Published: 9-2-2012
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Sweet fresh water slid down my parched throat as I bent over and drank from the spigot, cooling my mouth and moistening my arid throat, bringing blessed relief I'd desperately needed. Bending over further, I let the cold water run over the back of my head and neck. It felt like an ice shower, heaven in this 118 degree heat. Straightening, residual water ran down my chest, dampening and darkening my polo shirt, and trickled teasingly down my spine making me shiver. The cool relief felt wonderful.
The smell of brine floated on the air from the sea, seagulls swooped and cried out a melody to the rhythmic cadence of the surf crashing in and hissing out, crashing in and hissing out; a hypnotic and relaxing sound.
For a moment I took a break. Deep aquamarine swells moved with metronomic precision across the bay. My speed boat bobbed from the remains of yesterday's storm, tugging at the mooring lines like a stubborn puppy trying to get loose from its leash to chase after a bird. Unusually white sand twinkled with diamond-like sparks in the sun; heat shimmering, an invisible blanket hovering and distorting inches above it. I felt good. I loved living here, my little corner of heaven.
Bending back to reconstructing the wall brought down by the storm, I slapped mortar and shaped it, placing bricks, tapping and aligning, altogether mindless work that had a particularly rewarding feeling as the waist-high wall rose again. I thought back to last week.
The cell phone call had come as I was deep into writing. Sitting hunched over the laptop wracking my brain from an unusual lack of inspiration, the ceiling fan wheezed as it turned lazily providing no relief from the heat, while sweat slipped between my shoulder blades. I'd been jolted by the ring of an old-fashioned British telephone, my cell jittering across the ash wood desk. I managed to grab it as it made a desperate suicidal dash towards the edge.
"My I speak to Mr. Stevens?" a pleasant voice asked, deep, male, polite, and somewhat officious.
"Mr. Chet Stevens?" it asked.
"Are there many Stevens with this phone number?" I inquired. His question seemed quite stupid. I wondered if he realized it.
"Ah. Quite. Sorry." He said with a tinge of embarrassment. "My name is Peters. I am an attorney and executor of your sister-in-law's estate."
There was a pause as if he was waiting for me to talk. I didn't recall him asking a question. "Well done then," I finally said to break the silence. Perhaps it would jump-start him.
It may have confused him, Mr. Peters, attorney at law. After a few moments hesitation he continued. "Yes, well. Hmm. Let me see. Oh, I am executor of your sister-in-law's estate..."
"Was there something specific you needed to talk to me about Mr. Peters?" I interrupted, staring out through the slatted glass window at Banana plant leaves and palm fronds rustling in the breeze. Leaning forward I opened the window slats, cool breeze finally accomplishing what the ceiling fan couldn't, air circulation.
"I do apologize. Let me see. Your sister-in-law, Mary Stevens passed away last week. An unfortunate accident I'm afraid. My condolences, sir."
I'd been told of her death in an email from an old acquaintance. It hadn't really meant anything to me. I'd met her once at my brother's funeral eleven years ago and we hadn't hit it off, so I'd had no reason to connect again. All I remember was a pretty brunette with a haughty attitude and not enough grief. Besides, she lived in Nova Scotia. I lived in the Virgin Islands. We didn't share the same social circles.
Mr. Peters continued, "Mary has bequeathed you a rather large sum of money Mr. Stevens."
Well that was a shock. "Why? We didn't really know each other."
"Ah. Yes, well you see... you say you didn't know each other?" he asked in surprise.
"Not really, met once."
"Most unusual. Hmm. Most unusual," he muttered. "Well then," he continued in a brisker tone, "you might be surprised to learn you have a niece. And you might be even more surprised to learn you've been named her guardian."
That woke me up from the stultifying conversation. A niece? Me? Her guardian? "Are you sure?" I asked leaning back from the desk.
"Yes, quite sure Mr. Stevens. Her will was very specific. You are...," I heard papers being shuffled, "Tina's guardian."
As I placed the final brick in the wall, tamping it down with some satisfaction and stretching an aching back, I looked at my watch, three-thirty. I'd need to get moving soon. I had Tina arriving at five sixteen and a twenty-five minute boat ride to get to the airport. More like forty I thought, looking at the swells a final time. Better get a move on.
I pulled my polo shirt off as I entered the combination kitchen/breakfast room/den, the largest room in my house, pausing for a moment to appreciate the recently installed professional grade brushed chrome appliances and ash wood cabinetry. I loved cooking. It provided the immediate gratification writing did not; writing novels was a long process that frustrated me frequently. Pulling open the frosted glass fridge door I grabbed a Perrier and dropped my damp shirt on the speckled gray granite counter, putting one hand on its cool surface, using it as a heat sink to cool my sweaty hand while drinking deeply from the bottle.
I didn't really need the four-and-a-half million dollars from Mary's estate. It felt like a bribe, Mary telling me from the grave 'Take care of my daughter and I'll pay you'. I didn't need money. Actually, thinking about it, I didn't really need a niece either.
Mr. Peters had advised me Tina was ten years old, almost eleven, and, after shuffling through and consulting more papers, would be ready to fly out the following week, and no, she did not have any other relatives who could take her in, he added with some distain at my question.
Oh well. I liked kids, so it wasn't that much of an imposition. I'm home all the time and have plenty of space. The income from being published three years ago had surprised me. But I liked writing; it was more like a hobby than a job. Having a niece would be okay. I'm not a hermit and liked company even though I lived with the isolation and beauty of Peter Island. It seemed to add to my creativity, inspire me.
Grabbing my damp shirt, I headed to the shower.
Tina heard the grind of landing gear being deployed as she stared out the window. Crystal clear turquoise and deep blue water sparkled, sandbanks punctuating the sea with bright underwater commas, long white wakes of tiny motor boats looking like brush strokes on the fascinating canvas, and islands, small and large, grew as the plane descended. She heard the thunk of landing gear locking in place and tightened her seat belt, wondering what Uncle Chet would be like.
The Boeing 737 tilted, twisted and bounced as it carved through the hot dense sea level air. Tina watched turquoise water flash by like the rapids of a river, blurred trees slipping by, the runway appearing, and felt the plane hit the runway in the seat of her pants. Her enjoyment of the sights faded as worry stole in. What would living here be like? She was nervous, feeling slight discomfort in her stomach at the uncertainty ahead.
It had been hard enough when mom died. She hadn't liked living with the neighbours while the legal process sorted itself out. At first, after getting over the shock, she'd been glad to find out she had an uncle. Though why mom never told her about him she didn't understand.
The initial excitement of hearing he lived in the Virgin Islands, visions of clean beaches, surf and palm trees faded when she realised she'd have to leave her friends behind.
"Welcome to the British Virgin Islands. The local temperature is 105 degrees and time is now five twenty. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Thank you for flying American Airlines."
Tina grabbed her backpack as she stood. A stewardess squeezing by passengers in the narrow aisle stopped in front of her. "Tina, could you please wait here? We have someone coming to escort you," she said with a nice smile.
"Okay." Sitting down, she felt a rush of hot humid tropical air flood the cool cabin as the doors opened. Little butterflies flitted though her stomach. Will Uncle Chet be nice? Will he look like the pictures of dad? She'd never known dad; he'd died before she was born. But the photos she treasured, the ones in her back pack, showed him as a handsome, dark haired man, medium height and medium build with a slim muscular body of a Canadian Armed Forces soldier, which he'd been.
Sometimes she missed him, even though she'd never known him. She often dreamed of what life would have been like if he had been alive. Would mom have been different? Did she love him? She wondered how mom might have been if she'd been warmer, not the cool, distant mom she was, occupied with social life all the time. Sometimes she'd felt like mom treated her as an after-thought, almost an imposition.
I spotted Tina being led by an official, a burly grandfatherly man, as they exited the customs and baggage area, blue back pack over one shoulder and pulling a green hard-sided suitcase on wheels behind her. She was looking around with apprehension, a slight frown visible between her eyebrows.
I made my way over to them, suddenly feeling nervous. Well, this was it; responsibility for the first time in my life. Looking at Tina I felt sorry for her. It must be hard, I thought, to be alone, lose your mother and be in a strange place meeting a stranger.
"Hi." I smiled. "Tina?"
Tina looked at Uncle Chet. Immediate relief flooded her. He looked just like dad's photos, familiar from the hours and hours she'd studied them dreaming. His hair was slightly longer and shaggy, but he had the same build and exactly the same smile, broad, friendly, gentle.
"Hi," she said shyly.
"Are you Mr. Stevens?" her grandfatherly escort asked.
"Yes, that's me."
"Could I see some identification, sir?"
"Sure. Here." I fished out my driver's license while studying Tina. I thought she looked like most ten year olds, small, slim and a bit lanky, wearing jeans, sneakers, and a nice simple short-sleeved cream blouse with a pink sweater knotted over her shoulders. She seemed hesitant. Long straight dark brown hair was pushed behind her ears, bangs at the front, pretty I guess. Tina definitely had our family eyes, irises of dark brown with small flecks of gold. She looked nervous.
"Thank you sir." The official handed back my driver's licence before turning and leaving.
I held out my hand. "I'm Chet. Nice to meet you Tina," I said smiling. Her hand was small and damp with nervousness.
"Hi Uncle Chet." She liked his smile. It was gentle and comforting for some reason. She felt the butterflies in her stomach settle a bit.
"So Niece Tina, could you do me a big favour and just call me Chet? If you do, I'll call you Tina. This whole Uncle thing is a bit too new. Besides, I'm too young to be an Uncle." I gave her my best smile.
The smile that grew on her face blew me away. It was as if her whole personality changed. Suddenly Tina's eyes were sparkling, dimples formed and bright white teeth made an appearance. Stunning, quite stunning. Very definitely pretty.
"Sure, if you like... Chet." She felt relief flood through her for some reason. He was warm and friendly, nice. She hadn't realised how worried she'd been that he'd be cold and remote like mom.
The arrivals lounge was now noisy and filling with people, squeals of happy reunions cutting through the air, people waving to get the attention of relatives, and pale-skinned tourists looking hesitant and lost.
I led Tina through the crowds, holding her hand and pulling her suitcase, dodging around clusters of people to make my way towards the exit. A wall of hot humid air greeted us as we left and I led Tina away from the terminal.
"Where's your car?" Tina asked when Chet led her away from the parking lot. She liked his grin. Somehow he looked like a little kid with a secret.
"Do you like water?" I wondered how she'd react to a boat ride. Didn't everyone like to be on water? Go fast? I did.
"Uh-huh. Why?" Tina felt her blouse stick to her back uncomfortably with the sudden humidity. Even though it was early evening it was hot. She smelled salt water, briny and nice. It almost felt like she was on holiday. The last of her tension melted away as she pulled her sweater off her shoulders.
"We're going by boat," I said, grinning. I loved my Fountain 35 Lightning, thirty-five feet of pure raw power. It was the only toy I owned and I could never get enough of it. It was new, bought seven months ago, and I still had that little boy glee every time I heard the twin powerplants fire up with a deep rumble. Feeling the boat slam into the swells as my eyes watered from the wind was one of my joys. Even the g-force of tight turns tickled me, so much so I'd carve esses through the sea just for fun.
"Here we are," I said leading Tina to the dock. "Hey Julius! All gassed up?" I yelled to the attendant.
"Yup. Ready to go Mr. Stevens."
Tina grinned. Look at that! Big boat, long, sleek, fire engine red, white well-padded seats. Looks like fun!
Tina's laughter was heart-warming when the growl of the twin powerplants changed into a roar, g-force from the sudden acceleration shoving us back into the seats, the prow rising majestically and thumping down onto the sea as it planed out. Like a greyhound let loose, the Fountain surged, exploding with speed, water spraying up in a magical twinkling curtain of diamonds, cooling as they dampened my face. I grinned. Fantastic.
We left a long curving wake in the turquoise sea behind us as I headed out of Trellis Bay, heading West with throttles three quarters open, the boat rising and thumping down, muscling through the swells with brute force.
"Fun!" Tina yelled, thrilled with the power and speed of the boat. She'd never experienced anything like it! Water and wind cooled her as she grinned, watching the Caribbean Sea rush by in a blur of turquoise. It was like being on an amusement park ride!
Tina's pure enjoyment was wonderful to watch, dark hair streaming out and fluttering in the wind. She bounced in her seat as we crashed through the late afternoon swells. Her grin was stunning. I thought I might like having her around. I felt a connection to her and, from the brief exposure to her so far, liked the personality that was appearing. Perhaps companionship would be nice for a change.
