Alex Hawk:
Four Kids, One Bed [ mm/ff, teens, orgy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Bonoboworld's profile
Early middle-aged man who admires the opposite sex esp. ages 9 to 50s. Am against all forms of non-consensual sex. Try to write sensitive characters and to handle feminine emotions as well as possible. Would especially appreciate feedback on the Monica series from the ladies!
Monica Remembers, Part 4 [ MFfb, cons, ped, boobs ]
Monica Remembers, Part 5 [ Ffb, ped, cons, boobs ]
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at:
Adoption [ mf, Ff, Mm, FM, beast, inc ] Reviews
Amy and Jenny [ ff, mf, mff, preteen, inc, 1st, oral ] Reviews
Enigmatic Fellow:
[ profile ]
Enigmatic Fellow's profile
I'm just a guy with too much imagination and time on my hands. Not a good combination....
Rebecca's First Communion [ Mg(9), pett, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Love For The World Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Karla Bianchi: European Sexual Awakening, Part 2 [ pedo, MFg(9), dwarf, infantilism, toys, food, ws ]
Joseph Ashby Sterry:
[ profile ]
Joseph Ashby Sterry's profile
Joseph Ashby-Sterry was an English poet and novelist. His works include Boudoir Ballads, a collection of poetry, now out of print.
The Seven Ages Of Girlhood [ poem ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 3 [ Mg, 1st, ped, lol ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Mother Maude's House of Boys: A Salacious Tale in Verse [ Ff, fm, tease, denial, 1st, mast, oral ] Reviews
Sam Blythe:
[ profile ]
Sam Blythe's profile
I do not condone incest, the sexual abuse of minors, or any other deviant sexual practices. My stories are complete fantasy and are intended to stimulate the fantasies of the reader. They do not depict actual events and are not intended to be read by those under 18 years of age.
Stephanie's New Year, Part 3 [ m/ff, bd, ds, humil, inc, nosex, oral, reluc, spank, teen ] Reviews
Überraschung, Teil 1 [ f, nosex, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
katieC's profile
I'm a girl who likes to write about what I know
Caitlin's Photoshoot, Part 1 [ Mg, gg, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
APDamien's profile
I write stories with fetish themes and explicit sex. Most of my stories are M/F with asphyxia & snuff themes -- consensual or semi-consensual -- but occasionally the Muse drops by with a nonviolent loli-themed story. I've also written a few M/M (furry) stories, or translated my M/F stories into M/M furry versions.
Whatever Russell Wants [ Mb, shota, inc, fath, son, 1st, cons, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
AmandaP's profile
We are four females who conspire to write under this common Nickname. For us, our writing an outlet that allows us to keep our minds, for we all write in real-life doing technical publications. This gives us a feel for life outside the publications field. We usually get together once a week to share ideals and check on the progress of our stories as we develop them.
Angelequa - She's Doing Well [ Mg(10), fant, rom, cons, pedo, piv, safe ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Elizabeth [ gMF, reluc, pedo, coer ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Camping With Suzy, Part 1 [ Mg, oral, 1st ] Reviews
Maddie, Part 1 [ Mg, dryhump, sex play ] Reviews
Bumble Bea:
Babysitting the Nympho Next Door [ m14/g6, 1st, cons, pedo, exhib, size, inter, creampie, squirt ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Kelly and Madeleine: Dead Girls Don't Cry, Part 1 [ pedo, Mg(8), doct, necro sim ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 4 [ Mg, 1st, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
A Helping Hand for Brother [ mf, mast, tease, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Othello's profile
Love writing stories. Do not have a lot of time to devote to writing, but will do what I can.
Alone With Pauline, Part 2 [ Mg12, cons, pett ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
Pink Toenails and Cotton Panties [ Mg12, inc, uncle/niece, cons, 1st, oral ] Reviews
Überraschung, Teil 2 [ gb, nosex, voy ]
Überraschung, Teil 3 [ g, mast, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
katieC's profile
I'm a girl who likes to write about what I know
Chloe's Awakening, Part 2 [ Mgbgggbbgg, muti, m15, g8, g11 ]
[ profile ]
sam963's profile
I take requests or at least I consider them but only if e-mail.
Sanctuary [ Mm, anal ]
[ profile ]
Bonoboworld's profile
Early middle-aged man who admires the opposite sex esp. ages 9 to 50s. Am against all forms of non-consensual sex. Try to write sensitive characters and to handle feminine emotions as well as possible. Would especially appreciate feedback on the Monica series from the ladies!
Monica Remembers, Part 6 [ Mf, Ffb, ped, cons, boobs ]
[ profile ]
Bridgette's profile
I've just begun writing and am enjoying it very much, as the readers of my work seem to be as well, from the number of responses I've received.
My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 1 [ Mg, rom, 1st, con ] Reviews
My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 2 [ Mg, rom, 1st, con ] Reviews
My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 3 [ Mg, rom, 1st, con ] Reviews
My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 4 [ Mg, rom, 1st, con ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
The Adventures of Stacy, Part 1 [ Mg(11), Mf, 1st, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CrazyMark's profile
Just a normal guy who fantasizes about preteen little girls and enjoys sharing his fantasies with other like minded people.
On Being Ruthy's Uncle, Part 4 [ Mf, 1st, pedo, cons, niece ] Reviews
Daren Peters:
[ profile ]
Daren Peters's profile
I've been writing underage erotica for my own enjoyment for years. For several years while a guest of one of the US states - ahem - I earned extra commissary by writing for other 'guests'. If you don't understand then you don't need to. Hope you enjoy my stories.
Me and Bongo [ Mb, pedo, inter, cons, oral, anal, fetish, humor ]
[ profile ]
FantasticFoxfire's profile
We've got some spare time, so read our shit, comment with helpful shit and if you don't like our stories then don't send your angry comments to us, we won't read them and even if we do we won't take much heed of them.
Gettin' Lucky With Lucy, Part 1 Reviews
[ profile ]
Mindy987's profile
I love sweet seduction and the art of the emerging female body.
Adventures On A Cruise, Part 4 [ pedo, inc, MgFf, oral, anal ] Reviews
Mr. Black:
Peyton Roi List's Weekend From Hell, Part 1 [ celeb, mult, rape, anal, humil ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 5 [ Mf, 1st, ped, loli, oral ]
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Jack-Buddy Pervs [ MMFg, voy, mast, oral, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Pedoman's profile
I love writing child erotica. I hope the readers enjoy reading it as much.
