Published: 4-Feb-2012
Word Count:
We lay together, spent, idly stroking each other, and kissing randomly, as each few seconds brought another wave of urges to endear, to tender love, to let each other know how much we cared.
She lay upon my side, one lithe, slim leg draped over my belly, so that I felt her warm, wet center snuggled against my ribs. I smoothed her golden hair, and stroked her back, and cupped and caressed her small, soft bottom. Paradise.
"So. . ," I murmured, "when's your mother coming to pick you up from our little coaching lesson?"
She kissed my collarbone. "Mmm. . .I love my coach. . "
I kissed her forehead. "Just in case she decides to come early."
"Well," as she drew little circles on my breast, "I told her you were taking me to dinner, and then we'd go to the theatre together. . .so she's picking me up there, after the show." And she raised her face to me in triumph.
"Well!" I touched the nose above her grin. "You've got it all planned out, don't you?"
"Yup!" And I felt her press her puss into me as she gave me a hot, fierce kiss on the neck. Then her face came up, a quicksilver change to worry. "That's okay, isn't it??"
I squeezed that pretty butt. "Oh, hush, of COURSE it's okay. What do you think, monkey?"
The sunlight back again. She sighed, and lay her head back on my shoulder. "Good."
I swept her back in circles. But we SHOULD do a LITTLE work on that speech. Just in case."
"Ya think?"
"Well. . ," circling, "which speech is it?"
"Um. . ." small voice in my neck, "'Gallop apace, you fiery--"
"--fiery-footed steeds, Towards Phoebus' lodging: such a wagoner As Phaeton would whip you to the west, And bring in cloudy night immediately."
Her head had come up to watch me. Now she said, "Wow. You know all of 'em, don't you."
I smiled at her. "No, not all. But that one, sure." I ruffled her short, mussed hair. "I did Juliet, what. . .four times, I think? Loooong ago. She's fun."
"But it's so sad."
"Yeah, for the audience. And the reader. But to PLAY her." I looked at those wide, serious eyes. And kissed each one, then ran my hand up, and down that smooth, thin back. "She's so. . .HUNGry."
I nodded. "What's she talking about with this speech, do you know?"
Jules made a thinking face, finger to lips. Cute!! "Well, coach. . ." And she grinned, then really thought. "Umm. . .she's. . .waiting for Romeo to get there. Right?"
"Uh-huhh. . .but that's where we see JULiet. I mean, she's not just sitting there like, hm, hm, hmm, nice day, wonder what's on TV tonite, I hope ol' Romeo gets here soon, hm, hm, hmm. . ."
Julianne giggled. "Nooo. . ."
I smiled and squeezed her butt cheek. She squeezed back. "Nooo. . .she's SO HUNGry."
Her lips parted. "Hungry."
"Yes." I tilted my head. "You want to try a little acting exercise? It's DEFinitely NOT something you'd be doing anywhere else but here. Now."
"Ooh, sounds like fun, coach."
"Yeah, I think it'll be a LOT of fun. Want to?"
She nodded, eyes wide with gleeful anticipation.
"Okay. First," and I rose up to shuffle down the bed, "let's have you sit on the pillow up here, and I'll sit. . . here." And I sat across from her at the foot of the bed. "You can just lean back and get comfortable."
She leaned back against the headboard, her legs open, ankles casually crossed.
"Good. Comfortable?"
She nodded. "Uh-huh."
"Good. Now. . .tell me, what do you think Juliet's doing while she's talking?"
"Umm. . .pacing around?"
I nodded. "Okay, yeah, that sounds. . .normal, for someone waiting. But is she normal?"
Jules eyebrows rose. "No?"
"Well. . ." it was a bit distracting to look at her, with her open little rosy wound below. So heartbreakingly beautiful. OK. Juliet. Here, in front of me. "How about. . .if she was waiting. . .in bed?"
A little twinkle of awareness, dawning comprehension. "In bed. . ."
"And. . .just to try something else. . .she's not so much imPATIENT about Romeo getting here, as she is. . ."
". . .Excited?" BOY, her eyes were wide!
I smiled. "You are a whip, aren't you?" She blushed proudly. "Now, I'm going to ask you a very personal question, Jules. Okay?"
She nodded.
"Do you masturbate?"
Immediately, she flushed. Her lips compressed, and she briefly nodded, a quick, sharp shake.
"Me too." She seemed a bit relieved at that. "Have you been masturbating for a long time?"
Her eyes widened. A quick shake no, this time, followed by a wild little giggle.
"Umm. . ." tiny voice, as she wiggled her legs, "just. . .that day you said you saw my panties?"
"Uh-huh. . ."
"Was the first time I. . .touched myself. Down there."
Ooh, a big whooosh down below. "Ohh, honey, really?"
She nodded. "'Cause. . .when you told me. . ." and a beautiful, rosy flush spread from her chest to her forehead, "and I. . .I saw YOUR panties, and your bottom, when you were getting dressed --"
"Touch yourself now, Jules, while you tell me."
Her eyes widened, her lips parted, and she took a breath, but dutifully opened her legs and lay her small fingers on her pink slit.
"Just. . .circle around, honey. Like me." And I, too, opened myself to her and began feathering my fingers through and around my softened pussy lips.
She did this, and the flush seemed to spread over her whole body.
"You saw my bottom?"
She nodded absently, stroking herself. "Uh-huhh. . .and when you were bent over, and you were doing stuff with your shoes. . ." Her eyes closed briefly, then fluttered open again. "I saw your. . .your pussy," and she breathed in sharply, "and I thought it was so beautiful! And I felt. . . I don't know, my tummy got all fluttery, and I just wanted to.. .OHhhh. . .to hug you, and. . .and kiss your bottom, and. . . oooOOOOoooh!!"
"Ohh, my baby," and I was getting so hot, watching her, and listening to our mutual squelchy sounds between us. "Ready?"
She nodded. "For what?"
I sank my finger deep into myself. "Wooooohh. . .start with, "Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night"
She made a wild little absurd giggle. "Ohh, hohh,ho. . .okay. . .mmmnh.. ." and kept circling her little wet pussy, "Umm. . .--
Come, night; come, Romeo; come, thou day in night;--" she stopped, and focussed on me. "Can I. . .can I say "Mrs. Todd", instead of Romeo?"
Oh, too much!! I laughed, then gasped as a thrill shot through me. "OHHhhh, yes, honey, sure. . .mmm, baby, you are amazing. . .Look at me the whole time. Go."
"Mmmm, okay. . . Come, night; come,. . .Mrs. Todd; come, thou day in night- -ohhHHHHh, mmm. . . For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night Whiter than. . . new snow on a raven's back. Commmme, gentle night, come. . . loving, black-brow'd night, Give me my Mrs. Todd; and, when she shall die, ohHHH goshhh, Take her and cut her out in little stars, And she will make the face of heaven so fine!! MmmMMMMMNNHH!! OHHH!! That all the world. . . will be in love with night, huhhhHH! And pay no worship to the garish sun. OHHhhh, ahhHHHhh!!"
And she was just writhing around herself, her grinding fingers a blur on her sticky little cunt, as she frigged herself into a frenzy, her golden eyes on mine. The veins in her long neck stood out, and her hips rose to meet her whipsawing hand. I felt I was falling, falling into those deep eyes, that hungry little soul, as I thrummed my finger wetly on my clit, and. . .Mrs. Todd did come, as did her Julianne.
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