Tina woke slowly. Bright sun streamed through the window and sounds of Chet in the kitchen filtered through her door. She knew he was making coffee and some sort of surprise for breakfast.
The last two months had been eye-opening. She felt a tug of shame as she thought about how happy she was; so much happier than she'd been at home with mom. Chet was amazing. Unlike mom, he wanted to spend time with her and he liked her. She grinned as she thought about what a little boy he was. He seemed to get pleasure from the dumbest things and constantly tried to bug her.
Stretching, she yawned before pulling the cool sheets aside and slipping out of bed, heading to the en suite bathroom. Like everything else in the house it was tasteful. Large bathtub, separate glass shower with four gleaming chrome shower heads that sprayed water from above and the sides, which she hadn't quite figured out how to work, white tiled floor cool on her feet, rose-pink marble counters, matching toilet and bidet, and a big, big mirror behind the sink.
She giggled, almost choking herself as she brushed her teeth, remembering how Chet had grinned in pure enjoyment when she'd tried to drink her orange juice a couple of days ago. Not knowing it had a hidden opening, OJ had poured down her front as she tipped it to her lips. "Asshole" she'd said laughing as she went to change, Chet's laughter chasing her.
She was beginning to cotton on when he had something up his sleeve. His look of complete innocence couldn't hide the twinkle of gold specks in his dark brown irises. He had a personality that made her so comfortable. She was completely at ease around him. He made no demands, cared a lot, paid attention to what she talked about and even seemed interested. Chet was a gentle guy, too. She couldn't find one speck of selfishness in him. Yeah, the last two months had been the best, she thought.
"Hey Tina! Crapps for breakfast!" I said as she entered the kitchen.
"Crêpes, Chet, not crapps," she said grinning, heading for the cupboard for plates to set the table. "What kind?"
"Sea food. Delicate shrimp lightly sautéed with lumps of fresh lobster in a creamy lemon garlic reduction."
"For breakfast?" Was he nuts?
"Yeah, okay. So sue me. I forgot to shop. Actually, you forgot to remind me to shop," I claimed. Tina's grin was amazing. It brightened up my day. I watched her set the kitchen table with competence.
Since she'd arrived I found myself trying to find ways to make her grin. It lit up something inside me every time she did. She was such a pleasure to have around. Sometimes I wondered if she ever got depressed or sad. If she did, I'd never seen it. It hadn't taken long for me to be completely relaxed around her, she made it so easy. Tina was bright and inquisitive and, even more amazing, she seemed to have the same interests I did. She even had the same sense of humour!
"Shopping today?" she asked as she took a bite of 'crapps'. Hmm. Fish for breakfast wasn't bad, but the orange juice didn't go with it.
"Yup. If we don't it'll be crapps for lunch and crapps for dinner."
"Can we go to Tortola to shop?" Another ride in the boat would be fun. Chet always grinned so much when he was in the boat. It made him so boyishly handsome.
"Sure. Anything special you need there?" I liked the idea of a boat ride. "Hey, how about we pick up something for lunch, too. We'll go to Mingo Cay to eat. There's this incredible beach that's absolutely deserted."
"Okay. Um... I need some clothes too, if that's okay," Tina said. She needed some underwear and stuff.
Laying on the deserted beach, warm sun adding to the bronze her skin had turned over the past couple of months, soft sand conforming to her body underneath, Tina smiled, relaxed as Chet raced through the water in a strong smooth crawl, almost metronomic in its precision. 'Bet I can swim across to Grass Cay and back in less than ten minutes' he claimed with a grin. It was maybe a hundred metres away for god sake! Five minutes should be more than enough even for her!
She raised her head with a hand over her brow to shade her eyes, watching him rise from the sea, water cascading down his slim physique, sunlight dancing and winking on his body.
"Twelve and a half," she yelled out, grinning and sitting up to watch him as he approached.
"Really? It felt much faster than that." It did. Maybe I needed to exercise more. Ah, fooled again. "You almost had me if you hadn't giggled," I told her, smiling. "Besides, you couldn't even make it half way across without those inflatable arm bands to keep you afloat." I flopped down on my front next to her, head resting on my arms to look at her.
"Asshole." What a twit. Shopping had been fun. He'd surprised her when he'd handed her money and told her to buy her stuff while he went grocery shopping. She'd never been clothes shopping alone. A small blush rose.
I watched Tina jump up and run into the water, diving into the sea gracefully and swim with strong steady strokes. She was like an otter, slipping through the water, arms moving as her shoulders rolled, legs kicking strongly propelling herself across the narrows between the cays.
I lay naked on my back in bed, the thump and hiss of surf drifting through my open window on the night breeze. Holding my erection unashamedly, stroking it slowly, I pictured Tina on the beach. I couldn't help it, my reaction had been so, so strong. She'd bought a light blue bikini and I'd been surprised to see small mounds on her chest larger than I'd thought. Rising from the sea, I'd been even more surprised at how prominent her pussy was between her closed legs as she lay on her towel. The way it mounded and pushed against her bikini was so sexy.
She'd sat up, knees pulled up as I walked up the beach and the sight had given me an immediate erection. Her little pussy pouted seductively between slim thighs. With the bikini tightly stretched, a clearly visible camel toe emerged between plump labia that led my eyes down to where her bikini had slipped between her white buttocks. From that angle the way her bikini hugged her vulva with deep creases at the side was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen. Tina, my niece!
I stroked myself faster, precum adding to my stimulation as I pictured her when she'd risen from the surf, chest panting. She'd swept her wet darkened hair up and over her head with a toss. It was almost a frozen moment, head back, face pointed to the sky, and a wet powder blue bikini plastered to her body. I could see her small breasts clearly outlined and her tiny nipples poking in an unlined top. Water had plastered her bikini bottoms to her pussy. I saw every detail, her plump sexy v-shape, the dimple at the top of her cleft, the roundness of her labia as they swept down between the wide gap at her crotch, water dripping from her vulva. I even thought I saw the bump of her clitoris.
I stroked myself faster feeling my climax build, replaying how her hips and pelvis moved as she walked towards me. The intensely feminine movement, a seductive side to side movement, made her pussy come alive, moving around, squeezing and pouting. I wondered what it would feel like to cup that small pussy in my hand. Semen tore up my erection to spurt over my stomach as my climax hit. Sexual pleasure pulsed as I stroked myself hard, cum spitting out in wondrously satisfying ropes until, panting, I slowed, calmed and stopped.
Relaxed, I let the sounds of the night lull me into a satisfied sleep, thinking of Tina.
Tina lay in bed, knees raised and legs parted as she touched herself over her new panties. She'd seen Chet's erection and it had excited her somehow. He was looking at her when he got hard and it had made her nipples tingle.
Slipping her hand up, she wormed her fingers under the waistband, tracing the few soft pubic hairs that had just started appearing. Holding her pussy she squeezed herself as she pictured how Chet's penis had grown and pushed sideways across towards his hip. She started caressing her slit, drawing moisture up, as she pictured the head of his erection so starkly outlined.
Panting quietly, she diddled her clitoris with fast finger movements as she imagined seeing his erection, imagined it slowly lengthen in that bathing suit towards his navel. Her climax surged through her small body, hips hunching and thighs clamping shut as she wondered how it would feel pressed against her, Chet excited by her, delicious pulses of pleasure flooding her as her hips jerked, small quiet breaths expelled with each pulse.
Slowly her climax passed and calm and peace suffused her. Pulling up the cool sheet, panties moist, she let the soft, rhythmic sounds of the surf pull her to sleep.
Tina stretched and yawned. She felt great, had slept well and it was another bright sunny day. She still loved the briny smell of the sea; it made her feel like she was on a holiday every time she'd inhale it. All in all she felt happier than she'd ever felt. She grinned remembering masturbating last night and felt a twinge of arousal. It had been one of the best cums. Imagine, she'd turned Chet on!
Brushing her teeth, she grinned again. Chet may be her uncle, but her relationship was so not uncle-like. He was so not an adult like the ones back in Nova Scotia. There was a boyish youthfulness about him and, with his gentleness, she felt completely at home around him. Even the sudden sexual attraction that had surprised her yesterday, felt okay. She liked the little tingles of arousal she felt thinking about him.
"Well there you are," I said as Tia made an appearance. "Get busy, set the table, make toast. This isn't a holiday camp you know," I added just to bug her. She did it every day anyway.
"Asshole," she said grinning. Then walked up to him and hugged him from behind as he turned bacon in a frying pan. "Thanks, Chet," she said.
"For what? These fine bacon and eggs?" I asked. I liked her hug. It felt good. It felt right. Made me feel warm.
"For taking me in, jeez."
I turned and hugged her. I knew what she meant. I could see it in her. I could see how relaxed she was being here. And, all said and done, I liked it and I liked having her with me, a lot. "It's good to have you here Tina. Really good."
"So what's the plan for today" she asked extricating herself reluctantly from his hug.
"I've got to get some writing done, sorry." I could feel my creative juices flowing and wanted to capture them before they did a bunk on me.
Tina wandered into Chet's bedroom. She'd agreed to do laundry this morning while he worked. It was her first time in his room and, like the rest of the house, it was tastefully decorated. Soft pastel blue walls, almost aqua coloured, large bed with a simple white on white patterned bedspread, bed made she noted, dark hardwood floors and a sliding glass door leading out to the back yard. Out of pure interest she wandered over to a side table and flipped through the pile of magazines. National Geographic, The Economist, and, with a grin, saw Playboy half way down. Pulling it out she saw it was an issue from 1998, older than she was. Even more surprising was it looked like it was hardly read. She flipped through, grinning at the silicone monsters sported by the bleach-blond centrefold.
She replaced it carefully and wondered if he had any dirty movies hidden around. Didn't all guys have them? She grinned at the vision of Chet watching a porn movie.
Peeking into his bathroom, a larger one like hers but with white marble, she saw towels piled on the floor which she grabbed. Back in the bedroom she hunted around and finally found his dirty clothes tossed inside the closet, picked them up and left.
So he wears boxers. Next to her tiny panties they looked huge she thought as she sorted clothes.
Giggling disrupted my concentration. Deep belly laughter drew me out of my study. I followed the now gasps and laughs, smiling at the pure delight of their sound.
"I'm so..." She bent, tears streamed down her cheeks with loud guffaws. "Sorr... Sorry Chet," she finally managed to get out holding up pink boxers, giggling uncontrollably, imagining Chet in them. "How do you feel about pink?" she asked and burst into laughter again, dropping them and holding her sides. "Sorry, sorry," she gasped.
She had me chuckling. I preferred my boxers white thank you. "You can wear them" I said over my shoulder as I went back to work, chuckling every so often at the memory of her laughter. It was a lovely memory.
Relaxing in the late afternoon sun, still burningly hot, sitting on a chair in a swim suit, I rubbed my bare feet through the rough, sharp, wide blades of Bahia grass. A gentle sea breeze stirred the big wind-torn fronded leaves on the Banana trees, small cotton-ball clouds scudded through the sky. It was another perfect day and I'd made good progress with the novel. Tina caught my eye as she climbed out of the Fountain and walked to the end of wood pier jutting out from the white sand into the azure sea. I watched her small bottom as she walked, perky buttocks moving in counterpoint under a white bikini, another new purchase, I thought. She looked lovely as she dived gracefully into the sea, her bottom curving, rounding as she bent mid-dive.
A vision of her laughing with tears streaming down her face popped into my mind and made me smile again. She looked pretty when she laughed like that. Then again, she was a pretty girl I thought, very attractive. Good company. All things considered, I was glad she'd come to live with me. She made me realise I no longer liked the solitude as much as I had thought.
My breath caught as she walked out of the surf. Her bikini had become translucent. She was stunningly pretty, a nymph, so attractive I started to get an erection. As she walked up the sand, hips undulating gently I saw her small breasts, not even espresso cup sized, with dark shadows of areolae. While she had only the beginning of a waist, the gentle curve of her hips, the sides of her bottom and her slim shapely thighs added a seductiveness to her body.
Walking towards me across the lawn I saw her pussy and, when I saw the cleft that separated her labia my erection was complete. I had no trouble whatsoever picturing her naked and the image was very, very nice. No, better than very nice, fabulous! Incredible! I quickly put my hands in my lap and tried to look casual.
The breeze felt good as it cooled her wet body. She knew she'd itch like crazy when salt dried on her skin. But for now it felt good. Soft sand squeezed between her toes as she walked up the beach. Looking at Chet sitting quietly with just a swim suit on and smiling made her feel warm. He was so easy-going she thought, so easy to like.
