Published: 24-Feb-2012
Word Count:
I'd like to say I everything was okay when I got back home 24 hours later. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I anticipated. But I was weary and feared Ben would say something.
As he didn't, I can only assume Lucille had stayed quiet about what she was probably thinking. She didn't, however, stay quiet with me the next day. At the first opportunity - when Ben and Grant had gone fishing for the day - she grilled me. And then some.
I like to think I gave Lucille a convincing explanation of the events in the hotel. I'd really like to say it but I'm not sure she bought much of what I was selling. Which is a poor statement from someone who spends her time in the sales business.
But then she wasn't just any ordinary customer. She knew something and that always gives the person on the other side of the table an advantage.
Of course, I didn't tell her that I ended up tied up. I didn't mention Hilton and nothing about the ropes and gag and Dilly. At least that was how I planned our little talk.
'So what did you do exactly in your room with that woman who answered the phone? Have sex with her?' asked Lucille. For an eleven year old she has a way of getting straight to the point.
'I did not have sex with her in my room,' I said firmly. See, the truth doesn't hurt.
'So where did you have sex with her?'
'Lucille! I did not have sex with the woman who answered the phone! I didn't have sex in my room at all.'
'So where'd you call from?'
'Someone else's room. I was, um, helping out.'
'Helping out by having sex in her room?'
I tried not to blush. 'It wasn't a she.'
'A man was screwing you?' Lucille's eyes widened. Where do kids these days get to know about stuff like that? I am sure I was at least thirteen before I started thinking about adults fucking.
I got a little warmer. 'No... you don't understand. I was baby-sitting.'
'In a hotel? Whose baby?'
'She wasn't a baby. Her name was Hilton and she was five.'
'With all those weird noises?'
'I told you... it was some movie.'
'You were watching a porn movie with a five year old?' Lucille's jaw dropped. She didn't need to add "What kind of pervert are you?" I could see it in her face.
'It wasn't quite porn... well, it was hot but... anyway, Hilton was asleep.' I felt that was a neat, if floundering, argument.
'Then someone called and you went out and left the child alone?'
I have known for some time that Lucille should go into law. She'd nail all kinds of people down in court. Like she was nailing me right now. 'Look, Lucille, it isn't what you think. A woman borrowed my room to, um, have sex 'cos I wasn't there. I baby-sat until her mom came back and I went out. To the bar. There isn't a mystery.'
'Then why did I hear a child say she didn't want to be tied up?'
'Uh, that was the movie,' I shrugged.
'You watch movies about kids being tied up?'
I blushed. I'd tried not to but this got to me. 'Listen, it isn't what you think -'
'You keep saying that. So don't let me think. Tell me what really happened.'
'Lucille.' I said calmly. Or tried to be calm. Even tried to look slightly offended because she doubted me. Then I ruined it. 'What do you think I am?'
That was it: answering a question with a question. Guilt, as I'd defined it.
Lucille's eyes widened. 'So you were having sex!'
'What?' I was feeling real hot in the face.
'With a man, woman or small girl?'
That did it. I blushed bright red and tried to stammer a denial. Why is it kids always get to you eventually?
My daughter cut through the fluster. 'I think you better tell me, mom, don't you?'
I was beaten and she was right.
I told her about Sherri and Hilton, how the child was bound to the bed. I tried to leave out the Dilly part but every time I tried to avoid something Lucille knew I was covering up and demanded all the information. She listened intently as I told her about the child being tied to the bed and gagged.
Lucille seemed particularly interested in the gag. She wanted to know how the gag stopped the child speaking, so I told her about the rubber ball. And then I told her about my pants in the child's mouth and the rope holding them place. I tried not to mention the third gag, which was my cunt over Hilton's mouth. But that came out too and Lucille chuckled.
If I had expected her to be shocked and angry and negative I was completely wrong. But eventually I got the part where Sherri came back to her room and ended the story.
'So who was the man?'
'What man?'
'The one fucking her in your room? That was why she was there. You said. And I heard him say something when this Sherri answered the phone.'
'She wasn't... well, she was having sex but I don't know who...' I shrugged unconvincingly.
'Mom, you have to work harder at lying. I can tell you know exactly who it was.'
'Oh, okay.' I took a deep breath. 'It was Alan, my boss.'
'Him? Fuck, he's ancient.'
That was the first time I'd ever heard Lucille swear. Given that I told her about me having sex with a child who was tied up I could hardly object. But I was indignant over the age thing. 'Um, Alan's not that old. He's my age and I'm not ancient!'
'So what was he doing there?' The probing questions were starting over.
'He flew in during the afternoon. Decided to take a look at the conference.' I was blushing again.
'So what did he do to you?'
'Really?' Lucille smirked. 'He knew about Hilton?'
'Uh, no, well... yes. I guess he saw her.'
