Published: 29-Feb-2012
Word Count:
'How are we going to tell him?' Emma whined.
I thought of the way her pussy slit was carved in the sleek Speedo swimsuit I had seen her in a few days ago.
'It's impossible,' responded stocky Sharon, petulantly.
Her already bulging tits with pronounced nipples were outbalanced by her thick waist and her bulky rear.
'I just don't know,' toned Ishara, in her deep Pakistani voice.
Her short, fat but blossoming body had it's own mellow sweetness in the rich chocolate skin tones. She always wore flowing, all enveloping clothes, so I had no concept of her figure. Even in regulation school uniform of bottle green skirt, white shirt, striped blue and green tie, Ishara's skirt was long and voluminous and her shirt was thick and loose.
I listened with interest, not having a clue as to what was being discussed, but my daughter's school chums were extremely concerned about something and I hung around. They didn't know I was down the garden, behind the lodge that they were in at the side of the outdoor swimming pool. I was frustrated I couldn't spy on them but knew there were no holes in the walls. Many were the views I had of them anyway, round the house and the grounds through the years. Spectacular glimpses of their skirts riding up, panty crotches, tiny nipples down the front of shirts and blouses, lacy first brassieres, occasional sights of their night attire on sleepovers, all kept the lusty pot boiling in my adult mind.
'He's going to be wild and I'm going to get all of it. It's alright for you lot.' said my little girl Lucy. Ah! Lucy my sweetie. She would be my saviour when we finally had quality time together later in the day. Yes - you will be getting all of it, but her words were worrying.
'We'll all own up if we have to,' said Isla, the Scottish girl understandingly.
The fiery red head with her lithe athletically toned body intrigued me especially in the bikini she had on the other day. What a firm arse she had, especially when one side of it had ridden up her crack making that one buttock emphasise it.
'No we won't or I won't,' pouted Lisa the toughie of the group.
Tall, sullen and leggy, looking 18 rather than 13 in her pussy pelmet skirts and tight tee shirts. 'I wasn't there remember?' she continued.
'You were only not there because you were snogging Peter on the other side of the car,' came the lush but authoritative voice of Bobby the black girl.
Her voice thrilled me, my mind racing with thoughts of her bountiful breasts and big butt, all wrapped up in that blue black skin, which so reminded me of her mother. Her words created extra interest as I assumed Peter was my 14-year-old son, but he didn't have a car. Peter snogging Lisa from the council estate? Well I knew he was a goer with the girls and she is tall and statuesque, but hardly the sort for my lad, I thought pompously. Now little Emma, tiny Emma, although the oldest, was dwarfed by the girls in the rat pack in my earshot. She was a catch for him in my opinion.
Her old man was loaded like me, divorced like me and well travelled like me as were his kids Emma, Claire and Sally.
They were all well brought up, spoke two languages perfectly, dressed and carried themselves well, as much as fashions and trends allowed them and were comfortable in adults company.
Emma was 14, cute, almost white blonde with the poutiest pair of lips and bright eyes to match my Lucy. The sulky chatter dried up for a while and I stayed put - hidden in the shrubbery where I was spending the afternoon cutting back overhanging stuff. Lucy had said she would get the blame or words to that effect. She referred to a 'he'. Surely that would be me, as she's not beholden to any other male. I am rarely upset with her, she knows where she stands but from her words something wretched concerned them all. Then I heard the fatal word and it chilled me.
'Daddy's all time favourite in the whole collection is that Bugatti and now it's ruined,' Lucy wailed. 'He's going to kill me.'
Shit! Bugatti - ruined? My pulse raced, my sweat exploded and I nearly spluttered with rage and confronted them. My collection of classic racing cars was world renowned and Lucy was dead right - I loved the old Italian motor the best. But what were they doing near it?
'You shouldn't have taken us in there,' said Ishara wisely.
'But Isla wanted to see it, you know how techie she is. I mean she drives all of her dad's stuff. It's not Lucy's fault really,' argued Sharon.
I did know Jock Stewart's vast farm and the range of very expensive machinery on it, coupled with the use he put his daughter to on the machines, due to her inherent family mechanical traits. I had never excluded Peter or Lucy from the car collection, they had just never really taken any interest in it, but to hear the rat pack had gone in and damaged my pride and joy was shocking. When? Peter was with them? He would never have gone in with all seven girls.
'I am amazed he hasn't found out yet,' said Emma.
Lucy replied. 'He only got back about three or four hours ago. He went into town.'
It was me they were worried about. Arriving back from Dublin this morning, the house was deserted apart from Marie the cook/housekeeper. The first week of the school holidays - my kids, as were the others, enjoying their freedom until Peter, Lucy and I went to Capri to the villa for three weeks. I hadn't gone into the collection, having popped into the solicitors and then preferring to do some pottering in the garden to unwind and think about the deal I had set up in Ireland. I do a lot of thinking in the garden, being good at it, although employing a gardener. After all it was my business and the root of my fortune in garden and aquatic centres.
Suddenly the girls were on the move and I took up a vantage point to watch them.
Bobby was first to leave the lodge followed by Emma. The contrast in those two, although the same age was staggering. The tall voluptuous 13-year-old coloured girl in her black boob tube and clingy white hipsters and no sign of panties beneath always thrilled me when I saw her. I assumed that she would be wearing a thong. Her tits bounced when she walked.
Little Emma, the eternal child. Elfin like, so pretty with her lush pony tail, so light on her feet and always smiling. Her cream mini skirt flared flashing her pale thighs. Her tight yellow tee shirt, without a bra under I noticed, gave just the pointed hint of the firm boobs she would surely grow.
The rest followed in a gaggle of bouncing, flashing prime teenage flesh in their summer gear. I watched voyeuristically at the perky butts, quivering breasts, loose-limbed walks as they made their way somewhat quietly to the house. I wondered how to approach the almighty problem, but first I needed to assess the damage myself. I was agitated until they disappeared in to the house, then I saw them ride away on their cycles.
I went straight to the cars and saw that the near side wing mirror was snapped off my prized Bugatti. There was a minor paint scratch near it, but I was relieved at the small extent. I had spares galore and knew the mirror was in stock. The paint would be easy. I wondered how it happened as I wandered round the car.
