If you like writing stories about little girls or boys in erotic situations and share your writings with others but don't have the time or skill to make your own web site then Loliwood Studios is here to help.

Some benefits of having your stories published with Loliwood Studios:

  • You are free to publish your fantasies that would be rejected on other web sites.
  • Meet new people with similar interests as yours.
  • Gain thousands of fans who will read and comment on your stories.
  • You keep the Copyright of all your work.
  • Remain anonymous while your stories receive maximum publicity.
  • Loliwood Studios takes care of presentation and technical aspects of web publishing, leaving you with more time for writing.

To get started, simply fill out the anonymous form on this page and your story will be posted on the web site under your nickname, usually within 24 hours.

Stories can be written in any language as long as they fall within the topic of the web site.


The Short Version:

1) Please send only On-Topic stories. On-Topic is any erotic fiction featuring character(s) under the age of 18.

2) NO true stories.

3) NO snuff or violence.

4) Please send only your own stories or stories for which you have the author's permission to send.

The Long Version:

Please check the longer version for better understanding of rules and guidelines. It is recommended for all new authors to read the guidelines before submitting their stories:




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Nickname: (required)
Email: (optional)
Leave this blank if your email is already on the web site.
Author's Profile: (optional)
Write a short introduction about yourself or your interests that you would like to share with readers.
Leave this blank if you already have a profile.

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Title: (required)

You can pick a flag to appear next to your name.
Leave this blank if you already have a flag.

Story codes: (recommended)
Story codes give the reader an idea of what to expect in a story.
Scroll down for examples of commonly used story codes.

Story summary: (recommended)
Write a short introduction to your story.
Disclaimer: (default/custom)
Author's disclaimer or warning.

Please leave one blank line between paragraphs! Spell check your story, and
keep a backup copy in case it gets lost and you have to submit it twice.

Story Codes

Age codes

F F Female over 18.
f f Teen female under 18 and over 12.
Ff Ff Female over 18, female under 18 and over 12.
g g Girl under 12.
M M Male over 18.
m m Teen male under 18 and over 12.
b b Boy under 12.
Mult Multiple Multiple partners, ie MFF or mmmF, done like this because of the endless combinations that cannot be all included.

Story Types

nosex No Sex Story contains no sex description, could hint of it but not necessarily.
true True Story A true story, according to the author.
fant Fantasy Story set in an imaginary setting, applies also to superhero stories.
bknk Novel An old published novel that is not in circulation any more and the publisher has gone under, so it's not going to be published again.
ill Illustrated The story contains pictures or illustrations.
tv TV Show Like an episode in a known TV show.
celeb Celebrity A story about a real life celebrity.
TimeTr Time Travel Science Fiction involving travel through time.
robot Robot Humans having relations, sexual or otherwise, with non-biological entities, mechanical or full blown androids.
harem Harem There is a harem involved in the story.
slow Slow There is plot development before any sex occurs.
hist Historical Story that is set in past history, mostly related to famous people and events.
ScFi Sci-Fiction Science Fiction
vamp Vampires Vampires in the story.
zoo Zoophilia Different from bestiality, it's about relationships between humans and animals, not just sex.
furry Furry Anthropomorphic animals or 'taurs' (animal bodies with anthropomorphic torsos) it also includes other forms such as dragons.
non-anthro non-anthro Animal in form with human level intelligence, for example werewolves.

Sexual Atmosphere

rom Romantic Mushy love.
1st First One of the parties having sex is doing it for the first time (as in a virgin).
teen Teen The dominant age of the story cast is teens.
humor Humor Contains humor.
coll College In a college setting.

Level of Consent

cons Consensual All parties are consenting to the act.
nc NonConsentual At least one of the parties is not participating willfully.
pedo Pedophilia Adults having sexual relationships with children.
lolita Lolita When a little girl seduces an older man/woman. The opposite of pedo.
caution Caution Story contains something that can't be classified but requires caution on the reader's part
rape Rape Self explanatory.
reluc Reluctant Start as non consentual and then the non consenting party participates willingly.
coer Coercion Not exactly blackmail, but applying different kinds of pressure to force into the act.
Blkm Blackmail Blackmailing somebody to force them into the sex act depicted.
mc Mind Control Self explanatory.
hypno Hypnosis Self explanatory.
dru Drunk/Drug One party at least is drunk or drugged and participates without really knowing.
trans Transformation Un-natural physical transformation.
mag Magic Contains magic and supernatural phenomenons.
violent Violent Violence in the story, not necessarily of sexual nature.

Incest Codes

inc Incest Sex between the members of the same family.
mother Mother The members of the family that are involved
in the incestuous affair
son Son
bro Brother
sis Sister
fath Father
dau Daughter
cous Cousins
grand Grand parent
unc Uncle
aunt Aunt
neice Niece
neph Nephew
in-law In-Laws

Sexual orientation of the character in the story

gay Gay Self explanatory.
les Lesbian Self explanatory.
bi Bi-Sexual Self explanatory.
het Heterosexual Self explanatory.
tg Trans-Gender Gender crossing, mostly men turning into women.
cd Cross-Dressing Men dressing as women and in women clothing, also vice-versa.
herm Hermaphrodite Person having both male and female genitalia.

BDSM Elements

d/s Dom/Sub Story about domination and submission, being sexual or otherwise.
Mdom Male dom Male dominant.
Fdom Female dom Female dominant.
spank Spanking Somebody gets spanked in the story, willingly or unwillingly.
rough Rough Rough sex.
bd Bondage Self explanatory.
SM SadoMasochism Where one party enjoys giving pain and the other enjoys receiving pain.
humil Humiliation Degradation of somebody in the story and/or humiliating them publicly.
cuckold Cuckold When man is being forced to accept his wife's cheating against his will.
sad Sadistic Somebody inflicting pain, physical or mental.
tort Torture Self expalanatory.
snuff Snuff Killing being done during the act of sex, regular murder is included in violent.

Group Activities

cheat Cheating One party is cheating on their spouse.
wife Slut Wife Man enjoys watching his wife getting fucked.
swing Swinging Trading partners.
gang Gang Bang Multiple men fucking same woman.
group Group Sex Multiple couples in the same place.
orgy Orgy Everybody is fucking everybody.
exhib Exhibitionism Enjoyment of self exposure.
voy Voyeurism Enjoyment of watching other people without their knowledge.

Interracial Sex

inter Inter-racial Not both parties are of same race.
WC White-Couple Self explanatory.
BC Black Couple Self explanatory.
BF Black-Female Self explanatory.
BM Black-Male Self explanatory.
WM White-Male Self explanatory.
WF White-Female Self explanatory.

Sexual Activities and Fetishes

safe Safe Sex Self explanatory.
oral Oral Self explanatory.
anal Anal Self explanatory.
solo Masturbation Self pleasuring, could be alone or while with somebody else but no intercourse.
pett Petting Feeling up and such.
size Size Where the size of the sex organ plays a major role in the story.
fist Fisting Hand and arm or foot insersion.
toys Toys Sex with the help of sex toys, such as dildos and vibrators.
beast Bestiality Sex with animals.
squirt Squirting Female Ejaculation.
food Food Sex where food is involved, like doing it to a pie or shoving a carrot.
lac Lactation Drinking and playing with human milk.
ws Water Sports Peeing on each other.
enem Enema Getting an enema as a sexual thing.
preg Pregnancy Somebody gets/is pregnant in the story.
creampie Cream Pie Somebody licks a pussy full of come.
doct Doctor/Nurse Medical Fetish, Doctor or Nurse Play a prominent role in the story.