Smiling as she walked across the lawn towards him to get her towel, she giggled when she saw him watching her body intently. How nice. Looking down, she saw her bikini and stopped suddenly. Jeez, you could almost see right through it! Sneaking a quick glance at Chet she saw the bulge of his penis. Heat stirred inside her. Moving fast, she tugged her towel off the ground and wrapped it around her. "Get a good eyeful?" she asked grinning, noting him try to hide his reaction.
"Well yes as a matter of fact. And I have to say..." Hmm, can't say that.
"Oh. I was going to say I feel like a drink. Care to make like a woman and get me a beer?" I smiled to her.
"Asshole," she politely said over her shoulder as she walked to the kitchen's sliding glass door with what appeared to be a deliberate wiggle of her perky little bottom.
While she was gone, I ran and dived off the pier, cool saltwater bringing instant relief from the heat. Stroking hard I swam out a hundred metres, turned and swam back, climbed into the boat and sprawled out on the front deck. I felt better with some of the energy released, and more presentable.
"Here" Tina said handing him a Carib beer as she climbed onto the front deck. She sipped her coke as she studied Chet laid out on his back, up on his elbows staring at the sea. It was interesting to her. He had a swimmers body, slim hips with a clear v-shape up to his shoulders. But he wasn't big, five nine? She grinned when she spotted the outline of his penis in his wet swim suit. It wasn't erect anymore.
I lay for a while, sipping the cool beer, enjoying Tina's companionable silence and the gentle rocking of the boat as it moved with the swells. When I started feeling drowsy, I decide it was time for another dip.
"Come on. Let's swim before dinner." I leaned over and, pulling Tina up by the hand, bent, grabbed her by her waist and threw her as hard as I could overboard. Her scream made me grin as I dived in after her.
"You ASSHOLE!" she screamed when she surfaced laughing and sputtering. She grabbed onto him when he swam up to her, holding him around his neck while she coughed up the last of the salt water.
When she finally calmed, still grinning, she saw little gold flecks of boyish amusement sparkle in his eyes, pure mischief. Without thinking, she pulled herself close and kissed him on his lips. Mmm, soft sexy lips.
If I hadn't been using my hands and legs to keep us afloat, I think I might have grabbed Tina and kissed her hard. She gave me the sweetest of kisses, chaste with lips closed, not too lingering but enough that I felt it to my toes. And, before I could even try to grab her, she pushed off and swam to the beach. I treaded water and watched the remarkable sexy sway of her small bottom as she walked to the house. My erection returned suddenly when I saw the dark shadow of her butt crack.
Dinner was nice. We ate outdoors on the patio, grilled blackened swordfish with a lime and butter reduction, new potatoes and baby green salad. There was a pleasant sexual tension in the air. She hadn't said anything about the kiss. Neither had I even though it was close to mind. But there was no shyness either. It was gently arousing to look at Tina with appreciative eyes. She had an innocent sexiness about her that was very attractive.
Sipping an ice cold Fumé Blanc as the sun set behind us, I could see distant clouds on the horizon. Perhaps we were in for some tropical rain tomorrow.
"Could I have a glass?" Tina asked as she took a bite. "Good," she mumbled with her mouth full of swordfish.
"Sure. I'll get you one."
Chet placed the half-filled glass of wine in front of her, condensation collecting on the sides. It was interesting that he didn't say no. She was sure her mom would have. "So how come you let me have wine?" she asked, taking a sip. Huh. Dry and not very sweet. Weird.
"Why shouldn't you? It's entirely acceptable in Europe," I answered.
Several bites later Tina took another sip of wine and spoke, breaking the companionable silence. "It's not too bad. So should I be ashamed?
I looked at her inquiringly. She added, "for kissing you," with no apparent embarrassment.
"God, it was an awful kiss, you should," I said with a grin.
"You're a real asshole," she replied with a sweet smile.
I had a vivid image in my mind as I masturbated in bed; Tina in a white bikini rising from the sea, small breasts and tiny hard nipples, starkly outlined pussy with a seductive dark cleft. I came hard imagining her pressing her small body to me, pulling my face down and kissing me chastely as I held her small buttocks in my hands, semen spurting as I stroked myself.
Cleaned up, relaxed in an afterglow of a satisfying climax, I wondered what it might be like to hold her in my arms. And, with a smile on my face, I drifted into a deep sleep.
Tina lay on her front, hand at her crotch, panties hanging off one knee as she replayed the kiss. Chet's lips were so soft. She caressed her inflamed clit that peeked between her lips, dreaming of Chet holding her bottom in the water as she kissed him, his hands slipping up to her waist and burrowing under the waist band, slipping over her buttocks, his fingertips tracing her butt crack. Her finger rubbed urgently, hips hunching as her climax hit her, dreaming of Chet tracing her cleft lightly and touching her clit, Chet telling her how sexy she was, how much he wanted her, her breath puffing into her pillow until, slowly, her climax ebbed.
Leaving her panties on one knee, she hugged the pillow imagining it was Chet and let sleep creep over her.
"Hey Tina! Sleepy head! It's almost eight!" I yelled passing her room. In the kitchen, surprisingly light-hearted, I stuck my head into the fridge to see what might tempt me this morning. When inspiration didn't strike, I hunted through the cupboards. Spotting Canadian Maple Syrup, I decided French toast might be just the thing; a taste of home.
Rain dulled the sea into a matte blue-gray and dripped off the Banana plant leaves in big fat drops. It looked like it might rain steadily all morning. The sky was a dull gray, but even that couldn't depress me.
"Hey Tina! Get up!" I yelled as I dropped a knob of butter into the heated frying pan. Where was she?
Moving the pan off the heat I went to her room, knocked and opened the door. "Oh god. Sorry," burst from my mouth as I hastily closed the door.
Mindlessly I made French toast, popped them into the oven to keep warm, and replayed that image over and over, a strong erection throbbing in my jeans. She was half turned away from me, white cotton string bikini panties that hugged her small shapely bottom, a thin strap curving around to her front. She was in the process of pulling a training bra down her chest; it looked sort of like a sports bra. The profile of one petite breast was visible, a perfect seductive mound topped by a dark areola. I'd frozen long enough to see her pull the bra over that small breast and it was so firm it hadn't even changed shape as the bra edge squeezed over it. The last impression I had as I quickly closed the door was a big sexy grin.
"So Chet, what do you think," Tina said as she entered the kitchen.
Looking over my shoulder I studied Tina. A pink cotton spaghetti strap top, subtle mounds of petite breasts, no sports bra and my pink boxers! "Um... Nice, really nice. They look better on you than me," I said with a grin turning back to the stove. Tina was very, very attractive.
Tina watched Chet fiddle with his knife and fork as she ate breakfast, surprised at an apparent hesitancy. He'd looked at her openly when her white bathing suit practically showed everything, yet now he seemed almost embarrassed just because he walked in on her dressing. What's the big deal?
"Gooood," she mumbled with a mouthful of French toast.
I watched a drop of Maple Syrup run down her chin from the edge of her lips, wishing I could lick it up. I hadn't lost my erection; it was tight in my jeans. When she grinned, it made me throb pleasantly.
"Did you like it?" Tina asked after swallowing. The French toast was great she thought. Chet still looked unusually wary for some reason.
"Like what?" I asked, although I suspected what she was asking about.
"Seeing me dress. Did you like it?" He'd closed her door so suddenly. She didn't mind him seeing her. It was sort of sexy, arousing.
I grinned. "Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry. I didn't mean to barge in like that." But boy did I like it. Tina was sexy!
She liked that boyish grin. It made him look so handsome, attractive. "So why didn't you just ask? I don't mind you seeing me. I mean you saw pretty much everything yesterday with the white bikini."
"I didn't see... You don't? Why not?" I was surprised by Tina's openness.
"Cuz I like you. You're cute."
"But you're only ten and I'm old en... I'm cute?"
"Yeah," Tina grinned. "And besides, I liked kissing you."
"I sorta liked it too," I replied, pushing the French toast around my plate as I considered her frankness and remembered her kiss.
"What, the kiss or seeing me dressing?" she asked with a grin.
"Um, both."
"Okay. So tomorrow morning you can watch me get dressed and if you take me shopping again today, I'll kiss you," she said grinning from ear to ear. There was something she'd seen yesterday that she thought Chet might like. A small blush appeared. She felt a stir of horniness at the thought of showing her body to Chet. She liked the idea a lot. She liked him a lot too. His embarrassment was sexy, she decided.
I looked out the sliding glass door. Rain was falling steadily, not an ideal boating day. Oh, what the hell. I wanted another kiss, rather a lot actually. But it was going to be hard to get through the day thinking about tomorrow morning.
"Sure. Shopping it is. But, since it's raining I'll need two kisses; one as a deposit before and one as a 'thank you Chet' after. I mean I'm doing you a favour after all," I said smiling innocently.
"Asshole," she said grinning. "Okay so do it."
"Excuse me young lady. You promised to kiss me, not the other way around," I clarified, rather excited by the prospect.
She stood and came to my side, grinned that amazing grin before leaning over. I watched her mouth as it neared mine and felt a strong pulse in my erection as her soft little lips touched me. Man, I wanted to grab her and do some rather adult things to her.
There was something so arousing seeing her eyes close as she applied soft pressure on my lips, so arousing. I tasted Maple Syrup when she straightened.
"There. Let's go now," she said grinning.
It was a pretty miserable ride into Tortola. Tina hid in the cabin below as rain stung every exposed bit of my skin like a swarm of angry wasps. It took an hour and a half to get there at reduced speed. It hurt too much when I tried opening the throttles. A shame really. With the sea relatively calm, it would have been a hoot to hit top speed.
Mooring at Baughers Bay Marina, I yelled for Tina. Taking her hand I led her to the taxi stand, grabbed a taxi and all too soon, it deposited us across the bay at Waterfront Drive and Flemming Street just as the light rain stopped.
"I need money," Tina advised, adding, "more," when I handed her some bills. "Thanks. Now you go that way," she said, shoving me.
"Go occupy yourself," she said and, as she strolled away she added, "Buy another Playboy or something," giggling.
Where the hell did she... Oh, my bedside. I grinned broadly all the way to a book store and, just for the hell of it bought a Playboy magazine along with a couple of novels I wanted to read. I also checked to see if they had a full stock of my two books.
We ate lunch at Pusser's Pub, burgers and fries, the sky finally clearing and sun beating down bringing on an oppressive humidity. By three I was pulling away from the marina, Tina hanging over the edge of the boat.
"You can actually see the fish Chet!" she said with delight.
"Come on Tina. Strap yourself in."
With Tina safely buckled to the seat, calm seas ahead throwing off blinding sparkles, I opened the throttles, powerplants changing from a rumble into a roar, prow lifting steeply and, as it crashed back to the sea with a spray of water, the Fountain took off like a rocket to screams of delight from the seat next to me. I was grinning from ear to ear myself.
"So what did you buy?" I asked as we ate dinner, fresh Tuna steaks, squid ink pasta and crunchy celery root salad with a dry chardonnay.
Tina grinned as she put her half-filled wine glass down. "None of your bees wax."
"Well I bought a Playboy just like you told me to. Want to see it?"
"No. Well, maybe. Do guys really like big boobs?" Tina asked.
"I guess so. Some do."
"Do you?"
"It depends." I took a last bite of Tuna.
"On what?" she asked quite intrigued.
"Hmm. Well I like breasts the fit the owner I think."
"I don't get it Chet. How?"
"You clear the plates," I said as I pulled the fridge open. "I'll bring desert."
Tina cleared and loaded the dishwasher. "What did you mean 'fit the owner'?"
"Oh. Well every woman's body is different. I like it when all the parts are in balance. So it's not about big or small breasts, it's all about how they fit with the whole body."
"Oh." Tina pondered. Did that mean he'd like her small breasts because she was small? Hmm. Well, she'd find out tomorrow.
Sitting on the patio sipping the last of the Chardonnay, I listened to the quiet sound of evening surf. Stars twinkled across the night sky like pixie dust sown unevenly, a display only seen when there was no city nearby. Tina had gone to bed. I wondered what it was about Tina that attracted me so. Part had to do with the complete ease I felt being around her. I felt no embarrassment at some of the dumb things I'd do. Somehow I knew she accepted them without judgement. But I liked her a lot, a hell of a lot. She seemed cuter every day.
A shadow entered my peripheral vision. Tina slipped into my lap, small hands held my face as soft silky lips kissed me gently, chastely.
"I forgot payment," she said softly before cuddling into me.
