The red haired woman was cool, I'll give her that. She sat back on the only chair in the room with brat bound and gagged standing next to her - within easy reach - and crossed her legs. She casually lit a cigarette.
Just for show, maybe, but it worked.
For some reason, from where I sat on the edge of the bed, I said: 'That'll set the alarm off.'
'They don't work here,' said the woman. She blew smoke up to the sensor in the ceiling. She was right: no alarms rang out. But then, it wasn't the best motel I'd ever been in.
However I was more concerned about this female than inefficient alarms. 'W-who are you?' I asked, pulling my robe round me defensively.
'Who do you think?'
I gulped. 'Someone who's got a child bound and gagged.' I nodded at brat, stood looking down by the side of the woman. I couldn't tell if she'd been crying but she was certainly well gagged: I could see the kid's cheeks bulging under the thick, wide band of almost flesh colored tape over her lower face.
She was tied the way I wish I'd tied her. Thin but tight ropes across her body at chest and waist and even hips, clearly holding her little arms behind her. Brat even had rope round her ankles, over her socks, with a short loop of rope between them. I figured she couldn't run far or fast like that.
I also noticed the child had no shoes on. Obviously she would find it painful walking like that after a while so running away was even less of an option.
'You can no doubt see she's tied a little better than when you left her,' said the woman, before inhaling another lungful of smoke and then letting it out slowly before she continued. 'Wouldn't you agree, Miss Holt?'
'How do you know my name?' Panic filled me. How had she found me, how did she know who I was?
'Like I know about this place,' the woman waved her hand airily at the motel room. She was attractive, for a women of about my age. Possibly a little older.
She was dressed in a smart black trouser suit with a pale yellow blouse underneath. Business-like. I got the scary feeling she was used to this kind of confrontation. Scary because she was used to winning.
So far she had all the aces.
'I don't know what you're talking about,' I said with as much bravado as I could manage.
The woman in black laughed gently. 'But you do, Miss Ashley M. Holt. That's M for Marylene.'
My heart sank. She knew, I imagined, just about everything about me.
'You're a cop,' I said bleakly.
The woman in black grinned. 'Once. Not now. I'm a private eye, as the popular press would have me labeled. Hired Investigator I prefer.' She leaned forward and stubbed the cigarette out on an ashtray the motel had thoughtfully placed on the low table by her chair. Odd, I thought, for a place that had no smoking signs up and a smoke sensor in the room.
'You know, then.' I said, dispirited that my spur of the moment crime had been so easily detected. Yet I was confused. If she was going to turn me in why present brat like this to me? With a chill I suddenly thought she would blackmail me.
The woman had settled back in her seat. 'I was out yesterday and as I usually do was listening to the police frequency. I heard that a kid had gone missing from a mall not too far away. As I had nothing to do I set off to see what I could find - there's sometimes insurance work to be picked up. I heard the kid had been seen getting into a red car, which had left.' She paused and studied me. 'You don't look the kidnapper type. 'Kidnappers take more care. And they tie kids up better than you did.'
'I was in a hurry,' I said with a shrug.
The red haired woman suddenly laughed. 'Apparently. So I was heading for the scene and I saw this red car, not quite driving straight. A car with a kid in the back, so on a hunch I turned to follow. You didn't see me behind you but I did see the kid's hands come up.' She nodded at brat, still motionless next to her. 'Tied, that was obvious. You surprised me by suddenly pulling over so I hit the horn, to make you look at me. Then I had to turn round and come back. By then you'd abandoned the kid.' She paused. 'Or should I call her Brat?'
'What?' My heart missed a beat. The child had looked up briefly, as if responding to her name, but looked down again.
'Brat. It's what you called this kid. She told me before I gagged her.'
'It wasn't -' I began and didn't know what to say. She wasn't a cop and wasn't about to turn me in, I figured. Or was I just hoping?
'So I fished little brat here out of the bushes, calmed her down and retied her. Tied her tight as you can see.'
I wasn't hoping anymore. This woman had kidnapped brat too.
