Published: 3-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Little Kelly Kennedy smiled sweetly at her mommy before she gagged her for the night.
'There, mommy,' said the nine year old as she stood back to look at her handiwork, admiring how well she had tied the cleave gag into the woman's mouth. Especially how the knot at the front filled her mother's mouth. 'You're all nice 'n' tied up for the night.'
The girl smiled at her trussed up mother but couldn't help emitting a gentle sigh. 'Guess you won't sleep much tied to that nasty ol' chair but...' Kelly took a deep breath. It was what her mommy wanted, what she begged for. Kelly would sleep well in her own bed with her teddy bear while mommy would sit on the hard chair, arms tied behind her, legs bound together and of course, a nice big gag in her mouth. Her mom wouldn't get much sleep but that was what the woman expected.
As usual, Kelly asked: 'You 'kay with this tonight, mommy?'
The woman nodded and looking at her pretty little daughter said: 'Mmnnth Nnnnth'.
'Sure, mommy. Nighty-night!' Kelly turned on her heels and skipped out of the room.
Kathy Kennedy glanced at the clock on the shelf not far from where she sat tied in the chair. It said 9 o'clock: it would be nine hours before her daughter stirred and as she usually did, wander in sleepy eyed, clutching her teddy bear to ask: 'You wanna be untied now mommy?'
By then, every nerve, every fiber in Kathy would be aching, her whole being begging to be released. After nine hours bound to the unforgiving chair, her butt and legs would be beyond sore, her arms numbed to the point of agony. Even the rope that she had asked Kelly to tie around her chest, just below her generous boobs, would be contributing its own unique discomfort.
Pained and desperate, the thirty year old woman could hardly wait for her daughter's nimble little fingers to undo the tight knots and free her mouth from the sopping wet gag. Relieved, Kathy would thank Kelly and get up, groggily, from the chair to make her way unsteadily to the kitchen to start making breakfast, pausing only to pull on a robe to hide her nakedness.
But that was nine long, cold, hard hours away. She would wonder, as she always did at around three in the morning as she flitted in and out of a shallow, troubled sleep, just why she did this to herself.
Or rather, why she got little Kelly to do it to her.
Kathy didn't know why she needed it. Didn't know why ever since she was seven she had yearned to be bound and gagged. Didn't even know why no man had been able to do it properly for her, even Kelly's father, before he left them.
Kelly was all Kathy had. But she didn't need anyone else. Not now.
Once a week, every Friday night, Kathy would arrange herself on the chair, her big naked breasts and wide, motherly hips uncovered and let her daughter begin the slow, methodical process of tying her mother up. Hands behind back first, then ankles and then knees, then elbows, then her shivering, excited body at waist and chest. It was a process that would take almost half an hour, capped by Kelly turning the red silk scarf into a knotted cleave gag and silencing her mom.
Kathy's last instructions as the red ball of silk approached her lips would be: 'Tie it real tight, honey.' And the gag would be tied real tight.
Kelly was good at all this. She wasn't a year ago, when she was eight, when she was puzzled why her mother wanted this. The little girl's efforts were either rushed or careless. She was scared of hurting her mother, frightened she would do something wrong. But Kelly's confidence had grown once she understood her mother liked it all so tight, so ungiving.
Kelly had, as Kathy instructed, practised on her own teddy bear, tying the big soft toy to a chair just like the one mommy preferred. Of course, teddy's arms wouldn't quite reach round the chair and the bear's legs would stick out at the front rather than bend at the knees but the girl did it anyway. Plus the bear didn't need gagging though Kelly would finish teddy's restraints off by winding a simple silk scarf round the bear's already mute head. And if Kelly had done a really good job of tying teddy, mommy would give the girl a treat.
Now, if Kelly did a good job of tying mommy (and it was no surprise she did a very good job with so much practice) she got a treat every time.
It wasn't much: just the small vibrator that mom would get out of the special box under her bed and let Kelly could press it up against her little cunny to have what her mommy called a 'happy shudder.'
Nine hours. Kathy tried to wriggle a little, get comfortable on the hard seat, testing the bonds as she did so. That always gave her a little extra buzz, to feel them so tight, so unyielding.
