Published: 15-Feb-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
This story is entirely fictional and any similarity between persons and events depicted in it and actual persons and events is purely coincidental. The story is pure fantasy and none of the events described herein are practiced, advocated or condoned by the author.
Tim and I grew up together. Literally. We had lived three houses apart since we were old enough to remember. And we were in most of the same classes through grade school, junior high and now high school. We had a lot of things in common. We played baseball, football and basketball together. We told each other our deepest secrets. At the time of this story, we were both 15 -- our birthdays were two months apart. We were best friends.
Oh, yes, and we each had a younger sister; my sister Susan was then 12 and Tim's sister Cindy was almost 11.
As best friends, Tim and I did a lot of stuff together. We explored our small town universe for over a decade. In the years since we turned 13, we had spent more and more time checking out our developing sexuality. Of course, we began much earlier, showing each other our "weenies" when we were in pre-school day care. Beginning at about age 14, our weenies had begun to get thicker and longer, our balls had dropped, and we had developed modest patches of crinkly hair at the base of our dicks.
Tim and I discovered masturbation independently, but soon shared our discoveries. We had a few side-by-side masturbation sessions over at his house and in my garage, flipping the pages of porno magazines we had retrieved from the town dump. Tim's cock seemed to be a little fatter than mine, but mine was longer when soft. When we had our "boners," we were about the same size -- nothing sensational, but respectable six-inchers.
We were anxious to get a look at live sex. I reported to Tim on what I had once glimpsed when I wandered into my parents' bedroom in the middle of an afternoon fuck. I was only about eight years old then, but seeing a flash of my Mom's naked breasts and my Dad's butt was worth reporting to my best friend. When we got to be teenagers, we both regretted that I hadn't seen more.
Tim's mother and father were divorced. His father lived in another town and he almost never saw him, except for a couple of weeks in the summer. His mother worked and she drank a lot every night. Tim said he was always having to put her to bed, and he could look at any part of her body when she was really passed out. Although he said it seemed wrong to be peeking at anybody when they were in such misery, I was secretly envious of his ability to explore the mystery of a woman's body.
As ten-year-olds, we peeked in windows around our neighborhood. Most of the time, we only saw people in their pajamas or some little kid running around naked. Finally, we discovered a middle-aged widow down the street from my house who showered with the window open. By climbing on top of a fence at the back of her yard, we could look in and see her as she got in and out of the shower. From that distance, we couldn't see much detail, but her big droopy breasts fascinated us, with their darkened ends. And this woman dried her black, hairy crotch with unusual vigor.
We talked about sex endlessly. Although those porn mags were pretty revealing, Tim and I agreed that we wanted to have a willing (and awake) female at our disposal, to let us explore this mysterious anatomy at our leisure. But we both agreed that the probability of some fully-grown woman spreading her legs for us was "somewhere between slim and none."
Aside from those side-by-side sessions with Tim, my sexual activity was confined to jerk-off sessions in the shower or into an old athletic sock I kept hidden under my bed. By the time of this story, I had developed a favorite way of masturbating; cupping and rubbing my balls with my left hand, while pounding my spit-moistened fist up and down my cock. For variety, I would soap up my hands in the shower and squirt my goo from amidst the mountain of resulting lather. Lately, I had been fantasizing about some faceless, big-breasted woman spreading her legs for me and saying, "Finger-fuck me, Steve."
Despite our curiosity about all females, the increasingly-sexual world of me and Tim never included our sisters. Susan and I used to take baths together, so I had seen her naked plenty of times, as Tim had seen Cindy, but that didn't count in the "naked lady" department, because they (and we, I guess) were just little kids.
As far as we were concerned, little sisters were always just there. Little sisters were not something you noticed, except when they got into your stuff or, in some other little-girl way, caused you grief. Our sisters weren't even particularly good friends, because Susan's extra year meant they were in different grades. But they each had their own friends, so there was often little-girl giggling in the background when Tim was at my house, or I was at his. We tried to ignore it.
Not that our sisters were ugly. Tim's sister Cindy was blonde, her hair always cut in a precision straight line across the bangs and the back, never a hair out of place. Her big brown eyes seemed to broadcast a look of innocence and a hint of shyness. Tim shared his sister's big brown eyes but had a matching dark brown head of hair that gave him a wholesome look. You could tell that Tim and Cindy were brother and sister at the first glance. My sister Susan had black, curly hair like mine, and she was bold and brash; I guess she and I were alike too.
When our sisters turned nine and ten (and I was about 14), things began to change. In my general horniness, I started to notice them as something other than neighborhood brats. Although they still pretty much looked like little girls, I started to see them as women who were not yet fully developed. Although they were far from "true" women, I could see that their skinny little bodies had begun to develop hints of mysterious curves.
Of course, the event that convinced me that girls this age were growing up was when I caught my ten-year-old sister masturbating. It was a Saturday afternoon, and Mom and Dad were off playing tennis. I had just come home from a playground basketball game. As I parked my bike in the garage, I looked up at Susan's room, my attention drawn by the loud rock music coming from her open window. I was struck dumb to see my little sister dancing there naked!
She apparently hadn't noticed my arrival, so I snuck in the back door and upstairs to spy on her. Her door was almost closed, but I could see about half her room through the narrow crack. Which meant that I could see Susan about half the time, as she pranced from one end of the room to the other, jumping and writhing to the rhythm of her favorite band. She obviously thought she was alone.
I hadn't seen my sister naked for years; not since we stopped taking baths together. Frankly, she didn't look much different than I remembered from when I was seven and she was four. Although she was taller now, she still had a flat chest and a hairless body. As I looked closer, though, I saw that she was not totally flat-chested; her little nipples stuck out from her chest. And, as she danced by again, I saw that one of the reasons was that she was pinching them as she danced. Not all the time, just every now and then. I also noticed her crotch was reddish, as though it had been sunburned. As she danced and twirled, I tried to focus on her nude pussy, to see what made it red. But her gyrations made it impossible to see anything for more than an instant.
As the record came to an end, I began to understand what was going on. Without taking the tone arm from the record, Susan flopped down on her bed, with her feet toward the door (and me). With her thighs stretched wide, my little sister grabbed her hairless crotch with both hands and began a violent rubbing and stretching. It finally dawned on me that she was masturbating!
Fascinated by this spectacle, I pushed the door open a bit more. Susan was apparently still unaware of my presence, because she continued. She stopped her aggressive treatment of her little pussy and began a more gentle, rhythmic caress at the top of her crack. From my surreptitious readings of adult advice columns, I knew this was where the "clitoris" was located.
I also realized this was my opportunity to see what I wanted to see. If I played my cards right, I could have the "willing participant" Tim and I had fantasized about.
As Susan's hand began to move faster and her head began to toss back and forth, I walked into her room and came to stand beside her bed. She was still unaware of me, until I said, "What are you doing? I'm gonna tell Mom on you!"
Susan's eyes flew open and her thighs slammed together. Her mouth was agape as she tried to cover her little nipples and her mistreated crotch from her brother's glowing eyes. "Wha.. Wha... What are you doing here?" she said.
"I've been watching a very nasty little girl play with herself," I said grimly. "And I don't think Mom or Dad will be happy to hear about this."
Tears sprang to her eyes as she cried, "Oh, no! Please don't tell on me." As she folded her hands in pleading, I naturally noticed she uncovered her nipples and cunt.
"Well, maybe I won't tell" I said. "But you'll have to show me what you were doing and let me fool around with you."
For a second there, I was afraid she would choose to have me tell, rather than let me touch her. But she blushed all over and said, with downcast eyes, "OK, but you have to promise not to tell ANYBODY, not even Tim."
I rapidly agreed, as I sat down on the bed next to her. To make sure she understood my plans, I said "You have to answer all my questions and let me show you a few things. OK?"
When she agreed, I asked her how long she had been doing this and she said just a week or two outside of the bathtub. I was then surprised to learn my little-girl sister had been playing with her pussy in the bath for years. She went on to explain that listening to her favorite group and looking at their posters on her walls got her "all worked up." She would imagine that the lead singer was pinching her nipples and the drummer was grinding his hands into her cunt.
"But doesn't it hurt?" I asked.
"No, it feels kinda exciting, because I don't really get that rough. I just pinch my nips a little bit." When I told her to show me how, she blushed, but slowly gave right nipple a gentle squeeze. I immediately reached out to give its partner a similar pinch. I was expecting something soft, but Susan's excitement had engorged her pre-adolescent nipples so each was firm and almost quivering.
Beginning my "instruction" (based on reading sexual "advice" columns in those porn mags), I said, "Let me show you something." Wetting my fingers with spit, I slowly rubbed around the base of the small pink towers on my sister's chest, first one and then the other. With more spit, I lubricated the nipples themselves, and gently moved them from side to side, flicking the little cones slowly.
Susan's eyes got wider, and she said, "Geez, Steve! That feels terrific. I can feel it feeling good all inside my body."
I reached down in my lap to adjust my cock, which had been stiff since I first saw the beginnings of my sister's dancing demonstration. I was still wearing my shorts and jockstrap from basketball. I saw Susan's eyes get even wider. "You're not going to stick your thing in me, are you?"
"Of course not!" I said. "You're too little to have real sex. But we can play around a little." Seemingly reassured, she relaxed on the bed, as my fingers returned to her nipples. Nonetheless, I noticed that she continued to glance anxiously at my crotch.
By now, her nipples were even harder. They were perfect cones, dark pink and glowing with excitement. In addition, a flush had begun to develop over Susan's neck and shoulders. As I flicked her little-girl nipples back and forth on her surging chest, my sister's thighs began to grind together, pulling the folds of her pussy into a squeezed pink purse. Her hands, cast out across her bed, began to clinch into little fists. After a few minutes of this stimulation, she spoke. "Aren't you gonna touch my thing?" she whined.
I had to smile at her little-girl talk. And at the transformation from someone who was afraid of being told on to someone who wanted to be fingered. Anyway, I was ready to extend my exploration of female anatomy.
"Don't call it your 'thing,'" I told her. "You mean your vagina or your pussy or your cunt, don't you?"
Blushing again, Susan said, "I'm not supposed to use words like that."
"But, if you're talking about your cunt, why not say so? Let me hear you say it. Say 'I want you to finger-fuck my cunt.'"
Susan's blushing was furious by now, and her eyes were wide at the naughtiness in the words and actions I was suggesting. But her thigh-grinding was also getting pretty furious. As I continued to stroke her swollen nipples, she blurted it out. "OK, Steve. I want you to finger-fuck my cunt! It's so itchy!"
I smiled at her additional comment and felt my cock give a violent twitch at hearing such delightfully-nasty language coming out of a fourth-grader's mouth. I said, "OK, I'll play with your pussy, but you have to open your legs so I can see it better." Susan's thighs popped apart like a switch-blade knife, as I moved my hands down her naked little belly.
So I could see things more clearly, I dropped down on the bed, putting my head even with Susan's crotch. I didn't realize until later that this also placed my jumping jockstrap exactly even with Susan's eyes.
As I gently stroked the insides of her skinny thighs, my eyes were glued to her hairless box. Actually, now that I was so close, I could see that a few of the downy hairs on top of her little mount were coarser than the others and had a hint of pigment. I could see that my little sister would soon have some crinkly hair to match what had developed above my peter.
For now, however, I was staring with great interest at the undeveloped pussy of a sub-teenager. In the time since I had interrupted her furious crotch manipulation, the angry red tinge had begun to drain away from her fat little snatch-lips. The snowy hills on either side of her rosy slit now showed only a ruddy glow.
I moved my fingers up her thighs and closer to her crevice, pausing to feel her puffy outer lips and to understand how the folds of soft skin formed the mysterious external view of a girl's sexual organs. Susan seemed to appreciate this exploratory caress, because she hunched her crotch a little wider and groaned softly. To tease her a little more, I reached back up to twiddle her nipples, but I discovered that Susan had already wetted them with her own spit and was using my lesson to give herself pleasure by flicking both nipples back and forth vigorously.
Turning back to her nude little cunt, I decided I had learned all I needed to about the outside of a girl's pussy. I placed my fingers on the hairless flesh on either side of her opening and slowly opened her cunt-lips. I was fascinated to see the pale pink shrouds of her inner lips glisten with her juices. I thought to myself that spit lubricant would apparently be unnecessary down here. Opening the little girl's cunt also made the ridge of her erected clit more prominent, with the shiny pink knob barely projecting from its hood at the top of her slit.
Still holding her slit open, I moved one finger softly up and down the outside of her little inside lips, feeling a kind of stiffness in the flesh there. As I began to trail my way back up toward the little clit-bump, I heard Susan groan again. In response to that earthy sound, my cock gave another jump.
Then it was my turn to jump, because I felt Susan grab my peter, right through the nylon of my basketball shorts. Sitting up again, I looked down at Susan's blushing countenance. "And what do you think you're doing?" I smiled at her.
"Can I see your thing?" she asked. Then, remembering my earlier lesson and grinning boldly, she said, "I want to look at your hard dick, big brother. I want you to let me feel it and make it squirt its stuff!"
Again, I was excited by my sister's language. "Have you ever seen a hard one before?" I asked, thinking I'd maybe give her a first-time treat.
If possible, Susan blushed an even deeper scarlet. "A couple of times," she admitted. As I raised my eyebrows, she added, "But it wasn't my fault!"
I couldn't imagine why Susan would say it "wasn't her fault," so I tempo-rarily lost interest in exploring her little pussy to hear more about this. "Whose cock did you see? Was it hard? Did you just peek or did the guy know you were looking? Was he fucking someone? Did you ever see a man shoot his load?"
Under this barrage of interrogation, tears sprang up in Susan's eyes as she repeated, "Oh, please don't tell anyone. It really wasn't my fault."
Realizing how upset she was, I stroked her hair clumsily and said, "Come, on, Sue. I'm sure it wasn't your fault and you know I won't tell. I just want to hear about it. I think it's real sexy."
With another glance at my lap, and then with downcast eyes, she began to tell me her story. "I was about six years old the first time," she said. "I was taking after-school modern dance lessons from Mrs. Curdy and Mom had to pick me up every day. One day, she was busy with something at work, so she called a taxicab to pick me up and take me home. Mrs. Curdy walked me out to the cab and talked to the driver to make sure he knew where I lived. The cab driver was real young-looking and kinda cute. He smiled at me and invited me to sit up front with him, where I could see the taxi meter. I waved good-bye to Mrs. Curdy and hopped right in."
"He started talking to me as we pulled away, saying how cute I looked in my dance outfit. I was just wearing a practice leotard, but he acted like it was some recital outfit. Anyway, as we drove along, he started to talk about how I was a sweet little girl and he was a great big man. He said there were lots of differences between us and he could show me if I wanted him to." Susan looked up at me with pleading in her eyes. "I really didn't understand what he meant!"
I reached out again to tousle her hair. "Of course you didn't, Sue. You were only a little kid." She smiled up at me and seemed to relax as she resumed the story.
"Anyway, I didn't understand what he was offering to 'show' me, but I guess I wanted to be polite to an adult, so I said sure. He gave me an even bigger grin and pulled right off the street into that parking garage over on Willow Street. As he drove up the ramp to the empty rooftop, he said we'd stop there for just a second while he showed me what he was talking about. He said he'd even give me a chance to find out all I wanted to know and to help him with the show."
"As we pulled onto the roof of the garage, the sun was making it real bright in the front seat of the cab. He pushed the seat way back and turned to face me. He was still smiling at me and seemed real friendly. He was talking a lot and saying that men and girls were different in lots of ways, but that there was one way that was most important. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled out his thing!"
"I was real scared then," said Susan. "I just knew that Mom and Dad wouldn't think it was right for me to be looking at that, so I shut my eyes. But he just kept talking, saying that not very many little girls got such a good chance to see how a man was made. He also said hardly any girls my age ever got a chance to see a grown-up man's 'dick.' My eyes were still closed, but I guess my curiosity was bigger than my fright, so I opened my eyes a little bit to see what was going on."
"The cab driver's thing was sticking straight up in the air, like a fat flagpole coming right out of his pants. He was touching it all over, kinda trailing his fingers up and down and all around, especially on the end. He was looking at me and his smile was bigger than ever, too. He asked me if I liked to look at his 'dick' and I said 'I guess so,' but just so I wouldn't make him mad. Then he said I could touch it if I wanted to, but I said 'No thanks' and kinda pulled up into a ball over by my door."
"He seemed to realize I was scared, then, and his eyes got real sad and he said that I shouldn't be afraid. He said he wouldn't touch me and he would take me right home as soon as he showed me how a grown-up man 'gets rid of a hard-on.' I sorta brightened up then, because there seemed to be some way to get this all over with. I guess he must have seen me relax, because that big smile returned to his face and he said I was a 'terrific little girl.'"
"Then he told me to look closely at his 'dick' and notice how big and strong it was. Despite myself, I looked down to see that his thing had gotten even bigger, and the end was now all swollen and purple. It looked kinda gross and scarey. He took his hand off it for a moment, spit into his hand, and smeared the spit all over the big old thing. I remember thinking to myself that it was nearly as long as the ruler in my schoolbox. While his hand was off it, I could see it was jumping around just like yours."
Impatient to hear the rest, I said, "Every guy's cock jumps when it's hard. Go ahead with the story."
"Well, next he wanted me to show him something. He said he wouldn't touch me, but seeing my 'pussy' would help him get rid of his stiffness. I remember wondering at first if he was talking about somebody's pet cat, but he pointed at my thing." My sister blushed and corrected herself, "I mean he pointed to my cunt."
"Of course, I told him right away that I wouldn't show it to him. But he smiled at me and said he could already see that I had a fat little pussy because my dancing tights showed him. When I looked down, I could see it was true. You could see the crack real clear, and all my moving around on the seat of the cab had kind of crammed a bunch of the material up the crack in my bottom. Now I was real embarrassed. Then the cab driver said that I had already showed him my 'pussy' so I had nothing to lose. He said if I pulled the crotch of my tights over to one side, he could tell me what color hair I would someday have on it."
"I realize now that he was just saying something to get me to uncover my cunt," Susan said, blushing anew at saying the new word. "But I was only then beginning to understand that someday I would have hair on my thing like Mom had. I was curious. But mostly, I just wanted to get home."
"Anyway, I just reached down and pulled the stretch fabric over to one side. My legs weren't wide open or anything, but he could see the outside of my slit. When I looked back over at him, I saw his hand was moving real fast as he pumped his fist up and down his big wet thing. He was looking at my cunt like it was the most interesting object in the world. Actually, I was sorta proud to be so fascinating to a grown man. In fact, I forgot he was supposed to be telling what color hair I would have by my cunt, because about then I noticed the end of his big thing was beginning to drool out some kind of white stuff."
"When he saw that I was looking hard at his thing, he began to talk real fast about what a great little kid I was to be showing him my 'naked little pussy' while he 'jacked off his big old dick' for me. As I looked up from his pounding thing to his face, I was kinda scared at how red his face had gotten. His eyes were kinda shining as he looked in between my legs. As I watched, he gave a big groan, shut his eyes, and told me to look at his 'dick.'
"By now, I mostly wanted to find out what happened next. I was real surprised when I looked down at his big thing to see that he had taken his hand off of it. Standing up there by itself, I could see all kinds of gross veins running up and down this big, red thing that looked sorta like it didn't even belong to the guy. Suddenly, he kinda lifted his bottom off the seat and made a groaning sound. Then, gobs of white stuff started to come out of the end of his dick. It looked like the paste glue we used to make in kindergarten. The first blobs shot way into the air and all the rest kinda squished out in little pumping waves. There was a lot of that stuff he had to clean off the steering wheel and the seat before he could take me home."
"He told me I couldn't ever tell anybody about what he showed me, because little kids aren't supposed to learn about this until later. I know now that he just got his kicks masturbating in front of a little girl."
Suddenly grinning at me, Susan said, "But now that I'm safe with my big brother, I want to rub your dick until you squirt your stuff while you play with my itchy cunt."
