Published: 6-Feb-2012
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My mom was a crank and coke whore. She had so many boyfriends and girlfriends, anyone who'd supply money for drugs, I can't remember them all. My granny, Mom's mother, (I have only recently learned who my dad's family is) got custody of me years ago. Granny was so sweet and heartbroken about Mom. Mom took up with a boy when they were in high school. Granny and Granp'pa liked Jason, they just hoped they'd wait to graduate high school. Jason was on the football team and got a scholarship to a small college. But at the high school senior prom, Mom and Dad eloped. The friends who went with them as witnesses celibrated with coke and meth. Neither had done those drugs before, but that was all it took to hook them both.
When they got home after their honeymoon, there was a big fight, Granny told me. Mom and Dad left town altogether. About 5 months after that blow up, Jason ran a stop sign and was killed. Mom called Granny telling her what happened. Granny told her Granp'pa had terminal lung cancer. He missed her, and Mom could come home. Mom came home with her addiction and me in her womb.
Granny and Granp'pa got her to clean up for while. But in weeks after I was born, one of her buddies took her partying, and this time mom was a druggie til she died. How she died is partly how I got here to Highland Pleasures.
School was out and Christmas was over. Mom hadn't been seen since Thanksgiving. It happened all the time. I tried to love my mom, but I coundn't count on her. The prince of darkness known as cocaine was her favorite companion she stuck with. Mom loved me too, only when she was high enough to seem sober. The rest of her time was staying or getting high.
Late December in the foothills of South Carolina this year was cold and wet. Me and Granny had watched a football game; Clemson's Tigers had won their bowl game. Dreams of cheerleading for the Tigers helped me sleep. The whole time there was a 'winter weather advisory' rolling at the bottom of the TV screen. The rain was beginning to ping on the tin roof. We kept peeking out during the game to see the bushes and trees get crusty with sleet, snow, and rain. Soon the ground was getting white in places. Granny said it would be a mess in the morning. Good thing there was no school and Granny was off work the next day.
Tired, happy and sleepy, we said our prayers and went to bed. I had my very own bed room. That sound of the rain and sleet let me drift off to sleep. I was terrified awake by shouting and screaming. Granny was yelling loudly, and then Mom. I scrambled to the door and saw Mom red with rage. She slapped Granny so hard she fell hard on the floor.
"I NEED, THE DAMN MONEY MAMA. I NEED IT NOW!!" she screamed in demand of a fix. Then I saw the man. He was tall, looking sort of like a Mexican or something. He had gun pointed right at Granny.
"Look old lady. You don't wanna die; get the damn money now." He was as mean looking as my mom.
Granny was hurt really badly. She put her hands up begging, "Just don't shoot. Madison is trying to sleep. I'll get my pocketbook."
"Shit Slivio, My kid is?" Mom turned and saw me. "We'll take Madison with us."
"What?!?!" Silvio yelled. "We got enough crap. What cha gonna do with the kid?"
"Leverage Silvio, if nothin' else. I'll sell her. GET DRESSED NOW MADISON! Get dressed right now!" Mom looked like a nasty big cat.
Too scared to not do what Mom said, I grabbed the jeans and sweat shirt from last night and jammed my feet in my shoes. As long as Granny didn't get hurt?. I needed her so.
Granny was returning with her pocketbook and started opening it when she saw Mom shove me into the den." Take the money Victoria. Take the pocketbook, credit cards, but leave Madison here. Don't do this to her, She's?" She was crying to keep me with her.
The gun flashed and popped so loud, I saw the back of Granny's nightgown poof when the bullets flew out. Then red blood came through her nighty. Granny fell back, hitting her head on the coffee table. I tried to go help her, but Mom grabbed my arm so tightly it hurt. Silvio snatched Granny's pocketbook from her dying hands. I remember screaming to Granny I loved her. I pounded on Mom to let me go, when every thing went black. Mom's cocaine fury scared me so much I didn't say anyhthing else.
My neck was aching, and my right side was cold when I began to wake up. I opened my eyes enough to realise I was scrunched against the passenger door of an old pickup truck.
Snow was zipping past; I could see houses and buildings getting covered in white. Even Christmas lights were shining. I also saw those terrifying sights that just chattered through me of my Granny having fallen back on the family room floor bleeding and hearing her say, "Madison?" her voice trailed off. I knew she was dying. I was so cold.
"Madison?" I heard again, but this was Mom. I'm sorry you saw all that. It's going to be OK. You know I'd never hurt you." I just nodded. I didn't want to speak with her. I never wanted to ever speak to her again.
