Just a Feel Dad

[ Mf(16), inc ]

by UKSnowy


Published: 12-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Oh go fuck yourself," I heard Dad shout and the front door slammed.

I sobbed in my room, the row had lasted for a good hour and was just the latest in many since Christmas. My tears splattered my school books. I was trying to revise for exams and couldn't because of the upheaval in the family. I heard footsteps on the path and looked out of the window. Mum was marching off down the street, her head high and arms swinging, but I knew she was hurting inside. She had told me countless times, that she wanted her own space, but couldn't find the way to tell Dad.

Why she told me I don't know, but being the only child and female, I suppose I was a shoulder to cry on, but she hurt me too. Why space? What was I supposed to do, didn't she like me either? I knew she and Dad had grown apart since she had got a job and he was still unemployed and he was very proud was my Dad. Of Northern stock and a tradesman, it stung him to see Mum bringing in a comfortable wage. She was glad to be able to support us, we weren't a high living family, living modestly and within the budget apparently. Mum confided all this, not that I cared. At sixteen, I cared about Jem my boyfriend and BB my boxer dog. As long as food was on the table - whoever bought it and I could get out and see my mates and sneak the odd cigarette and have quick sex with Jem to keep him happy, I was happy.

Christmas had been dreadful and I'd spent more time with Jem's family than mine. His Dad was a greasy old git who stared at me all the time and rubbed his crotch Ugh! Paul, Jem's brother was no better although only twelve and manageable and the mysterious Uncle Ralph who always seemed to be there, spent most of his time either hugging or slapping Marge's fat bum; she's Jem's Mum. Marge was a brick and funny to be around. She had funds of sly dirty jokes, that she whispered to me. Half the time I hadn't a clue what they meant, but I laughed with her because her trilling giggles echoed through the dingy house, lightening the heavy dark moods pervading it.

Jem hated her confiding in me, but it wasn't confiding, just companionship, but as long as he was allowed to feel my fanny as often as practical and fuck me when I fancied it, he was no trouble. He wanted to fuck me all the time and I wouldn't let him. I would tell him I wasn't that easy and was quite happy with gropes and fumbles. I could suck him off easily anyway and that always took the heat off. The fact that I hadn't experienced orgasm yet didn't bother me. Whatever it was like, Mum's opinion was that it wasn't much to write home about.

Fighting back the tears, I tried to concentrate on my English text book, hearing the TV downstairs. Dad would be smoking and probably having a beer. I sipped a can of coke, gazing round my room with its pop-group posters and clothes hanging off every conceivable hook, shelf or piece of furniture. It was a mess but it was my domain. I was reminded of Christmas again when my eyes lighted on my pinboard and the snaps of Jem and me at various parties. My English book slid off my lap as I thought about the evening round one particular photo.

I had worn my new spangly boob tube and a white micro skirt. I'm big for my age; my 36B boobs looked stupendous and Jem had spent half the night ogling me, as had every other male in town. I'd had my navel pierced, a pressie from Jem who was an electrician. It caught the flash light and sparkled as I posed with Jem, Nick, Paula and Connie. Connie who was Indian had got absolutely bladdered that evening on home-made Margarita cocktails and I found Nick and Jem peeking up her skirt where she'd passed out on the steps of the party house. Not just peeking as if she was stood on the stairs or anything. They were literally holding her skirt up away her legs and their giggling, smirking faces were near her knees, the dirty bastard!

I'd gone ballistic, as you would, but as I was rather pissed too, I'd pulled my skirt up and told them to at least look up a skirt that knew what was happening. I remembered the tingle I got when the lads took me at my word and came so close that I could feel their hot beery breath on my bare thighs. Jem had passed out with booze later and I'd tried to sleep with Connie and Paula on a couch, but it was a fitful uncomfortable night.

"Marie, you there?" came Dad's voice at my door.

His fingers tapped lightly on it until I responded.

"Yeah Dad, come in," I told him tremulously.

He stepped into the room framed by the door. His huge powerful bulk stood awkwardly as he grimaced.

"Sorry love, I'm at my wits end with your... with her," he gestured with a nod of his head over his shoulder. "Tried a beer and a smoke but my head's spinning as it always does when Meg goes off like that. I didn't help I s'pose."

