Twilight and Dawn

[ M/g, ped, spank, reluc, rom, vamp ]

by CC

Published: 25-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.


"Come here, little one," he commanded.

"Yes, Master Servetus," Dawn replied. Her feet moved as if of their own accord. She was numb, frozen. She longed to scream, to strike out, to run away, but her will would not respond. She was slender, somberly pretty, brown hair, brown eyes, nine or ten years old, dressed in a simple t-shirt and a skirt with an elastic waist, white socks and saddle shoes. He was a malevolent angel, carved in marble and brought to life, cold, hard, perilously handsome, with an overwhelmingly strong presence.

"Little girls must be naked for punishment. Take off your clothes," he intoned. She was helpless to resist. She pulled her t-shirt off, revealing her little breastbuds and nipples, erect with anxiety. Then she pulled her skirt down and stepped out of it. She hesitated for a moment. [SMAK!] a leather strap flashed in his hand across her bare thigh, leaving a bright red streak. She jumped and yelped. "More quickly, young lady," he said sternly, "but you may leave your shoes and socks on." She hurried to obey, pulling her panties down, exposing her unfledged cleftlips and prominent clitoris, framed between her slender thighs. She blushed, as any nearly naked preteen girl would, to be so exposed. Her face looked like an angel in despair.

"You know where to go," he reminded her. Despondently she shuffled over to a wooden frame that had a padded bench, and straps attached in various places. "Assume the position," he commanded. She laid back on the bench, her bottom raised and her feet extended over her head. He deftly seized her wrists and ankles and fastened her to the frame. He passed a belt around her waist and attached it.

[THWACK!] "AAAIEEE!" the little girl screamed, arching in her bonds, tears streaming from her eyes, her face contorted. Her tormenter raised the strap again and let it fall once more directly upon her unfledged girlcleft, all ready deeply reddened from his abuse, [SMACK!] "AAAAAAAA! OHMASTERPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!" she yelped frantically. Yet even as she shrieked and writhed, pulling vainly at the cords that held her securely to the wooden frame, there was a certain motion to her hips, a moisture between her legs, that suggested a degree of sexual stimulation was occurring as well. This was remarkable; the intensity of her punishment was such that even many a devotee of the 'BDSM lifestyle' would find it difficult to maintain arousal through the pain.

However, this little girl was in the grasp of a 'dom' much more potent and dangerous than any found in a mock 'dungeon'. Powerful, nearly immortal, cold-skinned, red-eyed, and with a thirst for human blood: incubus, nosferatu, the undead. Vampire.

In his presence the little girl was like a wild animal caught in the headlights, a baby bird mesmerized by a cobra. His aura and scent paralyzed her will, such that she was able to think clearly and act independently only with great effort. His presence was powerfully seductive, attracting her so strongly that, although at some level in her mind she was screaming with fear, consciously she was both numb and almost complacent to be in his power. And finally he was exerting upon her a deep influence, forcing her exhausted mind and body to interpret each spank, each pinch, each stroke of the strap or whip to be not only painful, but also powerfully sexual.

[THWACK!] He strapped her again full upon her cleftlips and clitoris, and she screamed, "AAAAAAAH!", bucking and rocking in her bonds, clearly climaxing even as she writhed in pain from her abuse.

Servetus leaned in closer and inhaled, savoring her scent like the bouquet of a fine wine-

Vampires had long enjoyed seducing or raping their victims before devouring them. The Volturi frowned upon the practice, and most established covens or families forbade it. But the Volturi seldom acted unless the anonymity of vampires was threatened in some way, or their own self-interest was involved. The covens and families were generally too occupied with their own concerns to seek out an incubus. So the practice continued.

It amused Servetus to maintain that piling orgasm upon orgasm, combined with pain, produced the most exquisite taste to the blood of his victims. He also favored the taste of very young girls. He would keep one for some time, 'training' her to accept stronger and stronger punishment, until he could restrain himself no longer. To avoid unwanted attention, he seized one only every few decades, satisfying his thirst with moreu*conventional victims in between times.

With this one, he intended to refine his technique even further, conditioning the little girl to achieve orgasm even if flogged to bleeding. He wanted to smell and taste that blood as an appetizer before heu*finished.

He judged that she was not yet ready for that, but he was patient. For a vampire. But he thought he'd carry his 'fun' on a bit fartheru*

He unstrapped her, sat on a chair and stood her before him. He began toying with her nakedness, running his hands up and down her front, tweaking and pinching her nipples, then sliding down, down to seize the core of her being, hefting her mons and cleftlips, rubbing her clitoris excruciatingly against her pubic bone, occasionally giving her a sharp [SMACK!] full upon her vulva as she cried out wildly.

