Lexie Acts All Grown-Up

[ Mg(8), pedo, anal, rape ]

by Lowlife


Published: 14-Apr-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Agent Shannon stepped out on to the decking behind the dilapidated cottage behind the old freight yard. In the distance, a dirty locomotive was propelling a lonely reefer along the weed-covered track. He peeled off his latex gloves and reached for his cellphone. The call to his boss would not be an easy one. It was the second time they had missed the guy this year, and on this occasion, by only a matter of hours: the PC was still warm, though had been ripped open and trashed and of course, the hard drive was gone.

He looked back inside the cabin, where paper-suited technicians were beginning to record and catalog the contents. Shannon had already seen enough - the filthy stained mattress, ropes and sex toys and power leads. And a child's backpack. But of the missing girl, and the man who had her, there was no sign. He lit up a full-fat Marlboro and made the call.


267 miles due East, Lexie was, like, so totally bored. This was turning out to be the most boring vacation ever.

It should not have been. When she came here two summers before, it had been awesome. She hadn't wanted to leave. Every day, there had been so much to do - swimming on the beach, playing water fights in Auntie's yard, staying up late and sitting out with lanterns, late next to the BBQ. But this time it was sooooo dull. Her aunt was busy all the while, working in the gift shop and her cousin, Janine, was completely different this year.

Last time, they had loads of fun. She and Janine went riding on ponies on the beach and had secret midnight feasts and told each other ghost stories. But Janine now only had one thing on her mind. Stupid, stinky Brad. And Lexie was in the way.

Lexie slid down the siding wall and made patterns in the sand with the end of her trainer. She screwed her eyes and peered into the bright sun. There they were, under the lifeguard's chair. Janine and Brad, the young lovers, holding hands and giggling. It wasn't fair.


That had been too freakin' close for comfort.

OK, so he had been a fool, but half the fun is sharing. It adds spice. And danger. Saul shook the drops from his dick and stepped out from behind the billboard. He permitted himself a sly grin. If only he had cut the video call when he should have, but no, 'ShadowMan' had wanted to talk dirty with the girl and so he had gone against his better judgment and been online way too long.

He hauled himself back into the anonymous compact and made himself comfortable for the next stretch. It was a long drive to the coast and he wanted to arrive before nightfall. It made him pissed, that he would have to start all over, but it wouldn't be the first time, nor the last.

For now, he just had to put in the miles and let the trail go cold. A few days' R&R would do no harm, then he and Cal could meet up at some new place and talk about the next 'project'.


"Aw, Mom, do I have to?" whined Janine, slapping her purse on the kitchen table. "Gimme a break, she's hanging round me like a puppy ALL the time!"

Lexie ducked back into the hallway. Janine and Auntie were arguing again and she had heard them do it before and it made her sad. She slunk back to her room. Even being back home for the summer would have been better than this. She idolized Janine and had so much been looking forward to staying again. At thirteen, her cousin was five years older, but on the previous occasion, that gap didn't seem to matter - they got on so well and Janine was so amazing, Lexie dreamed of being like her when she grew up. This time though, it was as if she didn't want her here at all!

There was a visiting fair set up on the North Shore and Lexie guessed that Auntie had instructed Janine to take her along that evening and that, as usual, her cousin had made a fuss about it. Lexie knew exactly why - the wonderful Brad would be there, wouldn't he? He was OK, for a boy, but he didn't want her around as well. Boys were dumb anyway and Lexie didn't want to spend time with Brad either, especially when he and Janine kept trying to leave her places so they could go and do secret kissing! Yuk.


"Yo, Cal, m'Man!"

Saul put down his beer and pressed the handset to his ear. It had been a long and exhausting day's drive, even without the unplanned excitement of the early start, when he grabbed what he had to and abandoned the cottage in seconds flat. But he was finally here, at his big buddy's summer place looking out over the bay, drinking his beer and now checking in by phone. He could relax at last. Thank fuck for Cal. And his tip-off, just in time.

"Cheers, buddy. I'll do that. Nah - I'll stock the fridge before I go, haha!"

Just a few days here, he reflected. Change of ID and appearance and then wait for Cal to call, to say where they should go hunting next. He was bored of the bearded biker look anyhow. Further up the coast might be good - Maine maybe? They made a great team, didn't they? Pooled their combined expertise, as ex-con and Fed.

Saul found the girls and Cal watched his back and they both got their rocks off.


Lexie usually loved funfairs, though she didn't go to them all that often. When it got dark and all the colored lights were on and there was all the noise and stuff, it was really cool. But this was a drag.

