Published: 10-Feb-2012
Word Count:
"Now Becky, start to squeeze - yes, yes, whoa!" rasped the smoker's tones.
She heard the slurping chomping sounds and grinned happily, knowing the next refill of her purse would be substantial.
"This is fucking incredible darling mmm!" he chuckled, wiping the back of his gnarled old railwayman's hand across his chin. "Lovely and soft and runny."
Becky glanced sideways and caught sight of the happy, beaming, whiskery old face. She wiggled her butt a little and he slapped her playfully on her plump bare buttocks. Then she heard the little cry of the wakening child and a frown crossed her pretty face. 'Oh fuck that's early,' she thought. Moments later she heard the slam of a door, a call then the thump of heavy footsteps up the stairs. She breathed with relief and concentrated on the messy matter to hand.
"Squeeze some more out, that's it - perfect," wheezed her Grandfather.
She giggled at his instructions, knowing that she could tell when to squeeze, but he was paying the fee and he was the boss as always in the Morrison dynasty. Her eyes strayed to the supermarket bag in the corner of the bedroom and wondered whether the five other chocolate bars would be devoured in the same way and for the same pocket money, or whether other members of the family would just eat them for a snack. Mars Bars were the family favourite, but since old Joe had picked up on the old tale of Jagger and Faithfull and the Mars Bars, he had wanted to try it. Late with the news - by more than forty years, the family laughing at his incredulous expression when telling them what he had heard at the club, Joe didn't give a flying fuck about their hilarity and determined to try it on the next occasion. He had stocked up with six of them, giving Becky the money and order to buy them.
The bedroom door opened and her Uncle Ed walked in, carrying Carl the two and a half year old son of Becky's older sister Julie. He grinned down at the mismatched pair on the bed and patted Carl on the head.
"Thought you'd be here somewhere Becks. Alright Dad? What you... Oh! Wow! You actually are trying that. What's it like?" Ed chuckled with amazement.
He walked to the bottom of the bed and saw the remains of the chocolate bar hanging sloppily from her arsehole. Smears of the dark chocolate and caramel radiated across her rounded buttocks from the extended pucker of Becky's bum. Joe's messy face beamed with pleasure and he twisted slightly to show his son his erection.
"Brings this on a treat Eddie mate," chortled Joe, brandishing some eight, half hard inches of pale, heavily veined penis. "You should try it."
"Don't need no chocolate bars to get a boner Dad, but why not?" said Ed, bouncing the fretting little Carl up and down in an attempt to soothe the child as he admired the well endowed sixty one year old. "You gonna give her it, 'cos if you don't I will. It's a bit since I fucked little Becks, ain't it babe? Certainly a day or two - and she sure looks a bit tasty all doggy fashion."
"You've got that nice black girl to fuck these days. Don't want me anymore," sobbed Becky in mock dismay. "You finished Gramps? 'Cos I've got to see to Carl. Is he smelly Ed? Usually is."
As Ed sniffed at Carl's rear and pulled a face, Joe told Becky he was finished his snack and he could always fuck her whenever. She agreed and good naturedly got off the bed and grasped the child from her Uncle's arms. Ed slapped and groped her butt as she cuddled Carl, whose little hand had dropped to her huge tits and was squeezing the side of her left breast. Becky left them, taking Carl to the bathroom. Ed sucked his fingers which had caught some of the sweet smears.
"He's got the right idea already for a brat, feeling her tits - getting ready for some funny business in time," wheezed Joe, nodding in Becky's direction and clambering up to sit on the side of the bed. "Anyway I haven't heard much about this black girl yet. Er!.. What's her name? Oh yes Sam - that right? She take it up the arse? Most of them do."
"Loves it," answered Ed, nodding, not worried about his Dad's invasive question and watching the old man's gentle stroking of his cock. "Some times think Sam likes it in there more than her pussy hehe. You had a black woman then?"
"In the far east, years back and not black really I suppose. You know, Navy days, I've told you - I'm sure I have. Chinky sort really, but took it up the arse no problem," laughed Joe, as he rammed his forearm upwards, fist tight in a crude gesture.
Ed laughed and altered his trousers to loosen his cock which had started to twitch with the sexuality of the conversation. As he talked with his father, sounds of water running echoed through from the bathroom, where Becky had stripped Carl of his clothing and was preparing to bath him.