"I heard you swear at her, of course it doesn't help"' I told him sulkily.

"Well the things she said to me, what d'you expect?" he blustered, then suddenly sensitive, "You been crying too? Oh Marie, it must be lousy for you."

I wiped my face with my school tie, self consciously realising I was still in my uniform. I sat crossed legs on my bed wearing black bootleg trousers and the regulation white shirt. We could wear skirts, but in winter no one did although I longed to get my legs exposed again, as they were rather special.

"S'alright Dad. Nothing new. Don't like to hear you two at it all the time," I told him.

"Those were the days, when we were at it all the time," he grinned weakly.

I grinned and shrugged at his innuendo, knowing that he knew that I heard him and Mum having noisy sex occasionally, when things were better.

"Don't your feet get cold?" he asked staring at my bare feet. I didn't like overheated rooms, therefore my radiators were off and he shivered as if feeling a chill.

"Nope," I answered studying my red painted toes.

"Meg's gone cold on me, if you see what I mean"' he muttered.

I nodded as he leaned against the door frame.

"Own space, own money, what's got into her? I've never kept her tight for cash - when I had some," Dad added ruefully. "You alright for cash, for spends Marie?"

I nodded and picked at a rough toenail.

"Good, good. Seeing Jem tonight?"

I shook my head and my blonde hair flicked into my eye.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed rubbing my eye instantly.

"Don't do that, let it cry. It'll wash it out," Dad said softly as he stepped to my side. "Lets have a look."

I tipped my head up, smelling his beer as he gazed intently into my right eye widening the lids with his stubby yet sensitive fingers.

"There's nothing in there anyway, let me wipe the tears away."

Sitting beside me, he dabbed at my eye with a tissue he'd produced from his jeans pocket. I couldn't vouch for the cleanliness of it, but his tender thoughts and deeds overpowered those sort of concerns.

"God, you're making me cry now Marie. Daft bugger," he chided himself.

Real tears, not hair tears welled up in his eyes and he started to sob.

"I'll be OK it's just when, you know when you see eyes all wet, your own...sort of do it too," he mumbled, dabbing at his eyes now.

I made a grab for the tissue box at my bedside, as he did the same. My knee jolted his thigh and his arm brushed across my tits. It was weird. I hadn't realised my nipples were erect. What the fuck for? You couldn't see them, my shirt is too voluminous and my bra holds them well, but Dad's hairy forearm had alerted me to this strange phenomena.

Jem loved my nipples. He would suck them for hours, laughing while hoping to get milk from one and beer from the other. I told him they wouldn't produce until I was preggers and he always threatened me jokingly, that he had no condoms. I always had and made sure he wore them. My nipples stuck out like organ stops when aroused and were immediately almost sore but thrilling to the touch. Mum had confided that hers were the same, but that was about three years ago when mine were bursting suddenly from my juvenile chest and we seemed forever to be buying bras. They were almost sore now. It was fucking stupid, I wasn't aroused.

Dad was still sobbing and I put my arm round his shoulders.

"Come on Dad. It's not that bad. You'll sort something out," I whispered pulling him to me.

He leaned gladly, sighed and rested his curly black head against my shoulder.

"It's no good darling. We're finished, your Mum and me."

I wanted to correct his English, but it wasn't the time.

"Still love her you know," he rasped.

His forearm dropped and rested across my thigh, our legs were close together from hip to knee and the heat generated between us was remarkable.

"Course you do. And I love you and Mum, see how I feel," I patted his head.

He gripped my knee slightly and his hand slid about two inches up my thigh then back again.

"You feel lovely Marie, that Jem's a lucky lad."

His face turned up and he pecked at my cheek. I pecked back at his, wondering at his comment.

"You're good kid Marie, such a comfort. A comforting person you are," he Mumbled.

"Don't be daft," I responded, nudging him.

"Can I put my arm round you darling?" he murmured, pleading with his dark brown, soggy eyes.

He looked so pathetic I let him and he hugged me closely. Idly he patted my thigh as I realised my right nipple was at bursting point trapped against the side of his torso. I budged and he glanced down seeing my bust spring free.

"Sorry. Am I squeezing your er..... Am I squeezing you too tight?"

I shook my head, watching him stare at my boobs.