A sliver of white caught my eye under the car almost tucked behind a wheel. I bent to pick it up from the spotless polished mirror-like floor and gasped at the tiny pair of panties I unfolded. Minute in scale, lacy with the barest of frills round the legs I examined them. I peered at the gusset. It was stained but dry to touch. I sniffed it and drank in the slight musky odours and mused on the owner. Lisa came to mind immediately bearing in mind what I'd heard already. I stuffed the panties in my pocket and locked up. Peter also came to mind and I wondered if it was he who had removed them...and then what happened?
There was no other damage and the museum looked OK so I left to ponder it and then got absorbed in various business calls. Then I checked the security cameras and got my answer.
Peter had left a message, thoughtful to the end, that he had gone to stay with his pal Justin for two or three days but would phone in sometime. Lucy would have to approach me I decided as Marie told me the prepared frozen meals she had left me before going on her own vacation. The thickset Spanish woman waddled away to the car where her husband Jose waited and I had the place to myself. The car business was virtually forgotten and I idled some time at the TV in my bedroom. I heard Lucy come in and shouted a cheery response to her call as she reached the hallway. She peeked round the door at me and I smiled a welcome. My daughter approached me with a muted smile playing across her pretty features in her tight white shorts which showed the bottom cheeks of her delectable butt. Her shiny pink top had tiny straps which allowed her white bra straps to carve over her already tanned shoulders and I mused on the current trend of displaying traces of underwear, when once females went to extraordinary lengths to disguise straps.
'Hi daddy,' she said as she slid onto the bed. She kissed me on the cheek and I snaked my arm round her, feeling the incredible heat of her slender body.
'Hello darling, had a good day?'
'Sort of but looking forward to Capri and seeing Helena again,' she replied, referring to Helena my niece who was due to join us at the villa with her mother and father.
'You tired after Ireland?' asked Lucy, resting her head on my shoulder.
'Nope, it was good, useful and they are a great crowd. Super night in Dublin last night. You do anything while I was away?'
I heard a slight intake of breath from behind the tousled mass of golden hair masking her face. She didn't answer but to my utter surprise she ran her hand down my chest and straight under the waist band of my shorts. I gasped as she smoothed over my dormant cock which immediately started to pulse as her experienced hand squeezed it and then slithered down to my bollocks which were trapped down the legs. I eased up, letting the material loosen to allow my gorgeous little Lucy to gather the whole collection together.
'Darling, this is nice but you're a bit quick into it aren't you? Don't you want to play a game?' I breathed as she rubbed my hardening dick.
'No daddy. Just glad to see you back and to say thank you for helping me with the schoolwork over last term,' she replied.
'Well that's OK sweetie. I always enjoy being thanked like this. You in for the evening?'
'You bet with Dickie coming up like this. He's in for a treat too,' she giggled scrambling up on her knees. 'A special treat.'
With that my 12-year-old child cast off her top and her brassiere quickly followed. Her verdant breasts burst forth, so rounded and firm in near perfect handfuls, tiny nipples pointing upwards, quivering, ripe and ever so white compared to the tan lines already etched on her torso. I took the hint and slid my shorts and tee shirt off, wanking my erection as Lucy stood on the bed and stepped neatly out of her shorts.
There she paused for one brief moment, the pocket Venus, twelve years and nine months old, in the sheer white silk panties we had both chosen on her last birthday. We had had great fun going round expensive lingerie shops and choosing them together with other panties and bras, her saying mock things as if they were for her older sister's birthday, not that she had one.
Now you will have guessed by now that I had some special arrangement with Lucy. I mean it's not the normal procedure between fathers and daughters to be in the situation we were. From day one, Lucy had shown an incredible desire for my attention and I nurtured and nursed her as much as Desiree my ex-wife had. Lucy would wrap whatever limb she had available round me from the moment she could and an incredible bond had sprung up. It got a bit embarrassing sometimes but we managed to laugh it off and Desiree never suspected.
By the time Lucy was two she was sucking my dick and she seemed to know that it was taboo, so she never tried it on or let on when we weren't alone as she got older and bolder. I can't quite remember how that started but I think it was over bath times and me being tipsy. Through her formative years, she never let a hint of our incestuous love slip out and I nourished it lavishly, enjoying it as much as the many mistresses I had due to Desiree's incurable frigidity. Yes we'd brought two children into the world, but her preoccupation with status and wealth meant more to her than the kids so they were brought up by me in general.
I made time for them, it was easy being the boss of a large empire with a good team I could leave in charge.
Desiree finally fucked off with a bloke from some golf club that had never interested me. Lucy bent over, her butt wiggling at me. She was having trouble staying upright on the mattress. Slowly she drew her undies off and treated me to the most gorgeous view of her crotch. Pure, smooth and pinky white, the curves of her pussy pouch melded into the crease of her arse. Not a pube could be seen yet although she had a fair sprinkling of soft golden down all over her body. She straddled me and bent to grasp my dick.
'Get the KY daddy,' she murmured, stroking my six inches of cock intently.
Now I knew what my treat was. I reached into the bedside drawer and quickly smeared the clear jelly on her butt, inserting my finger into her puckered ring piece. She giggled as I did and then without any further prompting or words, Lucy squatted, held my dick upright as I watched it centre onto her sphincter and with a deep breath she sat slowly onto it. She rose once to adjust then suddenly she was totally impaled, my length stretching her arse hole to its fullest extent. I knew her ploy now of course, this was to try and soften the news about the Bugatti, but I didn't care. I was getting fucked by my little girl's arse and it was delightful.
Soon as I was happily ramming up at her bouncing butt until we changed position and went doggy style. The extra penetration this gave me was incredible and she grunted with effort as she forced her buttocks back to slap against my thighs. I sometimes lifted her lightweight frame off the bed, grasping her round the waist and reaming her like I would Kelly, my 32-year-old Caribbean secretary who also happened to be Bobby's mum, who preferred anal sex, although I couldn't lift her voluptuous size 14 frame off the bed. My cock glistened, slicked with only the slightest discoloured excretion mixed with the KY as it pistoned at the decidedly opposite type and colour of rear end. I warned Lucy of my impending climax and she shouted.
'Give it me in there Daddy, all of it.... Urgghhhh I love you Daddy....'