Nine hours in the cold and dark, her body slowly sliding through subtle shades of discomfort towards pain and agony, fantasies of being bound and punished and stretched and hurt suffusing her mind.
Her nipples were already hardening at the prospect, her sex starting to get even wetter.
In the light of morning the clock showed almost nine o'clock. Kathy, her body suffused with agonies she had never imagined possible, could barely lift her head to look at it. It had been twelve hours since she had been tied and it was light outside: Saturday morning sounds creeping in to the room. The woman tried calling to her daughter, calling for the girl to come and release her.
The sounds were muffled by the gag, no reaction from the silent hallway outside the room. 'Kelly,' yelled Kathy into her gag. It came out as a muffled but urgent groan.
Kathy rolled her aching neck back, trying not to panic as she tried to exercise it. Something had happened and it wasn't good news.
Perhaps the alarm hadn't gone off. Maybe Kelly had forgotten to set it and was sleeping late. Perhaps... Oh no, God forbid that something had happened to the child in the night!
Kathy fought the ropes with as much energy as she could muster. She had to get free, find out why her daughter hadn't released her three hours ago.
Kelly knew, didn't she, that mommy could only take nine hours tied like this?
The muffled shout for Kelly once more brought no repsonse, the ropes so expertly tied across her arms and legs and body refused to budge even a fraction of an inch.
Despite the shooting pains in her immobilized legs Kathy tried to push with her feet on the floor, trying to tip the chair back. She hoped, if she could make it fall, the impact would shatter the back of the chair, allow her to slip one of the ropes off the broken wood. She was aware she could break a bone or two if that happened but she had no choice.
But, and this sent fresh waves of fear through her, her toes could barely touch the floor. She could get no leverage: Kelly had bound her ankles in such a way they were drawn up slightly under the chair seat. She'd liked how the child had done that but it was impossible to move the chair that way.
Desperately, she tried to rock it back and forth but it was a solid, old chair with wide splayed legs. She simply couldn't shift her weight enough to topple it. But she tried and tried and sweat was trickling down her face, dripping onto her large breasts, heaving from the exertion of so much effort.
There was a noise at the door to the room and Kathy looked up, relieved that Kelly was awake, pleased that the child could now release her. But what she saw took away what little breath she had.
Standing in the door was a woman. Tall, blonde and thin, probably no more than 25. For a moment or two Kathy couldn't understand who it could be: only she and her daughter lived in the house. But as she looked at the stranger she realized the woman wasn't so strange. It was Kelly's teacher, Miss Harding, standing with hands on hips regarding the naked bound woman. She was smiling as if she was pleased to see the woman like this.
Seeing Miss Harding standing there caused Kathy to let out a cry of anguish, a yelp swallowed effortlessly by the gag. The woman gave a small laugh at Kathy's distress. The bound woman was shouting into her gag: 'Where's my daughter? Where's Kelly?' It was, of course, unintelligible.
Kathy stared, saucer eyed, as the woman stepped towards Kathy. In panic and confusion, Kathy redoubled her efforts to get free of the ropes her daughter had fastened so effectively the night before. It was, of course, futile.
The woman had something metallic in her hands. Kathy recognized the gleaming metal as steel handcuffs - cuffs for her, she knew instinctively. Kathy's mind reeled in confusion but something told her she couldn't expect to be free just yet.
Miss Harding was behind Kathy in a moment and despite the numbness and pain in her tied hands, the bound woman felt the cold metal click tight on to her wrists. She groaned: she didn't know what Kelly's teacher was doing here, what she wanted, but Kathy knew cuffs were more permanent than rope. She wasn't going to be free for a while yet. The gag, she expected, would be left in for a while too.
