had seen black men with big, long cocks, fucking small white women, the women always seemed to be eager for their attentions and smiling at the men. It was then that pretty little Emma Watson became attracted to black men, not boys, men.

"Come and have your breakfast, Honey!" her mother smiled.

"Mummy, did someone come here least night?" she asked innocently as she sat down to eat.

"Err... Yes! Mummy had a few friend's over!" she said suddenly nervously, "Did we wake you?"

"I woke up for a bit, but I went back to sleep again and had bad dreams." the child told her.

"Oh, Mummy's sorry honey. I'll try not to give you bad dreams again, OK?" she told the girl.

"OK!" Emma smiled.

She went to school where the teacher told the class about 'bad touching', telling them that they should always report anyone who touched them between their legs or did things to their bottoms. One little red-haired girl named Tanya Bradford, put her hand up and asked if that meant having to suck on a man's 'thing' and the teacher gasped, taking the girl out of the class and not coming back for hours. When she did return she didn't have Tanya with her and she looked very flustered.

"Class, Tanya will not be coming back to class for a while," she said, "It seems that her stepfather has been giving her 'bad touching' and we have called the police."

Some of the children started crying and one girl actually looked very frightened. The teacher questioned the class trying to learn if there were any more who had done 'bad things' with their parents or 'Uncles', but the class clammed up.

"Miss?" Emma called, "Do Mummy's and 'Aunts' do bad touching too?"

One girl gasped and the teacher gave a sick smile.

"No, they don't!" she said firmly.

"I don't believed that!" the little blonde said adamantly, "I saw you with Trudy Lomax yesterday behind the school and you had your hand in her panties!"

The teacher stood stock still, her face very, very red. She looked nervously at the class, then smiled.

"No, what you saw was me fixing her panties for her after she wet them." the very nervous woman said, looking at the girl in question, "She had a spare pair and I was just putting them on for her."

"No Miss, I definitely saw your hand in her panties!" the girl said, grinning as her teacher looked as though she wanted to cry. "Emma, I think you are mistaken!" she told the child, but none of the children were convinced and all of them were angry at the woman for telling on Tanya's father who they all liked.

Then she turned to the rest of the class and coughed, clearing her throat for their attention, as if she didn't already have it. "Class, that's all for this lesson. I want you to take out your English language books so that we can go through the next lesson!"

She kept glancing at Emma all through the class, catching the child as the school bell sounded.

"Now Emma, I hope you don't go around telling anyone else that you saw me pushing my hand in Tanya's panties?" she smiled, her eyes holding slight fear.

"No Miss!" Emma smiled, batting her eyes at the woman.

She had seen those women kissing each other and licking each other on the internet, she knew that this woman was a 'Lezzie'. "Good!" the woman said smiling and standing back up.

"I won't say anything about you fingering Tanya Lomax and then tasting your fingers, telling her that she was very tasty!" Emma smiled and walk out of class with a big grin on her pretty face.

It happened again the very next night. Her mother fought the men as they dragged her up the stairs.

"Please....!" she begged, "My little girl is here. Please don't rape me again!"

"Shhhhhh!" one of them said.

"Oh God! Don't rape me, please!" her mother begged, Emma knew otherwise now though.

"You've been a bad girl and you must be punished!" came the familiar voice of the man who took little Emma back to her bed the night before, "You didn't pay your loan repayments again and so we are taking it out in your sexy arse!"

"I promise, I'll find the money tomorrow..." her voice got cut off.

"Shhhhhh!" came the hushing voice, "Little Emma is sleeping, now open your arse and be quiet!"

Emma listened to the scuffle and then the whimpered sobs, the gasping and wailing as cock after cock was embedded into her mother.

Emma had to see again. She got up and went out into the darkened hallway, wandering over to her mother's open bedroom door and found the same scene she had witnessed before.

Each man was taking his turn in her mother, front or back. The blonde woman was whimpering as she orgasmed on each huge cock, even cumming on the one's being stuffed up her big bottom.

Emma stood and watched as her mother was used and raped, again and again by the tireless black men with the thick, long, shiny cocks. She could see the thick, gooey white stuff from her mother's pussy still glistening on them.

That nice man from the last night turned and saw her again, smiling and indicating that she should be very quiet. Then he came to her, lifting her up.

"You really shouldn't come and watch your mother having sex like this," he smiled as he walked her to her room.

