Hentai Schoolgirl Model

[ gg-bi/b, M+, 1st, anal, cons ]

by purpuss


Published: 16-Feb-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1 - Chance Encounter

"So, you're a Japanese, right?"

"No." She felt nervous with the big girl staring right at her.

"Then SOMEthing like that. Right? Chinese... or Ninja maybe?"

"'Merican." She said, staring steadily toward the front of the bus. "I'm a-merican. I was born right here... in Cleveland," she added. "I'm not nothin' else."

"Funny." The big kid replied. She was tall, had bright reddish-blond hair and freckles, and she looked like she should be wearing a bra under her blouse already. "You got those squinty eyes and straight black hair so I thought you could be a Chink or somethin', y'know? It's not that I MIND or nuthin'... I was just lookin' for a real life model, that's all."

"A what?" she asked, and turned to see if she'd heard right.

"You know! A model. Like a movie star. Someone who can act out stories for my artwork."

"What?" Yukiko repeated. She blushed because she sounded so lame.

The big girl sighed, and then dug into her backpack. She gripped the thing between pale-skinned muscular thighs, her skirt hitched up so high on her legs that her panties showed. She didn't seem to care. The small bikini panties were made of a thin, transparent silky material, a pale shade of pink that almost matched her skin. Yukiko wanted to look away but couldn't. Her face burned hot with embarrassment again.

"See? Like this..." the older girl was saying, opening a composition notebook, apparently not noticing Yukiko's flustered expression. "It's called 'Anime' and it's like cartoons, but mine are much more sexy-for older kids... an' for grownups-That's called 'Hentai.'" She explained factually.

Yukiko looked down at the ruled page. It was covered with penciled drawings-drawings of a young girl with large dark eyes and straight black hair. She was a schoolgirl, dressed in a white blouse and a dark short pleated skirt-just like Yukiko was, dressed as she was for her first day at the Merciful Mary Catholic elementary school. The girl in the drawing had a backpack on her shoulders, almost like Yukiko's too... The drawings could have been of her. The older girl turned the page...

Yukiko blushed crimson again-the little girl in the next drawing was standing in a shadow-filled, dirty-looking train, clutching a chrome metal pole. A big man in a black trench coat next to her had placed his hand under her much-too-short dress. The little girl's eyes were huge and teary-looking. She looked very afraid.

The page turned. The drawing was of the man's hand. His knuckles were thick and knotted, his fingernails dirty, his swollen veined fingers tightly gripped the front of the little girl's white lace panties, pulling them down her rail-skinny legs, showing her... Yukiko turned away, too embarrassed to look any more.

"So whatya think? Cool, huh?" The big girl was asking her.

"Why is he doing that?" Was all Yukiko could think to say.

"Why? Whatta mean 'why?'" The big girl looked puzzled.

"Like... why is he pulling down her underpants?" Yukiko managed to whisper, fighting to conceal her internal discomfort and nervousness.

"Cause it's what they DO y'know... In Hentai comics, that's what happens to ALL the little girls-the horny old men get t'fuck 'em! What else? Hey, you're really a virgin ain't-cha?"

"NO!" Yukiko stammered. Then... "What's THAT mean?" She wished she'd picked another seat to take before the bus had filled with more kids.

"HA!" The red-headed girl cried out, doubling over in a fit of feinted laughter and making her braided pigtails fly. "I guess I shoulda known. You're ONLY a second-grader after all!"

Yukiko clamped her mouth shut and started silently ahead at the ribbed-metal back of the seat directly in front of her.

"Hey, I didn't mean it like THAT... it's cool, really. I was like that too... once." She said. "Besides, you won't have to DO anything to model. It's just pretend, for the drawings... so, whatta ya say? Will you do it?"

Yukiko wanted to remain as still and silent as a stone statue, but despite her best intentions, she felt her eyes drawn to the open notebook. The drawing showed the little girl's private place... all bare, like she was undressing for a bath.

"So what's your name anyway?"

"Yukiko." She heard herself say, not the answer she'd been tempted to give.


"No... Yu-ki-ko... You can call me Yuki like my parents if you want."

"U-kie! Cool! Mine's Katie Catherine O'Malley. But you can call me Kate." She said, extending her open hand.

Yukiko wasn't quite sure what was expected, but decided it was probably best to shake, and so she pumped the older girl's hand once with her own. Kate didn't let go and Yukiko began to flush from having her hand held, but the moment passed and she felt the older girl's eyes smiling at her discomfort. Her eyes were a lovely shade of sea green, her face rosy and freckled. Kate let go of her hand and bent closer to whisper, "I can help you out in this place-little kids really need someone to look out for 'em, y'know? I know ALL the bullies, but they don't mess with me, and I'll take care of ya, okay?"

"Okay. Sure... Thanks." Yukiko muttered, not really sure what she was agreeing to.

"Besides, we're practically neighbors! You got on the bus at the next stop after mine!"

Yukiko's first day at the new school flew by in a blur. There was so much to learn! Her home room number, her teacher's name (Miss Kimberly, a nice pretty lady with small glasses who wore flower-smelling perfume), her locker number, her seat assignment, the exit routes for the fire drills, recess times, other kids names... Much too much to remember it all in just one day! She looked forward to her mom coming back from work so she could tell her all about it-and then daddy later, when he got home from his job in the city. Yukiko decided she liked her new school, even if she had to wear the same-looking uniform every day.

Before she knew it, the final bell rang and kids raced to the door-Miss Kimberly sounding stern when she admonished, "Now children-WALK, don't RUN in the hallways! I'll see everyone in the morning!" "Good-bye." "Good-bye!" The voices of her classmates and her own rang out in reply.

She found her bus, the number B-4. A cluster of big kids were standing around, blocking the door. Most of them were boys-bragging, pushing and shoving and showing off for the girls. Yukiko tried to squeeze around behind one of them to climb onto the bus, but one of the other boys noticed her first. "Hey, look! A new Chink kid!"

Her way was blocked. Grinning, pimply faces were gawking down at her in a quickly tightening circle. Yukiko clutched her schoolbag to her chest and tried to avoid their gaze, staring fixedly down at her shoes. "Excuse me." She managed to stammer.

A great big ugly pock-marked face filled her view. One of the big kids, a boy, had crouched down on his haunches to confront her. "Hey," He loudly exclaimed for the others in his group to hear, "I heared Chink pussy is SIDEWAYS! Let's see!" Suddenly Yukiko felt a rough hand snake beneath her skirt, a finger thrust between her thighs, poking into her panties hard, right where only the doctor touched her! She tried leaping back in shock and surprise, but another boy was standing much too closely behind her... She was trapped! The fat finger pressed cruelly and twisted further into her-her knees buckled, she was falling... she felt her panties being pushed far up inside...

From out of nowhere a backpack arched past her vision with a "whoosh!" caught the boy's leering face and flung it aside. The finger was gone. "Hey shit-for-brains! That's MY best friend so you keep yer god-dammed paws off-a-her y'got that!?" It was the voice of the big girl from the seat next to her on the morning bus... Kate, Katie? Anyway, she loomed against the sun in the sky over her, shadowed and haloed like some shining saint, her personal savior in the nick of time. Before Yukiko knew what was happening, she was pulled up by her arm and half-dragged up steps into the bus. In the very back, she was helped into the window seat, and the big girl dropped down beside her-protectively in the aisle seat, glaring angrily at the sheepish-looking boys as they filed aboard.

"Those assholes!" She cursed. "I told ya you gotta watch out for the dickheads around here! Are you okay?"

Yukiko tried hard not to cry. She couldn't stop shaking all over. She felt real sore between her legs and her panties were still bunched up inside where it hurt. She was afraid to look. "T-thanks..." she managed to whisper.

"Shit! You're hurt ain't ja. Here, lemme look." And before Yukiko could reply, Kate pulled up her skirt and was staring between her legs. "Oh my God! That asshole Jimmy Kaplan needs to get his dick cut off for this!"

Yukiko looked down at her lap. Her panty waistband had been pulled half way down from the force of the boy's finger pushing them inside her. They were twisted around her hips, a big red stain had pooled at her crouch.

"Crap! You can't wear these now! Lift your legs-don't worry, I'm a girl fer Chri-sake-I gotta take 'em off t'see if you're still bleeding!" Kate gently pulled the panties and Yukiko felt them being dragged out from her body. The pain was excruciating!

"Well," Kate continued, after a long embarrassing moment while she stared intently between Yukiko's bare spread legs, "There's good news and there's bad news. Which d'you want first?"


"Good news an' bad news... y'know. Okay, first the bad news. Yer panties are soaked in blood and you better not wear them." She said, stuffing the red cotton wad in her coat pocket, "Your dress is stained too, but that's not so bad it can't be cleaned. You live close to me, so you can come over to my house and we'll clean you up before your mom or dad sees this and causes a lot of trouble. Oh yeah, an' the GOOD news is, you're not bleeding now and you're not a virgin anymore either I'll bet!" And she made a lopsided grin for Yukiko's sake.

"I'm not?"

"Probably not... So now the hard part is already over... You can have fun with it from now on."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, like screwin'! Oh, that's right, you don't know nuthin' yet. I'll tell ya all 'bout it when we get home."

Yukiko tugged the pleated school skirt down to her knees, covering her nudity beneath it. It felt strange to feel her bare behind sticking sweaty to the leather of the bus seat.

When they arrived at Kate's stop, the girls filed up the isle past the boy who'd hurt her, the one she called Jimmy. As they passed, Kate swung out with her fist, boxing the kid soundly on his ear. He yelped and the other kids laughed. Yukiko was too embarrassed to look up.

They walked together around a large two story house up to the back door. "The good thing is we'll be all alone for awhile. My brother Mick plays football, so he's got practice after school. And my folks don't get home from the city until six and that's still four hours from now!"

Kate led Yukiko to her bedroom on the second floor. There was a large drawing table against the far wall. Yukiko immediately noticed the walls were covered with sketches. Some were in color, some in pencil or charcoal, but all the drawings were of little girls-faeries with gossamer wings, and many had pointed ears she saw on closer inspection. Most of them were naked, perched on flowers or leaves, hidden in woods, flying through beams of yellow sunlight. They were stunningly beautiful! "I can't hang up the stuff I'm working on now-the hentai stuff." Kate explained. "It's too... well, y'know, my folks don't even KNOW I do those!" And she grinned mischievously.

Kate took Yukiko's book bag and threw it with her own on an empty chair. "First thing we gotta do is wash that skirt in cold water to take the stain out," she was saying, as she leaned over and began unfastening Yukiko's waist buttons. Yukiko had already resolved not to resist the brash young girl. Kate took charge and just did things without the courtesy of asking. But Yukiko felt she could trust her, despite her seemingly rude impetuousness. The girl was looking out for her-after all, she cared enough to defend her against the bus stop bullies, and now she was helping her get cleaned up. Yukiko had never known anybody like that in all her short life, other than her mother. She wondered if that was what it was like to have an older sister. The little school uniform skirt fell down from her waist and Yukiko stood naked in front of the girl, except for her white blouse, which didn't come down far enough to cover anything anyway. "Here, I'll get you a pair of my panties you can wear 'til you get home." Kate offered. She rummaged through a dresser drawer and offered a white bundle to Yukiko before stepping through an open door to an adjoining bathroom. Yukiko unfolded the panties and heard water running in the sink.

"Mick's bedroom's on the other side." Kate was saying, pointing to the closed door at the other end of the bathroom. "Sometimes sharing a bathroom with your brother can be a lit-tle interesting, if y'know what I mean!"

Yukiko had no idea WHAT she meant. She'd pulled the fresh panties up over her waist, but they were a couple of sizes too big. They slid back down her legs, collapsing in a heap around her ankles. "Too big, huh?" Kate said, peering around the door jam to notice her predicament. "Well, fuck it!" She exclaimed, bending over to reach under her skirt, "I never wear the damn things when I get home anyhow. Might as well we both go buck-nakid!" And she hauled down her own small pink underpants and tossed them across the room where they landed on top of a wicker basket. Next the skirt fell to the floor, and Kate hurriedly unfastened the line of buttons on her blouse down her chest. This she peeled off her shoulders, gathered up both bundles, and tossed them across the room to join the castoff panties. Now she was completely naked, and acted as if she could care less that Yukiko was standing there gaping at her. "You can get comfortable too if you like." Kate offered casually, "Like I said, Mick won't be home anytime soon, so it's just us girls all by ourselves! You like music? Whatta ya like to hear? You know the Ramones? I got their new CD. It's WAY too cool... Wanna listen?"

Kate dashed to the other side of the room. Her pert behind was full and tightly muscular. She had breasts too, Yukiko noticed. Not real big ones, but conical bumps on her chest and wide dark circles on her pale freckled skin where her perky nipples perched. Yukiko undid her own buttons, not wishing to appear shy or standoffish to her new friend. Pulling open her blouse, she looked down in dismay at her own flat chest, wondering if she'd ever grow beautiful breasts of her own someday. The sight of her body caused a twinge of pain again between her legs.

"Oh man! I fergot!" Kate said, noticing Yukiko's grimace. "I was gonna get you something for that-some cream I got-helps when Mick gets too frisky with my backside."


"Never mind, I'll explain things to you sooner or later. In the meantime..."

She'd returned from the bathroom with a tube of gel in her hand. Yukiko eyed it warily.

"Sit here on the edge of the bed and spread 'em." She commanded. "I know, I know..." She continued, when she saw the younger girl's flushed reaction, "It looks gross, but this stuff'll make you feel better down there in no time."

Yukiko was paralyzed into confused inaction. Kate faced her and gently pushed back her shoulders. Yukiko flopped back on the bed and watched as the big girl squeezed a glob of white cream on her finger. Without so much as a warning, she put her finger where the boy had pushed in her panties... Yukiko's head swam... but the sensation was cooling and slippery this time. She felt Kate's finger there, but the girl was being gentle-rubbing the cream inside her. The finger went inside deeper. From where Yukiko watched over her tummy, she couldn't see it anymore. But it didn't hurt now, and that was all that mattered.

"This stuff makes you numb. It's for 'rhoids or something... At least that's what Mick tells me. He got it for my butt."

"Why do you put it there?"

You'll see... someday. Remember when I said the 'good news' is now you can start having fun?"

"Uh-huh." Yukiko nodded, remembering.

"Well that's because you ain't no virgin no more."

"I'm not?"

"Nah. 'Ol fart-breath Jimmy busted yer hymen-that's the thing that seals yer pussy shut like Glad Wrap-but now yours is open like mine."

"Did he bust yours too?"

"No, that was Mick-my big brother. But after he did that, he took to like doin' it in my butt sometimes too-so that's how I got this here numb cream."

"Doing what... exactly..." Yukiko dared ask. Kate kept rubbing the cream up inside her. The pain was gone, but now she was beginning to feel strangely warm and tingly. Her face was becoming flushed and she felt herself squirm on the springy bed. Kate had her other hand pressing gently on her tummy. She rubbed there, and rubbed over her chest too.

"Hummm. Guess you haven't seen a boy's prick when it gets horny, have you?"


"Yeah, you know... Their dick... cock... willie... their PENIS! Where boys make piss from!" And she giggled hysterically.

"Their wee-wee? That's what my mommy calls it."

"You never even SEEN it?"

"No..." Yukiko flushed deeper, her embarrassment adding to the new heat she felt strangely radiating from her loins. The other thing had felt good, but she struggled now to sit up, pulling herself back from the older girl's manipulations.

"Ok then, roll over-you're done. I'm gonna show you some of my drawings-the GOOD kind. By the way, you got a real cute ass, you know that?"

Yukiko quickly rolled over on her tummy to hide the flush she was sure colored her face like a clown's... and that's when she felt the sharp sting of a slap on her cheek! Instantly she blushed a deeper shade of scarlet-if that was even possible!

Kate returned caring a thick black notebook tied with a strap with a small lock on its side. As she fiddled with the combination, Yukiko couldn't help staring across the bedspread at the girl's bared cleft between her boldly spread legs. At her eyelevel, the perspective afforded Yukiko a particularly intimate view of another girl's anatomy that she'd never seen up close before. She'd never taken the time to look that carefully at her own crouch, but from what she could see, she realized how interestingly different her new friend was from herself. Besides the obvious freckles that covered her milky white skin like the bubbles floating on beach waves, her girl parts... her private parts, were plumper, rounder, and the valley that split her down there looked wide with folds of pink leaves just peeking out from their sides. But the most interesting thing was the dark fold of skin that poked itself out from the top, before the cleft ended and her flat tummy began. Yukiko didn't have one of those and she wondered if maybe she was missing something...

"Ok! Here's a little lesson in sex but it's like a comic book. You've SEEN comic books, haven't you?"

"Yeah sure!" Yukiko giggled, relaxing a bit with the humor of the audacious question.

Kate climbed up on the bed. Facing Yukiko, she crouched back on her feet, her knees widely spread with her collection of drawings laid out between them. "I have to draw girls from what I can see of myself in a mirror-that's why most of these earlier drawings look more like me than a Ninja girl. I made Mick pose for pictures for the drawings of guys... That's part of our deal if he wants to mess around ... Anyway, this first one shows what a cock looks like when it's hard and the guy's REALLY excited."

The drawing was done in colored ink, intricately detailed on a full-sized 8x10 inch page. Yukiko had never seen anything in her life so odd, so bizarre, so hypnotically surreal. She felt like she did the time her father had taken her to the aquarium, and she stood for what seemed like hours in front of a tank that held a live octopus. It was creepy-but she oddly wanted to reach out and touch it.

"It looks like THIS?"

"That's not all. Look at this one!"

A different angle, facing it. A fat, flattened snake-looking head with its single slit weepy vertical red eye desperately seeking her. The thing was blood-swollen, and huge lumpy veins stood out from its thick engorged neck. "An' this one..."

Another side view, arched up and curved back at an impossible angle like an unripe banana, stretching up against his belly, reaching higher than the boy's belly button. Below it hung the most curious oddity-a bag, heavy with something weighing it down. Yukiko couldn't begin to guess what THAT was for.

"An here's what it looks like when it's cumming!"

A panel of six drawings: The head of the thing poised at the tentatively open mouth of a small girl, her slim hand wrapped tightly around its base. Second panel with her hand pulling it closer, her mouth stretched widely open in expectant anticipation, her tongue eagerly extended... Middle page left panel, the thing was in her small mouth, filling it, her cheeks puffed out like a hamster's, the little girl looked as if she were about to gag. The panel next to it showed she'd pulled it back out, but the thing had a white glob of stuff vomiting from its tiny slit... it was about to splat against the girl's ruby pink tongue. Bottom left panel, a small square showing an explosion of white streaks hitting the back of the little girl's gaping mouth, coating her tonsils. The right panel was larger than the rest, and drawn with more precision. The girl's face was dripping with goopy milk-white cream... it flooded her mouth and ran from the corners of her lips, down her chin, dribbled down her bare chest, over her belly all the way down through the cleft between her legs. The monstrous thick-veined purple headed pole was still shooting the stuff from its swollen red eye. It plastered her dark hair, stuck on her half-shut eye, and clogged her flared nostrils.

Yukiko was speechless. More questions than answers flooded her brain. What had happened, and why did the little girl LET herself to be practically drowned in this flood of gushy stuff that came out of the boy thing Kate said was their "cock"?

"Well? Whatta ya think? Cool huh?" The older girl asked, squirming back on her heels, excitement and expectation plainly showing on her grinning face. Yukiko tried to be polite and nod, but Kate noticed her hesitation. "Course, it ain't anywheres NEAR as cool as being there an' making it actually happen by yerself of course... an' well, you wouldn't know about that, but believe me, THAT'S way better." She smirked for effect. "Most of this I had to do from pictures-and I hadta take a LOT of those to get the different angles and details of the squirting and stuff. But what I mean is, look at the faces-they're pretty real, aren't they? Not as real as yours, but with practice they'll get better!"

When Kate ran out of breath and stopped talking, Yukiko was quick to appear appreciative and supportive. "Kate, I think your drawing is very good. You make the little girl look very real, and the other things... well..."

"Yeah I know, you can't really tell without seein' it up close first. Maybe that's something I can fix up for you too, but for now, will you at LEAST let me take some pictures of you, so I can practice making my Ninja girl look more like you do?"

"Take pictures of me?" Yukiko blushed.

"Yeah sure! I gotta computer camera! You stay right there! That's perfect! I'll go an' get it!" And she hopped off the bed and ran naked through the bathroom. Yukiko heard her open the other door where her brother's room was supposed to be. She was naked, she remembered! Oh my gosh! Nobody had EVER seen her naked and certainly never taken pictures of her this way! NOW what was she going to do? Yukiko was futilely looking for something to cover her body when her new friend bolted back into the room. "Ok, OK! Just freeze! That's perfect!" Kate commanded.

A silvery smooth shiny square device was thrust within mere inches of her face. Kate was mostly hidden behind it, but her hair framed her hands which held the thing expertly. Its round glass turret whirred and spun out, staring at Yukiko eye-to-eye. She expected something more than a soft mechanical "crick."


Yukiko blinked. "Crick." "Perfect!" That word again.

Her nose, "crick," an ear, "crick," back to her eyes still wide in shock and doe-like panic. "Crick!" "Yeah! Perfect!" Perfect seemed to be Kate's favorite operative expression. Yukiko smiled with the absurdity of it all. "Crick!" "Oh, Yeah! Perfect again!"

"This time make like a kiss." Kate prompted.

Yukiko pursed her lips. "Crick!"

"Now bite your finger tip."

Yukiko tasted the tip of her nail. "Crick!"

"Tilt your head way back, and open your mouth like you're moaning."

Yukiko was surprised to hear her own voice obey-a throaty growl escaped from the depths of her arched chest. "Crick!"

"Wow! Perfect!"

"Put your hands to your face... now your arms folded over your head... touch the corners of your eyes... now your nipples..." "Crick-crick! Crick-crick!"

Yukiko was panting. Her heart pounded in her chest as if she'd just run from her home to get here. That was strange... Why was she so flushed, so warm, so pleasantly excited? "Please! I have to rest!" She protested, giggling at her own newfound curiously sensual enjoyment. "Can I... Can we SEE what they look like?"

Kate scooted next to her on the bed and wrapped an arm intimately over her shoulders. With both hands, she manipulated the camera's menu functions, causing little pictures to light up a screen on the back. With her head pressed tightly against Yukiko's so they could both see, she began displaying each of the pictures now safely stored in the camera's memory chip. Yukiko was speechless! The pictures were better than she'd imagined. She could hardly believe the images were of her!

"See?" Kate commented, "You have beautiful wide eyes... just like a real Anime girl! An' your lips are full and pouty... an' your nose is just a cute little button... an' your body is PERFECT!" She exclaimed in obvious delight.

Yukiko didn't know what to say. The pictures certainly made her look more beautiful and interesting than she thought she'd ever looked in a mirror. Kate said they were "sexy!" She'd heard that word, but she thought it meant Kate thought they were "cool." In any case, she was having fun and it was flattering to have her new friend tell her she looked "sexy!"

"Yeah, you'll make a PERFECT Hentai model!" Kate concluded.

"I will?"

"For SURE! But first I gotta get some more pictures, okay? I need more of your body to use for sketching. By then your dress will be dry and it'll be time to go home anyway. I can show you what the drawings look like tomorrow on the way to school on our bus! Okay?"

Yukiko agreed, but she was totally unprepared for what happened next. With Kate's arm already circling the back of her neck, Yukiko was surprised and shocked when Kate pulled her face to her own and kissed her right on her lips! It wasn't the kind of kiss mommy or daddy gave her at bedtime. This was a pressing kiss with her lips mashed against hers, her mouth open, her tongue pressing insistently against her own. It was hot, and she could smell Kate's body... just as sweaty as her own. It made Yukiko's heart skip a beat!

"Wow! Great!" The impulsive older girl gushed, "These will be SO sexy! Just you wait and see!" And before Yukiko could gather her thoughts, the big girl pushed her back on the bed and straddled her waist with her legs. The little silver camera came up and Kate began telling her what to do...

One part of Yukiko's mind was stunned and shocked by Kate's bold intimacy and her suggestions for outrageous poses-the other was surprised at how submissive she herself had become, and how she eagerly responded to fulfill the older girl's lurid requests, without a moment's questioning, self-doubt, or hesitation. It was as if she'd become an object of Kate's fantasy, a thing to be manipulated and animate-one of her naughty Anime drawings coming to life! Yukiko vaguely recognized a thrilling satisfaction in that. She comfortably felt she needn't be ashamed-they were alone, her friend was just as naked as she, and anything she did or let happen to her, wasn't really happening to HER-it was happening to a drawing, an Anime... a Hentai drawing-something Kate was in the process of creating!

She responded to Kate's direction, stretched and rolled beneath the older girl's spread knees while the camera clicked away, all the while stealing long glances at Kate's most intimate "privates." With growing wonderment, Yukiko noticed Kate's private place visibly reacted to her posing. When Kate got excited, yelling "Perfect!" after a picture, a glistening wet nub appeared to expand and peek out from the darker folds of skin protruding from her split cleft. When this happened, her new friend would get wet there-Yukiko could plainly see the beginning trickles of wetness flow down the insides of her thighs. Sometimes Kate would even pause long enough to run her fingers through her crack, lightly flicking that swollen pink knot and coming away dripping wet. When this happened, her eyes would glaze over and become distant, her chest would heave with quickening breath, and it would take her a moment before she told Yukiko what pose she wanted her to do next.

As the picture-taking proceeded, Kate became more interested in taking close-up pictures below Yukiko's waist-particularly between her legs-of those places Yukiko was so curious about with Kate's body. Kate told her to spread her legs wide open, grab her ankles and lift her behind off the bed. At another time Kate had her on her hands and knees, her chest flat on the bed with her back arched, her bottom trust back towards Kate's face and the camera. After a few pictures with her butt spread wide for the camera like this, Yukiko felt Kate touch her there...

"Hey, don't get scared, I just want to see if your bleeding stopped inside." She said, and Yukiko felt Kate's fingers pull her lips aside... The camera clicked.

"Yeah, you're okay now. I'll bet you're open enough to take Mick after a couple of tries." A finger pushed into her. Yukiko stifled a gasp, but she felt the prickly heat rush up her body from her loins. Without thinking, she arched and rocked back to meet the pressure. Kate's finger probed deeper. She barely heard the camera this time. "Ooooo... That's PERFECT!"

The finger pulled out. Yukiko nearly swooned. But then it pushed back inside... It slipped through her small crevice and pushed between her pedals. Something was touched-Yukiko felt her head swim with delicious waves of pleasure. She moaned in her throat as the camera clicked again.

"There's your clitty! It's not too developed yet, but you felt that, right? That's the part I want you to rub with your finger."

Yukiko hesitantly reached between her legs and felt Kate's hand guide her finger to the place she'd never touched before. When she reached it, she felt the dizziness rise up and wash over her again. It was only a small little bump. She had to push in to rub it. It felt all slippery and hot on her fingertip. Kate's hand pushed her finger back and forth over the slick little nub. Yukiko wanted to squeeze her legs closed over her hand. Her body was sweating and she felt her knees begin to tremble. It felt so wonderful! Why hadn't she noticed she could make herself feel this good before?

She found if she twitched her finger quickly in this place, the waves of tingly shuddering feelings crashed through her body, becoming stronger and stronger. She felt as if she couldn't stop if she'd wanted to. Her face and ears felt hot, sweat dripped through her eyes from her hair, she heard a distant ringing that grew louder and louder the faster her finger flicked the aching wet spot. Kate's hand released hers, but Yukiko felt another intrusion shove into her body. Involuntarily, she arched her hips up to meet it-but something else happened... something... dirty!