"Built like your Mum you are," he muttered, then he burst into floods of tears. "I don't know what I'll do without her," he wailed. "I mean it's not just the what's it...you know... bed and things. She's been my rock all these years and the only woman I've ever loved."

I reached for the box of tissues and his head slid down my shoulder and he snuggled onto the top of my right breast. My shirt was soaked as I lifted his face and dabbed at it tenderly. His sobs were really booming up from the deep and his massive body shook as he poured it out. I'd never ever seen him in this state before. The great man, so strong in will and body was reduced to a mere wet rag of a person.

"Dad, Dad. Its OK please stop. I'm here at least. I can't take sides, but you're still my Dad and the Dad I love so much," I comforted him.

"Do you darling?" he tried to smile up at me, his face lined with running tears.

I nodded and pecked at his lips. He pecked back and I pecked him again and he kissed me on my lips and then my cheek. I rubbed his curly head as his head sunk lower and he cuddled in to me. I swayed to and fro, hugging him as he sighed, then his head wobbled slightly as if to settle more comfortably and another huge shuddering sigh escaped his lips.

I felt his other arm encircle my waist and pat my hip as his right arm snaked up from my thigh and onto my belly. I tensed as his fingers seemed to seek out the waist band of my trousers, but when they did, his hand slid back to my thigh, but this time nearer my crotch. My nipples were zinging by now and I was mystified, but the oddest thing was that this powerfully built, hard, man whose presence was so close as to feel like it was a much bigger version of Jem and was so run down and miserable was making my fanny tingle too. It was soaking, as much as my shirt I thought, but why? This is my Dad, a thirty-nine-year old normal Dad in a rough patch and I was having the most amazing feelings. His words compounded the situation.

"Marie. You can say no of course...but...well will you let me.... Ohhhh!" the sigh racked out of him and I stayed dumb. "It would be nice...just for a minute....you know iiiiifff I could.......well hold you, sort of?"

What the fuck was he saying? I had an inner dread that I knew.

"You are holding me Dad. Its OK, it's not a problem," I answered.

His head lifted, his eyes boring into mine at the same time I felt the slightest cupping of his hand under my left tit.

"Like this," he whispered as his hand roamed lightly across it.

My nipple nearly screamed, as I did realising how nice it felt. Jem usually went at them like a bull at a gate, tearing my brassiere off in no time. Weakly I nodded and murmured a feeble OK and he grinned up at me. The grin was grateful and he continued to feel my fettered boob. I couldn't help myself revealing the sheer bliss and gave out a sigh and my head went back as his hand coursed over my inflamed nipple.

"Nice eh? Meg liked that too," he whispered, gazing into my face.

He pecked my lips and I pecked back, then he kissed me and I kissed back and without any thoughts on the consequences I lay back on my bed. His mouth found mine again and we tongued as his hands sought out my shirt, lifting it free from my trousers. His rough hand on my belly soon located the bottom of my bra and slid over it. Now he could feel my nipples through the cotton and he gasped. He turned his body slightly and pushed against me. I could feel his cock against my thigh as he nudged at me, whilst trying to get under my Gossard bra. It was too tight and he was hurting me.

"Hold on," I gasped and levered up.

He tried to unclip me and failed but I soon had the thing loose and almost screamed as his hands freely stroked my tits accompanied by our joint moans of delight whenever they touched my nipples.

"They're gorgeous Me....er Marie," he sighed.

I stayed dumb thinking that's all he wanted and would soon be satisfied, but his crotch was budging me across the bed. It felt like he had a real stiffy trapped. Dad kissed me and I returned, I liked kissing and he wasn't bad. Then I felt his hand leave my tits and roam down my belly and settle right on my crotch.

"Er! Dad, my tits eh? Just my tits?"

He moaned and pressed his fingers into my crotch.

"Just a feel Marie, that's all, make me happy eh?" he pleaded, kissing me before I could answer.

Our tongues roamed voraciously and I felt his hand find my zip and expertly lower it. For some reason - don't ask me, I opened my legs and his hand rummaged into my knickers. My trousers were tight, so it was difficult for him to reach any further, but he whined and moaned and pleaded and the next thing, they were down at my ankles and off, panties and everything.

"Just a feel Dad, that's all eh?" I whimpered as he shuffled away and gazed at my exposed crotch.

