Play And Tell, Tinkerbell

[ FM/fg, bond, inc ]

by Quiller


Published: 25-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
The usual warning: This story is fantasy, it never happened and the people don't exist. But in any event, you should be at least 21 and able to separate fiction from reality before you read it.

The fifteen year old was starting to get out of the car when Mrs Helder stopped her. 'Haven't you forgotten something, Dana?'

'Uh, no,' The teenager looked at the floor and the car seat, imagining for a moment she had dropped something. But then she remembered and her face fell. 'Oh... sure.'

But the girl, although she'd turned back in her seat, more or less facing forward, didn't move beyond that.

'Well?' The woman asked, her eyebrow raised. She was sitting slightly angled in the driver's seat, towards Dana. 'What are we waiting for? An invite?'

Dana gulped. 'Mrs Helder... I like babysitting little Sharon. She's cute and -'

'What has this got to do with us?' The woman didn't sound too pleased.

'But... You're Sharon's mom!'

'I know that, Dana,' the woman sighed. 'But why this now when you have something to do?'

The girl hesitated, not looking at the woman half-facing her. 'I was thinking you maybe ought to... you know... get someone else. Another babysitter.' Her voice was faint, scared.

Mrs Helder leaned forward slightly, a frown on her face. 'I don't want anyone else. Okay? You're quite cute enough for me.'

The girl looked sharply at the woman, a sudden blaze of anger in her eyes. 'But it isn't right. I have a boyfriend now.'

The woman laughed. 'So?'

'And you have a husband. We shouldn't do this!' The anger wasn't quite so apparent but her words were forceful.

Mrs Helder smirked. 'Oh, don't you just love teenage angst?' Then she got serious. 'I have had a husband for more years than I care to remember. And for the last two of those years, young lady, you've been babysitting Sharon. But that hasn't stopped us.'

'I didn't know back then.'

Mrs Helder sat back a tad. 'Know what?'

'That... this kissing and stuff... it wasn't right.'

Mrs Helder let out a cackle. 'So now you have this Jonny -'

'Jimmy! You know he's called Jimmy.'

'Oh, Jimmy then. But you think because he's in your life, trying to get his hand inside your sweater then what we do is wrong. But it wasn't when we started. You were happy then.'

'I wasn't happy.' The teenager blushed at her untruth. 'Anyway, he doesn't do that stuff.'


'Like you do.' Anger again in the girl's voice as she glared at the woman. 'Feeling me up, kissing me. Making me...' She faltered and averted her gaze.

'Oh Dana.' The woman reached out and stroked the girl's long, brown hair. Almost long enough to reach Dana's prominent, almost mature boobs where they pushed against the light blue sweater she wore. The girl flinched at the touch but Mrs Helder ignored it. 'I think you worry too much.'

'It's not worry. I don't want to babysit Sharon any more.' The girl was staring ahead out of the car at the darkened street. She looked irritated by the hand on her hair but didn't knock it away.

'You don't like her suddenly?' Mrs Helder's voice was gentle. She carried on stroking the teenager's hair, entwining it in her fingers. 'Pity if you stop, she'll really miss you Dana.'

'Sharon's only seven. She won't. But it's not her, you know that. It's what you make me do.'

'You didn't need encouraging before.' The voice was soft, but more seductive now. 'And I paid extra. Where else you going to get so much for an evening's babysitting?'

Dana blushed. 'I don't need so much.'

'Of course you'll find a child as good as Sharon. Like going to be Mrs Kendray's babysitter, with those twins? I hear she only pays the single rate and that Donny and Lenny can be a real handful sometimes.' Mrs Helder had her selling voice, at her most persuasive. 'And hey, you want to kiss Lorna Kendray?'

'No!' Dana exploded. 'Of course I don't! She's old and... well...'

Mrs Helder laughed. 'I know. Old and ugly and droopy tits.'

Dana glowered, feeling she should object, but it was largely true.

The woman was stroking the teenager's hair but her hand dropped a little, to the girl's shoulder. The girl didn't flinch as much this time. 'This sweater feels nice. Expensive?'

'You know it was.'

'Uh-huh. And you saved up for it. From your allowance?'

'You know how I got the money.' Dana was biting her lip, partly in frustration at the fact her plan to resign the job was foundering.