Janine had gone on just one ride with her and even then, she kept looking around. For Brad. Then her cousin had told her to go get a hotdog and given her the money and when she came back, she and Brad had disappeared. Lexie found a quiet place to eat, where it was not too dark and she could look out down the main drag, in case she saw them. She pretended that the wet in the corner of her eye was just some grit and angrily pawed it away.

"Excuse me, I think you dropped this."

The man's voice came from behind her and it made her jump.


Shannon massaged his brow. The sun had set and his floor of the Bureau office was now empty, but he felt obliged to be there. A form of self-punishment?

It was hardly his fault that the guy had gotten away - the cottage was right out in the sticks and they had torn up the Interstate to get there, but he was one step ahead. Again.

But at least the girl was safe.

He re-read the incoming email from the Sheriff's Department of the small town not more than a few miles from where the perp had been hiding her. A trucker had found her chained to a lamp-post at a rest-area and she was now under observation in the local hospital. Her physical injuries were the same as all the other girls who had been released at the end of their ordeals: unpleasant but not serious. And as would be expected for a girl of only seven, who had been subjected to six weeks of sustained sexual abuse by more than one adult male.

Shannon had seen some of the video material this guy had put out. Goodness knows the psychological damage these young girls had endured.


The man looked a lot like one of her teachers back home. He had the same sort of pressed khaki slacks and check shirt and a funny little mustache and toothy smile that reminded her of a cartoon chipmunk. With glasses on! He was holding a paper napkin. She must have let it go when she rubbed her eye.

"Thanks," she replied, grabbing it and stuffing it in her pocket.

"You're very welcome, Miss," he winked. Lexie grinned but she was still rather taken aback that the man had gotten right close and she had not realized and now she wanted to find Janine as soon as possible.

"Bye," she called over her shoulder at him, not wanting to appear rude.

Saul smiled and watched her sweet little ass. He loved them at that age: cute, narrow, hard little asses. The girl's shorts were a shade too small for her and showed off her little buns a treat as she skipped quickly into the crowds milling between the sideshows.


Lexie thought she saw Janine's yellow top, but loads of people were in the way. She jumped up, trying to see, but it was no good, so she wormed her way through the crowds as best she could.

Ha! Found you.

But only just. She just saw her cousin, and stupid Brad, slip down a gap between two tents. She followed, at a distance. And by the time she dared peep around the corner, Brad seemed to have his tongue in her cousin's mouth and was fumbling around under her shirt. Oh My God. It was gross. But she kept watching. His hand was right up under and squeezing her boobies. They were next to a big noisy trailer thing with an engine in it but there was enough light to see the rude things they were doing.

It was sort of bad, watching, but it was pretty cool too, because Lexie now knew what things they got up to, when they managed to lose her. All that kissing. Like, for hours! And feeling inside each other's clothes. Teehee, Janine was rubbing the front of his jeans, that's really bad!

It was not proper fun, like going on the rides and having a go at the stalls and trying to win prizes, but at least she was safe here, with Janine only a few yards away. And it was pretty wicked, looking at them being all loved up, seeing the sort of strange things you do when you are alone with a boy. Lexie watched and learned. Woah! Seeing that rude stuff and them not knowing!


Saul needed a walk.

He had 'lost' the compact deep in some forest just before dawn, then hung around, taking a bus back along the coast to the town. The sun was now high and it was such a pleasant day: way too bright and warm to head back straight away, to fester some more inside Cal's holiday home. Funny - when he had a girl to play with, he had no problem staying indoors for days at a time without breathing fresh air, but just hanging around like this, killing time...

Wandering around the fair last night had been amusing. Getting used to his new persona. Mister Average. Instantly forgettable. Yeah, he would fit in well in Maine!

In his former guise, that kid at the carnie would have run a mile. Away from the scary man with the shaggy beard and ring in his ear. But she didn't, did she? Yeah, this new image had potential. Especially if a chance for the usual grab technique didn't turn up straight away and that meant he had to do some stalking this time around, to select a new little girl to play with.

He idled slowly along Main Street, reviewing his reflection in the shop windows.

Damn! That was her - the girl from last night at the fair.

He wheeled about slowly and checked out the burger bar. No doubt: it was the same sweet little darling whose cheeks had turned pink when he spoke to her and who smiled back when she skipped away. Same fringe down over her forehead and cutest nose that turned up just a shade at the tip.

Little Miss Tight Shorts.

