The Berserker and the Preteen

[ M/g, machine/g, spank, reluc, rom ]

by CC

Published: 29-Feb-2012

Word Count: 5325

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Electronic echoes of memory...

The naked girl whimpered and writhed in the grasp of the metal claws that held her securely. A mechanical arm protruded from the panel in front of her, holding an object looking much like, if she had only known it, a riding crop. The machine swung the crop rhythmically back and forth across her front, whipping her breasts, thighs, and mons repeatedly as she wailed. Yet even through the pain of the whipping, she was aware of other sensations. She was embarrassed to be naked, even in front of only a machine. She was also aware of her own sexual excitement, partially from her exposure, and also from the stimulation of the whipping. Yet this only added to her embarrassment, and the punishment of the experience, to know that her body was betraying her thusly.

Even as she recognized the wetness between her legs for what it was, she saw approaching her another machine, a mobile unit with something extending from its midsection. As it advanced on her, she could see it more clearly, though she was too naive to realize what it was for, at first. It was a phallus, gleaming with some kind of lubricant, alternately protruding and retracting from the body of the robot. She had only time to gasp in sudden awareness of its purpose before it had thrust deeply into her cleft, raping her of her maidenhead, driving for her cervix as she screamed and arched. Yet again her body betrayed her, for even as the acute pain of the loss of her hymen subsided, strange sensations flooded through her. Unbeknownst to the girl, the machine was using temperature changes in the phallus, combined with electrical stimulation, designed to trigger rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles, forcing her closer and closer to a finally screaming and bucking orgasm as she danced on the end of the instrument that so invaded her...

The memory faded at that point. The machine knew that it used to have a more complete record of that punishment session, as well as many others. But it was losing parts progressively. Something was wrong; or was it?

The machine no longer remembered its original purpose. It was built to be part of a fleet of what the humanoids that it was trying to destroy called 'Berserkers'. They were not the original targets; the machines had first been built in another galaxy many eons ago as part of a massive interstellar war. Their original programming was not specific enough; instead of just one type of life, the enemy's, to be destroyed, they eventually came to view all life as the enemy, naming it 'badlife'. Designed to be self-sustaining and constantly 'improving', they rapidly surpassed and finally annihilated them and their enemies together. When they encountered the humanoids of the spiral galaxy, however, they were stymied. Tough, tenacious, resourceful, the 'badlife' fought back ferociously. For centuries the battle raged in one star system after another. Inevitably, both sides learned more about the other as time went on.

The Berserkers captured many of the 'humans', as they termed themselves. Most were either killed immediately, or kept for a while for experimentation, either expiring under the strain, or killed when their utility was over. But some the machines found useful in other ways. A few of the humans managed to convince the machines that they wanted to serve them. 'Goodlife' the machines called them. They were fed, and cared for, as one might care for a beast of burden as long as it is of use. But the 'Goodlife', too, were terminated as soon as their service was exhausted. Some might survive for years, though, betraying their own kind in a desperate bid for life.

As the war progressed, the Berserkers became more complex, intricate, with a convoluted system wherein different ships undertook different tasks. The 'Goodlife' had become extremely useful in many ways, so the machines were more and more interested in extending their service 'life'. Thus, issues of discipline became more important. At first, each individual ship applied torment of one sort or another to the 'Goodlife' within it. After a while, special vessels were produced for the purpose, and each flotilla of Berserkers would have one, dedicated to the various torments used for the punishment of the humanoids.

The humans, meanwhile, were not idle. Indeed, they had recently developed a weapon that showed much promise, and an end to the long war might be in sight. A virus and a delivery system had been produced, designed to alter the programming of the Berserkers. The results were unpredictable, but were nearly always positive. A few of the machines seemed unaffected. But most showed significant changes in their behavior. Some simply drifted off into deep space, seemingly uninterested in the pursuit of 'Badlife' any more. Others showed changes more subtle, but still helpful.

The punishment ship was one of those so affected. Unbeknownst to itself, its programming was now altered. The death of any life, 'Goodlife' or 'Badlife', was now to be avoided. 'Goodlife' was any life under its care. It would act to protect that life, please it, and nurture it. However, its programming was too complex to be completely altered. In the past, the proper 'care' of 'Goodlife' included punishment. To the machine, it still did. But the virus was successful in substantially ameliorating the scope and application of the punishment. The machines had long known that the young humanoids required more frequent applications of discipline; now this ship would only apply discipline to the young.