"Easy shift today," said Ed. "I always like the six till two shift. Gives you plenty of time to do things," he said, stretching and thinking about showering and changing.
"What time is it now?" wheezed Joe, grimacing at the clock without his spectacles.
"Half past - half past two." answered the car assembly worker.
"I think Becky is here till five. Plenty of time if you want to shag her. She's a little gem ain't she?"
chuckled Joe, standing not without some stiffness in his knees, putting on his specs and wandering to the lace curtained window. "Bit early for the school parade."
Ed nodded at the Becky comment and added, "Cor! Yes. There are some little crackers amongst the new intake. They'll be eleven going on twelve I suppose. Like to get amongst that lot," he added, joining his father at the window and rubbing his crotch.
"Hmm! But this winter weather ain't good. Too many clothes on. Can't see their little paps bounce in their new bras," wheezed Joe. "Those tight black trousers they wear show their arses off though. Plenty of panty lines."
"Yeah! I like the way their titties are so high on their chests - up under their chins heehee. No wobble when they start to bud is there? Mind you, they soon get a bra or one of those cute little tops once they start to show or see what the other school kids are wearing," added Ed.
"Becky's were wobbling when she was ten I reckon," said Joe in a reflective way, scratching his arsehole. He sniffed his finger.
The two men revelled in silent thoughts as Becky turned the water off. She tested the water and placed Carl in the bath. He gurgled with pleasure and immediately splashed her. She playfully splashed him back, not caring as she was naked and thinking she would jump in with him and wash her butt. She heard the phone ring and Ed lumbering across the landing to answer. Joe was called in to take the call and his muttering and the bathroom noises were all the sounds that broke the afternoon quiet in the terraced house in not the most welcoming area of Southampton.
Becky happily indulged Carl with his floating toys, as she washed his sturdy little frame. His nappy had not been unduly nasty, the usual faeces and wetness. His clean dry clothes were in the airing cupboard for him. Julie, who was twenty nine, unattached and living with her widowed Grandfather, had left Carl - as was quite usual, with Joe while she worked in the local supermarket. Becky being expected by the old man and Julie to take over when he went to the betting shop and she had finished her morning job at the packing station at noon.
Without warning, but causing her no distress, Becky felt hands on her buttocks as she bent over the bath. She could still hear Joe mumbling into the phone across the landing and wriggled her butt as the big rough hands fondled her waist and crept over her belly and up to her massive tits.
"What you after Uncle Ed? I bet I can guess," she chuckled, liking the way he gently pinched her nipples.
Ed didn't answer apart from nudging his naked body against hers and she felt the pole of his erection slithering over her butt as he fondled her breasts. Carl gurgled happily in the bath. She felt the pressure of Ed's hands on her shoulders and compliantly bent forward, bracing her arms on the far side of the bath. The child gazed at the massive balloon like breasts that swayed above him and giggled. Ed handled his cock to aim it into the chocolate mired crotch of his fifteen year old niece and found the notch of her cunt and thrust with one swift and knowing movement. Becky sighed as she adjusted her stance to accommodate his rough entrance, widening her legs, yet going up on her toes as Ed was taller than her five feet. She loved the smooth slide in of the initial fuck penetration, no matter whether it was her dad Bill, Uncle Ed or her Grandfather. They all did it the same way and as Ed started to build up a steady rhythm she thought about the only adult who had fucked her in the last few weeks apart from the family that is.
Rod the jogger who she had met on the way to the Roebuck pub about a six weeks ago had seriously shagged her in his camper van after the band finished their last set. Setting her mind, makeup and underwear to snare Fred the drummer, Becky had been knocked back by Fred who had favoured the statuesque, buxom, black barmaid. Rod had impressed the youngster with his crotch displays in his jogging pants and brought up with big cocks and adult know-how since her preteens, Becky had let Rod 'give her one' in return for twenty in her purse.
The local youths occasionally jumped her and had their evil way for free and she was very inclined to let her boss Eric at the egg packing station, shag her each lunchtime in return for free eggs. Her mum Ellie assumed Becky was getting perks for being efficient at the packing station. Rod had been careful, considerate and very good at shagging, whereas Eric was quick, puny cocked and uncaring. Rod had made sure she got home alright and she wondered if he would be at the Roebuck again tonight.
