Published: 27-Feb-2012
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Anna walked down the crowded hall toward Kelly's home room. Kids were milling around everywhere, at their lockers, talking and joking, and going into and out of classrooms getting ready for the school day to start. Anna's best friend, Kelly, was closing her locker when Anna walked up with a big smile on her face. "Hi Kel."
"Morning, Anna. You look happy. What's shakin', girl?"
"You won't believe it. I've just seen the most amazing thing. What are you doing after school? We definitely need to talk."
"Sure, whatever. Do you have a date tonight?"
"No. Jeff's at the track meet in Greensboro and won't be back until late so I'm on my own. Wanna' come over tonight?
"It's my dad's birthday dinner tonight but I can come over after that. Can you believe my dad's forty tomorrow?"
" Your dad is forty? Wow, he's getting up there. Your mom still looks like a college girl."
"Well, she's thirty-six."
"Wow, she looks good to be that old. Maybe you'll take after her." Anna smiled at her friend.
"Hey, maybe you can help me find my dad a good birthday present tomorrow. We can get something he'll like at Crabtree, I'm sure."
"Sure, mom can take us over in the morning. She goes right by there on the way to work. Hey, gotta' run or I'll be late for home room. Text me, okay?"
"Okay, see ya' later."
9:30 p.m. Voicemail: "Hey, Anna. Mom's dropping me off on the way home. Be there in a few. Leave the back door open."
9:50 p.m. Voicemail: "Yo, Kelly. I didn't hear your message. Had Sarah Brightman turned way up. Come on in."
"Hi Anna."
"Hi Kelly. Put your stuff in my room." Anna turned the music down and walked down the hall behind her friend.
"Where's your mom?"
"She and Mr. Wonderful have gone out to eat and probably over to his apartment afterwards. She'll be coming in late, I think."
"Okay, girlfriend, what's this big deal you want to talk about," said Kelly, turning toward her friend.
Anna proceeded to tell Kelly all about the team going over to see Leonard. Kelly sat silently and listened.
"Kel, I can't get it out of my head. It's like a movie that keeps playing over and over. I see that big cock squirting all over the place and I get so turned on. I've been through three pairs of panties since school was out. It's like I'm melting down there. I'm afraid mom is going to notice all my underwear in the washer and wonder what is going on."
"Well, we can fix that, at least. Let's do a wash right now."
"Okay, good idea. I need to put these in with the rest," said Anna, pulling off her cutoffs and stripping out of her lacy hip huggers. Naked from the waist down, Anna retrieved the laundry basket from her closet and headed to the laundry room where she started the washing machine. " I get wet just talking about it," Anna said.
" Why don't you jump in the shower real quick while I get ready for bed. I need to think some more about all this and you need to clean yourself up."
"'K, be right out."
Kelly retrieved a Hard Rock Cafe tee shirt from her bag, took off her blouse, bra and shorts, put on the tee and brushed her teeth.
Anna got out of the shower, dried off, brushed out her hair, and put on a pair of boxers and a sleeveless shirt from the dresser. She joined Kelly sitting on the queen size bed where they sat facing one another, legs crossed.
"So, what I hear is that you want to go back and see this Leonard guy again and maybe get him to do a solo thing for you?"
"I'm not sure how that will play out, but, yeah, I want to see him do it again."
"Anna, you said you wanted to hear what I think so here goes. I think you're crazy; totally out of your freakin' mind. First of all, you know this Leonard guy is retarded, maybe a lot, and he could be dangerous in a one-on-one meeting. Can you envision just the two of you in the attic? He's three times your size and probably strong as a horse with no reasoning ability. I mean, this is the stuff that rapes and murders are made of. I wouldn't do this for anything."
"Okay, I understand all that," Anna acknowledged.
"Second, if he decided to stick that monster cock in you it would tear you apart if it's as big as you say. You couldn't even get it in your mouth if he tried to make you suck it. It's simply too big."
"Yeah, that, too."
"Well, what are you thinking, girl? Is seeing a big, dumb dude jerk off and maybe helping him do it worth the price you might pay? No way would I consider doing this."
"Kelly, I've thought of all that and I think there's a way we can make it work so it will be safe and we can see Leonard do his thing without putting ourselves in danger. If you ever saw this monster cock you'd know just what I mean."