Though today, she wore a short sundress, which showed off her slim brown legs most pleasingly. It was just a bit of practice, following her; he was supposed to be lying low on 'R&R', but he had to do something, for fuck's sake, and there are worse ways to spend time than hanging around by the beach, watching young girls. The other one was foxy too, but a tad too old for his taste. Like Cal, he began to lose interest when they hit their teens and got tits and big asses. And very little girls looked so much sweeter when they cried. Saul discreetly adjusted the crotch of his chinos and crossed the street a few yards behind the two girls.


She had gone straight to bed after the fair. Where nice and private, she tried out kissing her curled-up hand and putting her fingers down the front of her pyjamas, like Brad had been doing with Janine. But Lexie couldn't understand what was so great about doing that. It was OK, but pretty boring, at least on her own.

Maybe today was going to be better. Nice and warm, if you stayed out of the blowy wind.

Janine was less grumpy and when they went to MaccyD's for lunch, they had a big laugh, seeing who could blow the biggest bubble in their milkshake. But when they got to the beach, and there was dumb Brad sitting there on his lifeguard chair like some king on a throne, all full of himself, Lexie's mood declined rapidly. She took off her dress and went for a swim and when she came back to the towels, Janine had sidled over there, and was flashing her eyes at him and touching his arm. Total puke time!


No, no, no! Leave it, Man!

Saul was having a spat with himself. Every ounce of common sense told him to forget it, to go have a beer and blend in and bide his time. He was supposed to wait until Maine.

But there she was, on her own, walking towards him. In that skimpy little pastel blue bikini. A light dusting of sand up those lovely brown legs, looking down, sad-faced, at her flip-flops as she scuffed along the boardwalk.

"Hello again," he said, cheerfully, posting the spectacles in his shirt pocket.

Lexie frowned into the sun. She had been lost in her thoughts. The breeze caught her unruly fair hair and she tugged the strands from her face.

Mister Chipmunk! With the check shirt.

"You remember me?" the man was saying, "I saw you last night at the fair?"

"Yeah," she replied awkwardly. She glanced back towards the beach, but Janine wasn't back at their towels.

Saul was managing to keep a straight face. To control his eyes roaming too obviously over her lovely little body. The light wind gusted, pressing the damp fabric of her flimsy bikini top against her flat chest, the 'cups' rippling yet not enough to reveal nipple.

"Did you like it? The fair?"

"It was OK," she conceded, pressing her legs together and rotating shyly on her feet.

"I was going to get an ice-cream," continued Mister Chipmunk. "I could get you one too, unless you are too shy?"

Janine was nowhere to be seen and now there was another guy sitting in the lifeguard chair, not Brad. So, they had gone some place to do more yukky kissing, she concluded. And the man in the check shirt wasn't at all scary, so she flashed him a grin and hated the way could feel her ears go burning red. Too shy? Huh!

It made sense to sit on the sand in the shelter of the breakwater, so the sand didn't blow on to the cones. And Janine wouldn't see her talking to the man, if she ever bothered looking. He had bought her a double, even though she said not to.

"Nice?" he asked, when they had settled.

"Mmmm yummy thanks," Lexie enthused. And a lot nicer than being ignored by smelly Janine and her boyfriend.

"I'm David," he announced, holding out his hand. "And you are?"

She giggled. Grown-ups never normally tried to shake her hand and it was funny, because she had to shuffle the ice-cream into her other hand and then she was all worried, in case her shaking hand was all sticky!


"Delighted to meet you, Miss Lexie," he grinned. "I am so lucky, meeting the most beautiful girl on the whole beach."

Oh no, her stupid face was blushing again!

Though Saul's attention was much more interested in the way the girl's wet bikini trunks clung tight into her crotch and formed that tell-tale cleft when she shifted her weight from side to side. His experienced eye imagined most accurately what lay beneath.


Both of them found it hard to find sleep that night.

For Saul, the vision of that cute little kid kept floating back each time he rolled over and pressed his eyelids closed. Hell, she was delicious. So completely unaware of herself. And when he had leaned back against the breakwater to soak in the sun, she had sub-consciously copied him, spreading her legs wide, with her hands behind her head, so that her swimwear was stretched taut across her bony young body and he could make out the faint outline of her tiny nipples and enjoy the much more obvious and pronounced swelling of her little pussy, tightly squeezed inside those tiny, moist briefs.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not lose that image, nor the sound of her soft voice, and that enchantingly bashful giggle at his silly jokes.

It had been a new experience: actually talking 'innocently' to a little girl. Usually they had no option but to do whatever was expected of them, once they were snatched off the street and locked up with him or Cal. Scared shitless and being weaned on cum. Not exactly the ideal opportunity for smalltalk. But this one, Lexie, she seemed to enjoy his company out of choice and was happy to talk about anything, once she had overcome her shyness. Her great big brown eyes sparkled with delight that he was taking time out to chat to her. Yeah - a nice change.