'Then I set about finding you Ashley. Not hard, as I had seen your plates. I have friends still in the police so it wasn't hard to find out where you lived and even - thanks to a very talkative neighbor of yours, where you were headed. Wedding, I understand - and you'd left a contact number. Oh yes, your Aunt Georgina let me know the motel name, and I knew of it anyway. So here I am.' The woman looked at me, smiling. 'There's one curious thing. This aunt of yours seemed convinced I was someone called Sondra who was going to be at the wedding. Seems she'd been ill, along with her daughter.'
I nodded. There was no point in pretending anything now. 'I'm going to a wedding. I'm a bridesmaid, would you believe.' I indicated the peach satin dress hung up in the open closet. 'Leoni, Sondra's daughter, was supposed to come along and be a bridesmaid too. I have a dress for her.'
'So you kidnapped brat here as a bizarre replacement.'
'Not quite.' I couldn't help grinning a little. 'I just wanted to see what it was like to kidnap a little girl and, um...' I trailed off, unsure of how much I should say when I didn't really know myself.
'Well, Ashley, it wasn't the best plan I've ever seen. Not with a crocodile belt of yours and a scarf and fingerprints on the band-aid and DNA all over the kid. Quite a trail of evidence, really.' The red haired woman had put her hand on brat's little ass, as if she owned her. I guess she probably did.
I tried to take the initiative. 'So what's your reason for kidnapping brat?'
The red haired woman shook her head with a smile. 'Not an uninformed impulse like you. Let's just say I like punishing kids and this was a heaven sent opportunity to do something to a child. That was one of the reasons I left the police and worked for myself: too many temptations that were driving me nuts.'
'You've done this before,' I said, suddenly shocked that people were out there, just like me. Better than me.
The woman smiled. 'That would be telling. But this one,' at this she stroked the kid's ass and legs, making the child flinch a little, 'is a real capture. Cute and subservient. You know, when I got her tied properly she just gave up fighting.'
'And you've kept her tied up for twelve hours now.' I actually felt a surge of jealousy as I spoke.
'In different ways. You can't restrain a child for more than a couple of hours in the same stringent position. That by the way, is one of the things they teach you in the part of the police force I was in.'
'Which was?'
'Which is a secret. Not everything is public knowledge.' The woman let go of brat and gave the child a sharp smack on the back of her legs. Brat snorted and started crying, but any sounds she made were muffled by the gag. 'No one will hear her like this,' said the woman and smacked the girl's legs harder. The gag worked a treat.
'I didn't catch your name,' I said as I watched brat twisting and sobbing but not moving.
'Call me Carmen,' said the redhead as she swatted the child one last time. Hard, and the sound of the slap echoed round the room.
'Carmen.' I nodded, secretly impressed and amused by how the child was blubbering into her gag. 'No second name?'
'None that need trouble you.'
'So Carmen, what's in this for you? Apart from getting a kid the way you like.'
She sat forward. 'You intrigue me, Ashley. You have no police record, no history I can trace. Just ordinary.'
'That's not a crime.'
'No, but here we are. You a child kidnapper - and in the most impulsive circumstances. You're on your way to a wedding, so what did you plan to do with brat here?' She put her hand up and held the child's arm with a grip that was tight enough to make the girl wince. 'Keep her bound and gagged in the trunk for a few hours?'
I shrugged.
'Or leave her tied up in some place she could be found later? Or maybe take her home - and hope Mrs Mascewski and your other nosy neighbors don't notice?'
I shrugged again, feeling helpless. I had no real plan.
'You see Ashley, that's where child kidnappers get caught. They don't think. They don't plan.'
'You aren't here to lecture me,' I said hotly. 'You want something. Money?'
Carmen laughed. 'You ain't got much money, honey! No, I want to play a game.'
I like to think I merely raised an eyebrow. Actually, I think my jaw dropped open.
'We can go to your wedding with brat here playing Leoni. I can be your friend, this Sondra. Unless they've met this mother and daughter before I guess they won't notice.'
'I think we can play a game, don't you?'
I gulped. 'You - I mean we - can't take brat like that.'
My mysterious visitor chuckled. 'They won't know me, and you'd be surprised what a little ingenious bondage can do under a long dress. My, you've got a nice pair of boobs,' she added, nodding at me where I'd forgotten myself and let my robe fall open.
Blushing, I grabbed the lapel and pulled it across me.
'No,' said the redhead, sitting further forward. 'Let it open. I like the view.'