Although I was really tempted to get back to exploring her little pussy and my cock was jumping at my sister's purposefully nasty talk, I remembered that Susan had told me that she had seen other cocks "a couple of times." So I said, "Well, maybe. But first tell me about all the other times you've seen a man's peter."
To help convince her, I reached down between her legs and gave the wet crack between her hairless pussy lips a quick caress. Susan looked down at her crotch as I did it, and grinned up at me lewdly as she hunched her naked cunt hungrily into my hand.
"OK," she said. "But there's only one other, if you don't count all the times I saw your little thing in the bathtub when we were younger."
Now it was my turn to blush. "No, I'm talking about when you might have seen a hard dick."
"Yeah, there was one more time, but that time the man didn't show it to me. I peeked. I was playing over at Linda Haseltine's house one day when her daddy came rushing into the living room. He was really mad because Linda's big sister had left her bike in the driveway and he had almost run over it. He told Linda's sister she would have to 'get some licks' for forgetting to put her bicycle away."
"Linda put her finger up to her lips, in the 'hush' sign and motioned that I should follow her as she headed toward the kitchen. When we got outside the house, she told me her daddy was always giving her older sister 'some licks' and that it was fun to watch. Motioning me to follow, she went around the corner and began to climb a tree right next to the house. I was worried about getting my dress dirty, but I followed her."
"As I climbed up to the limb where Linda was sitting, I found out we could see right into Mr. and Mrs. Haseltine's bedroom. We couldn't hear anything through the glass, but we could see that Mr. Haseltine was still yelling at Linda's sister. She was about twelve years old. Then, he pulled out a bench from Mrs. Haseltine's vanity and sat down on it, kinda sideways to the window we were watching through."
"He was still talking to Linda's sister and he sort of motioned her to come over to him. I was real surprised to see her pull her dress up as she stepped forward. Then, while he was still talking to her real angry, Mr. Haseltine reached out to pull her panties down until they hung around her knees! He pushed her hands higher, so her dress kind of hid her eyes. Then I noticed he kinda leaned forward like he was staring at her cunt."
"Linda leaned over on the branch and whispered to me that her sister was gonna get a whipping and that I should watch her father's hand real close. I didn't see what the big deal was about watching a spanking, but I kinda liked peeking in on someone who didn't know you were watching."
"As we watched, Linda's daddy plunked her big sister down across his lap, with her bottom facing the window. Mr. Haseltine raised his hand and gave her a smack on the bottom. As he raised his hand again, Linda's sister squirmed with pain and opened and closed her legs so I could see the pink skin on the inside of her cunt and some dark hair all around it . Mr. Haseltine hit her again and again, and I could see that her bottom was starting to turn red."
"He kept on spanking her for about a minute. Then, Linda poked me in the side and told me to watch closely. I could see that Mr. Haseltine was apparently through with the whipping and was looking real closely at Linda's sister's bottom. As she continued to roll around on his lap in pain, I was surprised to see him rub his hand all over her bottom, like he was soothing the burning there. Then he kinda turned his hand and started to bore his finger into her bottom-hole!"
"Linda whispered that her daddy sometimes put his finger in her bottom, too. She said he told her he was checking to see if she had wiped herself good enough. I was real shocked to hear about that."
"Back in the bedroom, Mr. Haseltine took his finger out of Linda's sister's bottom hole and spread her legs while she was still laying across his lap. He started running his fingers up and down her crack and then he put his finger right inside her cunt! He kept it there for a few seconds, and I couldn't see what else he might have been doing."
"All of a sudden, he picked up Linda's sister, and pointed out of his bedroom. I could see that she was still crying as she hobbled out the door, with both hands rubbing her bottom and her underpants around her knees. Mr. Haseltine closed the door and I started to get down from the tree, but Linda pulled me back on the branch and told me to watch what happens next."
"When I got back on the branch and looked in the window again, I saw Mr. Haseltine was taking off his pants. He had on those striped shorts things that old men wear. Then, with his back to the window, he took off his shorts. I was real surprised to see that his bottom was nearly covered with thick black hair."
"As Linda and I watched, Mr. Haseltine turned toward the door where his daughter had just been and began to stroke his thing, which was sticking out straight from his body. It didn't seem to be as big as the cab driver's, but I guess that guy had a pretty big dick. Linda whispered that pretty soon some white stuff would squirt out. I thought about telling her that I had already seen that, but remembered that I wasn't supposed to tell anybody about the cab driver."
"I guess I knew what to expect, but it sure didn't take Mr. Haseltine long to do it. He just moved his hand up and down his thing about twenty times, grabbed a handkerchief off the bed, and squirted a bunch of stuff into the hanky. He kinda shook all over his body, wiped off his thing and started to put his clothes on again."
"I was gonna get down then, but Linda told me to watch what she could do. She sorta squirmed around on the tree limb until she was sitting facing me, with both feet on the limb and her skirt bunched up around her waist. She was smiling real big and then she reached down between her legs and started stuffing her underpants into her hole!"
Susan's eyes got wide as she described this curious scene. I could tell that even now, years later, she just didn't quite understand what she saw that day. "Linda told me she was gonna be ready," Susan said. "She said that some day her daddy would give her a good spanking and she had been practicing so he could stick his finger inside of her, too."
"I said I didn't get it and why would anyone want to get a spanking. Linda said her sister had told her that it hurt at first, but then it felt like the best thing in the world, even with the sting of the spanking. Linda said her sister now did things on purpose to make her daddy mad, whenever she knew her mother was going to be late in getting home. Then he would give her a spanking and put his finger in her hole."
"Linda pulled her underpants out of her hole and pulled the crotch over to one side so I could see. I leaned over on the branch to see better and noticed that Linda's pants were sorta wet, like she had peed in them. But mostly, I noticed that Linda's thing was all red on the inside. She spread her legs wider and put her finger all the way inside. Then she told me I had to show her mine and see if a finger would fit inside."
"I felt a little funny and I was scared of falling out of the tree. I was also afraid that Mr. Haseltine would look out his window and see us fooling around. But, when I looked in the window, I saw him buckle his belt and walk out of the bedroom. So I moved around into the same kind of position that Linda had used and pulled my underpants out of the way. Linda leaned forward and stared at my thing."
"She told me to go ahead, so I felt around to see if I could put my finger inside. I couldn't do it, and Linda acted like she felt sorry for me. She tried to put her finger inside, but it hurt. She said that I should try it in the bathtub, and pretty soon I would be able to do what she could do."
"Then we heard her father's car leaving, and Linda told me to follow her real fast. She got down out of the tree in a second and told me to hurry up as I moved as fast as I could. When I got down, Linda ran into the house and up the stairs. As soon as I caught up to her, she took my hand, pushed open the door to her sister's room and walked in, pulling me along."
"Linda's sister was lying on her back in bed, with a sheet covering her. From the way the sheet made a tent shape, I could tell she had her knees up and wide apart. Linda told her I wanted to see her do it and that I wouldn't tell anybody. Her sister kinda looked at me funny and then kicked off the sheet, never taking her hands from between her legs. She had her dress all bunched around her waist and her legs were spread wide apart."
"Linda told me to look real close to see how her sister 'rubbed her button.' I leaned over to see that one of her hands was holding her hairy lips apart, while two fingers of her other hand were dipping inside her hole and then rubbing a big red bump at the top of her pussy. Her whole bottom was still bright pink from the spanking, but she didn't seem to be in any pain. It was like Linda and I weren't even there, as she bumped her hips up and down and rolled her head all over the bed. Linda told me it felt real good to her sister and now it sorta felt good to her, even though she hadn't had a spanking. I looked over at Linda and she had her skirt pulled up and her underpants were down around her knees while she pushed a finger in and out of her pussy real fast. Linda's sister kinda shook all over then, and stuck her fingers way deep inside her hole. Linda kept on screwing her finger in and out. I was feeling kind of funny, like maybe I should be doing something with my pussy, too. But in a few minutes her sister looked over at us and told us to go play somewhere else."
"A few days later, Linda talked me into putting my finger inside her hole while she 'rubbed her button.' She was over at our house, and we closed my bedroom door while she took off her jeans and her underpants. She laid down on the floor with her legs open real wide and pulled her hole wide open. I was kinda shy about the whole thing, but Linda told me to just put a finger inside of her. So I leaned over and pushed my pointing finger right in the middle of her cunt and it slid right in. It was tight around my finger and kinda hot. Linda said I had it in good and deep, and she let go of the sides of her thing then and started to rub the top, right where her sister had that big bump. I could see that Linda had a little bump there and I wondered it I had one too. Later, in the bathtub, I found out I had a bump and it felt sorta good to rub soap suds all over it."
"When Linda told me to, I sorta moved my finger all around inside and she said that felt real nice. She told me to move it in and out some and I did that too. But then we heard Mom coming upstairs so she jumped up and put her pants back on."
"Linda told me I should keep trying to open up my hole so I could feel good like she did. At first, I couldn't do it, even in the bathtub, but now I can," said Susan, reaching down to her open crotch and sliding her middle finger neatly into her gaping hairless cunt.
"So," said Susan, finger-fucking herself while I watched wide-eyed. "Now can I rub your thing -- I mean your dick?"
By now, my blood was boiling. For some reason, the idea of my little sister showing her naked pussy to other people -- even little Linda Haseltine -- was a super turn-on for me. And seeing Susan's finger slide in and out of her little-girl twat was blowing my mind. My prick was hard as a crowbar and was feeling painfully constrained by my jockstrap and athletic shorts.
But I was concerned that letting her play with my dick might jeopardize the fiction that I had her under my control because I'd caught her playing with herself. Finally, I said, "OK, but you have to do what I tell you to do. This will be an educational experience for you."
Susan rolled her eyes at this, because our Dad was always labeling things we didn't want to do "educational experiences." But she just said, "Fine with me" and increased the speed of the in-and-out motion of her finger in her own pussy. Her eyes were glued to my crotch.
All of a sudden, I was enjoying her anticipation. Slowly and teasingly, I reached into the leg of my shorts and freed my cock and balls from the restraint of my jockstrap. Now my hard dick pressed against the thin nylon of my athletic shorts. When I looked up at Susan, I was surprised to see a thin film of sweat on her upper lip. Her eyes were protruding as she stared at the quivering outline of my member. Her finger-fucking had slowed, too.
Enjoying her fascination, I told her, "You can uncover it, if you want."
Susan lost no time. Taking her finger from her cunt, she quickly used both hands to pull aside my shorts to release my pulsing ramrod. I was really proud when she said, "Oh, Steve, you've really got a neat one! And you have hair all around it!"
But as she reached for my cock, I suddenly got concerned. "You gotta be gentle," I said. "You can hurt a guy if you grab his dick too hard. And that's even more so for his balls."
Susan got a little pouty look on her face as she said, "Hey, dumb-head, do you think I don't know anything?" Then she moved her hand almost reverently to my throbbing pole. Her small hand wrapped around the pulsing muscle and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Oooo," she said, "it's so soft and hard and hot, all at the same time!"
Leaving my little sister to her exploration of my dick, I leaned back down to look at her pussy. I was particularly interested to learn if my bigger finger would fit inside her tiny hole. Susan had relaxed from her thighs-wide posture as she reached for my cock, so I gently nudged her legs open again. She needed no second suggestion, for her legs flew wide open at my first touch. For some reason, the contrast of the smooth, powdery hairless pussy lips with the wet, pink insides looked good enough to eat. However, although I had heard about eating pussy, I didn't want to try it, especially with my sister!
But touching her was something else again. I returned to my slow, feathery, up-and-down caress, just barely touching the bright pink inner lips of Susan's pussy. I was immediately rewarded with soft brushing caresses up and down my quivering cock. With the fingers of one hand, I pulled open the curtains of Susan's cuntlips. I was sort of surprised to find that there was no "hole" there, but just more pink flesh. But I noticed that the bump at the top of her pussy lips was now pulling back to reveal a shiny red knob. In my urgency to find out about how a clitoris feels, I pressed a finger directly on the newly-exposed clit-knob.
I was dismayed when Susan suddenly slammed her legs shut and sat up with a cry. "Oh, please, Steve," she said, "don't touch me right there. It's too sensitive." But I was reassured when she told me it felt great when you rubbed all around it. I asked her to show me what she meant.
Susan smiled shyly and relaxed back on the bed. With one hand still holding my pecker, she reached down with the other, extending her middle finger to rest just above where the ridge of her clit began. As she turned her head to stare at the jerking hunk of brotherly flesh in her other hand, her finger began a rhythmic circular motion all around the hump of her clit. I could see that this motion made her red bump peep out again and again from its fleshy home, sort of like it was being jacked off.
As I looked down at her, I couldn't believe my good luck. After wishing with Tim that I could someday have a girl who would let me touch her, now I had a little fourth-grade girl who was holding my dick while she showed me how she masturbated! I told Susan to keep on jerking herself off and to start jerking me off.
As her hand began to move up and down my cock, I moved my hand underneath her twirling clit-massage. With my middle finger, I searched for the hidden hole into which she had stuck her finger earlier. As Susan realized what I was doing, she spread her legs wider and started to pump my peter faster. With this added help, my finger found its target mysteriously hidden away in the folds of her pussy. Carefully, I started to insert my finger, and Susan began to go crazy.
"Oh, Steve!" she cried. "That feels wonderful! Your finger is so fat it just fills me up. And your dick is starting to leak some stuff on my hand!"
Naturally, she didn't have to tell me that, because I could feel that I was going to be cumming pretty quick. Although her naked little pussy was gripping my finger tightly, I began to jiggle it in and out. I couldn't really move my finger in and out as fast as I had seen Susan move hers, but I could tell she appreciated the new sensation.
Looking down at the little nipples jiggling on the chest of my naked ten-year-old sister as she moved her little hand up and down my cock while she masturbated with my finger inside her, I just got so excited I shot my load right into the air. As the hot liquid landed on her chest, Susan joined me in climax, moving her finger in a blur over her clit as she arched her back so I could get my finger a little deeper in her hairless pussy.
Just at that moment, we both froze, because we heard the sound of gravel as Mom and Dad pulled into the driveway. In a flurry of guilty activity, I grabbed up my clothes and ran into my room, while Susan shut her door.
We were both real scared that we would get caught, so I guess that's why we both acted as though it had never happened. In the next few weeks, even when we were alone, I resisted the temptation to play with my sister, and she never said a word about it, either.
In the weeks following that eventful afternoon, Susan and I didn't dare repeat our experiments. In fact, she seemed to avoid me. But, as I fucked my fist in the shower, I often thought about fingering her little pussy and her sexy cab-driver and daughter-spanking stories. Although her friend Linda Haseltine was apparently ripe for some finger-fucking, she was a real brat and I couldn't stand her.
Despite my promise of secrecy, I was tempted to tell my best friend, Tim, about my afternoon adventure with Susan. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't, because my first real sexual obsession turned out to be Tim's sister, Cindy.
It all began a few weeks later at Tim's house as I walked by Cindy's room, on my way to the bathroom. I noticed her door was open. As I glanced inside, she was taking off her tee shirt and wearing only a pair of panties. A year earlier, I would have walked on by, dismissing a sister as sexually uninteresting. Now, however, I stopped to see what I could see. Immediately, I noticed Cindy's boyish chest now had a pair of swelling bumps. From across the room, her swollen nipples seemed a little bigger than Susan's, even though Cindy was a year younger. She started to turn around and I ducked back to avoid being seen. But she wasn't heading for the door, just turning to walk into the bathroom that separated her room from Tim's.
A few moments later, she walked back into view without a stitch on. I only got a brief glimpse of her hairless little pussy as she crossed my field of view, but my cock really snapped to attention, nearly bursting the zipper on my jeans. I quickly walked into Tim's room and closed the door enough to hide behind and peer back into the hall. A minute later, Cindy came out in her bathing suit and headed downstairs.
I continued my trip into the bathroom that Tim and Cindy shared. And there, dangling from the hamper, was the underwear Cindy had just removed. Without thinking, I picked them up and examined them. For some reason, it was exciting to me that her panties were little-girl style -- a flowery cotton print with lace around the legs.
Suddenly, I was seized with an inspiration. Unzipping my jeans, I wrapped her panties around my throbbing cock. I was astounded at how the contrast of her schoolgirl underwear against my red and rigid tool made me so hot I felt like I would melt! With only a few strokes, I felt my balls begin to contract in preparation for a tremendous orgasm. I spread Cindy's underpants across my left hand as I continued to piston my peter through my right fist. My knees nearly gave way as I spurted jet after jet of thick white jism across the crotch of her panties. Guiltily, I wadded the soaking cloth into a ball and buried it at the bottom of the hamper. As I did so, I found another pair of her used underpants, which I stuffed in my pocket for later contemplation and masturbation.
From then on, whenever I jerked off, there was almost always a pair of Cindy's panties that I had stolen from the clothes hamper in their bathroom that I would use to shoot my gooey teenage cum into. Then I would sneak them back into the hamper next time I was there.
Whenever I looked at Cindy, I wondered if she was wearing a pair of panties that at one time had held my semen. After I had done this quite a few times, I was almost sure she was. I became obsessed with the idea that it was too bad they had been washed. Nevertheless, the thought that this naive nine-year-old girl was walking around with the remains of my sex juices rubbing against her hairless little cunt aroused me tremendously. I couldn't stop thinking about the remains of my cock juice millimeters away from her virginal pink canal.
I decided there was nothing I wouldn't do to see her in a pair of those panties. Or, especially, to see her remove a pair of those panties and expose her naked little pussy to me while I jerked off in front of her. Increasingly, any time I jerked my cock, I became immersed in fantasy visions of Cindy pulling down her underpants to let me see her immature little pussy. I dreamed that she would slowly pull them down in front, revealing at first the fat, bald lips on either side of her virginal crease. I imagined that then, with a shy smile at me from beneath her blonde bangs and an embarrassed glance at my pounding penis, she would reach between her legs and pull her naked pussy lips apart to show me the glistening insides of her little-girl cunt.
For some reason, this fantasy of an innocent little girl showing me her bald treasure was far more exciting than the pictures of wide-open, hairy cunts available in every Penthouse magazine that Tim and I ogled at the downtown magazine stands. Later, I refined these images with the help of Susan's story of Linda Haseltine's demonstration and imagined Cindy putting on a pair of underpants wet with my jism and then stuffing the wet fabric into her hairless little hole under my hot gaze.
My shoot-offs with these fantasies were spine-shattering.
One night, about two weeks after my panty-soaking began, I stayed overnight at Tim's and Cindy seemed to notice me for the first time. We were all at the dinner table. Tim was talking to his mom and I had glanced across the table at Cindy. She looked at me, and our glances locked for what seemed like minutes. We were both totally out of touch with our surroundings. As l looked into her eyes, my thoughts were of her cotton panties pressed tight against her bald little pussy. Did she know that between her legs, next to her smooth little mound, was soft cotton that had once been soaked with my jism? With my eyes, I told her; over and over again.
It was almost as if she understood my thoughts. Then our private tele-pathic conversation was interrupted by her brother's question. "What do you think, Steve?" he asked. I had no idea what he was talking about. I had been isolated in a private sphere with his sister, oblivious to any-thing going on around the table. I noticed that she smiled shyly and then looked away as I stuttered in confusion.
Later, Cindy, Tim and I went into the TV room to watch "Nightmare on Elm Street." Their mom had already gone to bed, having finished her customary bottle of wine. Cindy came into the room wearing her nightgown -- a short flannel thing that came down to about mid-thigh. As she lay on her stomach in front of the TV, I got an occasional glance of her panties. After the first couple of glimpses, I recognized her underwear as the flower-print panties I had first squirted my cum into.
As Tim and I sat on the couch, I continued to get brief, occasional glances of Cindy's panties as she repositioned herself on the floor. Sometimes I also got a peek of her inner thigh or of her smooth, round buttocks protruding from beneath the leg band. I tried not to make myself obvious when I stole these peeks, unsure of what Tim would do if he caught me eyeing his sister. I was also worried about Tim or Cindy noticing the hardness that was slowly taking over my crotch. But that became less of a problem when Tim got up to go to the bathroom, and I could reach inside the waistband of my jeans to lay my hard-on flat against my stomach.