Yet he knew he was playing with fire. Could there be anything more idiotic than perving a kid right here, in this little town where Cal had his vacation home? He knew exactly what his buddy would say.

At the other end of town, Lexie lay in bed, cuddling her toy rabbit. She had only been allowed to bring one stuffed animal from home, but there was never any doubt which one it would be. She was happy, for almost the first time since she had gotten here. Suppressing a chuckle, in case anyone heard, she turned the rabbit over and kissed its face. Not a peck, but the sort of long kiss dumbo Janine and lousy Brad might do.

"Nighty-night darling," she whispered in its ear. "David Chipmunk!"


She looked up and down the strip of shops and restaurants but none of the men wearing check shirts had glasses and funny little mustaches. Poo! It had taken ages to get Janine to agree to let her borrow the bike after breakfast and as long again to get Auntie to agree to let her go for a ride on it on her own. Just along the boardwalk, not on any roads.

The nice man she knew as David had said he had some shopping to do this morning, so Lexie had reasoned that pedaling up and down by the shops might be a neat way to sort of 'accidentally' meet him. She felt, kind of, weird inside. It was most weird, wasn't it, hoping a lot to meet some old man she hardly knew? Not just weird, neither: quite naughty, teehee!

The 'shopping' Saul intended that morning was in fact out of town. Cal had Fedex'd the new ID and so he could get some replacement wheels. Money wasn't actually an issue, but he still liked to haggle and though the Japanese hatchback was on the small side, the price was a good one. He drove back along the coast, and hit town around midday. And saw her immediately.

No, no, no! How many more times do you need telling, Man?

But the twisting of his guts proved stronger than the common sense in his head.

He made a U and lowered the window and drove back to where she was sitting on the bicycle, surveying the street.

"Hi there, Miss Lexie!" he beamed.

Jesus. Her smile was enough to melt his dick! And her bike fitted in the back of the car and five minutes later, they were parked up on the headland, looking out to sea through the windscreen. It had been pure instinct to do it, take her some place where he would be able to fiddle with her. But the drive allowed him to think, and get real. He made a deal with himself - just a bit of fun. Cockteasing. No more than that. Leave the girl alone.

"Your cousin busy today?" he asked her. As they had licked their ice-creams the day before, she had confided how Janine was more interested in Brad than her and that was this was not such a good vacation as the last time she came here. Telling him stuff was not a problem: David was so easy to talk to. He listened and said nice kind things and Lexie thought he really did want to be her friend, even though he was a man who looked like a teacher and she was only a girl who was eight.

She nodded. Her soft voice lost some if its usual sparkle. "That's why Janine let me use her old bike, then I would be out of the way for a while."

"So they could go off and be boyfriend and girlfriend," Saul winked. She giggled. Being a man, he would know a lot about that, but it was extra cool when he winked, like as if he thought she knew all about that kind of kissy stuff as well!

"Well I am so glad you did, and that we found each other. You make me very happy when I am with you," he added. "If I weren't so old and ugly, I would love to have a girlfriend as wonderful as you."

There. Let's see how she responds to that! This game was amusing. Saul had never flirted with an eight-year-old. Tied them up, sure, fucked them every which way, but never flirted!

Lexie froze, staring at the sea. Her half-smile twitched momentarily. Mmmmm, her cheeks reddened again but she was excited as much as shy.

"Teehee! I'm not old enough to be a man's girlfriend!"

OK. She's not tearing at the doorhandle, screaming to get out and run away from her local friendly pedo. So push it a bit further, Man. For the hell of it. Go on.

"You sure are, Lexie, and I can prove it."

She turned and looked at him, her sweet little face puzzled.

"You have such pretty, kissing lips," Saul informed her, straight-faced. "I bet you are ten times better at kissing than your mean old cousin."

Lexie blushed more. Oh wow. But before she could think of something to say, Mister Chipmunk was leaning over and her jaw was in his big warm hand. She heard him add, "But I'll need to check" and then it all went totally amazing.

She just sat there, still. Not pulling away. David pressed his lips over hers and he slid his hand up behind her ear and cradled her head and moved his mouth but was still kissing and it was hours, well, maybe half a minute, before she opened her eyes again and he was looking right in her face and she could feel her heart bumping and he smiled at her and she smiled at him and he kissed her a lot more and OMG she was, like, in a dream!

At last, Saul sat back in his seat and stroked the steering wheel. Naughty man, with such a cheeky grin, thought Lexie, watching him, with an open-mouthed, incredulous smile of her own. She was breathing deeply. No way! Cannot believe a man just did me a whole lotta real kisses! And I mean, REAL ones, on the lips!!!

