Three Steps To Heaven

[ Mg, inc, bd ]

by asbo

Published: 15-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Steve was your typical family guy with a successful realtor's business, all the trappings of success and a loving wife and daughter. You would have been forgiven for thinking he had the perfect life.

But as he discovered that Sunday night, there was something missing. It took three random events to make his life complete.

At eleven-thirty that morning, he made a dreadful mistake.

"Daddy, my computer's broke!"

Terri, nine and cute as a button - sparkly green eyes, fine blonde ponytail reaching almost all the way down to the firm little ass stretching the seat of her skimpy pink shorts and with an endearing gap in her even white teeth where her baby incisor had just fallen out - stood at the top of the stairs and yelled sulkily down to her father, who was on his third coffee of the morning as he idled his way through the business section of the newspaper.

Steve's wife, Diana, looked across the kitchen table and raised her eyebrows expectantly and he dutifully closed the paper and padded out to the hall.

"I was chatting to Sally on MSN and it just stopped and now there's some dumb message," his daughter began to complain, in her cute but rather irritating sing-song. Usually he liked to listen to her in the few hours he managed to be at home with her, but on a lazy morning like this, when all he wanted to do was slob about the house, it was frankly the last thing he wanted to hear.

"OK, OK, sweetie, hold your horses. I'll come on up and take a look."

The problem was easily resolved. He had had the same error on his own PC in his den the day before and it was simply some update that had to be applied manually and the machine rebooted. He had even had the presence of mind to copy the downloaded files on to a USB drive so that he could take them into the office in the morning to treat his work PC.

Returning from his study with the drive, he plonked himself down beside Terri, who was glaring moodily at the screen and not minded to move for her father.

Steve inserted the drive and waited for it to register. He wiggled his hips jokingly against his daughter's and looked down at her. For an instant, before he banished the thrilling yet unthinkable thought from his mind, his eyes roamed over her cute tanned legs, and her skinny shoulders, and the tiny tits and baby nipples visible down the front of her loose vest, and he liked what he saw, in a way that he knew he shouldn't. Terri grinned and wiggled her bony little ass back and he felt the warmth of her leg pressed against his own thigh and swallowed hard and concentrated on the screen.

He explained to Terri what he was doing and despite himself, he kept looking towards her and though he tried so hard not to stare, his eyes kept being drawn to her tiny shorts and the way they clung so tightly between her thighs. Each week she got a little sexier.

So when his distracted finger moved the mouse cursor a quarter inch too far and he dragged the icon above the one he actually meant to click, he was oblivious to the momentary dialogue box that popped up and the flying documents passing from one icon to the other as a folder from his memory stick became replicated on Terri's computer.

Steve wondered for a moment why the directory with the drivers had not opened but he just muttered under his breath and clicked accurately this time.

But the damage had been done.


The preceding Friday night, with Terri and Diana safely spending the evening at Grandma's, he had indulged in his weekly relaxation; his one little guilty secret. Locked away in the den with his PC routed through a proxy, he had scoured his usual list of sources and the results of his trawl, a folder full of movie clips and images, had filled up a good proportion of his USB drive and would provide him with a few minutes of relaxation each weekday lunchtime in the office. When he could bolt the door, forward the phone, and forget the hectic world of real estate.

Watching small girls being introduced to very adult sex. Whether they wanted or not.

Steve was something of a connoisseur and having indulged his predilections for several years, had little trouble in securing some great material. He knew the right newsgroups, and had some reliable contacts. Sure, it sometimes cost a few bucks, he reasoned, but it was worth it. And surely it had to be better to relieve the torment of a sexless marriage, wanking over a few pictures, than going downtown to find a hooker.

He had actually been very pleased with his haul this week, for one of his contacts had supplied what was billed as a minor masterpiece - he had been trying to find a copy for months - and he was quite looking forward to lunch the next day. Excellent: salami on rye, chilled orange juice, and edited highlights of the extensive torment of a chained eight-year-old Vietnamese girl at the hands, and dicks, of half a dozen leering Scandinavian sex tourists.