Yukiko knew something was pressing insistently against her rear hole-the place where she made poo-poo from-that dirty place she only wiped with balls of wadded paper after sitting on the toilet. She wanted to scream, she flinched reflexively away from it-too late! Another thing pushed down and entered her body! Her ears roared with a sound like waves crashing on the beach on summer vacation. The fingers pushed and pulled within her, taking turns-one in, the other out... Yukiko hardly noticed her own finger frantically pulling at the raw oozing nipple between her trembling legs... She thought she did hear herself cry out in a voice she'd never heard before, just before she shuddered violently, her body bucked then locked in a frozen timeless place of roaring swirling unthinkable bright feeling.

Kate knew she'd caused her new little Ninja friend to climax for the very first time of her life. She'd been ready with the camera to make pictures of every delicious moment. Course, she had to do all that one-handed, her other hand was pressed tightly against between the little girl's spread cheeks, her thumb buried past the last knuckle up her cunt and her middle finger pressed as far as she could push it inside her ass. When she'd rubbed her thumb against the fingertip with only that thin slippery wall between them in her sweaty body to separate them, that's when Yukiko came. And boy, did she EVER cum! It seemed to go on forever! Wave after wave of shuddering sobbing convulsions washed over the little kid. Kate was afraid she'd either pass out or die!

Long moments passed while Yukiko slowly became aware of her surroundings. She was face down on a bed... her heart pounded in her heaving chest. Her body was hot and sweaty but she could feel the air cooling her naked skin. Her behind was sticking up-Yukiko briefly remembered how she'd slept as a baby and thought that mildly curious and funny... but there was something different... she felt like she was making poo-poo! No! That's not it!

In a rush it all came back to her. Kate, school, the bully, the bus and here in Kate's bedroom... Her face instantly flushed scarlet in abject embarrassment. What had she done?

She scrambled to roll over and sit up, facing the red-headed older girl sitting naked on the bed beside her. Yukiko saw the camera and immediately remembered everything.

"That was your first time, huh?" Kate grinned.

"First time?"

"For cumming. You know, having a 'climax!' No, I guess that answers it-yeah, that was your first time alright... That's what it feels like to cum real good!"

"It does? It feels so strong! So good, but kinda scary!"

"Yeah, and it gets better the more you practice too! Wait'll you learn how to make a dick get you off! Then you'll REALLY know what GOOD feels like!"

"I don't know if I can do that... with one of THOSE I mean." Yukiko said, pointing to the drawing Kate had left open on the bed. "Do you come too?"

"Oh yeah sure! All the time! But not just now, I was doing that for you AND for the pictures!" She smiled widely. "As a matter of fact, watching you DID make me get awfully horny. Tell ya what-I'll teach you how to make ME cum so you can see it, and I'll take pictures of that too okay?"

Yukiko couldn't see how she could refuse, besides, after discovering her own little spot that made her feel so good, she was doubly curious to see what Kate's bigger one looked like. Her friend instructed her to lie on her back again, with her knees spread apart, the soles of her feet together. Yukiko was looking up at the ceiling until Kate crawled over her face, now her eyes were just inches away from the older girl's sopping wet cleft. Kate leaned over the length of her body, her arms supporting her while her head was down somewhere between Yukiko's legs. Yukiko heard her say, "This is what you call a '69'-it's a way both of you can make each other cum at the same time. This is the way I like to start with Micky, but I've never done it with another girl yet..."

"What you do is lick me between my crack, up into my cunt and suck on my clitty. And I'll do it to you too... so just do what you feel me doing!"

And then Yukiko saw Kate stretch her knees apart, the puffy lips of her cleft spread open over her mouth. At the same time, she knew Kate was pushing her mouth against her... she felt the wetness and warmth of the girl's tongue push past her swollen lips, and the touch brought those newly discovered tingles to rise up her spine. Yukiko tilted her head back and tentatively licked into the offered pink flesh.

Her tongue sensed the heat and wetness there, and then she felt a slippery wetness dribble down its length and collect in her throat. She closed her lips around it, kissing her friend's pliant folds... It tasted somewhat salty, but sweet too, like nothing she'd ever tasted. "Mmmmm!"

"That's what girl cum tastes like!" She heard Kate say, the breath from her words ticklish in that place where her mouth hovered. "Boy cum tastes stronger, maybe more salty, and it's thicker and white and stringy."

Yukiko had no idea what she meant, she only knew she liked the sweet taste between Kate's open legs. She was close enough to look at her intimate anatomy better now too. Below her eyes was the tightly-closed wrinkly crater where she made her poo-poo from. It wasn't dirty she was relieved to see. Below that, where her nose was, a valley began, beginning with a small opening that disappeared within her in pink fleshy darkness. A distinct pungent aroma flooded her senses, inciting a rush of blood to her head. That must be her 'cunt,' the place where 'dicks' go, she guessed. And just below that, in front of her mouth, was that wedge of darker flesh that jutted out from the sheltered folds around it... The place where her sensitive button hid... the same place she'd shown Yukiko on her own body. Yukiko felt Kate's tongue find her down there and she shuddered in anticipation, her knees reflexively twitching up to squeeze her legs closed. Kate's hand gently pressed her leg down to the bed again and she heard the camera click.

Yukiko extended her tongue and reached up for that pointy place. She swiped her tongue across it, and felt Kate tremble as she had. Wow! I can do it! She thought... I can make her feel all tingly and gushy just like me!

"Suck on it... Like this..." Yukiko heard, and she suddenly felt Kate's mouth fasten tightly over her crouch, her tongue lapped down into her cunt, and her lips slurped over her sore little nubbin. Yukiko sharply gasped, her feet shot off the bed, her knees pulled in, and her back bucked and arched off the bed. "UHHH!" She moaned.

Kate took advantage of Yukiko's reaction by thrusting her own hips forward, grinding her cunt down savagely against the little girl's gaping mouth. Yukiko felt Kate's clit press down upon her. The stiffing knob, unsheathed from its hood and engorged with Kate's blood, burst forth like a butterfly from its cocoon-a live thing against her tongue. Instinctively, like a thirsty babe offered her momma's fat nipple, Yukiko's hungry mouth clamped over Kate's throbbing clitoris and she sucked it between her teeth, drinking it in with it a mouthful of gushing girl cum juice.

Now it was Kate's turn to gasp out loud and arch in spasmodic reaction. Jolts of pleasure-pain shot through her twitching body like arcs of static electricity. She forgot all about the camera and clasped Yukiko's narrow bare ass cheeks in both hands, pushing in with her finger until she found the slick entrance to her womb. She sucked furiously on the raw little nubbin of her clit, raked it with her teeth, and felt rewarded when her partner performed the same act in return upon herself. She shoved her thumb up Yukiko's cunt, twisted and pumped it, using the girl's flowing juices to lubricate her fingers. When she located the puckered rear indention, she shoved first one, then two digits deep inside, as far as they could reach.

Yukiko fought to keep from being overcome by the waves of excruciating sensation that racked her naked frame-jolting her in explosions of alternating pleasure and pain-pain turning to pleasure-wave after wave lifting her to heights she'd never believed possible to live through before. She sucked and bobbed her mouth over the stumpy knob that was her friend's most sensitive place... she could tell from the reaction she felt in return, a fire in her loins, a scorching flame in her crouch, kindled and teased to incandescence in Kate's sucking mouth. But when Kate's fingers found her rear entrance again, when she felt she was being split at her seam, torn front to back by the thrusting objects, she screamed-she sobbed, but she found that place over her teary eyes and she plunged her finger through the tightly clenched brown ring... pushed hard and deep, forcing it open like a dilating lens which slowly admitted her finger inside. Kate cried out, "UMMM-Yeah! Another one... put two inside!" She begged.

Yukiko pulled her hand back, feeling the muscle of Kate's ass suck strongly on her finger, trying to keep it locked deep inside. She doubled her effort and it finally came out in a slick rush with a sound like a "pop!" But its extraction left Kate's dark orifice open, pulsing with the beat of her heart. Yukiko pressed her first and middle fingertips together and pressed them back through the hole. She got less than an inch inside before the muscle, like a fresh rubber band, refused to allow her knuckles entrance. Kate squirmed mightily, bit down between Yukiko's legs, almost causing the young girl to lose consciousness. In pain and desperation, she shoved with all her might and felt Kate's ass give up its resistance. "YEEEE-OWWWW!" Kate cried. Yukiko was afraid she'd broken something. Before she could ask if Kate was okay, she felt the finger in her own rear place pull out, but soon after, it was there at her door again... It pushed, and... "AHHHHH!" Yukiko screeched!

"Feels good huh?" Kate gasped, her breath raspy against Yukiko's throbbing clitty. "Now do three! Or better yet, FOUR! You can do it, just bunch your fingers together and push with all your might!"

Yukiko would have stopped and thought her friend crazy if she herself had been in a rational state of mind. As it was, on the verge of another electrifying climax with her body screaming out and begging for a culmination-an end to the pain, an end to the mounting waves of searing pleasure, something to come... to come... to CUM!

In desperation she did as she was told. Pulled her hand back, bunched her fingers and thumb in between, pointed the tips at the quarter-sized twitching dark opening, and she shoved-with all of her might, as Kate's teeth clamped her tender bloody clitty-she screamed, and punched! When she opened her eyes after the waves and flashes of bright light subsided, she was curiously amazed to see that her hand had disappeared into her friend, all the way past her wrist!

Kate bucked over her like a rodeo bronco! Her hips thrust back and forth as she twisted and grinded her ass obscenely on Yukiko's embedded arm. Yukiko was fast approaching the limits of her endurance. Kate's thumb and fingers in both her intimate crevices were thrusting and pumping wildly within her. She clamped her knees around Kate's head to hold on... squeezing with all her might. Kate reared up, pulling Yukiko's arm fully extended. Yukiko's hand almost pulled free but Kate plunged back, sitting down with all her weight, driving Yukiko's arm up into her bowels to the depth of Yukiko's elbow. Kate screamed, Yukiko screamed, and the two went over the edge together-their bodies impaled upon each other, thrashing and convulsing in a torrid frenzy.

For the second time that day Yukiko regained consciousness and slowly pieced together where she was. Kate was lying next to her... she was surprised to find her arm was still deeply captured in the girl's freckled behind. The brown ring of her muscle looked impossibly large holding her arm like it was below her elbow. Yukiko tried moving her fingers... her hand was cramped tightly, it could hardly wriggle inside. Kate stirred, feeling the movement in her bowels. She tried sitting up until she realized the situation she was still in. "Hey!" She called.


"Still stuck in there, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Well, I guess we better get your arm out before you go home!"

Yukiko couldn't help but laugh at the obviousness of that odd statement! Kate started giggling with her, and Yukiko felt the ripples of her muscles from the inside of her too. It definitely felt strange. "Ok, you pull your arm while I hold on to my bedposts." Kate suggested after rolling on her stomach and lifting her behind up off the bed. Yukiko pulled and felt Kate's body slowly release its grip. Kate grunted and gasped and begged her to stop once or twice, but finally her arm was free while only the hand remained buried at her wrist. "This'll be the hard part." Kate said, beads of sweat glistening her brow. "Guess I'd better push and hope nothing else comes out!" The girls laughed in unison again, but Yukiko really hoped she was right!

Kate grunted and pushed while Yukiko pulled back, her left hand helping to pull the partially free arm. Yukiko watched the slow progress, fascinated at how wide Kate's muscle could actually expand. Finally her knuckles emerged and the rest of her fingers quickly followed. Kate sighed deeply and collapsed face down on the bed. Yukiko noticed the ring of her hole remained gapingly open-as if the elasticity had worn out. "Doesn't that hurt?" She asked her friend.

"Yeah, but it felt good too. Sex is funny like that. Besides, I want to get all of Mick in there and I haven't been able to do that before. Betcha tonight will be different!"

It was if she'd uttered a prophetic statement, because at that very moment both girls heard the front door slam and loud steps began ascending the stairs. "Oh my God!" Kate gasped. "What time is it? Mick's home already!"

Yukiko didn't know what to do or say. Kate sprang up from the bed and rushed to shut her door to the bathroom. It must have been just in time because Yukiko heard the other door open, a shower curtain being drawn and water for a shower sputter into a tub.

"There's no time to get you outta here, but maybe you can learn something else before you go home." The girl whispered. "Here, get your stuff together and hide in my closet. I'll close the doors, but you can see through the slats. Just don't make any noise or he'll know that you're here... An' I want to save THAT for later! Okay?"

Yukiko nodded obediently and let herself be hustled into a clothes closet across from the foot of her bed. She didn't know why, or what to expect. After all, the boy was getting into a shower and she could have dressed in the closet, then left for home unnoticed. Why didn't Kate want her to meet her brother?

She stood naked in the dark closet holding her clothes in a bundle in her arms. She noticed Kate had pulled on a short little miniskirt and a stretchy tube top to cover her nipples. She was standing back near the bed looking for her. Yukiko suspected she couldn't be seen since Kate never looked directly at her. She looked something like a kid cheerleader. Apparently satisfied, Kate walked to the bathroom door and pulled it wide open. Yukiko heard a howl of protest from the room next door.

"Hey! I'm getting' ready to use the shower! You'll just have to wait yer turn!"

Yukiko heard the water shutting off.

"Not now you're not!" It was Kate's voice, talking loudly to her brother. "I gotta make some pictures for some drawings I'm doing tonight."

"Aww, come on sis, I've just finished football practice! I'm beat now... Can't we do it this weekend?"

"Oh no you don't! I NEED the pictures now! If you want any easy pussy anymore you'll get yer ass in here! Besides, I got something to show you I KNOW will make you horny and as hard as a brick!"

"What's that?" Yukiko heard the deeper voice ask, as the back of a tall boy's body came into her view from the closet. Yukiko felt a sudden thrill rise up within her. The boy was completely naked as he faced Kate, only Yukiko couldn't see more than his backside just yet. He was big, and rippled with muscles. He stood a good foot taller than his sister and had reddish-blond curly hair just like hers. You could guess they were brother and sister, only he didn't have as many freckles as those that covered Kate's pale skin. "You finally get Mary Jo to pose naked for you?" He asked.

"Better!" Kate grinned.

"What's better?"

"How 'bout this?" Kate gloated, as she handed her brother her little camera.

Yukiko was mortified! She thought those pictures of her were just for Kate's eyes-for her drawings-not to be seen by anybody else! She almost stormed from the closet to snatch the camera from his hands before he saw her, but she remembered she was still naked. He'd see her anyway. Yukiko was flushed with embarrassment until the boy turned to sit on the edge of Kate's bed, his legs open casually while he intently studied the little window screen on the back of the camera. Yukiko's eyes went wide, her jaw dropped and her mouth felt dry. She was looking at the first real dick she'd ever seen, and this one was HUGE and growing bigger as she watched it!

"Damn Sis! When did you do these! Man, this little kid is HOT!"

"We made 'em today, after school."

"Does she fuck yet?" The boy asked, beginning to stroke his stiffening member with his free hand. Yukiko's eyes almost popped from her sockets, all feelings of mortification at being seen naked by Kate's older brother quickly forgotten. He LIKED her-in fact, he liked her SO MUCH, her pictures were making him grow big and hard like the drawings Kate had showed her... and he wanted to... well, to fuck her!

"Nah, not yet. I figure she MIGHT though... soon, with you... IF you play your cards right!"

"Shit!" The boy exclaimed, intently gazing at the pictures they'd made just moments before." You got her to take in your fingers, huh? I'd bet I COULD pop her cherry!" His cock was fully engorged now, thick and tall and it curved like a big banana, pointing backwards at his chest. He stroked the crown of it furiously until his sister crawled between his open legs and grabbed the thing in both smaller hands. Yukiko knew Kate was doing this as a show for her-she'd placed herself far enough to one side so Yukiko could clearly see what she was doing.

"Sorry! Her cherry's already been broke big brother. She had an accident today at school, that's why she came over. But she likes it up the ass too... just like me... so if you do it a few times for some pictures today, I'll be sure she gets t'see 'em."

"No shit?"

"UMPH!" The girl bobbed her head, having slurped the fat purplish head of the dick between her lips and now pulling it further down her throat.

"Okay, OK!" The boy agreed. I'll do it... Set up the camera before I blow my load already!"

"Perfect!" Kate exclaimed, scrambling to her feet with the little camera. She rummaged through a drawer until she found what she wanted, a small metal three-legged stand she screwed into the base of the camera. Next she pulled a small table to the foot of the bed, just to the side of where Yukiko was watching. Kate set the camera on top, and turned it facing the bed. She kept a small device in her hand... Yukiko noticed it made the camera work when Kate tested it by pressing a button.

"So how do you want it?" The boy asked.

"First some close-ups. LOTS of cum! In my mouth and all over my face. Then I have a little surprise for you..." She said before bending over his leg and slowly licking the fat knob of his cock seductively with her curled tongue. She looked up and winked for Yukiko.

"When do you think I can fuck your little friend?" Mick leered down at the mop of red hair bobbing over his lap.

"That's up to her. If she wants it, I'll set it up. But if you don't gimme enough cum for these pictures, I'll get Bobby Rydel, or Frank Wilkens to do it."

"THOSE guys! They ain't got a dick HALF as big as mine!" The boy protested. "Besides, I can cum more too! You know those guys are only good for a couple a'fucks at the most... Then they go dry!"

"Yeah, but the two of 'em TOGETHER front an' back could shoot in BOTH her twat and asshole an' fill her up REAL full-at the same time! That'd make for some REALLY cool pictures for my drawings!"

"Man... Let me do her FIRST sis... PLEASE? I'll fuck th'SHIT outta that little oriental kid! An' she'll be lovin' every minute of it too! You know how GOOD I am when I'm horny, don'cha sis?"

"Yeah..." Kate agreed, coming up for air, a full half length of her brother's wet dick slipping from her pursed lips with a slick slippery noise before she smiled. "You're okay... but you TALK too much! Now give it up with the juice, or I'll kick you outta my room!"

Conversation between them ended while Yukiko watched from the closet. The only sounds were wet slurping noises Kate made as she sucked deeply on her brother's massive pole, pushing her head down over it, somehow driving it down her throat until her face pressed against that large sac of flesh pooled between Mick's legs. Mick threw his head back and groaned. Kate cupped that wrinkly bag in her hand and rolled it around, kneading and squeezing it. That seemed to make Mick jump back and arch as if she'd touched him with an electric prod.

"Oh... GOD Katie! Suck it faster!" He groaned.

Kate obliged, seeming to know just what it took to drive her brother wild. She pumped her head over his shaft in long thrusts, releasing the knob on each upward stroke, rubbing her fingers over a small tiny crack on his mushroom-shaped knob at the end, and below it, at the base of the purple blood-swollen head where it joined the vein-popping shaft. Mick groped between his sister's legs, under her mini skirt, pushing his fingers roughly against Kate's protruding red bud. He flicked his fingers there and pushed them deeper into her gaping wet hole.

"Fuck Kate! Let me fuck you... I'm gonna cum and I wanna shoot it right up your tight little cunny!"

"Uh-uh." Kate shook her head emphatically, tossing her red pigtails side-to-side. Her chest heaved as her words came between gasps for air, "First for the pictures... I wanna see LOTS of cum from your first shot... Then you can fuck my asshole... That's where my friend fist-fucked me today."

"She DID?" The incredulous boy asked, the very thought of that obviously arousing.

"Oh yeah! An' she opened me up reeeel deep too! I'll bet you can get it ALL inside me today!"

"Oh FUCK...! Agggg-AH!" Mick yelled when Kate crushed his gushy sac in her hand... and the length of his body stiffened. Kate rammed her head to the base of his shaft and her throat and cheeks constricted as she sucked on him mightily. Yukiko watched as his hips bucked once, then as Kate pulled her head back, keeping her mouth expectantly wide open. A mere second later, a streaking jet of white fluid shot from the tiny slit at the top of the boy's meat. It shot between Kate's open lips and smacked against the roof of her mouth. Another blast quickly followed the first, filling the girl's mouth with the gooey stuff.

Yukiko saw it flowing over Kate's tongue and leak from the corners of her mouth where it dribbled down her chin in long stringy ropes. Mick's body heaved, and more jets spasmodically spewed forth... Kate gulped and swallowed to keep from losing it, but errant shots smacked against her face, up her nose, into her eye sockets, and streaked oozing white trails of the stuff through her curly red hair. All the while Yukiko heard the little camera clicking away furiously, making dozens of pictures of the spurting hot cum Mick showered on his little sister.

Yukiko was dumbstruck! How could his thing make SO MUCH slimy white stuff shoot out of it?

Kate was laughing, licking her lips and laughing heartily while looking directly at Yukiko through the slats of the closed closet door. One of her eyes was gummed shut and she used a finger to wipe the mess away, then sucked the finger between her lips, adding the white slime to the mouthful she gleefully displayed for Yukiko and the camera's benefit.

"Damn sis!" Mick raised himself up from the bed. "I haven't cum so hard in a long time! Your little friend's pictures made me horny as hell!"

"Are you sayin' I didn't have anything to do with it?" Kate's eyes flashed green with anger.

"No-no! Don't get me wrong!" Mick quickly attempted covering his gaffe. "NO-body does it better than YOU sis! It's just that I got all hot thinkin' about that little Asian pussy too, y'know? Like how it'd be REAL cool to make it with the BOTH of you... y'know, together... like, at the same time!"

"Maybe..." Kate replied noncommittally, "but I think we need to show her a better performance than THAT." She hefted the sac between his legs as she turned and looked up to face him, "You still got a heck-of-a LOT more cum left in here I see." She grinned wickedly, "And I think it's time for your little surprise!"

Kate crawled onto the bed next to her brother. Facing him she grinned naughtily and said, "Why don't you check out my asshole now?"

"Oh, man! I almost fergot!" Mick's face was all smiles as he scrambled off the foot of the bed and turned to face Kate's up-ended behind. His back was towards Yukiko now, but he stood far enough off to a side that from the closet, Yuki saw Kate spread her knees on the bedcovers and push her ass back higher for her brother's close scrutiny. He reached for her cheeks with both hands, pushing the little cheerleader's mini-skirt back over her waist. Yukiko gasped! Fortunately Mick hadn't heard her ...he must have said something under his breath all to himself.

Kate's little asshole gaped wide open from the fist-fucking Yukiko had given her only moments before. It twitched and winked with every beat of the girl's racing heart. Below it, her gash lay open and ready, her red slippery clit in full erection, stretched invitingly from its hood, a raw stalk of meat hungering for her brother's attention. Mick growled in his throat as he gripped the base of his cock in his left hand. He pulled the globe of Kate's ass cheek aside with the fingers of his other hand, and directed the bobbing head of his shaft towards its eagerly expectant target.

Yukiko distinctly heard Kate whimper in stifled delight when the thick knob at the end of her brother's stiff shaft made its first contact against her ass and pushed past the throbbing muscle there. Yuki was incredulous that the tip of it went inside, but doubted that the whole thing could ever make it inside her friend-Mick's cock pole appeared to be even thicker and longer than her thin arm... and she'd never reached further into Kate than up to her elbow!

Now the boy positioned himself between the girl's spread knees, still standing on the floor with one foot while he placed his other on the bed directly beneath her. He braced himself by holding her hips tightly, then roughly stabbed his thing down into her upraised backside. Yukiko felt afraid for Kate, but couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes from the impending brutality.

Kate's face was pressed tightly against the bedspread, her little dress rumpled and handing upside-down, inside-out from her waist. Her face was beet red from the tide of blood that pumped down from her inverted body, and she looked directly at the closet, knowing that Yukiko watched everything her brother was doing to her. The boy stepped his other foot up on the bed and by pulling up on Kate's hips, he positioned her so she was straight up and down, her neck bent impossibly back, her impaled ass at the pinnacle of her body. When he had her balanced in this position, he dropped with all his weight on the shaft imbedded into her, driving it solidly straight down into Kate's rectum. Kate screamed, as most of it disappeared from sight.

"Damn sis! She really DID open you up! That's more than I ever got inside before an' it feels damn good in there too!"

"How much is left?" Kate gasped.

"Another few inches..."

"Do it! Fuck my ass with ALL of it! I can take it-just ram the whole thing up inside!"

The boy reared back, dragging the thing from Kate's behind, pulling her sucking muscle that tightly tried keeping it inside. When the fat head of it popped free, he leaned over and thrust his hips mightily back against her, plunging the length of the darkly-streaked pole back down into the depths of her quivering body. Kate screamed again, louder this time, as the thing pressed all the way through her, finally reaching its base. Mick's hips smacked against Kate's spread ass cheeks, his heavy sac of flesh smacked wetly against Kate's openly raw cleft.

"God! That's it! I'm in you all the way sis! I didn't think you'd EVER be able to take it!"

"Uggggh!" Kate acknowledged, too stuffed to utter any words. Yukiko was totally mystified-judging by the length of her brother's cock when it was free, Kate must feel it pushing against her heart, somewhere deep within her chest... but that was impossible, WASN'T IT?

By now the boy became more animated. The thought of plummeting the depths of his sister's ass unobstructed must have triggered some fantasy he needed fulfilled... He pulled himself all the way out again, fingered his cock head with lightening quick strokes, then targeted Kate's gaping rear hole and plunged it back to the depths it had been. This is what he did, over and over again, increasing his pace and dropping upon her with ever greater weight and abandon. All Kate could do was deeply groan again and again with each brutal thrusting intrusion. His meaty bag and the two round rolly things inside kept slapping against Kate's swelling clitty... making it grow longer, and poke far out from her pussy juice-soaked hood. With each slamming drop onto her, the wildly swinging thing slapped her bald exposed clitty, spanking it hard, until it became blood-red raw and painfully inflamed.

Kate squirmed her ass back against him, swiveling and rotating her hips to meet each pile-driving impalement, but her small body was pretty much pinned beneath the heavier boy towering over her. She gasped in ragged pants while he pulled out from her, then held her breath when she felt the thing slice back down through her bowels. Finally, without warning, on one of his backward strokes, Yukiko saw Mick jettison a spurt of white cum back down into Kate's open void... he fell back upon her, but his bag was contracting, his back arched and all his muscles corded and strained. He pulled back again, the head popped free, and another gushing stream shot into Kate. He fell against her, but this time the white creamy stuff bubbled up through the tight seal of her sphincter between them. It matted the sparse hairs at the root of his cock, dribbled from his wrinkled bag and streaking down Katie's sweat-soaked body in long sticky streamers.

With each sucking release, the boy squirted a fresh stream back into his trembling target, and with each long driving thrust that followed, he pounded and squished wetly into her, forcing fountains of the creamy stuff to flood back out from her hole. Mick drew back one last time, shot a glob of white goo over the pinned girl's backside, streaked her face and matted her reddish-blond hair, before collapsing over her back, his cock buried to the hilt, but slowly softening within her.

Yukiko was stunned to find her knees quaking, her body shaking violently. Without thought or knowing, her fingers had found their way to her cunt-she'd been stroking her own clitty madly the whole time she watched, and now she was cumming... cumming harder and more passionately than she'd done earlier with Kate! What was it that made her feel this way? Too confused to wonder, she felt the hot waves of light pleasurably wash over her as she fell to her knees and stifled her moan...

Yukiko came to her senses hearing voices from the bedroom... "Whoa Katie! That was our best fuck EVER!"

"Most CERTAINLY a Kodak moment!"

"You got the pictures?"

"Oh, yeah!"

Yukiko looked up between the slats to see Kate reach back between her legs and gingerly finger the wide opening of her ass. She squeezed her ringed muscle with all her might and her rectum, like a tube full of toothpaste, pushed out a gob of thick creamy cum. She cupped it in her fingertips, rolled over on her back and slurped her fingers with her outstretched tongue. "Hummmm!" She cooed dreamily, licking her lips, "Spicy fresh boy cum... Priceless!"

Mick groggily sat up on the bed, his hair disheveled, his limp cock streaked with flecks of brown mixed in bubbles of white cum. Kate plucked the head of it from the bed and kissed it before telling him, "Now you'd better get your shower and get cleaned up before dinner... and hurry up! I have to take mine before mom and dad get home!"