Her mind was jolted back to the bathroom as Carl whined because she was ignoring him, while Ed was fucking the socks off her.
"It's alright...C..a..r..l...," she panted. "We will...... play some...ooohhh! mooorrree," she groaned. "Pretty soon... I would .... ugh!...saaaayyy!" added Ed, his arse bucking fast at her receptive and solid rear.
With that comment he came and shafted bucket loads of his thirty three year old jism high up her twat. As he settled against her, his breath coming in short bursts to accompany Becky's cooing with pleasure and giving attention to Carl, Joe sauntered into the bathroom, still naked. He snorted with pleasure at the incestual sight and bent down to chuck little Carl's chin. The soapy bath water had subsided to near clear and the child giggled with delight. Joe lifted the child from the bath, not bothering about the drips as he displayed the naked boy to them.
"Just look at the little bugger. Got a hard on. Not surprised with what you two are doing in front of him. Cor! Look at the size of his boner. Family likeness yeah?" Joe chortled.
He shook the little lad gently back and forth, making Carl squeal with joy as Becky and Ed joined in the admiration, Becky also noticing how her Grandfather's own cock swayed heavily across his wiry thighs and gave it a stroke. Ed pulled out of Becky's cunt and she straightened up with a sigh, feeling Ed's cum running down her thighs.
"Fuck yes, look at that Becky, soon another Morrison you'll have to accommodate in your pussy for some funny business," Ed laughed fingering the three inch stiffy jutting from Carl's dripping wet crotch.
"He could shag her now if he knew what he was doing," said Joe. "You'd feel that in your fanny wouldn't you Becks?"
Becky didn't answer verbally, but leaned over and grabbed Joe's dangling dick and wanked it as her mouth slid across Carl's wet belly and down to his crotch. Without stopping she fastened her pearly pink lips round the infant's penis and sucked hard. Joe gasped and Ed's eyes widened in admiration. Ed felt her hanging knockers and kneeded them softly as the teenager gobbled her nephew's little cock, much to the delight of all three males in the small cramped bathroom.
"Let me have a suck Becky," murmured Joe, finding his cock growing nicely under her tender care. "You done that before for him?"
She stood up, shaking her head, unlocking her mouth and offered her mighty bazongers up to the old man, but he shook his head with a smile and turned Carl in his strong grip and latched his whiskery lips on little Carl's erection. It was Becky's turn to be amazed and delighted as much as Ed as the kid was swung back and forth towards Joe's eager face as he systematically gobbled like a good old gay.
"He was always good at that with the boys as much as Mum was," chuckled Ed fondly. "I loved it and so did your dad."
Becky grinned happily in agreement. Then to surprise all of them, the kid suddenly started to piss, making Joe pull his mouth away with a shout. He turned the baffled but content relieving child round as a strong spray of urine fountained over Becky, Ed and back to Joe who wasn't going to miss out on such sexy sport.
The three laughed as the spray bounced everywhere in the bathroom until Carl's bladder had emptied. His erection waned almost immediately and he was placed back in the bath, much to his delight.
"Suppose you'd better clean this lot up Becks,' chuckled Joe.
She nodded happily, resigned to the automatic assumption she would do such a thing and finished washing Carl as the two men left, having wiped themselves down with towels, which were tossed on top of a basket.
She dried the room, then Carl and dressed him - then herself, and took him downstairs to feed him. The two men ignored her as they watched the afternoon racing on the TV. Joe fell asleep and Ed went out, calling out a friendly greeting to Darren the thirteen year old son of Julie as he arrived from school. Darren was half coloured, being the result of Julie's flirtation, when she was sixteen, with a black lorry driver. The lad entered the kitchen, his hip hop stroll exaggerated as always, passing where Becky was ironing a pile of washing, thinking partly about her dad's payment in return for a fuck before he went to work, her babysitting money from Julie, the tenner that Joe had stuffed in her hand and the tenner that Ed had thrust down the neck of her bulging tee-shirt as he left and lastly on whether she would earn Rod's monetary appreciation if he was in the pub tonight.
"Hi Dar," said Becky pleasantly, guessing she had made quite a nice bit of clothing money recently. "Hi Becks. What you doing?" came the response from the depths of the fridge.
"What does it look like, you stupid bugger," she chuckled happily, holding up the electric iron and one of Julie's brassieres.
