Special School For Tamara

[ MFFFf, enema, anal, spank, bd, toys ]

by Anal Al


Published: 6-Feb-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Tamara tried to adjust her position. It was very difficult with all the straps holding her to the bench. She had screamed very long and loud as her brother strapped her down. It had been in vain. Now she could only wait and listen for the sound of her brother and sister coming down the stairs. As she contemplated what they would do to her she tried again to move slightly enough to relive the feeling of helplessness she felt as she lay on the wooden bench.

Her mother used this bench to punish the children when they were younger but yet old enough to fight back. Tamara's mother was a frail little woman barely half the size of Tamara and her sister. When she was 10 Tamara knocked her mother to the floor and ran away while she was being punished.

Tamara, Steven and their oldest sister Elizabeth had grown more and more daring and wild in their exploits as the years wore on since their father's death. Their mother was sickly and often required some measure of care which they all resented. At least money was not a problem with the family or perhaps that was the problem. Their father had died and left a large sum to the family and the children's money was in trusts.

Tamara's 16 year old body tensed up trying to stretch the straps that held her down to the bench. Unable to move her head she tried to arch her back and move the strap across her mid back. She lay face down on the bench with her hands strapped to the support at the head of the bench and her forehead firmly in the curved rest. A strap across the back of her head prevented her from moving. The bench resembled a gyno exam table but in this case the 'patient' lay face down. It worked equally well for both boys and girls.

Their mother had a friend who made it when Steve was 12 and overpowered his mother one day to steal money from her purse. Mom had the friend come over and help her discipline the children if they got too much for her to handle. Being spoiled rich brats they often thought of themselves as able to get away with anything. Many times in fact their mother had paid off the police to keep things out of the records. The harder she tried to raise them with good morals the worse they became.

Tamara now sixteen, her brother Steve who was a strapping 18 and their oldest sister Elizabeth who was now 22 comprised the Tanner family children. Tamara thought about how much better things were when Beth still lived at home. It seemed to her that she got punished less when Beth was around. Perhaps it was because Beth was so much worse than Tamara but Tamara didn't think about this, only the fact that she lay on the punishment bench now waiting for Beth to arrive.

This morning before school Tamara had sneaked out of the house early. Unluckily for her school had been canceled today due to a gas leak in the building. When she didn't arrive home within a half an hour of hearing about the incident on the local news her mother went to the school to find out about her and make sure she hadn't been taken to the hospital with the other children.

After a several hour search of the hospitals and checking with the school secretaries who kept the attendance rolls her mother came to the conclusion that Tamara had skipped today. And to add to Tamara's predicament her mother had found out that Tamara's boyfriend Josh was also not at school. So at 3:00pm when Tamara should have been at mid period of PE she was instead discovered naked in bed with Josh at Josh's house stoned. She had only dropped half the acid that Josh did but the half a bag of weed had pretty much zoned her out. Josh's parents were also not very happy about the situation.

After subduing Josh, his dad helped Steve handcuff Tamara for the return trip home. Neither of the teenagers had clothes on. Tamara's mother apologized profusely to Josh's parents and then departed. The ride home had been very painfully silent. Steve had been instructed to strap Tamara down to the punishment bench in the basement while their mom phoned Beth to come over right away.

The lecture was very short and to the point. Since this wasn't the first time Tamara had been caught having sex with Josh and certainly not the first time she had been caught doing dope she was going to be punished severely. Being a Wednesday before Thanksgiving Tamara could certainly have thought of better times to be punished. The small family didn't have any relatives in town so it would be another relatively quiet turkey day with Tamara as the center of attention. To further add to the problems Tamara faced was the fact that her mother had found her stash and the fact that she already had an extensive police record.

The judge last time had said that if Tamara was busted one more time it was juvi until she was 18 and then women's prison after that. Her mother intended to see to it that Tamara was going to be severely reminded of what to expect.

Tamara heard footsteps coming down the stairs to the basement. "Please don't, I'll be good, I promise."

"Yes you will." her mother told her. Tamara heard her mother stirring something in a bowl. Then she felt her mother prying her ass cheeks apart and something slick was smeared on her asshole. Her mom greased up the outside and then slipped her finger in with the slick stuff. She smeared it all around and then withdrew her finger. "You think about how bad your ass is going to burn when you are in women's prison and they do you dry with a broom handle." Her mother said and then shoved a medium sized butt plug into the young girl.

Tamara felt a gentle heat as the plug slid home. Next some duct tape over it from one cheek to the other to hold it in place. Not having been the first time she was surprised that her mother put a plug in without first pumping in an enema. However, the heat began to grow and grow. Soon Tamara's butt was spasming trying to eject the butt plug.

Back in the kitchen there was a quick knock and Beth walked in. "I got here as quick as I could. I couldn't find all the stuff you wanted at the store but I got most of it."

Her mother checked the bag, "Good enough for now. We have all weekend. Steve, run down to Quickly Piggly and get some cranberry jelly for tomorrow, looks like Beth brought the rest."

"Sure." Steve said and left.

"We'll let her alone for a while, I just greased her butt up with ginger mixed with massage oil."

"Ouch! That'll burn for a good long time."

"Yep and the more she squirms the more the plug rubs the stuff in and increases the burning."

"So what are we going to do with her?"

"I'm going to punish her all weekend. I've got my friend Randy getting a chastity belt from downtown. They said it would be ready by Monday. Then we put her in it from now on. That will at least keep her from getting pregnant. As for the dope smoking the only way to stop that is to keep her under house arrest until she is 18. Maybe by then she will straighten up."

"Are you going to be really strict on her?" Beth asked.

"Of course, and more so than I was with you."

"I'm going to go change clothes." Beth said and took her travel bag upstairs.


Tamara's asshole had been burning for nearly an hour. The more it burned the more she wiggled and the more it burned. An endless circle of burning pain and wiggling trying to make it stop. Finally she heard the plates clanking upstairs as the meal was finished. She thought about being hungry and decided it was probably for the best that she wasn't being fed as she was sure they would soon be pumping a large enema into her backside.

Soon she heard three sets of footsteps on the stairs leading down to the basement. It was quite easy since the basement had carpet lined walls because Tamara's late father had a ham radio station here and to keep the noise from bothering the rest of the family he had lined it in cork and covered that over with carpet. It was quite warm in the winter too. And since this was the punishment room now no one outside of the room would hear any screaming.

"I won't bore you with a lecture which you know so well." her mother said as she forced a large penis gag into Tamara's mouth. "Quit fighting it, you know you like to suck cock." The straps were fastened and Tamara had to stretch her jaw muscles to accommodate the tapered pecker.

"Use the ping pong paddle and warm her up a bit Steve. Careful not to hit the plug, we don't want to break the hose connector off."

Steve started paddling Tamara. He wasn't the worst however, she had once been paddled by Beth and that hurt. Steve somehow was aware of his strength and held back. Tonight however as the first crack of the paddle sounded on Tamara's left cheek she was sure he was up to full strength. She could only scream into the gag. The higher frequencies were choked off by the device and everyone in the room watched as her left cheek slowly turned crimson.