And I guess something stopped being a problem for Cindy too. Because what had been all-too-brief, seemingly accidental peeks at her panties had suddenly become a full spread. Cindy had grabbed a big pillow from the floor and positioned herself over it. In doing so, her nightgown scooted up just below her butt. Her knees were bent slightly as the pillow was under her stomach and I could see a full view of her panties as they covered her butt. I was in heaven! Just as I became sure this exhibition was accidental and that she had no idea she was arousing me, Cindy changed positions again, this time spreading her legs widely apart, giving me a complete view of her crotch. I thought to myself that she had to know what she was showing me!
As I stared at the familiar, flower-print cotton stretched across her crotch, I could see the outline of her immature cunt-lips, extending back to merge with her buttocks. I could have sworn I saw a wet spot where her crack was, but I dismissed this as impossible, because she was only nine years old. I desparately wanted to believe that this immature nymph wanted to explore sex as badly as I did. But I knew this was simply impossible. That realization didn't keep me from enjoying the view, however.
In a few moments, Cindy shifted her position again, this time completely blocking my view of her scantily-covered crotch. Oh well, for the better, I thought, because Tim came back in the room a second later. Shortly after that, Cindy stood up and announced she would see us both tomorrow and headed off for bed.
In a way, I was relieved. I needed to find a quiet place to jack off and would have to wait for Tim to fall asleep before that would be possible.
It seemed like it was hours before I had the courage to test Tim's slumber, shaking him slightly, asking him if he were still awake. When I was convinced he was sound asleep, I got out of bed, dressed only in my jockey briefs and tee shirt, and quietly walked to the bathroom that separated Tim's room from Cindy's. I hoped there would be a fresh pair of her panties in the hamper. Already, the steamy masturbatory images of little Cindy smiling shyly and showing me her childlike cunt made my underpants stand out in a 6-inch tent before me.
I was halfway into the bathroom before I realized Cindy was already in there, wearing only her panties and a bra!
"Sorry!," I said starting to back out of the bathroom.
My heart nearly stopped when she replied in a conspiratorial whisper, "No, it's okay. I've been waiting for you. Is Tim asleep?"
I told her I was pretty sure that he was. I tried not to stare at her or to rub her with my rigid pole as she brushed past me to check for herself. Satisfied that Tim was sleeping soundly, she locked the bathroom door from his side first, then from hers.
Turning to me with a shy smile, she whispered, "I know what you have been doing to my panties. Like, at first I was grossed out because I thought it was my brother. But then, when I came into the bathroom just after you used it the other day, I figured it out."
I turned bright red with embarrassment, but she quickly said, "But like it's no big deal, you know. I even have been wearing them afterwards, when you did it in the clean ones out of my drawer, just to see how it feels to have a guy's stuff next to me all day." It didn't occur to me until later that I had never touched any panties from her drawer, just the hamper.
With the realization that one of my fantasies was about to come true, my dick got tremendously stiff. Seeing her glance at the quaking shape through my briefs, I asked her if she had been putting on a show for me in front of the television. With downcast eyes, she admitted she had. And then she shocked me when she said, "I wanted to pull my panties off and show you everything, but I was afraid Tim would come back too soon."
This was simply too much for my crotch to stand, and the resulting jump made my beefy prick protrude through the opening in the front of my underwear. Although I was embarrassed to be showing my cock to this little girl, the gleam in her eyes made me feel more at ease. "Ooooh!" she said, "I hoped I'd get to see your dick!" And she pressed her hand against her crotch as she watched my throbbing peter bob with excitement before her eyes.
With typical teenage clumsiness, I asked Cindy if she was a virgin and she said "Well, kind of ..." Not knowing how else to phrase my heartfelt question, I asked if she would like to "do some stuff" with me. She said she wasn't ready to go all the way yet.
"But," she said, "I want to watch you squirt your stuff in my panties ... while I'm wearing them." I thought I would shoot off right there. I wanted to ask her if she would stuff the wet cloth into her hole, but I was afraid of scaring her or grossing her out. I was also pretty sure a "kind-of" virgin couldn't stuff anything into her hole.
Anyway, I was more than willing to do what she wanted, but we had to figure out how we were going to accomplish this. We couldn't go in her bedroom in case her mom happened to come in for some reason. Finally, we decided the bathroom was best. If we heard her mom enter the bedroom, I could always go out the other door into Tim's room and Cindy's mom would never know.
This settled, Cindy sat up on the vanity directly across from the commode. "Well," she said, "you better start doing it before tomorrow gets here already."
The moment of truth. Although this was precisely my masturbation fantasy, was I horny enough to drop my drawers in front of a nine-year-old girl and start jacking off while she watched? It seemed perverse, but my cock was stiffer than it had ever been and this was the closest I had ever been to realizing my fantasy of doing it with my best friend's little sister. I slipped my hands under either side of the waistband and dropped my underwear to the floor, stepping out of them. With one hand I began to slowly stroke the length of my cock. With the other, I reached for Cindy's panties, ready to help her out of them. But she pulled away.
"I'm not ready for that yet," she told me. I asked her how I was supposed to cum in her panties if she wouldn't let me touch them. She said, "When you're ready to squirt your stuff, I'll pull them out and you can shoot in them." I didn't want to blow my opportunity, so I backed off.
But standing in front of her, jacking off and watching myself in the mirror was making me go soft. She noticed, watching my cock intently. "I'm making you nervous, right?" she asked.
"Embarrassed is more like it," I answered. "Maybe if I could see your pussy while I do this, it would go better."
"Okay, sit over there," she said, nodding toward the toilet. I did as I was told, my cock regaining its rigidity in anticipation of viewing the little girl's cunny again. Once again, as I sat on the commode, I started to stroke my cock. Cindy leaned back against the mirror, reached underneath the leg band of her panties and pulled the crotch to one side, exposing her hairless little slit. She looked up at me as my eyes glowed with animal passion. "It's beautiful," I said. Smiling proudly, she continued to pull her underpants aside, so I could see the soft folds of naked flesh surrounding the faint pink crease that began with a dimple below her navel and disappeared between her buttocks.
Holding the panties out of the way with her left hand, she slowly spread her legs. My eyes were riveted on the mesmerizing transformation, as her hairless lips parted and the inside of her slit glistened. As I watched, closely, the tiny bud of her clitoris peeked out from its hood above the folds of wet flesh that hid the gateway to her canal.
Braver now, and less inhibited, I reached between my legs and started to rub my balls with my other hand, just like I did when I jacked off alone. Looking up from her winking slit, I saw that she was staring intently at my quaking cock.
"What do you think about when you do that?" she asked.
I told her that lately I had been thinking about her, just like she was, naked or in panties.
Obviously pleased, she said, "And I've been thinking about some stud rubbing his dick and watching me twitch my pussy." When I looked back down, I saw she had extended one of her fingers to tweak the bud above her hole while she watched me. "Oooooh," she said, "I feel like I'm gonna pee and cum at the same time!"
I realized that I was dangerously close to blowing my load under the incredible stimulation of this nasty little girl's antics. Desperate to take my mind off her behavior, I suddenly asked her what she would have done if it had been her brother that had been cumming in her panties. "Oh, probably nothing," she said. She explained that it was just kind of inconvenient having her clean panties soiled too (realizing once again then that I hadn't been doing anything to her clean panties).
"Once," she whispered, "I spied on Tim in the changing room by our pool. I peeped through a crack in the blinds to watch him jack off." She leered at my pounding cock as she said, "His thing is not as long as yours, but it's thicker." "Anyway," she continued, "I was kinda mad because, just before he came, he turned and shot his stuff into a towel." She continued to rub her clit as she said, "I really wanted to see what it looked like when he squirted his stuff but I only got to see his butt twitch as he got off."
Still trying to avoid my imminent eruption, I asked Cindy if she had ever showed another boy her pussy. "One time," she answered, "I got naked and masturbated in my room while I knew Tim was watching through a crack in the bathroom door. He didn't know I was intentionally putting on a show for him."
My first thought was that Tim had never told me, but I asked Cindy, "Why did you do that, if you didn't want to do anything with him?"
She speeded up the rubbing action of her finger, beginning to dip the tip of her finger into her tiny naked hole. "It made me excited knowing Tim was watching and that he couldn't do anything anyway because Mom was walking around downstairs at the time."
"And another time," she continued, "I was on a bus with an old man sitting across from me. He kept smiling at me and we were all by ourselves in the back of the bus. I realized he kept looking down at my legs, especially whenever I crossed them. So I decided to give him a thrill by crossing my legs real high and showing him my panties."
"He was real old, with white hair and everything, but his eyes got big and round behind his glasses. He was staring between my legs and acting kinda nervous. I crossed my legs a few more times and he just kept staring at them like there was nothing else in the world. I was feeling real safe, because he couldn't really do anything with the driver and other people sitting up in front of the bus."
"In fact, I was feeling so safe that I put both my feet up on the seat and spread my legs a little bit so that old guy could just stare right at my panties. And he really did! It was like my underpants were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. I could see he had a boner, too, because his pants were like a tent in the front."
"For some reason, I decided he would get a super thrill if I showed him the whole thing, so I reached down and pulled my underpants over to one side like I'm doing now. He glanced up at my face and I smiled back at him, to let him know I wanted to show him my pussy. He just jerked his eyes back to my crotch and put his hand down in his lap. I couldn't see what he was doing, but he must have been beating his meat through his pants."
"As I watched him massage the lump in his lap, I let my finger drift down and slide up and down the lips. Then I spread my pussy open to show him the inside. Then I stuck the end of my finger into my hole. His eyes got even wider then, and he kinda shook all over. A few minutes later, he got up to leave the bus and he had a big wet spot on the front of his pants. As he walked by me, he said, 'Thank you' real sincerely. I thought I had done my Brownie Scout good deed of the day."
I felt myself nearing an explosion as I listened to this story and watched Cindy massage her little clit. She must have sensed it from watching me because she suddenly stood up, holding her legs together at the knees but her feet wide apart, with her knees bent forward. She leaned over me on the commode. She braced herself on the tank with one arm and put her head almost on my shoulder. Staring down at my pounding cock, she pulled the front waistband of her panties away from her body and down.
"Just do it in there when you're ready. Soak my pants and my pussy all you want. But don't try and put it in or anything," she cautioned me, as if in hesitant afterthought. "And I want to see it when your cock squirts!"
"Here it is!" I said, breaking the near whisper that we had been talking in previously, trying to catch my breath. The first gush of love juice hit off-course, directly in her navel, immediately cascading down her stomach toward the broad, bare area just above the triangle of her bald cunt. As I corrected my aim, the second gush intercepted the first wad on its way down right at about where her little crack began. Then, as my cock pulsed uncontrollably, I half stood and guided it closer to her slit. I'm not sure if she leaned forward or I stood up, but my stiff cock actually touched her crack, the head burrowing slightly between her hairless, little-girl cunt lips as it continued to spew its sperm.
As my warm semen squirted into her crack, little Cindy parted her legs at the knees. My cock slipped in its own fluid slowly down her crack. I felt her hole and the head of my dick stopped right over it. I could have driven it in if I wanted to, but I had promised her I wouldn't and I didn't want to mess things up at this point. I looked Cindy directly in the eye as my last few gushes of sperm squirted directly into her cunt! Although she was staring at the action taking place in her crotch, I could see that her eyes were wide and kind of wild-looking. I held my dick there until it was done.
Cindy stood up straight and let her panties go back into position. They were dark with wetness all through the crotch and front -- glistening in spots with my cum. She sat back on the sink and spread her legs wide in front of me at about my eye level. Pulling the crotch of her panties back to the side, she inserted the tip of her index finger about halfway into the gooey passage while she vigorously massaged her clit with the other. As she fingered her hole, the jism I had shot into her was oozing out and running down the crack of her ass. Her finger began to move from her cunt to her asshole, slipping a little deeper into each opening as her knees began to sway wider and her eyes rolled back in her head.
It was only a few moments until she started to spasm -- her little body shook uncontrollably as she fingered her clit and her hole. It thrilled me to watch this little girl make herself cum in front of me. Even though I had just shot my load, my peter had not gone soft. In fact, under the stimulation of the show Cindy was putting on, it had started getting hard again.
In a sudden wave of bravery, I stood between her legs and positioned my cock directly in front of Cindy's wet little slit. She slowly took her finger out of her cunt slot and reached out to touch my hardening dick. She still held her legs wide open and the crotch of her panties gathered off to one side. I followed her lead as she slowly pulled me forward with her slimy hand and placed the head of my cock in the middle of her gushy pussy. I knew I was right over her hole but I didn't push. I waited. Would she change her mind and go all the way?
Cindy took the next step herself. She allowed her crotch to slip forward ever so slightly, my cock finding a smooth entrance into her well-lubricated cunt. She stopped just as the head of my hard cock was about to enter her little opening. "Please go easy. If it starts to hurt, stop," she said, looking me once again directly in the eye.
I responded with a slight, steady pressure that resulted in a small "pop" as the head of my cock slipped past the ring of the entrance to her canal. I held it there. I couldn't believe how hard it was just to catch my breath to talk. Looking down between us, I was rewarded with an exciting view of my scarlet cock and hairy balls slowly disappearing into her fat little hairless pussy, coated with my come.
"Have you ever done this before?" I asked. "Well, sort of," she answered, "but it wasn't very nice."
I pushed a little more and my cock, its head now fully engulfed in her tight passage, managed to sink in another half inch. I knew I was supposed to be pumping my prick in and out of her little pussy. I wasn't at the point where I could pump yet, I was just trying to get it in so it didn't hurt her. I was sure that once things were "settled," there would be plenty of time for action. Also, there was her brother in the next room; a scream or even a cry of pain may cause an untold reaction.
So we talked. That's right -- talked! As she sat on the vanity with her legs spread and my cock about a quarter of the way into her cum-lubricated baby-girl cunt, we held a conversation! She told me about the unpleasant experience that had made her a "sort of" virgin.
"I was doing a school project on leaves," she said, "and I wanted to get more leaves than anyone else in the class. I came right home from school one day and rode my bike over to Hillside Park. I thought I could find every kind of tree there."
"I found a couple of new leaves, but I thought the best ones were probably back where nobody looked. Even though I still had my school dress on, I began to go back in the corners of the park, where there are lots of bushes. In the second bunch of bushes, I heard someone talking and got curious about what someone else was doing way back there."
"As I moved over closer to the sounds, I sorta crouched down, because I didn't want whoever it was to see me. I just wanted to sorta spy on them. As I started to go around this tree with real low limbs, I could see that there was some kind of open area on the other side. Through the limbs, I could see that two people were there, so I kinda squeezed under the branches on my side of the tree and peeked through the branches on the other side."
"A man and a woman were there, and I was shocked to see that the woman had no shirt on. The man was talking to her and rubbing her bazooms. This woman had really big bazooms, with great big brown nipples. But her bazooms didn't droop down. They stuck right out from her chest, like she had an invisible bra on. Anyway, I kept looking and the man stopped rubbing her bazooms and started pulling on her nipples. I could see that he was pulling them way out from her bazooms and then letting them go. And I noticed that the woman didn't holler or complain. In fact, she didn't say anything. As he pinched and pulled them, her nipples got bigger and bigger."
"I knew I shouldn't be there, but I got afraid that they would hear me if I tried to sneak away. And besides, I've always been real interested in sex. I hoped I would get a chance to see his peter if I stayed."
"Anyway, the man kept pulling on those huge nipples. After a few minutes, it was like she had bazooms on the end of her bazooms. Each brown circle had turned into a red-brown mountain. And i could hear that he was talking real dirty to the woman. Like he was saying she had 'great tits' and a 'fuckable mouth.' The woman kind of drifted down on her knees then, and held her bazooms in her hands so the man could keep pulling on her nipples. Her eyes were kinda crazy looking -- real wide. And she was breathing real hard. But she never said a word."
"Finally, the man told her to show him how good her mouth was. She moved over to him on her knees and started doing something to his pants. But his back was toward me, so I couldn't see what she was doing. Then she leaned forward and he started to make grunting noises. I heard him tell her she had a big mouth and knew how to use it."
"I was so curious to see what she was doing that I moved over closer to the open area. I was probably so interested in seeing what was going on that I forgot to be careful to be quiet. Anyway, about the same time that I could see that the man's cock was sticking out of his pants and the woman was licking it, the man said 'Come on out, little girl.'"
"At first I wanted to run, but then I decided that I would be safe because the man already had a girl and the woman wouldn't hurt me. So I stepped out from behind the tree limbs and looked at them curiously."
"The man said that I was welcome to come over and watch how a real woman takes care of her man. I was still a little scared, so I only took a step or two closer, so I could get a good look at his cock. And he had a big one, all slick from the woman's licking and with a great big red knob at the end."
"Then the man said that he was showing me his cock and his girlfriend was showing me her tits, so I should show them my pussy. Of course, I said no, but I was already thinking about how my pussy was tingling. I thought I might just run away from them and ride my bike home, rubbing my pussy on the bicycle saddle until I got my cum."
I interrupted her then to ask how long she had been "getting her cum." Cindy looked down at my prick slowly sliding back into her bare cunny and told me that she had been rubbing her pussy as long as she could remember, and had been able to get her cookies since second grade.
"Anyway," she said, "the man told me to come on and pull up my skirt and show them my panties. He said his girlfriend would show me how easy it was. Immediately, the woman stopped licking his dick, stood up and lifted her skirts to show me she wasn't even wearing underpants. But her big bush of hair made me ashamed to show mine."
"The man must have known I was thinking something like this, because he said he personally preferred to be able to see the shape of a girl's pussy, rather than have all that hair hiding things. The woman dropped her skirts, got back down on her knees, and started licking his prick again. I really wanted to come closer to see what she was doing and to get a good look at that big thing she had in her hands."
"I guess I thought about the old man on the bus then, because I suddenly just decided to show them my underpants, so I pulled my skirt up and let it fall down again. The man told me that was a good start, but I needed to show him my 'naked little cunt' if I was going to stay around to watch him squirt his juice. And that did it, because I had really wanted to see that happen ever since a girlfriend in first grade had told me about seeing her uncle squirt stuff."
"So I pulled up my skirt with one hand and pulled down my panties with my other hand and moved over closer to him so he could see it. I felt kinda silly, but the man said that was great and asked if I wanted to touch his cock. Actually, I wanted to see his cock shoot its juice, but I was a little bit interested in how that big old thing might feel, so I nodded."
"The woman moved aside and held up her bazooms so the man could pull on her nipples some more. She left that big pole sticking straight out of his pants and waving in the air. When I reached for his prick, my skirt fell down and covered my pussy from his gaze. So then he pulled his prick out of my reach and suggested I pull my underpants down around my knees so I could show myself off with one hand. With one of his hands, the man waved his cock at me in an inviting way. With the other hand, he slowly pulled one of the woman's nipples, then the other."
"By now, I just wanted to touch his big thing and see it squirt, so I pulled my underpants all the way down, stepped out of them, and tucked my skirt up into the waistband. Since he could now see my bare pussy, legs, and butt, I counted on him to let me touch his cock and watch it shoot its load. As I stepped near him, he took his hand off his cock so I could reach it."
"I reached out a little hesitantly, because I didn't really know what to expect. The man's cock was so big that I couldn't wrap my hand around it. Big veins were sticking out all over it. I was surprised at how hard it was. But the outside skin was warm and soft. I could feel the pulse of his heartbeat as I held his big dick."
"Right after I started to touch him, I felt him touch me. I jumped a bit, but he smiled at me and gave me some nice soft strokes on my bottom and my pussy. I took my eyes off his bouncing prick for a few seconds to look down at his big red hand touching my little white pussy real gently."
"I guess I decided he'd be OK, so I started to jiggle his cock the way I'd heard it was supposed to be done. I grabbed the outside and moved the skin up toward the end. Then I moved it back toward his belly. I couldn't see his balls, but I was too shy to ask him to take them out for me."
