Published: 25-Feb-2012
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As we last left our heroes...
The evil villian Third Leg had broken out of Big City prison leaving many guards out cold with smiles on their faces. Fagman spent all night questioning Big City's number one snitch Tight Bottum,as Allboy waited in the Fagcar. It must have been a tough q&a , Allboy thought as he saw Fagman returning to the Fagcar fixing his costume and pulling up his tights. Still as Fagman had told Allboy, " If you want to fuck with the mob, you have to fuck with Tight Bottum."
Fagman had learned that Third Leg and his gang was going to be at the local school to sell steriods to the students tomorrow night. To protect the children Fagman and Allboy got there extra early in the morning and spent the day watching over the young students hidden in the boys locker room. From a locker, Allboy watched like Fagman said the young boys coming in and out of the locker room. "As agents of the Law our duty goes beyond just catching Third Leg. For the children we have to be sure all go to PE. For health see that they all take good long showers and use protective gear such as athletic suporters." Allboy admired Fagman dedication. Fagman had taken the hidding spot in a laundry cart next to the open showers. All the boy students would come by dirty from a hard workout in just their jocks. Slip out of them and toss them in the cart. All the used jocks would be collected because it was friday. They would get their weekend wash and be returned for the students to use again on monday. Fagman kept hidden in the cart all day as jocks worn for a week without cleaning by young boys were tossed at him. The only thing to see was dirty young male bodies play with themselves and others in the shower.
When the time came Fagman and Allboy sprang from their hidding spots. Fagman kept a few of the jocks to run tests on later. The crooks walked right into the trap and a fight began. But Third Leg does not play fair. He slipped out and Allboy alone went after him. Allboy made the mistake of stopping the chase to help a little old lady across the street. Allboy did not know that the little old lady was really Lesbo, Third Leg's aid. Allboy was knocked out by stink gas shot from Lesbo hidden pussy gun and taken hostage.
Now back to the story...
POW! Fagman's punch sent the last crook flying. "Well chum. Another victory." When Allboy didn't answer him, Fagman looked around and found besides Allboy, Third Leg was also missing. "Gosh Tang. The fiend has Allboy. I just hope that he remembered to wear his red tracking panties today." Fagman raced to the Fagcar in hope of saving Allboy.
Allboy slowly woke up. He was tied by his wrist and strung up. All he still had on was his mask, high cut silk red panties, and his boots. He struggled but could not free himself from hanging in the air. "So our pretty captive is awake." Third Leg and Lesbo were standing infront of him.
"Let me go now or else." "Or else what Allboy? No one not even Fagman can save you now. In fact no can even save Big City. Lesbo."
With her command, Lesbo activated a control panel and a big tv monitor came into view. Lesbo showed different live time feeds from all over Big City till Third Leg had her stop. A buff black teen a member of the Black Street Gang from his dress was shooting some hoops at a dirty basketball court in the bad side of Big City. A white beat cop stormed up to the black teen. "What are you up to nigger." The black teen was enraged and ran at the officer, and the officer hand started to reach for his gun."
"Now Lesbo." Third Leg said. Lesbo pressed a button on the control panel and the figures shown on the screen were bathed in a pink ray.
The two still ran at each other but embraced? They hugged and kissed each other with passion. After some long tongue action, the black teen ripped opened the officer's shirt and started kissing his chest and sucking the officer's nipples.
"I need some nigger cock." The officer whispered to his lover. The black teen stepped back and the officer fell to his knees. The teen kept his arms up, as the officer pulled down the teen's low hanging jeans and boxers. The officer took the large piece of meat in his hands and slowly licked up and down the shaft. He placed it in his mouth and worked every inch of the dark meat. "Oh yes cracker. Blow me." The black teen let out and grabbed the back of the officer's head by his hair and jackhammered the officer's face with his equipment. The officer responded with fingers slipping in and out of the teen's ass.
The black teen pushed the officer off his cock. The officer stayed on his knees as the teen point his black cock straight at his face. A creamy load of jizz blasted all over the racist cop's face. The teen scooped some off the cop's face and sucked it off his fingers.
"Now I need something for my ass." The teen said to the officer. The cop flung the teen face first against the chainlink fence. The teen held the fence and spread his leg taking up the postion. The officer waisted no time pulling out his dick and breaking the teen's enterance. It was a pure rough fuck. The virgin ass was broke heavy without a drop of lube. After filling the black teen with white cum, the two dressed and went different ways as if nothing had happened.
Allboy was in shock. First that Third Leg had stopped an officer of the law from doing his duty. And Second for what the two had done on screen. Sure Fagman had talked to Allboy about sex but not about this. Since Fagman took Allboy to be his ward, Fagman had cared for Allboy. Washing him all over every nite. Fagman's soapy hands feeling his body getting the inside of his ass and between his legs. Fagman even gave Allboy regular enemas so he would not get blocked up.
One night sleeping nude together as they always do, Allboy got his first self induced erection. He was scared because all he had been doing was rubbing against the mattress. Fagman calmed him down by telling him all what was happening. Fagman even let Allboy stroke his dick till it got hard and shot white goo out. Allboy tasted some of the salty goo before going back to bed wondering when his body could do it like his hero Fagman's body does.
Still it was all to much for poor Allboy. Lucky his battle ready reflexes brought him back to his senses. Lesbo had snuck behind him and pulled down his panties, not before pinching his tiny plump rear. Allboy hung in the air his freshly shaved crotch exposed and starting to stiffen some. Fagman had taught him to fight disease keep the body free from excess hair such as under the arms, legs, and crotch.
"I like my buns toasted." Third Leg laughted as Lesbo started hitting Allboy's backside with a not corpral punishment approved paddle. Fagman and teaching authorities use approved paddles that turn a students rump red but leaves no marks behind. Lesbo's hard hits showed she did not obey the rules.
As Allboy's backside was becoming a crimsion fire red, Third Leg showed why he was called Third Leg. Stepping out of his extra large pants, Third Leg had a super human penis between his legs. Allboy had seen big before when Fagman took him to the stables to see the horses breed. Fagman rubbed Allboy's shoulders and the back of his back as the horses breed. Still Third Leg was even bigger then the biggest one he saw on any of the horses that day.
As the monster thing started to wake up between his legs, Third Leg headed towards Allboy. Also at that same time Fagman was racing obeying all speed limits and traffic lights in his Fagcar to Allboy's rescue.
Will Fagman save Allboy?
What evil plan do Third Leg and Lesbo have for the pink ray?
Can Big City be saved?
Find out in "The Lost Cherry". The next exciting adventure of Fagman and Allboy. Cumming soon!
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