Quiet Day

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by Quiller


Published: 29-Feb-2012

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Note: This is fantasy fiction for adults only - and never happened. Nor should it.

It never ceased to amaze Alice Riley just how quiet it was on Quiet Day. The Principal of Kester Elementary School smiled to herself as the silent - and silenced - children flooded past her.

QD, as she called Quiet Day, was another success and it was going to be heaven to be in school today. So peaceful, so restrained. She smiled inwardly at her little joke.

The only sounds were the squeak of shoes on the polished school hallway and the tinkle of light chains. Perhaps, if she listened carefully, she could detect the stifled gasp of a gagged child struggling with some particularly restrictive bondage.

There were parents with their children there too: in fact, more parents than ever attended Parent Teacher evenings. Loving parents who wanted to see their offspring safely at school, happily in their classes, securely tied to their desks. Loving parents who loved seeing their children bound and gagged and loved seeing other children the same way.

And the inventiveness of it all!

Alice sighed with pleasure as she looked round the crowded hallway, at Jimmy Halber with his hands tied to the back of his neck and a large red rubber ball in his mouth; bookish Tanya McLaren with her hands tied to the tops of her thighs and elbows secured to her sides with wire and gagged so prettily with a big yellow bow between her teeth; pretty Donna Mailer with her arms bound to a shoulder rod but only to her elbows so her forearms dangled free if useless and wearing a large piece of duct tape over her lower face; eight year old Samuel Gaines with his arms tied in a folded position behind his back, arching his front forward, and yards of bandage wrapped round his head to obviously seal something large in his mouth.

Kenny and Kelly Thomson, the twins from the sixth grade, rushed past the Principal, their father hurrying to keep up. With the twins' hands tied behind them they were chained by their slim necks and even between their ball gags - blue for the boy, pink for the girl - was a thin silver chain, tinkling as they hurried.

Alana Caprotti looked like the angel she was in her white latex harness, holding her arms tightly to her side, a ring gag stretching her jaws wide open. She was being escorted by her older sister Deanna who had until four years ago been a pupil at Kester and always looked good herself in ropes and gags. Now she was bringing Alana in but had joined in the spirit of the day, wearing one of her old white rubber gags. She winked at her old Principal and felt foolish at such a disrespectful and inappropriate gesture. Alice however merely nodded back.

It was good to see former students remembering to wear gags.

Bonny Etrescu, normally one of the school's most talkative kids, was wearing what had to be the largest black rubber ball gag that Alice had ever seen on an eleven year old. She was already drooling and the wet patch on her front would get considerably larger by three o'clock. Mrs Etrescu was guiding her daughter, cuffed at wrists and ankles with a connecting chain, through the throng. She grinned at the Principal and patted her silenced daughter on the shoulder, clearly proud of her child.

Alice felt a wave of delight at all this - and it was all her idea. When she arrived eight years ago, the first day of semester was such a noisy, disruptive day. But her idea of having a quiet day had worked, though only to a point. Once she introduced an enforced silence day - the first actual Quiet Day with gags and bonds to keep stray hands ungagging themselves or others - it had been a huge success.

And the children, the parents and the staff loved it, looking forward to QD kicking off the semester in style. Some of them - adults and children themselves - even suggested having a Quiet Day once a week, and that wasn't such a bad idea at all. Having a Quiet Day at the start of the semester always calmed the kids down for the term but, inevitably, chattering and gossip and bad behavior would start to creep back.

An enforced silence day once a week seemed a very good idea though Alice didn't want to rob the first day of semester of its sense of occasion, its sheer joy. She thought maybe having a QD once a week with just ordinary gags and no bonds and resolved to discuss it with the governors.

Or would it be better to have an hour a day, first thing in the morning, with the students all gagged? Ah, the responsibilities of being head of such a lively and forward-thinking school!

Alice nodded to the parents of nine year old Gavin Wu, whose son looked sweet in his custom-made steel head harness and his hands chained to the leather neck brace, and also to the mother of Louisa Shaw who was moving her conventionally rope-tied daughter along and trying to make some last minute adjustments to the girl's ball gag strap. Tighter, Alice hoped.

Maria Wade was coming towards the Principal, her mother and father flanking her. For a moment Alice thought they'd broken the school rule - that the ten year old wasn't gagged or even bound on Quiet Day. Her hands were in front of her with no visible sign of ropes or straps or chains. The girl's full lips were free of a gag. For a moment Alice thought this would be some lunatic protest against what had become a school tradition. She braced herself for some ill-informed tirade but both Mr and Mrs Wade broke out into a wide grin as they approached.