"The man told me I was doing a fine 'hand job' and then he said I had a real pretty pussy. I noticed the woman was staring between my legs as the man stroked me there. She spoke up for the first time and said she also thought I had a nice little pussy, and she asked me to stand with my legs apart so she could see it better."
"I was still concentrating on the feeling of this grown man's prick in my hand, but I was also flattered that they thought my little pussy was pretty. I shifted my position to adopt a more open stance, and I felt the man's fingers immediately drop between my legs. I also noticed that the woman was now pulling her own nipples with one hand, while the other hand was under her skirt. I guess she was masturbating while she watched the man rub my little slit."
"But my attention was mostly on the big chunk of flesh in my hand, and I used my other hand to help out. I was also feeling pretty good because the man's continual stroking motions were making my pussy lips open up. I thought maybe I could get my cum while I jerked this guy off. I was getting used to moving the skin up and down his dick when he started trying to push his finger up my hole."
"At first, I was too surprised to do anything. Then, as I felt his finger begin to force its way in, I started to yell. In thinking back on it, I guess he never expected me to be a virgin. But my yelling put an end to the whole party. He looked around like he was real scared, then he tucked his cock back in his pants, grabbed his girlfriend, and hurried out of the park."
"I put my underpants back on and rode my bike home fast. That night in the tub, I saw that my pussy was all red. And I never got to see him squirt his stuff!"
"Well," I said, "you got to see me squirt my stuff a while ago. And now you also know that not everything that gets stuck into your pussy hurts."
Cindy smiled at me then, and asked me about my sex experience. Remembering my promise, I decided to leave out my episode with my sister. I told her that I had never even seen a girl naked before except for the showering neighbor and that fateful day I spied on her as she changed into her swimming suit. I told her how I jacked off in her panties and even took a pair home with me and did it there too.
Seemingly changing the subject, Cindy said, "Like, if you got the chance, would you do it with your sister?"
"I don't think my sister would do it with me -- or anyone, for that matter." I replied truthfully.
"She did it with Tim last week when she stayed over with me!" she said, like a little girl tattling. "She thought I was asleep, but I listened to the whole thing through the bathroom door."
I felt the blood rush to my head. My sister, Susan, and Tim actually fucking! By now, my cock was over halfway in little Cindy's pussy and I was starting to pump it in and out. The conversation was getting us both hot and we had to stop frequently to catch our breath as we fucked. She described the sound of the bed squeaking under Tim and Susan. She was sure her mom would hear but she was, as usual, passed out after having put away a bottle of wine. She even told of how she stayed up until Susan was sound asleep and raised Susan's nightgown and parted her panties to see if Tim had cum in her. He had.
"So, like what then, would you do it with Susan if you could?" she persisted.
"Would you do it with Tim?" I returned.
"Well, if something had happened and you wouldn't have stayed over tonight, I would have tried to get Tim to let me jack him off. I really wanted to see a guy shoot his stuff. Like, I even had an extra key to the bathroom door made so that I could open it when he got really into doing it himself. That way he wouldn't tell me no, he would be too horny. I don't think I would let him fuck me though. Maybe I would. It would depend. Like maybe I would after I did it with you and he did it with Susan, we could trade. I just don't want to be the first girl on the block to fuck my own brother, you know?" she rambled.
My cock was all the way into her now. I wasn't pumping full strokes, just short thrusts. Her cunt was so tight around my cock but it felt so warm and good. And her talking while I was inside her made it jiggle.
"Here, let me show you what I would do to my sister Susan if I had the chance." I slowly withdrew my cock from her cunt and stood her up in front of the vanity. With a hand on each side of her panties, I pulled the wet garmet down over her hips. They dropped to the floor where she stepped out of them. I started to lift the cotton bra over her head and she stopped me. "Susan probably let your brother see her tits. Hell, she went to bed with him and let him fuck her, didn't she?"
She slipped the bra over her head by herself. Just as I remembered, her tits were pointy little mounds. Compared to the ones Tim and I had ogled in girlie magazines, they were obviously in the early stages of development.
Then I turned her around so that she faced the full surrounding mirrors of the vanity. She got the idea and stood with her feet apart and her hands bracing herself on the sink. Dropping to my knees behind her, I looked at Cindy's wide-open cunt from close range. I ran my finger up and down her naked little pussy slit, gently at first, and then more firmly. Cindy indicated her approval by wiggling her butt and dropping her head to peer back at me through her legs. As I rubbed her cum-soaked pussy lips, I pushed my lubricated finger a little way into her asshole, a little way into her cunt hole, and finished by rubbing her clit with a circular caress, trying to duplicate the motion my sister had shown me.
Standing up again, I entered her from behind, watching my straining dick push between her hairless cunt lips while her asshole winked its excited approval.
The whole obscene show was visible in the mirror to both of us. We could see my newly-stiff cock slipping in and out of her slippery, wet, hairless little cunt. Her little pointy nipples were bulging as I reached around to squeeze them while I fucked her. The feel of her smooth soft little ass against my newly acquired pubic hair was terrific to me, and I hoped she could feel it too. This collage of sights and sensations and sights set off a burst of phrases about our incestuous fantasies.
"I want to jack off Tim while Susan jacks you off!" she exclaimed.
"I'll fuck Susan right in front of you while your brother fucks you from behind like this. By the way, it must have been him that jacked off in your clean panties because I only used the ones in the hamper."
She sort of froze for a second. "Really?" she asked, almost as if doubting herself as much as what I was telling her. "He's been doing it in my panties too? OOOHHHhhhhhhh ..." She started the spasms again that had shaken her little body earlier when she masturbated in front of me.
Her cunt tightened around my cock and I started once again to pump -- long, full strokes that drove the head of my teenage member against the rear wall of the little girl's cunt. Her feet were now wide apart and far back from the vanity. Her upper body was almost horizontal, her immature swollen nipples pointing straight down as she braced herself with her arms. My hands were on her waist where I now slid her up and down on my cock.
In a few moments, I erupted into her, sending stream after stream of hot teenage cum deep into her. Even as I looked in the mirror and saw Tim peeking through the partially open door, I continued to squirt into his little sister. Cindy saw him too, but stopped twisting her rump against me only when my cock started going soft and missed its mark, slipping up the front of her crack.
"Nice talk!" Tim said with a smile after he knew from the eye contact that we had both seen him. Cindy, still out of breath, turned and grabbed for her bra, ignoring the globs of jism that were squishing out of her cunt as she stood and dripped down her leg.
"Guess this makes us even as far as sister-fucking goes, eh?" Tim grinned at me.
I sensed that there was no problem -- this was the first major experience that Tim and I hadn't shared as long as we knew each other. But now that the proverbial cat was out of the bag, there was no tension. Even Cindy felt it and turned and sat on the vanity without even bothering to pick up her panties. But she did cover her tits ... she was sensitive about those!
Tim stood before his sister, clad only in his jockey shorts, unlike me who was still wearing a tee shirt. "Are you serious about doing it with me?" he asked her.
"First, I want you to jack off in front of Steve and me," she said, "after all, you watched us do it for real. You will tell us all about what you did with Susan. Then we will see if I am horny enough to let you squirt it up inside of me."
Pretty soon, Tim was completely naked, sitting on the toilet. Cindy sat on the vanity with her legs apart, an occasional globule of cum seeping from her gaping bald cunt, as she massaged her slimy pussy-lips. I sat on the side of the bathtub, feeling myself up as Tim described fucking my sister.
"It was Susan's idea," said Tim, starting a slow beat on his fat prick. "I had kinda gotten into the habit of sneaking off to Susan's bathroom when I was over at your house and jerking off into a pair of her underpants. I had just gotten started when Susan walked in."
I remembered waiting out in the pool at the time and wondering why Tim was in the bathroom for so long.
"When she walked in on me, I was kinda stunned, but Susan just grinned and said there was no need for me to do that all myself. She just sorta took charge then. She closed and locked the door and turned on a portable radio to some soft-rock station. Then she turned me around toward that full-length mirror on the back of her door and stood beside me. She told me to put my hands behind my back because she was going to be doing the jacking off for both of us."
"God, it was so intense!" said Steve, as he gave his prick a few quick squeezes and stared at his sister's cum-soaked pussy. "She grabbed my dick right at the bottom and started these long, squeezing strokes. At the same time, she reached under her skirt with her other hand and started doing herself."
"I asked her if I could see her cunt, but she said there wasn't time for all that. She said if I could jack off in her underpants, I could just wait for some better time to see her pussy. I thought it was real neat that a girl could say 'pussy' and 'jack off.'"
"Anyway, she just kept up these long strokes on my cock and I started to come, spewing my sperm all over the mirror. Susan must have been pretty busy under her dress, too, because she suddenly took her hand off my peter and kinda bent over at the waist with a groan."
"Then," said Tim, "she just gave me this big smile and told me we'd have to get together again some time. And she walked out of the bathroom, leaving me to tuck my dick back in my pants and clean up the mess."
As I listened to this story about my little sister's behavior, I couldn't believe it, but I felt my dick beginning to get hard again. And Cindy had returned to her spread-leg, pussy-twiddling posture on the vanity.
"So what about the fucking?" Cindy asked breathlessly.
"Well," said Tim, "you know that Susan begged you to invite her over for the night the next weekend."
"Yeah," said Cindy, "I thought that was kinda suspicious, since I don't have many girls a year older wanting to spend the night with me."
Tim continued, "Susan stopped me in the hall before dinner and said she'd be coming into my room for a good fucking later and didn't want me spewing my juice with a jack-off. Of course, hearing that kind of dirty talk made me have a stiff dick for the rest of the evening."
"When we went to bed, I just wore a pair of underwear and my prick was sticking out of the fly the whole time I was brushing my teeth. I wanted to jerk off, but I was afraid Susan wouldn't let me fuck her."
"By the time she came in, I was almost asleep. But I woke right up when I felt her run her hand over my stomach in the dark. She said that she was not sure Cindy was really asleep, but she couldn't wait any longer. She told me to get out of bed, so she could lie in the middle of the bed. I was kinda concerned about doing 'foreplay' right, but Susan was in too much of a hurry. She just pulled her nightgown up, pulled her underpants down to her ankles, and lay back on the bed with her knees apart. She told me to 'give her some stiff meat real quick' and I skinned out of my underpants real fast."
"It was too dark to see much, but Susan just she grabbed my dick and stuck it in. Then she put her arms around me and started hunching. It took me a couple of seconds to get the timing right, but I started pumping so I was going in while she was hunching up. It felt better than any jack-off I've ever done. But I was only able to do about ten or fifteen strokes before I felt myself coming. Thank heavens Susan was ahead of me, I guess, because she started shivering and shaking as soon as I stuck in my prick. When I squirted my stuff inside her, she sorta went crazy, grabbing my butt so hard I thought she would split me up along my backside."
As Tim talked, I tried hard to picture Susan jacking him off and later going to bed with him. I decided then and there that I was going to fuck my sister too, just like Tim was going to fuck his.
"But now," Tim said, "I'm gonna come."
Then Tim started a faster, even beat of stroking up and down on his cock which I knew from experience meant he was going to cum. Cindy hopped down from the vanity and straddled his lap as the first wad shot high into the air, splattering all over her flat stomach. As it dripped obscenely down her belly, another wad hit her little-girl crack and instantly started to form a long, thick drop, reaching downward but not separating. Then Cindy lowered herself on her brother's cock and started doing knee bends while he emptied himself into her.
They looked into each other's eyes as they fucked. Then I realized that I had brought myself to the brink of orgasm. I stood and looked for an appropriate repository for my brewing jism -- then I found it. Cindy was bent over her brother, his cock still moving in and out of her hairless little hole like a piston. The cheeks of her butt were spread and her tight little asshole was exposed to my view. I pressed my cock against her asshole and felt the tip of the head begin to enter as I shot my wad.
I stepped back to watch, as the my sperm rolled down from her asshole to combine with the cum oozing out of her crack and then down her brother's cock, splitting into two streams at his balls and continuing down the inside of his thighs. He was forcing wads of it back up into her cunt with his strokes. With a big shudder, Cindy came once again, but only after sinking her tongue deep into her brother's mouth. They kissed until she climbed off his wilting stalk.
It took a while for us all to realize what we had just experienced. And the talk immediately turned to including Susan in our next encounter.
When I got back home the next day, I looked for my first chance to confront Susan with my information about her and Tim and also to let her in on our plans for a family fuckfest. But she was out all afternoon and I couldn't get her alone before dinner. All through the meal, sitting across the table from my sister, I thought about her fucking my best friend and felt my cock throb in my lap.
About an hour after dinner, I went up to her room where she was studying. I knocked and walked right in. Susan was wearing a flannel nightgown after taking her shower. She pulled it more closely around her chest when she saw it was me. Closing her door behind me, I got right to the point.
"Say, Susan, have you been having fun lately?" Naturally, she looked at me suspiciously and asked what in the world I was talking about.
Smiling, I told her rapidly about my previous night's adventures at Tim's and Cindy's house. Her eyes got bigger and bigger as I told her bluntly about jerking my cock off into Cindy's underpants and then fucking her. When I recounted what Cindy and Tim had told me about her jerking Tim off and then fucking him, Susan blushed a little bit, but didn't deny it.
In fact, Susan admitted that she had been hoping she and I could "get it on" again some day. She said she'd be ready for a party whenever we could do it safely. She really floored me, thoght, when, even with Mom and Dad downstairs, she suggested I jerk off right there in front of her!
To encourage me, she turned in her chair, pulling up her nightgown to show me she was completely naked. My peter was instantly straining at my jeans when she opened her legs to show me her nearly-hairless pussy.
I was amazed at my sister's boldness, but I was also a horny teenager who was always looking for an opportunity to get my rocks off. Matching her boldness, I lowered my zipper and extracted my rigid cock. Susan's eyes glowed as I started stroking my boner. Her left hand began pinching her little nipples while her right hand dipped between her cuntlips to stroke her bright pink slit. Putting her heels on the seat of her chair, Susan opened her legs wide to show me her fingers smearing her pussy juices all over her naked crotch and massaging her clit.
This was such a sexy sight that I began to squirt in only about a minute. My sister's look of dismay at seeing me gush my cum on her carpet was immediately eclipsed by a look of pure lust as her stifled groans and rapid masturbatory movements signaled the arrival of her own climax.
Zipping my pants, I left her to clean up the mess as I went back out in the hall to intercept our parents, who were coming upstairs to bed.
Susan and I groped each other a few times over the next several weeks, but we couldn't find any time alone. Our big chance came about three weeks later, when our family was invited to go to the lake for the weekend with the Petersons.
Susan and I begged off, claiming we had school activities. We told Mom and Dad we thought we could stay with Tim and Cindy, so Mom called over there to make sure. Naturally, we had set this up ahead of time, so Tim's mom said she'd look out for us.
On Friday night, Mom and Dad dropped us off at Tim and Cindy's, with our knapsacks, bedrolls and books. We all tried to act normal, eating dinner and watching television. About halfway through dinner, Cindy distracted her mom while Tim poured some vodka into her wine bottle. She was pretty drunk by the time we finished dinner. She took the rest of the bottle into the den to watch television with us.
After getting ready for "bed," we four kids huddled under a big blanket on the floor in front of the TV. Cindy and Susan had on short nightgowns. Tim and I were wearing pajamas. If their mom weren't so drunk, she probably would have wondered why we needed a blanket in the warm house. Under the blanket, hands were touching pussies and rubbing balls.
About fifteen minutes after we settled down in front of the TV, Tim's and Cindy's mom finished the bottle of wine and dropped off to sleep. Tim could barely wake her up to get her to stagger upstairs to her room. The girls turned off the TV and whispered that they would wait for us in Tim's room, which was furthest from the mom's.
As Tim and I helped his mom up the stairs, my mind was so full of sex that I snuck a feel of this grown woman's bottom. When she didn't seem to notice, I began to get more ideas. Tim had told me before that he had to put his mother to bed like this lots of times. We walked her into her room and Tim asked me to hold her up while he got her ready for bed. I stood behind her and steadied her by the shoulders as Tim unbuttoned her housedress. She had a bra and underpants under the housedress. When Tim went to put the dress in the closet and turn down the bed, I released my hardening prick from my pajamas and stepped close to rub my rigid dong against her filmy panties. Again, she didn't seem to notice. Together, Tim and I lowered her into the bed, where she began to snore.
Looking up at me with a sly grin, Tim said, "Watch this." And he pulled the tops of his mother's bra down to reveal the big, brown circles on the ends of her flattened breasts. I wanted to touch them, because I found grown women's breasts more fascinating than their pussies. But I was worried about what Tim would say. Tim pulled his mother's bra back up, and then reached down to pull a panty leg over to one side to show me the mat of her dark pussy hair. Although Tim's mother didn't move while he did this, I was worried that she might. So I decided to pass up this unconscious adult to get to the willing young girls in the room down the hall. We turned off the light in the bedroom and closed the door securely.
When Tim and I went into his room, Susan and Cindy were sitting on his bed and giggling like the little girls they were. But when they saw us come in, they jumped up to put an apparent plan into action. Cindy got things rolling by pulling my dick out of my pajamas.
She still didn't know about my previous get-togethers with my sister, so Cindy said that Susan should get "into the club" by jacking me off while she and Tim watched. Susan gave me a little smile and took my prick from Cindy. Standing a little behind me, she reached around and started to pull the loose skin of my cock up and down. What Cindy and Tim couldn't see was that my ten-year-old sister also reached down the back of my pajamas to stroke her fingers up and down the crack in my ass.
I complained that I needed to see some cunt, if I was going to get really hard and get a big cum. With a grin, Cindy scooted over to the edge of the bed and pulled her shortie nightgown up to reveal her bare little pussy. Holding her bunched nightie under her chin, Cindy used both hands to spread her naked cuntlips, in an obscene display of nine-year-old nastiness. The bright pink of her slit-flesh contrasted excitingly with the powdery whiteness of her hairless cuntlips.
Then Susan said someone should give her some help with her itchy pussy while she did all this work. Tim already had his cock out and was stroking it, so he came over and knelt at Susan's feet. She raised her nightgown just enough to uncover her nearly-hairless pussy, and Tim surprised us all when he leaned forward to lick her slot from bottom to top!
Cindy let out a groan, gave my dick a squeeze, and increased the tempo of jerking on my meat. I turned a little, so I could reach up under Susan's nightie to rub her nubbin nipples. Remembering how she enjoyed her "rock and roll," I gave each nip a playful pinch.
No longer the center of my attention, Cindy dropped down on the floor and grabbed her brother's thick dick. She rubbed it up and down while she looked up avidly to watch him lick Susan's cunt while I rubbed and pinched my sister's developing nipples. Cindy's finger was buried in her own snatch, wiggling back and forth between the hairless folds.
With all this exciting stuff going on, I was about to shoot off, so I said, "Watch out everybody, I'm gonna shoot my load!"
To everyone's surprise, Susan leaned over and took about half my dick in her mouth. It felt completely different than fucking, because she rolled her tongue around just under the cockhead. My prick surged and spasmed as I shot a huge sperm load into my sister's mouth. I was so drained that I just collapsed on the bed. Susan followed me over to suck some more on my softening dick.
When she saw me on my back, Cindy rushed over and knelt above my head. Apparently making this up out of sexual frenzy, she lowered her naked little pussy over my mouth. I decided now was the time to find out about cunt-sucking, especially since Tim had already done it with my sister. So I began to run my tongue from the bottom of Cindy's slit to the ridge of her clitty. Remembering what Susan had showed me, I was careful to lick all around Cindy's clit-head, without running my rough tongue over the red nubbin that peeked out of its hood. Cindy apparently appreciated my efforts, because she made snorting noises and told me it felt heavenly.
When Cindy raised her little pussy from my mouth to adjust her position, I saw that Tim had positioned himself behind the bending Susan to pork her from that position. Susan continued to suck on my dick, which was now beginning to get hard again.
Looking up at Cindy's descending twat, I got an idea. Using my hands, I slowed her descent while I inserted two fingers -- one in her pussy and one in her bottom. Then I concentrated my licking all around her clit, twitching the ridge back and forth with my wet tongue while slowing vibrating my fingers in her twin holes. For a minute, I was afraid Cindy would wake her mother up; or maybe the neighborhood.