Steve then switched sides and began to warm the other cheek. Tamara was aware that this was his weak arm and was thankful for small favors. That is between the pain when she had half a second to think about it. The burning of the ginger coated plug still was there as every crack of the paddle made her tense up her buttocks and wiggled the plug a bit more rubbing the sand-like ginger powder in a bit more.

"Ok Steven, take a break and get a drink of water." his mother told him.

"My turn?" Beth asked.

"Not just yet, lets let that settle in a while. Fill up the white bag."


"Sure, we'll let it in slowly. That last quart is the slowest and most painful. Put in some peppermint castille soap too."

"How are we going to burp her with the plug in?" Steve asked.

"No need. The air bubble will make it that much worse."

Beth busied herself filling the large 4-quart white enema bag, adding a generous squirt of liquid peppermint castille soap about a third of the way through. Her mother watched and at the 2/3 mark gave the bag another shot of the soap. When it was done she let the hose fill and then attached it to the waiting coupling on the butt plug embedded in her little sister's ass.

Tamara could feel the activity as the plug was wiggled. Soon she felt the trapped air being forced into her somewhat constipated colon. Funny thing about smoking weed, it tended to make you constipated. As the pressure built up she felt the dam burst as the stinging soapy water made it around the first bend. She began to moan into the gag as the pain began to increase. How she was going to make the full four quarts with a full colon she didn't know.

At three quarts her mother started with the Ping-Pong paddle again, first one cheek and then the other. The ploy worked, the spasming of the young girl's butt worked out the kinks blocking the enema from making it around the cecum. With tears flowing down her cheeks Tamara could only hope that the bag would be empty soon.

Finally it was. Tamara never heard the click of the valve as she was crying too much from the pain. Finally the stinging on her cheeks subsided enough to where she could concentrate on the pain of having 4 quarts of soapy water in her. Water that was pressurized in her and burning for release. With the butt plug securely taped into her ass and her face down position she knew this wasn't to be. Between moaning she listened and didn't hear anyone in the room.

Upstairs Steve was enjoying a beer and Elizabeth and her mother were splitting a bottle of wine and talking. While they were talking Randy stopped by and dropped off the chastity belt. It was an elaborate metal unit with rubber at rub points. Randy didn't stay long and collected the money from Mrs. Tanner.

Beth was reading the instructions that came with the belt. "Mom! This says that you have to have pierced labia!"

"Yes I know. The labia are pushed through the small grooves and then the lock is attached. She has been pulling at her labia for years and in case you haven't noticed they are quiet large now, especially with Josh giving her a workout."

"Ouch. That is going to hurt. Where are we taking her to get pierced?" Beth asked.

"We're going to do it ourselves. No big deal. The large bore needle and cork in the blue bag there."

"Won't that bleed?"

"Just for a little. Then we put in the styptic pencil and it stops. Hurts like hell and you had better have something to bite on."

"How come you know so much about it?" Beth asked.

Mrs. Tanner stood up and pulled down her panties. For a woman of 45 she still had a nice flat tummy. Amazing even after 3 kids. However the points of interest for display were the two stainless steel rings through the pierced inner labia.

"I never knew." Beth said in amazement looking at her mom's freshly shaven pussy with the two shiny rings.

"Your father and I were in a slump sexually after Tamara was born and I got the idea from my beautician. It hurt like hell as you said but afterwards it sure did spice things up! I thought he was going to fuck me to death. That spurt lasted a good 5 years at least. After he died I kept them as souvenirs more or less and since they aren't easily removed. Your father was a talented man with a welding machine and welded them on me."

"Ouch! Didn't that burn?"

"Nope. He deadened the area and used some heat sink clamps on the rings. Of course I was trussed up like a pig to the workbench while he was working. He didn't want me to move. I think I screamed more that I really needed to. It didn't hurt that much but was scarier than anything. He held the rings until they were cooled completely and I only got a little burning around the piercings. Of course I was sore for two weeks and wouldn't let him near me after I got the piercings. He was pissed that I had showed myself to another man and after a through spanking he just sat and marveled at my pussy. After you kids had gone to bed he made me go bottomless the rest of the night so he could watch and listen to the tingling of the rings hitting together. I'll be right back."

When her mother got back from the basement Beth asked, "What about metal detectors at the airport?"

"Well that does take some explaining. I usually request a search by a female guard. Once they see me naked they quit asking questions."

"How is she doing?"

"Not so good now. I just put the nipple clamps on her. We'll give her another ten minutes and then take her out to drain the enema."


After unstrapping Tamara and leading her to the bathroom Beth and her mother watched as the girl emptied herself. They didn't remove the gag or restraints. After emptying they reattached the poor teenager to the bench again.

Tamara tensed up her body at the extreme pain of the piercing needle inserted through her labia. She screamed to the top of her lungs. It was a pain she had never felt before. Not even her belly button or ear cartilage piercing hurt this bad. When she had relaxed somewhat and hung loosely in her restraints they proceeded to the other lip. Again the shooting pain.

She began to vomit through the gag and some of it ran through her nose. The pain of the styptic pencils hurt worse than she ever imagined. The piercer who had done her ears and bellybutton just held sterile gauze against the holes until they clotted naturally. Not knowing what a styptic pencil would do Tamara had no idea of why it was hurting so badly. She had quickly figured out that her mother or sister, she didn't know which, had pierced her inner pussy lips.

After the burning subsided they removed the clotting pencils and attached large gauge rings to the teenagers inner lips. Beth gave them a flick and they rang together, although not as loudly as she had thought they might.

"Looks nice doesn't it?" her mother commented.

"What's next?"

"Well her butt is empty and pale. Why don't you fix her up while I go get her bed ready."

Beth proceeded to insert a very large plug into her sister's ass. She greased both her sister and the plug and worked it in slowly, pausing at the wide point. Even through Tamara screamed and tried to squirm from the anal intruder she couldn't stop it. A nice steady pressure and finally it popped home. Tamara had felt the holes in it and knew the enema was next. Beth filled her little sister with 4 quarts of warm salt water and then closed the valve. She warmed Tamara's cheeks with the paddle until sweat was running from Beth's brow. Taking a breather Steve took over until Tamara thought she could take no more.

After nearly an hour of paddling they stopped and left the room. Poor Tamara was left to herself with a burning set of cheeks and a belly full of water. The pain of her freshly pierced labia seemed rather insignificant at the moment.

A few minutes later Steve and Beth came and moved Tamara to the bathroom and let her release the water after carefully removing the butt plug from Tamara's very sore ass. The water poured out for nearly five minutes until it slowed to a dribble. Tamara tried as she might to squat over the toilet but tired as she was she gave up and sat on her bruised and burning butt cheeks.

"Mom said to take these off now." Beth said, removing the nipple clamps from her sister, still sitting on the toilet. Tamara screamed into the gag and her eyes grew wide at the pain of the crushed nipples refilling with blood.

Steve hooked his sister's wrist manacles together and hung her arms over a hook on the wall. Tamara's feet just barely touched the floor and there was no way she could get enough height to unloop the hook that held her up.

Tamara was thankful when a half an hour later Steve picked her up and dragged her up the stairs, two flights up to the bedrooms. She cried as she saw the ropes hanging from the posts of her bed and the rubber sheet on it. They were going to tie her down for the night it appeared.