After the combat that successfully injected the virus into its systems, the punishment ship became separated from the rest of its squadron. It drifted aimlessly. After a while its sensors picked up a beacon. Homing in on it, it discovered a humanoid escape pod, clearly having come from a larger ship. Inside the pod it could detect the lifesigns of one small human. It maneuvered to take the pod into its hold. It studied the pod for a while, making sure of the correct way to open it without damaging its occupant. It regulated the gaseous mix in the hold to match the humanoid's requirements. With the pod opened, it could fully examine the passenger. It was a young female human, a 'girl' the machine knew was the correct term. She appeared to be about 7 'years' as the humans would put it, relating back to the rotational period of their ancestral home planet around its star. She was in stasis, and the machine set about carefully waking her up...

She awoke slowly, dreamily. She was not alarmed, merely puzzled at her surroundings as she became aware. She was lying on a soft bed, and light and pleasant music was playing. There were a variety of toys around her, and her room was trimmed with lace, hearts, and teddy bears. She was dimly aware that she had never been in so nice a room before. Indeed, although she barely remembered it, she was an orphan, having lost her parents years ago in a Berserker attack, and had lived ever since in a drab orphanage maintained by the planetary authorities. But the planet had come under attack, and the orphans had been shipped out to a safer system. On the way, a flotilla of Berserkers had detected them, and, knowing that destruction of the ship was inevitable, the captain had ordered the children sent off in the pods while he decoyed the machines away.

But the child was blissfully unaware of almost all of that. She lay in he bed, drinking in her surroundings. After a while she got up, and searched the room she was in. She was looking for the bathroom. A panel slid open as she walked by it, and there was the toilet, gleaming and clean. She rushed in and relieved herself, with a little sigh of contentment as the hot pee poured out past her clitoris. As she left the bathroom, she looked around timidly, realizing that the door had opened by itself, as if someone knew she was there. "A-Anyone here?" she whispered.

"I am here," the ship replied.

"Where--who--are you?" she gasped. "Where am I? What's going on?" She was beginning to be alarmed, as she realized that she had no idea how she had gotten there.

"I am...Ship. Do not be afraid. I will take care of you. You are Goodlife. What is your designation?" Ship inquired.

"My...what?" the girl asked.

"Your..." Ship hunted for the proper term; "Your name."

"M-my name is Belinda."

"Are you hungry, Belinda?"


A panel in the wall slid open. A tantalizing aroma presaged an even tastier breakfast that she quickly consumed. Much reassured by the care she was receiving, the little girl relaxed. A variety of entertainments were presented to her in the way of picture books, videos, games, and toys. She happily plunged into her new life. She certainly didn't miss the old one. At the orphanage no one cared about her, or gave her toys or games to play with. And she was disciplined frequently there, without any love or kindness. The only tenderness she had ever known was when a missionary had come through the facility. Under that gentle soul's guidance she had converted, but her stay was all too brief.

The little girl played happily all 'day', with two more delicious meals and a snack at intervals. Finally she yawned and looked over at the bed she had awoken in. "I'm sleepy," she announced, by now used to Ship hearing and responding to her.

"Then it is almost time for you to go to bed," Ship replied, "But first you must be punished."

"P-punished?!" the little girl exclaimed, alarmed.

"Do not be alarmed," Ship stated, "You will not be damaged."

"But I haven't been bad...have I?" she protested, wondering if she had unknowingly transgressed in some way.

"No, you have not disobeyed. But punishment must be applied regularly to remind young Goodlife of the penalty for disobedience."

" will hurt," she whimpered, remembering the whippings she had received at the orphanage. Even those, if they had been followed by a hug and a kiss, would not in reality have been so bad.

"The reaction of pain may occur, but it should not be intense. If it is too much, notify me. I will be gathering data to adjust the intensity ratings of my punishment programs." This only confused her, but somehow she realized that the machine was not going to harm her, and that perhaps it wouldn't even hurt as much as her punishments at the orphanage did. At any rate there seemed little she could do about it.