I said just loudly enough to let her hear me, "I'm all right."
The ride was quiet, shivering cold; nobody was talking. I kept looking out the window of the truck. The snow was coming down real heavy, and we were in mountains somewhere. Slivio said, "We needed gas pretty soon."
"Eh, let me check. Yep cash and credit cards. Ehh debit card, but they'll work," Mom was bragging. She was going to keep killing Granny.
A little bit later we came to a cross roads. There was a gas store open and we pulled in there. I had to get out to let mom go inside and pay. Hope of a prayer entered my head. I watched her go in and say something to the lady inside; Mom turned and went out of sight. I needed to pee real bad. Silvio was watching the gas pumps so I walked as fast as I could hoping he wouldn't see me.
"Hi there honey, what can I do for ya?" That lady was so nice. She read my face. "Oh I see. That one is tiny; someone is in it. You can use the employee's restroom if you like. Just step around the counter there honey, behind this wall, and go straight back. I'll get the light for ya. Take all the time you need, sweetheart." The lady was not as old as Granny, and had such a warm face; she guided me back to where I needed to go.
When I was nearly finished peeing, I heard Mom paying for the gas and stuff. She asked the lady if she's seen me. The lady said she had, I used the men's room, since no men were in the store, and climbed into the back seat of the truck. By then Silvio come in too. He lied when he said I was in the truck. I forgive him for that lie. I knew to stay put. It seemed forever, but they were about to leave.
"Special Alert! All stations special alert!" shouted out as the store's scanners went nutso and Silvio stopped wondering what that noise was about. He sounded scared. The sound went down. "Oh it's probably another weather bulletin, all that snow's suppoed to keep up till around noon in these parts."
"Oh yeah. Cool." he replied. "Vicky, We gotta go."
The lady said. "Ya'll be carefull out there."
The store's bells dinged when the All Points Bullettin sounded again, not for snow, but for suspected in a shooting and possible robbery, one person dead, and a child missing the child, a girl, 9 with long dark brown hair and brown eyes. The deceased is the girl's Grandmother. The girl is believed to be kidnapped by the girl's mother, and a Hispanic male. Check out our site in about 15 minuets for photos of the girl's mother.
Now I'm really not sure of anything, but I wanted to talk to the lady. I tip toed back out to the edge of the storage/office wall when the lady saw me, peeking around the corner. She said I could come out.
When I did, she kneeled down and hugged me. "Sweety I knew there was something wrong the way that woman looked at me. I knew for sure when you come in. She's your mother? You can stay with me here if you want to, you'll be safe. You know those two people are in trouble. I'll take you home with me in the morning if that's OK. You'll be safe there."
It was OK right now. Anywhere but with mom and Silvio. The lady, Jeanette, kissed my cheeks and said she got off duty at 7:00 and as soon as her paperwork was done she'd take me home with her. I told her my name, Madison Kimery. Jeanette said I was pretty for such a scared little girl. She got me a cup of hot chocolate, and said If I liked I could rest in the little office next to the employee's bathroom.
I was sipping the cocoa, sitting in the big chair looking around. There were some magazines on top of the file cabinette. Not "Southern Living", or "Better Homes and Gardens" or the flower catalogs that Granny and I loved. There were two ladies looking like they were going to kiss each other on the lips on the cover; they were beautiful.
My eyes wandered over the cover. The name, "HUSTLER'S: BARELY LEGAL Lesbian Teens." I opened the page. WOW! I never, ever had seen anything so wonderful in my entire life. The same two ladies were on the third page, kissing-kissing full on the mouth, and both were naked. WOW! One had dark brown hair like mine, her eyes wer shut. I could see her right breast, a part of the nipple. Her left hand was right on the lady with the short black hair's breast. The black-haired lady's eyes were open some, they were bright blues, and she was smiling. "They just turned legal the day the pictures were taken," the printing said. The prettiest ladies I ever saw, and they were naked. I had been told by Granny that wasn't nice, but this looked like it to me.
I could see they didn't have on panties, and the lady with the dark brown hair that went down her back a liitle, her hiney was there before me and everybody to see. One of my girlfriends at school, Betsy, and me talked about boys and stuff. Just before Christmas at Sunday school, she told me she kissed her older sister like the ladies in this magazine were. Abby liked it and thought I should try it. I thought so too. But it would have to wait till we had a sleepover. Now I was looking at this. WOW!