'So I pay real well and Sharon is no trouble and, on top of that, you like me.' Mrs Helder was smooth and convincing, but then like all good salespeople she simply told it like it was.

Dana made one last attempt. 'We have to stop. I can't go on with what we do.' She looked at the female next to her, her face a battleground of emotions. Even in the relative dark of the vehicle, away from any strong lights, it was obvious Dana wasn't finding this easy.

'What we do is have fun.' The woman paused, her hand sliding down the sweater, resting lightly on the teenager's bust. On her right breast, to be precise. 'My, is this an old bra I can feel through here? Perhaps you need to go underwear shopping. I hear they have some cool new black and red satin bras in your size at that Paris Connection store. Real quality.' A pause as the hand closed on the child's breast. 'You need a wage rise?'

'Mrs Helder...' The girl began, as if she might cry. The woman was looking not at Dana's face but at where her hand was on the teenager. 'You don't understand!'

'You worried about me hurting you?' The woman flickered her eyes up, deep, sensuous eyes. 'You scared of me telling someone?'

'No.' Dana's voice sounded ragged. 'But we shouldn't... someone might see us.'

'Far as I know we haven't been seen so far. We're parked in the shadows, as we usually do. But is that what you're worried about?'

'No, it isn't that.'

'Ah... is it young love? You told Jimmy about us?'

'No, of course I haven't! What do you think I am?'

'Um, I would say lovely, delightful, sexy, interesting, eager. The usual things I like in a lover.' The woman's hand had gone down to the bottom of the teenager's sweater and was edging up inside. Towards the pair of perfect young boobs, heaving in the soft lace bra cups. The girl was shivering. Scared? Thrilled? It didn't matter: she was going to be felt up and she knew it.

'Mrs Helder...' Dana gave the merest gasp as the woman's hand settled on her right breast, under her sweater, gripping the soft, perfectly rounded shape. A gentle grip, but with the promise of a tighter squeeze.

'You keep saying that. But it isn't necessary. All you have to do is kiss me and we're fine.' The woman inched her head closer to the girl. She hadn't let go of the girl's tit - in fact she was gripping harder now, feeling the girl's nipple harden slightly as it always did.

'I can't,' moaned the girl, aware of a fire being fanned inside her. 'There's something else... I can't help how I want to -'

The woman pressed her lips forward, cutting off Dana's words as her lips met the teenager's. It was, as usual, an open mouthed tongue probing kiss. Deep and satisfying. Mrs Helder's hand, as usual, worked hard on the young breast, exciting the girl.

They broke, a thin string of drool between their lips. 'You were saying?' Breathed the woman.

'I uh... It's about... um, I can't tell you,' croaked the girl, swallowing hard. The woman moved her other hand across and up Dana's sweater, working smoothly up, grasping her other boob and the girl gave a small moan. Despite all her misgivings, the teenager wriggled round slightly, making the task a fraction easier for Mrs Helder. The other hand gripped the other boob and squeezed. Fairly hard.

Dana said: 'Aaah!' Discomfort and arousal. Pain and pleasure ahead.

'You can tell me anything, angel.'

'Uh-huh...' The girl was sliding away into her young lust. Suddenly she broke the spell. 'No!' Dana wrenched herself away from the woman's hands. She was crying now, her hand on the car door, ready to get out.

Mrs Helder knew enough about business negotiations to know when to withdraw, when to concede and let the game develop. She moved her hands away, pausing only to straighten the hem of the girl's sweater, returning her own hands to her lap. 'Perhaps you're right. It is over.'

Dana, sniffing back a tear, fumbled with the door handle and let the door begin to open. But didn't open the door fully, instead holding it slightly ajar and letting the cool night air in.

'It's cold with the door, angel,' said Mrs Helder with neither complaint or criticism in her tone.

'I... um...' The teenager was confused, reluctant to leave. The door was neither more open or more closed.

'You need time to think.' Mrs Helder was brisk. 'So off you go, Dana. I'll get another babysitter while you decide what to do.'

The girl shot an uncertain look at the woman. 'You mean, get someone else?'

'Unless you want to do it. You have first pick,' said the woman sweetly. She brushed her hand over her large bust, knocking away an imaginary speck of dust, obviously drawing attention to her full boobs. She was aware the teenager was staring at them. Subtly, Mrs Helder arched her back, making them push forward a fraction more.