It wasn't false sincerity, she meant it and I took Lucy at her word and fucked hard, letting my jism boil up and pump into my child's fundament. With a shout I finished, feeling the waves of tension seep away and I sagged forward over her, heart pounding, feeling Lucy's anal muscles nipping my steadily diminishing tool. We collapsed laughing and as I let her wriggle from under me, my dick flopped noisily out of her bum. She grabbed tissues and wiped it clean and then she lightly oiled it. We cuddled and sighed happily in each other's arms, me gently rimming her teats as she clutched my flaccid penis.
'You're going to have a lovely sexy time, I've decided,' she murmured.
'Wow! You're hot tonight Lucy, but would this all be about the Bugatti?' I challenged.
She leapt up and knelt before me, horror on her cute face, her titties jiggling.
'You know?' she screeched. 'Oh my God.'
'I know and I am upset, but it's not the end of the world in that I can repair it easily. I'm more interested in how it happened.'
'Peter hasn't told you has he?'
'No he hasn't. .. I just went in there and saw it,' I lied slightly. 'So what went on?'
Lucy bit her lip, a habit which I love as it makes her pout even redder and more succulent. Almost trancelike she picked up my soft cock and fondled it as if it was a comforter cuddly toy or some such thing, forming her words as she studied the limp member in her hands.
'We had a little party, Peter and I. Isla wanted to see the cars, you know how techie she is. Four of Peter's friends wanted to see them as well so we took them down under strict orders, you know......'
I nodded and wrapped my arm round her to bring her close, giving her confidence and shelter to unload the details. She melted into me, our naked bodies intertwined, her limbs snaking over mine, her boobs squashed into me.
'It was all of the girls you know, we all went in there, Lisa came on strong to Peter, Henry was really keen on Sharon. The others.... well we sort of hung around. Most of us just looked around, then James and Pierce started fooling around, then they raced round sliding on the floor and it was one of them - Pierce, who lost his balance and fell onto the mirror. His watch scratched the paint,' Lucy added.
'But didn't Peter tell them to behave?' I asked, thinking about Pierce Collingham-Brown and all 170 pounds of the bulky rugby playing lad.
'Well... he was snogging Lisa round the other side.... Oh my gosh!' exclaimed Lucy, as I held up the panties I had found and extracted from my shorts pocket as she told me the sorry tale.
'These'll be Lisa's then. Found them under the Bugatti,' I declared flatly.
My daughter grimaced and bit her lip again. I urged her face up to mine and kissed her gently and as she responded I kissed her fully, tasting her sweet lips, the sheer softness always amazing me.
'Do you think he shagged her?' I asked as we gazed into each others eyes. I knew the answer.
'No Daddy. Not enough time for that,' she giggled answering correctly. 'Don't know how quick he is of course, but we were all there anyway.'
'Well I bet he felt her up with these thrown away,' I chuckled, remembering my lad's fumbling in Lisa's crotch. 'That's my boy.'
'Hmm! She's too easy. She's not my favourite of the posse,' muttered Lucy. 'I am awfully sorry Daddy. I didn't know what to do and could only think I could soften the news this way. It's naughty of me isn't it?'
'Shall I smack your bottom then?' I chuckled.
'If you want,' she murmured sleepily.
I slapped her butt playfully and Lucy mewed in mock distress.
'I think we should make someone pay for this somehow don't you?' I asked.
'Yes, all of us... well mostly the girls are mortified, more that you'll ban them from coming here and you know how they like the pool and the sauna and the tennis courts. They can't pay though, I mean which one can pay for a vintage mirror?' she reasoned sensibly.
'I have a way, but it'll be a challenge for you and it's very, very naughty...for me to suggest it,' I told her, lifting her face to mine.
I pecked her lips again and she sighed.
'Tell me you naughty boy,' she chuckled, grasping my dick which would have felt like a warm soft sausage in her hand.
With my first sentence, Lucy exploded with a screech of astonishment and then giggled in evil glee as I explained my plan accompanied by shrieks of laughter from Lucy who sat up initially aghast at my improper suggestions, but seeing the easy way out. She finally fell on me, hot and flushed at the excitement of the now "our" plan and soon she was sucking my cock up to full erection. I lay back and watched her expertise in enticing my flaccidity, which wasn't difficult when you can imagine the inducements it had. My hands roamed over her tender young frame, not only her genitals, but the curves leading to them, her golden hair which fell loose from it's normal pony tail, her tiny pink painted toe nails which I sucked separately and to which she always reacted with increased sexual fervour.
But soon of course I was concentrating on her vagina, it's soft curvy pouch inviting me to cup my hand over it and feel the length of her slit before inserting my finger. Lucy's clitoris was quite well developed and although she hadn't started her periods yet, her cunt had all the freshness of a virgin which she wasn't, tempered with the well fucked of a much older girl. She juiced up with minimum effort and soon I was on top of her in the classic missionary position pounding deep into her fanny as she gasped with pleasure at each stroke as my balls slapped her buttocks.
My daughter came first. It isn't a climatic shouting and roaring affair for her, more deep sighs and shivers and clutches so tight as to squeeze the breath out of me. I always grind my pubic bone on to her clit to excite the nerve button when I was ready and shortly after, I came into her preteen snatch as I would the four women I was fucking generally at the moment, but all of much greater ages than Lucy. We lay clasped together, panting, sighing and listening to the sloppy sounds from our joined crotches if we stirred.
The night passed in the same way with experiments in positions, a meal, some TV and more sex. The next week seemed to take ages, but I needed the time, both business wise and in setting the thing up with some judicious technical help from a pal who thought I was setting up a new mistress. He didn't know all of them and settled happily for a video, I already had of Denise, a bulky yet very sexy brunette, that I'd voyeuristically caught unawares early in our relationship and subsequently ditched.
Soon the day arrived when Lucy would activate the plan. I couldn't sleep the night before, Lucy stayed over at Bobby's and I had quite a lot of preparation to do. Several times in the evening before bed, I went and made last minute checks and run throughs and all was perfect. It was mid afternoon on a seeringly hot day that Lucy, Emma, Lisa and Bobby turned up. Ishara was not interested, Sharon was on holiday with her parents as was Isla. But I was happy with the trio that Lucy had rounded up for 'the plan'. I heard Lucy giving them the confirmation that indeed Daddy welcomed them to the place any time but she was in charge and on no account could they go to the cars. They clattered about in the kitchen and her bedroom for half an hour or so as I waited patiently in front of a bank of screens. I was locked in my office, with only the sound of the AC keeping the room cool. A six pack of cold beers kept me cool.