With an arm holding her petite body and my lips tingling, I noticed, smiling, she had one of my dress shirts on, sleeves rolled up. She must have stolen it from the laundry. Very cute. I thought I heard her whisper, almost unheard, 'I like you Chet'. I felt totally at peace, caressing her small back and enjoying her nearness.
Putting my empty wine glass down, I carried Tina to her room. Her soft, warm breaths told me she had fallen asleep.
I lay on top of the pillow, holding it, imagining it was Tina's petite body under me as my erection rubbed deliciously against the cool sheet. Precum dampened and lubricated the tip as I hunched my pelvis picturing her naked, my erection sliding along her silky soft tummy and prominent pubic mound. Hunching slowly I imagined her tummy slippery from my precum and my crown sliding over her warm skin, her slim legs wrapped around me. Sighing, I let my orgasm hit me, semen spurting hotly onto the sheet, pleasure coursing through me with each pulse, picturing Tina's petite body splattered with cum.
Without cleaning up, alcohol from the wine and peaceful relief from my climax flooding my body, I let sleep take me away.
"So? Are you coming or what?"
I opened my eyes, sun bright in the bedroom, to see Tina leaning on the door jamb in my dress shirt, slim bare legs, ankles crossed, big grin and messy hair. Remembering why she was there brought on an immediate erection.
"Be right behind you," I said, rolling to the opposite side of the bed and discreetly pulling on my boxers, wishing for jockeys.
"Nuh-uh," Tina said, holding out her hand. She saw his erection as she led him to her room, pushing him gently towards the bed. "You sit there." When she was satisfied he was in the right place she added, "now you can watch me." She felt a spike of excitement as she started unbuttoning her, well, his shirt.
She had my complete attention, rapped attention. Looking down, Tina's hair fell over her shoulders as she unbuttoned the dress shirt. She didn't even look my way and somehow I felt like a voyeur, making it even more exciting. I held my breath when she slipped the shirt off her small shoulders and I saw her petite breasts for the first time. They were stunningly sexy, small, small, perfectly formed and widely spaced, firm with dusky areolae and tiny hard nipples. My erection was throbbing at the sight.
She was wearing white not-quite-bikini cotton panties that formed around and enhanced her pubic mound, just a hint of a camel toe. Without looking at me Tina slipped her fingers under the waist at her sides and, with a small sexy wiggle of her bottom, slipped them down, let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them. I sat frozen to the sight. Tina, no more than three feet in front of me had the sexiest pubis I think I'd ever seen. I could see irregular glossy black pubic hairs, small, soft and partially uncurled sprinkled here and there on her pussy. They stood out in sharp contrast to her untanned white skin. Plump labia formed an amazing cleft that swooped down between the gap of her legs. My erection pulsed strongly at the sight of her clitoral hood peeking out slightly between her lips. Her pussy was so prominent on her slim body and between her legs, so sexy. I wondered what it would be like to hold it in my hand.
She reached to the chair. I almost came as she pulled a white thigh-high stocking up her sexy leg then pulled the second up. There was something intensely arousing about her standing with thigh-high's, lacy patterns at the top and a bare pubis; intensely sexy. My erection was painful.
Still not looking at me, she turned away from me and bent, picking up white panties. I stood quickly and left her room, entered my bathroom and, pulling my boxers down, with one stroke came furiously to the vision of Tina's small bottom rounding as she bent, buttocks spreading slightly to show the shadow of her anus, plump pubis oozing between her thighs, tight cleft, little pubic hairs, a small clitoral hood peeking at me and thigh-high stockings-clad legs. It had been too much, too sexy. As I came hard into the toilet I realized I recognised that pose! Playboy! 1998 Playmate of the Month! Damn!
I took a final bite of my breakfast fruit salad, a sip of coffee and leaned back, enjoying looking at Tina in my white dress shirt and stockings, delicious images drifting through my mind. I had an erection again, tight in my jeans.
"You know I'm not going to be able to get that out of my mind Tina," I said. "It was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Playboy right?"
"Yeah," she grinned. She'd seen the pose in Playboy, the only page with a crease in it. "It was fun. You had an erection the whole time."
"Damn right I did. I'd have to be made of stone not to."
She grinned, took another bite of fruit salad while studying Chet. She really liked him, really, really liked him. She'd become so horny showing him her body she'd gone into the bathroom and masturbated picturing his tented boxers. When she thought about seeing his penis, maybe holding it and stroking it, she'd climaxed. And here she was getting excited again! She could feel the tingle. Somehow he was so boyish and attractive. A pulse of pleasure coursed through her when she wondered if he'd want to have sex with her. Jeez, sex with Chet, her first. That excited her.
Tina grinned. "It meant you wanted to have sex with me. That's okay. I want to have sex with you, too."
That comment shut me up for a while. But, truth be told, I did. I was strongly, strongly attracted to her. There was something about Tina. I was as comfortable with her as I was with an old pair of well worn, beloved slippers. Yet I was as excited by her as if I was a kid again seeing Christmas presents under the tree, thrilled, intrigued and urgently anticipating opening them.
I smiled at Tina. "I guess I do eventually, when you've grown a bit. You're only ten."
"Nah. Sheryl had sex with her friend's older brother and she was only nine," Tina said quite calmly. "I'm almost eleven."
The thought of sex with Tina made my erection strain. I liked the idea, a lot. I wanted to make love to her a lot. What would it be like to make love to someone so young, so small? But I liked the anticipation too. I wanted to unwrap that biggest Christmas present under the tree, Tina, slowly. The sexual tension I felt was incredibly arousing.
"So can we?" she asked with a glint in her eyes.
"Maybe," I answered with a grin, erection hard, hard at her apparent enthusiasm. "But how about we go snorkelling today? Ever snorkelled naked? I know this isolated beach where we can skinny dip."
Tina smiled. "Okay. But only if you ask nicely and kiss me," she said coyly, thrilled at the idea of seeing Chet naked, seeing his erection. What would it look like?
"Well now. Would you please, pretty please swim naked for me?" I asked smiling, excited.
"And the kiss."
"Oh. Right." I pulled her by the hand to stand between my knees, let my hand slip under the dress shirt to hold her petite panty-clad bottom, using pressure with my other hand to guide her pretty face to me. Soft, silky warm lips touched mine, my erection becoming painful. When I touched her lips with my tongue, her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me harder and I almost came when her small tongue touched mine. God she was a sexy little thing.
Breaking the kiss I told her to get ready while I made a picnic.
The sun was hot as I pulled out snorkelling gear from the storage compartment. The boat was tugging at the anchor like a stubborn mule refusing to be led. I'd brought Tina to Flat Cays. It had a small island off the tip with a sandy beach. It wasn't the best snorkelling spot around but it was completely isolated.
The tiny island was surrounded by turquoise seas, shallows dropping off to deep blue. It was small enough for us to circumnavigate with ease.
"Hey! You're still dressed."
Turning, I saw Tina climbing from the below deck cabin, naked, glorious. I had an immediate erection and for some reason felt shy. She hadn't seen me naked. Wondering just what to do, Tina solved my dilemma by walking over to me and pulling my swimming suit down.
She looked at Chet's erection as it popped upright. It seemed bigger when exposed, veins etched on it and it bobbed slightly. Huh. "Better," she said grinning. Nice!
I followed Tina around the island like a love sick puppy as we snorkelled, my erection caressed by cool salt water. My view from behind was intoxicating. Her small buttocks flexed and undulated seductively as she kicked, her small pussy winking at me. It was hard to breathe through the snorkel. Every so often Tina would turn slightly to check I was there and she'd give me these peeks at her delightful little breasts. I had no idea if there were any fish around.
Tuscany ham, radicchio and goat cheese sandwiches had been consumed and hot sun was beating down on me as we lay on our towels. On the lee side of the island small waves lapped at the beach. The air was still, intensifying the heat of the sun. I was enjoying the delicious agony of my erection, having Tina naked next to me and feeling somewhat confused. How had our relationship changed so suddenly to where we were comfortable being naked together? What had happened? I couldn't put my finger on it. Yet here I was with a hard erection, next to Tina, naked as a jailbird, and loving it. Even the thought of sex with her was intensely thrilling. And even more amazing was Tina's complete acceptance of my attraction to her; she seemed to enjoy it judging by her grins; not one hint of apprehension.
Just as I was contemplating another cooling dip Tina rolled onto her side towards me.
Tina thought yet again about life with Chet. She still found it hard to accept it was so good. She really, really liked him. Out of the corner of her eye she looked at his penis, still erect. It had been the whole time. She smiled. She'd almost choked laughing when, looking back as she snorkelled, she'd seen his erection. It looked so funny in the water. But looking at it now it brought back memories of conversations she'd had with her friends. They claimed all boys liked blow jobs and at the time she'd been pretty disgusted at the thought. Somehow, looking at Chet's erection she thought it might actually be fun. Should she give him a blow job? Would he want one? If she did, should she swallow? Would she swallow? It made her horny thinking about it. She did know she wanted to have sex with him, she wanted Chet to be her first.
"So, are we going to have sex now?" she asked, arousal pulsing in her pussy.
"Nope." And seeing her confusion, added, "sand, you know. This isn't the right place. Besides, I'm not aroused" I added, all evidence to the contrary.
"Asshole." A flit of mischief passed through her eyes, she smiled at me. "So can I have a kiss at least?"
Tina raised herself on an arm, leaned over me when I nodded rather eagerly and soft silky lips touched me. I felt her small tongue. In a delightfully sexy kiss, our tongues caressed each other and Tina rolled herself on top of me, trapping my erection against her soft tummy. I let my hands trail down her slim back and up over the sensual rise of her small bottom, trailing my fingertips along the crease of her buttocks. Sliding my hands down further I caressed the back of her slim silky thighs, letting my fingers move to the insides, my erection pulsing. Gently I brought my hands up until the edges of my fingers were nestled against her small pussy, warm and soft, so arousing.
Tina's tongue probed into my mouth when I caressed her closed cleft, feeling the occasional pubic hair. My erection pulsed when I touched her clitoris, a nub under my fingertips nestled in her labia, Tina moaning into my mouth. As I softly caressed her clitoris Tina started moving her body on top of me, small puffs of breath coming through her nose, her silky soft tummy massaging my erection. I drew moisture from her arousal to rub her clit harder, feeling it harden. She broke the kiss and nestled her face into the crook of my neck, her pelvis moving, tummy and pubic mound rubbing my erection and arms sneaking around my neck.
When precum leaked onto her stomach, a whole new sensation opened, my erection started gliding seductively between us. I raised my knees to the sides of her body to hold her in position, her thighs squeezing my stroking fingers. She emitted little grunts, bottom hunching faster, my penis now sliding up and down her soft, yielding tummy as I added small thrusts, my fingertips sliding just slightly between plump moist labia and scraping her clit.
Then, with small rhythmic 'uh, uh' sounds, her buttocks clenching, bottom humping harder against me and small arms holding onto my neck for dear life, Tina came, jerking on top of me as her climax hit her.
Feeling Tina climax, knowing I had induced it, brought my orgasm charging in. I squeezed my eyes shut as semen spurted out between us, hot, wet, and viscous. A burst of pleasure tore through me. With a thrust, my erection slipped up her silky tummy and exploded again, cum jetting out strongly. Together we writhed and humped against each other as I ejaculated over and over, hugging her small body tightly and drowning in the intense pleasure of each spurt until my orgasm finally released me, drained, completely satisfied, absolutely thrilled.
Eventually Tina stirred. She lifted her head and grinned at me wiggling her body and spreading semen between us. "Slippery," she said before lifting her body to look down. "Huh," was all she had to say before laying down again. I was too tired to say anything. I just wanted to feel her small naked body on me.
We were pulling up to the dock as the sun was about to set. Climbing out, I tied the mooring lines before taking Tina's hand and leading her up the beach towards the house. The afternoon had been wonderful and I was feeling pleasantly relaxed and tired. We'd rinsed off in the sea and splashed and played friskily all afternoon. Tina kept giving me exciting new views; diving away from my reaching arms, her curved white bottom flashing, pussy winking at me; rising from the sea with water streaming over her petite breasts, and several others. I had a partial erection most of the time. But it was as we were having fun, as I was having fun, that I figured out why I was so completely comfortable with her. I loved her. She'd brought something special into my life I'd never known. It felt good.
As she stepped through the sliding glass door, I reached down and, with a grin, pinched her sexy little bottom.
"Ouch!" she said, running off to her room, adding, "asshole," over her shoulder with a grin.
Chopping onions, eyes watering from the pungent natural chemicals, I felt two small arms slip around my waist from behind and hug me.