Steve wrestled his smaller sister onto the bed in a face up position and grabbed a leg as Tamara tried to kick him. Beth grabbed the other leg. With her hands shackled together there was no way that she could do much as her brother and sister attached ropes to the hooks on the ankle manacles she wore. They spread her legs very wide as they tightened the ropes to the posts on the queen sized bed.

Next Beth and Steve unclipped Tamara's wrists and attached her spread eagle to the head posts. She could hear the blender going nearly nonstop downstairs. When her mother arrived she was carrying a 4-quart enema bag full to the brim.

"All night?" Beth asked.

"Sure, carrot juice and assorted vegetables in a nice warm broth." Mrs. Tanner said.

"Enema soup?" Steve quipped.

"Close enough. You forgot the nozzle." Mrs. Tanner said holding up the large tapered nozzle. It didn't have a neck like most enema nozzles, even the large ones.

"Mom, that is going to hurt." Beth commented.

"That's the idea. Here, fasten this around her waist." She said handing Beth a restraint belt.

With the bulging bag hanging from a high bedpost Tamara's left leg was raised and the relatively narrow tip of the enema plug was inserted into her sore anus. The tip was only an inch across but it widened to two inches at the base which was some 8 inches away. "This was designed to open her up and get her used to having something there."

"I'll bet. It is going to hurt more since she can't close up around it." Beth said passing the barb on the tip through the hole in the elastic strap that was the crotch piece of the belt.

The back of the crotch strap was buckled into place on the waist belt and the plug pushed further into the screaming teenager. Beth took up the back of the crotch strap a few notches and her mother attached the front and cinched it tight. The elastic at mid span stretching to accommodate the newly shortened length while at the same time forcing the tapered plug into Tamara's rapidly stretching asshole.

The pain was more than she had experienced the first time that Josh had taken her anally. The unrelenting plug just kept opening her up further and further driven by the contracting elastic of the strap. Once the tip settled in Mrs. Tanner attached the hose to the plug and cracked the valve just a little. Steve, Beth and Mrs. Tanner watched for a few minutes as Tamara came to the realization that she would be slowly filled all night. Mrs. Tanner shut off the clamp, they covered the poor girl with a sheet, turned off the light and left.

"Well it is nine now, we'll go give her a squirt every few hours. I'll take the 11 and one shift. About twenty or thirty seconds each time is all we need. I've put some extra juice in the fridge if you should run out. Who wants the three o'clock?" Mrs. Tanner asked.

"I'll take it, I'm turning in now anyway." Steve said.

"And I'll do the five one and go back to bed." Beth said.

"Ok that leaves the 7 for me. She should be quiet full by then. If not, I'll leave it open so she finishes the bag. Good night you two. I love you both and want you to know that I really am trying to help your sister."

"We know mom." Beth said kissing her mother good night.


After being awakened every two hours by someone jiggling the enema hose and being filled more every time Tamara was quiet tired when her mother opened up the curtains at 8am. During the night the water in the enema had migrated to her bladder and having no other choice she peed in the bed. The towels under her sopped it all up and her mother changed the towel now. "Now you know what it is going to be like in prison with the guards waking you up every few hours for bed checks. And you know how it feels to be fed up the ass with an enema because your jaw is wired shut from being in a fight with the other inmates."

Mrs. Tanner applied some salve to the labia piercings and left the room.

At 9 o'clock they untied her and let Tamara release what enema she hadn't peed out during the night. Then the butt plug was re-inserted and strapped in with the chastity belt. However, Tamara started wiggling almost immediately since the plug had been greased with ginger and oil.

Tamara was given a very through spanking and then led down to the basement. She was strapped face down in the bench to wait. At noon Mrs. Tanner came down and fed Tamara her thanksgiving dinner. The dinner consisted of pureed carrot juice & prune juice, anally injected and plugged in. All 3 quarts of it. Along with the prune juice Mrs. Tanner had added several squirts of hot chili oil.

Tamara wiggled until she was exhausted. The hot oil burned inside and the fullness in her stomach seemed relentless. At 4pm her mother came in with Steve and Beth in tow. She gave Tamara several good whacks with the paddle to get the errant girls attention. Ungagged she screamed but otherwise didn't say anything.

"The constant fullness you feel is similar to what you will feel like pregnant. Either by your boyfriend through unprotected sex or because one of the male guards rapes you in prison or because the female guards allow selected males to take their pleasure with you." Mrs. Tanner said as she rubbed her daughters bloated belly.

"Mom I promise I won't ever screw up again. Please let me go."

"Not until I'm sure you really do understand. Being pregnant isn't something you can just stop like letting this water out. No, I'm sorry but you'll have to be constantly reminded." Mrs. Tanner said and put a gag into Tamara's mouth and attached it tightly.

Beth and Steve each laid a hundred whacks a piece on the little sisters blistered backside as Mrs. Tanner prepared more enemas. Beth carefully removed the plug from Tamara's sore ass and quickly shoved in a large dilator enema tip. The dilator was different than a dildo enema tip in that it had a steady taper from 3/4" out to 3 inches and was some ten inches long. Too large to go all the way in it would simply open Tamara's asshole wider and wider the further in it went, stretching all the way. An elastic strap ensured that tension would be maintained for the perfect seal. Stretched to nearly two inches Tamara cried pitifully while the enema was started.

"Since you didn't have your salad I'm giving you a quart of radish juice." Mrs. Tanner said adjusting the flow to a slow level.

Tamara barely had time to think about it before the burning began. The extra quart on top of the now depleted 3 quarts she had been holding nearly all day was painful enough but the radish juice burned something terrible.

"Did you just puree the radishes?" Beth asked, watching her little sister squirming.

"And a dash of vinegar and lemon for liquid." Mrs. Tanner said, satisfied that the enema was painful enough.

"Her rings are looking good." Steve admired.

"I cleaned her a little while ago with astringent, hence the red color. However, it'll heal quicker that way."

Several hours later the family unbuckled Tamara and allowed her to let the nutritional enema out. The burning radish juice made her asshole spasm painfully back to normal size. The small rectal fissures brought on by the dilator plug were burning very badly and she really wanted to rub it but with her hands shackled high above her head the only relief was to let out more of the caustic liquid.

She was given a quick rinse from the neck down in the shower by Beth and Steve and then led to the waiting bed with the rubber sheet. Here she was placed face down and tied securely on Thanksgiving night. An inch and a half dildo tip was inserted and secured in with a belt and she was spanked twenty whacks on each cheek with the ping pong paddle. Then Mrs. Tanner arrived with the enema bag. Once again the gallon white bag was hung from the bedpost and Tamara was hooked up to it. The towel under her vagina would catch the urine as she wet the bed during the night. A stay dry layer ensured she wouldn't get diaper rash. Then the saline solution was started and she was filled to capacity in minutes.

Closing the door to her daughters room, "We'll let her sleep without interruption tonight. More so we can sleep than to go easy on her."

"What is planned for tomorrow?" Beth asked.

"Steve and I can take care of it, you can go shopping." Mrs. Tanner said.

"Thanks mom!" Beth gave her mother a goodnight kiss.