His touch burned and froze, exciting and tormenting her. His aura somehow duplicated all her embarrassment and distress as sexual excitement, not displacing them, but piling on top of them. She orgasmed twice as he molested her. He chuckled maliciously, inhaling deeply, his mouth wateringu*

He undid his trousers and his rod sprang forth, erect, massive, as cold and hard as the rest of him. She could not take her eyes off it, gasping, trembling. Some part of her, hidden deep by the haze of his influence, thought, "Now he's going to rape me, and kill me." Her will made no answer.

But Servetus had other plans. He picked her up, turned her around, and brought her to rest with her legs straddling his member. He moved her back and forth, her slender form feather-light in his inhumanly powerful hands, so that the lips of her cleft rubbed up and down on his shaft.

If his touch burned and froze, and every distressing thing he did also excited her, this was doubly, trebly so. It was as if her cleft was on fire, yet encased in ice, her blood boiling beneath her skin. Unwonted moisture was gathering between her legs, lubricating her cleftlips. She screamed out three orgasms piled on one another as he abused her thus. Then he picked her up and deposited her on her little cot. She buried her face in her hands, sobbing out the end of her third orgasm. As she did so, he let himself come, showering her naked body with his seed, landing on her belly, her nipples, and her reddened girlcleft. As it touched her skin, she shrieked, half-raised herself off the cot, and went rigid, as if an electric current poured through her, screaming, "AAAAAH! OHMASTERPLEASEITBURNSITBURNS!AAAAAAAH!" and then shuddered out a fourth and last orgasm before she collapsed back on the cot, shuddering and sobbing before finally passing out, asleep, exhausted from the abu se and her hyperstimulation.


He has me, the monster, the Master. He's beautiful, he's ugly, I hate him, I-I need him tou*

When he touches me it burns, it freezes, I can't stand it, I can't stand for him to stop. He looks at me like he's going to eat me. I think he is going to eat me. Inside I'm screaming, I'm running away, I'm so scaredu*I'm numb. I don't feel anything exceptu*

When he whips me it hurts so much, I scream. He whips me on myu*on myu*that place between my legs, and it hurts and itu*feels so good. But it shouldn't! I know it shouldn't, but Iu*don't care. I can't wait for him to whip me again, and make that burn and that freeze and that-that-wave come over me, and make me scream, and jump, and oh it feels so good.

I hate him. I know he's going to kill me some day. I'm so scaredu*I don't feel anything.


I hadn't intended to go hunting in that way. I wasn't thirsty; a short run away was a stretch of wilderness plentifully supplied with bears. Even bobcats made a nice snack. And as for human blood-well, I tried to keep that to a bare minimum. It had been a while since I had come across, or sought out, a victim that fit my 'criteria': he had to be actively engaged in, or about to commit, something really bad, like cold-blooded murder, or rape. And it had to be in the right setting, where it would remain unsolved, no unwanted notoriety. I had no desire to come to the attention of the Volturi.

And I certainly had not intended to track another vampire. Mano a mano, ordinarily that's a lot like being a WW1 fighter pilot: about a 50% chance you're not coming back. I'm no Jane or Alec; I can't incapacitate anyone. I have a bit of Edward's and Dimitri's talents: I can read minds, but it's different for me. I can imagine a train of thought, and then find someone thinking about that, more or less, if they're not too far away. And I have a bit of Bella's shield ability, but only for myself, and that's no use against a physical attack. I did have a trick or two up my sleeve, butu*

Mainly, if I were too successful in taking out other vampires, the Volturi would surely track me down and bring me back. Didn't want that.

Oh, yes, 'back' I was part of the guard for a while. Had many a deep and very interesting conversation with Aro. But I could not stand it when they would bring in their prey. Despite my own thirst, I was haunted by the screams-

From Aro I had heard of the Cullens, and I sought them out. I learned much from Carlisle, and Jasper, and the rest of them, but I couldn't stay. I guess my desires were just too strong. I don't think they blamed me, much. Edward could see my mind, he knew I would only prey on the human predators, as he had for a while. I'm welcome there any time.

So there I was, in the little house on the outskirts of a small city, tucked into some woods so the sun doesn't shine, fantasizingu*

"You've been a very naughty little girl, haven't you, young lady?" I inquired.

"Y-yes, Sir, but please Sir, do I haveta be punished?!" the little girl replied. She was slender, and cute, brown-haired and brown-eyed, standing nervously before me, twisting her hands together, altogether adorable.

"Yes, you do, and right now. You know the rule: little girls have to be naked for punishment, so get dress off this instant!" I punctuated the command with a [SMACK!] to her bare thigh.