The ropes were coming away from Kathy's arms and blood began flowing into the woman's hurting arms, a surge of circulation that sent new waves of pain through her tortured limbs. But although the bonds came away from Kathy's chest and her ankles, the ropes around her knees were left alone. Miss Harding had hold of Kathy's arms and was dragging her to her feet. After twelve hours of being bound, Kathy's legs weren't happy supporting her weight fully. But she managed to stand, albeit shakily, and felt herself propelled forward towards the door. Her knees, still tied, naturally refused to move at anything like the speed required and she would have fallen if Miss Harding hadn't held up her up. Kathy was aware that though Miss Harding might not look it she was strong, which wouldn't help any escape bid.
Somehow the cuffed and gagged woman made it to the door despite the restriction on her knees and the fact that her legs were screaming in agony.
'Keep going, honey,' said Miss Harding, behind her. They were the first words she had spoken to the bound woman, and surprisingly tender. 'You'll be okay.'
Okay? said Kathy into her gag. But what about Kelly, what about my child?
Perhaps the teacher understood the grunts Kathy made, because she said quietly: 'If you're worried, don't be. Kelly's okay. You'll see her soon.'
Soon? When? More groans but these weren't answered. Kathy was pushed towards the kitchen. Perhaps, she thought, that's where Kelly is.
Kathy's daughter wasn't in the kitchen, though. A chair was in the center of the room and Kathy was guided, helped, towards it and pushed down on to it. The restrained woman noted that there were cuffs at the front chair legs and at seat level in the chair back. Although she was glad the chair had a padded seat she hated the idea of being forced to sit again so soon, but she had no choice.
Helplessly, Kathy watched Miss Harding squat in front of her and swiftly cuff each ankle to the front chair legs before applying the cuffs at the back to Kathy's handcuffs. The positioning obliging the woman to keep her arms back over the top edge of the chair back. Perhaps because it was a different height, the edge of the chair back applied different pressure to the woman's already bruised arms. It didn't feel too bad at the moment but Kathy knew such feelings didn't last: it would slowly get worse, slowly get more painful.
And how long was this woman going to keep her here?
Miss Harding removed the knee ropes and then stood in front of Kathy. She had a half-smile on her face and a look that said she wasn't in a great hurry. Kathy felt - and was - exposed. Naked, arms fastened behind her and with her ankles cuffed so her legs were apart, she could do nothing to hide herself. The blonde in front of her seemed to be enjoying the view, staring at the restrained woman's slit and tits. Kathy felt more uncomfortable than she had ever felt.
'I expect you'd like a drink of something,' said the teacher pleasantly. 'It's been a long night for you.'
Kathy nodded and then asked, pointlessly into her sopping wet gag, 'What the hell are you doing here? Where's my daughter? What do you want?'
Miss Harding listened for a few moments to the succession of grunts and groans but merely smiled and turned to get a glass of water. She brought it back to Kathy, holding it close to the woman's gagged mouth.
'Mrs Kennedy - or can I call you Kathy? - I will give you a drink of water. It will mean I have to take your gag out while you drink. I'd prefer it if you don't shout or scream or swear. Just have the drink. If you behave, if you don't holler, I will leave the gag out and you can ask a few questions.' She paused, a hard look in her eyes. 'One bad sound, Kathy, and the gag goes back in until much later.'
Kathy nodded wearily. The woman looked as if she meant the threat.
Once the gag was out, though left round the woman's neck in readiness, Kathy was able to gulp the water down as Miss Harding held the glass up to her mouth. When she had drained the glass Kathy, her voice croaking after such a long enforced silence, said: 'Uh, thankyou.'
'Good.' The blonde stood up. 'I hope I don't have to gag you again for a while.'
'Why gag you? Obviously because I don't want -'
'No,' Kathy said in her croaking voice. 'Why are you here? Where's Kelly?'
'Kelly's fine. I told you that earlier. As to why I'm here, well... let's say I'm here to help.'
'Help? What do you want?'
'The same thing as you.' The teacher grinned. 'To keep you in what you like.'
Kathy looked puzzled, so Miss Harding added, with a smirk: 'Bondage. You like being tied up. I like tying women up.'
'But - I don't...' confused, Kathy's mind roamed for a moment. Then she said, urgently: 'My daughter! You haven't hurt her have you? Why can't I see her?'
'Please relax Kathy. She's busy right now, here in the house. I haven't hurt her at all. I wouldn't. It's just that Kelly and I had a talk a few weeks ago, after school.'
