Published: 5-Feb-2012
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It had been several hours since Will Robinson had been captured by the Aliens. Will could only blame himself; Dad had said to not go too far from the Jupiter II.
At fourteen he knew not to disobey, when it came to new planets. But he had been so cooped up from space travel he just had to stretch his legs. Well he was getting to stretch them now! He had been forced to walk for hours with his hands tied behind his back with some alien metal.
But the worse thing was that he had been striped of all his clothes, even if the aliens looked nothing like a human and probable though no more about it than he though of a dog not wearing clothes. It was still embarrassing being marched bare assed naked with his dick flopping in the wind!
He had gotten proud of his body in the last year, The way his cock had grown and the red pubic hair that had come in. But now he just wished he could cover it up.
They finally arrived at some sort of camp where he was loaded aboard a strange looking transport that looked like it had a cross between treads, wheels and legs.
He was thrown in a cage and it started moving. Will feel asleep, he did not know how long he had been out, but the sun was coming up and it was still daylight when he last remembered although he still was not use to the hours on this planet.
They were entering some sort of city as they passed though he saw many of the reptiles looking aliens, but there were other types as well. they went though a walled of part of the city in to a huge area that was filled with different sized cages and glass boxes. Will was removed from the transport and his hands unbound but they made no offer to give his clothes back!
He was lead toward a huge cage that was several times the size of the Jupiter II he noticed it was also recessed about four feet down in the ground on the in side with drainage holes. Some of the bars in front of him seemed to magically part, forming a door, Will was pushed suddenly from behind sending him tumbling though. Luckily he managed to not break anything!
Will looked around their seemed to be several purple looking trees and bushes, as well as some strange looking artificial constructs in square, round and mushroom shaped. overhead he saw a floating ball about the size of a basket ball. The sound of leaves rustling drew his attention. Stepping around a large bush was a boy about Will's age. He also wore no clothing; He had shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. His body was almost hairless accept for a blond patch of pubic hair. It had been years, since Will had meet a boy his age, and hadn't been naked around one since he was 6 with his 5 year old cousin when they were changing out of their swim suits and that was just for a few moments. "Hi, my names Will," he said. The boy made a noise that he guessed had to be some kind of language. There was a whirling sound from above, he looked up and saw that the floating ball had lowered some.
The boy made another sound and their seemed to be some sort of echo now in Wills head, but he still could not understand anything. A grunting sound from behind caused him to spin around where he saw two more nude boys one also about his age but the other looked like he might be around 16. They both had brown hair, one with green eyes and the older one with brown. Will also tried to communicate with them but with no better results.
They all three came up to Will and he felt surrounded which he was! He felt hands touching him first on the arms and shoulders, the back. When he felt one place a hand on his butt! He tried to pull away, but it seemed like hands were every where! He felt fingers brushing a cross his ball, and grabbing at his cock! That's when he really tried to fight his way out, but it was no good. Two of them grabbed an arm each while the older one stood in front of him. He heard the whirling sound of the ball hovering over head getting closer.
It must be some sort of observation device, he thought. The echo's in his head increased and he started to make out what the boys were saying or thinking he didn't know which. The ball must also be acting as some type of translation devise! But not a very good one, he was not catching all the words. The older one seemed to say NEW SERVE US.
Will said, "I don't understand!" He was jerked down to his knees about even with the boy's dick which was beginning to swell. "PUT IN MOUTH!"
Will cried, "You have to be joking!"
He was slapped across the face, and his arms began being twisted. Will cried, "Okay, okay you're not joking!"
They eased up on his arms and shoved him forward toward the cock. He opened his mouth and placed it around the boy's dick trying not to gag. SUCK! suck like when he had lollypops as a kid. So Will began sucking on it as it got fully hard. After he finally got the thought of gagging out of his head, he realized that this wasn't as bad as he'd though it was going to be. It tasted a little strange but not nasty like he'd thought. The cock was pulled from his mouth and the two brown haired boys changed places.
Will was presented with another cock and he didn't try to argue this time, but just took it into his mouth and started sucking, it tasted a little different from the other but still not bad. As he continued to suck he noticed for the first time nobody was holding his arms! When did they let go? He had been so focused on the dick he hadn't even noticed! Should he make a run for it? No that was stupid, he was in a cage! No where to go, and they surly knew the cage better than he could.
Like it or not he was at the mercy for the time being. When this dick was pulled from him he looked up and sure enough the blond boy stepped up for his. As Will scooted up to him and started he heard them grunting their approval that he had learnt to do this with out assistance.
Will thought if mom or dad were to see this they would kill him forced or not, but his sisters would be even worse he would never here the end of it from them! Still he hoped they would find him and get him out of this mess! Suddenly he felt himself jerked up and dragged over to one of the huge mushrooms. They pushed him belly down on the mushroom with his legs hanging down off the edge. One of the boys reached under the bottom edge of the mushroom dug his hand in, and pulled it back with sort of creamy stuff from it.