"OK, sweetie, all done!" he announced, and levered himself up, taking a last peek down her vest. "Let it reboot and you'll be back talking to Sally in no time."

"Thanks, Daddy," smiled Terri winningly.

Steve suppressed a shudder and decided he needed to take his shower before he returned downstairs.

And as Terri's PC whirred back into life, and she tapped her fingers impatiently on her mouse mat, waiting to launch Messenger and get back to her conversation with her best friend, she had not yet noticed the new icon tucked away in the corner of her screen.

And she would not do so until later in the day.

In fact the second episode in the extraordinary chain of events occurred a full six hours later.

Diana had taken the SUV over to her Mom's, like she did every Sunday. She had long since given up trying to persuade Steve to accompany her to the afternoon service in town and so she drove forty miles upstate, to collect her mother, and the two of them would attend the small Baptist church in her home town. She would stay for an hour or so afterwards, then drive back to prepare the family meal. The couple had argued long and hard over it, but in the end, Diana had even given up in her attempt to bring along her daughter and so for a brief interlude each week, she forced herself to forget her own family and enjoyed being spoilt like she had been as a kid, with cookies and cakes and iced tea after the service.

Only this Sunday afternoon, she had not seen the shard of glass in the pothole outside her Mom's house when she swung off the highway and so when she came out to the vehicle to drive home, the tire was entirely flat, with a long gash right through the sidewall.

Diana cursed under her breath, undoing the previous hour's piety, and immediately hailed Steve on her cellphone.

Now as luck would have it, Steve's SL500 was in the shop and the outcome of a protracted and not entirely harmonious exchange was that it would Diana would have to stay the night with her Mom and Steve would send a guy out to fix the tire first thing in the morning.

Steve pocketed the phone with relief. He went to the freezer - there had to be something he could microwave for Terri's supper.

He rubbed his eyes - some relaxing day this had turned out to be.

Yet there was one last surprise in store, to make this Sunday truly memorable. For completing the trio of accidental happenings, was a moment Steve could hardly have imagined in his worst nightmare.


Terri's cry was weird. It didn't sound exactly like a hurt, or a fright, but there was something instinctively strange and disturbing about the tone, and Steve raced upstairs, fearing the worst.

He had been having a beer as he finished off in the kitchen, proud that he had been able to heat up something for them both and even make the place presentable for Diana's return in the morning. Maybe the bitch would have calmed down a bit after a night at her Mom's.

But then his daughter had cried out and his optimism instantly deserted him. What now, for crying out loud? He had sent her up to have a bath and get ready for bed and the familiar creaks of the floor above confirmed that she was doing what she had been told. It had half crossed his mind to go up and watch her bathe but he angrily rebuked himself for having such a dirty thought. His own daughter, for fuck's sake - what sort of a guy was he becoming?

This had truly been a real shit Sunday. All he had wanted was to chill out and yet it had been one interruption or crisis after another.

Steve dashed into Terri's room, unsure what to expect.

She was sat at her computer, dressed in her favourite oversized t-shirt, scrubbed and ready for bed and obviously trying to squeeze in a few final minutes of chatting online before lights out.

Steve groaned inwardly - had she wrecked the darned computer again?

He went over to her.

And his guts clenched. Instantly he felt sick and the colour visibly drained from his face. In nano-seconds he had realised what had happened and his mind was heading toward meltdown.

For on the girl's monitor, in a large window and in full colour and sound, a small black girl, no more than six or seven, was being held down by both adult hands and a leather strap across an oil drum and a naked man with an impressively long and flexible penis was taking his time inserting and removing considerable lengths of it in her little ass. The camera zoomed and captured the girl's distress and the pained expression on her face as the cock forced its way back into her body.

Terri spun round.

"This just happened, Daddy. I clicked something on my desktop and a box opened and then I thought it was music so I clicked and..."

Her eyes were big and round and scared, the rims a tad red and a tear was welling up in the corner of each.