The Sex Stone, Part 4 [ MFg(8)g(baby) inc, oral ] Reviews
Wendy and Her Pawpaw [ M(63)g(5), inc, oral, 1st ] Reviews
Rat Tails:
Outsourced From the Reformatory, Tale 5 [ Fdom, mb, spank, bd, chast, tease ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ready4X's profile
A writer who specializes in little girls in a big way, and who knows the difference between fiction and reality.
Swimming [ Mg, pedo, ws, size, mild-scat ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 63 [ gg, pett, oral, m13, g11, fant, fetish, slow ] Reviews
Uberraschung, Teil 4 [ voy, mast, f ]
[ profile ]
illg's profile
A selection of stories involving young girls, taken from my main site at ASSTR: . Most here at Loliwood are consensual, even romantic; ~illg has darker, non-consensual works. All, I hope, are entertaining.
A Bad Man? [ Mg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
mikey's profile
I'm just a guy who likes to fantasize about teen and pre-teen girls.
Marylin's Homework [ Mg(11)cons, lolita ] Reviews
Bad Wolf:
Grandpa Needs It, Part 1 [ gg, pedo, rape ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
The Adventures of Stacy, Part 2 [ Mf(15) ] Reviews
Lina - Kleine Schokomaus, Teil 1 [ MFg(7) ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Dreamgirl's profile
I'm an artist's model, just turned 30. I love to fantasize. I would love feedback.
Hungry Eyes, Part 1 [ lolita, g, pedo, inc ] Reviews
Jeune Fleur Née Pour La Soumission [ Mf, inc, ds, mast, spank ]
[ profile ]
JessicaBabygirl's profile
A naughty girl that likes to hide inside her mind for adventures of all kinds :)
Daddy Seduces Me And My Friend Melissa [ Mff, inc, dau, fath, pedo, oral ] Reviews
Joseph Ashby Sterry:
[ profile ]
Joseph Ashby Sterry's profile
Joseph Ashby-Sterry was an English poet and novelist. His works include Boudoir Ballads, a collection of poetry, now out of print.
Adieu To Mabel [ poem ]
Little Daddy:
[ profile ]
Little Daddy's profile
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste
Secret Spanking [ Fb, inc, mother, son ]
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 6 [ mmf, teen, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Pretty Little Teasers [ MF, Mg, fb, Ff, ff, voy, mast, tease, oral, vag ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Annika, Teil 6 [ gg, gang, cons ] Reviews
Sam Blythe:
[ profile ]
Sam Blythe's profile
I do not condone incest, the sexual abuse of minors, or any other deviant sexual practices. My stories are complete fantasy and are intended to stimulate the fantasies of the reader. They do not depict actual events and are not intended to be read by those under 18 years of age.
Stephanie's New Year, Part 4 [ m/f, bd, ds, humil, inc, nosex, oral, reluc, spank ]
Sugar Sweet:
[ profile ]
Sugar Sweet's profile
Hey, I'm Emily and I love to write young erotica in my spare time.
Jonna and the Gladiator: A Story of Lost Innocence [ fM, fant, hist, 1st, pedo, reluc, Mdom, rough ]
Tanya Writer:
[ profile ]
Tanya Writer's profile
I am a middle aged lesbian woman. I enjoy and write stories mostly about about tweens,and teens most of them are bi or lesbian. As I am also a nudist, my characters are also sometimes nudist.
Jamie, Part 1 [ Mg(10), Fg ] Reviews
Johnny's Little Friend [ gM, nosex, fant, teen, cons, pedo, inc, neice, unc ] Reviews
Watersports For A Boy, Part 2 [ MMb9, oral, ws, anal ]
Amy Sinclare:
The Meka Report: Future Fantassy, Part 1 [ SciFi, 1st, Fg, anal ]
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 13 [ Fg, cons, lolita, les, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Bridgette's profile
I've just begun writing and am enjoying it very much, as the readers of my work seem to be as well, from the number of responses I've received.
My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 5 [ Mg(8), 1st, rom, cons ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
The Adventures of Stacy, Part 3 [ Mf, mf, MFf, oral, anal, 1st ] Reviews
Hank Spank:
Der Salon, Teil 1 [ MFgg, pedo, lolita, oral, spank, tort ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Kelly and Madeleine: Dead Girls Don't Cry, Part 2 [ pedo, gang, MMMMMg(9), necro sim, drug, rough, humil, sad, anal, creampie ] Reviews
Sara's Introduction to Alex [ g(9)b(17), 1st, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Lowlife's profile
I've been writing the occasional story in this genre for several years, under different pen names. I like my stories to be fairly plausible, with a plot, and so they tend to be a little longer then many here - more of a read than a quick thrill! I'll post a couple of old tales here and then add two or three new, unpublished, ones shortly.
Talking To Strangers, Part 1 [ Mg(5), pedo, slow ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 7 [ Mf, 1st, ped, lol, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Poetic Panty Tease [ tease, voy, exhib, humor ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
Francisca [ Mg8-28, Mg12, 1st, fath/daut, inc, cons ] Reviews
Sam Blythe:
[ profile ]
Sam Blythe's profile
I do not condone incest, the sexual abuse of minors, or any other deviant sexual practices. My stories are complete fantasy and are intended to stimulate the fantasies of the reader. They do not depict actual events and are not intended to be read by those under 18 years of age.
Stephanie's New Year, Part 5 [ m/f, bd, ds, humil, inc, reluc, spank, teen, toys, anal, oral ] Reviews
Überraschung, Teil 5 [ g, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
sam963's profile
I take requests or at least I consider them but only if e-mail.
Babysitter's Dirty Little Secret and the 11 Little Pigs [ mb, oral ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Arthur and Ellie [ mf, teens, inc, 1st, mast, oral ] Reviews
Big Mess:
My Daughter Lucy, Part 1 [ Mg, nc, 1st, inc, spank, oral ] Reviews
Maddie, Part 2 [ Mg, oral ]
Lina - Kleine Schokomaus, Teil 2 [ MFg7, 1st, inter ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Daddy's Lessons [ MFg, family, preteen, cons, pedo, inc, porn ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Spoons [ Mg, pedo, cons ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 8 [ ff, teen, lez, 1st, oral ] Reviews
New T. You:
[ profile ]
New T. You's profile
I write for my own amusement and to fill the long lonely hours.
Dreams Do Come True Reviews
Robert Louis Stevenson:
[ profile ]
Robert Louis Stevenson's profile
Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world.
De Erotio Puella V.37 [ poem ]
By The Aegean [ poem ]
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 64 [ gg, pett, oral, m13, g11, mast, fant, fetish, slow ] Reviews
Ulisse 2:
[ profile ]
Ulisse 2's profile
Amo condividere i gusti con amici. Ascoltare i loro sogni, fantasticare su fantasie pedo e di incesti.