'But us.' A pause. 'We don't have to do anything, right?'

'You don't want to Dana. How can I make you?' the woman reached for her purse and took out a hundred dollar bill. 'There's a little extra for tonight. A sort of going away present.' She offered the note to the girl.

Dana didn't take it. She sat, blinking away the last of the tears.

'Isn't this what you want? The end of us? The last payment?'

'No,' whispered the girl, defeated. Her shoulders slumped. The door clicked shut gently.

'Angel, I'm real confused right now,' said the woman. She put the bill on the dashboard between them, so Dana could take it if she wanted.

'I need to talk to you,' said the girl.

'Isn't that what we're doing here?'

'But this is serious.'

'I agree. You want me, you don't want me. You like sex, you don't like sex. You want to tell me something but you don't want to tell me.' Mrs Helder paused. 'You think because you now have a boyfriend - Jimmy - suddenly it's a problem. But I'm married. Have been for eleven years, but that's nothing to do with my relationship with you. I don't have any problem with what we do.'

'I know,' said the girl. She wasn't crying now.

'So, you want to tell me why we had all this?'

Dana swallowed. 'If I do, will you be mad at me?'

'Only if you've found a better lesbian lover than me.'

'Don't use that word. I'm not one of those.'

'Okay,' sighed the woman. 'If it makes you feel better, we just play at it. Girls stuff.'

Dana nodded, grateful she hadn't got to describe herself as a lezzie, her voice small. 'I don't want... I mean, there isn't any other woman.'

'How about a girl?'

Dana gulped. Blushing.

'Would that be a teenage girl. Or a young girl?'

Dana bit her lip.

'Would it help,' asked the woman, 'if you had a comfort play while you tell me?'

Dana shrugged. Comfort Play was the game they started with, when Dana first started babysitting and she had school problems, worries that any thirteen year old has. Things that seem about to overwhelm her. The girl wanted to talk and Mrs Helder, the kind generous mom of little Sharon, listened.

Cuddled up close, arm round the vulnerable teenager. Mrs Helder's expensive, heady perfume in her senses. The soft fabrics the woman wore. The generous bust Dana could lie her head on as she spoke. Soft, reassuring.

Mrs Helder seemed to listen better too when she guided the teen's reluctant hand up to cradle one of her breasts. 'It's an ancient aid to helping people relax,' said the woman gently. 'It helps the person who touches and the one being touched. And anyway, it's very nice. All mothers should do this with their daughters.'

Dana wasn't sure she believed it, but Mrs Helder assured her that she would do exactly this with Sharon when she needed to talk. 'That's where bosom buddies come from,' confided the woman.

Slowly the woman had persuaded Dana to put her hand inside and feel her through her bra. Allowed the child to fondle her bust, feel the shape of her breasts through the fine, scented material.

Then she had done the same to the girl, carefully nurturing her hold on the small but growing bumps inside Dana's sweater. This, said the woman, means we are real bosom buddies.

Now it came as second nature to Dana. She could confess all kinds of things while playing with Mrs Helder's big bust while she talked. It had been the only way she could open up. The thing that started them on their sexual games.

'Come on, Angel. Why not play and tell? Just open me up and feel me. It sure makes you feel better.' It was more a command than a suggestion, though the woman turned her upper body a little more at the girl.

The teenager nodded. Without hesitation she reached forward and undid several of the buttons on Mrs Helder's blouse. Without thinking about it she put her hands inside, crossing her wrists so that the teenager's right hand was on the 33 year old woman's right breast, her left on the woman's left boob. Instinctively she began stroking and working her hands over the bra cups, feeling the weight of the tits. Dana gave that small sigh she always did when she was doing this. It was funny how she just relaxed completely when she could play with the woman's chest.

The woman purred, glad things were back to normal, happy to be played with. 'Now, you can go ahead, Angel. So go on: play and tell.'

'I don't know if I can.'

'Course you can. Just squeeze me and relax. You'll find the words I promise.'

'Oh, Mrs Helder. It's your daughter Sharon.' The girl had let her eyes close as she usually did when she handled the woman's tits. It helped her remove all inhibitions. 'It's about her... I want to do things to her.'