"That's big enough to be one of yours Becks?" Darren leered, swigging down a full pint of milk. "As a matter of fact it's one of your mums. She has fed Carl and you from her tits you know and she's bigger than me."
"Yeah! I still remember that. Cool. Still have a suck on them now," he giggled.
Becky tutted, but also thrust her 40 inches out a little further, making her tee-shirt strain. She was glad she had bought the new bra she wore. It was almost sheer and didn't hide her nipples, although they were soft and resting at the moment. Darren gulped then spoke.
"Becks? Could you feed Carl with yours?" he asked quietly and seriously.
"Nah silly! Nor you, before you ask. I would have to have a baby first. That makes the milk - yeah?
The pregnancy," she answered pleasantly, folding some flimsy panties into a pile.
"Yeah. Yeah I see," muttered Darren. He rubbed his crotch. "Any chance of some funny business?"
"What - now Darren?" Becky whirled round, open mouthed and eyes wondering, to see him fiddling with his crotch.
She could see that he had raised an erection to half stand by the way he held it across the front of his thigh under his black trousers. He grinned stupidly as she shook her head slowly in amazement. She glanced at the near finished ironing and at the clock.
"It'll cost you Darren. I did tell you," she warned him with a smile, stepping nearer. "The freebies are over now you're getting decent pocket money."
"I know. That's why I asked. Grandad gave me twenty for doing that welding on his car. He always said to ask you when I fancied it and especially when I had some spare dosh," Darren told her.
"He says it's safer to have some funny business with you, than fuck around with the local girls."
"You men. I don't know," moaned Becky shaking her head, but staring at her nephew's crotch which was getting tighter all the time as he cranked up his impressive juvenile dick. "What with Grandad and Ed just now and Dad before he went to work, my pussy will be worn out. I'd like to shag someone outside of the family tonight - just for a change."
"You like it though," Darren chuckled. "Shagging."
"Yeah! Love it Dar. Hey! Wait on.. your mum will be home in a minute, ask her - she loves cock, you know that, especially big black ones," Becky suggested.
"Nah! She's got rag week," answered Darren sulkily.
"Don't use that term Darren. It's not nice. It's her period or her time of the month," said Becky sternly.
"Grandad says it," he responded sharply.
"Well won't she let you do it in her bum?" asked Becky, eyeing up the startling bulge in his school pants. "That's the way we usually get round it."
"I know that," Darren retorted. "She's got that thing at the moment hasn't she?"
"Oh yeah, the irritable bowel thing. Oh well - come on then, a quickie yeah?" said Becky hoisting up what little of her mini skirt was near her thighs.
As she ran her panties down and stepped out of them, Darren dropped his trousers and stood blatantly hefting his six inches of solid chocolate coloured dick. He shuffled over the floor comically dragging his trousers with him as he told Becky to lean over the table. She did and spread her body as flat as could be considering the bulk of her tits. With no foreplay or words, Darren closed in and held down his stiffy to aim at her cunt. Expertly he found his target and thrust, jolting his aunt who sighed with pleasure at the standard Morrison entry technique as Darren's boldness ploughed through her labia and penetrated three inches in the first push. He grasped her buttocks, his brown hands dark against the milky whiteness of her billowing flesh. Soon the kitchen was a cacophony of sounds, with Darren's usual gasps and grunts, the table creaking and bashing against two chairs and Becky groaning as the incestual nature of the Morrison household again dominated proceedings.
Outer noises weren't heard and when Julie walked in and chuckled, it took some time for the two teenagers to realise her presence.
"God! Thank goodness for that Becky. He's been an absolute nightmare since I came on," Julie laughed throatily, her nicotine toned cough harsh in the afternoon air. "Hi Darren."
"I...I.. I knewwwww oooh...... yyyoyoyoyoyou urhg! ... helppppped him ohh! Mmmmost urrrghhhgh... dddayssss,' stuttered Becky as her head was jolted vigorously by Darren's bucking urgency. "Most days? It's every fucking day. The randy little sod," coughed Julie goodnaturedly, putting the kettle on, then lighting a cigarette. "Like his Dad. Cuppa?"
Becky nodded as best she could as her nephew rutted frantically at her rump. Her older sister got on with unpacking her shopping and preparing for the boiling water, unconcerned about the carnal nature of the two youngsters. Darren glanced at his mother as she bent to get milk from the fridge, eyeing her robust, hose clad thighs, her solid butt and the visible line of her briefs under the tight, black, worn shiny, mid-thigh length skirt.
