I have to say there is something quite sweet about having a small girl wipe your ass. Once you get over the shock of someone touching you there, that is. I don't want to be revolting but her small hand got right inside and really made sure I was clean. 'Sweetie,' I said with a sigh of satisfaction as she finished, 'you okay with doing that?'
'Sure.' The girl chuckled. 'You gonna do mine now?'
'Honey.' I tried not to blush as I stood and hauled up my pants. 'You haven't done anything yet.'
'Oh I can. I wanna go.' The child suddenly slid Dilly out of herself. I have to say my heart missed a beat when I saw it and the fact it was glistening, not from the metallic look but that fact she had left juices on it. Not much anyway - not as much as Dolly, as I was sure I would call it from now on, did after a session with me. But enough for me to know she was aroused. For a a good fifteen seconds the girl frigged herself with her spare hand furiously and then snickered. 'I cummed,' said the girl, her cheeks a little flushed.
'I came,' I found myself saying. But why was I trying to correct her? I knew what she meant. Perhaps cummed was better because it was more innocent. 'You cummed,' I corrected myself.
'Will you hold Dilly while I get up.' The little girl held out the slicked vibrator for me. I took it, a tad hesitantly. I wasn't sure what to do with it. Then I did something crazy. I asked a question that introduced me to the delights of the little girl's juices.
Thinking that maybe Hilton was younger than she was, I asked: 'You want me to help you on the toilet?'
She held her arms out and grinned. Not knowing what to do with Dilly I took a deep breath and put it between my teeth, so I had both hands free to lift her up. On reflection I'm pretty sure she could have got up there herself but I did it anyway. But lifting her up wasn't on my mind as much as the vibrator between my teeth. I tried not to taste it but it was inevitable I would.
The taste was, well, utterly wonderful. I couldn't help running my tongue over the smooth side of the vibrator. Hilton laughed as if she knew what I was doing.
I know you'll think I'm real perverted, having a kid wipe my rear and then licking at something that had spent the best part of the day lodged inside a small girl's twat, but don't knock it till you've tried it. I must have hesitated for all of a second before I took it out and licked the other side.
'You like tasting me?' asked Hilton, giving a small grunt as she expelled the first of her poop.
'Honey... you have no idea,' I sighed. I licked at it like a popsicle and Hilton, between grunts, laughed. She even gave a small fart, and chuckled at that.
'You can put it in you if you like,' she said, pointing to my crotch. 'Sometimes it kinda goes off and just buzzes. ''Snice.'
I guess looking back I was doing just about the most perverted thing ever. But I couldn't stop what I was doing. I said: 'I need to slick it up some,' and licked it all over. Then I eased my pants down with one hand and slid Dilly up with he other.
'I can see it going in,' enthused Hilton. 'It fits!'
'So does Dolly,' I said, both disappointed that it wasn't bigger and astonished I was doing all this in front of a five year old, sat on a toilet watching me.
God knows where Sherri had bought this miracle of miniature engineering from but the "buzzer" Hilton had talked about chose that moment to kick in. It wasn't an orgasm-ripper like Dolly on full blast - a human operated switch, not automatic like this - but it sent a shiver of delight through me. 'Honey,' I gasped, 'uh... Dilly's woken up!'
The little girl merely applauded. 'Dilly's doing!' she chortled as she clapped her little hands.
I held the small, slim vibrator in as I was scared that my already pulsing cunt would eject the device. I probably didn't look very grown up or sophisticated, standing with knees slightly bent and legs apart, pants halfway down my thighs, one hand on my sex and a look of slack-jawed delight on my face. But it was wonderful in its own little way, even though I wasn't going to climax like that.
'I've finished pooping,' said Hilton.
'What? Oh, of course.' I was so lost in what I was doing I'd almost forgotten she was there. I didn't even smell her shit, either. Reluctantly I let Dilly slide out of me. It was, I have to say, well slicked.
'Eeuugh!' The child laughed in mock horror. 'It's all creamy!'
'Yeah. Guess your mom's looks yucky like that,' I said as I balanced the vibrator on a towel I placed on the sink by the toilet.
'Uh, no. She hasn't got one.'