'I'm sure they're perfectly good things. Go on.' The woman's voice was encouraging.

'Sharon... she's so pretty, so lovely. And I want to tie her up,' said the teenager dreamily as her hands worked the woman's breasts.

'I see,' said Mrs Helder, gently. 'That's it... squeeze me there harder. Now, tell me all about your desire to bind my daughter, Dana.'


The bell rang on time. Mrs Helder - looking resplendent in a black cocktail dress with sequins across her large bust - opened the front door and smiled at Dana, standing on the doorstep. 'Punctual, as always, my dear' the woman said warmly. 'I am so glad I can rely on you.'

Dana blushed at the compliment and stepped inside. Mr Helder was hurrying through the hallway. 'Hi Dana,' he grinned. 'Thanks for coming over at such short notice.' He was fastening his tie, his clean shirt gleaming. 'Big meal with a client. You know how it is.'

Dana didn't, but she nodded. 'Glad to help, Mr Helder.'

'Please, after all this time?' The man said as he paused in front of the mirror. 'You should call me Tom. Everyone else does.'

'She's way too polite,' said Mrs Helder. 'That's why she's so good with Sharon.' The woman permitted herself the smallest wink at the girl.

'Is everything okay?' asked Dana, not sure what to say. She was all too aware her heart was thumping hard.

'Oh yes. Sharon can't wait to see you.' The emphasis fell on the middle of the sentence.

'Something happening?' asked the man, finally satisfied with his tie knot.

'Dana here is going to give Sharon a special treat, aren't you?'

Dana gulped, a hint of alarm on her face. Surely the woman wasn't going to tell her husband? Or did he know already? The teenager looked at the man, but he seemed his usual self. She said: 'Um, well, it's nothing special.'

'Of course it is. You said you'd do that little play with her.' The woman gave the girl a knowing smile. 'What was it now? Oh yes - Peter Pan, wasn't it?'

'Uh-huh,' said the man, not really listening.

'Yeah...' The teenager, fazed, stumbled for a moment. 'Tinkerbell. I think Sharon would be a cute little fairy.'

'Good,' said Mr Helder, his mind clearly on the evening ahead with the client and his wife in the restaurant. He was looking for his jacket.

His wife recognized the search pattern. 'On the bed, dear, where you left it.'

'Thanks,' he grinned and ran up stairs, two at a time.

'Mrs Helder,' whispered Dana. 'I thought you were going to tell him!'

'I didn't. But Sharon knows.'

'And she's okay about it?' The teenager was anxious.

'She's fine. I told you would be.' The woman glanced at the stairs and saw no sign of her husband. There was a distant noise of bottles from the bathroom. 'Top shelf if you want your cologne,' she called out.

'Thanks, hon,' came the response.

'We have time,' said Mrs Helder with a chuckle, looking back at Dana. 'Did you get that bra we talked about? The French one?'

'Uh, yes.' The teenager blushed slightly.

'Show me, quick.'

'Mrs Helder!' protested the girl. But keeping her eyes on the top of the stairs she did it anyway, hoisting up her dark blue top and revealing the expensive new brassiere.

'Lovely,' breathed the woman, putting her hand up and her finger on the small red bow between the satin cups. 'I'll enjoy kissing those titties later, when you've told me about what you did to Sharon.'

'Um, Mrs Helder!' More urgent this time. The teenager dropped her top into place just as the man's feet appeared at the top of the stairs.

'Okay-dokay, ready to go,' said the man as he hurried down.

His wife smiled up at him. Dana blushed at nearly being caught. But they'd always got away with these clandestine touches, and even kisses, before. Still, she worried there might be a first time.

'Don't forget,' said Mrs Helder smoothly as she stepped towards the door, purse in hand. 'Sharon may need some settling after the play.'

'Oh stop fretting,' said the man, checking himself one final time in the mirror in the hallway. 'Dana knows what to do with Sharon.'

'Indeed she does,' smirked the woman. 'She's up in her room, playing. You'll find everything you need.'

'Course she will. She's almost part of the family, right Dana? We better be going, hon. The bookings for eight.'

'Good luck,' winked Mrs Helder before calling upstairs: 'Bye sweetcakes. Be good for mommy and Dana.'

Then they were gone. The car starting up outside, the house silent.