Tina walked into the kitchen after showering off the salt. Watching Chet cooking, she felt a flush of love for him. She wondered if he knew just how much he meant to her, the way he treated her, the attention he gave her, and his unabashed enjoyment he shared so willingly with her. Her heart thudded thinking about him.
"Today was great, Chet," she said, hugging him. "I really like you."
I turned and hugged her tight. She was such a pleasure, a real gem. I thought I might just hurt if she ever left. "I like you too."
"There's no reason to cry Chet," she said, noticing my onion affected eyes.
I grinned. "I have to. It hurts seeing your bad fashion sense. Whatever gave you the idea blue and purple go together?" Her T-shirt and shorts did sort of clash.
"Asshole," she said softly with a grin and left me to set the table.
We sat on the couch, TV turned on. It had started to rain lightly during dinner; succulent bacon-wrapped tournedos with a rich reduction of scrapings, red wine and onions, fresh crisp baby green beans and a Boston leaf salad, Dijon vinaigrette. With the sliding glass door open, a cool sea breeze brought the smell of salt in. I was happy, sipping a glass of Chianti, blissfully unaware of what was on TV with Tina cuddled to my side. I was very happy, very relaxed.
Tina turned to look up at Chet. "So, can I sleep in your bed tonight?" she asked, feeling just a little forward. But why not? They'd been naked together almost all day, and he'd even cum on her!! Little tingles coursed through her at the memory of his penis pulsing, hot semen spurting on her tummy.
"Of course you can. I'd be delighted to have your company," I said and, with a grin, "I'm a light sleeper, I hope you don't snore."
"Asshole," she replied gently, cuddling in a bit closer, smiling, excited.
I definitely felt like a kid at Christmas approaching the last, biggest present as I walked towards my bedroom with Tina's small hand in mine. As we passed her room, she pulled away.
"Just a sec." Tina quickly went to her bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush. A thrill went through her. There was so much about the simple act, so many suggestions. It was so symbolic. She was going to put her toothbrush in Chet's bathroom.
As we brushed at the sink, Tina's mouth covered in foam, I felt a tickle of apprehension for the first time. She looked so small next to me in the mirror. Seeing her spit hard into the sink and grin at me drove the tickle from my mind. She was so damn cute!
"You're staring," she said.
"True. Exactly where did you learn to spit like a cowboy in a saloon?"
She grinned and rinsed.
I had one of those moments when we walked into my room together. Seeing my large empty bed before me and Tina at my side, knowing she was going to get into my bed felt weird, almost awkward. It might have to her as well, since she stopped too.
I solved the problem by picking her up and throwing her on the bed, enjoying her squeal and how she bounced and ended splayed out. She grinned at me.
"Asshole," she smiled, saying it almost lovingly.
Yeah. I was. Fun. "So which do you prefer? Left or right?" I asked.
"Huh? Left or right what?" she asked confused.
"To sleep on. Do you want to sleep on the right side or the left?"
Tina felt like she was having another toothbrush moment. Picking a side sounded as though it was permanent, as if she'd be sleeping here again, maybe always! Wow! "Left," she said scrambling quickly out of the bed.
I watched her strip. God she was fast. By the time I'd undone the buttons of my shirt she'd stripped and slipped under the sheet, giving me a flash of tiny white breasts and a pert white bottom. And suddenly I was standing doing a striptease for her, which she paid careful attention to. Her only reaction was a grin when she saw my erection before I slipped in beside her.
On my side facing Tina, I kissed her lightly, soft lips warm against me. My hand trailed down her side. In this position she seemed to have shape and curves, her waist narrower, a sensual upsweep to her hip and a seductive rounded bottom. My erection poked her stomach, pulsing as I traced the sweet crease of her buttocks, feeling how it curved down alluringly. I caressed her thigh, soft skin, firm, sleek and sexy.
As my fingers slipped behind to the inside and traced back up, Tina murmured into my mouth, her small tongue probing at my lips. My erection was straining, pushed against her tummy.
Tina could feel her body shivering as Chet caressed her side. She was going to have sex! Her nipples were so hard they felt sore and she could feel her heart thumping in her pussy, throbbing, moisture beginning. She pushed her tongue at his mouth wanting to taste him, urgency building inside, a need, something demanding.
Rolling Tina onto her back, I touched her petite breast, letting my tongue caress hers. Her breast was really small, firm and didn't fill my palm. A hard nipple tickled my palm. Cupping the underside, I used my thumb to trace the sexy curve from her chest, up and over her nipple. I could feel her areola slightly mounded with arousal. Tina was intensely exciting. Our kiss broke suddenly when I inhaled sharply. Her small hand held my shaft, gently squeezing it.
She felt Chet's erection pushing into her tummy, warm slippery wetness spreading on her. Reaching down she held it. It felt big, thick, and she could feel it almost pulsing. She wondered what it would feel like inside her, her heart pounding at the thought. Squeezing gently she felt how rigid it was, hard, but soft skin. She felt the ridge and head with her thumb, felt the slippery moisture as she rubbed the top, thrilled when Chet groaned. He liked it! She did it some more.
I couldn't ever remember being this excited. As Tina played with my precum and explored my straining penis I slipped my hand down across her soft tummy, felt the remarkable rise of her pubic mound, groaning when she parted her legs for me. Tina's pussy was small and plump in my hand, tiny little pubic hairs sparse, irregularly placed, pure pre-pubescence, sexy and intoxicating. The valley of her cleft was a line leading down to her buttocks, uninterrupted except for the tip of her clitoral hood peeking out. She twitched when my fingers ran over it.
Soft girlish scent filled my senses, sweet, fresh, a hint of salt and something more. A surge of blood pounded through my erection when I felt moisture at the bottom of her cleft. Tina was aroused. God, Tina was aroused and I was touching her! It was hard to restrain myself. I wanted to feel her against my erection so badly. Drawing her slight moisture up, my fingertips slipped between plump labia, warm, silky soft lips hugged me as I felt for her clitoris. Her body jerked when I touched it and started moving slightly as I caressed it, feeling the hard bead, small against the pad of my finger.
When I slipped my finger down through her labia and felt the hot moist opening of her tiny vagina, imagining what it would feel like to penetrate her, I couldn't wait any longer. I was far too excited, far too aroused. I'd never had anyone build such desire in me before. I started to roll Tina over me.
She felt Chet trying to pull her on top of him and stopped him. It wasn't what she wanted. "No Chet. I want to feel your weight on me," she said softly. She wanted to feel Chet pressing against her, pushing her body against the bed, feel him on top. She wanted Chet on her, between her legs, Chet making love to her.
Rising I pulled the sheet off and moved between her slim legs. In the moonlight shadows played over her body, emphasizing every curve. Petite breasts with beaded nipples, slim torso, flaring hips, rounded bottom pressed to the bed. Her pussy loomed larger between her thighs, shadows accentuating deep creases at the sides, and her vulva full between her legs. Her tight cleft had parted slightly revealing her long clitoral hood and below, a shadow, an indent, her vagina. Lower still, her buttocks swelled as they pressed against the bed.
I was dizzy with need, my erection straining, pulsing, and painful. Slowly I lay on top of Tina, small underneath me, her knees rising to my sides and falling apart to the bed as I lowered myself, small arms reaching for me as I tried to hold my weight on my elbows. Tina felt so petite I worried I'd crush her.
Tina was surprised at how hesitant Chet was. It seemed like he was worried or something, holding himself up like that. She tugged at him. "All the way down. Lay on me. I want to feel your weight Chet."
God but Tina's small body felt good under me. I loved how she hugged me. I loved how her hair smelled in my nostrils and the feel of her petite breasts against me. I could feel precum leaking against her pussy, the tip of my erection just kissing her warm labia.
She felt her body trembling from excitement. She could feel his chin on the top of her head, hers turned to the side against his shoulder. Chet felt so much bigger like this, and his delicious weight pushing her down thrilled her. Her legs were pushed to the bed, spread wide, and she felt something inside, an urgent need grow stronger when she felt his penis touch her pussy. Her breasts ached so much they hurt. This was exactly what she wanted. Like this, just like this.
She tried pushing her hips but couldn't move under his weight. Her arousal was at a feverish level, frustration growing from an intense need that hammered at her, something inside aching.
"Please," she whispered, "put it in."
I was close, so close, the intensity of her whisper sending a surge through me. Reaching down, erection straining, I slipped my hands under her small bottom, reaching further, feeling my way until my fingertips touched my erection. Holding the crown in place with the tips of my fingers I pushed slightly. We were so wet her labia parted to hug my crown, I felt the tiny opening to her vagina nestle against me and started worrying I'd cum.
"More," she whispered, feeling him pressing against the spot that ached so much.
Holding my penis in place I pushed harder, feeling lightheaded when her entrance dilated slightly. God but I was about to have sex with her! I pushed again, erection throbbing painfully, precum leaking. Suddenly the crown slipped in.
I started to pull out.
"No. Don't," she groaned hugging hard.
I could feel her panting underneath me, the tip of my penis gripped in an incredible velvet vice, hot, moist. Tina was so tight it worried me. With no control I could hurt her without realising it, and with the powerful urges bombarding me, and the intense desire to thrust shouting at me, I couldn't take the chance. I just couldn't. I didn't have that much self control; she felt too good. I pulled my erection out of her suddenly and rolled off her. I just couldn't. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was hurt her.
We lay side by side panting, my erection rising from my stomach rhythmically, desire an agony pounding my body. Tina was the first to break the silence.
"How come you stopped?"
I rolled towards her, kissed her gently, smiled. "I was so excited I wasn't sure I wouldn't hurt you."
Relief flooded through Tina. She'd worried she'd done something wrong when Chet pulled out or he didn't like her. Warmth bloomed in her chest. He did it because he cared. Incredible! So gentle! The love she felt almost made her cry. Taking slow deep breaths, calm slowly returned along with an urgent need inside, even stronger now, more demanding.
"You can't stop now Chet! I want to feel you all the way inside me," she insisted. It had hurt, but she wanted to feel full, trembling slightly when she wondered if she'd feel him cum in her.
I wanted to too. The problem was I didn't want to hurt her and I realised I had no idea how much a ten year old could take. I just knew in the heat of passion I could go too far, she felt too good, too damn good.
I hugged her to me, her small warm body feeling wonderful in my arms. "Okay, Tina," I decided, "we'll have to do this differently. I can't be on top of you. You have no control and I might hurt you."
Sitting up I scooted back against the headboard. "Kneel across my lap." Guiding Tina, she straddled me. I held two delectable little buttocks in my hands. "This way you can control how much is comfortable, okay?"
Tina grinned, leaned forward and kissed Chet, tongue pushing at his mouth, her nipples hard again. Reaching between her legs she held his erection, slippery and hard. Rising with the help of his warm hands on her bottom and her arm around his neck, she rubbed the tip of his penis through her slit, chills of arousal hitting her as it touched her sensitive clit. Moving it back and forth she lodged it at her vagina. She was wet, slippery.
Watching Tina's eyes was amazing. They widened when her tight pussy slipped over my head, squeezing my erection. It felt like I slipped into a velvet glove, a moist tight velvet glove. Her eyes softened and slowly closed, her head falling, forehead on my shoulder while she moved up and down in tiny, tiny increments, testing her way, my erection slowly sinking into her, warmth slipping down my pulsing shaft. Little puffs of sweet breath hit my neck as she let my erection go and nestled into me, two arms holding my neck. I held her beautiful bottom while she moved, her vagina squeezing me tight, caressing me. God, I was penetrating her and it felt fantastic.
"In," she whispered, "it's almost all the way in."
Tina had taken almost four inches. She pulsed around me, throbbed and squeezed, holding still. Yet incredibly, I felt her relax her tight grip on my erection. She sighed and slipped down a bit more, her hand letting go of my neck to feel her tummy, probing.
"I feel you," she whispered, eyes still closed, rising and descending again. "Deeper, you can go deeper Chet."
I couldn't. I felt the end of her vagina against the tip of my penis. She'd taken almost five inches; five inches! But now I knew the limits, I gave into the need that was screaming though my body. Holding her bottom I started to lift her and let her down, guide her, moving her less than an inch, she was too tight. Slowly lubrication spread inside her, slowly the strokes lengthened, her small puffs of breath hot against my neck, arms handing on.