"GAWD!" she cried. "That feels so fucking good, Steve!"
I could feel the spasm take her as her pussy and asshole gripped my fingers with waves of muscular action. She collapsed off me, just as Susan stopped sucking my dick.
Looking down, I saw that Susan was in the throes of her own orgasm, as Tim battered his prick into the back of her cunt. I was barely able to roll out of the way as the two of them collapsed onto the bed.
As I stood over the tangle of partly-clothed bodies, I was surprised to see Cindy rouse herself to turn Susan over on her back and suck her brother's come out of Susan's gaping pussy. As Susan opened her legs to increase the sensuous feeling, Cindy licked up Susan's belly to suck her nipples. Remembering Cindy's story of the man and woman in the park, I understood how Cindy was trying to give my sister pleasure, as she sucked hard on Susan's little nipples, pulling them away from her chest again and again.
Since I was hard again, I had to decide between Cindy's upthrust backside and my sister's just-cleaned pussy. My decision was made for me when Susan reached up and pushed two fingers into Cindy's dripping box. As she rotated her fingers between her friend's hairless pussy lips, I could see that she was grinding her thumb on the knot of Cindy's clit.
As I slid my dick into my sister's open cunt, Tim rose from the bed and put his dick in his sister's mouth. In a few minutes, we all came again.
After this exhausting day, we went to sleep in separate rooms.
The next morning was Saturday. We were all pretty tired and didn't make it down to breakfast until about ten. We exchanged sly smiles over cold cereal, English muffins and juice. Tim's and Cindy's mom wasn't feeling too well, and was nursing a hangover in the back room.
Right after breakfast, Susan and Cindy put on their Brownie Scouts uniform and went off to some sort of troop meeting. Tim and I went out in his back yard for some one-on-one basketball. After about an hour, Tim's mom came out the back door and said that Susan wanted to talk to me on the phone.
I could hear Cindy giggling in the background as Susan said, "Why don't you stiff-cocked boys come over to Carrie Lee's house and show us your stuff?" Well, I knew I didn't have to ask Tim about this, so I got the address and we told Tim's mom we were going to go play basketball at the park.
When we got to the address Susan had given me, I rang the bell. Through the closed door, Susan called out, "Carrie's mother and father won't be home until late, so come on in and look at this."
When Tim and I walked in, Susan, Cindy, and a little red-headed girl were standing in a row in their Brownie Scout uniforms. At a signal from Susan, they all raised their skirts to show they were wearing no underwear at all. By now, Susan's nearly-naked cunt and Cindy's bare little pussy were familiar sights to Tim and me, so we both stared at the new hairless jewel at the end of the line. At another signal, all three girls dropped their skirts, turned around, bent over, and flipped up their skirts again to show us a rear view of their pussies and bottoms. Reaching backward, they separated their cheeks to show us their assholes and pussy holes. This was sort of a new angle for both us guys, so we looked carefully at all three of these bare-bottomed Brownies.
Turning back around, Susan introduced us to Carrie. Susan said she was only nine years old, but was real interested in sex. Cindy told us Carrie had invited them over after Brownie Scouts meeting and then asked them if they would let her lick their pussies. Rather than leave us out of the fun, they asked Carrie if she was interested in seeing some boys shoot goo out of their peters.
Carrie reached up under her skirt and started to rub her slit as she said, "Let's stop talking. I'm interested in seeing Tim's and Steve's big old things right now!"
Cindy took over then, telling us the girls had planned that Tim and I would sit on the couch with our dicks out, Cindy and Susan will sit in chairs on either side of the couch with their skirts tucked up, and Carrie will go around and around and make us all feel good. Since Tim and I thought this sounded like a good idea, we all took our places. Susan and Cindy pulled their Brownie Scout uniform skirts around their waists and sat down on two big armchairs on either side of a small couch. They scooted forward so their pussies were right on the edge of the chairs.
I wasn't sure about Tim, but all this naked pussy had made my rod hard as iron. But I decided not to take it out myself, so I went over and sat on the couch by Cindy's chair. Following my lead, Tim kept his pants zipped and sat down beside me.
Ignoring our sisters, little Carrie walked right over to me and Tim as soon as we sat down on the couch. Saying, "Let me do it," she went down on her knees and unzipped Tim's pants and then mine. Then she reached right into my tight jeans and pulled out my already-stiff prick. She bent over to give my cock a quick kiss and a squeeze, then turned to Tim. When she had done the same for him, she came back to me, unfastened the button at the top of my zipper and spread out the opening of my pants. Then she did the same with Tim's pants. Finally, she reached inside our underpants to pull out our balls. Cindy and Susan were watching this whole show carefully, rubbing their thighs together in anticipation.
Then Carrie positioned herself on the rug between me and Tim. Putting a hand on each cock, she began to rub them both, moving the loose skin up and down, covering and uncovering our dickheads. Without losing a beat, she leaned over my lap and gave the head of my cock several big, wet tongue licks, timing it so the licks were delivered when my cockhead was exposed. She did the same thing to Tim, while she kept up a rhythm on both our peters. She tried to suck Tim's cock, but her mouth was too small, so she could only pucker her mouth over the hole at the end of his dick.
Hearing a moan to my left, I looked over to see Cindy staring fixedly at Carrie's routine out of half-shut eyes. Both her hands were working on her naked little cunt, stirring up a froth in her wet gash and spreading it over her throbbing clitty. When I looked over Carrie's bobbing head, I saw that my sister was also enjoying the sight of this little girl working away on two rigid dicks. She had one finger buried deep in her pussy while her Brownie Scout uniform blouse was hanging open as she lubricated her swollen nipples with quick flips of the moistened fingers of her other hand.
Little Carrie was also aware of the girls, because she left me and Tim with our dicks swaying in the breeze while she knelt between Cindy's legs. I had a great view as she stuck out her little tongue and swept it from the bottom of Cindy's hairless pussy-slit to the raging clit-ridge at the top. Cindy put both her hands on Carrie's red head and mashed her crotch into the nine-year-old's face. After a few moments, though, Carrie swung away and crawled over to give Susan some sex play.
Susan was more than ready to get some girl-licking, because she held her pussy lips open for Carrie's tongue. I couldn't see what Carrie did to my sister, but Tim was getting an eyeful and Susan's eyes were rolled back in her head. Again, though, after a few moments, and before Susan could get off, Carrie turned back to the couch. I noticed that her grinning face was wet with the girls' juices.
Before Carrie started back in on us, I asked her to stand up and let me look at her cunt. I told her to stand on the couch, with a leg on either side of me. This put her hairless, third-grade pussy right in front of my eyes. Her Brownie Scout skirt was held up at her waist, so I had a close-up vision of this new young cunt framed by skinny legs in long brown Brownie Scout socks and little saddle shoes.
I reached up to rub this little jewel and was surprised to find Carrie's crotch was wet. Parting her thin, hairless pussy lips, I could see her inner tissues gleaming with her sex juice. I was surprised that one so young could get so juicy. I wanted to lick her little cunt clean. As I leaned forward, she squatted down to point the opening of her pussy right toward my mouth. As I ran my tongue over her swollen flesh, she groaned and told me, "Oh, you nasty old guy, make your tongue hard and put it all the way inside of my little thing."
I was surprised to be called an "old guy," but I tried what she suggested. Forming my tongue into a rigid pole of flesh, I pushed it under her naked little mount and felt it sink between the ripples of pink flesh and disappear into a tight, hot cavern. Carrie's whole nine-year-old body shook with her orgasm, as my tongue was grabbed and released by her spasming channel. Rewarding me with a huge grin, the little redhead jumped down from the couch and resumed her work on the straining poles that Tim and I had jutting from our laps.
As I savored the taste of kiddie pussy, Carrie leaned over each prick and drooled out a mouthful of spit to lubricate her pistoning fists. As Tim began to snort and strain with his oncoming climax, Carrie turned all her attention to him. Without taking my eyes off this subteen sex machine, I reached over to insert two fingers into Cindy's steaming cunt and was rewarded as Cindy grabbed the arms of the chair and suspended herself above the chairseat to swing her hips in a rapid rhythm to fuck herself on my fingers.
To help Tim have a real good come, Carrie pumped the bottom half of Tim's dick with one hand while she used the spit-lubricated palm of her other hand to rub in circles on the underside of his dong just below the cockhead. It's sure a good thing no one else was home, because Tim hollered, "Oh GAWD!" as he spewed his jism two feet into the air. And I was astounded again to see Carrie clamp her little mouth on the spurting stump and swallow repeatedly as Tim collapsed back in a quivering mass on the couch.
As soon as Tim stopped coming, Carrie turned her cum-smeared face to me and reached for my rigid pole. Running her fingers over her face, she lubricated my dick with Tim's juices and started a rapid, two-handed pump-and-massage motion that felt more intense than anything I had ever experienced.
I glanced up to see that Cindy was as collapsed as her brother, but was watching Carrie's antics with wide-eyed admiration. On the other side, I saw that my sister had taken a slender carrot out of her purse and was sliding it in and out of her reddened pussy while she sucked her fingers to taste some of Tim's jack-juice that she had managed to catch. As I watched, her body stiffened and her eyes rolled back as she obviously got her jollies. The long carrot nearly disappeared up her eleven-year-old snatch as shudders shook her whole body.
Looking back down at the little Brownie Scout working so diligently over my dick, I realized I was about to loose my load. I put my hand on the back of Carrie's head and she immediately dived down to suck the end of my prick. But she kept on pumping the shaft with both hands as I emptied a huge load of semen into her throat.
When my prick was finally soft, Carrie sat back on the floor, with a big smile on her cum-smeared face.
While everyone was recovering from this sexual overload, I asked Carrie how such a little girl got so interested in sex.
With a serious look on her face, she told us it all began when she was about five years old! Her mother's younger brother, Carrie's uncle, came to stay with her family one summer before he went back to college. He was nineteen years old and lived in a little room over the garage in their back yard. Carrie also had a room of her own in the garage -- a big playroom with her dolls, blocks and doll house. Both her playroom and her uncle's bedroom opened off a hall which also had a bathroom.
One day, as she was playing in her playroom by herself, she heard her uncle come into his room next door. She noticed that a light suddenly shined through a cut-out on the wall when he turned on the switch in his room. Curious, she knelt down to peer through and found out she could look right into his room. As she watched, her uncle began to take off his clothes.
At first, she was afraid he might catch her looking at him, but she kept looking anyway. She thought he would go straight into the shower across the hall, but he continued to take off all his clothes until he was naked. He then lay down on the rug and started doing sit-ups. When he rolled over and did push-ups, she could see that something was hanging down each time he pushed his body off the carpet. Finally, her uncle stood up and did some "jumping jacks" as he unwittingly faced her hole in the wall. Now, she was completely fascinated by his flopping dick, as he jumped up and down.
She was apparently a businesslike little girl, because she decided she had to find out more about this thing on her uncle's body. So she stood up, walked over to his room, knocked on the door, and walked in. As she came through the door, her uncle was quickly wrapping a towel around his waist. She was disappointed that he had covered up his mysterious thing, and she walked around his room, making little-girl small talk and trying to sneak a peek inside his towel.
After a few minutes, her uncle asked her what she was doing. And she blurted out that she wanted to see 'his floppy thing' close up. She pointed to the front of his towel. Grinning, her uncle said he couldn't show her that.
She misunderstood his reluctance, so she said she'd show him hers, like she had with a neighbor boy her own age. Grinning even more broadly, he said she was too little to be worrying about things like that. Besides, he said, she would probably tell about it and that would get him in trouble with her mother and father.
Carrie swore she wouldn't anyone about it. To prove her good intentions, she pulled up her dress and pulled down the front of her underpants.
When she looked up at him, she found that his smile had gone away. She said her uncle looked real serious. Carrie thought she knew what the trouble was, and she apologized because she didn't have any grown-up hair on her thing or any 'bosoms' on her chest. But he told her it was ok with him if she was just a little girl. In fact, he told her, he really liked to look at naked little girls.
Carrie told us she was glad to hear that, but then she decided the problem was that she wasn't completely naked. She quickly pulled her underpants down and kicked them off and pulled her dress over her head. She was about to take off her shoes and socks, but her uncle said that wasn't really necessary. So she asked him if he was going to show her his "thing." Carrie said her teenaged uncle then took off his towel very slowly, as if he really didn't want to.
In her little-girl way, she walked right over and examined his prick very closely. Sitting there on the floor of her living room, she told us what she saw. "It was hanging down at first, looking like a piece of pink hose poking out of all this hair on his belly. As I got closer, I could see that something else that looked like a bag was hanging down behind the hose. Also, as I watched, his hose started to get bigger and stick straight out."
Then, her uncle asked if he could look at her closely too. She said she was sort of disappointed to stop looking at his thing, but she had promised to show him her thing, too. So she stepped back with her hands behind her back so he could see. But he told her to go lie down on his bed. She remembered that he looked "real great" as he walked over to her with this big prick swinging out in front of him. She told us he asked her to open her legs so he could see. After looking for a few seconds, he told her that was enough of that and he had to take a shower and get ready to go out. She was sort of satisfied with that, put on her panties and dress and went next door to play with her dolls some more. She didn't tell anyone what she had done with her uncle.
A couple of days later, she was playing in her playroom when he came in. Carrie walked right into his room, pulled up her dress and took off her underpants. Her uncle looked real surprised. She told him that now she wanted to see what his thing felt like. In the spirit of sharing that she thought they had established earlier, she told him that he could feel hers first, and she lay back on his bed with her dress bunched up around her waist.
He acted nervous at first, and asked her if she had told anybody about the last time she had been in his room. When she told him she was a "promise-keeper," he walked over to the bed and stared down at her naked little pussy. Sitting down beside her on the bed, he began to stroke her pussy lips gently, trailing his strong fingers over her powdery-smooth flesh. She said it felt "dreamy" and almost made her forget about the touching she wanted to do.
After a few minutes of this, however, he got up and began to undress. She said she thought it was neat to watch him as he took off his jeans and underpants, leaving his tee shirt on. Then he kneeled on bed by her head to let his big dick swing just over her face. She told us she reached up to touch it and was impressed with how hot it was. Although the outside was soft, she said, as she played with it for a while, it got bigger and harder. She also got a chance to find out about his balls, which hung down below his horizontal pole.
While she played with him, he resumed his gentle toying with the girlish flesh between her legs. His finger dragged again and again up the hairless channel and paused to swirl at the top of her slit. She said that, even at five years old, she began to feel the soft buzz of sexual excitement as her older uncle rubbed her toward orgasm.
Before she could actually cum, though, he got off the bed and asked if she could keep another secret. When she assured him that she could, he told her to watch what a man does when a cute little girl has gotten him hard. As she sat on the bed and watched, her nineteen-year-old uncle slowly stroked his rigid pole until white jets of sperm soaked the towel he was holding under it.
Carrie told us her uncle went on to give her quite an education before he left to return to college. He licked her hairless pussy until she had her first orgasm. To help her achieve similar ecstasy in the future, he also showed her how to masturbate with her fingers and with the rubber handle of a hairbrush. Over the years, the hairbrush handle had taken her cherry. Of course, she also learned several different ways to rub his dong until he squirted his juice. And she learned to suck the end of his pole while he poured his sperm into her five-year-old mouth.
Carrie said she was always looking for ways to get herself off. She said some grown-ups were always looking up her dress while she played on the playground equipment at the park. She liked to show herself off, but hadn't been able to play with guys until Tim and I showed up.
As she finished telling us her story, Carrie and everyone else in the room were clearly excited. Carrie fell back on the carpet, raised her Brownie Scout skirt, and stuck a finger deep in her pussy.
Tim and I quickly moved to fuck our own sisters while Carrie watched. My sister scooted her bottom to the edge of the chair and put her legs on the arm of the chair. With her hands, she pulled her pussy lips apart to give me a juicy pink target for my rigid dick. Carrie scooted around on the floor to get a good viewing angle as my cock sank into my sister's pussy. As I plunged my peter in and out of Susan's sucking canal, Carrie reached up to tickle my swinging balls.
In a few minutes, we were all groaning again, as Tim and I emptied our nuts into our sexy sisters. Carrie's little hand was a blur, as she whipped her finger in and out of her immature little slit and panted with yet another orgasm.
After we recovered from this second round, and as we all got ready to leave, Carrie asked us if we would be willing to let her friend watch us fuck sometime. Upon quizzing, it turned out her friend was eleven years old and already had tits. Neither Susan nor Cindy knew her, because she goes to a Catholic school around the corner. After some discussion about how "cool" this friend was, we agreed that we all might like to get together with her someday.
Carrie stood at the door as we left and thanked us for a "real fun afternoon."
After a night and day of fucking and sucking, you would think we would all be ready to just fall into bed and sleep. But horny teenagers can recover pretty quickly.
After a hurried conference after dinner, we told Tim's and Cindy's mom we were going to walk to the movies. After walking down the street in the other direction, we all sneaked across a couple of back yards to our house. Although the alarm system was on, Susan and I knew the combination to get us all inside. To avoid the neighbors' suspicions, we couldn't turn any lights on. But the big outside lights over our pool were enough to illuminate the den at the back of the house.
As soon as we got there, Cindy took all her clothes off and started fingering her pussy. "OK, what do we want to do this time? So far, what's felt the greatest for you guys?"
We all looked at each other, hoping someone else would speak up. I was thinking that cock-sucking was pretty wonderful -- either the way little Carrie or Susan had done it.
Finally, Susan said "I thought if felt great when Cindy was sucking my nipples real hard."
I was surprised then, because Tim kind of took charge. He told me and Susan to take off all our clothes as he began to strip. Then he told Susan to get down on all fours, in dog position. He put Cindy on her back behind Susan, with a pillow under her head. Next, he told me to kneel behind Susan's swaying butt with my legs on either side of Cindy's chest, so Cindy could suck my dick while I finger-fucked my sister. Finally, he lay down underneath Susan to suck her nipples.
When everybody was in position, Susan lowered her chest to put her little nipple-cones within reach of Tim's mouth. Immediately, Tim began to suck on one and then the other, while Susan groaned with pleasure. As Tim's dick got hard, I saw him reach down with both hands to begin the pole-and-ball massage that would get him off.
As Cindy massaged my prick to get it good and hard, I reached for my sister's exposed cunt. In the pale light from the back yard, her butt cheeks and hairless cunny lips made a series of mysterious hillocks that I had to explore. To begin, I ran my hands all over her back, her legs, her butt, and her crotch. Susan groaned again and wiggled her backside to tell me she was enjoying the attention.
Below me, Cindy began to lick the bottom of my rock-hard dick. Beginning just above my balls, she ran her wet tongue up my rod, bending it down so she could reach it all. When she got to the end, she sucked on my cum-hole like Carrie had done. As she sucked on the end, she stroked the flesh up and down in a jack-off movement.
I continued to play with my little sister's backside as the pleasure of Cindy's manipulations washed over me. Dipping my fingertips in Susan's brimming pussy-slit, I smeared her own juices all over her crotch, pinched her naked lips together, pulled them wide apart, and fluttered my fingers over her clit at the bottom of her upside-down valley. Remembering Susan's story about Mr. Haseltine, I slowly inserted a finger in Susan's asshole. It was real tight in there, and Susan looked around at me in alarm.
"That feels kinda good and kinda bad, Steve. Don't go in so deep." So I just put the end of my finger inside and rotated it. Susan gave me a big smile and said, "Now THAT feels great!"
I felt a commotion under me, as Cindy wiggled out to sit up and declare, "I'm not going to lie here and masturbate!" She scrambled over to her brother and lowered her naked nine-year-old pussy on his upright shaft.
With no one there to make my dick feel good, I moved forward to insert my straining cock into Susan's juicy cunt. As I swung my hips to drive my dick in and out of Susan's tight cylinder, I could feel her fingernails on my balls, as she massaged her own clit. Wetting my finger with spit, I returned it to her tight asshole. I moved it round and round and in and out, probing deeper as she and I got closer and closer to our climax.