"Yeah Marie, just a feel. You're beautiful and so little hair," he giggled cheekily.

I smiled passively as his hand brushed over my fine blonde pubes, which I liked until I remembered the state of my cunt. It was too late, his fingers had fiddled into it and he gasped.

"Marie, you're all juicy. Wow! Have I turned you on?" he asked arrogantly, as if it was his prowess.

The fucking problem was that he had. I heard his fingers slopping about until I jerked suddenly as he found my clitty.

"Heh heh," he chuckled. "Experience counts."

Didn't it just, I mused as his fingers played a delightful dance on my cherry. I was lost and groped for his dick. He made it easy for me with his jeans and zip. As I grabbed it, I leaned to look.

"Fucking hell Dad, it's enormous," I squealed, trying to conceal my pleasure. It must have been ten inches and very fat.

He grinned triumphantly as I rubbed the huge shaft, its veins hard and angry, the shiny dome seeping lube and his balls throbbing in a hairy sac.

"Done this before then Marie?" he ventured.

"Don't be daft Dad," I answered.

"With Jem? Ohhhhhh," he gasped as I steadily wanked him.

"Mmm!" I responded, happily letting him flick my clitty to new heights of excitement.

He was good, but so was I.

"Just a wank Marie, little feels and little wanks eh?" he rasped.

His face met mine and we kissed passionately, laying side by side, our hands going hammer and tongs at each others sex. Dad's body started to roll onto me and I didn't stop him. I felt his thighs push mine wide and start to prod his cock at me. I knew we wouldn't need hands. I was soaking wet and he was rigid, but luckily my brain went into overtime. I pushed him away slightly and he moaned and grimaced as if I was stopping him in full flow. Our bodies parted and he started to say something as I turned and reached away from him, but his face turned to a half smile as I brandished the condoms.

"In your room too," he chuckled.

I shrugged as I unpeeled a rubber, Dad offering his monster tool without prompting. I rolled it on his engorged dick, not without some difficulty, I didn't stock extra large for Jem.

"Done this before then. With Jem?" he asked for the umpteenth time as I lay back again.

I nodded and sighed with bliss as his knob prodded at my clitty again.

"You shouldn't you know. You're only sixteen........." His voice failed as he thrust at my twat and secured a full penetration.

"So it's alright doing it with you then is it?" I challenged him gently as he started to buck at me.

"It's alright darling, I'll take care of you, you know that. You're very good to your old Dad and I'll be eternally grateful, you'll see."

He started to pant, pushing hard now and it was gorgeous. I love a good fucking and my amazing Dad was an expert. He knew how to lever up and rasp across my clitty. He didn't take long, that was the problem, starved of it probably and desperate to cum. He filled the rubber in a few minutes and stopped abruptly, his body quivering and his face twisted in an expression of sheer relief, as he arched up and grinned down at me.

"That was superb Marie, thanks. Sorry it was so quick. Been some time...you know," he spluttered as I tensed my minge muscles round his softening dick.

"Hey what you doing down there?" he quizzed, glancing towards our joined crotches.

I tensed again and persuaded him to roll over. It didn't take much for him to comply and I straddled him. The trouble was he was spent and I needed to cum too, but to his eternal credit, he spotted his shortcoming, so to speak. As I sat heavily on his cock, not allowing it to escape from my greasy teeny twat, his hands started to roam up my body. My school shirt was in a wrinkled mess, still buttoned round me and he undid it, leaving my tie flapping, muttering that he liked it. My bra hung around me loosely and he shoved his hands onto my tits and I hit the roof. Great racking gasps exited my mouth as my nipples gloried in the attention. I started to rock on his soft but large cock, quickly glancing to see if the rubber was still intact. I screeched as he nipped my swollen buds and he shushed me, his eyes glancing to the door.

"There's no one there Dad, but if you nip them I'll fucking scream it's so good," I told him.

"Urgh, Oh yeah darling. Oh yeaaaaahhhhh!" he moaned as I rocked on his now swelling prick.