Dana took a deep breath and went upstairs to the little girl's bedroom.


'Hi Dana,' said the seven year old, abandoning the coloring book she had spread out on the floor. 'Mommy says we're going to play a game.'

'Sure.' The teenager was glad the child was her usual self. Not cowering or subdued. Certainly not sulky. 'She tell you what the game is?'

'Um, something about a play. I'm gonna be Tinkerbell. An' Tinkerbell gets to be tied up.'

The teenage girl was relieved that the child was looking relaxed but startled the child wasn't the least distressed. Dana's heart however was still pounding.

'Mommy says I have to be very, very good and do what I'm told. I'm an actress and you're the director.' The child continued seriously. 'Actresses gotta do what directors say. She says I'll like this play a lot. An' if I'm very good - extra special good - I can go to the zoo on Sunday.'

'Of course you will be good. And I bet the zoo'll be great.'

'I like the tigers best,' said the child, drawing her hands up as if they were claws and screwing her pretty face up into a snarl. 'Grrrr!'

'Wow, scary,' laughed Dana. She couldn't quite believe this had gone so well so far. She expected tears maybe, or pouting at least. She had wondered if she might have to force the child to be tied up, holding her down and tying her hands behind her. But that would require a gag too and though the neighbors probably wouldn't hear the small girl's screams Dana preferred to have the seven year old cooperating.

'There's a tiger in Peter Pan,' said the teenager. 'At least, I think there is.'

'Oh can I be a tiger?'

'Uh, not this time. This time you have to be the best person in the play.'

'Tinkerbell!' the girl clapped her hands.

'That's right. A very important part.' Dana felt a wave of excitement and a tingle in her pants. 'Peter Pan can't do anything without Tinkerbell.'

'So why she got to be tied up?'

'Good point,' said Dana, fighting for thinking time. 'Well... Peter needs Tinkerbell's magic. But the baddie - Captian Hook - has tied Tinkerbell up so she can't help. So that means Peter's got real trouble and Tinkerbell can't get to him.'

The child nodded. 'An' then she escapes.'

'Sure. But not for a while.' Dana paused to swallow, feeling her heart soar with excitement. 'In fact, Captain Hook - who's very bad - even ties Tinkerbell up again. In another way.'

The child didn't object. 'Can we get started? We got everything ready. Mommy got it ready. Here, see?' Sharon was pointing at a box by the bed. It looked, suitably, like a pirate's treasure chest with a curved lid and fake brass straps.

Dana got down on her knees and opened it. Whatever she expected was blown away by the sight. If she thought Mrs Helder would provide a little rope, a length of cord, perhaps a strip of cloth for a pretend gag, she was wrong. Nestling in the box were several hanks of soft white rope and what looked like a red ball on a strap. A ball gag, realized Dana. She nearly swooned.

'Honeypie,' began Dana, closing the lid.

'Is it okay?' Sharon looked worried.

'Uh, it's fine. Really good. But I have to tell you something. Sit down here.' The teenager patted the floor next to her. The seven year old sat, cross-legged. Her small skirt rode up so her pale pink panties were on show. But showing her pants was pretty normal for the kid. Dana had never objected to the sight before and she wasn't going to start now.

'Your know your mommy left me something to tie you up with, right?'

Puzzled the child nodded.

'But there's a lot of it.'

Another puzzled look from the child. 'Mommy said you'd want to do it right.'

Right? The sweet child had no idea. 'Yeah. But I may have to spend some time tying you. There's a lot of rope. And there's the thing I have to put in your mouth. Um, a gag...'

'I know what that is!' Sharon exclaimed brightly. 'That's to stop me talking. I bet Captain Hook didn't want Tinkerbell talkin', huh?'

Weakly, Dana nodded. 'You have to help me, Honeypie. I mean, no struggling. When I tie you you have to be very still.'

'Won't I be very still when I'm tied?'

'Yes, but that's different.'

Sharon wasn't sure how it was different but she accepted it. She jumped up and put her hands behind her. 'You gonna tie my hands first?'

Dana was startled. This was going far better than she had ever dared hope. Over the last two years she had lain awake often at night, playing with her own cunny and thinking about tying the little girl up, she had never remotely imagined the gorgeous little child would be this willing. 'I guess I will.'