'She uses Dilly?' I would, I reflected as I tugged a few sheets of paper from the holder, ready to clean up the child. That's when she delivered one of her little shocks. Well, a big one.
'No, silly. Mommy uses me.'
I was halfway through lifting the child off the pan when I stopped. 'You?'
'Sure. She says my fingers are just perfect.'
I set the girl down and stared at her. 'Y-you... You're telling me you, uh.... finger your Mommy?' I have to say I checked myself. Had I really said "Finger" to a child? More important, had she really said what she had?
'Not fingers. My hand,' said the child triumphantly, holding up her little fist. 'When I'm not tied down.'
I sat on the edge of the bath tub, my head spinning. 'Jeez,' I said.
'Um, my bottom,' said Hilton, reminding me of what I said I'd do. In a state of shock I wiped little Hilton's ass. Not caring about the smell or the mess. Humiliating? Only if you are aware of what you are doing - and I was far out of it.
'Can I have Dilly back now?' asked the child, pointing to where it lay on the towel. It had stopped buzzing on its own.
'Sure. You know it's got my juices on it?' I asked.
'Yeah!' The child seemed enthusiastic, which I appreciated.
Dumbly I asked as I handed it over: 'Does it need new batteries?'
The child shook her head as she slid it straight up into her. 'No. Mommy put new ones in this morning, when she tied me down. Can I have a new diaper please?' She looked at me with a small grin. 'I have to keep Dilly in me.'
I gulped as thoughts raced through my head, mostly about vibrators. 'No, honey. You have to wait for a while. I have to go and get my friend Dolly.' Heaven knows where the idea came from, but I said it straight out.
Hilton looked pleased.
'Uh, just hold it there and go back to your bed,' I said.
Hilton nodded, and walked out the bathroom. I watched as she walked - waddled, more like - holding her vibrator in herself. I have to say that it was strangely erotic watching a small girl, naked from the waist down apart from those delightful socks and shoes, walking ahead of me like that.
Once we were at her bed I motioned her to lie down. Without hesitation she went into a star shape, arms and legs wide. I could see the end of Dilly poking out of her and resolved I'd tie it in place.
I admit I have never tied anyone before but it was easy securing her wrists and ankles to the ropes already in place. Then I found a length of rope by the bed and tied it round her waist and took the loose ends down between her legs, tugging it up between them to ensure Dilly stayed put. Hilton squealed at my effort and I couldn't help but smile.
Another idea was forming in me, and one that was making me feel aroused. 'I have to go and get Dolly, from my room,' I explained. 'I'll be gone a few minutes. I think you should wait quietly, don't you?'
Maybe this was what her mother said, because Hilton opened her mouth wide for the small rubber ball. Once that was in I sealed her lips with the piece of tape that had covered them earlier. Quick, easy and incredibly erotic. I looked down at her stretched open and the way the rope was keeping her vibrator in her, stopping it sliding out. I was going to need Dolly pretty damn soon.
I felt dizzy but elated. I hauled up my pants and let myself out of her room and hurried to mine.
I was on the floor above but still I took the elevator, figuring it would be quicker. I got to my room, grabbed my dildo and raced back, not wanting to leave Hilton alone - or maybe not miss a moment of playing with her.
I used the stairs going back rather than use the elevator. As I turned the corner I saw Sherri with some guy. It was obvious they were having sex: she was against the wall, skirt up round her waist and one leg lifted. Around the ankle of her other leg were her panties. Like any good woman knows when you have sex in a public place, it's wise to keep your smalls where you can grab them quick.
The man had his face buried in the woman's long hair, so I had no idea who he was. But isn't that the point of casual liaisons at sales conferences? Anyway he was too far gone either on sex, drugs or just plain old drink to care about me, but Sherri saw me and winked. Clearly the man gyrating into her wasn't that good - he wasn't quite blowing her mind. I paused, nodded as if I understood and handed her the key to my room. I guess in that instant I knew I would be spending the night with Hilton. And that suited me perfectly.
All I did was wave a goodbye and hurry on. She got back to her man. Probably whispering he could fuck better if they were in a bedroom and she had just the place.