"Ah!" she yipped, and hurried to obey.

"Leave your shoes and socks on," I added. Soon she was standing before me, a nearly naked preteen. Long, straight hair, slender shoulders and thighs, her breasts mere buds topped by nipples now erect in her agitation, slim hips, rounded 'bubble' bottom, and most darling of all, her sweet, unfledged cleft with prominent clitoris bared to my gaze. She trembled and shivered, looking like an angel in despair as she awaited her discipline.

Without preamble I seized her cleft with one hand, making her gasp, and with the other rained spank after spank on her bare bottom, [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!].

"AH-AH-AH!" she cried out sweetly with each spank. Soon her buttocks were fetchingly reddened.

I spun her around, saying, "Little girls must be front-spanked, let's not forget that, shall we?" as I commenced to paddle her naked mons, cleftlips, and clitoris, [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!].

"OOO-OOO-OOO! OHPLEASEOHPLEASEOHPLEASE!" she cried out wildly, writhing at the sting on her little sex, and the embarrassment at being so lasciviously disciplined by a grown man.

Right about then my talent kicked in. I realized that someone else was having a very similar train of thought, and from the feel of it, he wasn't fantasizing! I concentrated for a moment, and I could tell it was another vampire.

If it was close enough for me to catch his thought, it was close enough to get to in no more than a few minutes. I grabbed my gear and headed out.

It's a funny thing: no question I'm turned on by the thought of spanking and even 'raping' a pretty little girl. In fact, that's one of the reasons I didn't stay with the Cullens: I didn't need Edward rummaging around in my head, even if he could tell that the only way I'd ever really do it would be either 'ageplay' or under some very special circumstances, where the little girl was basically willing, and had no better options, than to stay with me. The former I'd had before I was 'Changed'; the latteru*let's just say I was open to suggestion.

But the thought of a little girl in the hands of a malevolent vampire put a red haze around my vision and propelled me forward, with little thought to my own safety.

He was in a house similarly situated to mine: outskirts of a small city, deep in the woods. There was little point in stealth; no matter how quietly I moved, before I could reach him he'd be aware of my approach. I kicked the door in and raced to the room where he held her.

As I entered, I couldn't help noticing a sight I might have found quite-fetching, under other circumstances: a slender, brown-haired and brown-eyed girl, quietly pretty, bound wrists, ankles, and waist to a punishment apparatus, with her legs drawn above her head and held apart, stark naked. She had obviously been sternly punished, with bright red marks which looked to be from a strap or belt on her thighs, bottom, and even across her unfledged cleft. Tears were streaming from her eyes and she was sobbing convulsively. At the same time I couldn't help but smell the evidence of her sexual excitement.

But all these impressions were secondary. As soon as I got close enough to smell her, I was struck, stopped nearly dead in my tracks. I had never experienced it before, but I had heard about it, from the Volturi, and from Edward: La Tua Cantante. Her blood sang to me. She was my own special brand of drug, my heroin.

I think it was only because of the other vampire there, this Servetus, as I had read his name in my mind, that I was able to control myself, to keep from immediately raping her and thenu*

But Servetus spoke: "Why hello there," his voice a suave purr, but laden with menace. "Are you lost?" He chuckled, but even as he did so he assumed a fighting crouch, teeth bared.

I struggled to maintain control. I had to maneuver him; the girl was in the 'line of fire', as it were. I circled to the left, and he followed suit. "No need for hand-to-hand," I said, I hoped casually.

"Why? Do you think I'll share this little tidbit with any nomad who comes along? I have labored long to prepare this flower, this exquisite bouquet. Find your own," he snarled.

"I don't think so," I said, and drew my weapon.

He stared at it and laughed. "What is this, a gun? Is this your first fight? Are you a newborn? Go ahead, shoot; bullets can't harm us!"

"You're right. Bullets can't harm us. But before I wasu*Changed, I was a chemist. As you well know, since we don't have to sleep, we have a lot of time on our hands. So I continued my research. You see, this is not a pistol, it's a flechette gun. It doesn't fire bullets, it fires darts. The darts are tipped with a chemical I have discovered." He rolled his eyes, clearly disbelieving that such a thing could be dangerous to a vampire. "Oh, it won't kill you or anything like that; we're far too tough, of course. But it will disable you for just long enough."

I had maneuvered him around sufficiently so that the girl would not be hit. I fired. One reason why I used a flechette was that it would fire multiple darts in a spray at once, so even as fast as a vampire could move, I was likely to hit him. It was close, but I managed to get two in his neck, just where I was aiming. He staggered, and I tripped him up.