My down there was suddenly very squishy. I put my hand there, the way Granny said I shouldn't, but I couldn't help it. Page after gorgeous page of different ladies kissing and playing with each other. They were sticking tounges in each other in places I never thought of. My nipples were itchy too, so itchy. I was feeling better. My mind was away for the time being from my awful wake up when I heard Jeanette talking to a man. My heart stopped.
"Hey Jeanette, The snow has made it slow tonight, huh?" The man said. "Got a question, you been on the scanner right?"
"Yeah Dwight. Why? What cha got?"
"Then you know there was a shooting down in South Carolia, near Anderson, right?"
"Sure. The APB sounded out, oh, about an hour ago."
"Tell me if you see these folks."
"Dwight," Jeanette's voice sank, sounding worried. "The two adults, were in about 2:15. Let me check the tape. But not the little girl."
"Really, you feel like talking with the FBI folks?"
"I have all the coffee they need."
"Gimmee a sec, Jeanette. Base; Carla? Tell Bill and Terri we got a hit. The lady has got some good news. Were did they go, which way?"
"North east, like toward Ashville or Hendersonville, right out there on 64. I was just about to check the blotter page. Glad you got here; they peeled out about 2:10."
"You get that Carla? Terrific. Maybe we can grab those two. McCullogh out." There was a pause. Then the man said, "Now Jeanette, about the girl, you'll let me know, won't cha?"
"If she's alive? I'll let you know."
"Terrific." Another beep. "Bill and Terrel wanna chat with you, when?"
"I have to get Madison to the house so her aunt can let sleep better. I'll be back around 10 Saturday, or I'll meet them. Have 'em call."
"I owe you Jeanette. You owe me."
"Dwight, here's a copy of the gas reciept. It might be useful." Dwight thanked her again.
The chat went a little longer before the store went silent a bit longer. There was a phone call. Jeanette was happy to here her relief was on her way. There was more activity getting going. Mostly folks chattering about the snow.
I was so mixed up. I had no idea where I was or where I was going. I still had the magazine in my hand I never saw before, loved looking at but knew I shouldn't.
But the movie in my head came back sharply showing the bullets flying out of Granny, her falling, dying, and saying she loved me as her life left her body. I was so lost. I prayed for peace. I clutched the picture book and prayed.
A while later, I heard another lady's voice saying to Jeanette how slippery the roads are, but she was glad to be here for a while. Jeanette Told her there was a package in the back she would fetch for her. A minuet or so later, my new hope was strolling towards the office, with a cash register drawer and a store grocery bag with stuff in it, in her hands.
"Madison, you've had an awful night, I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry. I got a few things to help the next day or too until you decide what to do. Oh you like that magazine?" like there was nothing wrong with the magazine.
"I ain't never seen anything like it Jeanette. I don't know if I'm supposed to like it, but I do like it," then I took my breath in deep. "I know my Granny is dead. I saw Silvio shoot her three times in the chest. My Mom made me come with them. She was going to sell me. She said so."
Jeanette eased into the plastic chair, putting the things on the desktop and held out her arms wide. I let her hug me. She let me know I would be taken care of by her. She had so many nice friends too, and girls I'd like too. She let lean back up. As I was telling her 'Thank You' her hand slipped down to my hips and tugged me closer, feeling my hiney. Granny never did that or anyone else. But I felt cared for. She pulled me to where her soft round face was against my chest.
Her fingers started working gently on my hiney cheeks. I didn't know if I was supposed to, but I did like the feeling. She looked back up at me. Her pale blues eyes red with tears. "Honey, it's all right." She straightened up, wiped her sniffles, and said, "If you like the magazine, put it here in this bag. I have some soap, shampoo, deoderant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, a couple of the t-shirts we sell. They are all yours. Soon as I count this money, we head to where I live."
Counting the drawer didn't take long, She put the most of it in a bag for the bank, the rest in the safe. She slid her red smock off, and now I could see she was firm and curvey. I might not have noticed breasts before on most ladies, but the magazine aready changed my mind. Jeanette's were certainly attractive.
There was a lot of snow, and it was still coming down. The parking lot had snowy ruts and all, but it looked nice. I met Lucida, she's taller than Jeanette?really pretty?long redish brown hair, and happy brown eyes, kind of like the ladies in the magazine?maybe as old as twenty. She was glad to see me, and was sure I'd see her again soon. Jeanette had gone out to clear the snow away from her red Jeep Cherokee. "Time to go Madison."