From the sound of things, Tim was sucking Susan's nipples faster and faster, as his sister bounced up and down on his cock. As the combination of sights, sounds, and feelings rushed to a crescendo in my body, I took my prick out of Susan's cunt and pushed it against her asshole. Although she was well-lubricated and loose, her back hole was tighter than anything I had experienced. At first, I couldn't get in.
Susan looked back over her shoulders with wide eyes and nodded that I should go on. From the motion below me, I could tell that she had started to shoot one or more of her fingers into her little cunt. As I pushed forward, I could see her asshole slowly expand to accept the head of my dick. Her bottom grabbed me like a hand and I had to stop moving to keep from coming right there. Slowly, I shoved my dick about an inch into my sister's little bottom. But I couldn't go on, because my balls contracted to spew a huge load of sperm into her bowels.
As I emptied my load, I looked down to see little Cindy bounce her way to ecstasy on her brother's cock. From the cum squishing out of her pussy, I could see that Tim had already gotten his jollies. And the sounds from below me, as well as the pulsing squeezes my dick was getting from Susan's asshole, told me she was getting off.
After getting dressed, cleaning up, and snitching a couple of cokes from our fridge, it was time to go back to Tim's house and hit the sack.
The next day, we all slept late, exhausted from our sexual adventures. My parents were due back from the lake about 4, so Susan and I went home about noon. As we walked in the house, the phone was ringing.
When I answered it, I heard, "Hi, Steve! This is Carrie. I'm over at my friend's house and she really wants to meet you. Can you and Tim come over?"
I told her Tim was still at home and had to do something for his mom in the afternoon, but Susan was here. Carrie said that she guessed Susan could come over, but there were already too many girls for just one guy. Just then Susan walked by and said, "I'm not going anywhere. If I don't practice my piano lessons, Mom will kill me!"
So I told Carrie I'd come over for an hour or so. Following her direc-tions, I approached a big house on Crescent Avenue from the back, crossing the park where Cindy met the nipple-puller. Parting the big bushes, I could see the playhouse she had told me about in the back of the yard. Carrie and two other girls were watching for me and motioned me to run across the open space to the open window. I looked both ways and examined the house to try to make sure no one was watching the back yard. Then I dashed from the bushes to the back of the playhouse and clambered through the window.
The playhouse was all set up for little-girl play, with a big doll house, a puppet theater, and an array of dolls and stuffed animals. As she closed the window, Carrie introduced me to the two other girls.
Her friend Liz was easy to identify, because she had two noticeable humps pushing out the front of her tee shirt. I also noticed that her butt seemed to fill out her shorts a bit better than the other girls with whom I had spent the weekend. She was taller than Carrie, almost as tall as me, with long brown hair, big brown eyes, and freckles across her nose and cheeks. She smiled at me nervously when Carrie introduced her.
I wasn't expecting to see a third girl there, but Carrie said Liz's sister Amber was only eight years old but really loved to lick pussy and wanted to see me fuck her sister. Amber looked like a really little girl, with light brown hair and blue eyes. The picture of schoolgirl cuteness was completed with a frilly dress, little white socks and black shoes. Amber also looked up at me nervously, as though she didn't know what to expect.
I smiled at them both and said I was glad to meet them. This was true, of course, because I was definitely making some new bedroom buddies this weekend.
Carrie told me, "Liz and Amber are nervous, because they've never been around a guy before." In an apparent attempt to make them feel at ease, Carrie took off her shorts and underpants, showing me her now-familiar skinny little pussy. I could feel my dick stir in my pants.
Carrie then went over to Liz and told her she should show me her tits. Liz blushed prettily, but pulled off her tee shirt and turned toward me nervously. Her breasts were clearly more developed than Susan's puffed-up nipples, with real mounds the size of half-oranges protruding from her chest, crowned with pale pink circles. Under my glowing gaze, the nipples began to pucker and swell away from the breast flesh.
Carrie said she loved to lick Liz's nipples and make them stand up hard. Suiting action to words, she stepped over and lowered her head to fasten her lips around each of these pink towers in turn.
Then, turning to Amber, she said, "Okay, honey, it's your turn to show this guy your sweet little gizmo." At first, Amber shook her head, still looking at me in a frightened kind of way. So Carrie suggested I show the girls my peter.
By now, my dick was pretty stiff and needed to get free of my underwear. I unzipped my jeans, reached in and hauled out six inches of hardening flesh. Liz's eyes glistened as she looked at it, and Amber was cute as could be, with her mouth open in wonder. Although Carrie had sucked my dick before, she was sort of caught up in the atmosphere and stroked her bare pussy while she also gawked at my swaying pole.
I decided that I wanted to be in charge of this show, so I walked over to Liz and started flicking her nipples, while I told Carrie to take off Liz and Amber's pants. Liz's breasts felt firm under my hands. I lubricated my fingers with spit and tweaked the pink nipples into firm buttons.
As Carrie pulled Liz's shorts and underpants around her ankles, I noticed that Liz had been wearing "grown-up" underwear of some kind of flimsy flowered material. When I looked up, I found that Liz had closed her eyes in sensuous enjoyment of my caresses. I began to run my hands all over her breasts, shoulders, and stomach, noticing especially the tuft of hair growing at the top of her box.
By then, Amber had stepped over and was staring at my bobbing shaft. Reaching out tentatively, she tried to hold it, but her hand was too small to go around it. As Amber stood there, Carrie reached up under the little girl's dress and pulled her plain cotton panties down so she could step out of them. With eyes wide, Amber said, "His thing is too big for me to grab."
To my surprise, Liz reached down beneath her sister's groping hands and put her hand under my dick to hold my squirming balls gently. With an extended finger, she stroked the sensitive patch of skin just behind my balls. I retaliated by pinching her nipples, harder and harder, until I realized it just felt more and more exciting to her.
To maintain my control of the scene and to work us all up into even more excitement, I stepped back and began to direct my half-naked harem into a series of poses and actions that would get us all ready for action.
I told Carrie to sit up on the couch, with her knees up and spread. As she scrambled into position, I told her to hold her pussy lips open. Once again, I saw the bright pink insides of the little redhead's bald cunt. Looking around the room, I picked up a doll's baby bottle and handed it to Liz, telling her to stick that in Carrie's hole and to start licking her clit. With only a moment's hesitation, Liz took the bottle, dropped to her knees in front of the lewdly-splayed Carrie, and pushed the small bottle into her friend's girlish opening. Carrie looked down in wide-eyed wonder as Liz pushed the bottle in, and then threw her head back and groaned as Liz's tongue began to lash her clitty. I was amused to see that Liz's red-nailed fingers had dipped between her own legs to pinch and rub her almost hairless pussy lips.
Looking down, I found little Amber with her skirt bunched up around her waist, both hands rubbing her crotch, and her eyes darting back and forth between the Carrie-and-Liz show and my unsupported straining cock. To make her a part of the show, I asked her to stand on a table beside the couch.
Sitting down beside the writhing Carrie, I asked Amber to lift her skirt and show me her cute little pussy. With a glance at Liz's waggling tongue sweeping across Carrie's clit, I leaned forward to look more closely at Amber's smooth, fat second-grade twat. In the light from the window, I could see the redness on both cuntlips that she had caused with her manipulations a few moments ago. My cock was quaking at the idea of this little girl showing me her naked pussy while my bare penis twitched beneath her gaze.
I reached out with both hands to separate the fat little lips and stoke the membranes within. To help me, Amber half-squatted, holding up her skirt and staring down at my dick. I ran my fingers all the way back to her little bottom hole, rubbing it a few times before returning to her red-rimmed immature cunt. I could see that her clit was really tiny, almost hidden at the top of her inner lips. Sitting back and giving my cock a few quick strokes, I asked Amber if she could put her finger inside her pussy.
"Not yet," she said. "But what you were doing felt real nice."
I needed to put my cock somewhere and was about to substitute for the baby bottle in Carrie's cunt when I had an idea. I stood up, walked around behind Amber, and positioned her on the table in front of me. I pushed my dong between her chubby little legs. When I told Amber to close her legs, I found my dick enclosed in a warm and powdery tunnel. As I looked over her shoulder, I was treated to the stimulating picture of Carrie having one orgasm after another under Liz's tongue-lashing, and Liz pummeling two fingers in and out of her sopping snatch as fast as she could.
Carrie looked up to see the red head of my dick protruding from between Amber's little thighs and said, "Geez that looks so sexy!" Liz looked up too. With the pause in the action in her own crotch, Carrie hopped up to suck the head of my dick as I began to move it back and forth under Amber's crotch. Liz collapsed back on the couch, pushing the baby bottle into her own cunt as she massaged a really huge red bump peeping through the hair at the top of her slit. Her firm breasts bobbled on her chest as she tossed her body back and forth in a violent fucking motion.
Amber also seemed to enjoy the new position, saying, "Oooooo, I feel your big old thing rubbing along my pussy and it feels neat." It also felt terrific to me, especially with Carrie running her tongue over the underside of my cockhead every time I stuck it out. I could tell she was also tickling Amber's clit, because I could feel her fingernails gently scraping my pistoning prick.
Over on the couch, Liz reached the end of her series of orgasms by pushing the baby bottle completely inside her snatch. I increased the tempo of my thrusting and felt Amber's little-girl juices begin to lubricate her crotch and my pumping dick. With a final thrust, I stuffed the head of my cock into Carrie's waiting mouth and pumped a huge load of jism that overflowed her lips and ran down her neck.
With the intensity of this orgasm, my legs nearly gave way, and I staggered back from the table. I was amazed to see the tireless Carrie rub her come-covered face into Amber's naked crotch, licking the little girl's clit until the eight-year-old shivered all over with her own cum.
As I tore my eyes away from this depraved scene, Liz stood up from the couch, picked up a towel, and stepped over to me. "I think you need to be dried off," she said with a smile. She wrapped the towel around my shiny dick and began to rub it vigorously. Naturally, I thanked her by stoking her nipples and rubbing her breasts. Dropping my hand to her crotch, I found that the baby bottle was still inside her. When I pulled it out, I found I was easily able to put two fingers in her sopping pussy hole. I also found that her clit was really large, and projected from the top of her slit like a miniature prick.
I wanted to maintain my control of this fuck-fest, so I told the girls to sit on the couch while Liz told us how she learned about sex. I said it would be Amber's turn before we "did it" again.
Liz blushed a little but said she had been pretty dumb about sex until a couple of years ago.
In fact, until she was about seven, she didn't even realize that men and women were built differently. She didn't have any brothers and had never seen her father naked. When she was in the second grade, she saw a man's dick for the first time, over in the park. Naturally, I remembered the story of Cindy's experience at the park and wondered if Liz had run into the same guy. But it turns out that the park behind her house was a hotbed of sexual activity, if only you were willing to look behind all the bushes.
Seven-year-old Liz had her first encounter over by the baseball diamond. She told us she used to go over to the ball field all the time, not because she liked softball, but because there were lots of families there and she felt safe.
On the fateful day of her first penis-sighting, she was playing with her dolls near the ball field when a man stepped into the woods near her to pee. He hadn't seen her, so he stepped up to a tree only a few yards from her and pulled out his dick. Liz said she could see that he had a long tube coming out of the front of his pants. She was fascinated, and wanted to get closer to see better. But the man finished his piss and tucked himself back in before she could even stand up.
With her curiosity stirred up, Liz began to hang around in the woods behind the ball field, waiting for a man to go into the woods to pee. Then, she'd stroll by and try to see what he was holding. She said most men were embarrassed and turned their backs, but a few must have figured she was just a little kid and kept on peeing, so she could see them pretty good. But the more she saw, the more she wanted to see. She also said she was a little confused, because some were long and skinny, some were short and fat, some had skin all over the end and some didn't. She said she also saw a couple of little boys peeing, but she could barely see their little hoses. And some girls and women also stepped into the woods to pee, but she really didn't care about watching them, and couldn't see much anyway.
In all her sneaking around in the woods, Liz said she saw plenty of other things, like couples smooching and drunks sleeping it off. One day she saw a man and a woman screwing, but they were under a blanket, so Liz couldn't really see anything.
The real beginning of her sex education began one day when a man who was watching the game stopped near her play-place, apparently to relieve himself. Liz assumed that, like many of the fathers, he had brought his child along. Liz said she didn't think it was unusual at first, except that this man's child -- a girl of about twelve -- was a little older than most who accompanied their dads. As soon as they stopped behind a tree, Liz hopped up and strolled over casually, hoping to get a look.
When she got near, she stopped in disappointment. Instead of peeing himself, the man was pulling his daughter's underpants down. Liz started to walk away, because she didn't really care about seeing some girl pee. But then the man moved to one side and Liz could see that his dick was already sticking out of his pants. She said she nearly shouted with surprise when the girl reached out and grabbed the man's dick!
While Liz watched from behind a bush, the man put his finger on the girl's pussy and the girl jerked the man off. Liz said she was surprised to see white stuff come out of the end of his prick. She said she was more confused than ever, but couldn't imagine who she could ask about what she had seen.
A few weeks later, Liz saw the same man again. He was standing near the backstop and sort of watching the game, but he was also looking up in the stands at the crowd. After a few minutes, Liz realized he was looking up the dress of a young girl who was sitting near the top of the bleachers. After about ten minutes, Liz saw the man head toward the woods. Again, Liz hopped up and headed in his direction. When she got into the section of woods where he had gone, she was disappointed, because she couldn't see him anywhere. When she cut through the woods to go back to where her dolls were, she found him.
As she pushed through some low bushes, a motion in the corner of her eye made her look that way. The man must have heard her at the same time, because he stopped jacking off to look over at her. Liz said she just stood there for a long time, looking back and forth from his dick to his eyes. Finally, the man smiled at her and waved her over, still holding his hard cock with one hand.
Liz said she was scared, but she was also curious. This was her chance to see a man's prick up close. She also remembered that this was the man who had white stuff squirt out of his thing, and she wanted to ask about that. So she walked over near where he was standing and asked, "Mister, why does white stuff squirt out of the end of your thing when you pee?"
The man asked her how she knew it did, and she told him she had seen his daughter helping him pee one day. The man smiled and told her that's what happens when a pretty little girl helps out. Then he asked her if she wanted to help him and see it happen from close up.
Of course that was exactly what Liz wanted, but she was also a little afraid. She asked the man to promise not to tell her mother and, of course, the man promised immediately.
Still a little nervous, Liz stepped over and looked at the straining cock the man was holding. At his urging, Liz replaced his hand with both of hers. The man showed her how to move the loose skin back and forth, covering and uncovering the purple end.
As she told us this story, Liz was getting hot, staring at my pulsing prick and dipping two fingers into her dripping snatch. I could see that Carrie was also pinching her pussy lips. Only Amber was not playing with herself, but was listening to her sister's tale like it was a bedtime story.
The man then told Liz he needed to touch her "sweet little pussy" to be able to squirt his stuff. Liz knew what he meant, because he had touched the other little girl between the legs. But she didn't want to let go of his dick. Finally, the man said he wasn't going to be able to do it unless she took her pants off. Reluctantly, Liz released his peter and pulled her shorts and underpants down to her knees. She grabbed his dick again and resumed pumping like he had shown her.
She said the man reached down and rubbed her pussy a little. She didn't feel anything in particular when he did that, but it apparently did him a lot of good. Liz said his prick got harder and started to jump around in her hand. The man told her to do it faster. Even though her arms were getting tired, Liz sped up her movements.
In a few moments, the man abandoned his exploration of Liz's hairless twat and stood rigid while he looked down at this seven-year-old jerking him off. Liz said his cock gave one last jump and started pumping out wave after wave of thick white stuff. She said she could feel the pumping through her hands.
Liz said that after the stuff had stopped coming out, she dropped his prick and pulled up her pants. The man was standing there smiling at her with his dick hanging out of his pants and getting smaller and smaller. Liz said she just thanked him and walked back to play with her dolls.
Lately, Liz said, she had done that to a few boys at school. And then she said that Amber could tell us about "Ms. Bell."
Amber sat back on the couch like she was glad to be the center of attention. I decided I liked the way she looked, with her chubby little-girl's body and her glowing smile.
She told us that Ms. Bell was the housekeeper who came to work in their house about two years ago. She was a college girl who went to school at night and worked for Amber and Liz's mom during the day. She cleaned the house, did the laundry, took care of Amber and Liz after school, and fixed snacks for them.
Anyway, Amber told us that, right from the first, Ms. Bell liked to play with the girls' pussies. Whenever they were alone in the house, Ms. Bell would have one or both of the girls take off their pants and lie back on the bed with their legs spread. She would rub them and kiss them there, while she rubbed her hand between her own legs.
"We knew it wasn't really right for her to be doing that, but it felt real good," Amber said, "so we didn't want to tell on her."
Amber said Ms. Bell also showed them her own hairy pussy and her big tits. She would sometime have one of the girls suck her nipples while the other one pushed a broom-handle up her cunt. Amber said the housekeeper had real dark hair and nipples that were so dark they were almost purple. Amber said she liked to make Ms. Bell's nipples stand up so they were almost like dark little pricks.
The housekeeper explained to the girls about cumming and told them it was the greatest feeling in the world. She also told them that they would grow up faster if they had lots of sex with other girls. She told them a lot of bad stuff about boys, but Liz and Amber didn't understand it.
As time went on, Liz began to get her orgasms and she asked the housekeeper to suck her little quim all the time. When Ms. Bell wasn't around, Liz got Amber to lick her pussy and make her cum. Liz wanted Amber to feel it too. She showed Amber the place to rub, and got Ms. Bell to spend extra time licking Amber's six-year-old pussy. After about a year, Amber began to get her jollies too.
Just before she left, Ms. Bell started sticking her finger in Liz's pussy, and after Ms. Bell left, Amber had been putting all kinds of things in her sister's cunt while she licked her sister's clit.
Since the housekeeper left, Liz had introduced several of her girlfriends to cunt-licking in "sleep-over" parties. Amber said she liked to lick other girls, but not the ones with hair, because it always got in her mouth and she had to spit it out.
As she finished her little tale, Amber's hands descended to her lap, where one hand parted the fat, hairless lips and the other resumed its circular massage at the top of her crack.
"Now," she said, "I want to see you put your thing into Lizzie's hole."
Under the stimulation of these sexy stories and the sight of the three young cunts, my prong had returned to quivering rigidity.
Liz was apparently anxious to please her sister, because she hopped right up from the couch and squatted down over my knees. I scooted forward to put my hips at the edge of the chair and Liz lowered herself so my cock slipped slowly into her hot hole. As she moved up and down and my dick slid in and out, I grabbed her boobs and flipped her nipples with my thumbs. Looking over to the couch, I could see that Carrie was going after Amber's little cunt again, that Amber was quivering all over with Carrie's cunt-licking, and that Carrie had her middle finger buried in her own narrow pussy.
As Liz speeded up her pumping tempo, she began to shake all over. I moistened my fingers and started twisting and pulling her orange-red nipples. As I worked on them, each engorged nipple protruded more and more stiffly from the hemispheres of her hard breasts.
To my surprise, Liz bent down to kiss me, putting her tongue deep in my throat. Although I thought of kissing as something you did with your girlfriend and fucking as something you did with anybody, the feel of her tongue in my mouth added to my pleasure. I reached around behind Liz to rub a finger around her butthole. As I felt my climax approach, I slipped my fingertip inside her asshole. As Liz pumped even harder, I filled her gash with what felt like gallons of jism, as she apparently got her jollies at the same time. Liz collapsed on me with shudders of pleasure quaking through her entire body.
As my slimy dick softened and dropped out of Liz's sopping hole, I glanced over at the two little girls on the couch. Eight-year-old Amber was lying back against the cushions with an after-come smile on her face and the sheen of saliva all over the bright red furrow between her splayed thighs. Insatiable Carrie had her back to me as she doubled over and pounded two fingers into her cunt as she finished her own jack-off session. Liz stood up and reached for the towel to dry me again.
By now, I was pretty tired and I also noticed the time on my watch. Because my parents were due home in less than an hour, I said goodbye to these three sexy girls, jumped out the window, snuck back through the park and home.