She looked back at the screen, mouth open, hardly able to register what she was seeing. The scene had changed and now the little girl, tied spreadlegged and suspended from some hook, was being stroked lustfully by the man with the big cock, as a prelude to his applying a long bamboo cane to her ass. Even the muffled sound of her screams was all too plainly being broadcast by the stereo speakers flanking the monitor.

Steve was on the verge of throwing up. The unimaginable had happened and his secret world had merged with the real one in the very worst way possible. In his mind's eye he could see his comfortable life crumbling - alienated by his wife and daughter, pilloried by his friends and colleagues.

Fuck! How could he have been so damned stupid?


You have to give him his due.

Steve's presence of mind and cold, manipulative cunning was testament to his years as a successful realtor, and as soon as he spoke, he was sure he could turn this around. There was no point in fannying around, trying to reason with Terri - it had to be this way.

"What on earth?" he exclaimed with restrained horror. "What the heck have you been doing on the internet, Terri? Oh my God, that's terrible - what disgusting web sites have you been looking at whilst I'm working away in the kitchen, thinking you're getting ready for bed?"

He let his apparent anger build very slowly, glaring accusingly at the dumbstruck child.

"B..b.. but it just was there. On my computer I didn’t..."

"Silence!" yelled Steve, with a nostril-flaring, eye-bulging incandescence that froze the small girl and set her bottom lip trembling.

He paused, to allow her shock to sink in deeper and then he delivered his masterstroke, every bit as cunning as the shrewdest property deal he had ever smooth-talked up into a sale.

"I am completely and utterly sickened by what you've been doing, young lady. I just can't imagine what you thought you were playing at, bringing such disgusting filth into our home!"

And at that, Terri's pent-up tears bubbled up and her cute face reddened and crumpled and she wailed.

"It wasn't me! It just happened. I haven't been going on web sites! Please Daddy!"

Steve felt a rush of awesome power and already he could feel a thickening inside his shorts. The powerful combination of the image playing on the screen and the remote begging and crying of the little black girl, desperately pleading as her body was snapped back and forth under the brutal cane, merged with the reality of his daughter, sitting so small and miserable before him in her favourite baggy nightshirt; it was everything he had ever wanted.

"What else have you downloaded, you little slut?" he growled, brushing past the blubbering child and reaching for her mouse. He closed the media player and saw the open folder, containing Friday night's booty. Steve opened an image file. As the picture flashed up, Terri turned and looked at the still: another oriental girl, with her mouth clamped around a cock. The girl was wearing a studded collar and there were fresh bruises on her arms and shoulder.

"Jeez!" exclaimed Steve, in feigned disgust. He opened another video clip and slyly observed Terri's horrified, fascinated expression as she cried quietly and shook her head and studied the scared face of a Latino girl about her age, being passed around a room of leering men in their underpants, each of whom were feeling and touching her naked body and fingering her pussy. The little girl had to smile all the time, though she was clearly very nervous and laugh when each man patted her bottom after feeling her and pushed her on to the next.

"Oh my God, this is terrible! Terri I really can't think what I'm going to say to your Mother."

Steve's daughter looked up at him and clenched her hands in abject supplication. Her pretty cheeks were wet with tears and her cute mouth twisted as she pleaded.

"Don't tell Mom. Please, Daddy! I didn't know nothing about them pictures. You gotta believe me!"

He paused the player and regarded her sternly.

"I think you need to find out what happens to dirty little girls who get pornography from the internet. Man, I can't believe this! OK. Sit there. Don't move. I gotta think about this."

Steve let her stew. He stepped out, and peering back through the crack in the door, caught her trying not to glance at the paused image on her monitor. He suppressed a chuckle. In the garage, he could hardly contain himself. His throat was dry and his heart pounded as he scoured the shelves for what he needed.

"I decided your Mom don't have to know what a disgusting, dirty little girl she's got for a daughter," he announced when he returned to Terri's bedroom.

She looked hopeful at first and her crying subsided but his words sent a chill through her.

"But I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson you won't forget, Missie."

He advanced on her and she tried to see what he was holding behind his back. She did not appear to notice the prominent bulge stretching the front of her father's shorts.