Back in Sherri's room I was relieved to see her daughter was okay. She was wriggling against her ropes and making very small mewing noises into her gag. Clearly Dilly had kicked in again and she was finding it wonderfully ticklish.
That was when I did the cruelest thing I've ever done. I slipped the ropes holding the little vibrator in the child and eased it out. From behind her gag I heard Hilton give a cry of what I can only describe as pre-school despair.
'Hush,' I said with a smile. 'I want you to try Dolly now.'
'Hmmfff!' Hilton grunted. I don't know if that was her saying that was good or saying bad, I want mine. Either way, she was getting Dolly in her.
I held it up so she could see it and her lovely, appealing eyes widened. Her Dilly was silver and thin, this was black and thick. Slowly I licked the end of my dildo where she could see what I was doing and flicked the setting to medium. Then I pressed it to her small and delightful little cunt.
I'd always thought that a big object inserted into a small vagina wasn't a good idea but I went ahead, easing and working the large smooth head into the child, rocking it gently to slide it into her. 'How does it feel, sweetheart?' I asked.
Hilton moaned and I took that to be good. I pushed some more and the top part of it was right in the little girl. She was breathing hard, her chest rising and falling and little nostrils flaring. I swear she was trembling a little too, but that was probably just plain old fear. More of Dolly went in and a mixture of panic and pleasure filled the girl's eyes. I was aware too she was clenching her little fists, almost in rhythm to my actions, and I began to work the humming dildo deeper into the child.
She was making noises behind her gag and I was tempted to rip the tape from her face. But I liked the sense of fear radiating from her and I didn't want her screaming. For a few moments I clamped my hand over her little face to keep her very quiet.
With Dolly a good few inches inside the little darling (I was astonished how far I could get it in before she began trying to scream under her gag) I removed my hand from her face and took the loose end of her waist rope. I tied it round the vibrator to prevent it slipping out. I think she was moaning in pleasure as I sat back. Yet for some reason I didn't care. Little Hilton was bound and gagged and I was treating her to an adult size dildo. The only thing I could do was take her slender (and thankfully still buzzing) dildo and having shucked off everything below my waist sit and press it to my own quite wet cunt.
Hilton watched me, neither shocked or approvingly. She had her own distraction with Dolly in her. Sadly for me the auto function on Dilly quit just before I got to the orgasmic stage, so reluctantly I finished off by hand.
Of course the thing about my big black Dolly was there was no cut-off. The batteries would run for at least an hour more and the helpless child was squirming in discomfort rather than pleasure now. A trickle of a tear escaped the corner of her eye. I admit I did feel a little sorry for her that, being so young, she wasn't going to get much pleasure by penetration. She was still in the clit-stroking phase and although I did trail the tip of her Dilly over the little nubbin just above Dolly I didn't try to give her much pleasure.
Still, it was fun watching her buck her little hips in an attempt to meet it. After a few moments play I stopped teasing her. Play? Teasing? the child was going wild for some sort of satisfaction and I wasn't giving it to her. In fact, I was denying her and hey, it was fun.
I turned Dolly off (but left it in her as a reminder) and sniggered at poor, distressed but very vulnerable Hilton, blinking tears away as she looked at me.
'Are we having fun yet?' I grinned and stroked her face.
I dropped the thin child's dildo by the bed and feeling naughty went to the phone. I dialed home and settled back where I could see Hilton and she could see me, spread my legs and fingered myself as I chatted to my husband, my kids and even asked them to put the dog on so I could "hi" to the mutt.
Maybe it's a woman thing but I swear Lucille was sensing something was, well, different. After I said "goodnight" to our dog BB (Big Balls, if you must know - but don't tell the kids that) Lucille wanted to come back on and speak to me.
'Mom,' she said, quietly as if she didn't want anyone else listening in. But as I could hear a ball game on the TV in the background I guessed there was no danger: Ben and Grant would be back watching.
'Yes, honey?'
'What's going on?'
'On?' I sounded casual but I'd stopped playing with myself. Guilt, probably. I glanced at Hilton, lying watching me all trussed up and thanking heaven that videophones weren't all the rage.
'With you, Mom. You sound... different.'