Even disabled like that, I'd rather not finish another vampire off hand-to-hand. The risk is just too high. So I brought out my other little tool.

It was a bolo, tipped with shaped charges. I swung it around and let fly at his head as he gaped in astonishment. The straps wrapped around his forehead and the ends slapped against his temples. By this time I had put myself between him and the girl; even though most of the blast went inwards, I didn't want her hurt by any shrapnel. It very nicely blew his head off. I quickly dismembered him, tore up some furniture for wood, and set it alight.

That was the easy part. Now I turned to the girl. She was nearly hyperventilating, dazed, and clearly unable to process all of what she had experienced. I tried to speak gently, softly, to untie her slowly and carefully. It was torture, but I found that the more I tried to control my urge to consume her, the easier it became.

She was shivering violently. It was hard to understand her, but she appeared to be saying "Master, please, Master, please," over and over. I found a blanket on a cot, wrapped her in it, grabbed what looked to be her little dress, and hurried her away.


Then he is there, the other one. I see him and I think, "Oh, no, another one," but then I see him and Iu*heu*he's so beautiful. And he loves me. I can see that in his eyes, the way heu*the way heu*glows. He might eat me, too. But I love him. I want him tou*tou*touch me, to spank me, to whip me, to make me feelu*so good. When I see him, I'm not scared anymore.


Once at my house I gave her some food (I'd kept some around in cans, not really sure why; came in handy, though). She kept staring at me, at the house, at the food, sort of blankly, still in a daze. She seemed to have it together enough to use the bathroom. Once she was done I carried her to the couch and laid her on it, and put a soft blanket over her. "Go to sleep, little one, we'll talk in the morning." She was out like a light.

She woke up late in the morning, went straight to the bathroom, and then came out. "Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded vigorously, still staring at me. Her smell wasu*delicious, if a little ripe, but I was getting used to it.

After she ate (more canned food; I'd have to go shopping soon), I said, "Now let's talk, little one. What's your name?"

"Dawn," she replied.

"That's a very pretty name for a very pretty girl." She gave me a small smile. It's hard to describe how just seeing that smile thrilled me. "My name is Carlos.

"Do you have any family?" I continued. She shook her head slowly. "Where were you whenu*he found you?"

She hung her head. "I was in a foster home. Theyu*weren't very nice, and the social worker wouldn't listen to me, and they were gonna make meu*gonna make meu*" She started to tear up.

I quickly hushed her, "Shh, shh, little one, that's OK, you don't have to talk about that. No one's going to hurt you now. Did you run away?" She nodded. "Andu*Servetus found you?" She nodded again. "Is there anyone who would care for you, anyone you want me to take you to?" She looked at me for a moment, then shook her head. "Do you want me to take you to the social workers?" She made the universal preteen 'yuck face'. "I guess not, eh?" She smiled again. It was like a small sun going off in my head.

"Then what am I to do with you, little one? What do you want me to do?"

She looked down. After a bit she whispered, "Aren't you my new master?" If I had a beating heart anymore, it would have stopped.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Iu*little girls need to be punishedu*I need to be punished. Iu*youu*you're my Master." Then, to my great surprise, and both delight and dismay, she threw her arms around my waist and clung to me, trembling and whimpering.

My thoughts were in turmoil. Part of me was still fighting off a vampire's usual urge, made doubly maddening by her intoxicating scent. But like I said, as her welfare was becoming more and more important to me, that part was getting easier. Part of me was trying to figure this out. Apparently Servetus had really messed with her mind, and now she was conditioned or something to be a slave to-someone like me, I guess. And part of me just wanted to love her, and spank her, and whip her, and rape her. And marry her, of course.

I held her like that for a bit, reveling in the feel of her lithe, slender body trembling like a leaf against mine, her smell intoxicating meu*I shook it off; gotta maintain control!

I held her a bit away from me and looked straight in her eyes. She looked back, steadily. "Little Dawn, what's my name?"

"Carlos," she replied.

"I am not Servetus, am I?"

"NO! Y-you'reu*not like him. You'reu*nice." She smiled again. Man, she really could do a number on me with that smile!

"And do you really want me to be your Master?" The question hung in the air between us, revolving lazily.

OK, sure, maybe I should've insisted on taking her somewhere, trying to get some shrink to reprogram her, get some welfare agency to take her. Would that really have been best for her? Look how they screwed her up and over the first time. And what if what Servetus did couldn't be undone? What if she sought out-someone else? Someone who wasn'tu*nice? The thought was intolerable. My own burning desire for her aside, she had to stay with me.

"Yes, Master," she said, simply and quietly.