"Man, you're killin' me Kate!" The boy grumbled as he crawled from the bed and lumbered towards the bathroom... I mean, this has been every DAY! I got no energy left for football or nuthin'!"

"If you're complaining, I'll get Joey or Frank to fuck me AND my little Ninja friend, and they can tell ya all about it!" Kate taunted him.

"Okay, okay... I'll be ready by tomorrow..." The boy grumbled from the other room as the sound of running water drowned out the rest of his words. Yukiko heard the door slam and was flooded with light when the closet doors were yanked open. Kate stood over her, grinning triumphantly as she smoothed down the stained front of her skirt. "Here, I saved some for you!" She beamed.

Yukiko looked in her friend's hand. A puddle of white slimy liquid floated in her cupped palm. "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue!" The big girl ordered. Yukiko shrank back, its pungent odor overwhelmed her senses. "C'mon! You never tasted cum before! Try it! I can't keep it warm all day!" Kate whispered urgently.

Yukiko did as she was told, stuck out her tongue and tilted back her head, waiting expectantly while Kate poured the stringy stuff over her tongue. It pooled in the back of her throat and she closed her mouth to taste it. Some of it clung from her lips and hung in a bead, dripping to her chin.

"Well? What'd ya think? Good huh?"

Yukiko tried not to make a face as she savored the new taste. It was salty but somehow sweet, viscous and tangy... she had no words to describe it. It felt a little like the mucous she blew out her nose, like when she sniffled with a cold, but it was different than that... She swallowed, it clung in her throat and she had to swallow again. Its heady aftertaste clung to her tongue. She decided she liked it after all.

"C'mon! Let's get you outta here. You'd better sneak out while Mick's in the shower... I'll see ya tomorrow morning on the bus... and THEN you can see all the pictures we took! Man, I'll be up late tonight making more drawings too!" Kate grinned.

Yukiko walked home alone, her body numb, her mind filled with fleeting images of all that she'd seen and done. She almost passed by her house.

Once inside, she avoided her mom... she called out, "Hi!" then hurriedly raced upstairs, certain her mother would suspect something and question her, maybe even make her tell, somehow notice she wasn't wearing her panties... But thankfully, nobody was home yet. She was all alone, for now.

She dropped her book bag beside her neat desk and hurried to get out of her school clothes. A hot bath was just what she needed. It had always been her Japanese family's custom to bathe after returning from school or work, so while she was soaking in mounds of bubbles and her mother opened the bathroom door, she didn't think anything amiss, and Yukiko acted as naturally as she could. She answered the expected questions about her first day at school, mentioned she'd met a new friend, described Kate superficially, and promised she'd be dressed in time for her father's return from work and to help her mother with supper.

Later that night, dressed in her nightie for bed, Yukiko held a pad of blank paper and tried sketching some drawings on it with a pencil. The images of Kaye's work were fresh in her mind, somehow more real than the things she's witnessed for real, the scenes played out between her and her new friend, and later, the things she'd seen Kate do with her older brother. She found herself sketching a huge dick... she flushed scarlet when she thought her parents might find it... She crumpled it up and pushed it down to the bottom of her book bag. There was a trashcan in the schoolyard... she could safely throw it away there tomorrow.

But soon she was drawing another... And this one was better. She thought it looked real... as real as she remembered it, with thick bulging veins and a fat swollen head and gushing long spouts of drippy white stuff that shot out from its little crack at the top... Unconsciously she licked her lips, remembering its taste on her tongue.

Chapter 2 - Ninja Training

Yukiko was dreaming...

In her dream she saw herself as if in pictures, images in stark black and white. She was sitting on the lap of a grownup, his arms surrounding her, holding her, enfolding her body tightly against his own. The man was kissing her-his mouth hot and prickly, his upper lip rimmed by a stubble of whiskers. Yukiko desperately WANTED him to kiss her. The man was her father.

Her father had never kissed her this way. She wanted his kisses, wanted to feel his loving embrace. She flung her arms around his neck, pressed her chest and body into him and kissed back, crushing her lips against his, pushing her tongue into his strong mouth.

A warm swelling pressed the underside of her bare thighs. Yukiko glanced down, surprised to see that her nightie had ridden up her legs-its wrinkled white folds encircled her tummy. Beneath her, daddy's trousers were disheveled, his belt undone, his zipper pulled down. How odd...

Daddy's hand dropped to her thigh. He pushed her leg, forcing it aside. His hand reached for the inside of her other thigh, and his fingers... Oh! "Daddy!"

Yukiko's mouth soundlessly moaned as she felt her father's probing caresses. She squirmed in his lap, feeling his stiff insistent pressure press between the cheeks of her behind. And his fingers were there... down between her open legs, pressing and pushing into her, rubbing that sensitive wet place and making her all hot and trebly... "Ummmmm!" His finger found her little rear hole.

Before she could wonder how it had happened, Yukiko knew that the finger had grown... It was pushing up deeply inside her, splitting her cheeks as it shoved and buried itself up in her tummy. She was facing daddy now, her face crushed against his sweat-streaked hairy chest, hearing his throbbing heartbeat roar in her head. Her legs straddled his thick waist, and he held her firmly by her hips, lifting her, then pulling her down onto him...

The hardness that was daddy... his "cock," she remembered... (hard to accept that daddy had one, but now-here it was)... filled her little body, expanding and rising quickly within her. It grew, and grew... Yukiko felt it reaching impossible heights, burrowing through her bowels, pressing past her heart, rising up and up... into her throat (she tried gagging!) and then it erupted out through her open screaming mouth... from her insides out! And it grew before her eyes! Huge, angry, swollen and thick with all its pent-up power of maleness... And it gushed-a geyser of cum! Cum that rained down and pelted her face and body... Cum she drank thirstily... Cum she greedily tried pushing into her cunt...

"Wake up sleepyhead!" Her daddy's voice???

"Time to get up! It's a school day, remember?"

Yukiko awoke to see her father's face looming over her. She was still in her bed, underneath her sweat-soaked covers. Her father was waking her with a trick he'd used since she was a child... He sprinkled her face with warm water, flicking it with his fingers on her cheeks and eyelids, forcing her gently from slumber. Now here he was, smiling down at her, his fingers poised in a glass, ready to shower her again if she didn't respond. "Oh daddy!" Yukiko cried, reaching up to hug him with both arms.

"Ok, you're awake!" The man said, smiling with satisfaction, pulling away to stand beside Yukiko's bed. "Now get dressed, sweetheart. Time for breakfast! Hurry up and don't be late for school!"

As he left, Yukiko became aware she'd thrown back her covers before hugging daddy... Her nightie had ridden up her legs-its wrinkled white folds encircled her tummy. She was naked beneath it, and her bare bottom sat in a warm slippery stain on her bed.

On the school bus she looked for Kate, but her friend wasn't there. That was odd. She remembered Kate wanted to show her the pictures, and Yukiko had secretly looked forward to looking at them too. And she wanted to share her first attempts at drawing. They were hidden in an inside pocket of her book bag. Now there was nobody she dared showing them to.

All day long her mind had trouble focusing on school. She thought often of Kate and her drawings of a Ninja girl. Then she thought of what they had done together, and the pictures... and especially of Kate's brother seeing them, and how he looked when he did. Yukiko blushed and hid her face in her hand. But then she thought of her daddy-her vague memories of this morning's awaking dream lingered like wisps of fog or smoke in her mind. Did her daddy see up her nightie? Was he growing hard, or did she just imagine that, before he rushed out of her room and went downstairs to fix the family breakfast. And how did her bed get so wet? Hadn't she put on a fresh pair of panties before climbing under her covers last night? Somehow, she couldn't remember...

It took forever, but finally the last bell rang and she raced outside with the others to find the bus that would take her home. The boys didn't bother her, thank goodness. She made sure to scowl at that asshole Jimmy Kaplan, and he shied away from her, maybe thinking Kate would climb aboard soon to protect her. She rode home silently, her thoughts in turmoil as they'd been all day. When she got off at her stop, rather than turn for her house as she'd intended, she found her legs walking her up the street in the direction where Kate lived.

She knocked on the door, then again, louder. She was about to turn and walk back to her house when the big front door swung open, and there was her new friend, standing in the opening, dressed in a pair of pale green PJs that almost matched the color of her smiling eyes. "Hey Yuki!"

"Hi... you weren't at school..."

"Nah! Took the day off... Nobody's home. Wanna come in?"

Yukiko stepped in past the door while Kate continued, "I told my mom I had a stomach ache, but the truth is, my butt was REALLY sore-I haven't been able to sit down for long ALL day!" And the big freckled girl winked as she grinned at Yukiko, acknowledging the secret they shared. "Here, wanna see?" She asked, bending over as she pulled down the pajama bottoms, showing Yukiko her bare behind. The girl's anus was still abnormally dilated-a dark cavernous wound.

"I... I brought some drawings I made to show you." Yukiko stammered.

"You did? You drew something?" Kate straightened, kicking her loose PJ bottoms off with her foot and catching them in her hand. "Cool! I can't wait to see 'em! Oh yeah, and wait'll YOU see the pictures WE made! Boy, are THEY ever so HOT!" She exhibited no shame standing there bottomless in front of her, naked below her long-sleeved buttoned top shirt ... Yuki suppressed an immediate urge to blush. She didn't know whether she should feel embarrassed, or pull off her own panties so she could show Kate she wasn't.

Kate must have read her mind, because her free hand came up inside Yukiko's pleated Catholic school dress, slipped between her thighs, her fingers feeling her crouch, pressing against Yukiko's cute little pink school panties, and naturally finding them there. "Hey! You still wearing these? You won't need them now... today we're starting your Ninja girl training!"

Yukiko was confused. "Ninja girl what?... What's that?" She asked in utter bewilderment as she dropped her book bag to the floor. Awkwardly she reached up beneath her skirt, tugged her panties down over her hips, untangled them from her ankles, and hastily stuffed them in the open flap of her bag.

"You'll see!" Kate replied mysteriously as she led the way upstairs. Yukiko got her bag and closely followed her friend, her eyes fixed on Kate's behind and the dark void that was visibly exposed within her weakened asshole.

"I've spent the whole day drawing." Kate said over her shoulder as they reached the top of the stairs and turned toward her bedroom door. "I think you'll like them. I used the pictures we made yesterday for the poses."

"Why did you show my pictures to your brother?" Yukiko asked shyly, hoping not to offend the older girl.

"Because I KNEW he'd get horny seeing them... AND, he'll be your first real fuck for your Ninja training."

"But... I don't know if I can DO that..."

"Sure you can!" Kate turned on her. "Besides, ya gotta start somewheres."

"But your brother is a TEENager... and he's so BIG..."

"Even better!" Kate cried, "You gotta exercise now! Have to stretch those tight little girl muscles and learn to control them! That's the most important part! Here," She said, flopping back on the bed to retrieve the notebook she'd been drawing in, "This is what I added today... You saw the first part of my story, now look what I added after I had the pictures to study."

The panel of six drawings she'd looked at before: The head of the thick cock poised at the open mouth of a small girl, a small oriental girl looking much like Yuki, her slim hand wrapped tightly around its base. Second panel with her hand pulling it closer, her mouth stretched widely open in expectant anticipation, her tongue eagerly extended... Middle page left panel, the thing was in her small mouth, filling it, her cheeks bloated, filled to the point of bursting. Yukiko remembered she thought the little girl looked as if she were about ready to choke. The panel next to it showed she'd pulled it back out, but the thing had a white glob of stuff vomiting from its tiny little hole... the cum was about to splat against the girl's ruby pink tongue...

Yukiko vividly remembered the scene from the closet, when Kate's brother erupted his white goo in Kate's mouth... Bottom left panel, a small square showing an explosion of white streaks hitting the back of the little girl's gaping mouth, hitting her tonsils. The right panel, larger than the rest, the girl's face dripping with the goopy milk-white cream, flooding from her mouth and dribbling down the corners of her lips... The thick-veined purple headed pole shooting its stuff from its swollen red slit... Yukiko turned to the new page.

The girl still held the boy's cock firmly in both her small hands, but she lay on her back, her school uniform dress bunched high over her belly button, her little pussy lay open, naked and starkly exposed. Her face was a mess-streaked and splattered with splotches of fresh white cum. In the next panel she'd lifted her legs and held them high over the boy's shoulders... her hands pulled his cock to the open gash between her cheeks.

Panel three, her back was arched, her neck bent painfully, but her hands held the fat purple head of the angry cock tightly against the small dent of her behind... The panel beside it showed a close-up: She was pulling the thick slimy-streaked stalk into her ass... its head was squished in its effort to penetrate her tightly clenched ring. Bottom left panel showed a view of her face-her eyes screwed up in pain, her teeth clenched, sweat beading on her hair-matted brow.

Bottom right panel... The cock had found its way inside. The girl's hands clenched the large droopy sack hanging between the boy's legs-she was tugging fiercely on it, pulling him inside... the boy's face was a mask of screaming agony. Yuki turned the page again, finding a two panel drawing. The left side showed her whole body vertical and upside down, the boy's body stretched horizontally between her legs, his cock fully buried within her ass. The right side showed the girl's legs now encircling his waist, holding him deeply inside her. Yuki couldn't help herself, she rushed to turn the page... she felt her heart wildly beating, her hands moist with sweat.

This third page was colorized, and it filled the entire sheet. The couple's angle had rotated, the girl's head was flung back over the edge of the bed, upside down, facing the viewer. The boy was seen over her, his hands gripped her knees as he leaned heavily into her small tortured body. His face was contorted, his mouth open in a soundless shout, his muscles corded at the peek of his exertion. He was cumming inside her-cumming inside her ass. Cumming so deep and so hard within her that it gushed from Yuki's open mouth-splattered her face, and splashed off the bottom of the page. Yukiko was limp and shaking... she knew SHE was that little girl in Kate's drawing... she felt as if she'd just been flooded with the boy's hot spurting cum, as if it'd filled her to the bursting point and now she was soaked in its warm enveloping bath. An image of her dream flashed before her mind and she visibly shivered... Kate burst out laughing in glee.

"You LIKE it, huh?"

"It... It reminded me of something..."

"Yeah, last night! That was me, remember? But I drew it with YOUR face... the way we got it in the photos!"

Yukiko was silent for a moment before making a decision she hadn't been sure she could make. "Here." Yukiko said, pulling her own notebook from her bag and thrusting it into Kate's hands. "Look!"

Kate opened the cover. The first drawing in colored pencil was a portrait... a face of a reddish-blond-headed, freckle-faced little girl with a button nose and large sea-green eyes. It was Kate... It looked just like her, and Kate was flabbergasted with the resemblance. "Holy shit! That's ME! And it's real GOOD too! Hey Yuki, I didn't know you could draw!"

"Neither did I... It just came out like that... Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? Hell yeah! This is SO COOL!"

"Here," Yukiko said, leaning over her friend and flipping the sheet, "There's another page."

It was Kate again, drawn perfectly from Yukiko's memory. She was smiling broadly, her face a mess, streaked in white. Her small hand barely contained a monstrous-sized cock held closely beside her mouth. It oozed a trickle of the white slimy cum from its head, more of the stuff dribbled from the lips of the girl, and ran down her cheeks, with long stringy beads dripping from her chin. Cat-like, Kate's little tongue was licking her lips in gleeful satisfaction.

"Ouuuu, WOW! This one's REAL cool! It's just like a picture we took! You remembered it EXACTLY!"

"And here's the last one..."

The third drawing was even more explicit, showing Kate in the throes of anal sex. The couple's position was slightly different than Yukiko remembered it however... She'd experimented with that, drawing the two in an entirely different pose, and from a new perspective. In this drawing's view, the girl was standing on the bed in a wide inverted "V" stance, her back bent, one arm extended to support her weight in front of her, with the other reaching between her legs, the fingers of one small hand pushed into her drooling cunt. Her face showed upside-down between her legs, her hair hung loosely touching the bed sheets. She almost looked like a nude cheerleader, bending down, preparing to flip herself up to a one-armed handstand. Behind her, and also facing the viewer, was the boy-but it wasn't quite the image of Kate's brother, nor that of a boy either. The character in Yuki's drawing looked more like an oriental man-older, with the stubble of an unshaven beard and a hungry leering gleam in his eye.

The man was having his way with the younger girl-child beneath him. He roughly clasped her rear cheeks, his fingers forcibly pulling them apart-pulling Kate's labia wide open and stretching her tiny sphincter muscle for the penetration he was graphically achieving. His cock was fully imbedded deeply within her rear hole, his large sac hung alongside. The little girl was wide-eyed and open-mouthed in a silent scream while gouts of creamy cum trailed down the girl's arm, her legs, and dripped up her face and through her strawberry-red hair.

Kate was silent, her mouth hung agape. Yukiko waited patiently, apprehensively, until the older girl finally commented. "You drew this without seeing a picture of it?"

"Yeah, in the schoolyard today, during recess."

"Wooo-eee! This is sumthin' else! It's GREAT Yuki!"

Yukiko beamed in appreciation despite herself.

"There's only a couple of things... First of all, his balls would have to hang in the back. They're attached underNEATH his cock... but you haven't really had a chance to look at any up close, so I guess you don't know..."

"Balls? What balls?" Yukiko asked, puzzled.

"Well, there's two gushy balls inside this bag there. That's where guys make their cum. That's where all their Power comes from... the balls make it, and for us girls to get it, we havta get it OUT of their balls and IN to us! That's how Ninja girls get their Power!"

"From cum!?!"

"Yeah, that's right! Y'see, boys are always actin' all macho and strong, ya know? An' they're the ones who make all the trouble in the world-fighting, raping and killing and stuff. A Ninja girl knows how to fight those forces of EVIL by draining the Power right out of those boys-or men like you show here-and they make those men weak again, like Mick was when he left my room last night after I made him cum a couple of times... Anyway, WE get the Power that way to use it for GOOD! Like I did fighting that bully Jimmy Kaplan. I got some Power just before coming out for the school bus underneath the stadium seats from Frank Wilkens... An' it's a good thing too!"

"You got the Power?..."

"Yeah, I just pulled down his zipper and gave him a quickie. Enough to get a good mouthful of cum before I caught up to you while that creep was finger-fuckin' you."

"And THAT made you strong?"

"Well, you saw how I handled HIM, didn't you? Sometimes I don't even know my own strength after I get pumped-up with a fresh load of cum!"

"Wow..." Yukiko whispered, her head swimming with this latest revelation.

"Yeah, but the other thing... Who's this man in the drawing?"

"I don't know..." Yukiko fibbed.

"Someone you know? Like, your Uncle or something?"

"I had this dream last night... Actually, I'm beginning to remember now that it happens a lot...But I didn't know what it meant before."

"And you do now?"

"Not really... But maybe it'll happen again."

"Well... whatever. The important thing is to get you in training kid! Once you get started doing it, you'll see how it feels to get the Power and then you'll be able to help me fight the forces of EVIL and... Wow! I just got a GREAT idea! We can make our OWN Ninja girl hentai comics together! Like, I'll draw YOU in your adventures, and YOU draw ME! We can be a TEAM! Like Marvel comics crime fighters! Wow! This could be SO COOL!!!" Kate exclaimed, jumping up and down on her bed, the loose flaps of her PJ tops flapping in the breeze showing off her bare bellybutton and chest.

"But KATE!" Yukiko cried desperately, "I CAN'T do it! I don't know WHAT to do! An' Mick doesn't know me, an... an he's so BIG, he'll HURT me!"

"It'll be okay!" Kate assured her, putting her arm around Yukiko's shoulder. "I won't let him REALLY hurt you... well, it MAY hurt a little bit, until he gets it all the way in... but then it feels REAL good, you'll see! Besides, all ya gotta do is what you saw ME do yesterday! He'll do all the work! You just lie there like an innocent little girl getting fucked for the first time-which you ARE anyway! It's easy! So whatya say Yuki? You'll do it won't-cha?"

"I don't know..." Yukiko fidgeted, despite feeling her heart hammering wildly in her chest merely at the thought of Kate's bold plan. Would she do it? The idea was daring and naughty, and Kate would be there watching them do it the whole time... But what if she didn't go along with it? Then Kate won't want her for a model, or even as her friend. She'll think she's still just a baby, and she won't even want to make more drawings with her anymore. She HAD to do it. Maybe Kate was right... Besides, thinking of Kate BEING there telling them what to do and watching them DO it was exciting Yuki all by itself... "It'll make me feel different? When... when he makes his stuff squirt inside me?"

"You'll feel it alright! Just wait an' see! You'll feel the Power shoot up inside and fill your whole body like electricity or lightening, or maybe even like you were becoming an angel!"

"Okay..." Yukiko nodded shyly. "Then, I'll try it."

"PERFECT! Now, here's my plan..." Katie gushed excitedly, snuggling up closer to lower her voice conspiratorially. "Mick gets home soon from practice like he did yesterday, and we usually have a couple of hours to fool around before my folks get home... But today, you'll pretend you just came over and I'm teaching you to be a cheerleader so you can try out for the school football squad! He'll poke his head into my room like he usually does, but THIS time he'll see YOU showin' off yer cute little butt in one of my teenie cheerleader skirts... Well, he'll get a boner for sure, and then it's up to you to take it from there! I'll even tell him he'd better do it so I can make us some new pictures-like, you're my new hentai model, and I need pictures of you getting hosed with some of his real freshly-whipped out cum!"

"So what do I wear?" Yuki asked apprehensively, "I'd better get ready!"

Kate rushed into her closet and found her old cheerleader uniform from early Grade School-a one-piece suit that zipped up the back. Yuki hurried out of her school uniform and struggled into the tight little outfit. "It's kinda small, even for me." She noted, glancing at herself sideways in Kate's full-length mirror. The small uniform had thin shoulder straps and a red top that barely covered her dark little nipples. It clung to her tummy and hips tightly, then flared below her waist-a pleated red and white mini skirt that barely covered the Asian girl's petite bare behind. When she bent over experimentally, even just a little bit, you could see all the way up her legs between the crack of her ass... If she opened her legs at all, well, then you saw EVERYTHING!

"Wow!" Kate marveled, crouching down in front of her to see how much the costume revealed. "Man, this is PERFECT! Any guy would cream in their jeans if they saw you in THIS!"

"You think so?"

"I KNOW it! It worked for me!" She snickered.

Kate threw off her PJ top and ducked into the closet once again, soon returning with a hanger holding the little skirt and tube top she wore the day before. In no time she was dressed in the skimpy outfit and stood next to Yukiko in front of her mirror.

"Now, if seein' the two of US don't get a hot-blooded boy full of cum ready to shoot his load, then NOTHIN' will!" Kate giggled. "Okay, let me show you some moves so you'll know what to do..."

The girls practiced and giggled together for the next half-hour, oftentimes falling in a heap entwined on the carpet. Kate inevitably took advantage of Yuki's state of undress during these occasions to spank or pinch her butt, and sometimes get her hand under the front of Yuki's little skirt. Yukiko delighted in the fun and returned the "accidental" intimate collisions. Their last arm-locked spinning twist got their bare feet entangled and they found themselves on the rug once again, with Kate on top, pressed between her open legs... and then Kate was kissing her while her fingers pressed and urgently rubbed her aching wet clitoris...

"Hey! There he is! I just heard the front door slam! Now you stand with your back to the door... Yeah, just like that. Okay... Now, bend over real low and touch the floor so when he opens the door you jump up and do the splits or something... I'll stand over here with the camera and be taking pictures... Ready?"

Yukiko felt awkward holding a pose like this. She was breathing hard already from their practice exercise. She felt her blood rush inside her inverted head. It was different for pictures... and for Kate. This was showing off for a boy she'd only seen once before-and he never even knew she'd been watching him. Now he was dressed and she was letting him see her naked, with her pussy and butt pushed back like she expected a spanking. She felt vulnerable and embarrassed even WITH Kate in the room. But then she heard the door crack open... she waited a moment longer, then stretched out and jumped! She faced Kate and noticed the older girl's look of shocked surprise. "Hi-ya Joey!" Kate cooed seductively... Joey?

"Hey sis... Damn! You brought over your new friend!" Mick said.

Yukiko turned to look over her shoulder from the spread-legged pose she'd landed in. Mick was standing just inside the door, but another boy was gaping into the room right beside him. His big eyes were a beautiful liquid blue Yuki thought, and his hair was raven-black and fell in thick locks over his forehead. His skin was a musky shade of olive, suggesting a Mediterranean lineage... maybe even a descendent of one of those Greek gods-but he stood completely transfixed, paralyzed and helpless as he stared at Yuki's compromising pose. Finally Mike broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Ugh... What you guys doin'? I brought Joey over... Hope we didn't mess up your practice or nothin'..."

"Can WE watch?" The other boy croaked in a cracking voice.

"Mick, this is my friend Yuki. An' that's Joey-they're in the sixth grade at school and play football together." Kate said to Yukiko.

Yukiko pirouetted slowly to face the boys. She felt the short little skirt spin away from her legs and saw both of them staring fixedly below her waist. She knew she'd better say something... "Hi! Kate told me she had a big brother! I'm very pleased to meet you. Oh! And you too, Joey!" She smiled sweetly.

"Yuki's thinking of tryin' out for the cheerleading squad with me, weren't you Yuki? Anyways, I was showing her some pointers and taking pictures at the same time, but hey! Since you guys are here, Yuki and me can show you our moves... and YOU guys can take the pictures of US!"

"I think I better put my panties back on." Yukiko blushed, shyly pushing the front of her skirt between her bare thighs to hide her crouch.

"Nah!" Kate picked up quickly, "Panties just get in the way-that's why we practice without 'em... And the boys won't mind, will you guys?" She grinned naughtily.

"HELL no!" Joey shouted, the grin plastered on his face looked as wide as the State of Texas.

"Yeah! I'll take the pictures for ya sis... I told Joey here that you an' me get along pretty good, and since he's had this BIG crush on you since last year... I thought maybe..., ugh, y'know..." He said, suddenly looking at Yukiko doubtfully.

"Like, maybe we could fuck?" Kate asked pointedly with a lopsided freckled grin.

Joey turned scarlet and Yukiko almost laughed out loud to see the older boy as embarrassed as Kate made HER feel.

"Yeah, somethin' like that, but well, y'know... You got your little friend here and if that's not cool with her..."

"Who said it wasn't? But since it would be her first time an' all, you not gonna leave her out, are you?"

"Whatta mean?"

"I mean both you studs are gonna hafta take care of the virgin first before you get to me... After all, she's MY model and I need pictures of her getting a good cum bath anyways. Can I count on you two to do it?"

"BOTH of us? At the same time?" Joey was astounded, hardly believing his ears.

"Sure! Unless you're too embarrassed getting undressed in front of your 'friend' here! And if you're REALLY such good friends, you won't mind rubbing those stiff pricks ya got together and getting' 'em wet in BOTH her little fuck holes at the same time, will ya? So if you wanna watch us put on a little show for you guys, yer gotta haveta strip right here and now!"

Joey looked over at Mick doubtfully and Mick shrugged back. Then his eyes returned to the hemline of Yuki's brief skirt where the hint of her naked "V" peeked out at him from under its edge. "Hey, what th' hell! I'm game if you are!" And his hands flew to his belt and zipper, quickly releasing him from his encumbering trousers. Mick took even less time at it than his friend, pushing down both trousers and boxer shorts while kicking off his shoes. Standing back upright, his impressive cock sprang up, standing straight out from his body. Joey hesitated hauling down his briefs while openly admiring it. "Damn Mick! I've seen you in the showers every day, but I had no idea it'd grow THAT long!"

"Well, what's it gonna be Joey? Ya gotta show t'play!" Kate taunted him.

Joey skinned down his Jockey briefs, revealing his own quickly rising erection. Yukiko thought it was a beautiful cock-not to big and not too small, but the top of it was covered with wrinkly brown skin. She felt herself flush with excitement and she looked down at her feet, hiding her hot face.