Kathy's eyes widened at the secret they had being out. 'She didn't tell you, did she? She said she wouldn't tell anyone!'
'She didn't exactly tell me as... well, she showed me.'
A puzzled look creased Kathy's face. Miss Harding went to the faucet and refilled the glass, bringing it back to Kathy. 'You look as if you still need more to drink.'
Kathy nodded gratefully and gulped it down. Then she said, as the empty glass came away, 'How could she show you?'
'Melissa Blake,' said the teacher. 'Seems she is a good friend to Kelly. You know her?'
'Yes, of course, but...' Kathy was confused. What had this got to do with a kid who lived a couple of blocks away?
Miss Harding nodded. 'One afternoon, after school, Kelly came and told me she couldn't get Melissa unfastened. She took me and showed me what she meant.' The teacher broke into a broad grin. 'Seems that Kelly had tied Melissa to a tree behind the school, out of sight to everyone. She said she'd done it as a game, but the ropes were too well tied for that.' The teacher's eyes sparkled. 'I know. I've done it to lots of women.'
'But... Kelly didn't tell me!'
'I asked her not to,' Miss Harding sighed. 'Not until I knew more. I was intrigued, as you can imagine. I talked to Kelly over a couple of days and slowly it came out that she tied you up every Friday night. Now, I'd seen you at PTA meetings and I liked the idea of tying you up myself. So, here I am.'
'Y-you want to tie me up?' Kathy's jaw hung open in shock.
'Sure. Just as you want to be tied. Kelly told me you could do nine hours straight chair bondage. That's pretty good so I had to see it myself. So I kind of invited myself over. I asked Kelly not to free you as she normally did and wait for me. She let me in around half seven.'
The bound woman glanced at the kitchen clock. 'But that was ages ago!'
Miss Harding broke into another grin. 'Sure. But we were busy.'
'Busy? You mean... you and Kelly? How?' A deep chill shivered through Kathy.
'Let me show you,' said Miss Harding, squatting again in front of Kathy. 'I'm going to have to uncuff your ankles but I'll have to leave them on like shackles. Can't have you running around,' she laughed.
Kathy watched as the cuffs came loose from the chair legs but remained on her ankles. The two open cuffs were snapped together to make an effective shackle that would restrict her step to a few inches. The wrist cuffs were freed from the chair but remained on Kathy's wrists and she was helped up.
'My legs still don't feel too good,' Kathy said.
'We'll take it easy. This way.' The blonde guided Kathy towards the door and out into the hall. They moved down towards the living room. The TV was on: some sort of early morning show. The type of thing that Kelly liked. Kathy felt a little better. If her daughter was watching TV she would be okay.
Miss Harding pushed open the living room door. Kelly was there in front of the TV, but not as Kathy expected.
The child, naked, arms and legs spread out, was bound to the coffee table, ropes criss-crossing her little body, a rope wound round her neck to stop her lifting her head up to see the TV. The nine year old had a wide strip of silver duct tape across her mouth. She made some sort of 'mmmfing' sound as her mother entered.
Kathy opened her mouth to scream but the cold wet gag at her throat came up and pressed hard into her mouth.
'By now you should have a clear idea how serious I am, and that you aren't going anywhere.' Miss Harding was sat over the bound figure of Kathy Kennedy where she lay full length on the sofa, her hands tied above her head and feet secured to the other end of the sofa. 'Nor is your lovely little daughter over there.' The blonde nodded across to where nine year old Kelly was tied, speradeagled and face up, on the coffee table.
Kelly after twelve hours of chair bondage and the inevitable virtually sleepless night was too exhausted to resist the bondage that Miss Harding had applied so thoroughly. She hadn't the strength to fight once the cuffs had come off her and anyway, Miss Harding was lithe and fit and strong. It would have been an unequal struggle even if the blonde had given Kathy room and time to resist. The bondage might only have been duct tape but Kelly's teacher had done an excellent job and the girl's mother felt every bit as helpless as she did when Kelly got good at the Friday night tying up game. Miss Harding had also taken the opportunity to replace Kelly's cleave gag with a simple but highly effective duct tape gag, warning her not to shout out as the gags were swapped.