"Hold still, young Goodlife," the machine commanded. She did so, and panels opened in the walls around her. Suddenly her wrists and ankles were captured by metal claws, but padded and surprisingly gentle in their touch, yet implacably firm against any resistance. Another mechanical arm reached out and seized the collar of the tunic she had awoken in. It was not the one she had entered the escape pod with. The machine simply tore it from her with one rip. It came away easily, being designed for just that purpose. The little girl gasped. Even though there was no other human there to see her, she was embarrassed to be so naked before...'him', for so she thought of Ship, already as a sort of father figure...

She had little time to consider her plight, for one of the arms began to smack her bare bottom with some kind of a flexible paddle. She could hear it whistle through the air before each spank. SMACK-WHACK-WHAP! "AAA! OOOO! OH-OH-OH!" she yelped as she felt her buttocks burn with each stroke. After a while the machine shifted aim and administered the same treatment to the front of her slender thighs as she yipped and yiped.

All at once Ship stopped, and announced, "Punishment is complete." She slumped in the grasp of the machine's arms, whimpering softly. Presently she became aware of pleasant sensations. There was soft music playing. A gentle warm breeze was wafting through the room, carrying a sweet, bracing scent, almost like...a man's aftershave, if she had known it. And the machine's arms were now stroking her, with soft, silky and furry appendages, paying closest attention to her punished areas, the gentle glow imparted by its ministrations already beginning to fade. She felt warm, and safe, and...loved. She drifted in and out of dreamland, swaying in Ship's gentle grasp. The machines carried her gently to bed, and she was asleep even before the lights dimmed.

The days that followed for the little girl were similar to her first one. She played all day for some time, the end of the day being punctuated by a punishment session very similar to the first one. Being only 7, she did not examine her own feelings about this, but she felt a mixture of anticipation and dread concerning these sessions. There was some pain, more of a sting, really, and it was so embarrassing to be stripped naked each time, the ship always supplying her with the same type of tear-away clothing, replaced each morning with a fresh outfit. But the machine's tender touch afterwards almost made the whole affair worth it, in the end.

At first, there were no demands on her behavior, so there was no occasion for other punishment sessions. She was content with the many and varied entertainments he placed before her. But after a while, the machine added daily instruction to her routine, using electronic materials obtained through the Berserker's long research into humanoid affairs. She was bright, and did well, but the 'school' sessions did provide new opportunities for lapses in behavior. No child will consistently fulfill the demands of a teacher, if the teacher is consistently challenging the child to excel. So it was that Belinda found herself more and more often in the grip of the punishment 'bots. Flexible strips like plastic rulers were plied upon her buttocks and thighs. Thinner instruments more like a cane, but softer, left faint red stripes that faded slowly as she yelped and yiped. And always the machine ended by soothing her and caressing her as she softly sobbed or moaned.

As time went on, and Belinda grew a little more, Ship varied and extended her punishments. There came a day when she found herself bent over a bar by the machine's arms, while her buttocks were briskly spanked with a paddle, then something like a riding crop was applied to the backs of her thighs. Then, spun around and bent backwards, the front of her slender thighs felt the sting. She gasped and cried out wildly as the punishment 'bot suddenly shifted aim and smacked her on her little breast buds and nipples! Soon they were erect and reddened, crisscrossed by faint red lines that faded slowly. Then it was over, and Ship again soothed her, now gently rubbing her tender nipples as she shivered and cooed.

Shortly after that she found herself again in the grip of the machine arms, now standing with legs forced apart and arms held at her side by the velvet grips. Without prelude or warning the punishment 'bot applied an electric shock instrument to her nipples that hummed and buzzed as the electricity flowed through her tender flesh. She nearly screamed, more from the unexpectedness of the treatment than from the pain, though the sensation made her writhe and gasp. Her buttocks were forcibly parted and her anus bared. Before she had time to think about what this meant, the 'bot's arms applied the electricity to her delicate anus as she clenched and moaned. Then Ship swung its aim to the front again, targeting her unfledged cleft and clitoris as she shrieked and arched. She was still writhing and sobbing as the arms switched their function to the gentle soothing, now adding a soft, slick, rubbery instrument, that slid in between her legs and pressed against her glistening cleft lips and clitoris. She could feel it vibrate as it rode back and forth between her thighs, now touching lightly, now pressing firmly against her unfledged preteen sex. Her breath came short, her mouth dry, her knees buckling, and in a minute or two she was arching again as she cried out in the grip of her first preteen orgasm. After she was spent, she slumped in her captor's grasp. She was asleep in Ship's arms, even before they laid her gently on her bed.