Her legs went around his waist and she could feel his big cock pressing up between her plump thighs against her bottom as he walked with her, making her gasp. It felt so warm and throbbed against her bum.

"Now get to sleep and don't come back out here again, OK?" he told her as he put her in her bed and covered her up.

"OK!" she said.

He smiled at her and bent down, again kissing her on her forehead, then closing the door as he left.

Emma lay there listening to her mother being raped again, knowing why she refused to pay the men when she had all that money hidden away in the big tin over the kitchen cupboard. The little girl had seen her mother's wicked smile as she took another wad of thick bills and hid them in there with the rest of the cash.

"You don't tell anyone you saw this, you hear?" she had told Emma that very afternoon.

"Yes Mummy!" Emma said.

It was clear the woman wanted to be raped again for not paying. The little girl slipped her hand into her panties and started rubbing herself as she had been doing since she saw her teacher, Miss Marshall, stroking the pussy of Tanya Lomax behind the school that afternoon months ago.

The visits to her mother by the large black men and the nightly rapes continued, week after week. Emma usually got up to watch, but had started staying in her bed now, already knowing what was happening.

It was what she heard this night as her mother was dragged up to her bedroom that perked Emma's interest.

"Why are you being so stubborn and not paying us our money?" the 'nice' man asked her as Ruth Watson sobbed and begged.

"I don't have it, I swear!" she cried, "I'm trying to get it together..."

"You know what I think?" he said, "I think you do have the money, but you're deliberately keeping from us, wanting us to punish you like this. I think you like it, I think you want us to rape you and use you every night as our personal plaything. Isn't that right?"

Emma heard her mother's whimpered denials, but even the little girl knew that the man was right.

"I will give you one last chance to start paying us, otherwise I will go into your daughter's bedroom and give her my special attention." the 'nice' man told her moaning mother, "When I'm done with her, no man will be able to satisfy her and her holes will be useless to any white man!"

Her mother screamed and there was a scuffle, then there was more screaming and fighting before the loud gasp as the men began to fuck her again all night long. The woman whimpering and grunting as she was 'raped' once again.

Emma lay in her bed, slightly afraid now after what she had heard, her fingers slipping into her panties to rub her plump little pussy, sliding her fingers into her wet hole to make herself feel nice again. She still remembered when she had used the thick blue marker pen to fuck herself with, how it had hurt the first time she did it and how nice it felt every time after that.

Then she got up, pulling her panties down off her hips and down her very plump thighs, throwing them to the floor. She went out to the hall and stood at her mother's door watching her getting 'punished' for being bad again.

Emma was very excited, she had a purpose tonight, wanting to feel the big black man's throbbing cock against her flesh when he picked her up again. She knew that later on he might hurt her if her mother didn't pay him, but she wasn't scared of that now. As she watched them 'raping' her mother, the 'nice' man turned and saw her standing there, almost in the room.

He sighed and came over, leading her out into the dark hall and lifting her up.

"What are you doing up again, eh?" he asked her as she wrapped her plump legs around him and his cock pressed up against her exposed crotch.

Emma gasped at the feeling of the man's wet, warm cock, throbbing as it pressed against her smooth, bald pussy and her fat buttocks.

"What's this?" he asked, taking his hand and fondling her meaty bottom, "No panties? What a bad girl you are!"

He laughed softly and took her back to her room, his hand still fondling her plump buttocks as he held her. He didn't put her back to bed right away, he just stood there, playing with her bottom as his cock throbbed against her crotch.

"Now why are your panties not on tonight, hmm?" he asked.

She didn't answer, just stared up into his face with her big blue eyes, feeling excitement at his hands on her flesh.

"I think that little Emma want's to be bad, doesn't she?" he said and the girl blushed and looked away, biting her bottom lip.

She gave a little gasp as his thick finger found her little anus, tickling it. He smiled at her, working his slippery finger into the little hole, making her open her mouth and gasp some more at the feeling.

"If your mother doesn't behave, I will have to come into your room and do bad things to this little hole, making it very big and loose." he told her.

Emma shuddered at the thought, she had seen how much it hurt her mother when he had done it to her the first time, though it didn't seem to hurt her so much now.

He finally lay her on her bed and sat down, his big glistening cock still covered with her mother's juices.

"See this?" he showed her his very long cock, "I will have to take it and force it up into your little bum, then I will rape you every night and it will hurt real bad. So you better tell your Mummy to pay us, or else I will have to use it on you."