After all that excitement and sexual activity over such a short period of time, nothing much happened for the next couple of weeks. My sex life was reduced once again to jerking off in the shower. But I did that a lot, because at least I now had some new fantasies -- re-living my recent sexual adventures.
One afternoon, I did manage a quickie fuck with my sister Susan in her room when we both got home from school early and Mom was running an errand. I didn't have to talk her into it, either. As soon as I suggested we "fool around," she pulled my cock out of my pants and started licking it and sucking on it. I pulled up her shirt and pinched her nipples like I knew she enjoyed. As the feel of her warm wet mouth made my balls stir and my dick throb, I groped under her skirt to mash her underpants into the slot of her crotch until she was sopping wet. In just a few minutes, Susan flopped back on the rug, yanking up her skirt, pulling her panties off and spreading her legs wide in welcome. Of course, I immediately crammed my peter in her hole, since neither one of us seemed to be in the mood for much foreplay. She was going crazy, thrashing her head around and grabbing at my butt. It sure felt better than jerking off! It was only a few seconds until I was squirting my goo up into her slimy gash.
But it was hard for both of us to get away from the house together without arousing my folks' suspicions. My friend Tim's mom had gotten mad at them over something and had banned all "overnights," so Susan and I couldn't go over there and mess around with Tim and his sister Cindy.
Cindy handed me a pair of her underpants one day after school, saying, "I know you'll take good care of these." And Carrie grinned at me every time she saw me at school. Of course, I didn't see Liz and Amber, because they went to another school.
But I still saw Tim every day. He was more than a little pissed that I hadn't included him in the get-together with Liz and Amber, but we talked endlessly about our incredible weekend of sister-fucking. Once, we got so worked up that we went into the bathroom at my house and jacked off together, squirting our stuff almost at the same time.
Then, one Friday night about three weeks later, Susan got a babysitting job with the Andersons and Mom and Dad went out for the evening, leaving me at home. As soon as I was alone, I stripped down and pulled a porn mag from under my mattress. Settling down with a box of kleenex and a coke, I was ready to work myself up to a huge orgasm or two, then go watch the Friday Night Movie on cable.
As I settled back and turned the pages, I realized that pictures weren't as good as a real, live girl, even if the live girl was too young to boast the huge breasts and hairy cunts of the models in the magazine. I had just gotten my cock in a respectable state of readiness and was starting to stroke, when the phone rang.
It was Susan calling. She said she was just putting the two Anderson kids to bed and wanted me to come right over. She said she had gotten so hot that she needed me to poke my pole into her hot pussy. Yanking up my underwear, I said I'd be right there, but Susan said I should wait about a half hour, so the kids could get to sleep.
I tried to wait, putting away the magazine and finishing my coke down-stairs. But the thought of my little sister's wet cunt was giving me a real bad hard-on. So I hopped on my bike and pedaled over to the Anderson house, about a half-mile from ours.
Although it was 10 minutes shy of a half hour since Susan had called me, I knocked quietly on the side door. In a few seconds, Susan let me in, but told me to go wait in the den while she made sure the two kids were asleep. The Andersons had a real nice house. Their den was full of black leather furniture, and I sat down nervously while I waited for Susan.
Susan came back a few seconds later, saying that it looked like both were asleep, but she couldn't be sure. Then she told me what made her so hot.
"Mr. and Mrs. Anderson told me to give Lorrie and Jimmie baths and put them to bed as soon as they left. I've never had to get these kids ready for bed, because every other time they were already in their pajamas when I got here. But it was no big deal, since I've bathed lots of little kids.
"And, besides, Lorrie is about six and Jimmie's eight, so I thought they could bathe themselves. I told them to go take their baths and get in their pajamas and I'd read them a story before bedtime. I grabbed a People magazine and a coke and settled down in here to pass the time until they were ready. A few minutes later, I heard a lot of splashing and giggling in the bathroom, so I put down the magazine to make sure they weren't making a mess."
"When I got to the bathroom, the door was open and I was shocked at what I saw. Little six-year-old Lorrie was sitting in the tub and Jimmie was standing naked beside it. But what stunned me was that Jimmie had a boner and Lorrie was rubbing it! I didn't know what to do, so I just stopped there in the door for a second and watched."
"Jimmie's prick is about four inches long and real thin. The head of his dick was about the same size as the shaft and it was sticking almost straight up against his belly. Lorrie was laughing out loud and seemed to be having great fun running her soapy fist up and down the shaft. Jimmy's whole peter was reddish and he was grinning down at Lorrie as she jacked it. All of a sudden, his hairless little stick looked so good to me I could feel my pussy begin to get wet and itchy. I wished I was Lorrie, so I could feel how hot and hard his little-boy hard-on really was."
"Because I was supposedly in charge, I decided I had better do something, so I kind of bustled into the bathroom like I hadn't seen anything. I told Jimmie to go put on his pajamas and Lorrie to finish up, dry herself off and get into her pajamas. But Jimmie turned around, gave me a great big smile, and asked me to 'tickle his dickie' before he went to bed. His little red prick was sticking straight up toward me and kind of twitching."
Susan was talking faster and faster as she told me this story.
She continued, "I couldn't believe he was just asking me out loud to touch his cock! Even though I was dying to feel it, I told Jimmie I couldn't and shooed him out of the bathroom. When I turned back to Lorrie, she had kind of scooted down in the tub with her legs really wide apart. She was holding her pussy lips open and was rubbing her hand back and forth real fast all up and down her slot. Before I told her to stop, I looked real close at the reddish inside of her pussy.
"Of course, I decided right then and there that these were some over-sexed little kids, and I had better get them in bed before they got me into trouble. I told Lorrie she had enough of her bath and that she should get out and get dried off and into her pajamas if she wanted to hear a bedtime story. She hopped out of the tub, so I went in to make sure Jimmie was getting ready for bed."
"When I got into Jimmie's room, I got another shock. He was lying there naked on his bed, with his knees pulled way back toward his shoulders. With one hand, he was pumping up and down on his little cock and, with the other hand, he was finger-fucking his butthole."
"I told him to stop that, but he just kept on. When I walked over, I could see his eyes were shut tight and his face was all red. And I found I couldn't take my eyes off his meat-beating act. His little pole was even redder and his hand was moving up and down real fast. While I looked, he took his finger out of his bottom and put his legs out straight on the bed. His whole body kind of shook and he pulled down hard on the skin around his dick so I could see this incredibly skinny peter-stick real clear. I could also see a drop of clear stuff kinda drool out of the end. He had managed to cum, at only eight years old! I could feel my pants getting wet and I wanted to lick the stuff right off the end of his dick, but I just knew I shouldn't do that."
"So I told him he shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff, especially in front of me, but he just sat up breathing real hard and asked me to show him my 'pussywillow,' since he'd shown me his 'dickie.' Of course, I wanted to do just that. I wanted to get him to lick me until I got my cum. But I said no and told him to put on his pajamas and get into bed. He looked pouty and sad, but went over and started putting on his pajamas. After that, nothing more happened. A few minutes later, Lorrie came in wearing her pj's and I read them a story. Finally, Lorrie went back in her room to sleep and I called you."
As she finished this amazing story, Susan looked up at me hungrily and said, "I think they're both asleep now. And I want to see a bigger cock that can squirt some real thick jism."
Well, her story had gotten me pretty worked up, too. I stood in front of her and pulled her sweater up. Just as I thought, her nipples were standing up like two pink towers. As I reached down to tickle her nipples, Susan ran her hands over the front of my pants and grabbed my dick through the fabric.
With the warm-up I had gotten in bed earlier and the sexy story Susan had been telling me, this was almost too much for me to stand. So I skinned out of my pants and underpants and stepped back in front of Susan. While I was undressing, Susan had also been busy. She had her sweater off and was sitting there spread-legged, with her panties around her ankles and her skirt scrunched up around her waist. I could see that her cunt was wet, because the lips were shiny and the red streak between them was gleaming. Susan reached for my peter and pulled me to her.
With both hands on my shaft, she rubbed my cockhead all over her face. That felt great, and I reached down to tweak her swollen nipples. I was just about to kneel down and slide my throbbing cock into her soppy little hole when I happened to look up.
There, standing in the door of the den, was a little blonde girl in pajamas! Naturally, I pulled back from Susan and tried to cover my bobbing cock. Susan looked up at me to see what was wrong. I must have looked alarming, because she looked over her shoulder like she was expecting Freddy Kruger.
Pulling down her skirt and covering up her tits, Susan said, "What are you doing out of bed, Lorrie?"
I realized then that this little girl probably didn't even know Susan had her sweater off, because her big blue eyes were glued on my dick. As I tried to get back into my underwear, my cock was flopping all around and getting softer by the second. But the little girl answered Susan by saying, "It's OK, mommy and daddy let us watch. They say it's just natural stuff. See, Mommy even taught me to rub my button while I watch."
I noticed then that little Lorrie had one hand down the front of her pajamas. With the other hand, she pulled down her pajama pants, showing us her finger moving in a circular motion at the top of her hairless little slit. My cock reversed field and began to get stiff again at this sexy sight, which was so much like my old fantasy about Tim's sister, Cindy.
But my own sister was having none of it. Pulling her sweater on and smoothing down her skirt, Susan told the child that she was the babysitter and Lorrie had to do what she said. But little Lorrie had a few tricks of her own. She froze us both when she said, "I'll tell Mommy what you were doing unless you let me watch." She was pretty sure of herself, I guess, because she continued, "And I want to feel his dickie."
Susan was still unconvinced, but my cock was hard again and I was up for adventure. I told Susan to make Lorrie promise not to tell anybody and we'd let her watch. Susan asked if that was a deal and Lorrie promised. Then she came right across the den and reached for my prick, which was straining to get back out of my underpants.
Little Lorrie's blonde head only came up to about my belly button, so my bouncing crotch was at about the level of her wide blue eyes. With child-like directness, she pulled down the waistband of my underpants and my erecting peter popped out and nearly slapped the little girl on the cheek. She put her other hand around my shaft and squeezed it. Then, just like it was something she did every day, she began to move the skin gently up and down, covering and uncovering my shiny dickhead in a jackoff motion. As she rubbed my cock, the six-year-old started to babble.
"My daddy won't let me play with his dickie when Mommy is around. But he always shows it to me when we're alone. He says it's our little secret. He rubs my 'pussywillow' and lets me move his dickie's skin around like this. When we finish, he likes to squirt his stuff on my bottom. And I know another secret. Mommy plays with Jimmy's dickie. I like to play with Jimmie's dickie best of all because it's so little. I can even suck it like Mommy does. Jimmie's dickie won't go in my hole yet, but he puts it in my bottom sometimes."
My head was reeling with these family secrets, but then I reflected that this was not really all that different from what Sue and I and Tim and Cindy had been doing. And speaking of Susan, I noticed she was enviously watching Lorrie massage my dick and her hand was once again moving rapidly under her skirt.
I decided that I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with yet another willing female, so I asked Lorrie to take off her pajama pants so I could see her "pussywillow." Letting go of my prick reluctantly, the little girl quickly lowered her pajama bottoms, as I stepped out of my underwear. I could see that her hairless little slot was flushed pink from her masturbation. Lorrie started to return to her post in front of me, but I asked her to go sit on the couch so I could see.
When Lorrie sat down, I knelt in front of her. She grinned down at me nervously as I parted her fat little legs to reveal the immature pussy between them. Susan leaned over to look, too. Of course, Lorrie's six-year-old slit wasn't as developed as others I had seen, but, as the familiar pink line opened between her reddened bald lips to show the pinker insides, I could see her tiny red clitoris sticking out like a little peter.
Immediately, I lowered my mouth to fasten on this tastey-looking morsel. I snaked my tongue up between her naked pussy lips, moving it between the smooth hills and along the warm valley. When I reached the top of her slit, I swirled my wet tongue around the little projection.
Lorrie said, "Gosh, that feels neat!" and she opened her legs wider. As I continued to tongue-lash her naked little cunt, I felt Susan's hand close on my straining dick. I pulled my face out of Lorrie's crotch and began manipulating her slick inner lips with my fingers. Lorrie was staring between her own legs to see what I was doing. I looked down to see Susan swiveling around on the floor to get her mouth on my cock.
Lorrie lay back on the couch, holding her legs wide to give me unimpeded access to her pre-school pussy. As I gazed with fascination at the lewd sight and trailed my fingers up and down the little girl's slit, my sister's lips fastened on my cockhead and she started to suck. And Susan wasn't just sucking the end of my cock, but was letting about three inches slide in and out of her mouth. The hot wetness and her swirling tongue felt just super!
Suddenly, I wanted to "do it all." My mind buzzed with the possibilities. I wanted to watch Lorrie push something into her own little cunt-hole. I wanted to squirt my stuff down Susan's throat. I wanted to ream Susan's cunt. I wanted to see Lorrie piss. I wanted to go wake up Jimmie and watch him butt-fuck his sister. But in the middle of my reverie, Susan surprised me by doing something I hadn't yet imagined.
Spitting out my cock and pushing me out of the way, she said, "Put it in my bottom," as she knelt in front of Lorrie's splayed thighs. Her dark head descended into Lorrie's crotch and she started to eat Lorrie's pussy, while flipping up the back of her own skirt to show me her hand hard at work on her own hairless pussy lips. Between her spread legs, Susan's hand rubbed at her clit, dipped two fingers into her wet hole and then reached farther back to smear some girl-juice on the tantalizing asshole target she presented to me.
This new idea sounded great to me, so I moved forward to slide my cock deep into Susan's cunt for lubrication and then position my dick right at the rear entrance. Pushing forward gently, I again felt my cockhead pop past the ring of my sister's asshole. Putting my hands on her waist, I began to slide my pole slowly in. As I looked up, I saw that Susan was apparently making little Lorrie feel great and maybe even making her cum, because the pre-schooler's blonde hair was tossing back and forth on the black leather couch, as my sister munched away.
On the bottom of my dick, I could feel the commotion Susan was causing with the two fingers inside her cunt. Her fingers were touching my cock through her pussy-walls as my stiff pole slowly sank into her backside. I was only about an inch inside when Susan began to orgasm. The resulting pulsations in her insides made me cum immediately. As my cock squirted sperm, my excitement and Susan's spasms pushed me deeper into her now-lubricated bottom. Before I finally pulled it out, I was buried about three inches in my sister's shitter.
As I sat back on my heels in exhaustion, I could see that Susan was still hot to trot. She quickly moved up on the couch and straddled Lorrie's face. "Lick me like I was licking you," she said hoarsely. Once again, I envied my sister's ability to cum several times in a row.
From where I sat, I could see Lorrie's little tongue stick out tentatively to touch Susan's pussy. This was all the more exciting because I was looking at this scene through Lorrie's spread thighs. Moving closer, I resumed stroking the six-year-old's saliva-wet pussy-lips while I watched her suck my sister.
My sperm was dribbling out of Susan's asshole as Lorrie responded to my caresses with vigorous tongue action on my sister's clit. As Susan got her cookies again, she ground her gaping slit into the little girl's face. I stroked Lorrie's tiny erect clit and watched in fascination as her hairless little cunt began to flutter with the spasms of her own second orgasm.
My cock was getting a little bit hard again, but I thought I had better get back home, in case Mom and Dad came back early. Leaving Susan to put Lorrie back to bed, I hurried into my pants and biked back home.
When Mom and Dad got home, they looked in my room, but I pretended to be asleep. I stayed awake until Susan got home and snuck into her room. Her eyes got wide as I came in, but I told her I wasn't looking for sex.
"I'm worried that Lorrie will tell her parents what she saw," I whispered.
But Susan calmed me down when she reminded me, "No, I don't think so. I talked to her some more after you left and she knows about keeping secrets. And besides, she told us something about her parents, too, so we really don't have to worry about anything. Now get out of here, before Mom or Dad hear us talking."
As I thought about it, I decided Susan was probably right. I drifted off to sleep with confused thoughts of hairless little pussies and great big breasts.
Susan and I managed to sneak off for a quick fuck every now and then. The garage became a favorite place, because Sue could just flip her skirt up and bend over a bicycle. While I porked her from the rear, we could both keep an eye on the back of the house, to make sure we didn't get caught. Tim told me he and Cindy got totally naked and did it in bed, after their mom got bombed and fell dead asleep. I envied them the time to really screw around. Sue and I could barely drop our drawers and get a cum because we were so worried about getting caught.
Susan managed another session of cunt-licking with Carrie after a Brownie Scout meeting, and told me about it later. We were whispering in the bathroom as she told me how Carrie's wet tongue felt lapping her clit. I pulled out my cock then and jerked off in front of my sister, thinking about Carrie's skinny little pussy and talented mouth.
During this period, my thoughts kept returning to Liz and her growing titties. Because she didn't go to our school, I couldn't figure out how I was going to arrange another get-together. I even walked by her house a couple of times, but couldn't figure out how I would walk up to the door and ask to talk to her. After all, she was only eleven years old.
Then one day I saw her at the shopping center. I would have noticed her anyway, even if I hadn't met her, because she was walking along real fast and her little braless breasts were jiggling under a thin tee shirt. I ran to catch up with her and pulled her into a corner to chat.
"Oh, hi, Steve!" she said, and seemed genuinely pleased to see me. When I asked her point-blank about getting together and "doing some stuff," she blushed a little bit, but said she would love to. After a little thought, she told me I should go over to their playhouse about four o'clock and she and Amber would put on a "little show" for me. I had almost forgotten about her little sister. She wouldn't tell me what she meant by a "show." Anyway, I agreed and hurried home to get my homework done so I could go "play basketball" before dinner.
At ten minutes of four, I was hanging around the park near the back fence of Liz's yard. Soon, I saw Amber in their playhouse, waving me over. When I got over the fence, Amber said I had to hurry up because Liz would be coming to the playhouse real soon.
When Amber and I got in the playhouse, the little eight-year-old dragged me back to a corner, behind a large puppet theater. She giggled as she whispered that Liz was going to bring in their gardener and put on a show for us. I was going to ask what kind of show, but Amber took charge, saying that we only had about a minute to "get ready."
She showed me what kind of "readiness" she had in mind, as she lifted her skirt to pull down her underpants. When I reached to caress her hairless little pussy, she slapped away my hands and started helping me take off my jeans. I was just kneeling down to put my half-hard prick in her hand when we heard the door to the playhouse open.
"Well, come on in," we heard Liz say. Looking toward the door, I realized the puppet theatre was covered in some kind of dark cloth, so you could see right out into the room, especially when Liz turned on a lamp beside the couch. As we watched, an old man walked in and sat down on the couch. He must have been over forty years old, because he had some white in his hair.
Liz twirled around in front of him so that her skirt swirled away from her legs. She was wearing a funny outfit, which made her look like a real little girl -- some kind of dress with a short skirt and tennis shoes with pink socks rolled down into anklets. From where I was sitting, I could see her underpants, which were plain pink cotton, unlike the "grown-up" underwear she was wearing the last time I had been in the playhouse.
Liz was talking up a blue streak as she turned in lazy circles on the rug in front of this strange man. "Mr. Darnes, it's really great that you come by every day and take care of our yard and stuff. And it's even more great that you like little girls so much and like to see them dance. Can you see how I'm dancing for you? Do you like what you see? Is there any special dance you'd like me to do?"
The man just looked at her with a stupid smile on his face. He didn't say anything, but just nodded or shook his head in response to Liz's questions. When she asked if there was a "special dance" he'd like to see, he nodded his head but didn't name it.
But Liz seemed to know, because she continued, "You like to see little girls do dances that show you their underpants, don't you?" Mr. Darnes nodded his head vigorously.
"Well I'm not sure I should do that," said Liz, in a teasing way. "People might find out about it and I could get in trouble. Will you tell anybody that an eleven-year-old girl let you see her panties?" The gardener shook his head solemnly.
"Well OK then," Liz said. "Here's a dance to show you what you like to see." With that, she started a slow stroll around the floor, twitching her skirts back and forth, higher and higher. As I watched this strange scene, I had almost forgotten about Amber. But she reminded me as she silently began to rub my half-limp cock into erectness. Looking over at her, I saw that she wasn't even looking at my peter, but was staring intently at her sister and the old man on the couch.