"Told you so," he said, from the side of his mouth, suppressing a laugh and Lexie gave him a play punch on his arm, just the way she had seen Janine tap Brad.

"How could you do that?" she asked, feigning shock, but there was excitement underlying her question, rather than indignation.

"Well I liked it," grinned Saul. "And I think you did too."

Lexie looked down at her fingers, which had formed a cat's cradle in her lap. Her quiet little voice was coy. "Might have."

Saul smiled, though his instincts were now in utter turmoil. He laid his hand over hers. Tiny hands, soft and warm, the pair fitted inside his palm. He squeezed.

"Better we get back into town, before I do anything else we might regret."

Lexie was deflated. But sulking was not grown-up and she wanted to impress David so she just said nothing as they drove back.

Saul pulled in at a quiet spot to drop her off with her bike. He turned. It surprised him that after all he had done of late, he did still have a conscience.

"I did a bad thing, kissing you like that. I'm sorry, Lexie."

But the young girl had been doing some reflecting of her own on the drive back down to the shore. Maybe every vacation is different and there is something that happens that makes each one special in its own way. Janine was being a pain but being secret with David was so much more exciting than hanging around with her anyways. It was just so awesome when he did that kissing. Not at all like when she did it on her hand or even to her rabbit. It made her tummy do cartwheels! And knowing that it was really wrong as well, doing that with a big man and nobody else knowing, well, that was kinda big fun too! So when he spoke to her in that tone of voice that meant 'that's the end of that', her heart sank.

"But it was nice!" she exclaimed. It came out without even thinking. And sealed her fate.

For that it was all Saul's festering dark side needed to hear, before it crushed his conscience and vaporized his resolve.


Cal would kill him. This was breaking all the rules.

But Saul reckoned he would come round. Once they met up in Maine and he had her for the first time. Cal liked to watch their faces when he broke them in. See the fear in their pretty little eyes. Yeah, so he would save Lexie's sweet little baby pussy for Cal. That left two out of three holes to play with, 'til then.

Crapping on your own doorstep was dumb, but c'mon - this kid was just inviting him to do it, weren't she?

He looked around the holiday home for the last time. All neat and tidy. And a fridge full of Coors, like he had promised. Saul set the alarm on the keypad and hurried down the staircase with a jaunty bounce in his step. Just a couple things to get from the drugstore on the way into town and he was ready to begin the next chapter. Cal had called with the address of the new place, off the 302 near Raymond. 'Very secluded,' he had described it. 'But with a plenty good enough internet connection, for later on.'

Saul looked at the small car with a sneer. Another long trip, but it would be OK. He would have company all the way this time. And he planned an early stop, to set the mood, so to speak.


It was probably the naughtiest thing she had ever done. Not just telling Auntie a little fib or white lie, this time. She said a big lie, like David had told her to say. Lexie didn't think there was too much chance of getting caught, though. Her aunt was really busy in the shop and Janine didn't say nothing, because she would have another day not having to have to worry about how to dump her and get off with stupid Brad.

Auntie looked in on her as she left. "Poor you. I hope your head feels better soon. I've put your lunch in the refrigerator and there's a new bottle of tonic in the door. My number's by the phone so call me if you need anything, OK, sweetie?"

"Mmm. Thank you," she croaked in her most pathetic little voice. Lexie made a plausible moaning noise and pulled the sheet over her head. Why did they call pop 'tonic' up here? Bizarre.

As soon as she heard the door close, she leapt out of bed. He was picking her up in the parking lot behind the hardware store at 10, so she had plenty of time to shower and dry her hair and brush it all neat and pick her nicest clothes. Teehee: she had never been on a date before! David said he would bring the picnic and even asked her what were her favorites, and he had promised that she would be back ages before Auntie would return home. It was yet another lovely day out there and Lexie thought it would probably be the best day of the whole summer holidays. Mister Chipmunk (haha, she really shouldn't think that in case she called him it instead of David), he was such a nice man, saying he would take her out so that she wasn't going to remember this as the most boringest vacation in the history of the world, ever.

He was not a proper boyfriend like Brad, but sucks to you, Janine, he was sort of like a boyfriend. And he was a proper grown-up as well! Na na NAH!!


Oh boy, there she is.

Saul had chosen well - the lot was not overlooked and she opened the door and was quickly in the back and hiding on the floor, like he told her, and she knew she had to stay hid until he said, just in case somebody who knew Auntie saw her in the car. Oh wow, this was just the wickedest, naughtiest picnic anybody had ever had!