Delizie Proibite, Parte 4 [ Mg(10)g(9), inc, fath, dau, cons, 1st, fant ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Bonoboworld's profile
Early middle-aged man who admires the opposite sex esp. ages 9 to 50s. Am against all forms of non-consensual sex. Try to write sensitive characters and to handle feminine emotions as well as possible. Would especially appreciate feedback on the Monica series from the ladies!
Monica Remembers, Part 7 [ Mf, ped, cons ]
Monica Remembers, Part 8 [ Mf, Ffm, ped, cons, exhib, boobs ]
Delilah W.:
Beth Goes Clubbing [ f, slow, nc, bd, gang ]
[ profile ]
LittleAngel's profile
I have been on this site for a while and love writing my own story's so i thought i would share them with all you lovely people and if you like will publish more, constructive criticism only please.
Weekend Swimming, Part 1 [ mg, bro, sis ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 9 [ mmmmf, teen, 1st, nc ] Reviews
Open Minded Dad:
[ profile ]
Open Minded Dad's profile
The young female form has always interested me since I was young, playing doctors and nurses. I've never felt the need to take my fantasy any further, but I do enjoy a good story.
Fun At The Dentist, Part 1 [ MFg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Poolking's profile
This is my first attempt at writing any type of story, I hope that anyone who does read it will comment, so I have an idea of how well, or poorly I have done.
Uncle Paul, Part 2 [ Mg(11), cons, pedo, rom ] Reviews
Rat Tails:
The Sect [ Mg, mF, spank, anal ] Reviews
Tanya Writer:
[ profile ]
Tanya Writer's profile
I am a middle aged lesbian woman. I enjoy and write stories mostly about about tweens,and teens most of them are bi or lesbian. As I am also a nudist, my characters are also sometimes nudist.
Trucker's Surprise [ Mg(11) ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
The Gentleman's Club, Part 1 [ M/f/g, multi, pedo, cons, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Peter's Peril, Part 5 [ mb, humil, bukake, oral ] Reviews
Überraschung Finale [ f, voy, nosex ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
More Cum Soaked Little Panties [ Mg(6), inc, ped, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 14 [ Mf, lolita, cons, les, oral, inter ]
Big Mess:
My Daughter Lucy, Part 2 [ Mg, rape, oral, 1st, inc ] Reviews
Camping With Suzy, Part 2 [ mg, oral ] Reviews
Lina - Kleine Schokomaus, Teil 3 [ MFg7, lolita, inter, oral, toys, creampie ]
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at:
Amy and Terri [ Mf, ff, Mff, beast, 1st, inc ] Reviews
Hank Spank:
Der Salon, Teil 2 [ MF, ggg, spank, lolita, tort, oral, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
LittleAngel's profile
I have been on this site for a while and love writing my own story's so i thought i would share them with all you lovely people and if you like will publish more, constructive criticism only please.
Weekend Swimming, Part 2 [ M, mg(8), bro, sis, inc ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 10 [ bg, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Boy Love [ Mm, con, mast, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ready4X's profile
A writer who specializes in little girls in a big way, and who knows the difference between fiction and reality.
Swimming at the Lake, Day 1 [ Mg, pedo, ws, size, mild-scat ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Sammy, Part 6 [ Fb, inc, oral, anal, bond ] Reviews
Baseball, Part 4 [ MMb, ped, inc, anal, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
sam963's profile
I take requests or at least I consider them but only if e-mail.
Nudist Friend [ bb, anal, gay ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
International Business Trip, Part 7 [ MF, cons ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Screwing at School, Part 1 [ mf, teens, 1st ] Reviews
Screwing at School, Part 2 [ m+/f, 1st ] Reviews
Soft Candy [ Mg8, nc, cons, oral, pedo, coer, creampie ] Reviews
Switch [ mf, teens, inc, bro, sis, 1st, oral, bond ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Her Father's Daughter [ inc, pedo, family, preg, multi, oral, mast ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 11 [ Mf, ped, 1st, oral ]
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Pedophilia Therapy [ Mg, Mf, tease, mast, oral, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Annika, Teil 7 [ gg, gang, cons ] Reviews
Open Minded Dad:
[ profile ]
Open Minded Dad's profile
The young female form has always interested me since I was young, playing doctors and nurses. I've never felt the need to take my fantasy any further, but I do enjoy a good story.
Fun At The Dentist, Part 2 [ Mg, Fgg, finger, oral, mild scat ] Reviews
Pauline Stainer:
[ profile ]
Pauline Stainer's profile
Acclaimed English poet. Her determinedly neo-romantic poetry explores sacred myth, legend, history-in-landscape, and human feeling—and their connections to the 'inner landscapes' of the imaginative mind. Her choice of subject matter is perhaps partly a reaction to her growing up in the industrial city of Stoke-on-Trent. The compact vividness of her visual imagery is akin to that of the Anglo Saxon riddles, Symbolist poetry, or the work of García Lorca.
The Flute Lesson [ poem ]
Simple Simon:
Gay Marriage, Part 1 [ Mbt, gay, gangbang, anal, oral, cum ] Reviews
Mein Erstes Mal [ Fgb, rom, 1st, cons, het ] Reviews
Dream Child [ poem ]
Suzy Cream Cheese:
[ profile ]
Suzy Cream Cheese's profile
Just a dirty little girl that likes to write FANTASY stories
Retarded Girls Need Love Too, Part 1 [ m(10)g(5)g(7), oral, anal, 1st, ws, M/dom ] Reviews
Retarded Girls Need Love Too, Part 2 [ m(10)g(10)g(12)g(infant), oral anal, ws, M/dom, F/dom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
The Gentleman's Club, Part 2 [ M/g13, cons, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Peter's Peril, Part 6 [ Mb, humil, bukake, oral ] Reviews
Felices Vacaciones [ Mg, pedo, lolita, cons, spank ]
Amy Sinclare:
Apartment 201 [ MF, Mg, anal ] Reviews
Big Mess:
My Daughter Lucy, Part 3 [ Mg, anal, nc, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Bridgette's profile
I've just begun writing and am enjoying it very much, as the readers of my work seem to be as well, from the number of responses I've received.