I arched my back as his hands overflowed with my mammaries. I could charge my clitoris down on his hairy cock root from this angle letting my tits take their exquisite punishment. I grinned openly down at him, Dad returned the pleasantry. Two bodies and minds tuned into ultimate pleasure seeking. Who the fuck cared if I was his blood daughter? Neither of us certainly and it would be just this once I told myself. Amazingly he was back up to full erection and his knob was finding all sorts of nooks and crannies inside my teenage vulva. Jem had never got that far, but Jem could ride me patiently until I came.

My fanny that had been first fucked when twelve was truly filled by the most magnificent cock I'd ever seen or sat on and I'd seen a few. My Dad, all thirty-nine years of him, was now revelling in seeing to his daughter and his prowess was showing, by the skilful way he moved to my motions. I couldn't imagine why Mum was leaving him, but then sex isn't everything. It meant a lot to me and Dad was giving me whole bagfuls of it right now.

My climax started, in the usual way. Hot tingles shooting through me, starting at my clit and round my groin then in waves up through me to meet the sharp stabbing zings in my nipples. I groaned as it all became a faster procedure and soon the sensations were meeting as one and my body seemed on fire.

"Oh yes Dad...yes yes yes yes YES," I shouted.

There are not many words you can say or need at this time, just enough to indicate as if it isn't obvious that I was cumming with the force of a cow elephant. Dad's face was a mixture of triumph and strain as he bucked up at me. He had the body strength to lift me physically which each thrust from below as he powered his massive tool up me. I gave up trying to move, letting his actions carry the emotions on each surging shunt towards the ceiling.

"Uurrrgggggghhhhhhhh!" he gurgled. "Fuck it I'm cumming again Marie. Jeeeeeeezzzzz!"

With one last enormous fuck, he stopped and sank onto my bed with its Brad Pitt duvet cover. I dropped onto him and our bodies heaved with great racking breaths. His cock softened very quickly and plopped out of my soaking snatch and I checked, I needed to for fuck's sake, that the condom was intact. It was and I breathed a silent sigh of relief. Dad chuckled, aware of my thoughts.

"Still there, no two headed babies for us then."

"Stop it Dad, Don't be nasty. You'd soon fucking worry if there were," I responded, scrambling off him and laying flat out panting.

"Yeah you're right darling. Sorry," he muttered stroking my hair and pecking my cheek.

I turned away from him, not wanting the thoughtful after sex mood. It was over, he'd fucked me rotten, yet so beautifully, but I wanted him to go.

"Its years since I came twice you know," he told me.

I grunted and felt his hand creep round my breasts.

"Good," I answered, pushing his hand away. "I think I want to shower now Dad. That's all eh? And no more, promise, ever?"

He groaned and sat up patting my butt.

"But its so good and no one will know Marie," he pleaded. "I mean you enjoyed it too. I know you did. Didn't realise your old man was so good a lover did you?" he laughed.

"I think if you tried harder with Mum, your lover's talents might come in useful again, don't you think?" I asked, getting up and stripping my shirt and tie off. He watched carefully, as I prepared my hair and took off my socks. For some reason I felt embarrassed about bending over in front of him for my bath towel that was in the bottom of my cupboards and didn't.

I flung a bathrobe round me and went to the door. He grunted and shrugged and I knew I'd spoiled his mood by mentioning Mum, but that was the idea. She wasn't interested in sex anymore it seemed - according to him. He must have tried that tool, so to speak. I went to the bathroom and showered luxuriantly. I must admit my body was in full bloom although my nipples hadn't come back to earth yet and my pussy seemed fleshier than usual. But then it doesn't get ten inches of prime cock meat every day.

Back in my room - typically, Dad, who had gone downstairs, had left the rubber on my dressing table, albeit on a tissue, but he could have disposed of it. He had shot one hell of a load in it and I grinned at the massive bubble of cum in the end. I reckon he'd left it for me to think about it, a souvenir of his unbridled lust, his incestuous passion for me and his proficiency in the art of seduction, for he had seduced me hadn't he?

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Wow, I loved this story. I can just see this happening too. Please write some more like this!! :)
Thank you.


Did love it! Good rhythm

How about a chapter where he forces himself on her.

Jem's pervy dad needs to get involved toooo, and uncle Ralph

please please develop your storyline, so many pervy possibilities


beautifully done...I like the pace, the inch per inch seduction. Well written, it makes the reader feel he's there and wow, what a thrill!

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