'No way!' I objected.
'You're in no position to argue,' said the woman with more of a chill in her voice than I liked. 'I have a lot of evidence back at my place with you written all over it. It would be better if you did what I said.'
The mood in the room had changed. Things felt darker, less easy-going. I looked at the woman, cold faced, and at brat who was also staring at me. Did the goddamn kid like the view too?
I tried one last time. 'I'm not... uh, gay.'
'I am,' said the redhead flatly. 'When it suits me. And as you belong to me now I suggest you obey.'
I swallowed hard. Brat was still looking at me, not crying now, with a look in her red-rimmed eyes that almost said "you better do what she says."
'I don't belong to you,' I said weakly, but let the robe fall open a little. Half obeying, I guess.
'All the way open,' said the woman. She was on the edge of the chair as if to get up. I let the robe open a little more, aware I was blushing. 'In fact, let it drop entirely,' she added.
'No. You're in this shit too.' That was the best defense I could manage.
She laughed lightly. 'I was in the police. You think with what I have on you I couldn't manufacture a situation to pin it all on you? They know me and would help me.'
'Brat would help me.' I was defiant but far from convinced it was true.
'Brat will be glad to go home and keen, when I'd done, to say it was all you alone.' The redhead had a cell phone in her hand. 'You want me to make the first call or you going to get naked?'
I stared at her and then shook my head. 'No. I'll do it.' I stood and let the robe drop. I always sleep naked and I felt my face burn as the robe fell to the floor. I felt two pairs of eyes drinking in the view.
'Put your hands behind you and chest out,' said the redhead. I did as I was told, not looking at the two of them, even though the sight of brat all tied up as she was made me hot in my cunt. Or was that more the fact I was being humiliated like this?
The woman had stood and pocketed her phone. She came over to me and ran her finger lightly on my shoulder, making me shiver. 'Stand still, slut,' she barked.
'I'm not a slut -' I began but she slapped me, not hard but sharply enough, on my cheek. The slap rang round the room. I stared at the woman in incredulity and started to bring my hand up to my sore face, feeling tears form in my eyes.
'Put your fucking hands behind you and leave them there until I give you permission to move it,' the woman said, eyes blazing. Hazel eyes, I noticed. 'Or do you want me to tie them there?'
'N-no,' I stammered. But I did what she wanted, my cheek on fire and a tear rolling down the hot flesh.
The woman stroked my face lightly, wiping the tears away. Almost as if she cared. 'Ashley, I will call you slut because just as you named the kid brat I think you should have a proper name now.'
'But I -'
'No, don't speak.' She put her finger over my lips to hush me. 'I can gag you, like I gagged brat, if I have to. But you have such pretty lips it would be a shame. Anyway, I am sure you want some fun with our little captive, don't you?'
I nodded, ashamed at myself but aroused. I was aware my nipples were hard, my slit wet. The redhead had noticed my chest and was smiling at my obvious excitement and then up at me.
'Just because I want some fun with you doesn't mean we can't both enjoy the kid.'
Both? My heart skipped a beat and a new tingle in my cunt made me gasp. I gasped too because her hand had gone down to one of my nipples. Carmen teased it, making it stiffen. Making me ache and tremble.
Twenty two years ago Diana Woodson - a girl from my block who was three years older than me - had touched me like this and I hadn't quite forgotten. But this was better. I didn't have a bound child to look at back then while I was being played with. Diane though later tied my hands tied behind me and I'd never forgotten the sensation of that too.
I looked at brat, just standing, staring as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She probably didn't understand much of it, or could tell I was pushing my hard nipples even more forward. Invitingly. But she probably knew this was naughty in some way.
What my friend Diana called "naughty-nice play."
The redhead had turned her attention to my other nipple and was squeezing it between thumb and forefinger. Painful, but exciting.
'Do I call you mistress?' I blushed violently as I said it.
'No. That's so old fashioned. Just Carmen for now. Carmen and slut and brat.' She tweaked harder, making me give a little cry.
'She's got to be Leoni,' I whispered, feeling the pain coarse through me, 'if we go to the wedding.'