"Good night Steve, happy whacking." his mother said, aware that seeing his little sister being punished would make him have to masturbate more than usual.


Friday morning Steve and Mrs. Tanner untied Tamara and let her drain on the toilet followed by a quick rinse in the shower while tied up. Afterwards they tied her to a high hook on the wall where she could only stand and wait for more punishment. At 9 a dilator plug was inserted, greased with ginger and oil. She was given a drink of water by Steve and left to stand some more.

At 11 Steve and his mother replaced Tamara's butt plug with a French tickler covered dildo well greased and sprinkled with red pepper. Tamara's ass began spasming immediately. She whined into the gag she wore, her jaw now becoming accustomed to being open. They tied her to her bed and then attached two TENS units to her with four pads each. On unit was focused on her anal muscles and set to high had the desired effect of working the nubs of the tickler into her anus. The other was attached around her vagina and caused acute spasms there from the metal dildo to the gag in her mouth. Set on low she got a direct feed from the unit and was quiet surprised at the pain of it.

Around noon they took out the gag and fed Tamara some soup through a large straw, the butt plug still being worked by the TENS unit. The stocky vegetable soup was very good to Tamara who hadn't had anything in her stomach but soapy water for two days. Once finished the gag was reinserted.

Late that afternoon the plug and TENS units were removed and Tamara was allowed to rest for a few hours. Being empty and somewhat pain free she slept soundly. After supper, Steve brought his little sister back down to the basement for more reminders. A paddling followed by a strapping left her screaming without the gag in place. Next a foot switching with a cane brought her screams to a new high.

The large dilator plug and a 4 quart soapy enema was allowed to soak in the poor girl for nearly two hours. Exhausted Tamara was led from the basement to the upstairs bathroom where she was drained and showered. A three-quart rinse enema was put in and she had to wait standing for an hour before Steve let her drain that out. Friday night she spent in bed with a dilator plug inserted but no enema.

Saturday morning the dilator plug was attached to a hose and another four quarts were pumped into the poor girl. Following by an ass blistering three hundred whacks with a strop she could only lay in her bed and cry, unable to get up from being tied down. Her ass ached, her stomach ached and her jaw ached.

Around lunch she was drained and then allowed to sleep for an afternoon nap. At 3pm Saturday she was filled with three quarts of vegetable soup and plugged tight. Strapped down in the basement she squirmed trying to get relief from the burning ginger lubricant in her ass and pussy. Mrs. Tanner drained her daughter around six and let the girl hang from the hook in the bathroom for two hours. Another quick potty session and shower and it was back to bed for the errant Tamara. Four quarts of spinach and celery soup filled her colon on Saturday night.

Sunday morning brought no relief as she was paddled and enema'd even more. Sunday night she was shackled to her bed dry and left to sleep with a dilator plug inserted.

At 6am Monday morning Tamara was relieved when her mother removed the dilator plug but was pained to learn that it was replaced by an inch and 3/4 standard butt plug. She was then allowed to shave her legs and told by her mother to shave her now fuzzy mound. As Tamara was putting on her makeup for school, remaining naked as she had been told and not having much other choice since her leg irons had been chained to a newly installed ring in the floor of the bathroom she wondered what her mother had in mind. The bags under her eyes reminded her of the punishment she had endured this past four-day weekend.

"Good, you are finished just in time." Mrs. Tanner said as she snapped the waistband of the new chastity belt around Tamara's waist.

"Mom! Please, no." Tamara whined, knowing full well that she was about to be strapped in for the day. She fleetingly wondered if she was going to be allowed to go to school.

"No sassing me or I'll put in a bagfull first young lady. Now stand still." Mrs. Tanner sternly said.

The waist catch was closed and a small lock attached and snapped shut. Mrs. Tanner unscrewed the labia rings and removed them from Tamara. Next the hinged bottom piece was brought up and the solid front was slowly brought up as Tamara's inner labia were fed through the slots in the unit. She watched in fascination. Then the front was latched and locked. Next Mrs. Tanner pulled the labia all the way through the slots and attached a small lock through both of the holes, effectively locking the labia in place so they could not be removed.

"How am I supposed to go to the bathroom?" Tamara asked aware that the answer wasn't going to be to her liking.

"Carefully and messily. It will just ooze out around the device and you'll have to do the best you can to dry yourself off. Your alternative will be to go to the school nurse who will have the key. After you pee she'll lock it back and if I find out you have ever given her any sort of trouble you will be very sorry indeed."

"Mom I said I will behave and I mean it."

"That is what you said the last time and you cannot be trusted anymore." Mrs. Tanner said and screwed the bolt into the back, entering the threaded hole of the metal butt plug that Tamara wore. Using a socket wrench she tightened it down.

"Oh God, that is going to hurt when I walk."

"Then you had better learn to walk lady-like." Her mother sternly said. "You will never be allowed to wear underpants again. And from now on dresses only for you. No panty hose, only stockings."

"Yes mam." Tamara meekly replied.

"Now get dressed." her mother said and reattached the cable leading to Tamara's ankle shackle to another ring in the bedroom.


Arriving at a long brick building with a sign out front announcing it as a girl's academy Tamara was surprised that she wasn't returning to her old school. She begged and pleaded with her mother and was rewarded by a backhand across the mouth.

Leading Tamara into the building Mrs. Tanner announced herself to the speaker and the door buzzed. "This is a special school for girls with disciplinary problems. It is costing a lot of money and you will do well or face the consequences."

Tamara didn't ask what consequences knowing full well that her mother had reached the end of her patience with Tamara. She was led to a waiting room and after a brief wait her and her mother went into an office.

"Good morning Tamara. My name is Miss Whitman. You have been brought here by your mother because you cannot seem to adjust to civilized behavior in normal society. We attempt to correct discipline problem children such as you and stop your bad habits before you go to prison for life. If we are successful you will learn to enjoy your time here." the woman addressed Tamara and looked at the tears forming in the teenagers eyes.

"Please sign these forms Mrs. Tanner. The first is the punishment release giving us permission to paddle her on the bare and to perform other disciplinary actions. Next is the medical release form should we have to get medical attention for her. Following that is the judges order that she be kept in restraints at all times with the permission to detain her should she escape. Last is the invoice for the first month with the property deposit and the necessary educational kits. You may leave her keys with me if you wish."

Mrs. Tanner signed the forms, having already read copies earlier. Taking a key for Tamara's chastity belt locks out of her purse she handed it to Miss Whitman. "So do I pick her up on Fridays at 6pm?"

"Yes, earlier if you like. Classes let out at 4pm. Students are placed in study hall until 6pm. Should you have correctional problems during the weekend you may leave her longer on Friday nights and we will begin additional punishment at 6pm and continue until you pick her up."

Completing the last of the forms Mrs. Tanner handed them back to Miss Whitman. Turning to Tamara Mrs. Tanner said, "Tamara, I hope you can straighten up and start behaving correctly. Think about what you have been doing and what you can do to correct your behavior and when I pick you up on Friday I expect you to have a list of things you will do to change your life."

"This way Miss Tanner." Miss Whitman opened the door to the office which led into a hallway. Tamara quietly followed. She was led to a classroom around several hallways down from the main office. The teacher saw Miss Whitman at the door and paused her class to allow the administrator in.