My Little Neighbor, Amanda, Part 6 [ Mg(8), 1st, rom, cons, pedo ] Reviews
E. Lensherr:
Popping Jessica [ Mg, inc, dru, oral, d/s, breathplay ] Reviews
Francis Thompson:
[ profile ]
Francis Thompson's profile
English poet and ascetic. After attending college, he moved to London to become a writer, but in menial work, became addicted to opium, and was a street vagrant for years. A married couple read his poetry and rescued him, publishing his first book Poems in 1893. Thompson lived as an unbalanced invalid in Wales and at Storrington, but wrote three books of poetry, with other works and essays, before dying of tuberculosis in 1907.
From: Sister Songs [ poem ]
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 12 [ mf, teen, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
A State of Grace [ Mg9-10, inc, fath/daut, cons, 1st, oral ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Sammy, Part 7 [ mb, Mb, Fb, ped, inc, teen, anal ] Reviews
Tommy, The Reluctant Protstitute, Part 1 [ Mb, oral, reluc ] Reviews
Sir Swat:
Susie's Spanking Time, Part 1 [ Mg, inc, fath/dau, spank, bond, humil ] Reviews
Susie's Spanking Time, Part 2 [ Mg, inc, fath/dau, spank, bond, humil ]
Susie's Spanking Time, Part 3 [ Mg, inc, fath/dau, spank, bond, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
The Education of Charlotte, Part 1 [ M/g6, slow, pedo ] Reviews
old dj:
Doing the DJ [ pedo, girl, MFfg, multi, sis, oral ]
[ profile ]
sam963's profile
I take requests or at least I consider them but only if e-mail.
Shota Fighter [ b, solo ]
My First Holiday With Alina, Part 1 [ Mg12, slow ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Wishful Thinking, Part 1 [ teen, nosex, voy, mast, tranny ] Reviews
Wishful Thinking, Part 2 [ mf, teens, inc, 1st ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Just a Perv [ poem ] Reviews
David Stephens:
[ profile ]
David Stephens's profile
My stories are about adult/child sex, often within the family - the children involved are usually 8 and under. Typical story codes: MF/g, inc, pedo. Comments are welcome.
Trading the Kids, Part 2 [ MMFFF/g, inc, pedo ] Reviews
Semen Sweethearts, Part 2 [ M/g, F/b, MM/g, inc, pedo ]
Semen Sweethearts, Part 3 [ M/g, F/b, MM/g, inc, pedo ] Reviews
Emilie Summers:
Little Amanda [ Mg, ds, bond ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Lowlife's profile
I've been writing the occasional story in this genre for several years, under different pen names. I like my stories to be fairly plausible, with a plot, and so they tend to be a little longer then many here - more of a read than a quick thrill! I'll post a couple of old tales here and then add two or three new, unpublished, ones shortly.
Lexie Acts All Grown-Up [ Mg(8), pedo, anal, rape ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 13 [ mf, teen , 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Mall Peeper [ Mg, voy, mast, oral, ped ] Reviews
Temptation, Part 2 [ rape, ped, Mg, Fg, Fdom, strapon, dildo, toys, fath, mother, fist, dp ] Reviews
A Fire Within Us [ poem ]
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
The Education Of Charlotte, Part 2 [ M/g6, pedo, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Travis' First Fuck [ bbggggg humil, exhib, nc, mast ] Reviews
Der Angelausflug [ bm, ws, oral, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
pussymagnetUSA's profile
I've read a lot of stories and I felt like I should write my own, please give me your feedback on the stories
A Young Girl's First Time, Part 1 [ fm, cons ]
Big Mess:
Ghosts in Mississippi, Part 1 [ Mg, oral, hist ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Dinosaurio's profile
Sono un autore di storie di fantasia erotiche ed eccitanti.
Lisa E Il Suo Papà Vedovo, Parte 1 [ M, g11, F26, inc, org, fath, daug, pedo ] Reviews
Eric The Red:
[ profile ]
Eric The Red's profile
I'm just a guy that likes writing perverted fantasies.
Spanking Amber [ fant, g/M, 1st, pedo, reluc, inc, fath/dau, het, spank ] Reviews
Francis Thompson:
[ profile ]
Francis Thompson's profile
English poet and ascetic. After attending college, he moved to London to become a writer, but in menial work, became addicted to opium, and was a street vagrant for years. A married couple read his poetry and rescued him, publishing his first book Poems in 1893. Thompson lived as an unbalanced invalid in Wales and at Storrington, but wrote three books of poetry, with other works and essays, before dying of tuberculosis in 1907.
The Poppy [ poem ]
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Learning [ Mg, inc, pedo ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Ritual [ MMMMMMMMg, 1st, inc, oral, virg, bond, gang, bukakke ]
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 14 [ mff, teen, 1st, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Pretty Little Teasers - Long Weekend [ Mf, ff, mast, oral, ped, tease ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Noodle2501's profile
I'm a writer who enjoys detail and all things sexual in stories. The imagination is a free world, to do in it what I please. I am new to this site but not to the craft. thanks in advance for reading.
The Adventures of Tee-Tee Bottoms: NY Summer Rain [ MMMMMMg(6,8), inter, cous, oral, gang, anal, creampie, enema, scat ] Reviews
Rat Tails:
The Cheerleaders of Wildwood High [ slow, Mdom, mf, spank, mast ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 65 [ g9, fant, fetish, slow ] Reviews
Summer's Go To Work Day [ M+/g, nc, anal, oral, ped, bd ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
Abigail's Story, Part 1 [ M/g8, nc, pedo, slow ] Reviews
Playing With Emily, Part 1 [ M/F/g6, pedo, nc, cons ] Reviews
Zoe Karelli:
[ profile ]
Zoe Karelli's profile
Born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1901, Karelli is one of Greece’s favorite poets. Her work speaks to the hard questions of life, but is filled with an optimistic sense of hope. Karelli is viewed as a pioneer feminist in Greece. Her writing career begun as a writer of short stories. She published ten collections of poetry. Karelli was the first woman of letters to be elected to the Academy of Athens in 1982, and received the coveted Ouranis Award for her complete works in 1978.
Adolescent From Anticythera [ poem ] Reviews
Sonnenbad [ gg, mast, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 15 [ Mf, lolita, cons, les, oral, anal, inter ]
Big Mess:
Ghosts in Mississippi, Part 2 [ Mg, oral, inc, les, gg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Blow's profile
I want to write more stories, but I don't have the time or patience to edit them. If you want to volunteer your editing skills, I'd appreciate it.
Jamie Loves Cory [ gm, cons ] Reviews
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at:
Ashley and Her Friends [ Mf, ff, fff, incest, 1st, oral ] Reviews
Eine Ladendiebin, Teil 2 [ Mf/g, pedo, rape, humil, finger, bdsm ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JQHeart's profile
I love mom/son stories- most of my writing is coming of age and sexual discovery, usually with mom or members of the family. I like to have enough plot and interaction to make you care about the characters.