'We are going to the wedding,' sighed the redhead. Carmen. 'Now slut I think I am a little tired of you talking.' She let go of my pained boob and reached down for my robe, pulled out the cloth strip that was the belt and scooped up my discarded panties where I'd undressed earlier. I merely stood looking at what she was doing, hands still behind me. 'Open wide, slut,' she said as she straightened.
I wanted to shake my head but I knew she had more than all the aces. She had the whole frigging deck. I opened wide so she could pack the panties in hard. Without a word from either of us she wound the belt round my head to complete the gag.
'You see, slut, gagging has to be good to make it work. Brat found that from me but not you. What you tried to gag her with was pathetic.'
I nodded. I had a lot to learn. Carmen went back to my nipples, both hands now. 'It is important for you that you don't break position, whatever I do.'
It wasn't long before I was crying as she let my tits swing and wobble as she dragged my nipples out, twisted them savagely and then methodically dug her fingernails into my mammaries. She even bit them, making me whimper in pain.
But the gag worked and I didn't break position.
I lay in the bed on one side, naked apart from my gag. Carmen lay in the middle, naked too, and brat was on the other side of her. Hogtied on her front, the pillow under her chin wet from her tears.
Carmen had loaded brat on to the bed as she was but took the opportunity to retie the child's ankle ropes so they were crossed and hauled up to meet her wrists.
'She slept earlier,' explained the redhead as she busied herself tying the girl's ankle to the child's hands, dragging little brat's shoulders back. 'She doesn't need to sleep now.'
I looked at the child's crumpled face as she wept at the pain of her new position, wondering how she could take it. Wondering if I could have done that to the kid so easily, tied her as tightly in the trunk of my car.
But maybe Carmen did care some. She spoke to brat quite gently, asked her if things hurt. The child nodded as she sobbed and though Carmen didn't ease the ropes much she wasn't as cruel as I imagined. She even stroked brat's curly blonde hair, lovingly. It seemed to reassure the child.
I also got to look at Carmen's body as she bound the child's legs. She had, I have to admit, a quite delightful, mature figure. Not fat in any way, but her bust was larger than mine and her waist well shaped with a hint of muscle where she obviously worked out. Her cunt was shaved, which should have surprised me be didn't.
I was however surprised at my reaction that I ought to get my bush shaved off. Perhaps even being tied down and someone doing it to me.
If anyone had looked in at what was four in the morning they would have seen a strange sight: a trussed up but still dressed child, gagged and sobbing on one side of the bed. A naked woman in the middle with one hand between her own legs and the other on a naked woman on the other side who was gagged. A woman who kept her hands behind her as if tied and didn't try to stop any invasion of her sex.
I came twice before we all got some kind of sleep. Even brat stopped sobbing and drifted off.
Morning in the motel room was a strange affair.
I was allowed, without having my gag removed, to untie and undress brat. I must confess I had some trouble with the knots Carmen had tied but I could appreciate it was how real bondage was done. I thought, rather ashamedly, of my amateur efforts the day before.
Brat didn't struggle too much as I untied her but she wasn't happy about me stripping her. But a sharp word from Carmen stopped the kid making too much fuss and I even got to ease her tape gag off. At Carmen's instruction I tugged the sodden mass of cloth from the child's mouth. I recognized the blue rabbits on them. They were the kid's own: under her little skirt I discovered there were other panties. Black with lace at the legs.
'From some child I borrowed a couple of years ago,' said Carmen. 'I do so hate wasting things.'
'P-please,' said brat as the last item of her clothes - the vest she wore under her top - came up over her head. She was quite naked and shivered. I could easily see the deep red indentations from the ropes on her body and arms, but she hadn't lost circulation. I was, secretly, impressed with Carmen's bondage skills.
'Please what?' Carmen was asking brat, her face close to the kid's. She was wearing my robe minus the belt which of course was round my head keeping me gagged.
'Puh-please can I go,' the child sniffed, eyes down. She was shaking.
Carmen laughed. 'Oh no. Not yet. you wouldn't want to miss being a bridesmaid, would you?'
Brat looked confused and shook her head. 'Is... is she coming with us?' The girl nodded at me. I was standing, not sure what to do with my hands so I'd put them behind my back.
'Sure. Slut's a bridesmaid too. Like you are.'
Brat nodded and even looked a little pleased as she glanced at me. 'Why is she still got that thing in?'