All too soon I was slipping out of her to the ridge of my crown and gliding in slowly, exquisite, tight, silky soft, pure heaven. I'd never been so turned on. I tried to hold back, but the pure pleasure was too much. I had no control. Groaning I felt the first pulse of semen charge up my erection, I swelled and burst into her tight vagina. Pleasure exploded in me. Another stronger pulse surged and I exploded again deep inside Tina. She hugged my neck tight and grunted, her buttocks clenching in my hands, her body jerked and Tina came, shoving herself down on me as I spurted hard. She rose and shoved down, burying my erection deep in her as cum jetted out. We humped against each other as our climaxes tore through us, Tina holding my neck tight, jerking and impaling herself on my spitting erection as I gripped her buttocks until finally, finally, our climaxes released us, Tina collapsing against me, sweet hot breath panting.
Slipping down in the bed, Tina on top of me, my softening penis buried in her incredible pussy, I pulled the sheet over us, held her small body tight and let the sound of soft rain and gentle surf pull me to sleep, exhausted, totally happy.
The angle of sunlight streaming into the room told me it was late. I'd slept deeply. Turning I saw Tina sleeping on her front next to me. That's all it took for me to get an erection. The sheet had fallen down to her legs during the night and now I could see just how sexy she was.
With her face on the pillow turned to me, arms under the pillow, Tina's sweet face looked so young, so pretty. Her nostrils moved gently as she breathed, soft long eyelashes resting on her cheeks. I could see the slight swell of her breast pressed to the bed and incredible upsweep of perfect buttocks, a deep valley between. I was surprised at the intensity of my feelings for her. I'd made love to that angel!
My bladder called, forcing me to reluctantly leave the bed. While brushing my teeth I leaned back to peek into the bedroom. Tina hadn't moved and my erection returned full force as I admired the seductive sweep and swell of her small buttocks. They had incredible shape, curved and merging with slim thighs. I could see part of her pussy at the base of her butt crack. Brushing my teeth mindlessly I wondered what it would be like to lay on her just as she was and slip my erection into her from behind, feel those sexy buttocks in my groin. It made me as horny as hell.
With a piece of toast in front of me at the kitchen table, I sipped coffee, waiting for Tina to wake up. It was a glorious day, morning sun blindingly bright and Caribbean Sea calm with a refreshing breeze wafting through the open sliding glass door. I had a strong erection in my shorts remembering how intoxicating it was to feel my penis inside her. Tina had been so tight, velvety tight, tighter than anything I'd felt before. And adding to the intense eroticism was holding her petite body, so small in my arms. I was completely addicted to her and wanted more, lots more.
Tina, climbing into my lap, wearing my dress shirt again, her seductive sleepy scent wafting, broke my musings. She had a glorious smile, glorious.
"Hey," I said, bending and kissing her lips softly, the action so intimate, so nice. "How you feeling?"
"Goooood," she replied, turning in my lap and grabbing the toast, taking a bite.
I lifted her, stood and put her in my chair. "So breakfast, what would you like?"
"Can we have omelettes today?" she mumbled with toast in her mouth, still looking sleepy, mussed, gorgeous.
"Okay. What type?" I started cooking, glancing frequently at her. So pretty, so sexy. I wanted to drag her back to bed.
"Cheese. Oh, and ham. Lots of ham!"
Tina sat at the table watching Chet cook. There was a deep warm feeling inside her. She couldn't believe how hard she'd cum last night. And she wasn't a virgin anymore! Wow! It was so good she wanted more, lots more. She'd even felt him cum in her! Remembering how gentle Chet had been made her feel special. And she was going to sleep in his bed again! She had to tell him how much she liked it, how she appreciated his caring and that she wanted to have sex again. She had to tell him how much he meant to her and wanted to thank him for making her first time so, so special.
"Yeah?" I turned from the stove. God, what an angel.
"Um... Last night... Uh... Um..."
I saw her struggling to talk, a little blush gracing her cheeks, and grinned. "Yeah. It was special Tina. I just want you to know I love you."
I watched tears collect in her eyes. Jesus. I didn't mean to make her cry! Pushing the pan off the heat I went to her quickly, lifting her into my arms. "Jeez Tina. Don't cry. It's a good thing."
Tina didn't understand why she felt such a huge weight in her chest when Chet told her he loved her or why she felt like crying all of a sudden. Wasn't she supposed to feel good? But tears gathered non-the-less and started spilling when Chet picked her up and hugged her.
She hugged his neck fiercely, face buried into his shoulder letting tears fall silently. It surprised her to realise she liked Chet more than she had liked her mom, a lot more, and it made her feel guilty, bad somehow. Her mind was buzzing as she worried about it, chest heavy. Then the weight lifted, breathing became easier. She realized it wasn't that. It had nothing to do with liking Chet more. It was simply that she loved Chet, loved him differently, and that was okay. And he loved her! Wow!
She hugged Chet tight. "I love you too," she whispered into his neck and felt his hug tighten.
"Alright then," I said loudly, somewhat huskily, and put her down. "Now we've settled that, I have omelettes to make. I'll have to start over now. You interrupted me. Not nice, you know," I told her, going back to the stove.
"Asshole," she said with a smile, heart beating.
"And," I added, "using tears is completely unfair. Why do women always use tears?"
"Asshole. You're an asshole," she said under her breath, grinning.
I had pushed back from the kitchen table while Tina was still wolfing down her omelette. Things seemed to be back to normal and I was admiring her slim bare legs under the table, wishing she'd part them, rather interested in seeing if she had panties on. Tina looked incredibly sexy in my dress shirt. It hid her body but I could spot her nipples against the front.
Tina grinned as she ate. She saw Chet's eyes staring at her legs. Slowly she let her knees part, watching his eyes open wider as she showed him her lacy panties. When he knocked his coffee cup over as he blindly groped for it, she giggled. What was it about panties that he found so interesting?
I blushed as I mopped up the spilled coffee. But holy shit! The action had been one of a pure minx. And seeing her panties, well, damn!
Tina left the table, putting her dishes in the dishwasher before heading out, Chet's eyes following her every move. Grinning, she flipped the tail of his dress shirt up as she walked through the door. "Going to shower."
I felt like pulling my erection out and relieving the ache right there. That flip of the shirt revealed lacy white panties with solid white patterns and, through her lacy-clad bottom, I distinctly saw the shadow of her butt crack. Damn if that wasn't sexy. It was a real dilemma. Tina naked was as sexy as hell, but Tina in panties, well. I couldn't make up my mind which was better. But one thing I did know was Tina in panties was way better than Tina in a bikini, even the white one wet!
I took her to a small island, Necker Island. It had a beautiful cove on the south side with endless light turquoise water in a protected bay. The water was shallow enough and clear enough you could see white sand and rock outcroppings clearly, every detail. Snorkelling was good, especially with the calmness of the water, even though we weren't naked. Pure heaven.
"Hey," I said as I rested my face on her soft tummy. Tina was on her back, one arm under her head as we lazed on the deserted white beach. I'd been admiring her little boobs pressing against her white bikini when I spotted it. "You have one hair in your armpit! Don't you ever shave?"
"Asshole." She was running her hand through his shaggy hair. The weight of his head on her stomach felt good. But he wouldn't stop reaching for her boobs, making her giggle when she'd push his hands away, "leave lone," she'd been telling him. She felt completely relaxed, totally at ease, and she liked that he wanted to feel her all the time. Knowing he wanted her so much was exciting. Every time she thought about sex with Chet she felt a little pulse of pleasure in her pussy.
She wondered what it was that had made her attractive to him. She knew he liked the white bikini when it was wet, so he liked her naked. Oh, and he liked panties too. But what was it about her that attracted him? She knew why she loved him. Aside from the fact that he was handsome, what she really liked was the boyish grin and how he cared so much, always paying attention to her. He was so gentle, so considerate. But what was it about her?
"What do you find sexy?" she asked. "Leave lone!" she added brushing his hand away from her boobs yet again.
"No twit, I mean what is it you like about me? How come?"
Hmmm. That was a good question I thought. I pondered for a while. I hadn't been attracted to her when we first met, so it wasn't a physical attraction, although now... No, it was her. I liked her.
"It was you boobs," I said with a grin, reaching.
"Hey! Leave lone! Jeez." She pushed his hand away again, giggling. Twit. Now her nipples were aching. "No really, why me? What happened?"
"It's you Tina. What I found attractive was you, your personality. I don't think I can explain it. I feel completely relaxed around you. I don't have to pretend or try to be someone I'm not. I feel like we've lived together your whole life. Whatever it is, you charmed me over the last few months. I really, really like you." Grinning again, betting she'd be distracted thinking about that, I made a play for her boobs again. Those tiny hard nipples looked lonely.
"Leave lone!" she said yet again, muttering, "asshole," with a grin as she digested what he'd said. It was sort of the same for her, she decided. She'd liked him from the moment she'd seen him. But the attraction she felt had grown slowly. The better she knew him, the more she discovered what a good guy he was, and the more she'd liked him. Although love, that had hit a bit suddenly.
It was nice knowing she turned him on too she thought as she pushed his hand away yet again. "Jeez, stop." Remembering how his erection had felt in her hand last night made her think. Maybe he'd like a blow job? Her pussy tingled at the thought. What would it feel like in her mouth? God, she was getting horny again. Lifting her head up, shading her eyes, she looked around, disappointed when she saw two other boats.
"Chet, can we go home," she asked.
"Okay. Why? Don't you like it here?"
Tina grinned. "Yeah. But I'm sorta horny," she said, her hand combing through his scruffy hair, nipples aching.
I had us packed and into the Fountain in record time. But I took it slow despite my excitement urging me to go faster. The sun was warm, pleasantly warm with the breeze. The anticipation was an addictive drug in me, I loved it. Besides, seeing Tina in her little white bikini was a pure joy. I liked thinking of unwrapping her, seeing her small breasts, watching her slip her bikini bottoms down, seeing her sexy pussy.
The sun was just slipping towards the horizon when we docked. "Dinner first," I told her. She turned and gave me the most innocent look.
"First? Before what?"
"Before I ravish you," I said with a grin, reaching for her. Her giggles were music as she ran up to the house, beautiful little bottom bouncing. Damn, how sexy is that, I thought.
Dinner had been easy, grilled Asian spiced chicken breast with ginger, sesame and peanut oil, garlic, and lemon, and a side of Asian fried rice. I added a small salad on the side and let her have ice cream for dessert. We sat comfortably together on the couch, night sounds barely heard over the TV, some sitcom. I was watching Tina's hand stroking my thigh and getting another erection as it slowly, seductively moved higher and higher. She was watching TV apparently, but I didn't think she was paying any attention.
Her small hand on the inside of my thigh had me hard, hard. And I almost came when she brushed my erection lightly. Damn but it was so sexy, so arousing. She gently felt the outline of my penis and let her fingers trail up my zipper, fiddling with the button holding my shorts closed, still not looking. I did absolutely nothing except to throb painfully as she opened the button. The sound of my zipper being lowered was abnormally loud in my ears, erection now straining.
Her small hand slipped inside and I felt her burrow down slowly, groaning when her soft warm hand gently covered my erection, which was pointing painfully down to my crotch. She looked up at me, eyes glistening.
"Can I see? I didn't get to see it much last night."
God yes, I thought. "Go ahead," I encouraged, as if she needed it.
Standing up, she pulled my shorts and boxers off while I held my ass off the couch. My erection slammed up when it was released from confinement, straining and inflamed. Tina looked at it with a small smile on her face. Then she grinned that incredible grin of hers.
"Wait, wait," she said urgently, disappearing through the door.
I was beginning to feel a bit stupid, sitting on the couch, shorts around my ankles and erection sticking up. I kicked off the shorts, but I still felt a bit stupid.
Tina made me gasp loudly. Hearing it she grinned and struck a pose. Damn! She'd stripped buck naked and put those thigh-high stocking on again. This time she'd pulled them up so the tops slipped between her pussy and her legs and it was incredibly erotic. It made her pussy even more prominent, even bigger between her thighs. Lordy she was a sexy sight.
Precum beaded on the tip of my wildly pulsing, waving erection while she strolled over to me.
"Like?" she asked, unnecessarily.
"God yes."
This vision of seduction knelt between my knees and gently held my penis. I couldn't get over how excited I was, Tina, naked, holding me! But that was nothing compared to the loud groan that escaped when she bent her head and kissed the tip, her hot tongue touching me. And, with another heartfelt groan, she let her sexy lips slide over the head and took me into her mouth, her warm moist mouth. I watched her sexy lips stretch and slide over the ridge, closing around my shaft. The pure eroticism had my heart pounding. Seeing Tina, a ten year old, with my erection in her mouth was so damn arousing and, when she sucked lightly, her cheeks hollowing, and squeezed my shaft gently, almost hesitantly, like a teenage boy I came, semen charging up and spurting into her mouth. Her eyes widened. Watching her swallow brought on another painful, painful surge of cum, my penis swelling, semen exploding into her small mouth.