"And you really want me to punish you?"

"Oh, yes, Master," she whispered.

"Very well. I will be your Master. You will do as I say, and I will punish you. But I am not Servetus. I am not going to hurt you badly, and I will take care of you.

"And listen, little one," and she looked at me intently, "We will be married, and soon." She smiled brightly. What a rush.

But I had to be sureu*"Do you know what that really means, little one?"

"Yes, Master, it means you get to put your-your-thing inside me, don't it? That willu*willu*punish me, and-andu*I-I needu*" She was gulping, and hyperventilating.

"Shh, shh, little one, it's all right. We'll be married, and I will punish you, and it will all work out." I hoped.

Let's face it: the track record of vampires having intercourse even with a grown woman wasn't real great. Leaving aside the fact that most vampires weren't going to leave them alive afterwards, the experience can still be dangerous. I was going to have to be real gentle!

At least for a while. I had a theoryu*

From Carlisle's research, and my own studies, I knew that vampire semen contained our venom, but in much lower concentrations. What would happen to a young girl, if she were repeatedly exposed to vampire semen? Deposited inside her, for instance? I suspected that this might cause the Change, but more-gradually, and gently.

But for right nowu*

"All right, little one, you know that little girls need to be punished." She actually looked up hopefully. Hoo boy. I sniffed; she still smelled great, butu*

"But first, you need a bath."

A moment of disappointment passed across her face, but then I think she realized that she really needed one. Wouldn't surprise me if Servetus never even let her bathe at all, the jerk.

Fortunately the house had a tub when I bought it, and it still worked, and there were some towels, and soap, and even an old bottle of shampoo hanging around.

I would have loved to have given her a bath myself, but I wanted to save that bit of joy for later. So I left her to it. "When you're dry, come out of the bathroom. Don't put your dress back on, do you understand?" I gave her what I hoped was a 'mock'-stern look.

"Yes, Master!" She nearly skipped into the bathroom. I put my head in my hands for a moment. I was so hooked. But at least I was confident I wasn't going to kill heru*

She came out in about a half an hour, a bit more shyly, head down, but peeping up at me through her lashes. Naked, slender, her little breasts no more than buds topped by her nipples, slim hips, gorgeous unfledged cleft flashing before me as she moved, mouthwatering scent delicately accented by the soap and shampoo- I shook myself to clear my head. "Come over here right now, young lady!" She hurried to obey. Without preamble I pulled her across my lap and gave her what I hoped was a not-too-hard, but brisk and business-like spanking, [WAP-WAP-WAP!].

"Oh-Oh-Oh!" she yelped a bit, and kicked her little legs. And her hips moved-suspiciously on my lap! When her bottom was just a bit reddened, I stopped, and caressed the cheeks of her buttocks. She cooed for a bit. I stopped, and lifted her off my lap.

"Are you all right?" I asked, tipping her little chin up to look in her eyes.

"Yeah, butu*Master, that's not enough. You-Iu*you gotta spank me harder. Or whip me. Or s-somethingu*" With that she spun around, her little arms wrapped around herself, clearly confused, conflicted. What a surprise.

I turned her around to face me. "All right, then little one, I guess you need to be punished more." With that I stood up, towering over her, gripped her bottom with one hand, making her yip, then commencing to rain spank after open-handed spank directly upon her mons, unfledged cleftlips, and clitoris, [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!,] leaving red handprints clearly to be seen.

"AA-AA-AA-AA!" she cried out fetchingly with each spank, her hips jerking. I could smell her excitement building, see and feel her pelvis rocking more rhythmically. In half a minute she was climaxing, shouting, shivering, sobbing. I picked her up and held her close. She clung tightly to me. After a minute she whispered in my ear, "Thank you, Master." OK, she could have asked me for anything at that point.

I didn't waste any time. I moved us to ********-ia, where 'age of consent' considerations are, shall we say, unobserved, and found a priest willing to marry us. Dawn looked gorgeous in a Vera Wang I had ordered made to her size. OK, ordinarily they might have wondered about designing a wedding gown for a ten-year-old girl, especially whose husband-to-be was obviously a grown man; let's just say that I can be imposing when I want to be, and money was no object. The fact that during the fitting Dawn obviously adored me, and I doted on her, probably didn't hurt either.

After the ceremony, I took her back to the little chateau I had picked out; secluded, back in the woods, all the amenities we'd need. I sat on a couch and held her close for a while, just reveling in the feel of her slender frame, trembling against my body, which was cold as marble, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Have you been a naughty little girl?" I whispered in her ear. She gasped and clung to me tightly, then nodded almost frantically, eyes half-closed. "Naughty little girls need to be punished, hmm?"