'Tied up with you fucking her?'
'I wasn't fucking her! I was tickling her with Dolly... I mean, my vibrator.'
'Dolly?' Another smirk. 'Is that what you call that big black thing you keep in the closet?'
'You've been in my closet? I was bothered by that. 'You and Grant were always told to stay out.'
Lucille shrugged away my glare. 'Anyway, it's not as good as Lara's mom's.'
'Lara Mackey? Her mom's got one?' I was astonished. Mary Mackey was the last person I imagined who would have a dildo. She was a straight-laced church-going teacher.
'Yep, hers has four speeds and is longer. Beats yours.'
I hardly dare ask the obvious question, but I had to. 'How do you know?'
'Oh mom! We tried them both.'
'B-but... you're eleven!'
I gulped. The thought of my daughter laid on a bed with my Dolly up her twat - or on Lara's bed with a bigger beast in her sent a shiver through me. More an erotic surge than dread. 'You... you did this together?'
'Yeah. Cum competition. All the girls do it, see who can get off first.' She smiled in a strange way. 'The only thing is we gag ourselves, so no one can hear us shout out.'
I nodded. That made sense: if Lucille was inviting friends over and they were playing with dildos I guess it's only reasonable they have something tied in their mouths so as not to disturb the house.
'So did this Alan fuck you?' Lucille wanted to know everything. But then, I would have done at her age if I knew my mother had been doing all this.
There was no point in lying, but it wasn't exactly a fuck in the conventional way. 'He took advantage of me.'
'Meaning what?'
'Meaning I couldn't stop him.' Another deep breath. 'I didn't tell you Hilton and I played a game on the toilet.'
Lucille was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Nothing it seemed shocked her. 'Game?'
'She needed to poop, and I did, and she and I did it and, um wiped each other's bottoms - but she did mine first!' I said that quickly to show the event wasn't all my creating.
'And?' Another wicked smile.
'Uh... Well, Sherri said I was some pervert doing that to her little helpless daughter. So she decided I should be tied up.' I blushed anew. 'She made me bend over the toilet and tied me over it. She said I was disgusting because I'd forgotten to flush. I had to look at the mess I'd left there.'
Lucille caught on pretty quick. 'And because you hadn't got any pants on, Alan screwed you right there.'
'No quite.' My voice was barely above a whisper. 'Sherri put Dolly in me, and tied it there...'
Lucille clapped her hands in delight. 'So he fucked you up the ass, right?'
'You mustn't tell your father,' I said sharply. But I didn't deny it.
'And what was little Hilton doing in all this?'
I sighed. 'She was tied up in the bath. No water in it, but she had her diaper on and Dilly in her, so she was content.'
My daughter nodded. 'So that was how you spent the night, smelling your own poop with a sore asshole.'
I nodded gloomily. That about summed it all up.
'They gag you, Mom?'
'Only after I sucked Alan's cum out of Sherri's pussy.' I shook my head at the injustice of it all. 'She came back three times in the night for me to clean her out. Once out of her asshole. She'd gag me again and I'd have to listen to them screwing.'
'Poor mom,' said Lucille, as if she meant it. 'It must have been real frustrating for you.'
'Oh no, I didn't want to be fucked by Alan.'
'Not him! I mean little Hilton, all tied up in the bathtub and you couldn't get to her.'
I blushed but nodded. Then I asked: 'You're not shocked by what I did?'
'No. Sounds a lot of fun. Better than just boring old sex.'
'How do you know about "boring old sex" young lady?'
'Natalie Smithson. Her older brother fucks her. She says it's real boring, him grunting on top of her. Hey, is dad boring, when he humps you?'
I made to look annoyed at such a suggestion but gave in and nodded. 'I guess so.' I had given up any pretense of imagining this would be a mother and daughter discussion. It was like two whores discussing their business. Funny thing was, short of what I did with Hilton this was the most erotic thing I'd done in years.
Then a thought struck me: 'Who else have you been playing sex games with? And has Grant ever tried to fuck you?'
'Grant? He fingers me every so often, when I let him. But he can only do that when he wears your panties.' My daughter snickered. 'I like to humiliate him.'
'My pants?' I felt faint. Was there anything of mine that wasn't part of these kids' sex games?
'Don't worry mom. He doesn't leave any marks on them. He holds them down when I say he can jerk off.'
'And what do you do while he's whacking off?'
'I bend over so he can see my slit. He likes it 'cos it hasn't got any hair. Well, not much yet. Says it's like the ones in dad's magazines.'
'Your father has magazines?' I was discovering more about my family since the hotel than I ever imagined.
'Yeah. Mostly bondage, but some anal stuff. Y'know, dicks up shitters. Natalie and Lara look at them too, when we have the dildos out. Or maybe when...'
'Maybe when what?'
'When we have a fingering session.'