Kathy, wisely, had remained silent while the gags were changed.
The blonde woman perched on the edge of the sofa smiled at the helpless, naked woman. 'You need to rest now. I know how tiring it can be sat bound to a chair all night. I've tried to secure you as comfortably as I can and I'm sure that while you'd prefer to be in your own bed, this sofa will be good enough for you to get what sleep you can.'
Kathy tried to say something about her daughter but Miss Harding simply shook her head. 'I have no idea what you are trying to say but you really have to learn that when I gag you it isn't because I want you to find it hard to speak clearly, I simply don't want you making any sound at all.' The blonde woman smiled. 'Some people like their subjects to show signs of resistance and get off on a whole load of silly mmmphing noise. Well, I don't. You will learn, Kathy, that a gag means you are quiet all the time. I may even get to the point at some time in the future where I can tie you, confident in the knowledge that if you are ungagged you remain silent.'
Kathy stared up at the woman. What did she mean, in the future? She started to ask something about what she meant but she stopped herself. She was gagged and Miss Harding wanted her quiet. She permitted herself a small nod.
'Good, you're learning,' beamed the blonde. 'I like that in a slave.'
Slave? Kathy's mind reeled. Surely she couldn't mean it?
'Bondage is good for the soul,' said Miss Harding, looking down towards the woman's large, naked tits. 'Especially when so much of a person is revealed.'
Kathy gulped. Something told her this was going to get very serious indeed in ways she couldn't begin to imagine.
'You are going to rest for a few hours,' said Miss Harding gently after a few moments, returning her gaze to Kathy's tape gagged face. 'I'm going to look after Kelly. Oh, don't worry about her - she will be quite safe with me. She actually likes being tied up, did you know that? I'll tell you more about it later, when you've rested.'
The woman stood up, straightened her knee length black skirt and moved over to the coffee table. From where she lay on the sofa, Kathy could see clearly what the woman was doing to her daughter. The ropes were coming off but not the gag and carefully, Miss Harding helped the naked nine year old to her feet. To Kathy's surprise - though when she reflected on it later she didn't why she was surprised - Kelly made no attempt to struggle or run off. Instead she simply stood with hands behind back, legs together in a submissive pose while her teacher first went to turn off the TV and then sorted out the ropes.
Miss Harding took her time and then carefully, almost lovingly, tied the little girl's hands behind her back and pinned her thin arms to her bare body. Then she gently wound rope round the child's neck to make a leash. She gave a firm tug on the rope, indicating Kelly should step over towards her trussed up mother.
Kathy looked up at her pretty little girl, bound ang gagged, standing next to the sofa.
'Give your mom a big gaggy kiss, honey,' smirked Miss Harding. Kelly, with only the slightest hesitation, bent forward and planted her gagged lips on her mother's equally well gagged lips as if she was kissing her. She held the position for at least ten seconds before a sharp tug on the leash rope brought the girl back to a standing position. There was a gleam in Miss Harding's eyes.
'I just love it when slaves are so nice to each other. Now, your mom needs to rest,' she said to Kelly, 'so you and I can go and try out bondage in your bedroom. Just like I promised you.'
Kelly looked up and Kathy saw what she could only interpret as excitement in the child's eyes. The teacher led the silent child away and closed the door to the living room. All Kathy could do was lie there helplessly, wondering what was going on, what was going to happen.
But within a few minutes she had succumbed to the sleep she needed.
'C'mon, wake up mommy,' said Kelly, brightly, leaning over her mother. 'You've been sleeping all day! Miss Harding says you can get up now.'
The nine year old girl reached up to get hold of the edge of the tape gag and Kathy, blinking in the late afternoon light as her eyes came open, felt something hard and heavy on her chest. Chains, she knew. Cold, steel chains.
The tape gag came off swiftly and painfully and Kelly snorted in half-laugh, half-sorry way. 'Oops,' she said. 'Sorry, mommy, forgot it sticks real tight.'