'And the gag too! Or does Tinkerbell have to be quiet until she's all tied up tight?'

Dana smiled at the pretty child, her heart doing dances of delight. 'Tinkerbell's been very naughty and says bad things when she's upset. So the gag first.'

'Mmmph!' grinned the seven year old, lips tight together as if she understood what it would be like to be made to be quiet.

'Oh darling, you have to have your mouth open for this gag.' Dana reached into the box and pulled the ball gag out and held it up. 'Wide open.'

'Wow,' breathed the little girl, eyes staring. 'That's goes in my mouth? it's real big,' but she opened her mouth as wide as she could and stood waiting, hands behind back.

'Big is what big bad Captain Hook demands.' Dana clambered to her feet and walked round the little girl, enjoying the sight of her just standing there with her mouth stretched open and waiting and her hands crossed behind her little back. A thought occurred to the teenager.

'Honeypie, I mean, Tinkerbell. As you have been such a naughty fairy I think you have to take your dress off,' Dana wasn't sure where she was getting the courage from to say this, but she was. 'Tink was very bad and bad fairies have to be naked. But keep that little mouth open.'

'Uh-huh,' gurgled the child, her face upturned like a small bird waiting to be fed. 'Uh canhh. Muh drhhh goh buhhuns.'

Dana grinned. She understood: the girl's pretty white and yellow flower dress buttoned in the back. She'd have to do it for her, which was pleasurable in itself. 'Don't close your mouth,' whispered the fifteen year old as she stood behind the small girl and began unbuttoning the dress.

'Oh-hay,' gurgled the child, trying to nod at the same time. Okay, Dana took that to mean. There weren't many buttons and the dress came off swiftly, followed by the girl's pink vest. If Sharon was surprised by this, she didn't show it. She had released her hands so the dress (and vest) could come off but planted them behind herself when she was left just in her pants. Dana had contemplated removing those too but it was too early for that, she decided.

The teenager glanced up and down the child's slender, naked body, feeling an electric surge in her own sex. The flat chest, the hairless slit, the bubble butt. And the look of sweet innocence in the child's eyes.

Then the gag went in. Or rather, Dana rubbed the red ball against the child's open mouth, against her little lips for a few moments, almost inviting the child to try and catch it between her little white teeth. It slid in, effortlessly. Dana buckled the strap slowly, enjoying the sensation of silencing the child, knowing the little one couldn't speak. Not until she was released and that would be some time away.

'Well done, Tink,' said Dana, confidence growing in her with every moment. 'Now I have to tie your hands.'

The teenager got out all the rope and lay them within reach before tying the seven year old's hands tight. 'Urhh Uhh!,' responded Sharon to the cinching.

'Too much noise, so it's time for the gag to be tightened,' said Dana reaching up for the buckle. 'Hold still Tinkerbell while I tighten the strap.'

It was tightened, and elicited another grunt from the child. Dana smiled in response.

There was something wonderfully sexy about a small girl, standing in her pants with hands tied and a red rubber ball gag filling her cheeks and forcing her jaws apart. The teenager smiled with delight as she selected more rope. This, she decided, would be for the elbows and run round the chest. But there was no need to be sparing. Mrs Helder had put more than enough into the box and it took some time for Dana to secure the little one's elbows, upper arms with rope looped round and round Sharon's torso.

'Okay, Tink?' She asked.

The girl made a brave effort to speak but it was far from clear what she was trying to say. But she did nod her head and happily her soulful eyes weren't shedding tears. Dana was feeling better about this by the moment - and her initial wariness was fast being replaced by stronger sensations of arousal.

'Okay, I'll tie your legs in a moment,' said Dana. 'Just walk up and down for me for a while, Tinkerbell. I want to see how you look as you parade past me.'

Sharon gave a grunt of acknowledgment and walked the room several times, aware that her babysitter shedding both her top and her jeans so that she now stood in new satin bra and matching pants.

'Do you like my lovely new underwear, Tink?' asked Dana as she regarded the walking child, hands on hips. The teen pushed her slender hips forward, almost invitingly.

The child, unsure what to do at the gesture and having no real opinion of what was to her just adult clothes, merely nodded.

