Published: 6-Apr-2013
Word Count:
I've started tickling and touching myself ever since I turned 12... A year later my friends and I started teasing boys and some of us have even dared touch and lick their cocks. We are all very competitive and what one does, the rest have to do too... but it's generally Melissa and I the ones fighting for the first place.
It was during a PJ party when Melissa, my best friend, told us she wasn't a virgin anymore. At first I didn't believe her, I was sure she was just trying to be cool. The other girls seemed to believe her and they were only interested on knowing how it felt and if it hurts a lot.
I waited till they were all asleep and woke her up.
"Who did you do it with?" I asked.
"I can't tell you," she whispered and her face turned red.
"Oh come on... you are making this up," I laughed and turned around decided to go back to sleep.
"I'm not making it up... but you can't tell a soul!"
I nodded, she leaned over me and whisper in my ear, "was my uncle Paul."
I opened my eyes in shock, "What?! He's like... "
"Shh ... yes... he's old. Promise you won't tell."
I promised, but that night I couldn't sleep at all... had never occurred to me that an old man could be interested in someone young as we are... especially Melissa and I, we don't even have any boobs yet!
The idea started to grow more and more for me... I found myself looking at older men in a different way, wondering if they would find me pretty enough. Sadly I don't have any uncles... and was really looking forward to Melissa's next birthday party... her uncle was going to be there and I wanted to have my chance too.
One afternoon we were doing homework together, alone in my room, and I asked her again to tell me how it happened. Today was my lucky day and she finally told me...
It all happened last summer, at the family vacation house at the beach. She was touching herself like she does pretty much every night, but this time her uncle was staring at her from the door. She stopped and covered herself with the blankets but he came inside and sat on her bed.
"Oooh you are a bad little girl, aren't you?" he said and made her feel really bad.
She tried to explain but he covered her mouth with one hand.
"Shhh... dirty little girls like cock," he said and took her hand over his naked hard cock.
She was scared but curious too, his cock was a lot bigger than the ones we've seen and touched at school.
He made her jerk him off and covered her belly and legs with his cum.
He spent every single night of that summer in her bedroom, teaching her all there is to know about sex and made me feel VERY jealous.
"I wish I had an uncle like yours," I sighed.
"Well... it wasn't that bad ... but I was scared at first," she confessed.
"Maybe next summer I can go on vacations with you and your family," I joked but was actually hoping they'd invite me. I couldn't bring myself to think about anything else. I needed an old man to teach me all there is to know about sex... and summer felt too far away to wait.
What I didn't know... was that my father had been listening to us all afternoon, with a raging hard-on, waiting impatiently for my mother to leave for work (She's a nurse and works night shifts).
We were finishing homework when mom brought us cookies and milk.
"Mommy, Can Mel spend the night here?" I asked.
"If it's ok with her parents, of course honey. Be good and don't make trouble. Lights off at 9!" She said, kissed us both and left for work.
Dad had been planning this in his head all day and when mom closed the door he got his plan into action.
Mel and I spent an hour in my bedroom, again talking about her sexy summer... but started to feel hungry... so decided to go downstairs and ask Dad to get us a pizza. To our surprise... we found him naked in the sofa, watching a porn, jerking off.
At first I was shocked! Yes, I did want to see an old man naked but not my Dad! Melissa stood right next to me but her eyes never left my Dad's cock. I felt embarrassed and felt like we stood there for hours!
"Daddy!" I screamed, "What are you doing!?"
He grinned but didn't stop, instead spread his legs to give us both a nicer view of his big full balls bouncing as he jerked his big hard cock.
"Ah yes, suck Daddy's cock baby, while your sister takes care of my balls," I heard coming from the TV and the screen got my attention. Was an old man with 2 girls... he was standing and had both girls on their knees sucking him... apparently his daughters.
My eyes went from the screen, to my Dad, to the screen again.
I was paralyzed and was Melissa who moved first... next thing I know she is laying on the sofa, between my Dad's legs, licking his cock up and down...
I heard my father moan in pleasure and electricity ran all over my spine... I felt my legs getting weak.
He stared at me all the time, Melissa had his cock inside her mouth now and he was thrusting in and out quite fast and deep.
"Come closer baby," he said with a warm smile on his face... and I did. I moved like I was under his spell.
"You like watching your friend Melissa suck my big hard cock, sweetie?"
I nodded and felt his hand on my shoulder, gently pressing me down, getting me on my knees right next to the sofa.
"Want to taste Daddy's cock too?"
He didn't wait for my answer, took his cock off Melissa's mouth and rubbed it all over my lips.
"Open your mouth for Daddy, angel."
I opened my mouth, looking at Melissa, her dark eyes filled with lust as she watched my Dad's cock sliding inside my mouth.
"Aaaah your lips feel better than I remembered..." he moaned and I was too busy to ask him what did he mean by -remember-
He took turns between my mouth and Melissa's. I felt a little jealous as he fucked her mouth deep and fast... probably because she had a summer to learn all the tricks. I felt insecure, I wanted to be the one giving Daddy all the pleasure. Daddy probably read my mind, as he always does, because he whispered in my ear.
"Daddy loves you, princess... and I'll teach you all you want to know about sex, don't worry."
I smiled big and excited.
He stood up and made us both kneel together, again taking turns between mouths... at this point we were both touching our young pussies... Melissa had a finger going inside and out of her pussy... I only rubbed mine... I was so wet... I don't think I've ever been this wet before.
"Ready girls?" Daddy said. "Open big."
We opened big and he screamed and came hard, filling us both. Melissa was fast to swallow but I wasn't sure... I've never swallowed cum before.
Daddy looked at me and frowned, "Baby... make Daddy proud and be a big girl like your friend Melissa... swallow Daddy's cream.
I closed my eyes and felt the thick warm cum slide down my throat.
"Good girl! Now both go wash up and I'll order us a pizza."
He knew there was no need to give us the 'this is our secret' speech... Melissa was already an expert and I was too eager to learn all there is to know about sex to say a word.
Alyssa Rhea
Big Mess
Parlor Trick
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