He began stroking it with his big hand, the girl watching in fascination as his hand slid along the slick length. He started into her eyes, his other hand finding her plump pussy, stroking her bald flesh as he kept rubbing his thick black cock. She moaned, humping her hips up to his fingers, seeing his hand working faster and faster.

"What a hot little girl you are, I think I want to cum," he gasped, "And you're going to taste it!"

He grabbed her, pulling her over to him and pressing her mouth down on his thick cock-head, forcing her mouth open and down onto it just as he gasped and came hard, his thick gooey sperm spurting into her mouth.

Emma had seen the little film-clips, she knew that she had to swallow it up and she did, gulping it all up as it filled her little mouth. She heard a gasp of delight and sucked down harder on the man's huge cock-head, drawing the rest of his seed down her young throat.

He released her and she sat back licking her lips, the taste of the man's sperm not as bad as she had thought it would be.

"WOW!" he gasped, "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"On the internet!" she grinned in her small sweet voice. He stared at her, his cock still throbbing with need. Then he pulled her back to him on her belly, pushing her mouth back to his cock. "Show me what else you can do!" he said, reaching behind her to finger her anus again as she practised what she had seen those pretty women doing to the black men's big cocks on the internet. She gasped as his finger wriggled into her bum, his finger very slippery as it squirmed into her anus. She began licking his wet, tangy shaft and tasting her mother's juices and knowing that was what it was. She licked at his balls, bringing a gasp of delight from him, then she licked his cock, all the way up to the tip and working it in and out of her eager little mouth. Emma liked it, she like the feeling of the thick, warm shaft of black flesh on her tongue, she liked the taste of it in her mouth and even the taste of her mother's creams mixed with sperm still on him. She liked hearing his gasps as she licked his balls and suckled his thick cock-head in her mouth. She moaned as his finger slid deeper into her tight little bottom and suckled even harder on his cock.

"Yes, suck me, you sexy little bitch!" he gasped as he finger-fucked her anus gently, "I'm gonna be visiting you every night from now on. Your little mouth is amazing!"

Emma swooned, gobbling up his cock-head and sucking as she copied how he stroked his shaft with her small hands, playing with his balls as she had seen those women do in those internet film clips. Listening with delight to his gentle gasps and moans as his finger became two, dipping into her tight young arse-hole. She was delighted when he moaned loudly and his cock jumped in her hands, spewing his sperm into her waiting mouth again, the little eight year old suckling hard and sliding her small mouth up and down on the pulsing head, sucking his seed into her eager waiting belly until he was spent and his cock slowly softened. He pulled his fingers from her bum and pulled her to him, staring into her eyes and then kissing her on her mouth. She felt his tongue slide between her lips and sucked on it, swallowing his spit as he tongued her slowly.

When he pulled back she saw him smiling at her.

"What a delicious little bitch you are," he said, "I won't let anyone else have you. I want to train you myself."

Emma giggled and he smiled down at her, she had been bad and she had really liked it. She was glad she had been watching those little videos on the internet, she actually had learned how to make a man squirt his sperm and she was thrilled.

He put her to bed, kissing her mouth again, and then he left, waving to her.

Emma watched her troubled mother as she sat looking at the money in the tin. She knew that her mother was debating whether to give the man his money, or risk losing all that lovely cock, getting her daughter raped in the process.

"I know, I'll give him half and beg him not to fuck my baby!" she smiled to herself, thinking that she was being very clever.

Emma already knew why her mother didn't want to pay, she knew that the stupid woman liked being raped, having all those stiff black cock stuffed continuously into her body. The lonely woman wouldn't admit that she felt unattractive before the men came and needed them to make her feel wanted again. Even little Emma could see that.

Since her stepfather had left them and picked up with that young girl, her mother had been without a man, without cock. She knew that the woman missed her nightly sessions with her brutal stepfather before the black men came, it had been almost a year before she had earned the wrath of the 'crew', now she couldn't stop having them use her body, Emma knew that her mother would do anything for cock.

The eight year old watched her mother stuff the money into her purse and then go about cleaning the kitchen for breakfast.

When Emma went to school, she saw her teacher watching her carefully. The woman was very nervous and kept smiling at her. "Did you tell anyone about me?" she asked Emma when she caught her alone.

"No!" she said, "Do you want me to?"