He chuckled out loud at his latest private thought. Self-service sure beat the hassle of stuffing a wriggling little girl into the trunk!

"What you laughing at?" Lexie asked, hugging the carpet as he passed the town limits and picked up speed.

"I'm just so happy we've got some time on our own," he called back to her. "Stay down there a while longer, OK?"

He had found this spot when searching for somewhere to abandon the previous automobile; it was no good for the latter but ideal for taking his new girlfriend, where they would not be disturbed. He probably ought to have waited until safe inside the next hideaway in Maine, but the developing novelty appealed to him. The girl was willing so far, so why not try something else new, before he had to get all strict with her?

At some point, he would cross the line, for sure. When she lost her nerve. Then he would have to treat her like the other girls. But how far could he get, playing the nice guy?

They are always surprisingly small, when stood next to you. Saul's chest was level with the top of Lexie's head, where she had spent a long time parting her hair so carefully, creating two bunched cascades of ringlets corralled by a pair of matching pink bands. He laid his hand around her bare shoulder and led her into the trees.

"Is it far?" Lexie asked. It felt as if she had been on the floor of the stuffy car for ages and she was glad to be outside again. He was so clever: David had thoughtfully put a bottle of Strawberry Polar there for her and that had stopped her getting thirsty all that time.

Indeed clever: the strong flavor completely disguised the tinny taste from the large dose of Lunesta he had put in it.

She was glad that she had chosen to wear her newest shorts and vest because even though it was shaded in the woods, the air was becoming quite hot. She liked that, when he put his hand there, like a boyfriend would. 'Teehee, hope he changes his mind and does try to kiss me again,' she wished.

Her wish was soon granted.

"Oh wow!" she exclaimed as they came out on to the sun-drenched grassy clearing beside a wide, languid stream. "This is so beautiful."

Saul placed the big bag on the ground and squatted in front of her, holding her arms gently.

"And so are you," he grinned, pulling her close, his lips closing over hers. And as her body relaxed, his hands moved to her back, holding her firmly.

This time, she was determined to be grown-up. She tried to remember what Janine did, so her mouth wasn't all tight. She made her lips soft and kissed him back. Oh my goodness.

Being in his arms, Lexie was so excited she wanted to go bang! Did that mean she was in love? Maybe that is what love feels like, for she was already a bit woosie. When David had laid out the blanket, she was glad to put her towel on it and sit down. This was such a great secret place and now she understood why he had told her to bring a towel, but they weren't going to the beach. The stream - doh!

Oh no!

Did that mean she should have worn her swimming costume? She had been so busy trying to work out the best clothes to wear on a date, she had not thought to bring it. David would think she was so dumb, remembering the towel and forgetting her bikini.

"You done skinny-dipping before?" David was asking, as if he could read her mind.

OMG! No way, seriously, did he mean...? But he had been so nice bringing her here and she didn't want to go, like, all baby-ish. "Nooo," she replied with a very sheepish grin. The butterflies in her stomach had taken off, and so had David - his shirt and trainers to be exact, and now he was already pulling down his pants!

"Last one in's a loser!" he yelled, his white ass jiggling as he dashed down the slope into the water.

Seen your bum! This is so wicked!

Lexie was blinking hard. She had even glimpsed his hairy place, haha! Saw his wiggly thing! And she had not expected him to have a funny tattoo on his arm like that. It was hard to tell what it was supposed to be - a scary big knife maybe? He was waving and calling to her. Lexie looked around, though she knew full well there was nobody else going to be around for miles, to see her. And she stripped. Like, everything. Woohoo, she was just getting naughtier and naughtier today, weren't she?

What a wonderful sight.

Lexie tiny and naked, picking her way gingerly over the stones leading down to the water. She held her arms out for balance and the pale bands of untanned skin at her chest and groin just led the eye to enjoy her fragile, sexy little body. She dipped a toe and tried to claim it was too cold but he was ahead of her and dashed across, scooping up armfuls and wetting her and when he grabbed her in his arms, she saw his rude, hairy, man's thing again before he dunked her right in the middle of the stream.

And he didn't mind when she splashed him back! Grown-ups get grumpy when you do that sometimes but David was, like, so cool about it.

Lexie was having such an awesome time, Definitely the best day this vacation. She swam a bit but even though the water was a little cold, her head was feeling slow and she asked David if they could go back for a rest. So he scooped her up and carried her dripping little body back to the blanket and set her down, sprawling on his belly right next to her. He even kissed her again and she was grinning so much he would think she was some kind of fool, haha. It was dead naughty having no clothes on like this, but she bet he had seen a lot of ladies with no clothes on so it weren't like he was going to be all embarrassed like she was. Now she could see his tattoo close up. It looked like the knives Mom had in the rack in the kitchen at home, but she didn't dare ask him about it, case it made her look dumb.