"We're ready." Mick said. "Here, give me the camera and you kids do your thing!" Both sat cross-legged on the carpet with their backs against the mirror, the better to stare up the girl's mini-skirts, Yukiko knew. Their cocks pointed out like hard branches between the trunks of their muscled thighs, the wrinkly sacs of each one was crushed where they sat, mashed under where those branches took root. Yuki felt curious and really wanted to closely examine Joey's... 'cock and balls' she remembered... I guess that'll happen soon enough, she smiled to herself.

Kate whispered the name she'd given a routine of dance steps and acrobatics, and Yuki followed her friend's lead. Everything went fine, just as they'd practiced it, but Kate messed it up... intentionally Yuki guessed, just so she could hold up Yuki's skirt to show off her pussy to the boys. That worked at keeping their rapt attention! But Kate had to yell at her brother after that to keep taking pictures or she'd make them leave her room and they couldn't watch anymore. Mick made lots of pictures using just one of his hands. The other hand gripped his cock in a fist-just like Joey was doing, and they were pulling on them, making the skin slide up and down real fast as their fat heads at the top grew rosy red and sore-looking. Yukiko couldn't help herself from staring at Joey's cock from the corner of her eye... The wrinkly dark skin that covered the tip of it before had slid down its sides. It worked kinda like the way her pussy lips did by hiding her secret slippery little clit.

Now Kate messed up again! They were supposed to do a twirl and go into a full split on the carpet, but Kate made like she got her arm caught between Yukiko's legs so that when she dropped, Kate fell on top of her laughing, all the while pressing her fingers into the wet crack of Yuki's cleft, pushing her labia apart. "Katie! What are you DOING?" Yukiko whispered urgently in her ear. Kate turned to face her and her lips fell on Yuki's open mouth, grinding into her with a passionately urgent kiss. Yukiko returned the kiss, naturally, but felt Kate's fingers push deeply up inside her. Yuki fought to control her emotions-after all, the boys would be watching everything! Yuki tried pushing Kate away, hoping to regain her composure and pick up their little cheerleader act where it'd fallen apart. Kate pressed her cheek next to hers and she heard Kate's whispered reply. "Just go along with it! We're getting 'em all hot an' ready for you!"

Realizing Kate's behavior was all part of a plan, whatever THAT was, Yukiko let herself relax and let the girl do what she wanted with her. It was still embarrassing though... Kate was on top of her now, her legs straddling Yuki's face. Two fingers were pushed in her pussy, and Kate started pulling them in and out, while at the same time, she rubbed on her clitty with her other hand, making it get tingly and hard. Yuki decided if Kate was going to make her cum in front of the boys, she could get Kate all hot and excited too! She buried her mouth between Kate's wet cleft and began kissing her there, poking out her tongue to pry Kate's hot knobby button from its sheath.

"Isn't that the cutest little pussy you've ever seen?" Yukiko barely heard Kate talking with her ears crushed between the girls' tightly clasped thighs. "I can hardly fit my fingers in here... an' her asshole is even TIGHTER!" And Yuki gasped as she felt one of Kate's fingers rudely penetrate her rear entrance. "Look at that, guys! Yer gonna have t'use BABY oil on these sweet little cheeks!"

"DAMN! I think I'm gonna cum!" The muffled words came to her.

"You'd better NOT Joey! Or OUT you go! Not until you fuck her first!"

"But I haven't busted a nut in DAYS! I got blue-balls already!"

"Get off her sis-it's our turn!" Mick growled. "Here, YOU take the pictures!"

Yukiko felt Kate's weight lifted off her chest and suddenly their words were loudly amplified. "Okay guys! Make sure you fuck her good and hard! Mick, you lie on your back... and Joey, help pick her up so we can lay her on her back on Mick's chest."

Yukiko felt they were handling her like a rag doll. With nothing to say, having all their attention focused exclusively and intensely upon her, the feeling was doubly eerie. Joey's leering face loomed between her open knees as he bent to grab her ankles. Then from behind her, she felt her wrists gripped as she was lifted into the air. Her bottom landed on a warm body... Mick's? She felt the rigid pole hot against her spine and she knew it... who else? Mick reached over her tummy and down between her legs, pulling her skirt up before roughly pushing her thighs apart. His hand reached beneath her bottom and she felt him pulling his cock free. It sprang up and slapped her wet pussy, standing straight up between her legs like a flagpole!

"You better pull her up higher sis; I can't get it started in her like this!" The big boy huffed beneath her, desperately trying to bend his cock backwards to get its purple head pressed between her cleft.

Yuki's wrists were tugged again, and she slid backwards, sliding up over boy sweat, its odor pungent and overwhelming. Now her head rested next to Mick's face. She heard his panting and twisted herself enough to kiss his cheek... "Dammit sis! Stop taking pictures long enough to help me get it in! She REALLY wants it bad!"

"Hell no! That's what Joey's for!"

"ME? Touch another guy's dick? No way, man! That's gay!"

"I'll show you gay if you don't get my cock started in this tight little bitch!" Mick shouted at him. "Go get the baby oil and squirt some in her asshole! Then just get my cock pointed there... I'll do the rest ya faggot!"

Yuki felt the nozzle of the bottle poke her, then push in. Long squirts of liquid jetted into her rectum, making her feel like she was going to have diarrhea.

"I'll grab her knees, then you aim my cock against her asshole!" Mick grunted as Yuki felt him pull back her legs, bending her at the waist, and lifting her behind off his hips. A hot knotted fist planted itself between her openly-pried cheeks, pressed tightly against her little puckered muscle and tried shoving right through it. Yuki cried out, hot tears welled in the corners of her eyes... That HURT!

"Dammit!" Mick growled in frustration. "Try sticking your finger up there first to pry it open a bit so I can get it started through the hole!"

The hot knot was replaced with a smaller object. It pushed without letting up until Yuki finally felt her sphincter give up the fight... the long pointy thing slid up inside her, feeling warm and comfortable in there... but then it pulled out. The big thing was back. Fingers pulled on her cheeks, stretching her ringed muscle... And then the pressure began again. Mick was pushing her hips down against it... arching his back to lance it upwards, driving the hardness into her... Yukiko was crying out, but her ears sang. She couldn't even hear her own voice anymore. A blinding, searing flash of pain wanted to rip her body apart, but then it was throbbing somewhere deep inside of her, moving like some animal in the small confines of her tummy...

"Damn! She's a TIGHT lil' bitch!" The words boomed next to her ear.

"You got maybe a third of it in!" Joey cried. "Man, I can't wait any longer! I'm gonna fuck that little cunt of hers right now!"

And Yuki felt another hot pushing. This one higher up, snug against her puffy wet lips... pushing into her, trying to reach down inside and touch the other thing already there... TWO cocks! And she knew she'd split wide open for sure!

"Man! I can't do it! You got her so stuffed up, I can't get my cock inside!"

"Well fuck! I can't fuck her either! I'm stuck in her ass and now she won't let me go!"

"Alright... Look, you pull up on her knees, and I'll haul your cock back out." Joey suggested.

More grunting and groaning... The big aching thing slowly pulled back out of her tightly stretched rectum. She grunted, squeezed and pushed, until it was finally expelled! Her little asshole burned! Yukiko felt sweat pouring down her forehead, matting her face and hair.

"Now, pull her legs all the way back and lemme get mine in, then you try yours again!"

Clumsy pulling on her bare thighs until she was bent backwards like a pretzel, rough poking between her folded labia... fingers prodding her, spreading her, finding her moist inner slot, but even before she could acclimate herself to their fumbling presence, the big hot thing was back-plugging her narrow entrance. She opened her eyes-she was surprised they'd been tightly closed all the time since Mick's last painful penetration. Her eyes were blurred with tears but there was Joey's face hovering within mere inches above her. She was surprised to see her legs wrapped around his neck. His long black hair hung down, brushing her forehead. She adored the color of his eyes, but they looked oddly unfocused now, wild and intense... He gritted his teeth and bucked, and Yukiko immediately felt a new lance of pain, searing deeply down into her, a new presence she'd never experienced before... a searing hot ache, filling her womb!

"Oh YEAH! I got mine in!" Joey gasped. "ALL th' way in! Oh FUCK, this is GREAT!" He bellowed.

Yukiko was sure she heard Kate's raucous laughter as Joey eagerly attempted thrusting his hips clumsily against her... "You never done it before either, did ya?" Kate exclaimed in a tone of amazement. "Man, yer a VIRGIN till now TOO! This is too fuckin' PERFECT!"

More fumbling between her lubricated cheeks... Mick's hands, slipping, but successfully prying them apart, his fingers pulling his big cock back like a bow, pushing the head of it against her aching rear hole. Yukiko's fingers were there too, desperate in her vane attempt at self-protection-covering herself-as if she were about to be spanked-futilely trying to hide her vulnerable open asshole. Her fingertips brushed against the raw rim of her anus, now a gaping void. She was shocked to discover how incredibly stretched the once tightly-clenched little muscle had become! Mick's fingers brushed hers aside before they were quickly replaced by the throbbing hot knob of his cock. It was slick with oil and streaked with traces of... of what? Her poop? Momentarily, Yukiko felt deeply ashamed.

Even as Joey's sweat-soaked body slapped against hers on top, his straining hard erection plunging in and out of her body in quickening spasmodic jerks, Yuki felt Mick poised and waiting beneath her-lightly fingering himself before... before what? She had little time to ponder. Her senses now told her the pain between her legs was being replaced by that warm tingling she'd felt before when Kate played with her down there. It was heavenly, and she arched her back to meet Joey's downward thrusts, squeezing her muscles with all of her might to hold him inside. But then, one time when Joey withdrew, when her muscles involuntarily relaxed before his next vigorous plunge, she felt a hot stream of wetness spurt up her behind and Mick suddenly pulled her hips as he lunged beneath her... Yukiko felt his massive thickness penetrate her rectum once again, and this time it lodged deeply between her cheeks! At the same time, Joey began his downward stroke, and Yukiko's head exploded in blinding light from the pressure she felt rip into her.

"That's IT!" Kate cried. "Now FUCK her Joey! Fuck 'er lit' cunt while Mick's fuckin' her asshole!"

Yuki had been someplace else... She heard the words... and she vaguely felt a distant body being buffeted about like a rag doll in a tempest. It was HER body! a part of her mind told her, but she couldn't feel it, not just yet... But slowly the waves of excruciating pain-pleasure rolled back over her. She knew she was responding, somehow, on some instinctive, primal level, bucking her own hips wildly to heighten the pressure, to rub those parts of herself against anything that came in contact, all the while she was crushed and shoved and pushed and pulled from every which direction!

"C'mon Mick! PUSH! Ya almost got it all the way in!" Kate yelled.

"Fuck! I can hardly MOVE in this tight lil' butt!" Mick grunted beneath her.

"Uhhhh!" Joey moaned, "I'm... I'm gonna cum!"

"NO! Not yet-NOT YET!" Kate ordered. "You guys gotta do it at the same time!"

"Well FUCK! Ummm... Joey's cock is stroking ME off inside her... Ugggh!... If HE cums, I'm gonna fuckin' let go too!"

"Okay, okay... She's ready! Shit! Lemme make pictures... Okay! DO IT already!"

Yuki couldn't wait any longer herself. She felt the overwhelming undulations roll up her body, beginning from the soles of her feet, coursing through her legs and bursting in fiery convulsive jolts through her groin. They shot up her spine, twisted her backwards and shocked her brain. She felt as if she were frying like a roasting pig on a barbecue spit, shaking, jerking, and twitching as if electrocuted by a hairdryer in a bathtub full of water! Joey couldn't hold his own climax back any longer either. He shoved himself deeply into Yukiko one last time, clutched her shivering body desperately, and felt his nuts contract.

In the midst of her mindless climax, Yuki distinctly knew when their combined ejaculation began and jetted through her racked frame. Joey's cock rammed down hard into the depths of her tortured pussy, paused and swelled to an incredible thickness-stretching the walls of her aching vagina to the limits of her conscious endurance. And then she felt it: a fiery pressure, a spurting, gushing liquid blast that shot into the center of her being. No sooner had the cock stuffing her stretched pussy begin its convulsive eruptions, when Mick cried out savagely. Yuki felt him pull her hips down over him, slam his groin viciously against her battered cheeks, and the massive rigid pole embedded deep within her ass began to balloon. The feelings racking the core of her body were excruciating-beyond anything she'd ever imagined she could possibly endure. But all these sensations cascaded over her out of control. As soon as she felt she would burst from his awful expansion, she felt the next dam burst within her and release its own mighty torrent of cum.

Mick's cock erupted with fire hose blasts of cum like he'd never cum before. Just the thought of fucking this little Asian girl's virgin asshole and having his best buddy stoke him off INSIDE the tight little bitch while fucking her fresh little cunt sent him over an edge he'd never knew existed before. Fucking his sister was fantastic, and he always loosed a river in HER, but this was different, more daring and exciting by far... Double-fucking a virgin! And a super-tight little oriental asshole at that! Damn! He felt the inside of her ass-walls sucking him off, milking his balls dry of every last drop of cum he'd stored there...

Oh God! Mick's cumming! Joey knew... He felt the sudden pressure against his cock pushing against him, trying to force his cock from this hot little girl's cunt. Joey was shooting and he wasn't about to leave now! He ground his body down harder against the pancaked little kid between them and he felt new reserve jets of his cum rocket from the tip of his prick.

Kate was frantically taking pictures as fast as she could. She crouched and twisted for each close-up view-digitally capturing each straining thrust the two boys made as their twin cocks released their pent-up rivers of cum within her new friend's tortured body. Yukiko was totally out of it! She was a bundle of shivering nerves and wracked convulsions as jet after jet of hot boy cum shot into her. As tight as she was though, every last drop of the boy's sticky white mess was captured within her-nothing leaked out! Kate was a little disappointed with that... She wanted to see it! She'd just have to wait... They were still pumping and jerking their cocks mercilessly inside of her... Man, she's gonna be FULL!

Yuki felt as if two rivers of searing lava had merged and poured into her belly, filling it to the bursting point. Her tummy was swollen, bloated and sore... she felt the undeniable urge to void herself, as if she hadn't used the bathroom to pee or poop in more than a week! But the spurts kept spraying into her, splashing through her womb and rectum and pumping into her uterus and bowels, filling them with the boy's hot sticky juice. She began to believe as it this would never end... This was her life, forever! A body-vessel for cum-to be filled to the point of overflowing, only to be filled by some more! She remembered her waking dream... The hard cocks penetrating her, stuffing her every opening, spurting within her until they shot from her mouth... cum gushed from her ears, her nose, her eyes! She felt she was a rubber balloon doll, blowing up and out, bigger and bigger, until she finally popped! And the cum that filled her up splattered out everywhere... Filling the night sky with strings of pearly white beads, droplets like stars... just like stars... STARS!

"Jeez! I think we kilt her!"

"Nah! She's still breathing. Joey, just get off her... See?"

"Hey! Hold it like that for a picture you guys! Whoa! Your cum is POURING out her cunt like a faucet!"

"Joey, Grab her arms and pull on her will ya? My dick is stuck up here and I can't get it out!"

"Mick! Joey! Lift up her butt! Hold it UP guys! Jeez, yer lettin' all that good stuff go to waste!"

"Hey, Joey! Get some pictures of my sister eating our cum outta her friend's leaking cunt an' asshole! Man! THAT'S a sight!"

Yukiko choked... wanted to gag! She opened her eyes and saw sweat-streaked bare stomachs on either side of her face. In the center of her vision were two boy faces. Mick's and the other boy's-Joey's, leering down expectantly at her. A third completed the triangle, but it was the single eye of Kate's camera. She felt rather than heard the photo being made. She'd almost retched because her head was bent back, her neck strained and arched, her mouth overly stuffed with something pushing and hot, and her lips stretched so widely around them she felt as if her face was going to crack! From the bottom rim of her vision she realized her predicament... Each boy was kneeling on the bed at either side of her face. Her mouth was being painfully used, occupied by the boy's twin grossly engorged cock heads, and both of them were rapidly stroking their fingers over each swollen shaft, their hands a blur, shoving their hips rudely against her, and bashing and bruising her lips with each downward flick of their wrists.

Despite her pain and panic, Yuki was intrigued by the heavily weighted sacs tucked between each boy's legs. From their exertions, the twin bags of flesh swayed and bounced, and Yuki realized there was something rolling inside... With each hand, she reached up behind each boy's cock and with her newfound curiosity and boldness, she clasped hold of each of their sacs. Pressing in with her fingers, she captured the swimming tubular organs within-and immediately felt each boy flinch back violently! Their jerking reaction only added to their dire predicament-Yuki's hand was tightly gripped on their bobbling testicles! Her unintentional squeezing on them was like squeezing the triggers of the double-barreled cocks in her mouth... Both cylinders exploded in a blast of jettisoning cum down her neck!

"AGGGGHHH!" They hollered loudly in unison as their cocks jerked in their hands and their cum spurted and gushed from their twitching little pee holes. Yuki felt their eruption shoot straight down her throat and she gulped, gagged, and fought with her throat and neck muscles to inhale some air! In her struggle, she completely forgot the balls she held... Releasing her iron grip and pull on them finally allowed the boys a hasty retreat. Each spurting cock head vomited from her mouth with a spew of milky cum, Yuki coughed and more of it shot from her nose... But the boys had only begun! Their next convulsive blast occurred simultaneously and streaked through Yuki's gaping mouth, splashing her tonsils and thickly coated her waiting pink tongue. She reacted instinctively to taste it, and a third spurting stream hosed off her teeth, splashed her cheek and splattered one of her eyes, making her blink that one closed before it would sting. Even so, MORE hot splattering of her face immediately followed-globs and gobs of the slimy hot goo coated her hair, plugged up her nose and pooled in both eye sockets before running up her face. Yukiko's head swam, she faded from consciousness once again.

She was being eaten by tigers... The tigers had allowed their baby cubs to eat her face off... She could feel them, licking her face with their rough hungry tongues, just before they'd bite into her flesh, chewing off her nose, her ears, licking their hot little tongues into her eyes! She awoke within a corona of light, a halo of glowing reddish-gold softly surrounded her... her cheek was being licked! Suddenly she recognized the wall of Kate's short-cut hair that enveloped her face, backlit by the window light, Kate's forehead over her wet eyes, her tongue caressing her... "Kate!" She cried in recognition.

"Hey! You're back!" The older girl looked up, grinning closely over her. "I was just cleaning you up a bit... Jeez, you really drained THOSE two of ALL their cum! I tried getting Joey to fuck me in my ass while I sucked Mick off, but Joey's soft weenie couldn't even stay hard enough to keep from oozing back out, and Mick was totally worthless! All I got from him was one little squirt of pre-cum and he hauled out cryin' he was too sore and drained empty! Damn! You were GREAT for your first time Yuki! Wait'll you SEE the pictures we made!"

"I was good?"

"Hell yeah! You're one of US now! A real Hentai Ninja Girl!"

"Where'd they go?" Yuki struggled to sit up, looking around her for any evidence of the two boys.

"Ah, they were too tired to fuck around anymore, so they left for Joey's house-probably to brag to all their friends they got laid REAL good too!" Kate giggled shamelessly. "Hey, I better walk you home before my folks get back and see you messed up like this... You might wanna take a bath as soon as you get home too!"

Walking home, Yuki was dying with curiosity to ask Kate something. She was glad she hadn't worn her panties under her school dress because the boy's cum kept leaking from both her intimate flexing holes and dribbling down the insides of her legs. She didn't mind that-in fact, it felt kinda neat! She wanted to leave it there so she could scoop it up with her fingers and taste it again before getting into her bath. "Hey Kate..."


"How come I don't FEEL any stronger now that I got all this cum inside me?"

"That's because you're probably tired from all the exercise you just had!" Kate giggled. "All your muscles got a real workout... An' that's good-they'll get stronger and better every time you practice. Too bad you don't have a brother like I do to get in shape with! Oh well, I'll let you borrow him whenever you like, just as long as Joey comes over at the same time that is!" She grinned naughtily before continuing. "Tonight you'll probably sleep like a baby, but when you get up in the morning, THEN you'll start to feel the Power!"


"Uh-huh! That's how it was with me!"

The girls hugged and kissed goodbye at Yukiko's front door. Kate said she had to hurry back to wash up before her mom and dad got home. Yuki trudged up the stairs in her silent empty house, dropped her school bag unopened on her desk, and poured herself a hot bath. She tried tasting the remains of cum that streaked her thighs, but it had already dried up... Cum only tasted good while it lasted, while it was still warm and fresh, she discovered.

She found she could slide two fingers together as far as they could reach quite easily inside her asshole... The ringed muscle back there stayed as open as Kate's had been when she looked at it earlier in the day. But there wasn't any white stuff on her fingers when she pulled them out-the rest of that must be far up inside her tummy.

Mom came home first, as usual. Her dad always arrived late, having a job that let him leave by ten in the morning after mom already left for work and she caught the bus at the corner. Yuki really felt like going to bed early tonight, but she waited up for her dad to get home... She always liked him tucking her in at night. Without daddy bringing her warm milk and kissing her goodnight, Yukiko didn't think she could fall asleep anyway.

At the supper table, Yuki had trouble sitting up straight. She tried shifting her weight from side to side, but nothing seemed to help. For the second time in a week she made up a story to tell her parents, telling them she was sore from too much exercise at volleyball practice. "But I'm going to get better at it daddy! My muscles are getting stronger every day!" Later, when daddy usually read to her in his living room armchair while mom cleaned the dishes in the kitchen, Yuki sadly had to make up an excuse to avoid her favorite pastime. "Daddy, can you read to me where we left off tomorrow? I'm too tired tonight-can you bring me my milk and tuck me into bed now?" She couldn't say she was worried about what might really happen, that she was afraid even more of the slimy wet globs of boy cum would ooze out of her gaping rear end, and stain the front of her daddy's tan trousers!

Before donning her flimsy teddy-top, she made sure she wore a pair of her thickest winter cotton panties-all the better to soak up any leakage overnight. She didn't want to wake up in a sticky puddle in the morning! Daddy came in with her warm milk, and as always, Yuki drank it all while he watched approvingly. Then, as usual, he made a big fuss about tucking her blankets around her, his big hands tickling and rubbing her until he made her squirm with delight and giggle with utter abandon. It was their nightly routine, that time she felt closest to her dad, and she loved him as always for cuddling and hugging her.

Yukiko was dreaming again... Her room was still dark before dawn, but there were shadows... The tiger was back. This time it was just the big daddy tiger. Her panties were wrapped around her ankles and the tiger's thick black tongue lapped hungrily between her legs, forcing her thighs apart, prying roughly within her wet labia, and teased her little clitty until it grew and grew and got all stiff and tingly. The daddy tiger gazed down upon her naked body with large yellow cat's eyes. He got very excited doing this thing to her. His tiger cock stretched out from his fur, grew long and hard against his hairy belly, a thick red fleshy looking thing with a fat angry-looking head. The tiger pushed the tip of his cock between her moist unfolded lips... slotted it against the entrance to her pussy but shoved with his hips so it slid up tightly against her, pushing through her folds, poking her clitty until he made it rise from her hooded sheath, rubbing it incessantly with each up and down stroke.

Yukiko realized she was panting. Sweat made her nightie cling to her body. She kicked off her panties from her ankles and drew her knees up, wrapping her legs around the tiger's back. She reached down between them and gripped the tiger's massive cock, pushed its head down against her crevice and shoved up with her hips, forcing the great cock into her recently cum-filled dripping cunt. As slippery as she must have been, the cock rode all the way up inside her womb, and her arms encircled the tiger's shoulders, pulling him against her, opening her eyes to kiss his tiger face... "Daddy?"

"Yuki! You... you pushed me INSIDE you... Oh my GOD! You're awake!"

"Oh daddy! I always hoped it was you! Fuck me daddy! Fuck me like a big tiger does! Pleeeze daddy... don't stop! I'm a big girl now!" Yuki begged. She twisted her body sideways so she was lying beside him, all the while clasping her thighs to keep his throbbing cock within her walls. Then she quickly rolled again, pushing his chest with her hands and forcing her daddy on his back as she threw her leg over his hip. She scampered on top of him, mounting him by dropping her full weight over the object of her wildest desire. "Do it NOW daddy! Fuck me like a big girl and make your cum inside me!"

"Oh Yuki! My little Yuki! Don't sit on top of me! I can't pull it out and I can't stop it now! I'm going to do it inside you... Oh God! I'm doing it inside my baby daughter Yuki!"

"It's okay daddy! I WANT you to! I want ALL your cum here inside me! Fuck your little girl harder daddy and cum inside me now!"

"AGGGGH! YUKI! My little YUKI! I'm cumming!"

Yukiko grasped her daddy's ball sac in her hand and squeezed it tightly as she'd learned to do with Mick. Her daddy bucked back and slammed his hips up against her crouch savagely, and she felt his hot jetting spurts of cum shoot up his thick cock and flood her tummy with each pumping twitch. "Cum daddy! Give me ALL your cum!" She cooed as he trembled one last time and she fell upon his sweat-soaked hairy chest.

Moments passed while they lay together, each waiting for their hearts to slow, their ragged breathing to subside. Yukiko hugged her daddy close to her, listening to his strong heartbeat throb in his chest. She knew she should feel bad for what she'd done, but she felt more alive and happy than at any other time in her whole life! She felt strong, energized, and confident in herself-just like Kate told her she would begin to feel... It MUST be the power! She thought. I got the Power from Mick and Joey's cum, and now daddy just gave me MORE of his Power too! I'm becoming a REAL Hentai Ninja warrior! She smiled.

"Oh my GOD! Yuki, forgive me! I didn't know what I was doing! I didn't think you'd EVER wake up and find out..." He father moaned in agony.

"Shuush daddy! I'm a big girl now... I'm stronger now and I can take it!"

"All these years... After you were born, your mother couldn't do it anymore... She didn't want me to leave, so she let me... I played with you when you were only a baby to... to..." His voice cracked with the effort of his impromptu confession. "But when you got older we made you a sleeping power in your milk so you'd sleep through it. You weren't supposed to wake up, and I always cleaned your sheets after you went outside to play... Oh God! But now you know! Please forgive me!" He cried, rocking his little girl in his arms.

"That's okay daddy!" Yukiko purred, brushing her daddy's hair from his forehead, "I always DREAMED it was you! I just didn't know how to tell you I WANTED to make you feel better-I wanted to make you feel better by taking your cum! But now I'm grownup so I can take it inside me to make it all better! I can take ALL your cum to make you feel happy again!"

Her father stared up into his daughter's smiling eyes and finally his trembling calmed, a guilty resigned smile creased his worried brow. "Are you SURE I didn't hurt you? Your mother always made me promise never to hurt you-even when the pressure became too much to bear and I had to release it somehow..."

"No daddy! You didn't hurt me! I've been practicing for you... See?" She said, rolling off his body to crouch on hands and knees, and twisting around to show her father her backside. "My friend taught me how to open my places... so I can take you inside me! And now I want you again! I want you to try my OTHER place! See? It's already open and waiting for you!"

Yukiko's father stared incredulously at the gaping orifice spread before his eyes. The last time he'd seen his baby girl's dimpled little asshole, her tiny ringed muscle was a tightly puckered, wrinkled knot. What she presented to him now was a deep inviting tunnel, a dark hole between her bare plump cheeks-her anus dilated, the brown ring widely stretched, throbbing and winking at him with each excited beat of her heart. As if in a daze of disbelief, he crouched behind her, placing his knees on the bed between his daughters spread legs. She arched her hips up to meet him, intentionally rubbing her crouch against him, shoving her cum-smeared pussy up and down the length of his rapidly stiffening cock. "Ooooo! That's it daddy! Now you're getting hard again!" Yuki panted. "Please do it daddy! Fuck me again in my asshole this time! I want to have ALL your cum inside me now!"