I nodded as I could hardly be shocked. I was about my daughter's age when my cousin Deanna and I used to play fingering games. It was perfectly natural. But then, I reflected, so was everything else. Even how I felt about tying up small girls.
'You okay, mom?' I was aware Lucille was looking at me.
'Sure. It's just everything that's been going on. Things I guess I didn't know about.'
'Tell me,' asked my daughter. 'What happened in the morning, after you'd been tied up over the toilet?'
'With Alan there he said there was no need for me to be at the conference. He'd go down with Sherri, take my place. I had to spend the day baby-sitting.'
'They freed you?'
'No. I lay on the bed and they tied me to it, spread out and face up. Then they tied Hilton on top of me, but her face to my cunt.'
'And you licked her?'
'Hell no. We were gagged. Anyway we had diapers on, to keep our dildo's in. Alan said the best thing though would be a tube from Hilton's cuntlet to my mouth, so if she peed I'd drink it.'
'Sounds disgusting - but fun!' Lucille grinned, clearly enjoying this.
I smiled. 'Yeah, it might have been. But they didn't have a tube so we just lay there. They left the TV on for Hilton and she could see it where she lay on me. You know those cartoons, when you can't see 'em all day, are real irritating.'
'But they came back at lunch time, right?'
'For a quick fuck. Oh, and they gave me and Hilton something to eat and drink. Alan masturbated into my drink for me, saying it'd do my skin good or something.' I blushed and laughed, and Lucille laughed too. It was good we were so open about it all.
'Then you came home,' said Lucille. 'You missing Hilton?'
Like I've said before, Lucille has this knack of getting inside you. Not just physically, though her friends could testify to that no doubt. I nodded and felt real sad. 'Yeah. Tying her up and doing the things we did was, well... special. I miss all that. I miss her a lot.'
Lucille was looking at me, intently. Reading me. 'You in love with her Mom?'
'Love? Women of my age don't fall in love with small girls.'
'You have.'
I wanted to say no, it was only some fun. A thing people do in hotels. But it wasn't true and I didn't want to have to lie to my daughter. 'Yeah,' I admitted. 'I guess I love her.'
It felt both weird and a relief to say it.
'Guess? You only think?'
'Okay! Yes, i do love Hilton.' I paused, feeling lost. 'So what do we do now?'
'Would it help if you tied me up, mom?'
I stared at my daughter. It was an outrageous suggestion and there was only one answer it deserved.
'Of course,' I said.
Lucille looks good when she's naked. I felt a little buzz when I saw her stretched out on her bed, arms above her head and legs apart. Not quite apart enough, so I resolved to get them wider when I tied them. Not because I couldn't tie her the way she was. It was just I wanted to see the pink of her sex better, like I had with Hilton.
I was feeling quite excited as I began to wind the ropes round Lucille's wrists and secure them to the bed head.
'You aroused, mom?' asked Lucille, looking up at me. Like I say, she knows me well. She was observing me real close.
'Me?' I laughed.
'Yes, you.'
I shrugged. 'I guess a little. But it isn't just you - though you do look sweet. I was remembering Hilton.' I wasn't lying. I could hardly get the five year old out of my mind right now. Oh, sure, I was excited seeing my daughter like this (and feeling a little guilty I was aroused at her being tied up) but I couldn't forget how wonderful little Hilton had looked in that same position.
'Mom, in a moment you're going to gag me right?'
I blinked at Lucille. I hadn't thought that far ahead. But she was right, I guess. So I nodded.
'Don't look worried,' smiled Lucille. 'I know that when you are tied, you're gagged. It's just... how it is. Like I've seen in dad's magazines. I don't mind.'
'So, you okay with that?'
'Sure, but before you do I just want to say you have to do something about what you feel for Hilton.'
I was, I admit, startled. Lucille was always ahead of her years. She was ahead of me now. 'Honey, listen...I know I said I loved Hilton but you are here now...' I was floundering. 'Uh, I'm going to tie your legs next and then I'm going to get something to gag you with and then...'
'Then you're going to imagine I'm Hilton and do something to me.' Lucille's eyes twinkled. 'But you need to work out your feelings for this little girl. You want her with you all the time, right mom?'
I blushed and nodded.
'Oh mom, it's so obvious.' Lucille didn't seem distressed. 'And I don't mind being number two slave.'
'What?' I could hardly believe my ears.
'Mom, bondage is okay. I don't mind you tying me up. But you know me and Natalie and Lara. Well, maybe you don't know how we feel but we get hot for each other, when we have the dildos out and get fingering and kissing.'
'So, what are you getting at?'
'You need Hilton. I need my friends. Sometimes my friends are around, sometimes maybe Hilton isn't there, and -'
'She isn't anywhere,' I protested. 'She isn't my child.'