"Get your shirt off!" he barked at her. And she instantly obeyed, sensing that this was not a time to backchat.

Firmly, he took hold of her naked shoulders and pulled her hard against the back of the chair.

"Sit still and shut up. If you wanna watch dirty movies then that's what you'll do. You can sit there and watch 'em all over and over. And then if you're still so interested in slutty little girls doing dirty stuff, I'll show you what it's really like. We're gonna go through each and every one of these disgusting movies and I'm gonna do to you what the people are doing to them girls, and then we'll see how much you like it!"

Steve threw a loop of thick cord around her and wound it three or four times around her chest and upper arms and the back of the chair, pulling it tight so she was forced up straight and it bit into her tanned flesh, turning the skin pale. Not elegant, but it was effective and Terri just sobbed and gazed up at her Daddy and was even more miserable and confused.

"Don't, Daddy, I'm sorry..."

"Too late to be sorry," grunted Steve, tying off the rope at the back of the chair.

Ignoring Terri's snuffles, Steve brushed past her and sorted the computer, deleting the incriminating files from her hard drive. Inspired, he ran down to his den and invested a few frantic minutes selecting some of his favorite material and transferring it to a second USB pocket drive. He growled as he inserted it in her PC.

"OK, Missie. You're lucky that I'm the only one who knows about all that dirty stuff on your computer. You've been such a bad girl but I'll give you a break and maybe I won't tell Mom or the Principal. But I'm gonna have to punish you, so you'll be properly sorry. I don't want to have to do this but it's the only way you'll learn. It won't be nice but I'm sure you don't want Mom and Grandma and all the teachers to know about it do you?"

Now totally immersed in sullen misery, Terri simply nodded.

"Well? Want to keep this between us or shall I have to tell everybody?"

"Just us," Terri sobbed, almost inaudibly.

Steve allowed himself a private smirk.

The girl looked so helpless, bound to the chair like that. He had been careful with the rope, to ensure a clear two inch band was left between the coils, squeezing out her little tits: just what he needed for the next stage.

The crack of her neat cunt peeped between her legs and as he knelt down, his eyes homing in, his erection throbbing in his shorts. He pushed her knees wide apart, to look at her more closely.

"Sit like that. Dirty girls do that and you're a dirty little slut, ain't ya?"

The nine-year-old stared tearfully back. Her entire body snapped taut when he suddenly yelled.

"Answer me! You're a fucking little slut. What are you?"

Still she was silent, frozen in shock and misery yet when Steve leaned closer to her she flinched and blubbed.

"A slut."

"Say it properly. You're a fucking little slut."

Her ears burned as she uttered the forbidden word in front of her irate father.

"I'm a fucking slut."

Steve wheeled round, to fire up the media player and select three clips to play in repeat mode. Short tasters, to warm her up and prepare for the rest of the night. His cock was throbbing.

"That's right, you're a fucking dirty little slut. Now watch this. Don't you dare take your eyes off the screen - because I'll be watching you."

She made to say something but the tiny girl thought better of it. Her Daddy was acting so nasty and strange - it made her scared but she didn't want anyone to know she had dirty stuff on her computer. Especially Mom and Grandma. Even though she had no idea how it got there. In fact, she didn't understand very much at all, except that the rope around her hurt and her Daddy was very cross and on her computer, a little girl about her own age was now dancing around to some tinny music and taking off her panties.

She watched the three clips about four times over before he came back. She didn't know little girls ever did that: dancing sort of sexy-like with no clothes on and being filmed, or kissing each other in the bath or laughing when a man opened their knees and pulled and poked at their front bottoms.

Terri was both fascinated and horrified. Daddy wouldn't make her do that would he?

"Ah," he said, "I see you like that one!"

She jumped: she had not heard Steve pad back into her bedroom. And she blushed, ashamed that her Daddy had seen her watching so closely.

"Let's see if we can't do something likewise."

He wheeled her chair back and spun it around, then took each ankle and placed her foot up on the seat then wound a short length of cord around her thigh and calf so that she was now bound sitting bolt upright but with her legs folded tightly up on either side of her.