Suddenly the screens came live, altering the various static views of my bedroom and particularly the front area round Desiree's wardrobe and dressing table. Eight hidden mini cameras linked to VCRs each loaded with 3 hour tapes and my screens gave me wildly varying shots in motion as the four girls took occupation and I listened to their banter. I'd dabbled in mini cams over the past couple of years and really got bored with them after capturing Lucy occasionally, but mostly the women I took back to the house. Now this new venture really excited me.
'Daddy has given me permission to try on any of Mummy's stuff here, which he's never bothered to get rid of,' said Lucy, which was true.
The stupid bitch of an ex wife had flounced off with a settlement not bothering to take the expensive gear in her dressing room.
'Of course she took her jewellery apart from these trinkets,' she showed them a box. 'If you want any of it you can take it, dresses, skirts, blouses...anything. There's loads of very expensive stuff here and look at these underwear cupboards, they're stuffed with super gear.'
'And we can take it - for nothing?' scoffed a sullen Lisa who I could see was already trawling through Desiree's dresses.
I tweaked a button and the camera on top of the dress racks zoomed into her cleavage down the front of her tee shirt showing the top lace of her bra and the slightly sweaty curve of her inner breasts. I fondled my dick as I gazed on her youth.
'Sure try it on. Come on lets get into some of it,' shrilled Lucy, urging them. 'There are some horrors in the ball gowns, but who wants them. These undies are brilliant and I love pretty underwear.'
'So do I,' trilled Emma, slipping off her shorts and cut off top.
I swiftly adjusted another camera and got a low level view up her crotch from behind and silently urged her to peel off her white panties. She did and I nearly lost control as she stood as if above me, stark ballock naked until she bent over a drawer and started fishing for stuff. I needed to watch all of the cameras and soon all screens were giving me the sort of voyeuristic delights only the wonders of modern technology can bring. Lucy homed in on one of the cameras and gave me a sly wink and flashed a smile as she disrobed.
As I watched the two sweeties Lucy and Emma and their contrasting frames, nude one minute and suddenly swathed in silk knickers, under slips, brassieres etc I patiently waited for the two bigger girls to take up the enthusiasm. Bobby was sprawled back on the bed, my fucking bed, the bed I would like to fuck her in, up on her elbows, her knees at the edge and I zoomed in and there up between her spread legs was the flash of white panties, below the hem of her black mini skirt. She drew her legs up, splayed her ankles and the resulting view between those arrow forming limbs was spectacular. I knew I would get shots of her naked later and focussed on other gems.
Lisa stood posing in front of a mirror holding a gown in front of her. I silently urged her to undress and try the vast selection of underwear Desiree had gathered. She and Bobby would be the best models for it although Lucy certainly part filled the bras which Emma just couldn't. Lisa flung the gown down and tried another, as I took in her tight tall figure encased in three quarter length beige combats and a luridly purple vee necked shirt. Her pert, high tits looked scrumptious. I concentrated on Emma again, lusting over her bare chest, with the slightest bumps, but suddenly clearly there, was the tell tale sign of fair pubic hair round her slit as she stood four square in front of a camera holding a tiny silk teddy. She cocked her leg and slipped it on. It's elasticated structure did cling reasonably to her, but of course where 34 B cup tits were supposed to go, there were sad little piles of material. However the sight of her peachy cunt lips undulating as she manoeuvred her legs into the garment was absolutely stunning in full zoom mode.
Bobby passed in front of her and I switched to another camera to see her wriggle her mini skirt down. I caught my breath as her rounded full black butt swung into view, carved in half by white panties with lacy panels. I hoped she would go for the bras as she was about the same size as Desiree I guessed. I was disappointed, no that's a lie, as she then stripped off her panties and started trying on various pairs of French knickers in all colours which had been my ex's favourites. Unfortunately Emma was in the way of the best frontal view from the near camera, so I zoomed in using another and got superb close-ups of her butt as the delectable black girl shimmied in and out of the strips of silk. Bobby turned and posed at Lucy in a gorgeous pair of pale blue knickers, pulling the legs high.
They all were giggling and chatting excitedly except for the moody Lisa, who wandered around the room. I knew she wouldn't find the cameras, but I was intrigued when I saw her peering closely at the nude paintings and erotic murals that adorned my boudoir. I would be patient for her and switched my attention back to Bobby who was now peeling off her top. Her breasts burst forth, held by a tight white sports bra which could not hide the distinct bulges of her nipples. For a 13-year-old, she was a magnificent specimen of female form. I was disappointed when she started to clip a black wispy bra over her own support until my little gem Lucy stepped in and gently ridiculed Bobby. My daughter's collusion in the plan worked as an embarrassed Bobby promptly drew off her bra and the full wonder of her thrusting titties was like the sparkling burst of champagne bubbles in my mouth as I savoured the magical moment. I took a moment from teen tit gazing to zoom in Bobby's brassiere and luckily the label was sticking out where she had thrown it on the bed, my bed. I gasped with surprise and delight reading 32B - just about Desiree's size. Please, I pleaded silently to the black girl back on my screen, begging her to try on many of the bras at her disposal. She now successfully wore the wispy black number, but was in the process of unclipping it. As it dropped away I saw the thimble shaped glossy lumps of her teats. Hmm! Just like her mum I mused. Still virgin lactators but what wondrous milk they would surely produce I dreamed, as she fumbled with a handful of other brassieres. Then she tried on some more knickers and I got superb shots of her cunt and fuzzy pussy pouch.
Lucy commented to Bobby about how much pubic hair she had compared to her bald pussy, urging her to compare. She was the proverbial little marvel was my girl, as the next view she engineered was her, Bobby and little Emma all lined up at the big mirror on the dressing table in full frontal view of my camera. Lucy tugged at her smooth puss pouch as if searching for the first hairs, whilst Emma and Bobby merely smoothed their hands over theirs as they giggled and then Bobby pulled each puffy side of her cunt slightly apart, flattening the small bush of wiry black curls she sported and I got a flash of pink cunt membranes before she got tired of the game and went back to the brassieres.
Lisa told them they were all mad and so what if one had more than the other, they were still growing, she announced haughtily. I had seen her move back to the dresses and caught her dropping her combats. High cut white panties adorned her firm and shapely butt. She stood in front of me as she chose a dress and I zoomed in on her crotch, noticing the odd stray hair peeking out of the narrow front gusset. She slithered out of her tee shirt and her shapely young boobies wobbled in her loose lace trimmed brassiere. They were fuller than Bobby's I reckoned but there was no sign of teat bulge. Lisa never stripped to the buff the whole time she was in the bedroom. She seemed preoccupied within herself and stayed focussed on the gowns.