Lying there in the hot sun, was what she needed, and she closed her eyes and hoped that might stop the world spinning around. Being hid in the car must have made her a bit sick: yep, that was why.

She chuckled when he pretended to tickle her tummy.

And giggled when he kissed it.

And laughed out loud when he kissed her boobies and tickled her nips with his tongue!

"Do you think this is what your cousin and her boyfriend are doing?" asked Saul. "Or will they just be sitting quietly somewhere, talking about schoolbooks?"

Lexie's tongue poked from between her oversized teeth. "They'll be doing kissing!"

"Just kissing?" he continued, his lips pecking all across her chest and down to her belly button. In the corner of his eye, her fabulous little mound was white and inviting. When she wriggled her thighs, it rose and fell and a miniscule flap of pale pink would show at the top of the tight crack, to taunt him.

"Or maybe more fun things?"

She knew some of those things, because she had watched. And David was touching her a bit like that now and kissing her tummy and it was all right when he did, not scary, for she had seen that's exactly what boyfriends and girlfriends did. He was being so lovely, and not even doing it like she was a kid and so it was just a sort of pretend kissy game. Nope. Proper kisses like people in love! She liked it. Liked lying in the hot patch of sun, feeling all sleepy and even having no clothes on so he could touch her like a boyfriend.

"Haha. Fun as well," she replied.

"Do you mind when I do fun things?" Saul asked, propping his head up and looking at her sweet young face, relaxed and contented and happy.

"I like it," Lexie responded, just as she had the day before, though this time, it came out as a lazy, sleepy sigh.

Concealed beneath him, Saul's cock had swollen uncomfortably.

He spread her legs and she let him.

Though she tried to open her eyes to see what he was doing but the sun was painfully bright and even though she should not feel tired after going to bed early last night, Lexie was decidedly dopey and gave trying up when her eyelids fought back. She purred and dozed and couldn't have felt more pleased with herself. Grown-up stuff was deffo cool. David had been playing with her toes, one by one and that was funny and now he was stroking his big hands over her legs all the way up and down and that was even nicer.

"What about this, do you think your cousin's boyfriend kisses her here?"

Saul couldn't hold back any longer. He leaned further across, pushing her thighs higher, to get between her legs more easily and went straight for her tiny snatch, at first kissing teasingly all around then pressing his mouth firmly over, to draw her whole mound between his lips. Inside Lexie's foggy head, an alarm bell rang, quietly and a long way off. David's funny mustache was tickling her and it was amazing, being kissed on her most rude place and he was being so naughty doing that. But it was mega wrong, wasn't it? Kissing and stuff was fooling around and that was OK but, God, he was poking his tongue and licking her right in her crack and that was a very bad thing for a man to be doing on a young girl!

She tried to move, but his arm was across her leg. If she said anything, then she would be being a scaredy-cat. Maybe if she wriggled he might just stop?

But she couldn't and he didn't.

She tried again when he lifted her knees up and pushed his balled-up towel under her bottom but he was always holding her somehow so she could not close her legs or roll away.

"Thatsh bad, doing that," she slurred, finding it so difficult to say it in a nice way so he would not think she was being a wimpy kid. If only her head would stop spinning for a minute, she could ask him to stop.

He rested his back momentarily, sitting up a while and lusting over her little naked body, so small and slight and so narrow, flat on her back before him, too weak to resist, his to enjoy and use. Beautiful Lexie, with your throat so delicate it could snap just like that. Saul reached out, stroking her softly from cheek to crotch. Along the gentle furrow running over the center of her chest, over her taut ribcage. Caressing the merest suggestion of breasts to come and those hard, cherry pink nipples, tightly standing firm in the warm sun. Her head had fallen to one side, and her hair clung damply to her ears and her sweet, soft lips, drily open to reveal her tongue and teeth, seemed to quiver silently as her breathing shortened.

"Just relax, baby," growled Saul, sensing the young girl's increasing discomfort, as her body stiffened and her little noises turned from giggles to short nasal grunts each time he explored her further. The Lunesta could only lower her resistance but he was about to test her again and so he looped his arm around her upper leg, in case she found the strength to struggle.

"Stop. Itsh bad doing that!" Lexie exclaimed, shaking her head but the fog inside swirled thickly. Her eyes still would not open but she could feel what he was doing and it was so gross and wrong. "Pleejzz, David..."