Then he reached between her thighs and stroked up and down her crack with the tip of his finger.

"That's what the man was doing. How does it feel eh? You like it do ya?"

Once more she wanted to ask Daddy to stop it, but there was a wildness in his eyes that warned her not to. But it didn't prevent her bursting into tears again.

"This is what little sluts like," Steve grunted, his fingers now aggressively prising opening her labia and rubbing between them. "That little girl on the video - she liked it didn't she? Liked it when the man did this."

It was astounding. He had trouble convincing himself this was actually happening; that he had tied up his daughter and now he was gently probing the tiny slit of her vagina as she shuddered and cried quietly.

"Looks to me, Missie, like you like it too. God! How could you have turned out such a little whore? I'm gonna have to spend a lotta time putting you right, young lady!"

He sat back on his ankles and examined the way he had opened Terri so that her small dark hole gaped, practically begging for something else, something much larger, to investigate within. He closed his eyes. Get a grip, he told himself. There's no hurry. Be patient, like you're making a buyer sweat on a deal. You got her. She ain't going anywhere. Play your cards right and you can have her any time you want. He looked again at the little dark hole, set beneath the smooth pink of her baby cunt. Oh yes. It was a prize worth waiting a while for.

First things first.

Steve stood up. He reached for the long wooden rule he had fetched from the garage bench. Holding it up for his daughter to see, between her knees, he smiled, but not in a nice way, not like Daddy's smile when they're pleased with their good little girls. He probably wouldn't use it on her tonight but she didn't need to know that.

He wheeled her back in front of the desk.

"Next lesson. What we do to bad girls. Like you."

He deftly lined up another playlist: four clips of various lengths, all to the same theme - young girls receiving a variety of corporal punishment - paddles, canes and a particularly satisfying spanking in which the young teen's ass visibly reddens and puckers as she writhes about on her teacher's lap.

As Terri watched, Steve laid out the items on the pillow of her bed and when she had seen the clips twice over, he untied her and pulled her out of the chair and across the room.

"Tonight, I'm gonna be lenient - you know what that means?"

Awkwardly the small girl nodded, looking up at her Daddy with wet, hollow eyes, and rubbing the sides of her arms where the cord had bitten in. She had seen the things on her bed and now her mouth was dry and she felt sick.

"You gonna be good about this?" he asked. She frowned.

"I can tie you up again, and I can put your panties in your mouth to stop you hollerin' or else you can be good and do as you're told and maybe I won't have to smack you so many times."

Terri's knees wobbled and she lost her balance and had to grab the edge of the mattress.

"Daddy, pleeeeeeease!"

"OK!" he snapped. "We'll do it the hard way and we'll keep on doing it the hard way every time 'til you learn what's good for ya. Hold your hands out."

He wound the leather luggage strap around her wrists a few times and buckled them up. At the back of his mind, he was already compiling a list of things he would need to buy. If he was to train her properly. His agile imagination had already considered some of the options - converting the basement, or maybe that old downtown lock-up that he had been trying to shift for years. He grinned as he wondered if he could get S&M stuff small enough for a nine-year-old.

"Please, Daddy, it hurts..."

He broke from his reverie and looked his little girl in the eye and said oh so coldly, "Oh good. Very good. Then it's working and you're learning. When it hurts, I'm happy. And believe me, you'll learn to be happy that I'm happy. Got that?"

Terri's expression crumpled. She didn't want her Daddy here any more - he wasn't the same lovely Daddy who bought her things and hugged when she fell over and mended her computer when it broke.

But nor did she want Mom. Not with all that stuff showing on her computer.

"Let me help ya understand," smirked Steve and grabbed hold of her and dragged her little frame up the bed, until he could tie off the ends of the luggage straps to the bed post. That would keep her in place and keep her from getting away when he began. He sat down on the bed next to her and hauled her slim body, face down, over his thighs.

Jesus H Christ, this was unbelievable! Looking down at her stick-thin naked body over his, feeling her warm skin under his fingers.