Resting his hands on her hips as he watched his daughter's face pressed into her pillow-a picture of pure loveliness, her eyes aglow with a passionate burning desire he never imagined he'd ever know-Yukiko's daddy was still shocked and dazed by this sudden turn of events. This was his innocent little girl! Although it was true that for years he'd secretly known the delights of seeing her naked little body spread in slumber beneath him, and thanks to the sleeping power they'd given her, he'd even been able to manipulate her sleeping inanimate body into whatever position he'd desired... folding her like a rubber blow-up doll, bending and twisting her to bear against his raging hard cock, before spurting his bubbling hot seed all over her silky smooth skin. But now...!

Yuki became worried that her daddy had suddenly become afraid for some reason and now he wouldn't do it to her... His cock had grown hard again, so she KNEW he really wanted her! But he seemed lost, indecisive... It was time for her to take things into her own hands! She reached back between her thighs and grabbed daddy's thick beating cock in both hands. She made sure it was still slippery wet with his cum that dribbled out in white globs from her oozing pussy hole... she rubbed some of that on the fat knot of its head to make sure it would squeeze past the opening of her butt. Daddy moaned deeply in his chest. That was good! Maybe he was feeling stronger now! Maybe he was making more of his sticky creamy cum juice to fill up her tummy with all his energy and Power!

She lifted his heavy cock and wiggled her ass backwards, arched herself up to fit the head of it into place against her. Even though she knew her butt hole had been opened up wide by Mick's cock, her daddy's wasn't as long as his, but it certainly was thicker! As wide open as she was, it still stuck there, only the tip of it poked inside-she could feel his thumping heartbeat-beating against her twitching stretched ring. What to do? It HAD to get in! Daddy groaned again and started rocking his hips against her, but his cock slipped away! Sliding up and down through her ass cheeks, rubbing her pussy lips... It slid right OVER her butt hole without going IN! She gripped his probing cock head in her right fist again, making sure she held it in place. Reaching further back with her left, she found his dangling ball-sac... Ah ha! This seemed to work before!

Yuki's dad felt his nuts being gripped in his daughter's hot little hand. When she started tugging on them, he reflexively slammed his hips forward, his hands tightly clenched her narrow hipbones, and he pulled her onto him, bellowing loudly, taken completely by surprise...

OH! Yuki KNEW when her daddy penetrated her! She felt his fat cock ram into her, stuffing its pulsing knot-head through her slippery hand, past the rim of her ass, and painfully stretch her aching sphincter to the limits of her endurance! She gasped and stifled a sharp cry... She felt as if it'd split and broke to let her daddy in! But finally there it was-at least half-way in... Yuki suppressed the feeling of pain and wiggled her behind to see if she could make it fit. It was stuck tight, she couldn't push back to make it go in anymore, and daddy couldn't pull it out either! "Oh baby! You're too small for daddy's cock in your ass! I'm going to split your tummy open if we do this anymore!"

"It's okay daddy!" She gasped, her face almost buried in her pillow. "Just hold still for awhile and let me get used to it... Rub some more of your cum from my pussy on it too!" Yuki forced herself to relax and experimented with flexing her muscle in the back to see if that would help. She felt daddy rubbing on her pussy-trying to scoop out more of his slippery juice from her freshly-fucked front hole. It wasn't much use, his huge cock in her ass blocked off her vagina, and besides, now her hips were raised up so none of his stuff leaked back out. But his fingers rubbing across her clitty made her groan and soon her pussy lips were dripping with her own slick fluids. Daddy rubbed this up and down his shaft, jerking the stump of his cock off, trying to wriggle it in and out of her. Finally Yuki was able to relax enough that she felt it slide further inside of her, but the bulbous head of it wouldn't come back out... it jammed against her sphincter, tugging on it until Yuki felt as if she were being pulled inside out! "Wait daddy! Don't pull it out yet! Hold it still and let me try something."

Rubbing her clitty furiously, and with all of her concentration, Yukiko flexed her muscles. Soon she felt her climax beginning, her anal canal begin rippling and the convulsive waves of ecstasy began to rise within her from the depths of her vagina. Daddy must have felt it too, because soon he was groaning and bucking his hips wildly against her. Yuki knew the insides of her body were milking his cock with her velvety walls, flexing and squeezing it inside of her, coaxing all his cum from the depths of his shaft. It worked! Daddy growled like an animal and made one last tremendous shove down into her, lunging his whole body over her back with all his adult weight. That pressed his cock all the way into her ass and Yuki felt his heavy balls slap between her legs against her belly. She nearly passed out like she had with Mick, but fought back the urge-concentrating instead on every unique sensation-noting briefly in her mind that the thick dark hairs on the root of his cock shaft rubbed and tickled the insides of her butt!

"UMMMPH!!! Oh-Daddy!" Her muffled cry came from the folds of her pillow. "Do it daddy! Fuck me faster now! I'm cumming too daddy! I want your cum inside my ass!"

Her father responded instantly hearing his virginal pre-teen daughter beg for his cum up her ass... Without any further thought for her safety, acting only on animal lust, he began stroking his cock in the little girl's ass with savage abandon. With each downward thrust, Yuki felt the air expel from her chest in a huff... "Ugh!" She'd grunt, before gasping as he pulled back out. Faster and faster he stroked, his balls slapping her wet cunt like she was being spanked-and Yukiko suddenly remembered the times her daddy DID spank her when she was five and six years old... He'd always made her bend over in front of him... she felt his big hands pull her panties down and she knew he always licked his fingers first because that's how he spanked her when mommy wasn't home... he'd slap his fingers between her legs, spanking her spread crack until it made her pussy all sore and puffy and glow hot with a strange feeling she grew to enjoy. In fact, she often TRIED being bad sometimes when mommy was away somewhere, hoping her daddy WOULD spank her his special way... Now his balls were spanking her pussy like that, but this time she had his big man's cock inside of her! Yuki was ecstatic with the feelings she felt-that now she could make them BOTH feel so good at the same time!

Yukiko heard herself chanting with her each expelled breath, each crushing jolt, "Oh! DADDY!... Ugh... DADDY!... DAD... UGGH-DY!!!"

Her daddy's thrusts became so brutal and fearsome, he succeeded in ripping his fat cock from her anus, hauling its engorged cock head from her crushing ring to make a loud "POP!" when it exploded out. He began cumming then, shooting a thick long stream of daddy-cum back down the gaping hole from which he'd briefly emerged.

"Oh BABY!" He grunted, "Daddy's filling your little ass with ALL his cum!"

"Daaa-DY!" Yuki answered, squeezing his balls to milk every last spurt from his throbbing prick.

"Take it baby! Take ALL your daddy's hot jism up your sweet little asshole! AGGGGH!" He gritted his teeth and bucked one last time within her.

Yuki felt the hot hose of sperm shoot into her... not just a spurt, this was a pent-up gushing blast of fiery jets that streaked through her gaping tunnel and splashed, then flooded every twist and bend of her colon, filling her intestines and backing up to overflow into her tummy. With each downward pumping plunge, another fresh blast of cum gushed into her, until her belly bloated as if she were suddenly pregnant with daddy's baby!

When Yuki next woke, she was afraid she'd only had another dream... Daddy wasn't in bed with her. Her panties were gone and her behind lay in a sticky warm puddle of wetness-but this had happened so many times before! She was about to cry that it was only a dream when she heard her mother's soothing voice next to her ear.

"Oh my poor little baby! Are you alright? Daddy didn't hurt our baby too badly, did he?"


"Yes, Yuki... It's me. I'm so sorry you found out this way..."

"Mommy! No, it's alright mommy! I'm so happy I can make daddy happy with me now! We can still be a family mommy! Daddy doesn't have to go anywhere else! Oh mommy! I love you BOTH so very much!"

And Yukiko felt true happiness cradled in her mother's arms, listening to daddy in the shower, singing happily for the first time she'd ever known!

Kate was in the school bus, sitting in the same seat where Yukiko had first met her new friend. Yuki slid in next to her, her face aglow with a big contented smile.

"Lookit YOU!" Her friend remarked. "You look like the cat that just ate the canary!"

"Katie! Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, but I have someone I can practice with at home... someone who I can make all better... someone who'll give me ALL of his cum!" She gushed.

"Who? I thought you said you don't have a brother!"

"Not my brother, Katie... My... " And she bent over to whisper her daring secret in Kate's ear, "My DADDY!"

Yuki was tickled to see that now it was Kate's turn to look thoroughly shocked. "Who? Your FATHER?"

"Shhhhh!" Yuki breathed excitedly, nodding her head.

"Wow! How did THAT happen?"

"Remember when I told you I always had this dream? Well, it wasn't actually a dream! It was always my daddy coming into my room while I was asleep, and he would want to do it with me, but he was afraid I'd wake up! Well, this morning I DID wake up-and we DID it!"

"Wow! Your father! I never thought of trying it with MY father... Besides, I've always had Mick. I always thought my dad wouldn't WANT a little girl!"

"And the neat part of it is... My mommy knows too! She even gave me something to keep daddy's cum from leaking out... See?" Yukiko said conspiratorially, pulling her skirt up to show her friend her latest surprise. Yuki wasn't wearing any panties, and dangling between her legs were two thin silver cords.

"What's that?"

"They're little metal balls on a string! Mommy helped me fit them up inside each of my holes this morning to keep daddy's cum from leaking back out! See? They seal them tightly closed! Cool, huh!"

"Wow! What a great idea! Can I borrow one sometime?"

"Yeah! Sure!"

"Man! You are lucky! My momma would NEVER let me fuck with dad without whippin' my ass fer sure! They fight a lot about sex I think, an' mom would get just as mad at me as she does with dad's girlfriends IF she found out..."

"Well, you always got Mick." Yuki consoled her.

"And yet... Well, keep this a secret okay? Mick told me he fucked mom one night when she was drunk and dad didn't come home all night. He said she was a real hot lay too! Both my mom an' dad are pretty sexy lookin'!"

"Maybe IF you did it with your dad and you and Mick let each of your parents know about it, then, maybe it'd help you get to be a closer family again, like mine is now." Yukiko offered.

"The trick is how to make it happen without getting dad mad at me."

"You could look sexy for him some night when he's been drinking, like what happened with your brother and your mom."

"Humm... Not a bad idea. Maybe it would work better if they found some pictures we made... Like, if mom saw pictures of me screwin' dad and got all mad about it with us, then we could just show them some pictures of her with Mick... THEN what could she say? But first I better see if dad will even DO IT with me or else the plan won't work."

"How are you going to do that?"

"With YOUR help, of course!" Kate grinned over at her.

"Me? How can I help? He's got to do it with YOU!"

"Yeah, but having us BOTH there alone with him, we could act all innocent like little girls, but do stuff to see if it turns him on... Like the way we acted when we were practicing at cheerleaders with the boys, remember? THEN, if dad DOES get horny, YOU take the pictures and I'll do the rest!"

"But what if he wants to fuck me too?"

"Well, if dad gets half-way as horny as Mick, I'm SURE he will! Think you can handle it?"

"Yeah, sure... I guess so... if you don't mind, that is."

"Hey! I set ya up with my brother! You can do it with my dad too, if ya want!"

"Okay... It'd be fun if it's going to be with both of us." Yukiko thought out loud. "So when do we try it?"

"Well I figure a good time could be this weekend. Mick's spending the night over at Bobby Rydel's house and mom is leaving to visit her sister in Chicago. Dad knows he's got to stay home an' baby sit me... so maybe he'll let you stay over for the weekend too! That way he'll figure he won't have to keep me occupied so much and he'll have more time to watch football on TV, or maybe even invite his buddies over for a poker game or something. And WE can start working together on our first hentai comic book too!"

Chapter 3 - The Way of the Hentai Warrior

Yukiko realized her life had changed forever-for the better, she thought, wondering how she'd ever lived the way it had been before. In just two days she'd grown up and become a trained Hentai Warrior-thanks to her new friend Katie, of course...

Now she knew what it felt like to have the Power-that special feeling of energy, strength and enthusiasm for life that infused and bristled from her entire being, radiated from her like light-that animated energy Kate possessed ever since Yuki had first met her.

She knew what she had to do... With great Power comes great responsibility: As a girl Hentai Warrior, she must right the wrongs done to all the little girls by boys or men who were confused by the raging forces that bubbled up within them. That mindless Power they made within themselves that made them aggressive, loutish, brutish, and insensitive. Once they were drained of that Power, once they were made to give it up to a Hentai Warrior such as herself, they became humble and meek, and she, on the other hand, grew stronger with each and every encounter. It was just like that movie she'd seen once with her daddy-"The Highlander" it was called. She remembered what she'd learned when he got the Power from other men... "In the end, there can only be one!"

Stepping from the school bus with Katie leading the way, she noticed Jimmy Kaplan leering at her from the safety of his gang. Yukiko realized what her first true test in the Way must be... to tame the Power of her enemy, to make that boy Jimmy Kaplan give it up to her, and by doing so, make him learn forever more that SHE was invincible!

A plan took form on the way to her first class... By her second class, Yuki had sketched it out. During third period, art class, she'd set all the scenes, planned the dialogue, colored in the details-and, after removing the chain of silvery balls from her pussy, while leaving the rear set in place, she felt she was ready for proof-testing the action.

Recess outdoors: Yukiko knew that Jimmy Kaplan and his ruffian pals usually played kickball at the far end of the playground-out beside the baseball diamond, next to the chain-link fence with the small open gate that let to a dirt path through the woods where the kids who lived nearby walked home. Yuki fought down the temptation of asking Kate to come along. She could see her friend over on the monkey bars, talking with a group of her girlfriends from her own forth grade class, showing their panties off to a bunch of gawking, snickering boys by swinging upside-down. She walked along the chain-link fence all by herself, pretending to be intent on finding something, walking through the gate and into the woods, pausing to bend down and collect unseen things by the path...

Her ruse worked. Before long, Yuki noticed from the periphery of her vision that Jimmy had broken away from his friends and was serendipitously following her. Creeping along the fence, now slipping through the gate, looking back over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't missed or being followed himself. Yukiko walked further down the path, then stepped off of it, and walked into the underbrush of the thicket itself. She took an errant course, meandered, but she continued wandering deeper into the darkest part of the woods, careful not to lose sound of the snapping twigs and footfalls behind her. When she was certain they were both far enough away where they couldn't be seen, where any loud noises they made wouldn't possibly be heard by the kids in the playground, Yuki paused by a mossy knoll in the shadows of tall overhanging pine trees. Here she bent far over, innocently concentrating on a tuff of violet flowers she'd discovered at her feet near the trunk of a tree, her back to the direction from she'd come, her small skirt seductively lifted high against the backs of her slim bare thighs.

Jimmy Kaplan took the bait like a wide-mouthed bass hitting a shiny new lure.

The crash of broken twigs and the pounding thud of quickly approaching feet were the only warning she had before Yuki felt her elbows brutally pulled back and her hands gripped tightly behind her. Beside her cheek was the fishy smell of the boy's panting breath, his gloating words heard in her ear as she felt her wrists bound together. "Ha! Now I got ja! Ya won't get rescued by your dike friend today! I'm gonna find out what that little Jap pussy o'yers feels like on my pecker this time!"

"Let GO of me! What do you think you're doing! I'm going to SCREAM if you don't let me GO!" Yukiko squirmed and struggled against the older boy's body, innocently grinding her hips back to rub her behind against the stiff prod in his trousers.

"Y'ain't gonna yell-nobody'll hear ya! An' you might as well save up your yellin' for when I'm bustin' yer little cherry wide open with my HUGE hunk of meat!"

"Jimmy Kaplan-if you let me go NOW, I won't tell!... I promise!" Yuki changed her tactic, knowing full well her show of desperation would only inflame the boy even further. "I'll... I'll even TOUCH it for you... But PLEASE let me go?" And real tears sprang to her eyes as she was roughly twisted around to face him.

The big boy's face loomed over her, "Oh, you'll TOUCH it alright! You'll touch it inside yer sideways Jap cunt ya lil slut! An' fergit about tellin'! As soon as you get a pussy full o' REAL cock, you'll be BEGGIN' me to stuff you EVERY day!"

"No, no, no... NO!" Yukiko cried, the tears running down her cheeks.

The boy pushed her backwards; Yuki dropped to the soft mossy ground, crushing the delicate flowers beneath her back. She kicked up at his groin with her feet, a futile peddling gesture he easily sidestepped. The appearance of this bravado only served to make her little pleated school dress ride up higher about her waist, exposing her nude crouch to the boy's lustful leering delight. "Damn! You ain't wearin' no panties either! That'll make it easier for me!" He exclaimed, hurriedly unfastening his belt and yanking down his zipper.

When she saw it, when it sprang up like a funny little jack-in-the-box from his grubby jockey shorts, Yukiko had to stifle her impulsive urge to laugh out loud. Jimmy's stubby little dick was pathetic compared to Mick's, or to Joey's, and especially to her daddy's! It poked up at a forty-five degree angle beneath his pudgy belly, totally hairless, with a small constricted, wrinkly little ball sac stuck beneath it like a pale wadded spitball... The poor thing looked every bit like a useless appendage. But laughing would have ruined it... Yukiko tried very hard to look shocked and very afraid!

"What is THAT!" She gasped in mock surprise.

"That's my mighty fuck-stick! That's what's gonna fuck yer little cunt till it BEGS for more!" He chortled, obviously quite proud of his springy little boner as he dropped to his knees and roughly pushed Yuki's bare legs apart.

"Jimmy-don't!" She cried. "Don't LOOK at me! Don't you DARE touch me with THAT!"

"I'll do a hell of a lot more than LOOK at jer lil pussy ya bitch! I'm gonna ram my pecker so far up yer cunt you'll TASTE my cum in yer mouth! Hahahaha!"

"OUCH! You're HURTING ME!" Yukiko yelled, as she felt the boy's first clumsy attempts stabbing between her spread labia... "Get OFF ME! That HURTS!" She cried louder for dramatic effect. The truth was, the boy was a novice at rape-he hadn't the slightest idea how to fit his pubescent boner into a girl's cunt, even if it WERE stretched gapingly open and eagerly anticipated his entrance. Yuki realized she'd have to get it in all by herself before Jimmy Kaplan came too soon and lost his creamy seed all over her belly. By now, she'd wriggled her wrists free from his poorly-tied knots, so she reached down between her behind, and pulled her cheeks aside; all while arching her hips up, ensuring his next lunging thrust would be spot-on target...

"Aggggg! THERE!" The sweaty boy cried out. "I'm fucking you NOW! I'm fucking your little pussy fer REAL now!" And the inept boy began pumping his hips in jerky short humps against Yukiko's crouch as quickly as he could. Yukiko was sorely disappointed. He had no regard for HER pleasure-hadn't a clue where her clitty was, or how touching it made HER feel... All he cared about was jerking himself off inside her, and by the way it felt, he probably wasn't any good with doing THAT to himself either!

"Oh SHIT! You're a TIGHT little cunt, ain't ja?" The kid gasped as his stubby dick shoved, slammed and slid against the membrane between her vagina and colon, where the string of bulging steel balls Yuki'd kept tucked up her ass fit snugly. She'd wanted to ensure he didn't get his cock up THERE! Not her rear hole by mistake-after all, that's where she was keeping daddy's cum, and she didn't want that to get mixed up with Jimmy Kaplan's!

"Oh!... Oh!... Ughhh!... OuuUU!!!... " Yuki grunted and gasped at each quickening smack of the boy's pudgy stomach against her pinned writhing body. "Don't!... STOP!... DON'T... Stop!!!..." She chanted, "DON'T-stop! DON'TSTOP!" Until the words ran together and encouraged the boy to quicken his frantic pace.

Yukiko was in a hurry to get this over with. The boy's feeble efforts at sex were a colossal disappointment to her, hardly worth much more of her time-it hadn't made her FEEL the way she'd felt with the other boys, or ESPECIALLY with her daddy. Now she was just lying here naked in the woods while a grunting sweaty animal bucked and bruised her, desperately trying to cum in her pussy. Well, at least Yuki could collect his Power, she could drain him of every drop of THAT he could make-but there was more to her plan...

She concentrated on using her innermost muscles-squeezed her walls tightly each time the boy pulled back, relaxing them on each downward stroke. In this way she hoped to milk him, squeeze from his balls the gushing blast of cum she knew was his Power, coaxing it out of him like she was squeezing the last dollop of toothpaste from a tube. It seemed to work. Jimmy gasped and groaned. Yuki wrapped her legs around his and pulled his behind down, crushing him against her. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. He cried out, "I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING!" And Yuki felt his ass cheeks clench, felt his little cock ram itself for the last time into her cunt as far as he could drive it. Squirt... squirt... And then Jimmy Kaplan collapsed over her, wheezing and thoroughly spent.

Yuki shoved up against him, pushing him off her chest and scrambled to her feet. "You little PRICK! You call THAT a FUCK!" She screamed at him. Stunned, Jimmy slowly rose to his feet. "I could get a POODLE to fuck me better than THAT!" She cried. Yuki was completely frustrated... After all this work to get his Power, and now all she had to show for her efforts was two measly baby SQUIRTS?

She sprang into action, grabbing his wrist while he was still exhausted and dazed. Using a judo move her daddy taught her when they played and wrestled, she twisted back around the tree trunk, caught his other wrist on the back side, and quickly tied them together as expertly as a rodeo cowboy. She walked back around the other side of the tree to face her bewildered prisoner.

Jimmy Kaplan felt overwhelmed and suddenly very frightened. His wrists were tied behind the tree, his trousers and underpants lay wrapped around his ankles. His stubby little "pecker" had shriveled up inside, leaving just its nubby head poking out above his bald constricted scrotum. And now this girl... this Chink girl-had him completely at her advantage! And she certainly wasn't the helpless little girl he thought he'd expertly raped mere moments ago! She looked and acted like some kinda wild animal! She snarled, cussed at him, and made fun of his pecker!

"You're not getting away THAT easily!" Yukiko menaced him, "I know you got SOMEthing left in those greasy little balls you haven't given up yet!" And to Jimmy's surprised dismay, the girl dropped to her knees between his legs and PULLED on his pecker, pulled it HARD until she stretched it out as far as she could!

Yukiko slurped Jimmy's slippery cock head with her lips, sucked on it hard and tugged the head of it with her teeth. The boy squirmed futilely against the rough bark of the tree trunk, scraping his bare ass cheeks raw in his desperate efforts to wriggle free from Yuki's sucking mouth. All to no avail-she sucked all the harder, swallowing its entire swelling length, stiffening it to its maximum hardness by rasping its sensitive skin with her darting tongue. Her fingers probed the root of his cock, prying his jelly orbs from their recesses, rolling and tugging on them until the boy writhed and whimpered. She expertly and happily licked and flicked her fingers against all his most sensitive places-thanks to her newly-acquired training... bringing the helpless bully to a peak of a tortuous agony he'd never thought possible before.

"AGGGGGHHHH! OOOOooo-Weeee! You're KILLIN' ME!" Jimmy screamed.

"No... Not YET!" Yuki grinned slyly up at his reddened face after she'd briefly extracted his grossly swollen member from her lips, admiring her handiwork. Her tongue and hard sucking had hugely engorged the thing-sucked great quantities of his blood out through his shaft to the very tip of its bloated cap... It looked raw-purple and angry-like a festering sore filled with puss. Jimmy's cock was tightly pumped full with his blood and sperm, ready at the slightest provocation to burst open in a violent eruption.

Now Yuki began throat-fucking the boy in the same savage way he'd fucked her tight little pussy-using long driving thrusts, ramming her lips against him, shoving his cock to its root down her throat. Her fingers curled behind his ball-sac and pried his swimming testicles from their lodged retreat. When she'd succeeded in capturing them, she stuffed first one, then its twin, past her lips within her bulging cheeks. And now her tongue really went to work-rolling and crushing the orbs against Jimmy's pistoning cock, sucking and stretching them, coaxing forth their ultimate remaining production of juicy hot cum. To the helpless squirming Jimmy Kaplan, it was more than he could bear... His knees buckled and his eyes rolled back in his head. His crushed little blue balls gave up the last of their reserves, shriveled up like squashed raisins, and snapped out from the suction of Yuki's slurping mouth as if attached to thick, overly-stretched rubber bands. They practically FLEW back into hiding, deep inside the boy's belly, back from where they'd first dropped at the onset of the teenager's puberty. Jimmy's cries of tortured release suddenly became the notes of a high falsetto-like a choir boy's solo in church! "AAAAA-eeeeeeeek!" He wailed, as he jetted his greasy load down this crazed Chink-girl's gulping throat. SQUIRT-SQUIRT... squirt... ...drip.

Yuki swallowed it all. She'd hoped for more, but knew the boy was done for. At least she got ALL of the Power he could make... for now, and for some time to come she was sure. She stood up, licking her lips as she smoothed her skirt down the front. "Let THAT be a lesson to you Jimmy Kaplan." She told the semi-conscious boy. "If I EVER see or hear about you messing with any little girls again, I'll come back and get you! And you better not tell anybody what happened either, or the NEXT time, I'll chew that little pecker of yours right OFF, so YOU'LL be a girl and know how it feels!" And with that, she turned and walked away, ignoring the boy's pitiful high-pitched wails from the tree.

"You can't leave me HERE! Untie me!" He cried.

"I'll send somebody back to get you!" Yuki called, as she passed a large female German Shepard dog that must have been attracted to their presence in the woods. Yukiko noticed the dog was in heat. Her hind quarters clearly displayed swollen and weeping labia. "You can have what's left of him girl," She told the intelligent-looking dog, "But I'll bet he won't be much use to you NOW!"

Passing Jimmy's gang in the playground before gathering her book bag where she'd left it, Yukiko called out, "Hey you guys! Jimmy's back in those woods behind school. He said he wants you guys to go back there right now! He's got something to show you!" She added, smiling inside to herself. The boys ran off, followed by several girls their age they'd been talking to.

For the rest of the day, Yuki worked on completing her new comic book-updating the action and dialogue with words she recalled Jimmy had said.

Jimmy Kaplan never did show up in the halls of their school after recess. When she boarded the school bus, Katie was already there, saving her a seat. Yuki slid in next to her friend, a big grin plastered over her face. Kate didn't even notice as eager as she was to tell her young friend the latest news.

"Hey! Something happened to Jimmy Kaplan!" She blurted in her excitement. "Some of his gang found him back in the woods behind school. They said some bitch had tied him up to a tree an' this bitch had EATEN his balls OFF! She was getting' ready to chew his dick off too when they beat her off and rescued him! Now Jimmy Kaplan's got NO BALLS!"

Yuki's grin grew wider.

"Hey! Didn't you hear what I said? That asshole Jimmy Kaplan who messed with you had his NUTS chewed OFF!... Wait a minute... What do YOU know about this?"

"I know who did it! And I know she'll never get caught 'cause she's got the Power now!" Yukiko giggled.


"YOU did it!" Yuki told her gleefully.

"Whattya mean, I did it? I didn't do it!" Kate protested.

"Yeah you did... See?" And Yuki handed Kate her latest artistic creation, a complete hentai comic book, with drawings of Kate in the heroine's role.

Kate slowly turned the pages and was speechless... totally flabbergasted. "Holy SHIT! This is SO COOL!" She finally managed mumbling, glancing sideways at her friend and sharing a secret smile of the Way between them.

Over the next several days leading up to the weekend, Yukiko's confidence in herself as a Hentai Warrior grew. She practiced her skills with daddy each morning, and once, even mommy came to her room with daddy to help them make love. Daddy only did it in the early morning when Yuki was still asleep... Somehow, over the years, his habits had become engrained, affecting his sexual behavior. He always felt horniest when he saw his daughter lying in her bed in peaceful slumber, when he could undress her while she was sleeping, kiss her secretly exposed private places until she awoke-blissful and eager... Breathlessly embracing him in her arms.