She was nearly hyper-ventilating, whimpering, saying, "Oh please, Master, please please please!" in her sweet little voice.

"Take off your clothes right now, young lady!" I commanded, mock-sternly, giving her slender bottom a quick spank.

"OH! Oh, yes, Master!" she jumped and hurried to comply. Soon she was naked before me, a stunning preteen, looking like an angel in despair, yet at the same time perfectly serene and blissful. She smelled wonderful, delectable-Shake head, redirect thoughts.

"Over my knee right now, young lady; little girls need a good spanking!" Over she went, and [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK] went my hand on her bare bottom. It was a little difficult to do it right; to me each tap felt feather-light; had to be, considering how hard a vampire can hit if he wants to! But too light just didn't 'do it' for her, apparently. I tried to do it hard enough to leave red handprints, hard enough that, if it wasn't for how Servetus had messed with her, she'd probably have been screaming in pain alone. As it was, she hollered with each spank, but almost immediately her hips were rocking, and she came before I was done spanking her, no question about it; the scent of it alone told me, let alone her hips gyrating and her impassioned cries. I could even tell, by some kind of vampire sense, when her parasympathetic nervous system peaked, and the sympathetic spike kicked in, powering her orgasm.

I caressed her for a while, rubbing and soothing her bottom, thighs, cleft, letting my finger trail in to her anus. At least I tried to soothe her; even my light touch seemed to excite her, but I managed to just keep her at what seemed to be a slow burn, moaning and panting over my lap.

I turned her over and brought her up for a kiss. She surrendered into it so completely, opening wide, touching the tip of my tongue as it invaded her mouth, whimpering, gasping. If I hadn't broken it off (control, Carlos, self-control!) I think she would have come again. She clung to me, trembling. I hugged her gently and whispered in her ear how much I loved her. Peace and contentment, love and joy, trepidation and embarrassment and sexual excitement, all radiated from her like visible waves. She was altogether adorable.

I wasn't sure if I should or not, but I had decided to get a punishment apparatus like Servetus' and have it installed. I carried her into the room where it was and laid her on it. Before I fastened her to it I looked in her eyes. "Are you all right?" I asked.

"Yes, Master," she simply replied, looking back at me, broadcasting love and trust. Well, alrighty then. I am so hooked.

Wrists fastened with arms spread out, legs lifted up and apart, ankles fastened, a strap around her waist, she was, shall we say, fetchingly presented, her all ready reddened bottom completely displayed, framing her sweet, unfledged girlcleft, with its puffy labia and prominent clitoris. Her anus was fully bared, winking as she shivered and whimpered.

I picked up a tawse and swung it against her slender thighs, first one then the other, [SWAK-SWAK-SWAK!]. "AAA-AAA-AAA!" she cried out, jerking in her bonds. Bright red streaks showed where I had whipped her. I kept going, moving down and down until I was strapping her on her all-ready-reddened buttocks, [SWAP-SWAP-SWAP!]. She was almost screaming now, pulling hard on the frame, tears flowing-and her orgasm was building. I could almost see the wave of it gathering in her little pelvis. One stroke full upon her cleft and clitoris and it exploded. "AAAAAAAHHH! MASTERI'LLBEGOODMASTERI'LLBEGOODMASTERI'LLBEGOOD!" Then she collapsed on the bench, gasping and sobbing, muttering, "Master please, Master please," over and over.

I kissed her forehead and brushed a stray lock of her hair back. "Are you my naughty little girl?" I whispered in her ear.

She arched and gasped, "Oh, yes, Master, yes, I've been so naughty, oh please Master please!" OK, so I guess we're not done yet, eh?

I whipped her breastbuds and nipples until they were deeply reddened, [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!]. "OO-OO-OO!" she cried out wildly as she writhed fetchingly, the punishment from the tawse topped by her palpably gathering sexual excitement. I paused for a moment to seize her little breastbuds in each hand, kneading and working, pinching and twisting. She moaned and gasped as I disciplined her so embarrassingly.

I picked up the tawse again and swung it full upon her tender, delicate anus, [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!]. "AAIIEEEEEE!" she screamed, "OHMASTERPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!" as her orgasm exploded again, her slender body wrenching at the straps so hard I was glad her bonds were well-padded. Bright streaks of red showed around her anus where the tawse had fallen.

By this time the stimulation was becoming very-intense. Never mind the complete fulfillment of every dark fantasy I'd ever had. Never mind her slender, elfin, naked, preteen beauty, stripped, bound, and whipped for her discipline and our pleasure. Her scent was nearly overpoweringly alluring. Sweet and delicate, sort of floral overall, and now overlaid with the heady musk of her sexual excitement. I had to have some kind of release, that was for sure.