Crunching through the snow was neat. Jeanette told me we were in North Carolina. I could tell we were in the mountains. The roads were more snowy ruts, and everything was covered 6 or more inches of snow. Where the state road turned off toward Bryson City, the road got even more narrow. But Jeanette said things were good enough. The farm houses and barns were winter wonders. Trees, fences and bushes sagged with white. Creeks and the river tumbled with cold water. Rocks were capped in frosty white.
Jeanette told me she lived on a big farm. She was sure I would like it. When she started slowing down, I saw an arched sign with double gates begin to open.
HIGHLAND PLEASURES: Private Drive. Nobody had driven on the drive since the snow started. This was already the prettiest sight I've ever seen in real life. The drive rolled over a wooden bridge, an open field traced with a split rail fence dotted with fir trees on the left. That pasture faded into a hillside. The right side was below the road, and traced by different stands of trees. Wide white plain sloaped to a tree line. There seemed to be a river surrounded by even more trees.
The left side pasture trimmed down to a ridge that we rolled over." Almost there. Pretty isn't it?"
"Uh huh!" We rolled under a small canpoy of trees to see a big house on the left. In front a riding ring with jump posts and everything, and a two-story white- and green-trimmed house with a big-roof high front porch framed in white snow. On my right, a huge barn, two horses, one bay, another black were out romping in the snow. It looked like a lady out watching them. Jeanette beeped her horn; the the lady and horses looked up. The lady waved. I could see her smile. This is so much nicer than the little neat home I knew. I liked it. I wished Granny could see it. Somehow, soon as I thought it, I knew Granny did see it. I felt relaxed. Things were going to be better.
We rolled beyond the house; Jeanette said we'd go up there later if the snow let up. The hillside fell away, and there were four more houses. She said part of the bottom was a garage, and den and kitchen. She hoped I'd like it. She said the last one is hers. This house was where the employees of HIGHLAND PLEASURES lived. The owner of this place had lots of businesses including the store she worked at. The store job was part time. She was photogragher in her day job. We came to a stop long enough for the garage door to open enough for her to drive inside.
There was lots of wood on the wall in front of the Jeep, but some of it dissapeared into the wall to the right. I was amazed, but grabbed my little bag and got out in the cold garage. Jeanette took my hand and we went in her house.
Inside was beautiful, all mountain-style, rock faced fireplace, with the firewood that seemed to disappear next to it, a low mantle with a big mirror, and pictures of girls my age on it, one after the other. Jeanette opened the drapes and the snowy fields below the drive speard out. The floors, wood, with a huge rag rug in front of the fire place. Toward the right side wall was the kitchen nook.
"Honey, I know you must be hungry. I am too." I told her I was; while my eyes turned up, the ceilling flanked by what looked like open space.
"I am really hungry. Jeanette."
"I have lots of girls stay here from time to time. I keep some things ready. You know, just in case. "She took what looked like a donut out, and put it in her microwave. I soon learned it was her own breakfast bagel, scrambled eggs with provolone cheese, and bacon. She got me some more cocoa. Then she got a fire going. The more I looked around, the nicer the house looked. There was a big screen TV next to the big windows, big couches in front of the fireplace and windows. Most walls were light colors and framed in wood. The walls were covered with lots of pictures of young girls in mostly face shots, a couple on horses. The sandwich was wonderful. I picked every crumb clean.
Jeanette came back to the breakfast nook, and settled next to me as we finished the cocoa.
"Madison hon, the past hours must have been strange. You need rest, a bath and clean clothes.
I'll get you bathed and you get some sleep. Then I want you to write down just what you saw and heard last night at your home. It's very important you do as soon as possible. It will be ugly to remember, but you have to. I'll help out if you like. It will be hard to do, but it will help the police. OK?"
"When?" I asked. "I'm getting sleepy."
"Just clean up, and get some rest. I just spoke with the FBI; they'll be here tonight. Just tell them what happened. You'll remember it better if you write it down."
Somehow Granny said it was OK to do what Jeanette said.
At least I felt safe with Jeanette. I rested my hand on her thigh. She smiled, kissed my forehead and slid out of her captain's chair tugging me to follow her around the kitchen wall past the stairs and around a stone wall. This little hall opened on the right side of the house facing the open field looking like a greenhouse in here. She drew me to a small stone bench, surrounded by plants flowers and trees.
"Go ahead and take your clothes off, Madison."
"I need to pee Jeanette."
"I guess so. Just passed that next wall." She pointed the way; she was pulling up her sweater.