I had a wondrous time voyeuring them all including my daughter who was showing off a little in front of the cameras, but I was always delighted to see her tender charms. Bobby, Lucy and Emma were totally nude for long periods of time as they delved into the clothing and I got fantastic shots from behind, up their legs and down their fronts. Close-ups abounded through my taping and I looked forward to the editing session.
In the end they bagged up what they wanted and I watched them leave my bedroom in high flushed excitement and chatter. I switched the electronics off. I managed to look as if I'd just walked in from the garden when I met them in the kitchen where they were enjoying cold drinks and chocolate bars.
'Hi girls, got what you wanted?' I asked cheerily. 'Lucy said you'd be over this week sometime.' Yes thanks Mr Hoskins, kewl!' they trilled as a chorus.
'Super gear thanks,' added Emma sweetly and stepping forward, she gave me a light kiss on the cheek.
Her soft sweet breath and flowery scent thrilled my already hyper sex glands as I looked down her chest, searching for glimpses of her nipples.
'Bet you all went for the swimsuits. You going in the pool now?'
'Right on,' purred Bobby leaning against a worktop making her tits thrust forward. 'Lisa only got one dress,' she added.
'That all?' I shot a glance at Lisa who perched on a stool.
She nodded, scowled and her gaze pierced me.
'Thanks,' she muttered.
I shrugged my shoulders at her.
'If you're into dresses, you probably didn't see the full load in Desiree's dressing room. Did Lucy show you?'
Lisa glanced at my daughter who shook her head.
'Sorry Lisa, we got all tied up in the frilly stuff didn't we. More our style, but if you want....' said Lucy.
'You go off and swim, Lisa can see the dresses another time,' I came in on cue.
'I can't swim,' announced Lisa, just as Lucy had predicted. 'They can go. I'll go home.'
The girls accepted this happily. I find that this generation accept what the others say without question or protest unless it's a pretty extreme statement or decision. I went to the pool with the swimmers and checked the pump and things and took the dust cover off. Lisa went into the toilet in the hallway as the others went into the changing area. Lisa emerged from the toilet while the other girls were still changing. They would go through to the pool through the other side, Lucy would see to that.
'Er.. Lisa, would you like to see the other dresses? There's some stunners up there. I mean if they're not your scene maybe your mum or sisters, anyone would like them. I don't mind, was going to dump them one day,' I told her.
'Don't have sisters and my mum's fat, but my Auntie Tracey and my cousins might like them,' she retorted brusquely.
I shot my eyebrows up and turned up my hands in a quizzing gesture. 'Well?'
'OK,' she said.
She was certainly making life difficult.
I turned and led her through the house and upstairs, going into my room which of course was once the marital boudoir. I opened a room behind a full length mirror and made a flamboyant and cheery gesture with a grin. She slunk past me, our arms brushing together skin to skin until she started to leaf lazily through the countless gowns hung so pristinely. I watched her butt flex and relax as she wandered along the rails.
'It's funny going through other peoples clothing I suppose?' I suggested.
'Mmm!' murmured Lisa, not looking at me.
'Desiree had good taste, but she was a charmless grasping bitch in the end,' I added.
Lisa shot me a steady glance and furrowed her thick eyebrows.
'But that's Lucy's mum,' she stated.
'Yes and Peter's. You know Peter,' I got on the right tack, but continued with the masquerade. 'I did love her in the early days, but she only wanted money and more money and social status.
Surely Lucy has told you?'
Lisa nodded.
'Yeah! She said she didn't look after her very well. Peter said th.....'
'Oh! He's told you too has he? Not like my Peter, quiet lad with hidden talents,' I smirked, watching her blush dramatically.
Lisa didn't answer and I took the big gamble.
'I'll show you how good Peter is. Come into my office a second,' I told her.
'But aren't we....?' she mumbled.
'Yes, but follow me a moment,' I urged firmly.
Lisa puzzled, bit her lip, fondled a silk dress then meekly followed me across the landing. I made her sit in my big leather chair. I quickly glanced around making sure I had screened off all the electronic gear I had spied with earlier behind a draw down blind.
'This is my security stuff for the whole house and garden,' I told her, switching on an industrial looking TV in a cupboard.
The screen with a tape already primed, came alive in black and white with the incriminating scenes, which showed the girls and boys going into the car collection. Lisa gasped as the full colour images unfolded, the japes, the techie Isla scrutineering the cars, Lucy trying to stop the wild antics of the boys and Peter and Lisa sat on the floor behind the Bugatti. The damage occurred and a stifled groan escaped from Lisa as then in utter silence we watched the drawing off of her knickers.
It was Lisa who led Peter who was easily willing. She pulled off her panties and cast them aside and put Peter's hand up her crotch. She fondled his cock under his shorts as they snogged. Soon they were disturbed with lots of calling and laughs, but they appeared totally unembarrassed as they sorted their clothing in quite a hurry by a flustered Lucy and very worried Peter by now.
I pulled the missing white undies from my desk drawer and waved them at an almost sobbing Lisa. 'These yours, I presume,' I said gently, letting them drop into her lap.
She scrunched them into her hand immediately to hide the evidence, but she couldn't hide what was being played again on the screen after I pressed the rewind button for a second or so.
'Alright, switch it off please Mr Hoskins. I'm sorry for the car...' she stammered close to tears.
'We've got a deal haven't we?'
'Yes we have Lisa and Lucy and Peter will sort the car out,' I said gently, switching the TV off and laying my hand on her shoulder.
She stiffened at the touch. I squeezed then released her. The young girl glanced up at me fearfully.
'What are you going to do about...?' she nodded at the screen and then her underwear in her hand. I interrupted her.
'You're what... thirteen?'
She nodded and bit her lip. I do love that affectation on young girls.
'You shouldn't be leaving your panties scattered about the place,' I advised, squatting down and placing my hand on her clutching hands.
'You're a very pretty young lady and I can't blame Peter for fancying you. I would - in fact I do and you know why you're here,'
Her eyes fluttered up to mine as she nodded, biting her lip. She moved her hands slightly and I relented with the pressure of mine but she didn't pull away. I let my little finger stroke her trouser covered thigh as I tried to win her gaze which was watching my finger.