One morning, mommy was there and surprised Yuki. She woke to find herself lying on her back atop daddy and mommy was French-kissing her tingly wet pussy! She'd been dreaming of the daddy tiger again, but this time another big cat was there to help him, so when she opened her eyes for the first time and gazed into the loving eyes of her mommy, Yukiko felt aglow with warm love and happiness for her family. She was proud of herself that she could help them this way... help keep them all together in a loving, good-feeling family way.

Mommy's fingers glided daddy's thick cock between her cheeks, pressing them aside to fit his huge cock head snug against her tightly puckered back hole-her daddy's favorite place! Then mommy bent over her mound... Yuki felt mommy's long hair tickle her tummy as her lips sucked in Yuki's tender clit... Oh! That felt SO GOOD! And mommy helped daddy by tugging back on Yuki's ankles, pulling her down so daddy's upward thrust drove his throbbing cock all the way up into her ass... Driving it in to its hilt until Yuki felt his hips and crouch pounding strongly against her backside. Mommy pulled each time daddy pushed into her, all the while her tongue swirled greedily around Yuki's swollen aching clit. It made Yuki start cumming... cumming harder than she'd ever cum before! Her little body jerked and writhed; small cries of whimpering ecstasy bubbled from her mouth like the mews of a purring kitten. Yuki clenched her muscles, felt them ripple and shudder within the depths of her body-then she felt the reward she most lovingly cherished... Her daddy cried out savagely, cried like the daddy tiger would cry, and Yuki felt that wonderful gushing eruption of hot sperm jettison from his rock-hard cock, roar like a pent-up river through her colon and flood her bowels with his overwhelming love for her and mommy.

Mommy always helped after it was over by pushing the string of silvery balls inside her, one at a time, making sure Yuki would keep ALL her daddy's warm creamy filling deep inside her tight little tummy.

When the weekend arrived, Yuki's mommy gave her permission to spend it over at Katie's house, saying she'd been SUCH a good girl, she deserved a grown-up reward! Kate had already cleared it with her father too, guessing correctly that he was happy to have his daughter occupied with one of her girlfriends so he didn't have to be bothered with entertaining them.

Yuki made sure to pack all her clothes she felt were her sexiest-some of them were old, things she'd worn when she was a year younger... Things that barely fit her anymore. But they were cute in a little-girl way, and she guessed they'd be perfect for catching the eye of an older man, even though their plan was to make him attracted to his only daughter Kate. Other things she borrowed from her mommy's drawer without exactly asking. There were some sheer black stockings that fit her and a funny black silk waist belt that held them up with small silver clips. A tiny pair of black see-through panties completed the outfit, but she wasn't sure what she had to wear over it all. Maybe Kate had something she could borrow if the opportunity came when she could wear them. At least, she thought, she could model the sexy outfit for Kate's little camera. It would look real cool for their drawings in the comic book they were going to work on together.

When she got to Kate's door, a grownup lady opened it and said, "Hi! You must be Yuki, Katie's new friend. I'm her mother, but you can call me Sarah if you like. I think she's up in her room... Katie!" She called loudly up the stairs, "Your friend's here!" Yuki thought Kate's mom looked beautiful! She was tall and slim with a curvy figure under the tight khaki shorts she wore. Her breasts stood out proudly beneath her red leather halter top. It didn't look like she was wearing a bra either, because her tits swayed and bounced when she moved. Her hair was long and straight, a light shade of blonde. She didn't wear a lot of makeup and her skin looked naturally rosy and wrinkle-free. "Pleased to meet you!" Yuki said politely. "I know where Kate's room is, I can go up by myself if that's alright."

"That would be fine sweetie! I'd show you myself but I'm on my way out the door any minute... Now, you just make yourself at home, okay?"

Yuki carried her bag up the stairway but was met half-way by Mick who charged from his room and tore downstairs at a breakneck pace. "Hi-ya Yuki!" He called in passing, and Yuki felt a stinging swat land smack on her butt as he passed! She was afraid Kate's mother had seen it, but when she turned, it was only Mick's back at the bottom she saw. "Hi Mick!" She returned his greeting sweetly, but the older boy was already through the door, on his way to spend the night with his friend.

She knocked on Kate's door once, then just opened it and stepped inside. Kate was bent over her worktable, concentrating intently on her latest drawing. Before recognizing it was Yuki who'd stepped through her door, Kate hurriedly shuffled the paper aside, hiding it from view. "Whew! You scared me for a minute there!" She grinned sheepishly. "I was afraid it was my mom coming in to say goodbye... Hey, check THIS out! Our hentai heroines are going up against some super villains! I called this first one "Prickasaurus!" He's an ancient monster who comes back from being buried alive in prehistoric times after a curse releases him from a sperm slime pit... And I called the second one "Count Cockula!" He's a vampire straight out of a Transylvania graveyard, natch! A thirsty blood and cunt sucker! Whataya think? Scary, huh?"

Yukiko dropped her bag on the floor and stood beside Kate's desk to look at her drawings. The two characters were carefully drawn-huge and formidable, both very ugly, and either one would most certainly be incredibly scary if she'd met them on a dark and lonely night in the woods at the park-IF they'd been REAL in THIS world!

"You see those ribbed snake-lookin' things on Prickasaurus? They're tentacles! He can fuck you with his slimy tentacles in every one of your holes at ONCE! And they ALL have teeth in the ends of 'em an' they ALL gush out GALLONS of cum! Cool, huh?"

"Wow!" Was all Yukiko could whisper, wondering how monsters fit in with the Way of the Hentai Ninja Warrior girl.

"Don't worry about these guys yet." Kate happily continued, "THEY come out at the END of the story... For now, we'll just put our heads together and write out a plot-just like you did with the comic you did of me fighting that schoolyard bully Jimmy Kaplan. All the best stories come from things that actually happen in REAL life... but then you just hafta make them more FANTASTIC! That's what comic book stories do!"

"Really?" Yuki asked, the concept finally becoming clear to her. Just as Kate took REAL pictures but transformed them in her drawings, she also took REAL life events and made them fantastic in her story plots... Hentai comic book stories.

Yuki gazed around the room once again at the prolific examples of Kate's artwork displayed on every wall, the drawings of little girls-naked pre-teen faeries and imps, gaily colored, full of effervescent energy, flying or running or just sitting on toadstools so innocently, with their legs crossed and open, a look of playful mischief twinkling in their eyes. Kate's sense of fantasy was highly developed. She lived in a world of illusion she herself had crafted. "Doesn't your family say anything about these drawings...? I mean, like, maybe they should wear clothes or something?"

"Mom said something once, but dad said he thought it was good I had an "outlet" (what he called it) for my artistic "expression." It was Mick who was the problem! When we were just kids, I caught him in here jerking off his cock while he was staring at them! That's kinda how we got started-I began doing it for him and I learned what made him feel good and what it took to make his cum squirt out. And I ALSO learned he felt real guilty after he did it! Like, it was something BAD that made him FEEL that way, even though he couldn't stop until I made him do it-y'know, CUM! After that, he'd do special favors for me. Like, give me candy and stuff so I wouldn't tell on him. Maybe mom caught him in here too, an' maybe that's how he got to do it with her-anyways, she doesn't say anything about me taking them down anymore." Kate explained grinning, as she continued sketching a new scene.

"Did you ever catch your dad looking at them... by himself... doing, you know, things like touching himself when he was looking?"

"Yeah," Kate paused reflectively, "a couple of times. But he had his hands in his pockets, and I never saw his cock out like Mick, if that's what you mean!" And she giggled, glancing sideways at Yukiko. "Why?" She added, "What are YOU thinking?"

"Well..." Yukiko mused, her finger to her lips, "What if we draw some NEW drawings like these-some showing YOU and ME in drawings like the pictures you took... And THEN we can show 'em to your father to see what he says about them... That way you'll KNOW if he likes looking at them, and if looking at US like that makes him feel sexy!"

"WOW! What a GREAT idea!" Kate jumped up excitedly. "Yuki, you're a GENIUS!" She said, hugging her friend tightly against her breast. "Why didn't I think of something like that sooner?"

"Maybe because you just met me?"

"Yeah, I guess so!" Kate laughed gleefully. "But two heads are certainly better than one! Even so, I probably never would-a thought about it, even though the answer was right here in front of me all this time!"

So the two girls eagerly got to work on their first collaboration, the first of what would be many to follow. With this mutual goal to work toward, this naughty tempting of an adult, (one that just happened to be Kate's father), they devoted all their energy and effort to develop a close working relationship-a teamwork relationship that coaxed from each the best of their talents with the aim of completing a finished work of art. Kate produced a stack of her favorite photos she'd made, and sketched out the rough poses while carefully studying them. Next, Yuki drew-in Kate's character, and then passed that image back to Kate, who drew in the character of Yuki. They each took turns at coloring, opting for latex oils to give the images the greatest texture and depth, bringing them to vibrant life. They were so engrossed in their project they forgot how much time had flown by. By the time they had five really good "final" paintings, they realized they were both more than a little bit hungry.

"Hey! I wonder what dad's making us for dinner!" Kate wondered.

"Do you think we should show him our paintings now?" Yuki asked.

"Sure! Why not! But first we should dress up and look nice for him-show off a little at the dinner table, if ya know what I mean!" She winked.

Dumping her bag on Kate's bed, Yuki showed off what she'd brought. They decided to dress up for the occasion-that meant using the stockings and garter belt, since Kate said she had a similar outfit. Yuki modeled those for Kate and they decided together to forget about wearing the silky transparent panties, since the black stockings with their belt looked sexier without them. Kate dove into her closet and found a blue knit dress Yuki could wear over the sexy underthings. It was short, hip-hugging, but it flared out below at the hem, with thin shoulder straps to hold it up. Since it had been Kate's a couple of years ago, the crochet-knit became stretched out just enough so that you could make out the dark outlines of Yuki's underclothes beneath it-very cool, they agreed.

Kate brought out what had been her Halloween costume from two years ago-the one she remembered dad was so keen on buying for her at the time... It was a pink ballerina's skirt, very, very short, complete with a white ruffled petticoat underneath, and a set of white rollup lace stockings she'd worn to help keep her legs warm. The costume even had a pair of faerie wings to go along with it, but Kate decided against those-or the fluffy white panties, for what they planned tonight!

They dressed themselves carefully, priming and posing in front of Kate's full-length closet door mirror. Before going downstairs, Kate "borrowed" some of her mom's makeup and they highlighted their eyes just a bit, put on a touch of lipstick and blushed out their cheeks to make them look rosy. "There!" Kate finally exclaimed, completely satisfied with the results. "Now we certainly don't LOOK like little kids anymore!"

When they entered the family room that adjoined their kitchen, they found Kate's dad sprawled on his favorite recliner, watching a late-night football game. He didn't even look up at them but said, "Katie, there's some hot dogs and potato salad on the counter if you want to make something to eat."


"Yeah honey..."


"What IS it Katie?"

"DAD! I want you to meet my new friend Yuki!"

Hearing the unusual name, the big man finally turned away from the TV set to pay attention to his daughter. What he saw almost made him lose his grip on his can of beer. "Whoa! LOOK at you TWO!" He whistled softly.

"Dad this is Yuki... Yuki, my dad."

"Hello mister O'Malley!" Yuki waved coyly, smiling and blushing for effect.

"Holy smokes! You two look STUNNING! Just don't let your MOM catch you looking like THAT around the house kitten! She'd tan your little Bee-hine!"

"Oh dad!" Kate sighed in exasperation, "I'm TEN years OLD now, and Yuki's already EIGHT! We're NOT little kids anymore, are we Yuki?" She added for confirmation.

Yukiko was put on the spot. She felt the big man's sea-green eyes boring into her, eyes the same beautiful color as Katie's. He was HUGE, and Yuki could tell where Mick got his physical attributes from. His muscles bulged from his shirt like a football player's, or maybe even a weight lifter like those wrestlers she's seen on TV. His close-cropped hair was a ruddy shade of red, like rust, and his face creased in an easy relaxed smile... or maybe it was a hungry leer, she briefly reflected... "Ugh... Well, we dress up for dinner at my house." Yuki lied for Kate. "I guess my parents treat me older, 'cause I'm an only child." She stammered.

"So, we look pretty good, huh?" Kate grinned like a recently-stuffed cat, stalking slowly to stand near to her father's recliner, the drawings clutched in both hands behind her back. Yukiko followed closely behind, walking in careful shortened steps in the tight form-fitting dress.

"Hell, yeah! I'd say you two look to be AT LEAST thirteen!" He teased. "Maybe even TWENTY-ONE!" And he chuckled to himself, but his eyes never swayed from his slowly advancing daughter and her friend, the football game on TV all but forgotten now.

"Yuki's an artist too dad!" Kate purred, "And we made some NEW drawings of us together to show you-ya wanna see 'em?"

"We didn't draw in the faerie wings yet." Yuki spoke, "They'll take more time later on."

"These are just two faeries playing together... Two girlfriend faeries." Kate added, giggling cutely.

"Well, yeah, SURE honey! I always like seeing your work Katie! Let's see what ya got!"

So Kate handed over their stack of five paintings, their poses arranged in order from the most innocent to risqué. The first one showed the two completely nude, with Kate leaning over Yukiko's prone body, kissing Yuki full on her mouth. Kate's dad exhaled loudly enough for them to hear his low whispered groan escape from his throat. He carefully put his beer on a lamp table beside the chair, and tugged down at his trousers, wriggling in his chair to make himself more comfortable. "Je-E-sus baby! When did you start doing... ah, drawing stuff like this?" He asked haltingly, setting the top painting aside on his lap.

The second showed the naked little faeries embraced in a "69" position, their legs splayed, each one's beautifully-drawn face intently focused on the other's split pink cleft. The artwork was superb, concealing nothing, leaving little to the imagination as far as what their entwined purpose was about to become.

Kate waited patiently while her dad had a good long look at the third one, a much better view of her secret treasures! This one graphically displayed her cute freckled pussy lips pulled wide open by Yuki's tugging finger tips, her little clitty all glistening wet and puffy red from her friend's recent sucking kisses... and standing up proudly, straight out from its sheath! "It's NOT like we haven't SEEN what we LOOK like dad... Heck, they even teach us about sex an' stuff at school, right Yuki?"

"Uh-huh." Yuki nodded, keeping her eyes riveted on Kate's dad's lap, watching for his reaction... and THERE it was! A stirring, surging, salami-shaped thing pressed up tightly against the fabric of his trousers-uncoiling itself like some humongous sea serpent, rising from the depths of a hidden lagoon!

Kate's dad barely choked out the words, "That's YOU?" He asked his daughter.

"Uh-huh! Do you think my pussy's cute dad? Yuki likes it, don't you Yuki? She likes kissing it to make me feel all hot and tingly! And sometimes she even puts her fingers inside... See?" Kate continued conversationally as she uncovered the fourth painting of the set.

Sure enough, there was no mistaking the younger girl's three fingers buried past her knuckles in Katie's open cunny, or the cute little oriental girl's tongue posed to plunge within the dark open void of his daughter's dilated asshole. Kate's father REALLY startled when he saw that one! He vainly tried hiding the pulsing stiff tent that practically JUMPED from his trousers with the paintings he'd set aside, but they slid uselessly to the floor and Yuki couldn't help but giggle out loud mischievously.

"Daddy! You don't have to hide your cock from us! We KNOW what a BONER looks like too! Mick shows us HIS all the time!"

"He DOES?" Her father croaked.

"Uh-huh! That's how we do our sex ed homework,,, he showed us how it gets all big and hard when we touch it, and then it squirts out his hot sticky white stuff all over our faces! That's what ya call CUM, right dad?"

"And it TASTES real good TOO!" Yuki interrupted, smiling innocently.

"Uh-huh! We know about THAT stuff too! Jeez, Ms. Jamison at school told us EVERYbody does it, an' that's how we got born! I'll bet mom does it for YOU all the time, right dad?"

"Not often enough!" They heard Kate's father grouse beneath his breath as he continued studying their colored paintings raptly.

Kevin O'Malley was completely flustered. He was at a total loss for words... Confused, shocked and more than a little aroused by the images his daughter and this lovely little friend of hers brought to show him, added to their casual conversation-as if they were naive of the effect THAT was having on him?!

He SHOULD react angrily-discipline them, or at least tell them that thinking about these things... these ADULT things-was totally inappropriate for little girls of their pre-pubescent young age. But they already KNEW... They just said they'd already PRACTICED by playing with his twelve-year-old son! Holy CRAP! What had the world come to? With the combination of the alcohol, the sexual pressure simmering in the core of his testicles, and these highly stimulating graphic depictions of their tender loveliness flooding his senses, he felt as if his world had suddenly lurched, and was now irreversibly spinning in an entirely new direction.

"Here's the last one dad!"

The final painting displayed both girls on their hands and knees-each showing their white-skinned naked bottoms daringly thrust back at the observer. Their knees were widely split, their backs severely bowed, while each little girl smiled happily backwards between them, cheek-to-cheek. Both their behind's looked as if they'd JUST been thoroughly fucked by a herd of wild stallions-each one's twin orifice was a gaping void, oozing thick bubbly gobs of cream, leaking quarts of it in rivulets, streaked in slimy trails down their slim bare legs-what could only be steamy fresh ejaculate.

"Oh GOD!" Kevin groaned despite himself, "JESUS baby, I think I gotta CUM!"

"Not YET daddy!" Kate cried in alarm.

Both girls needed no further encouragement. The practically DOVE at his lap! Kate attacked his belt buckle, while Yuki tugged down his zipper. "It still can't get out!" Yuki cried frantically.


"Hold on dad! Keep your cum INSIDE!" Kate pleaded. "Yuki, there's no time to waste! Help me pull the legs of his pants down!"

They hurriedly YANKED the trousers down, pulling his loose boxer shorts with it, freeing the tubular monster from his lair. The one-eyed serpent LEPT out, paused to stare at them with its raw oozing red eye, then, VOMITED its greasy hot spew in their startled faces!


Spray after spray jetted from the pulsing hose... the girls had only enough time to open their mouths wide like baby birds in a nest, hoping to catch what they could of the pelting sperm drops that cascaded upon them like falling rain.

Kate's dad gripped the thing in both hands now like a bucking fire hose, directing its raging torrent at the two white-streaked faces between his knees. Wave after wave of ball-clenching spasms rolled over him, and each time a fresh hot stream of jism shot from his tortured peehole. "Ohhhhh-AGGGH!" He groaned as the last arching string of white looped out, smacking his freckle-faced daughter between her amazed-looking, beautiful sea-green eyes.

"OH-DAD!" She sputtered, through a radiant smile beaming from her face.

"UMMMMM!" The other gargled, smacking her cum-splattered lipsticked mouth.

The girls knelt at Kevin's feet on the rug and took turns licking each other's face contentedly like kittens cleaning themselves after a scrumptious feast. The man wondered just what had happened here... One minute he was watching the Bengals getting the crap beat outta them, as usual, and the next he'd jerked off all over his little girl's face-AND her cute little eight-year-old neighborhood friend! SHIT! Was HE EVER in BIG trouble NOW!

"Katie...?" He stammered, "Oh GOD baby! I don't know what came over me! I'm SO sorry, honey..."

Kate smiled and secretly winked at Yuki before turning to her forlorn father. Collapsed in his armchair with his trousers knotted at his ankles, his face was a mask of abject shame. Katie crawled between his legs and cradled his semi-flaccid penis lovingly. In repose the monster cock stretched out over a foot in length-Kate was amazed and thrilled when she'd seen it excited for the first time in her life... Her dad's proud cock could grow to a size even longer than THAT! Yuki crawled up beside her, resting her arm on her father's other leg. "Daddy, don't be sad! We LOVED your cum bath, didn't we Yuki?"

Yuki wasn't even paying attention to what Kate said, as distracted as she was by what she beheld close-up for the first time between the big man's open muscled thighs. "Katie! Look how BIG your daddy's balls are!" She gushed in awe, reaching out impulsively, and cupping both heavy testicles in each tiny hand. "Your daddy can make LOTS MORE cum in THESE! Maybe he can even do it two or three more times TONIGHT!"

Kevin laughed despite himself. "Ha! That's always been my problem with Katie's mother!" He said. "She loves it because it's BIG, but she can't take all the cum I make when we're having sex. She says I'm too 'messy' and she has to change the bed sheets each time before she can go to sleep!"

"Oh poor daddy!" Kate frowned. "Mom doesn't know what she's missing!"

"Yeah, well..." Kevin began nervously. This little oriental girl's warm fondling of his over-brimming cum-filled nuts while his precocious daughter lovingly petted his stirring cock had the immediate effect of causing him to achieve another rock-hard, massive erection-he was both delighted and shocked at the same time... He'd NEVER enjoyed this kind of recovery with his wife before in his entire life! On the other hand, he realized the reason was entirely due to his overwhelming attraction for his own baby daughter! ...AND for ANOTHER little girl-a complete stranger-but one who excited him tremendously nevertheless! "Ugh... We better not do this again girls!" He trembled as he haltingly spoke. Was Katie intentionally stroking him to MAKE him get harder? "I've got some friends coming over for a poker game tonight... uh, and they COULD arrive any minute... I'd better get my pants back on and feed you kids some dinner!"

"Oh, and Katie," He added as an afterthought as he hauled up his trousers, "You'd better let ME keep those pictures you two made... just so your mom doesn't find them in your room, y'know? I'll keep them in a SAFE place in the attic for you, until you're at LEAST twenty-one!"

Reluctantly relieved that he'd listened to his better judgment before ANOTHER episode took place he'd feel guilty for in the morning-as if he could forget the FIRST one, and how GOOD that made him feel... Kevin hauled up his zipper as the girls scampered off to the kitchen nook, giggling and playing happily amongst themselves... He caught a refrain of their hushed banter...

"They're bigger than plums!" The one called Yuki whispered to Katie.

"BIGGER than eggs!" Katie replied.

"BIGGER than baseballs!" Yuki giggled, her cute little hand to her mouth.


Bursts of snickering and uncontrollable giggles with their heads together before both whispered in unison, "BIGGER than BASKETBALLS!!!" And at that, they burst out laughing uproariously.

Kevin had trouble stuffing his boner down his trouser leg... The damn thing refused to relax, and it protruded painfully, stretched practically all the way down to his knee. He hobbled into the kitchen, much to the delighted glee of the two little girls.

"What are we having for dinner dad?" Kate asked coquettishly.

"Hot dogs..." Kevin replied, and was immediately met with gales of laughter from the impish hussies once again.

"The BIG, LONG kind I LIKE?"

She just wouldn't quit now, Kevin thought, but he had to smile despite himself again. "YOU got a dirty mind Katie!"

"I must-a got it from YOU dad!" She grinned back at him, sticking out her tongue mischievously for effect.

Kevin leaned uncomfortably over the table, watching the two prepare their meal. He couldn't even stand up straight... He was praying that his cock's embarrassing inflammation would eventually subside. Katie squirt a large blob of mayonnaise on the tip of her hot dog and Yuki copied her, doing the same thing to her own.

"Look what I can do with my hot dog dad!" Kate cried. And she picked up the foot-long wiener with two dainty fingers, held it suspended over her open mouth, and slowly sucked the mayo from its tip. Before Kevin could respond, telling her not to play with her food, she pressed down on the long greasy sausage, taking the whole length of it down her throat like a carnival sword swallower!

"Katie...!" Kevin exclaimed. Too late...

"Ouuuu!" Cried Yuki. "That's SO cool! But look what I can do with MINE!" Picking up her long wriggly hot dog as Katie had, she raised her knees, locked her heels on the edge of her chair, then pulled aside a black garter stocking strap with her other hand. Kevin and Kate stared transfixed as they watched the entire wobbly mayonnaise-smeared meat sausage quickly disappear between the delicate pink pussy folds of the tiny innocent-looking eight-year-old girl.

"Wow-Yuki! That's TERRIFIC! But pull it back out! I wanna EAT that one!"

Kevin bolted! Loping from the room like a wounded animal, he raced for the cold shower before it was too late.

"Jokers wild!" Announced Freddy. The men were seated around the kitchen table, dealing cards for their semi-weekly Friday night poker game. Across from Freddy sat dad's best friend, Mr. Wilson, or George to his friends. Josh sat opposite dad. He was a tall, light-skinned black man who lived at the end of the street.

"What's a Joker?" Asked Kate, standing between George and her dad, intently watching the start of the game. Yuki stood between Josh and Freddy, also following the men's proceedings raptly.

"In the old days," Freddy explained, "a Joker was kinda like an entertainer. They'd dance and do tricks to make the people in the king's castle feel happy. When we say they're "wild," that means they can be anything you want them to be."

"And there's only two?"

"Yep!" Said Josh. "Two's enough the way these clowns play!"

"And what are the plastic pieces for?" Yuki asked Kevin.

"Those are chips honey." He said. "Everyone brings five hundred dollars in cash and that's the 'pot.' The chips represent how much of the pot you'll take at the end of the night. The white ones count for one dollar, the red ones are worth ten, and the blues are twenty each. When we count them up at the end of the game, the one who has the most chips takes the cash and wins!"

"Which hasn't been YOU in quite some time, Kev!" George said, and the others laughed.

"Yeah, well, MY luck will change any day now!" The big man groused.

"I'd say it already HAS!" Observed Freddy, nodding in the direction of Kate then over at Yukiko. "You got yerself a couple o'little cheerleaders on your team tonight!"

"They sure look a hell-of-a-lot prettier than those nekid dancers down at th' Tits Up Club!" Josh grinned lewdly.

"Hey, alright you guys! Just watch who you're talking about!" Kevin returned their playful banter. "This is MY kid an' her friend, not some topless-bottomless bimbo hookers for dancin' on your tables! Alright you two, run along upstairs and make more drawings. I'll come up to tuck you in at ten o'clock."

"Awww, dad!" Kate cried. "We're old enough to stay up late while you play! Can't we, pleeeeze!"

"Yeah, c'mon Kev! If MY kid was here, I'd let HER stay up too! An' she's only seven!" George encouraged. "Damn!" Josh ogled in the kids direction, "If MY wife let me dress up my eight-year-old twins like THAT, hell, I'd let 'em stay up when you guys came over to MY house!" Oh! Yukiko suddenly realized... So the two cute little black twins in her class at school were the daughters of this man playing cards at the table!

"Well hell then-why DON'T ya go an' bring 'em over HERE then!" Freddy ribbed the others. "If I HAD any girls, I'd bring them along myself!"

"Heck Freddy! Your girlfriend is barely thirteen!" Kevin said.

"Hey! You guys promised you wouldn't tell nobody! Besides, Sharon LOOKS older than that!" And the others laughed uproariously, the two girls joining in the men's teasing mirth. The story goes that Freddy's wife had left him after only two years of marriage when she caught him in bed with their twelve-year-old baby sitter. She just took their kid and drove away, never to be seen again. Sharon and some of her sixth-grade girlfriends took to hanging out over at Freddy's house on the weekends, telling their parents they were going to the Mall. Rumor had it that Freddy had the best porn collection in town, but Sharon and her friends weren't talking!

"C'mon, let 'em watch, Kev." George replied, backing down from offering his OWN little girl, but eager to have THESE two stick around to look at. "Heck, maybe they'll even help change your lousy luck!"

"I got an idea!" Yuki shouted, suddenly interrupting the men's baiting of Kevin. "Why don't WE... Me 'an Kate, be the REAL jokers? Whenever someone gets a joker, well, then THEY get to say what they want US to do for the entertainment! Like, make us dance, or do acrobatics, or... or, even tell us to do whatever those bimbo girls do at your club! Kate and me can be even WILDER jokers!"

"Oh YEAH!" The three horny guests enthusiastically agreed.

Kevin was speechless, but since his own baby daughter jumped on the idea and begged him to allow her and her friend to play, his well-meaning objections were universally outnumbered. Besides, he'd never won an argument with either his wife OR his daughter when they really wanted something from him badly enough.