'Gag,' said Carmen a tad crossly. 'It's called a gag.'
'Uh, 'kay. Why's she got a gag in and I haven't?'
'Because of what I need. We're all going to take a shower,' announced Carmen. 'All three of us. You can soap me and clean me, slut.' She looked over at me. 'You keep the gag in. Brat gets to use her tongue to clean me down.'
The kid stared at Carmen, looking puzzled. I was puzzled too.
'Tie brat's hands,' said Carmen to me. 'Tight this time, behind her back.'
I did as I was told, the child not struggling as I wound the rope round her crossed wrists where she had put them behind her back, remembering what I'd seen of Carmen's bondage and how he had cinched the ropes. I was quite pleased when I'd done and Carmen inspected my work with a nod.
Carmen marched us into the room's small bathroom having looped a spare rope round the child's neck.
There was a towel rail the same height as the child's neck. Carmen ordered me to tie brat to the rail by her neck. 'But don't throttle her,' glared the redhead.
Brat moaned as I did it but avoided crying or screaming. She probably knew what would happen if she did. I tied the rope off and Carmen nodded she was happy with what I'd done.
The shower unit was small and she and I squeezed in, barely room to move. But room enough for what I had to do. Carmen rotated herself under the jet of hot water and I, as instructed, rubbed her body with soap. It was designed, as a duty, to get me aroused. Her too. Especially when I soaped her large bust and nipples. Carmen sighed as she allowed me to tease her nipples a little with my slicked fingers.
At her command I soaped between her legs, feeling the soft, full lips of her sex and even pondering whether I should slip my soapy fingers up inside her. 'Don't,' breathed Carmen as if reading my mind. 'Just the outside lips for now.'
That, I presumed, didn't exclude her clit and I soon found it, rubbing soap into it energetically as it grew hard. Carmen clutched me as she came quickly. I looked out of the shower at brat, stood watching us, half scared by what she saw was happening between two naked women.
'In me,' she gasped, eyes closed, and I slipped three fingers up into her hot cunt, feeling the walls of her silk smooth vagina pulse as the orgasm echoed through her.
I'd never fingered a woman before or excited her like this, but I figured I'd done a good job. I slowly withdrew my hand after a few moments, unsure how long I should leave my fingers in her.
'Now get out. Go and untie brat's neck but not her hands,' said Carmen, opening her eyes. 'Put her in here.'
I did as I was told, pushing the apprehensive child into the stream of water, up against Carmen. Brat must have known what was expected - maybe done this earlier yesterday - because at once she began to lick the soap bubbles off the woman's shiny wet flesh on her butt and belly. The child had her face screwed up against the taste, but she licked dutifully and the woman bent so her boobs were in the kid's face.
I heard brat gasping for breath under the water and the press of tits on her face but Carmen didn't ease up. She had clutched the child's sodden hair and was holding her to her. I could hear faint cries of anguish from the girl. As I watched I broke my submissive position (I hadn't been told but assumed it was what was required) and began to finger myself.
"Mistress and drowning slave child" I told myself as if this scenario needed a title. I could feel my climax approaching when Carmen suddenly pushed the kid's face down, forcing brat's face - rivers of water from the shower and streams of tears on her face - down to her hairless twat. 'Go on, lick it clean,' barked Carmen, ignoring me fingering myself furiously.
Brat gurgled in pain and fear as I tore at my clit. I was about to come when Carmen, all powerful, all knowing looked at me. 'No,' she snapped. 'Stop!'
In anguish and frustration I obeyed and let go, tears in my eyes at being denied.
Brat kept on licking, going under literally, until Carmen shuddered with a new orgasm.
Carmen was dry and dressed but brat and I were still pretty wet and naked when the woman tied us together, back to back, with the child's little arms threaded through mine, my wrists bound across my stomach. Hers were in a slightly different way.
We were sat on the small table in the center of the room so we were about the right height for this. Carmen tied a pair of my pantyhose - I figured I was running out fast - in my mouth and round into the brat's mouth as a kind of double, connecting gag. Symbolic, she said, to remind us to stay silent.
'I'm going to get us something to eat,' the woman said, heading for the door. 'You aren't gagged properly and I don't expect you to shout, scream, talk or even whisper through that gag while I'm gone. Just sit there quiet and wait for me to get back.'