'You know all about it I s' I mean,' I suggested.
Lisa nodded too easily and swiftly.
'Hey! Come on - you don't. You can't kid me,' I whispered. 'Maybe you've fumbled around, but...?'
'I've shagged a boy,' she declared defiantly. ' I have.'
'Wow!' I exclaimed, genuinely surprised at her statement and her disclosure. 'That's very naughty of you and he. You could get seriously into trouble and catch things and get pregnant.'
'Look. You're not my dad. Why you going on at me like this...and you said you fancied me so there, so why don't we.....' she pouted, pulling her hands from under mine and standing up. I sat backwards onto the floor, such was her haste. Lisa towered over me, her hands curling into one another, her knickers a sad little ball between them. Her boobs looked huge from this low angle.
'Well OK it's just like I wanted to chat a while thats all,' I answered. Lucy had said Lisa was easy and she seemed up for it. Lucy had also told me that Lisa declared she had shagged seven times, but the girls were sceptical.
'Can we do it? And then you won't tell my dad about these and the car and things,' she said sulkily showing me her panties.
They dangled tantalising above me as they curled out of the tight ball she had created. Tiny white cotton slivers of material not as fancy as the ones I knew she was wearing at present. 'You scared of your dad, darling?' I asked gently.
She nodded and gave a little sob and I thought she was going to burst into tears.
'He beats me and my brothers for the slightest things. He's a monster, he'll murder me if he found out know.'
This confirmed something Lucy had told me and that the poor girl had run away once before. I got up and put my hands on her cheeks lifting her face. Her brown eyes were limpid pools. I admired the slightly olive colouring of her skin as I gazed on her features with the odd rogue pimple on her chin. Her heavy brows, lush lashes, the thick hair and close hair line on her temples suggested a slightly hot blooded family line.
'Let's forget the car and those and your dad. Come with me away from this stuff,' I said softly waving at the TV screen.
She preceded me meekly into the bedroom, allowing me a moment to press a button, near the screened wall of TVs.
'You said you've shagged a boy. How old was he?' I asked, sitting her on the edge of the bed, in a perfect camera angle.
Lisa gulped and muttered. 'Eighteen.'
'Any more?'
'Two...but that's all,' she declared, fiery again.
So maybe the seven was bravado. I was inclined to believe her at the total of three.
'Well if you've shagged an adult already, you must know things about your body and protection... you know? You have periods yet?' I asked sitting beside her and sliding my arm round her shoulders.
After a few seconds she relaxed a little into my clasp.
'Yeah! Of course I do,' she told me, rubbing her hands on each thigh in agitation. 'Periods I mean.'
'Ah! That's alright. Lucy hasn't started yet,' I told her, patting her.
'Finished mine last week,' she suddenly announced. 'Are we going to shag now Mr Hoskins?'
I was astonished at the directness of the outburst.
'Lisa baby, I said I fancy you. I mean I want to shag you like nothing else. A man is attracted to a girl especially someone as pretty as you and wants to.... er, yes I want to....' I left the sentence unfinished as I put my hand on her thigh.
Lisa watched my hand stroke up to the lap creases of her combats and back to her knee. I looked straight at her and she met my gaze. She bit her lip, I tensed my cock. A smile crept over her lips. 'OK - now?' she declared. 'It'll be really cool with the others swimming. I guess we're safe here.'
She was certainly up for a dare and I didn't waste any time. I pulled off her purple top and unclasped her brassiere, a surprisingly lacy one considering her hard exterior. A pair of perfectly formed uptilted, pink nipple topped globes disappeared into my hands and Lisa groaned as my expert fingers worked on the soft tender tits that filled my groping palms. I lay her back on the bed and unzipped her combats, not blocking any camera angles, taking in the stubble in her armpits. She obviously had shaved them but not recently. The trousers took some getting over the clumpy trainers she wore and I discarded those too in the process.
The kid just watched, arms stretched wide, mute, breathing heavily as I gazed at the bulge of her cunt and just a couple of stray pubes peeping out each side of the narrow gusset of her undies. I slid my fingers into the waist band of her lacy tanga type of knickers and slowly drew them off, finishing with a flourish for the camera. I had planned to sniff them but thought it might be too up front in the initial seduction . I gasped as the bush of dark pubes emerged, coating the top of her mound and starting to spread lower but not disguising the succulent looking slit that nestled between the cheeks of her mons. She was going to be a bush baby for sure. I was delighted to see that she had no distinctly formed labia. Still baby looking, a neat tightly bunched pouch of junior cunt. Placing my hand on the whole pouch of her teen cunt, she flinched and I glanced up at her with raised eyebrows.
'OK Lisa darling?' I breathed.
'You going to shag me now?' she moaned.
'Yes when we're both ready,' I answered sliding her pliant legs apart, really wide apart.
'I am ready Mr Hoskins, don't you want to do it now?' Lisa asked.
I realised that her previous fuckers had probably cum in her pussy in the time I'd spent undressing her.
'You're not ready yet Lisa, anyway I need a condom. Be a darling and reach up and get one from that top drawer will you,' I gestured.
Having been vasectomised a year or so ago, I didn't need the rubber but thought that it would make her more comfortable.
To do this, she had to squirm up the bed and in the end twist making her kneel and I plus the camera was offered the most delightful view of a female's crotch that was ever invented. While she fumbled in the drawer, I slid up the bed behind her and placed my hands on her buttocks.
How hard and cute they were, complete with a couple of pimples and she wriggled as I splayed the cheeks of her arse, probably not used to such close and personal attention. She thrust her hand back at me with the packet of three, trying to turn but the pressure in my hands forced her to collapse face down. I immediately dropped my face into her crack, thrusting her legs wide and licking at her arsehole and cunt.
'Oh noooo!' she wailed. 'You musn't...Mr Hoskinsssss...' Lisa protested until her words slurred into a sigh as my tongue lapped at her fanny.
She was certainly gamey down there, but after a full day out in the sunshine since she'd left her bathroom that morning, most people would be far from rose scented by now. I loved it and Lisa started to appreciate the sort of genital caresses she'd never had before in my reasoning.
I stopped and she immediately swivelled, flushed face almost glaring at me. I slid off the bed end. She saw me drop my shorts and whip off my shirt. My CK's jutted with my erection as I unpeeled a johnny.