'Forgive me talking,' whispered Mrs Wade as she stooped in front of Alice. 'It's just that we wanted to be different with Maria but we thought we should explain as we didn't want to alarm you. You see, Maria is gagged and restrained,' she glanced proudly at her daughter, standing next to her with hands clasped in front of her.

'Yes,' added the girl's father in a whisper. 'We super-glued her hands together - fingers and palms - and her lips are glued shut too. In her mouth she's got a pair of panties to help her be quiet. Until this evening when we get the anti-glue compound out, she won't move her hands or say a word!'

Alice nodded that she understood. She wanted to say that would be fine, but the ball gag she wore stopped her. It was an inconvenience sometimes to be gagged like the kids but if a Principal can't set an example, then who can?

More children flowed through, more variety on ropes and chains and straps and gags - and a refreshing number of wire-bound limbs too and a higher than usual incidence of adjustable gags forcing young jaws and mouths wide open. The janitor would complain later how wet the floors were from all the drooling but it was a small price to pay for such perfect peace.

The bell rang, urging the kids into silent goodbyes to parents and into their classrooms. Alice watched the crowded hallway suddenly thin out and what little noise there had been slipped away. She watched a latecomer, little Joanne Lenster, scamper through with her tight latex red armbinder and matching gag and then Alice went to check on a class.

It was Miss Jane's class - rows of children sat neatly tied to their chairs, attentively and silently watching their teacher. Of course, Miss Jane couldn't do anything, tied as she was facing the kids. She sat on her chair placed on her desk, skirt hitched up and legs spread wide apart by the ropes Alice had applied earlier, before the kids arrived. Miss Jane's skimpy pink lace panties were already quite wet and the kids could see the outline of her labia lips, the cleft of her vagina through the stretched, thin material. Miss Jane's blouse was undone and her breasts were straining in the matching lace bra, nipples poking hard through the fabric. Just like her students, she was gagged - a simple but effective ring gag - and a line of drool was forming a gleaming river on her chest, running towards the thin strap between her bra cups. Alice thought she might go in later and unclip Miss Jane's bra and allow the children to see those firm, young breasts.

Perhaps with clothespins applied, mused Alice.

It was an important part of the children's education, to see an adult tied like they were - or might be if their moms and dads and guardians had tied their little legs together. They had to see what the benefits of being quiet were. How good bondage in the school could be.

In her office, Alice saw that Matron was waiting for her. Dear, sweet Matron in her mature white bra and girdle and an adhesive bandage over her mouth. As none of them would be especially busy today it was the ideal time for the Principal's QD check up. Alice hoisted her skirt up, slipped her panties down and bent over her desk, legs wide apart and round ass towards the Matron so the woman could begin her careful, probing examination with her skilled fingers.

And they had all QD to do it, or at least until children who had made some noise somehow were brought to her office for a spanking.

Alice didn't have to wait long. She had climaxed and now was returning the compliment to the mature woman. She had just got her hand down inside Matron's heavy girdle and was exciting the gagged older woman when there was a knock at her door. Normally, she would have called "Come In" but her gag prevented her. Reluctantly the Principal extracted her hand, all wet and shiny, from the depths of Matron and went to the door.

Outside was Charlotte. That beautiful pale blonde haired seven year old child with big, innocent blue eyes and a splendid white ball gag keeping her quiet. She was holding a note and Alice took it.

"Principal", it read in Ms Harper's neat writing. "I regret Charlotte here was trying to make a noise in class and needs to be punished. Signed, Kathy H."

Alice was a little surprised it was Charlotte who should be guilty of such an infraction, but she also suspected that as Kathy Harper liked to try to finger her small girls this was more that Charlotte had made some noise at a finger inserted in her cunny or in her ass. Still, making noise was punishable on Quiet Day, however caused. Alice invited the child to step into her office.

Charlotte stared at Matron, sat on the edge of the desk and now desperately frigging herself off as the Principal had been distracted by the knock at the door. The older woman didn't stop as Charlotte appeared. in fact, she redoubled her efforts at having such a pretty little gagged girl watching her.

Alice, however, noting all this had one of her better ideas. She would sit next to Matron on the edge of the desk and with her legs apart would get the child to finger both herself and Matron, one small hand in each cunt. She arranged herself and indicated that Charlotte should step forward. Fortunately, the child understood what was required and burrowed her left hand into the Principal and her right hand into Matron, sawing them in and out in a simple, slick rhythm.