Carmen was gone about thirty minutes, and I sat as did brat, totally silent and unmoving. The gag may have been symbolic but I soon found the ropes that held us back to back weren't. If Carmen had one special gift among many it was the ability to tie knots well.
At least it gave me time to review my situation. In twenty four hours I had gone from respectability through being a kidnapper to now being a crazy, sadistic lesbian's slave. I could, I reasoned, still try to get away and leave all this behind though as Carmen knew a lot about me it would only be a matter of time before she came back into my life.
Or tipped the cops off.
I wanted to test the bonds. Perverse of me as I knew they would be tight. But, and I enjoyed the feeling, that the way we were tied any movement from me would be harder for brat. We had our arms linked but because mine were wider set as I was a mature woman, the brat's were obliged to be held wider. Her wrists wouldn't be bound as mine were across the belly. Hers, and I could see our reflection in the TV screen, were stuck out at an angle. Her wrist connecting rope didn't run across her chest: it was wound round her neck.
It was still effective, but if I moved and wriggled the effect on her was more marked because the rope at her neck tugged hard. I could hear her gasping if I wriggled and I admit made me smile.
I sat and wriggled a little anyway: the wood table top was digging into the back of my legs. Behind me I could feel brat twitching for a different reason. One I soon found out: she needed to pee and suddenly she did to my horror.
I heard it as subdued "sshh" sound, recognizing the sound of a jet of piss hitting wood immediately below the kid's pee hole. Brat squealed as it sprayed up and out, no doubt relieved to get it out and horrified how much there was. It seeped between her butt divide and between mine. I felt the brat's warm pee on my open cunt and looking down saw a pool of yellow urine spread between my legs.
Mind you, even looking down added pressure on brat's pantyhose gag.
I was staring at the pool, already cooling on my legs, when Carmen came back. I wondered if she would be angry but this wasn't her home and she simply laughed.
'Which one of you couldn't hold herself back?' she smirked as she dropped the lock on the motel door. 'Well, it doesn't matter. I guess you two will have to eat off that table so let's get you untied.'
I felt sick. Was this woman really going to make us have our breakfast off this?
'Carmen,' I began as the gag came out of our mouths, 'It was her. Brat did it and -'
'Be quiet, slut,' snapped the redhead. 'As far as I'm concerned what one does the other has done and both are rewarded. It's called dual punishment.'
My heart sank. I had hoped I would be given some special treatment, maybe treated like Carmen's equal. But apparently not.
Brat, I could see, was crying. She was told to shut up, and the child bravely tried, sniffling back her tears and snot. We were both told to kneel at the low table, one on each side and stare down at the puddle of yellow piss. There was a small lip to the table and it was enough to stop the urine dripping off quickly, though some had escaped. on Brat's side I was pleased to see so she'd be kneeling in it.
'Now,' said Carmen. 'In ten minutes I'm going to put your breakfast (and at this she held up a paper bag which smelled of burger and fries) on the table top. You can eat it wet or you can eat it dry. The way to dry is to...?' The woman looked at us inquiringly.
I felt sick as I knew the answer. Brat didn't and she looked bewildered.
'You want us to lick it up,' I said.
Brat's eyes widened. She said with a sob: 'B-but it was an accident. I couldn't wait!'
'Yeah, accident. Sure. But you have to learn to control yourself, brat. So both of you can get licking - or retrieve the fries from the piss pool.' She waved the bag again, this time just over the top of the urine puddle.
Brat sniffed loudly, gulped and bent her head forward. Tongue out, jaw trembling. I watched for a second before I joined her, saw her screwed up face as she began dutifully to lick up her mess.
I started to do the same and had to make every effort not to barf. But between us we got the bitter, cold liquid up just in time as the burgers and fries were dumped in front of us. Only we couldn't use our hands said Carmen so we ate like pigs, faces down and into the pile of food, rooting with our snouts for morsels.
'Chew your food properly,' snickered Carmen as she sat back and ate hers in a more civilized manner. 'I don't want either of you getting indigestion before the wedding.'
The red-haired woman savored her food as she ate, and then said with the merest hint of menace in her voice: 'And we have time to have a little fun before we have to set off for the chapel, don't we, children?'
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