Mom's Encouragement, Part 1 [ Fb, inc, voy, mast ] Reviews
Mister Action:
Sandra: Sandra und Alex - Es Geht Weiter Mit Der Liebe, Teil 19 [ Mgg, pedo, loli, cons ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 15 [ Mf, 1st, lol, ped ]
Open Minded Dad:
[ profile ]
Open Minded Dad's profile
The young female form has always interested me since I was young, playing doctors and nurses. I've never felt the need to take my fantasy any further, but I do enjoy a good story.
Fun At The Dentist, Part 3 [ MFg, scat, ws, rape ] Reviews
Sex Writer:
[ profile ]
Sex Writer's profile
I have a vivid imagination. And I love reading and writing child erotica.
Seducing Rhiannon Jones, Part 1 [ gm, rom, 1st, reluc, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Steele's profile
I am new to writing child erotica, but have great ideas in my mind of excellent preteen stories!
Uncle Adam and Niece Alexys, Part 2 [ M/g(6), oral, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
A Father's Downfall, Part 1 [ Mg10, slow, nosex ] Reviews
Devil Babysitter, Part 1 [ Mbb, pedo, nc, rape, drug, humil, ws ] Reviews
kid charlemagne:
The Landing, Part 1 [ mf, mf, 1st, teen, cons, het, voy, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
miskito76's profile
I love all kinds of stories involving young girls!
Secrets at Fuck U. [ FF, Fg, MMMMg, reluc, ws, oral, anal, virgin, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
pussymagnetUSA's profile
I've read a lot of stories and I felt like I should write my own, please give me your feedback on the stories
A Young Girl's First Time, Part 2 [ fm, cons ]
Big Mess:
Ghosts in Mississippi, Part 3 [ mF, Mg, voyeur ] Reviews
Ghosts in Mississippi, Part 4 [ Mgg, gg, Fm, rape, inc ]
Chris Jorgenson:
The Red Rooster [ Mg(11), Mff, 1st, oral, anal ] Reviews
Eric The Red:
[ profile ]
Eric The Red's profile
I'm just a guy that likes writing perverted fantasies.
Dickie The Explorer In The Land Of Amber [ fant, g/M, 1st, pedo, rom, cons, oral, inc, fath/dau, het, cheat ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Lowlife's profile
I've been writing the occasional story in this genre for several years, under different pen names. I like my stories to be fairly plausible, with a plot, and so they tend to be a little longer then many here - more of a read than a quick thrill! I'll post a couple of old tales here and then add two or three new, unpublished, ones shortly.
Uncle Walt's Little Helper [ MMg(13), oral ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 16 [ Mg, 1st, ped, lol, oral ]
Simple Simon:
Tommy, The Reluctant Prostitute, Part 2 [ Mb, oral, reluc ] Reviews
Another Minute Without You [ poem ] Reviews
Suzy Cream Cheese:
[ profile ]
Suzy Cream Cheese's profile
Just a dirty little girl that likes to write FANTASY stories
Retarded Girls Need Love Too, Part 3 [ mf, oral, anal ws, 1st, rom ]
Ulisse 2:
[ profile ]
Ulisse 2's profile
Amo condividere i gusti con amici. Ascoltare i loro sogni, fantasticare su fantasie pedo e di incesti.
Delizie Proibite, Parte 5 [ Mg(10)g(9), fath, dau, inc, 1st, pedo ]
[ profile ]
UncMillie's profile
Husband & Wife 13 yrs married 37 yrs age
Mommy Can I?, Part 1 [ MMFgg, fant ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
A Father's Downfall, Part 2 [ M/g10, slow, nosex, cons ] Reviews
A Father's Downfall, Part 3 [ M/g10, slow, cons, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
innocent_lust's profile
I'm a childlover. SO basically me and my stories are all about love. Sure, there's a little sex, but i'm not into things like rape, bondage or ideas that hurt children.
The Visitor, Part 2 [ Mg, celeb, timetr, slow, nosex, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
The Breeders' Club, Part 3 [ fM, pedo, inc, fant, preg, het, anal ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Catching My Daughter Using My Dildo, Part 1 [ solo, gg, inc, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
Why Me, Part 1 [ mmmmmg, Mg, 1st, rape, ped ]
Why Me, Part 2 [ Mg, Mg, anal, rape, ped ] Reviews
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at:
Babysitting Duty [ Ff, fm, FM, inc, oral ] Reviews
Francis Thompson:
[ profile ]
Francis Thompson's profile
English poet and ascetic. After attending college, he moved to London to become a writer, but in menial work, became addicted to opium, and was a street vagrant for years. A married couple read his poetry and rescued him, publishing his first book Poems in 1893. Thompson lived as an unbalanced invalid in Wales and at Storrington, but wrote three books of poetry, with other works and essays, before dying of tuberculosis in 1907.
To Olivia [ poem ]
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Lawyers! [ fam, inc, pedo ]
Geoffrey Winthrop Young:
[ profile ]
Geoffrey Winthrop Young's profile
British climber, poet and educator, and author of several notable books on mountaineering.
Songs To An April Child [ poem ]
Hank Spank:
Der Salon, Teil 3 [ MMFggg, spank, tort, pedo, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JQHeart's profile
I love mom/son stories- most of my writing is coming of age and sexual discovery, usually with mom or members of the family. I like to have enough plot and interaction to make you care about the characters.
Mom's Encouragement, Part 2 [ Fb, inc, mast, voy ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 17 [ Mg, mg, 1st, ped, lol, oral ]
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Bed Check [ Mb, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Annika, Teil 8 [ Mg, cons ]
Simone Suchler:
Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 1
Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 2
Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 3
Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 4
Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 5
Schoolgirl's First Date, Part 6 Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
Katy's Naughty Dreams [ MF, Mg, MMMg, cons, rom, pedo, lolita, het, ScFi, fath, dau, bro, sis, 1st, oral, mast ] Reviews
Beatrice's Story [ M+/f, nc, bdsm, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleJimmy's profile
Middle-aged married man who has always hungered after young girls but never done anything about it. This is my way of satisfying my urges ...
A Father's Downfall, Part 4 [ M/g10, cons, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Peter's Peril, Part 7 [ M/mfb, anal, humil, oral, exhib ] Reviews
Big Mess:
Catching My Daughter Using My Dildo, Part 2 [ MF, voy, gg, solo ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Road Trip [ Mg10, cons, pedo ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 19 [ Mg, 1st, ped, lol, oral ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 66 [ gg, pett, oral, m13g11, mf, fant, fetish, slow ] Reviews
Is It Love? [ poem ]
[ profile ]
T.Edwards's profile
This is my first story. Maybe part one.