Savouring the trembling and tasting her terror. His mind dismissed her as his daughter. She was now his little plaything.

"Get used to this, Missie. From now on, we'll start each time with a little spot of spanking, to concentrate your mind and remind you just what a dirty, bad little girl you are."

Holding her firmly over his thighs, pressing the small of her back, He landed the first slap on her wonderful, hard young ass. Her back snapped straight and after an age-long pause, the most delicious, pitiful, miserable little whine welled up inside her and escaped from her lips.

"And you just remember how lucky you are it's only your Daddy who knows about you and only your Daddy who loves you enough to teach you about being a bad girl."

She squealed at the second slap - harder this time as he gauged the effect and calibrated his swing.

"So say thank you to your loving Daddy."

She tried to say something but his hand had made contact with her buttock again and she yelped. Her tiny, bony little body felt so good, across his lap. He loved the way it rocked as her sobs deepened and her belly pressed down on to his rock-hard cock.

After thirty slaps, both buns were tingling a deep rose pink. Terri had stopped her squirming and lay limply over her Daddy's thighs, her bound hands stretched up above her head, her head flopped to one side, mouth fixed open in a tormented grimace, and her flushed face wet from tears and perspiration, mucus and saliva. Her throat, her lungs, her eyes: they all ached and her backside was at the same time numb yet burning hot. And her young mind was a black, exhausted, confused blur. She was a bad girl wasn't she? She had made her Daddy crosser than she had ever known and yet she could not understand why. But she had to be bad. Daddy wouldn't be punishing her otherwise would he?

Automatically, she half-whispered the required response.

"Thank you, Daddy."

Steve flexed his fingers. His palm was also tingling, from the repeated contact with the little girl's ass. By cupping his hand slightly, he had found that he could smack almost the entire surface of one hot little buttock with every stroke.

He rolled her off, down his legs and back on to the bed. Terri sniffed and moaned.

"That's better."

He glanced at his watch. No need to hurry - he had all night if he needed. The girl's leg was curled beneath her and he stared up at her red ass and her neat pussy and yet another deep thrill kneaded his guts.


Three months later...

Friday night. Diana was over at her Mother's as usual. Terri no longer went with her, as Steve had successfully convinced his wife that he needed to spend regular 'quality time' with their daughter.

It was almost nine, and things were warming up well.

"Beer, Cunt!" Steve barked and the little girl scrambled to her feet and scampered off to fetch a bottle of Bud from the coolbox.

She was used to the short length of chain connecting the ankle cuffs by now, and she had perfected a rapid short-stepped run so that she could show Daddy how obedient she was. And then he might not use the nastiest things. Like that leather whip thing that gave her red marks on the back of her legs and made her terrified Mom might notice until they had subsided toward the end of the weekend. Or the clips he put on her lower lips, that made her eyes water, especially when he hung the little weights from them.

She passed him the bottle and he smiled.

"Set it up," he ordered, nodding at the computer.

Terri's heart skipped a beat. This was possibly the worst bit.

At least the first Fridays it was just she and Daddy. In the attic, where he had set up another computer and put hooks in the roof and tied her up and spanked her and paddled her ass and made her talk dirty and ask him nicely to put things up her pussy, as she watched more of those terrible movies.

But last week he had gone online and was talking to a man with a thick accent and they had laughed a lot and when she was doing that thing where he put his big red wiener in her mouth and she had to suck it, Daddy had told her to smile for the camera and she had seen the small round webcam and felt sick, knowing that she was being watched.

"It's a request show tonight," chortled Steve, slugging the Bud. "The boys get to pick what toys I'm gonna play with!"

Terri concentrated on the screen, waiting for the connection to open. It was awkward to operate the keys and mouse with her wrists cuffed tight together. She shivered and her naked body became covered in goosebumps.

The first of tonight's tears scuttled down her cheek.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Sexy. Inventive. Is there anyway to turn this story into consensual sex, with the daughter happy to be loved this way?


Best story in a long time, i would like to read more , much more


awesome stuff. waiting for the mom to join in and lick deep inside her daughters twat on cam!!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.