'It's okay, honey,' she managed to say despite her throat being so dry. The feeling of the chains on her chest shifted, dragging up over her face as her daughter reached up to the woman's taped up wrists. Kathy let out a gasp as she realized that the chains she had felt on her, that had scraped over her face, were attached to Kelly's little wrists. Moreover, the chains were also attached to a collar the girl was wearing.
'Kelly... you're chained,' the woman gasped. 'Who...?' She stopped herself. There was only one person it could be.
'Hush mommy,' whispered Kelly, seemingly unconcerned about whether she was or wasn't chained. 'Mistress says you have to be quiet. Remember?'
'Uh-huh,' Kathy breathed. Yes, she remembered what Miss Harding had said some time ago, before Kathy had fallen asleep. She remembered thinking at some stage this was all a dream. But apparently it was real.
'Mistress?' asked Kathy, barely above a whisper as the tape on her wrists came free.
'Sure,' laughed the little girl as she started to turn her attention towards. 'Miss Harding's the Mistress now. We have to call her that.'
Kathy felt the tape come off her ankles and felt a surge of something in her. It was a mixture of panic and fear and excitement. 'Fuck,' she groaned to herself. She lifted her head and looked round the room: there was no sign of the teacher. 'Where is she?' Kathy asked urgently but kept her voice down in case the woman could hear them.
'Out,' said Kelly as she continued unwrapping the tape from her mother's ankles. 'Said she had some business. Someone to see.'
Kathy, her head raised, stared at her daughter. The child was naked as before but she had chains at her wrists and ankles as well as the chain attaching her wrists to her collar. She could also see that there was a chain from the girl's wrists to her ankles. 'B-but you're all chained up,' she managed to say, feeling a newer surge of emotion, this one definitely centered on her pussy. She had, she reluctantly admitted, always wanted to see her daughter in chains. She just wasn't sure she had wanted to see her like this at this moment.
Kathy, her ankles free, struggled to get to her feet. Kelly had straightened too and looked sweet in her collar and chains. She didn't look upset, Kathy noticed, and that made her feel strange in herself. 'Honey, we have to get you out of those chains and call the police.'
'Why?' The nine year old looked puzzled.
'Because... because this woman has - she wants to hurt us. She wants us to be her...' Kathy hesitated for a moment. 'Miss Harding wants us to be her slaves.'
'I know,' said the girl, without any trace of alarm. 'Cool, huh?' A smile lit up the child's cute face.
Kathy wasn't sure why her daughter was saying this. 'No it isn't! We have to get away,' she said. She suddenly felt groggy after so much enforced restriction and sat down on the sofa. 'When will she be back?'
'I don't know. Mistress didn't say.'
'She isn't Mistress,' snapped Kathy, glancing at the clock. It was just a little after four in the afternoon. What the hell had been going on while she slept? Kathy suppressed the urge to ask. 'She's just... just Miss Harding. Charlotte, I think she's is. She's your teacher. She shouldn't be doing this.'
Kelly looked puzzled again. 'But it's what you wanted, mommy. Mistress is just helping.'
Kathy ignored the point. 'Where are the keys to those chains?'
Kelly shook her head. 'I think Mistress took them with her. She said I had to help you into yours, ready for when she got back.'
'Mine?' Kathy's head was swimming. She was, admittedly, still a little fuzzy from her late sleep. The prospect of being chained like her daughter helped focus her attention. 'I can't wear chains like those on -' she began.
'Why not?' Kelly interrupted. 'I like them.'
'Maybe you do, but we can't be this woman's slaves.' She stood, glad she didn't feel quite so unsteady now. 'We have to escape.'
'But... I don't want to, mom,' objected the girl. 'Mistress says she will ma-'
'Stop it, Kelly,' barked the girl's mother. She reached for Kelly's arms as if she would drag her someplace, someplace well away from Miss Harding. To her astonishment, Kelly stepped back out of reach, her chains rattling. It suddenly occurred to Kathy that if her daughter was serious about staying, about being this woman's slave, Kathy would have no choice but to kidnap her own daughter. It was crazy but it had to be done.