I considered this as I was running my hands up and down her body, trying to soothe her, and I guess succeeding somewhat, but continuing to excite her at the same time; I couldn't help it, all I had to do was touch her, seemingly. I moved up to her head and said, "Little one, look at me." She opened her eyes, red with tears, but shining with love. "It's time for you to be raped. I'm going to rape you in your mouth today. Just open wide and I'll do the rest. Something will come out of me when I'm done; it's not pee, so don't worry." I don't think she would have objected to anything I did to her, but she did look relieved. "Try to swallow it, OK?" She nodded complacently, dreamily, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. I couldn't imagine anything prettier.

I took my rod out of my pants. Trust me I was pointing skyward. I touched it to her lips and she seemed to stiffen, and to reach out with her mouth to take it in, so I obliged her. She was arching in her bonds, making noises even with her mouth closed around the shaft. I could feel her little tongue like a butterfly fluttering around my member. It was near-Nirvana.

I let myself go, only holding back enough to make sure the spray of my semen wasn't too high pressure against the back of her throat. Things happened all at once. She was arching, screaming, yet at the same time almost desperately grasping with her lips on my rod, swallowing convulsively, bucking on the bench-orgasming again, I couldn't believe it. What a rush.

I unfastened her and swept her up in my arms, holding her close, rocking her, as she sobbed and shuddered out the end of her orgasm. This last one seemed to have done it for her; she was asleep almost in no time.

The next day we just lazed around, took walks, held hands, ate-at least, she did; I go out in the woods and find a mountain lion if I want to eat. I play a pretty mean guitar, and she seemed to enjoy listening to me twang away on the old HD-28 I've had since before my Change. She even sang a little bit; she had a sweet little voice.

I showed her what I look like in the sun. She loved it, said the sparkles were so pretty, you know how little girls go on about that kind of stuff.

In the evening I took her back into the bedroom where the punishment bench was. "Have you been a naughty little girl again?" I asked her.

She stiffened and gasped and threw her little arms around me and said, "Oh, yes, Master! I've been a very naughty little girl! Oh, please, Master!"

I sent her to go to the bathroom first. When she came out she was naked. What a sweetheart. I redirected my thoughts away from her delectable scent, her accelerated heartrate, the almost visible flow of blood underneath her skin from her anxiety and anticipation. I strapped her back down on the punishment bench. This time I put her face down on it, fastening her wrists and ankles down the legs of the apparatus, her bottom sticking out over the end of the bench, her sweet unfledged cleft and her little rosebud clearly to be seen, shivering and whimpering as she awaited her discipline.

I tawsed her bottom and thighs, [SWAP-SWAP-SWAP!]. "AAA-AAA-AAA!" she cried out sweetly with each stroke. I could smell the moisture gathering in her little sex. By the time I was done she had bright red strap-marks up and down the backs of her thighs and her buttocks. I caressed the hot little-girlflesh as she trembled and moaned.

With one hand I reached underneath her and began front-spanking her on her girlcleft, [SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!]. "OH-OH-OH!" she cried out. I could sense her sexual excitement gathering steam in her pulse, her nervous system, and her exquisite scent. I squirted some lubricant on my fingers and drove into the cleft between her cheeks, pressing against her bottom-flower, then piercing, penetrating, and probing her deeply while I continued to spank her preteen sex. She arched and cried out wildly, then came noisily, her sphincter clenching and spasming on my hand as I invaded and violated her anus and spanked her sweet little quim.

I inhaled deeply, reveling in her intoxicating aroma. It was nearly maddening in one sense, but I no longer had any worries that I would harm her deliberately. I would rather die first. I will not live without her. But desire of another kind was driving me. As she continued to shudder and sob out her precious preteen's orgasm, I poised my rod at her rosebud and thrust into her all-ready stretched and abused anus.

She screamed long and loud. If I wasn't also intimately aware of the fact that her orgasm had immediately returned, doubly strong, flooding throughout her, I would have thought I had hurt her badly. But I knew that what pain she had from my manhood violating her anus, and the embarrassment of being raped in this way, was pumping sexual pleasure through her little body as I pistoned in and out of her, and she bucked and arched in her bonds.

Of course, under the circumstances, it took next to no time before I came, emptying myself in her rectum. She went nearly rigid, almost catatonic, her loud cries ending in one strangled gasp. She stayed that way for a few moments before collapsing onto the bench. She was asleep.

Of course, I would have been freaked, except that, again, I could sense her pulse, her breathing, her nervous system function: everything was OK. And when she had spasmed that way, I could tell she had been in the grip of the strongest orgasm she had had yet.