Alice smiled behind her gag, wondering if Charlotte was doing this in the hope she would avoid some spanking. That, after all, was the norm on QD at the school. But Charlotte couldn't know that however fast her hand pistoned in and out of the two women, she wouldn't escape her spanking.

Only when both the Principal and Matron had cum was Charlotte allowed to withdraw her hands and wipe them clean on her pretty, blue smock dress. The dress that in a few moments was lifted and tucked clear, Matron holding the child's hands as the sobbing girl lay across Alice's knees to be soundly spanked. Twelve hard slaps that made the pretty girl blubber and howl into her gag.

Then, as the rules stated, Charlotte would be bound, hands above her head, facing the wall with her dress hitched up, her pink and white panties round her ankles and red butt visible, reminding all the children what happens if you are naughty on QD. A photograph would be taken, with the child's tear-streaked face visible in the mirror that hung in front of the child's face.

She would, as well, have regular visits from Matron to give her little ass a warming spank, just to keep those bubble butt cheeks pink.

Alice felt a glow of pleasure as she secured little Charlotte's wrists to the hooks in the wall. There were plenty of more hooks on the wall - all with mirrors at head height - and already she could see a small boy, six year old Thomas Waschowsky was heading towards the Principal clutching a new note.

The boy was crying already, tears rolling down his cheeks and over his well-taped up mouth.

Well, thought Alice, he will be crying a lot more soon as she held one hand out for the note and slipped her other hand up her own skirt in readiness.


At home that evening, away from the silent bustle of the school, Alice stretched out in the big lounger chair and sighed contentedly. She was glad to get the gag she wore all day out of her mouth, but others weren't so lucky she remembered. But at least Quiet Day had been a success - perhaps the best ever.

Indeed, only fourteen children had been sent to her for a spanking. Quite an improvement on the last Quiet Day, even if Alice hoped that small children ignoring the fact they were gagged wouldn't finish entirely. Spanking was such good fun.

Pleased with her day she reached for the drink of martini little Charlotte was presenting on a small silver tray, where the child was kneeling by the chair. Sweet little Charlotte, thought the Principal as she sipped the drink. Such a dear child, and so pretty even without that blue smock dress on. But even prettier now she had a red ball gag in rather than the white one she'd had worn all day.

And the way the girl's hands were bound in front of her, particularly with all her small fingers bound together with wire, sent a thrill through Alice. But then, seeing small girls - and even boys - bound and gagged was heaven for her.

Alice looked over to where Charlotte's mother sat. The woman was sitting on the hard chair facing them, bound as she had been at the front of her class. Miss Jane, naked like her daughter Charlotte, was silenced but she too was wearing a different gag. Not the ring gag she had worn earlier, but a more substantial penis gag that would be pressing down the woman's throat. probably making her want to barf but she was coping with it.

Just as she and her daughter were learning to cope with the clothespins on their nipples, and the weights that tugged them down. Not yet so painful for Charlotte as she was yet to grow any breasts. But her mother was suffering with the small lead weights swinging below her brutalized tits.

It was reflected Alice, a good job the woman and her daughter were gagged. She couldn't abide noise.

'I think,' said Alice, to no one in particular, though both Charlotte and her mother could hear the Principal, 'We shall have Quiet Day once a week. Perhaps as soon as the next semester.'

Despite their bonds both the child and the bound woman stirred. They both got off on being bound and gagged, Alice knew. Just as she got off on doing it to them, and all the rest of the school.

'I was also thinking of inviting Matron here later. I understand she has a new whip she wants to try out.' said Alice, taking another sip of her drink before carefully putting it back on the small silver tray the child was holding out. She was in no hurry: the weight of the tray wasn't particularly heavy but it would not be feeling that way for the small girl. She imagined that Charlotte would soon be sobbing as she struggled to keep the tray level as her arms tired, desperate to avoid spilling a drop of the Principal's drink.

The bound mother would be weeping too as the weights on her distended nipples grew too painful.

Charlotte would also be crying later when Matron whipped her, or Alice put on her new black strap on and got Charlotte's mother to hold the little one down as she fucked her cute little ass.

But hey, it wasn't so bad. They could all have a quiet night later, to get over it.

Alice smiled at the pleasures ahead. It wasn't easy being a mother and a grandmother and working as a Principal too. But with her daughter Jane Riley and grand-daughter Charlotte Riley here at home with her, Alice didn't mind how hectic it was.

Providing the two of them were gagged, of course, because every day should be Quiet Day.

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