"Did I hear you say "
"Okay, Kelly, I understand what you're saying, but please hear me out. I have an idea I think will work but I don't want to do it by myself. It's safe and we can bail out if it starts to go bad. Will you just hear what I have to say and if you don't want to do it then we can trash the whole idea."
"Okay, Anna, I'll listen but no promises. Speaking of promises, please, please, promise me you won't try to do this on your own. I know what a risk taker you are and I'll worry myself silly if I think you'll try this. You're my very best friend and I'd hate for anything to happen to you." With that, Kelly leaned forward and gave Anna a long hug.
Anna, snuggled into Kelly's embrace and held her close, speaking with her head in the crook of her friend's neck. "Kel, you are my very best friend of all time, What would I do without you? I can't explain why this is bothering me so much. Maybe you can. I don't know. I only know that seeing that thing happen in front of my face is totally dominating my thoughts and it won't go away. Is something the matter with me?"
The girls broke their embrace and Kelly looked directly into Anna's eyes. Both were streaming tears
"I'm frightened for you, Anna, that's all. I've loved you for as long as I can remember, not just as a best friend but like my sister and confidant. I get the same back from you. It's like we're joined together spiritually. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, hon, nothing in this world. C'mere, girl, let me hold you."
Anna cried and hugged her friend for a long time and the tears flowed. "Oh, Kelly, I love you, too, you know that. When I saw you after the game it was like a sigh of relief 'cause I realized that you're the one person in all the world I can share this with and be understood. You always seem to put things in a way I can understand them when I'm so wrapped up in my feelings."
Kelly and Anna held their embrace a while longer. When they broke apart Kelly took her finger and started wiping Anna's tears from her eyes and cheeks. "There you go, girl. It helps to cry sometimes. Tell you what. Why don't we get under the covers and snuggle. We've had our best conversations that way for as long as I can remember."
"Yeah, we've shared some special moments like that since we were little girls. Funny you should suggest that as the thought was in my head at the same time." Both the girls laughed.
The two girls crawled under the covers. Anna reached up and turned off the light and snuggled back into her friend's arms. Kelly pulled her friend close and both enjoyed the closeness they had shared since early childhood, cupped together like two spoons. Anna sighed, "This feels so good. Maybe all I need is someone to hold me and be close."
"What about your mom, Anna. You two have always been so close."
"Mom's really stressed right now. Since she became the head nurse her life hasn't been the same. With the economy so bad she's had to lay off some of the friends she's worked side by side with for years. This hurts her so bad. She comes home and tells me about all this and I hold her when she cries for her friends. She is still going out with that guy, George, who isn't a bad person but i think he's kind of a zero. I can't see that going anywhere but they've been together for as long as I can remember. He's like an old shoe, I guess, but I can't see him as my stepdad, either. At least they don't fight.
"Mom and I used to sleep together and talk once in awhile, too, but she's so tired when she gets home from work that all she can do is go to bed. She lives for the few days off she gets and I seem to take a back seat to George for her spare time."
"Anna, you need to tell her you need her more than she's giving you. Does she come to your games?"
"Yeah, sometimes. She seems supportive of me and goes to the parent-teacher conferences and school stuff. Once in awhile we have a night out for dinner when she's too tired to cook but her free time, like on weekends, is always with George. I catch myself thinking that I'd see more of my mom if she were married to him because she'd be home more."
"That's sad, Anna. Turn around. I want to hold you closer and it's hard to do with your back to me."
Anna turned around and the two girls snuggled against one another. Kelly kissed her friend lightly on the lips as they hugged. Anna sighed deeply. "Thanks, Kelly. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Kelly started laughing softly. "What's so funny, Kel?"
"We're not little girls anymore, are we?"
"What do you mean?"
"We have boobs." Kelly laughed softly.
"Yeah, we do, don't we. Especially, you. I noticed that earlier. You've really popped out, girl."
"You, too, Anna." Kelly ran her fingertip over her friend's breast.
"Careful, Kel. They are really sensitive."
"Yeah, I feel your nipple jump right up. Mine do the same thing. Sometimes they hurt they're so sensitive."
"I know what you mean. Since this thing the other day my nips have really been tuned up. I can hardly touch them they are so tender."