The next punishment session was the most intense she had experienced so far. Nearly all the modalities of discipline Ship had employed on her up to that point were used. She was spanked on her bottom; whipped on her thighs, front and back, and her breasts; the crop-like appendage was applied to her cleft and anus; electricity was liberally used. She writhed and moaned, gasped and cried out wildly, occasionally struggled against her captor's implacable grip, only to slump weakly after the next round of discipline. There came a pause in the action, and she looked around her, distractedly, and saw a 'bot she had not experienced before. It rolled towards her, something long, rounded at the end, and gleaming protruding from it, retracting and extending as it came on relentlessly. As it approached, she was turned until she was facing away from its onset, bent over the punishment bar, her legs pulled forcibly apart. Never pausing in its approach, the 'bot closed with her, and ramme d its lubricated phallus deep into her virgin anus with one stroke.

The little girl screamed, then sobbed and shook as the machine raped her rhythmically, retracting and returning, filling and stretching her tender flesh. All the while another of the machine's implements was continuing to punish her elsewhere, clamping and twisting her little nipples and breastbuds, smacking her clitoris, sending electricity through her underdeveloped cleftlips. Her cries became more hoarse, her bucking and sobbing more rhythmic as she danced on the end of the machine's rod, until finally she was brought to a screaming orgasm that went on and on. She slumped in Ship's arms at the end of it, sobbing and cooing, then drifting off to sleep.

This sort of thing went on most days for a little while. Yet in between times the machine registered a change in the little girl's demeanor. She seemed somber, and sighed frequently. Ship questioned her: "Little Goodlife, is there something wrong?"

She didn't answer.

"You lack nothing. All your requirements are met. It is not logical that you would be unhappy. You are getting your punishments; appropriate punishments are good for young Goodlife, agreed?"

"NO!...yes...I don't know!...yes, I guess so," she finally sighed. "But I want to see you!"

"This is not logical. I am all around you, and you can see me anytime."

"'s like you're my Daddy, or something, and I want to see what you look like a man! I want to sit in your lap, and hug you, and stuff." A few tears trickled down her cheeks.

"I will attempt to satisfy this desire," Ship intoned, then fell silent as it churned data.

Ship set course for a particular system not too far away. It set its plans in motion. On this system's main planet, like on most human worlds, there was a well-developed computer network, in which much clandestine business could be conducted without the authorities knowing. Ship knew that if it made an undisguised approach to the planet, it would be destroyed, so it made contact by well-protected means with a forum frequented by men who might be interested in its offer.

As it happened, one of the designers of the virus program was a regular on the forum. Being an expert on Berserkers, he recognized some tell-tale signs of the ship's 'posts'. He initiated a series of messages to the machine that interacted with the new programming, and gathered information from the ship, including the details of a certain chemical's molecular structure...

"Someone will be coming on board to see you," Ship announced.

"What??! Who??!" the girl asked, both excited and nervous at the thought of seeing a live human after all that time.

"He..." Ship paused; it did not have sufficient data to describe the situation, which itself was illogical. "He is a visitor. I think you will like him."

It wasn't long before she felt the soft thump of another ship docking. A panel hissed open and there he stood. She gaped at him for a few seconds. He was medium-tall, neither thin nor fat. He had slightly graying hair at the temples. She didn't really think about it consciously, but he was a little older than she expected. If she had been able to estimate age, she would have thought he was in his 40's.

"Hello, Belinda," he said. He had a pleasant baritone.

"H-hello," she stammered in reply.

"Are you all right? Has the ship been taking good care of you?" he inquired solicitously.

