Published: 13-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Hi there guys 'n dolls! It's me, Nikki, the most rampantly cockhungry primary school fuckdoll you'll ever have the good fortune to meet on a bus! Daddy told me it was time to let you sick, nasty old pedophilic kiddiefuckers in on my favourite hobby: Inctiting inactive pedophiles to molest, abuse and rape my hot, hungry little body! Y'see, once I'd learned how easy it was to get confirmed kiddiefuckers to beat, molest and rape my deep, tiny little preteen cocksockets, well, a little whore like me starts looking for challenges. Like my teacher, Mr Samson, who's still yet to take my rapebait. Plus, there's something about a pedophile (or any man or woman, they're all a little pedo imho) breaking his/her biggest taboo and slipping their gnarled, calloused old finger into a vicetight, yet wetly accepting little girls hairless, puffy twat. Once that (or any of the other line-crosses, or as I like to think of them: Game On Moments, like tongue kissing a preteen girl, or slapping me across the butt and/or face, or offering me candy, or grabbing me by my hair, slapping a hand over my mouth and dragging me into an alley/some bushes/a decrepit van/their rape dungeon etc etc... [Sorry, had to take a break from writing to slap myself across the face and pussy with Daddy's shaving strop. I just get too horny sometimes.] Once that line has been crossed, out comes years, decades of sexual repression. So fuckin hot! It's like you can see their old life and persona dying in flames, only to be reborn as a phoenix, as deadly as it is glorious!
So, anyways, Daddy said this time to start really generally, then get more specific when I've had enough feedback. Fuck, it's not like any pervert ever ran out of lust for preteen bitches, right? Still, he's my Daddy, and his every desire is my duty, his whims my commandments, so sorry guys, just the generalities this time, you'll have to comment and email me to get the specifics...
In any case, back to the game. The first stage of the game I call sorting. Once I'm appropriately inappropriately dressed for the venue of choice (tiny string bikinis at the beach; tiny lycra hotpants, pigtails and backless tops at the mall; the kind of "school uniforms" even pornosluts think twice about wearing, while eating my lolipop on the bus; tiny cheongsams with hipsplits, fishnets and suspenders, stilletto heels and "classy whore" makeup for dressups at slumber parties [Single Dads are sooooooo fuckin fun!]... then comes the really hard part: Sorting the looks I get into three categories: The lustful, knowing leers of active pedophiles; The honestly concerned looks of caring parents; and the jackpot, shocked, outraged, offended looks by those thoroughly flabbergasted to see what they assumed was only ever to be a fantasy actually walking around in the real world! Those looks are so fucking BINGO! These are the guys (and gals) who look around for paernts to chide, for cameras to catch them looking, for anyone else somehow blaming them and their guild-ridden lust for my appearance. Once spotted, I then make my choice from the selection (there's always a selection) and work on stage two, isolation.
Y'see, none of these pervs would ever let another pervert molest a little girl. Their justification is all morals and ethics, but basically the guys who, when they can't pick up, go around cockblocking everyone else. Y'know, like Catholic priests telling everyone to not be gay, then molesting every boy they can get their sick hands on! So I've gotta get somewhere where the mark isn't in view of any other "shocked and offended" pedofucks. In some venues this can be quite difficult (public transportation is always challenging.), whereas others, like malls, are a breeze. In any case, once stage two is in effect, my favourite (well, nearly favourite) stage begins.
Stage three: Seduction. This is the hardest/easiest stage, and hella fun! As far as the goals of this stage, well, it's a twofold target. One: Make them hard. Or wet. Act in ways that allow them maximum perving time, good sightlines, and making sure to pose to the best advantage of what he/she seems to like looking at, all while never making eye contact or sudden movements. This is trickier than it sounds, especially if I've had the bad luck to wear a tiny miniskirt for a cameltoe-lover, but now I have years of practice (two!), I rarely mess this part up. The second is the masterpiece of the whole game: Without shocking them to the point where they freak out and bail on the show, letting them know, in the shortest timespan possible, that you not only know they're perving on your little preteen body, but that you approve gleefully and want more. This part takes real experience and knowledge of the human psyche, and the ability to cold read a man/woman at the drop of a hat and plan accordingly. Hell, some are so shy they need it spelled out for them literally. So afraid of being discovered, if I made eye contact at any stage they'd bolt. There are the ones I carry my little cardboard signs for. Small enoug to fit in my bag, yet largeprint, with simple, tailored statements/questions that, through trial and error over the years (two!), have proven themselves over and over. "I'm not a virgin..." works for those seemingly concerned with my innocence, whereas "I can keep secrets real well, Mr..." works on those more concerned for themselves. Some require the big guns like "Wanna rape me Mr?" or "Wanna see my little hairless pussy?", and the really pent-up older ones seem to universally love "I get wet for sick old pedophiles. Wanna see?". Then there's those a tad less skittish, where I can make eye contact, show sexy little grins when I've clearly caught them checking out my bubble butt or my puffy, full fuckbox. A lot of eyelid batting and (basically) big girl flirting works a treat on the right guys.