"Oh god!" I actually felt it burn out of the tip. Pleasure erupted inside me, so strong I was seeing double.
Tina choked, pulled her head off and, as she coughed, I came, cramping with pleasure as she stroked me, shooting semen onto her chin, her chest and finally dribbling down my shaft to slide over her hand. Collapsing back into the couch I closed my eyes, drained. I'd never cum that intensely.
"Sorry. There was too much."
Opening my eyes, Tina had a grin on her face as she wiped my cum from her chin. Shit, unbelievable!
I grabbed her, hugging her to me without saying a word.
Tina was surprised at how much there was. She hadn't been prepared so the second spurt had shot right into her throat choking her. But he'd felt big in her mouth and she thought it expanded when he spurted. It was exciting giving Chet a blow job and she didn't know why she'd thought it would be disgusting before. Although, his cum was salty, like sea water, she thought. Not bad, just saltyish.
I felt Tina giggling against me as I hugged her tight, her face nestled against my neck, my hands holding her small bottom and slim back. "What's so funny?"
She pulled her head up and grinned at me. "You came fast."
"Yeah. Your fault. Too damn sexy," I said with a grin. "Shower," I added carrying her to my room.
I was washing her lovely bottom, distracted by the seductive shape, how it flared out from her lower back and curved in to sexy thighs. I just couldn't keep my hands off it. I caressed each petite buttock and let my soapy fingers probe between them slightly. Her buttocks were so firm, the crease so tight. Lovely, quite lovely.
"Did I do it right?" Tina asked as she shivered from his fingers slipping along her butt crack, little pulses of arousal tickling her pussy.
"The blow job. Did I do it right? I've never done it before."
What? "Of course you haven't done it before Tina. You're only ten."
"Yeah. But Sheryl did it when she was nine. Her friend's older brother."
"Well, you were fantastic, even if it was your first time. Look at how fast you made me cum."
"I liked it, you know. Next time I'll try to swallow all of it now I know what to expect."
My penis twitched at her casual statement. Next time! I turned the shower off, "dry," I instructed and, as soon as I'd dried off, went to bed. I studied Tina as she walked in and climbed into bed. Her youth was such a contrast to the sexual feeling I had. Knowing I'd had intercourse with her, so petite, and remembering how it had felt being sheathed inside her brought on another erection. Seemed like I was getting hard around her all the time, I thought.
Turning to her we cuddled and kissed while I caressed delectable little breasts, playing with the nipples, tweaking them and gently squeezing them. Tina moaned and wiggled deliciously and, when I started caressing her small pussy, wrapped her arms around my neck and thrust her tongue into my mouth, pulling me hard. Slipping my finger along her cleft I rubbed her clit that peeked out between her labia before moving down further slipping my finger between sexy labia. Tina was moist, slippery around the base of her little slit. When I probed in gently, she was hot and damp, aroused. Her pelvis moved when I probed the entrance to her vagina, jerked slightly when the tip of my finger slipped into her velvety clasp up to my first knuckle. Feeling her was incredible. It was the silkiest feeling, yet she was hot, moist, and her vagina seemed to grip my fingertip. She felt so small I was amazed I'd been able to get my erection into her. My penis hardened fully as I remembered penetrat ing her, her tightness around me.
Bending, I kissed her breast, teased her nipple and, with a sigh, sucked it, opening my mouth wide to get all of it in. I moved to the other and, before I could suck, she grabbed my head pulling my face up.
Tina felt little trembles in her body. She was so horny she could feel her pussy clenching on his finger. God, but she wanted to feel Chet inside her again. She wanted to feel him pressing her to the bed, his sensual weight on top of her. For some reason having his large body on top of her made her hot, hot. The idea that she, Tina, ten years old, was having sex with Chet thrilled her. It was so naughty. And his body on top made her feel smaller, excited her. "Now Chet. Now," she said heatedly.
Tina stopped him when he tried to roll onto his back. "No, on top, please, like last night. I want to feel you on top." A pulse of arousal hit her when she parted her legs and Chet moved over her, looming so large. She felt the need inside her, that feeling, something that needed to be touched, an ache deep inside. She pulled on his chest. "Hurry. Put it in."
She was trembling when she felt the tip of his penis touch her pussy, desire blooming inside her. Tugging him, need driving her she whispered, "hurry, please." God, he was stretching her. She felt every millimetre, stretching her, stretching her until she felt delicious pain, her ache inside growing more urgent.
Pushing her hips up, need crying inside, she gasped when she felt the head slip inside, her entrance tight around his shaft. "Yessss," she moaned, "more." She reached down to try to hold his butt, wanting to pull him in. Curling her legs she used her heels against his thighs pulling herself. "Hurry Chet, hurry. All the way in," she urged, needing, desperately needing. "Oh jeez," burst from her as she felt him slip into her vagina in one smooth stoke, deep, deep. Almost there. Almost at the ache. "Oh," she whispered pulling with her heels, bottom surging off the bed, pleasure pulsing, close, pussy throbbing.
"Yes, there." God he was deep, right at that spot, pushing against that spot, stretching her, filling her, his erection thick, hot and throbbing. Her world narrowed, sounds faded. Her mind filled with the feeling of his erection pulling out, emptiness, thrusting in, filling her, god stretching her, hitting the itch. More, more. Her body started shaking as he stroked into her, sparks bursting from her clit rubbing his shaft.
"Lay on me," she whispered, groaning when she felt his full weight pushing her deliciously into the bed, his hands on her bottom gripping her buttocks, pulling at her urgently. She felt her climax beginning as his erection banged against that spot deep inside. "Faster." Her climax neared, full, empty, full, empty, god so full.
"Uh, uh," she grunted as he started stroking into her fast, so close, her body crying out for sweet release. She felt him thrust hard, freeze, erection hard against her end. She felt his penis swell deep inside her as he groaned and, when she felt an explosion of wetness inside, her climax tore through her, colours exploding in her brain, body jerking spasmodically, pleasure almost painful, wracking her as she came, Chet's penis flooding her, hot, hot semen, Chet cumming in her! Her body arched up and cramped, vagina cramped, bright lights exploding as she cried out, cumming, cumming hard, tears collecting as she lost herself in the most intense climax she'd ever experienced, humping at his spurting penis desperately, milking him, wanting it all.
My climax was tearing through me. I was spurting wildly with every deep thrust, my erection hitting her cervix and still she pulled at me, writhed beneath me in desperation, crying out. I could feel my semen flowing back out as I pulled her little bottom to me, shoving hard as my climax crested, shoving and spurting desperately until I had nothing left.
Exhausted I rolled to the side. I'd never cum that hard, that much. Looking over at Tina I felt a jolt of concern. It looked as if she'd passed out, inert on the bed. She had. I felt her limp body as I pulled her to me, hugged her gently and listened to her soft breaths. Spooned to her I fell asleep.
"Is it always that good?" she asked at breakfast. She couldn't remember anything after cumming. It had overwhelmed her.
"Dunno. I think you passed out. I've never seen that before. Are you sure you're not sore?" I'd never heard of anyone passing out from an orgasm. But damn it made me feel proud for some reason.
"Nope. Not sore," she answered, taking another spoonful of cereal. Chet had told her he didn't feel like cooking. She grinned. He was all eyes this morning, watching her intently. She thought she saw desire in his eyes. But then again, maybe it was his dress shirt she was wearing, and the peeks she was giving him deliberately, lacy panties. So much fun. She felt a tickle of arousal remembering last night. Sex was good, really good, she decided.
"Okay then. So what would you like to do today? It's Saturday, time to kick back and relax." I couldn't believe I was horny again. There was something about Tina in my dress shirt and lacy panties that seemed to touch a horny switch inside me. She was a sexy little ten year old kitten. Damn sexy. I felt like she was deliberately giving me peeks.
Watching Tina putting the dishes in the dishwasher, bent over and lacy panties appearing, I had a very good idea of what I'd like to do today. Hmm, Tina on all fours, slipping lacy panties down over her sweet little bottom, her butt...
"Can we go to Tortola today? Have lunch there? I liked the burgers," Tina said, interrupting a very nice thought.
"I can make burgers."
"Yeah," she said, and added with a grin, "but I can't buy clothes here. I saw this tiny little..." and walked out to the hall.
Shit. "Tiny little what?" I yelled after her. A giggle echoed in the hall.
Pulling into the marina, I looked over and saw a boat just leaving, a young guy my age with a pretty girl with him. She looked about twelve, small full breasts, a lovely waist and gentle flare of hips, gorgeous tight small bottom and coltish legs. Her hair was glossy, black and thick, tumbling down her back in gorgeous waves. She had an elegance about her, a classic beauty, South American?
I felt a stab of envy. He had a 42' Lightning. Oh well. Maybe after the next book.
Tina and I strolled along the street, hand in hand, window shopping for nothing in particular. I liked holding her hand.
She saw the lingerie shop across the street. "Over here," she said tugging Chet's hand, crossing the street.
"Oh no. You are not getting me in there," I insisted when I saw the underwear shop. I could just imagine the looks I'd get when Tina started picking out sexy undies. I had visions of a sales lady whispering into the phone as she stared at me, calling the police, 'there's this guy here with a child buying her sexy underwear, come quick'. Nope. I was not going in there.
I browsed the book store after handing a fist full of money to Tina. There weren't any books I really wanted, but it kept me well away from that shop. Half an hour later Tina came waltzing into the store, bag in hand and a big grin on her face. That was all it took for me to feel my penis stir.
Lunch was burgers and fries at Pusser's Pub, Tina eating voraciously, ketchup on her cheek, eyes glowing. We ate on the patio under a large umbrella, salty breeze keeping us just cool enough. It felt loud sitting on the patio. Compared to the silence at home in the bay, the snarl of traffic, car horns honking, seagulls cawing, and loud conversations around us sounded like a cacophony.
All in all I felt good, lucky and proud to have Tina with me. I also felt horny. Somehow that little shopping bag next to her chair loomed large. It didn't matter where I looked, I could see it; couldn't ignore it. "Come on Tina," I whispered, "what did you buy?"
She thought Chet was horny and it made her grin. It was something in his look, sort of hot and intense. When he asked what she bought it confirmed it. He was, Chet was horny. He was horny for her! How fun. "I'm not telling," she said nicely, innocently, "but guess what?"
"What?" She had my full attention.
"You get to put them on me," and, after a pause, added, "and take them off!"
Damn, damn. Them? As in not it? More than one? Put them on her? Oh, take them off? "Come on. Eat up. It's late. We need to head back," I advised her rather urgently. Her giggle and slow bite of a fry was cute. But darn I wanted to leave.
She insisted on shopping, pulling me into men's clothes store after clothes store. What amused me was didn't appear intent on buying herself anything. Nope, she must have wanted to buy me clothes. Or so I thought. But when she kept on insisting I needed a pinkish dress shirt I cottoned on. So, two dress shirts were added to her haul before we made it back to the boat. Fifteen minutes later we were thundering across the water, the boat lifting and thumping down, spray a sparkling shower to the sides as we carved through the sea.
As I tied the last mooring line Tina threw her shopping bag to me, giggled and ran up to the house. "Hurry," she yelled over her shoulder. When she disappeared through the sliding glass door, I took a peek into her shopping bag. The gauzy, see-through white panties had me erect. The gauzy see-through bra had me straining and, as I fished around in the bag, the tiny g-string had me hustling to the house, images dancing through my mind.
"Tina!" I yelled upon entering. "Where are you?"
With the shopping bag clutched in my hand I made haste. Tina was standing in the bedroom, fully clothed and smiling.
"So did you look?" she asked.
"Yup," I nodded to emphasize my response.
"Kay, so," she started, "you have to change me. You get to undress me and dress me. I want to wear the white pair," she said with a sexy grin, "and the new dress shirt, the pink one. No bra. And don't forget the stockings."
"Huh? Stockings?" I mumbled, frantically fishing through the bag. Damn, look at that! I was hard just thinking about it.
Tina giggled when Chet's eyes opened wide. He was horny. How fun was that! She felt horny herself thinking of Chet undressing her. He hadn't done that yet.
She was no help at all. All she did was stand there and giggle as I knelt in front of her fiddling with small buttons on her blouse. Then again, I was in a hurry, which slowed me down. Finally I managed to open it and, pulling it out of her jeans, slipped it off, eyes glued to her training bra, sweet little mounds.