When I looked back into the room, I saw that Liz now had her skirts up around her waist as she walked around the room. She had given up any pretense of dancing and was just showing off her almost-shapely legs and pink cotton underpants to the gardener. Stopping just in front of him, she squatted down with spread thighs to show him the crotch of her panties. And she started to talk again.
"Well, you sure are staring at my secret place. You know you have to show me your nasty old dick if you want to see my secret place. You have to beat your meat if you want to see my pee-pee hole. You have to show me your old dick and make it hard and jack it off while I watch."
The gardener seemed unsurprised at the language coming out of Liz's mouth. He just nodded again and started unfastening his pants. Without a word, he stood up and lowered his trousers and undershorts to his knees, sitting back down while his huge cock swung nearly to his knees! I was astounded at the length and thickness of this old man's peter. I wondered if he had ever found anyone he could fuck with that tree limb. Amber's little hand grasped my ordinary-sized prick and began to stroke it as the gardener waved his hardening cock back and forth in front of eleven-year-old Liz's eyes.
But Liz just kept talking. "Well, you sure are showing me your big old dick. And you're flopping it up and down right in front of me. How many little girls have you shown that nasty thing? Do you think about little girls when you rub it up and down like that? Now I suppose you think I'm going to show you my secret place, but I'm not. You just sit there and rub your nasty old prick while I watch. I'll rub my secret place for you." And she dropped her skirt and put her hand under it and began to rummage around.
Mr. Darnes now had both hands on his straining cock. One hand jerked up and down while the other roamed over a cockhead the size of a softball, rubbing and squeezing. He didn't seem to mind if Liz was no longer showing him her underpants, because his horse-cock was completely rigid now and he was getting into a familiar beat. But little Liz apparently wasn't through with her act.
"I'll show you my titties, now," she said. And she began to unbutton her dress. The gardener slowed his masturbation to see this part of the show. As her sister pulled the top of her dress apart and down to show her proud young breasts, Amber guided my hand to her own hairless cuntlips as she continued pulling the skin back and forth on my cock.
"I like to do this when I'm all alone," said Liz, wetting her fingertips and rubbing her pink nipples into erection. "But I'm not all alone when some old guy is beating his meat and watching me do this. You probably like me to look at your nasty old dick. You probably want to see my pee-pee hole right now, don't you?" Mr. Darnes agreed with a solemn nod of his head and a slight increase in jack-off speed.
"Well, OK, then, I'll show you my pee-pee hole, but you can't touch it. You just keep on jerking your big old dick while this little girl pulls down her panties for you. Here," she said, lifting her skirt and pulling down the front of her underwear to reveal her lightly-tufted cunny, "you can look at that for just a second." Liz was standing with her back to me, so I couldn't see much, but the gardener really staring, stroking even harder as he stared at what I knew must be a stimulating sight -- the pink lips on either side of her slit, the dark patch of hair at the bottom of her belly, and just the overall lewd impression of an eleven-year-old girl showing him her bare breasts and crotch. I was stroking harder, too, running my fingers along eight-year-old Amber's crotch and feeling her little-girl juices begin to lubricate my fingertips.
"Now, you can't look any more," Liz teased, as she let her underpants snap back into place. "I won't show you any more until you stand up and rub your big old thing in front of the mirror." This must have been a part of a routine, because Mr. Darnes started gathering his pants back up as soon as Liz started talking.
With his enormous cock rigid as a bar of iron, the gardener hobbled over to the mirror and again dropped his pants around his ankles. Little Liz took his place on the couch, placing her heels on the edge of the cushion so her panty-clad crotch was visible to Mr. Darnes as he stared at her image in the mirror and resumed stroking his foot-long dong.
Amber matched the gardener's rhythm as she pulled the skin back and forth on my surging rod. As I glanced down, I was thrilled anew at the sight of this second-grader playing with my penis. I rewarded her with a swirling caress of her wet little slot. She didn't seem to object when I put the end of my little finger against her asshole and rubbed back and forth.
We both looked over at Liz as she resumed her chatter. "OK, Mr. Darnes, you sure are a dirty old guy to be showing a fifth-grader your big old dick. And you are especially nasty to be jacking off your weiner while she watches. I'm gonna show you my pee-hole now so you can finish up and get back to work. Do you wanna see my little pee-pee?" Of course, the gardener nodded and speeded up his cock-stroking.
Despite her tart chatter, Liz's face was red and her eyes were glued on the image of the gardener's throbbing cock in the mirror as she reached between her legs to pull her cotton underpants over to one side. I remembered that fateful night in Cindy's bathroom and my dick gave a surge that nearly ripped it out of Amber's little hands. Mr. Darnes was rubbing both hands on his enormous member faster and faster. Giant veins protruded all over the shiny surface and the head glowed purple as he twisted it. His huge balls were swinging back and forth between his legs in time with his stroking.
Apparently, Liz's little-girl talk was part of the routine, because she resumed her monologue. "Well, I'm showing you my little hole, but it's got some hair around it, and you're such a dirty old guy that you'd probably rather look at some girl who's even younger; someone who doesn't have any hair at all. You'd probably like to see my little sister show you her pee-pee hole, wouldn't you?"
I was surprised when the gardener spoke for the first time. In a bass rumble, he said, "I sure would!"
Without further ado, Amber released my cock, stood up, straightened her skirt primly and stepped from behind the puppet theatre. The gardener was clearly surprised, because he sort of jumped and started to pull up his pants. I wondered how he would ever stuff his rock-hard cock back into his underwear, but he relaxed when he saw Amber grinning and staring at the huge piece of meat projecting from his torso.
"You know my little sister. She's only eight years old, and you're showing her your nasty old dick. You better get back to beating your meat, so she can see what a dirty old man you are." Liz was beating her own meat as she said this, reaching between her widespread thighs to dip her finger into her twat and rub the juice around the red nubbin at the top of her slit.
Mr. Darnes resumed his stroking, staring hungrily at Amber, who matched the intensity of his gaze while moving closer to see this monster cock in action. I was left to my own devices behind the puppet screen, so I started pumping my rigid dick slowly as I watched this sexy scene continue to develop.
Liz continued with her monologue. "Mr. Darnes, my little sis is looking at your big old thing real close. Do you want her to show you that she hasn't got any hair around her pee-hole?" When the gardener nodded vigorously, she said, "Amber, show this dirty old guy your little pee-pee." I was surprised to see that Amber acted a little shy as she reached down to the hem of her short, frilly dress and slowly raised it to reveal the fat, hairless lips of her prepubescent pussy.
I noticed that the man's face was red as his eyes ricocheted back and forth between the little girl exposing herself a few feet away and the image of her masturbating older sister reflected in the mirror. His balls swung faster as his cock-stoking tempo increased. Amber now had her skirt fully up, revealing her fat little tummy, her hairless crotch, and her little-girl legs capped in white socks and shiny black shoes. Her eyes were glued on the jack-off action a yard from her face.
Liz started up again. "Rub that big old thing and squirt your nasty stuff right in front of my sister and me. Show us your dirty old jack-off stuff. We like to watch a dirty old man rub his thing until it squirts. We'll watch you while you make it come out the end of your big old thing."
As though Liz had commanded him, Mr. Darnes began to cum in long, even spurts. Each gush seemed to contain several ounces of fluid. He seemed to be directing it at the mirror, and I realized he was squirting on Liz's image. I was close to cumming myself, but wanted to hold off to see what happened next. As he finished, Liz and Amber stood together by the couch, with their skirts lowered again. Without another word, the gardener pulled up his pants, tucking his still-considerable hose back in his trousers. As he stooped to go out the playhouse door, both girls thanked him sincerely.
As soon as the door was closed, they rushed behind the puppet screen. Pushing me over on my back, Liz climbed atop my rampant dick and Amber squatted over my face. I was cumming almost before Liz got settled, but she was hot enough to greet my spurting cock with cunt-squeezes that told me she was getting off as well. I couldn't see her, because my face was buried in the smooth, slick flesh of Amber's sweet little pussy. A few licks to her tiny red clit sent her into shivering ecstasy too.
The girls collapsed on top of me as we all twitched in our post-cum state.
As soon as we could sit up, Liz asked me what I had thought of the show. Naturally, I told her I thought it was great. Liz said their gardener had caught her and Amber in a double-suck session in the playhouse a week earlier. Rather than scold them or try to fuck them, he just asked if they wanted to see him cum. When they saw his prick they realized why he hadn't wanted to fuck them.
Amber said Mr. Darnes made up all that stuff about "pee-pee holes" and "dirty old guy" that Liz had to say. She also said he could only do it every couple of days, because he told them he had a bad heart and was afraid all this excitement would kill him. He also wouldn't let them touch his prong, even though both girls were dying to see what it felt like.
Amber and Liz scrambled up to clean off the mirror. As they swabbed off the mess of goo, I sat on the couch and was treated to flashes of naked bottom as they stooped to get the gardener's stuff off the floor and mirror. Once again, I felt my prick begin to harden.
By the time the girls were finished, my dick was sticking straight up. Amber was the first to notice, and rushed over to jack me off. But Liz pushed her aside and said she wanted to suck me off. She said Amber could lick her pussy instead. I noticed Amber didn't look too happy about that, so I suggested we make a daisy-chain on the floor.
Liz immediately flopped backward, hoisting her skirt to bare her fringe-topped cunt. I lay at an angle, so my cock was even with Liz's mouth. Without waiting for the rest of the chain to form, Liz began to see how much of my stiff dick she could stuff into her mouth. The sight of this open-cunted eleven-year-old sucking my stick was enough to make me cum right then, but I tore my eyes away to help Amber understand what I had in mind.
As she clumsily lowered herself into position and squirmed to get her dress around her waist, I guided her so she completed the triangle, with her face in her sister's gaping crotch. I glanced again at Liz's sexy sucking and then lowered my own lips again to Amber's schoolgirl pussy.
As my mouth got closer, Amber strained her legs wide apart, so her snowy little pussy lips spread to reveal the slimy pinkness within. I could smell the strangely fresh aroma of little-girl sex-flesh as I extended my tongue to trail across her virginal gash. Making my tongue hard, I pushed it between the curtains of her lips to the spot where I knew her canal began. With her legs wide, my tongue was able to penetrate a bit, so I began to plunge it in and out of the eight-year-old's tight hole. I could hear Amber groan, but I could also feel the constrictions as her tiny tunnel gripped my tongue as though reluctant to let it go.
As I pulled my face away to look down again at Liz's mouth at work on my prick, I saw that Amber's little pussy was fluttering open and closed with her orgasmic spasms. I also noticed her pink bottom hole tightening and relaxing as her insides heaved. With a quick glance at Liz's lips locked around my rock-hard rod, I aimed my tongue at the winking target of Amber's asshole. Twirling my tongue around the rim of her hairless bunghole, I was rewarded with another groan of little-girl pleasure. Liz was groaning too, so Amber must have been repaying my kindness with tongue-fucking her sister was enjoying.
As I hardened my tongue to probe the little girl's anus, I brought my hands into play, spreading her immature cunt lips and running a finger from one end of her slit to the other. Swirling my wet finger around her clitty, I plunged my tongue into her tight little bottom. I was surprised when Amber spread her legs even wider, opening her crotch and bottom to my continued exploration.
Unfortunately, I was quickly losing interest in diddling Amber, because Liz had combined cock-pumping with cockhead-slurping to bring me to the point of eruption. I pulled my face from her sister's crotch to watch my sperm spurt out the corners of Liz's mouth. Although she couldn't handle it all, Liz sucked hard, as though to draw every last drop from my pumping peter.
As she slumped away from my crotch, I could see that Amber was still hard at work on the big red knob that protruded from below the patch of hair atop her sister's mound. Her little tongue continued to flick it back and forth while she pinched Liz's pussy lips together. As I watched, Liz gave a shudder and a groan, slamming her thighs together to stop Amber's continued stimulation.
As we put our clothes back on, we talked a little while longer about their strange gardener, and then I dodged back to the park and home.
I told Susan all about the gardener and she and Cindy arranged to watch the show at Liz and Amber's playhouse a few weeks later. Susan told me it was exciting to see such a monster of a cock in operation, but she would be terrified to see it heading for her cunt hole.
As June rolled around and school let out, me, Tim, and our sisters managed to get together for more sex. Although Tim had a job at the grocery store that made him unavailable most weekday afternoons, the rest of us had nothing to do but laze around the pool. At Cindy's house, with her mother at work, we tended to laze around the bedroom. My peter was getting a daily workout and I was glad the girls were too young to get pregnant.
Although I still loved to fuck and suck my sister and Cindy, I was also interested in whatever variety I could manage. Carrie and Liz came over to Cindy's one day and we had a five-way festival of fucking and cunt-licking. Carrie brought her rubber-handled hairbrush and showed the other girls how good it felt when used correctly. Once again, Tim was really pissed when he heard what he had missed.
Late in June, Susan "graduated" from Brownie Scouts and attended her first Girl Scouts meeting. About a week later, her "troop" went on an over-night campout. Afterwards, Susan told me she had shared a tent with a new friend named Leslie, who was as interested in sex as the rest of our little group. Susan said they talked about sex in their tent until they both masturbated, side by side on their bedrolls. One afternoon, Susan and Leslie went over to Liz and Amber's house to watch the gardener show. Susan told me that they got into fingering each other while they watched.
It took a couple more weeks for us to work out a way to introduce this new friend to our boy-girl games. Finally, Susan managed to have her spend the night over at our house.
Leslie may have been about the same age as my sister, but it was clear from my first look at her that she was physically more mature. Not only was she taller, but her blouse bulged in a most interesting way. And she was a blue-eyed blonde, with bangs and shoulder-length hair.
All through dinner, I could barely talk. I blushed when Mom asked me why I was so quiet around our new guest. I'm sure she knew I was taken with Leslie, but she would have croaked if she knew how I wanted to "take" the twelve-year-old.
After dinner, we watched TV for a while and then Susan suggested we all go for a moonlight swim. Mom and Dad stayed in the den, watching TV while we all got into our suits and headed for the pool. We didn't turn on the pool lights; partly to avoid attracting bugs and partly to be more "private," in case our parents looked out on us.
I was the first one down and into the pool, and I looked quickly up to Susan's window in hopes of glimpsing some female flesh. But the curtains were drawn and I saw the light go out just as I sank in the cool water. Moments later, Susan and Leslie came out to the pool. In the lights from the den, I could see that my sister was wearing her new pink one-piece and Leslie a black two-piece that really showed off her blonde coloring and her willowy body. The girls quickly slipped into the water beside me.
Facing the back of the house to make sure our parents didn't surprise us, we lolled against the side of the pool in the shallow end. Susan got things rolling by reaching into my lap to fish my cock out one leg of my suit. She told Leslie to feel it too. My half-hard cock gave a big surge when this new girl looked me right in the eye with a shy smile as she reached below the water. As her pink-nailed hand closed around the end of my now-rigid peter, she said, "My oh my, this is one hard hunk of man!" Naturally, I found my chest swelling with pride at the compliment.
Both my hands were free, but I was afraid to reach for Leslie right away. My sister was another story, however, as I slipped a hand under her bottom and wormed a finger into her cunt, pushing aside the tight leg of her swimsuit. Susan's eyes glowed as she told her new friend, "Wow, Les, Steve already has his finger all the way inside my pussy!"
The little blonde looked up at me sadly and said, "Don't I get any attention?" And she gave my cock a hard squeeze.
Rather than go straight for her cunt, however, I wanted to sample those bumps on her chest. As I tried to slide an arm around her and down the front of her top to feel one tit, Leslie made it easier by pulling the band that covered her breasts up to reveal both of them. I wished the lighting were better, because I could see that her nipples were barely distinguish-able from the pale mounds they topped.
Ducking under my arm, she turned to face me in the water, using her second hand to hold the leg of my suit to one side so she could gently extract my balls. With Susan rubbing the head of my cock, Leslie continued to squeeze the shaft while tickling the back of my balls with long strokes of her fingertips. I quickly used my free hand to explore her bulging breasts. As I rubbed and squeezed the ends of her small breasts, her nipples began to protrude and create secondary cones atop the hemispheres of her breasts. I flicked these little mountains from time to time as I ran my hand all over her chest and belly. All three of us were breathing harder.
I was not ignoring Susan, either. In addition to grinding my finger in and out of her nearly-hairless puss, I was using my thumb to massage her asshole and another finger was touching all around her clit. In a few moments, Sue let us know she was ready to let go by whispering, "Oh, Les, my brother is gonna make me cum. He's rubbing my bottom and flicking my clit while her finger-fucks me. It feels so goddam great I could die!"
With that kind of endorsement, I thought it was time to dip into Leslie's honey-pot. I looked right into her blue eyes as I trailed my fingertips down her belly to the top of her bikini bottoms. Far from avoiding my caress, the blonde released my cock to pull her suit-bottom below her knees! Standing with legs apart, her shining tits and their protruding nipples were above water and clearly visible in the dim light from the den.
As my sister groaned in her orgasm and started jerking my dick, I lost no time in insinuating my hand between Leslie's thighs. Although I couldn't see anything under the water, I could feel that Leslie already had hair on her pussy lips and that the slit between her fat lips was well-lubricated. I asked her if she wanted me to fuck her, but she said that would have to wait for sometime when we could lie down together. She said she wanted me to jerk her off like I'd done for my sister. Then, she said, she wanted me to sit on the side of the pool so she could watch the sperm come out of my cock!
This type of sexy talk was almost too much for me, and I had to grab Susan's hand to keep me from cumming right then and there. While I tried to calm my jumping dick, I duplicated the caress that Susan had found so stimulating. Inserting my middle finger in Leslie's slimy hole, I extended another finger to massage her anus. I lowered my thumb to touch her clit and grunted with surprise when I encountered an inch-high ridge at the top of her slit. Susan knew immediately what must have happened, because she said, "Les has the biggest clit I've ever seen!"
Smiling proudly, Leslie dropped back down into the water, spreading her legs even wider to allow my hands free access to her crotch. She also returned her attention to my rod and balls, stroking and caressing in an extremely insistent way, like she wanted to milk the cum-juice out in a hurry.
Both my hands were busy, buried to the knuckles in two little underwater quims. Susan was cumming almost continuously, squeezing my pistoning finger with her orgasmic spasms. And Leslie's big clit was throbbing under my caresses as she stared down into the water and breathed harder and faster.
About then, I realized I was about to squirt my goo, so I took my fingers out of the girls' crotches jumped up backward to sit on the edge of the pool. Leslie lost her grip for a second, but turned to resume her pumping, with her eyes only inches from my twitching dick.
I looked over to the house to make sure my parents weren't going to interrupt. And then I started to geyser, spurting long strings of fluid from the end of my cock. One spurt hit Leslie right on her bangs, dripping down onto her cheek. But she didn't seem to mind, continuing her pumping action until the spurts had subsided.
"Wow, that was neat!" she said, and ducked her head under the water to clean off her hair and face.
Susan took her place between my legs and licked my wilting dick to clean off the remains of my cum. As Leslie resurfaced, I slid back into the water and reached again for the girls' crotches.
But Susan said that our folks might be coming out any second to get us to go to bed. And sure enough, just as Leslie wiggled back into her bikini bottoms, Mom stuck her head out the door to tell us it was time for bed. Susan and I ducked our heads underwater to make it look like we had been swimming. Then we all got out of the water. Leslie wrapped a towel around her hair like she was drying it, but really to hide the caked gook in her bangs.
Later, Leslie said it was the most interesting pool party she had ever attended.
'Kidcest' is an actual of erotic story dating from the mid 1990's by authors JD & Steve Jensen. It's an interesting not to mention beautifully written series: definitely worth reading. One of the first erotic stories 'this guy' read and thoroughly enjoyed.
I loved this story for its development of the characters, giving their back-stories of how they were introduced to sex games. I always enjoy a story where I can relate to the kids experiences and personalities.
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