Unlocking the door, "Good morning Miss Whitman."

"Good morning Miss Allman. This is Miss Tamara Tanner. Here is her folder." The older woman told the teacher.

"Thank you." after a quick glance at the folder she turned to Tamara, "Miss Tanner please take the third seat down near the window."

"Yes mam." Tamara replied realizing that formality would be necessary in this institution, which didn't appear to have any room for any fun whatsoever.

"Class this is Miss Tamara Tanner." The teacher announced and received a round of 'good morning Tamara' from her students.

"Now back to our instruction, Tamara you may just listen until the break when I will give you your books." The teacher then proceeded down a list of vocabulary words calling on different students seeming at random.

Tamara was thinking how lame this was to have vocabulary tests like some elementary school kids. Listening to the words, however, brought a different thought to her head as she realized that words like transmogrification and metastasis where somewhat difficult words for the average 10th grader. Not having been that much of an A student, actually more like a D student she realized that this class was probably more advanced than her old class.

The real shock came for Tamara when a girl named Claire misspelled the word contumacious. Miss Allman simply told Claire that she had spelled it incorrectly and called upon another student as she was rising from her desk. The next student spelled it correctly. By then Claire had walked to the front of the class. She then flipped up her thin cotton dress exposing her bare backside, for she wasn't wearing any underwear, to the class and bent over the large table at the front of the class.

It was then that Tamara realized that Miss Allman was carrying a large wooden paddle. She proceeded to give Claire ten whacks on each cheek, alternating between whacks. Claire had gripped the far side of the table which had a rounded edge towards the front and had placed her feet into small holes near the front panel. She didn't utter a sound but could be heard inhaling rapidly as the paddling proceeded.

Tamara got very scared. Just for misspelling a word a girl had just gotten what Tamara would consider a very bad paddling. Indeed Claire's cheeks were now rosy red as Miss Allman put the paddle back on a hook on the side of her desk and took her seat. Claire remained bent over the table. Tamara just stared at Claire's burning backside and noted that Claire had shaved her pussy.

Miss Allman proceeded down the list of words calling upon different students. No one else missed a word. At the end Claire stood up and flipped down the thin dress and returned to her seat, very teary eyed.

"Everyone correctly defined all the words today, here is tomorrow's list." Miss Allman said passing out the list. Out beside each word was space to write the definition of the word.

Tamara was very surprised to see 30 words on the list. There were only 10 girls in the class. That meant the odds were that she would be called upon 3 times tomorrow to spell the words. Glancing at the list she expected to be paddled. There were very difficult words on the list.

The bell sounded as she completed the handouts. The students rose from their seats and filed out of the room. "Not you Miss Tanner." Tamara stopped and looked at the teacher. "Take your seat please."

"Now you are a new student so here is a list of the rules. Looking at your grades I can see we have a lot of work to do with you. As with new students you will be given the benefit of doubt until your first exams. Then an appropriate remedial program will be set out depending upon your ranking. If you have been slacking off now will be the time to show us what you are really capable of. You know the obvious behavior violations so I won't waste my time going over them with you now. You are sixteen years old and plenty old enough to read and understand written instructions. As you can see from Claire's demonstration we do not tolerate below average work here. Here are your books. This is your only classroom so you won't need a locker. When not in use your books are to be placed in the storage bin under your desk. Here is your book bag. We expect it too to be neat and clean. Any questions?"

"No mam."

"Good. Now go to the restroom and remove the makeup, students are not permitted any makeup or perfume. Deodorant is expected as is clean shaven underarms, legs and pubis. Dismissed."

Tamara rose quickly and went outside. She asked a student in the hallway which way the restroom was located under the watchful eye of a hall monitor. She went and quickly removed her makeup with toilet paper and washed her face. The waterproof eyeliner did not come off. Several girls with teary eyes were washing the faces also. A single bell sounded and all departed for their respective classes. Retaking her seat in the classroom Tamara heard a second triple bell sound signaling the start of the next class.

The rest of the morning was much a repeat of the first class. They covered math and science with short pop quizzes resulting in several paddlings. At lunch time Tamara followed the crowd to the cafeteria where they ate tray lunches. Except for the overweight girls who ate salads only. Fruit juice and fresh fruit were provided. Gone were Tamara's junk foods and soft drinks of her old school. This was certainly a different life.

After lunch she was sent to a study hall by a hall monitor. The study hall was larger and had over 50 girls from what appeared 12 years old up to 18. All were reading books. Four girls in the back were working on computer aided instruction setups. The study hall monitor assigned Tamara a seat and gave her a book to read. It was classical literature. A book report form and pen were provided.

As a bell announced the end of study hall the students returned to their classes. Tamara had to ask directions to get back to her class and arrived just in time as the second bell was still ringing. Miss Whitman gave her a stern look. The afternoon consisted of social studies, history and biology. Being immersed in a new environment Tamara struggled to keep up.

At 4pm the bell rang and Miss Whitman was waiting outside for Tamara. She was led to the dormitory wing of the building and shown her new room as other students went outside. A new set of rules was given to her, dorm rules, and she was issued linens and uniforms. No underwear, no bra. A belt and pads were issued for when her period would start.

At 5pm she was shown to the physical education instructor and given a locker and gym clothes and more instruction sheets. Tamara's head was spinning from all the rules she knew she would have to learn. After watching many girls get paddlings today she knew that she soon would be too. There was just no way she was going to be able to remember all of the strict rules here.

The six o'clock hour was for supper in a different cafeteria that was more like a restaurant. Tables for four had replaced the row tables of the school cafeteria.

At seven arriving at her two-person room and meeting her new roommate, Rebecca, Tamara sat in one of the chairs. A knock at the door and the dorm monitor matron entered. She was carrying an enema bag.

"Ok Tamara, time for your evening enema. Off with your clothes."

"Here?" the young girl snapped.

"Yes here. Rebecca you will watch and tomorrow you will give Tamara her enema." the matron went into the bathroom. Rebecca followed and watched the bag being prepared.

Tamara slowly started undressing realizing that there was no escape. If she were to run away the police would just catch her eventually and she would be punished at home and then returned to the school. Might as well get the enema over with.

"Tomorrow I will come unlock her and you will give her the bag. When she is finished emptying out she is to shower. Buzz me when she is done and I'll come lock her back up." the matron instructed Becky as Tamara entered the large tiled bathroom, totally naked except for the chastity belt she wore.

"Why does she have that on?" Rebecca asked.

"Because she cannot be trusted and has been caught many times having sex with boys. Be careful since there aren't any boys here she may decide to try and have sex with you and you know what the consequences of that are."

"Yes mam." Becky answered, watching the matron unbolt the butt plug that Tamara had now forgotten about and unlock the three padlocks securing the belt to her bottom.

Tamara gasped as the matron pulled the plug out quickly. "I'll bring some grease for this when I come back. You'll need to grease her up before putting it back in. I've seen this style before and you have to put the butt plug in first and then attach the belt. Then the plug is bolted to the belt with this bolt using that wrench. Give her the full bag all at once with a half-cup of the powder. Make it warm but not so hot that you can't keep your hand in it. Let me know if she can't hold that tip and I'll get a bigger one."