'Let me finish mom, please.' Lucille looked up at me earnestly. 'I can see you like tying me up, but I figure you want to tie Hilton up more. So I think you should think about what I'm going to say.' Lucille took a deep breath. 'You're gonna finish tying me up in a few minutes, gag me and leave me. Then you are going to go and call your boss and tell him that he should hire Sherri.'
'You mean... she takes my job?'
'You'll have a different job. You'll go with her on sales calls, but you'll be looking after Hilton. Sherri goes and gets the business, with your help. You get to look after the person you love most.'
'Lucille!' I blushed. 'I have my family and I don't thi-
'Mom, please.' My daughter was at her sternest, despite being naked and her hands tied over her head. 'Give me some credit. I know what you want more'n anything right now.'
'But...' I was confused. 'I can tie you up if I want. You said so.'
'Yeah, but you'll be thinking of Hilton. Look at me, Mom. I'm older, taller. I'm getting tits. Hair between my legs. Hilton won't for a few years - and that's what you love, right? You like the little innocence more than me.'
I cottoned on. 'And you get to have Lara and Natalie here, in exchange.'
'For sleepovers, what we call bedroom parties. You get Dad and Grant to have weekends away, I get my friends over and you don't mind we're having lez games in the house.'
It was crazy but a deal. I picked up the rope and started to tie my daughter's ankles, making sure she was stretched out properly. 'What if Alan says no?'
'He won't, because he wants to fuck Sherri again.'
'You seem so sure.'
'Mom, men are all the same.' Lucille grinned, looking as if she had known men all her life. I have to be honest and say it did make me wonder... 'Tell him he can have you suck his dick too, or put it up your ass,' continued my daughter.
'Lucille!' I began sternly but couldn't help grinning. 'Your father'd kill me if he knew I was letting a man do to me what he wants to do, and can't.'
'Tell him he and Grant can fuck each other. That'd please them.'
My jaw dropped open.
'Oh mom, you ought to see some of dad's hidden stash of mags! Asshole Boys is probably his favorite - at least judging by the stains on it. Hey, he and Grant are probably fucking right now. You ever notice how few fish they catch?'
I laughed. I had but didn't dare think what they were doing up in the woods. This was all too much, too delicious. A house full of sex? Yeah, I was on the verge of getting that. Then I sobered up. 'But what if Sherri says no?'
'She won't mom. She's going to get a better job, more money, a babysitter. It's win-win.' She paused and chuckled. 'Win-win-win if you include dad and Grant.'
'You're so sure they're, um, gay?'
'No, but we can dream.'
We both laughed. At least until I shucked my pants off and stuffed them in Lucille's cute mouth.
I came back into Lucille's bedroom after making the call to my boss. She was looking at me and smiling behind the makeshift gag. I was holding Dolly and she knew it was for her.
I sat on the edge of the bed without saying anything, just turning on the dildo and letting it hum for a few moments.
'Mmmmff!' said Lucille, not trying to dislodge my pants in her mouth but trying to get me to tell her what Alan had said.
'Hush,' I said, lowering the vibrating tip of the dildo towards my daughter's little slit. It even looked wet down there, like she was getting off just thinking about everything. Me being excited, Hilton bound, her and her friends having sex openly... maybe even her father and brother screwing over a tree stump by the lake. Who knows?
She couldn't tell me and I wasn't asking.
I pressed the tip of Dolly to her sweet cunt, easing it in as easily as if she was lubricated. I watched the pink folds slip aside, the quivering dildo slipping in. It would be going all the way in. I knew it, she knew it.
Presently, when I was satisfied she couldn't take any more of Dolly, I looked at her.
'Alan thinks it's a wonderful idea, but he'd discussed with Sherri already. She likes the plan, apparently. He was merely wondering how to tell me, but he doesn't have to now. So it's settled.' Lucille gave a whoop into her gag, though perhaps it was some mounting pleasure. 'There's only one thing,' I said. 'Alan wants to see you tied up sometime, when he fucks my ass.'
Lucille whimpered. I guess she knew her ass would be on offer too. But I was sure if I got Dolly up her ass it'd be well prepared for Alan's thick cock.
I leant over Lucille and eased the sodden pants from my daughter's mouth and kissed her. 'You are a very clever girl,' I said. 'And as I have my pants off, I guess that little tongue of yours should get to work.'
Lucille sighed, smiling, watching me as I swung myself over her face, skirt hitched up. 'Mom, will I get to see Hilton tied up?'
'Only when Sherri comes to stay with us, between sales calls,' I said. 'And you aren't bound, gagged and blindfolded in the closet.'
I'm sure I heard Lucille laugh as my cunt settled on my daughter's face, and together we dreamed of Hilton chuckling in the same position. With Dilly no doubt up the five-year old's cute ass and Dolly wedged in her hot little cunt.
Peter Piper
The Name of Nick
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