'Come with me,' snapped Kathy. 'I have to get dressed and then we'll leave.' She wasn't sure where she'd go but perhaps it was already an admission she couldn't really call the cops. It would take some explaining about all this bondage, how she'd got her own child involved. Running away, for now, was best. Kathy caught Kelly's arm without too much difficulty. The child wouldn't be able to get far out of her reach, not with those short ankle chains on.
Somehow Kathy - unsteady though she was - marched the objecting, struggling child to Kathy's own bedroom. The chair she had been bound to in the night had been moved the ropes gone. She slammed the door and yanked hard on the handle of her closet door. It didn't move. She tried again, without luck.
Behind Kathy, her daughter said slowly. 'Mistress has put locks on our closets. We can't get our clothes. Um, she says we have to be naked.'
'What?' Kathy turned on her daughter, astonished the little girl wasn't bothered by it. The woman fled to her drawers, looking for something to wear. Even bra and pants with a slip would be something. The drawers, like the closet door, were shut tight.
'Mistress glued them shut,' said Kelly, as if she was being helpful. 'Remember, we have to be naked.'
'We don't have to be anything,' growled Kathy, but she already felt defeated. 'Are the doors locked?'
Kelly nodded. 'Mistress says we have to stay here and - '
'Don't call her Mistress,' said Kathy as sharply as she could but her objection lacked weight. She half sat, half slumped on the chest of drawers, head in hands.
After a moment the little girl said: 'Do you want me to get your chains, mommy?'
'Fuck,' whispered Kathy, for once not worried if her daughter heard her swear. She ought to fight, ought to escape this, ought to do something. But she couldn't think what. 'Kelly,' she began, 'We must...' But she couldn't think what they must do. The woman gave a resigned sigh. 'Is this really want you want, Kelly?'
Kelly nodded. 'For you an' me, mom,' she said it like she meant it. 'You like to be tied up and I guess I like it too. Mistress will help us.'
'It isn't help if it hurts.'
'I know,' nodded the naked child. 'Mistress says though it has to hurt sometimes.'
Kathy opened her mouth to say: that's ridiculous, but she stopped. It was, she knew, true. Every bondage lover wanted to feel that sense of helplessness, the fear of not being able to move, the tightness of the ropes, the feel of a good gag in the mouth. A little bit of pain always did the bound person good too.
You did it all for pleasure but pain focused the mind into enjoying it more.
The woman couldn't win, she knew. Maybe didn't want to win. 'Okay, honey, go and get those chains for me if it makes you feel better.'
The child grinned and scooted out the room. She was back in a few moments, carrying what looked like an impressive set of chains. Without waiting the child began to apply them to her mom, snapping the cuffs on the woman's wrists and ankles and finally at her neck in a collar just like her daughter's.
'Mistress said they're expensive chains. They'll last a long time,' said Kelly with a smirk.
'I bet they will,' sighed Kathy, feeling the weight of them drag her limbs, her neck down, feeling them sway as she moved her hands. She tried no to but she was enjoying the sensation of them, cold and heavy, on her body. Being tied up was wonderful but being chained was exciting in a different way.
Being able to move but feeling the ever-present restriction, the permanent unyielding weight.
Kelly stood, chained hands close together at her waist, watching her mom. Kathy regarded her daughter, amazed at how good the child looked, how happy she looked. Kathy acknowledged that certain little glow in her sex. 'You didn't tell me you ever wanted to be tied up,' said the woman after a minute.
'This isn't tying up. It's chains,' objected the girl.
'Okay. Then you didn't say you wanted to be chained. But tying up - you want that too, right?'
Kelly grinned and nodded her head. 'Sure. But I didn't know, until Mistress showed me.'
'You were tying me up every week. You were tying up Melissa. After school.'
Kelly nodded. 'Uh, she likes it too. She said I could tie her up if...' the child hesitated, unsure how her mother would react. 'If she could see my cunny.'
Kathy stared at her daughter. 'She said what?' A pause. 'And you did it? You showed her your... your cunny?'
'Yes. But she didn't touch me down there. I wouldn't let her.'