"No! Oh goodness no!" the panicking woman gushed, "Please don't say anything!"

She didn't even try to deny that the child had seen her with her hand in Tanya's panties.

"OK!" Emma shrugged and walked away.

She actually wondered if she should let her teacher 'feel' her too. Coming into class during break and standing next to the frightened woman as she tried to mark the assignments that her class had written.

"Miss?" Emma said.

"Er... Yes Emma?"

"Play with my pussy!" she said, lifting her school uniform. The woman stared wide-eyed at the child, looking around her nervously.

"Emma..." she started to babble.

"Play with my pussy or I will tell on you!" the little girl smiled into the panicking woman's eyes.

Emma waited, then the woman slipped her hand into her panties, her long, slim fingers stroking the girls bald flesh. Emma sighed, hunching her hips forward against the woman's warm, skilled fingers, gripping the chair's arm-rest and gasping.

"You are a bad little girl," Miss Marshall whispered into her ear, "A very, very bad little girl. But your little pussy is so nice!"

Emma found her face very close to her teacher's, the woman's eyes half closed with lust as she eased her finger into the child's juicy little hole. The girl opened her thighs wider, giving the woman more access to her wet little vagina. Miss Marshall suddenly pulled her fingers out, pushing them into her mouth and sucking the girl's juices off them.

"Mmmmmm!" she moaned, "That's delicious!"

Then she slipped her fingers back into the child's panties and her wet little slit for more, tasting the little girl and then pressing her lips to Emma's in a long, wet kiss. The woman was delighted when the girl sucked her tongue and swallowed her spit. Then she pulled back, fixing the child's clothes with a happy smile.

"Well, who would have thought it?" she grinned, stroking the girl's face, "I think I'd better speak to your mother about coming to my house for some extra lessons to help you with your English language assignments."

Emma understood perfectly and nodded.

"Yes Miss, I'll let her call you!" she said.

Emma moaned as the woman's thick tongue lapped at her pussy, suckling her fat buttocks and tonguing her little anus. She was naked on the woman's big bed, her school uniform on the chair by the window and her books scattered on the floor. Miss Emily Marshall was also naked and her face was between the little girl's thick thighs, her tongue rasping against her open, wet flesh and stroking her swollen little clitoris.

"Oooooooh!" the child moaned, shuddering as the woman continued to lick her pussy.

Emma was feeling something deep in her loins, something struggling to release itself. She moaned and hung onto the woman's head as she held her thighs apart and lapped at her crotch.

Suddenly Emma gasped, trembled and let out a scream as the licking tongue and sucking lips tickled her clitoris and ripped her very first orgasm out of her plump little body.

She felt it exploding in her belly, her heart, her head and shudder through her whole body. She gasped as the woman hugged her and kissed her mouth, filling it with her wet tongue.

"What a wonderful little girl!" Miss Marshall sighed as she hugged Emma to her breasts, now it's your turn!"

Emma didn't even try to resist as the woman pulled her face between her long, slim thighs and pressed her pussy against her mouth. She opened her lips and found that that woman had waxed her flesh smooth, as smooth as her own, licking the warm, very wet skin and dipping her young tongue into the wet gash that lay open to her.

"Oh, fuck! That's so fucking nice!" the woman sighed.

Emma remembered what the woman had done to her, what she had seen on countless internet porno clips. She copied them all now, making her own combinations and making the woman gasp and cry out as she sucked her swollen lips and tongued the juicy opening of the woman's steamy pussy.

Emma licked and sucked the warm, wet flesh, rubbing her tongue against the fat little bud sticking out from the small hood at the top of the woman's big pussy, making the woman gasp and then moan once again as she suckled on the blood-filled clit.

"Oh Emma...."

She sucked it, licked it and then, as she felt the woman tense up, she went back to licking her pussy.

"Gahh!" the woman cried, frustrated at having missed her coming orgasm.

Emma chuckled to herself, having seen that little action on the internet before, she repeated it again and again, bringing the woman to the edge and then releasing her until the teacher held her face ion that spot, demanding to cum.

Emma laughed to herself and just flicked her tongue against the woman's clit, not giving her enough to satisfy herself.

"Please....!" she begged, "Please make me cum!"

Emma giggled and suckled the swollen bud into her mouth and fed on it, sucking it like a teat, making the romanceam and shudder as she finally got the release she badly needed.