My Little Model, Part 1 Reviews
Devil Babysitter, Part 2 [ fbbb, nc, drug, cd, humil, beast, ws, orgy, food ] Reviews
Ride to Hell's Gate [ Mmbbb, hist, nc, cons, st, rape, cd, beast, toys, ws ] Reviews
Michayla, My Loveable Niece, Part 2 [ Mg(6)g(6), inc, unc/niece, pedo ]
Michayla, My Loveable Niece, Part 3 [ Mg(8)g(8), unc, niece, inc, pedo, 1st, cons ]
Harmony and I, Part 1 [ Mg(10), pedo, 1st, rom, preg ] Reviews
kid charlemagne:
The Landing, Part 2 [ mf, mf, 1st, teen, cons, het, voy, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
xpanther's profile
Interested in combining young themes with a bit of a supernatural twist; evil witches, succubi, demons, occult, voodoo, rituals, sexual vampires, phallic worship... have fantasized about this stuff since I was ten years old...
The Empress, Part 2 [ lolita, nc, bond, sad, pedo, ws, scat ]
Big Mess:
Catching My Daughter Using My Dildo, Part 3 [ gg, les, Mg, first, inc ] Reviews
Francis Thompson:
[ profile ]
Francis Thompson's profile
English poet and ascetic. After attending college, he moved to London to become a writer, but in menial work, became addicted to opium, and was a street vagrant for years. A married couple read his poetry and rescued him, publishing his first book Poems in 1893. Thompson lived as an unbalanced invalid in Wales and at Storrington, but wrote three books of poetry, with other works and essays, before dying of tuberculosis in 1907.
Daisy [ poem ]
Mr. Black:
The Rape Cabin, Part 2 [ f, mult, humil ]
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 20 [ Mf, 1st, ped, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
Candy Tease Theatre [ MFfg ] Reviews
Sex Writer:
[ profile ]
Sex Writer's profile
I have a vivid imagination. And I love reading and writing child erotica.
Seducing Rhiannon Jones, Part 2 [ ggm, fant, rom, reluc, oral, anal, mast ]
Simple Simon:
Sammy, Part 9 [ mmF, mmb, Fb, trans, inc, anal, oral ]
Stardust (2):
[ profile ]
Stardust (2)'s profile
My stories all involve preteen girls engaging in consensual, pleasurable sex. The stories are fiction, but I want them to seem realistic. The reader should get the sense that this really could happen. And the girls are always treated with love and respect. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Emily and Sarah [ Mgg, cons, oral ] Reviews
Subboy Paul:
Paul In The Farm, Part 1 [ F/m, nosex, spank, nc ]
Paul In The Farm, Part 2 [ Fffm, Femdom, spank ]
Paul In The Farm, Part 3 [ Fffm, Femdom, spank ]
Paul In The Farm, Part 4 [ Fffm, Femdom, spank, bond ]
Paul In The Farm, Part 5 [ Fffm, Femdom, spank, bond ]
Paul In The Farm, Part 6 [ ffffm, Femdom, spank, bond ]
Young Girl's Bike For Sale [ Mg bdsm, oral, nc ]
Suzy Cream Cheese:
[ profile ]
Suzy Cream Cheese's profile
Just a dirty little girl that likes to write FANTASY stories
Retarded Girls Need Love Too, Part 4 [ M(16)g(9), Fg(9), polyamor, oral, ws, rom 1st, inter ] Reviews
Schularzt, Teil 1 [ Mg, nosex, voy ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
My Best Girl [ mf, cons, tv, slow, rom, teen, oral ]
[ profile ]
old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
The Johnson Family Saga, Part 3 [ Mg, MMg, Fb ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 16 [ gf, lolita, cons, les, oral, anal, inter ]
Durango Dan:
[ profile ]
Durango Dan's profile
Read more of my stories at:
Backyard Camp [ mm, ff, mf, mmf, inc, oral, anal ] Reviews
Eric The Red:
[ profile ]
Eric The Red's profile
I'm just a guy that likes writing perverted fantasies.
Wake Up Baby Girl, Part 1 [ Mg, fant, rom, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, fath, dau, het, cheat, oral ] Reviews
Eine Ladendiebin, Teil 3 [ MW/gggg, pedo, rape, humil, finger, bd-sm ] Reviews
Fractious Falcon:
Life & Times of Jimmy Richland [ F/b, gb, multi, hist, 1st ]
Francis Thompson:
[ profile ]
Francis Thompson's profile
English poet and ascetic. After attending college, he moved to London to become a writer, but in menial work, became addicted to opium, and was a street vagrant for years. A married couple read his poetry and rescued him, publishing his first book Poems in 1893. Thompson lived as an unbalanced invalid in Wales and at Storrington, but wrote three books of poetry, with other works and essays, before dying of tuberculosis in 1907.
To Monica Thought Dying
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 21 [ Mg, 1st, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rogerer's profile
Into abseiling, mountain climbing, deep sea fishing from my 50' cruiser, whaddya think I like?
Uncle Roger And The Nieces, Part 2 [ Mg(7) cons, oral, cons, rom ] Reviews
The Rebel Girl [ MM/gg nc, oral, anal, bdsm ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Titbudman's profile
I love to write what I think are realistic stories about Adult-Child sex. In most cases, the kids have a lot of fun and everyone cums out happy. I love to hear from readers, so please write me. I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, or ideas.