"Yes mam." Becky answered again.

"Becky, because of your good behavior and your new responsibilities for Tamara you are being upgraded from full lockdown to paired restriction. Since you are senior you will get the bracelet. Tamara, bend over and grab your ankles." the matron said. When Tamara had bent over the matron spread her cheeks with one hand and greased her asshole with the other. Then the 1 1/4" enema tip was inserted during which Tamara inhaled deeply as it entered. Even having been plugged all day she knew what was coming next. The click of the stopcock signaled the start of the flow of the mild soap and herbal solution. The standard 2 quart red bag was hanging high on a hook and it quickly filled Tamara's midsection. Having been thoroughly cleaned out many times during the holiday weekend she took the whole bag without a whimper.

"Good girl, I see that you are used to a full enema. I'll bet you'll enjoy getting into trouble." the matron then shut off the clamp.

"She needs to hold it for at least a minute before you remove it."

"Yes mam." Becky answered.

"Buzz me when she has finished her shower." the matron said and left, Tamara still bent over with the tube in her ass.

As the door shut and locked Becky spoke, "Sorry about this but you must have been really bad. We have to do as instructed here."

Tamara started to stand up. Becky pushed her back down, "not yet."

Tamara stood up anyway, "Look you're not the warden." She then took the hose out of her butt and sat on the toilet.

"Tamara please believe me when I tell you that I don't want to hurt you but I have to follow orders or I will be punished. They put you in here with me since I too get into trouble all the time. All the girls in this facility are just one step away from prison."

"Yeah, what did you do -- steal a teddy bear?" Tamara asked sarcastically of the young Rebecca. In Tamara's estimation Becky couldn't have been more than 14 years old and was a very skinny little black girl with no boobs.

"I was selling coke. Third time I got busted I was strung out and had two ounces on me. I got sent here. It was either this or prison. My dad worked out some deal with the judge."

"What I wouldn't give for a toke right now." Tamara said as her asshole opened up spewing water into the toilet.

"Forget it. There isn't any here. And forget about smoking anything. You bring something in and get busted and you will be sorry for weeks. They don't just spank you and quit, they keep on and on and on. The full lockdown she was talking about is because I got caught with a lighter in my pocket. A lighter for godsakes, no dope, no cigarettes, just a lighter. I haven't been allowed out of my room in two months for that. And my dad didn't pick me up for weeks afterwards."

"So you got the weekend punishment they told my mother about?"

"Yes and it was horrible."

"Tell me about it." Tamara said.

"I can't. It is private and you are not allowed to talk about it. It is different for every girl. How long until you finish?"

"Buzz off."

"Tamara, we have to become friends. I don't want to start off like this. I'll be in the other room. Let me know when you are done with your shower."

Tamara finished emptying her bowels and then wiped carefully on her still sore butt. She stood up and then brushed her teeth. She quickly had to stop and let out some more water however. Finally after finishing her teeth she showered and shaved her legs, underarms and mons. As she stepped out of the shower Rebecca was standing there greasing up the butt plug.

"You're not putting that back in me!" Tamara snapped.

"Would you prefer the monitor to do it?" Rebecca snapped back.

Tamara frowned and finished drying off. Becky stood patiently and waited. She blocked the doorway so Tamara couldn't leave.

"What?" Tamara growled.

"Bend over." Becky ordered.

"Fuck off." Tamara snapped and pushed Becky out of the way. She then went into the bedroom and ran full body into the monitor who simply spun her around and twisted Tamara's arm behind her back.

"I figured you would give Rebecca a hard time. From now on when no one else is around she is your mistress. You will do what she tells you when she tells you and not give her any difficulties. Do you understand me?"

"Fuck off."

"That will cost you fifty." The monitor said and wrestled Tamara to the floor. She then doubled the sixteen-year-old over her knee and exposed her butt.

"Put it in." she ordered Rebecca.

Tamara struggled and tried to get free but couldn't. She then clenched her butt cheeks when she felt Rebecca touching her. The monitor grabbed a hand full of each cheek and pried them apart. Rebecca got the dildo butt stretcher aimed but couldn't get it started because Tamara wouldn't relax.

"Ram it in."

"That will hurt." Becky said.

"That's the idea. If she won't relax and accept it then she'll get it the hard way. Now ram it in."

Rebecca pushed very hard and suddenly the butt plug slid in past Tamara's clenched sphincter. The pain caused Tamara to let out a scream.

"From now on you'll remain quiet as stated in the rules. That will be another twenty." the monitor said.

Rebecca retrieved the chastity belt and attached around the struggling Tamara. She then locked it and got the bolt. Tamara had figured out that if she was wiggling the bolthole wouldn't line up.

"Quit wiggling." the matron ordered.

"You fucking bitch!" Tamara screamed.

"That'll cost you another fifty plus a bagfull in the morning."

Thankfully Rebecca was able to line up the hole in the belt with that of the plug and got the bolt started. She ran it in part of the way and then used the wrench to tighten it up. When she was done the matron dragged Tamara to the bed and pressed the call button.

"Blue." the desk answered.

"Maggie here, I need a full set of shackles in 32."

"Be right there." the disembodied voice said and the circuit clicked dead. Minutes later the door opened and two more matrons attached full ankle, wrist and neck shackles to Tamara and bolted them on. The struggling Tamara was then hooked to rings on the cinder block wall of the dorm room in a standing spread eagle position and whipped with a small but effective whip. Rebecca stood and watched.

One matron took Rebecca's left arm and bolted on a bracelet with a hoop on it. The other matron attached a chain to the collar of Tamara and then using a lock attached it to Rebecca's wrist shackle. The two additional matrons then departed.

The first one remained. "I'm going to have to get you up earlier than normal since Miss Tanner isn't in your class. You'll get ready in the morning by 7am and then escort Miss Tanner, dressed, to class where you will be released. At 4pm you will pick her up and she will remain with you from then on until the next morning. She will keep these shackles on for the next two months or until she grows up, which ever comes last. I'll be right back."

The matron stepped out and Tamara could only cry, her ass afire from the whipping. The matron soon returned with a small two-foot long quirt. It had a rigid fiberglass center with leather coverings and a flick tab at the end. "Rebecca bend over. "

Rebecca complied, raising her dress up to provide the matron full access to her ass. The matron quickly flicked the quirt on each cheek quiet hard. Becky inhaled sharply at the sting.

"Ok now stand up. You'll give her twenty on each cheek every night before bed. Goodnight." the matron said and then left and locked the door.

Rebecca unhooked the sobbing Tamara from the wall hoops and led her to the bathroom where Becky relieved herself, brushed her teeth and showered. Tamara stood patiently and waited.

The next three hours were spent doing homework and studying. Tamara unable to concentrate on her word list and other studies. The two girls silently then went to bed, the chain tinkling as they settled into their bunk beds.

"Becky, I'm sorry."

"I know Tammy, I know."


In the morning Becky rose and brushed her teeth and then watched as Tamara did so also. She then buzzed the matrons who came and unhooked the chain so the two girls could get dressed. The chain reattached Rebecca led Tamara to the classroom.