The woman shook her head, amazed that so much was going on she didn't even suspect. 'How long has this been happening?'
'Um... Since 'bout my birthday, in April. Melissa and me were playing hide and seek and she sort of said she wanted to kiss me and touch me. So, ummm, I let her kiss me but said she couldn't touch me but I let her look inside my pants if she was tied up. That way,' the girl added brightly, 'she couldn't grab me or anything.'
Kathy had to admit the thinking was sound. 'But Mistr - uh, Miss Harding,' she corrected herself quickly. 'You needed her to free Melissa, right?'
Kelly nodded. 'I kinda tied her too tight one day and I couldn't get her ropes undone.'
'One day? How many times did you do it?'
'Oh, uh, 'bout five or six times. Jus' that one day I couldn't kinda undo her. I told Mistress we were playing a game. But she started to ask me about tying up, did I like it, did I do it, you know -' The child looked embarrassed before continuing. 'At home.'
'And you told her about me and you. Did Miss, I mean the Mistress, tie you up?'
The girl flushed a little deeper. 'Mistress tied both me and Melissa up. But she said it was a secret. Like we have.'
'Like we had,' said the woman firmly.
'Uh, yes,' said Kelly, understanding the point. 'But it worked out cool.'
Kathy looked at her daughter. 'Did - did your teacher show herself... show her cunny to Melissa?'
Kelly wriggled in clear embarrassment. 'I wasn't supposed to tell you. But Mistress did more. She liked to...' The child hesitated.
'Go on!'
'She sort of pee-peed on Melissa.'
Kathy was too astonished to say anything. Then she managed to say: 'Did she do it to you?'
A look of horror crossed the child's face. 'No! I was blindfolded when it was show and pee... that was what Mistress called it. I just heard it.'
Kathy, relieved her child hadn't been used as a toilet, suddenly realized she was wet between her own legs. All this talk of tying children up had slowly excited her. She stood and tried to look as if she wasn't getting excited, though her hard nipples gave it away.
Kelly however had noticed. 'Wow! Mom, are you getting horny?'
'What? No!' The woman blushed herself. 'Well, yes, a bit. But it isn't all this peeing stuff.'
'You like me tied up, right?'
'You know I like to be tied up but I guess there's no harm in telling you. Sure, you look great tied up.' Kathy couldn't help grinning a little.
'And the chains?' The child held her hands out, chains swinging between her thin wrists.
'Yeah, and the chains. On both of us' The mother held hers up in the same way as her child and Kelly laughed. Kathy wasn't sure why she was going along with this but there was something about it all that fired her up in a way she'd never known.
'Good. Mistress says she will tie us both up a lot.'
Kathy nodded, lost in thought. It was bizarre and unexpected but it was also incredibly exciting. She knew she shouldn't, knew that it was risky putting herself and her daughter in the hands of this woman. They should flee or get help or do something. They couldn't be slaves, could they? What would that mean exactly? How much would they suffer?
More importantly, would any sense of pleasure or excitement they felt now turn into despair and horror and regret?
'Mom?' Kelly, a little anxious, returned her mother to the here and now. 'You 'kay?'
'Sure honey, I'm fine.' Kathy straightened up, pushing her generous chest out, smiling at her daughter. She'd made a decision. Whatever happened they would be doing it together, loving and helping each other, in chains or ropes or gags or whatever. They'd only regret this if they let it. 'Okay, honey. What's next?'
'Gags,' said Kelly. 'We have to gag each other with our panties until Mistress gets back. We mustn't spit them out.'
Kathy almost reprimanded her daughter for saying "spit" but stopped herself, She'd probably be seeing a whole lot more than that soon enough. 'But I can't get to my panties - my drawers are glued up.'
'Mistress thought of that. She got old pairs out of the laundry, ones that haven't been washed.'
Kathy felt a wave of revulsion mingled with a forbidden new delight tingling her sex. This was probably going to be a lot more exciting, a lot more debasing, than she could imagine. 'Guess we'd better go get them then,' she said.
'Great!' gurgled Kelly. 'Please Mommy, you will gag me first, won't you?'
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