The Proposal, Part 1 [ M/F, M/g, M/F/g, pedo, cons, stepdad, dau, mom ] Reviews
Ride to Hell's Gate: Sean's Story [ Mmb, hist, cons, nc, rape, beast, ws ] Reviews
Devil Babysitter, Part 3 [ mb, cons, nc, drug, inc, beast, doc, enem ] Reviews
[ profile ]
filosofoporco's profile
Mi piace condividere storie, commenti e suggerimenti
Le Pene Del Babbo, Parte 1 [ Mg9, inc, 1st, dau, pedo, exhib ] Reviews
kid charlemagne:
The Landing, Part 3 [ mf, 1st, teen, cons, het, oral ] Reviews
Di Roka:
[ profile ]
Di Roka's profile
Schreibe gerne Gedichte und Texte mit gewissen tatsch
Liebe Kinder Lieder [ poem ]
Kinder Stahl [ poem ]
Dolly Haze:
[ profile ]
Dolly Haze's profile
I am a girl (honest) and 18 years old. I love pig tails, and lollipops and pleated skirts with saddle shoes. I adore the book by Nabokov and I like to be a Little for my daddies
Working at Dolly Lollies [ Mf, cons, lolita, prost ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Preteen Bukkake [ MMMMMMMg, pedo, bukkake, feet ] Reviews
Mister Action:
Sandra: Liebesleid - Liebesfreud, Teil 20 [ Mgg, pedo, lolita, oral, cons ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 22 [ Mf, 1st, lol, ped, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 16 [ Mf ] Reviews
Sex and Sardines [ fm, slow, 1st, teen, humor, cons, inc, cous, anal, pett ] Reviews
Petras Schönste Musikstunde [ Mf, sex ] Reviews
Lisa [ Mf, pedo, spank ]
Hunting [ Mg, pedo, spank ] Reviews
Sue D. Num:
[ profile ]
Sue D. Num's profile
I am a person with to much time on my hands.
The Circle of Thorns [ fgm, 1st, teen, cons, bro, sis, cous ]
Educating Susan Thompson [ Mf, forced ] Reviews
Kelly's Day With The Army [ M+/f, nc, rp, anal, oral, bdsm ] Reviews
Tanya Writer:
[ profile ]
Tanya Writer's profile
I am a middle aged lesbian woman. I enjoy and write stories mostly about about tweens,and teens most of them are bi or lesbian. As I am also a nudist, my characters are also sometimes nudist.
Losing My Love [ gg ] Reviews
Sina - Das Geburtstagsspiel [ MMMMMM/g ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Doing It, Part 1 [ b+, bi, mast ] Reviews
Doing It, Part 2 [ m+, f+, nosex ]
Doing It, Part 3 [ mf, teen, exhib ] Reviews
Arvid Mourne:
My Young Beloved [ poem ]
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
The Inspector [ pedo, preteen, inc, parody ] Reviews
[ profile ]
KentTheWriter's profile
Kent is a young writer who is obsessed with all things taboo. He loves father son sex, and loves hearing from fans, so please hit me up!
The Amazing Boy Race, Episode 2 [ MMMMMMMMb(11), nc, bukkake, humil, tort ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 23 [ mmmmmf, teen, 1st, oral ]
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Annika, Teil 9 [ Mg, cons ] Reviews
Sandra, Teil 1 [ Mf, slow, rom ] Reviews
Sandra, Teil 2 [ Mf, slow, rom ]
Sandra, Teil 3 [ Mf, slow, rom ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Katie And The Photographer, Part 21 [ Mg, Fg, inc, oral, snowball ] Reviews
Tommy, The Reluctant Prostitute, Part 4 [ MMb, anal, oral, reluc, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sispuppet's profile
I enjoy stories about older guys taking advantage of younger girls. Whether it be through force, or the girl being subservient. My stories will often involve a person with some authority over the girl taking advantage of her. He will usually be her father, brother, teacher, etc.
My main series is the Sister Puppet series, but I will occasionally delve into one shots, or other stories. Please feel free to email me any comments, constructive criticism, or requests.
Sister Puppet, Part 1 [ Mg(12), inc, fondl, voy, semi-nc ] Reviews
The Youth Training Center, Part 1 [ M+, teen, pt, f+, nc, abduc ]
The Youth Training Center, Part 2 [ M+, teen, pt, f+, nc, abduc ] Reviews
Andy Rose, The Early Years, Part 1 [ Mmb, cons, inc, exhib, ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Peter's Peril, Part 8 [ MMb, ws, exhib, voyer, scat, humil ] Reviews
kid charlemagne:
The Landing, Part 4 [ mf, 1st, teen, cons, het, voy, oral ] Reviews
Agent Incognito:
[ profile ]
Agent Incognito's profile
poetry buff
Child Porn Star [ poem ]
Alex Hawk:
Chasing Colt, Part 1 [ mf, mm, teens, voy, oral, mast ]
Chasing Colt, Part 2 [ mf, mm, teens, voy, oral, mast ]
Chasing Colt, Part 3 [ mf, mm, teens, voy, oral, mast ]
Chasing Colt, Part 4 [ mf, mm, teens, voy, oral, mast ]
Chasing Colt, Part 5 [ mf, mm, teens, voy, oral, mast ]
Eric The Red:
[ profile ]
Eric The Red's profile
I'm just a guy that likes writing perverted fantasies.
Wake Up Baby Girl, Part 2 [ Mg, fant, rom, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, fath, dau, het, cheat, oral ] Reviews
Larry Wayman:
Amy Has No Choice [ Mf, nc, voy, oral ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Sri Lanken Lover [ Mg, pedo, cons ] Reviews
Maria do Carmo Silva:
Cuidadora de Crianças, Parte 1 [ g ] Reviews
Die Zugfahrt, Teil 1 [ gf, 1st, pedo, rape, drug ] Reviews
The Virgin Chronicles, Part 24 [ Mf, ped, loli, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Geschwisterliebe, Teil 1 [ Mg, nosex ]
Geschwisterliebe, Teil 2 [ mf(13,12), bro/sis, rom ] Reviews
Samuel ibn Naghrillah:
[ profile ]
Samuel ibn Naghrillah's profile
Talmudic scholar, grammarian, philologist, soldier,politician, patron of the arts, and one of the four greatest masters of medieval Hebrew poetry who lived in Iberia at the time of the Moorish rule. He was the quintessential representative of the Andalusian Jewish courtier. He was said to have a personality that was a perfect blend of pride in the purity of Language and lineage, and religion that characterized the Jewish and the Arab upper class.
Where Is The Stuttering Boy? [ poem ]
Storytime Sam:
Car Commercial [ mfbg, robot, ScFi, nc, reluc, bd, mast, anal, fist ] Reviews
The Weekend, Part 1 [ M/fff, nc, oral, anal ] Reviews
The Weekend, Part 2 [ M/fff, oral ]
Olga and Minnie, Part 1 [ Fg, spank ] Reviews
[ profile ]
jacqueline_b's profile
I've always been interested in sex ever since I was..well I'll draw a blank over the age lol... especially when it involves girls of a tender age and especially incest.
Daddy's Little Slut-Muffin, Part 1 [ M/g, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
Meine Kleine Freundin, Teil 1 [ g, fant, pedo, oral, het ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Chasing Colt, Part 6 [ mf, teens, mm, ff, inc, bi, orgy ]
Chasing Colt, Part 7 [ MM, mm, oral, mast ]
Chasing Colt, Part 8 [ mmf, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Bonoboworld's profile
Early middle-aged man who admires the opposite sex esp. ages 9 to 50s. Am against all forms of non-consensual sex. Try to write sensitive characters and to handle feminine emotions as well as possible. Would especially appreciate feedback on the Monica series from the ladies!