At the classroom a hall monitor unhooked Rebecca and sent her on her way. As expected Tamara missed the very first word she was called upon to spell. She silently sulked up to the front of the room. Slowly she pulled her dress up over he hips and laid across the table to receive her paddling. All in the class ooohed at the sight of Tamara's bruised butt and chastity belt.

Tamara, embarrassed as she had never been before, didn't realize that the teacher had switched to a multi-tailed whip instead of the paddle. The first crack on her ass made her scream out loud.

"Well I can hear that someone didn't read the rule book. Good enough, we finish these and then start over." Miss Allman then proceeded to give Tamara ten strokes on each cheek before pausing briefly. As stroke twenty one fell Tamara let out another cry. At stroke thirty she jumped up and bolted for the door.

Miss Allman quickly went to her desk phone and called in the truant teenager. An announcement could be heard in the hallway. Tamara, running from one place to another finally hid in the restroom. Her butt was on fire but she managed to calm herself by the time one of the guards extended the search to the restroom. Tamara, standing on the seat and squatting down attempted to hide in a stall with a partially closed door. The guard, expecting this let the door close as if she had left and stood and waited. A few minutes later she was rewarded by watching Tamara peek out of the stall.

"Are we having a nice stroll?" The guard said. Tamara tried to run for the door but didn't make it -- stopped by the electric zapper that the guard carried.

Curled up in a ball on the floor, unable to move, it was a simple task for the guard to attach chains to Tamara's already mounted shackles. The guard then dragged Tamara down the hallway to the administrative wing of the school.

Upon arrival in discipline room 2 the guard was met by another guard. Tamara's dress was removed and she was secured, face down on a table. Struggle as she might she was fixed to the table, much like the punishment bench at home.

"Well I see it didn't take you long." Miss Whitman said as she entered the room. "Your mother told me you have a problem with listening and doing as you are told. I am now going to give you some reminders that you need to adhere to the rules of this school."

"Fuck you!"

A ball gag quickly inserted quieted the teenager. "Now that I have your silence we shall see who gets fucked." Miss Whitman said. She unbolted the chastity belt from the butt plug and unlocked the belt and then removed the plug from Tamara's ass. A dilator plug was inserted and an arm from underneath the table raised to hold the dilator in place. Miss Whitman pushed the plug in further which made Tamara wriggle and hunch up trying to get away from the ass stretcher.

A four quart enema bag bulging full was hung and four hot, soapy quarts of water entered Tamara's intestines. Unable to escape the large dildo/plug and unable to move she could only lie there and wait to be full.

An hour later Miss Whitman reentered the room and unplugged Tamara. The large enema dribbled out, Tamara now too tired to push. She was awakened as the stinging water hit her in the ass at high pressure, Miss Whitman washing her off. Miss Whitman then changed the nozzles on the water hose and gave Tamara a hose enema. It went in quickly and hurt badly. Just as quickly Miss Whitman went elsewhere, leaving Tamara to drain alone in the cold, brightly lit room.

Tamara was rudely awakened by Miss Whitman paddling her with a large heavy paddle. After a hundred strokes on each cheek with Tamara screaming into the gag as hard as she could Miss Whitman proceeded to lash the girls feet with a small whip. Tamara didn't think it would get much worse but it did as soon her thighs were on fire from the whip.

Then Tamara felt something cold and slippery being snaked into her ass. As it wiggled around inside she figured out it was a colonoscope. Without the benefit of valium it was quiet uncomfortable for the teenager as the headmistress wiggled it as much as possible. Soon fully embedded with the instrument Tamara felt Miss Whitman pumping even more air into her bloated colon. So much air was put in that it started to escape Tamara's asshole.

"Now you should be feeling full young lady." Miss Whitman said. She was right as Tamara experience a new level of pain at all the air trapped inside and the constantly wiggling of the colonoscope. The headmistress quit wiggling for a while and suddenly Tamara felt burning pain as lineament was applied to her various whip cuts. The acetone burning very badly as it penetrated.

The colonoscope was wiggled for another twenty minutes and then withdrawn. Miss Whitman then greased Tamara up very good in the ass and in the young girls vagina with mentholatum. The burning pain causing spasms in the girls body as she tried to get away from it.

After lying there the burning started to subside. The large tip once again invaded Tamara's ass. "Your mother told me about the meal enema and I thought I would try it on you." Miss Whitman said, injecting Tamara with a juice laden bag full. After the four quart bag had emptied inside she closed the valve, turned off the light and left.

Tamara lay there in the dark, her ass full of who knew what liquid. Whipped and strapped to the table unable to move she could only think about what she would do if they ever stopped. Sleeping in fitful, short naps during the night each time she awoke she still felt the fullness of the enema and was unable to move. Simple things such as a small itch, unscratched, would become quiet annoying. She peed several times during the night as the liquid was first absorbed by her colon and then removed by her kidneys. She could smell the urine each time.

Whatever time it was, Tamara suspected morning, Miss Whitman returned and refilled the bag. Still unemptied from the night before Tamara cried silently as she filled again, now holding nearly 6 quarts inside. She started burping up a wretched carrot tasting liquid. The ball gag, being full of holes allowed it to escape.

"Well now, guess you are full." Miss Whitman said and shut off the valve. She then applied the whip to Tamara again and left.

The cycle repeated several times until finally Tamara felt herself being untied from the table and lifted up. She was too weak to get up herself and much to stiff to move. The two guards led her to a shower and used a high-pressure hose to wash her down as she hung from her wrist shackles.

When she was done they set her in a chair which had a dildo protruding from it. Already greased it slipped into her stretched asshole easily and she was embedded on it. Her hands were attached via the shackles to the back of the chair. Hours later she was taken, still attached to the chair back to her room. There she sat until Rebecca arrived that evening. The hall monitor removed the locks and left Tamara slumped over in the chair.

Rebecca then helped Tamara off of the chair dildo and onto the bed. She then greased the butt plug and reattached Tamara's chastity belt which had been dropped off by a hall monitor. "You sure did piss Miss Allman off this time."

"I guess running wasn't such a good idea."

"Not here dearie. Come on, time to get cleaned up and ready to go."

"Go where?"

"Home stupid." Becky answered.

"What do you mean?"

"It is Friday. It is 5:30. If you aren't ready to go by 6:00 when your mom comes to pick you up you may well get stuck here all weekend."


"Yes stupid."

"Don't call me stupid." Tamara mumbled.

"Well you are. This place is one step away from prison and if you don't quit doing stupid shit stuff that is your next stop. Next time you fuck up and can't answer your question at least lie there and take your spanking like a lady. Learn to keep your mouth shut and do as you are told." Rebecca said.

"Fuck you."

Rebecca pushed the call button. It was answered immediately.

"May I please have permission to hit Miss Tanner?"

"Yes." and the speaker clicked off.

Rebecca gave Tamara a full round house hammerhead punch to the face with both fists. Tamara was knocked clear off of the bed and onto the floor.