'Pull my pants down Lisa,' I told her, standing to one side to capture the action.
She reached for my pants, not touching my cock through the cotton, as most mature lovers would do. She pulled them down and my cock sprung out, hard, veined and leaking lube. It's not big and extra thick, just an average six-incher I reckon. I knew how to use it that was my secret in servicing a wife and two mistresses once upon a time and now four mistresses and a daughter.
Lisa who just stared at it, seemed stumped on how to put on the condom I handed her, so I grabbed it, tore off the wrapper and soon my erection was coated in lubricated rubber.
She did know what to do next and without comment lay back on the bed and spread her legs. I made sure she was in the right position as I loomed over her. I grabbed her ankles, lifted them and spread them wide. Then I kneeled with my legs wide so that my erection and swaying balls would show between my thighs. I shuffled forward and lowered my groin down hoping I was getting the good shots I wanted. My knob brushed against her cunt. She looked naturally moist together with the short spell of licking I'd given her. Aiming at her slit, I eased down and gained an entrance into her tight young mott.
I let go of her ankles and they rested on my shoulders. She was slim, almost athletic and would suffer no discomfort in the position. I flopped my hands down beside her, levering on rigid arms, looking at her face, her eyes tight shut, her lips being bitten beyond coyness as I shoved relentlessly on in my mission to fuck the 13-year-old.
'It hurting Lisa?' I enquired softly.
She opened her eyes and shook her head and whispered a no. I lowered my whole body over her, bending her double with her legs still over my shoulders and let my body weight create the last push to penetrate her completely. The extra depth this position can achieve is incredible and I wanted it first with the kid to make her realise she was with an expert. Maybe her eighteen year old fucker had been well endowed, but did he fuck her well? I raised my butt and spread my legs. The camera would get a superb shot of my cock drilling into her tight cunt and hopefully some good detail of her arsehole flexing below in an almost flattened landscape of her butt.
After a few hard deeply searching strokes, I let her lower her legs. She let them drop uselessly to my side and I told her to wrap them round me and pull me in. She took to this like a duck to water and seemed to relish the modicum of control she now had. She also was keeping her eyes open and starting to mew and give several glowing glances and come-ons in the form of eyes enticing and slightly but pleasantly frowned as I reamed her fluffy snatch. Her eyes smouldered and her lips were wet and occasionally I dipped and planted a kiss on their softness. I knew she would welcome this tender but front-on approach and I was right as she started to buck her hips up at me, wanting the full benefit of my rhythmic plunges.
Her clitoris hadn't even been explored so far, but I knew the way to stimulate it and eased my body up so that the root of my erection, with the ring of rubber coiled round it would seek out her bud and excite it for her. I pressurised it and she immediately groaned with pleasure and I felt her hands scrape my back in the first signs of arousal that she had physically shown.
'Ooooeeee!' she sighed. 'That's really good Mr Hoskins.'
I wanted her to use my first name but decided not to prompt her fearing the familiarity would be dodgy when used in front of the other girls.
Ah! The other girls - and my mind swept across the vista that would be swimming below us.
Ebony skinned Bobby, delicate little Emma and my gorgeous procurer daughter Lucy. Their fragrant fresh bodies seared across my mind and I went into overdrive with my fuck of their young companion. I slammed hard, not caring for her age, her pleasure and certainly not the virginity of the still immature cunt I was shagging. I couldn't damage it, she was safe from conceiving and I wanted to come.
With several more bursts of energy sapping grinding down on her mound, accompanied by squeaks of delight, giving me the signals that Lisa was getting pleasure, I let my jism bubble up unrestrained and flood the condom. The spasms racked through me in my usual joyful gasps and spluttering outbursts until I collapsed full weight on the kid and lay panting. She made no attempt to stroke or caress me and lay quietly as my breathing slowed. Finally she tried to wriggle out, but I bade her stay and slid down onto my knees on the floor and held her legs wide. I quickly checked that the rubber was still on before I gazed in homage to the beauty of her 13year old cunt as it elastically resumed it's natural shape.
Now very wet - it looked delicious and just the hint of inner labia peeked from the dark slit. I leaned forward and dipped my tongue into the moist cunt as Lisa elbowed up and watched me intently. I heard a sigh from her as she saw the tip of my tongue delve into the bottom of her snatch and slowly drag up until it surfaced over the hood of her clitty. I rolled it firmly on the hood and she flinched and blinked as I let my nose roam into the dark bush above. I sniffed into the curls as my tongue uncovered her clitoris and she virtually leapt off the bed as I tickled the fresh young bud.
'Like that?' I mumbled.
'Wow! Yeah, it's different to when I do it,' she giggled.
At last full humour on her succulent lips shone through the gloomy sullen face she had worn earlier.
'You play with your clitty then?
'Course I do. It's nice,' she giggled .
The giggle faded into sighs as I started to lap heavily onto the ripe little pink spot I was now unearthing by holding her cunt lips open with my fingers.
Lisa had given up trying to close her legs and watched me between half closed eyes as I buried my face in her young cunt. My tongue darted into every crevasse I could find in the tender opening, sucking out the juices she was now freely flowing with. I prised her tight slit further open and saw the membranes of flesh that had so caressed and welcomed my plundering prick. I love the inner parts of cunts as much as the more obvious charms of the outsides and I sucked hungrily on her clit again, stimulated by the pleasures of my view inside the youngster's delicate minge.
Suddenly without warning, Lisa grabbed my head and let out a short stifled scream and my face was drenched with her cum. She was a squirter - a rarity, but I had encountered them before. However a squirting fanny in such a youthful body was a bonus and I held my face close as two more spurts of her juice hit my face while I watched the muscles of her pussy convulse. My mouth managed to catch a droplet of the tangy fluid as Lisa writhed above me, one hand curling into the bedspread in ecstasy. She moaned with a deep sort of tone as I dipped to lick at her clitty again, letting her experience her orgasm to the full. I was light with my touch as my tongue danced on her bud, the tiny heart shaped pearl sitting up nicely while I fingered her mound, stretching her clit hood up into Lisa's hairs to fully expose it. Her fingers coiled into my hair and she grabbed me with her other hand and yanked my head up.
'No more, no more please,' she pleaded.
I stopped - understanding the burning sensation that can follow a climax is more intense in some females than others.