Hot and savory and still moist from her swim, her tiny asshole was a moving target, so he had to grip her thighs to keep her still. Her legs were so skinny, Saul's strong hands almost encircled them. He pushed his head between them and clamped her against his shoulders. And she yelped a cute squeak of shock when his tongue went rigid and forced its way into the tight dimple.

"Uh! Wanna... go... home. Pleeeeez."

"Sssh, Lexie. You just behave now, baby. This is what you wanted all along." He wiped his chin quickly and licked more spit into her tiny asshole. The bitter tang dissipated quickly. His fingers closed more firmly around her legs, holding her open. His relentless probing bore fruit as the tip of his tongue made darting forays within her, as she squirmed and grunted. "Keep still, baby, nearly ready. Mmmmm. You taste so good."

Saul's fingers provided reinforcements for the assault on Lexie's ass. Wet and flexible, first the little finger, then the middle one, alternating with his drooling mouth, to tease her and keep her open. Easier and deeper inside her tiny ass, the more he worked on her.

"Noo, don't wanna..." she mumbled and was ignored. She wished she was anywhere but here. It was all her own fault, wasn't it, trying to be all grown-up? David thought she wanted to do sex but she never meant it like that - she was way too young! The noon sun warmed the silent tears trickling freely down the sides of her head. Just wanted to see what it was like having a boyfriend.

What Lexie wanted and what Saul was going to give her were two entirely different things.

His balls were throbbing, fit to burst, and he wanted nothing other than to empty them deep inside this sexy little kid. Oh yeah, Lexie, and you're going to get a lot more cum in you when we get to Maine. He lifted her lower body and pushed the roll of towel further beneath her, positioning himself directly between her legs and at last his erection was no longer compressed under his own belly and it looked mighty fine, pointing hungrily at the little girl's spread fanny, soaked with his spit. For a passing moment, he regretted his decision to save her pussy for Cal to break in - it would be so easy right now - but he had no problem taking her the other way, for now.

More saliva. Worked into her hot little asshole. And more still, spread over the swollen red head of his dick, gleaming proudly in the midday sunshine. It was a great day to fuck a baby girl!

Lexie's moans were more frantic. Despite being semi-comatose, she was scared now. Dead scared. David was not nice after all, doing dirty stuff. In her ass: that was so dirty and bad.

With enormous effort, she willed her brain and body to wake up and do something, if only for an instant. For that split-second, she was able to lift her head a little, and at last open her eyes part-way. Just as he pressed her ribs down with one hand, and steered his straining cock close against her tingling, wet anus. He pushed an inch inside, stretching her but she yielded and the sheer surprise and horror overcame even her best attempts and her head fell back and her eyes were too heavy to keep open and all she had left in her was enough breath to squeal incoherently through her nose.

"Gnuggh!! Noo..."

"Oh yeah. Do that again, Lexie, darling," breathed Saul. "While I open you up nice and easy."

Another push, still not deep enough yet for her sphincter to grip his bell-end inside, though. Shit, she's tight.

"Uhhh." Little more than a high-pitched wail, which trailed away as he pushed harder, down on her chest and up into her virgin rectum.

"Cause when I spin you over and fuck you real hard, you'll be making a lot more noise, I can tell you."

You just have to love the sounds they make the first time.


Agent Shannon swirled the dregs of his first office coffee of the day, waiting for the machine to retrieve his email. He skipped the various bits of BS in his inbox and as usual, opened the overnight abstracts report.

It was always a relief not to have another one jump out at you - another young girl abducted off the street. There had been five so far attributed to his principal case and Shannon just knew there would be more, until he nailed this guy and his accomplices. And the sick lowlifes they talked to on the internet.

His eyes suddenly stopped their scanning.

Near the end of the abstracts, reported last evening in one of those cutesy fishing towns with the clapperboard houses and great beaches. Eight-year-old girl missing. Not snatched off the street. Just missing. But it was the name of the town that caught his attention. Shannon knew it very well: he spent his vacations there.

Under his breath, he muttered, "Holy Shit."

Outside, he strolled casually until well clear of the building, as if on a smoke break. Then punched the speed-dial on one of his personal cellphones.

"Cut the crap, Saul. What the fuck have you done now?"

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Brilliant and chilling! Masterful storytelling. A true pedo horror story; well-written and nicely paced.


lmfao..so this corrupt fed official helps this pedo in pursuit of lil-girls then turns around and condemns pedos on the internet..the irony is so ironic it boggles the mind.the worst kind of criminal is the one with badge and gun..gangsters in uniforms.you should consider writing novels your extremely good. though, i don't condone the rape or abuse of children

The reviewing period for this story has ended.