"Mine are hard now just from touching you. Here, feel."
"Oh. Wow. I did that to you?"
"I don't know but they sure are standing up. It feels good when you touch them. Here' let me see something." Kelly ran her hand under Anna's tee shirt to her boob.
Anna felt her friend's palm slide over her breast and brush against her nipple. She gasped. "Wow, that feels so damned good. Do the other one."
Kelly moved her hand to Anna's other breast and felt her respond with a deep sigh. Anna put her hand over Kelly's and held it tightly against her breast. Anna started laughing softly.
"What's so funny, girl?"
"Okay, remember when we were in the seventh grade and we wanted to learn how to French kiss?"
"Sure, we just practiced and practiced with each other until we figured it out. We got pretty good at it, too, according to our boyfriends."
"Anna, that was in this very bed two years ago. Now, here we are feeling each other's breasts. Could this be another lesson we are learning with one another?"
" I never thought about that. Maybe so?" But we can't go around school feeling each others' titties."Both laughed.
"No, but we can learn what feels good to us, can't we? But for one thing, Anna. I don't want to stop this. It feels so good."
"Wow, it sure does. What are you trying to say, Kel? I sense you're holding something back here."
"I'm busted. Should have known better than to try and keep this a secret."
What, Kelly?"
"Do your remember Christina, the hostess where I worked last summer at the beach."
"Yeah, the tall brunette gal."
"Pretty face, long legs, nice perky boobs, sweet smile?"
"That's the one. She's a lesbian."
"No way! She's a senior at UNC. Is that the girl?" That makes her at least twenty-one."
"Exactly. I was fourteen." I moved into her apartment with her for the last few weeks of the season. I felt so guilty for not telling you. Maybe you noticed that I pulled away from you about then."
"Sure, I did. But I thought we were just going different directions, I never suspected you were involved with a woman. What about Stan? I kept seeing you guys at parties and football games"
"That was to keep up the illusion, Anna. Can you imagine if our friends at school found out I was in a lesbian relationship with a college senior? Stan didn't have a clue. To him I was a really nice girl who stayed at a distance but was good to have around for social stuff."
"But you two were the runner ups to the Queen of Hearts dance. Everyone, me included, thought you guys were the perfect couple. Stan must be devastated"
"He doesn't know, Anna. Nobody does. He's found another girlfriend and I don't date anyone seriously. There are no rumors going around and I only accept dates to put up a front that I'm straight ........ and I might be: I just don't know for sure. Please don't hold this against me, Anna. You're the first and only person I've told this to and I don't intend to tell anyone else."
"So you're not sure you're a lesbian, is that what I'm hearing you say?"
"Yes, my wonderful, loving, precious friend, that's right. I've looked on the other side and am not certain what I'm seeing. I know some things, though. Girls loving each other is a wonderful experience no matter what label is put on it. I loved Christina, who described herself as a lesbian after only two woman relationships, but she was my only one and it was a purely physical thing. I'm not sure I'm a lesbian but I'm also not sure I'm not, either."
"I don't know what to say, Kelly. Here we are, laying half naked in my bed talking about a guy with a huge cock, feeling each others tits, and at the same time wondering whether one of us is a lesbian. I'm really confused."
"Anna, one thing I know for sure. I want to love you because you're my best friend in all the world. At the same time I want to respect your boundaries and not force anything on you. There's a risk that you will reject me but at the same time I want to be absolutely honest, too."
"I won't reject you, Kel, never in this world. You are the good sister I've wanted for all my life. I love you no matter what. You can count on that." Anna leaned forward and kissed Kelly on the lips.
"Anna, I want more than anything to show you my love. Just like our French kissing lessons when we were kids, I have something wonderful to share with you if you'll accept it. It's not sex, even though it seems so. It's an expression of the love I have for you, my sister, my friend, my soulmate. Please let me love you. Anna."
"Oh, Kelly, I love you so much and I do trust you. You need to guide me, though, 'cause I am in a world here that I never dreamed about. My feelings are all over the place."
"You're sure, Anna? Can I take you somewhere you've never been? Our friendship will remain solid and you'll love me no matter where it goes?"
"Yes, oh yes, Kelly." Anna hugged her friend and held it a long time.
"Okay, Anna. Let's start by getting naked."
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