'Good?' I breathed, feeling for a stray hair in my teeth.
'Mmm! Aamazing. I've never felt that before,' she sighed, sitting up. 'What did you do?'
'I sucked your pussy the way it's meant to be sucked Lisa darling. Never had that before?'
'Nah!' she exclaimed. 'I mean I've played with it like I told you but no one's ever sucked it ever,' she giggled. 'I like it though.'
I got up off my knees and sat beside her, intending to caress her breasts but she lay back then sat up again. Almost dreamily, Lisa got up and walked round the room peering at the pictures and I studied her firm young frame, buttocks flexing, limbs taut, tits high and wobbling as she stood on tiptoe in one case to stare at a particularly erotic Japanese print by Utamaro in 1788 of a Mandarin and his concubine.
'He's got a big one,' she remarked with a giggle, pointing at the grotesquely large donger on the print, which was partially inserted in the concubine's wide open and very hairy cunt.
The subjects arsehole was drawn in great detail too and I wanted to explore Lisa's bum while I had her nude. She turned as I got up and giggled and pointed at the condom hanging loose and wobblingly full between my legs. I started to pull it off but she ran to me.
'Oo! Is that all your stuff in there?' she asked bending to peer at the sad looking rubber.
'Yes, I'll take it off and throw it away,' I answered rather sheepishly on how I'd forgotten about it and the stupid way I must look.
Lisa reached out a finger and tapped the rubber making it swing. She slipped it off my slack cock and held the rubber up gazing at the spunk filled bulb.
'All those babies,' she said quietly and then solemnly handed it to me.
I deposited the load of infertile spunk in a waste basket near the bed having wrapped it in a tissue and turned to find her dressing. Her panties were on already.
'Hey! What's going on?' I queried, going to Lisa and grabbing her tiny waist.
She was in the middle of clasping up her bra as she replied.
'I'm going now Mr Hoskins. We had a deal and we've done it OK?' she said cutely with a slight smile and tilt of her head.
'Hey! I know that....'
She pulled away from my grasp having got her bra done up and she pulled on her combats.
'I thought we'd explore each other a little more Lisa darling. There's loads of time and the girls think you've gone home. You got the bus here didn't you, so there's no give-away bike down there, so what's the rush?'
'You shagged me that was the deal. I mean I liked it, but that's it Mr Hoskins. I did like it honest and you've shown me what it's like to be licked but that's it.'
I sat heavily on the bed, nude, flummoxed, disappointed to say the least as Lisa pulled on her purple top and tidied her hair.
Seconds later, in a daze I was showing her downstairs, carefully listening towards the pool and hearing the shrill noise of the other girls. Lisa trotted off down the driveway without so much as a goodbye and I watched her cute butt undulate until she disappeared round the shrubs.
Lucy and the others lazed about after swimming and I joined them watching their sleek bodies. Taking drinks and munching on crisps and snacks they were chirpy and Lucy kept flashing me a knowing grin. I went up and showered and Bobby and Emma left while I was up in my office, setting the tapes to re-wind intending to see what gems I had captured. Lucy joined me.
'I don't feel too good,' she told me with a disgruntled expression. 'Maybe the chlorine in the pool. Anyway - did the plan work daddy?' she giggled jumping on to my lap, wearing a flimsy loose dress which hardly reached her butt. 'You shag her?'
I nodded and patted her luscious bare buttocks thanking her for her part in the conspiracy. 'Got her on tape too hopefully, just rewinding now,' I added.
'You evil naughty lovely man,' she squealed. smothering my face with wet soft kisses. 'Can't believe I agreed to your request when you first mentioned it. It's outrageous that you asked me to shag my friend to pay off the damage to the Bugatti and you know it's chicken feed to you. Can I watch?'
'Of course you can darling,' I whispered into her shampooed locks.
Lucy mewed - settled, got up and went to the toilet and again settled like a mother hen deeper into my lap and I put my hand on her bare thighs as I zapped the remote to start the tape. We watched in silence as the scenes unfolded. Lucy told me she didn't feel well again.
'It's a strange deep inside feeling, like heavy in my stomach low down, weird,' she said in a troubled tone.
I must admit to not taking too much attention as my eyes were glued to the lovely sights unfolding on the screen. Lucy giggled and whooped when a particular scene excited her. There were literally hundreds of gem shots of the four girls undressing and cavorting in my bedroom and I could fill an album many times, but had the all important tape of the action to watch at my leisure. Whilst watching I fiddled my hand under Lucy's bum and played around with her arsehole and cunt. She seemed hot in temperature as well as for action, pressing her butt down on my invading digits and squeaking with pleasure when I tweaked her clitty. She was very hot and sticky inside her tender young mott and when she jumped off my lap to answer the phone, on the assumption it's always for her which it invariably is, I spotted the bloody reason for her discomfort. Her period had started. She finished the phone call and I showed her the dark red discharge on my messy fingers.
'Wow! Daddy that's cool. At last it's happened to me. I'm the last of the posse to have the curse. I knew something was wrong earlier but couldn't put my finger on it,' she said gravely, getting some tissues to smother my fingers in.
'I've certainly put my finger on it,' I chuckled, hugging her closely.
'Don't be crude,' she chastised me pleasantly. 'Puts paid to shagging me for a while then.'
I swooped on her dress and hoisted it easily over her tousled head. Her titties were braless and stuck out at me and I smoothed my hands over them as she sighed, moving close between my legs.
'Don't you believe it my sweet. Many women are hotter during their periods than when not and I think you're like that too,' I whispered, pulling her close and nibbling her teats.
'Wow! Can we? Ohhhhhyesss,' Lucy shuddered. 'You're all hard too daddy. You can really shag my pussy even though it's my period?' she squeaked excitedly.
I nodded.
'We don't mind a bit of mess do we?' I chortled as she slung my stiffy out of my pants. With that, my darling daughter slid her leg over mine, aimed my erection at her cunt and sat forcibly down onto it, accompanied by the most delightful slurpy sounds as I entered her sluicing vagina. The sex we experienced that day was probably the most intense we'd ever shared, even more so than when I took her cherry so many years ago.
Afterwards, she got on with cleaning us up like an old housewife and we chatted about the future. The fact that I told her I would like to shag Bobby and Emma too brought her to tears of laughter in amazement at the outrageous suggestion. But she didn't dismiss it...
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