'Okay, now stop walking. I want to tie your legs.' The teenager picked up more rope and indicated where she wanted the girl to stand before tying yards of rope round Sharon's thin legs. Finally, she tied rope around the child's waist and ran the two ends down and under her crotch, causing the girl to give a small shriek into her gag at the pressure on her tender little sex as it was knotted off.

'There Tinkerbell,' smiled Dana. 'You look wonderful.' For a good few minutes she ran her fingertips over the near-naked child's ropes and knots, over her gag strap and even stroking the ball gag where it emerged from Sharon's stretched open mouth. There were also more than a few caresses of the seven year old's small nipples where they emerged from between the strands of ropes across her chest.

'Oofh', grunted Sharon, not unpleasantly, as once or twice Dana's fingertips gently pinched the nipples.

'Now, honeypie,' whispered Dana, 'I want you to stand very still while I try to get my finger between the top of your legs. I want to feel the rope where it's tight against your little cunny. You know what a cunny is, don't you?'

The bound child shook her head.

'Um, you know what a pussy is?'

Another blank reaction.

'Well, it's right here.' The fifteen year old reached down and slid her finger into the triangle caused by the ropes biting up into the child's cunt and the shape of her thighs. Little Sharon gave another muffled cry: her small vagina was crushed by the ropes but the teen was pressing upwards. Not just feeling the ropes but the flesh bulging over the bonds.

'My finger feel nice?'

'Nnnth,' moaned Sharon, not enjoying the brutality of the assault but at least being honest.

Dana stopped but it was only because she had a new idea. 'I think you should look at mine.' Dana stood back and slid down her panties, stepping out of them before bending over with her legs apart and ass towards the child. 'See? That's mine. It's hairier than yours because I'm older.' She looked back over her shoulder. 'You know what a cunny is now, right?'

Sharon nodded, eyes fixed on the slit and the surrounding bush of fine hair. She was even more fascinated when Dana reached back and held her cunt lips open, showing pink. 'If I open them wider you can get to see right inside me,' grinned the teen. 'You'd like that, I bet.'

One of Dana's fingers went to the small nub of her clitoris. 'See this, Tink? This is my clit. That's short for clitoris, but I like clit. Or clitty. Funny that, huh? Clitty and titty rhymes real nice. That's what women have.' The girl's finger was rubbing the nub, making it swell a little. 'See it grow when I play with it? That's where I get most sensation, the best pleasure of all.' The fifteen year old began rubbing it faster with circular motions, making excited little noises as she did so. 'See... I'm rubbing it... mmm, real good... just little round 'n' round motions... uh, feels wonderful...'

The teenager stopped without warning and stood. Facing the bound seven year old she said: 'I could get off on how good you look all tied up, but like that's kinda uncomfortable. It's good but it's bad.'

The child looked puzzled. Hadn't the babysitter said it was good? So how was it bad?

Dana chuckled at the look on Sharon's young face and understood. 'Oh, it's bad 'cos there's a better way I can get off. And you can help, Tink. You know what I'm going to do with you? Let's see how'd you like to rub your ball gag on me, between my legs.' As if to demonstrate the teenager pushed her hips forward and spread her legs. 'See here,' Dana was pointing at her pink sex amid the fine hair. 'You put your ball gag here and just rub me.'

Sharon shrugged, but didn't seem to object. She did as she was told and dropped to her knees and eased forward so her face was an inch from the teen's pussy.

'Can you smell me Tinkerbell? That's called arousal. Smells sweet, huh?'

'Ummmh,' grunted the child with a nod. Without any further instruction she pushed her ball-gagged mouth to the teenager's sex, quickly rubbing her face up and down as if she was born to this.

'Great Tink,' moaned Dana, pushing her hips forward more. 'You rub real good.'

There was the faintest sound from the child, looking up the torso of the girl towering above her, past the teenager's pert tits to her intense but happy face.

'Fuck! Keep going,' moaned Dana, wriggling her hips in counterpoint to the movements the child was making to increase the pleasure. She was beyond caring now about what she said. 'If you stop I'll have to beat you.'

Sharon didn't stop. Dana wondered later if it was fear of being beaten that made the child carry on so enthusiastically but the teen didn't know and, as her orgasm mounted, didn't care.