Between the toilet was a stone-walled huge Jacuzzi and shower. The walls, capped by ferns, flowers, and ficus trees in the corners, made me feeling like I was outdoors. And glass walls made it seem that way even more. If someone were looking in, they'd see me. I never felt so odd as when I sat on the john and looked out on the still feathery snow falling. I don't know why this made me feel sexy. I never felt sexy much before.
As I flushed and reached for the toilet paper, Jeanette peeked around the wall. "Don't worry with wiping; we'll be washing it in a few. Come on girly." She stepped out where I could see her. All pink and pale, my eyes soaked in all I could. She'd loosed her sandy hair to rest on her shoulders. Her dimpled chin pointed down and there were real breasts, ones not hidden, just out and proud. Her nipples were pooched out, and darker pink than her boobies. I'd never ever thought of rouching Granny's or Mom's, but Jeanette's were treasures to me. She saw that. She pulled me to her chest.
"Madison, they're for pleasure, yours and mine. It might take hours to wash them. Then of course, yours want lots of attention." Her happy look was one of forever.
"I don't have much breasts," I apologized.
"Not to worry, I'll encourage them. If you like, others can too. Tender loving care will do wonders."
I trailed her to the Jucuzzi, all swirly the hot water spun in the tan-colored tub of the hot tub. Perfume drifting out so nicely with the flowers, Jeanette said they are orchids. I sat into the bubbly warm water, and filled my eyes with Jeanette's figure. Her cunny had a patch of hair, sort of like the little ones on mine. Beyond her was that wintery landscape. Later I came to believe I was on just the doorstep of heaven.
"You're pretty Jeanette. I ain't ever had a bath with a lady before."
"Thank you honey." She settled beside me on a lower step. "Come."
I slipped on to her lap. I didn't know why, but I knew I had to heal my hurting heart. The warm water chased the cold far way. Her fingers embracing my face. I never kissed anyone on the lips before I was going to. I kissed her. I didn't know how, but I kissed her anyway. It just felt so right. She let me close-mouthed for a few minutes. Jeanette tipped my lips with her tongue, and I just knew what to do.
She found out I needed to be held close and loved. She told me she loves me, I deserve to be. Jeanette asked if I minded her touching my nipples, that they were wonderful, and she wanted them to feel good. Her right hand slithered over them, one at a time. My nipples were like magic buttons. The more she touched, circled, and gently rubbed them, the more I kissed her. I wondered if I could touch her breasts. She clutched my left hand and placed it on her nice soft breasts.
Jeanette was so right. They, breasts, are for pleasure. Hers were so warm; her nipples were happy for my hands. How neat they felt in my hands.
Without asking, my legs fell open when she left my little girl's bumps and slipped into my cunny. Still kissing and feeling very girly, we both slid under the swirling fragrant water. Oh my. Her fingers were all over my vagina, all over my, I didn't know what to call it, but I really like what ever it was called. I was reaching for her mound too. We came back up; we were kissing everwhere now.
Hours earlier, I was happy because Clemson won a football game, it was snowing. Then the only person who loved me was shot and killed by my mom-bitch and her last resort for cash?desperation lead?out of their reach. The lady who hid me from those human skunks was sexing me. I'm so mixed up. But this was heaven for sure.
The kissing and fingering got me so high, and tired. Jeanette took time to thoroughly wash my hair. We sank back into the hot tub while she brushed out my hair. I cuddled into her happy body. Sooner than I could recall, she then lead me out of the Jacuzzi, helping me into a white terrycloth robe, and turbined my hair. She draped on her robe too. She had a pair of pink bunny slippers for me too. Back up to the stairs to the bedrooms.
All the bedrooms looked down to the den. They were girl furnished. She lead me to the corner one. There was a canopy bed, with French blue provincial drapes and bed clothes. A credenza, she said, had a TV and computer. She said I could sleep in here until we could decide what to do next. I didn't even have pajamas. She had a t-shirt ready, but I decided I liked the robe better. Jeanette tucked me into bed, even though it was about 10 in the morning. I was so weary, I only remember her saying she'd be right there when I woke back up.
Something stirred me to stretched under the covers. My eyes squinted open. I was swimming in head storms. My body was clean and full of feeling I never knew before. My heart was torn up by the horrible battle last night. What was I to do without Granny? What if Mom came looking for me anyway? Could I possibly been sexed by the lady I never saw before, but wanted so much to see more of?
"Hi there Sleepy bee." Jeanette was there. "Are you feeling OK?"