Monica Remembers, Part 11 [ Mf, FFb, ped, inc, cons ]
Monica Remembers, Part 12 [ FF, ped, cons, boob fetish ]
Hymen Roth:
Jim Phillips Productions Presents: The Battle of the Sexes, Part 1 [ pedo, bbbbbggggg, anal, toys, ws, humil, slow ] Reviews
Maria do Carmo Silva:
Cuidadora de Crianças, Parte 2 [ g ]
The Pedo Files, Part 1 [ Mf, Mg, mf, ped, 1st, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Neverlander's profile
Perhaps you are aroused by young girls or boys - or both. If so, you know how exciting it is to indulge in sexual fantasies about them. You may tell yourself that it is wrong to do so, but you just can't help it. Of course, you would never act on your fantasies; but they still excite you - they're so insistent, so addictive. This is what my stories are for: to stir up your forbidden fantasies, and inflame your addiction. But primarily, to give you a good time!
The Shower [ Mf, ped, exhib, mast, tease ] Reviews
Pedophile Confessions:
Babysitting Accident [ Mg, drug, anal, pedo, rape, nc ] Reviews
Rat Tails:
Outsourced From the Reformatory, Tale 6 [ fdom, spank, hunor, chast, ffg ]
Rolf T.:
Geburtstagsfick [ f13, g8, cons, pedo, inc, gang, oral, preg ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Sammy, Part 10 [ Mm, fm, gang, trans, anal, oral ]
[ profile ]
Sispuppet's profile
I enjoy stories about older guys taking advantage of younger girls. Whether it be through force, or the girl being subservient. My stories will often involve a person with some authority over the girl taking advantage of her. He will usually be her father, brother, teacher, etc.
My main series is the Sister Puppet series, but I will occasionally delve into one shots, or other stories. Please feel free to email me any comments, constructive criticism, or requests.
Sister Puppet, Part 2 [ Mg(12), inc, fond, handjob ] Reviews
Sister Puppet, Part 3 [ Mg(12), inc, fond, mast, oral ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 67 Reviews
Suzy Cream Cheese:
[ profile ]
Suzy Cream Cheese's profile
Just a dirty little girl that likes to write FANTASY stories
Retarded Girls Need Love Too, Part 5 [ M(17)g(9)g(inf), oral, anal, toys, ws, 1st, preg, inter ]
[ profile ]
Titbudman's profile
I love to write what I think are realistic stories about Adult-Child sex. In most cases, the kids have a lot of fun and everyone cums out happy. I love to hear from readers, so please write me. I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions, or ideas.
The Proposal, Part 2 [ Mg, MF/g ] Reviews
Venon Star:
Night Visit, Part 1 [ f, slow, 1st, reluc, het, pett, oral ] Reviews
kid charlemagne:
The Landing, Part 5 [ mf, mf, 1st, teen, cons, het, voy, oral, anal ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Chasing Colt, Part 9 [ mf, teens, inc ]
Chasing Colt, Part 10 [ m+/f, orgy, inc, bi, oral ]
Chasing Colt, Part 11 [ mm/f, inc, oral, mast ] Reviews
Katie Tells You Everything [ Mg(11), cons, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Minxyfox's profile
Just dont email me. I NEVER read them unless im expecting one. I like chocolate, kahlua, french things, wacky people and super serious people. And animals. And yes. You can add me, im not shy unless im busy, then im shy.
Feeling Amy's Charm, Part 1 [ Mdom/g9, 1st, rough, pett ] Reviews
The Pedo Files, Part 2 [ Mf, Mg, mf, ped, lol, 1st, voy, oral ] Reviews
Pedophile Confessions:
My Blonde Angel [ Mg, inc, fath/dau, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Prometheus's profile
An older guy having fun writing about naughty things, mostly about bondage and families. I'm British, so all spellings and locations (unless otherwise stated) are UK-based.
A Family Bondage Experience, Part 1 [ MFbg, bond, mast, sm, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Geschwisterliebe, Teil 3 [ Mg(12), rom, cons, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sispuppet's profile
I enjoy stories about older guys taking advantage of younger girls. Whether it be through force, or the girl being subservient. My stories will often involve a person with some authority over the girl taking advantage of her. He will usually be her father, brother, teacher, etc.
My main series is the Sister Puppet series, but I will occasionally delve into one shots, or other stories. Please feel free to email me any comments, constructive criticism, or requests.
Sister Puppet, Part 4 [ Mg(12), inc, oral, voy ] Reviews
Sister Puppet, Part 5 [ Mf(13), inc, pett, oral ] Reviews
Tanya Writer:
[ profile ]
Tanya Writer's profile
I am a middle aged lesbian woman. I enjoy and write stories mostly about about tweens,and teens most of them are bi or lesbian. As I am also a nudist, my characters are also sometimes nudist.
Jamie, Part 2 [ Mg, Ff, MF, fg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
TheLittleThingsInLife's profile
I'm new to this so please keep that in mind when reviewing.
The Cosmetic Surgeon and His Anaesthetist Wife [ MFg(6), mult, 1st, pedo, fath, mother, dau, creampie, bukakke ] Reviews
Andy Rose, The Early Years, Part 2 [ mb, 1st, cons, cd ]
Devil Babysitter, Part 4 [ Mmb, cons, nc, spank, bd, fist, doct, toys, exhib ] Reviews
ZooPed Inc:
[ profile ]
ZooPed Inc's profile
I like most anything involving male-only sex, especially Daddies and their boys. Not into violence or rape.
It's All Relative [ mb, inc, gay, pedo, ws, beast, m/dog, b/dog ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Peter's Peril, Part 9 [ M/b, anal, oral, humil ] Reviews
Schularzt, Teil 2 [ Mg, nosex, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
jacqueline_b's profile
I've always been interested in sex ever since I was..well I'll draw a blank over the age lol... especially when it involves girls of a tender age and especially incest.
Daddy's Little Slut-Muffin, Part 2 [ M/g, inc, fath/dau ]
Daddy's Little Slut-Muffin, Part 3 [ M/g, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
Daddy's Little Slut-Muffin, Part 4 [ M/g, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
Love, Winnie [ Mf, cons, reluc, 1st time, mast, oral, rom, tv parody, ws ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
Cum Filled Little Panties [ Mg(6), ped, loli, inc ] Reviews