"Oh, you bad girl..." Miss Marshall sighed, still shuddering on the bed.

Emma still lay between the woman's thighs, licking her as she orgasmed, pleased with herself. This was the second time that she had made an adult orgasm, first a man, now a woman.

Emma felt very grown up and very naughty indeed.

When she got home the men were already there, Emma's mother looking frightened and desperate.

"Emma, please go to your room and do your homework. Mummy has to talk business with these men!" Her mother said.

Emma saw the 'nice' man for the first time with all his clothes on. He wore a suit, as did the other men, and he looked very handsome. He smiled at her and she giggled, still tasting the teacher's creams on her tongue as she said hello to the men and went up to her bedroom to do her homework.

She was called down for her dinner, changing into her pink dress and running downstairs to find the men still there. She smiled at the 'nice' man and went into the dining room, sitting down to eat and listening to her mother's pleading voice, but not actually hearing what they were saying.

Emma ate her dinner and then went into the living room, finding her mother in the arms of one of the men, his hand in her top, feeling her breasts.

"Mummy, I want to got to bed now!" she said, hoping that the 'nice' man would come and 'play' with her again.

Her mother fought to free herself from the man and came over to her. "OK Baby, you go up and make sure you wash properly. OK?"

The child nodded, smiling up at the 'nice' man again and going up to her room as her mother's voice complained.

Emma showered, and then she took the small tub of Vaseline, opening it and using it to coat her fingers, rubbing it into her anus and her pussy, making them both very slippery for the 'nice' man to play with her. Then she ran off to her bedroom and watched TV for a while as the noise of her mother scuffling with the men downstairs got louder as usual.

She turned off her TV set and lay there, waiting for the men to strip her mother and drag her upstairs for her nightly 'rape'. She listened to her mother's sobbed pleadings and then the scuffle as she was dragged upstairs to her room for her many hours of hard, long, and thick black cock.

Emma didn't wait this time, she jumped out of bed, stripping off her nightie and her panties, and walking out of her room. She wandered down the hall to her mother's bedroom door, finding it open as usual, and took in the darkness watching the men taking turns to fuck and bugger her mother.

She stroked her pussy, standing in the dark until the 'nice' man turned and smiled at her, showing her the 'hush' sign with his finger to his lips. Then he came over and picked her up, feeling her nakedness against his and reacting with delighted surprise. "You're being bad again, aren't you?" he laughed softly.

"Yeah!" she grinned at him, opening her mouth for his wet tongue and his spit as he kissed her, standing in the doorway and watching her mother's holes being filled.

Emma loved the feeling of his huge, thick black cock throbbing up against her crotch, pressing against her juicy pussy.

The man played with her bum, his finger finding her anus and easing inside. He was delighted to find that she had 'greased' it for him, slipping his fingers into her bottom and then walking slowly back to her bedroom as he tongued her and fingered her arse.

In her bedroom, he put her down on her bed and fed his cock to her, standing with his hands on his hips and enjoying her mouth as she practised what she had learned on him again, even using what she had learned from her teacher to make the big black man gasp, moan and squirt his seed into the child's eagerly waiting mouth.

"Fuck!" he gasped, as she suckled his fat cock-head in her warm little mouth, "Shit!"

The man picked her up and kissed her, then pushed her onto her back on the bed, spreading her plump thighs wide and playing with her pussy, easing a thick finger into it and delighting when it slipped deep into the gasping child.

"You naughty little girl!" he said, "You've been playing with your pussy, haven't you?"

Emma giggled and then gasped as he finger-fucked her, bending to suck her fat nipples and then kiss her open mouth again, feeding her his tongue and his spit again.

He kept this up for a bit, then he pulled his finger from her, sucking it into his mouth and then bending to lap her wet little hole.

Emma moaned, enjoying the rough tongue of the man as he sucked and licked her little pussy, making her groan and shudder under him.

She felt that familiar feeling stirring in her loins and grabbed her pillow, bitting into it as her orgasm hit her, tearing through her small body and making her scream into the fluffy cloth.

He lay in her bed, stroking her, fingering her bottom and kissing her mouth after she had sucked another load of his gooey cum from his cock, his thick fingers deep in her arse-hole.

"I want this hole soon!" he told her, "Very soon!"

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Bad Candy

Fantastic! Can't wait for more!


When are you going to finish this great story? I want to read where Emma gets fucked by the black man.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.