Tinkerbell's cute nose was catching on Dana's proud clit and the fifteen year old was hurtling towards the best orgasm she'd ever had. 'Oh! Fuck!' screamed Dana, grinding her hips down into the little girl's gagged face, not even thinking she might smother her. She didn't, of course, but the babysitter was beyond such mundane thoughts as she came. She was so glad she had told Mrs Helder what she wanted to do the woman's daughter, so happy the woman had arranged it so perfectly.

It was going to be great sitting this kid from now on. Literally, she smiled to herself as she looked down at the wide, innocent but distinctly pleased eyes staring up from below her flat belly, the little girl's nose pushing sweetly into that emerging mass of teenage pubic hair.


'How was it, honey?' Mrs Helder leant over her daughter, whispering gently.

'Mmmm, mommy,' sighed Sharon, opening her eyes dreamily and stretching her arms up above the pillow. 'You're home.'

'Sure, sweetie. Just want to see how it was playing Tinkerbell.' The woman was still keeping her voice down but her face was close to her seven year old daughter's pretty, soft face.

'Mmmm, it was good,' said the child as she blinked her eyes, suddenly grinning as her memory woke with her. 'Dana made me all tied up and I had to do what she said.'

'Good girl,' beamed Mrs Helder. 'Dana told me you were a very good Tinkerbell.'

'I was.' The child was more awake now. She reached up and tugged at the satin draw strings at the top of her mom's nightdress, pulling the bow open. There was another one lower down and in a second the small girl's fingers had that open too. 'Can I play, mommy?'

'Honey, it's late. You shouldn't...'

'Mommy!' Sharon glared up at her mother. 'I can anytime. You said.'

Mrs Helder was about to repeat it was late but she didn't bother. Already her daughter's hands were on her large tits, already seeking out her nipples. Sharon's lively fingers were teasing the large brown nipples, making them harden. True it was late, but the woman never stopped her child groping her, feeling her bust.

Better still, the child had remembered to cross her arms, as the woman liked. Left hand groping the woman's left boob, right hand working on the right one. In any event though, the mother wasn't really in a position to stop her child. Her nightdress was open and her large bust spilling out of the lace and satin and Sharon knew how to feel her mom up.

'I told a little lie,' confessed the child as she worked her hands over the smooth, yielding flesh that dangled invitingly in front of her. 'I said I didn't know what a cunny was. Or a pussy.' The girl snickered. 'Dana thinks I don't what they are. Or what being aroused is.'

'Oh,' gasped Mrs Helder. Not in curiosity about what her daughter was saying but in delight as the child's hands kneaded and squeezed and pinched.

'Anyway, it's a cunt, isn't it mom?'

'Uh-huh,' agreed Mrs Helder, eyes closed.

'And you're aroused,' snickered the little girl. 'You're cunt's all on fire. That's what you say, isn't it?'

Mrs Helder merely moaned.

'You wanna feel my cunt, Mommy?' asked Sharon, wriggling her legs wide open under the sheets. 'I'm all wet down there.'

'My hands,' sighed the woman with a shake of her head.

'I know. Daddy's tied them there, hasn't he?' The girl chuckled. Daddy always did that to Mommy at bedtime, especially after he'd watched his wife and the teenager babysitter kiss and fondle. Via the clever little secret closed circuit camera he'd put in her car so he could stay home and enjoy the sight of the two females groping, his wife feeling Dana, the teenager feeling back. Sharon had seen it herself that night while she sat on her daddy's knee with her little hands bound behind her back.

It was a treat for being a good girl for the babysitter. But now Sharon wanted another treat. She smirked: 'Your tongue's not tied up, is it Mommy? That can feel my slit, can't it?'

Mrs Helder nodded. It was going to be a long night so she had better get started. Fortunately, Sharon had let go of the woman's heavy tits and kicked back the sheets, gurgling happily as her spread legs came into view. Behind Mrs Helder, her husband Tom had come into the room to watch.

'Uhhh, Mommy... that's magic,' gasped Tinkerbell as her mommy's tongue slid into the little one's cunt and her daddy took her little wrists and tied them to the bed above the child's head. Then without a word he took his erect cock out and began stroking it above Sharon's cute face.

'This is magic,' grinned the man as he began to speed his stroke. 'I can make lots of milk for baby Tinks.'

Sharon laughed and opened wide as her Mommy licked harder.

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That was an awesome twist ending! I hope there's a part 2!

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