I was uncomfortable now. I even closed my legs despite knowing my daughter couldn't see my shaved pussy from hundreds of miles away. 'I don't know what you mean, honey. I've had a drink at the bar, that's all.'
'You got a man in there with you?'
The question floored me fro a moment. 'Lucille! I am your mother,' I protested. 'What do you take me for?'
'Mom,' she chided. 'You always said don't answer a question with a question as it shows guilt.'
Fuck, she was right. Hoisted by my own petard. 'Okay! I haven't got a man here. As well you know.'
That was when Dilly kicked in again. Hell, what was the setting on that damn thing? Worse, I had placed on the bedside table and it rattled. Loud enough for my daughter to say: 'What's that noise?'
'Nothing. The TV probably. Hotels have some crazy channels.'
If there is one thing about my daughter is that she has the ability to see through me. I'm surprised she never sensed I had shaved my mound to please her father. Or she had an idea but was holding it back for when she needed it.
'Who's in there with you?' The suspicion was almost too much.
'No one!' I snapped. I would have said more had Hilton not managed to spit the ball out of her mouth because the tape I'd used - the tape from before - had come loose.
'I need Dilly in my cunny, not this big thing!' the child shouted, clearly excited by the fact that Dilly was going to waste.
'Mom!' Lucille was more than alert now. She couldn't have failed to hear Hilton.
'It's the TV. You know. Late night movie. Wait and I'll shut it down.' I dropped the phone and scooted over to the bed. I had the rubber ball back in the child's mouth before she could say anything more than: 'I don't want to be tied up unless you pu-!' and I plastered the tape - half hanging off the child's face - back in place. It wouldn't last as I'd discovered but long enough to finish my conversation with my all too curious daughter.
'Mom, what's happening -'
'Honey, it was just the TV.'
'You watching some porn channel?' asked Lucille.
'No! Course not.' For once I wasn't lying. 'Stupid show. I mean, old movie. Good job we don't have them back home.' I shot anxious look at Hilton, worrying that my temporary gag was about to come loose again. 'Oh, I have to go. One of the girls from the conference has just stopped by to see if I want to go to the bar.'
'But... you said you'd already had a -'
I cut Lucille off with a rapid goodnight sequence. 'Not to worry. Sleep well, angel. See you as soon as I can get home. Be good. Bye!' I put the phone down quick, just a second before Hilton's gag came lose again.
I don't like to think of revenge. But there was no other explanation for it. I was annoyed at Hilton for shouting out and alerting Lucille, and as the tape wouldn't stick much more I took my panties and stuffed them in the little girl's mouth and then used the waist rope - not caring whether it held a dildo in her or not - and tied it round her head to complete a pretty effective gag.
Poor Hilton's cheeks bulged out like some hamster storing its food. Her eyes bulged too because I think she thought she might choke, but once she settled and accepted it she found breathing wasn't too hard.
I sat back after gagging the five year old and contemplated my mistake. I should have told Lucille that I was watching some soft porn. That would have explained her noticing I was somehow acting strange. And the sounds, especially of Hilton. I thought about ringing home again. Not for any sexual kick this time but to try to talk to Lucille and somehow explain I was watching a porn film on an adult channel, but the reason for calling back would be vague.
Above all I sure didn't want to talk to my husband about it.
I sighed. Hilton still looked cute and I'd had fun with her, but I wasn't sure what to do now. I didn't know when her mother would be back and didn't how she'd react seeing her daughter all bound and without any pants - or diaper. I wondered if she walked in now she'd think I was raping her daughter. Well, I guessed I had with my Dolly.
I tried to tell myself that any woman who left her daughter bound and gagged in a hotel room all day was hardly in a position to judge me. On the other hand, she had trusted me and I said I would untie her and look after the child.
On the other hand, Ms Hot Lips was screwing some guy in my bedroom. She probably does that all the time with strangers and I expect she-
A cold, clear chill hit me. Fucking in my room? What if Ben called, expecting to speak to me? What if Sherri answered in the throes of orgasm, or tried to talk with her mouth full of that man's dick?
What if even for an instant Ben thought that was me?
Worst of all, what if the man answered it and didn't know the name of the woman he was on top of and thought it was someone called Jay?