Then, there's my all-time favourite perverts: The ones who's dam's about to burst. They're usually Dads, who've been fantasising about their little girl being their perfect gutterwhore, all the while being the perfect Dad. The ones that can barely stand not raping their own kids, or everyone elses. These poor fucks have been white knuckling through a world filled with tween tarts, always being moral and good, but once they see me, they just lose their will to give a fuck about all that bullshit. These ones are easiest to seperate, cuz they just follow me. They're easiets to spot, cuz their concerned jusdgement expressions have a tinge of rage to them, like "How dare that little fucking preteen whore flaunt what I'm missing?" These ones get my favourite stage three: Talking like a nasty little rapebunny.
Lines like "Mr, is your fat cock throbbing over my tiny little preteen butt, or was there some other slut you were hoping to molest?" are like a poleaxe to their free will. "Excuse me Mr. Pedophile, but are you gonna rape me in the toilets here or on the bed your cunt wife never fucks you on?" Is a classic, while looking them in the eye and purring "How often did you jack your cock pretending little rapehungry preteen fuckdolls like me were real, Mr? Thousands? Now I'm here, are you gonna be a pussy about it, or are ya gonna claim MY pussy?" is a great one for places where getting slapped and dragged into toilets/bushes/cars is safe (like at the park in a tiny translucent spaghetti-strapped summer dress with nothing under it and almost no arse-coverage, for example).
Finally, the awesomeness of stage four: Fucking the shit outta perverted men and women. The first kinds of adults like me to talk filth now, giving instruction (and therefore permission), and mostly taking a lead role. These are the easiest to dominate and abuse, especially once I start threatening to tell on them :) - (I NEVER tell, but it makes 'em squirm so bad!) From that whole type I've fistfucked more old man arseholes, made more women taste my farts (not to mention the sting on my knuckles), and choked out more pedo fucksd than any other type by far. These are the sickos that want me to be responsible, to take the blame for their sick perversions, and I'm more than happy to! Regardless of what the legal system may have to say about it, I'm most definately the one raping these nasty fucks!
The other guys and gals, well, they're a tad more hands on. Rapey. Violent. Demanding and demeaning. They don't just wanna sexually assault me in order to get off, no, they wanna fuckin punish me. Punish me for all the time they've had to spend NOT fucking little kids, their daughters/nieces/kids/friends/stepkids, and little tween whores at the mall/beach/park/bus stop. And lemme tell you, they fuckin punish me! Beatings, whippings, grown man fistfuckings, choking me to drooling unconsciousness with cocks/gags/strapons/fingers... The only rule there is no cigarette burns or deep cutting, and to be honest those are Daddy's rules, not mine. One of these type of ladies stuck my back and arse with over 300 thumbtacks and pushpins, then pulled them all out and gave me a massage, 'cept with salty lemon juice 'stead of oil! Bliss!
Now, I'll be the first to admit that I've made some mistakes over the years (Two!), including picking guys and ladies that just werent ready, and never would be. More than a few committed suicide afterwards, and one almost during (As he came in my preteen arsehole doggystyle he pulled a .38 from under his pillow and fucked his brain with it. [Okay, I'll admit it, while scary and sad, I came like a fuckin sex-volcano!]). I've learned to tell jittery, high strung ones from pent up rapehungry ones most times, which saves on having my DNA found at any crimescenes. Granted I know more than a few cops (and a few cops wives and daughters too. Shit, even broke and trained a few), but better safe than sorry.
ANyways, that's my little game. I call it Rapebait. Daddy insists I post this as is now, so that he can forcefeed his massive fuckrod into my baby uterus and cum watching his cock distend my belly, so I guess I'll get that outta the way now. I 'spose I'll have to wait for your comments and email to decide which of those adventures to write about next!
Till then, fingerfuck some preteens pussy, she might like it! And if not, well, we both know you will, ya pervert!
P.S: Feel free to fill me in on all the particulars you like guys 'n gals! I've been doing this for years now (Two!) and there are so many combinations of circumstances, I'm sure I can dredge up a reasonably (in)appropriate exploit!
Hugs and lapdances,
Philip Spencer
And again, praise for the hotness of the writing.
Bad Candy
In any case, to the rest of you: Thankyou so much for your (continuing, in some cases) support, I'm glad I've seemed to carve myself out a little niche here...
A Fan
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