"Yes Ma'am." I must have wriggled out of the robe because I only felt the sheets on my slightly tingly skin." What time is it? Is it still snowing?
"Uh, 4:30, still flurrying. You can sleep longer if you want."
I didn't want more sleep. I needed some answers in my head. She'd mentioned about writing down what happened to Granny and me. "I'll get up if that's all right."
"Sure, I washed your clothes. They're right here on the bed. You want a hamburger?"
That sounded real good. My new keeper let me know I was expected soon downstairs. When I got out of bed, I saw myself in the vanity mirrors as I slid from the covers, the first time I ever saw myself naked. Granny didn't have a full-length mirror. I looked and looked at me. Granny and Jeanette were right, I decided. I am pretty. My hair all tossled spilling everywhere, my eyes crinkled from sleep a little, I peered closer as I peels the crud from my eyes' corners. I poofed out my chest and slicked my hands over my little titties. I hadn't thought of them that way, but earlier this morning hung in my mind.
I crooked my left leg out; I never saw my vagina that way, all nude. I cupped both hands on me down there. I twiddled the bit of hair. Oh my; that felt good. I slowly turned so I could see my butt. Watching my fingers grab my hiney was neat. I just had to see this; I bent all the way down looking through my legs and enjoyed my butt in full view. My whole life was different now. I giggled at myself in the mirror. Luckily for now my tummy rumbled.
Pulling on my jeans, I decided not to put on the sweatshirt from last night and chose the t-shirt Jeantte bought me. She was nice enough to get it for me. I remembered where the bathroom up stairs was. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. This time the girl in the mirror said, "Madison, do what you can to bury Mom and find out what did happen to Granny?" I promised the girl in the mirror I'd do just that.
What a hamburger, a big glass of sweet tea, french fries?Mmmgh! Snow had finaly stopped. The fire was burning nicely. "Madison honey, why not go on and write your story. It will be good for you to do it sooner than later." Jeanette settled me at the coffee table. Anything you need to help you write I'll do it. But you saw the whole thing, right?"
"What should I write?"
"Just write what happened. Just tell what you heard and what was said."
Took the pen and scrunched up to the coffee table with my back to the fire. I started with watching the game with Granny, then the scary wake up. Writing about seeing Granny shot and writing what she said as she died, was the hardest part, but it did seem to help to write it. I asked Jeanette a few questions, and she read over it. The lady said what I wrote took a lot of courage. Granny, she said, would be so proud of me.
There was some music from Star Trek on her cell phone. It sounded business type. "OK, I see, I understand. Oh sure, the roads will be a problem. Tomorrow? I would drive tonight unless I absolutely must. She seems fine given what she's been through. She's a prety good writer. Ah yeah, we're pretty well stuck. We'll be fine. Oh no. OK, I tell her that too. Yeah, the sooner the better. K, Call soon as you know. Bye now." Her cell phone snapped shut. Jeanette turned to face me. She was looking sad faced.
"Madison, things keep getting worse for you, honey. You mother died in a shoot out with police near Ragliegh. The police tried to arreast Silvio is it? and your mother. Somehow they both were shot and killed. That was the police officer I spoke to this morning."
"Yeah, you heard that too?"
"Do I need to write that too?"
"If you want to, but that won't have anything to do with what happened to your grandmother. That [pointing to what I wrote] is what the police need to know. Listen, do you have any aunts or uncles, brother, sisters?"
"Aunt Imra lives in Nashville. She don't like me though."
"Someone will have to identify both your grandmother and mother. Do you think Aunt Irma will do it?"
"I'll do it Jeanette. I want to see my granny. She's the one who loved me. I want to know what happened to Mom."
"My goodness you are brave. But this can be really hard for a young person."
"I saw my dog Rosco get run over and killed last summer. I loved Rosco. But Granny said that's part of learning to be a grown up. I helped Granny dig the grave and bury Rosco. I can do this too." My chest felt very heavy. It hurt, not the skin, but deep inside.
"I'll tell Dwight. For tonight though, we'll be here alone. The FBI folks can get through all the snow. Maybe, most likely it will be tomorrow afternoon." She hugged me again. She called Dwight with what I said. Jeanette put more wood on the fire.
I just thought for little bit. The light nearly gone, I wandered over to the window. I started to cry. Yesterday, I was happy. Granny and me were going to watch the football game, and if it snowed, play in it some. Now I didn't have anyone who I loved anymore. But Jeanette was so nice and made feel so different. I cried for all of it.
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