Fiddling with the button on her jeans was frustrating, but eventually I had them open, the sound of a zipper being lowered suddenly sexy. Tugging on the legs, her cotton panties came into view. They were little girl panties! White with little blue teddy bears and paw prints, well worn, old, soft and full cut. They gave Tina such an innocent look. My eyes were now occupied studying the mound of her pubis pressing against cotton and the distinct camel toe while I struggled blindly to pull her jeans off. "At least lift you leg," I told her, frustrated, pausing when her panties formed tightly to her pussy, one leg rising slightly.
I paused to take a deep breath, try to calm my heart before reaching for her white training bra. God she was so, so desirable. Tina was no help whatsoever, just standing and grinning at my inept fumbling. The bra posed a problem. I couldn't find a clasp anywhere despite inspecting her breasts carefully. Recollecting my inadvertent view of her dressing I remembered how it worked. Her little nipples hardened as I slipped my fingers under the front. Pulling it away from her body I lifted it up over petite breasts, the back of my hands rubbing against them. "Arms up, please," I asked heatedly and pulled the bra up over her head. This was amazing! Undressing her was an exercise in erotic titillation.
Still kneeling, my erection tight in my pants, I tugged at the sides of her panties, eyes fixed on the seductive mound of her pussy as it slowly appeared, a magical mound rising from her lower stomach, pouting out, small long black pubic hairs here and there in no discernable pattern. Precum dampened my boxers as her sexy cleft appeared. Leaning forward I kissed it lightly, soft, soft, silky.
"Hey! None of that!" she said pushing his head away with a grin. Her pussy was throbbing nicely, feeling sexy. She liked being undressed.
Damn! Pulling the cotton panties down, I studied her vulva while she stepped out of them, her small hands on my shoulder for stability. It was gorgeous, seductively curved, prominent and full, her closed cleft sweeping down, tiny clitoral hood nestled between plump labia, the curve of her buttocks just visible behind. The isolated pubic hairs added an erotic quality to her labia. Resisting the urge to kiss her there was tough.
"No, not the panties. You have to put on the stockings first," she said, giggling as Chet fumbled blindly in the shopping bag, his hot stare locked on her pussy. This was fun. Exciting too.
I turned my attention to stockings. Slipping them up her slim legs was painful. The side of my hand touched her pussy as I pulled them up, warm and slightly moist. Jesus, Tina was aroused. Under the guise of fiddling with the tops, I leaned closer to inhale her delicate scent, mysterious and slightly musky, pure heaven.
Finally, I turned to her panties. They were nothing panties, completely see-through and sexy as hell. My boxers were damp from precum as I looked at her pussy hugged inside them, her cleft visible. Turning her body around I admired how her buttocks and butt crack looked. God, so sexy.
Her little butt wiggle didn't help at all. It just gave me an urge to tear the damn thing off. It was with some reluctance I buttoned the pink dress shirt up, my view disappearing.
"Thanks," she said, walking out of the bedroom, leaving me on my knees. "You can undress me later," she added with a giggle.
Tina teased me like a pro all through cooking and eating, gentle hugs, seductive hips, panty peeks, glimpses down the front of a pink dress shirt. I was in a constant aroused state and it was beginning to ache I wanted her so much.
We ate on the patio, balmy and warm, a gentle breeze, and sounds of crickets making it very relaxing. With some wine in me, conversation was sporadic. My attention was completely focused on Tina sitting across from me in a pink dress shirt, stockings, so alluring.
"It's nice out here at night," Tina said, wondering where Chet's mind was. Oh, there. His eyes looked at her legs. She grinned, turned slightly and brought one foot up to rest on the seat, thighs parting. Let's give him a peek.
When he made a grab for her she squealed in laughter and jumped up, running onto the lawn as he chased her. A hand grabbing her ankle brought her crashing down onto the grass, laughing hard.
I'd tried to grab her in an unconscious move. The peek of her crotch, seductively revealed to me, was too much. Chasing after the little minx, I dove and caught her ankle, grinning at her laughter. But my grin faded fast when the tail of her dress shirt flipped up as she sprawled, sexy, sexy see-through panties, sweet little bottom, gorgeous buttocks and an intensely alluring butt crack had my pulse pounding.
Her laughter died when she felt Chet kiss her buttocks, her nipples tightening. Feeling his hands caress the back of her thighs made her pussy throb. She did nothing, just laid on the grass enjoying his touches, slipping her arms under her head as a pillow.
My erection was back in full, straining in my pants as I fondled Tina. I fondled her, caressed her slim legs, kissed her remarkable buttocks feeling them yield against my mouth. I caressed her see-through panties and massaged seductive globes. I fondled her and loved every little bit.
Rising to my knees I straddled her legs, pushed her shirt tail up slightly as I slipped my hands up her slim back, feeling her spine and her small shoulder blades. Moving to the sides of her chest, I touched her small breasts where they pressed out against the grass and trailed my palms down to hold her slim hips.
My penis was throbbing and leaking. With the tips of my fingers I started to pull her panties down, watching intently as the waist slipped up over seductive buttocks. I had a vision in my mind pounding at me, Tina on all fours, Tina's small pussy nestled between sexy thighs, Tina's bottom rounded, cheeks slightly parted. I had a vision that I desperately wanted.
Tina lay quietly, her little heart beating. She'd felt sexy all evening wearing those panties and watching how Chet looked at her. It made her pussy tingle knowing he wanted her. Feeling him touch the sides of her small breasts and hold her hips had moisture oozing, delicious dampness. She wondered what he was going to do. When he started sliding her panties over her bottom a surge of excitement went through her. Was he going to do it from behind?
It hurt. The strong surge in my erection hurt. Watching Tina lift her sexy bottom to help me pull her panties off was pure eroticism. Shuffling back I pulled them down her slim legs and off. Bending, I kissed cool silky buttocks, massaging the sides, seductively curved sides. She had a gorgeous diamond-shaped gap at her groin. Her small pouty pussy nestled between her thighs, plump labia closed, and the nub of her clitoris just visible in the darkness, shadows from the kitchen light adding depth and allure.
When she lay still as I stripped her panties off, her arms folded like a pillow under her head, face turned, and small smile curving her sexy mouth, my erection pulsed, hard and aching. Sexy, sexy as hell. So sexy I was having a tough time maintaining control.
Reaching for her slim hips I lifted bottom, pulling her onto her knees, her head still resting on her arms. Slowly her bottom flared, rounding seductively, buttocks curving, and, with my heart pounding, her little pussy oozed out between her thighs.
"Okay?" I asked in a hushed whisper, my heart pounding loud in my ears.
"Uh-huh." Tina could almost feel moisture leaking out. The night air felt cool on her pussy. She felt so sexy. Displaying herself to Chet like this felt so grown-up, so adult, and his warm hands on her hips made her shiver. He was going to do it from behind! She wondered what it was going to feel like, his penis pushing into her like this.
Bending down, I kissed her buttocks again and used my hands on her sides to pull them apart slightly, groaning when the shadow of her anus appeared, small, tightly closed, wrinkled. Bending further, I licked her seductive cleft. She pushed back at me with a moan. I tasted her arousal, sweet, very slightly musky. Pushing my tongue deeper I probed the depression leading to her vagina. Soft moist and slippery labia caressed my tongue as I felt her entrance. Moving down, I kissed her cleft right at her clitoris, rewarded with another push back and another moan.
I was dizzy with excitement, my penis hard and damp.
"Okay?" I asked softly as I shuffled up behind her bottom, caressing gorgeous buttocks.
My penis looked large next to her small pussy, large and throbbing. Holding it I guided myself to that depression that now glistened with my saliva and her arousal. I could feel tremors in my body when I nestled myself to her, hot and moist against the tip. With my erection firmly placed, I held her, my hands at the bend of her slim hips and sexy thighs. Tina looked and felt so petite, so excitingly small. Pulling her gently, pushing softly, my crown flattened, her labia bulged. God my erection looked so huge! Then, in slow motion, her labia oozed out and down my crown and I was at her entrance, tiny and hot. Tina pushed back slightly and pulled away slightly spreading my slippery precum.
Holding her more firmly, I pushed gently and watched as her pussy widened, my crown squeezed and, with a deep, deep sigh, felt it slip inside her, held tight, tight in her velvet grip. It was an intensely arousing sight. My erection lodged just inside her, labia spread wide, gorgeous bottom, sweet buttocks spread and the dark smudge of her anus had me pulsing wildly.
Tina's smile had faded, eyes closed, and a small frown between her eyebrows.
My eyes were now riveted on where we were joined as I pushed slowly, holding petite hips. I could feel my climax stir as I watched my erection slip into the tight, tight velvety smoothness of her vagina. Heat surrounded my shaft as I slipped deeper, gliding smoothly; Tina hot and moist. Groaning deeply I felt her end, sweet little buttocks nestled to my groin. Tina was clasping my erection so firmly I felt myself expanding and contracting, pulsing inside her. It was unbelievably erotic and, had she not moaned and moved, I would have held that position for a long time.
But she did, pulling away from me slightly and pushing back, perhaps half an inch, encouraging me to stroke into her. Despite feeling like I was on a hair trigger, I slowly pulled out, almost completely out until the flared ridge appeared. Reversing I slipped into her in one smooth deep stroke. It opened the gates. I started stroking into her and as my passion took control, I started pulling her hips back at me, pushing deeper, sinking deeper on every stroke. Tina was huffing, mouth open with occasional moans, her little body jerking forward with every deep stroke. Before I knew it I realised I was completely burying myself in her, all the way, pressed tight against her end.
Our pace increased, faster, wetter. I was close, pressure in my head, heaviness in my groin, I was close. I heard Tina.
"Yes, yes," she whispered, then gasped, "uh, oh God," and shoved back against me, her body jerking, buttocks clenching, cumming, Jesus, Tina climaxing as I fucked her.
I came immediately, explosively, painfully, semen jetting into her as I held her tight, pushing in as deep as I could go. Gasping I pulled back and thrust, cum spurting painfully, hot, wet, bathing my crown. Another spasm shook me as I thrust again, semen exploding. I held her small hips and shoved and thrust my way through an intense climax, spurting semen with exquisite pleasure until I couldn't hold myself up, collapsing over Tina, forcing her flat against the grass as the last satisfying pulses spurted weakly into her, soft little buttocks nestled into my groin.
Sounds returned slowly, surf thumping gently, hissing out, crickets announcing their presence to prospective mates, and a gentle sea breeze cooling the sweat on my back. Tina's soft breaths warmed me, petite body hot under me, delectable buttocks relaxed, soft, silky. A residual pulse of pleasure passed through me. I'd cum inside her; she had my semen inside her.
Eventually I rolled off her, picked her languid body up, holding her against me. With her eyes closed she murmured into my chest as I carried her to bed, snuggled against me when I slipped between the sheets, nestled to me murmuring softly, and with the sounds of her soft breathing, her small buttock in my hand, I slipped into a deeply satisfied sleep.
The deep rumble of triple Mercury 700's distracted me from my laptop as I pounded the keyboard, close to finishing my ninth novel. The ceiling fan wheezed and squeaked doing an admiral job of not disturbing the air. I wondered yet again why I never renovated my study or put in air-conditioning, sweat slipping down my back, tickling me between my shoulder blades.
Engines died into silence, replaced by bright laughter and chatting. Looking up through the slatted glass window I saw Tina and her friends climbing out of the 48' Express Cruiser. I admired her in her white bikini and deep bronze tan. She'd blossomed into a seventeen year old beauty, thick brown hair cut to shoulder length. Still slim, she was now the proud owner of gorgeous C cup breasts and a world class rear end. The word svelte came to mind as I admired her sleek sexy body, and felt the familiar flush of love and lust when she waved at me, giving me a stunning grin that still blew me away. Gorgeous, utterly gorgeous.
Sighing, I closed the lap top. I'd promised to cook a gourmet dinner for her school friends. It was going to be a long night.
panzerbelle @ aol
Philip Spencer
I also find the constant changes from 1st person to 3rd person perspective disconcerting. Choose one and stick to it!
renpet2012 @
I must clarify something, though. Panzerbelle, great critique and, yes, 'Rapt attention' just drives me nuts. I hate stupid grammatical mistakes, yet make them all the time.
As for the 'viewpoint', sorry, but I don't need an editor. I write from several viewpoints in order to immerse the reader in the story. That's how I like to involve readers in the personalities I create; it's how I like to read my stories. Sorry you find it annoying, but 'dem the breaks'; I write for my own enjoyment. Thanks for a well considered critique, Panzerbelle. :)
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