I took off the straps and carried her to bed. Later in the evening I awoke to find her snuggled up against meu*

The next evening I decided not to use the punishment bench. I don't know, maybe be a bit more-romantic without it, just for a change. I brought her into the bedroom and sat down on the bed with her, just holding her, caressing her, kissing her. Her sweet, soft, slender body; her beautiful, pixie-cute angel face; her intoxicating, delectable scent: I couldn't imagine anything better. After a while I whispered in her ear, "You're such a naughty girl, aren't you, little one?" I'll never get over how that quickens her pulse, charges her nervous system, that heavenly scent of musk arising from between her legs-

I flipped her over my lap, tossed up her skirt (she wore no panties, of course), and gave her a brisk, business-like spanking, [SWAP-SWAP-SWAP!], leaving bright red handprints on her bare bottom. "OOO-OOO-OOO! OHMASTERPLEASE!" she cried out, her sexual excitement charging up and up. I turned her over and gave her a few sharp front-spanks, full upon her mons, unfledged cleftlips, and clitoris, [SWAK-SWAK-SWAK!]. The redness sprang up as she nearly screamed, "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA!" and came, jumping around a bit on my lap. I had to keep her from falling off the bed with a hand on her chest (conveniently near her nipples, which I toyed with).

I moved her over to lie on the bed next to me. I kissed her forehead, stroking her hair. Then her eyelids, and the glabellas, that sweet space between the bridge of the nose and between the eyes. Then the tip of her nose, and then to her soft, yielding lips. Her breathing was short and fast, her pulse was quickening, and she fastened her mouth almost hungrily to mine, as I probed her mouth with my tongue. She gave a little whimper as I finally broke the kiss and slid down to her neck. Yes, self-control was definitely needed as I kissed her right over her carotid arteries and jugular veins! Her scent was nearly overpoweringly intoxicating. I moved on downward, kissing her collarbones, her upper chest, then fastening my mouth on first one, then the other of her little nipples, sitting on top of her small breast-buds, tonguing them, sucking them, nipping them lightly-she came again.

On down, kissing her all over her tummy, down to her belly button, which I very deliberately first kissed, then blew a loud flurbish on it. She giggled, and I mock-sternly commanded, "No laughing, young lady," with a [SMACK!] to the front of her bare left thigh as she gasped and moaned.

Then I was there, kissing her all over her bare mons, her puffy cleftlips, her prominent clitoris, the scent of her sexual excitement swirling around me, her cries getting louder and louder as I touched my tongue to her clitoris and she came. I took her clitoris in a long bite between my tongue and my teeth, and she came again. As I continued to essentially rape her with my mouth, probing my tongue into the little hole in her hymen, sucking and biting her labia and clitoris, rasping my tongue over her clit, she came repeatedly, a nearly continuous and building wave of orgasm after orgasm.

There was no way I could hold back. I rose up, my grown man's form dwarfing her slender preteen frame, and touched the end of my rampant rod to her cleftlips. I didn't think her orgasms could get any stronger, but they did. I had to hold her chest down on the bed with one hand, while with the other I positioned my member at her introitus, then thrust firmly into her, raping her of her maidenhead.

Everything just magnified, triply, quadruply, a hundred times over. She bucked so wildly, screamed so loudly, her orgasms were peaking and piling one on top of the other, tears were streaming down her face, her little legs were wrapped tightly around my hips as far as she could, she pulled her hair and beat her little fists on my sides. I thrust in and out of her, but it only took a few times; I couldn't imagine anything more pleasurable than this, to be lovingly and discipline-raping my beloved sweet little preteen girl, punishing and pleasuring her so intensely, feeling my rod thrusting deep inside her tight, soft little vagina, sensing her orgasms, inhaling the musk of her sexual exhilaration and the intoxicating scent of the little trickle of blood from the rape of her virginity, loving her completely. As I emptied myself at her cervix, it was like the night before, but even more so: she stiffened so, almost like she was having a seizure, and stayed that way for about tw o minutes as I remained inside her, monitoring her, but I wasn't worried: again I could sense that, although she wasn't moving or crying out, in fact she was barely breathing, but she was in the throes of a fierce wave of orgasm swirling throughout her. It was so exciting I actually got a bit hard again and thrust a few more times inside her. Then I collapsed next to her, holding her, caressing her, kissing her, as she fell deeply asleep.

The next day, as we walked in the sunshine together, I thought I could see just a hint of a sparkle coming from her skinu*

The End

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I enjoy the love/lust and passion for pain done with vampires. That was excellent.

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