They spread his butt cheeks and they used their fingers to push the creamy stuff up his butt hole.
Will panicked when this started and tried to fight his way up but it was no use! As they were cramming the cream in his hole, he noticed a tingling burning feeling spreading across his body starting at his Boy hole! After the first wave of feeling it seemed to die back, accept for his ASS!
The boys had let him up and were watching him. He reached a hand to his tingling Butt to explore this wired feeling; just touching his own butt brought a feeling of pleasure. The feeling of pleasure increased even more as he got near his hole. He pushed one of his fingers up his own ass and let loose with a moan of pleasure before he could stop him self.
He heard the other boys laughing. He looked over and saw them smiling and nudging each other. The boys started talking among each other, and Will noticed that he could understand them perfectly fine know! All of a sudden he realized he still had his finger up his butt! He jerked it out and felt his face turning Red! He was also embarrassed to find that he felt a strong desire to start fingering his butt hole again.
The boys started moving closer to him and he asked. What did you do to me!?
The oldest boy said, "The cream from the plant has a temporary affect."
Will said, "What affect?"
The boy responded, "It turns you into a PUSSY BOY."
"Pussy Boy!" Will yelled. "What do you mean by that!?"
By way of answer the boy reached over and stroked a hand across Will's, 14 year old well rounded ass cheeks. He felt a wave of desire wash across himself, he actually shivered in pleasure!
"Do you not feel pleasure at the touch of a man? Do you not feel the heat of desire, like a slut in heat?"
Wills cock had gotten hard and he tried to cover himself with his hands. What the boy said was true! Will Robinson, first boy in space was filled for desire for the touch of another boy! He had become first Pussy Boy in Space!
The Boy asked with a smile, "Would you like to be fucked?"
Will tried to say No! but could not bring himself too. Finally he nodded his head. He was told to get on his hands and knees. Will got down on all fours and found him self wiggling his ass at the boys like a puppy dog. He felt cute and sexy, like he never had in his life.
And he knew for the first time that he was! That's why Don and Doctor Smith were always stealing glances of him he realized know.
The boy got behind him and he felt his cock head nudge his hole which was still lubed with the mushroom cream. The dick started to slowly push its way in. It hurt like Hell! But the pain was over ridden by the pleasure of the feel of it.
He started squealing out loud.
Squealing?! His sisters did that not him!
The boy was leaning on top of him with his chest to Will's back.
He whispered in Will's ear, "Like that don't you pussy boy? You have a nice tight boy pussy! Tell me that you like getting your boy pussy fucked!"
Will couldn't help himself, "YES!! Keep fucking me! PLEASE KEEP DOING IT!"
"Fucking your What?" asked the boy.
"Please keep fucking my BOY PUSSY!" Will panted.
The Boy started fucking with long hard thrust then. Will let out another squeal. "You squeal even more than Bink! Bink come over here! Pussy boy wants to suck some more dick!"
The blond boy with blue eyes came over and squatted down in front of Will offering him his cock. He wrapped his lips around it immediately. Bink started to work his hips back and forth fucking his mouth. Will found him self with two dicks in him and could only think, "Why couldn't this have happened earlier? This Is Great!"
The older boy whispered in his ear, "Bink is a great peace of ass; I don't know which of you is better. I guess me and my brother will have to swap you two back and forth for a while."
Will glanced up and saw Bink had the other brown haired boy's cock in is mouth sucking, and it looked like he knew a lot more about it than Will did.
Will did not know how long they went on like this. But Soon he felt a different kind of cream being squirted up his butt. The boy keep his cock thrust up Will's butt all the way as he emptied his load of cum deep in his ass! Then Bink started cumming in his mouth.
Bink held Will's head tight so he couldn't pull away as he shot his load down his throat. Slowly they pulled off of him. Will's ass and throat were sore but he could not keep the smile off his face, this was the most fun he had ever had! And he had not even cum himself yet! Just then he heard roaring and applause.
He looked around the cage was surrounded by aliens! And he could understand what they were saying from the globe over head. (THESE ANIMALS ARE THE BEST BREEDERS WE HAVE EVER SEEN! THEY HAVE NEVER PRODUCED ANY YOUNG YET BUT THEY NEVER QUIT TRYING!)
Will fell over laughing. The aliens were trying to breed them for young!
Four Boys! Will could feel the affects of the mushroom cream wearing off.
But he did not feel applauded by what he had done. Just embarrassed. But if he did not get out of here soon, would he become a pussy boy in truth with out the cream? And would that be so bad? He wanted girls didn't he? What if he could tell these aliens that they needed two sexes to breed? But then who would they get for breeding purposes? His mother? Or his sisters! Hmmm, maybe he'd tell them after a while, right now Bink's tongue was lapping at his stiffening prong and all he could think of was what Bink's mouth would feel like wrapped around his pumping shaft.
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