I grabbed the phone and dialed my room. It rang worryingly several times before Sherri picked it up. 'Sherri,' I blurted, ignoring any conventions of politeness. 'Uh... any calls for me?'
'That you, Jay?' She sounded slurred, if a little drunk. 'Um...I dunno... some kid, maybe.'
'Kid?' My heart not only missed a beat it just about stopped altogether. 'A girl? My daughter?'
'I dunno. Didn't give her name. Just said, um.... Mom? and then put the phone down.'
'Oh fuck,' I said. I think my heart must have started again, judging by the pounding in my chest.
'Kids, right? Don't worry,' said Sherri, then laughed and away from the phone said; 'Hey! Don't do that! Not both fingers!'
'Sherri, you want to come back to your room?'
'How's Hilton? Is she good? Hey, that's my asshole you're poking... no, don't do that now!' More laughter, a man's too.
'Hilton's fine,' I said, mind reeling. 'In bed. It's just that I ought to be in my room in case my family call back.'
'Oh don't worry about them, this is reeeaaal good fun.'
Before I could reply she rang off. I put the phone down and felt sick.
Hilton was looking at me and caught my eye. I said to her: 'I guess you've done enough damage so you want to be ungagged, right?'
The child made no move, gave no gesture. So I presumed she wanted to be free. I started to untie her gag rope, and then pulled my sodden pants from between her teeth.
'You 'kay?' she asked, almost at once. Sweet of her to ask. Really I should have been asking her.
'I'm fine. I just wish you hadn't shouted out about Dilly. Kinda makes it hard telling my daughter what we were doing.'
'You tie her up?'
'Excuse me?' I gaped at the child.
'You're a mommy. You tie your little girl up like me?'
I opened my mouth to say "of course not, I'm no pervert" but thought better of it. 'No. She, um, doesn't like it.'
'You look sad,' said Hilton. 'You want me to put my fingers in you? Like I do with Mommy?'
If it's possible for a mouth to gape more than mine, I'd like to see it. Or not, as I must have looked pretty stupid.
'You don't have to untie me,' said Hilton, ignoring my look of complete shock. 'Well, jus' one hand.'
'In me?' I said, weakly. 'No, that would be...' I couldn't think what it would be. Other than sensational.
'Okay, then you want me to lick you? Mommy says I've got a very good tongue. Pokey-tongue, that's the game we play.'
I didn't ask the rules: I could imagine them. I found myself nodding.
''Kay, then you have to sit on my face.' The child seemed unconcerned about the prospect of having my big butt - bigger I imagined than her mom's - over her little face. Seductively she put her pink, wet tongue out and wiggled it at me. Beckoning a kind of "come on."
I was in a dream state. Licked out by a child as cute as this? I didn't answer. I simply swung myself over the little one's head and lowered my suddenly aching cunt lips over her mouth. Her tongue, small and wet and delightfully lively, was in me before I settled.
It must have taken me all of ten seconds to give my first long "aaaah!" and continued for several minutes with longe, deeper sighs and groans from me as the child really wormed her tongue into me. From where I was (I wasn't quite resting my weight for fear of smothering the kid) I could see her body, especially her splayed legs and top of her hairless slit.
It looked fascinating and I leant forward, careful not to break contact between my nether lips and hers, and slowly began toying with her cunny. Playing with that little hard bump of her clit, feeling her respond via her tongue.
Inside a few moments I was pistoning my fingers into her tight little wet snatch, feeling her gasp into my cunt as I did so. I was determined to make the kid cum and determined I wasn't to get off her until I had cum, too.
I suddenly didn't care about mothers and children, taking care of little ones, behaving responsibly and all that crap. This was too good, too wonderful. I was in heaven and caring was way out of there. I reached over and grabbed the discarded Dolly. Time to put it back in that tight little hole.
I felt Hilton give a gasp against my cunt lips rather than heard her as Dolly slid in. Quite swiftly, this time. I'm sure the child redoubled her lapping at me and I was starting to grind my ass down on her face.
Hell, I was enjoying being licked and fucking the child with my dildo. So much that I was on the verge of one hell of an orgasm. So much I almost didn't care when Sherri walked in.
Though I did care that the man following her was my boss.
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