"Well, maybe a dance or somethin'..." He finally relented, his words beginning to slur. "But NOT like those strippers at the club! Y'hear that, you guys?"

"Hey, no problem!" Josh agreed. "Y'know, if they don't WANTA do somethin', well, that's cool... Then th' joker goes back to bein' a wildcard in the game! Agreed guys?"

Everyone agreed wholeheartedly and poured Kate's dad another tall glass of bourbon whiskey. He'd switched from drinking beer after his cold shower, just to keep his nerves in check, but now he wasn't sure it was working and he felt things were spinning out of his control. The cards were dealt by Josh, three cards down, two face up, and everyone watched closely to see if a joker would be among one of the face cards. It wasn't, but the girls had a chance to see how the men bet because of the cards they were holding, and which cards were more important in the game. George won the first game, and scooped a pile of chips from the center of the table. Kate was worried because her dad didn't seem to be doing very well at this game at all.

On the very next hand however, a joker turned up as a face card in front of George. All the men held their breath expectantly-waiting to see which of the two sexy little girls he'd pick to be 'his' joker, and then what he'd ask her to DO for their 'entertainment.' George was on the spot. He couldn't pick the one he REALLY wanted... little Katie whom he'd secretly dreamed about for years... the little minx who occupied those naughty images in his mind while he privately jerked off in his seven-year-old daughter's under-panties... No, it couldn't be Katie, not just YET anyway... His secret lust would be exposed, his true feelings for her would become much too obvious, too soon... and besides, he could never let Kevin know the truth! And so, he picked the other one, Katie's little friend who was almost as young as his own little girl-but she was Asian, and that was quite fetching, and erotic, in some special way...

"Ok!" George announced, breaking the silent tension that cloaked the poker game like a hung jury's verdict. "I'll trade in my joker to pick Yuki for a dance-any way she wants to do it!"

"Hurray!" Yuki squealed, clapping her hands in childish delight. She'd never expected she'd EVER get picked. She thought the grownup men believed she was MUCH too young for them, that maybe they didn't think a little girl could be sexy enough for what they REALLY wanted to see... She fully expected her friend Kate would get all their leering attention-after all, SHE had the tits, and anyway, that WAS their plan, to get Kate somehow together with her father... But now with his friends here, they figured he'd be more interested in his daughter if he saw that the other men thought she looked grown-up enough for them to like her too. Now Yuki felt inspired! Maybe these men thought SHE was a big enough girl for them as well... She didn't want to disappoint them, but she didn't want Kate to be left out either!

"Okay!" Yuki eagerly agreed, "I'll do it, but only if Katie gets picked next! We each hafta take turns!"

The other men heartedly agreed to that stipulation, relieved that no one had to test Kevin's tolerance or wrath if they'd picked his daughter and asked her to do SOMEthing he'd likely object to. This way the sexy little redhead in the ballerina suit would HAVE to be picked next! In the meantime, they had this cute little Jap kid to entertain them... she even looked rather sexy in that tight little knit dress in her black stockings, with her long straight black hair cascading down her bare back... Wonder if she knew how to dance? Wonder if she'd be willing to LEARN how to dance like those teen-aged cuties who would squirm their panty-less bare bottoms in your lap in the "Tits Up?" Wouldn't THAT be interesting?

Kate turned up the music, a rousing rock-and-roll number by a southern rock group... Something the men all seemed to like. She watched as Yuki hit the number like a pro-she'd been practicing, that was good! She wasn't into it for very long before Kate noticed the men were all staring at her little friend with their mouths hanging agape! They really LIKED what they saw!

"Hold on... Hold on!" Freddy shouted. "We can't SEE you over THERE! Climb up on the table so you'll be in the middle of all of us!"

"Yeah!" The others agreed, all except for Kevin who looked like he'd had too much to drink already. The men hurriedly pushed their pile of chips to the side, clearing a large circle in the middle of the kitchen table.

"Okay! She'll do it up there..." Kate cried, "but first ya gotta pay her a chip for doing something extra... Like dancing where you can look under her dress!"

"Hey! No problem!" Freddy instantly volunteered, tossing in a white chip that was quickly followed by others. Even Kevin had roused himself enough to go along with the bet.

Freddy got up to help little Yuki step up to his chair, then on to the tabletop. She stood in the middle and began dancing again. This time you could clearly see up her short knit dress, all the way up to the tops of her sexy black stockings! The men whistled and cheered... they put their heads on the table, twisting sideways as they tried seeing everything under her dress-but Yuki played it cool, moving so fast, they only THOUGHT they saw brief glimpses of her naked pink slash between milky white thighs, before she'd moved, dipped and swayed, and ended the song with a professional's flourish.

Yuki crouched low, showing off her bare bottom and her pussy slit tightly squeezed between her closed thighs, as she picked up her chips to the sound of wild applause! The men had LOVED her performance! She decided she really LIKED doing this!

After a short delay allowing her to step down from the table, the men quickly started their game once again, eager to finish this joker-less hand and deal someone another! Kevin actually won this hand, and the jibes about the girls bringing him good luck were quick to follow. While Yuki made sure all the men had full tumblers of whisky, Kate began thinking that maybe there was a way to make her dad's luck change as well, but it had less to do with luck than her devious planning!

They didn't have long to wait before the next joker reared its silly grin. This one was one of Josh's down cards, and he was quick to trade it in for his request that Kate take the table's center stage next. Kate eagerly scrambled up his offered chair to take her place in the center as the focus of their intent expectant gazes. At least she kept her presence of mind by pressing her arms down and pushing the springy pink ballerina dress and its springy white petticoat ruffles between her tightly clamped thighs. "Remember boys!" She chided them, "First ya gotta pay some of your chips to look at my privates under THIS little costume my daddy got for me!"

More than the required fee of white chips were hastily tossed by the handful at Kate's stocking-clad feet. The music started, she pulled her hands from between her legs and lifted them high over her head. Yuki thought she was about to see four grown men tumble from their chairs in utter shock and delight! The little dress and its petticoats sprung up in a wide arch about Kate's waist, revealing all her white-stocking thighs from toe to tops, all the way to her narrow hips and up to her slim waist. Her little pink pussy slit underneath was exposed proudly for ALL the grownup men to ogle! Kevin gulped, turned beet red, and took another long pull on his drink. George was transfixed, staring hypnotically at the vision that had haunted his dreams for years... and now, here at last... here it was! Little Katie's perfectly lovely, freckled, creamy pale pussy in all its nude splendor! George was instantly hard, and gulped his drink to keep from thinking of losing his hot load right here in his skivvies!

Kate really went all out to show herself off for her rapt audience-spinning in tight circles so the little dress flew up and twirled waist-high around her, bending over to touch her toes, giving the guys on that side of the table a perfect view of her butt, her ass cheeks flared apart, her little rear hole winking open with each flexing acrobatic exertion, her parted pussy lips beneath, pink and freshly wet and tauntingly inviting. She did high kicks, holding her leg up as she turned so all had a chance to look inside her pussy-and she did splits on the table, rolling out from them to arch her back as she hunched her ass back up off the table. By the time the music was over, a pregnant silence hung over the room...

"Didn't... Didn't you like it?" Katie asked in a worried, little-girl voice, glancing around to look into each man's eyes-stopping to regard her stunned father.

The men slowly revived from their trance and stumbled to their feet at their chairs. Then, starting with George, they clapped. Slow soft claps at first, the sound of two, four then six hands ... then enthusiastically, with whistles and ringing cheers... erupting into a sustained crescendo of loud applause! Even Katie's daddy broke out in a wide grin-proud of his daughter's incredible performance. They all lifted Katie like a hero from the table by both arms to set her back on the floor.

This time the men RACED at breakneck speed to deal a new hand of cards, the outcome of their poker game forgotten-all that mattered was uncovering the lucky jokers, and the promised joy they'd bring. Yukiko astutely noted while Kate had been dancing, that the men had been unconsciously fondling themselves, rubbing their hands down the insides of their trousers, moaning softly under their breath. Even Kevin had trouble sitting comfortably-his monster cock made its presence plainly evident, swelling to a thickness in his loose-fitting trousers until it looked as if his arm were tucked down inside! Since there weren't many white poker chips left that the girls hadn't already claimed, she felt it was time to take this game of theirs up a notch-to higher level! When a joker was gleefully displayed, this time face up on Kevin's pile, Yuki made an announcement:

"Hey guys, there aren't any white chips left! So, for my next dance, if you're willing to pay me some of your red chips, I'll do something that'll make you feel REALLY sexy! This time I'll PLAY with my little pussy until I make myself cum! And since Kate's daddy got the joker, I'll show him the best view!"

"Damn! I wish I'd brought my video camera!" Freddy muttered, a wild mixture of frustration and euphoria written all over his face.

A chair was quickly vacated so Yuki could step back up on the table. She calmly turned to face Kevin, ignoring the pile of red chips dumped at her feet, and waited for the music to begin. The other men dragged their chairs over to the side of the table Kate's father occupied, holding their breath, eagerly waiting for the show to begin. Kate joined them, standing in the crowded space between her dad and George.

Katie watched as the music started and Yuki began a slow hypnotically-sensual dance for the men. She couldn't help but be happily amazed with Yuki's recent metamorphosis. A mere two days ago, the now-sassy second-grader had been nothing more than a shy, nervous little kid, looking lost and scared when she climbed on their bus for school. But in the time since then, since she'd begun her Hentai Warrior training, she'd had her first real taste of the Power that came from the essence of men... She'd tried it, liked it, and she embraced her true calling in life-as a Hentai Girl Ninja, dedicated to extracting the Force of the Power wherever and however she found it... ingesting it, absorbing it, assimilating it, making it her own... HER new Power, for the good of all mankind, for the salvation of the human race and the entire world!

Yuki played with her skirt-rubbing her hands slowly up her muscular inner thighs, pulling her low-cut hem higher with each taunting gesture. Her narrow hips twitched to the rhythmic beat of the drums, swayed to the wail of the saxophone... her eyes closed in a reverie, a dream of a land only the future would know... her hands slipped beneath her shifting knit hem, between her parted thighs... Her mouth flew open in a wide lipsticked "O"...

And Katie felt the heat of a large meaty hand brush lightly between her legs, rise serendipitously above her knees, lift higher still, the thick fingers kneading her sensitive upper thigh... to alight with lustful purpose against her sealed cleft-damp, but tightly closed by the closeness of her legs. Her eyes flashed to daddy, but disappointment quickly clouded them. Her dad was busily stroking his long hidden boner, intent as the other men were with Yuki's masterful illusion. She stole a glance to her other side, and easily recognized the sly knowing grin on Mr. Wilson's jowled face. So the old man had the hots for her, huh? Kate thought. And this was seven-year-old Charlotte's father! The girl, two doors away, always struck her as a shy, sensitive kid, one whom Kate had known all these years growing up in this neighborhood! I wonder if the rolly-fat man fucks his own little girl? Kate wondered, shifting her feet to allow his big hand better access between the folds of her excited moistening slit. No, that's not possible, is it? He might play with her in the bathtub maybe, but he'd never actually fuck her... Kate was SURE she'd have noticed if Charlotte had taken his Power... Mr. Wilson... George... actually turned his watery grey eyes and focused on Kate then, smiling down at her in a secret desperate way, his pudgy finger insistently pressing up into her... Kate felt her knees tremble and begin to buckle.

The music shifted tempo a beat. Yuki dropped a shoulder while turning her back on them-her thin strap slid down her bare upper arm. She twirled to face them and a flick of her fingers caused the other side to fall. She raised her hands quickly to her breast, cupping the loose knit that threatened to slide down her flat chest. She rubbed both palms against her non-existent tits, pinched her nipples through the thin slipping fabric... The men were enthralled... None noticed what George was doing to Kevin's little girl.

Kate leaned against the big man and braced her leg on the rung of his chair to help keep her balance. George's finger found the grove between her slit and slid through her wetness, prodding the entrance to her slick vagina, pushing her clitoris from the folds of its sheath. His thumb and the other fingers of his hand encircled the left muscular globe of her ass. Katie leaned against his face and softly moaned in his ear. "Ohhhhh! Mr. Wilson! I wanted you to do this to me even since I was five years old! Uuuuuuu... It feels soooo GOOD too! I bet you do this to Charlotte every night, don't you? I'll bet she loves it just like me tooo! Ohhhhh-Mr. Wilson! You're SO naughty! What if daddy sees us?"

The man's finger froze on the cusp of its upward thrust into her body. Katie wriggled her ass free from his desperate grip and pulled his hand from beneath her ballerina skirt. "Not NOW, you naughty man!" She whispered hotly in his ear, swiping her wet tongue there in parting. "I want to feel your big ol' cock in my cunt-but you'll just have to wait... It's my turn to dance next!"

Yuki's little dress had plummeted to her ankles. In one deft motion, she kicked it from the tabletop where it landed in Kevin's lap. Now she stood before four grownup men wearing nothing but a garter belt and black silk stockings. Her pebble-hard nipples were distended from the pinches she'd given them, her tiny hands cupped defensively over her bared crotch, hiding her young pussy from their hungry-looking stares. She'd never felt happier or more excited before in her whole life! The record was coming to an end, but in the time that remained, Yuki was determined to give these lechers something they'd remember forever!

Yuki's fingers inched toward her cleft. With two fingers of her left hand, she spread her labia apart so the men could see inside. She stepped forward slowly like this, boldly to the table's edge where she paused directly in front of Kevin. Kate's father appeared stricken and dazed. Yuki spread her knees and crouched on her haunches, reaching for him with her free hand. She took his hand in her own, extended his index finger and bent to suck it into her mouth. Then, while the poor startled man was still enthralled, she pulled it back out, put it down between her knees and twisted around, baring her spread ass cheeks for them all. Still holding Kevin's hand, she pulled it towards her backside, pressed his trembling digit on the clenched ring-muscle of her ass, then, FLEXED-willing it to open! Her tiny wrinkled sphincter winked awake like an eye greeting the morning's sunlight, her deep cavernous tunnel opened to her secret dark void within.

With the men hopelessly transfixed watching this, Yuki thrust and ground her hips backwards, intentionally impaling herself on Katie's dad's straightened finger. Wriggling her butt back against it, she eventually succeeded in captured Kevin's entire large index finger deep inside herself. Now the music had reached a furious beat and Yuki's hips kept time, bucking and grinding her ass over Kevin's pumping, thrusting digit. Yuki played with her clitty in front, rubbing it frantically, pulling and twisting it from her slit, until the puffy sliver of meat practically glowed cherry red as her cunt gushed with her dripping girl nectar. And finally she came... Her eyes rolled back, her neck craned, her spine stiffened, and she shuddered... She shuddered again and growled from the recesses of her lungs as her twitching anus PULLED on Kevin's finger, visibly clenched and sucked him, trying with all its might to milk real cum from his substitute of bone and flesh stoutly buried deep inside her shuddering rear end.

She collapsed over the table as the music's last refrain died out, her still-winking butt hole finally relinquishing its spasmodic grip on Kate's father's finger. It oozed from her orifice slowly, released its contact with her brown puckered ring with a soft wet "pop"... Kevin stared at his freshly dark-streaked finger, inhaled the aroma clinging to his fingernails, still in a state of stunned disbelief over what had just taken place. "Ouuuuuuu!" Moaned Yuki, her head cradled in the crook of a slim sweat-beaded arm.

And abruptly, pandemonium erupted among the three remaining men.

They DOVE for the cards like madmen, tossing them about the room, frantically searching for the sole remaining joker. "Here it IS!" Josh shouted. "I found the sucker, now I get my wish! An' dis time... THIS TIME," The father of twins stuttered, "You BOTH gotta dance nekid T'GETHER!"

The others wholeheartedly agreed, including, amazingly, Kate's re-animated dad. They hastily lifted Kate back up to the table where she joined her young oriental friend. Yuki shakily regained her feet by this time, and welcomed Kate into the circle of attention with an intimate French kiss, wrapping her arms over the taller girl's shoulders, crushing her small frame tightly against her friend... pushing her ruffled pink ballerina skirt up over Kate's bared behind. This unexpected passion from the overly-excited child, and the display it afforded of Kate's naked bottom, elicited even more enthusiastic cheers from the men as they quickly settled down in their chairs, waiting with baited breath for the next musical enactment to begin.

Kate glanced around her at each man's flustered face, and she considered the pile of chips they'd amassed from their dancing so far... "Ok," She said with determination, "So here's what we'll do THIS time... For the rest of your red chips, Yuki and I will show you how WE make love to each other. And after we finish," She continued, as the remaining red chips cascaded in piles at their feet, "...you STILL have all your blue chips left... Soooo... If you want US to help you get off... Me an' Yuki... Well, you'll just have to hold all yer hot spunk until then!" And after THAT illicit promise, she grinned down naughtily at each one of them, recognizing the hungry anticipation she saw in their eager blood-shot eyes.

The music Kate selected for this number was a long, slow, bluesy-jazz tune, just right for setting the mood... Yuki wasted no time, showering Kate with innocent little kisses, giving her body up to Kate's loving caresses. The girls danced as they embraced, slowly turning in a wide circle so each one of the enthralled men seated below them could closely watch. Kate twirled in Yuki's arms, crouched and rubbed her back up against her, held Yuki's tiny hands in her own, cupped them over her costume-covered breasts. Yuki obliged by kneading the material there, rubbing Kate's stiffening nipples through the fabric, feeling them rise in her sweaty palms, pinching them playfully in her fingertips to make Katie arch and moan...

Kate's hands snaked behind her, cradled Yuki between her black silk stocking thighs and slid tantalizingly upward, spreading the girl's slim legs, stretching the elastic of her garter straps... Kate's fingers deftly explored each delicious inch of Yuki's pale quivering flesh, reached back through her drooling wet crouch and tugged her hips against her behind. Yuki groaned against the back of Kate's neck, causing the little reddish-blond peach fuzz hairs there to tingle under her hot throaty exhalation.

Yuki was growing impatient-the damn ballerina costume was chafing her bare chest, rubbing against her flat breasts, making her nipples grow painfully hard. She pushed Kate away to fumble at the zipper behind her neck, found it, finally, and pulled it down Katie's back to her waist. At least now she could hug Katie's warm body against her own, feel her heart beating against Kate's undulating spine.

Kate closed her eyes and let her head roll back as she felt Yuki's hands slip beneath her dress, encircle her bare waist and smoothly glide over her tummy, reaching eagerly upward to find her swelling coned nipples. Now her pinches and fondling were warm, urgent with their flesh-to-flesh contact, impatiently insistent as they rolled over her pebble-hard areolas, fastened upon her pouting nipples and squeezed... Katie groaned again, fighting hard to keep from falling over the edge too soon... She pulled her hands from Yuki's crushing crouch, reached further around Yuki's hips, gripped her friend's taunt little cheeks, and she tugged them... Spreading them widely apart so her fingers could reach further down and between them...

Yuki stood on tiptoes and arched back her ass, happily ready for Kate's intended caresses. She wanted Katie's fingers where her dad's had just been, wanted to feel them probing hotly within her, wanted to feel Katie's firm bare ass grinding against her cunt when she did it too! She pushed the annoying fluffy pink dress down from Katie's waist, pushed it down past her crouch and let it go, feeling it fall between their legs in a heap of petticoat fluff. Katie kicked it away. Their warm legs felt good together. Silk rubbing silk, black against white, her pussy pressed wetly over Kate's flexing butt... Yuki was in Hentai Heaven like this... Her mind a smoldering blank, her senses aflame, she lived only to feel as one with her Kate, like their drawings on paper, one overlapping the other, ink and paint melting purposely together...

Their feet shuffled to the music, their bodies circled and swayed in harmonic unison, round and around they circled, leering upturned faces a blur... Katie's fingers met over Yuki's hot ring. She bent them at her knuckles and pushed in with two pressed together. Yuki leapt up on her toes, collapsing against Kate's back, her hand flew to Kate's nipple in front-and she crushed it, growling against Katie's ear, her free hand seeking the wet valley beneath her mons... Katie pressed in deeper from behind, lifting the little girl right up off of her feet. She pulled her fingers apart and Yuki's growl rose to a high pitched curding scream!

Katie had done it for her daddy, AND, she admitted to herself, for Mr. Wilson too, of course... She'd made sure their backsides were facing that way, that the men were watching when she got both her fingers up inside. Then, when she pulled... well, it showed them how deep little Yuki's butt hole would go, AND how WIDE she could make it spread open!

Freddy's cock snicked in his flicking palm, his thumb and forefinger gripped its bulbous slit-head until it sorely ached. Just like Josh beside him, he hadn't been able to restrain himself any longer. When Kevin's daughter practically PROMISED she'd let them fuck 'em... Well, at LEAST suck them off, or let them cum over their gorgeous little pre-teenie pussies... well, he couldn't keep it zippered... it just HAD to get OUT! Josh had his weighty black cock out in his lap too... he wasn't the ONLY one who got off on kiddie cunties...! Jeez! Look what she just did to th' little Jap kid's asshole now!

"Goll-DAMN!" George cursed almost reverently. "I could get my cock ALL the way UP inside that little girl!"

Kevin was thinking the same thing-at least MOST of it would fit in there... or get started past her widely-sprung muscle anyway. The girls had their eyes closed, it was almost as if they were dancing and finger-fucking themselves in another dimension, a faraway fantasy world.

Yuki entwined her legs around Kate's, hooking her heels above her knees for support, and Katie carried her piggyback like that, slowly turning in a circle to show off her younger friend's gaping anal cavity to all the closely gawking men. The bizarre display was vividly pornographic, and it had the desired effect on them she'd fervently hoped to arouse. Both Freddy, the pedophile babysitter fucker, and Josh, the middle-aged black man, had their cocks pulled out from their zippers already. They were stroking the things, each one stood up proudly, hard, and blood-filled swollen. They looked ready to spout any minute and Kate only prayed they'd wait... Wait just a little while longer before loosing their first gouts of cum! Her dad was desperately trying to set his own monster free now as well, but its massive length gave him no end of problems... He struggled mightily to extract the thing from his tight-fitting khaki trousers. And Mr. Wilson... Well, George was the calmest of the bunch. The thought dawned to Kate that the man was waiting only for her... He wanted to show it to her, but he wanted her to know he was holding it in reserve for her attention, for her recognition and adoration.

Katie felt Yuki's fingers literally clawing her clitty. She'd scratched it out, made it poke itself out from her puffy labia, stand up like a pearly hard little finger from her fleshy folds in the crest of her throbbing cunt. Katie wanted it sucked on... wanted to feel Yuki's hot mouth clamped tightly between her sweaty legs, her darting, rasping tongue teasing her rubbery erect clit until she wanted to pee-to scream-to gush the hot wetness of her girl cum all over the precocious kid's beautiful face! She lowered herself to her knees, carrying Yuki clutched like a monkey to her back with her. She pulled out her fingers, felt the girl gasp and shudder, then, turned to lower her, placing her slowly writhing body on the surface of the wooden table. Yuki's wide dark eyes looked up to her expectantly... pleadingly... begging Kate to finish it and do it now... to end the teasing, to bring out the electrifying bolts of light.

Kate's stage sense hadn't failed her. She'd stretched out Yuki's prone form on the girl's back, spreading her legs wide open so Josh and Freddy got a close-up personal gynecologist's perspective up the little girl's hairless oriental cunt. Thrusting back her ass in the general direction where dad and Mr. Wilson sat, Kate lifted her thigh over Yuki's upturned face, and squatted down over it, burying the kid's nose and mouth in the drool of her gaping raw gash.

Yuki sensed Katie's hot breath hovering, panting over her parted damp slit. Her breath tickled her clitty, made her shiver with expectation. What was she waiting for? Yuki swiped her tongue through the older girl's delicious tasting cleft. She'd never tire of tasting Katie's sex, Yuki thought... And her cute springy clitty! The hot stalk of meat practically sweated her slippery juices whenever she licked it, throbbed with its own heart beat between her kissing lips. Yuki loved the sexy thing, and loved how it made Katie feel when she touched it... Would Katie NEVER begin kissing her down there too? In desperation, Yuki lifted her legs and wrapped her trembling thighs around her friend's face, felt her hair rub her black stockinged leg, crushed her ears in her savage attempt to pull the girl's face down upon her... Her knees bent, Yuki's feet twitched in muscular spasms as she felt Katie's lips find her openly bared cunt.

Kevin couldn't believe his own eyes! Here was his precious baby, his little girl, who still stood a mere four-foot ten in her cute little Po-ke-mon socks, going down on her even younger little girlfriend-AND she was doing it for THEM-knowing they were watching, MAKING them feel horny, and SEEING grown men whip out their dicks and beat them off just for them! Holy shit! When had she learned to do THIS?!

Freddy couldn't believe his eyes either! Jeeez-us! His ex-babysitter Sharon was HOT... with her tight little peach fuzz pussy all HIS, whenever he wanted it, and the way she liked sharing her girlfriends with him for the videos they made... I mean, what more could a man ask for or WANT? But these two girls were KIDS by comparison! Just children... and look at what THEY were doing! Holy crap! He just HAD to get into THESE two little cunts! He bet they'd be so tight, their slick narrow tunnels would literally SUCK the cum right outta his balls like some kinda pair of industrial vacuum cleaners! Holy SHIT! ...and those hot little assholes! GOD he wished for his video camera to make pictures of THIS!

Josh couldn't believe his eyes OR ears! Man, just LISTEN to those two little cunts lapping each other up! He wanted to taste them, get his tongue deep inside Kevin's daughter's cunt... or maybe into that Asian kid's flared asshole-wouldn't THAT be a trip! But then he had a vision of his own two little twins doing it to themselves... one on top of the other, totally naked like they looked while playing together in the bathtub... God! He couldn't help it, but fuck! He REALLY wanted to see THAT happen someday!

And George couldn't believe his dreams were FINALLY coming true! All these years he'd secretly lusted over Kevin's youngest kid... that cute little girl next door who came over once in awhile to play with his daughter's dolls. She'd never noticed him watching her... staring at her in the hopes of catching clandestine glimpses up her little girl dresses, dying for a peek of her white or pink cotton panties. He didn't know WHY he was obsessed with her. After all, he had his OWN little girl he could look at, he could secretly touch and fondle, making her squirm on her bed when momma wasn't home... And he'd taught her to ask for his "dickie" in those secret moments, to pull down his zipper and pop the thing into her sucking wet rosebud mouth, plunging her head over it in his lap, her hair flying... until... until he'd cum... shooting thick ropes of viscous white cream into her open waiting mouth, all over her face, her raven-dark hair, her little pressed school dresses... and he was always thinking of Katie when he did it. Always seeing HER freckled face taking his nasty hot load, licking her lips and hearing her tell him SHE loved it! He KNEW it wasn't fair to Charlotte-that Charlotte thought her daddy gave HER all of his tasty love. But it was really Katie, and soon he'd really have her... Soon he'd see all his wildest fantasies incredibly come to life!

The back of Yuki's head thumped the tabletop. She didn't even notice as intent as she was with driving her tongue into Kate's sweet-tasting hole... plunging her fingers deeper and deeper up the other place, squeezing three of them together and pushing with all of her might! And Katie LOVED it! She'd arch her spine, buck her hips down against her, crush her mouth against her gushing sensitive wetness, flooding Yuki's mouth with her cum... Yuki felt Kate doing the same things to her. Sensed, rather than felt the plummeting fingers in her upraised ass, knew when her tongue tore into her, pressed past her recently ripped hymen and sucked the wet stuff outta her like she was trying to inhale her inside out! And Yuki felt the shockwave hit... felt her body contort as the waves of light shot up her spine... roared into her head and she screamed in the muffled depths of Katie's cunt, screamed as her world blindingly flashed behind her eyelids, and she let go... and her tensed body shot a geyser of fluid from her tightly stuffed cunny-the force of it throwing Katie back in surprise as the spraying spurts splashed out all over her shocked face.