Julie's blouse hung away from her upper torso as she fumbled with various cartons in the fridge and Darren saw the heavy hang of her bra cased udders as they swayed with her agitation. His jism bubbled within and with a shout, that startled his mother, making her knock her head on the edge of the worktop, Darren came with two massive thrusts deep into his Auntie Becky's receptive minge. With a sigh he rested against her as Julie, rubbing her head, finally straightened up to switch off the kettle.
"Not much milk in here. That you drinking it all Dar?" Julie asked, her cigarette dangling from one side of a twisted mouth.
"Oh er dunno ...Hi mum," her son replied casually as he pulled out of Becky's sopping twat.
He stuffed his dripping cock into his voluminous streetwise black trousers and sloped off out of the kitchen as Julie shook her head in knowing despair, twitching her cigarette ash at the sink. Becky grinned at her sister as she straightened up and took the offered piece of kitchen roll from Julie and swiped her crotch. Hitching her panties up and arranging her skirt, Becky then sipped her mug of tea as the two sisters leaned against worktops, gazing out to the neat back garden. Loud music boomed from Darren's room above and they shook their heads with rue smiles.
"Does he owe you?" asked Julie, dipping a ginger snap. "He has some dosh."
"Yes, he told me."
"Better get it before you leave. Anything on tonight?"
"Yes," said Becky. "Roebuck I reckon. Might score with that travelling bloke I told you about. If he's there that is."
"You'll score with anybody Becks. You randy cow. Might come down with you if Gramps will do Carl for me," murmured Julie through a cloud of blue smoke.
"He'll do him alright. Carl got a hard on while I bathed him and we all had a suck on him, before he pissed on us," chortled Becky, flinging unwanted tea in the sink.
"No!" exclaimed Julie incredulously.
The two sisters roared with mirth as Becky developed the story, starting with the Mars Bars and finishing with Darren, while they both went upstairs to the back bedroom which was Julie's. The older girl banged on Darren's door and shouted for quiet to no avail. Amazingly Carl slept soundly in his bed in a corner as Julie got out of her work clothes. She changed her tampon and then slipped on a tracksuit over her buxom body.
"How's your bum? asked Becky.
"It's not really my bum. It's inside, but it hurts.. The worst thing is this bloated feeling,. But the doc says it's improving" added Julie. "He just loves sticking his finger in me I reckon." she giggled.
"Yeah I know he does that to me too, even my bum when there's nothing wrong with it," chuckled Becky. "Funny those Indians. Never wanted or even asked to fuck me."
"Nah! Me neither," scoffed Julie, folding her work clothing. "Got plenty of fellas wanting to shag me anyway. No problem and there's all these Morrison men too," she added with a gesture round the house. "Don't you just love to shag?"
Becky only needed to smile broadly to answer. She left Julie and walked straight into Darren's room. The barrage of sound that hit her, drowned her entrance and she grinned pleasantly as she watched her nephew idly play with his cock as he leafed through a pop magazine. She went alongside him and he grinned up at her without shame or embarrassment as she held out her open hand. Darren zapped the music down several decibels and grabbed his half hard todger.
"This what you want?' he asked cheekily, offering the brown sausage like penis.
"No it isn't, been there got the tee-shirt. You know what I want," Becky said with a grin. "Come on Dar, cough up. I'm going soon."
He slouched up and over to a table, his flaccid dick waggling obscenely as his movements were made slowly and purposely to show Becky how tasty it looked. She looked with appreciation, making sure he noticed, but insisted on the payment, without any further sexual overtones. Darren paid her and she left him as the garage music was blasted back up to full volume.
"Becky?" queried Julie, frowning from across the landing with a serious tone. "You don't think Gramps would do Carl yet, would you?"
"Nah! He won't shag him, but he might suck him and play with his prick. I mean he did that with Darren when he was about two or three didn't he?" responded the teenager, getting a nod from Julie. "And apparently with Uncle Ed too."
"Well he's done that with all of us, Dad too, if you remember. Yeah, Carl'll be OK," said Julie. Then she giggled. "What a family aren't we?"
"As long as we keep our funny business to ourselves," said Becky with a smile. "See you later."
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