"Yes...I guess so. But I'm lonesome!" she exclaimed, and then inexplicably burst into tears. He opened his arms to her, and, after a moment's hesitation, she ran to him. He enfolded her in a warm hug. The top of her head barely reached to his lower chest. She collapsed against him, burying her face into him, staining his shirt with her tears. He held her for a while this way, rocking her back and forth. After a while she was calm, and they sat and talked for a long while. He inquired about her time aboard ship, and she guilelessly told him everything. He found her bright, and sweet, and irresistible. She didn't know it, but she was entranced by his smell. He had on aftershave that matched the sweet scent Ship would waft through the room as it soothed her after her punishments. She snuggled up against him, already attached as if he was her long-lost father.

As the day wore to a close, she asked him, "Why did you come up here?"

"To see you, and to be with you. The ship knew you needed someone human. I was contacted. And I have a question for you: what do you want to do now?"

She looked at him quizzically.

"Here's the deal, little angel. You have choices: you can stay on the ship and I leave. You can stay on the ship, and I stay. Or I can take you down to the planet, and you can stay with me, or somewhere else. But if you go to the planet without me, then you will probably be in an orphanage of some sort." She made a face at that prospect. He laughed, "OK, I guess that option's out! But," and here his face became more serious,

"If I you stay with me on the planet, or I stay here on the ship, then you have to know something. I am in love with you. I won't be able to stand it, being around you all the time, if I can't have you." Again she gave him a puzzled look, although she was smiling at his words so far; he loved her! "What I mean is, I want to be your father, and your husband, and your master. I want to love you, and cherish you, and take care of you. And I want to punish you, like the ship does, and even more ways than that! And if you stay with me, then I'll adopt you, and we'll be married, and you'll be my daughter, and my wife, and my slave. So it's up to you, little one; what will it be?" He waited patiently as she dropped her eyes to the floor.

But it was only a moment or two before she shyly lifted her eyes to him and said, "I want to stay with you...Daddy."

He didn't say a word, just swept her up in his arms for a long hug, punctuated with frequent sweet kisses. She felt so good in his arms, so slender, so warm, so tender.

After a while he spoke in her ear, "I think you've been a naughty girl today, haven't you?"

There was a pause, then, "...Yes, Daddy," she whispered.

Without further ado he bent her under his arm, tossed up her skirt, and administered a brisk, business-like spanking on her bare bottom SMAK-SMAK-SMAK! "OH!OH!OH!" she moaned and danced as her little buttocks jiggled prettily. After he judged her to be sufficiently reddened, he paused and gently rubbed her little cheeks as she whimpered.

Then "Ship!" he commanded.

"Yes, Captain," the ship replied. The girl was vaguely surprised to hear this, but all other considerations were soon swept away.

"Punishment sequence 5 B," he declared.

"Aye-aye, Sir," the ship responded. Punishment 'bots swung around to the girl and grasped her wrists and ankles, spread-eagling her. The captain reached out and tore her tear-away tunic from her. She blushed to know that she was so young, and so naked and exposed to a grown man's gaze. But she could not meditate on that for long; she became aware that the captain was pulling his belt from his waist, and doubling it up, as he strode slowly around her and the 'bots, slapping it absent-mindedly in his palm, drinking in the sight of her sweet nakedness. She was heartbreakingly slender, her the plane of her chest barely broken by nipples atop mere buds for breasts. Her slender thighs framed her exquisite unfledged cleft. She trembled under his gaze, looking like an angel in despair. Then SWAP! he snaked out the belt to smack the backs and fronts of her thighs, then her already-punished bottom, as she yelped and yiped. He took the strap-end of the belt and paddled her nipples and breastbuds repeatedly as she gasped and cried out. He paused and tossed the belt aside, and admired the view. She moaned and swayed in the 'bots grip. Her nipples and breastbuds were erect and fetchingly reddened. He reached out and seized them, and just held them for a while. Then he began to knead and work her little breasts as she gasped and cried out. As he did so, Ship's arms began to whip her again across her bottom. She yelped and yiped, unable to tell which was more punishing, the whip stinging her buttocks, or the grown man handling her little breasts so embarrassingly.

He continued to punish one of her nipples with one hand, and slid the other down, down, past her bellybutton, not pausing until he was just above her mons. He pressed his fingers against her lower belly to draw her attention, then suddenly seized her unfledged cleftlips with a firm hand as she jumped and cried out. Even as he did so, the 'bots bent her forwards somewhat, and she felt her anus being penetrated by the machine's phallus. At the same time the captain began to spank her full upon her preteen vulva and clitoris with a firm hand. SMACK-SMACK-SMACK! "AAAAAA! OOO-OOO-OOO! OH-OH-OH-OH!" she cried out in anguished passion as she felt herself so penetrated and abused.