By then Kate knew she was cumming too... She clutched Yuki to her trembling body as spasm after spasm shook her, gripped and throttled her like a big hand shaking a dolly's head loose... She fell back upon Yuki's face, feeling the girl's head whack the table and her bared teeth tear into her most sensitive flesh...

Simultaneously, four streams of opal-white pre-cum rocketed in a high arch over their sweat and cum-streaked bodies and streaked Katie's flushed behind like white icing over two hot cross buns, glowing hot, and fresh from the oven. The men hurriedly pinched it off... They didn't want to blow their whole load just yet!

Before the girls fully recovered, they felt themselves ripped apart, their bodies hauled into position on their backs side-by-side, the men's faces pressing down over them, their cocks out and pushing insistently against their bared open holes!

"Hey!" Katie finally managed yelling after she'd caught enough of her breath to speak. "That's NOT our deal! I said you can have us, and you WILL... but FIRST it's my daddy's turn! Daddy gets to have ME all by himself and you guys can watch... IF you give us the rest of your blue chips!"

"But we won't take them all..." Yuki added. "You each get to keep two if you promise to give us something else in return!"

"What's THAT?" The startled faces asked.

"We want your daughters-AND your girlfriends, Freddy-to come to our classes at Katie's house tomorrow... Hentai Girl classes! AND we promise you if you DO send 'em, you'll get them back all trained and ready to do for your poker game next Friday what we're doing for you right now!"

"So, is it a deal?" Kate asked.

"Hell-YEAH!" The chorus of male voices sang out gleefully.

While Yuki collected the remaining chips and added them to the girl's multi-colored pile, Katie turned to her dad. Just in time, Yuki remembered the little movie camera, and she got that from a shelf where they'd hid it, set it up on its small tripod, and switched it on to capture all the action!

Looking up innocently at her dad's flustered face, Katie spoke to him sincerely, sweetly imploring him, "Daddy, now you can have me ANY way you want! I wanted this for a very long, long time dad. I even DREAMED about making you feel real good like mommy used to do. I hope you want me too dad!" She said, reaching out to hold her father's stout erection in her small hands and point it between her splayed legs. "I REALLY want your cock to fill my tummy with every DROP of your hot-creamy baby-making cum juice! Please fuck me daddy, fuck me REAL good and hard... pleeeeze?"

It was much too late for Kevin to turn back now, not that he even WANTED to TRY anymore! His baby daughter was spread out like a banquet for him here on his own kitchen table, her legs spread, her oozing wet cunt openly entreating him... It was as if he were in another time and place, not in THIS world! Nor any kind of reality he'd ever remotely imagined! He felt like a wild, raging animal, ready to pounce and devour this helpless, luscious prey... Her hands were tugging him, pulling his hard throbbing cock toward the dark tunneled cavity of her inviting cunt ... Kevin saw only his ten-year-old daughter's begging eyes, her nipples hard and distended high on her freckled pale chest, her child-sized lewdly-gaped raw pussy lips... He reached down to pull her hips, and saw the instant delight light up her face as he obediently helped her draw him in.

"Oh daddy! Your cock is SO big! Much bigger than Mick's!" She cooed. "But we'll get it in dad, just be patient and I'll relax to make it fit... Just like that... Oh! YES! Your cock head feels so HOT and GOOD pushing my pussy open!"

Kevin leaned forward against the table, his heavy nuts crushed against its edge. Katie's feet encircled his hips as she struggled to fit the swollen meaty knob of his cock within her tiny slot. His boner stretched the entire length of her leg, from her ankles to her crouch. Kevin frantically wondered how this was even going to work... When he first dated his wife Sarah in high school, it took her MONTHS before she opened up enough to fit just HALF his massive cock within her vagina... Even after Mick was born, after a baby had dropped down her tubes, she barely got a few inches more of it up inside. Finally, after Katie was born, she'd opened up enough to allow him to ram into her as far as his nuts... But she always complained that it was killing her, splitting her guts deep inside. And then when he'd cum, her cramped cavity would squeeze him back out, jettisoning his streams of steamy cum juice all over their bed sheets. Something she hated when it happened-much too infrequently any more. Even the few times he'd tried it in Sarah's tight ass, she complained she couldn't shit after THAT for a whole week! When she suggested, in spite, that he needed to buy a big dog, or take up horse riding (with her emphasis on 'riding'), he knew their sex life was pretty much over. A dog was out of the question-no dog was big enough... but he HAD taken to visiting the stables at a farm outside of town... Something he'd NEVER admit to anyone! So... How could this monster of his... his cherished two-foot long cock... POSSIBLY fit in a much younger girl-his baby daughter-still only a child? Kevin was eager, but not overly optimistic about the outcome of this irreversible misadventure.

Incredibly however, Katie HAD succeeded in pulling his bulbous cock head inside past her maidenhead... Now the thing was stuck there, and wouldn't budge a centimeter further. "Oh DAD! I got you inside! Now you need to PUSH! Push HARD dad! Push it all the way in!" She pleaded.

Kevin tried shoving his hips forward, but that only made Kate slide across the tabletop, the sweat from her lovemaking with Yuki helping grease the way. It was frustrating. "That's not going to work, baby!" Kevin said mournfully; ready to give up on the whole thing and jerk himself off in her just the way it was...

"I got an idea dad!" The spunky girl cried. "Get up on the table... Put your knees on the edge of the table and I'll lift my butt... Then you can push your cock straight DOWN into me!"

So while Kate held on tightly to her father's blood-pounding shaft to keep it from popping back out of her, Kevin climbed up on the tabletop, until he loomed over his little girl beneath him. Katie kicked up her knees, raised her ass as she rocked back on her shoulders... Now her body was angled at least forty-five degrees from the table. She strained with the effort and stretched back even more... craned her neck, tucked her chin against her chest, and arched herself up to a right angle-vertical to the surface of the table. Kevin grasped her slim legs above her ankles in each big hand and PULLED as he forced his adult weight directly down over her. Katie screamed! But inch-by-torturous-inch, his gigantic hose of meat was shoved deeper and deeper within Kate's writhing body.

"More, daddy! MORE!" She cried, after each inch of the red-veined cock sunk further into her and disappeared from sight. The three men surrounding this scene gaped in awe at this miraculous event! Somehow... Some impossible way, the little girl was taking more and more of Kevin's huge cock into her manly fist-sized hole... her impossibly stretched gaping kiddy cunt! Where th' HELL is she putting it? Freddy silently wondered.

"DO IT dad! You can DO IT!" Kate encouraged him. "I reeeely WANT IT daddy! I REEELLY want ALL of your big COCK!" She pleaded and begged her father.

Kevin grunted with the effort of each mighty push. At this point, he was beyond thinking, beyond all care for the consequences of his actions. Only his primal nature ruled. In his fevered mind, all he NEEDED was total penetration, complete immersion in the liquid depths of his daughter's pliant and willing body. He NEEDED to fill her, to stuff her womb with his WHOLE cock, and spew his seed into her-filling her virgin uterus. Katie grunted too, as her body surrendered to each impossibly stuffing thrust through her rippling walls... Her gasping groans matched her father's masculine grunts. Together their strained voices joined in a duet of animalistic needful lust.

When it looked as if at least half of the colossal length of the ugly thing had been jammed down into her little body, Kevin was able to grip the backs of her knees, giving him the leverage to increase his relentless pounding pressure.

"Oh...! OH-DADDY...! That's IT! Push HARDER daddy! It's ALL going IN!" Katie gasped. "Feel my heart daddy? Do you FEEL your big 'ol nasty cock beating against my heart?"

From George's perspective, from his quick mental calculation and his eye-ball measurement of the length and girth of Kevin's monstrous dick that he'd already forced down the vertically pinned body of his child, she MUST be right! His throbbing knot of a cock head MUST have somehow lodged itself in the trunk of her chest, against her wildly beating heart in the cramped cavity of her young breast! But... but... That was IMPOSSIBLE! Wasn't it???

"Oooooo! DADDY!!! You're making me CUM daddy! I can't help it-I'm starting to CUM!!!" Katie wailed as her wracked body started shuttering uncontrollably. "FUCK ME DADDY!" She cried savagely, "FUCK ME HARDER RIGHT NOW!!!"

The dirty-sounding language of her cries, coupled with the undulating waves of the muscles in her slick inner walls that rippled and squeezed and tugged on his cock, sent Kevin into a renewed frenzy of action. With over half his cock buried in his squirming kid, he could now reach her grinding jerking hips... His large hands clamped upon her muscled buns, his fingers dug viciously into her flesh as he jerked her back against him-pulled her like she was attached to a stack of weights at the gym-hauled on her haunches as he had with the young filly mare... Hopped back on his feet off the table and SLAMMED his hips forward...

It was like that moment in childbirth, when the critical moment had finally arrived. The baby's head had crested in its mother's tortured womb-but it stuck there-suffocating, struggling, and ripping the mother apart in its desperation to be born and survive! The other men instinctively sensed this... Unbeknownst to Kevin, his eyesight now a bloodshot mist of red and flesh and the tossing golden curls about his baby girl's agonized face-Josh and Freddy had each positioned themselves where they could grab one of Kate's sweat-soaked bare legs, and they PULLED when Kevin pushed...

George's overwhelming fear was that the object of his obsession, his beautiful ten-year-old little Katie, would be ripped asunder by the horse-sized cock of her lust-blinded father... never to survive to make love to HIM when, or IF this fucking would ever be over! So George grasped Kate's wrists over her head; and after the men pulled while Kevin pushed... George pulled BACK on Katie's flopping body... pulled and tugged her AWAY from her father's savagely stabbing pole. The combined effect was Katie being see-sawed on her daddy's corkscrewing cock, and this only helped the crazed man drive it deeper and deeper still through the impaled child's tortured, skewered soul...

Katie's mind had crossed the edge of her sanity... All her wants, all her desires and all memories of her reality were utterly erased. She felt like the GLUE of her existence had become unglued... all she knew was what her screaming senses told her; mixed-up with the fantasies her mind had created. She SENSED she was being fucked... fucked harder and stronger than she'd ever imagined was possible to endure. Unconsciously, she reached between her upper thighs and crushed her slickly-erect clitoris against the thickly-veined pistoning pipe that slammed in and out of her nerve-wracked body. It jack-hammered into her, brutally drilled its way through all obstructions, seeking its ultimate limits in the tunnel it burrowed.

Somewhere in her tattered fragments of recollection she KNEW it was daddy who was doing it... But daddy had sprouted thick warty tentacles... Some of them tightly gripped her legs, another captured her wrists... But his biggest, suckered, greasy black tentacle was being forcefully RAMMED through her twisted body-its ugly head burrowing itself deep inside her, eating at her guts, desperately trying to hollow her tummy out, until she was nothing but an empty eggshell... before the writhing thing finally made sufficient space within her... where it intended to VOMIT its alien seed...! Katie could hardly wait!

Yukiko was like, totally amazed! This was SO cool! She realized she was also more than a little bit jealous of her best friend! Katie was STILL cumming! She was cumming longer and harder than she'd EVER cum before! Yuki could hardly wait until SHE got some of her friend's dad's thick cock into her pussy too! Twisting and riding her daddy's humongous cock had made Kate's girl cum-juices start gushing inside, but the ultra-tight seal of her dad's gnarly prick made it almost impossible for much of that to escape. Yuki watched slippery spurts if it slickly lubricate Kevin's wildly pumping organ at the rim of the gaping, lip-sucking hole that was once her friend's cute little cunny.

Katie was delirious... Deliriously happy, deliriously fulfilled, but deliriously fearful at the same time as well... For suddenly, it had occurred to her, she knew who her daddy had become. Daddy WAS Prickasaurus! In the heat of his passion, while he was fucking, be became TRANSFORMED! He sprouted monstrous tentacles, and he used them to penetrate and violate all the virginal cavities of his unwitting female prey! And Mr. Wilson-with his hungry eyes always following her, HE was really Count Cockula in disguise! The other two must be their minions from the pits of hell-here to bind them with the ropes of Hades-then ravish and rape them to their evil heart's content! Aw-Right!-Perfect!

Yuki suddenly KNEW that it was impossible for Kevin to cum without her help! The tube through his cock from his cum-filled balls was probably blocked up from the crushing pressure exerted on him within Katie's narrow pre-teen, and tightly spasming vaginal walls! What could she POSSIBLY do to fix it?

Fortunately, inspiration struck! She'd been closely watching all the action between the thick trunks of Kevin's muscular thighs, where she'd had the best view of his cock driving deep into Katie, practically in to the hilt now... and this was where his weighty balls hung and slapped the table edge. Yuki had taken a ball in each hand-she liked the way they felt there, swimming like jellyfish in their fleshy sacks in her palms, hopping around in there like big ol' Mexican jumping beans when she naughtily pinched them!

The inspiring thought that occurred to her, the thing that would help Katie's dad finally cum and join his cumming with his daughter's, was dangling right there in front of her eyes the whole time! Yuki reached way back and CLAPPED the big man's nuts with her hands like symbols! Instantly, Kevin LEAPT forward-his voice bellowing like an animal's tortured howl... Yuki bolted to the other side of the table-very afraid for her friend now... Wanting to kiss her when the eminent terrific eruption finally EXPLODED inside her body...

The hammering shock on his balls made Kevin thrust himself so violently into his helpless daughter that the remainder of his cock literally SHOT up inside her... Katie's chin snapped back as the end of her dad's mighty tentacle cock BURST through her throat, shoved her mouth wide open and shot past her teeth and lips out the other side of her body! At that frozen moment in time, Yuki' mouth was expectantly parted in the beginnings of a passionate French kiss, her eyes closed, she was leaning forward to lock her lips with Katie's... Suddenly the angry one-eyed monster ERUPTED from her friend's throat, burst from her yawning mouth and blasted a hot spewing jet of cum down Yuki's throat! Yuki coughed and gagged, but frantically gulped all of it down before capping the thing and sealing her lips tightly over Kate's.

Kate's reality snapped back into focus the moment her dad's cum rocketed up his body-length shaft through her, and spurted down Yuki's gulping throat. Katie felt Yuki's lips fasten hotly over her own as she gulped like a guppy at the knot caught in her mouth with all her strength... Finally swallowing the thick lump of spurting cock back down her throat! On the way down, she felt it plastering the insides of her jolted body with its fiery jets of daddy's thick cum. She tasted Yuki's passionate kisses, her probing tongue, dripping globs of daddy's cum back down her aching throat. Katie bucked and ground her jerking hips against her daddy's monster, squeezed her cunt as hard as she could-milking daddy of every last spurt he could give her! Both Kate and Yuki swam in ecstasy and sublime bliss... they clung tightly to each other, savored each trembling spasm that racked and rocked through their trembling bodies. Katie's senses drank deeply of the slowly dying gouts of fresh cum that forcibly pumped up through her from daddy's amazing hose... It never seemed to end! She suddenly recognized her own voice... Amazingly, she'd been crying and babbling the whole time! With each fresh blast of cum that spurt from daddy's prick, she'd cried out, "OH!" and "UMM!" and then she'd said things like, "YES! Oooo-uuuu-DADDY! MORE! Give me MORE of your sweet creamy CUM, daddy!"

Now, after daddy eventually collapsed over her, as his strongest spurts slowly died down and his twitching hard prick oozed its last sweet droplets into her, Kate realized that her tummy had swollen greatly between their tightly pressed bodies-it was pumped FULL of daddy's hot cum! Her distended belly looked as if she was ready to be the mommy of a real baby, and she already looked to be eight-months pregnant! That nasty thought thrilled her, and made her shiver with excitement once more deep inside.

Exhausted, Kevin rolled off the top of his daughter and was shocked at the sight of her! His little girl looked like a pregnant child-her belly stretched out and grossly bloated. His cock was still hopelessly wedged to the hilt inside her... It plugged her cunt like a giant cork, trapping like a dam the lake of cum he'd just ejaculated into her tightly-packed womb. He put his hand on her belly and tapped it... She was drum-tight, as fat as a tick, and she grinned over at him with tears of joy in her eyes. Somehow, she managed to climb up on top of him without dislodging him, her chin resting on his chest as she looked up into his eyes lovingly.

"Oh daddy! That was the BEST fucking I'll EVER have in my WHOLE life! Thank- you, thank-you, thank-you!" She purred, planting wet kisses on his hairy chest over and over again.

"Baby, honey! Are you SURE you're alright? I was afraid... Afraid I'd hurt you..." In the heat of the crazy moment, Kevin actually THOUGHT he'd seen his cock rip right THROUGH his little girl! And then the other one, Yuki, had taken him in HER mouth-voraciously sucked him off there-and gulped down a gallon of his hotly pressurized spurting cum!

But that was impossible! What a silly dream!

Even so, Kevin was amazed with how wonderful his daughter had just made him feel! He'd just cum more and longer than he'd ever cum before in his whole life, even MORE than he ever came when he was just a horny young teenager!

His wife had never been this good in any of their wildest sexual encounters! She'd finally managed to take him inside, years after they were married when Katie was born, but even then, when she did, she complained he ejaculated far too much sperm inside her-too much for any NORMAL woman's physical tolerance... He was a freak, she called him. Rather than remain faithful and concentrate his sexual attentions on HER, he SHOULD have become an actor in porn movies... At least THEN he'd have become famous! He could have had all the sex he wanted with prostitutes who were used to it, and even WANTED the copious volume of cum he ejected with each and every one of his climaxes... More importantly, they'd have been filthy rich by now.

He didn't know why he was the way he was. He always made a mess of things. But here, for the first time in his life, was someone who'd succeeded in taking ALL of him. She not only took it, and kept it all inside, but she'd BEGGED for MORE while he was hosing buckets of his ropey-thick spunk into her-flooding and overfilling her tight little body to the bursting point! The fact that she was his only daughter, a mere child of ten, confused and awed him at the same time.

"Daddy, that didn't hurt! I got supernatural Power now! Your cum is the best I've EVER had, and since you're still hard..." She grinned wickedly, "I'm SURE there's MORE of it in your big balls you can still give me! Only THIS time... I'll bet Mr. Wilson wants to play too, don't you Georgie-hummm? Since daddy's knot is still swollen up inside and he can't pull his big 'ol cock out, it looks like you'll just have to use my back door for now!" She spoke invitingly to the startled man. "What'd ya say, Mr. Wilson? Think you can get that horny fat prick of yours up my tight little poopie hole?"

By this time, Yuki'd wasted no time climbing onto the tabletop herself. She lay on her back with her butt cheek snuggled next to Kevin's face, and she begged the others to mount her too! She lifted her hips and pulled her ass cheeks apart with both tiny hands. "Hey! Are you ready for THIS, Freddy? Wanna try fucking a REALLY tight little second-grader? You can stick it in my kiddy-pussy on top if you want... and EVEN my teensy-weensy butt hole underneath! And then while you're doing that, I'll suck off Josh's big black prick here in my mouth! That way you BOTH get to watch what happens when you cum!"

The rest of the evening went even better than Kate or Yuki might EVER have imagined or planned! The adults quickly overcame their inhibitions about fucking little girls... Freddy of course, needed little encouragement, being the confirmed pedophile he already was! He was more than eager and hardly hesitant to fuck both of them as many ways as he could! The other three men soon realized they had a lot to learn about the pleasures of having sex with young children-especially THESE two little nymphets, who were desperately eager to drain them of every last droplet of cum their under-appreciated cocks could spurt-into every available orifice they cheerfully offered! True to their promise, the little vixens ingested each man's pent-up blast of goopy fresh sperm-and then, to their utter amazement and awe, they came back for more, and even MORE, over and over again, until there wasn't a man standing or lying who could possibly ejaculate just one more little wriggly sperm from the drained reservoir of his wrinkled, shriveled-up balls.

It took a colossal effort on George's part to fit his sausage-sized cock in Kate's puckered ass-seeing as how Kevin already occupied most of the available free space in his little girl's tightly stuffed body... but Kate used her fingers to pry that rear access open, forcefully pulling the muscle of her sphincter apart with two inserted digits, until George got his warty knob jammed through the elastic ring where it lodged-pressed snuggly against his best friend's cock on the other side. Katie encouraged him by pulling on his shaft while George huffed and puffed, slamming forward with his hips as hard as he could, trying with all his might to drive the rest of it in. It wouldn't have made it the rest of the way if Katie hadn't thought to rub some of her daddy's dribbled cum over the root of George's shaft-and then TUG with all her strength on the hairy, droopy pouch of his testicles... THAT made George HOWL in surprise and shocked agony! He POUNCED on Katie's up-thrust asshole with the entire weight of his two-hundred and fifty pounds-cramming his cock in to its hilt, all the way up to his inflamed swelling nuts! And all THAT commotion made Katie's horny daddy begin to go all crazy again-as he felt George's lumpy cock wildly ramming itself along the length of his own thickly-veined pole through the paper-thin membrane of his pre-teen daughter's severely-stretched vagina. Before she knew it, Katie had twin pistoning cocks grinding and pounding up her pussy and bottom in their frantic race to see which one would shoot off in her first!

Kate turned her head to see how Yuki was doing. The little kid was certainly a fast learner-she appeared to have things well in hand! The fingers of her left hand were strumming her glistening wet clitty while Freddy plunged his respectably handsome cock to its limits up her ass. While he stroked in and out in a slow deliberate manner, Yuki was deep-throating Josh's impressively-sized black boner. Josh's wasn't as big as daddy's-NOBODY'S cock could EVER grow as HUGE as her dad's, Kate believed-but THIS one was still quite the looker nevertheless... Maybe even as long as Mick's, and thicker too, by the looks of what was left of it-what hadn't already been swallowed down the gulping, lip-smacking mouth of her horny little friend! Yuki possessively held what she could of the base of it, not quite encircling it, but crushed in her tiny grip... And with her head tilted way back, her jaw, slack and practically unhinged, she pulled and sucked and choked at least eleven inches of the big black man's throbbing cock meat right down her throat where it MUST be poking straight THROUGH and into her belly! Josh was busily jamming it so hard down the squirming eight-year-old's gullet that his balls wetly smacked her with each mighty thrust-right between her eyes-and the back of her head whacked the tabletop with a thumping beat SO hard and fast, that it sounded like a hollow conga drum! Poor Yuki was sure going to have some knots on her head and a real sore headache when she woke up the next morning!

But Katie had little time left to worry about Yuki-her men's climaxes were fast approaching! Kate could tell from the sounds they made; and the jerky, insistent twitching of their sweaty hard bodies that sandwiched her tightly between them.

Kate managed to reach around behind her, and she drove her finger far up George's asshole, prodding his gland there to make him start to cum. "ARRRRG!" Yelled George, as his gluteus maximus muscles constricted, trapping Katie's finger deep inside. He savagely rammed his dick as hard as he could up Katie's tortured rear end, and then began spurting uncontrollably... coating her colon with gobs of his sticky white spunk.




Wave after wave of shuddering spasms shook him, and with each one, Katie felt his massive fiery blasts of liquid goop shoot all the way up through her rectum and flood her coiled intestines. The sensationally delicious feeling was enough to start her own juices flowing, and she felt the telltale quivering begin deep down in the core of her tingly pussy and spread like a rolling earthquake through her body... Daddy must have LOVED that feeling! Next to George's twitching cock, and snuggly trapped within the sucking, undulating walls of his little girl's greedy vagina, was all that it took to pull daddy's trigger! Kevin gritted his teeth...




Yuki screamed... A loud gargling wail as a river of cum SHOT from her mouth!


And next, Freddy let go... rocketing thick streams of ropy white sperm like a geyser from her sucking rear hole...


He plunged the spurting one-eyed monster back into her widely-gaped eagerly murmuring cunt...


Fucking was all the two girls could think about... Fucking was all they ever really WANTED in life. Kate felt as if she were a big horny rabbit in heat... like they were ALL just fucking frogs in a jar... Fucking was Power! Fucking was LIFE! Waves upon waves of the slippery white gummy goodness washed up into... Poured all over their heaving bodies... They swam in it, they slipped and slid through it like flopping fish... Katie felt lightheaded, as if her reality was being stripped away and she was becoming two-dimensional, a cartoon picture of herself-fucking like a fat frog and pumped up tightly like a big fat pink party balloon full of deliciously liquid hot cum juice! Yuki too felt something was strangely amiss, like in her greatest moment of bliss, something was fading... Her reality was being snapped away as bubbles of cum burped from her mouth, as buckets of hot man-cum blasted her face, her cunt, and flooded from her over-stuffed ass...





Chapter 4 - The Hentai Overlord

Margaret felt the warm wetness oozing from her cunt and spread across the leather bus seat between her legs. She gingerly touched it beneath the hem of her skirt, felt its slipperiness between her fingertips next to her bare dripping cleft. It was a good thing she hadn't worn any panties! She thought, and smiled to herself with relief. She stole a glance over the steel handlebar affixed to the seat in front of her, and noticed that boy staring at her again... He'd edged his way further to the back of the bus and was sitting just three seats in front of her now. Why wouldn't he just leave her alone?

Margaret picked up her pencil again to review where she'd left off... Her Hentai comic book characters, Kate and Yuki, were in the throes of sexual ecstasy, getting themselves hosed with fresh grownup-cum, and pumped up full of the Power that made them Hentai Girl Warriors! Next she would have them...

"What'ya drawing?"

Margaret snapped her notebook closed, surprised at the sudden intrusion. She almost thought she heard faint dying wails of dismay from her young heroines as their ecstatic bliss was so rudely interrupted.

"Drawings..." She replied meekly, adjusting the big-rimmed glasses on her nose.

"I can SEE they're drawings!" The big kid laughed. "An' they LOOK like nekid girls to me too! Can I have a look?"

"They're NOT naked girls! They're... They're faeries!" Margaret lied.

"They LOOKED like nekid girls to me! C'mon! Lemme have a look! Or I'll tell the whole bus what jer doin'!"

Margaret felt trapped. Her heart beat wildly in her breast, the aching between her trembling wet thighs was unbearable...

"If you promise not to tell, I'll let you see more than my drawings." She said.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" The willing kid replied, swinging from the seat in front to sit beside her on the full-length bench at the back of the bus.

"Like this..." Margaret said, feeling strangely bold and empowered, as she lifted the front of her skirt up and opened her legs, displaying her bare pussy to the boy's unexpected delight.

"DAMN!" He breathed...

"Shush! Don't let any of the kids know..." And Margaret pulled the back of his neck down to her lap, lifted and spread her knees further apart, and pushed his head between her gaped oozing raw split while she reached down in his lap for his zipper...

Mr. Wilson glanced up in the bus's wide rear-view mirror and saw what happened to the kid that got on at 5th and Elm. He was all the way in the back now, with that sexy lookin' little girl that got on at the first stop. She always sat way in the back there, scribbling away in her school notebook. But all he could see of the boy were his shoes in the center aisle, twisted around with his head ducked down behind the seat... "Damn! I'll bet she's letting him tongue her little pussy out!" George thought to himself, watching the vacant gaze on the girl, her lips parted seductively as she panted for air.

George always wondered if she'd been secretly watching him-feeling him stare at her pert little butt as she got on and off his bus, watching his eyes riveted on her while she sat back there all alone. She was watching him alright, he just knew it!

Then the boy's head appeared, and he quickly wiped his mouth with the cuff of his sleeve. Next the girl's head ducked behind the seat, and the boy gritted his teeth, rolled his head back... and...

DAMN! Well, that does it! Today he'd find out, George vowed. Today after school he'd just keep driving past her stop. And if she came up front to ask why he didn't stop to let her off, he'd tell her he had something to show her... Something wonderful for her to draw in the bus barn out at his farm...

And he'd show her alright! He'd show it to her... but she wouldn't have any time for DRAWING it!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


THX ... more please ;-)


oh wow purpuss/kamkat is back! your stories were amazing man! fun, funny, extravagant!
i hope you wrote more since that old site disappeared from the net T_T

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