"You stupid fucking bitch! You will start doing what I tell you and quit sassing me. Because of you I had to stay locked in all week while you were having your ass washed. Not only that but I got an extra fifty whacks a night because I didn't teach you the rules. The next time you fuck up I'm going to beat the shit out of you and wipe the floor with you. I may be small but I can certainly kick your ass. And while we are on the subject you will start addressing me with a yes mam or a no mam and the next time I hear you telling me to fuck off I'm going to punch your lights out. Do you understand me!" the small young girl vented her fury.

"Fuck you."

Rebecca then went into the bathroom and returned with a large wooden bath brush and proceeded to beat some sense into the stupid girl. She stopped, looking at the clock and it was 5:45. "Get dressed now you stupid bitch or I'm going to finish the job!"

Tamara crawled back to her bed and pulled on her dress and put on sandals. Too beaten to fight back she barely had the second sandal on when the hall monitor showed up.

"Ok you two, your mothers are here." she said and handed Rebecca the leash.

Rebecca wiped her brow and attached the leash to Tamara's collar and then to her wristlet and presented it to the monitor for locking.

"What happened to her?" the monitor asked.

"She fell." Rebecca said wiping her other brow.


Mrs. Tanner was shocked at Tamara's appearance. She didn't say anything, having been informed by Miss Whitman.

"Come along Tamara." Mrs. Tanner said leading the girl by the leash. The ride home was a quiet one.

Once home Mrs. Tanner took Tamara to her room and chained the girl to the ring in the bedroom with sufficient chain to reach the bathroom.

At seven Mrs. Tanner got the girl and brought her down for supper. After feeding her, Mrs. Tanner took the teenager back to her room and gave her an enema.

"Mom, she looks bad." Steve commented.

"Are you sure this school is the right thing?" Beth asked.

"I hope so. So far, however, she hasn't sassed me once."

"She doesn't look like she has the strength." Steve said.

"Well the school said that she had been in continuous punishment for attempted escape for 3 days. Then her roommate beat her up since the roommates are paired up and both receive discipline for infractions of the rules. I saw the roommate, a skinny little black girl that doesn't look a day over 13." Mrs. Tanner said.

"I'm going to go up and talk to her." Beth said.


"Hi." Beth said entering her little sister's room.

The sulking Tamara just looked up briefly.

"Well I see that you still haven't learned to follow rules. You had better learn soon. From the looks of it you won't last in prison."

"What the hell did I do to deserve this?" Tamara said lifting the chain up.

"Sex and dope."

"Like you didn't fuck around either. And there is no way that mom can say she was a virgin when she got married either."

"She wasn't. And yes I fucked around and got caught and punished a few times. Got busted smoking pot too. But you don't seem to learn your lesson. After I got busted smoking I quit. Haven't touched it since. And although I have a boyfriend now, when I was 16 like you and got busted I was real careful to not get caught and that usually meant not getting to have sex very often. I knew once I moved out of the house and went to college there would be plenty of time for that. Sure enough there was. College is great, no mom breathing down my neck every time I bring a guy home. I can stay out all night if I want too. However as I have gotten older I've also realized there is a price to pay for that too. Many times I've blown exams from being hung over so I've cut back my drinking to weekends only now. And after missing a few periods and having had one abortion I realized I've got to be careful with sex too. I'm not ready to have kids yet and you sure aren't."

"So what, you're saying that if I don't have sex and don't do any drugs that when I turn 18 I can do all I want?"

"More or less. However you have already pushed everyone too far, including the law. Next time you get arrested it is off to prison for you."

"Might as well be now. I stay locked up day and night and they beat us and starve us in that damned school."

"Better than prison. At least when you start behaving you'll get out. In prison it is one way. You go in but you don't come out. That school is but a small taste of it. At least you get to come home on weekends now, if you get put in prison you won't. Did you take your shower?"


"Good." Beth said and got the dildo plug and greased it.

Tamara decided it was best not to fight it and lay down on the bed and spread her cheeks. Her sister worked the plug in easily, Tamara's asshole now getting used to the plug. The belt was attached and then locked on and the plug bolted in place.

"See that wasn't so bad. You didn't fight me. You should try that at school and I'll bet they don't give you so much punishment."

"They whip me for misspelling words. Twenty whacks for each word."

"Guess you had better study then. And your roommate sure seems perturbed with you. What did you do to her?"

"She got whipped every night I was in solitary."

"Not good. Guess you had better stay out of solitary."

"I wish I could but they make it so difficult."

"From what I heard you tried to run away." Beth said.

"What was I supposed to do, just lie there and let the damned teacher beat the hell out of my ass?"

"Would have been better than what you got for attempted escape."

"Maybe. But every time you scream during an academic whipping they just start over."

"Don't scream then. Look little sister, you've been a real problem for mom, our brother, me and everyone else. You've reached the end of the road and everyone is tired of putting up with it. Now you are going to find things twice as tough so if you want to have any hope of getting out of the mess you are in then you had better play by the rules." Beth said and snapped the lock on the ankle chain.


Monday morning found Tamara across Miss Allman's punishment table getting forty whacks with a whip for misspelling. Tamara bit her tongue until it bled to keep from screaming at the pain of it. Making it through she sat gingerly down as they class proceeded through the rest of the day. Having at least studied the math lesson for the weekend she correctly answered that as Miss Allman called upon her.

That evening after the last class the hall matrons reattached her collar to Rebecca's wrist manacles. Rebecca led her new slave to the cafeteria to eat supper. Quiet and without a word Tamara did as she was told, cleaning her plate as told to by Rebecca. Upon arrival at their room the hall guard was called and the chastity belt was unlocked.

As Rebecca was unbolting the butt plug she spoke, "You have done real well today. I'm sorry about last week but I had had all I could take of you."

"I'm sorry mistress and I will do better this week, I promise." Tamara said trying to make sure she showed some humility. Not that she couldn't take Rebecca in a fair fight she knew full well if she won the guards would beat her senseless. Better to let Rebecca rule.

"Good. I'm glad to see you are finally beginning to get the idea that this is the last stop before prison. I didn't tell you but I've spent 60 days in the slam before and it wasn't pleasant. I've screwed up since then but I don't intend to end up there again. I was beaten and broom fucked in the big house. Being a nice, sweet little girl isn't an advantage in there. I most certainly do NOT like to eat smelly dyke cunt." she said as she prepared the enema bag.

Tamara bent over and grabbed her ankles and waited as Rebecca greased her asshole. The tip slid in easily even though it was over an inch wide. When the bag was empty Rebecca put it into the sink and said, "You can start washing it up when you finish."

"Yes mistress." Tamara politely answered.

"My o' my what has got into you. So respectful this week." Rebecca took the wooden bath brush and gave Tamara twenty hard whacks while Tamara remained folded over holding the three-quart enema.

"Thank you mistress." Tamara said, fighting back the tears.

"You're welcome twat." Rebecca rehung the bath brush. She then reached under and twiddled Tamara's clit which produced and almost immediate orgasm. "You're sure hot tonight. Now empty yourself."

"Yes mistress."

After showering Rebecca plugged Tamara up and shackled her to the bed. Then Rebecca showered and came back in the room and forced Tamara to service her.


The next morning the guard came in and unbolted Tamara's butt plug from the chastity belt. She noticed the content smile on Rebecca's face.

"So she must be behaving now."

"Yes mam." Rebecca said.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.