Ship began to send the current through its rod into her anus, forcing her to clench her pelvic muscles spasmodically and rhythmically. This, combined with the punishment of her little preteen sex, quickly drove her to a bucking, screaming orgasm, writhing and arching in Ship's grasp, eagerly yet almost innocently pressing her clitoris against his hand as he front-spanked her. As she sobbed and shuddered out the last of her sweet preteen orgasm, Ship's arms gently released her. Again the sweet scent wafted through the room, the gentle music played, but this time it was the captain who whispered into her ear how much he loved her, and it was the captain's hands that soothed her slender punished body, as she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

She floated through the next day, as 'bots scurried around making everything ready. Soon she was dressed in a white gown, made, of course, of the same tear-away fabric as all her clothes. She stood with the captain, looking handsome and distinguished in dress whites, as Ship intoned, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here..."

After the ceremony he took her in his arms and held her for a long time. He kissed her sweet upturned face, then softly commanded, "Ship: punishment sequence...alpha."

"Aye-aye, Sir." Ship responded, and again the 'bots advanced, their velvet grips fastening upon her wrists and ankles, spreadeagling her once again. He caressed her cheek, then tore her wedding dress from her with one swift motion, leaving her naked and trembling before him. He ran his hands casually, almost contemptuously up and down her front, tweaking a nipple, squeazing a breast bud, pinching and twisting her unfledged cleft lips, seizing her clitoris and pressing it firmly against her pubic bone. She writhed and moaned in Ship's grasp.

Again she felt the sting of the 'bot's whip on her thighs and bottom, and again he front-spanked her for a while as she cried out and sobbed. Then she felt herself lifted, and carried to the bed, held supine, her legs off the bed from the knees down, as the captain bent over her, kissing her forehead, then the tip of her upturned nose, then long and sweet on her lips as she floated, dreamlike. He nibbled her neck and collarbones, then took each nipple in his mouth, biting, pulling, and sucking as she gasped. He slid down to her bellybutton and blew a flurbish, making her giggle. He pretended to be stern, saying, "No laughing, young lady!" and smacked her once, sharply, on her cleft, making her gasp and sigh. Then he was there, raping her preteen sex with his mouth, pressing his tongue firmly against her hymen as she cried out. He rasped against her immature cleft lips, then fastened upon her clitoris, taking it in long, excruciating bites between tongue and teeth as she moaned more and more passionately. Just as it seemed she was on the point of orgasm, he stood up, and Ship was there, immediately whipping her cleft with a groovestrap. She bucked and rocked in Ship's grasp, screaming out her preteen orgasm.

Even before she had subsided, she was lifted once again, this time in the captain's arms. He held her off her feet, her legs wrapped around his torso and her face buried in his neck, as she sobbed out the last of her come. Even before she was done, he whispered, "It's time for your ultimate punishment, young lady!" and brought her down with force onto his rampant rod, driving for her cervix with one stroke, raping her of her maidenhead as she screamed once, loudly, then sobbed repeatedly as he just held her, penetrated, raped of her girlhood.

Once her distress had died down to the occasional sob and sniffle, the captain said, "Now, Ship!"

"Aye-aye, Captain." One of the 'bots slid towards her, its phallus extended, gleaming. It thrust into her anus forcefully as she cried out. Then, together, Ship and the captain raped her in both apertures at once. She cried out, rhythmically, "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA!" as her preteen nakedness was so violated. Again Ship stimulated her to contract her pelvic muscles, and the captain could feel her clenching spasmodically on his rod as he raped her. All too soon she was climaxing again, shaking and shuddering, as the captain poured his seed at her cervix, and Ship gently withdrew, the sweet scent wafting, the soft music playing, the gentle rubbing returning to her tender, punished nakedness, as she sobbed out the last of her orgasm, the captain still buried within her. He rocked her in his arms, as she drifted off to sleep.

And they lived happily ever after.


All comments gratefully welcomed!

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Very imaginative! Nice integration with the sci-fi theme. It was very seamless.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.